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defilerwyrm · 2 years ago
*spit takes*
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knario47 · 3 months ago
La miseria personificada se llama MISERABLES
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themaskedsam · 8 days ago
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Matz redesign
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assaultvvyvern · 1 year ago
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ya'll asked for geography, so u get geography!!! of space, lmao. let's start with the basics. but here's my version of the magical dimension!
details under cut! (also do clic on the picture to see stuff better tunglr ruined the quality as always)
note: the size of the planets is very indicative, and just to make the map more readable.
the magical dimension originally had five suns that then became four after the end of the fairy-witch wars (long story short: one exploded).
the main suns are the ones you can see in the center, called the dragon's head and the dragon's tail, the biggest and the second biggest (in that order), called this way after the great dragon. then there's the elf sun, the third biggest, whose name comes from the people of graynor. and then the smallest one, called the phoenix sun, after the shadow phoenix.
the fifth one used to be the second smallest one, called the leviathan sun. it used to be right in the center of oroz, fallat and rot (now the forbidden ring).
there are eight rings in the magical dimension, each one with their own unique planets with similar (but different) characteristics. think culturally about them as a continent! the forbidden ring is the only one thats unhabitated, as its conditions are unlivable and the absence of a sun makes it impossibile for life to return.
🡲 light ring
the light ring is "8" shaped and goes around the tail and head suns, and it intersects with the magix ring and the harmonic ring. the name is for obvious reasons: lots of suns and lots of light!
the planets in the light ring are:
solaria: known as the planet of stars, suns, moons, and celestial bodies in general. not pictured: the moons celeste and lumenia and a third, smaller sun in its orbit, called radius.
domino: the abandoned planet of the great dragon, of its fire. its population and royal family were wiped out not long ago by an unknown evil power, and its once beautiful deserts and cities are now icy wastelands. not pictured: its moon pyros, known for its dragon population, which migrated from domino during its fall.
koria: known for being the headquarters of the order of the paladins and its school, the malacoy academy. not pictured: its other two orbiting suns, ramiel and samael, and moons, uriel and zephon.
🡲 the nature ring
the nature ring orbits around the elf sun and intersects with the steel ring. the name comes from the nature based power of (most of) the people of the planets, and their incredibile, lush, and lively natural wonders.
the planets in the nature ring are:
lynphea: known for its tall trees on which its people live, its giant animals and insects, and the enormous forests. not pictured: its second sun helianthus and its moon ipomea.
andros: covered 90% by salt water, it's the planet where merpeople live, along with a human population spread over small islands and archipelagos. it's connected through a magical space waterfall to its orbiting nano-planet, au haru (not pictured here). not pictured: its moon seantis.
romulea: the planet of oasis, deserts, savannahs, and jungles. and extremely dangerous animals too. not pictured: its other two suns mawu and magec, and its moon oko.
altaduna: the planet of mountains and rivers, there are basically no plains and hills. not pictured: its moon zorya.
dolona: its people are known for living on floating islands above large, deep and unexplored canyons. not pictured: its moon devana.
graynor: where the race of the elves live and thrive, born of the ancient magical tree known as the rainbow oak.
🡲 the magix ring
the magix ring orbits around the tail sun and intersects with the light ring. it has only one planet, magix, from which it gets its name.
magix is the current modern cultural melting pot of the magical dimension, and the planet most similar to our planet earth in terms of size and sun cycles. it's famous for having been the ground on which some of the most important historical events of the magical dimension have happened, as well as being where the three most famous schools for fairies, witches, and knights are (alfea, cloudtower, and redfountain, respectively). it's also where the high council of the magical dimension meets to discuss interplanetary matters. not pictured: its moon sen.
🡲 the harmonic ring
the harmonic ring orbits around the head sun and intersects with the steel ring, the light ring and the white ring. the people of its planets have always been known for their devotion to the arts, culture and harmony of the soul, hence the name.
a rare magical and space occurrence called the harmonic nebula, an agglomerate of cosmic dust, is fixed on the orbit. when a planet passes through the harmonic nebula, its sky becomes a swirly light red and deep purple.
the planets in the harmonic ring are:
melody: the planet of the arts. here is where music, cinema, photography, architecture, painting, poetry, dancing and more grow, evolve, and are part of the planet's magic. because the majority of the industries on the planet dominate the market, melody has the most influx of immigrants, who are mostly artists from other planets who want to find their luck here. not pictured: its moon symphony.
oppositus: the magic of this planet bases itself on opposites and the balance between them.
espero: the home planet of most of the famous philosophers, writers, and greatest thinkers of the magical dimension. for many, it's seen as a place of spiritual retreat (and the locals don't really like that). not pictured: its moon ohm.
eros: planet of love and emotions, known for having the best therapy and psychology schools of the magical dimension.
