#(i also do not get refils for my anxiety medication until i have an appointment with my new doctor)
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The Healthcare horrors persist
#Updates on this whole mess:#Im insured under my dad#he has Healthcare option 1 which is government provided since he is retired millitary and option 2 due to his new job#after his retirement option 1 went funky for me and changed things around meaning i was no longer able to be seen by my pcp#Im also unable to log in to any of my accounts for 1 so im not sure whats going on there and what plan of 1 i have specifically#so i switched to a new pcp which accepted option 2 (which was super hard to find) literally last week#made an appointment with her for next month so i can finally get answers about my funky blood test results#(which is still don't know what specifically is wrong with it! for all i know i could just have high cholesterol-#or i could have markers for rheumatoid arthritis instead of my prior fibromyalgia diagnosis!)#(i also do not get refils for my anxiety medication until i have an appointment with my new doctor)#crisis averted right? WRONG!#I just got a call from my Dad saying he is switching jobs so I am no longer insured under 2#meaning...#1) i need to call option 1 and figure out how to get into my accounts and what my insurance is#2) check that this pcp acceprs said insurance#3) find yet another pcp if she doesnt and make an appointment for god knows when#and here is the kicker:#since option 1 is government and millitary based it is going to take FOREVER to get anything done#And Im not sure if they are going to want me to renew my millitary dependent ID or not#because that shit is EXPIRED and i was under the impression i can no longer renew it due to his retirement#but also in order to make any acoount with option 1 they require a benefits number which expires alongside the ID#Then on the other side of things i also have my wisdom teeth surgery to schedule (through my mom thank god)#and school starting again in a few weeks#going to defenestrate myself istg
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a multi-step true horror
I am someone with multiple mental disorders and physical health issues that have symptoms including but not limited to memory issues, poor executive function, poor organization, poor social skills, severe anxiety, near inability to have phone calls, etc
One medication I am on is an antipsychotic that coincidentally is also the only reason my brain can slow down enough to sleep. Without it I can not sleep and also suffer from psychotic symptoms and erratic moods
I try to schedule an appointment for med refills in early June. I am told my psychiatrist will be changing, so I will have to wait until I get a new one assigned to me in mid July. This is not irregular, I am seen as a university hospital and generally seen by people in medical residency.
Shortly after, I get what looks like an automated message about scheduling a followup with my psychiatrist I had been seeing. Since I had been told I am not seeing this psychiatrist anymore and she does not have any appointments available before I am switched, I ignore this assuming its a mistake since I messaged with a nurse who told me about my psychiatrist changing and not being available.
It is now July 24th, I have had multiple mild crises and as mentioned in 1 struggle with memory and organization etc, and only now realize I am out of medication.
I try to request a refill at the pharmacy, but since I am out of refills and haven't been seen by a psychiatrist in 3 months, the request is denied.
I realize I need to schedule an appointment with my psychiatrist, but as mentioned in steps 3-4 I have been told I will be getting a new psychiatrist, so I do not know who I could contact about an appointment. Being that I can't make phonecalls, I generally request appointments online, but to do that or send a message I need to have a provider to send the message to, and I have no idea who that would be.
A family member calls the psychiatry clinic, and is informed that I actually am not having my psychiatrist switched and will continue seeing the same provider. We ask to schedule an appointment, and manage to schedule one for September. After scheduling the appointment they say they will put in some medication refills for me, but it might take a few days.
We call the pharmacy, and explain that I have a refill coming in sometime but need a few pills to survive in the meantime. As again, these are psychiatric meds I cannot go without.
The pharmacy says that they can't do that because when I had requested a refill earlier it had been denied, and since they have a denial on file they cannot give me any of the medication. We attempt to explain the urgency of needing this and that we just talked with the psychiatry clinic and got refill approval, but they say they can't do anything.
Call the psychiatry clinic again and try to see if they can get the pharmacy to help us out and even just give me like, 2 pills to make it through the next 24 hours. The clinic is about to close, the receptionist doesn't know if any nurses are still in the clinic that can approve the medication request tonight.
Through some heroic feat, the receptionist does manage to get the last nurse to approve my medication minutes before the clinic closes and get the prescription sent to the pharmacy.
Currently now be in limbo in seeing if the pharmacy will fill the prescription before they close in 2 hours, and know that if they don't I will not be able to sleep and will start having erratic and unstable mood and symptoms AND that I have 3 days of 8 hour meetings starting tomorrow.
#Eldritch IT Speaks#why the fuck is it so hard to get medication#like it should not be this complicated and stressful#and i shouldn't constantly be so close to complete mental collapse because of paperwork bullshit
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Rant/vent under the cut; talk about ableism and disabilities. Read at your own risk.
The word disabled has always felt a bit taboo for me to use, because it’s so often associated with physical disability. And honestly, I’m glad that there’s been an upswing in recognition for physical disabilities, even if many of them are still underdiagnosed and underaccommodated. I want to work towards a world where physical disabilities are accommodated without blinking. Where its just normal to have those accommodations there, and there isn’t an ever-growing list of skeezy people trying to circumvent even bare minimum ADA requirements.
I’d also like it if mental disorders were more recognized as disabilities, and accommodated without stigma, just as physical disabilities ought to be. I would like to be able to say I’m disabled and not get a rush of family members trying to reassure me that “no, honey, don’t worry, it’s all in your head, you’re not that messed up!” (which is ableist in several ways). I’d like to ask for accommodations and not have to fight tooth and nail because “can’t you technically deal with it? Shouldnt you just put up with the pain?” And no! I shouldn’t! But I’m not obviously disabled, so unless I act a certain way, people don’t see a thing. Being autistic is a fun quirk that lets me wear earplugs at the greeter stand. Having ADHD makes me funny in bio class.
tbh I’m mostly thinking about this because I was remeasuring myself for my actual bra size, and just thinking about going shopping for a new bra made my anxiety spike so high that I had to have Calm Down Time before I had a meltdown. And thinking about how hard it is just to keep up with school and work and clubs and medical appointments. i haven’t scheduled a meeting with my therapist in months, I waited three weeks too long to get my ADHD meds refilled by my doctor, and I need help to clean my room. And I’m lucky, because my symptoms are mild enough that I can technically mask them for a bit. I can walk into an interview and not have them figure out I’m autistic and ADHD until my first day at work. I can hold a job and do school at the same time, even if it takes up so much of my executive function that I only do laundry on holidays. I can take a shower once a week on average, I’ve picked at my hair so much that there’s a bald strip down my scalp, cleaning my room overwhelms me so much that I just want to collapse on my bed and sleep for a year, but I’m lucky because I can keep my grades up and therefore keep my scholarship money.
and I just- I keep struggling to accept that this might be as much as I can do. I see most of my classmates joining tons of clubs and applying for research labs, and I’m lucky if I make it to chemistry class. And I know my resume will be worse for it, but at this point, I genuinely think trying to add something else to my schedule would burn me out in a few weeks. I want to have a future in medicine, but if I’m scraping by as it is, I genuinely don’t know if I can survive med school.
I had a girl ask me last month, completely well-meaning, what “superpowers” my autism gave me, and I felt embarrassed that my only “genius” trait was my reading speed. I wanted to make something up. Something that would make me look good, something that says “hey look, I’m autistic, but it’s okay, I make up for it.” I wonder how she’d feel if I told her my ADHD didn’t make me suddenly good at problem solving. Or that my main reason for pursuing an autism evaluation is because my sensory issues keep interrupting my quality of life. That my actual goshdang disabilities usually make my academic performance worse, not better.
*sigh*. I need to email my advisor for the third time about class registration. I’m weeks behind; I’ll be lucky if class slots aren’t full already. And I need to go to the pharmacy after work tomorrow. I also need to finish designing the survey for our research project; it needs to be rolled out as soon as possible. My room’s an eternal mess, my laundry pile grows stronger every day, but Hey. I took a shower today. Small victories.
im so tired.
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Hello! i don’t think i’ve given you any of my weird headcanons in a hot minute so here’s a new favorite! Steve with ADHD, at first nobody notices it, he gets along well enough as a young kid people just think he has an active imagination, when in real it y he just can’t pay attention. He’s in 5th grade when his teacher pulls him out of class and tells him he needs to start paying attention, Steve almost starts crying as he tries to explain to her that he just can’t, that it doesn’t work (pt.1)
(pt.2) so the teacher tells him to stay back after class that day, he totally forgets and almost ends up leaving just further probing her suspicions. She asks him to extol in what he means, he doesn’t know what to say, says that too many things are happening for him to pay attention in class, and that sometimes if he hears another teacher he’ll end up listening to that, or if he can look out a window he’ll get distracted, and she already knows what’s going on, calls his parents for a meeting
(pt.3) So his mom comes in, his dad “could make it” but that works out for steve because his mom actually gets him tested, and his test comes back positive so he has to take meds now and sure his grades aren’t the best but they are so much better and he can actually sit in class and focus, but randomly in his sophomore year tommy finds the pills and makes fun of him and he gets so embarrassed that he just stops taking them, and his grades drop bad and he can’t focus and he feels like shit
(pt.4) he goes around like that for a while feeling lost and distracted but refusing to take his meds and be lame, he only starts taking them again after nancy breaks up with him because he needs to focus on something that isn’t the break up, but they aren’t working well which is to be expected he hasn’t taken them in more then a year, so he ends up totally freaking out and that’s how billy finds him, sitting on the bathroom floor with the WORST headache he’s ever had and he takes pity on him
(pt.5) billy and steve were kind of friends after the fight they had talked and worked things out, not super close but enough to not be so weird around each other anymore, so billy takes him home and makes sure he gets new meds and makes sure he keeps taking them and on days when he can tell steve is space and distracted and clearly forgot he’ll drive to his house and make him take them, and steve will bitch and moan but he actually loves that someone cares enough to make sure he’s ok
(optional pt.6) billy realizing he really likes steve when steve is talking about a special interest and getting super happy and he just can’t help but feel in love with him (is this totally based off my expletive with adhd? yes it is! is this the exact way my hug said she realized she love me? yes it is 🥰)
Hi! I have another one of your AMAZING headcanons in my drafts still, I’m working on it I’m sorry I’m the slowest writer ever.
