#malcolm was interesting
bug-and-such · 25 days
Also finished final season of Enterprise.
As for the last episode, personally, I don't hate it, but it's very VERY underwhelming.
You can tell it got cancelled in the middle of filming and were told they can have 1 final episode to wrap things up and it just didn't work.
Oh well...
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tastethesetears · 3 months
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My rational... overeducated mind understands who he is.
Prodigal Son: 1x12 | Succession: 2x10
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underestimated-shadow · 4 months
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��I wanted to bring people back to believing in this character. To bring my reality to it. I guess I've always liked a challenge.”
– Timothy Dalton
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baytadax · 4 months
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Reed alert
@papercranesong hope you like him!
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tuxedo-rabbit · 2 months
Oh. The Leandra conversation at the end of Legacy is very good when she's alive. I know Varric was trying to provide closure with his version, but I like this even better.
I wonder how different it is if Carver & Bethany are alive?
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half-an-hour-hence · 4 months
My obsession with The Thick Of It has resurfaced from out of nowhere… I suppose I’ll be able to reward myself for finishing my exams by watching Malcolm Tucker call everyone and everything within a 5 millimetre radius a cunt
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dementedspeedster · 5 months
The Thawne family really has such continual issues with love (romantic and familial)/that when it comes to love they continually face issues. It's almost like they're cursed in some way .
A lack of familial love is an issue seen with three Thawnes: Malcom (Cobalt Blue), Eobard (Professor Zoom), and Thad (Inertia). All three of them felt unloved and unappreciated by their own family. And these are three Thawnes of three completely different eras. (Malcolm - 20th/21st Century, Eobard - 25th Century, Thad - 30th/31st Century).
Familial relationships and familial love in the Thawne family also tends to be complicated when you look at Meloni and her relationship with her father, President Thaddeus Thawne. There's clearly a controlling aspect to President Thawne's relationship with his daughter, but it also seems like he does love his daughter.
Also Meloni's relationship with her son, Bart, is also complicated. There's not a lack of love between them as a mother and son, but at the same time the two barely know each other/their complicated situation doesn't exactly allow for them to really have an opportunity to develop their relationship with one another.
Eobard's relationship with his family is bad (he's viewed as a disappointment). He also makes it so his brother Robern never existed.
Romantic relationships/Romantic love for Thawnes don't end up well either considering how Meloni's husband ends up killed. And that in part is due to the fact she fell in love with and Allen.
It might have been a first love/first relationship for Bart, but Carol ending up having to stay in the future after Bart fully realizes his feelings for her is another example of romantic relationship/romantic love not working out for a Thawne.
The same version of Eobard also falls in love, but continual even as he rewrites his life and the life of the women he falls in love with (She starts out with a fiance, Eobard then makes it so her fiance has disappeared, she still doesn't want him, he makes it so she never dated him, she still doesn't want him, he makes it so she has never dated in her entire lief to the point it's like she's cursed (that's the actual word used there), and she still has no interest in him), and he ends rewriting his life to the point he narrates that he has never been in love.
Also to a lesser degree Thad ends up abandoning his first girlfriend and first relationship ever, so chalk up another one to love being complicated for the Thawnes.
There are just so many instances of love not working out for Thawnes. Romantic love and familial love is so complicated and messy for them.
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olives-and-sunshine · 1 month
liking prodigal son is so hard sometimes. cause i wanna watch the show but every episode is heavy in at least some regard. like i just wanna have a silly goofy time and relax, not be worried about malcolm as he falls out a window. again.
why do they always have to be putting malcolm in situations? why can't we have a beach episode.?
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fandominstability · 4 months
Tim, Brad, Ryan, you have the opportunity to do something really funny within the emotional trauma you're about to hit us with via Bobby and Amir's storyline
Name Amir's wife Desiree
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I love Malcolm Hawke's first dialogue in Legacy (the one you get if you unbind the shade kept trapped by two seals in a little cell). clearly this whole business was the darkest shittiest time of his life and he's selling his soul and betraying every single one of his principles and everything, but he sounds so endearingly... snippy and exasperated about the wardens using demons willy nilly. the "listen I know I'm up to some shady stuff here and everything but let it not be said I was untidy. I'm fixing your shit as far as I'm able here. you will not be able to pin this one on me. these demons were here before I arrived, this is on the record now" energy. the way he's taking time out of his day to be responsible and enforce mage OSHA regulations in the middle of maybe the most hilariously irresponsible thing anyone's ever done after the magisters tried to break into the golden city. exquisite. the real Hawke family curse is having to specify that actually not all of the catastrophe was your fault okay this is at least like... 30% not on me this time. I. I tried. everything was on fire and I had a children's toy bucket and a bottle of rum on hand
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Serin ducked her head and ignored the sound, focusing on the essay she was typing instead. Sure, it wasn’t due for another week but… it never hurt to be prepared.
