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snippet #3
Contains: blood (not much), knives, violence
Civilian’s eyes fluttered open, their vision intensely blurry. Blinking a few times to clear it up and wincing from a sharp pain in their temple, they raised their head. Instantly they startled, letting out a yelp as a figure came into focus across from them—staring right at their face.
“Awake at last,” the person drawled, tapping their fingers on the table-the table?
“W-wh…” words failed Civilian immediately, their mouth refusing to cooperate. Their brain hadn’t yet caught up with their surroundings, but they were pretty sure they were sitting up. Why would they be sitting up? Who was the person on the other side of the table? Where-
“I’m sure you have quite a few questions.” The stranger’s voice interrupted their train of thought. “But I have some rather more pressing ones for you as well.”
Another wave of hurt came from Civilian’s head. They reached up a hand to steady themself, ignoring the stranger, but felt something…wet. With some hesitance, they took it away. It was covered in blood.
“I’m sorry about that,” the person said in a tone that didn’t sound very apologetic. “My employee was a little rough. But it was a necessary precaution, as I’m sure you’ll soon understand.”
Civilian tried to respond, to ask what was going on, but their voice wouldn’t cooperate. All that came out was a dry, rasping cough that shook their whole body.
“I’ll give you a minute to recover,” said the stranger. They shifted through a pile of papers on their side of the table that Civilian hadn’t noticed before. Their pen jotted a few quick notes down on one of the sheets while Civilian took a deep breath, trying their best to ground themself. They couldn’t panic. They had to stay focused. If they couldn’t figure out what was happening and didn’t manage to escape on their own… well, Lover had insisted on them having that tracker in their phone.
“Wh-where am I?” They finally managed. Their voice was hoarse, as if it hadn’t been used in months. Hell, they didn’t know how long they’d been out. It was possible. Unlikely, sure, but possible. God, I really, really, really hope not.
The stranger smiled and wrote something on their page. “The Agency, of course.”
Civilian blinked. “The-the Agency? Like… the hero agency. For people with actual superpowers? What?”
“Most people with actual superpowers, as you say,” the stranger corrected. “There are always those who slip through our fingers and dedicate themselves to villainy. That’s what I’ve brought you here to discuss.”
Their head pounded. “Who are you?”
The stranger’s grin widened. “Why, I’m Superhero. I thought that was quite obvious.”
“S-Superhero?” This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. They’d eaten spicy food last night and were having a bad dream, that’s it. Why would Superhero, of all people, kidnap them? They weren’t a hero, not even a sidekick. Sure they had powers, but the Agency only took first and secondary powered individuals. Civilian’s tertiary power, the ability to calm others with their singing, was good for helping Lover relax after a long day at work, but not so much for fighting crime.
“Yes. Now then, Civilian, I wanted to ask you something…” Superhero flipped through a file, pulling out a photograph. “Do you know who this is?”
Civilian raised an eyebrow, wincing when they found it hurt to do so. Of course they knew who it was. The picture was of Supervillain, the most notorious criminal in the city. They had evaded the heroes for years, stealing from every important figure in range and causing destruction with their powers of invulnerability and telekinesis. In the photo, they had their hands raised, floating in front of a smoking skyscraper. A team of heroes were surrounding them from all angles, but they wore a confident smirk, as if they knew something no one else did. “That’s Supervillain.”
“Indeed. Now—“ Supervillain took another photo from their folder and slid it across the table. “I believe you know this person?”
Civilian started. The image was of Lover, wearing a suit in a restaurant. They appeared to be meeting with a business partner, as they often did. “Why do you-“
“Answer the question, Civilian,” the hero interrupted. “Do you or do you not know this person?”
“I-I do,” they stammered. What did Lover have to do with this, whatever ‘this’ was? “But-“
“Everything will become clear in just a moment.” Superhero withdrew the photo and placed it back in the file. “You and this person, Lover, have been dating for over three years. Is that correct?”
Civilian stared at them. “I…yes. That’s right.”
“And you work as a performer?”
“Yes. I’m a-a singer.”
The crimefighter scribbled something and glanced down at a paper. “And Lover, they’re in business?”
“Real estate,” they said numbly. “But why-“
“All in due time,” Superhero said without looking up. “Real estate,” they chuckled quietly, giving no explanation. “And you met them when?”
Civilian shifted in their chair. “A little under four years ago. I was doing a show at a restaurant. They came up after, gave me a tip, complimented my voice…”
“And you lived happily ever after,” Superhero finished for them, flipping through a few more pages. “You live together, yes? An apartment building off 57th?”
“How do you-“
“Nice apartment for a real estate mogul, isn’t it?” they cut in. “Penthouse and everything?”
“They work for a very successful-“
Superhero closed the file with a pronounced slam. Their expression was incomprehensible. “You want to know why you’re here, Civilian?”
Civilian, caught off guard, nodded.
The hero folded their hands on the table. “I want information on Supervillain.”
Their head was spinning. This was all so confusing, so wrong. None of it made any sense. Why would Superhero kidnap them—violently, it seemed—and think they knew any more about Supervillain than the Agency? “I don’t know why you think I can help you. I don’t know anything about them. Please, I don’t know what you did to me, but just leave me alone.”
Superhero tilted their head to the side, a pitying expression forming on their face. “I know you know, Civilian. Don’t make me do something I don’t want to.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” they snapped, standing up. They were done with this. Clearly, Superhero wasn’t the person everyone thought they were, all shiny and moral, placed on a pedestal by the whole city. “But I don’t want to hear it.” They stormed over to the door and were about to throw it open when their body froze against their will, hands slamming to their sides.
“Sit,” Superhero said.
Civilian’s eyes widened in horror as their legs began to move back towards the chair of their own volition. They’d never seen Superhero’s powers used before, never imagined how terrifying it could be. The ability to control others with their mind, used to easily dispatch criminals without any need for bloodshed. They struggled to no avail as their hand reached to pull out their chair. Superhero’s face was full of mock disappointment.
“Now then,” the hero said as Civilian was forced to sit down again. “Let’s continue, shall we? We were talking about Supervillain, weren’t we?”
Civilian couldn’t speak. They couldn’t move. They were trapped in their own body, unable to do anything but move their eyes.
“Please don’t continue your naive stubbornness,” they sighed. “I’m afraid I don’t have the patience for it. Tell me what you know. This is your last chance.”
