#made an appointment with her for next month so i can finally get answers about my funky blood test results
The Healthcare horrors persist
#Updates on this whole mess:#Im insured under my dad#he has Healthcare option 1 which is government provided since he is retired millitary and option 2 due to his new job#after his retirement option 1 went funky for me and changed things around meaning i was no longer able to be seen by my pcp#Im also unable to log in to any of my accounts for 1 so im not sure whats going on there and what plan of 1 i have specifically#so i switched to a new pcp which accepted option 2 (which was super hard to find) literally last week#made an appointment with her for next month so i can finally get answers about my funky blood test results#(which is still don't know what specifically is wrong with it! for all i know i could just have high cholesterol-#or i could have markers for rheumatoid arthritis instead of my prior fibromyalgia diagnosis!)#(i also do not get refils for my anxiety medication until i have an appointment with my new doctor)#crisis averted right? WRONG!#I just got a call from my Dad saying he is switching jobs so I am no longer insured under 2#meaning...#1) i need to call option 1 and figure out how to get into my accounts and what my insurance is#2) check that this pcp acceprs said insurance#3) find yet another pcp if she doesnt and make an appointment for god knows when#and here is the kicker:#since option 1 is government and millitary based it is going to take FOREVER to get anything done#And Im not sure if they are going to want me to renew my millitary dependent ID or not#because that shit is EXPIRED and i was under the impression i can no longer renew it due to his retirement#but also in order to make any acoount with option 1 they require a benefits number which expires alongside the ID#Then on the other side of things i also have my wisdom teeth surgery to schedule (through my mom thank god)#and school starting again in a few weeks#going to defenestrate myself istg
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minniesmutt · 6 months
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⚠︎ ━━━ LUNCH
⚠︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 5 + 0.8K
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     Y/n nervously sat in her car outside the restaurant— nothing super fancy as she had asked thankfully. He had already told her he was inside, she was just trying to calm down, finally gathering herself, grabbing her bag, and walking inside. Telling the host she was meeting someone before they led her to the table. 
     Jeongin had set his phone down on the table as she joined him. “Hey.”
     “Hi,” Y/n offered a smile as she sat down across from him.
     “How are you doing?” He asked 
     “Okay? Kind of nervous honestly.” Y/n grabbed the cup of water in front of her and took a sip. 
     “Let's order then we can talk about it. How does that sound?”
     Y/n agreed and picked up her menu. Scanning over the items for a few minutes before the waiter came over. Both putting in their orders and giving their menu’s to the waiter before they walked off. Sitting in an awkward silence for another minute.
     “I’m not getting rid of the baby.” Y/n finally stated after a moment.
     “I wasn’t going to make you,” Jeongin confirmed, “I know it was a one night stand and we barely know each other but I do want to at the very least co-parent this kid.”
     “I can work with that,” Y/n nodded
     Jeongin nodded, silence taking over the table again, “What do you do for work?” He asked
     “I’m an editor for a online news outlet.”
     “You work with Seungmin, right?”
     “Yeah. We were in a lot of the same classes in college but weren’t friends until after graduation and we ended up at the same company.”
     “Same department?”
     “No. He works more in reporting and journalism. I’ve edited a couple of the stories they’ve let him published.”
     “He hasn’t published a lot?”
     “No, (Astird)’s case was actually the first one they let him take on his own.”
     “They didn’t think he was going to be bias on it?”
     “I don’t think he told his boss she was his roommate. But even when I was editing it, you could barely tell he knew her. He’s very unbiased in reporting which is a good trait to have,” Y/n explained as her phone went off on the table next to her
Jihyun ❌: why aren’t you home?                   I know its your day off
     “Everything okay?” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah, just a friend texting me,” Y/n brushed it off 
     “Do any of your friends know about you being pregnant?”
     “Just my friend Hana, the one who was with me at the club.”
Jihyun ❌: Y/n
     “Do any of your friends know?”     “I may have told all of them?”
     “How many is all?”
     Y/n nodded
Jihyun ❌: when the hell did you turn your location off?                   answer me
     “Do you need to take that?” Jeongin asked, seeing the constant light up of her phone from the text.
     “No. It’s just me ex. He can deal with it?”
     “When did you guys break up?”
     “Almost a month ago. Hana ended up dragging me to a club to just get my mind off it.”
     “Ah. So I was a rebound fuck,” Jeongin joked and it definetly made her laugh a bit.
     “If you wanna look at it like that,” Y/n said, “I was more so looking to get drunk till I forgot but drunk me also is horny.”
     “Bad break up then?”
     “Yeah. It’s over now though.”
     “Good for you,” Jeongin smiled
     “So, how are we gonna work out appointments and stuff?” Y/n asked, changing the subject
     “I would like to be there for them but if you don’t want me there that’s fine. I also can already tell I might not be able to make it to all of them with work.”
     “You own you’re company, right?”
     “Yeah. There’s certain meetings I can’t get out of.”
     “I can try and schedule them as best I can to avoid that but I can always update you afterwards if it doesn’t work out.”
     “That works out for me.” 
     The waiter came back with their food and they both thanked them before eating. Other small talk continued throughout the meal, some regarding their lives, others regarding the baby. Jeongin paid at the end of the meal, walking out with her.
     “Don’t be afraid the text me if you need anything, okay?” He told her, walking her over to her car
     “I will, thank you,” Y/n said, unlocking her car.
     Jeongin opened the door for her, “I mean anything. Even if it’s a weird pregnancy craving in the middle of the night.”
     The two of them laughed as she set her bag down on the passenger seat. “I will.” Y/n assured him and took her seat.
     Jeongin closed her door and waved her off as he walked to his own car. Y/n took out her phone, wanting to text her friend the good news till she remembered the messages— with new ones.
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Waiting on my AO3 invite. Here's a one shot Sydcarmy story. Canon compliant. Post season 2. Please excuse the grammar/spelling mistakes. I need season 3 to get here quickly!
Title: Won't You Be My Neighbor
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It was her break and for the 89th time in the last three days Sydney reassessed the apartments within 15 minutes walking distance from The Bear. As CDC she no longer wanted to depend on the train should there be some kind of accident, strike, or weather event. There were three that she could afford on her own and many more options if she were willing to become a roommate. She wasn't. If inspiration for a recipe struck her at 2am she wanted to get up and cook if she wanted. She loved the freedom of walking around naked after a shower, picking out her clothes or getting a snack. Most of all she missed turning up her music and dancing like an inflatable tube man in private.
She had sent a message to each leasing office to schedule an appointment next Monday and two of the three had confirmed a 10a and 11a showing. It had been more than 48 hours since she messaged the third so she called. The leasing agent informed her that the specific unit she wanted was no longer available, but they had a gorgeous 2 bedroom for $3800 a month if she was interested. "Okay, now that's just two options" Sydney muttered after getting off the phone.
"Hey mija, what you looking at?" Tina asked sitting down to eat lunch.
"Just apartments. I finally have the funds to move" Sydney answered with a sigh.
"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to be getting out on your own?"
"Oh, yeah for sure. It's just I'm really picky"
"Well, it doesn't have to be forever. Just make sure to read the reviews. You don't want roaches or bed bugs".
"Oh, I can't stand bugs! My dad still has to kill them for me, but I better get a fly swatter and spray now that I'll be on my own soon."
Break was over and Sydney stood up to resume her duties. First she needed to talk to Natalie about the upcoming private party. A celebrity had reserved the entire restaurant next Thursday evening. The names of all staff members on duty that night had to be submitted ahead of time with signed NDAs. It was all happening so fast and The Bear's debt was likely to be paid less than a year after opening. First there had been a Grio article about her being a rising black chef. That led to Keith Lee, the TikTok restaurant reviewer, raving about his to-go order that included the T-Bone and the Michael cannoli. It went viral and suddenly, they were booked for the next three months with a waiting list. She was working harder than ever, getting paid pretty well, and she deserved a place of her own.
After talking to Natalie, she found Carmy working on her prep.
"Hey, thanks! I can take over that now if you want"
"Actually….it's done. I wanted to take you somewhere for like 30 minutes" he said finishing up and cleaning the station.
Sydney folded her arms, her eyebrows raised high.
"Okay, where are we going?"
"I know you've been looking for a place and I think know the perfect apartment for you. Just a 10 minute walk from here. The landlord gave me the key so I could show you today" Carmy said trying to sound casual, but a deep pink flush rose in his cheeks.
"Why is he being weird?" Sydney thought but simply said "Okay, that's dope."
The Chicago air was soft and warm, the clean sunlight making everything look new. Summer afternoons like this made you forgive the brutal winters here. Carmy directed Sydney when to turn left and right, but refused to tell her where exactly they were going. Soon they were standing in front of his building.
The reason for his weirdness was now perfectly clear to Sydney and she felt so flattered that she had to avoid looking at Carmy when she said "So, there's an open unit in your building?"
"Uh, yeah. The people who lived just above me moved and I, uh, thought you might want to see it".
The apartment was on the fourth floor. Carmy unlocked the door and let Sydney go in first. The walls were freshly painted in "Cloud White" and the oak hardwood floors creaked comfortably under their feet. The layout was the same as Carmy's apartment with plenty of windows to let in natural light and a shockingly large kitchen for a 1 bedroom place in Chicago. As Sydney inspected the appliances and bathroom, she decided that if the rent was going to eat up even half of her check it was worth it. She had always admired Carmy's spacious apartment and with her sense of style she could make hers, a cozy bohemian oasis filled with plants, wall art, and actual furniture (eventually).
Carmy had let her roam around in silence for a few minutes, muttering and emitting tiny sounds of joy to herself. When she met him in the living room again, he said trying not to grin too widely, "If you like it, it's already yours."
"How? I know places like this are snatched up fast" Sydney said her eyes finally able to meet his again.
"The landlords, they're a couple, and their 20th wedding anniversary is coming up. They want reservations at The Bear." Carmy explained, desperately hoping to sound nonchalant about it.
"Oh, that's nice work, Carmy."
Then Sydney squealed and cried "This is just what I wanted!!" and she flung her arms around his shoulders in a wild hug. Carmy commanded his body not to shudder as he hugged her back. She was just wearing a t-shirt and without her usual layers of clothing he felt her delicate frame, her slim shoulder blades imprinting on his fingers.
In a moment Sydney pulled back shly and let her arms fall to her sides, her face burning. She made a mental note: Hugging Carmy. Not a safe activity for those who want to cook along side him using sharp objects or sleep peacefully at night dreaming innocent thoughts.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Sydney said taking another step back and making another turn around the room.
Carmy nodded and concentrated on not melting into the floorboards.
"You're okay with this? We already spend 60+ hours together at the restaurant every week and now I'd be in your building! And literally living on top of you."
"Yeah, well, I want you to. You deserve everything you want, Syd."
"Then I'll take it! Just a warning though. If you hear someone belting out Kpop and an occasional thud, that's just my weekly one woman concert, which will be over no later than 10pm. I'm not being murdered."
Carm was no longer unable to contain the width of his smile. This girl is so cute, his body physically ached. How would he get through service tonight?
With a happy shake of his head, he replied, "Thank you, for the heads up!"
With that Sydney marched towards the door and exclaimed "Take me to your landlord!"
Carmy floated behind her.
Cue: Maxwell's "Whenever, Wherever, Whatever"
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Teen Pregnancy ♡
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Pairing: Kōtarō Bokuto x fem!reader
WC: 1.8k
Genre: angst to fluff
CW: fem!reader, pregnant!reader, teen pregnancy (please don’t get pregnant at a young age if you can try!), angst to fluff, reader thinks it’s sickness, injured!bokuto, obviously implied sex since reader is pregnant
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I wiped my mouth with the back of my shaky hand as I just got finished puking into the toilet. This happened for the third time this week, but I hadn't gone to the doctor because of Bokuto.
He had, unfortunately, sprained his ankle while trying out a new skill during volleyball practice. The doctor said that he wasn't supposed to play for a week and to lay off it for it to heal.
As usual, that really made Kōtarō go into emo mode. Akaashi had managed to pull him out, but his bad mood hadn't gone away all week.
Me being his girlfriend, I took up the duty to help him around, even if I wasn't feeling well myself; I care about his well-being more than mine anyway.
After I brushed my teeth, I noticed a pale-ish look to my skin tone. Maybe I should make an appointment with the doctor's, I thought after grabbing my school bag.
Dark gray clouds swirled in the sky as the cold air nipped at my skin, releasing a shiver from my body.
It was probably going to rain, or worse, snow.
Being in the month of December, that was quite likely to happen. I arrived at the front gates of school, and
Akaashi had taken it upon himself to help get Kō here in the mornings.
I quickly hurried to his classroom, which was class one. I saw him pouting in his chair with his crutch leaning on the side of his desk and his hair slightly down. I sighed and moved near him.
"Good morning baby, how're you feeling?" I asked, trying to shift my problems out of my head and focusing on his.
"I want to play volleyball." His pout is not going away. Kōtarō always had an endless hunger for the victory of volleyball. I mean, that is why he is one of the top five best athletes in Japan.
And a small sprang could really do some damage to the poor boy.
"I know you do, but just bear with us for the next couple of days, and then you'll be back to smashing those balls on the court." I tried cheering him up a bit before I had to leave.
I heard the warning bell signaling that class would be starting soon, so I leaned down to give Kō a peck on the forehead before I left.
"I'll see you later, Kōtarō."
But when I started walking, I felt my bladder almost exploded. I had used the bathroom when I first got up this morning before my puking session, so I wasn't sure how I already needed to pee.
I hurried to the nearest ladies bathroom and relieved myself. While I was washing my hands, the bell rang for class to start.
What made it even worse was that my class room was upstairs since I was in class 5. My shoulders slumped as I walked even slower up the stairs.
It was only morning, but traveling up a staircase had worn me out.
I entered my class with the rest of my classmates staring at me, and my best friend's eyebrow quirked up as if to question why I'm late.
"You finally come to class, miss." My teacher said irritatingly as I took my seat, which was in back, after I mumbled a small apology.
Soon, the teacher droned on about something that I wasn't too bothered by. I sat my head down on the desk and decided to take a little nap to pass the time.
I felt someone shake me a little bit as I pushed their hand away.
"Do you want to eat lunch or not?" was the voice belonging to my best friend as she awaited my answer, which was a bunch of words mumbled together.
"By the way, why were you late this morning? You're never late, like, ever." She questioned me as she sat in front of me with her bento box, deciding she was going to eat here with me in the class.
"I had used the bathroom after meeting with Kō and ended up late. I just don't feel good." I said, looking up at her, then at her food.
Suddenly, a thought struck at me, "And I forgot my lunch." I groaned and sat my head back down.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n). I really don't want to make everything worse, but our teacher assigned us a project that's worth ten percent of our grade, and it's due Friday."
Today was Wednesday, and I felt like crying at the thought of doing a school project. "Great, just great. great, great, great." I hit my head on my hands with every word I spoke.
"You don't sound great."
"I'm not great, (B/f/n)." I put my head in my hands and sucked it up, trying to focus on anything else besides the hunger in my stomach and the nausea that came with it.
"I'll be fine; lunch is almost over anyway. Do me a favor and wake me when the bell rings for dismissal." She nodded and packed her bento box away as people started to fill the classroom.
I also forgot my hoodie, so I laid there on my cold desk, shivering just a bit.
As promised, (B/f/n) woke me when class was finished. I headed outside towards the gym, knowing Kō would want to stay and watch his teammates play, even if he couldn't.
The sky had actually become really dark as little flurries of snow fell down. This was bad weather, especially with Bokuto being in a crutch.
I sluggishly walked into the gym, knowing that it would take a lot of convincing for me to get home.