So, I think I’ve said this, but ADHD makes A LOT of sense for Steve. I don’t have ADHD, so I’m sorry if this is in accurate, I did some research, didn’t want this to be like, bad.
Also, I put him on Ritalin for timing purposes and bc it can cause panic attacks. 🤷♀️ and his favorite animals are giraffes, goats and lobsters, 3 of my favorite animals.
Read on ao3
When Steve was little, he could never focus on something for longer than ten minutes.
He would be running through the house, leaving toys on the ground when he remembered a game he could play in another room. His nannies would roll their eyes, picking up after him.
When he got to school, it was more of the same. He would get distracted by every bird that he could see outside. He would be in the middle of class, the teacher would say something about giraffes and his mind would race about animals, would think about every country in Africa he could name, would think about whether or not Lithuania was in Africa.
His grades would slip, tests were a nightmare when he got caught up watching a bee buzzing near the window, only to realize he had answered three questions and only had eleven minutes left.
He was always a poor student, until fifth grade.
Mrs. Wilson had called him up after class, had noticed him zoning out and was about to chide him when she noticed the tears in his eyes.
“I just, I don’t know what happens, sometimes, my thoughts go too fast for my own brain and I can’t focus.” He was sniffling across from her.
“Steve, I’m going to have a chat with your parents. You’re not in trouble, but I think we can help you.” She smiled as she pat his shoulder, letting himself get collected before going to his next class.
She called his parents in at the end of the day, his mother sitting in the seat next to Steve, the principal joining them.
“I’ve noticed some trends in Steve’s school work and his presence in class. We think it may be in his best interest to test him for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We feel that pinpointing the problem for him may be more helpful moving forward.
Mrs. Harrington agreed, waved her hand in a way that said she was bored of the conversation. Steve spent the whole next Saturday going through various tests, was wrung dry by the end of the day, but left with a clear diagnosis.
He began taking a low does of Ritalin, began focusing in class. His grades skyrocketed, getting the very first B+ he had ever gotten on his English essay.
He was okay until sophomore year.
He was an okay student, could focus in class, but not necessarily retain or understand the information.
But then Tommy found the pills, had laughed at him and called him retarded, the word that had haunted him his whole life, spat at him by the father that didn’t care about him.
So he flushed the pills, never refilled his prescription.
His grades slipped immediately. He wasn’t able to focus in class, had gone back to the days of staring out the window and getting confused about why it was called a square root.
He was constantly moving, would bounce his leg, would tap his pencil, would sometimes take the hall pass and just walk.
He knows taking his meds would fix the problem, but he had Nancy know, didn’t want her to know this weakness of his, this shameful secret.
But then he didn’t have Nancy, and his thoughts were racing, jumping from Nancy to demodog to Barb to Billy to his dad to Nancy to demodog to Barb to Billy to his dad to Nancy to-
He broke down February of senior year.
Graduation was soon as Steve’s grades were ass. He needed to focus on something that wasn’t Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad. So he filled his old prescription, took the same does he had two years ago and went to school.
When he was first put on the meds, he was told panic attacks and anxiety could be a side effect. He had never experienced that before, but now, now he lived in constant anxiety, and with his Ritalin, he was a mess.
He had locked himself in the bathroom above the gym, the one nobody uses. He was on the floor, trying to ground himself against the wall, trying to think of anything other than Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad, Nancy, demodog, Barb, Billy, his dad, Nancy, demodog, demodog, demodog, demodog-
“Pretty Boy?”
Billy was in front of him, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Steve.
“You okay? You’re kinda, kinda losin’ it.”
“I, I went off my meds for a, a few years, and I put myself back on them, and it’s, I, I know it’s lame, but they usually help and now-” he sobbed as Billy pulled him into his chest, soothing him softly.
“What meds?”
“Ritalin. It’s for, for ADHD.” Billy huffed a laugh.
“I fuckin’ knew it. The way you talk a mile a damn minute.” Steve’s heart sank. “And it’s not lame. Some peoples’ brains are just, wired different.”
Steve was starting to calm down, the anxiety shoving over into a raging headache. He groaned into Billy’s shoulder.
“What’s up?”
“Head hurts.”
“Want me to take you home.” Steve just nodded, his eyes squeezed shut. Billy drove him home, sat with him while Steve called his doctor, made an appointment for next weekend.
Steve had gotten a new medication, adjusted to his current state. The new meds were like magic, allowing Steve to focus when he needed, wouldn’t let him fall into hyperfocus on something that wasn’t productive. He finished senior year on a good note, with okay-enough grades to score his diploma.
He spent the summer at Scoops, working alongside Robin.
Billy came in every day. Would sit with him on Steve’s break. On the days Steve seemed more spaced, he would marrow his eyes, would say you didn’t take your meds today, would drive to Steve’s house to get them for him, would make sure he took them, would take drinks out of Steve’s hands at parties, would make sure he wouldn’t do anything to interfere with them, would dread the days he would find Steve nauseous from the meds.
Steve realized he was in love with Billy when he found out Billy starting keeping a small store of Steve’s meds in his car, would update them periodically to make sure they were safe, effective.
Billy realized he was in love with Steve when he was talking about every animal he could name. He showed Billy the small library of books he had bought for himself about animals, could explain the difference between kingdom, class, phylum, and genus. Was throwing out Latin names for his favorite animals, giraffa camelopardalis, capra aegagrus hircus, nephropidae. Billy couldn’t help himself, had just leaned over and kissed him, left Steve giggling as they made out.
#yikes writes#steve harrington#steve harrington x billy hargrove#billy hargrove x steve harrington#billy hargrove#harringrove fic#harringrove ficlet#harringrove drabble#harringrove#steve has adhd
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Look yall i've had a rough day so it's oversharing personal bullshit rant time
Can't get it to do read more on mobile so just imagine it's here
Today i've had to scramble to call my doctor because the pharmacy didn't get my refills and now I don't have my anxiety meds. On top of that I have my usual debilitating pms so i'm in a lot of pain, and this is added anxiety for me because said debilitating pms is a potentially serious medical problem and I won't find out if it's serious for another 2 weeks when I have an ultrasound appointment. Anyways. Also, one of my professors thought it would be a ~fun surprise~ to give us a paper due on sunday and not tell us about it until this morning.
Right now what's keeping me sane while I wait for my pain meds to kick in is imagining risotto holding me and taking care of me and it's very much helping, nothing more soothing than being held in the big strong arms of your favorite capo
#theo#sorry for venting#just...#fuckin thursday#don't be worried i'm ok#i've got therapy tomorrow it's all good
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Forgive me a moment but I need to vent so uhhh scroll on if you'd like or read my ramblings, I don't care either way lol
So like, I posted last week about how I was FINALLY having the appointment to get ADHD meds prescribed, and I was nervous but I was also super excited, and then the appointment just...never happened. Totally wiped from the system, not a word from anyone.
Well I called the office the next day at like 11:30 am and got their voicemail, figured ok no big deal probably on lunch this is easier anyway cause I can just say everything I need to (I have major phone anxiety so I honestly prefer leaving voicemails cause I can't be interrupted and lose track of my thoughts, and it puts it back in their court to contact me). I figured I'd get a call back that afternoon, or maybe the next day.
It's been a week. I haven't heard from anyone.
Now granted I haven't tried calling a second time, mostly because I'm so goddamned frustrated by this entire situation, after months of already trying to get in to see someone about medication (and if you've been here a while you KNOW I've talked in the past about how many hoops I've already had to go through for no reason). Plus there's no reason if they were being professional that they shouldn't have called me back! I was more than willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it was a weird fluke, but now? Not so much.
But that's not even the worst part! The anxiety meds that my current NP pushed for, that I don't personally think I need (or even WANT because anxiety meds have never worked for me) have completely run out, and my automatic refills aren't working! The pharmacy said "we'll contact them for you!" and then nothing! I'm currently in lala land because I had to go off these meds I didn't want a month and a half after starting them!
AND my boyfriend is now getting pissed off at me for not "just making one phone call" because he's under the impression that'll fix everything, not even taking into account that I'm stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, and going through antidepressant withdrawal, and I've expressed that I don't feel capable of "just making one phone call" right now, and considering all the other goddamn issues I've had with this place, I'm not convinced just calling again will do anything other than make me EVEN MORE FRUSTRATED!
He wants me to just keep pushing through and trying to reach them, at this point I'd prefer to just walk away from it and wait until I'm on different insurance (cause I HAVE to switch by June 18th) and finding a competent therapist, especially since it sure seems like I'd have to start all over anyway...
Oh and to top it all off, I was complaining to my mom about the appointment and she flat out told me she went to this place as a teenager and had similar issues, and the patient records she has to look through for her job that come from them haven't improved her opinion on how they operate, so it's not even like this place has a good reputation and I'm just having bad luck, this is the NORM! Like, yes I want/need to medicate my ADHD, but you can't tell me that at this point I'd get them to do it before my insurance ran out anyway...
