#scared civilian
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year ago
Short #4
Civilian wanted to cry, their eyes burned at the sinking feeling of disappointment, flowers already broken at the stems, petals falling from the bouquet. 
"There you are," Villain smiled, warmly enough Civilian could almost fool themselves that was, as they pretended, their old friend, the one they always knew, the one they wanted to ask out before getting into all that mess "I've been looking everywhere for you." 
But they were not. 
Villain's shadow darkened the small closet more so that it was before, illuminated only by the dimed brightness of Civilian's cellphone, and the light from the corridor outside, yet, the towering figure emanated a suffocating kind of obscurity that made the person inside feel their stomach as if riding a rollercoaster, falling quickly and seemingly, endlessly. 
There were others outside, Villain's fast glances and smiles behind them, at the sound of whispers, made it obvious. 
Villain extended their hand, their face still showing a smile, Civilian looked away trying, and failing, to appear determined, ending up feeling so small at their neverending tremors. 
"They mean no harm to you, not with me here," their assurance met with silence, a shaking lack of acknowledgement, the criminal frowned for a moment "of course they are not very patient. I know you’re upset, I’ll take you home. Come on.” 
And what other choice did they have.
Hesitating for a moment, Civilian took Villains hand, aided by the pull the other gave, they stood up with trembling legs, guided by hand to outside the building, the office building in the middle of the city. 
How could have they known? They tried to justify. 
When they reached the car, the same old car Villain had always had, modern and way over Civilian possibilities, they stood unmovable before the door opened for them, in the front (and luckily not in the trunk). 
“I’m sorry,” they whispered, head bowed down “I shouldn’t have followed you.”
“I’m sorry too. For what’s worth, I would have loved to go out with you.”
“Are you going to kill me?” they asked, wanting to keep a semblance of calm, failing as tears ran down, and the hold back of sobs made them shake harder.
“What? No, of course not,” Villain answered, taking Civilian’s head between both hands, gently twisting their head to face them, thumbs wiping off their tears “But I can’t let you run around with what you know now, I know you can understand.” 
A whimper, Villain shushed them, guiding them inside the car, fastening the seat belt and giving a quick kiss to their forehead. 
“I trust you to behave.” 
Then, they closed the door.
I do have a something for scared civilians and villains
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willosword · 1 year ago
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oh this actually hurts like on a physical level
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serpentface · 8 months ago
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Hey that's not a good shooting stance
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompts in Memes 7
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crowlixcx · 9 months ago
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Broadchurch | S2EP3 | Alec Hardy’s Wettest Moments (Part 47)
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sea-lanterns · 6 months ago
omg, the mention of koala layla in vet!reader's backpack is cute, but it also made me think of those transparent carrier backpacks that some cat owners use! the ones with a sort of see-through window and air holes so they can safely view the world outside while riding on your back <3
it'd be adorable to think of vet!reader having to go out for a supply run of some kind and stashing one of the smaller hybrids into said carrier backpacks :3c
although, i imagine they can get quite hot, as i once saw a stranger outside a coffee shop with a cat in his carrier backpack, and the cat was panting :(( so maybe it's not the best mode of transporting littler animals
that's okay, though! maybe the smaller hybrids can perch on vet!reader's shoulder instead!
I don’t think the Vet would keep any animal in those carrier backpacks for long (maybe for short distances) but even then, knowing her she’d rather use a regular carrier or just carry them herself for safety reasons 😅
But Koala! Layla is definitely a hybrid that enjoys traveling with the Vet! I can see the Vet taking her on her back whenever she needs to go on a grocery run, so you just see a woman shopping for canned goods with a Koala girl sleeping on her back, or a Crow girl (Sara) perched on her head and pecking at produce 🥺
The regular citizens on the island will call you the “crazy animal lady” because you always have one of the hybrids with you, but that’s okay because you get to take them out for a bit and explore <3
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townsenddecades · 2 months ago
To my German followers, in light of the last few days: please go vote next month. And please vote in a way that doesn't make me want to scream into my history textbooks.
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theomencometh · 9 months ago
okay i've had this scene from an au stuck in my head recently so here's 3k of timkon identity shenanigans where kon has been recently taken in by luthor for nefarious reasons and is forced to attend a gala where tim and bruce show up. robin hasn't revealed his identity to the team yet even though they've been friends for years. canon/timeline has been put in a blender and liquified.