🡲 the steel ring
the steel ring orbits around the head and tail suns with an oval shape, and it intersects with the harmonic and nature rings. the name comes from the abundance of underground materials of its planets, as well as their deep cavernous systems and the warrior reputation of their people.
the planets in the steel ring are:
eraklyon: planet of iron, carbon, zinc, and more. its people are known for being powerful and fierce warriors with a great military history. lately it has been caught up in stopping an independentist war carried out by its orbiting nano-planets of charùnda, berg and cleddyf (not pictured here), which eraklyon claims as "its colonies". not pictured: its moon rhod.
hoggar: planet of the great forges and legendary blacksmiths. not pictured: its moon hors.
thordal: their people live in underground cavern systems, filled with precious gems and metals. they claim to be direct descendants of the people of downland, a mystical and ancient population that lives underground in the planet of magix.
🡲 the white ring
the white ring orbits around the phoenix sun, and it intersects with the harmonic and the night ring. its name comes from the harsh, snowy winters and cold climate of its planets.
the planets of the white ring are:
zenith: the planet of technomagic, where more than 80% of the magical dimension's tech and innovation come from. an extremely economically powerful planet and kingdom, zenith is also where most of the capital is made. not pictured: its moons manna and gateway-0001. the second is an artificial creation.
callisto: the planet of storms, harsh winds, and thunder. its people live under domes of special glass that protect them from the constant bad weather. its orbiting nano-planet, serenia (not pictured), is known for constantly rotating between extreme climate conditions and seasons even in a day.
stalax: the planet of snow and icebergs. not pictured: its moons hjuki and bil.
dyamond: a once flourishing planet of crystals and gems, it was wiped out centuries ago in a manner similar to domino. nobody knows what really happened to it. zenith has been colonizing most of it for resources.
🡲 the night ring
the night ring orbits around the phoenix sun, and intersects only with the white ring. its name comes from the (not total) lack of light on its planets, as well as the reputation of the majority of its people - witches. only wysperia is currently being inhabited.
the planets of the night ring are:
wysperia: once an empty planet, a small handful of witches, tired of their reputation in the magical dimension, colonized the grounds and created their own kingdom, which grew and thrived. it only has been recently given a seat in the high council. it's where the wysperian crystals (magical ampoules used in witch rituals and spells) are made and kept. not pictured: its moons hecate, medea and circe. they move all in a row of three and are called the "triple goddesses" by wysperi.
prometia: a planet covered in hot springs and gysers. it's currently being contested by wysperia and zenith, the first wanting to create a new witch colony and the second wanting to harvest its resources.
🡲 the forbidden ring
the forbidden ring was once called another name and probably intersected with either the harmonic ring or the steel ring. its name has been lost to time, as well as the people that lived on its planets. its sun was destroyed during the fairy-witch wars by the one and only mad king of domino.
the planets of the forbidden ring are orez, rot and fallat.
there are many other planets and unexplored corners of space in the magical dimension. although exploration is currently ongoing, there are two planets beyond the borders of the magical dimension that are known.
🡲 omega
omega is a planet 200 light years away from the magic dimension, covered in ice and deep canyons in which natural tunnels have formed. it's currently being used (and has been for centuries) as a prison for the worst criminals of the magic dimension.
it's accessible either through a one-of-a-kind (now sealed) portal on andros or light-speed space travel, the latter being reserved only to authorities and authorized personnel.
some internal sources say budding communities have formed for survival among the prisoners, but it has never been been confirmed by any public authority.
🡲 obsidian
another prison planet, obsidian was created to keep a great evil sealed behind its portal, hoping for it to never return. it has mostly become a legend by now, although its existence is very real. all the people who touched its grounds never came back, making it impossible to know how it looks.
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months ago
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Los tuaregs, un pueblo con los mismos orígenes que los antiguos canarios, supuestamente en el Sur del antiguo Marruecos, cuya lengua según algunos autores es la misma (evolucionada) que hablaban los canarios, caracterizada por su aislamiento, escasa influencia del árabe y su supuesto arcaísmo. Se llaman a sí mismos como amaceq, amahaq, o amajaq, que son variantes del ‘amazigh’ y evolución de como se llamaban los libios en el s. VI y V A. C, mazyies o maxyes. La primera explicación del origen de este nombre, la realizan genealogistas medievales norteafricanos, que recogían la tradición de la época de las tribus, por la que decían descender de un ancestro mítico común llamado Mazi, por lo cual Amazi vendría a significar «descendiente de Mazi» y tendría relación con los ancestros.
A los habitantes de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura se les llamaba majos y relacionado con ello tenemos las voces maxio, con las variantes majo y mago que designaban para los antiguos canarios los «encantados» o almas de los difuntos, espíritus o fantasmas de los antepasados. Y los pueblos amzighs a la hora de jurar, lo hacen por sus antepasados, al igual que aquí «juraban por Magec que es el sol» (Atis Mago) y «el alma tenian por inmortal hija de Magec» y que «a los fantasmas llamaban magios, hijos de Magec», relacionando el culto solar, con el juramento realizado por los ancestros.
