#but mainly confused.
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unityrain24 · 5 months ago
look i know i haven't been on tumblr for the past month bc i'm really tired and also having to do college while still burnt out from last year but i just got this email and-
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look mate. you are in the wrong place. i am an avid anti-loki-series blog. i hate the series. i am opposed to the series. i say so in my blog description. i have reblogged several archives' worth of anti series meta and posts. i have written some of my own. #anti loki series is one of the most populated tags on my blog. i have a few blogs following me who like the series which always baffles me but none to the extent that you seem to be. i am not sure why you would want to be in a place constantly being subjected to hatred and criticism of something you obviously love so dearly. surely that is not an enjoyable experience.
@loki-core-the-variant and also @ all the other loki series blogs following me bc literally idk why you're here T^T surely it makes you uncomfortable
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quesocheeso · 3 months ago
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Introducing another major character: Nezha!
For the AU I thought it’d be interesting to play with the design of Nezha having a younger appearance, since he is supposed to be the god of children and I’ve seen other medias do this too.
Nezha plays a major role in the development of the celestial realm and politics after Wukong ascends the role, admittedly this does not happen from the beginning. Nezha is allowed a role in the court around 400 years after the ascension of the throne due to his previous ties to the jade emperor and his court, his loyalty was strong until he realized he could help more from the inside and that his previous role on the court had not let him do much other than being a glorified guard.
He respects Wukong’s strength but he is not yet trustful of his abilities as the ruler of all realms, so he demands to be his assistant, to keep him on track and on the matters that are important. Although, once he does start working for him he does figure out that Wukong is not as bad as ruler as he was expecting, politically, his court is full of people who are experts in their own matters and provide a variety of discussion and solutions during meetings, and while he though Wukong had stayed the same Monkey King he knew from the wars and mayhem, he had grown as a ruler and cared about the realms in ways that Nezha had not seen other celestials had.
Nezha is closed off and even hostile for a while at the beginning, but he does start mellowing out around the time that Macaque is expecting, being the god of children he can’t help but be protective and clingy, leading to the Six-eared Macaque having a kid following him around like a duckling.
Also I find it really funny that Nezha was the first to find out Macaque was pregnant even before he did
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Nezha is not shocked because Macaque is expecting, no he thinks he’d be a good parent,
He’s more in shock that Wukong procreated.
(Nezha becomes so close to the royal family that there is an inside joke in the court that he is the Emperor’s eldest child. Much to Nezha and Wukong’s dismay and Macaque’s amusement.
Remember this.)
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months ago
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Oh, Lala...
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year ago
For me, the thing is that "confusing" just... isn't the right descriptor for my experience reading the Locked Tomb books. I wasn't "confused," I just didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle yet, and I was aware of that fact. I feel like I generally knew what I was meant to know, as a reader, at the point in the book where I was at. And for a very significant portion of the series, what the reader is meant to know is, "not much." I was less "confused" and moreso "searching for the explanation that will connect everything." This is absolutely a series on the very high end of the "unknown quantities" spectrum. They're an intellectual escape room.
But the shorthand way to convey that is just that yeah, no, these books are super confusing.
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iamthetruestrepairman · 1 year ago
lesbian Annie truthing about to hit the stage. Ok Annie only loves men when it’s performative. This is canon to her “crush” on Jeff they literally have her say out loud she just wants to be “mature and cool” like Britta. She dates Vaughn because she knows he’s desired by other women- I honestly think if you asked Annie to decide if a man was attractive in a vaccuum she just wouldn’t be able to answer (because her feelings about men are determined by what she knows about how she’s Supposed to feel about men). She’s attracted to Abed only it seems when he’s playing roles- she kisses Han Solo because Han Solo is desirable. But the thing is Annie is also playing roles in those scenarios.
anyway lesbian Annie 4 life
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oifaaa · 2 years ago
I will never understand the obsession with making tims favourite robin Jason when it couldn't be more painfully obvious that tims favourite robin was Dick
Like people are so caught up in the concept, the made up angst, that tims favourite robin beat him up that they straight up misunderstand how much more significant Tim and Dicks relationship is not to mention the added layers of Tim originally being created as the ultimate self insert character which for a good number of readers meant they grew up with Dick as their favourite robin and didn't really like Jason just for not being Dick
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brainrotcharacters · 7 months ago
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And when Scotty boy over here meets Logan's boyfriend Wade????????