“I don’t know anything,” were the words that shot out immediately, before Civilian even realized they could talk again. “Please believe me, I don’t know-“
“Civilian, dear.” Superhero shook their head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe you when I know you’re dating Supervillain.”
Their breathing stopped. “What?”
“Supervillain, Lover…” the hero shrugged. “One and the same. I mean, it all seems quite obvious now. I simply can’t trust that you didn’t know.”
A laugh burbled up in Civilian’s throat. “You can’t be serious. Lover, a master criminal? That’s ridiculous. You have the wrong person. Lover doesn’t even have powers.”
“So you’re telling me you’ve never noticed anything off about them? Like the way they never seem to get injured, even everyday things like paper cuts and little bruises?” they asked skeptically.
“They’re just-just lucky, I guess.” Come on. Anyone could avoid injury just by being careful. And besides, just because Civilian had never seen them get hurt doesn’t mean they never had been.
Superhero’s eyebrows rose. “Lucky. All right, how about the way they’re gone from dusk to dawn with no real explanation? Or how we’ve witnessed them meeting with Villain, a known criminal, under the guise of making a real estate deal?”
Civilian shook their head vehemently. “No. No. No. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. It’s all just a misunderstanding. They’re not like that. They would never break the law like that, put people in danger.” Their voice rose. “You don’t know them.”
The hero let out a snarl, their face contorting, rising half out of their chair. “You know something. I know you do. You will tell me.”
“I don’t know anything!” Civilian yelled, standing up again. Superhero seemed to have forgotten to keep controlling them. “Leave me alone!”
Superhero rose to their full height, sliding their chair back. Their expression was murderous. They put a hand on the edge of the table and slammed it to the left, making it crash into the wall. Civilian let out a yelp, hastily stumbling backward as Superhero approached.
“St-stay away from me,” Civilian said, hands outstretched. Their back hit the wall. Before they could move, Superhero’s hand smashed into the brick beside their head. With their other, they pulled a knife from their belt. Civilian froze, terrified eyes meeting the hero’s furious ones.
“You do know. You know everything. And I will drag it out of you however I need to,” they growled. “I don’t even need this knife, though it would be fun. I could make you jump out of the window. I could make you stab yourself in the heart. So I suggest you tell me what I want to know. Now.”
Tears began to slide down Civilian’s face. “Lover isn’t Supervillain, I don’t know anything, I swear, I don’t know—“
Superhero’s knife slashed up in a flash of silver, cutting a bold line across their cheek. They cried out, more tears mingling with the blood that immediately began to stream down their chin in a thin, steady line.
“How dare you,” they demanded, managing to glare the supposed hero down through their pain. “Everyone parades you around, saying how amazing and great you are, and here you are torturing me.”
A sinister smile formed on Superhero’s face. They angled their knife on their captive’s shoulder, starting to slowly dig in with the tip. Civilian bit their lip, determined to be defiant. “No one ever needs to know. Give me what I want, and I’ll stop. Simple as that.”
“I…” they trailed off, gasping as Superhero dug their blade deeper into their shoulder. “Don’t know… anything.”
“You lying bi—“
BOOM. The door fell flat on the wooden floor, sending up a cloud of dust. Bricks clattered to the ground, loosened by the force. Superhero whirled around, knife still held tightly in their fist. A tall figure stepped into the light, clad in a dark gray supersuit and a black mask that covered their features. A mask anyone in the city would recognize.
“No,” Civilian breathed, forgetting their pain.
“Supervillain,” Superhero drawled. In a flash, they turned momentarily to seize Civilian’s wrist and pull them forward. They were too frozen to struggle as the hero’s arm wrapped around their waist and the knife was placed on their pulse point, forcing their chin up. “How nice of you to join us.”
Civilian held back a sob as Supervillain’s masked gaze slid to them. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. They hadn’t believed it for a second, not through the hero’s insistence. They had never doubted their partner, not ever. They’d never had a reason to. But now…
“Lover.” The name was less than a whisper on their lips, but the villain still flinched.
Superhero glanced down at their hostage. “You really didn’t know?” They gave an exaggerated sigh. “Well, I suppose you were somewhat useful. Now…” They faced Supervillain with a triumphant expression. “Turn yourself over to me, or I slit their pretty little throat.”
Supervillain’s finger twitched. It was an almost imperceptible movement, unnoticeable had Civilian not been watching them a hawk. A wicked blade, about twelve inches long, sat in the air in front of Superhero’s face. It was as if it had appeared out of nowhere. The hero stiffened.
“Release them. Now. Or I kill you. They’re innocent, they have no part in this.” Their voice was both familiar and unfamiliar, deeper and a little raspier than usual.
Superhero sneered at them around the blade. “They lost their innocence the second they started dating a master criminal. They’re just collateral now.” They increased their pressure on the knife, causing a thin line of blood to bead up on the hostage’s neck. “You’re fast, but are you fast enough? You might kill me, but you’ll be too late to save them.”
Civilian trembled in the hero’s grip, staring at the criminal’s motionless figure. They didn’t want Supervillain—Lover—to kill Superhero, no matter how terrible they were. They didn’t want to watch Lover do such a horrible thing, accept that they were capable of murder. It was the right thing for Supervillain to turn themself in, but Superhero was corrupt, possibly unstable. Civilian didn’t want to see them win either.
“Fine.” Supervillain’s blade clattered to the ground. The criminal held out their hands to Superhero. “Take me. Just let them go.”
The hero grinned. They stepped away from Civilian, offering the knife to them handle-first. “Hold this for me, love. For insurance.”
For the second time, their hand moved of its own accord. To their horror, it grabbed the knife and placed it on their neck again. They were frozen like that, not even able to speak. Supervillain’s shoulders tightened. The hero drew closer to them, taking a pair of thick power-suppressing handcuffs from their belt.
“I can’t believe all it took to bring in the mighty Supervillain was a little mouse of a civilian,” they said, grabbing the criminal’s left hand roughly and forcing it into one of the cuffs, securing it with a loud click. The hero lifted their head and smirked at their masked face. “Ridiculous, isn’t it?”
