plushpyromoved · 10 months
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idk how i managed to forget but herez all the art i did for TFtober :D!
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dogboyboyshorts · 1 year
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mstophattii · 1 year
poll about TFTOBER
yo! Hatty here. So, y'know, there's thing called TFTOBER which is essentialy a challenge where i play and record TF2 for 30 days straight (sorta like those elmaxo videos). This ideia originally came from @plushpyro, so credits to 'em!
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(i got their permission btw!!)
I plan to add somethings to my take, like TF2 tips, weapon combos, funny moments, and fucking cooking recipes!! (im serious about that last one btw!!)
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(image of my babygrill, scout tea for two)
so would yall be interested if i did something like that??
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marzipanrose · 4 years
Day Seven of #Octransfur and it seems that this fae find Mirrors to be the perfect conduit for creating new friends!
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alsoflick · 4 years
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It is #ReptileAwarenessDay as :iconKahze: and I visit the dinosaur island. It was cursed as we turned into fancy alpha dinosaurs!
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mr-haitch-but-lewd · 4 years
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Dominique's been turned into a puppet, guess he doesn’t mind, look at that permanent smile he has!
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I've been watching many UnderTale related Youtube Videos!
Carol Betita (Herself) is Getting Turned into a Snow Leopard by a Slime Puddle.
My imagine spot is Sony Pictures Animation's Connected 3D. Third is 3D mixed with Epileptic Flashing Lights.
I guess i want to Sketch an Obstagoon firing Hazel. also... a redraw challenge of Pokemon Go Photo!
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alpacalamamama · 4 years
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October is almost here, and you know what that means!
I know a bunch of artists, including me, were looking forwards to Inktober in order to create some art and get out of the quarantine energy drain. So obviously, it’s upsetting to hear about Jake Parker’s plagiarism of Alphonso Dunn.
Instead of not doing anything for the month of October, I would like to suggest TFtober!
What is TFtober?
TFtober is a 2020 Inktober alternative geared specifically towards the Transformers community! Just like Inktober, it will include a 31 day prompt list. These prompts are meant to be TF themed, but aren’t specific enough that artists won’t have breathing room.
ANY TF continuity/fandom is welcome to participate! TFtober is meant to be inclusive and fun for everyone!
TF ocs are encouraged, and there is an Inktober alternative specifically for TF ocs called TF OCtober! Check it out if it interests you!
Posts using the prompt list should include the tag #tftober2020 or #TFtober2020 so people in the community can easily find each other’s art and support other artists.
The ‘rules’ are not strict. You can do as many or as little prompts as you want, do them out of order, and take as much creative liberty as you want!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Reblog so artists in the TF community see this! 
Prompt list below the cut
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
Tftober day 4!!
killz- 67 deathz- 129 i did miss 2 matchez so not my final numberz classez played- pyro + scout + medic + demo + engiee + sniper play time- 5hourz
i actually feel like i did worse today compared to yesterday but i have noticed that im becoming more aware and actually trying to do thingz better i may not be getting many killz and dying alot but im genuinley trying and i am having fun >w< i got to play one of the carnival mapz with the bumper carz witch waz really fun the more i see merasmus i the more i understand why ppl like him so much hez so weird XP but the most important thing from today i got to see...him
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
TFtober day 7!!
