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shookie-y · 7 months ago
Wisteria Blooms (3)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Reader
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
The woods around you are quiet. There is a small breeze blowing through the trees. Your hair is moving slightly from the wind. Your leg doesn't hurt as much anymore. Shinobu had stitched it up when you dropped Kanao off. You couldn't stay long because you needed to get back to Giyuu... well his estate. The walk isn't long but it's taking you longer than normal due to your exhaustion. After what feels like forever, you finally see the doors to Giyuu's estate.
You smile and walk faster to the front door. "Tomioka-san? I'm back." You make your way through the building, looking for any sign of the man.
There seems to be no sign of him.
Well you think that until you hear a door sliding open behind you. "Tomioka-san! I was wondering where you went off to." You turn around with a big smile. Your gaze lands on Giyuu, who is standing there in shock. having just come from the bath. You look him up and down. The only thing he's wearing is a towel around his waist. You freeze and stare at Giyuu's bare chest. Water was still dripping down his abs.
"Oh... you're back." The nonchalant tone startles you and you quickly cover your face, your cheeks burning from embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare! I should go rest!" You quickly turn around and rush off to your room. You quickly shove your door open and collapse on your bed. "I can't believe I just did that." You groan and shove your pillow over your head.
I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was checking him out. What is wrong with me? I'm his Tsuguko for goodness sake.
Not a second later you pass out.
Thirteen days pass as you're waiting for your sword and uniform to arrive. You've been avoiding Giyuu since the day you arrived back. It wasn't hard to do since he was usually on a mission or doing Hashira stuff. He is here today though.
You are currently sitting outside on the steps. You're just enjoying the breeze when a sound catches your attention.
Kting, kting, kting
You look up and see a person walking towards you. They're wearing a a sunflower patterned haori and a Hyottoko mask. They also have a hat which appears to have windchimes all around it. That's probably what is making the noise.
"Hello?" You tilt your head in confusion and stare up at the mysterious person.
"I am called Haganezuka. I am he who forged (Y/n) (L/n)'s katana." A deep voice comes from behind the mask.
"I am (Y/n). Would you like to come inside?" I motion to the front door. "I can make tea or something."
Instead of answering your question, he kneels down on the ground and starts opening a box.
That box must contain my katana.
"Oh, please co-"
"This is a nichirin sword. I forged this blade. The iron sand and ore that are the materials for a nichirin sword are gathered at the mountain closest to the sun. Scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore both absorb light. The sun shines all year on mount yoko. It is never cloudy and rain never falls."
The door opens behind you and Haganezuka shoots his head up.
"Your sword is here." Giyuu is staring down at the both of you. "Please come inside." He turns and walks back inside.
Haganezuka and you pick up his stuff and carry it inside. You all kneel down around some tea Giyuu had set out. "Draw your sword, (Y/n)."
You nod at Giyuu and pick up the katana carefully. The sheath is a light blue with tiny white snowflakes hand painted on. "It's beautiful. Thank you." You smile and bow at Haganezuka.
"Yeah yeah..." He huffs and crosses his arms. "Nichirin swords are also called color-changing katana. Their color changes depending on who is holding them.
You slowly pull out the katana and hold it up. It takes a few seconds before the blade starts to turn white. You gasp and stare at the sword in amazement. You go to say something but are cut off.
Your crow flies down to the window. "Kaw! Kaw! (Y/n) (L/n)! You must head for a town east. This is your first job as a demon slayer!" The three of you listen to the crow speak. "Children are going missing every night from their beds!"
Children going missing?
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shookie-y · 7 months ago
Wisteria Blooms (2)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Reader
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
"Kanao! Look out!" You tackle the girl to the ground. The demon growls as its body hits the rough dirt. You jump up, moving your sword in front of you to defend yourself. It was dark and neither of you could see very well. "Get behind me. We need to work together." Kanao's back presses against yours.
How did you get in this situation? The first three days of the final selection went by without a hitch. Now here you are, you have a deep cut on your leg and you can feel the blood trickling down it.
Focus (Y/n). The demon could be anywhere and it can strike at any moment. Final selection is only supposed to have lower level demons and yet something is different about the one that attacked you. She looks frail and weak but her attacks are quick and stronger than anything you've fought so far.
Your eyes flicker around quickly in the dark, looking for any signs of movement. There's a small breeze making the tree branches sway and hit against each other. Is the noise just from the wind? Or is it the demon jumping from one branch to another?
"There." Kanao's voice is soft but sharp. You feel her move from behind you and can hear the sound of her sword clashing into something. You turn around just in time to see the demons arm fall off. It hisses and goes to grab Kanao. 