Kon takes a deep breath in through his nose, holding it for a few seconds before slowly letting it out of his mouth.  It’s a technique that Robin taught the team when he was trying desperately to get them on a more bat-approved training regime, including meditation and an acrobatics routine that Nightwing allegedly used on the Teen Titans years ago.  Kon is fully aware that he’s got weird stuff going on with his body’s organs and systems compared to humans, but the slow, rhythmic breathing still brings comfort and helps center him, slowing everything down enough so he no longer feels like he’s going to accidentally fry someone with his heat vision.
He tugs at the collar of his dress shirt, gulping and taking a deep breath again.  The shirt and tie feels so much more restrictive than his Superboy uniform, tightening like a noose around his neck, and the inflexibility of the suit coat makes him feel like a stiff, awkward mannequin.
“Stop that,” Luthor says, putting a heavy hand on his shoulder.  Kon immediately stills, straightening and trying to relax at the same time.
“These people are vultures,” Lex says, voice low.  Kon tries to focus his super hearing on him, rather than the woman with the loud laugh across the ballroom or the clink of glasses down the hall where the staff is continuously loading and unloading equipment.  He can hear the steady beat of Lex’s heart, the rhythmic whoosh of air traveling in his lungs, the slight gurgle of his stomach (gross!).  Kon decides he doesn’t like listening to Lex Luthor very much.
“Remember what I told you,” Lex is still saying.  “Be on your best behavior.  Today is about getting your name and your face out there.  Be polite, but not a pushover.  Never let them see weakness.”
Kon forcibly bites back the retort that his only weakness is kryptonite and makes himself nod instead.
Luthor leads him over to a group of people with his hand still clamped on Connor’s shoulder like a shackle.  From there, it’s an exhausting parade of schmoozing with millionaires and billionaires, shaking hands firmly (but not too firmly!), laughing at unfunny jokes, and pretending that he loves dear old Dad instead of wanting to punt him through the nearest wall.
Kon is charming.  He knows this.  It’s something that he’s known since he freshly came out of a test tube, and it’s something that he’s perfected with smiles and body language and a well-placed word or phrase.  Kon can get most people eating out of his hand with barely any effort, but it’s usually normal people a little closer to his age, not rich, egotistical, out-of-touch old people who want to pinch his cheeks but absolutely cannot be allowed to due to his invulnerable skin.  Kon forgets everyone’s name almost as soon as he hears it, clutching his flute of sparkling cider like a lifeline (but not hard enough to shatter).
Kon doesn’t know how long he gets paraded around as Luthor’s newest pet, but it feels like forever.  Everyone talks around where he’s been for the past 17 years of his life (nonexistent and then in a lab and then gallivanting around with superheroes and then, finally, as of two month ago a little farm in Kansas until Lex Luthor uprooted everything with a few well-placed threats), and Kon lets Lex tell the cover story about how he didn’t find out about Connor until recently, but he’s happy to be reunited with his son now.
Son.  Connor isn’t anyone’s son.  He was maybe getting to be a family member to the Kents finally, but Luthor threw a wrench into all of that.
Connor had a room at the farm.  He had a chore list to do and homemade meals to eat, and Clark has finally stopped flinching when he sees him.  Clark grinned at him the other day, not his public smile or a small, polite thing, but an actual, honest to goodness grin.  Connor bets he can kiss that goodbye now, just like he can kiss goodbye ever knowing Robin’s real identity, because there’s no way that Batman will let him tell Kon now that Kon is semi-legally under the guardianship of a supervillain, and just like there’s no way that Kon can have anything remotely resembling a normal teenage experience as the ward of a billionaire and forced showpony, and just like–
“I’ll be damned,” Lex breathes next to him, interrupting Kon’s spiral.  Kon follows his gaze to the entrance of the ballroom, ears picking up the loud, boisterous laugh of Bruce Wayne clapping someone on the back a little too forcefully.  Kon has never seen Bruce Wayne in person, but he’s difficult to miss in the papers, especially with how often he finds himself in trouble.  Robin has told him of a few instances when he or one of the other Gotham vigilantes has had to rescue him, and Kon knows that Lois interviewed him once and Clark has informally run into him at a gala such as this.
