#comics accurate peter parker
merrysithmas · 1 month
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hurry up w the sequel mouse
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
I don't care what anyone says these are my favourite Spider-Man movie ships (and definitely my favourite superhero movie ships in general) with the strongest chemistry and the best romantic storylines and they all feel like separated characters but also make great couples (and both shared a beautiful romantic sunset scene in their sequels before a lot of angst happened).
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Average Spider-Man/Daredevil team-up.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
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Ngl, I loved this trio, they were so silly
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brionysea · 7 months
sony's multiverse spider-man story is about how spider-man isn't defined by trauma. the mcu's copycat multiverse spider-man story is about how spider-man is defined by trauma. how did you copy their homework and still reach the completely incorrect conclusion. kidding i already know it's because corporations want storytelling to be an algorithm and not an artform but it's still impressive how wrong they are
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thedevotionaltour · 4 months
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Daredevil #17 - "None Are So Blind..!" (April 1966)
Written by Stan Lee Art by John Romita Sr. (pencils), Frank Ray (inks)
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the-gh0stly · 5 months
Kinda obsessed with a pre Spider-Man Peter Parker. A boy with thick glasses and a camera. Who just watches the world from behind a lense because he’s too afraid to go out and live it. He lets the world pass him by with only little snapshots as a keepsake. He sees everything bad around him and wants to help so god damn bad. But he can’t. And he known he can’t. He’s just a scrawny teenager who tends to be too witty for his own good. Then suddenly he can help. He’s stronger, faster, and can do things no one else can. But he doesn’t help. He tries to ignore his abilities. He’s still just watching the bad happen. It takes Uncle Ben dying for him to realize he the needs to help. If only he can do something he needs to do it. He stops living his life passively and starts to do something instead of just watching.
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poebrey · 5 months
gerard way on atsv manifesting now ✨
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skyward-heir · 8 months
after everything is said and done, after Spot is defeated and Miles gets to save Jeff, and canon events are revealed to not work Like That™. everyone is caught up in the euphoria and the relief, celebrating—as they should—that they've saved the multiverse once again.
that is, everyone but one man.
"Jess," Miguel says, soft but serious, as most of the group spiritedly focuses their attention on Miles. on congratulating each other for their exceptional teamwork. on checking for scrapes, and wounds, and torn suits. on making sure there are no structural weaknesses that may endanger civilians. "can I talk to you for a second?"
"sure," she says, tentatively, upon seeing his somber expression. "what is it?"
no, not somber. exhausted. as they break away from the rest, she observes his demeanor. Miguel's always overdoing it, working day and night, but he seldom lets others see the full extent of his burden. now, as he rubs at his face and eyes, his shoulders slumped, it's more evident than ever.
he exhales, then resignedly looks her in the eye. "...you need to take charge. you know the procedure. scan for anomalies, have everyone return to HQ... uh, the usual. then i'll have Lyla transfer you the facility's security codes, or better yet, give you her recognition keys, and provide an extensive incident report on—"
she blinks. "excuse me? ...codes? report? the hell you're talking about?"
"i'm making you leader," he says matter-of-factly. "no, wait, acting leader. i'm sure everyone will want a say on who'll be the next to take the position after..." he drifts off.
she's always prided herself on being sharp as a tack, but right now the whole of whatever-this-is has somehow blindsided her. "what...?"
"you heard me," he says, more resolutely. "i'm stepping down."
"you can't be serious."
"don't worry. you'll be fine. you have what it takes to lead them, Jess. always did."
"while i'm flattered," she says, tilting her head to the side and searching for a sign that this is some sort of joke, "i don't want your job."
"as i said, it's a temporary—"
"...look, Miguel, i respect your need for holidays, but you're making it sound like it's permanent."
"it is."
"see? i don't get it. no one's out for your scalp. we've all made mistakes here."
"and they don't need to. my departure— i'm simply making things easier. i won't ruin, more than I already did, what we managed to build. the task force is a good thing. because of you, because of Peter. Lyla, Ben, Margo... it was you who made this half-assed idea work. and i..." his lip trembles. "i'm out. no... no puedo."
"what do you mean," a voice intervenes from behind Miguel's back, "you're out?"
"shock," Miguel curses to himself, then turns to face the newcomer, trying to keep his voice level. it's not the best of attempts. "it's exactly what it looks like, Peter. or do you need me to spell it out for you?"
Peter, his eyebrows drawn together in concern, is not accompanied by Mayday. a cursory glance reveals she's being held by Hobie, both right in the middle of the celebrations and enjoying themselves. "maybe i do. you're what, just leaving? if you're scared everyone will—"
"scared, he says," Miguel sneers, showing a glimpse of larger-than-normal canines. his posture is tense, and his claws—often hidden unless absolutely necessary—are out. not a good sign. "of what? of hearing the truth? that i took all of your kindness and your good intentions and your grief, and made you think losses were acceptable... that canon couldn't be defied... all because i couldn't be miserable on my own—"
"—we all wanted to—" Peter starts, rather weakly.