You rush towards her and use your sword to slash the demons other arm off. “Now Kanao!” At yours words the younger girl swings her sword towards the demons neck. You make the same move, it won’t manage to dodge both of your attacks.
Both of your swords cut through at the same time. You watch as the demons head thumps to the ground and slowly rolls to a stop. “No! No! I can’t die this way. Not by the hands of you two! I’ve been here for 4 years! I’m supposed to get stronger. Like the guy with all the hands. That should be me!” She’s crying but her tone is spiteful and loud.
Her body slowly starts to disintegrate into nothing and her cries slowly die down. The woods grow quiet around you and you take a breath.
“What was that? I thought it was only lower demons…” You glance at Kanao, who seems okay, and then back towards the trees around you. There doesn’t seem to be any demons around you for now.
“We should keep moving.” Her voice is quiet and it startles you a bit. “We need to find more demons to kill.”
You’re quick to follow after Kanao, who walks forward, there seems to be almost no emotion in her. She didn’t react much during that last fight, or when you ran into a demon eating someone. Such a strange girl.
The next few days are harder on you. The cut on your leg seems to get worse as the days go by. It only makes fighting harder. Luckily, all the demons you've encountered since have been easy kills. The final day arrives and you make your way out of the woods. 
"Welcome back." Ubuyashiki's kids greet everyone with a smile.
"I am glad you are safe."
"There appears to be only five of us. Including me and Kanao.
There's a boy with yellow hair. He's mumbling to himself. "Die... I'm going to die. Die, die, die, die. Even tough I've survived here, I am going to die in the end."
There's two more boys as well. One you've met before. Genya. He was a mean kid. You didn't talk to him much. You only really know him because of Gyomei. Genya was trained by him. You two didn't really get along from the few interactions you've had.
The last boy seems to be studying everyone else as well. He has dark short hair with burgundy tips. He is wearing a blue kimono with a cloud pattern. His eyes meet yours and you freeze. His eyes are beautiful. They are a dark red. He gives you a soft smiles and you blush.
"So what am I supposed to do now? Where is my katana?" Genya's voice startles you and you quickly look away from the other boy.
"First, we will provide your corps uniform. We will take your measurements and then engrave your rank."
"There are ten ranks. Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and Mizunoto. Right now, you are all the bottom rank of Mizunoto. Today you will choose the ore for your sword. Then it will take up to two weeks for the katana to be finished."
"Then we will assign you a Kasugai crow."
Several crows fly down. One for each of you.
"Huh? A crow? But this is a sparrow?" The yellow haired one pokes at his bird.
"Kaw. Kaw." Your eyes flicker down to see a small crow in your hand.
"Hi. You're so cute." You reach up and pet the small creature. It rubs into your hand and you smile.
"Kasugai crows are generally used for communication but not always."
A loud sound echoes across the grounds and everyone turns to look at Genya. His bird flies off. He seems to have hit it. "I do not care about crows!" He storms up to the two kids and before you have a chance to move, he hits the white haired one over the head and then grabs her hair in his fists. " Katana! I want my katana! I want it now!"
The young girl stares up at him. The dark haired boy rushes forward and grabs onto his arm. "Let go of this child! If you don't, I'll break your arm!" His voice was demanding yet somehow he sounded nice at the same time.
"Who are you!?" Just try it!" Genya seems pissed. The other boy didn't waste a second before crushing his arm. Genya gasps in pain and rips his arm away.
He opens his mouth to say something. "Cut it out, Genya." Your voice is rough and you sound annoyed. The two guys turn to you and Genya huffs in annoyance, but he listens and lets it go.
"Are you done talking? Then come over here and please choose the ore for making your katana."
"I'm probably going to die soon anyways." The yellow haired one mumbles as everyone makes their way forward.
There's multiple ores laying out on a small table. They vary in size and color. You look around before our eyes settle on a little black one. It has white and blue speckles on it and it seems to shine as the sunlight hits it.
Everyone chooses their ore before you all get sent on your way. "Let's head back. I'm sure they're waiting for us." You give Kanao a small smile and then begin your way back to the butterfly estate.
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shookie-y · 8 months ago
Wisteria Blooms (1)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Read
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
"Get up" Giyuu's voice sounds from above you. His tone was sharp and brooding. You can feel his strong gaze on your back as you lay on the rough dirt. He was very quiet and liked to keep to himself, so none of this comes as a surprise to you. You don't want him to stop training early for the day, so you push yourself up, ignoring the earthy taste in your mouth.
"You need to be quicker" His tone doesn't seem to change as you stand up. You nod your head and retrieve your sword from the ground. Giyuu had knocked it out of your hands a few minutes earlier. You both watch each other as you walk in a circle, waiting for someone to strike. Giyuu has always been better at defending than most others so naturally, so are you. Attacking first isn't the best move for you.