Clark says he tried really hard to be the journalist from the Planet here tonight once Lex demanded that Connor be there, but it was too late notice.  Neither Clark nor Lois are among the reporters clustered in the corner.  Kon is alone.
“He didn’t RSVP,” Lex says, miffed.  Kon immediately likes Bruce Wayne significantly more because of it.  “Oh, and he brought a friend.”
Kon peers around the crowd that has quickly amassed around Gotham’s favorite billionaire and finally spots the person Bruce Wayne has a hand on the shoulder of.  It’s a teenage boy, dressed in a dark suit with dark hair parted in the middle to keep it out of his eyes.  He’s slight, but not skinny, and he’s not overly tall, probably closer to Robin or Bart’s height than Connor’s.  He doesn’t show any signs of discomfort at the press of adults around him, offering polite handshakes and letting the women kiss his cheeks the way some of them have tried with Kon.  Bruce doesn’t stray far, taking the boy with him when they finally finish with the crowd near the door and head to the bar.  The boy doesn’t seem to mind the attention.  Kon, however, does not appreciate the tone of voice that Lex used when he said friend.  He’s ready to do some superheroing if he needs to.
“Let’s go,” Lex says, putting his hand on Connor’s shoulder again to steer him through the crowd.  “Let me handle Bruce Wayne.  The kid is Timothy Drake.  He recently became the head of his parent’s company when his father died.  This is the first time he’s been seen at an event since the death.  Bruce is almost certainly going to adopt him.  Timothy stayed with him when Jack Drake was in a coma, plus he has the dark hair and light eyes and Brucie favors in his kids.  He’s your focus for the rest of the night.  Forget about everyone else.”
“Lex!  I didn’t know you’d be here, you old dog!” Bruce calls before Connor has time to process all of that, slinging an arm around Luthor’s shoulders and seemingly crushing all of the air out of him in less than a second.
“It’s my party,” Lex wheezes.
“Good thing I’m here to liven it up, eh?” Bruce asks, elbowing Luthor in the ribs.
Kon really hopes that Bruce Wayne’s obsession with dark haired, light eyed boys is an innocent coincidence, because he doesn’t want to apprehend him for being a pedophile when he’s pissing Lex off so easily.
“Hello, Timothy,” Luthor greets, holding out his hand.  Bruce pouts at being ignored while Timothy shakes politely.  “May I just say, it’s refreshing to see you out and about.  I’m sure running your parent’s company is stressful all by yourself.”
Timothy tilts his head, reminding Connor vaguely of a bird.
“I’m happy to do it,” he says, polite but firm.  “It’s what my parents would have wanted, and they left things well organized for me.”
“And I suppose Bruce here has been giving you advice?”
“Now Lex,” Bruce says, wagging his finger at him, “you know that’d be a conflict of interest.  Besides, Tim could run circles around me.  I should be asking him for advice!”
Connor feels his eyes start to glaze over as Luthor and Bruce volley back and forth, seemingly forgetting that he’s even there.  Having Lex’s attention off of him and on someone else is a much needed break, so he’s not about to complain, but it’s also really fucking rude.  Connor hasn’t even been introduced to these two.
Timothy catches his eye, sweeping his gaze over to Luthor and Bruce and rolling his eyes.  Connor smirks.  Timothy raises an eyebrow and Connor mirrors him, just a slight quirk.
Timothy looks pretty nice, up close.  His eyes are the promised light blue, but his dark eyelashes are long and thick, framing them beautifully.  He’s pale, almost reflective in the glittering chandelier light, and he carries himself with a self-assuredness that Connor envies in this environment.  The suit fits him really nicely, hugging his shoulders and accenting his trim waist and long legs.  When he raises his flute to take a sip of the drink inside, Kon finds himself tracking the liquid as it disappears past his pale pink lips, his throat flexing as he swallows.
He’s not bad to look at.  He could easily turn out to be dull as a brick or a total douchebag, but so far first impressions are good.
“And who is this young man?” Bruce asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.  Luthor puts a hand on his back to push him forward a step, and Kon doesn’t have to move, but Lex is going to be mad if he doesn’t and the situation is delicate.