She glanced at the clock. Twenty more minutes until she could go. That was good - she had a lot of work to do still on the homecoming parade float. After that she wanted to get a jump on planning prom… Daisy and Ralph had given her some great ideas to work with and she wanted to try to get started on them before she ran out of time.
Her shoulders tensed in frustration, but she tried to ignore it. She ran through the checklist for the rest of the week. She had scholarship applications to submit, the homecoming dance to finalize, and she needed to find time to squeeze in marching band practice. On top of that she had a slew of college applications to finalize, but she needed to get a few more things on her resume first. Just to be sure. Then there was-
She whipped in her chair to glare at the boy next to her. “Malcolm Geffen,” she seethed, her chest heaving with breaths labored by anger, “if you don’t quit doing that I’m going to strangle you.”
The boy beside her raised his eyebrows in mock surprise at her outburst. “Come on, love,” he goaded in his infuriatingly fascinating accent, “you know you’d miss me.” His grin was all ego, but the dimples in his cheeks still somehow managed to make it look adorable.
Serin rolled her eyes and turned back to her essay before she did something stupid, like let him talk more just to hear his voice. “I don’t have time for this,” she hissed. “I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you.”
Mal put his hand on his heart and leaned down to offer her his ridiculous puppy eyes, and Serin fought hard to tell herself that it wasn’t working this time. “I’m sorry,” he said penitently. “I didn’t ever think we’d get caught.”
Serin ground her teeth. It was a bad habit. Her sister Naomi - well, technically her stepsister, but their parents had married when they were 6 years old so they’d grown up together as siblings anyway - always got after her for it. But when you spend time with someone like Malcolm Geffen, indulging in bad habits is pretty much the name of the game.
“You didn’t think,” she repeated, whispering harshly. “That might be the truest thing you’ve ever said.”
Mal managed to look hurt, but it only lasted for a moment before his stupid, cocky, charming, infuriating grin was creeping back into place. “I was just trying to have some fun,” he defended himself. “Would it help if I told you that I didn’t realize that we aren’t technically allowed to play music over the school’s PA system?”
“No,” Serin answered immediately. “Because I know that’s a lie. And because when Principal Hood caught me trying to stop you he assumed I was in on it and put me in detention with you. You’re not getting off with some half–cooked excuse this time.” 
With one more glare she turned in her seat, refusing to acknowledge him again. When she noticed him open his mouth from the corner of her eye she tersely barked, “Don’t.”
Mal, for once, did the wise thing. He shut his mouth.
Several minutes passed between them in silence. From the corner of her eye Serin could see Mal actually working on something - maybe he’d gotten wise and decided to use this time for homework. She shook her head. Mal getting wise… like that could ever happen.
When the clock showed two minutes until the end of their hour-long detention, Serin packed her things into her bag. She caught Mal’s glance at her as she twisted in her seat… it was clear he wanted to say something. He looked shockingly repentant - even his spiky red hair looked somehow sad and deflated. She turned straight ahead. She didn’t much want to hear anything he had to say at the moment.
Just before she rose from her seat, she felt something brush against her knee. She glanced down to see Mal’s hand, holding out a piece of paper between his first two fingers. When she glanced at him she found him studying the far wall, probably hoping that if he didn’t look at her she’d be willing to take whatever it was he was offering her.
She brusquely snatched the object from his hand.
It was a piece of notebook paper, carefully folded into the shape of a heart. She rolled her eyes to try to disguise the excited thrill that ran down her spine. On one side of the paper were scrawled the words ‘Open me’ in Mal’s hasty handwriting. Serin chewed her lip for a moment, debating whether or not to actually indulge in this childishness. Finally her curiosity won out over her indignation.
She carefully unfolded the paper, keeping track of the lines in case she decided to fold it back into shape afterward. Inside the paper was just one word. It was neater than his usual handwriting, and she could see the outline of several erased previous attempts at writing it. Just one little word that somehow managed to set the stupid butterflies in her stomach all aflutter once more.
Sorry. In true corny fashion, he had drawn a tiny heart in place of the ‘o’.
Serin glanced over at him. His hands were on the desktop, twitching with nervous energy. He’d never been good at sitting still for very long - that was why he was always getting himself into trouble. On his left index finger was a ring. It was small, and silver, with a tiny heart symbol embedded in the side. It was far too narrow for his finger, resting well above his second knuckle. It was a perfect match for the ring that rested around the base of her own index finger.
She toyed with the silly bracelet on her wrist. It was black, and studded with spikes that looked like they came from a ‘90’s high school movie about a skateboarder. Mal had laughed when he gave it to her - told her that she needed something to offset her ‘goody two–shoes style.’