As usual, he was sitting on the bench watching his teammates play with a grumpy facial expression.
I sighed and sat down beside him, wanting nothing more than to be embraced by his arms.
I laid my head on his shoulder and carefully watched out the window as the snow continued to fall.
Only two hours had passed, and it was pitch black outside, not to mention it was freezing too.
I had been trying to convince Bokuto to go home due to his injured leg. I knew I had been pestering him, but in the end he would give in and let me help him walk home.
What I didn't expect was for my plan to backfire on me.
"Goddamn it, do you have to be so fucking annoying all the time?" He snapped his head towards me as I froze; I could tell everyone else in the gym did too.
My heart was stuck in my throat as I gave him a weak apology; I didn't bother grabbing my bag. Held my head down low as I hurried out of the gym as the temperature dropped, making my skin freeze.
I couldn't see due to it being pitch black, but I still kept on, my legs never stopping. The only thing warm were my salty tears, which never seemed to stop rushing down my face.
I wasn't sure where I was, so I tried to slow down my pace as I slipped on ice, and my head rammed into a wall. The pain almost immediately giving me raging headache as I pressed a hand onto it.
I slowly slid down the ice-cold brick wall, not having the energy to move anymore.
My day was so fucking shitty.
Slowly, my arms wrapped around my limp body to suffice as something to cover me from the snow that still continued to fall from the sky.
Before I knew it, my eyes closed due to the pain in my head and my arms were wrapped not only around my body but my stomach.
"Kō." was the last thing my voice could manage out before I slipped into unconsciousness on the ground.
Muffled voices in a room awoke me with the annoying sound of beating. I felt warmth surrounding me and bandages on my face as I opened my eyes.
I squinted at the bright lights that were on the ceiling. I slowly sat up and looked at everyone in the room around me.
It was a hospital room and the annoying sound was my heart.
My parents, Bokuto's mom, Bokuto, and Akaashi, were in the room with me. I looked down at my lap, not liking how all the attention was on me at once.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Bokuto open his mouth as if he were to say something but shut it when the doctor came into the room.
"Hi, mom, dad. If you don't mind, I'm just going to check up on your daughter," she said as she rounded my bed.
"Hello sweetie, how do you feel?" She gathered a flashlight and a clipboard, ready to write.
"My head hurts." The voice that came out was all scratchy and low. It seemed to make my mom lean more into my dad, as if to hide her tears. The doctor handed me a cup of water.
"Well, you did hit it pretty hard. Are you warm enough? I can add another heated blanket if you want; make yourself comfortable. We still need to check if the baby is okay." She reached for another blanket as I froze.
"Excuse me?" My voice came out slightly panicked.
What baby?
"Don't worry, we already told your parents, so you don't need to worry about that." She concluded with a comforting smile.
"No, no. What do you mean? I'm not pregnant." I said, I was confused; I'm pretty sure I wasn't pregnant. Or at least, I think.
My eyes immediately reached Bokuto's sorrowful ones.
"Oh my god." I covered my mouth with my left hand as my right one went to my stomach. I couldn't believe what was happening right now.
"Oh. Mom, dad, and other mom, how about we give these two a few minutes to talk?" She politely said, giving Kō and I some time to discuss this.
Silence fell over the now empty room; Bokuto was the first one to speak up.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry for acting like that. I just wanted to play volleyball so bad, but that doesn't excuse my actions. When the guys found you and you were shivering uncontrollably and bleeding, I didn't know what to do.
“On top of that, you were out there with.. our baby in you." After he had finished, tears fell from his somber, golden eyes.
I reached a hand to his face and wiped a tear away while he leaned into my hand.
"Kō, I forgive you. But a baby? We're still in school, and you have your volleyball career that you plan on pursuing, and I still don't know what I want to be." I nervously stated, my eyebrows furrowed with worry.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll work through it together, okay? We'll be the greatest parents ever." He gave me the smile that I missed the most.
And that reassurance was all I needed to process that we could handle this together.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any requests!
the header is made by me, please like/reblog if used <3
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 42: Big News
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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Life, however, had other plans for you and it was a Monday afternoon, exactly four days before your trip to Los Angeles, that you received some life changing news.
You had just finished yet another treatment session with your therapist who informed you that you were ready to walk unaided again, albeit slowly. No high heels and no strenuous activities for at least another week, but progress, nonetheless.
Exiting the therapy room with a smile on your face, life seemed to be looking up and, without your crutches, you made your way to the day-clinic adjacent to the therapy canter on campus to see your friend Lucy. 
You had been catching up with her every week for a coffee, following your sessions, but today, you were actually meeting her for something else. You had a medical appointment with her that day to get back on track with your general health.
Since the accident, you had been neglecting your iron levels for which, until then, you had been taking tablets every day. On top of that, you needed and wanted to get back on to some form of birth control, sensing Cillian's growing frustration of having to pull out whenever you were intimate with one another. 
As a medical student yourself, you knew that this wasn't even an appropriate method of preventing pregnancy and whilst Cillian had fantastic self-control, you knew not to push your luck. 
Having children was not on your radar right now. Your life was way too complicated to start a family  , and there were still so many things you wanted to do and achieve. However, the idea of growing old with Cillian was a comforting thought, and the possibility of having a child together one day was not entirely off the table. One day, in about five years or so, this would be a possibility.
 As you walked in the day-clinic, there was a line of people waiting to check-in and the atmosphere buzzed with activity as nurses hurriedly called out names and directed patients to the correct rooms.
Seating arrangements were limited, but there was a spare seat available by the window, not far from Lucy's consultancy room. 
Fellow students and nurses you knew quickly came to greet you, some even lingering a moment longer just to ask about your recovery, expressing their concerns and support. You exchanged pleasantries and politely nodded along as they peppered you with questions you had grown accustomed to answering. 
Finally, catching sight of your best friend Lucy, you greeted her excitedly and she quickly asked one of the nurses for your file before calling you into her consultancy room.
She gave you a warm hug as always before asking you to follow her. 
"How is the treatment going, babe? I can see the crutches are gone!"  exclaimed Lucy, a wide smile spreading across her face as she stepped back from the doorway. 
"It's going good, and I won't be needing the crutches for the Academy Awards it seems," you told her  , returning her smile with a bright one of your own.
"That's fantastic news, Y/N! I'm so fucking proud of you," Lucy said, beaming at you while she opened the medical cabinet and retrieved a few ampules and a syringe. 
"And how is Cillian? Is he getting nervous yet?" Lucy asked as you sat next to her on an exam table in her consultation room.
"Oh, he's a mess. But he won't admit it," you replied, chuckling softly. "He's definitely nervous and hopeful," you continued, your tone sincere and genuine. "But I know he is going to win that Oscar. He has to win,"   you said emphatically, your voice filled with confidence and conviction.
Lucy nodded her head in agreement. "He's a shoo-in for the award this year. It's about damn time!" she exclaimed with a grin, injecting some humor into the situation.
You chuckled, still amazed by how different your life had become in just a few short months. "It still feels surreal to me. Like it hasn't fully sunk in yet," you continued, running your fingers along the barrel of the ampule Lucy had placed next to you before taking a deep breath and rolling up your sleeve. "You know, he asked me to move to the suburbs with him?"  you said, smiling slightly as you looked up at Lucy, your eyes sparkling with hope and excitement.
Lucy's face lit up with surprise and excitement. "Oh my god, Y/N, that's amazing news! Are you going to do it?"
You nodded your head, your smile widening. "Yes. I mean, I love him and I think that I want to build a life with him. And I'm excited to see where that takes us," you answered Lucy enthusiastically, feeling your heart race at the thought of building a life with Cillian.
"That's fantastic, Y/N! I'm so happy for you," Lucy beamed, before moving on to discuss your medical issues. You went over your iron levels and Lucy took a few blood tests for you to be sent to the lab.
"We should have them back in a few days but you already know that, don't you?" she chuckled as she labelled the blood vials and placed them in the appropriate container.
"Yeah, I do," you replied, still grinning from ear to ear. "I actually can't wait to come back to work either, which will happen a week or so after we come back from LA," you exclaimed while Lucy  examined your files.
"So, birth control was another thing you wanted to get sorted, right?" Lucy then asked with a smile and you nodded.
"Yeah, I was thinking the depo shot,"  you said, knowing that it was a reliable and convenient method.
"That's a practical choice, but what have you been using until now? There aren't any prescriptions on your file since the accident," Lucy inquired, her brows furrowed in concern as she flipped through your medical file.
You looked away, feeling a little embarrassed at the truth you were about to reveal. 
"We have been using anything, just self-control measures really," you stammered out, cheeks heating as you avoided Lucy's gaze.
"Really Y/N?" Lucy laughed out loud. "Because, as a med student yourself, you should know better than that," she chided, but there was a playful tone in her voice. 
"I know, I know and that's why I am here,"  you admitted, blushing at your previous response. "I just... things have been hectic and whilst we didn't have any accidents yet, I don't really want to push my luck," you confessed, feeling a surge of embarrassment at being so open about your sex life with Lucy, but knowing that she was your best friend and would always have your back.
Lucy let out a chuckle, understanding your predicament. "Go and pee in the cup then while I get the depo shot ready," she chuckled, handing you a sample cup and gesturing towards the bathroom.
"Why do you need a urine sample?" you asked  , confusion flooding your visage as you walked towards the bathroom door.
"Well, before I give you the shot, I just want to rule out that you are not, -" Lucy began to say but you interrupted her.
"I am not pregnant, Lu!" you interrupted her, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "We have been careful, I promise," you explained, feeling slightly annoyed at the implication that you wouldn't know if you were pregnant or not.
Lucy held her hands up in a defensive gesture. "I know that, Y/N. But this is the protocol now, and it's better to rule out any possibilities," she told you, her voice gentle as she smiled reassuringly.
"Now hurry up and give me the sample," she said, her tone light and playful.
You rolled your eyes again, chuckling to yourself, but you did as she asked and grabbed a clean urine container from the rack.
You knew that she was just doing her job and were aware of some rare cases where women fell pregnant from intercourse even where their partner did not finish inside. It was uncommon, but not impossible.
Upon returning to the examination room and handing the sample to Lucy, she nodded and took the container from you. "Thanks, babe," she said, her voice warm and understanding.
She then put on some gloves and opened the container to check the sample, dipping a dip-stick into it, before turning to you again.
"Now tell me, have you found a house yet?"  she asked as she began to prepare the injection.
"We have been looking at a few houses actually, yes," you replied, your voice filled with excitement. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest, but also really exciting," you continued, relishing in the thought of starting this new chapter in your life with Cillian.
"I bet it is!" Lucy exclaimed before turning back to the sample while you kept on talking about  the house-hunting experience.
"There is one place, though, that I think we both really like, but god I think it is way too expensive," you said with a chuckle while Lucy turned silent and pale. 
"Uh-huh," she simply murmured before putting another dip -stick into the sample.
"What, Lu?" you asked, seeing how your friend had become rather quiet and when she did not immediately respond and put yet another stick into  your sample, you became concerned.
"Lucy?" you probed further.
"Y/N, I, uhm," she began to say, her voice barely audible as she moved the chair next to the exam bed and sat down. There was a serious expression on her face that unnerved you, and she took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I am so sorry, I don't know how to say this but, babe, you are pregnant," Lucy blurted out, her voice trembling as she revealed the results from your urine sample.
At first, you didn't understand what Lucy had just said and then, almost instinctually, your chin dropped.
"That can't be right, Lu. We had no accidents and the chances of falling pregnant are -," you stammered, unable to finish your sentence, your mind reeling from the news.
Lucy gave you a sympathetic look. "I am sorry, babe, but I just checked three times. You are definitely pregnant," she confirmed, her voice still trembling slightly.
You felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. The news was too much to process, and you sat there, frozen in shock.
"No, no, no,"  you muttered, shaking your head as you tried to wrap your mind around the unexpected turn of events.
Lucy reached out and placed a comforting hand on your arm. "I know this isn't what you were expecting, but it's not the end of the world," she reassured you, her voice gentle. "There are options and you know that already," she  said, not needing to remind you of your medical studies.
You nodded numbly, still not able to completely process the news. Your mind was racing with thoughts and questions, but none of them felt clear or rational. You simply felt overwhelmed.
"Can you give me a script for mifeprestone?"  you asked Lucy, your voice almost robotic as you tried to process the news. Your mind was still reeling, and you found it hard to believe that you were actually pregnant.
Lucy nodded. "Of course, I will write it up for you, but we need to get an ultrasound first before the gynecologist on call will sign off on it," she explained, her voice soft and soothing.
"Can we do it now? I can walk over to the maternity ward," you told Lucy, trying to stay calm as the reality of the situation sank in.
"Sure, I will come with you. I am due for my break anyway," Lucy agreed, her voice still gentle as she stood up and walked over to her computer to write the prescription and necessary referrals.
As you waited for Lucy to print out the script and referrals, you couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. You were surprised, scared, and a little disappointed, but you also knew that you had options. And you were grateful for that.
After Lucy handed you the script, you both walked over to the maternity ward in silence. It was a short walk, but it felt like an eternity.
You kept up a brisk pace, your hand clenched tight around the prescription slip. Lucy walked alongside you, her arm linked in yours, offering comfort and support.
Inside the maternity ward, you found yourself waiting in a crowded reception area. A nursing assistant called out names, directing patients to the various stations and clinics. You glanced around, your eyes scanning the crowd, feeling both overwhelmed and self-conscious.
Minutes ticked by, and you wondered if they would need to wait much longer before someone could assist you. But then, a woman with a warm smile approached you.
"Y/N, right?" she asked, her voice friendly and welcoming and you nodded, relieved that your turn had finally come. 
The nurse led you both to a private consulting room where she quickly scanned your documents and checked your vitals. After a brief discussion about your issue, she nodded sagely, understandably nodding her head at your request. 
"Alright Love, jump up on the table for me. I'm just going to take a quick scan, just to confirm the dates and then we can get one of the doctors to sign off on your prescription," the woman said and it took every ounce of energy and self-restraint you could muster not to cry. 
You laid down as indicated and lifted up your jumper slightly to reveal your belly as the nurse carefully applied gel to the transducer and began swirling it around, taking measurements of the embryo growing inside you.
The images she projected onto the screen hung above the bed were black and white, but to you, they seemed more vivid and impactful than any colorful picture could ever be. You could clearly see the tiny developing limbs and torso, akin to a tiny alien who had somehow managed to taken root in your womb. The movements were minute and almost imperceptible, the size scarcely larger than you had expected.
"Holy shit," you said almost as at the same time as Lucy as you realized from seeing the pictures along that you were much further along than you had anticipated. 
"I am sorry to ask, but when was your last  period?" the nurse inquired gently, her voice not judgmental, but full of concern, as she cleaned the transducer.
"About four months ago, before the accident," you admitted, still staring intently at the images on the screen, your mind struggling to comprehend the reality of the situation. "But when I asked the surgeon about it during one of my follow up appointments, he said that not having a period for a while was normal, especially after an accident like mine,"  you continued, feeling an eerie sense of confusion settle over you.
The nurse nodded understandingly. "It's true that sometimes women experience temporary amenorrhoea after a traumatic incident or surgery, but it's unusual for it to last for this long," she explained gently. "You are about 19 weeks pregnant , honey," the nurse said softly, patting your hand gently.
You felt a sudden wave of emotions overtake you, a mixture of confusion, fear and disbelief. How had this happened? You had always been so careful, taking every precaution to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, especially before the accident. And yet, here you were, sitting on a cold exam table, staring at the ultrasound images of a baby that you had never expected to have.