“This is my son, Connor,” Luthor introduces.  Kon offers his hand with his most charming smile.
“Nice to meet you,” he says, shaking first Bruce’s hand (better grip than he expected) and then Timothy’s (rougher than he thought it’d be, skin warm).
“Son, eh?  He must take after his mother!” Bruce laughs.  Lex’s face pinches, but Connor doesn’t have a chance to relish in it before Bruce is sweeping Luthor away with another arm around his shoulder, talking loudly about secret children and parenting hacks.  Luthor tries to protest, but it’s quickly drowned out by Bruce, and he doesn’t have a chance to so much as glance back at Connor before they’re swallowed by the crowd.
Kon blinks.
“Bruce will keep him busy for a while, sorry,” Timothy says, not sounding very sorry.  He takes another sip from his glass, then leans in.  Cologne tickles Connor’s nose.
“Hold your drink by the stem, not the glass,” he says quietly.  “It’s supposed to keep your drink from getting warm, an old etiquette thing.  It’s small, but it’ll help you blend in a little more.”
Kon looks around the room, taking in the people with flutes like him and where they’re holding it.  The majority are holding the stem, and the ones that aren’t are people that Luthor hasn’t bothered to introduce him to yet.  Kon adjusts his grip accordingly, off-balance and embarrassed.
“Thanks,” he says.  Timothy tilts his head.
“You want to get some air?  There’s a balcony over there.  Your father will be able to find you easily once Bruce releases him.”
“Yes,” Kon agrees immediately.  He’s used to not fitting in, but having the eyes of so many judgy rich people on him when he’s pretending to be Lex Luthor’s human son has been exhausting.  No one has been too rude so far, but the weight of Lex’s hand on his shoulder is heavy, and this complicated set of social rules that he still doesn’t understand puts him on edge.
Normally he’d say fuck the rules and do what he wants, but the situation is too delicate for that.  Clarke and Robin both told him that he needs to be careful and think twice about every move he makes, and for once neither of them sounded condescending about it.  He could tell that they don’t like the situation, either, worry and sympathy clear in their faces.
“Come on,” Timothy says, heading towards a set of double doors.  He doesn’t glance back, trusting Connor to follow him, and Connor does, stepping in his footsteps as he expertly weaves through the crowd, deflecting anyone trying to stop to speak to them with smooth excuses and a well-placed smile.  In no time at all he’s pushing open the large french doors, releasing them from the ballroom and into the cool night air.
Kon tilts his head up, blinking at the night sky above him.  It’s cloudy, obscuring what few stars manage to make their way through the light pollution to reach Metropolis.  Connor wishes he could fly up there, feel the dampness of early rain on his face, burst into the dark and escape everything.  For now, he keeps his feet on the ground, instead joining Timothy by the railing.
“So, how often do you come to these things, Timothy?” Connor asks, leaning back on his elbows.  The other boy perches with a hip pressed against the railing, arms crossed over his chest.
“Tim, please,” he says.  “Timothy makes me feel like I’m in trouble or you’re trying to swindle me out of a business deal.”
“Okay.  How often do you come to these things, Tim?” Connor corrects, testing the feel of it in his mouth.  Tim relaxes at the sound.
“Decently often, but I usually stick to Gotham,” he says.  “I’ll have to start coming to more now that I’m in charge of Drake Industries, but I grew up going to galas.  Is this your first one since Luthor found you?”
“Is it that obvious?” Connor asks.  Tim smirks, but shakes his head.
“I think I’d remember if I’d seen you at one of these before.”
Connor flashes him a charming smile.
“I bet you say that to all the boys.”  Tim’s cheeks turn pink, his blush noticeable against his pale skin even with the limited light out here.  Kon takes a sip of his sparkling cider, satisfaction making it taste sweeter on his tongue.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but we’re probably the only people under thirty in the whole building besides some of the catering staff,” Tim says. 
“You missed the toddler earlier,” Connor hums.  “She was throwing a tantrum.  I very much sympathized.”
“Did I really?” Tim asks dryly.  “What a pity.  Oh no.  How unfortunate that Bruce likes being fashionably late to everything.”
Connor snorts.
“Bruce Wayne, huh?” he says.  “How’d you two meet?”