“Quite,” Supervillain murmured. Their captor continued speaking, but it wasn’t Superhero they were looking at. Instead, they gazed past at their partner’s ashen face, the blood matted in their hair, running from their cheek and shoulder. That’s when Civilian saw it. The subtle twitch of the villain’s finger on their uncuffed hand. The dusty brick that seemed to appear out of nowhere, hovering just above Superhero’s head. The hostage’s eyes widened. The hero hadn’t seen the movement, they were focused on their monologue, convinced they had already won. Civilian couldn’t say anything, couldn’t warn them. They weren’t even sure they wanted to.
The brick came down. Superhero collapsed to the ground mid-sentence. Civilian dropped their knife, backing away. They watched as Supervillain knelt and unclipped a set of keys from the unconscious hero’s belt. They chose a silver one and unlocked the cuff on their left wrist, letting it fall to the floor with a clatter. Only then did they look up at their partner. Soundlessly, they brought a hand to their face and slipped off their black mask, revealing the features beneath. Lover’s eyes met theirs.
“Civilian, I’m so sorry—“
“Save it, Lover,” they said, voice trembling. “You lied to me. You’ve lied to me from the day we met. You’re a villain.”
Their pain was obvious on their face. “I know. It’s my fault you’re here. I’m so, so sorry, Civilian. I never meant for you to get hurt.”
“I was going to get hurt anyway!” they burst out. “No matter what happened, you were going to hurt me. Maybe not like this, but did you really think you could hide who you are forever? Why did you do this?” Their voice broke. “Why would you do this to me?”
“Because I’m selfish,” they said. “And I love you. I loved you too much to tell you, and I was too selfish to let you go.”
“Is that supposed to make me forgive you?” Tears began to well up in their eyes again. Their head pounded. “Because you love me, you think that makes everything okay?”
“Of course not.” Their voice was full of anguish. “It doesn’t make up for it. Nothing does. I don’t expect you to forgive me. I would understand if you hated me forever.”
“Lover…” Civilian put a hand to their forehead. The room was spinning, lightheadedness sinking in. “Lover, I don’t—“
Their knees buckled. Lover was there in a millisecond, catching them gently and holding them upright. Their head fell into Lover’s shoulder. The villain examined them with concern. A sheen of sweat stood out at their hairline. Their breathing was shallow and laborious.
“Civilian. Civilian, are you all right?” they asked.
“It-it hurts,” they whispered.
Their partner’s eyes widened. “You’ve lost more blood than I thought. Your adrenaline’s kept you functioning all this time.” They placed a hand under Civilian’s knees and lifted them up into their arms. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“I want to go home,” they mumbled.
Lover gave them a sad smile, starting out of the empty door frame. “So do I, my love.”
So do I.
word count: 2948
#probably my favorite snippet i've ever written#so please like and reblog if you enjoyed!#probably no continuation for this#heroes and villains#my writing#writing#hero x villain#hero x villain community#heroes and villains community#villain x hero#villains and heroes#whump#whumpblr#whump writing#supervillain#supervillain x civilian#villain x civilian#civilian x villain#civilian#assorted writing#assorted snippets
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British troops hand out chocolate to civilians on their way through a Dutch village - Netherlands, Sept 1944
#world war two#ww2#1940s#worldwar2photos#history#wwii#ww2 history#world war 2#1944#wwii era#ww2history#dutch#netherlands#civilian#chocolate#confectionery#british army
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Hey! Do you think you could do something about a sweet civilian secretary x a flirty supervillain? Maybe ssssspicy pls
“Quite a week, hm?” the civilian said. They stood in the door, slowly shifting. They’d been running around in those terrible shoes all day. Their back hurt.
“M-hm.” The villain absentmindedly stared at their monitor. It was getting dark outside.
And the civilian could merely sigh and close the door behind them, clearly exhausted. They walked up to the supervillain’s desk and let a few files drop onto it.
At least that caught their attention.
“I think those hydrogen bombs can wait until Monday, don’t you think?”
“I…” The supervillain looked their secretary up and down. Their gaze was slowly gliding down the civilian’s body and then came up again, just as agonisingly tediously. “…I suppose you’re right, sweetheart.”
Their jaw had dropped a little and they looked undeniably intrigued. But also, quite adorable.
It was a little comical how they’d work on deadly plans and look like that at the same time.
The civilian bit the inside of their cheek. It wasn’t unusual for the supervillain to look at them like this and they were certainly more comfortable when it was just the two of them in the office.
However, they were still a little nervous. They knew the supervillain well enough to know that they weren’t going to hurt them, but the civilian wasn’t quite sure if they could keep up with the supervillain.
Someone this powerful had taken a liking to them? It seemed pretty unlikely. Almost too good to be true. Of course, the civilian wanted them, too. But, what if the supervillain just wanted some fun with no strings attached?
Could the civilian’s heart even endure that?
“Can I give you a promotion for looking great?”
“I think that’s inappropriate,” the civilian replied. They still had to smile.
“Ugh, you’re right.” The supervillain leaned back in their chair and stretched, sighing quietly. The civilian could see how their back arched and they instantly stared at the ground, instead of their boss. Unfortunately, the supervillain was a little too attractive. “Can I take you out to dinner then?”
“Again? Be careful, some might say you favour me.”
“I do favour you.” The supervillain grinned. They had dimples. “Is that such a crime?”
“It doesn’t exactly make you a fair boss,” the civilian said.
Last time, they had kissed. They had actually kissed after dinner. They hadn’t even been to a fancy restaurant, the supervillain had invited them to their home, they had cooked for the civilian.
And then, after dinner, the civilian had kissed the supervillain - it was so stupid. The civilian was so stupid.
They were probably nothing more than a toy for the supervillain - they needed to keep those walls they’d built around them high up.
“Honestly, I don’t want to be your boss anymore. I want to be something else.” The civilian stared down at them, surprised.
“I’m saying that I adore you.” The supervillain was…blushing? The civilian cleared their throat. “I adore you a lot. Can’t stop thinking about you.”
“You want a fling and some distraction. Don’t mistake that for love,” the civilian said and the supervillain leaned forward, elbows on their knees, head in front of the civilian’s hips.
“I wasn’t talking about a fling,” the supervillain clarified. Their voice was still calm, still sweet. “I understand if you’re not interested, I just enjoy being around you a lot. I want something serious with you.”
“We…” The civilian touched the supervillain’s shoulder. They swallowed. “…we really shouldn’t…”
The supervillain leaned against the civilian’s lower stomach, pressing their face against the civilian’s clothes. And the civilian’s heart dropped low.