Anyway this is probably not coherent and I apologize but my boyfriend made some passive aggressive bullshit comment to me about it all and I just had to scream because otherwise I would lose it. Thanks y'all
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I canceled the appointment I had for August to see a psychologist that specializes in Autism Spectrum diagnoses for adults. It was going to cost more than $1,000. I guess at the time when I made the appointment, I thought we'd have that money. We just don't. It really sucks. It feels like there were possibly answers or progress within reach. But not anymore. I spoke with a few people who are on the spectrum or who have family that are diagnosed autistic. Everyone kind of concurred that unless it was for specific work accommodations, it might not actually be "worth it" to seek any diagnosis. At first I thought I didn't need any work accommodations. But the more I think about it, the more I realize just how desperately I do need small chunks of time of just silence and not interacting with people. Like, maybe just 15 minutes of quiet. Those are my best recharges during a work day, when I can find a quiet room to sit in for ten minutes and no one interrupts. It's almost impossible to ask of a NYC public school - a quiet place for people to go and recharge. But that is really what we need, students and adults alike.
I think I probably have a sensory processing disorder that leads to a whole host of other problems that look like other things - for example, the other night when I was cooking and I started to get too hot, and then hair was sticking to my neck, and crumbs were stuck to the bottom of my feet, and then construction was happening outside - I am not happy to admit this, but I quite literally threw a tantrum in the middle of my kitchen - clenching my fists as tightly as I could, gritting my teeth, trying not to physically react. I wanted to explode out of my skin. I wanted to punch a hole through a wall. I wanted to scream and cry. I screamed into a pillow. I didn't feel better until I showered and my skin didn't feel sticky. I think so many of these sensory issues lead to other problems - anxiety, perhaps at anticipating or enduring uncomfortable sensory experiences. Depression, realizing this is not the normal experience for everyone and it is very uncomfortable and practically invisible. Social anxiety, as I can't listen to what you're saying very well if there is music playing in the background, and I have to ask people far too often, "what was that?" A complete lack of executive functioning skills as I become distracted by every sound and smell and touch.
Maybe it isn't autism. Maybe it's crippling sensory overload.
Either way, I will just keep guessing and keep self-treating as well as I can. I'm lucky to have access to what I do - the Calm meditation app has meant the world to me this last year. It's $65/year. Not everyone can afford that. Stuff like that should be free. We lie and tell people the resources are out there and then they try to find them and they are not, they are not free and they are not easily accessible, and you better believe you're going to fill out a shitload of paperwork and jump through a thousand hoops before you can get even hope to get help. And I guess it stands true. What am I looking for in any sort of official diagnosis? Is it validation? Is there something so wrong with wanting to feel validated? To know that there is an explanation for why I have always struggled.
My psychiatrist, who is treating me for anxiety and depression since 2019, checks in with me about once a month before refilling my medications. I asked her about misophonia (literally - hatred of sound) - a condition that is also not often officially diagnosed. I was pretty surprised when she said she had never even heard the term. Misophonia is a strong reaction to specific sounds, such as pencil tapping or gum chewing. People with misophonia can become irritated, enraged or even panicked when they hear their trigger sounds. Hell if that doesn't sound like me.
I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. I'm finding a lot of success in just giving myself permission to avoid situations that I know are going to stress me out. If I am getting uncomfortable somewhere, I don't worry if people are going to be offended if I leave. I just leave. Obviously that's not going to fly at work. It's going to be an adjustment after working from home all last year. But I keep telling myself I have made it this far. I will figure out what works.
#mental health#sensory processing disorder#sensory overload#neurodiversity#neurodivergent#mental health awareness#misophonia
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secret baby ch13
(im so sorry for the wait! thank you for the patience! i really didnt mean to leave anything this long without a update.)
The hospital always brings back bad memories. Memories of being stuck lying to the nurses as they ask him where bruises and burns come from. He remembers a specialist being hired to heal his old scars from training and how frustrated the nurse had been when Dabi had told him the lie of the month. It's different now, he knows that and reminds himself to relax. Kiyoko will pick up on his distress and start fussing if he lets himself stew too long. The past is the past and while he can’t change it he can ensure Kiyoko won’t fear hospitals or grow up like he did.
“Dabi urameshi?” the receptionist calls for him and he raises his hand. He can’t follow after her right away but does his best to be quick when putting Kiyoko back in her brightly colored stroller and shoving her toy back into the diaper bag hanging off the handle. Kiyoko whimpers at the loss of her toy but since Dabi can’t run around after it when she decides to throw it he trades it for a pacifier.
Everyone else has a significant other with them in the waiting room. This visit isn’t for Kiyoko and Dabi hadn’t wanted to ask his babysitter to watch her again this early in the morning. It's just a checkup, his heat should be coming soon and he needs his scent patches refilled. Just a quick visit but it makes him feel lonely, knowing everyone else has someone else to rely on and that enji has wrecked something as simple as a checkup for him.
“Thank you for waiting” he mumbles and pushes Kiyoko through the door the receptionist is still holding open. Hawks and his ridiculous habit of holding open the club door or his apartment door spring to mind. Particularly his habit of bowing with a mischievous grin on his face as he did so. He must be feeling really sentimental today, every little thing seems to be tripping him up. Maybe it’s just the stress.
“It’s not a problem.” Maybe it's just Dabi but the smile on her face and the chirp in her voice feel strained. It’s not like he can help that he’s dealing with a baby on his own or that hero’s are all pieces of shit.
He needs more sleep if he’s going to be this irritable. He would give anything for just one night without waking up from nightmares. Kiyoko mostly sleeps throughout the night thankfully so he hasn’t had to calm her down as well as himself as he checks locks and searches the house for a flare of red. He steps into the room his receptionist gestures to and checks to make sure Kiyoko hasn’t lost her pacifier yet.
“Hello, I'll be your doctor for today, I understand that you're looking at a general checkup as well as a prescription?” she doesn't peer at Kiyoko in her stroller, Dabi having slammed the hood on it down when she walked into the room.
“For heats and for scent blockers.” it's going to be a little bit of a stretch to afford both prescriptions but he still has his ‘maid’ business going. He had resisted calling it a maid service at first, preferring home cleaning or something similar. But it really was just a maid service.
“Oh you won’t need suppressants for awhile” she let out a small laugh but stopped when Dabi didn’t join her. Her face quickly morphing into something more troubled. “Your file said that you gave birth to a healthy little girl about 6 months ago right?”
Dabi mirrors her frown and nods. That’s why the suppressants were so important right now. Every 8 months most omega’s went into heat. Some of course went through it more often and others less but Dabi’s had always been hard to track. Coming and going as they pleased with no pattern.
“Your body won’t enter heat for a while. Has no one explained this to you yet?” she questions gently while trying to get Dabi to hold eye contact with her.
“Not really I guess. I’ve never had a regular cycle and I wasn’t allowed birth control when I lived with my parents.” he stares at the shadow of Kiyoko in her stroller. If he had been on birth control he wouldn’t have had her. He doesn't regret becoming pregnant or running away with her but he wishes he had been on birth control all the same. He’s heard it could make his heats less painful but enji had believed he would start sleeping around and Rei hadn’t stood up for him.
“Birth control can help with that. It can also make heats less intense or painful if you experience either of those symptoms.” she sat down at her desk in the corner and swiveled her chair so she was facing him. “For now unless you have someone you feel comfortable leaving your baby with you won’t have to worry about it.”
“I have a babysitter I usually leave her with. Her other father isn’t in the picture and neither are my parents.” He feels like he should know this already, should know enough about his body to not request medication he won’t need at the very least.
“Your babysitter won't count. They would have to be family or like family in order for your insticts to calm down and for your cycle to restart.” a little plastic block on her waist goes off and after quickly checking it she shuts it off and puts it in a drawer.
“Wasn’t that important?” Dabi raises an eyebrow slightly amused.
“This is more important right now.” she waves it off. Like she truly believes that whatever caused her beeper to go off can wait. “Suppressants are more expensive than most people realize and you don’t need them right now.”
“Because I had Kiyoko?” His voice comes out quiet and unsure. He never had these kinds of talks about suppressants or children with his mother. By the time he had realized he needed someone to talk to it they hadn’t been getting along. He had been angry and bitter that she was still with enji. Then he had started going out and soon enough he was pregnant.
“Well yes and no. Omega’s have their own built in heat suppressant system. It's still mostly a mystery as to how our bodies do it but until you have some form of packbonds your body won’t send you into heat. Sometimes if a young omega frequently takes care of younger siblings or relatives their cycles will become irregular due to their ‘inner omega’ as we will call it, deciding that they are a primary caretaker and putting heats on the backburner. There is a bit of a tradeoff the longer you go without one and that is just that the first heat when you do go through it will be more intense than normal. Something that can be balanced out with birth control.”
Dabi spends an hour and a half asking any question he can think of to the doctor, eventually she gives him some websites to visit and has to end the appointment. She has other patients to see still and Dabi has taken up enough of her time. He leaves with the prescription for scent blocker pills and less frustration than he started out the appointment with. She also prescribed him soem light sleeping medication to help him sleep through the night. Kiyoko has almost always slept through the night and being such a light sleeper he has no worries about not waking up if she needs him.
At least now he won’t have to worry about going into heat on top of everything else. Now he just has to wait for Giran to give him a call and keep his own business afloat in the meantime. He just needed a little help, he can still raise Kiyoko on his own.