Tim shifts so he’s leaning back against the railing like Kon.  Kon takes a moment to drink in his profile, tracing the sharp jut of his nose, the hair shielding his eyes from him at this angle.
“He’s my neighbor,” Tim says.  “I’ve kind of always known him, but our families weren’t really close until a few years ago.  When my dad was in a coma, Bruce took me in.  My uncle was supposed to get custody of me now, but…”
Tim trails off, searching for words.  Eventually, he shrugs.
“He’s fostering me right now.  We’ll see where it goes from there.”
“Do you want to stay with him?” Kon asks.  Tim considers his words carefully.  Connor’s mouth is always running away with him, but Tim seems to have the opposite approach.  Everything is measured and careful, cold and tactical.  It reminds Kon of Robin in the middle of missions, keeping his reactions even and methodical to counteract the impulsiveness of the rest of the team.  Kon wonders if Tim is the type of person to let himself be stupid and emotional around friends like Robin is, or if he always keeps everything bottled up.
“Yeah, I do,” Tim breathes eventually.  “But it’s complicated.”
“What do you mean?”
Another pause.  Kon does Robin’s breathing exercise, staying patient.  Some people need time to talk, and Kon can’t help if he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
“I guess I don’t want him to adopt me because he feels obligated,” Tim says.  “He has a family.  There’s–It’s a long story, too long to explain now.  Sorry, this is a weird first impression, huh? But enough about me!  What about you?  Where were you before Luthor found you?”
“Uh,” Connor says, still recovering from the whiplash of topics and searching for Luthor’s cover story.  “Kansas.”
“Kansas?” Tim prompts.
“Yeah, Kansas. I was in the foster system for a while, then I got adopted by this nice old couple who live on a farm in Smallville, which is just as small as it sounds.  I didn’t know anything about my birth parents until Lex showed up.”
“Wow,” Tim says.  “This has to be a big adjustment, then.”
Connor scratches the back of his neck.
“Yeah, kinda.”
Kon’s whole life feels like a big adjustment, from adjusting to existing and Clark’s negative feelings towards him, to adjusting to working for Camdus and living in Hawaii, to adjusting to Young Justice and Teen Titans, to finally trying to adjust to Smallville, only to be ripped away from that and forced into Metropolis high society.
“Do you miss them?” Tim asks.  “The old couple who adopted you?”
Kon swallows against the unexpected pang that rolls through him.  He can almost taste Martha’s pancakes on his tongue and hear the crinkle of the newspaper as Jonathan hands him the cartoons.
“I wasn’t with them very long.  Only a few months.”
Tim tilts his head.
“That doesn’t answer the question.”
Connor shrugs.  He doesn’t know what the right answer is here.  Martha and Jonathan are the closest thing he’s ever had to parents, but part of him never expected to stay with them.  When Luthor ripped him away from them, there was a part of Kon that wasn’t surprised at all, even if a bigger part was in agony.
Martha kissed his forehead when he left the farm and gave him a sad smile.
“You can always come back here, okay?  This is your home, no matter what Lex Luthor has to say about it.”
“If they formally adopted you, Lex Luthor’s claim as your biological father isn’t enough to force cut contact,” Tim says, pushing off the railing and taking a few steps closer.  “Trust me.  I researched this stuff when my dad came out of his coma.”
Kon frowns.
“He didn’t like Bruce?”
Tim wavers.
“It’s complicated,” he offers.  Kon snorts.
“Yeah, I get that.”
Tim’s mouth quirks up, giving Connor the shadow of a smile again.
“It’s not really a first meeting story.”
“Guess we need a second meeting, then,” Connor says.
“Yeah?” Tim asks.  “My weird family dynamic really captivated you, huh?”
“It was your eyes first, actually,” Connor says.  Tim opens his mouth, then closes it again, eyes wide.  Kon holds his breath.  He says flirty things all the time, both to his friends and to people he rescues who seem like they need a pick-me-up, but it’s been a while since he sincerely flirted with someone he plans to see again.  He almost never does it with someone who only knows him as Connor rather than Superboy, much less a boy.