Did the supervillain actually like them?
“It makes things, work, it makes work difficult,” the civilian said. But they still combed through the supervillain’s hair with their fingers, still came a bit closer.
“I understand,” the supervillain said. They looked up and the civilian framed their face with their hands, feeling the supervillain’s jawline curve under their skin. The civilian stared at the supervillain’s lips.
They were beyond help, weren’t they?
“I…mean, one kiss can’t hurt, but…” The civilian’s voice had dropped to a whisper. Eventually, they leaned down and pressed their lips against the supervillain’s. They parted quickly. “…just one.”
They stared at each other.
A second passed.
And the civilian leaned in again, kissing the supervillain harder this time. Just one. They grabbed the supervillain’s clothes, desperate for something to hold onto. They felt their heart pump hard enough to hurt.
“Sit down on my lap,” their boss murmured when they parted for the second time. They grabbed the civilian’s hips and pulled them towards them.
And right there, right then, with their tongue in the supervillain’s mouth, the civilian realised that they didn’t care about a possible heartbreak; all they wanted to do was devour the supervillain.
#not prfrd#writing snippet#heroes and villains#supervillain#civilian#supervillain x civilian#supervillainxcivilian#civilian x supervillain#civilian x villain#an answer for an ask#request
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Prompt #3501
"You know," the first journalist said quietly, "if the two of us put our notes together, we could uncover the secret identities of every cape in this city."
"So why don't we?"
"Libel laws? Sympathy for the heroes?" They paused, considering. "Self preservation?"
Their rival laughed. "When have either of us ever had any self preservation?"
"Touché. ....So, we're doing this?"
"We're doing this. Let's go."
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wanted to post these by themselves ! getchu some Here
#dialtown#henrys art#henrys doodles#sgt norm allen#phonegingi#oliver swift#randy jade#karen dunn#fusco#civilian#typegingi#roger jones
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I wanted to write a civilian story and this is what came out of my brain. I hope y’all like!
Warnings: Mentions of a violent encounter with a pretty creepy bad guy.
The body floated, bobbed one might say, aimlessly in the expensive botanical garden’s pond. With the amount of algae in the water it was a wonder Civilian had seen the thing at all, let alone recognize the figure.
But recognize the figure they did… and it made the horrific sight all the more terrifying.
Civilian bit back a scream as the bloated body floated closer to them.
Bloated…that meant the body had been in there for at least a day right? At least that’s what all those cop shows said…Civilian was a historian, not a doctor…oh god it was getting closer!
Civilian clutched their messenger bag close to their chest and backed away from the pond. Five minutes…five minutes was all it took to scar them for life. Five minutes to change everything Civilian thought they knew about their gracious hosts at the historic hotel.
God, they were such a fool.
They had their suspicions. Of course they did, but when the opportunity came to stay at the very place they had spent years researching came up…there was no question. They had a sabbatical coming up anyway, where better to have it than on the actual location?
But now…
The body was face down, but it was no question who it was, and who had done this. Villain had been threatening the Senator for months, it was all over the news. But how did Villain know the Senator was staying in this specific hotel in England? Hell, why was Civilian’s timing so terrible?!
There was a rustling in the bushes to their right. Civilian whipped their head around hoping against hope that the sound was the normal squirrel or bird one would find in a botanical garden.
The rustling stopping as soon as Civilian looked over. They caught a glimpse of something metallic reflecting the sun…so, not an animal then.
Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.
Maybe Civilian could play it off as if they saw nothing? Just glance away and find the path back to the hotel where there was a cell signal and they could call for help. That was good, now they just needed to look away.
Shit, why were they so frozen?
They slowly edged backwards towards the tan gravel path. Civilian couldn’t help but keep looking at the bush, waiting for whoever was in there to strike. As soon as they had made it three steps a deep voice rang out from the shrubbery,
“Got somewhere to be? You only just got here.”
Civilian turned and ran.
They ran faster than they ever had in their life. Their feet pounded on the gravel with as much force as their heart pounded against their rib cage. In their hast they couldn’t find it in their throat to scream for help. Help from someone, anyone.
Their running wasn’t fast enough.
A hand grabbed the back of their messenger bag and yanked them back. Civilian choked on air as their back viciously hit the ground. A knee was on their chest and a hand over their mouth as soon as their body was down.
“Now, now love. All I need is a little chat about what you just saw. No need to be so on edge.” The man on top of them wore a dark mask and his leather gloves smelled against Civilian’s face. The man’s silver watch periodically glinted the reflection of the sun with each spasm Civilian experienced.
They frantically tried to claw the hand off their mouth, tears already leaking from their eyes, and they kicked their legs out trying to dislodge the attacker. Their struggle, though, quickly stopped as the other hand yanked their head back by their hair at an angle which promised death if they struggled too hard.
“None of that now,” the low voice said. A voice that Civilian did not recognize. “I don’t want to kill you yet. There’s still some things I need from you.”
The word made new panicked tears come to civilian’s eyes. Their sobs were stifled by the rank leather that gripped tighter around their mouth.
“That’s a good one. Now, tell me, did you tell anyone where you were headed on this fine morning?”
Civilian froze. Wide eyes staring at the two eye holes the mask provided. What should they say? What would buy them more time? They could lie and say they had told someone they were going for a walk…but would that put someone else in danger? The moment the attacker knew Civilian was alone with no travel companion they would break their neck or drown them in the pond like the senator, they were sure…
“I can tell you didn’t,” the mask lifted a bit at the edges indicating a smile beneath. “Your eyes say it all. No one knows you’re out here then, hm?”
Civilian tried once more to push the man off, but his grip only tightened and he leaned more of his weight on his knee. Civilian’s chest ached.
“That’s a yes. You should never play poker my friend. You have every tell in the book.”
Civilian only cried more.
“You and the Senator were getting pretty close last night. Anything he told you that you wish to share?”
Pretty close? Civilian had only spoken to him for part of the evening about the hotel’s architecture. The senator had found it fascinating that Civilian could tell what year each part of the hotel was built based on the shape of the windows. It was nothing special…but that meant this masked man was at the party last night, watching them.
Civilian was going to throw up.
The hand eased a bit off their mouth, now just hovering over. Civilian’s choked sobs immediately sounded.
“Come on now, just tell me what you know and this will go as smoothly as I can make it. That’s quite nice of me, isn’t it?”
