#mainly loki
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bearpillowmonster Ā· 6 months ago
MCU TV Shows Ranking (That I've Seen)
Because there are just too many now to watch them all, plus, why watch the ones I'm uninterested in?
Anyways, the rules will encapsulate the whole show so all seasons as one, I can't say that I like S1 and disliked S2 and rank it only based on S1. I will also clarify if I think it's worth continuing.
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Daredevil- Karen lacks, Foggy's good, Matt's really good, Kingpin's really good. Electra could use some work as well as the Hand. Bullseye is actually marvelous except for the very end but the three seasons make for a nice bundle.
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Punisher- It's like comic and Jon Bernthal Punisher are two different things but I like both for different and similar reasons. It plays off of him very nicely and lays the groundwork for a more realistic setting with interesting action. Jigsaw was a compelling villain as well and I found myself liking a few other characters but there were definitely the few that lacked. Both seasons were decent enough. I'd be open to continue.
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Hawkeye- Not bad, have some complaints about Kate but overall a good entertaining show. I'd watch a season 2 but I feel like it's not really made for one, they will probably just continue to appear in other stuff.
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Falcon & The Winter Soldier - I actually liked it more than I thought I would as I didn't have much interest in the characters but it turns out that I just needed more time with them. Unlike most of the ones on this list, I liked the ending, though it didn't completely knock me over. I think that a lot of what was in this series should've been the basis for everything going forward because of how it treated their livelihoods and asked questions. I'm not sure any of these series matched the hype of the fake Captain America decapitating a guy with the shield. This paved the way for Cap 4 which would've been questionable without this series.
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Wandavision - I wasn't hyped for this, I let it slip by my radar because whatever, I never cared for either of them anyway. People complain about it having a main superhero plot but that's what I stayed for, I liked that portion but then I finished it and I completely understand why now. It's not a bad series and has a lot of cool ideas but just a weird way to end things. It got Multiverse of Madness which was mid and Agatha isn't out yet but I'm not hyped for that either, wouldnt be surprised if it fails due to lack of name recognition.
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Ms. Marvel- A few of these I like comparing to Disney Channel shows because of how they act and while it all started with this one, I have to admit, it actually gets a lot of the teenager stuff right but I think it throws so much at the wall that it has to get at least some of it so there are a few misses as well. The ending is dumb, her powers are ok but they could be used a lot better and I imagine they will. She was the best part of the Marvels and it's S2 worthy.
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Cloak & Dagger - It was an entertaining watch but perhaps not the most enticing. I liked the characters but they were very much put into tv show circumstances so I felt like it was its own thing. I like the actors and characters enough to keep them in the MCU but don't care to see another season, I wasn't all that big on S2 anyway.
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She-Hulk - Last place, huh? I actually had the most hype for this one because I was hoping we'd get with She-Hulk what we didn't get with Hulk. In fact, I like her more because I first learned about her in the cartoon and well-
I think a lot of kids couldn't resist THAT. So I grew attached to her and had all these ideas for how she could be introduced and-oh, no not that.
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But I still held out hope because I lowered my expectations and just wanted a crumb but the more it went on, the less I liked it and then I learned that it was all by design and I wasn't really sure how to feel about that and then time passed and I was like, that shouldn't matter, it didn't pay off despite a cool ending. I logged all this in other posts. Yet- here I am- an advocate for S2...
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fragmentedstarlights Ā· 9 months ago
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Guy who can contain multitudes...
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taw-k Ā· 22 days ago
Hc: Loki's Nordic runes are really good, he writes them like they're stamped on, but his English is the most incomprehensible ancient calligraphy you've ever seen and his math is even worse.
He writes like this
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And his math looks like this
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He insists it's completely normal and entirely readable.
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dhamcestor Ā· 2 months ago
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got hit with the loki beam again for a second
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ibenology Ā· 1 year ago
lokius Klaus AU where Loki is sent down to a freezing norwegian town on earth by Odin to learn to be humble and while trying to get back he meets toy-maker Mobius and together they learn about love and family
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andy-888 Ā· 1 year ago
Is actually crazy that Loki's glorious purpose is to give Mobius the chance to choose
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elasgottoomuchfreetime Ā· 8 months ago
You know, Kuzco might as well be a Loki variant.
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lokiinmediasideblog Ā· 8 months ago
Because I've been seen posts that only Loki was to blame for Jotunheim, and claiming inconsistent Odin characterization in TR (I will only use Thor (2011) for that matter).