Dabi doesn't get his first job from giran right away like he half expects. He spends the first few days on edge until he realizes that it won’t do any good to stress out over. Focusing on Kiyoko helps him push the constant anxiety away. His home cleaning business eats up whatever time Kiyoko doesn't. He’s determined not to raise Kiyoko completely on crime. There is no telling how often he would get a job from Giran or if he will always be paid as fast as the last time. The biggest change Dabi can make right away is being pickier with his clients, dropping anyone who has been judgemental and anyone that has ever given him the creeps. Kiyoko no longer has to stay with his sitter, he is able to take her with him again, and it takes a lot of his tension away from him. He hadn't known exactly how much denying his instincts to keep her close had been weighing on him until he could obey them. His remaining clients are mostly people who just don’t have time to do the work themselves or the elderly are left. Combined with being able to actually sleep through the night he feels almost like he did when he was spending nights with Hawks. He feels almost like everything will turn out okay. It's strange after the months of worry and stress but Dabi embraces the change as best as can.
Kiyoko distracts him from his thoughts by reaching for her favorite toy that is just out of her reach where she is lying on a tummy time mat. She’s also taken to knocking anything she doesn't like away from her. Making a mess with food and toys constantly. She’s still on formula for the most part but he was given the okay at her 6th month checkup to let her start trying solid food.
“Yay! Good girl Kiyoko! You're getting so big!” Dabi cheers his daughter on as he eats his lunch while she turns herself over, still trying to reach the toy. Her wings flutter quickly and help her finish turning over. Dabi has the sinking feeling that she will eventually be able to fly with them.
Kiyoko fakes a small cry at Dabi, wanting to be off the mat and be held instead. Being on the tummy - time mat makes her upset because it puts her dad being out of her sight. There’s no tears in her eyes when Dabi gives in and picks her up a few minutes later. It's hard to leave her on the mat when she cries.
“Crying for just any old reason? Uncle Natsou would call you a faker. Uncle Shouto would probably just pick you up when I wasn’t looking.” He was still doing his best to include his family in her life even if she might never meet them. Talking about his siblings and referring to them as “Uncle” or “Aunt”.
The sound of coins jingling comes from his phone while Dabi is in the middle of bringing his fork back up to his mouth. It’s a notification sound he set for giran’s texts, the only person in his contacts that has a set ringtone. All other notifications come through set to a default tone. He flips his phone open and sets aside his food for the moment, appetite lost.
‘I'm Sorry to have your first job be on short notice but i need a message delivered to the manager of the auto dealership at the following location as soon as you can get there. Tonight preferably. Stop by the cafe to pick up the message.’ There is a large dollar amount at the end of the text. Dabi does a double take at the amount, that’s more than he was supposed to be getting paid per job. Another text is quick to follow, providing an explanation for the extra pay. ‘for the extra trouble Sugar. Let me know when it gets done.’
Dabi winces at the pet name again but sends a simple ‘K’ back to Giran. The less he says the better. He texts his babysitter for the first time in over 2 weeks. Then starts going through his anxiety induced ritual of pacing the apartment and applying his scent blocker while he waits for her response.
His sitter texts back when Kiyoko only has about five more minutes on the mat. He decides that's just enough time for him to check the windows and locks one last time. With everything secure he picks Kiyoko up and starts purring as he grabs her go bag, walking her down the hall.
“Dabi? It’s early, what do you want a babysitter for at this hour?” his babysitter grouches as they open the door still in their pajamas. It's actually almost noon but Dabi ignores both the time and her rudeness. He needs to stay on her good side so she will continue watching Kiyoko.
“I had something come up and I can't take Kiyoko with me.” He adjusts her bag as they think about it. “I know I usually give you more of a notice but i really have to go. I’ll pay you time and a half.” he tempts. Normally he would never offer but with the extra ay from Giran he can manage it this once.
“Do you know how long you are going to be gone?” they ask with a sigh as they hold out their hand for Kiyoko’s bag.
“I’m not sure but I’ll text you when i know more. I’ll be back by her bedtime at the very least.” Dabi gives Kiyoko a kiss on the head goodbye before handing her over. He waits until he’s a block away before he texts Giran that he is on his way.
@ruelukas22 @mostladylikeladythateverladied @xxsnowchildxx @i-like-to-shruggy
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Don’t Let Go of Me
Caerwyn sat on the sill of Louis’s bedroom, the wind blowing through it with the sea in the distance. A cigarette was perched between her fingers, the end of it burning slightly as smoke drifted outside, her legs swinging and causing her heels to hit softly against the wall. Anxiety thrumming through her system had the small Gryffinder returning the bud to her lips, giving it a drag before she sighed out the smoke from her lungs, trying to ease herself down from the ledge she was currently balancing upon. She was wound so tightly at the moment she felt as though she might burst despite all of the reassurances she had gotten over the past hour that everything would be alright, it would turn out fine, and that she wasn’t going anywhere no matter what. In just a little bit, her parents were due to be visiting Shell Cottage for the first time. It had been discussed quietly among the adults in her life, whispered voices filtering down from the kitchen after her folks had shown up at Rose’s begging to know where their daughter was. Apparently it was the only place they could think of to go, and with the address in hand from so many letters sent over the year between the pair of girls, it hadn’t been hard for them to find. They were Muggles, so without invitation, they hadn’t been able to get close to the door until Ron had gone out to ask if they needed help with something. After that, well, it had been decided that they would be invited to Shell Cottage, to see where their daughter was staying at the very least, even if she insisted that she didn’t want to see them.
There had been a stipulation though. In order to receive the address, they had to agree to bring Caerwyn’s things along, including her cat. The small Gryffindor had written a list for them. She wanted her trunk, her school things, her wand, the shoe box from the drawers beneath her bed, her paint set, and Manson. There had been a few other things thrown in, but unfortunately ‘Carnegie, ‘my hair back’ and ‘to go fuck yourselves’ were probably asking a little much. To be honest, Caerwyn would have been happy with just her cat, wand, and paints. She could live without her clothes or anything else really, so long as she had the three most important things. Maybe, if she was lucky, they would bring her little brother, but it was unlikely considering this was an unknown situation for them and they wouldn’t want to expose Carnegie to any kind of potential dangers. Rose’s mum had spoken to them as calmly as she could over the phone, reassuring them that no, they didn’t need to get the police involved and yes, Caerwyn was doing just fine aside from trying to deal with the physical and emotional turmoil of having been in the facility. Somehow, the woman had been able to convince Mr. and Mrs. Herondale that there was no need to seek out legal assistance as of yet, that it would just scare the poor girl and they should talk things over first at least.
The small Welshling finished off the fag and pressed the end of it against the wood of the sill, squashing it out before she turned her head to look over at Rose and Albus who had been allowed out of their respective groundings for a few hours to give her support. They had both been in some serious trouble when they’d gotten home the night after saving her, but neither one seemed to regret it. Caerwyn reached a hand out towards Albus, seeking another cig. She’d already had two so far, which was double her usual intake regularly, but she was feeling particularly stressed at the moment. Her parents were coming and the appointment at St. Mungo’s hadn’t gone nearly as well as she had hoped. They had said she would be able to recover well enough physically, but that the potions she had suggested weren’t exactly something they could just simply try on her. They were experimental, developed years ago by a young healer to treat her husband’s ailment while she searched for some kind of cure. Vic hadn’t even heard of them, and when Caerwyn had brought them up in the appointment, she had gotten confused looks until they had found someone with more information. She had been poked and prodded and told they would look into it but that for now, she was better off staying on her current medication. Vic had promised she would dig deeper herself to make sure things were being done, fully aware that Caerwyn’s medicine was limited. All she had was the one bottle Rose had found, four pills left inside of it. Four chances to leave the house without going blind and no refills. Fleur was writing them every day, checking in for more news but so far, nothing.
To make matters worse, Caerwyn had barely seen Louis since they had spoken that first night on the porch. He seemed to spend a lot of time out on the beach or in the shed or just… not around her. She knew things were difficult for him right now, they were for her as well, but she had hoped at least, he could have at least showed his dumbass freckled face today. Caerwyn, while able to walk mostly on her own now, was still struggling with the stairs and had kind of taken over Louis’s room for the time being. He was sleeping upstairs or out on the couch that was too short for him no matter how many times she had mentioned he could have his bed back. Caerwyn’s sleep was still awful, raged with nightmares that had her waking at all hours screaming bloody murder to the point where Fleur would come lay with her, rubbing her back while Caerwyn clung onto her, begging her not to leave. Dark circles had begun to form under the blonde’s eyes, unable to get a good night’s rest with Caerwyn crying out. Last night, Fleur had given up on sleeping in her own bed entirely, climbing in with Caerwyn at bedtime and staying with her through the night terrors, gentle hands there to dry tears as she shushed away the demons that plagued the little Gryffindor’s mind every time she closed her eyes. It was at the point that she had finally given in and gotten some Dreamless Sleep potion that would hopefully help them all get some decent rest without Caerwyn hollering.
Just as the next cigarette hit Caerwyn’s hand, the doorbell rang, causing the room’s occupants to jump followed by Theodore’s booming barking. The anxiety around them was tense enough to cut through with a knife. The fag dropped, unlit, to the floor as Caerwyn slid off the window sill. Her bare feet stumbled a bit, legs still uncertain at times, over to the door to listen. The front door was opened and she could make out Bill’s voice, and then… oh god. That was her Da, she’d know him anywhere. A loud meowing overwhelmed the words of humans as well as the barking dog and Caerwyn felt her heart leap into her throat. They had brought him…
“He’s friendly. Ah, look, it’s your buddy Theodore.” Bill joked in the living room as he held the dog back by his collar, away from the blond pair of muggles who looked extremely uncomfortable at the moment. Theodore gave another bark and then backed away, obviously able to smell the cat he knew well enough to stay away from. Manson’s howling increased, the noise of claws on plastic echoing down the hallway. “Let’s let this little bloke out then before he shouts the gutters off the roof.”