Marín de Cubas nos cita a los «encantados» o majos apareciendo en el sureste de Gran Canaria, muy probablemente al pie de Montaña de Las Tabaibas y de El Coronadero, en un poblado que recibía el nombre de Amoxo, y que pudiera ser Amajo, pues se situaba donde hoy se encuentran las Salinas de Abajo.
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cariboucabin · 7 months ago
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Attack #12 for Living_Neaps character Magec!!
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ender-fals · 5 months ago
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Magec:5 Braincell:0
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meoproject · 1 year ago
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Everyone quiet, im just having a big boob elf drawing phase...
And I've also been thinking her and her setting a lot, and maybe I wanna do something with it, not sure what (comic? just some story vignettes with illustrations? would there be any interest in seeing either?) 
This is Val. She is one of those life's eternal grad students. From a rich, like, very rich merchant family, she's been living it easy studying magic and trying to find her Big Break to focus her research on. She's in for a rude awakening now, though, as her family is now interested in getting her married off to a son of a poor noble family, so they can become nobility-by-family-association. 
Val, naturally, wants none of this, and decides it's time for her to fockin' skedaddle, and sets her sights on seeking shelter from her archmage aunt. Problem is, she is known to live in a remote, semi-hidden MageCity™ (name pending) and Val, who hasn't teeeeechhhnically obtained her full mage rank, is not invited in yet, and would have to find the place essentially on foot.
So, naturally, an adventure happens.
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yo-sostenible · 1 month ago
Nace ‘Con los pies en la Tierra’, el primer pódcast de Ecologistas en Acción, una experiencia piloto abierta a tu participación. Puedes escuchar nuestro primer programa de radio y escribirnos a [email protected]. https://anchor.fm/s/f99afb10/podcast/rss Viajamos a la asamblea de Ecologistas en Acción en Alacant, donde Carmen, Sara y Erika, coordinadoras de esta organización ecologista nos hablan, con Zulema de Alicante, de las luchas y actividades que vienen en 2025; Pau Monasterio del grupo local de Valencia nos cuenta de primera mano el impacto ambiental de la dana en la Albufera; profundizamos en los impactos, límites y movilizaciones contra la turistificación en Canarias, Balears y Alacant con Elena y Marina de la plataforma vecinal Alicante, dónde vas, con Margalida Ramis, de GOB Mallorca (Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa), Pablo Díaz, de Ben Magec-Ecologistas en Acción de Canarias, y Carlos Arribas, de la Colla Ecologista d’Alacant; en la sección Gallipata escuchamos las reflexiones de Martín, Samuel, Olalla, Lucas, Ramón y Martín, niñas y niños de 8 a 13 años, sobre manifestaciones y acciones ecologistas; Valentín nos trae las últimas novedades de Libros en Acción; y además, noticias, convocatorias y buena música. En este podcast piloto hemos escuchado las músicas libres de Tremenda Jauría en la sintonía, Un Cuento Propio, Get It On, JungleBungle, Ignacio Alfayé para el Espacio Bebé de la PAI, Energysound, Los Brodies, Summer House, La Monkiband, Namaste de Audionautix yGrandilocuentes Monocotiledóneas, todas ellas cedidas por sus autores y con licencias libres. ¡Muchas gracias por vuestro arte! Puedes escuchar Con los pies en la tierra en la página web de Ecologistas en Acción, en radios libres y comunitarias y en las plataformas de podcasts. ¡Escuchanos y entra en acción! Equipo Con los pies en la TierraEquipo Gallipata
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armatofu · 2 months ago
Los tuaregs, un pueblo con los mismos orígenes que los antiguos canarios,
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supuestamente en el Sur del antiguo Marruecos, cuya lengua según algunos autores es la misma (evolucionada) que hablaban los canarios, caracterizada por su aislamiento, escasa influencia del árabe y su supuesto arcaísmo. Se llaman a sí mismos como amaceq, amahaq, o amajaq, que son variantes del ‘amazigh’ y evolución de como se llamaban los libios en el s. VI y V A. C, mazyies o maxyes. La primera explicación del origen de este nombre, la realizan genealogistas medievales norteafricanos, que recogían la tradición de la época de las tribus, por la que decían descender de un ancestro mítico común llamado Mazi, por lo cual Amazi vendría a significar «descendiente de Mazi» y tendría relación con los ancestros.