"Are you sure there are no mistakes?" Lucy asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she squeezed your other hand, trying to offer you comfort. "I mean, she would have been pregnant before the accident, so why wasn't it picked up then?" Lucy asked, her voice a mix of confusion and concern while the nurse called in one of the head gynecologists who, later, explained that you could have fallen pregnant just before the accident, which is why it wasn't picked up in the tests. It was simply too early to tell. 
But as the doctor went over the results in detail, explaining the situation to you both, one thing became abundantly clear: there could be no mistaking it. You were definitely pregnant.
The room seemed to spin around you. You couldn't believe it. You hadn't thought it was possible. You blinked hard, trying to push back the tears that were threatening to spill over. " I... I can't have a baby. Not now," you whispered, your voice shaking as you tried to hold it together. "I don't know if I can do this."
Lucy leaned in closer to you, squeezing your hand reassuringly. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said soothingly. "And maybe it's a sign, babe. Maybe this was meant to be because, for a fetus to survive what your body went through in those last three or four months, is pretty remarkable," Lucy said, her voice gentle and soothing, her eyes filled with encouragement and hope.
You nodded, understanding where Lucy was coming from. And she was right, it was a miracle that the baby had survived the accident and the subsequent surgeries and treatments. But still, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
"With the medication and treatments I had those last few months, what are the chances of damage to the baby?" you asked, your voice now shaking as fear gripped your chest.
"The risk is minimal, with all the medications you have received being either A Class or B Class medicines, and the fetus looks well developed, so I wouldn't worry,  but let's have a closer look at the organs for any abnormalities, " the doctor reassured you, smiling warmly before conducting a more detailed ultrasound, carefully examining every organ of the growing fetus.
Minutes passed, and Lucy kept squeezing your hand, maintaining eye contact to reassure you as you watched, in utter amazement and disbelief, as the doctor pointed out the different organs and limbs on the screen.
The little being inside you was kicking and moving, a testimony to its vibrant health and development.
Finally, the doctor nodded and turned off the machine. "All is well in there, and the baby is healthy and growing perfectly," he then finally said, and you  couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you, even though you were by no means ready for this.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" you asked almost as if you were in a trance  , still not quite able to comprehend the enormity of the news.
The doctor nodded and gestured to the ultrasound screen. "Well, this area here would indicate that your baby is a boy," he said softly, pointing to a slightly wider section in the grainy, black and white picture.
You kept staring at the ultrasound screen, unable to tear your gaze away from the small, wriggling figure. "A boy," you murmured softly, almost to yourself before breaking out in tears. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of fear and uncertainty in that moment.
You had never dreamt of becoming a mother, at least not this soon, not under these circumstances. And although you knew that you could rely on Cillian to support you, you were still hesitant to bring a child into the world so abruptly. 
With everything that was going on in your lives, the timing was absolutely terrible and you were unsure whether or not motherhood would break you. You weren't ready for this and not to mention the fact that your relationship was still very new and complicated.
You had no idea how you would  explain this to Cillian and the thought of telling him made you sick to your stomach.
NOTE: Yes I know I am predictable. I cannot help myself! I love writing pregnancies into my fics, so no judgment please.
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nanaloveswo-men · 8 months
pairing: nanami x reader (sfw, implicit that you have a relationship) summary: the firsts years lost nanami's cat. you were called to help. nanami isn't happy. wc: 2.7 i want to write more about nanami, you and his (yours) cat
requests are open!
"sensei!" itadori feel the relieve filling his body as soon as you pick up the phone.
honestly, you kind of wish to never know what is happening, because if itadori is calling you, certainly, nothing good will come out of it. still, you have a job to do while you are his teacher.
you try to sound as polite as possible when answering him.
"hi yuji! is everything okay?" 'impossible' your mind quickly answer.
you hear some noises in the back of the call, and immediately you recognize the other voices.
"don't sound so hopeless" nobara shout at her friend, and you can perfectly imagine the two of them.
"stop screaming at my ear! she's going to hear you." yuji whisper, or at least try to, but you end up hearing the same way.
you think if yaga is going to be mad if you hang up on three freshmen that can possibly be in a death-or-life situation. maybe he wouldn't mind at all...
"yuji, where are you?" you ask already picking your keys, ready to save their asses.
more noises happen in the background, and you wonder if they are fighting with each other. the phone goes silently for a moment, and have to look down at the scream to see if the call was ended.
unfortunately, it was not. "i'm sorry to bother you, but we need your help" of course, the last one of the trio appears: megumi.
megumi tried his best to get away from the trouble duo but he is sure that you still could hear some screams. itadori's screams, you think. yeah, they are definitely fighting, and apparently, nobara is winning.
you signed trying to think why the bombastic trio of the jujutsu high need your help. neither of the options in your mind is good. "megumi, can you put on the speaker?"
after some seconds, you can hear the trio perfectly. "first of all, you three need to calm down, and explain why you need my help" before any of them talk, you continue "and nobara, you can't kill yuji yet, so stop beating him." she isn't happy to obey, but you hear itadori thanking you.
"okay, now you can tell me what happened" and again you can hear itadori, nobara and megumi talking at the same trying. each of them giving their version of the history. "only one of you!!" you scream interrupting them.
they fight for a little more before itadori finally speak. "you know, nanamin is on a work travel" he starts "and he kindly asked me if i could take care of his cat."
'more like i begged him for that' yuji remembers from a couple of days ago.
last month, gojo asked if nanami could watch itadori on his next mission, and even though he didn't want to, (or at least this was what he tried to convience you about) he accept. after killing the curse, kento offered to buy a snack for yuji (he couldn't let the boy die from hunger, he explained) and that was when itadori discovered that nanami owned a cat.
he saw a picture of it on his wallet. 'her name is angeline' nanami said because yuji keep calling his pretty cat "it".
the boy tried to convince his professor to let him meet angeline in person, but nanami would never let that happen. not when he was still alive.
angeline was a well-being animal. nanami made his number one priority to treat his cat like she deserved. the best food, weekly pet shop appointments, all the toys she needed to entertain herself when he was away, cuddle when he was at home. everything for her to be happy.
meeting anyone from his work (except from you, angeline absolutely adored you), teacher or student, would mean an stressful experience for the poor cat.
on the week nanami would be out of town on a work trip, he was ready to ask if you could take care of angeline, but yuji was faster than him.
"nanamin, please! i promise that i'm going to take good care of her." he begged for the last ten minutes, and kento was closing to explode "i won't make her stressed, and i can even video call you to see her anytime you want."
nanami signed. he would regret this, he was sure. but maybe he should follow your advice. trust people more. he could do this.
"alright itadori, you can take care of her."
but now yuuji was thinking that maybe nanami shouldn't have trust him.
"we were on a mission, so i thought it was a good idea to bring kugisaki and fushiguro with me, and everything was ok, we feed the cat, and played a bit with her, but then-" itadori was growing more and more nervous with each word coming out of his mouth.
megumi and nobara weren't different. the three of them could feel the cold sweat running down their temples.
you were just like them. of course, you knew anything good could come from itadori when he called you. but still, this was going for the worst scenario possible.
"yuji, where is angeline?" you ask, hoping, hell, even praying for the best.
itadori ignores you and continues his story. "we got hungry and run to the convenience, it was really quick, we didn't stay there for more than 10 minutes, but in our way back to the apartment kugisaki saw a dress, and then-"
yuji's voice is cut off and substituted by megumi.
"we got here, and the door was open. the cat was gone. we can't find it." you can hear itadori screaming in the background 'her name is angeline!'
everything pauses for a moment. you can't hear your students fighting. you can't hear any noise. actually, you feel nothing. your mind is completely blank.
and suddenly you remember how much angeline means to kento.
you and nanami been in a relationship for the past months, and since the begginig, he made sure to let you know how much he loved the little cat.
"itadori is the one who let the door open. blame him" nobara's voice took you out of your trance.
"i'm coming, don't move a muscle." you say briefly before ending the call.
in your whole life, you never expected to be in such conditions. you, a teacher, someone that can kill the most deadly curses, locked with your three students, desperately trying to find a cat.
you were still at the apartment with megumi, both of you looking everywhere in hope for angeline to still be here.
at this point, you were already using humiliating techniques.
"pspspspspspsps come here, it's me" knelling near the couch, you tried to call one more time "come on, angeline, you like me, yeah? then come here" you looked under the couch again, hoping that the cat would miraculously appear.
nothing, as expected.
even megumi was on the edge now, one of his shinigamis with itadori and nobara, while the other was stucked in the apartment with you. even the divine dog looked tired.
"megumi, don't you have, like, a divine cat? maybe we could pretend angeline was one of your shinigamis the whole time" you said throwing your body on the couch. at this point, you were already thinking of ways to calm nanami down. maybe you could convince him that his cat was something that only existed in his imagination?
"i don't think this will solve the problem" megumi sit on the chair near you, sad that kento would be disappointed at him. "i think that we can blame gojo-sensei, say that he broke into the house and let the cat scape."
you laugh a little, happy and a little worried to see megumi's funny side. "that's a good idea." you hum back, looking directly at the boy sitting next to you, only to get a look of his serious face.
he was talking for real. he won't disappoint nanami.
"let's wait for your friends to return, right? maybe they got luckier than us here." you try to easy the mood a bit, gently petting the divine dog lying on the carpet.
after some minutes, you finally hear running footsteps, which you presume are itadori and nobara. you and megumi quickly stand up, glaring at the door.
when itadori enters in your vision, you are already screaming at him.
"did you find angeline?" both, you and yuuji shout at each other at the same time.
"i think we're fucked" nobara says.
the four of you sit on the couch in completely silence, now, there was only on thing you could do. call kento.
obviously, no one wanted to do that.
'itadori was the one who let the door open." megumi defended himself.
kugisaki is quick to get her ass out of the way too. "he is the one that is responsible for the cat."
now, yuji had to be smart, otherwise, he would really have to call nanami, and he didn't want to get scolded. at least not in front of everyone.
knowing that he couldn't do anything incredible, he used his best technique. puppy eyes.
'damn kiddo' you think looking at the boy. you had nothing to do with the situation, why would you be the one calling nanami? you knew you would regret picking up the phone.
you sigh, feeling defeat by a bunch of kids. "i will do it. but you own me. the three of you." you reach for your phone from the pocket of your jacket.
you swallow the knot on your throat. praying that maybe nanami wouldn't answer.
as always, the world isn't on your side. maybe today wasn't your day at all.
"hey, kento! how is your trip going?" you answer, choosing your best calm voice.
you can feel the trio tensing up by your side, and for a moment you think that nanami will be able to hear their quick heartbeat.
"i'm almost finish, i'll be home tomorrow. why are you calling this time?"
of course, he would suspect. you usually call him at night, when you both would be already lying in bed, ready to sleep. "well, nothing you know, just feeling like checking on you would be good, you know?
nanami is silently for a moment. "why are you repeating sentences?" you fucked up. "what is happening?"
kento knew you better than you had thought previously.
"let's get into a hypothetically situation. if angeline went for a walk outside, and didn't come back until now, how mad would you be on a scale to 1-10?" you try to easy the water you're getting into.
but nanami isn't having any of your bullshit. "what are you saying? did you lose angeline?" you can feel the rage on his voice, and for a moment you think that maybe you should follow megumi's advice and blame gojo.
"so, 10 then?" nanami almost growls, and if this was any other moment, you would actually find it really hot. but not now.
"of course it would be a 10! now tell me, where the fuck is my cat?" oh, he is already cursing. time to hang up.
the trio tremble by your side, clearly hearing how much nanami is pissed off.
"well, so good that angeline is right hear with us, safe and pretty." you say absolutely not convincing the blonde on the other side of the phone. "unfortunately i have to hang up now, but it was a pleasure to talk to you.".
"us? who is there-" you click on the red button on the screen before kento can say another word.
you look at the trio, nobara and megumi by yuji side, both of them gently patting his shoulder. you can even see a dark aura hovering itadori's head. he was depressed.
your heart aches a bit. after all, you took pity on them. of course, yuji had fucked up, no doubt, but he was doing his best, trying to impress his teacher.
"no time to be sad!! get your ass to work!" you say, getting in front of them. you give their heads a little slap, getting their attention. "let's look everywhere again, starting with the apartment."
yuji, megumi and nobara look at you, feeling motivated again. (maybe megumi wasn't, but he wouldn't ruin the mood for his friends). the three of you scream together, ready for another hunting round (megumi think that you lost your mind).
nobara is the first to run around, throwing the cushions off the cushion crazy searching for a cat. yuji follows her, checking the living room cabinet. you look absolutely proud of them (megumi is sure that all of you lost your minds).
itadori is on all fours looking under the sofa. nobara is searching inside the fridge. megumi is almost falling off the window trying to see if angeline is outside. you are standing in the middle of the living room, phone in hand, the screen showing gojo's contact, you were ready to ask for his help. maybe he could expand his cursed energy and search for angeline.
a little meow coming from the door get your attention. four pair of eyes turn to where the sound came from.
a pretty cat sitting by the door. her pink tongue slowly cleaning her little paws.
your world pause for a moment. 'thank you' you thank no one at all.
"hellooooo, why are you calling the stronger sorcerer?" gojo finally answer your call, but now you didn't need him anymore. you just end the call without saying anything.
you walk to angeline, quickly cupping her on your arms, afraid that maybe she could run away again. megumi closes the door, a heavy sigh leaving his throat.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost killed four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost kill four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
"angelineeee!" yuji is... crying? you see the tears running down his face. happy tears. he tried to hug angeline, but she didn't want his fluids on her fresh cleaned fur.
"MEOW!" she protested squirming on your arms, and you giggle getting her message.
"get off from the cat with your catarrh" nobara says pointing to yuji's dirty nose.
itadori stops, and a devilish idea appears on his mind. "then give me a hug yourself, kugisaki." he hums walking to his friend.
you laugh, seeing that even megumi got caught on the little chase. finally able to breathe again, you smile to yourself. angeline was safe. kento would be so happy.
"i'm never trusting any of your advices again" nanami murmur to you. he was finally back to home. angeline was on his arms again. "trust people more, you say" he was still a bit irritated.
you roll your eyes, getting comfortable against his shoulder, happy to smell his cologne. "yuji did a good job. in the final moments he screwed up a bit, but in overall, he was great." you defended him as always.
angeline meows at you, almost like she was agreeing with you. even kento was caught by surprise.
"it doesn't matter, next time i'm bringing you with me." nanami says kissing the cat head, but looking right into your eyes.
tilting your head to the side, you ask "are you talking to me, or with angeline?"
"both." he is quick to answer.
yesterday, itadori and kugisaki were searching for angeline
"i found her!" nobara happily says, holding a cat on the air.
yuji looks on her direction, surprised, until he saw the animal she was holding.
a random cat, not even the colors mach.
"kugisaki, this cat looks nothing like angeline." he screams, mad at her.
nobara just put the stray animal on the floor. "i tried.".
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shookie-y · 2 months
Wisteria Blooms (1)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Read
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
"Get up" Giyuu's voice sounds from above you. His tone was sharp and brooding. You can feel his strong gaze on your back as you lay on the rough dirt. He was very quiet and liked to keep to himself, so none of this comes as a surprise to you. You don't want him to stop training early for the day, so you push yourself up, ignoring the earthy taste in your mouth.
"You need to be quicker" His tone doesn't seem to change as you stand up. You nod your head and retrieve your sword from the ground. Giyuu had knocked it out of your hands a few minutes earlier. You both watch each other as you walk in a circle, waiting for someone to strike. Giyuu has always been better at defending than most others so naturally, so are you. Attacking first isn't the best move for you.