“I don’t think...”
Caerwyn heard the click of the cage as her mother tried to speak up. Four paws thudded heavy against the floor and then Manson was off and running, following his nose but also his memory of this house in general. He knew this place, he had been here before and the smell of it was familiar. He also knew exactly which room he needed to go to if he wanted to find the one person he’d been looking for for over a month at this point. He had howled for her at first, running from room to room, sleeping on her bed, pacing in front of the door as if she would walk back in at any moment. Manson had calmed slightly, still sleeping on Caerwyn’s bed, but he had become more… morose. He didn’t eat as much and he didn’t even bat at Carnegie when he had shot him accidentally with the tiny working hose on his toy firetruck.
“Baby.” Caerwyn cooed, pulling the door open wider to let him in. The cat released a pitiful meowl as he entered, rising up on his hind legs until Caerwyn was bending down, lifting him safely into her arms and flopping down on the bed, having trouble balancing her kitty and standing at the same time. Manson continued to mewl as though he had a thousand stories to tell, sniffing Caerwyn over, rubbing his cheeks against her anywhere he could reach, needing to remark her as his own. She cradled him in her lap, bent over and hugging the furry beast to her chest, breathing him in and calming considerably as he began to purr. Manson was better than any cigarette.
“Winnie! Winnie! She’s here, I heard her. Oh god… Winnie! Let go of me, I demand to see my daughter.”
Caerwyn flinched at the sound of her mother’s voice, hugging her cat tighter even as she turned her face to find Rose, fear flickering in her eyes. What if they took her anyway?
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i was doing pretty okay for a few days there despite the world being even more on fire than it usually is, but yesterday i just started feeling really down and overwhelmed by everything.
on the one hand, i’m glad that to some degree at least this whole virus situation is being taken seriously and there are least some things being done to try to prevent the spread, but on the other i’m seeing a lot of people getting laid off from work or who just aren’t able to make money doing what they normally do because now everyone’s strapped for cash and it feels like any day the whole thing’s just gonna topple over
and on the one hand it’s like...okay, good. the system sucks, it’s needed to change, something was gonna have to give but on the other it shouldn’t have been something like this where people are going to get hurt and potentially even die.
for myself personally, my work has decided to remain open which on the one hand is good because i still need to make money, but on the other hand they are just...absolutely dropping the ball.
i think so far the only measure they’ve put in place that’s actually good is i think i’d heard something about having either front desk or switchboard call some of these patients ahead of time like, “hey, it looks like your visit is just a refill for medication, your provider will go ahead and refill that and we can spare you a trip coming in to the office”, but i dunno how widespread that is or if it was just a one time thing or if it’s still been going on.
a lot of patients i think are just going ahead and cancelling their appointments which is good, appreciate that, but then there are some who are still showing up for shit that really could have waited.
and the bright idea now is to have front desk do a questionnaire thing with every single fucking patient that comes in basically just going over a checklist of shit that is supposed to help determine whether or not they can still stay for their visit or if they need to immediately leave and just give us a call to figure out what to do from there.
so tomorrow i’m going to have to do that since it’s my day to go in and do front desk for one of the providers and like...yeah, i see way, way less patients there than regular front desk, but it still sucks that it’s like, “you, front desk person, you get to be exposed to people who could very well be sick but didn’t have better sense to stay home and you have to decide if this person is okay to stay, hope you don’t get yelled at!!”
i already get shit from these patients over other shit (i don’t remember if i posted about it or not, but i had a dude get mad at ME because he was 30 minutes late for his visit and i said we might have to reschedule, but that i would check with the doctor to see if it was okay...dude stood there and gave me attitude and went on about how the way we run things is all wrong....all because again, mind you, HE was late for HIS appointment. and he thought i should just squeeze him in before people who were on time for their appointments because y’know...that’s fair!!) so i can’t imagine how much fun it’s going to be or the back and forth i’m gonna get into with people over whether or not a cough they’ve had warrants their visit being cancelled.
but hey, it’s cool because they gave me a face mask so...i should be fine, i guess. it’s not like when i come down with shit it really wipes me the fuck out because i’m already disabled, but no that’s cool. we definitely need to keep our specialty office up and running and use medical supplies we might be needing down the road all so money can keep pouring in!!!
especially in this day and age where things like office visits over skype or just regular phone are possible. obviously it’s not going to catch every single patient because i know not everyone has access, but here again...we’re a specialty office. we’re not a hospital, we’re not a regular doctor’s office. i could see at least running in a limited capacity for those patients that do have serious shit going on and really do need to be seen, like fine we’ll work that out, but people coming in for shit that can at least wait a few more weeks just...sucks.
we also do infusions at one office and the nurse that runs that whole thing tried to tell my manager like, “hey, according to the cdc we really shouldn’t have more than 10 people at a time back here” and my manager honest to god said, “that only applies to social situations!!!”
oh!!! well fuck me, then, i didn’t realize the virus could tell the goddamn difference, wow!!!
also...it’s not at ALL like we have patients who come in for this one thing but who have compromised immune systems or who have cancer or COPD or anything else like...fuck ‘em!! we’ll make sure you sit in the waiting room while we have our already overworked front desk people doing questionnaire after questionnaire with every person that comes in and stands close to you, good luck!!
to make things even BETTER one of the MAs showed up to work the other day sick!!! like...coughing a lot, feeling cruddy sick!!!
but oh no, she doesn’t have any more pto so rather than like...i dunno, either have someone donate some of their own pto at least for the day or rest of the week or even send her home with a laptop and some basic task she could do from home she stayed!!!
sure do hope there isn’t a boom of fucking people who end up getting it (if that’s what she has, i hope to god it was just sinuses or even the regular flu) because it’s gonna look reeeeeeal bad if they trace it back and are like, “so you guys knew this employee was sick and works in a medical office around vulnerable patients and you just...let her stay?”
again, like...i know i should just be grateful my work is still open and i’m still able to have some income, especially since i already mostly work from home, but it’s just so frustrating to see how badly they’re handling this and how the number one priority is making money but then again...why am i fucking surprised? that’s capitalism, babey!!!!
on top of that, i also finally heard back from my tax guy what that whole situation is gonna be and hoooo boy.
i get...14 some odd dollars for one (probably state) and 75 some odd dollars for the other (federal, i’m assuming)
i’m getting...less than $100 in tax return this year.................
on the one hand like...my biggest fear was that i was going to end up owing money and wouldn’t be getting shit, but on the other i guess i had just...hope maybe i’d still manage to get something??
i know with my work situation being what it was (and with the government being what it is right now) it wasn’t going to be stellar, i wasn’t expecting $1,000 or anything but uh...i was hoping maybe for a few hundreds?? was hoping i could put a dent in some of these bills?? but uh...that’s fine.
the frustration of that is compounded by the fact that i’m pretty sure a big part of why it’s that way is because A. my last job was only a 10 month contract so i was SOL for two months and B. to try to cover for that i started back at this job but in a limited capacity so i wasn’t getting enough hours to really compensate and in the process of trying to get hired full time here they kept me on work contract for MONTHS to the point where i thought i’d just have to give up and find something else entirely.
i had tried when i did finally start full time to set my tax deduction on my checks up so that i was taking out more than enough to try to compensate, but by that point it was so late in the year i guess it didn’t really do a whole lot other than keep me out of the negative so...that’s fine, i guess.
ultimately i should have known, but i guess with everything else i had just gotten my hopes up that i’d at least have a nice check headed my way and i’m not trying to sneeze at what i am getting because i do still appreciate it i just...was really looking forward to dropping a chunk of that money on some of the shit hanging over my head but okay
at least at this point one of my credit card bills should be easy to pay off because i’m pretty sure the bts concert i was gonna go to in may is gonna be cancelled at this rate, so i’ll be getting that money back. obviously that’a a real first world problem compared to everything else going on, but it was something i was really looking forward to, one of those “just hang on until this if shit gets rough” kind of deals but with how shit’s been going i don’t feel very optimistic about it. it’s in mid-may and i’m already seeing stuff from other events being pushed to fall so like...neato. it was also kind of like...hey, this time last year you were in the hospital and about to go septic and then had months of bullshit to deal with after that and your personal life got really rough and shit was just BAD, so here’s something special for getting through all of that and now it’s probably not gonna happen and there’s no telling when it will because that’s not an easy thing to reschedule at the last minute so that’s...cool. i completely understand why and i’m not mad about it, i just can’t help but feel disappointed.
i dunno. i feel like in the past year i’ve really tried to work on myself in terms of not letting myself fall into these horrible depressive episodes and let my anxiety just completely overrun everything and for the most part i’ve been fairly successful although i know i still need to finally make that leap of actually getting into therapy and really getting into the hard work, but the past few days it’s becoming harder and harder to maintain that and there’s a big part of me that just wants to be like, “dude, what’s the point, the world’s ending, who cares if you’re sad and you haven’t fixed your shit yet, it’s not going to matter for you or for anybody, it’s all pointless” so like...that sucks.
