#make it happen marvel
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broadwayfan92 · 5 months ago
Thor needs to meet Yelena and Jen. It's pure chaos waiting to happen.
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rt8815 · 1 year ago
i would crap if the god of stories loki specifically met wade omg
Oh my god the absolute mayhem!
The jokes
The chaotic good hijinks
The impromptu therapy sessions
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snailification · 4 months ago
Idk who needs to hear this, but the reason your fic isn't getting a lot of attention is bc it's one big block!!
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levelofyoureye · 2 years ago
lmao so i was just going through my camera roll and clearing some photos out, when i stumbled across this screenshot i took in january of 2020 and…
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i’m in shock. i literally don’t know how i forgot this happened, like i was actually astounded when i found this. NEVER forget when steve rogers’ ending was so horrifically out-of character that SEBASTIAN STAN HIMSELF posted a screenshot to instagram of a tweet dogging on his ending. it’s been years and i still haven’t forgiven marvel. i don’t think i ever will.
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year ago
All the articles talking about how the marvels had the lowest box office opening of any marvel movie conveniently forget to mention that it’s the ONLY marvel movie to come out in the midst of an actors strike and didn’t get any of the press that all the other movies would have gotten 🙃
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months ago
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Lokius + touch in season 2 / (season 1)
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aliteralchicken · 8 months ago
since getting into comics are a hot topic at the moment what was the first comics you guys read and how confused were you at the time
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merrysithmas · 7 months ago
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hurry up w the sequel mouse
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ashtonq247 · 5 months ago
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Just my fav heros- kind and empathetic ☺️ agile freaks of nature 🤩 Linchpins of their franchise 🥰🥹💜
Now I just need to find a hero who fits the bill and happens to be a middle child
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yukipri · 7 months ago
For curiosity's sake...
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yoooitsemmers · 6 months ago
petition for marvel to make like a 3 minute short movie with RDJ, Tom Holland and Gwyneth Paltrow and it’s just Pepper hiding Tony’s suit in random places because she’s scared he’s gonna do something erratic because he saw Peter doing something slightly stupid in the background of the news and he’s like “HONEY WHERES MY SUPER SUIT?”
that’s it. That’s the idea. The amount of money I would PAY to see that is concerning.
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nelkcats · 2 years ago
Surprise check
When Deadman panicked and rushed to call him during an important meeting, Constantine thought it was a ghost thing, he doubted it was anything really important so he ignored it for a few minutes.
What he didn't expect was for Deadman to inform him that his boss was coming to visit in a few hours (because apparently ghosts had bosses). The poor guy was in a panic, apparently it was the first King in charge in centuries that cared and he was coming to "make sure everything was in order".
Constantine didn't know what to expect; a King who demanded that humanity bow at his feet and the ghosts rule? One who hated it when Deadman got involved with humans and sent him away? A tyrant? It was clear that no ruler had ever been good, according to his ghost friend, so he had low expectations.
He reported this to the League, who took a high alert posture. An hour later, Wonder Woman was reviewing with everyone how foreign royalty should be treated when they heard Captain Marvel laughing with someone in the break room. Deadman was also mysteriously missing.
Constantine peeked in but all he could see was a teenager conversing with the Captain and strangely, the ghost. He was about to tell the boy that he needed a permit to enter the Watchtower when Deadman spoke up.
"I didn't know you were so interested in games, King Phantom, or that you were so good on them"
Then, John noticed the ice crown on the boy's head and his strangely sharp teeth, along with his toxic green eyes.
"Flattering me won't help you in the review" the teenager quipped "remember we're still waiting for Dan to find out if everything here is...balanced."
Constantine realized: The King was a bloody teenager.
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heliomanteia · 4 months ago
I think Nico's ability to survive is less so about his will to live and more so about his refusal (less so personal and more so narrative-wise) to die. Nico, for the lack of a better word, is like a cockroach: you cannot kill him in a way that matters so he survives and keeps haunting the scene.
There was once a marvelous post on Nico's function as a narrative tool and it was so beautifully pointed out that he's a near-omniscient deus ex machina (to simplify) which cannot be overlooked when characterizing him. Nico carries so much narrative weight on his back (which arguably could be an example of either good or bad writing depending on your perspective) that he cannot just go and die.
His road towards healing (though definitely not walked alone/individually) is his own, that's his choice to make as a character, but his disposition as a guy that perseveres resides more within his function, in my opinion.
He's not the tragic prince doomed for self-destruction people often draw him out to be but his capacity for survival is also not a product of his continuous work as a character, at least not just that — but is rather a result of his narrative function. Simply saying, you cannot, narratively, kill off Nico di Angelo.
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bonglebingledangledingle · 1 year ago
new episode of Loki was interesting. But I just want to say, the first place Loki went to look for people was the pie room. And he fixed his hair and outfit before talking to other Mobius. Just saying.
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mwagneto · 7 months ago
heres how deadpool/wolverine canon king can still win: deadpool is begging for a kiss the entire movie. says something like cmonnnn i wanna be disney's first gay character PLEEEASE. end of the movie or post credit scene whatever wolverine relents. huge win for gay rights
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 1 year ago
I need a scene in BTSV where Miles is like 'You know Hobie, after all this I can't believe I thought you and Gwen were dating for a second! Lol'
Hold up. Suddenly Hobie Gwen and Pavitr are look at him like
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Hobie is like 'You WUT, mate? Why the bloody hell would you think that??'
And Gwen is like 'Yeah Miles?? what gave you that idea?'
Miles is like
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"You're joking right. You said she left a jumper at your place-"
"-And a toothbrush."
"AND a toothbrush-"
"Both of which are still there."
"Oh yeah, I still need to get those-"
"Bruh, please. You're killing me here."
Gwen and Hobie don't see it at ALLLLLL He is her honorary big bro and Gwen is just socially oblivious in general
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