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year ago
Short #1
“Oh my,” Civilian heard in the distance, a fog blurring their sight, and the unshakable feeling of exhaustion confusing their head “poor little thing, left for dead.” 
The figure approached, kneeling in the ground beside them, softly grabbing their head with both their hands, guiding it upwards, towards them, stroking their sweaty hair, wet with something sticky, something dark and too agitating to think about at that time and place. 
A weave of nausea quickly catched up, forcing Civilian to react, moving in a quick motion their head to the side, throwing up all over the floor beside them and the stranger handling them with so much care. 
“Oh love, that can’t be good,” the figure continued, pulling them close once again, a handkerchief cleaning the corners of their mouth with light taps “what do you say I take you home? I can make it all better, I bet that you’re feeling quite uncomfortable right now.” 
Civilian nodded absentmindedly, only half processing what they were agreeing to, immediate relief from their pain and turmoil coming right before self preservation. Vampire related incidents were on the rise in the city, it was an open secret. 
The stranger smiled warmly. 
“I’m glad,” they said, twisting the young person in their arms to carry them comfortably to the elegant white car waiting for them, door opened, man waiting beside it “you’re gonna be the perfect example for Hero, he needs to learn how dangerous they are when rejecting their sires help, they must not have even realised they left you there dying.” 
The stranger sighed, getting them inside the car, resting Civilian’s head over their lap, not caring for the blood and grime staining their pants and car seats. 
“Don’t worry, pretty thing, I’ll take care of you until they are capable, even if that takes a couple decades.” 
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sygneth · 10 months ago
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Things are starting to get awkward hehe
Part 5 of of Holmes' collage adventures
Chapter 1: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 Masterpost (Index) AO3
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ahogettena · 1 year ago
kat and dani
aka transfem nonbinary davekat 4 my au
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they/them 4 dani/dave and she/they 4 karkat plzzz
also believe it or not i actually used 2 be a DIEHARD davekat hater
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tapestryundone · 3 months ago
quiet is right handed and always holds the blade in his right hand as a result. he is tied to the narrative that the narrator constructed through the blade and no matter what happens in any runthrough the knife will always end up in his hand at least once no matter what he does or what he truly wants
the princess is always chained by her right hand. no matter what, she is always bound to the cabin and the narrative that the narrator constructs. tsm is represented through countless arms and yet the princes is always placed in a basement with her right hand shackled
both quiet and the princess are trapped in the construct, parallel to one another. the knife is to the long quiet as the chain is to the shifting mound
in the prisoner chapter, if quiet becomes chained then he must lose the knife. there is no purpose to overlapping ones shackles, he just trades one for another
anytime that the princes recieves the knife, she becomes free of her chain. there is no purpose to overlapping ones shackles, she just trades one for another
the knife and shackles are equivalent, and both must be shed in some way for the shifting mound and the long quiet, or the princess and quiet/hero
at the heart of the shifting mound, the princess will always be free. the shifting mound is free to choose anything she wants. shes waiting for you to choose. the apotheosis establishes that she could destroy the construct if she so chose, but if the long quiet doesnt break free with her, destroying the construct will destroy him, too. she is free of her shackle but she has a choice between leaving with the long quiet or killing him- mirroring that the long quiet has a choice between leaving with the shifting mound or killing her. only that the shifting mound made her choice, and that is that no matter what happens, she will not destroy the long quiet
at the heart of the shifting mound, quiet has the choice to take the knife and give into the narrators script- to abide by it or return to its beginning and reread the story all over again- or to abandon his own shackles and free himself from the story the narrator wove
effectively, the chain and the blade must be abadoned in some way for the two to be free. with or without reaching the heart of the shifting mound, neither can be free until the remnants of the construct are abandoned, until their unique tether to the construct is left behind
and if the two are a palindrome, then the letter in the center is the cabin- a structure that exists for both of them and is a construction of the narrator that they both influence differently but in equal amounts. they both have been built around it and feom it, very literally, and the chain and blade are both offshoots of it that the narrator uses to control them
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atlaculture · 2 years ago
Live-Action Promo Pics - Sokka
I’ve been hesitant to comment much on the live-action series, as most of the discourse has revolved around the casting. I’ve already made my ideal ATLA fancast pretty well-known, and I don’t feel comfortable harshly critiquing children/teens for not looking like my favorite cartoon characters. At the end of the day, it’s the casting directors that we should hold responsible, not working actors trying to make a living.