If this goes badly and Tim tells the entire Metropolis elite that Lex’s son is a homosexual, maybe the scandal will be enough for Luthor to send him back to Smallville.  If it goes well…
“You have… very nice eyes, too,” Tim says eventually.  Connor beams, then beams even more at the sharp inhale Tim draws in response.  Tim shifts.
“Hey, do you want to get out of here?” he asks.  “There’s a decent ice cream place open late a few blocks away.  We can be there and back before anyone misses us.”
Connor glances towards Luthor in the ballroom.  He’s still talking to Bruce Wayne, and they’ve amassed a small crowd around them.
“Bruce will keep Lex busy for a while.  He likes to talk.  Besides, you can always tell him that you were networking,” Tim offers.
Luthor said that Tim should be his focus for the rest of the night.  He never said that they had to stay at the gala.
“Lead the way,” he says, gesturing grandly towards the French doors.  Tim blinks once, then again, then smiles.  His eyes light up with it, and Kon suddenly understands why Tim had to inhale before.
“Come on,” Tim says, leading the way.  Kon follows just as closely as he did before, trailing him until they spill out into the Metropolis night and he can stand next to him, almost close enough for their arms to brush.
Maybe living with Lex Luthor won’t be so bad if comes with seeing Tim Drake, too.
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sosadraws · 8 months ago
Your typical horse girl movie, but it's an imperial civilian and a heavily wounded SAPR (that gets confused as a MNHR for most of the story)
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year ago
Short #1
“Oh my,” Civilian heard in the distance, a fog blurring their sight, and the unshakable feeling of exhaustion confusing their head “poor little thing, left for dead.” 
The figure approached, kneeling in the ground beside them, softly grabbing their head with both their hands, guiding it upwards, towards them, stroking their sweaty hair, wet with something sticky, something dark and too agitating to think about at that time and place. 
A weave of nausea quickly catched up, forcing Civilian to react, moving in a quick motion their head to the side, throwing up all over the floor beside them and the stranger handling them with so much care. 
“Oh love, that can’t be good,” the figure continued, pulling them close once again, a handkerchief cleaning the corners of their mouth with light taps “what do you say I take you home? I can make it all better, I bet that you’re feeling quite uncomfortable right now.” 
Civilian nodded absentmindedly, only half processing what they were agreeing to, immediate relief from their pain and turmoil coming right before self preservation. Vampire related incidents were on the rise in the city, it was an open secret. 
The stranger smiled warmly. 
“I’m glad,” they said, twisting the young person in their arms to carry them comfortably to the elegant white car waiting for them, door opened, man waiting beside it “you’re gonna be the perfect example for Hero, he needs to learn how dangerous they are when rejecting their sires help, they must not have even realised they left you there dying.” 
The stranger sighed, getting them inside the car, resting Civilian’s head over their lap, not caring for the blood and grime staining their pants and car seats. 
“Don’t worry, pretty thing, I’ll take care of you until they are capable, even if that takes a couple decades.” 
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sockendrache · 2 years ago
Headcanon that the Tsaritsa is perpetually crying
Hear me out:
for some reason I imagine that the Tsaritsa is constantly crying- not even with the typical ‘crying noises’. Just, always shedding tears.
1, because it makes me feel all mushy to imagine the Archon of Love constantly crying for her people
2, because it’s kinda funny
Y’know. Snezhnaya is fucking COLD, Childe says you ‘freeze to death’ if you keep standing around. So her tears just freeze instantly and fall on the ground like little glass pearls, and whenever the Tsaritsa goes you just hear the constant clatter of her tears
Imagine if she really just can’t control it, and she’s having some kinda serious meeting with her Harbingers, while the space on the table before her just slowly fills up with frozen tears.
(Dottore keeps reaching over and grabbing a few of them to snack on. Pierro thinks it’s inappropriate to consume the tears of her Majesty, the Tsaritsa doesn’t mind; she’s got plenty to go around.)
People slip on them all the time (most notably Childe lol) because the whole floor in the Palace is covered in them.
Imagine if she has to leave Snezhnaya for some kinda diplomatic bullshit, like. She’s meeting up with Zhongli in Liyue to, idk, discuss their contract, and Zhongli invites her to some tea.
