#m spec mono
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My take on the m-spec gay flags/m-spec gay flag redesigns
m-spec | bi | pan | poly | omni | abro
free to use by anyone, even those who fit my dni. reblogs appreciated
main flag stripe meanings:
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[This is not a discourse post, exclusionist DNI.]
Orientation is as real as gender. Yes, what people feel is real but how it is labeled is not, it’s just something humans made up.
The only exception is if you are using your sexuality to misgender people. (I.E. being a lesbian who likes trans men but not cis men because you see trans men as women or being a gay man who only likes men but also includes some non-binary people, not because some of them are men, but because you don’t think their genders really count.)
Everything else is fine.
It does not matter if it’s a common or uncommon label, or if it is the common historical meaning, or the common modern one, or neither, or if you use it in a way people do not expect you to.
Use one term, use some terms, use many terms, use different terms depending on the context.
It’s all fine.
Gender is fake, orientation is fake, sex is a social construct. Just be kind to yourself and others.
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unknownmothergoose · 10 months
lesbian + girlincident (link) - for lesbians that are girls only incidentally
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[ID left: A 5 stripe flag with irregular, spikey stripes in purple, orange, salmon, peach, and blue. ID mid: Bugsy from Pokemon over a 5 stripe flag with irregular, spikey stripes in purple, orange, salmon, peach, and blue. ID right: a 5 stripe flag in the colours purple, orange, salmon, peach, and blue. END ID]
please credit me if using. i do not allow reposts to pinterest, archives, or wikis.
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glitchedstars · 7 months
honestly I don't think we'll ever have a DNI Like sure we'll have a DNI on specific posts - but for our whole blog? no way Like if I coin a term, who am I to say that some people aren't allowed to use it? That would just be rude of me! But I make a post specifically about how m-spec monos are amazing or endo positivity (edit: or anything else that's relevant to mention here that we forgot)? I don't want exclusionists touching that post So yeah- not quite sure where I was going with this but uh yeah that kinda I suppose!
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007isproendo · 14 days
Pinned intro
Hey. We are a former anti-endo that became pro-endo. We are still learning about m-spec mono and contradictory labels. Feel free to correct us if we say any bullshits. We are anti radqueers and anti-pro/com/darkshipper/fic.
We are a C-DID system, but we do not feel like we are that disordered ourselves. We are traumaendo, with a lot more of traumagenic origins than endogenic ones but they are still here. We have little to no empathy for people we are not close to. We don't use tonetags and we don't want them to be used on us. We will use tone clarificators and that is what we ask you to use on us.
Under the cut, you will see information about us. (Headmates who will use this account the most will have a separate introduction).
System introduction:
We are only "out" on Tumbrl and Discord. We won't give any other social of ours.
System name: The M16 System Collective names: بوماني, James, Муудсан, Собака and 007 Collective titles: It who is rotten, The rotting God, بوماني who bites and Муудсан/He who is an agent Collective pronouns: it/he/rot/dog/paw/h3/they/spy/Q/hi
Nationality/origins: Slavic, Mongolian, Egyptian Genders: intersex, transmasc, (noviaeus)[https://pin.it/51DxwF2RD], (rotboy)[https://www.tumblr.com/lovesse/723358810895433728/gifts-from-the-angels-above-me-%E3%85%A4?source=share], (dog intersex)[https://pin.it/2Lw3KHCop] Sexuality: Achillean, demi-romantic Terms: non human, dog + masc ones preferred
Disorders: auADHD, (NPD-ish)[https://pin.it/5AiPi2rq0], hypersexal, photophobic Plural terms: we don't care, just don't use parts, personalities or pwDID Genic labels:
Traumagenic ones;
(Apagenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Apagenic], (cultgenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Cultgenic], ,(edugenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Edugenic], (mentagenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Mentagenic],
Endogenic ones:
(Luckgenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Luckgenic], (autigenic)[https://pluralpedia.org/w/Autigenic]
Not sharing body age, just if you are 19+ don't DM us and everyone keep all interaction SFW.
Just a short DNI list:
Radqueers, along with transIDs supporters Transmeds People who don't translate typing quirks People who demonize disorders Fake-claimers Ableists Com/pro/darkshipper/fic. Basic DNIs criteria ig
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aplatonic-culture-is · 5 months
So, I just found out about the demiplatonic label through one of your posts.
Kinda a long rant here but, I mean, I remember when in middle school I first met a kid and we hung out for a bit, and she seemed cool until she just started announcing me to other people as her friend and... I was just kinda turned off by that? It's not like I disliked her, but I barely knew her. After that being around her felt awkward for some time before we eventually got back to hanging out a bit. But would that make me deniplatonic or was I just put into a weird position? I mean, all of the people I've ever wanted to be friends with are people I've had to hangout with for a few times before I became attached. Crap, I didn't even know aplatonic was apparently a spectrum, the only mention I've seen of one prior to today was a sort of answer to an example question that went along the lines of "I'm not aplatonic but my platonic attraction is exclusive to (xyz)" which the response was along the lines of "Don't even start. If you're going to use a label, use alloplatonic," so I just straight up thought it was an offensive thing towards aplatonic people to suggest.
You very well could be demiplatonic, it's up to you and how you decide to identify :)
And it's not offensive at all, aplatonic is a broad label and similar to other aspec identities, is absolutely a spectrum and is soley determined by the user of the label for themselves. Those who only experience platonic attraction to certain genders are absolutely apl-spec (if they so choose to use this label) and nobody else gets to make that call.