"—that i was this close to forcing a kid to lose a loving father because i don't know what that's like?" Peter opens his mouth to speak, but Miguel continues, undeterred. "save your platitudes. there are mistakes. and then there's me." he sighs. "look, i finally get it. your hearts are in the right place, and i—"
"and what?" Peter snaps. "yours isn't?"
"it – doesn't – matter – if it is," Miguel punctuates. "i could never live up to the expectations set by you, by all of you. only wear the mask, and run from the truth for as long as i could: it's the only thing i’ve done worth a damn, but i don't have what it takes to be Spider-Man. i thought i belonged, i wanted to, but i don't. i'm a selfish bastard, and always have been." then he adds, his breath ragged, and—she’d swear—on the verge of tears, "...my mother was right. i'm my father's son."
god, she wishes she was any good at pep talks—find the words to tell Miguel none of this is true—, yet the words don’t come. thankfully, Peter does seem to find in himself the ability to reach out, hold onto that strange friendship of theirs. "you're nothing like him. like them. you're a good man, Miguel."
Miguel huffs, smiles to himself as if amused by the idea. "you always try to see the best in people, Peter, but... don't lie to yourself. who the shock steals a happy life at the expense of an entire universe? villains do that. the blood of trillions is on my hands." he stares at his own hands, claws out. "it's almost funny, actually. looking back... i kept telling myself the accident had turned me into something i wasn't, something i could fix, but it simply revealed what i've always been. a monster."
"they're spider powers", she manages to say, at last. "nothing more."
"look at me. claws? red eyes? fangs? venom? i can't stand light. people think i'm a shockin' vampire. or worse." he takes a deep breath to compose himself. "so, please, Jess, Peter... i know i'm a coward, but if we ever were… whatever… do me this one favor. i don't need to hear how i failed everyone. just…" he sits on a piece of rubble, then leans forward, elbows on his knees. "i'll be fine on my own. let me go."
they do.
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vicontheinternet · 13 days
I wanna know who started the tobey!was a Peter but not spiderman Andrew was a good spiderman but not Peter and Tom was a good both because that’s factual not true Tom’s is more like miles than anything
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stackthedeck · 2 years
My philosophy is that spidey ship is drastically improved by replacing Peter Parker with Peter B (especially if it's the twinkified tom holland version of Peter) but then I was like...really any ship, even...that one? And then I thought about it for a second and I was like...yeah any ship, I'm so right
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Fuck it I'm bored so here's a ranking of different Peter Parkers by how Jewish they are
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Dead last, obviously, is MCU!Peter Parker. This version of Peter is the farthest from comic canon to the point of being almost unrecognizable at times. Also, Tom Holland answered the question "is peter parker Jewish" in a Wired Autocomplete Interview a while back with a very baffled "no", cementing him forever as my sworn enemy. So he's actually the only peter parker who, at least by word of God, is canonically NOT Jewish. -1000000/10
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Next up is Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker. I think this Peter is... fine, at least he's much closer to comic canon than MCU!Peter, but honestly that's not saying much considering how far the MCU strayed from comic canon or even the spirit of comic canon. But like overall, Sam Raimi's movies just aren't particularly interested in presenting Peter as Jewish, so, eh. 1/10
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By far the most Jewish of live action Peters is TASM!Peter, also by far the most comic accurate of live action Peters. I'd be remiss not to mention the fact that Andrew Garfield is Jewish, and he understands the character so fucking well. He stated on record that he played Peter as Jewish and that he sees Spider-Man as an inherently Jewish character:
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However, the Webb movies still do not textually define him as Jewish, and the best parts of Andrew's Peter's Jewish subtext are better when viewed in light of the comics. Overall, 6.5/10
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Next up is the original, our beloved comic book Peter, pictured here saying Happy Hanukkah in a panel from Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. Comic Peter is one of the most heavily Jewish coded comics characters of all time, which is saying something considering how Jewish comic books are as a medium. Obviously he was created and often written and drawn by Jewish writers and artists, but beyond that his driving ethos and values are incredibly Jewish, and as a bonus he's constantly sprinkling Yiddish and Jewish phrases into his speech, alongside things like the above panel where he outright acknowledges Jewish culture in a scene where everyone else is saying merry Christmas. However, despite the extremely heavy coding, Marvel Comics are fucking cowards, and he has yet to be confirmed Jewish, so I must give him a measly 8/10.