So, they’re sitting in like, idk, Xinyue Kiosk and do important business talk. Xiao squats out on the roof incase something happens (wasn’t Zhongli’s idea. Xiao just showed up and he didn’t have the heart to turn him away.) Childe and Signora sit on either side of the Tsaritsa. Awkward doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Then... her Majesty clears her throat. “This... tea.”, she says, staring at the cup with an expression that could be disgust or curiosity. Or both- probably both.
“...yes? Is there something wrong with it? It is a herbal blend from-”
“No, no, it’s quite lovely. But... is it just me, or does it have a slightly... salty note?”
Zhongli looks stunned. (Salty Herbal tea?? Xiangling might be interested in this)
 Next to her, Signora does that ‘nose exhale’ laugh.
Childe slowly puts down his chopsticks (he’s not eating anything. just... practicing.), looks between the cup of tea and her Majesty.
“...your Majesty. The tea is salty because you’re crying right into it.”
“Ah. Yes, I suppose that’s the case.”
Zhongli pours her a new cup of tea. Signora wordlessly starts freezing the Tsaritsa’s tears before they ruin her tea again. Childe (not so subtly) collects the frozen tears in a bag for Dottore to eat later.
Xiao is still sitting on the roof.
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shecarnionmyval · 7 months ago
no carnival patrol tonight because i have a stalker ?? 😭
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genesisorionix22 · 5 months ago
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So I have an OC,
This is Dr Penn (sometimes Penny, He/She), a Höllvanian doctor researching the Technocyte infestation. Initially she was working with Scaldra but he didn't want the infestation to be destroyed necessarily since it could be used for great medical benefit
So he sought out Albrecht to become one of his "Volunteers", and was infected with the Nidus batch. Now she can kinda speak to and through the techrot, as well as VERY rapidly heal wounds and regrow whole limbs (though the new flesh is fully infested, not Penny's)
Her weapons of choice are a Vesper-77 Pistol stolen from a Scaldra agent and just a fucking chainsaw. Guy who tears you in two. Girl who is so blood and guts. It's surprisingly effective against the armoured suits some Scaldra soldiers use, as well as for cutting through thick techrot.
Idk if he would be directly allied with the Hex, she feels like the kind of person to more hide out and experiment by herself.
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greenlaut · 1 year ago
wake up gays i wrote banger line for my silly ac sona
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petrichal · 6 months ago
Saw a tweet post from the official OP account where it's a pic of Koby among Cobra and Sabo (basically everyone who's involved in the arc outside of Egghead in the anime atm) and the main caption was "A major event that will shake the world." - and it's not something we haven't heard of already but it really hits home that while the Strawhats are on an adventure (like for now, Elbaf), things are actively moving in the background, islands going into riots and Celestial Dragons slowly losing their resources, the world as we know it has shifted into a state of impending turmoil that it's culminating into this overall sense of dread.
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automeris-io-moth · 8 months ago
heeeey! could we have more villain x civilian snipets?
Request #10
Civilian's hand trembled still, a firm grasp on the phone, a sense of security they were terrified to lose, even if they knew they would never be fast enough to actually use it, and that it could be snatched away faster than Villain could snap. Yet, they held it tight to their chest. 
They swallowed, meeting Villain's gaze after a few moments catching their breath, trying their best not to look as scared as they were. 
"I've already told the heroes no, I won’t collaborate with the superpowered," Civilian stated, a tremble sneaking in their voice "you're not getting anything out of me willingly."
And at that Villain chuckled, a gloves hand travelling towards Civilians own, taking the phone out of their grip, battling against a bit of unintentional resistance from their victim, though they could not blame them for such.
“Luckily for me, I have much better ways of persuasion,” they answered, “an enhancer would be invaluable and I am nothing but resilient.” 
Civilian swallowed “And what are those? Blackmail? Extortion? Threats of violence?”
“If it’s needed,” Villain answered, grabbing Civilian’s cheeks in a pinch “is it? Needed I mean”
“I won’t help you.” 
“Then I guess we’ll start from the top down,” they answered, distancing themselves from Civilian once again “meet me at the address I’ll text you later at night, or don’t bother picking your sibling up from baseball practice on sunday, they won’t be there waiting.” 
And while Villain’s steps walked away and down the stairs, Civilian trembled still as they knelt on the cold wooden floors of their office. 
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