“I…” Civilian stuttered through the panic, “I…don’t know what you mean.”
“Of course you do,” The hand gripping their hair pulled even more, causing Civilian to choke on a gasp. “I know you’re a smart one. You’ve seen the news. Did the Senator tell you anything about making a deal?”
What? What did that even mean? They spoke about windows for fucks sake!
“No…no…we were…” They huffed out a sob that they couldn’t hold back.
“You were what?” The hand that hovered over their mouth now clamped on their throat. Just tight enough to cause pain.
“Windows,” Civilian cried. “We were talking about the windows.”
“Windows?” The man questioned.
“I…you can tell a lot about a building through its windows…I’m writing about the hotel…”
The man interrupted them with a laugh. The hand on their hair loosened and Civilain’s head was no longer forced back.
“Windows,” the man chuckled. “Fucking windows…and here I was worried.”
The hand started to card through their hair in an oddly intimate gesture.
“Sorry mate,” said the man with nonchalance. “Wrong place, wrong time I guess. Pity too, you’re sorta cute.”
The hand on their throat suddenly clasped and Civilain’s eyes blew wide as the man leaned down and placed both hands on their neck to squeeze.
The man put his weight onto his knee and arms, effectively cutting off all air and making any of Civilian’s struggling pointless. Still, they clawed at the hands and kicked their feet, feeling the blood rush to their head.
No, they thought at black spots appeared before their eyes. Please, god, no.
“It’ll be over soon, love.” The man’s voice barely registered.
Civilian felt their hands go numb and their kicking stopped as their energy drained like a bath with the stopper pulled out.
“Yeah, it will.”
A slash and the pressure on their neck and chest was gone. Civilian coughed and gasped as air flooded their body.
From the corner of their eye they could make out two dark shapes struggling beside them, but through the coughing and the tears they couldn’t make out much.
Suddenly they felt themselves being picked up and thrown over a shoulder. They make a sound of protest, despite their damaged throat.
“Hang on, mate. I’ll get you somewhere safe.”
Civilian knew that voice. They knew it, but their battered body could do nothing to protest.
Civilian could only hang off the broad shoulder as Villain swept them deeper into the garden.
#creative writing#writers#writing community#writing promt#character creation#creadigol#heros and villains#original writing#villains and heroes#civilian x villain#villain x civilian#civilian#dialogue prompt#heroes and villains community#heroes and villains#hero and vilain community#villain#hero and villain#hero x villain#hero x villain community#villain x hero#scum villain#superpowers#writing snippet
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heyy i don’t have something specific in mind but can you please right something about a morally grey villain and a civilian. make it romantic and flirty and stuffff
Civilian was going to die.
The explosion from the bomb had obliterated half the bank within fractions of a second. The blast was far enough from their office that they weren't directly affected, but evacuating the actively crumbling building could easily kill them.
Rubble rained down as they desperately ran down the dusty hallway to the stairwell. Why did they have to be three stories up? Would they even get all the way down before the place collapsed?
Civilian barely had time to react before they were thrown off their feet from the force of the blast that had detonated from the room beside them. Their back smacked into the opposite wall, pain and shock rippling through them as they hit the ground, rendering them helpless.
They couldn't move. This was it. They were going to—
"Oh, sweetheart."
Civilian jerked their head up to see someone standing over them, not a single speck of dust visible on their impeccable black clothes. Not the uniform of a co-worker or a rescue team member, Civilian realized with dismay.
The person crouched down in front of them, head tilted. "I could've sworn I got everyone out in time. I guess you're just a little elusive, huh?" They smirked and ruffled Civilian's hair, wildly playful considering the life-or-death situation they were in right now.
The realization struck them like a brick to the head. “You set the bomb off,” they wheezed. “You’re Villain.”
Villain gave them a mock salute. “Nice to meet you too."
The floor wobbled dangerously and Civilian squeaked in fear, trying and failing to prop themselves up. "Please...please don't kill me," they blurted.
"Wow, who do you think I am?" Villain placed a hand on their chest in mock disbelief. "Eh, besides, you're too cute to murder. Or leave for dead,” Villain added as the building groaned, swaying on its foundations.
Civilian flushed, not sure if they should be flattered or absolutely terrified that their whole fucking workplace was about to collapse and that this bastard was trying to flirt with them—
Villain scooped Civilian up without warning, hoisting them into a bridal carry. They yelped in surprise as a block of cement crashed down onto the exact spot where they were laying just seconds ago.
“See?” Villain grinned at Civilian, bearing in close. “Too cute to leave behind.” Their face was near enough for Civilian’s eyes to flick down to their lips. Their grin widened in acknowledgment.
Villain turned abruptly and ran down the hallway towards the stairs, throwing the door open. Three flights down stared back, seeming infinitely long, too long.
But Villain was still smiling like they were gonna make it out of the bank on time. They looked down at Civilian, who had unconsciously fisted their hands into the lapels of Villain’s jacket.
“Yeah, just like that,” Villain said, winking at Civilian.
Civilian blinked, their mind flailing for footing. Just like what—
“Hold tight!” Villain whooped, and instead of booking it down the steps, they jumped onto the railing and slid down, handless.
Holy fucking shit. Civilian squeezed their eyes shut and held on so tight onto Villain’s jacket, stomach lurching. If the bombs didn’t take them out, then this would definitely—
They felt the Villain jump onto solid ground before they could even finish their thought. Oh.
“Aren’t you a scaredy-cat,” Villain teased, that shit-eating, infuriatingly charming grin back on their face. “Ever been on a roller coaster before?”
“No, I’ve never had fun in my life before, actually,” Civilian snapped back sarcastically.
“Hm,” Villain made their way out of the stairwell, casually walking towards the entrance as if the bank wasn’t crumbling around them. “Well, they’ve been saying amusement park dates are all the rage. Maybe this is my sign to take you out.”
Civilian fumbled for a response. Why was this criminal so good at rendering them speechless?
“You’re not saying no…” Villain murmured, exiting the building seconds before it promptly collapsed, throwing onlookers into chaos and allowing them to blend in with the crowd. The timing was almost comedic.
They slipped into an empty alley, Civilian still in their arms.
“I’m not putting you down until you say yes,” Villain urged, eyes glinting with playful mischief.
Civilian, despite themselves, rolled their eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to be a bad guy? What happened to ‘Now I take you back to my spooky dark lair and lock you up and torture you until Hero comes and I fight them to the death’?”