But my take on whether or not Odin allowed and promoted negative views of the Jotuns/Jotunheim is that he did (even if you exclude TR).
The way Thor (2011) is structured, there were some very EASY changes that would have cemented Loki as being the ONLY one in the wrong and absolved Odin, but interestingly, this is not what happened.
Instead of giving some answer out of a self-help book that doesn't address child Thor's proclamation that one day he'll eradicate all Jotuns in front of his secretly Jotun son, he should have said that the Jotuns have a right to exist/aren't inherently bad and such to the impressionable child heirs.
Yes, Odin didn't want to start a war but not because he didn't hold negative views of Jotunheim. I see this cited as "proof" Odin was a wonderful anti-imperialist King before TR. Wars have costs like Einherjar lives, supplies, and such. There are practical reasons why he wouldn't want a war rather than assuming he didn't hold or promote negative views of the Jotun, and him not starting a war was a practical and strategic decision. He had already taken what he came for (the Casket and got a free baby). Why go to war at that point?
So you don't think Loki is reliable with "Because I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?" But somehow the deflective answer Odin gives to child Thor is evidence he didn't hold and promote negative views of the Jotun in millennia? I'm sorry, but Loki's words are stronger evidence in this case because they're not deflection. And I find it annoying to dismiss them as hyperbole and lies. Yes, Loki lies, but he's not the only one that lies and it's ridiculous to be saying this when it's been proven Loki has also been lied to by both parents.
Loki's reasoning in killing his biological father and his own species are based on the assumption that Odin was only against war with Jotunheim because it would cost Asgardian lives. So he finds a way to destroy an entire realm indirectly without the use of warriors. When Odin wakes from the Odin-sleep, Loki PROUDLY proclaims that he caused all the devastation in Jotunheim for him. An easy way they could have made only Loki in the wrong is to have him do this in secret because he didn't believe Odin would approve. HOWEVER, Loki proclaims this proudly to Odin. He clearly thought this would get him into Odin's good graces and prove that he's a "trustworthy" Jotun. Loki's behavior here doesn't make sense if Odin didn't hold and promote negative views of Jotunheim. IF Odin was a good anti-imperialist King, it would be under Loki's best interests to deny the attempted genocide rather than proudly proclaim he did it all for Odin. Loki is a millennia-old manipulator; it's ridiculous to think he'd lack the common sense to act on behalf of his best interests.
Odin could have told Loki he was a Jotun even if he didn't wish to use him for diplomacy. Why do people act like Loki being told means Odin didn't abandon his plan to use Loki for "diplomacy"? They're not mutually exclusive! And yes, I do think Odin loved Loki in some fucked up dysfunctional way and wanted to keep him.
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insurged Ā· 2 months ago
i will be back to writing soon, i apologize, just had low energy for it at the moment... and mar.vel rivals has me in a chokehold.
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questions-about-loki Ā· 2 months ago
So, I've seen some stories about vampires and other long-lived creatures where they don't celebrate birthdays because they don't see any point to it. After a while they just stop counting the years and all. Which makes me think about Asgardians and birthdays. Now, I do think it is different because vampires are typically written as immortal and Asgardians very much aren't, they do die of old age. So it's not like Asgardians have millions of birthdays. But do you think it is less important to Asgardians than it is to humans to some degree because they live for so long? I would say somewhere in between humans and these vampire stories. Still worth it, everyone counts their age still, but maybe it isn't a big celebration every year. Maybe they have small celebrations most years and bigger ones on "cool" numbers.
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ediblegoldstars Ā· 1 year ago
Just watched the ā€œlast desperate trickā€ conversation in S1 E4, where Loki tells Mobius the TVA is lying to him, and ā€” Mobius so clearly believes him! I couldnā€™t remember when he started taking Loki seriously and the answer is: immediately. You can see it in his eyes. Most of Mobius is like, ā€œWhat a pathetic attempt,ā€ but his eyes are likeā€¦ well theyā€™re likeā€¦
They look exactly how I felt, as a fifteen-year-old at Catholic mass, as I had been every Sunday since I was a baby, as, in the normal course of sitting-standing-kneeling-and-back-again-for-funsies I was struck by the singular question: what if we are doing all this for nothing? We are a churchful of dignified humans singing truly bizarre songs in keys and time signatures that none of us have business in. Weā€™re telling stories about guys named Bildad and trying to brand ourselves The #1 Christian. It consumes us. Itā€™s started wars and gotten people eaten, burned alive, murdered, and itā€™s what Iā€™d built my life around. Itā€™s what my parents had demanded I build my life around. Andā€¦ what ifā€¦ what if itā€™s all a lie?
