Markona's Declassified Fandom Life
245 posts
Just a fan doing fan things. Propellers not included ;) You can also find me here:
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impmarkona · 3 months ago
This is so impressive and I'm absolutely curious about her story o.o
When you learned of the god of war, you thought he’d be tall and muscular and angry. When you were about to meet him, you braced yourself for the worst.
You weren’t quite expecting the short, scrawny, shy kid you ended up getting instead.
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impmarkona · 3 months ago
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin. They both looked down at the crumpled shape of the Overlord, His Unholy Majesty, in his obsidian armor.
His final spasms had been mesmerizingly acrobatic. The fall down the steps leading up to his iron throne had pretzelled his body quite impressively, both arms folded behind his back and one leg bent at a jaunty angle.
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin.
"Shit," said the goblin.
"Shit," said the orc.
"We're likely to get blamed for this," the goblin said. She walked over to the head of the glittering mangled heap and started pulling the helmet off.
"It's not our fault," the orc said. "It's hard to help someone choking when they wear two-hundred pounds of spiked armor at all times."
"Yeah, well," the goblin grunted. The helmet came free, and the bald head of the Overlord bounced on the stone with a hollow, coconut noise. "You know how it is in this bloody country - thieves get their heads cut off so they can't think about thieving, and all that." She fished in the Overlord's mouth with a finger and pulled out the obstructing olive on the end of her claw.
She popped it into her mouth and chewed. "What do you reckon they do for a regicide?" she said.
"We should run," the orc said. She had started bouncing her leg. "I hear that there's some places in the Alliance where they just kill you and let you stay dead. That's got to be nicer than what'll happen if we stay here."
The goblin started to nod - and then her gaze fell on the helmet.
It looked like a pineapple designed by a deranged blacksmith. It was all thorns and spikes and hard edges, as though the maker had been very determined to not let pigeons roost on it. The only bits that weren't solid iron were eyeholes. Nobody had ever seen the Overlord's face.
She held up the helmet and squinted from it to the orc. One of the thorns had been bent badly in the fall.
Nobody had ever seen the Overlord's face...
"Right," she muttered. "Right. Could work - or."
The orc had a sudden vision of the immediate future. "No," she said.
"I mean you're about his height-"
"It would just be for a-"
"Absolutely not."
"Just hear me out," the goblin said. "Outside of this room are two-thousand men and orcs and goblins who are absolutely gonzo about this man, and there's a whole country of them outside of the castle, and at any moment someone's going to walk in that door and see one dead tit in black armor and two unbelievably dead idiots next to him.
"Or." She tossed the helmet up like a basketball to the orc, who fumbled and tried to find somewhere to hold it that wasn't a knife's edge. "We chuck him out the window now, walk out the door in the armor, and ditch the armor as soon as nobody sees us."
The orc had started bouncing her leg again. "They'll know something's up the second I walk out of the room."
"No worries," said the goblin. "Leave that to me."
It had been a very strange year for the Empire.
Change had rolled across the land as slow and inevitable as a glacier. Roads and bridges carved the gray, blasted wildlands, and a number of social reforms had made the country a place where you could be miserable, yes, but miserable in comfort and safety, and that was an improvement.
Barely anyone got boiled alive in molten metal, and even if the disgusted sun never rose to light the Empire, at least you had a roof over your head to protect yourself from the acid rain.
"Your empire flourishes, Your Unholy Majesty," the magician said over her wine glass. She looked down from the tower's balcony over the gleaming stone battlements. Some work had been done to line the castle and surrounding city with sizzling, crackling alchemical lights at night. The whole thing glowed like something dangerously radioactive.
The suit of armor waved a languid, glittering gauntlet over to the goblin, who bowed.
"His Abominable Gloriousness Thanks You," the goblin recited. "The Prosperity Of His Empire Can Only Be Achieved Through The Prosperity Of His People."
"If I may be so bold, I am quite pleased that you had chosen to take my counsel under consideration," said the magician. "We have accomplished many things together."
Another wave. Another bow. "The Overlord, May His Presence Swallow The Sun And Stars, Thanks You As Well."
"It was quite gratifying to see you change your mind, after so many centuries of denial." The wine was swirled. "Tell me, what was it that finally gave you cause to listen to me?"
There was the slightest hesitation. The goblin's eyes flicked to the armor, then to the magician. She puffed out her chest. "Do you question the wisdom of His Austere Lugubriousness?" she asked.
The magician looked at the goblin. She looked at the armor. She tipped her head back and drank the wine too quickly.
She looked back at the armor. "I know you're the orc, you moron," she said.
The room went deathly still. An alchemical light fizzled.
The orc pulled off the helmet, sending long, untied hair down tangling, and said: "How could you possibly-"
"Because you're both idiots!" the magician said. The goblin jumped. The orc jumped with a noise like a dropped stove. "What kind of a plan was this?! If it wasn't for me, you would have been turned into fertilizer months ago."
She closed her eyes. She took a long, dramatic breath. She set the wine glass down on the balcony rail.
"How did the Overlord die?" she asked when she seemed like she had gotten a hold over herself.
"Choked on an olive," said the goblin.
"Threw his body out the window," said the orc.
"You don't have to mention the window," said the goblin.
"Right," said the orc. "Sorry."
The magician looked out over the city, hand curled thoughtfully under her nose. "Who knows about this?"
"Just us. And, uh. You. Apparently."
"And why did you accept my counsel?"
The orc blinked. "Sorry?"
"Why did you accept my counsel?" the magician repeated.
