#mag 039
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MAG039 - Infestation
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crimennui · 2 years
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started TMA last week and already made it to mag100 :) decided to celebrate by cricuting a sweatshirt based on one of my fave scenes
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Round Two Part Three - Match 21
It’s Worm Time, baby! Infestation, our Season 1 finale, is against the halfway special, I Guess You Had To Be There, coming into Round Two with 211 votes!
MAG 039 - Infestation | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Original recording of Jane Prentiss’ attack upon The Magnus Institute on July 29th, 2016.
MAG 100 - I Guess You Had To Be There | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Assorted live statements. No further details available.
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garbage-salt-scraps · 2 years
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new pfp, it's this one sketch of tim from my stupid animation im making that i feel like im never gonna finish lol
audio from MAG039 and this stream, edited together by me :-)
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thebookofthefaeries · 2 years
Sasha: Wait. Will it hurt Martin or John?
Elias: Almost certainly!
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gogglebob · 4 days
Superman: Man of Games 14: DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos
Superman reaches his videogame finale (for now) at Happy Harbor with the Justice League. And he’s adorable! Yay! DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos 2023 PHL Collective / Outright Games Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox X|S, PC Available Superpowers: Flight Heat Vision Ice Breath Super Strength An Excellent Driver Noted Opponents: Mr. Mxyzptlik Starro Clayface Blue…
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fridayyy-13th · 1 year
for the anti-honesty hour: explain season 1 of tma
okay so like there's this guy, jonah magnus. everyone calls him jon. they're his archives. he's specifically categorizing not-real scary stories. all of them are fake, they're supposed to be. it's like an archive dedicated to human creativity, and to learning what trends occur in people's fears.
and he's got some assistants to help him! there's jimmy magma, jonie magnum, and john sims. the h is very important. there's a running gag of someone calling "jo(h)n?" and both john and jon responding, since their names are phonetically identical.
and it starts off very silly and fun, your typical workplace comedy, with jon and his assistants cataloguing these spooky tales. but one day, everything changes...
early one morning, jimmy bursts into the archives in a panic after nearly two weeks of being out sick. jonie's the only one in--she's always been the workaholic of the gang--and she calms him down with a cup of coffee as the other two arrive. by then, jimmy's composed enough to explain that he wasn't out sick at all, he was accosted by one of the monsters from the statements, jane prentiss, a lady made of parasitic earthworms who kept him trapped in his flat with no way to call for help. it sounds absolutely absurd, and jon and jonie express their doubts, but john believes him wholeheartedly, and lets jimmy crash at his place for the time being.
this trend continues as time goes on, with everyone starting to encounter more and more of these stories that were supposed to be fake, as the worms jimmy described--shaped like regular earthworms, but cartoonishly pink instead of dark pinkish-brown--start showing up around the archives building. the group learns how to get rid of them with a fairly simple solution: water, like the wicked witch of the west. it's almost laughable. the lightheartedness of the first half of the season has taken on a bitter tone, but it's still chiefly a comedy with some spooky shenanigans.
one day around noon while the assistants are working, john's doing that thing where you throw pencils at the ceiling tiles to get them stuck. he does it enough that the tile he's aiming at cracks and collapses, showering down an absolutely ridiculous amount of worms, and they just keep coming. turns out prentiss has been hiding in the ceiling, and now the assistants have to trigger the fire sprinklers to stop her. why they kept a water-based fire supression system in a chiefly-paper archive? who knows. it was an old building. jon almost gets eaten by worms, but he's fiiiiine. the four make their way to the manual release, jonie flips the switch, the system goes off, they save the day! a happy ending for everyone. nothing bad happens ever again. don't think about the other monsters they encountered from their supposed-to-be-fake statements, it's fine! everything's fine. the end. maybe.