However, I have no problem reviewing the costumes--- which I presume were made by industry professionals of adult age. In fact, I’d say the goals of this blog obligate me to give my two cents. So enjoy my completely subjective take on the promotional costumes:
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What I Liked
They remembered his bone choker. That’s nice.
The little circles with the rings are interesting. I guess they add some extra protection while allowing for some flexibility.
What I Didn’t Care For
Most of it.
This is not faithful to any of Sokka’s battle outfits, nor is it inspired by anything cultural, nor is it very practical.
Why is there only fur under his shoulder pads? Shouldn’t it be lining his whole outfit? Why is his shirt skin-tight? Wouldn’t that make it hard to move around in? What’s up with the fishnet around the collar?
He looks like a reject Final Fantasy character with all the extraneous doodads on him.
His bone choker is too bright and plastic-looking. The bone beads should look worn, off-white, and not-so-uniform.
One point for the necklace and one point for effort/creativity. Overall, I give it 2 boomerangs out of 10. A swing and a miss.
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty disappointed. Inuit armor is awesome-looking and they didn’t even bother trying to incorporate those elements into the live-action adaption:
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@chiptrillino​ has a great culturally inspired armor design for Sokka here.
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tonydaddingham · 14 days ago
oh there's a lot of emotions going on in here tonight fam
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huanted-dennys · 8 months ago
Siren au info that i'll probably draw out later
- Prowl is eel man long man very long
- Smokescreen also long eel man
- Autobots and decepticons are separate underwater kingdoms and absolutely despise each other omg there is so much ocean just leave each other alone-
- Optimus is a fucking drylander and is an ally to the autobot kingdom
- Megatron does not approve
- Megatron is 100% shark man and you cannot change my mind
- Soundwave is orca shaped
- the island town is in the middle of the two kingdoms
- Autobots allow fishing and ferries to travel through their territory and even have jobs that co exist with drylander jobs (fishing, underwater construction, energon wells)
- Cons will sink and drown anyone that boats or swims through their territory
- Seekers are annoying as fuck
- Jazz can swim (not well) but is terrified of sea creatures, big sea creature- LONG SEA CREATURES-SLIMY!! gross!
- Jazz noped out of the swimming scene ever since a fish touched his ankle when he was a kid
- Jazz is not enjoying his time on this god forsaken island
- Acree thinks its hilarious
- Blaster thinks it’s sad
- they both try to help him overcome his fears (forcfully)
- Jazz’s fears a warranted
- Jazz moved to the island because a family member died (yoketron) and left him a rotting house, and Jazz had problems he had to get away from
- Construticons usually work as fishermen but used to work on mainland bridge construction (that's how they met prowl)
- Autobots very much disliked when the mainland wanted to build a bridge from the coast to the island (through their territory) and sabotaged it. after awhile stories of man eating sirens and construction workers getting pulled into the water and drowning gotten too real and now there's just a half started bridge hanging out, out there.
-these stories are not true
- everyone acts weird around Jazz cause he's the only local that doesn't know ™
- Smokescreen has bets on how long Jazz will last before he leaves
- Bluestreak is not a siren, but was raised by Smokescreen and Prowl
- Bluestreak (a child at the time) was traveling on a ship from Praxus and it veered off course into con territory, they sank it and drowned nearly every survivor
- Bluestreak was holding onto debris and floated into Autobot territory and Prowl found him
- Prowl lives in the Autobot kingdom but has to come to town meetings and big events (because he works with Optimus and also Bluestreak is there so-)
-Jazz thinks Prowl is weird as fuck
- they are husbands
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teaableu · 1 year ago
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I have so many Thoughts
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eliduck · 1 month ago
can we get some uhh umm uhhh
rainworld :3?
Oleajs. :3?
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okay I kinda wanna give Rainworld a try ngl I'm a bit tempted
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