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tiger9o0 · 4 months ago
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My Halloween models I finished for October they are fangs of the blood queen for spearhead I made the pumpkin out of green stuff I took some parts from the Warhammer old world walls & fences and put them on the bases so they stand out more from other peoples I gave them all glowing green eyes and I lightly dry brushed orange on all the wood overall they came out great I think I could’ve done more if I had more time I enjoyed the challenge of painting a model for holiday I will be doing it again in the future 
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mox-amber · 5 months ago
Been a little bit, but I finished up the Seraphon Spearhead last night and wanted to share!
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gijoe-forever · 3 months ago
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beornwulf · 7 months ago
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Branching out into Age of Sigmar via the medium of the Sylvaneth spearhead
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kgustin87 · 25 days ago
Decided to work on my Spearhead terrain
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frostyelias · 12 days ago
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Been painting more orruks... 👀
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mouse-romance · 7 months ago
First time playing Spearhead... Twice. Here's the jam!
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First Ossiarchs against Skaven
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I started by piercing the enemy lines swiftly, to induce chaos, unaware of how easily i was to be swarmed by the skaventide.
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After that, i played in tostudo formation, acting as a unique block, not letting the enemy separate my ranks... And stil lost.
Anyway now
Fyreslayers Vs Soulblight Gravelords
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In this battle i had a much more reckless approach. I charged into the enemy lines and wrecked havoc as much as i could against the seemingly infinite hordes of Nagash.
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It wasn't long before they surrounded us. We were outnumbered since the begining, but our lines could be thinned, theirs cannot.
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They easily controlled the battlefield as we kept slaying corpses that came back to fight relentlessly, until the last of us hit the ground.
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I super lost.
And then i showed them WARCRY!
Fyreslayers Vs Skaven Vs Gravelords FREE FOR ALL!
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We look in the eye at the ancestors as we march to battle.
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The first blood comes from our old enemy, as the magmadroth launches into the beast.
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Gravelords can't regenerate as fast under this circumstances, they turn into easy prey for once.
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But as we are busy fighting each other, guided by grudges, the chittering rats plot behind the curtains.
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The magmadroth tamer flails the skin of the beasts, unaware of what is gathering beneath their feet...
And when all seems said and done, they finally perform their oportunistic attack.
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Out of nowhere, they claw-maul us.
Super lost, but laughed a lot, what a blast.
So in summary, i love warcry. AOS in general is unecesarily complicated, even in spearhead form, so... I'll stick to this one for now
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pigment-enforcer · 1 month ago
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Sometimes the idea for a new project just can’t be resisted anymore and you go out and buy the new Ironjawz Spearhead box.
No regrets though! These were fun models to build, a little heavy on cleanup at times and I think I need to do some careful gap filling, but still fun. And built just in time to get primed before some potential rain! And I love hobby when it’s raining
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thesilicontribesman · 2 years ago
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Bronze Age Spearhead from Semerwater, 2499 to 500BCE, The Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes
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primordialfireforge · 10 months ago
Finally got some tools to film stuff at the workshop. Still long way to go for more nicer stuff, but I have to start somewhere 🙂
(i hate these fukken white walls 😅)
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ninebaalart · 1 year ago
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Wario Land 3 Enemies
wario land 3 is honestly a really weird entry in that its more of a metroidvania and you have to really explore every crevice of every level and that gets a little annoying when you dont have have all of wario's upgrades. that being said man the enemies in this one are iconic
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gijoe-forever · 4 months ago
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minisception · 11 months ago
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Bad news. I didn't sleep last night, & was far too burned out after work to put in the hours of focused effort needed to rush though the edge highlights on the black armor. So I just didn't do it. As a result the blood knights are clearly unfinished, though enough work was done that the overall aesthetic effect of the Vanguard still mostly comes across, so I'm not entirely unhappy with these.