(ask game)
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sneakersculture · 6 months
Des sneakers rares aux enchères chez Sotheby's
La Maison d’enchères Sotheby’s propose cette fois-ci des enchères de sneakers rares et précieuses dans sa collection “Important Sneakers and Modern Collectibles”. Si d’un point de vue financier, elles sont pour la plupart hors de portée du commun des mortels, ces enchères nous permettent de decouvrir ou re-découvrir des collaborations extraordinaires. Des Nike Dunk High Futura…
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thoughtswordsaction · 7 months
Sheer Mag Released New Album "Playing Favorites" on Third Man Records
Photo by Cecil Shang Whaley Sheer Mag have labored to carve out a discernibly singular position within the canon of contemporary rock – their sound is unmistakably and immediately recognizable as theirs alone. On Playing Favorites, Sheer Mag’s third full-length and first with Third Man Records, the band capitalize on a decade’s worth of devotion to their own collective spirit—a spirit refined in…
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i-am-theseeker · 8 months
A Celestial City
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Gosh, I don’t know, but I have to tell you, every single time I click on one of Edwards’ art pieces I am moved, sort of electrified, emotional. This one is called, “Wandering Through the Day.” I loved it as soon as I saw it. You can see five new pieces by Edward in the new Instant Noodles, which has its own website now, and is free to read, or gaze at lovingly, and just to enjoy. It’s…
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ubomag-blog1 · 2 years
Pay Homage ‘When I’m Here’ By Vocab Slick Featuring Equipto and Simone´ Mosely
On Sept 8, 2022, Vocab did it again, dropping yet another video off “Language;” this time releasing a song about giving homage to those who have passed before us. The song, “When I’m Here (feat. Equipto & Simone´ Mosley)” was produced by Nohokai & Starski
By Aaris A. SchroederEditor-In-ChiefSanta Rosa, CA emcee Vocab Slick released his most recent album, “Language” in 2021 with loads of dope drops with videos such as “Find A Way (Feat. The Grouch),” “Stay Focused (feat. Zion I),” “A.O.M.” (All On Me) and “Right Now.” Vocab Slick comes through with thoughtful lyricism and melody in his voice which matches his passion for creating music.On Sept 8,…
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localcuttlefish · 1 year
asks you about the lightning never strikes twice au
You and @thecatchat have opened Pandora’s Box, I will take this as my signal to never shut up
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Strap in folks this is gonna be a Long Post, but I added visuals so bear with me on this
This AU relies heavily on a few assumptions about character personalities, and a few assumptions about how the entities work. 
Here’s my basis of knowledge upon which this entire AU is built:
We know Tim is mentally and emotionally checked out for the majority of Season 3. He’s antisocial, cold, and resentful towards anything regarding the institute and/or it’s employees. He doesn’t give them the opportunity to get close to him anymore, and therefore, he isn’t really fully informed as to what the archival team is looking into all the time (as evidenced by MAG 104: Sneak Preview).
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This means he wouldn’t know much (or care much) about Jon going out of his way to seek out Jude Perry, and subsequently seek out Mike Crew. 
The events of MAG 091: The Coming Storm occur as normal. What I want us to focus on is the audio after the statement, of Daisy disposing of Mike’s body and attempting to execute Jon as well. We know that the location Mike is buried in has to be accessible by car, specifically by standard undercover police vehicles, because the audio recording is implicitly either from the trunk of the car or in a closed bag in the car. I tend to make the assumption that the burial location is in a clearing through a patch of woodlands off the shoulder of the highway, because Daisy would know that the highway is a very difficult place to thoroughly search for cadavers, and Jon confirms that he was dragged through a forest to be executed in MAG 132: Entombed. If I remember correctly, Daisy frequents this place, as confirmed by Basira in MAG 091: The Coming Storm. We will keep the presumed location of Mike’s unmarked grave in mind.
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Now here comes some big leaps of logic from me. This is where it starts to get funky.
We know that in order to become an avatar, like, a real one, full blown inhuman, you need to die, or at least come close to death, as explained in MAG 121: Far Away.
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Up until this point, Tim has not encountered such an event. He’s been tricked into a binding contract with The Eye after being traumatized by The Stranger, he’s held his own against The Corruption, he’s been trapped in The Spiral, he’s inflicted his loneliness upon himself, and god knows to what degree The Web has been stringing him along as it did to all the archival employees, but none of these experiences killed him, or even came that close to it. 