Giyuu's attack is fast but not unexpected, you're able to block it but just barely. You make a quick move to the side and don't hesitate to attack. The wooden sword comes crashing down on Giyuu's. The force of it startles you a little and you have to brace yourself so you don't slip. Before you can make another move Giyuu is gone. He was quick and you knew that meant he was about to strike again. There's a small hint of movement behind you and the next second you're on the ground, again. You roll over and look at Giyuu, who has a plain expression on his face. "Again." You wipe some of the sweat off your face and listen to Giyuu, pushing yourself up.
Training continues like the for a few more hours, until the sun starts to set. "Thank you for training me, Tomioka-san" You bow at the man. He nods and hands you a small rag to wipe your face with. You smile brightly and gently wipe your forehead. The sun is almost fully gone and you sigh. "Well... looks like I only have one more week of training before final selection." You look back at Giyuu with a nervous smile. "Do you think I'll do good?"
He studies your face for a minute. Your eyes had a small look of fear in them and you seemed nervous. "You'll be fine." He seems embarrassed as he answers your question. Your suspicion is right as he instantly turns towards the house and starts walking away. "Goodnight."
You breathe a sigh of relief as you watch him walk away. "Goodnight, Tomioka-san!" Your voice rings across the training grounds. Giyuu is inside a few seconds later.
You put your training sword away and then make your way over to the small koi pond Giyuu has. "What a quiet man..." You hum to yourself and take a seat.
You had started training with Giyuu about nine months ago. Ubuyashiki was the one to assign you to the water pillar. He told you it was the easiest breathing form to learn. He also said something about he thinks it would be good for Giyuu to have someone around. You hadn't know much about the man as you made your way to his place. All you had really been told was he was quiet and that he liked to keep to himself. When you had first arrived Giyuu wouldn't even look at you, much less talk to you. Training had started almost immediately. You quickly learned water breathing wasn't for you though, so you made your own form, snow breathing. You haven't mastered every form but you're getting there.
You yawned and stood up. "I guess I should be getting some sleep. Training is just going to get harder over the next week." You quickly head inside and to the room Giyuu gave you when you first arrived. It was a small room that didn't have much in it. There was a small desk and chair, a bed, and a little dresser for your things. You fell backwards onto the bed. It didn't take you long before you passed out for the night.
Before you knew it the week had passed already. Training had continued every day until two days before final selection, Giyuu said you needed to rest. Final selection lasts a week so you couldn't be tired going in. You were nervous but excited. If you passed you would be able to fight demons and even go with Giyuu on some missions.
"Today is the day!" You woke up early to take a bath and get ready. Giyuu had given you something to wear. It was a white and blue kimono. You're not sure where he got it from.
Once you were ready you started to leave. Giyuu was already waiting for you outside. "Are you ready?" He looked you up and down, he was holding something in his hand but you couldn't tell what it was.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Thank you for the kimono. It's beautiful." You give him a small smile and bow. You swear a small blush rises to his face before he clears his throat.
"Take this, it's my old sword." He hands you a sword that looks almost identical to what he uses now. "I also... made you this." He hands you the mysterious item he was holding. It was rice balls, neatly wrapped and freshly made. You gasp and blush taking them from him. "You're going to get hungry. It's a long trip. Be safe."
He turns and heads inside before you can even say thank you. You feel your heart flutter a bit as you slip the food into your pocket. You take one last look at the front gate, and then turn and walk off.
You meet up with Kanao on the way. Shinobu had sent a letter to Giyuu asking you two to go together. Kanao wasn't good at interacting with others and Shinobu was worried about her. You and Kanao make small talk the whole way there. Well you talked for most of it. It wasn't until the last hour that she started saying small things.
"Woah... it's beautiful." You say as you both walk up the long set of stairs. There was wisteria everywhere and it seemed to be glowing slightly, probably to help people see. You both make it to the top and there are a lot of other people there. At the front is two kids. They had wisteria in their hair and they were both wearing the exact same thing, a purple kimono with a green belt. The only real difference was the color of their hair, one white and one black. These had to be Ubuyashiki's kids.
The black haired one spoke first. "Greetings everyone, thank you all for joining the final selection. There are a lot of demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon killing swordsmen. They are unable to leave."
The white haired one speaks as soon as the first one is finished. "Because from the mountain foot to half way up, there are a lot of demon repelling wisteria that bloom all year round."
"However, from hear on out, there are no more wisteria. Only demons. If you can survive hear for seven days."
"Then you pass the final selection. Now let the final selection begin."
At those last words, everyone takes off running into the mountain. You give Kanao a nod before you both take off.
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natashaslesbian · 4 months
How about Scarlett being so busy with work (acting or the outset) that she forgot an important appointment/event of her daughter.
The Dance Recital
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Word Count: 1k
The click of the front door was heard throughout the house, announcing Scarlett’s arrival. “Y/n I’m home!” Your mom called out. You didn’t answer, just remained sitting silently at the kitchen table. Scarlett made her way down the hall and stepped into the kitchen “there you are” she said “good day sweetie?” She asked. “Yeah” you said, twirling your fork through your spaghetti. “You look nice baby” Scarlett complimented your makeup and unusually tidy hair “you been home long?” She asked as she unloaded her bag. “Got in about 30 minutes ago” you huffed “been anywhere nice?” Scarlett asked. “My dance recital” you said, silence falling upon the room.
Your mom froze “oh my god” she said “y/n I’m so sorry I completely forgot, there was a problem with the lighting and we got held up-“ she began before you cut her off. “whatever mom” you said as you stood from your chair, leaving your dinner behind as you headed to your bedroom. “Y/n wait please!” Your mom called after you, running up the stairs “sweetie I’m so sorry please talk to me” she pleaded as you slammed your bedroom door shut. “Y/n?” Scarlett asked through the wood, she waited a few moments for a reply but frighten you needed space so returned downstairs.
You felt bad for getting angry at your mom, you knew how hard she worked and how hard she tried to be there for every event of your life. Scarlett had made it a mission in her life to find the right work-life balance, she did a great job at keeping you away from the public eye and not getting you involved in any of her projects, she didn’t want her career to define your life. People knew who you were, the Johansson name was a big give away, but you only saw Scarlett as your mother, not the A list celebrity and CEO of the skincare company.
You started dancing when you were just 5 years old and your mom was your biggest cheerleader. She was there for every showcase and every competition, she had never missed a performance, until now. You were graduating from school in a few months, your room already started to be packed up for college. Your dance recital had been on the calendar for months, it was your final time dancing with your studio and you had decided that it was something you were going to leave behind after you left for college. This was the last time your mom was going to see you dance, and she was no where to be found.
Scarlett sat downstairs with a cup of coffee for 30 minutes, giving you the chance to be alone and calm down. She couldn’t stop the guilt running through her veins, hands shaking slightly with anger at herself. Your mom made her way quietly up the stairs, thinking about how she could possibly make up for her mistake. She paused outside your bedroom door, listening for any sound from the inside. “Y/n” Scarlett said as she knocked on the door. She gently pushed the door open when she didn’t receive a reply, thrilled that you hadn’t completely shut her out and locked the door.
You were sat at your desk when Scarlett entered your room, a pile of makeup wipes next to you in order to remove your show makeup. You didn’t acknowledge your mom’s presence, choosing instead to start taking down your hair. “Baby can we talk?” Scarlett asked as she crouched down beside you “y/n I-“ she began “I let you down today, I know that. I’m so sorry” she said. The crack in her voice had you itching to just forgive her but you were so hurt by her actions. “There’s nothing I can do to make up for missing your show. I should’ve been there and nothing I say will make up for me not.” Scarlett said as she began to softly cry.
You looked down at your mom as she gently wiped at her nose. “I love you so much baby girl, and I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you today” Scarlett sobbed. You jumped down off your chair and wrapped yourself around your mom’s frame “it was just a dance show mom” you said, your anger long gone. Scarlett pulled back to meet your gaze “no baby it wasn’t, it was your last recital and I wasn’t there” your mom said “I let you down and I don’t expect you to forgive me right away but if there’s anything I can do to make up for it please tell me” she cried.
You were mad at your mom, angry that she wasn’t there cheering you on, but seeing her so vulnerable made all of it so unimportant. “Mom” you said as you lifted up Scarlett’s chin “I am angry, and I am upset but you mean more to me than some stupid dance” you said reaching out to hold her hand. “Having you as my mom is the greatest gift of all, you’re Scarlett Johansson, and it’s pretty cool to be your daughter” you giggled “y/n” Scarlett sighed “all I want to be in your life is your mom, I’d give up everything if it meant I could spend every second with you” she said “nothing in my life means more to me than you, not films and interviews or any business” Scarlett cooed as she gently brushed your hair behind your ear.
You leant forward into your mom’s arms and held onto her tightly. When everything came down to it, having your mom in your life was more important than any dance show “I love you mom” you cried into Scarlett’s lap “and I forgive you” you said. Scarlett lent down and left a soft kiss on your forehead “thank you baby” she said. “I promise I’ll make it up to you y/n, I’ll hire out the entire theatre just for you if you want me to” Scarlett said. “No” you muffled “I don’t care about the recital, not really, I care about you mama” you smiled at Scarlett “I love you y/n” she said.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut t / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 6 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Hi! Can you write about Jungkook having to take care of his pregnant wife, as she has some difficulties in her pregnancy. Jk is just really concerned and gentle with her, wanting to grant her every wish, he also babies her, because he considers her really fragile. It would make me really happy 💜💜
Hope you like this!
Perfect Little Family
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“Hey it’s going to be okay. We will get through this.”, your husband Jungkook spoke as he reached over taking your hand in his. You didn’t have the words to respond. You felt bad because you knew Jungkook was terrified but he was doing his best to put on a brave face for you. Being 8 months pregnant was terrifying in itself but now with the news that there may be complications, you feel completely petrified and unsure of what to do. Thankfully the doctor walked in to finally give some answers.
“Okay Y/N. After running some tests we’re going to diagnose you with preeclampsia. I know that sounds scary but you’re in good hands. We just want to be able to keep your little girl inside of you as long as we can but the health and safety of both of you is our first priority. I’m going to give you a prescription to help manage your blood pressure. Getting rest is also recommended. I also want to see you twice a week until you’re ready to deliver. Our goal is to get you to 37 weeks at minimum but we’ll take it day by day.” All you could do is nod. There was so much information being thrown at you and not what you wanted to hear. Thankfully Jungkook was there to ask all the questions. You could hear him asking about your diet, exercising, stress management. It was like he came prepared with a list of questions and he was closely listening to the doctors answers making lots of mental notes. You’d never been happier to have him with you than within that moment.
The ride home from the doctors appointment was silent on your end. Jungkook did his best to try and take your mind off of things. You knew he was desperate when he gave you an exaggerated opera performance of the newest Taylor Swift song that was playing on the radio but when he didn’t even get a smile from you he knew what you needed instead. He reached over grabbing your left hand that you had tucked into the pocket of your (his) hoodie giving it a squeeze, “Y/N, I know this is scary and we didn’t plan it to be this way but I know it’s going to work out. You have one of the best doctors in Seoul who happens to specialize in this condition. I’m going to be here every step of the way. We’ll get through this.” “I know Kookie. Thank you for being here with me.”, you manage to whisper. You felt terrible for essentially ignoring him the last couple hours when he’s done nothing but try and comfort you.
Once home you immediately make your way to the kitchen realizing just how hungry you are but before you can even reach for a pan Jungkook wraps his arms around you gently pulling you away from the stove. “Go lay down Y/N. I’ll make you something to eat. You need to rest, remember?”, he says before giving your neck a kiss. “Kookie I can manage making myself a grilled cheese.”, you smiled. He shook his head, “Nope, let’s go lay down. I’m not asking again.” “I like this new demanding Jungkook.”, you said as you watched his cheeks turn red. Not wanting to argue with him you went to your bedroom and put on your favorite movie before getting under the covers.
Not long afterwards Jungkook came walking in with a grilled cheese sandwich, a small side salad, and apple slices. “Thank you so much Kookie. This looks amazing.”, you said taking the tray from him. The rest of the day was spent cuddling in bed and relaxing trying to let the stress from earlier go.
The next few weeks were hectic to say the least. Two doctors appointments a week took a toll on you. Jungkook barely left your sided. He cooked all your meals and brought them to you in bed except the one time he made soup and was worried you’d spill it on yourself in the bed so you got to come sit at the kitchen table but only after he carried you there. He was adamant that he had to be at all the appointments, even missing out on a few important meetings though you begged him to go to work and that you’d be okay with your mom taking you but he refused. You were currently getting ready to take a shower that he insisted on being in the bathroom for. As you were removing your clothes you looked over at your husband sitting on the edge of the bathtub staring at you with a smile. “Are you sure you didn’t want to be in here just so you could see me naked?”, you chuckled. “I want to be in here to make sure you don’t slip or get too tired from standing so long or what if you drop your shampoo bottle and can’t pick it up? You being naked is just a bonus.”, he smirked.
The shower was much needed and you felt relaxed and ready for sleep. Even though you spend much of your day in bed you didn’t get much actual sleep. The two of you were laying in bed together when you looked over and noticed Jungkook was still awake. “Hey you okay?”, you asked. He nodded, “Yeah just thinking. You’re at 37 weeks tomorrow and you have an appointment. What if the doctor says it’s time?” You were a little taken back because the last few weeks he had been your rock. “Then we’ll take it hour by hour just like we’ve been doing day by day. As long as I have you with me then we’ll get through this.”, you said squeezing his hand reassuringly.
At some point you must’ve drifted off because you were woken up when you heard Jungkook softly speaking. You thought maybe he was having a dream but then you realized he had his head resting just below your chest while he was rubbing gentle circles on your bump. You slowed your breathing so you could try and hear what he was saying. “Hey baby girl, it’s your dad. We have to be quiet because mommy is sleeping. I know we haven’t talked in a while but things have been so crazy lately. You’re really giving us quite a scare right now. It’s not your fault though. The doctor said it can happen to anyone. I tried to do everything I could to make it easier for her but I still feel like I’m not doing enough. I’m trying my hardest to be brave for mommy but the truth is I’m scared too. What if something happens to either of you? I don’t know what I’d do. Your mom has an appointment tomorrow and they might decide that we get to meet you early. I’m really excited for that and I know your mom is ready to get you out but we’re both nervous so be easy on us tomorrow, especially your mom. I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you. Sleep well baby girl.”, he finished with a soft kiss to your bump.
You felt him start to stir and not wanting him to know you were listening you quickly closed your eyes pretending to be asleep but you could feel your heart filling with love at the man sleeping next to you. The next day the two of you went to your appointment, hospital bag included just incase.
After a small wait the doctor finally came in and shook both of your hands. “Well Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you safely made it to 37 weeks which is what we were hoping for. The bad news is that the tests we ran today show that your preeclampsia is worsening so I am going to recommend that we admit you to labor and delivery immediately. We will bring you a wheelchair and one of the nurses will take you up to your room.” The doctor gave a quick smile before heading out the door and before the door was even fully closed you released the tears you were holding in. Jungkook immediately noticed and began wiping at them with his thumbs, “It’s going to be okay Y/N. The hospital staff is going to take good care of both of you and I’m going to be here every step of the way. Just think, this time tomorrow we could be holding our daughter in our arms.” You smiled and leaned up for a kiss. Again he was putting on a brave face for you when you were falling apart.
The next several hours went by in a blur. Your beautiful daughter was born at 4:55am and was happy and healthy. “She’s beautiful. She looks just like her dad.”, you said looking up at Jungkook who had tears in his eyes as he looked down at the baby resting on your chest. “She’s just as gorgeous as her mom.”, he said wiping away the tears while looking at his perfect and healthy little family.