Iā€™ll tell you: you shut that thought down and you fight it for a while, until you get tired, or you hear a take so real it knocks out the south wall of your faith before you can say, ā€œsave me a wafer!ā€ But youā€™ve heard the singular doubt, and it will not be unheard. The glue that holds so much of your world together will weaken, and start to snap. You start to feel itā€™s you against the rest of the world no matter what, and youā€™re coursing with the feeling of being alive and knowing a truth.
Iā€™ll tell you what else: the person who tipped you off? Who knows the truth and guides you through it? Youā€™re gonna have incredible sex, such that rocks the foundations of Midgard or wherever you happen to be, because finding out youā€™re wrong and someone else is right is sexy.
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anxiously-going Ā· 6 months ago
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So I made this sketch impulsively then I had this idea
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Then I made this sketch
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And now I have two new paintings to make
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unityrain24 Ā· 5 months ago
look i know i haven't been on tumblr for the past month bc i'm really tired and also having to do college while still burnt out from last year but i just got this email and-
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look mate. you are in the wrong place. i am an avid anti-loki-series blog. i hate the series. i am opposed to the series. i say so in my blog description. i have reblogged several archives' worth of anti series meta and posts. i have written some of my own. #anti loki series is one of the most populated tags on my blog. i have a few blogs following me who like the series which always baffles me but none to the extent that you seem to be. i am not sure why you would want to be in a place constantly being subjected to hatred and criticism of something you obviously love so dearly. surely that is not an enjoyable experience.
@loki-core-the-variant and also @ all the other loki series blogs following me bc literally idk why you're here T^T surely it makes you uncomfortable
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wowevenmoreloveonearth Ā· 1 year ago
Iā€™ve gotta say my favourite thing about the loki/sylvie dynamic is that I could not tell you what it is. I genuinely do not know. Iā€™m not even sure it exists. They have spoken maybe 12 times and I still canā€™t tell you anything about their ā€œrelationshipā€. Sylvie doesnā€™t trust anyone including loki I think? And loki supposedly loves her? Idk. This isnā€™t even taking into account the selfcest aspect of it.
And it definitely doesnā€™t help that sylvie has never really being given proper characterisation before getting shoved into a love interest role *cough* misogyny *cough*
Anyways arenā€™t you tired?
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freys-goblin-kid-lokis-spy Ā· 9 months ago
The difference between Mx Loki's taste in women and men is fucking weird
his taste in women: kindest human being/Aesir you'll ever meet, absolutely lovely and a joy to be with.
His taste in men: Pathetic (derogatory), probably came from a dumpster, will stab you in the back if it suits them.
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mobius-m-mobius Ā· 11 months ago
Hi, it's the ā€œlove is a daggerā€ anon again! I hope you're having an amazing day! Firstly, I wanted to say thank you so much for making the gifset I requested!!
Secondly, I wanted to point out how, judging by their shape and design, the daggers Mobius had in his locker and gave to Loki for protection in 1x2 were most likely the same ones Loki lost to the Bifrost on the sacred timeline. The daggers, just like Loki, were once lost to time and space but then they were found and cherished by Mobius. It takes the entire metaphor to a whole new level and further cements the fact that the quote is specifically in relation to lokius. šŸ„ŗ
You don't have to if you don't want to, of course, but a gifset of this connection between the daggers in the Loki series and the daggers in the Thor movies and how they relate back to lokius would be very nice to see, especially with how beautiful your gifsets always are!!
Hey again šŸ—”ļø anon, lovely to hear from you!! The day has been a great one so far, hope the same for yours and had a wonderful time making your set šŸ„°
Completely agree with your observation about the daggers Mobius kept and tried to return to Loki being the ones lost on the sacred timeline, then considering what we know about how the TVA frowned upon personal artifacts or really anything at all to define individualization or connection outside work it means all the more for Mobius to have made a point of seeking out one of the few items Loki found comfort and identity in to treasure šŸ„ŗ
As to your new request, first of all tysm for the compliment about my gifs, it's truly appreciated and I'd be more than happy to build on more Lokius parallels but (and I always feel a little sheepish confessing this LOL) I've... not actually seen any Thor movies, or hardly any of the MCU outside a bit of phase 1 + The Avengers and some clips involving Bruce and Vision so the irony of being caught up waiting for glimpses of Mobius for eternity isn't lost, trust me šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ If you have any specific scenes or moments from the movies in mind though please feel free to let me know!
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