i’m hoping it’s just something i need to go through for a little bit and if i try my best i can come out of it with my head up but for months now i’ve felt one of those really bad depressive episodes breathing down my neck just...waiting for an excuse to take me down and i guess with everything going on i just don’t feel like i have the strength to fight it the way i’ve been trying to.
i won’t give up, though. not yet anyway. all of this is frustrating, but there’s still a lot i have to be grateful for so i’m going to try my best to just focus on those things, hold on to them, and hope that there’s good news just on the horizon and that better days really are on the way.
i know still that turning over a new year doesn’t really mean shit and time is fake, but i hope anyway that since this is only the third month out of the year that there’s still time for things to get better. i hope by even thinking that i’m not ensuring that things will in fact get much, much worse but i guess we’ll just have to see.
in any case, even though i’m dreading going to work tomorrow i guess it’ll be nice to get out of the house. it’s weird, because normally i don’t mind spending a lot of time at home. i work from home and i don’t have any friends that live close by so i tend to just kind of stay put unless i’m going to the store for something or going to pick up food, but the fact that now it’s like...hey, you need to stay put it’s getting to me a little bit. if i’m not feeling better by this weekend i might if nothing else just...go for a drive.
i won’t go anywhere and interact with anyone or make any stops, i’ll just...get out of the house for a minute before i sink even further into whatever this is. idk.
if you’ve read all this mess i thank you, i know it sucks to read someone else’s whining while you’ve got problems of your own and shit’s bad just in general, so i appreciate it and i hope that wherever you are and whatever your situation that you’re doing as best as you can be and hanging in there.
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Maybe You’ll Never Be The Same After An Abusive Relationship And Maybe That’s Okay
Hiding my favorite benzodiazepines – Xanax and Klonopin – in lipstick tubes and vitamin bottles, the false calm they’d bestow upon me and then the fog. How hard it was to stay away from single-edge razor blades and sharper things. The constant hunger. The trash always in need to be taken out, full to the brim with empty glass bottles of one thing or another. Our dog sensing the hurricane brewing in the pit of my stomach, licking my hands, my legs, my face, knowing the imminent deluge was a dangerous thing; more anxious than me, maybe. Never sleeping before 3 in the morning and always waking up before 8. My makeup scattered across thebathroom counter, my hair on the walls in the shower, my eyebrows in need of plucking, how I no longer cared to make everything perfect for him. The ends of neon colored straws dipped in white in my cosmetics bag, in the silverware drawer, at the bottom of my purse. Condoms we didn’t use hidden in his glove compartment. The way my body folded in on itself when he touched me. Cursing the building we lived in when the shower wasn’t burning enough. Wanting to throw myself into the pyre. Wondering where I had gone. Mourning who I was.
These are the things I remember most from the final year of our relationship.
They say your body knows things before you do. It’s the way that we explain away the fact that our bodies understand love before our brains do – love at first sight if you believe in that kind of thing. It’s also the way we perceive danger, a reptilian inheritance, the way our bodies warn us against would be predators.
I remember the first time my body tried to tell me something.
During our relationship, he only ever touched me as a prelude to sex, or during, never after, and never just to be affectionate. I can’t think of a time he ever grabbed my hand, kissed me for no reason, held me by the waist, caressed my arm, or ran his fingers through my hair. I was always starved for touch, always starved for love, for anything, really.
I think it was a Saturday afternoon, we had plans with friends later that day, but we were already drinking some tequila concoction my father had taught me how to make. In retrospect, I was drinking far more than anyone ever should, back then, and using alcohol as a coping mechanism to ignore my misery and keep playing my role in the life I’d subjected myself to – dutiful, loyal, faithful, pretty, devoted, forgiving, girlfriend.
The kind that woke up earlier on weekends to have his breakfast ready by the time he got out of bed. The kind that washed the stains out of his shirts without him having to ask. The kind who sat uncomfortably on the couch in a tight top and skinny jeans because he hated seeing her in sweats; hair always blown out and makeup done. The kind who tried to perfect a recipe for some dish or another until it was to his liking. The kind who wrote his business proposals, made his appointments, and refilled his prescriptions. The one who bit her tongue in half and swallowed it to avoid being cut into ribbons by his anger. The one who was never allowed to be herself. The one who took his shit and still got on her knees when he said when.
There I was, sundress and bare feet padding around the kitchen, pretending this was love, refilling his drink and pouring more liquor into mine. I walked over to hand it to him, and when he reached out with two fingers to trace along my cleavage, I flinched and jerked back, not in surprise, but in the kind of way your body reacts to something it is terrified of. In that fleeting second, my body rejected everything that was him. I realized what I had been in denial about for so long. One small graze of his fingertips did more than any years of cheating, emotional and mental abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, and putting me down ever did. I didn’t know who the man I’d given so much of myself to over the last few years was. I never had. All I knew, in that moment, all I wanted so badly to ignore, was that whoever he was, there wasn’t a single bone in his body that was good. Not only was I trying to push back the fear I felt, but I was swallowing my disgust.
When he asked what was wrong, I told him I was just jumpy from late nights and a lack of sleep and kissed him on the cheek. I had known in my very core for a long time what my mind was just then allowing itself to accept as fact. I was still trying to dismiss the truth. I was still hoping it was I who had reality skewed. I wanted to be wrong because I didn’t know if being right said more about me or more about him. I wanted to be wrong because even the revelation I had that not only was this a bad man but that I didn’t love him anymore, wasn’t going to be enough to make me leave.
I stayed for a year after seeing him for who he was and recognizing what he was doing to me. Opening your eyes isn’t enough, neither is reaching your threshold of pain. I’ve been asked why I put up with so much, why I allowed so much to happen, but abusive relationships are as hard to leave as any other. Harder, even. You always think, That would never be me. I’m out the minute this or that is done or said to me. You couldn’t possibly know what it’s like until you’re there. It’s different for everybody: it can be for financial reasons, the fear that they may do worse if you leave, because you share kids, or a million other possibilities of reasons. But the two common underlying things in any case are that you have been brainwashed into believing that you don’t deserve any better and that this is as good as it gets, and that you keep hoping the person you fell for and that they made you believe they were, in the beginning, is still inside there somewhere. I knew I hated him, I knew he got off to my pain, and I knew whatever I had blinded myself into believing was love wasn’t love, but I also knew I wasn’t going to leave. It wouldn’t be that simple for me.
I crushed up a Xanax and lined it up next a line of coke at 3 in the afternoon, cut the end of a straw, and told myself I could do this.
And so began a cycle of bad habits and a spiraling into one of the darkest eras of my life.
We headed out for a pub crawl with some friends a bit later that day. That entire evening, my whole aim was to just numb myself. I kept trying to shove my thoughts into a shoebox in the back of a closet deep in my mind. Truthfully, Ignorance is bliss had been my motto already for quite some time, but it wasn’t going to work for much longer. I remember going into the bathroom stall with his friend’s girlfriend, feeling thankful when she produced a bag of the white substance from her purse, and thinking, Maybe I won’t feel anything when he fucks me later.
He did – fuck me. I felt nothing but my mind retreating, my body folding in on itself, me somewhere outside my own flesh. I had never felt cold like that before and I never once felt warm again after. For the first time in our relationship, I appreciated the fact that he never looked at me or held me after. I felt anger, rage, disgust, hate – as much toward myself as him.
I didn’t sleep at all those late hours and that early morning. I suddenly understood the cause of my unexplainable stomach issues, why I would break out in hives often for no reason, why no medications were helping my anxiety, why I couldn’t fall asleep, why I couldn’t stay asleep, why I was constantly exhausted. For a long time, my body and I had been living in a state of hypervigilance.
On any given day, I was nervous about what mood I would find him in. Which one of his personalities was taking a sip of the coffee I had prepared for him that morning?
It was a labor to even have a conversation with him sometimes because I had to be careful in molding it and skirting around subjects that were sensitive or that we disagreed on. He was adept at making me feel intellectually inferior to him, whether I didn’t share his belief or point of view on something, or just to make himself feel bigger. He would sometimes quiz me on certain topics, eager to find something to educate me, lecture, or correct me on. Then there were times when he became angry when I expressed an opinion that differed from his. I remember him leaving me at a restaurant once and making me walk in the rain because as a feminist, according to him, I didn’t need him to pick me up from the front of the building, in fact, he said that I didn’t need a ride at all. Once, discussing politics after the bar, he threw his drink down in the kitchen and left the apartment. I, the blind fool that I was, ran after him to the parking garage, and he refused to come back home until, in his words, I would “agree to shut the fuck up.”
It wasn’t just that, I couldn’t express my feelings, either. He would go into rages, cut me apart with his anger, or punish me in some way if I ever expressed how I felt, especially when it regarded him or our relationship. He would make me believe that my feelings weren’t valid. He would make me feel like I felt how I felt because I was mentally imbalanced. He would insist that I was either thriving on the drama, or that I was insane. Somehow, when I was the one who had a right to be angry or a right to be hurt, he would come out the end of it being the offended one, and I would be the one doing the apologizing.
If he did or said something to hurt me, then I was too sensitive. If he lied to me about something and I uncovered that lie, I was the problem for not trusting him in the first place or for sabotaging his attempt at protecting me from the truth. If he cheated on me, I was to blame – I had put on weight, I had been making him feel suffocated, I had been acting “too depressed”, I pushed him to it in some way, or I had put it out into the universe by not wholeheartedly trusting him.