killz- 69 deathz- 104 classez played- pyro + scout + medic + engiee + spy play time- 3hourz 15minz
one week in!! i got way more deathz today than i thought there would be but to be fair i tried out spy for the first time ever as well as more practice as scout [i have really bad aim im trying to get better at it] played some mapz ive never seen before :O i still die a lot but ive noticed an improvment from day one to day seven especially as pyro even though i still have a lot to learn i am trying my best and having fun >w< my doodlez for today
the giant A posing pyro isnt real they cant hurt you the giant A posing pyro: [they were friendly it waz just so surprising to see]
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also the bot problem today waz so bad omg idk whoz programing these thingz 0_o
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
TFtober day 2!! killz- i forgot to tally these but it was probably around 20? deathz- i forgot to do these too but i got 35 deathz in one match so itz safe to assume a lot classez played: pyro + scout + sniper + medic play time: 4hourz
i went in to my second day with @halloweenpest it waz super fun to play in a party!! we played some king of the hill which i used to be too scared to play >o< made some decent progress on my dragons fury contract too!! then we also played a bunch of the halloween mapz itz so fun but omg itz so confusing and over stimulating so many effectz and voice linez 0_o it waz my first time seeing merasmus he is so silly and goofy XD
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^^ how every match looked u_u
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plushpyromoved · 11 months
TFtober day 23!!
killz- 43 deathz- 33 classez played- pyro play time- 1hour 45minz
i got one zombie infection match that i played for over an hour and then literally sat in the queue for 2 hourz only to get matched to 4 seperate matchez filled with nothing but botz AND they kicked me 3 timez [whatz the point of putting all ur botz in a match to promo ur discord only to kick playerz that join? idk man itz weird in there]
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translation: "good lord what is happening in there?"
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plushpyromoved · 11 months
TFtober day 22!!
killz- 94 deathz- 72 classez played- pyro + scout + medic + engiee + soldier + sniper play time- 3hourz 50minz
sorry im so late posting yesterdayz tftober >.< but look!!! my killz are higher than my deathz!!!! and i even top scored in a match :O!!!! i think im getting better and better as pyro even if i still make heapz of mistakez and die a lot i can feel the difference between when i first started and now >W< i waz able to get a bunch of achievmentz [even if some of them were cheesed] and waz able to get another halloween contract done been testing out soldier a bit more recentley too i waz alwayz scared to try him cause idk how to rocket jump very well and he haz such a slow movment speed but hez actually really fun :D anywayz herez a screenshot redraw of an interaction
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we were singing a very beautiful song itz called...heavy is spy u_u
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plushpyromoved · 11 months
TFtober day 29!!
killz- 63 deathz- 69 classez played- pyro + scout + sniper + engiee play time- 2hourz 30minz
im sorry im so late with yesterday todayz post >0< splatoon gaming briefly took over BUT had some pretty good matchez one round i waz able to get 31 killz and dominate 2 people which waz really cool for me :D went to 2fort again itz alwayz interesting in there i love having friendly momentz and then there are the horrorz.... i really wanna play scout and sniper more but my aim needz so much practice maybe for day 30 ill try and not bring out pyro at all maybe [that might be a little too daring for me i still need to practice with pyro too] anywayz plz witness thiz doodle i ended up putting more time into than i thought i would
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screenshot redraw of fun sewer dancing yippee!!
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
TFtober day 8!!
killz- 51 deathz- 61 classez played- pyro + medic + scout play time- 2hourz
i feel like i didnt play much today like i only did about 6 and a half matchez i decided to keep it a little more simple today just playing pyro and medic and a bit of practice with scout. i got my first kick from a server [it waz and accident there were 2 medicz on our team me and someone who waz idle and they accidentally kicked me instead XD] but other than that i got matched with some really nice playerz!! doing more scout practice tho ough >.< itz rough out here
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plushpyromoved · 1 year
TFtober day 10!!
killz- 22 deathz- 27 classez played- pyro + scout play time- 1hour 10minz
only a short one today as well but the game finally got itz haloween 'update' the merasmus contractz are finally available and new mapz and modez?!?!? i had no idea there waz a zombie survival game thing thatz SO fun i had no idea what i waz doing az a zombie but that map waz so fun to play it waz called devisation probably will queue to play more if it tomorrow >w< also i had a look at the new cosmeticz there are some nice onez in there tho i think not my fav scream fortress onez but the tauntz WAH i like them so much OwO
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herez my little zombie scout a redraw of thiz image
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