As much as I love Desolation or Stranger aligned Tim, we always forget that he is first and foremost an employee of The Magnus Institute. He’s got that Eye alignment set up for him from the start. Being that he hasn’t died, he isn’t an avatar, but he can tap into the power of The Eye to some degree, much like how Jon in S3 could, but obviously Tim’s dominion of The Eye would be much narrower, since he isn’t The Archivist. 
I would like to think Tim’s abilities are almost mundane to some extent, since he resents the entities and tries to distance from them as much as possible.
Perhaps he’s just really good at finding hidden things. Like in MAG 039: Infestation, when he conveniently fell into multiple canisters of fire extinguishers in a seemingly coincidental stroke of good luck.
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That’s the assumption I like to make.
We also know for a fact that trying to escape The Magnus Institute will cause sickness. It happened to Tim when he tried to get away in MAG 090: Bodybuilder. We will keep this effect in mind for later, trust me, it’s important. 
Jumping back to Mike, we know that avatars of The Hunt are the only beings that can really put down another avatar (I forgot which episode this was explained but I think it was from late S3 or early S4, if I find it I’ll edit this and put the exact episode). Daisy, at the time of MAG 091: The Coming Storm, is not confirmed to be an avatar for certain if I remember correctly. But for sake of covering all our bases, let’s say she is. In MAG 132: Entombed, Daisy clarifies that The Hunt “was in me all my life. Telling me who to chase. How to hurt them.”
Daisy was never hunting Mike, though. She was hunting Jon, and Mike just so happened to get caught in the crossfire. Therefore, I would make the argument that The Hunt did not put Mike down, but it sure looks like it did at face value.
So, when she puts a bullet or two through Mike, I’d like to think that’s not enough to really do the job permanently. But what does incapacitate Mike is being completely separated from The Vast, stuck in The Buried. Almost a fairytale-esque sleep-like-death. 
From that, I would dare to assume Mike isn’t dead, but in a painful, paralyzed, eternal stillness and silence, being crushed on all sides and totally severed from that which he serves. He can’t even scream in the few fleeting moments of lucidity in his entrapped state because Daisy broke his jaw when she first attacked. He’s stuck in a half-coma underground.
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The last piece of setup for this show is the fact that Tim values autonomy. We see this as he gets more and more frustrated with Jon hovering over him with accusations and micromanagements throughout S2, and Elias trapping him in his current job via supernatural means as revealed in S2 and S3. Granted, he’s not as outspoken about it as Melanie is in comparison, but he still values autonomy. He even dared Elias to kill him if Elias wanted to take away his freedom of choice so badly. “Kill me or fuck off.” (MAG 104: Sneak Preview)
From this, I’d like to assume that he tries to get away in smaller ways, like driving far away from the city of London just to see the stars. Simple things like that, so the institute doesn’t drag him back on a shorter leash, kicking and screaming. 
So, we have the setup. Where does that lead us?
We have a tired and stressed Tim, driving out on a long empty stretch of highway, feeling more and more unwell the further he gets from the institute, until he sees an undercover police vehicle whipping out of a shoulder on the highway. Once again, he has conveniently found something meant to be hidden. 
And of course, being of The Eye, he investigates. Almost instantaneously he no longer feels unwell. 
To his horror, he unearths Mike, discovering the potter’s field Daisy has been steadily adding to over her years in the police force. 
What really wakes Mike up, though?
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There’s a few more fine details, but this is the general gist of it! Feel free to ask more, I’m gonna continue to put out content for this AU but I would love to know what people want to see from it!
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Less a comment on the episode itself and more a comment on the amazing fanworks streaming into your feed today; but gotta love how everyone is unified behind the vase imagery, but no one is in agreeance with what fractal pattern is on the outside of the vase. I love how creative all the artists have been with their renditions of what kind of fractal would be on the vase!
On the episode itself, I remember first time through having a moment at the end going: LORE???!! Obviously not the first time we've had lore at the end of an episode, not by a long shot. But since I was listening via RSS after the completion of the series, I didn't quite realize that I was already nearing the season finale. Honestly, this cliffhanger lends itself as a perfect segue into MAG 039 and the sudden and abrupt change of pace from self-contained statements mixed with outside overarching plot hints to full on episode focused entirely on said plot.