"Well," the orc said. "Well - you seemed like you had good ideas-"
"Great ideas!" the goblin said with an edge of desperation. "Don't know why the old bastard didn't listen to you!"
"Right - right," said the orc. "And when we figured we were stuck doing this - well, it just made sense, really."
The magician seemed to absorb this. She nodded. "All right," she said, striding between the two and grabbing the crystal decanter.
"Um," said the orc. "Sorry. What happens now?"
"What happens is that you two will continue to serve as Overlord," said the magician. "You will continue to take my counsel. We will continue to reform this bloody country, and gods willing, we will turn it into the crown jewel of the world by next Midwinter."
The orc looked at the goblin. The goblin looked at the orc.
"Really?" the goblin asked.
"Oh yes," said the magician. "I've worked hard to be counsel to the Overlord, and I have no reason to stop now. And besides-"
She looked the orc up and down with a deliberate slowness, poring over every microscopic detail, eyes tracing over every jagged line, and grinned like a panther.
"You look much better in the armor than he ever did," she said. Dark robes swirled like a becleavaged thundercloud, and she strode out through the high iron doors, decanter in hand.
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin.
"Shit," said the goblin.
"Shit," said the orc.
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impmarkona · 3 months ago
"So you collect ghosts?"
"Not intentionally. Ghosts are just drawn to me. I'm a ghost sponge. A ghost magnet. When I'm hired to check out a haunted house, I walk in and take all the ghosts with me when I leave. And if it turns out there's a demon the ghosts eat 'em. It's a very efficient system."
"...Say that last part again."
"The ghosts eat the demons. Like a pack of hyenas taking down a wildebeest. I've seen the ghost of a 90-year-old Ukrainian babushka tear apart a demon with her teeth."
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impmarkona · 3 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Fights in Frost
Off through the Howling Fjord once again! SivAtora, and good friend Acandael, face off against many creatures in the frosty cold! Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 3 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'Har Orc: Tasks for Camp Winterhoof
Killing monsters. Turning in quests. Just your typical day for SivAtora. This time all her quests are for Camp Winterhoof and it’s tauren. With Acandael by her side, nothing could possibly go wrong… right? Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 4 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Battle of Monsters
On her way to the next waypoint, SivAtora faces off against giant beings and mutated plants! All with her good pal Acandael by her side. Just another day in the life of this Death Knight! Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 4 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: A Howling Battle
After getting her bearings, SivAtora has made it to the battle at the Howling Fjord. There she joins the Forsaken and faces off against their foes! Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 4 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Directional Challenges
Onward to her next battle…. SivAtora has learned she’s a tad directionally challenged. Upside, she still found enemies to take down along the way to her next mission haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 4 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Forsaken Blaze
Out amongst her fellow Horde, SivAtora takes the fight to the Alliance enemies just beyond their base. She joins in on setting fire to some of their bigger arsenal. She also frees a fellow Horde member who sets many supplies ablaze. All with a fantastic escort in the form of her good friend, Acandael. A fantastic time! Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Some Supervision Required
SivAtora continues to train to get stronger. She pushes forward on her quests… and tends to get stuck or lost along the way. Good thing her friend, Acandael, is there to supervise in case things get outta hand. What are friend for, right? Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Change of Plans
Initially planning to aid her ally Acandael, SivAtora swiftly learned she needed to get stronger before she could join in the bigger battles. Thus she set out to fight some foes and gain some profession training. All to one day join Acandael on a more powerful battlefield. Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
Markona Ponders This Job! (The Forest playthrough, part 5)
This video is part 5 of 5 but there may be more to come in the future. Welcome to my first time playing The Forest. Where I’m running around with my sis ( @JalicardHellhoundSen  ) and our friends ( @darksewerrat  and @TheCoolHusky) on this journey. Hope you enjoy us being the chaos gremlins that we all are haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
Markona on The Job! (The Forest playthrough, part 4)
This video is part 4 of 5 but there may be more to come in the future. Welcome to my first time playing The Forest. Where I’m running around with my sis ( @JalicardHellhoundSen  ) and our friends ( @darksewerrat  and @TheCoolHusky) on this journey. Hope you enjoy us being the chaos gremlins that we all are haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
Markona the Camp Hunter! (The Forest playthrough, part 3)
This video is part 3 of 5 but there may be more to come in the future. Welcome to my first time playing The Forest. Where I’m running around with my sis ( @JalicardHellhoundSen  ) and our friends ( @darksewerrat  and @TheCoolHusky) on this journey. Hope you enjoy us being the chaos gremlins that we all are haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
Markona Reached the Second Day! (The Forest playthrough, part 2)
This video is part 2 of 5 but there may be more to come in the future. Welcome to my first time playing The Forest. Where I’m running around with my sis ( @JalicardHellhoundSen  ) and our friends ( @darksewerrat  and @TheCoolHusky) on this journey. Hope you enjoy us being the chaos gremlins that we all are haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
Markona Crash Lands Into Chaos! (The Forest playthrough, part 1)
This video is part 1 of 5 but there may be more to come in the future. Welcome to my first time playing The Forest. Where I’m running around with my sis ( @JalicardHellhoundSen  ) and our friends ( @darksewerrat  and TheCoolHusky) on this journey. Hope you enjoy us being the chaos gremlins that we all are haha Peace Out!~Markona~
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impmarkona · 5 months ago
SivAtora the Mag'har Orc: Rebirth
Death was only the beginning. SivAtora embraced her new life as a Death Knight. Taking charge and fighting to understand these new powers she’d gained. Peace Out!~Markona~
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