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julienbakerpls · 1 year
Happy Birthday Part Two 18+
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"Okay... you NEED to get out of the house! We're going out and that's final." Your best friend said finally having enough of your almost 3 month long mood swings.
"Fine, but i'm not going to have a good time." You called out to her from where you were laying on your couch.
"I will literally beat your ass. Go get slutty and hot!" She yelled at you coming to pull you out from under your blanket. You rolled your eyes but ultimately decided that she probably would try and beat you up if you didn't get up.
"Wear that short red dress I love on you!" She called, from where she was styling her hair.
"I can't! I told you I lost the bra that goes with it!" You call out from the bathroom.
"So don't wear one, I've told you repeatedly that dress doesn't even need one!" You hear her call out over the sound of your shower.
You took your time getting ready, partially hoping that she would give up and leave without you. However once you had dressed in the "slutty" red dress (sans bra) and had your hair and makeup done she was still lounging on your couch.
"Took you long enough, let's go I want to go to that new bar downtown!" She still yelled even though you were next to her, jumping up and pulling you out to where her car was parked.
The ride to the bar was filled with both of you very badly singing along to the cure cd that she had gotten stuck in her cd player in high school.
"So what bar are we going to? Damien's?" You asked, once you noticed her start to look for parking.
"Nah, It's called The Red Door, it opened I think late last year. It's supposed to be very cool." She said doing an illegal U turn and parallel parking flawlessly.
You remembered hearing about The Red Door, but you couldn't remember from who. The two of you made your way into the candle lit bar, looking around. Your friend quickly made her way over to the bar ordering you both shots. After you had both downed them, she quickly abandoned you to go make out with some girl on the dance floor. You knew this is exactly how things would go, regretting not bringing a book or something to do.
"Y/n?" You heard from behind you, turning to see the cause of your horrible mood for the past three months. Your stomach instantly starting to cramp with anxiety.
"Hi." You answer attempting to smile convincingly. Julien came to sit next to you at the bar, she was wearing a white tank top that showed her muscular arms. You tried very hard not to stare, but from the smirk on her face she definitely noticed.
"I was really hoping to see you here.." Julien started, leaving you thoroughly confused.
"What do you mean?" you asked, taking a sip of your drink.
"I mean I told Lucy to invite you here that Friday after your appointment, but you never showed so.." She trailed off.
"Oh wait... I thought she was just telling me there was a bar down the street I didn't know YOU wanted me to go to it.." You said placing your hand on her arm, She looked down at it smiling slightly to herself.
"I wanted to invite you myself but you kinda ran out of the room too quickly for me to." Julien said, placing her hand over yours. You blushed remembering the way you ran out.
"I thought I made you uncomfortable-" You started Julien instantly cutting you off. "You didn't, I swear it's just I didn't want to take advantage of your vulnerability." She finished scooting closer to your stool.
"You can take advantage of me whenever you want.." You said without meaning too, Juliens face as well as your own filling with heat.
"I didn't mean to say that... out loud." You say, trying to backtrack. She laughs, shaking her head.
"I don't want to take advantage of you, I want your enthusiastic consent before I try anything." Julien said placing her tattooed hand on your bare thigh.
"Believe me, you've had it for the past three months.." You say tracing the Hard tattoo on her fingers.
"Oh yeah? Because you're all I could think about.." She says, staring up at you with those big brown eyes.
"Honestly if anyone else had been my piercer I would have chickened out. I was just too enthralled by you to remember to be nervous." You smiled, blush filling your face impossibly more. Noticing the way Julien's smile gets even bigger, you don't regret saying it.
"Honestly, I was so nervous to pierce you.. You walked in and I forgot my fucking name." She laughs, and you think you vaguely remember her not introducing herself right away.
"And then you took your shirt off and I thought I was going to lose my piercing license.." She said taking a sip of her drink.
"Wait why?" You ask, now also moving your stool closer to her.
"Because we're supposed to be completely professional, not almost drooling on our clients." She blushes, running her other hand across your collar bone.
"Because I was shirtless?" You say smiling at her, she shakes her head also smiling at you.
"I was almost drooling before you took your shirt off.. honestly if I were more of a professional I wouldn't have pierced you in the first place." She laughed, leaning forward to place her head on your shoulder. You smiled to yourself leaning your head to rest on hers, feeling her smile against your shoulder.
"I really like you.." Julien whispers into your shoulder. You smile even bigger, pulling away to look at her.
"I really like you." You say back to her, loving her big goofy grin.
"Do you want to get out of here?" She asked leaning back over to just be closer to you.
"I have to check with the friend I came with.. but i'll go anywhere with you." You say looking at her, less than an inch between your lips. The tension between the two of you is almost palpable. Julien clears her throat pulling away from you, her breathing slightly heavier.
"I'll be right back.." You get up, turning towards the dance floor to find your friend. You spot her after about a minute of looking pressed against a different woman in the corner. You make your way over to her having to pretty much pull her away to get her attention.
"What?" She whines, making grabby hands for the woman behind you now.
"I'm leaving, are you going to be alright getting home?" You ask her, once she stops pouting.
"Yea i'll be fine. Wait who are you leaving with?" She asks looking over your shoulder, and smiling smugly. You feel an arm wrap around your waist looking down and seeing the work tattoo, and blushing.
"Either her type is crazy specific or you're the piercer she's been grossly obsessing over!" Your friend laughed, Ignoring you to talk to Julien.
"I guess I am, Julien." She introduces herself, Pulling you tighter to her and squeezing your waist. You watch as Julien turns to the woman over your friends shoulder.
"Lucy, I'm heading out, please text me when you get home." Julien says, going over and kissing her friends cheek before returning to your side. You think you remember her from the piercing parlor, but you can't be completely sure.
"I will, Love you JB. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Lucy calls, as Julien starts to steer you towards the exit, hands on your hips.
"God, this dress is killing me.." She whispers once the two of you have made it outside. You blush, pressing your back against her front.
"You know, I usually wear a bra with this but I left it when I was running away from you." You say, as she starts pulling you towards her car. She opens the passenger side door, but before you can get in she presses you to the car.
"I think I prefer it without one.." Julien breathes into your neck, running her hands from your hips to your breasts and massages them gently. Your head falls back at the sudden sensation, your nipples hardening under her fingers.
"Oh fuck.. please" You moan under her skilled hands. She continues rubbing them gently until your aching for her to do anything more.
"If we do anything more out here, it would be public indecency and we could get fined or up to a year in jail." Julien said, pulling away from you and helping you into the car.
"Why do you know that?" you laughed as she got into the car.
"I have very irresponsible friends.." She sighed starting the car, the cure filling the quiet.
"I love The Cure" you smiled over at her.
"Good Robert Smith is a legend." She laughed pulling out onto the main road. Julien moved one hand off the wheel and rested it almost under your dress.
"Oh before I forget... open the glove box." Julien said, Stopping at a red light. You looked at her questioningly before doing as instructed, and to your surprise you pulled out your favorite bra that you thought was gone forever.
"You kept my bra?" You smiled at her a little in awe. She started driving again but pulled her lower lip between her teeth.
"It looked expensive... and I hoped i'd get to see you again. And maybe also see you wear it again." She blushed, pulling into a dark driveway. You watched as she parked the car and got out to come open your door for you.
"You can see me where it anytime you want.." You flirt, getting out of the car with her help. She smiles pulling you down to kiss you hard on the lips. Her tongue tracing your bottom lip begging for entrance into your mouth. Her hands tracing their way up your waist to your chest, instantly finding your hardened peaks. You moan into her mouth, tongues now fighting for dominance.
"Julien... Please." You moan out, your head falling back.
"Let's move this inside." She smiles goofily, roughly tugging you to the front door. Taking her time opening it, pulling you in and pressing you against the door. Julien trails kisses down your neck and collar bones stopping when she gets to the top of your dress. She pulls you tighter against her, silently asking you if she can unzip the dress. You nod, chasing her lips and kissing her again. She slowly unzips the tight red dress, letting it fall to your feet leaving you in just a lacy pair of underwear.
"Fuck Baby..." You hear Julien groan, tracing her hands and her mouth up your body.
"How are your piercings healing," She whispers against your collar bone.
"They're great, yeahh" You exhale shakily, Awaiting her next move.
"Perfect." Julien smiles against your shoulder, kissing down your chest and taking one of your nipples in her mouth. Your eyes roll back in your head as you feel her suck harshly on it. You knew that piercing them would make them sensitive, but you had no idea just how much. Julien continued sucking on your nipples, moving from one to the other. You start grinding your hips against her hip bone, gasping at the overwhelming pleasure. She bit down softly on your nipple causing the knot of pleasure building in your stomach to almost snap.
"Fuck Jay uhh," You whined, shaking from how much pleasure her body was bringing you. She bit softly on your nipple again before kissing back up to your lips, losing herself temporarily in the heated kiss. Julien reluctantly pulled away from you, pulling you up the stairs and into her bedroom. You felt instantly at home, welcoming the scent of her cologne that was clinging to the bedsheets.
Julien almost instantly climbing on top of you, grinding her hips against yours her mouth finding it's way back to your nipples.
"You don't know how many times i've pictured this in my head..." Julien said, biting down beside your nipple.
"Oh yeah, did it get you hot, thinking of me writhing beneath you in your bed. " You gasp out, rolling your hips against hers.
"Fuck Baby... it did a lot more than just get me hot," Julien moaned, pulling away from you and taking her tank top off. You lean forward wrapping your arms around her waist, kissing along her toned stomach. You pull her hips forward, unbuckling her belt while still leaving hickeys along her abs.
"Mmmm Y/n," Julien moaned, before helping you pull off her tight jeans. "Come here," She laughed, throwing them off the bed leaving her in just her sports bra and boxers. She kissed her way up your body, pressing a kiss to your nose before licking her way into your mouth. You wrap your legs around her waist, grinding against her. You feel one of her hands travel down your body and under the thin fabric of your underwear, circling your clit. You're unable to control the whine that falls from your mouth as you rock forward into her hand.
"God, you're soaked, is all this for me baby?" Julien asks applying more pressure to your clit, causing your body to start shaking with pleasure.
"Yes, Julien baby it's all for you!" You cry out as she presses a finger into your entrance. You gasp when you feel the cool metal of her ring against your inner thigh.
"You're so fucking sexy, You have no idea how badly I want you." She whispers into your neck, pushing another finger into you. Your eyes flutter closed, basking in the warm feeling pooling in your stomach. You pull her sports bra up and off of her tossing it onto the floor.
Julien started, biting and sucking her way down your body, her mouth instantly finding your clit. She sucked it into her mouth, massaging gently with her tongue. You feel her add another finger, gasping at the stretch. You whine tangling your fingers into her hair, grinding your hips up into her face. You cum suddenly, the knot in your stomach snapping as she pinches your nipple. Body arching into her, before melting back into her sheets. Julien cleans up the mess she made with her tongue before kissing her way back up to your mouth. You moan as you taste yourself on her tongue, the kiss is messy and you feel yourself getting hot and bothered again.
"Jay baby, I want to taste you." You whine into her mouth, rolling her over so you're on top of her.
You can feel the wet heat between your legs start to build up again at the sight of her. You have a leg on either side of her waist, looking down at her flushed face and big brown eyes looking up at you with an adoring expression. You reach down and stroke her face, feeling her heated sweat soaked skin.
"You're like a dream," You sigh, tracing around her mouth and dipping your fingers into her mouth. She eagerly sucks them, the sight and feel driving you insane. You pull your fingers out of her mouth attacking her lips, and trailing your hand down her body and into her boxers sliding them off of her. Your fingers instantly circling her clit, moaning at how wet she is.
"I wanna feel you cum on my face Jay," You say against her lips, laughing to yourself as she groans.
"Baby, I could cum from just your words." Julien whines out, clutching the bedsheets as you kiss and bite your way down her body pulling her legs over your shoulders. You bite and suck on her thighs, before leaning forward and sucking her already swollen sensitive clit. She rolls her hips up into your face, gasping when you push a finger into her entrance.
"Ah Princess." She moans out, the nickname taking you by surprise and causing you to suck on her more fervently. You thrust your fingers harder, feeling her body clamp down on your fingers. Everything about her tightens and goes rigid, you watch as her eyebrows draw together.
"Baby," Julien gasps, soaking your face and the sheets underneath her. You take your time cleaning her up with your mouth and her discarded boxers.
"You're so perfect," You breathe into her mouth, Kissing all over her face causing her to giggle.
"I'm so fucking glad you decided to get your nipples pierced." Julien smiled, teasingly pinching your nipple.
"I am too," You smile, cuddling down into her neck and pressing a tender kiss there.
- Let me know what y'all think <3
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teary-eyed-tiaras · 8 months
I made a fake eddsworld horror movie starring Laurel
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"Lower Birth is a lowbudget 1995 feminist cult horror movie released to high audience and critical praise.
The plot follows Laurel Hardy and Eduardo Torres, a very distant couple on the brink of seperating, so distant that they don't even sleep in the same beds anymore. Much to Laurel's surprise and shock, she miraciously finds out she's pregnant with out having slept with eduardo in months, she has never wanter kids and plans to abort it but eduardo convinces her to keep it. He also convinces her to sell their apartment and move in with his friends that she has never met before since their house has much more space.
Upon arriving to their new home Laurel is instantly put off, Todd doesn't wanna talk to her at all, Jon keeps hugging her and touching her hands with out permission, and Mark keeps explaining basic things about her own body to her. He also seems quite upset when she rejects his offer to be an OBGYN for her because she already has a female doctor she likes very much.
They throw a party and invite the whole neighborhood, which is when Laurel realizes that there are absolutely no women in the entire block. Everyone seems very welcoming to her but they already know her name and that she's pregnant, something she wanted to tell them herself. She sneaks out of the party and catches a bus to visit her friends Kim and Katya, a lesbisn couple living in the city that eduardo hates for undisclosed reasons.
Laurel vents about everything but doesn't let it slip that she didn't have the baby intentionally. They're nice to her but Kim says she doesn't understant straight peoples compulsion to have unnecessary children that make them sick and mess up their bodies. Laurel starts to suffer pregnancy symptoms and faints so she decides to go home, where Eduardo has all but disapearred.
Over the next few days, Laurel suffers fainting spells,sickness and constant exhaustian that makes it hard for her to get up. Eduardo works all day and comes back home by the time she's already asleep so she rarely ever sees him now. She starts having bizzare dreams of a door with red under it and a cross that frighten and upset her.
She deduces that Todd's been hiding a secret room from her but upon finding it realizes it's just a male nursery he had been building as a suprise for her. She's thankful but asks what they're gonna do if the babies a girl, and Todd just laughs in response. Jon and Mark then inform her that they pretended to be eduardo and quit her job and cancelled her doctors appointments so they can loon after her 24/7. Laurel gets very upset but can't curse them out due to suddenly feeling sick and passing out.
When she wakes up again she has gone from being one month pregnant to nine months pregnant, and only she seems to be horrified or shocked at all. The next few days are just a blur as she continously passes out and wakes back up. One night however, Jon decides to go into Laurel's room and place her hands on her stomache once again.
Laurel is so tired and weak she just pretends to be asleep in hopes he'll leave, but he just keeps doing it and starts whispering cryptic things to himself. This the final straw for Laurel, and after he leaves she manages to summon the strength to get up and grab a kitchen knife. Before she can escape though, she sees the same door from her dream with the red light and cross, only this time it's upside down.
She is far too curious to ignore it so she opens the door and discovers all the men from the neighborhood are having a party with candles, blood, baby toys, and alchohol all over the place. They all seem rather happy for her to be up and about but Laurel demanda some answers.
