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malcolmxnetwork · 2 days ago
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"If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country."
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afriblaq · 9 days ago
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A lesson
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blerdsunited · 1 year ago
Graphic Design by J. Slayer. CC: David Young Jr. via Facebook.
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aaliyahunleashed · 2 months ago
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Happy Blessed Birthday to a living legend, Denzel Washington! Born December 28, 1954
Aaliyah was big fan of Denzel's work. When asked who her favorite actor was, she responded:
"Denzel Washington. I really enjoy his performance I'm Malcom X, and ever since that I've admired his talent".
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justbeingnamaste · 9 months ago
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The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.
Malcolm X
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bodymodificationnation · 2 years ago
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Tattoos On Dark Skin
By franciscosanchez_tattoo
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menemennpastirma · 1 year ago
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Özgürlüğü savunanların direnme gücü, zulmedenlerin gücünden daha fazladır.
- Malcolm X Kaynak: https://www.instagram.com/p/Czy3Dofir5X/
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renegadeurbanmediasource · 2 years ago
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One Malcolm is worth a THOUSAND “Black leaders” of 2023! Yassabossin’, clout chasin’, and blood money countin’!!
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bidotorg · 2 years ago
Remembering Malcolm X on his birthday. Malcolm X (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz)was a human rights activist and Muslim minister who is considered a key figure of the US Civil Rights Movement.
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chungkong-nl · 16 days ago
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4 movie posters featuring Denzel Washington. . About Chungkong Chungkong is a Dutch graphic designer primarily known for his minimalist movie posters. With an eye for humor and simplicity, he captures the essence of a film in a single, striking image. His work, now encompassing over 1400 titles, is an ode to cinema and is admired worldwide by film enthusiasts and designers alike. Chungkong's unique style blends pop culture with graphic design, offering a refreshing perspective on the traditional movie poster. www.chungkong.nl
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nocorpsenocrime · 5 months ago
Malcolm X: First British Interview | Shorts
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malcolmxnetwork · 3 days ago
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"The same government that you go abroad to fight for and die for is the government that is in a conspiracy to deprive you of your voting rights, deprive you of your economic opportunities, deprive you of decent housing, deprive you of decent education."
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aafrodisiacaa · 9 months ago
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imageculte · 1 year ago
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« X, from Exit Art Portfolio » (2005), par Fred Wilson, artiste qui se définit lui-même comme d’origine « africaine, autochtone américaine, européenne, et amérindienne ». Son travail invite à sortir du paradigme coloniale sur l’histoire, la culture et la race, et à dépasser les canons occidentaux de la narration historique et sociale.
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kommunic8 · 2 years ago
Con tutti i simboli a disposizione, perché usare X per indicare due cose opposte? TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below] Perché usare lo stesso simbolo per rappresentare due cose all'opposto? Eh, me lo sono chiesta e sono andato un po' a cercare, come faccio di solito e ho trovato delle informazioni molto interessanti su questo simbolo che viene usato per rappresentare cose opposte. Sto parlando della lettera X. Si, proprio la lettera X, una tra le meno usate nelle parole dell'alfabeto, nelle parole della lingua italiana, ma anche quella inglese, però, che è una lettera che ha assunto un sacco di significati, ma dalla notte dei tempi. Infatti se pensate a come si rappresenta l'incognita nelle operazioni matematiche di algebra, l'incognita è la lettera X, quindi X rappresenta l'ignoto, infatti pensate alla serie televisiva di X Files, erano i files, erano i casi dove c'era qualcosa di ignoto, qualcosa di strano, qualcosa di magico e ci si metteva sopra la X. Però la X, se pensate alla vostra tipica mappa del tesoro, quella dei pirati, ecco com'è che si fa il