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soylent-robot · 2 months ago
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went ham on the horrible goop boys
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minisandmonoliths · 1 year ago
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Glory to the Grandfather the Glottkin are done! Had some fun with the base on this one, even though it's mostly covered up with the towering monster.
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aurotoiras · 9 months ago
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I did some painting tonight
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exonia-jackal · 1 year ago
Almost finished up the bases for these stinky dudes! V happy with how they've come out!
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fredthedead13 · 19 days ago
(Warning for gross nurgle stuff)
I am obsessed with Gross horse
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kgustin87 · 7 months ago
Completed 2k of Maggotkin for 4th Ed AoS.
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 5 months ago
A Really Dumb Nurgle Thought I Had
Alright, so recently I’ve kinda hyper fixating on Nurgle and his beloved forces. Well, the other day while I was reading up on some Nurgalite lore and listening to Spotify, this song started playing:
When I finally realized what was playing the first thing to enter my mind was the mental image of a united army of all sorts of Nurgalite forces charging into battle and fighting, all while singing this song as they went.
I have to be honest, with how jovial and generous the Plague Lord and his followers are (especially in the context of Warhammer memes), I find this song strangely fitting.
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ladymirdan · 1 year ago
Im normal about my baby Nurglings taking a piggy dip in the piggy pond 😅💚
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farsight-the-char · 1 year ago
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Farsight winning 3rd, with the two above him being Angron and LION, is what I consider the true victory.
Also, shoutout to the Harbinger for being the highest ranked AOS model. Well Deserved.
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khornedog · 7 months ago
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My phone will combine emojis sometimes. If I ever make a Nurgle army, this is going on the banner
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attemptingwarhammer · 7 months ago
Week #31: A Primer on Primer on Primer
Well, I've put together and had all of these AoS Miniatures kind of sitting around and collecting dust ever since I bought them. My wife has been very slowly knocking away at her Seraphon army so I made the decision to prime a majority of the remaining models I hadn't primed so that she can start painting them as soon as she's able.
Since I was doing that I decided to take care of some of my own models as well. I have a lot of stuff that I need to finish painting as well.
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I didn't really realize how many models my wife has for her Seraphon army. We got them for her around 3rd Edition of AoS and now that we're well into 4th Edition it's kind of funny seeing how a good portion of her models probably won't see play for a bit.
That's okay though because that just means that she can take her time painting those models in particular since she's in no rush to get them ready for any games any time soon.
You also get a bit of a sneak peak into what I eventually plan on painting in the future. All of my models are primed in black while my wife's are primed in grey. She prefers more vibrant colors and a lighter primer helps with that.
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aurotoiras · 9 months ago
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I did some painting tonight
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exonia-jackal · 1 year ago
Oh, well I have a BIG project coming up..
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exonia-robin · 10 months ago
We traveled....
We saw.....
We played....
We absolutely loved it!
4th edition Age Of Sigmar has left us feeling awesome! Our hopes and dreams continue to live on for Age Of Sigmar, whereas the ones for 40k are dying off (more on that another time...)
Whilst at the holy site of all warhammer, where hobbyists and Wargamers gather in a horde like fashion, we had the chance to play 30 minutes of 4th edition AoS and and FULL HOUR of Spearhead! Below you'll find our opinions!
As mentioned we play 30 minutes of this in teams of 2. Our two opponents were absolutely lovely during this game and very friendly. We took the side of the stormcast whilst they got to use the Skaven.
The Models
Warhammer Community does not do these models justice at all. They are much better looking in person!! The stormcast have been given a fresh look, bringing them further away from looking like the Sigmar equivalent of space marines whilst the Skaven have been given some love this edition and have better looking, well, everything.
The models that stood out amongst the rest for both factions in the Skaventide box are:
- The Lord-Vigilant on Gryph Stalker
- Clawlord on Gnawbeast
Both of these are striking centre pieces for both of the respective factions and their armies. The supporting heroes for both are good, but these.... These are another level.