The girl groaned in frustration. She wanted to be mad at him still. She really did. But she wasn’t. When the vice principal Mrs. Parangosky released them, Mal bolted for the door. Serin took her time, apologizing once more as she left. Parangosky just nodded with a subtle smirk on her lips. Mal was waiting for her in the hall.
“I really am sorry,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”
“You’re an idiot,” Serin answered. Then, she stood up on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek.
His smile was back in an instant, warm and dimpled and adorable. Serin tried to ignore the dizzy feeling she got staring at it. “I’m your idiot,” he answered.
She laughed, then pushed hard enough on his chest to knock him back a step. “I have work to do,” she said dismissively. “I need to finish the homecoming float. You don’t get to distract me anymore.” Then she turned and headed for the front entrance.
In a moment Mal was beside her, sliding his hand into hers. “I’ll come with you,” he said with a grin. 
Serin ducked her head to hide the blush on her cheeks and entwined her fingers with his.
Based on this post from @makowrites and @mrtobenamedlater
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analligatorr · 1 year
I don't imagine Jack The Winner being one of Graves' exes, BUT a guy who is completely obsessed with him, just like Bowser with Peach.
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Ok now I have to work it out —A universe where every Flash and Arrow big bad won— andddddd it ends pretty quickly. Going in chronological order
Malcolm: The Glades are destroyed (irrelevant since he did win)
Slade: The rest of Star city would be destroyed, Felicity would be dead and I believe Oliver would have been as well. But for the sake of the rest; let’s pretend he lets Oliver live so he spends the rest of his life feeling guilty or something.
Ra’s Al Ghul: With Star City destroyed, Sara’s death would go differently but for the sake of this au; let’s say Oliver’s still going to investigate it, Thea’s still used to kill Sara, and Malcolm still uses this to blackmail Oliver; therefore Oliver still fights Ra’s and lives. Rest proceeds about the same; except this version of Oliver is much more susceptible to joining the League and becoming Ra’s Al Ghul. And since Star City’s already destroyed, the virus will be used to take down whatever city Oliver moved to after Slade.
Eobard: Barry gets back too late to stop him from going home, so Eddie’s alive but the singularity still forms and Ronnie dies.
Zoom: The entire multiverse is destroyed aside from Earth-1.
Damien Darhk: Genesis goes along as planned and the entire world is destroyed aside from his Ark.
And that’s the end. Darhk’s ark would be the only thing left standing in the entire universe and recently deceased multiverse. None of the future villains’ plans would come to fruition due to the fact that, well, they’re all dead after Darhk nukes the world. Great work everyone.
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gyrovagi · 15 days
crumpled post it note that just says 'avvar hawke???????' underlined several times
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mariocki · 4 months
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Pathfinders to Venus (ABC, 1961)
"What a paradise this place is. The way Earth must have been before man spoiled it with sprawling towns and filthy machines."
"If it hadn't been for man's filthy machines we wouldn't be here."
"That's true. And the pity of it is that after us will come rocket after rocket to ravage this planet. They'll gouge the minerals out of the earth, destroy the forests and eventually they'll go to war over it."
#pathfinders to venus#1961#children's television#classic tv#abc#malcolm hulke#eric paice#guy verney#reginald collin#gerald flood#george coulouris#graydon gould#pamela barney#hester cameron#stewart guidotti#brigid skemp#hugh evans#bob bryan#astor sklair#robert james#third and final sequel to the sadly missing Target Luna serial; this one picks up immediately after the previous story‚ Pathfinders to Mars#and sees our heroic group once again strongarmed into space exploration by the trickery of George Coulouris (bf's hatred for the character#reached new strengths during this series). this serial delves further into the sci fi fantasy vibe: where Space saw some remnants of#interstellar travel discovered and Mars had some plants and stuff‚ this one has full on alien contact with the native Venusians (handily#very much humanoid). this one also allows the real world to intrude more simultaneously tho; the Cold War‚ having hummed along happily very#much in the background so far‚ gets faced head on here as US and Soviet interests finally start to complicate the plans of our plucky (and#somehow‚ so far‚ entirely apolitical) British explorers. good old Mac Hulke gets a couple of very strong and very prescient environmental#messages in too‚ prefiguring his work on Doctor Who in the 70s (and right you were Mac‚ tho did you have to give those lines to the maniac#character who keeps almost getting everybody killed because of his blind insistence on seeking out some great Spacey Truth..)#these serials have been a lot of fun and I'd highly recommend them to any fan of old tv or old sci fi or DW or the like
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Malcolm Bright is basically a likeable Sherlock Holmes but with an actual personality (beyond being an asshole and a smartass), who's also wayy cooler and actually has mad skills
Sherlock wishes he could be my boi Malcolm
(I am right about this and you know it)
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