Villain smiled, but it was warmer, more genuine this time. “I guess I prefer it when people look at my lips and clearly want to kiss me instead of looking at me like I’m a monster.”
Civilian paused, dissecting the layers of that statement before—damn them—glancing again at Villain’s perfectly kissable mouth.
Villain ran their tongue over their bottom lip, clearly toying with Civilian, but fuck, it was working.
It was the nearing wail of police sirens that shook them out of their trance. They groaned, stupefied at how they almost fell for the person who just blew up their workplace. “Please put me down.”
“And here I thought I almost had you.” Villain sighed and set Civilian down on the ground. “Unfortunately, the authorities tend to annoy me a bit, so this is where I take my leave. It was nice meeting you, sweetheart.” They bowed to Civilian and began to make their way down the alleyway.
Fuck, the way the nickname made Civilian’s stomach flutter. Fuck fuck fuck— “Disneyland, this Friday, 10 AM,” they blurted.
Villain stopped in their tracks, and although they didn’t turn around. Civilian could feel that stupid little smirk on their face.
“See you then.” Then they disappeared around the corner.
As it turns out, roller coasters really weren’t so bad when you have someone doing it with you.
#i feel like this one is SOO long#do u guys like the longer snippets??#or am i just overthinking everything#anyway guys i’m back#hero#villain#civilian#villain and civilian#civilian and villain#villain x civilian#civilian x villain#hero/villain#villain/hero#nice villain#flirty villain#my writing#writing snippet#ask
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supervillain x their super oblivious civilian lover
original ask submitted by @save-the-villainous-cat for the ask game!
“Morning, baby,” the civilian yawns wearily as they plod into the kitchen, rubbing their eyes softly. The supervillain turns in a beat, smiles, and then focuses their attention back onto the pans over the stove.
“Good morning, my love,” they answer smoothly, not stopping from flipping over a pancake when they feel arms wrap around their waist and a forehead nuzzle into their back. “Have a good sleep?”
The civilian nods, sighing. “Yeah. I didn’t even feel you come back last night.”
That’s because the supervillain didn’t, but they wouldn’t tell them that, of course. Once the pancake is flipped, they turn and cup their cheeks, kissing their lips softly.
The civilian looks at them and smiles happily, and the supervillain almost wants to drop the breakfast and whisk them right back to bed.
“Another late night at the office?”
The supervillain chuckles, like that’s funny. It is, a little bit. Their lover was too naive for their own good, and the idea that they would be content with an office job was quite amusing.
“Unfortuantly,” they simply respond, and the civilian huffs, like they’re offended themselves.
“They can’t keep doing that, you know,” they pout, eyes fluttering slightly when the supervillain brushes some hair from their face. “Can’t you complain so I get to spend more time with you? You’re always so busy.”
They peel away, reluctantly, and the supervillain sees the playful pout on their lips, smiling to themselves.
“The overtime is criminal,” the supervillain smirks, and the civilian laughs, shuffling away.
“You’re funny.”
The supervillain turns back to the stove, checking on the pancakes. They have some bacon and egg on the go, simply because they feel the need to spoil their lover like there was no tomorrow. They were theirs, after all, all their obliviousness aside. They just didn’t know it.
The civilian hums softly to themselves as they set the table and pour some drinks, and the supervillain relaxes into the tune. It makes them work more efficiently, until they’re dishing up, and letting their eyes linger on their pretty lover easily.
“Wanna eat and watch TV?” The civilian asks, an eager glimmer in their eye. “Unless you have to rush...”
The supervillain was their own boss – it didn’t really matter to them, not when the civilian didn’t even notice their lackluster “office hours”. They kiss their head, herding them into the lounge.
“Go on, then,” they smile, handing them their plate and watching them get comfortable on the couch with a little smile. The supervillain joins them, and they attatch themselves to their side like glue, but the supervillain doesn’t mind. They eat their fill of bacon and an omelette, while their civilian shovels added pancakes into their mouth as well.
Sometime during a programme, the supervillain’s phone rings. The civilian’s head lifts in curiosity, and they answer it. It’s work related, but they don’t leave the room, letting their hand gently card through their lovers hair as a distraction. Not that they needed it.
“Uh huh, and that’ll be ready to use by tomorrow, will it?” They absentmindedly question, their annoyance piqued by the delay of their supplies. “Just don’t fuck up the encryption. It’s sensitive, one wrong move and it’ll be your head, do you understand?”
They end the call, and the civilian shifts, glancing at them with an amused smirk. “Encryptions? Sounds fancy.”
The supervillain laughs. Not because it was funny, but just because the civilian was absolutely clueless. They lean forward, kissing their head, a roaming hand landing on their thigh.
“You know what?” The supervillain drawls. “I think I’ll have today off.”
The civilian frowns softly. “That’s the fifth time in the past two weeks. This is why they’re keeping you late, you know.”
They shut them up with a kiss, and the civilian doesn’t complain. They never do – the supervillain could destroy the city, and their clueless little lover would be by their side every step of the way.
#surrenderanask#fun :)#hero and villain#supervillain x civilian#supervillain and civilian#supervillain#civilian#writing snippet#only a short one though#ask#ask game#writing#my writing#avvail
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heeeey! could we have more villain x civilian snipets?
Request #10
Civilian's hand trembled still, a firm grasp on the phone, a sense of security they were terrified to lose, even if they knew they would never be fast enough to actually use it, and that it could be snatched away faster than Villain could snap. Yet, they held it tight to their chest.
They swallowed, meeting Villain's gaze after a few moments catching their breath, trying their best not to look as scared as they were.
"I've already told the heroes no, I won’t collaborate with the superpowered," Civilian stated, a tremble sneaking in their voice "you're not getting anything out of me willingly."
And at that Villain chuckled, a gloves hand travelling towards Civilians own, taking the phone out of their grip, battling against a bit of unintentional resistance from their victim, though they could not blame them for such.
“Luckily for me, I have much better ways of persuasion,” they answered, “an enhancer would be invaluable and I am nothing but resilient.”��
Civilian swallowed “And what are those? Blackmail? Extortion? Threats of violence?”
“If it’s needed,” Villain answered, grabbing Civilian’s cheeks in a pinch “is it? Needed I mean”
“I won’t help you.”