But finally doubling down on MAG 038, this one stuck out due to the creepiness factor of the implications of the vase. Interesting to note: the original statement giver hasn't been eaten yet, as he still exists on the marriage certificate and other public records! It's a detail I noticed this time around, as the statement seemed to lead me to the conclusion that things keep vanishing around the Statement giver because eventually they'll be eaten by the Spiral vase. But on second thought, I don't think they'll ever actually get eaten, since the vase needs someone to feed on and the statement giver needs to be alive to feel the fear of being gaslit so it can do that.
Oh yes, all the lovely art people are doing with renditions of the vase are amazing!
And yes, I guess the vase would need someone... I always thought maybe it would have eaten the husband as well and then been passed to someone else.
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thebookofthefaeries · 2 years
John admitting they're going to die and giving up on everything
Tim: *dramatically bursts through wall*
Tim: Hi guys!
Martin and John: TIM!
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fridayyy-13th · 8 months
THE "fanon is so much better then canon" REBLOG TAGS. WOULD U BE OKAY SHARING UR SASHA CHARACTERIZATION THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS THAT MADE ME SO EXCITED TO SEE..... . no worries if u'd prefer not to though or wouldn't be sure how to articulate all of that!!! im like that sometimes when there are just So many character thoughts so no worries either way :-]]] have a cozy day or nightttt btw
oh my goodness yes absolutely i would be okay sharing. Sasha's my girl!! i love her!!! and i will not stand for fanon's slander of my beloved.
a while back i made a post about the list i have of Various Sasha Observations from the episodes she appears in (tbh i still need to add stuff from MAG 039 to it...), but what's always struck me is just how full of character and life she is, even appearing in as few episodes as she did. she's curious, clever, snarky, pedantic, reckless, and cares for her friends so much. basically the opposite of the "braincell holder" archetype she's been assigned!! she faces monsters head-on twice to protect her friends, she learned about Martin's CV through her own snooping and kept that information to herself so he could keep his job, she seems really easy to talk to (in MAG 024, she manages to coax an amused tone out of Jon, who's in full prickly-boss-mode at this point in the series), and she's also just as clueless about archiving as the rest of the characters (see: the stapler incident. standard staples rust, i believe what she should have been doing to keep the loose statements together was putting them into individual folders? i'm not an archivist. but the idea Sasha would have been better at archiving is not true. she would have absolutely been a better Archivist though. in Jonah's eyes, at least. she's got Jon's lack of self-preservation and double the curiosity).
also just...as an arospec person i love projecting on her, honestly. aromantic!Sasha is a headcanon very dear to my heart; i'm particularly fond of queerplatonic interpretations of her and Tim's relationship. i'm also very fond of queerplatonic jonsasha! which is even harder to find!! i just love the ace/aro solidarity they could have. i've got fic WIPs that feature both those relationships in more spotlighted roles than they usually get, if only i could finish them...alas, i'm a notoriously slow writer. they'll get done eventually, i promise 😅
oh my GOD i almost forgot to mention just how often the other characters bring her up after her death!!! see, like, another thing about fanon is how often Sasha is sidelined, even when she's still alive, but Jon pauses for a heavy moment after Knowing she was killed by the Not!Them, and Martin repeatedly asks about her and her safety after "she" (the Not!Them) disappears, and Tim's downward spiral is accelerated by having lost another person dear to him to the Stranger. and even after her death, she's important to them. when Peter asks Jon "where are your friends, Archivist?" in 159, his first answer is "Tim and Sasha are dead," when his closest friend at the time is Daisy. this isn't even important to her characterization per se, but it's important to me that you know that she was so important to them. she was their friend!!! even though she was forgotten she was remembered as a friend!!!!!
...but uh, yeah. that's my thoughts, lol. Sasha James is the light of my life and fanon absolutely dropped the ball on her. fanon tends to drop the ball on most things but Sasha especially. God i love her so much. it's like my personal mission to get the fandom to care about her as much as i do.
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