When his tactics were less effective and I stood more of my ground, or when I challenged him more, he would threaten me with breaking up or suggest that we should take a break. It always worked because he had this way of making me feel like I should be thanking him for being with me. He made me believe I was lucky for having him. I believed every single label he ever put on me: crazy, dumbass, fat, weak, insecure, needy, too emotional, too sensitive, irrational, psycho, idiot, bitch, ungrateful, not good enough. He said as much as he thought he was the only person in the world that could ever put up with me. I was so broken down mentally that I actually felt grateful to him for loving me. Not that I love you were words he used often. No, I only ever heard that when he wanted something, when he had been caught cheating again, or when he wanted to reel me back in.
When I made him mad, stood up for myself, wrote something about my past or something that painted him in a bad light, saw people he didn’t want me to see, spent some time away from him and enjoyed it, he would give me the silent treatment. He’d suggest I go stay at my parents’ and I wouldn’t hear from him for days. When I tried desperately to get into contact with him, he would accuse me of being unhinged and suffocating and obsessed with him.
It was one of his favorite things to do, to make me feel like I was crazy. He took things I had trusted him with and used them as ammo. He would use my struggles with mental health to back up his theories about why I was acting the way I was, or thinking the way I was, or feeling the way I was, or to make me believe I was inherently irrational. I think he actually enjoyed making me feel insane and making me doubt reality. I was afraid of being alone sometimes. Things would move around the apartment from their original place, or something I swore I put somewhere would end up being somewhere else, and I constantly would get phone calls from blocked numbers. Looking back, I am positive it was him doing both things.
He would accuse me of doing or saying things I never did, so vehemently that I doubted my own sanity. On mornings after a night of drinking, he’d accuse me of having blacked out or embarrassing him in some way, when I was sure I hadn’t done either. He made the people in our world believe that I was the problem, while he painted himself as a sweet, charming, devoted guy who could tolerate this crazy girl with emotional issues. It was a lie I believed, too.
I was lucky, I thought. Who would want someone sad and unstable and not beautiful? This was the narrative he insidiously fed me.
He constantly commented on my fluctuation in weight, pushing me to lose pounds, and even went as far as making me feel guilty when I ate certain things and telling me what I should and shouldn’t eat. I dropped weight to the point where it didn’t look good on me, so I decided to put a bit more back on, I was still at my fittest, but he wasn’t happy with it, he told me I had looked better months prior and I could drop it again.
See, he liked me better smaller – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
He wanted to have 100% of me. He wanted all of me without giving me any of him, and while making me feel like he didn’t need any of me. The truth is, he couldn’t function without that control and power he had over me, my heart, my time, my body, my mind.
I didn’t recognize his behavior and actions as abuse, not only because it’s common for the victim not to until they’ve gotten away from that situation, but because I had previously been in a relationship where the abuse was more physical, so in my mind, what he was doing to me wasn’t abuse. I didn’t even register that anything was being done to me.
An old friend and ex-lover I had been confiding in about certain aspects of my relationship bluntly asked me at one point if he had ever hit me. I said that he hadn’t, not really, no. All he had done was slam me against the wall and then punched said wall. Did that even count? I had been through worse – it was how I excused a lot of what I put up with. It was why I was blind to the fact that he was being mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive. It was how I overlooked the times he did become physically violent. He had thrown things, he had slammed doors hard enough to rattle the walls, he had broken things, he had punched walls, he had manhandled me, he had pushed me, he had put his hands on me hard enough to leave faint marks behind, and I had seen his eyes go completely black, witnessing him physically and internally restraining himself from acting out towards me. That was violent behavior. He may have never hit me across the face, kicked me, punched me, or pulled my hair – he may have had enough control to never strike me – but the damage he did to my psyche left me as black and blue as if he had done any of those things.
Coming out of an abusive relationship you realize the biggest thing you were robbed of was not your dignity, your time, or your heart, but yourself – who you were and all the things that made you so uniquely and extraordinarily you. You lose yourself like following footprints in the sand, looking up, then down again, to find everything wiped by the tide like nothing was ever there. You may come close to some resemblance of your former self, but you never again revert to the person you were before. No amount of time, healing, or therapy, leads you back to who you were. You are irrevocably changed.
I have insecurities I never had before about who I am as a person, the way I see things, and my appearance. I was left with a rollercoaster of a battle with body image issues. I used to be this exuberant and confident girl who believed in her power and beauty, and who went after what and who she wanted. I doubt myself now, and become paralyzed by the fear that I am not good enough. I don’t see the best in people anymore, and that used to be one of my favorite things about myself. Now, I doubt the good that I do see, I become skeptical of it, I am mistrusting, I wait for the other shoe to drop. I am all too comfortable becoming physically intimate with someone, but sabotage any possibilities of emotionally connecting with anyone. I am jaded.
These are all things that I’m working on, and I know I’ll overcome them all one day, but there will always be a part of me that is tender that won’t let me forget; I’ll always have an inner voice inside me telling me to be careful. The thing that makes me saddest of all is knowing I don’t have it in me anymore to be as giving and generous as I once was. I can’t love again and give my all.
Maybe that’s okay. Maybe my all should always be given to myself and only myself. Maybe only then I can reconnect with even a few of the broken little pieces of who I used to be.
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October 2020 Recap (11/3/20)
Well, another month has come and gone. Another month where I feel like I hardly got anything done. But now that I'm sitting down to write this, I realize what I've gotten done. I have been a bit productive!
At the beginning of the month, we took my Beetle to its first Crusie-In! It was fun and makes me excited to get more things fixed on it to make it more like it was when it was new and to really make it mine. We're also starting to get cooler weather in our neck of the woods and we are loving it! I can finally start wearing my knitwear without burning up to death. Halloween was another quiet holiday for us. We just relaxed, made dinner, and watched a movie. We tend not to do much of anything on holidays since it's just the two of us. Maybe whenever we have a little one we'll do more.
My mental health has been suffering a bit in the last few weeks. There was a mix up with my pharmacy and doctor so I didn't get the refill of my anxiety/depression medication and I've been having to wait until my next appointment to get my refill. Only a few more days until then and I can't wait for some relief. I just haven't been feeling like myself lately and I'm also feeling very restless. I think that it's affecting my crafting motivation a bit, I just haven't felt like working on my project that much. Hopefully, that turns around soon.
But on the bright side, I've had some new ideas for Yarn Reader in the coming up months/new year! I'm still sorting out my ideas but hopefully, I'll find the best things for me. So keep an eye out on this blog for announcements in the future. One of the new things I'll share with you all is that I started a Tumblr page for my little corner of the internet! You can be notified about any new blog posts here and pictures from my Instagram all in one spot. (Those are also being posted to Twitter as well!) Check it out if you are interested.
As I mentioned earlier, my crafting has been on the slow-side. I've made a couple of crocheted coasters out of some yellow crochet cotton thread. You can find the details for those on the project page for them on Ravelry. Their just a way for me to practice the different stitch patterns while I play The Sims 4. The one thing that I do have to show off is my Malfoy Manor Wrapper!
I'll have a post up on Friday that goes over the details of it but I am so stinking happy with it and thrilled to have it finally done.
Where my Crafting has been lacking, my reading has been flourishing. In October I have read a total of 10 books! I've also completed my Goodreads Reading Challenge.
Owned books- 3 ( 1 physical book and 2 ebooks)Library books- 3 (all physical)
I hope you all had such a successful reading month as well! Have you finished your reading challenge yet?
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Tw hospital, lying, anxiety.
To start, I have 2 weeks until I see my psych, but I'm freaking out. So I've not been taking my meds in any routine way whatsoever. I'm unbelievably horrible at remembering. I've gone weeks without taking them before, but the issue (besides my mental health being bad?) is that I've been lying about it for several months now.
At first I was afraid to tell my psychiatrist that I wasn't taking them. I am terrified of going to the hospital, And in turn missed two appointments and didn't make a follow up until a few days after my last scheduled appointment, but they decided to drop me as a client supposedly since I moved, but more likely because I missed appointments.
So when I finally found a new psych it had been 2 months since my last psych appointment and since my last refill. I lied to my new psych and said I had extra medication from appointments being so close together and that I was taking my meds. I said I was only off my meds for a week or so. She then filled my prescription and it had been so long I was also afraid to just jump back into these meds, but I still haven't said anything. Well I saw her again last month and she sent a refill but when I went to pick up my meds all they gave me / had was one of my medications, and I meant to call and see what happened and why I didn't get my other two but I didn't have the time and I've completely forgotten.
She's probably going to find out that I haven't been taking them and I've been pretending I'm fine for so long and also lying about being okay so now I'm also worried that she'll think I'm faking my mental illness? Either that or she will put me in the hospital? Idk what to do or what I could say to her to explain this.
And it's okay if you're not sure what to say or how to respond, this definitely is a lot, and I want to add that I appreciate your blog and it definitely helps! You're doing absolutely amazing!
Ok so keep in mind that mental health systems in different countries work differently, and all I can really do, is tell you how I think this will play out according to my own experiences, but the Danish healthcare system could differ from yours.
First off, I want to stress that taking meds, or not taking meds, should be your decision. It's definitely recommended to be open with your doctor about how you are, or are not, using your medication. But I don't think you owe them this information.
It will obviously be hard for them to help you correctly if they don't know what you're taking/not taking, nor how you're really doing.
But in my experience/opinion, it's unlikely that this will make her think you were faking anything, and even more unlikely that it would be cause for hospitalization.
Unless you are in court-ordered treatment, missing medication, and even omitting/lying about it, isn't considered a reason to hospitalize someone, and certainly not against their will.
Is it correctly understood that aside from telling her you were still taking meds, you also told her that you're doing fine, even though you're not?