“Then I guess we’ll start from the top down,” they answered, distancing themselves from Civilian once again “meet me at the address I’ll text you later at night, or don’t bother picking your sibling up from baseball practice on sunday, they won’t be there waiting.”
And while Villain’s steps walked away and down the stairs, Civilian trembled still as they knelt on the cold wooden floors of their office.
#my writing#creative writing#hero x villain#villain x hero#heroes and villains#short story#hero#writing wip#writing snippet#wips#civilian#civilian x villain#villain x civilian#scared civilian
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To Whom It May Concern (which is mostly just me, swooning),
Look, I don’t know how else to say this, but Jason Todd is absurdly, unfairly, makes-you-question-your-life-choices pretty. And I do mean that as a compliment.
Like, have you ever seen someone so effortlessly gorgeous that it physically pains you? Because that’s him. He’s got that whole tragic, broody, I’ve-seen-things-you-wouldn’t-believe aura, mixed with the kind of sharp jawline that could probably cut glass. And the eyes? Don’t get me started on the eyes. Stormy, intense, like he’s constantly on the verge of saying something devastatingly poetic or punching someone in the face—both of which, honestly, would be a gift.
And the hair? The hair. That perfectly messy, slightly wavy, "I totally didn’t spend time on this but it still looks like something out of a gothic romance novel" hair. It’s the kind of hair you want to run your fingers through, but also respect from a safe distance because, let’s be honest, he might break your wrist for trying.
And then there’s the way he moves—like a streetwise angel of vengeance, all confidence and danger wrapped up in a leather jacket that he definitely didn’t buy legally. There’s something poetic about it, like he stepped out of a noir film and decided Gotham wasn’t tragic enough for his taste.
I mean, sure, he’s probably got an illegal amount of weapons hidden on him at any given moment, and yeah, he’s got that will absolutely ruin your life if you cross him energy, but that only adds to the appeal, doesn’t it? He’s the human equivalent of a storm rolling in at midnight—thrilling, unpredictable, and impossible to look away from.
Anyway. Jason Todd is ridiculously pretty, and I, a humble Gotham nobody, am simply here to appreciate it from afar (for my own safety, of course).
Sincerely, A Civilian With Good Taste™
#jason todd#funny#funny content#gotham rp#civilian#Gotham civilian#crushing hard#just a nobody#batman#red hood#rambles#meme#rant#i guess#might delete later
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snippet #1 - thursday
Civilian had been standing on the doorstep of one of the most wanted criminals in the city for more than ten minutes now. Their right hand was in a fist, as though they were about to knock, but were stuck in a loop of perpetual hesitation. In their left they clutched an unmarked envelope.
They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. Just knock, they told themself. Get it over with and fucking knock.
But they’d only just raised their fist and swung it towards the door when it flew open, revealing only darkness. From inside, an aggressive hand grabbed Civilian’s wrist and pulled them into the shadowed hall. They yelped, the sound instantly silenced as fingers closed around their throat and their back slammed into a wall. The door closed ominously behind them, seemingly on its own.
“Villain, please-“ Civilian choked out before the criminal’s grip tightened and their words were cut off.
“You come to my personal address, stand at the door for ten minutes, and then call me Villain?” They hissed. “Who the hell are you?”
“I…I’m a m-messenger.” Their voice came in gasps as they struggled for air, right hand tugging ineffectively at Villain’s arm.
“For who?” Villain’s eyes were cold, unforgiving.
They couldn’t breathe. They couldn’t think. They could barely even manage to whisper the two syllables they needed. “Hero.”
The fingers disappeared from their neck. Civilian collapsed to the floor, coughing violently. Every shaky inhale hurt, pain radiating from their abused throat. That was going to leave a bruise.
A light flickered on, illuminating the entrance hall. Villain leaned casually against the door and looked down at their uninvited guest. “So… you work for Hero.”
They nodded, wincing at the discomfort the sudden movement caused. “I’m their assistant.”
The criminal snorted. “Do they even pay you for that?”
Civilian glanced up in surprise, momentarily forgetting about the pain. “What? Of course they do. It’s a full-time job.”
“I suppose you just wait hand and foot all day long?” Villain asked with a raised eyebrow, voice dripping with disdain. “Do all their paperwork and feed them peeled grapes?”
They flushed, standing up and brushing dust off of their pants. “I didn’t come here to be insulted. Or strangled, for that matter. Hero sent me with a message for you.”
“My sincerest apologies, Mx. Hero’s Assistant.” Villain crossed their arms, annoyed. “Why didn’t they come pay me a visit themself?”
“…I guess they’re busy today,” Civilian said, massaging the side of their neck. “I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter. They said to give this to you.” They held out the envelope.
Suspicion crossed the criminal’s face, but they took it and flipped it over. It was secured with a wax seal imprinted with Hero’s famous insignia. The seal was perfectly intact. “You haven’t read this?”
The assistant shook their head. “Hero told me it was for your eyes only.”
After a moment of hesitation, Villain broke the wax and pulled a folded piece of ivory stationary out of the envelope.
Dear Villain,
I’m holding up my end of the deal. This is Civilian, my assistant. I heard you need a hostage for next Thursday. Feel free to use them. I think you two will get along. Oh, and you can threaten and maim them, of course, but I’d prefer you didn’t cause them fatal harm. They make a damn good cup of coffee, and I’d hate to deprive the world of that. Looking forward to rescuing them from your clutches ;)
The message was signed with Hero’s insignia. Villain stared at the crisp, professional handwriting for a full minute, rereading it at least four times to make sure they understood. When they’d bargained with Hero and asked for help with a scheme, this kind of assistance wasn’t exactly what they had in mind. But they couldn’t not accept it, Hero would flip out, and their rivalry was already on thin ice. Even though they were a terrible person, Villain couldn’t afford to lose them as a nemesis. Their credibility as a high-tier villain would take a big hit. It wasn’t like-
“Can I go now?” Civilian asked tentatively, interrupting the criminal’s train of thought. “Sorry, it’s just that I have a ton of work to get to today, and Hero doesn’t like it when I’m late on assignments.”
Villain sighed, turning the lock on the door. “No, apparently. Look, I’m really sorry about this, but you can’t leave. At least, not until Thursday.”
The new captive blinked. “What? Wh-no, I’m not staying here, are you crazy? Why would I do that?”