A los habitantes de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura se les llamaba majos y relacionado con ello tenemos las voces maxio, con las variantes majo y mago que designaban para los antiguos canarios los «encantados» o almas de los difuntos, espíritus o fantasmas de los antepasados. Y los pueblos amzighs a la hora de jurar, lo hacen por sus antepasados, al igual que aquí «juraban por Magec que es el sol» (Atis Mago) y «el alma tenian por inmortal hija de Magec» y que «a los fantasmas llamaban magios, hijos de Magec», relacionando el culto solar, con el juramento realizado por los ancestros.
Marín de Cubas nos cita a los «encantados» o majos apareciendo en el sureste de Gran Canaria, muy probablemente al pié de Montaña de Las Tabaibas y de El Coronadero, en un poblado que recibía el nombre de Amoxo, y que pudiera ser Amajo, pues se situaba donde hoy se encuentran las Salinas de Abajo.
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tuportavoz · 4 months ago
PACMA y PETA, junto con el apoyo de Greenpeace, Anima Naturalis y Ben Magec, convocan un acto contra la granja de pulpos en Las Canteras
PACMA exige al Gobierno de Canarias que frene el proyecto de Nueva Pescanova, calificándolo de cruel e irresponsableLas Palmas de Gran Canaria, viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024 — PACMA y PETA, en colaboración con Greenpeace, Anima Naturalis y Ben Magec, organizan una protesta este sábado 5 de octubre, a las 12:00 horas, en la Playa de Las Canteras (zona Playa Chica), en conmemoración del Día…
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knario47 · 27 days ago
Ayúdanos compartiendo y, si puedes, haciendo una donación en la cuenta que aparece en el último póster, ahul.
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chamelgaspardblogs · 11 months ago
Ordenan por fin el derribo del hotel RIU Oliva Beach
Tras una larga batalla en defensa de las Dunas de Corralejo, el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico confirma, en conformidad con el dictamen del Consejo de Estado, la caducidad de la concesión otorgada al hotel RIU Oliva Beach para seguir ocupando este Espacio Natural Protegido y ordena derribar las edificaciones. Ben Magec, la federación canaria de Ecologistas en…
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sweetestofbelles · 1 year ago
how cool is it to cool whit magec?
". . . . ????"
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origami10 · 1 year ago
somewhere around 1940s/1950s technology
(electricity yes, cars… communications? asdf)
no plastic! (oil) what fabrics?
SW continent has the fuel resources (gas?)
de facto owns A/C bc they lack fuel resources, need to import
but A/C wants autonomy so start focusing on education, build secret labs to develop alternate fuel sources to escape dependency
lab in narosama and A lake island
whoops big boom
plume goes nw, hits A lake and… man what was Scorch’s town called again (anyway, leñaur region)
A lake lab can’t establish contact * with narosama lab. Send out scouts, radiation poisoning, lockdown (basically). Suicide resource retrieval missions
A population gradually disappears *
C population less affected but kind of stranded?
SW continent not happy their resource colony is dangerous, mostly abandon *
Things happen for 30~…300 years? (idk yet)
Lab has several gens, develops sustainable tech (single person, portable for exploring)
Every so often a scout goes out. Some don’t come back because they like it too much outside. Eventually settlement starts up in A capital, then very slowly branch out one by one (still only a few thousand (~5k) by story?
Since they pop out of nowhere, remaining C population is threatened/hesitant/reluctant to interact, adopt technology
Charismatic leader, royal family
Welcoming immigrants (from C and some from SW) to build population
SW tech hitting the limit on nonrenewable resources. A now far ahead on sustainability, SW wants a piece of it (how do they find out? *)
Some immigrant/people movement (?)
Magec’s family’s been in charge a while
Scorch’s area is people that came over from C a ways back and are slowly absorbing the tech
Flem’s parents moved to C bc… ah hold up
A is strict about teaching trades that ensure the technology can be maintained (not once a done). But less organized school system *
C more organized school?
Ah, the golden hunting period was when SW realized it was safe enough to go back, but A wasn’t strong enough to rule C yet. SW backed Char’s parents’ families?? (wanted leñaur forest)
from there supported loose monarchy
Shea’s dad (younger) in C so made noble, Westric’s dad (older) had already moved to A so missed out (Shea like three mo older than Westric)
is Jecui’s org SW-gov sponsored or do they have another purpose? *
Magec can speak a little of Jecui’s language due to her studies
It’s actually common for A kids to study science but history somewhat less so
Slightly different dialect between A and C bc long separation? A lighter skin bc underground, but now enough movement it’s more diverse (Shea -> darker…? effort to light?) Tech words born in A dialect
Hmmm Flem’s parents moved bc hope of nobility…? idk
so anyway, personal sustainable technology, centralized resources…? *
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forevermom365 · 2 years ago
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Shout out to #Target for letting us get back our happy trips to the store. My little wears SMO braces for his ankles and also has Magec Rods on either side of his spine so walking long distances is challenging. Our trips are either cut short or end up in meltdowns, but this trip was so easy. And I didn’t have to worry about him running off on me.
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