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Finally, the cream of the crop, the most Jewish of all Peter Parkers, Into the Spider-Verse's Peter B. Parker my beloved!!! Peter B. is voiced by Jake Johnson, himself a Jewish actor, and is a phenomenally accurate representation of comic book canon - but he also has the unique quality of being canonically, textually, in the actual movie Jewish! It's a bit of a blink and you'll miss it scene, but when we get introduced to Peter B. in his "one more time" segment, we see his wedding to MJ, where he steps on a glass. This is a Jewish minhag - custom - meant to represent the destruction of our Temple and Jerusalem, as well as remind us that sorrow and joy come intertwined, and is one of my personal favorite Jewish customs. It's a phenomenal moment in the best Spider-Man movie, and while this version of Peter would have been my favorite film version regardless, his Jewishness absolutely pushes him even further up. 13/10, no complaints
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
I found a new obsession which is figuring out how tall Miguel O’Hara is in Across the Spiderverse.
In comic canon, he’s 5’10”, which is a normal height. But Spider Gwen is canonically 5’2” in the Into The Spider-verse movie and considering that it looked like both her and Miles grew a couple of inches, I’m assuming she’s now her comic book accurate height, 5’5”. I believe Miles is not at his comic canon height yet (5’8”) so for the sake of comparison purposes, he’s gonna be 5’5”-5’6”. Peter B Parker was listed at 5’10” too.
So in theory Miguel and Peter should be the same height and the height comparison should look like this.
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So based off of the screen shot, Miguel and Peter should be the same height…
That is not case…
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Miguel is clearly taller than Peter, and he looks like a giant in front of Gwen.
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So I did some experimenting on the height comparison website.
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Since I’m using Peter B as a reference for guessing what his height is, I figured out he is no taller than 6’3” at the most so I think that he is between 6’-6’3”.
So enjoy your sexy giant Spider-Man.
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My morals literally come from a wacky little comic from 1962, there is a universe out there where Spider-Man comics don't exist and I'm a supervillain.
You do not know how often I ask myself "what would Peter Parker do?" and end up in a fight or flight situation.
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Miles G. Morales isn't "cold"
So...I see lots of people characterizing Miles G. Morales as a cold, arrogant "bad-boy" in their fanfictions. But y'all this just isn't accurate if you want to write him carefully.
Note: Headcanon him how you want, this post is specifically for writers who want to write him as accurately to his character as possible! Think of it as a character analysis.
42-Miles was on screen for approximately two minutes. He says maybe 5 or 6 lines, all delivered with very little emotion and in a fairly cold tone.
Its completely understandable that people would think he would be the "bad boy" type and would be a cold, arrogant person. HOWEVER-
Lets look into this more deeply.
First lets talk about the scene we got of him.
42-Miles ties up 1610-Miles to a punching bag. Where have we seen this before? Oh right-
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1610-Miles did the exact same thing when he met Peter B. Parker for the first time.
These scenes mirror each other extremely closely, with 42-Miles even talking in a deeper tone of voice the same way 1610-Miles talked in a slightly deeper tone when he was trying to present himself as more intimidating to Peter B.
So why is this significant?
42-Miles is putting on an act. He just met his doppelgänger, somebody who's wearing a spandex suit, showed up in his apartment and is overall just very creepy. Of course he's going to be a little reserved, of course he's going to be stoic and unemotional. We don't even know if the concept of the multiverse exists in this universe. For all we know, 42-Miles doesn't even know that multiversal travel is possible.
Lets talk about 42-Rio's reaction to seeing Miles-1610
When 1610-Miles shows up in Earth-42 and talks to Rio, she doesn't seem that put-off by him. She makes jokes with him the way the average mother and son do.
Why is this significant?
The difference in the characterization of 1610-Miles and 42-Miles is absolutely insane. People treat 1610-Miles like a baby and they treat 42-Miles like a full grown man. However, the reality is that they're both going to have very similar personalities.
Rio would have noticed her son's demeanor changing and probably would've said something about it. But she didn't seem put-off at all by the way 1610-Miles acted. She even brings up comic-con, which suggests that 42-Miles has talked about comic-con and is therefore a ginormous nerd.
This suggests that 42-Miles acts similarly to 1610-Miles at home. He's also a talkative, friendly kid who spends a lot of time with his mom, and thats why she didn't realize there was anything going on when 1610-Miles showed up.
He's not cold. He's the average, maybe slightly depressed, kid.
Let's talk about Peter Parker.
Every version of Peter Parker we've seen so far is pretty similar. Even Pavitr Prabhakar and Hobie brown have fairly optimistic vibes, cracking jokes and being fairly outgoing. Especially with their masks on, we can see that they seem like they'd be pretty fun to hang out with. None of them can be described as cold.
42-Miles was supposed to be Spider-man. He'd have the same personality. Maybe he'd be a little more reserved, a little more stoic, but he'd still be the lovable goofball Spider-Man is supposed to be.
Miles G. Morales isn't a gangster. He's a teenage boy in a bad situation. Write him as such and do justice to his character. He deserves it.
He's a goofball guys.
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