segno sul posto dove c'è il tesoro? Ancora una volta la X, quindi la X significa ignoto ma anche qui, proprio in questo punto preciso. La X è anche un segno che viene usato nella pirateria, pensate alla bandiera dei pirati: c'è il teschio e sotto ci sono le ossa a forma di croce. In certe culture poi, la X significa risposta sbagliata. Io mi ricordo i primi anni che stavo in Australia quando dovevo compilare un formulario, io per scegliere la casella, o per dire questo è giusto, mettevo la X, e poi invece mi hanno fatto notare, no guarda qua X vuol dire no, vuol dire sbagliato qui quando vuoi dire sì devi mettere una V, devi mettere quello che in inglese si chiama il tick, quindi una V per dire questo è giusto e una X per dire questo è sbagliato, e questo è una cosa che è un problema che incontrano molte persone straniere quando devono riempire un formulario qui in Italia, oppure italiani che devono riempire formulari all'estero. X vuol dire anche bacio, quando si scrivono messaggi, X vuol dire anche dieci, X vuol dire anche Twitter, dopo che quel simpaticone di Elon Musk ha distrutto Twitter cambiando il logo, cambiando il nome e cambiando tutto. X è anche il cognome che era stato scelto da Malcom X perché, erano le sue parole, non voleva usare il cognome della schiavitù e quindi X rappresentava i suoi antenati ignoti dell'Africa, e X è anche quella lettera che pronunciata in sardo fa capire se una persona è sarda o meno, perché ad il cognome scritto Maxia in sardo si pronuncia 'masgia'. TRANSLATION Why use the same symbol to represent two opposite things? Eh, I wondered about that and went a little bit to look it up, as I usually do, and I found some very interesting information about this symbol that is used to represent opposite things. I'm talking about the letter X. Yes, just the letter X, one of the least used in the words of the alphabet, in the words of the Italian language, but also the English one, though, which is a letter that has taken on a lot of meanings, but from the mists of time. In fact if you think about how the unknown is represented in the mathematical operations of algebra, the unknown is the letter X, so X represents the unknown, in fact think about the TV series of X Files, it was the files, it was the cases where there was something unknown, something strange, something magical and you put the X on it. But the X, if you think of your typical treasure map, the pirate map, that's how you make the mark on the place where the treasure is? Again the X, so the X means unknown but also here at this exact spot. The X is also a sign that is used in piracy, think of the pirate flag: there is a skull and underneath there are bones in the shape of a cross. In some cultures then, X means wrong answer. I remember the first years that I was in Australia when I had to fill out a form, to pick the box, or to say this is right, I would put the X, and people pointed out, no look here X means no, it means wrong, here when you want to say yes you have to put a V, you have to put what in English is called the tick, so a V to say this is right and an X to say this is wrong, and this is something that is a problem that many foreign people encounter when they have to fill out a form here in Italy, or Italians who have to fill out forms abroad. X also means kiss, when writing messages, X also means ten, X also means Twitter, after that nice guy Elon Musk destroyed Twitter by changing the logo, changing the name and changing everything. X is also the surname that had been chosen by Malcolm X because, in his words, he did not want to use the surname of slavery and therefore X represented his unknown ancestors from Africa, and X is also that letter that pronounced in Sardinian makes it clear whether a person is Sardinian or not, because the surname spelled Maxia in Sardinian is pronounced 'masgia'.
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talk2move-fundraising · 2 years ago
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Am 19. Mai ist Malcom X Tag. Malcom X (1925-1965) war ein amerikanischer Bürgerrechtsaktivist, der für seine Bestrebungen für eine universelle Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit bekannt ist. Sein Leben war von einer konstanten Suche nach Wissen und einer ständigen Weiterentwicklung seiner Überzeugungen geprägt. ✊ 🖤
Das Zitat betont, dass Bildung der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Zukunft ist und dass Menschen, die sich  darauf vorbereiten, morgen erfolgreich sein werden. Das Zitat von Malcom X ist von großer Bedeutung für Hilfsprojekte im Zusammenhang mit Bildung. Es unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Bildung als Instrument der Ermächtigung und der Veränderung. Hilfsprojekte, die sich auf Bildung konzentrieren, können dazu beitragen, den Zugang zu Bildung zu verbessern und die Lernmöglichkeiten für junge Menschen zu erweitern, damit sie sich auf eine erfolgreiche Zukunft vorbereiten können. 🌍 👩‍🏫 
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