“Your boss just got you involved in our…feud,” they hedged. “It’s complicated, but we made a deal, and for some reason, they gave me… you… for their end.”
“What?” Civilian yelped. “No! They wouldn’t—why would they-?”
“I’m sorry, Civilian.” They took a step forward, spreading their hands. “I have no idea why your boss does half the things they do. They’re a completely different person when they’re not around the press or anyone they work with.”
Civilian stepped back. “How do you know my name?”
Villain looked down at the paper in their hand as if they’d forgotten it was there. “Oh. It was in the letter-“
“Give me that.” They snatched the letter out of Villains hand before they could protest, eyes scanning the page. When they finished reading, they slowly looked up. Their expression was deadly calm. “Is this some kind of joke?”
“Civilian, I didn’t have anything-“
“They said you could maim me-“
“-they’re insane, I-“
“-damn good cup of coffee-“
“-not my fault-“
“-can’t believe this-“
“Civilian!” Villain finally shouted, taking their captive’s hands. Civilian flinched instinctively, jerking away from the criminal. They stared at the floor, Hero’s letter held tightly in their fist.
Villain cursed themself internally. “I’m sorry, I really am. I wish I could let you go.”
“So do it.” Civilian wouldn’t meet their gaze. “Nothing’s stopping you.”
“You don’t understand, Civilian,” they pleaded. “I need to stay Hero’s nemesis, otherwise my career would be over. If I let you go, Hero would instantly cut me off.”
Civilian struggled for words. What could they say? It was clear that Hero didn’t care about them. Hell, they’d orchestrated this whole thing. Villain didn’t have anything to do with it, save their criminal nature. But they had nearly killed Civilian earlier, which lost them some points.
They looked up at Villain and sighed when they saw the expression on their ‘captor’s’ face.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll stay until Thursday.”
Villain’s face broke into a relieved smile. “Okay. Good. I have a spare room you can stay in. Just make me a list of everything you need and I’ll get it for you.”
“Can I use your phone?” they asked. “People will worry if I don’t text them back for three days.”
“You don’t have yours?”
“Hero said to leave it behind.”
Villain snorted, pulling their phone out of their pocket and unlocking it with a press of their thumb before handing it over. “Typical.”
“I’m quitting on Friday,” Civilian mumbled as they typed out a brief message to their friends and family that they were taking a break from screens for a little while.
“I’m not sure Hero would take that well.”
Civilian gave the phone back, looking straight into Villain’s eyes. “Well, that’s not my problem. None of this is my problem.”
“I know. I’m sorry you got mixed up in all this. Hero should know better than to involve regular people in our business. This is between me and them.” Villain’s gaze was intense, inescapable. “I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you. I’ll do what I can to… make it up to you, somehow.”
The two stared at each other in silence for a moment.
Civilian was the first to break it. “Well, I’m still pissed at you for throttling me, so you’d better get started on that now,” they said, brushing past Villain into the apartment beyond the front hall. “Where’s my room?”
Some of the tension dissipated from the air. Villain let out a nervous laugh, following a few steps behind their ‘hostage’ and trying to school themself back into their normal, devil-may-care self. “Uh, second door on the left. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’m going out for a few hours, but I’ll order something for dinner. Is Chinese okay?”
“Sure,” came the response, ridiculously casual considering the situation.
“Okay.” Villain made sure Civilian would be fine on their own before gathering themself and heading out the door, locking it securely behind them. They pulled their hood over their head, lingering on the doorstep for a minute to take a deep breath and think through their plans. There was a lot to do before Thursday.
word count: 1464
part II
#relatively happy with this#might do a continuation if anyone wants one#heroes and villains#villain x hero#civilian x villain#civilian#heroes and villains community#hero x villain community#villains and heroes#hero x villain#villain#writing#my writing#assorted writing#assorted snippets
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US Marines lead an old Japanese civilian to safety - Okinawa, Japan, 1945
#world war two#ww2#ww2 history#worldwar2photos#1940s#history#wwii#wwii era#world war 2#ww2history#okinawa#Japan#1945#pacific#civilian#usmc#marines#us marines#usmarines
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Title/Name: Doomer Girl's Room Wojak Series: Doomer Girl (Variant). Image by: greenteacult Main Tag: Doomer Girl Wojak
#Wojak#Doomer Girl#Doomer Girl Wojak#Doomer Girl Series#Doomer Girl's Room#Doomer Girl Room#Wojak With Background#White#Gray#Civilian
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Could I pretty please request a civilian dating villain and them running into civilians ex (hero) but civilian doesn’t know hero is a hero 👉🏻👈🏻
Hello, Anon! I can absolutely write this for you. Please enjoy!
"Love, that was the best dinner we've had in a long time," Villain said as the two of them walked hand and hand down the boulevard. Villain had never been more grateful for wearing a mask during their work so they could walk down the street completely unbothered.
Civilian knew who they were, of course. But that hadn't stopped Civilian from dating them. "I think you are much more than a villain, and you know it," Civilian had said as they convinced Villain to date them. Villain had never been happier.
"I agree. I think we should come here more often," Civilian said as they leaned their head on Villain's shoulder. "Oh fuck," Civilian said as they stopped walking. "Quick, we have to hide!"
Villain instantly went on the alert scanning the area for danger. "What's wrong?"
"My ex! Quick before they spot us."
Villain looked around. The only person walking down the street was....Hero. Oh fuck indeed. "Love, you do know that is--"
"Ex-Partner! I know! That's why we have to hide. Quick behind this bush!"
Hero. Civilian's ex was Hero. And they didn't know. Villain let Civilian pull them into the bushes, making a silent promise to make Hero's life a living hell for what they did to Civilian. They couldn't wait to confront Hero later this evening and make good on this promise.
Tags: @mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @st0rmm @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe
#serickswrites#writeblr#short writing#hero#villain#civilian#hero x villain#hero x civilian#villain x civilian#hero x villain community#requests#queue
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(If I'm right ig-)
#the behemoth#thebehemothgames#battleblock theater#castle crashers#hatty hattington#gray knight#red knight#orange knight#blue knight#green knight#blacksmith#castle crashers blacksmith#open face gray knight#medusa#castle crashers medusa#medusa castle crashers#painter#frost king#castle crashers frost king#frost king castle crashers#conehead#alien hominid#cyclops#civilian#pink knight#necromancer#evil wizard#skeleton#meme#the behemoth games
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