Eduardo tries to explain but Mark interrupts to explain it instead, because even now, her own damn boyfriend is too much of a coward to talk to her. Appearently a while ago Edd accidentally summoned a ghost and then pushed it off to eduardo, Eduardo and his friends tried everything to make it leave but nothing worked. Eventually they managed to make a deal with the ghost, if they could provide him a new vessel for him to possess he would provide them in turn with riches and power.
So they looked for women for Eduardo to pursue romantically and chose Laurel, and that's how she got pregnant and how they afforded their house. Laurel is having none of this bullshit and punches eduardo in the face. She runs out of the house with the men in hot pursuit, but she gets hit by a car in all the chaos. She wakes up in the hospital a day later, having miscarried from the collision.
After the nurse leaves she tries to go back to sleep but Eduardo sneaks in and tries to kidnap her. She gauges his eye out in retaliation and calls for a doctor so he's arrested. The film cuts to a year later, where Laurel has moved in with kim and katya. She's written a successful horror novel about her experience, the men's cult has totally disappated, and she even got her tubes tied so she never has to get pregnant ever again."
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slutouttanowhere · 6 months
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Mavis Pete(oc) x LA Knight
Warning: public fingering, degradation, use of the word “cunt” not suitable for minors 21+
Word count: 7k –I hope you heathens are happy now
Special tag: @wanderingpages s/o to my main beta reader, the bitch slayed me again. ❤️‍🔥
A/n: Listen, this on was edited, not only that but I literally army crawled and struggled to get this shit done lol. Yes LA Knight was indeed in a boy band with his friends back in the day he’s said so himself. He’s literally so baby girl sometimes I love him. Anywho hope y’all enjoy this chapter and the story so far. Again I’ll reiterate that sometimes I’d prefer to use a wrestlers real name for the most part, and in this case it’s LA Knight, oc calls him by his government. I’d imagine he wouldn’t mind closer friends and such doing that. Also also also, reblog, leave comments and like please and thank you ✨💗
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Chapter 4
My week has already started off somewhat chaotic, I nearly missed my flight from the last town, and I had a bit of difficulty with the rental place. After that was handled, and I settled, I finally got to do one of my favorite things, go to the salon,and get my hair done. After a month and a half, I’m finally getting a new weave installed. Luckily, our next stop was New York City, so it was nothing for me to meet up with my stylist, Peach, at her salon. I pulled up to the suite with an overnight bag containing a change of clothes, a hair accessories bag, a pair of sweat suits on, and my hair piled up on the top of my head. From afar, I caught a few men with cameras pointed at me. I sigh and place my shades over my eyes, trying to pay them no mind. Paparazzi in my face is something I’m used to considering my time in the WWE, but there’s a constant nagging in the deep recesses of my mind, wondering about the possibility of a bad shot and a misleading story concocted from it. Still, my lips tilt in a smirk giving them just a little something to work with.
Peach’s set up is so professional, the front has chairs lined up against the windows where customers can sit and wait. The receptionist desk is made out of gray, and white marble. Pictures of beauty icons lined the walls of the hallway that led to the back where the shampooing, and styling stations were. The receptionist at the front greeted me, and had me sign in. It wasn't long before I was being taken back by a shampoo girl to get my hair washed, blow dried, and then braided for the wig. By the time I actually sat down in Peach’s chair, the process was more than halfway over. She smiled at me through the beauty mirror in front of us; this was my favorite part of my work week, and I never take this time for granted. This is probably the only other time I don't talk in depth about wrestling, which I’m absolutely grateful for. Sometimes it feels like the gig is 24/7, but going to hair and nail appointments was one of the more mundane things that kept my brain intact.
“What are the plans for today?” She asked, guiding my head back to lean into her chair, helping me get comfortable as her work takes time. I inhaled deeply – the first thing that popped into my brain was Shaun. Tonight was our first official date, although he didn't actually call it a date, but hanging out with someone you're consistently having sex with is definitely a date to me.
“Apparently…” I hesitated in telling her, only because I could already guess her reaction. “I’m going on a date.” And without having to look at her , I knew Peach’s face was set in a grim, almost unimpressed expression.
“Ew, why?” She then caught herself, not wanting to sound too put off, “Wait, who with?” She was suspicious of my answer; she’s made it evidently clear she doesn't really agree with my choice in men. Especially since she found out about Nic and I via twitter. I think she just naturally assumed I’m surrounded by jackasses and she’s partially right.
I peek an eye open, taking in her reaction, “Remember my co-worker, LA Knight?”
“Stupid name.” She mumbled, rolling her eyes, but nodding her head. I couldn't help but let out a chortle of laughter. It’s understood between us that she just cares about me, and wants the best. Which, if you don't have a friend that’s willing to beat someone's ass, or at the very least tell them off in a very passionate manner, then are they really your friend?
“Hey, be nice, that’s a future Hall of Famer you’re insulting.” I playfully scolded her, only for her to give me an indescribable response somewhere between a mumble and a grunt. I rolled my eyes this time, “Well, he asked me on a date a few days ago, and honestly I’m kind of nervous because it was so, like, left field, ya know?” I replayed the scene in my head, finally being able to reflect on that day from a birds eye view. Truth be told, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to entertain the idea of us dating, even if it was just meant to be ‘fun’ as he described it.
She’s quiet for this run as well, letting me ruminate and maybe taking in the situation herself. “You wanna know why you’re nervous?” Peach asked, voice softening a bit, and suddenly I was all in, willing to listen to a married woman, and anything she had to tell me. “He likes you – more than a situationship, and more than a friend. I mean, he might be in love with you, Mavis.” She said earnestly. I felt my face heat up, and my eyebrows scrunched together as denial fought its way through.. It is something I thought about, but I wanted to be wrong.
“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” I asked awkwardly, my voice cracking, eyelids widened. A chagrin expression morphing onto my face. Peach pressed her lips together, a stern expression written across her features; we stared each other down through the mirror, and off course I broke first. Letting out an uncomfortable kind of laughter to fill the silence, I bit my lip when I realized she wasn’t laughing with me.
“And you knew that didn’t you? But you said yes anyways.” She confirmed without me having to. A part of me felt bad, because the truth of the matter was, if I cut off Shaun I felt like I won’t have anyone else to entertain me.
“What happens when you fuck around and actually like him back when it’s too late? Like, I love you a lot but, is this a game you really wanna play?” Peach asked, her tone firm, and serious now. Boy, did she always ask the hard hitting questions. “I’m not getting on you, it’s just something to think about. Either way, it’s your choice what you do.” She said softly after observing how my lips dropped into a frown.
I sighed heavily, deciding to let it go for now, I turned my attention towards my stomach. As soon as I thought about food, my stomach grumbled, and I didn’t wanna eat out again since I’m going out with Shaun later. Maybe just something to knock the edge off? “Hungry? I’m buying.” I offered.
“Sort of, I kinda just wanted a smoothie or something, though. My boyfriend made dinner at home,” Peach grinned letting me steer the conversation elsewhere. she already had her phone out scrolling for open restaurants nearby, and my stomach growled louder at the thought, causing us both to burst out in laughter. We took a small break, waited for the smoothies, and while we waited I decided to play a silly game of smash or pass with Peach. She passed all the options; this set a record for the most eyerolls in one conversation, but then we got around to Randy.
“Please, for the love of God, don't say smash, Mavis.” Peach deadpanned, a light hearted, yet disappointed expression etched across her face. I opened my mouth to explain, but she immediately cut me off. “Isn’t he supposed to be your mentor or something?”
“And you’ve never wanted to fuck your teacher?” I argued back without hesitation, she couldn’t contain the smile that broke out onto her face and she threw her head back.
“You know what, am I even surprised? I know more about that man than I should, no thanks to you,” she grumbled, only pausing her rant to check the notification on her phone, indicating our food had come; Peach ordered us both smoothies, a nutella waffle, and some mozzarella sticks. We nibbled, and chatted for a little while longer, then Peach got back to work on my hair. By the time she actually finished, the sky turned a pink lemonade hue outside, and the foot traffic on the streets began to pick up.
“Wow, Peach, another banger, this looks amazing!” I ran my fingers through the grape colored curls gently, then turned to wrap my arms around her. We squeezed each other tightly, “ Hey do you mind if I use your bathroom to change my clothes real quick.”
“Are you gonna ask me every time to use the facilities you help to keep up?” She asked playfully, her lips curling up into a grin, but she pointed me in the direction of the back rooms where the bathroom was located. I grabbed my duffle bag, then slipped inside, and put on the light. I made sure to flick a few pics of myself, before and after my outfit change. I quickly opened Instagram to post them, not thinking anything of it. I packed my worn clothes into my bag, collected my things, then walked back into the salon. I made sure to hug Peach one more time, and swiped my debit card on the way out the door. I hopped into my rental, then made my way back to the hotel.
With the time I had left, I wasn’t really in the mood to wear a full face of makeup, so I decided to strategically draw on a sharp batwing eyeliner. Just as I was applying my second coat of mascara, the phone rang and I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Ugh.” I groaned, reluctantly I picked up my phone, it was Shaun. “I almost stabbed myself in the eye thanks to you.” I grumbled, from his side of the video call, it looked like he was already outside the hotel.
A bright smile stretched across his face, I hated how handsome he was sometimes, it made it hard for me to deny him. “Don't worry, doll face, you wont need ’em where we’re going,” he joked. The scenery behind him changed as he walked into the hotel, smiling to anyone that passed him by. He was damn near glowing – I don't think I’ve ever seen him this happy before.
“A doofus you are.” I quipped, to which he snorted. There’s a tapping on my door and I wasn't surprised to see him on the opposite end of the threshold. His eyes softened upon seeing me. I hung up the phone on my end, and threw my arms around his neck. He seemed stunned by my eagerness. Shaun and I communicate a lot outside of work; even when we’re not physically together, we’re texting, or talking on the phone all day. This makes me feel uber important considering he’s usually busier than me at the moment with the company pushing him to be a made man, so he’s been booked a lot more than usual. It made me tear up thinking about it, I guess I was staring too long, Shaun held me at arms length observing my expression.
“Hey, you okay sweetheart?” With one hand gently squeezing my shoulder, the other held my fingers to his chest. My free hand wrapped around the back of his neck, and my fingers dug into his honey blonde hair. The corners of his lips curled upward into a tiny smile, and his eyelids drooped slightly. A while ago, we discovered that’s one of his ‘spots.’ I tilted my head to one side, my smile mirroring his.
“I’m just so happy for you, ya know? The company is really trusting you to be in a top position. And all of your success – you know how I love to watch my friends win, Shaun.” My voice just above a whisper, a sparkle of pride flashed in his eyes. He let out a breath, and quickly deflected the attention to me, like I knew he would.
Kissing me on the nose, he said, “Well, I’m just trying to keep up with you, little miss. hottest thing to rise out of NXT, little miss. First, women’s money in the bank winner. Now, she’s up on main roster, rolling with the big dogs, face on posters, and cups. Nike shoe deals, cameos in tv shows, music video vixen…I could go on, she’s got an extensive resume already.” He listed off my accomplishments, all those things were nice, and I’m grateful for all my opportunities, but I always felt as if I was the background character in my own life.
“So I guess you could say, I’m a…Megastar.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively, and Shaun threw his head back, chuckling deeply. He was able to recover quickly, then leaned down and kissed me on the corner of my lips.
“Yeah.” My impression of LA Knight always won him over, even if it was stupid, and sometimes a far cry from what he actually sounded like. I was a fan before anything else, which he found endearing, thankfully.
“Alright, save some fun for the actual date, huh?” Shaun unwrapped himself from me so that I could quickly run to grab my purse, and phone. With our arms linked, we walked out only to be stopped shortly by a few of our inner circle. Xavier turned just before we crossed each other, tailed by Tyler Breeze and Big E.
“Damn! New wig, who dis?” Big E called out to me, the boys slapped hands with Shaun before they gently brought me into a side hug. Tyler is wholly responsible for Shaun and I ‘bumping’ into each other at that christmas party. Now, whether Tyler shoving me into Shaun was actually an accident or not… well that was still debatable. While Big E and Shaun were busy making some small talk, Xavier and Tyler pestered me.
Tyler slapped me on my shoulder, a grin on his lips, “I bet right about now you’re thinking, ‘gee, I’m so glad Tyler accidentally bumped into me at that party’ and to that I say, you’re welcome.” Xavier instantly bubbled up into giggles, which initially I wanted to be annoyed by Tylers statement, but Xavier’s laugh is so undeniable, and contagious.
“Whatever, doofus.” I rolled my eyes, by that time, Big E, and Shaun had rejoined our group. He threw his arm around my shoulder, I could feel my face heat up by the way the guys looked at me. Tyler was ready to burst, and Xavier wasn't too far behind him. They were the big brothers I never wanted sometimes. Shuan and I haven’t ever been this open with any form of affection, maybe a love tap here or there, or a playful flirt. But tonight, he’s practically waving a banner around for everyone to see and for some reason, it was making me anxious..
“Love to stay and chat fellas, but there’s a steak with my name on it.” Shuan’s light hearted tone put me at ease, reminding me that these are my friends, and that if I could trust anyone, it would be them. Probably with my life if I’m being honest. At last, we were alone again, walking through the hotel lobby and towards the parked car. Thankfully, the sun had gone down, and a nice breeze blew through the air. Shaun opened the passenger door for me, and I made sure to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before getting in.
I checked my phone as I settled in. Randy, had apparently he had been calling me all day. A few hours ago he had sent me a few texts. I bit my lip, guilt tightened in my chest – how could I have forgotten about him?
12:30 pm Randy🐍: Hey kid, ready? I’ll swing by in a little bit
12:40 pm Randy🐍: You forgot about training, didn't you?
1:15 pm Randy🐍: C’mon Mavis, you’re killing me, call me later. We’re gonna have to talk about this.
I puffed out air from my cheeks, nothing worse than being scolded by your idol, Randy Orton at that. I had been concentrating on the screen so intensely that I didn't even realize I never asked where the hell Shaun was taking me. “Umm, so you never told me what our date was.” I finally spoke up, it wasn't out of the ordinary that we sat in silence, I appreciated the fact that he didn't take my constant dissociating personally.
“Boy, I thought you’d never ask.” He joked, he glanced at me for a moment, a grin on his lips. One hand on the steering wheel, the other on my thigh, and hiphop music in the background. My heart thudded, I felt like a girl in one of those cheesy romance comedies, like I was Kate Hudson or something. Right when I think I’m out of the trenches with this man, he somehow reels me back in with the simplest of things, and I wonder if he knew that. Because besides Nic, I’m not exactly known to keep men around that long. Shaun’s been here almost a year.
“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes halfheartedly to which he chuckled.
“It’s a surprise, I think you’d like it though, it’s a little place where you can really let your star power shine.” He said vaguely, leaving me with more confusion than before, but soon my questions were answered. We pulled into a packed parking lot, the front of the building said ‘Melodys’ in bright red led letters.
My heart pounded with excitement, and a little bit of nervousness. I recognize this place from when it came across my Instagram timeline two weeks ago. “Shaun! Why didn’t you tell me we’re going to karaoke? I would have been more prepared.” I groaned, no matter how hard I tried to rack my brain for the perfect song, there were simply too many for me to choose from.
“Sorry man, I just assumed you’d have one, everyone has a karaoke song!” He claimed, to which I went silent for a moment, and he looked at me expectantly.
“I’ve never been before.” I said quietly.
“What?” He seemed genuinely surprised by this.
“Yeah.” I whispered, now feeling embarrassed under his gaze. My eyes tore away from his, no longer able to hold his stare. He seemed genuinely shocked by this information.