And I did make some progress today. I re-applied the flat black to the knight's armor (which would have been necessary anyway for error correction), and did some extra detail work on the banner bearer, particularly around her face & hair decoration. And snow on the knights' basds, which I was going to leave for tomorrow morning back when I though I'd be able to do the armor highlights today, but it took a long time so it's good I didn't end up leaving it for the morning.
In the end, yeah, the knights aren't done, but they're as done as they're going to be for tomorro. Again, I think the overall effect of mostly black clad warriors on a snowy white landscape with some ghosty/necromantic green bits showing through does come across I think. I've been away from this color scheme long enough (and made enough slight changes) that I do kind of like it again. Makes me wish I had gotten more painted back when the Legion of Sacrament was still a thing.
Hopefully I can actually get some sleep tonight, & be awake enough to play well tomorrow.
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kgustin87 · 8 months ago
Picked up the Maggotkin of Nurgle box for Spearhead!
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roakkaliha · 2 years ago
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2023 fursona lineup wow...
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kindheart525 · 1 year ago
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He didn’t want to believe it, but the inevitable had finally happened. Swift Valor’s prophecy had come to pass, and it had done so dangerously.
It was a day that should have gone like any other. Get up, go to work, come home. But when Swift got home he was met with a mess of broken glass and bare shelves.
He had been robbed.
By the time he got back to his apartment, it was too late to catch the culprit himself. So he called the authorities as he had to, but that was as much of a fuss he wanted to make about it. 
Now he was trying to just pick up the pieces and move on the best he could.
“I’ve got some gulab jamun from Dadi.”
His father, Spearhead, patted his back firmly as they both sat on the floor, tending to Swift’s wounds from tripping on the broken glass.
“I think they’ll really speak to you in these trying times.”
Swift was pissed off and in pain, unable to keep himself from wincing and groaning as he wrapped a bandage around his stinging, medicated cuts. Normally he would want to be left alone to tough it out, but he just couldn’t resist one of his Dadi’s sweet treats.
“Maybe this is what Prophecy meant…”
He thought out loud to himself, almost not wanting to admit it to himself. But something about the familial comfort he was getting made him just brave enough to admit the truth and start opening up.
“What do you mean, dude?”
“The psychic I visited with some coworkers awhile back. She’s Erudite’s sister, actually, if you remember—but she gave us such horrible visions. I didn’t want to believe it at first, I assumed she was making things up to screw with our heads. She told me I’d end up dispossessed, but of course I didn’t believe it for a second. But now…”
“Guess she was right all along. You did get dispossessed.”
Spearhead then attempted to offer some extra comfort.
“At least they left all the cool decorations I gave you.”
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t lose all my valuables.”
Swift smiled a little. 
“And I’m sure somepony will get to the bottom of it, I’m sure I’ll at least get a good refund.”
“There you go! Looking on the bright side!”
His father clapped him on the back, but Swift was still not completely content.
“I was so horrible to her. I practically antagonized her every chance I could get. I just found this stuff so illogical, I thought there was no way any of it could be real. I do respect her, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to hurt her. I just couldn’t, for the life of me, see any sense in it.”
“Well, there was nothing you could do to prevent it, right?”
Swift sucked in a sharp breath.
He had to buck up and admit the full truth.
“The first time, she said I would meet a terrible fate if I did not humble myself. And the second time, she told me I should be investing in extra security. I obviously did neither, and this is where it got me.”
He suddenly sat up straight.
“Shit. I owe her an apology. She offered her help and I was nothing but nasty to her. I need to make it up to her. Now.”
He started to get up, but Spearhead tried to stop him.
“Now? But Swift, you haven’t even finished your dessert. Not to mention your leg’s still banged up.”
Normally Swift would be taking it easy and making sure to treat his injuries properly, but he had a greater goal to tend to. So he persisted despite the sting.
“I’ll take some for the road. Thank you. But I need to do this.”
And off he went with a slight limp but a whole lot of determination, to find the mare who he now knew was right all along.
Previous: Blue Cat Crossing
Next: Spit
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