Giyuu's attack is fast but not unexpected, you're able to block it but just barely. You make a quick move to the side and don't hesitate to attack. The wooden sword comes crashing down on Giyuu's. The force of it startles you a little and you have to brace yourself so you don't slip. Before you can make another move Giyuu is gone. He was quick and you knew that meant he was about to strike again. There's a small hint of movement behind you and the next second you're on the ground, again. You roll over and look at Giyuu, who has a plain expression on his face. "Again." You wipe some of the sweat off your face and listen to Giyuu, pushing yourself up.
Training continues like the for a few more hours, until the sun starts to set. "Thank you for training me, Tomioka-san" You bow at the man. He nods and hands you a small rag to wipe your face with. You smile brightly and gently wipe your forehead. The sun is almost fully gone and you sigh. "Well... looks like I only have one more week of training before final selection." You look back at Giyuu with a nervous smile. "Do you think I'll do good?"
He studies your face for a minute. Your eyes had a small look of fear in them and you seemed nervous. "You'll be fine." He seems embarrassed as he answers your question. Your suspicion is right as he instantly turns towards the house and starts walking away. "Goodnight."
You breathe a sigh of relief as you watch him walk away. "Goodnight, Tomioka-san!" Your voice rings across the training grounds. Giyuu is inside a few seconds later.
You put your training sword away and then make your way over to the small koi pond Giyuu has. "What a quiet man..." You hum to yourself and take a seat.
You had started training with Giyuu about nine months ago. Ubuyashiki was the one to assign you to the water pillar. He told you it was the easiest breathing form to learn. He also said something about he thinks it would be good for Giyuu to have someone around. You hadn't know much about the man as you made your way to his place. All you had really been told was he was quiet and that he liked to keep to himself. When you had first arrived Giyuu wouldn't even look at you, much less talk to you. Training had started almost immediately. You quickly learned water breathing wasn't for you though, so you made your own form, snow breathing. You haven't mastered every form but you're getting there.
You yawned and stood up. "I guess I should be getting some sleep. Training is just going to get harder over the next week." You quickly head inside and to the room Giyuu gave you when you first arrived. It was a small room that didn't have much in it. There was a small desk and chair, a bed, and a little dresser for your things. You fell backwards onto the bed. It didn't take you long before you passed out for the night.
Before you knew it the week had passed already. Training had continued every day until two days before final selection, Giyuu said you needed to rest. Final selection lasts a week so you couldn't be tired going in. You were nervous but excited. If you passed you would be able to fight demons and even go with Giyuu on some missions.
"Today is the day!" You woke up early to take a bath and get ready. Giyuu had given you something to wear. It was a white and blue kimono. You're not sure where he got it from.
Once you were ready you started to leave. Giyuu was already waiting for you outside. "Are you ready?" He looked you up and down, he was holding something in his hand but you couldn't tell what it was.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Thank you for the kimono. It's beautiful." You give him a small smile and bow. You swear a small blush rises to his face before he clears his throat.
"Take this, it's my old sword." He hands you a sword that looks almost identical to what he uses now. "I also... made you this." He hands you the mysterious item he was holding. It was rice balls, neatly wrapped and freshly made. You gasp and blush taking them from him. "You're going to get hungry. It's a long trip. Be safe."
He turns and heads inside before you can even say thank you. You feel your heart flutter a bit as you slip the food into your pocket. You take one last look at the front gate, and then turn and walk off.
You meet up with Kanao on the way. Shinobu had sent a letter to Giyuu asking you two to go together. Kanao wasn't good at interacting with others and Shinobu was worried about her. You and Kanao make small talk the whole way there. Well you talked for most of it. It wasn't until the last hour that she started saying small things.
"Woah... it's beautiful." You say as you both walk up the long set of stairs. There was wisteria everywhere and it seemed to be glowing slightly, probably to help people see. You both make it to the top and there are a lot of other people there. At the front is two kids. They had wisteria in their hair and they were both wearing the exact same thing, a purple kimono with a green belt. The only real difference was the color of their hair, one white and one black. These had to be Ubuyashiki's kids.
The black haired one spoke first. "Greetings everyone, thank you all for joining the final selection. There are a lot of demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon killing swordsmen. They are unable to leave."
The white haired one speaks as soon as the first one is finished. "Because from the mountain foot to half way up, there are a lot of demon repelling wisteria that bloom all year round."
"However, from hear on out, there are no more wisteria. Only demons. If you can survive hear for seven days."
"Then you pass the final selection. Now let the final selection begin."
At those last words, everyone takes off running into the mountain. You give Kanao a nod before you both take off.
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