The Gameplay
The most important thing to mention here is that you can REACT to your opponent during their turn, making a turn rather interesting. While this was kind of a thing in 3rd edition with certain command abilities in certain phases, this has been expanded and improved upon, even allowing players to invoke the power of the gods through their priests in the enemy hero phase! Certain heroes also have the ability to react to themselves or friendly units around them creating a bit more of a synergy between outlying heroes that operate alone and the main forces.
Most of the core system remains the same as the previous edition, with changes to certain parts of each phase to make things easier and simpler. Each phase is now colour coded to allow players to easily find abilities that are usable in those phases.
In person the new warscrolls for each model/unit work well as well as being easier to read and find the abilities you are looking for. Ward saves are now a keyword so these will be found at the bottom of your warscroll.
One staple of 3rd edition may not be in the new edition. Heroic actions. These were game changers if used at the right time, however when we played 4th edition, there was no mention of heroic actions anywhere. It remains to be seen if these will return or not.
This was purely amazing. We cannot fault the spearhead game system at all. Literally there is nothing we can find bad with this.
We were able to play out 2 battle rounds in the time, and once again were in teams of 2. This time however we got to use the Maggotkin Of Nurgle Spearhead versus the Sylvaneth Spearhead. Both forces are literally the contents of their respective Vanguard boxes, in fact every army that was used to teach Spearhead was a Vanguard box....
Now, we are very excited if Spearhead gives any indication at the rules for the armies in the main game (we would hope there is some similarity between them)
Maggotkin didn't have contagion points in Spearhead and could only gain disease points for the ARMY. These were used to inflict mortal wounds to a unit that your in combat with, by rolling a number of D6 equal to your total disease points (max 7) and each 4+ was a mortal wound.
Sylvaneth had the ability to teleport a single unit across the board for free. This hurt. Teleporting Kurnoth Hunters is not fun for the opponent.
The game itself is highly tactical and is a good middle ground between Warcry and AoS. The uncertainty of which battle tactics you may have for a turn combined with how balanced the spearheads were, make this a game that simply comes down to a players tactical ability. Not army strength or ridiculous rules, but a players tactical mind. Spearhead is also brilliant in the sense that the random battle tactics teach you to be more tactical in your decision making, as each card contains a battle tactic and a command ability. Now you have to choose between these, either sacrificing a VP in order to kit your opponent harder, or maybe sacrificing a unit in order to score a VP.
You don't ever reveal your battle tactics to your opponent until you activate a command ability from one, or your score the battle tactic, meaning neither player will know what the other is trying to achieve at any one time. Though play with these cards enough and you'll soon learn from heart which your opponent will be trying to achieve through watching how they move their forces around the board. This aside, Spearhead is definitely something new, fun and definitely outclasses the 40k variant of it, Combat Patrol.
If you do love Age Of Sigmar as much as us, the new edition is for you. Whether or not you play Stormcast or Skaven the Skaventide box is definitely a worthwhile investment as this contains literally everything you could ever need for AoS to begin with including the matched play rules for the first season, a whole book dedicated to spearhead and the AoS rulebook, terrain and all the accessories needed to play Spearhead. Though we do see Spearhead taking off very quickly, so expect the decks, battle mats and terrain for this to be released separately at some point.
If your are not sure on 4th edition, then play Spearhead. Spearhead allows you to take your current Vanguard box out for a game so you can see what your army does, and play the core concepts of the new edition without buying into anything (let's be honest, someone you know will have bought the box...)
Lastly. We noticed a little thing at the top of the warscrolls we had to use for 4th edition, "July 2024"
This seems to be a potential release window.... (with the store Dawnbringer campaigns ending towards the back end of June and the new 2 week preorder's we are expecting early July)
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kgustin87 · 7 months ago
The Glottkin is ready for action!
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fredthedead13 · 14 days ago
(Somewhere, in a freeguild city)
“Yar har fiddely dee”
Guard #1 “do you hear that?”
Guard #2 “no what?”
“Being a pirate is alright to me”
Guard#1 “that”
Guard #2 “wait I hear it— oh sigmar no!”
Guard #1. “What? Who’s coming?”
“Do what you want cause a pirate is free.
Guard #2 “it’s HIM!”
(Gutrot spume bursts the city wall like the kool aid man, riding on a giant rot kraken, screaming.”
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