“I never knew that. I figured we’d go and just have a blast.” His large hand held mine gently, our fingers laced together, and with his other hand he grabbed me by the chin turning my face back to him. “We can always go somewhere else if you want—”
“No, I wanna do this. I’ve always wanted to go, so maybe this is a sign.” Then I leaned in, and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Even when I pulled away he lingered, eyes still closed, and lips slightly puckered.
“I’m waiting for another one.” He mumbled, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly into a lopsided grin, and I couldn’t help my giggle. I rolled my eyes, but granted him one more kiss, this time more heated than the last. I pulled him closer by the back of the neck, his tongue caressed the inside of my mouth, and caused me to moan into him.
Reluctantly we both pulled away for air, “We could always make a bed out of the backseat.” Shaun offered, his tone suggested he was joking, but his eyes said otherwise. I reached my hand out to his check, my thumb swiped over his lips cleaning the gloss I smeared across his mouth.
“And waist this outfit? Nah nah.”
“I love it when you say my catchphrases.” He breathed, still leaning forward to catch another kiss, but I moved away before he could swoop in. He rolled his eyes, turned to get out of the car, and walked around to my side. He opened the door for me, took my hand, and helped me out. Our lips pressed together again before I could even process him pushing close the door behind me. My lips parted in a gasp as his hands moved to grip at my hips, pressing me back onto the cool metal of the car. My hands moved to his neck, that spot where he liked, weaving my fingers into the hair on the nape of his neck. I wasn't sure what had gotten into him, but I was a long way from arguing with him. I was pulling him closer against me, searching for a lazy sort of dominance in the way our tongues seemed to collide. His thumbs moved sinuously over my skin, feeling warm despite the layer of clothing between us. My knees started feeling weak. Something about the way his hands were caressing me, and making out in a dim lit parking lot felt scandalous.
“Shaun,” I murmured, pulling away enough to let my words out, “I'm wearing a skirt.” I whispered through kisses that were turning more ravenous as we went on. I did nothing to stop him, even when I felt his hand squeeze my thigh, and slide up the back. I lifted my leg, wrapping it around his hip, and his fingers crept up further, disappearing underneath my skirt.
“I know.” He said playfully, and my heart jumped when I felt his fingers graze me over my panties. A soft caress at first that had me keening, then a little harder, causing my vision to blur with every intense beating of my pulse. I slur out his name, forgetting my own momentarily as I leaned my head against his neck. His fingers stroked up and down before tugging at the satin and pulling the material to the side. Cool air sent a shiver up my spine, tightening my nipples almost painfully. If I hadn't been holding onto Shaun for dear life, I fear not much would have stopped me from pulling at my shirt and begging his mouth towards the pointed tips. His palm cupped me in a way that made me think it was possible he felt every throb of my clit against his skin. My breaths were labored against his skin, and his soothing words felt akin to nonsense with the way I was struggling to stay focused. “Sweet girl,” he murmured into my soul, “Did you wear this tight little thing in hopes of me doing this tonight?” I bit down on my lip to stop the startled noise threatening to escape when slowly, he slid a finger into me. “You’re already so fucking wet,” he said, as if I wasnt so completely aware. He stroked in and out almost torturously slow, curving his digit just slightly.
“Oh my God.” I whined, tilting my head to stare up at him. I couldn’t see his eyes in this lighting but I bet he was enjoying the fuck out of this. As soft as Shaun was with me, I knew there was a side of him that wanted to hit me over the head with a frying pan, most men did.
“I love the faces you make,” he admitted. “I wonder what happens when I do this.” He pushed a second finger into me, making my eyes grow wide at the intrusion. The stretch wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle – if anything it made me crave more. My eyebrows drew together, and my head fell back when this palm bumped my clit.
“Fuck.” I moaned, lips parting and toes curling. I felt the muscles in my stomach tighten and contract against my will, and my hips began to undulate, hoping to gain more friction. My breath stopped in my throat, it was getting harder to breathe. The air seemed to still around us and my heart began to thump loudly into my ears. I almost didn’t hear the sound of someone’s car door slamming. My fingers gripped him tighter in fear, and I turned my head, looking to see if anyone was headed towards us. Shaun’s hand still at my hip suddenly rested against my neck. He slid it up, wrapping his rough fingers around my chin and forcing my gaze back to his, all the while his steady fingering had yet to stop.
“Eyes on me, little miss,” his demand was so low it felt like the sweetest caress. My lidded eyes grew only heavier as his palm pressed into my clit again. I had thought it was an accident at first, but this time he did it again. Over, and over, bringing me right back to him, and the heat he was sending through my body with the way he was working me. “Just me,” he murmured, tenderly. I nodded almost imperceptibly, but it was enough for him. “Say it,” he whispered, and my knees began to tremble.
“Just…” My voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper, “Oh God,” I gripped him so hard, I knew his blood would be beneath my nails if I looked. He moved faster and faster, edging me until I told him what he wanted to hear, “Just you,” I nearly wept and the hand on my chin slid down to the base of my throat, adding pressure to my whispered chants. “Just you, just you…” and it felt like a little more than just for this moment right now. “Please.” I begged, and I wasn’t even sure what I was begging for, I just knew I needed it. He leaned in to me, his lips close to my ear, and he whispered things to me I thought he’d never say.
“I always knew you had a slut in you, out in the parking lot getting fingered in public, but this is what you wanted wasn’t it? ” The deepness of his voice, vibrating in my ears, traveled straight down between my thighs. My breath caught in my throat, I could feel it right there, the edge was so close, and I was about ready to jump over it. “Look at you,” he said softly, lips tickling the tip of my ear, “Taking my fingers in the parking lot like a little slut. Did you want him to watch?” took my earlobe between his teeth and I can only gather he meant whoever had just come out of their car. “Want to put on a little show so they could see uptight little Mavis come undone by sweet nothings and a LA Knight’s fingers in her tight little cunt?”
“Fuck you,” I murmured, eyes screwing shut as his fingers slammed into me faster and harder. “Yes,” I blurted out, “Yes, yes,” I felt a coiling heat start at the pit of my stomach and encased me fully. A sheen of sweat coats my skin despite the cool night. I’d say anything this man wanted me to if it meant getting me closer to climax.
“Everytime I say no, you bat those pretty little eyes at me, and I come running. A spoiled fucking brat, isn’t that right?” The sound of wet flesh on flesh filled my ears. It was so hard for me to see straight, let alone speak.
“Yes… ah! I’m such a fucking brat…” I stuttered out, my words mixed with moans, and my back arching. He pressed his lips to me, kissing my cheek, my ears, anywhere he could reach. “Ugh… I’m gonna come… don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I begged in a way I never thought I would.
“I know baby, I know. I’m not going anywhere till you finish, I don’t care how long it takes.” He breathed huskily into my ear. I pulled him in closer, my arms wrapping around him tightly. I brought my other leg up around him, and rocked my hips against him. That was just the right amount of rhythm I needed, and seconds later my hips halted, and just like that I came undone.
“That’s a good girl, let it out, come all over my fingers.” He encouraged me.
“Ugh.” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut, and burying my face into his shoulder, trying to not scream out into the void of night. . Shaun held me there, slowly pulling his fingers away, and causing my inner muscles to flex. After a moment passed, he slowly, and carefully let my legs down. One hand helped me smooth out my ruffled clothing while I held his other wrist, slowly bringing his fingers to my mouth, sucking him clean of my own essence.
“Glutinous.” He teased, though his eyes glinted something equivalent to carnal desire. We take a moment to come back to our senses, then he gives me a smile I couldn't help but return.
“What was that?” I asked, finally as we began to walk through the parking lot. Shaun had wrapped an arm around me protectively as a group of what looked to be drunk men stumbled in our direction. They didn’t bother us, but he had an eye on them nonetheless.
We paused at the back door, he signaled to the door man to give them a moment. “I sensed you were a little on edge, or at least distracted. I really just wanted to take your mind off things.” He said honestly, he held me by the hands, looking coy and charmingly boyish for a split second. I can’t help but mirror him, giving his fingers a squeeze.
“Then fun I shall have.” I giggled.
“That’s my girl.” Shaun pulled me by the hand. He passed the door man some money, and he happily opened the back door to the club. The sound of the music carried out into the night time air, engulfing us as we entered.. We held onto each other, his hand tightened around my wrist with an iron grip as he navigated us through the sea of bodies. There was seating sectioned off by a red velvet rope, and from what I could tell a small group of people were already seated there.
“Hey girl!” I squinted my eyes, to see Bianca waving me down from behind the vip. Montez behind her, they both danced up to us, she wrapped her arms around me, and instantly felt at home.
“Hey! What are you guys doing here?” Shaun didn’t tell me Bianca and Montez would be here, I would have been ecstatic to hang out with them.
“He didn’t tell you? We told him like two weeks ago to ask you out, Montez and I planned on going out to karaoke anyway. We figured it would be a great excuse to tag along.” She shrugged her shoulders, then took a sip of her fruity looking drink.
I gawked at her in shock, “Since when the hell do you like Shaun? And how come no one told me about any of this?” I wasn’t sure whether to be upset or not that she had set me up like this. I mean of course it was out of love, but I would have liked to have been included, damn it.
“Since Montez told me he wouldn’t shut up about you on one of their guy nights out.” Bianca revealed, a small smile stretched across her lips, and a knowing look on her face. Shaun was talking about me to his friends? I could feel my face heating up, I looked over to where he and Montez stood talking about God knows what. I swallowed thickly as the fluttering in the pit of my stomach went wild when he turned to glance at me. He held his thumb up to me, then switched to a thumbs down, but I answered with a thumbs up. He nodded his head, and went back to his conversation. “You two are so very much dating, I mean I’m pretty sure everyone else thought so, but now you won’t be able to fake the funk.”
“God, shut up.” I laughed. We chatted for a while. As it turned out, they only arrived a little bit before we did, and apparently Bianca signed us up as a duo. Which I’m thankful for, but then she made me sign up for my own solo song. After the boys came back from getting us some food, they sat down at our table.
“So, did you know, LA used to do Karaoke all the time with his friends?” Montez happened to have offered this information that I’m sure Shaun didn’t expect him to share at all. It wasn’t like he was embarrassed per say, but knowing him it’s probably something he wanted to brag about himself.
“You did what?” Already a large grin was forming across my face, being a Scorpio and would not, he had that whole mysterious vibe going on. It was so fun to peel back his layers, and find out something new every time, especially when it came via other people.
“Ah well, yes. It was more so a band; my friends and I would cover songs.” He was caught off guard by the topic, but explained nonetheless. This was by far the most interesting thing I found out about him.
“Whoa, okay JT.” I giggled, he rolled his eyes, he feigned a look of offense. In my peripheral I could see Bianca snapping pictures of us, and she didn’t even try to hide it.
“Okay, not too much, calm down.” He took a sip of his drink, from what I could tell it was maybe scotch, but he had gotten a margarita for me. Our names were further down in the queue, so we talked and had a few more drinks. By the time I had my third margarita I was feeling slightly buzzed, then I got the bright idea to sip on Shaun’s.
I grunted as I swallowed, burning on its way down my throat, and warming up my chest. “I was trying to warn you, but you gulped it down before I could say something.” He chuckled, but rubbed my back in an effort to soothe the pain. It only helped in the sense that he was sweet enough to do even that, even if it was while laughing at me. Bianca had brought a tray of shots back to the table, I think there may have only been four or five.
“What’s this for?” I looked up at her, she smiled, and picked up a glass. Without any more words she brought it to my lips, I didn’t question it, instead tilted my head back, and swallowed the liquor down.
Then she downed her own drink. Putting a hand on my shoulder, she said, "We're next.” Shaun clapped his hands together, and slapped fifty dollars on the table.
“Alright girls, I got money on you, get these people up off their feet.” He grinned, Montez followed his lead by also slapping money down on the table, and then a plastic card.
We looked at him confused at first, “And there’s been another fifty plus twenty five dollars off at The Cheesecake Factory,” He said proudly to which Bianca and I just rolled our eyes, and went up on stage. The crowd buzzed with mixed reactions for a moment. I could tell a few people recognized us, because then they proceeded to pull out their phone. Of course I posed for a few of them. The crowd really started to stir up when music started up.
“C’mon now, that’s the best y’all got? Let me hear some noise!” Bianca shouted, and I was quick to follow her lead.
“If it’s some laddies in the house that’s tired of scrubs lemme hear you holla!” On cue, the women in the club shouted and whistled as loudly as they could. Putting on a performance for people wasn’t out of the norm for me, but being able to do so without any restrictions was otherworldly. Especially being side by side with one of my closest friends, and when the music started it felt like everyone else didn’t even matter. No Scrubs is a song you could sing in your sleep, but when Left Eye’s verse came up, I was the only one of us that knew it by heart.
“See if you can't spatially expand my horizons, then that leaves you in a class of scrubs never rising..” I sang, the pop from the crowd really let me know they were with me, and from our VIP section, Montez was the loudest. Bianca, now my personal hype man, wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we bounced in sync as if we’ve done this before. It felt like as soon as the song started it was over, a few people had stirred up in the crowd chanting, “Hottie,” then another group of people started chanting, “EST.” Next thing we knew the crowd was going back and forth, “HOTTIE,” and “EST.”
“Much love y’all.” I held out my hands making a heart symbol, Bianca and I posed for a few more pictures, but eventually got off the stage. When we came back to the table it looked like a waitress had cleared our mess, and had left our unfinished drinks. Montez was chanting for us, and fist pumping. Shaun looked up at me from his seat. His eyes shined with desire, he clapped his hands together, I held my hand out, and he placed the money in my hands.
He chucked deeply, I took my seat next to him, and fanned myself off with his money. Then I stuffed it in my chest, Bianca picked up the gift card and waved it around. “I guess we’re having a girls night at cheesecake.” We fist bumped then giggled, the night was far from over, but I didn’t have any more drinks. When it was Shaun’s turn, the crowd was absolutely jumping, without him having to work for it, and I wasn’t surprised. He just had that kind of energy. That and I’ve learned NYC crowds love him– must be an east coast thing.
The opening guitars of Beat It blasted through the packed nightclub, and I was in awe of how shockingly amazing he sounded. He moved on the stage with such confidence, and aptitude, it was weirdly turning me on. Now I wished this was how I met him. Shaun didn’t hold anything back, he was full out dancing, and playing air guitar. I was gobsmacked. I felt like a groupie the way I slipped out of the VIP section and ran up to the front of the barricade where people crowded around him. I threw my body in every direction, banging my head as hard as my body would allow. I turned to see Bianca had followed me, we held each other by the shoulders dancing, and singing. When the song was over, we maneuvered our way back to our section.
I threw my arms around Shaun when he met up with us, “How come you never told me you could sing? That was awesome!” Suddenly, I was struck by a burst of energy, forgetting all about where we were. I pressed my lips to his out of excitement, he body froze for a second, but he quickly recovered. We pulled away for air, when my eyes opened I was caught in his pretty blue irises. The fluttering stirred up again, my head felt a little dizzy, and my knees weakened. Bianca, and Montez cheered from the sidelines and brought me back to reality. We stayed for another hour, but the post performance crash was hitting me hard.
“Hey, y’all ready to get out of here?” Montez asked. Bianca was already standing with her phone, and purse in hand.
I let out a yawn, “Yeah, besides I have media to do tomorrow morning.” When I stood from my seat I stumbled a little, Shaun’s hands were quick to catch me before I landed on my face. He held onto my elbows, and carefully steadied me. “Thanks,” I smiled. He winked at me in response and if he hadn't been holding me, I would have stumbled again.