If so, and if you are indeed not fine, then I do think that it's important to clear up this misunderstanding. Because it's important to figure out if you would do better on the meds, and if not, look into different treatment options.
You deserve help!! And to feel better!!
Do you have an email for her? Sometimes these things are easier to write down. You can just write to her pretty much what you wrote here. None of what you have written here to me would be cause to think you were faking, or for hospitalization.
I know this is a cliche, but if you can only see her in person, sometimes it's still easier to write it down beforehand.
But this is one of things that is awkaward and hard, but it's also important, for your own sake, and it's not a dangerous thing as such.
At worst, if your psych is an asshole, she will kinda like.. scold you? Which she really shouldn't, so in that case I would recommend start looking for a new one.
Best of luck clearing up the misunderstandings!
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woooo! a medical nonsense readmore ~
i am WELL AWARE there is a very specific medical exam that i should have had quite a few times by now and i know it’s important and yeah!! i wanna make sure Everything’s Fine as much as everybody else!! but i have a very specific medical history (entirely just bizarre medical shenanigans related. but very specific nonetheless) that makes me very. touchy. about it. that i have actually never explained to any doctor, but, the thing was, all of the ones i’ve seen over the years, they’ve been FINE with not doing the exam. 100% fine. because when i started seeing someone for Related Nonsense, it was not necessary, and when i hit the age for it they were like, look, you’re fine if you don’t want to, and i was like, cool beans y’all see you next year :) i would like to, you know, eventually work my way up to it!! bc i know i should get it done and somewhere yeah i’d probably like to!! but like!!!!! this is not the kind of thing i really wanna be. pushed about. even the trainee nurse i saw once with my regular doctor a few years ago was a little pushy but still nice about it when i said no
so my regular doctor related to that apparently LEFT and because i only see her once a year to get a prescription refilled i had NO IDEA until we made the appointment last month, and i, needed the goddamn prescription refilled, so i just made an appointment with another doctor there, and i was like, really hoping she wasn’t gonna give me a hard time about this thing, and yes this morning she absolutely 100% did give me a hard time about not getting it done :) and honestly made it sound like because i refused to do it she would’ve renewed my prescription for only six months instead of a year which would’ve been. suuuuuuper shitty (i did in fact get a year but i also like. very much am going to ask the pharmacy to make sure i got a fucking year) but like
what really made me upset is that, i’ve had very nice doctors about this, but her attitude was very much ‘see this patient and then see the next one, this is a job and not a person i need to care about’, she didn’t introduce herself, she didn’t really care that i was like ‘yeah i’m anxious?????’ even when she asked, she wasn’t nice about it at all, and i feel like, this is very much the exam you should be a nice person about!!!!!!!! and i had to explain why i needed the prescription too which, she’s not my regular doctor i know she didn’t know why, but i feel like she was really judgy about that too and i’m like. okay i’ll just find another one, there are others in the area, but i’m also. angry and upset about it
and i’m like, should i have been more explicit about being uncomfortable??? but also like. i think if you see a patient being. anxious and uncomfortable, in any way. especially someone you’ve NEVER SEEN BEFORE. you should be kind about it. like that’s literally your fucking job and a goddamn requirement. and ask if there’s anything you can do to help. so i could have at least thought about it more instead of being upset. like i know part of this is on me for just like, being too scared to get it done, not every single medical exam is going to be comfortable (even though, i think they should be :) don’t get me started on ct scans and the mri) but also. maybe just make it easier for me to think about it. like i don’t think i should need to explain a reason necessarily for being scared about it i think someone should see i’m upset and just be. kind about it
one time for an ENTIRELY UNRELATED medical exam (the mri.) they had to knock me out to do it bc i cried the whole time when they first tried to do it (i made many a nurse upset by crying as a kid. :)) but this is. very much a thing you cannot be knocked out for. and probably should not be knocked out for!!!!! but i also. don’t think like numbing or anything would help bc i am also very anxious about not being able to feel parts of my body, just out of anxiety, like ya girl doesn’t even do novocaine. i suffer if the dentist needs to do anything. (thankfully he usually does not.) i had one (1) spot on my body numbed for a mole removal once but that was bearable bc it was literally, the size of a nickel, and not something i was gonna focus a lot on
anyway! just needed to put some bitching about this somewhere
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Jesus Christ I have the worst medication manager lmao. He's having me try out a new med for anxiety, but all it's done is make my vision blurry for like 30 mins after I take it, and make me physically unbalanced, paranoid and foggy. My memory is already terrible, but it's almost like I've had little blackouts that I can't remember at all. I can't think clearly.
Just for reference I have DIAGNOSED:
CPTSD, MDD, GAD and an on again off again diagnosis of a panic disorder and agoraphobia depending on how I'm doing mentally.
I have to pay this doctor $95 every single time that I talk to him/see him. He's had me make 4 appointments in the last month. I've been on welbutrin (not a controlled substance) 400mg for 5 years (and Wellbutrin for 10) and he refuses to write me refills and told me that my dosage doesn't exist until I showed him my Walgreens rx history. All of my other doctors in the past have just given me between 3-6 months worth of refills and this dude won't even give me one.
I've been on kpin on and off for years as well. I literally couldn't go to work last week because I was too afraid to go outside. The kpin is getting me through work and social environments while I work on my trauma therapy. Even my fucking therapist suggested it. But what do I get? No refills on any of my medications because he wants me to just give him $95 lmao. Like girl, I haven't been able to work (after my kpin ran out) how the fuck do you expect me to keep paying you like this every 2 weeks.
But I'll try this med until I see him just to give it a fair shot despite all of the negatives so far. I also don't want him to use that as an excuse to not listen to me.
I hate this. The med manager that I had for like 3 years was amazing and spoke directly with my therapist to figure out what needs would work best for me. I really need a new doctor.

#kira falls apart#goodbye memory#i woke up not remembering the night before and had to put it together like an ambien blackout#i really hate this#i hate that doctors that i spent years with figured out a good regimen for me but that he doesn't fucking care#and won't answer the phone when my therapist calls#tw#i have to be prescribed high doses because I'm basically a drug whale#like they observed me in mental hospitals and had to up certain meds because i have such a high tolerance to literally everything
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Happy New Year- Lets Go!
Hello and a very happy new year to you all!
There is no doubt that 2021 was a challenging one, and 2022 has certainly started with a tone of uncertainty and hurdles. Unfortunately, due the deteriorating Covid situation we have had to close our doors until 17th January to allow numbers settle and to ensure everyone’s safety. We have taken this time to enhance our Covid Safety procedures – more on that below!
Worry not, although we are closed for in-person appointments we have gone online (again ☹) and have lots of ways to support you and your wellness through these uncertain times! 😊
Mind you Mind
Back by Very popular demand!
Our next 6 week Mind your Mind self-care course kicks off Tuesday 11th January.
This course is a gamechanger in managing your mindset, improving your selfcare, setting boundaries, managing anxiety & stress, enhancing your sleep, facing fears and so much more!
You will emerge from these 6 weeks recharged, revitalised, empowered and ready to chase down your goals!
This Course is normally €150, but has been reduced to €125 (for 12 sessions) in our January Sale.
Places will be strictly limited to 10 people.
Get in touch today by return email or through our Facebook or Instagram pages to secure your place
The Calm Connection – Weekly Meditation Group – Fridays 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Your go to soul space! This is the place you go to relax, unwind and destress!
Through our weekly meditations you will learn to refill your cup and prioritise yourself! What’s more, if you miss a session or need a mid-week top-up, all of our meditations will be right here for you whenever you need them!
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Selfcare is how you take your power back!
You can join this community for just €20 per month, with no minimum sign up period.
Get in touch today by return email or through our Facebook or Instagram pages to secure your place
Distant Healing
Distant healing is a surprisingly powerful way to begin you healing journey. Its power is something that surprised me most during my own Reiki Master Training.
Distant Healing is also still available at the reduced price of €25 for the month of January.
This includes your pre and post session video consultation.
Angel Card Readings
Looking for some guidance going into the new Year?
Our Angel & Oracle Card readings are available via video call at a reduced rate of €25 for the month of January!
Coming Soon
An Evening of Angelic Healing - 30th January 2022 – 7pm – 9pmThis promises to be a truly special event. During the evening you will meet your guardian angel and form an even closer bond. You will learn how to communicate with all of your angelic team and learn how to use Angelic Healing on yourselves and others. As we use meditation to connect with all of your spirit team this is also a great opportunity to relax and unwind after the busy build-up to Christmas.
This event will be hosted in a private Facebook room and will be available to replay or catch-up on for 6 months after the event.
To Book your simply click the below link:
An Evening of Angelic Healing Tickets, Sun 30 Jan 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Reiki Level 1 & 2 Training
Coming February 2022 – get in touch to express your interest!
RE-OPENING – 17TH January 2022
I am already VERY excited to reopen my doors!
To tackle the higher Covid our safety measures have been reviewed and enhanced:
Masks have been upgraded to the highest possible medical grade standard. For close contact Reiki Sessions visors will also be worn by me.
Clients are asked to wear masks upon arrival and throughout their appointment.
As usual hand sanitisation will be required by both client & practitioner.
Temperature checks are Back!
Covid Cert checks & a pre appointment questionnaire will be required prior to any appointment commencing.
So, as you can see, plenty to keep you all tied over until our BIG reopening on Monday 17th January!
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like more information or to book in!
Love & Light,
Harmon Healing
Facebook: Harmon Healing
Insta: Harmon Healing Healing
Email: [email protected]

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