#ma family
isimbecauseofreasons · 2 months
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They are a couple of cuties NGL.
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modmad · 11 months
shout out to Scooby-Doo for raising several generations with the trope of 'they take off the mask and it's always the greedy rich white bastard who wanted even more fucking money' even if they get made fun of for it because at the end of the day? damn. it really always is some greedy rich white bastard who wants even more fucking money.
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fortist166 · 7 months
Hope this gets canon cz damn they look too fine to not dance together!
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bixels · 7 months
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Jesus man, relax.
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theysangastheyslew · 2 months
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IT'S CHRISTMAS IN JULY BITCHES (yes I know it's almost over shh 🤫)
Now could this have been 4 panels with Hans just plopping down on the couch, patting Levi on the shoulder and saying ''Yo I'm knocked up'', and then carrying on with their evening?
Why yes, yes indeed. But where's the struggle in that ? :')
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I'm kind of surprised they've kept the fact that the Kents are relatively old so consistent since the novel in 1939.
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In that one, they say that they were praying for have a child since they were too old when they were ready, and that they saw the rocket as a sign.
Although, if I were to introduce one thing to Superman canon- it would be that the Kents regularly foster kids.
They seem like the type and having them be experienced parents with a number of children and teens would make sense for how readily they were able to handle Clark
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homkamiro · 11 months
I want to ask..
Can you pwease draw Scout eating Clam Chowder?
(Clam Chowder is a popular food in Boston and since Scout is Bostonian.. 😌)
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After heading back to New Mexico from Boston, Scout found a little present hidden inside his bag
Thanks for the thought, anon! I'm fully convinced that clam chowder is Scout's comfort food now
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a-titty-ninja · 4 months
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「荆棘玫瑰」 by 龙之天雪
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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isimbecauseofreasons · 2 months
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We interrupt the normal legacy programming to give you, Darren Dreamer randomly dancing on the countertop?
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qiinamii · 1 year
it's all about the noises
bonus frames from the vid!
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fortist166 · 8 months
Weirdo meetup incoming! Betting 10$ Damian will be jealous if Anya and Demetrius get closer cz he wants to be in too 🤣
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
Soldier and Zhanna's wedding
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I'm back ! Sorry, I just started playing Stardrew Valley, among other things :/
Anyway, I finally took the time to finish this drawing ! I stared working on it a week or so ago. That was one of the project I was working on.
So yeah. This is supposed to be a picture taken at Zhanna and Soldier's wedding. Near the end of the day.
Engi set up the camera but the timer was just a bit too short X)
It's not perfect but it's good enough :)
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea… more of a mini fic 108
Dani is melting in front of Danny’s eyes and Danny is panicking. He reveals that he and Dani are halfas. Begging his parents to help stabilize Dani. That he couldn’t watch her melt away. his parents don’t take it well. Chasing him out of the lab.
He barley got Dani and him out with minimum injuries.
Danny had no access to proper supplies, and risks going to vlad.
Offering to be the perfect son if he saves Dani. Making him promise she would be safe and stable. Telling him all that happened. That his mom wouldn’t accept him, she didn’t even accept Danny.
He has a bad feeling when vlad eye flash red and he agrees.
After a few test the fruitloop announces he got the dna necessary to stabilize her. That he will easily synthesize the necessary components. But he wouldn’t hand over the cure unless Danny proved what he said. That he was capable of following orders and being the perfect son.
He was Holding a vial of some liquid. Telling Danny to drink it.
Vlad wouldn’t kill him right?
So he drinks the mysterious liquid. Last thing he heard was that when he wakes up he and his sister would be safe. Which confused him. Why was Jazz involved.
When he woke up things were too big. Why was everything so big? Looking around they were in a cage… on with no roof. Then he saw Dani. Dani was small. Tiny a mere toddler. Maybe 5 at the most. Wait. No no no. He was the same size.
Vlad: i hear you’re awake little badger. How unfortunate. I was hoping to move the three of us before hand. It’s not as if you’ll remember any of this. I was planning on erasing it once we were across.
Vlad was standing in front of a portal. Not his ghost portal. One separated and with a deficient design.
Vlad: this dimension simply isn’t safe for my little family. I recently recorded an artifact that will allow us to jump dimensions. One time use unfortunately. With no stable portal not even your allies will find us.
Yea. No. That’s not happening. Danny didn’t agree to be turned into a toddler. Nor loose his memories.
He wasn’t going with the fruitloop. He just had to phase out of here. He couldn’t get himself to fully phase. Only a hand.
Vlad who hadn’t even looked up from the now glowing portal: “even you should have realized your powers aren’t working. It’s why i needed more dna samples. To fix both my children. Far to young, body’s to frail to handle them all. You’ll slowly grow into them.”
The fruitloop finally turned to face him and Dani. Approaching them. Picking them up. Did he really just pick him up?
This was not okay with Danny. So he started hitting, kicking and squirming. All while Dani stayed asleep.
Vlad: Daniel behave. Act more like your sister. The portal is only one way trip. You wouldn’t want to be left behind now would you.
The fruitloop was only getting close to the portal. He had to act.
One way trip… Act more like his sister. Act like Dani.
He hit the man as hard as he could. Until the man let go and essentially threw them to the ground oh so close to this new dimension. He didn’t have time to think.
They were so close to the portal.
He just grabbed Dani chucked his shoe at vlad to unbalance the man and fell through the portal.
Jonathan and Martha Kent certainly weren’t expecting two toddlers to fall out of the sky into their field. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time they took in two children.
Their oldests could do with some younger siblings.
Even if they did have to coax the two twins?siblings? inside with pie later that night.
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puppyeared · 9 months
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ouppys and kibbys
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brekitten · 6 months
Be Careful What You Wish For
Tucker could make fun of him for not reading comics all he wanted, but Danny really did enjoy reading them. He just didn't have much time to after the Accident, with all of the ghost attacks.
He had the time now, he supposed. There were no ghost attacks anymore, not with Vlad "taking care of them".
He was almost scared to find out what the Fruit Loop meant by that.
Danny sighed, staring up at the bare white ceiling of his bedroom. He missed the stars he'd had stuck to the ceiling of his room back home. Because Vlad's mansion wasn't home, was it? It wasn't ever going to be, no matter what.
Again, he began to think of the heroes he'd always admired, the ones that he had always fantasized about when he was younger, as if they would fly out of the comic books and take him and Jazz away, take them to parents that would actually pay attention to them. Now, Danny would take his parents not paying attention to him over them being dead.
Danny sighed, his eyes slipping closed. He wasn't tired, but he wanted to pretend that he was somewhere warm and safe, anywhere but here.
"Man, I wish superheroes were real... I could really use one right now."
Then came a gentle whisper in his ear, one that promised the safety and warmth he was desperate for. "Your wish is my command, little Prince."
Danny jolted upright, but it was too late. One moment, he was sitting in a bed that wasn't his own, could never be, no matter how hard he tried to pretend it was, and the next, he was sitting in a field, cornstalks swaying gently in the warm breeze.
Where... was he?
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saying this now, this uptick in unholy family content is what i view as overcompensation for their very limited positive representation in the show itself. the family truly revolves around louis in a supremely horrific way to where one parent actively came to resent the child in the family, the two mutually plotting each other’s murder with the child nearly succeeding in her attempt and ofc the parent actually succeeding in killing the child which led to the ultimate demise of the parents’ relationship and where lestat finally came to an understanding in how he failed his daughter only after losing louis. i only consume this fluffy shit as fanon. you can’t convince me lestat was a good father to his ‘infant death’, you can barely even convince me he loved her 😭
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