We all said our goodbyes then split. Shaun held onto me, his grip tighter than before. The sun had already gone down when we got here, but now it was approaching midnight. “Looks like we got outta there just in time, one more rock song and the roof would have popped off.” He joked as he started the car. Feeling a chill, I reached for the heat. I didn’t notice Shaun was already doing the same thing, so when our fingers touched it came as a surprise to me, somewhat jolting me out of shock. When my eye met his, a smile grew across my lips, and my heart skipped a beat.
I pulled my hand out the way, and let him hit the buttons for the heat. Shaun glanced over at me, a curious expression on his face, “what are you all smiley about?” He asked, quoting my words from earlier.
“That was the most fun, outside of work, I’ve had in forever.” I giggled, my hand reached over to caress his cheek and ear as he drove.
“See, it wasn't so bad, was it? And our friends were there, the crowd gave you a big ole pop.” Shaun complimented me sweetly.
“Yeah but the way you worked the room was crazy business, I had no idea you could sing. Like sing sing!” Not once did this come up, he told me how shy he used to be as a kid, and how he used to go find a place to hide and let loose with music. But being a part of a band was something else altogether.
He shrugged, a sheepish grin stretched across his lips, “Just never thought you were interested in hearing it, honestly.”
“Is it because I talk about myself a lot? I'm sorry.” A feeling of guilt settled into my chest as I recall our past conversations. Most if not all, consisted of me doing what I felt like was yapping while my head laid on his chest, and his arms wrapped around me.
“Awe no, listen doll face, that’s just our dynamic. You talk, I listen, and if I wasn’t okay with that, I’d tell you. I never brought it up because I just didn’t feel like it was interesting, and the boys and I haven’t done it in so long.” His voice sounded soft, and baritone as he reassured me. His hand found its way to my knee, squeezing it lovingly, before it traveled up to my thigh where his hand rested for the duration of the drive. My body relaxed, soon my forehead was pressed against the glass window, and I thought that I’d close my eyes for a moment.I was falling asleep, as the next time I opened my eyes, we were back at the hotel, and Shaun was opening my passenger side door.
“Oh shit, that was fast?” my voice was ladened with sleep.
“Not really, you 're just snoring the whole time.” Shaun teased, he handed over his keys to the valet, then took me by the hand, and walked us through the lobby to the elevators. He wrapped both arms around me from behind, pulling my close, and resting his chin on my head. My hands rested atop his, and my body melted into him. His cologne engulfed me, the warm scent beckoning me to sleep, but I fought to keep my eyes open till I made it to my bed.
By the time we made it to my hotel door I was ready to pass out, “Thank you.” A goofy grin plastered onto my face, my voice lowered to a whisper as I was too sleepy to talk any louder.
“Anytime, princess.” I pulled him in for a kiss, and I lingered for a moment, my eyes still closed. Reluctantly I pushed away, and entered my suite. I threw my clothes off near the door, grabbed a makeup wipe, and cleaned off as much makeup as I could knowing I’d regret it if I didn't in a few days time. I grabbed my bonnet, and the moment my head hit the pillow I passed out.
* Small mention: I do not own any lyrics by TLC, the verse/lyric I am referring to here is from No Scrubs by TLC. However, the only version to exists with Left Eyes rap verse is in the music video, to my knowledge. I will link the music video within the story for you all to enjoy.
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riptideripley · 5 months
Chapter Ten of Addicted
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word count: 986
It was Friday, the first day of the draft. Rhea sat on the couch and was excited to see Bianca as the first draft pick, making a mental note to call her later. Hearing that Jey would stay on Raw gave her so much peace, after talking to him since last Tuesday she finally made her peace on what her future choices would be.
Standing up and going to the kitchen, she grabbed a small bowl and heated up some soup Jey had made the day before he had to leave out to get ready for Raw. Her phone started to ring and it was the one person she for damn sure didn't want to speak to, Dom.
"Hey mami, how's the shoulder?"
"It's doing better. How's your elbow?"
"Better as well. Hey you wouldn't have talked to Liv or JD lately have you?"
Shit. "No.. I haven't, why?" she lied straight to him, not that it bothered her any.
"Oh alright just wondering.. you watching the draft? How's Bella?"
"Yeah I'm watching.. and Bella is fine."
Dom could sense something was wrong with her tone but didn't want to pressure her about it. But something was definitely.. off.
"You seem tired so I'll let you go, night mami"
"Night Dom"
She immediately hung up and got this weird feeling, it was like he knew that she knew. She dialed JD's number and waited patiently.
"JD? Are you alone right now or.."
"Yeah what's up? Everything okay?"
"I um.. I think he knows that you told me."
"We were on the phone and he just seemed off, it feels like he knows JD. I just don't want anything or anyone to get hurt okay?"
"Yeah..yeah. Hey listen, call Damian alright?
He hung up, leaving Rhea confused. 'Why do I need to call him..' she thought and brushed it off, grabbing her bowl and returning to the couch.
As the night went on and Smackdown was finished, she finally decided to call Damian.
"Hello?" Iyo had answered the phone.
"Hey Iyo, is Damian around? I need to talk to him, it's kind of important."
She heard some shuffling around and waited, glancing down at a sleeping Bella on her side.
"Hey Sis, you alright?"
"Yeah I'm alright but.. JD told me to call you. It's about Dom and Liv.." she trailed off going quiet. She hated the thought of them together and just talking about it made her want to rip someone's head off.
"Oh I see.. look me and Cody found out some shit about them. Apparently they've been sneaking around behind your back since like December or some shit, you'll have to ask Cody. Look I don't know as much as he does but-"
"Don't even bother. I'll talk to Cody myself, don't tell anyone you told me okay? Talk to me after the draft." she hung up before Damian could respond, tossing her phone to the side. She just needed some rest and this will all be over by the morning.
Time Skip. April 29th.
Rhea had talked to Cody about the situation. Now all she needed to do was wait for Damian to call her once the draft was over tonight. "Hey Rips you alright? You seem zoned out over there" Roman spoke, breaking her from her thoughts.
"Yeah I'm alright.. just a little worried about this whole thing with Liv and Dom" she confessed, scooping Bella up into her hand. "I understand but look it's nothing neither one of us can do about it yet alright? We just have to trust Damian, Cody, and whoever the hell else is involved to fix this shit." he told her, setting some plates down on the counter with a slice of toast.
She sighed and waited for him to finish spreading some butter on her toast, grabbing the vegemite from the cabinet. "Have you talked to Jey?"
"No.. Not since yesterday morning" she responded, spreading some vegemite onto her toast. "Well I'll be back, I'm gonna take Barry and Luna to the vet today so you can rest. Does Bella need to go or is she good?" he asked as he stood up, finishing the rest of his toast.
"She has an appointment next month"
Time Skip. 10:45pm.
Her phone rang.
"Hey. So look, I know you saw what happened earlier on Raw. But I've talked to Cody, he's gonna see what he can do."
"Alright.." she trailed off, scrolling through her laptop. It didn't take her long to get all of Dom's messages and even the camera roll hooked up to her laptop, seeing as she had to do the same thing with Liv. "I'm just looking at some shit here from his phone if you're wondering why I'm quiet."
"How the hell- You know what, I don't even wanna know. Where's Roman? I thought he would be home by now."
"He's out with Dean right now, they should be on the way back with Seth though"
"Shit- Sorry I gotta go, Doms calling"
"Oh-" the line cut. She continued to scroll, seeing messages discussing her injury.
"Hey Rips..? Are you alright in here? Seth is downstairs if you want to say hi" Roman spoke as he opened her door, watching her slam her laptop closed. He sensed something was up and walked in, shutting the door behind him.
"What happened?" "I.. I found some stuff from his phone that I hooked up to my laptop. Look, should I just wait until after Backlash to talk to him?"
Roman sat there and thought for a second, "Yeah.. that's the best choice you got right now. Look, backlash is this Saturday so let's just wait it out and talk to them after alright?"
She nodded and sat her laptop beside her, kicking the soft grey covers off her legs. "I'll go talk to Seth, how's his back?" "He's feeling better"
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
I see everyone is pissing on the poor again. But seriously, phone calls are the worst. I had to get info from a certain group of people, and I sent an email. Got redirected twice, had to sent at least 2 reminders to ask people if they could please look at my email I need this for a paper. And then finally got the bare minimum of an answer about a month after my first email. A phone call could have made this a lot faster because they just send you from one person to the next and are forced to deal with it RIGHT NOW. Which feels so invasive.
I hate making phone calls. I hate getting them. Or worse, having to wait for someone you know is going to call. It gives me social anxiety x10. The only person I ever call is my best friend, but then we spend hours on the video call and I don’t have to worry about social etiquette. I can just run around, get something to eat, interrupt her to show off my cats, I’ve straight up done my dishes and made dinner on a call once. But calling someone you don’t know? Absolute hell. I’m not calling for my dentist. I can make online appointments for my doctor. Why is it so efficient?! It’s so unfair!
literally I'm just sitting here like wow people really think I'm pissing on the poor huh (pls tumblr userbase learn reading comprehension)
YEAH THAT'S THE THING no one checks their email!! literally just today I had to make a call because someone didn't respond to an email I sent nearly a week ago and I really needed a quick response on it and the call was so easy and just arghhh pls
god I hate having to wait for someone to call me if it's like an appointment or something. like actually I'd much rather make the call myself then. I'm just sitting waiting like a trembling chihuahua
calls with friends are peak though I love those
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One thing I never got about the TV show or comics is the vortex and while Dream says they are naturally reoccurring and have nothing to do with him in that regard I find that confusing since Unity didn't become the vortex due to the sole reason of Dream being trapped and Rose didn't become the vortex until Dream was free. It feels like a huge plothole to me and also another thing I don't understand is why wasn't Unity's and Desire's family line dream children like Daniel.
to answer the second question first, since that's the one i can give a concrete answer for! daniel was a very unique situation
the show and the comic have two different explanations for what made daniel half dream, i think the show was a lot simpler and easier to grasp, but both are explainable
in show canon, daniel is half dream because his father straight up was a dream - hector was already dead by the time daniel was conceived. lyta is the only physical parent here, the rest is dreamstuff
in comic canon, lyta was pregnant before hector died, but she then spent years and years in that dream, extending her pregnancy far beyond the nine months it should normally take, and that much exposure to the dreaming while being formed (in an unnatural way bc it was so drawn out) made daniel half dream
as far as unity and desire's daughter goes, that's more of a demigod situation? she was conceived in a dream because unity was asleep, but desire isn't just a regular parent, and conception when it concerns the endless is a weird topic altogether (desire doesn't really have dna this is canonically a thought baby sort of situation). given how the endless interact with each others' realms, i'd imagine just desire being part of the equation cancelled out any influence dream might have had here. and aside from that, it was a normal pregnancy that took place in the waking world, for a normal duration of time - the walkers aren't 100% human but they aren't really any % dream
and then we get to the next part of this - being half dream isn't the only thing that made daniel daniel. dream chose daniel for this, appointed him as successor when he visited lyta in season of mists
and daniel as a toddler trailed dream sand behind him and had the ability to walk into the dreaming, but he was still half human, and still not yet a perfect successor to dream of the endless
until kindly ones, when loki stole him and killed him. daniel-dream tells lyta in the wake that that fire burned away his human half, leaving only the immortal dream
and for a final piece, morpheus gave him the emerald. granted, this probably wasn't a necessary step, i think it was a gesture to help him control his powers a bit better when first ascending. but it was yet another thing that made the universe mark him as the person to ascend if the original incarnation of dream died
which are all things that set him apart from miranda walker (or her mother, in show canon)
as far as vortexes go, honestly that's something i wish either the show or the comics told us more about, there's so little lore or explanation on it
but if you want my educated guess - there's a difference between dream not making the vortexes and dream having nothing to do with them
vortexes are naturally occuring, yes, but in a healthy dreaming, a living dreamscape. they are an inevitable consequence of the way the dreaming works - an entire universe of minds, all forming a dimension together, with no knowledge that they are doing it together, the natural push and pull and chaos of such a place, somewhere you're going to find a place where it's the most concentrated, the eye of the storm that everything else is swirling around. part of dream's job is to keep that great ocean relatively level, so you don't end up with whirlpools - and since he doesn't make them and doesn't know how they're formed, sometimes that means you just need to manually get rid of them whenever they show up
but you also won't get whirlpools if you drain the ocean of water
which is what cutting dream off from the dreaming did. the endless and their realms aren't wholly separate entities, a part of dream is the dreaming and a part of the dreaming is dream. when you cut a being in half like that, by keeping dream magically shut out from the realm, they've both lost vital functions, and they'll both be weaker and hurting for it. and we see, in both the comics and the show, the effect that dream's imprisonment for that long had on the dreaming - it's broken and dead. and dream himself is equally lacking in power and life (show dream especially, he is visibly starving)
and the doll's house arc doesn't begin until dream breaks the ruby, and gets back all the power contained within it. even with dream physically back in the dreaming, they both needed time to recover fully before anything like a vortex could form
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madpunks · 2 years
i need medical professionals to understand that medical negligence kills.
i am in involved with my medical care- i have to attend therapy, see a psychatric medication manager, a primary care doctor, physical therapists, and a gender affirming care specialist. i am seen by a lot of doctors and have been in a lot of different medical settings. lately i have hit a rough patch where i cannot seem to have my situation taken seriously
my blood pressure has been so high, for months now, that i was within stroke and cardiac event territory several times. my doctors ping-ponged me between one another- i was prescribed blood pressure meds when i stayed in the psych ward in july. then my psych nurse refilled them, but told me my primary care doctor must be the one to refill them, because she doesn't know anything about bp meds. i asked my pcp, she told me "have your other doctor fill them out, then, since you had them filled over there before."
it took me months to get my life saving medications back. i cried in front of a receptionist at a later appointment where i was told the provider could not see me for our scheduled appointment time that day because "i hadn't filled out the paperwork". they never sent or told me about paperwork. they took my blood pressure after i explained my frustration and booked me for an emergency appointment with a pcp the next business day. but it took until i cried and my blood pressure was dangerously high from stress for someone to care.
i finally have it, now, but i am also fighting for my psychiatric medications as well. the psychiatric meds manager i mentioned above went on maternity leave and someone filled in for her. this doctor didn't know me. he asked me many questions, but never waited for my answers. he spoke over me, told me some of my diagnoses were wrong/misdiagnosed me, and took me off of several of my vital medications. he stopped my bipolar mood stabilizer because he said it didn't help with bipolar mania- he never asked if i was needing help with mania, depression, or mixed episodes. he just assumed.
he also stopped my seroquel- i am a schizoaffective person- because he didn't like the dose i was at, but because i am fat, he said i needed to be on the antipsychotic that was the least likely to put weight on me. he put me back on risperidone. i had been on it in the past. it caused me severe depression. he didn't ask what it did to me. he just put me back on it without question. i haven't touched those damn pills since i got them from the pharmacy. i am already severely depressed as is, i can't even fathom.
while i was discussing a personal event that happened in my life that affected me, my therapist earlier today asked me "why are you letting something so insignificant have power over you? why would something like that make you suicidal? why are you letting this person have power over you" i had finally lost my patience with her, and i snapped, and told her why i was justified in feeling so unwell. i gave her the context of my situation, and didn't back down. i'm firing her next session. later on, my case worker informed me that's victim blaming, and that it was not okay for her to minimize my issues or make me feel like i in some way made my feelings happen of my own free will. i felt so incensed i had to do something about it.
i can't really sleep at night right now. i can't focus, my energy levels are all over and my depression is ruling my life. im struggling with invasive thoughts and horrible painful suicidal lows. i need people to understand that this type of medical negligence can kill. any of this could've killed me at any point. this is not acceptable. this is what american mentally ill people in care deal with. please understand that this is not how anyone should have to live.
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