Additionally, those who actually support aplatonic individuals would not try to draw all these rigid lines around us. Much like with other queer labels, we will have complicated and varying experiences with the same concept, and identify ourselves with labels in a way that make sense to us.
On that note, this blog supports m-spec monos, gaybians, straightbians and turihets, lesboys and turigirls, and other queer identities which are often deemed controversial. Being queer has never been about these rigid lines that are enforced by other people. I would trust an allocishet who is trying their best to be an ally (and sometimes gets it wrong) way more than another queer person that decides to police the labels of other queer people for the sake of purity or whatever they want to call it.
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our-lesboy-experience · 2 months
do you know if lesboy/turigirl, m-spec monos, gaybian ect go under any specific group name? or is it just contradictory labels / good faith labels identities?
people normally just group them together under "contradictory" labels or "good faith identities", mostly since discussions around them are so similar (though I don't particularly care for it)
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ryanyflags · 10 months
Multi-spec (m-spec) mono-spec related masterpost
I realised I've made a lot of different m-spec mono-spec flags, so here's a list of them all in one place.
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They are listed as m-spec here, but most of the links include multi-spec/m-spec, bi, ply (poly), omni, pan, and abro specific variants. (I also include abro here, though abro isn't necessarily m-spec, just fluid orientation, because it can include m-spec.)
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m-spec equaric
m-spec achillean
m-spec achilligirl
m-spec sapphic
m-spec sapphboy
m-spec sapphillean
m-spec cenelian
m-spec celarsian
m-spec duaric
m-spec jeularian
m-spec straightgay
m-spec straightrian/straightdian (straight turian/veldian)
m-spec straightbian (straight lesbian)
m-spec straightlian/straightcelian (straight cenelian)
m-spec straightlaurian (straight velaurian)
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quasic (mspec cenelian) (from the astral alignments system)
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anti--transid · 1 year
I am wrapping my wings protectively, lovingly and gently around every ex radqueer, every ex radqueer who was groomed into being pro-contact, every ex radqueer who was told that 'nobody would love them' for being m-spec lesbian, m-spec gay, m-spec mono or anything else, every ex radqueer who was convinced they were transage for being agere, every ex radqueer who only recently got out, even if it was just a day or two ago, I see and adore you all <3 /p /gen
- Evergreen, she/her, system caregiver
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M spec Turigirl flags
[plain text: multi spectrum turian girl flags]
m spec | bi | pan | poly | omni | abro
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Love how some non-binaries are called homophobic for wanting to date mono-gay people while others are called homophobic for not wanting to date mono-gay people.
Also love that everyone will gut you for using the term mono.
I just love this so much for us.
(Note: This post is sarcastic.)
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vocalux · 10 months
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SlothQueer - ( 🦥🌈 / 🌈🦥 / 🦥🌳 )SlothQueer is a Queer Stance related to being too lazy to enter into discussions or caring about how others will label themselves !
SlothQueer ;;
Pro-MUD coining
Pro-self-diagnosis(with study, obviously)
Pro-contraditory labels(m-spec mono, for exemple)
Respect all ethnicities, races, labels, women, etc
Just let people live they life
Don't like, block/don't see n continue living
Thinks people shouldn't hide themselves, no matter how they identify
Anti-bigotry of any kind
Anti-using label to spread hate
Anti-bad faith identities/labes made to spread hate, exclude or mock othersㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• • •
SlothQueer people often shy away from discussions, pretend to agree with other people's opinions, or don't say anything just to avoid having to get into an argument !
ㅤ• • •
There probably already exists a label like this, but I wanted to make my own.. /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\
and sorry if you're confused, I'm terrible with these things
@blankqueer Reposted ✅
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vlada-slavik · 4 months
Hey! I just wanted to ask you something cause in your dni/byf you say this:
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And I was wondering if that's an error? Because m-spec means multisexual spectrum, so bisexuality, pansexuality, etc.
And I assume you mean 'm-spec mono', like bisexual lesbians? :) (monosexual means sexual attraction to only one gender)
/info /genuine question
OH YEAH, I didn't notice that I said just m-spec without mono 😭😭 I also feel like changing it to just supporting because it's not even as confusing as other identities,,, and yeah, I meant stuff like bi lesbians and other ones (either fluid sexualities/romantic attraction or those who use split attraction system)!!
Thanks for noticing!!!! /pos
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Welcome to my blog! If you've seen other "your fav is *blank*" blogs, then you probably know what this is about!
But for those who may not know, you can submit a character and I'll put them overtop of these (link) former radqueer and anti radqueer flags!
Please start all submissions with "*character name* is anti/former radqueer!" so that I know that its a request!
I, mod Clover, am the host of the Leafy Library system, and I also run @anti--transid and @zombifiedfemme!
Mod uses it/he/fern/clover and other xenopronouns, I am intersex, cottagecorething, transmascfem, caligoaroace and lesbian.
I am a medium support needs autistic person, I also have DID, DPD and a few other unlisted things, please don't use tonetags on me as it makes me feel babied, however if asked, I will use tonetags for who ever I'm talking to!
This blog is pro m-spec monos, good faith identities and aspec identities.
[Pt: This blog is pro m-spec monos, good faith identities and aspec identities. /end pt]
Requests are closed!
[Pt: requests are closed! /end pt]
If it is a 'niche' character, I require that you send me a transparent png of that character so that I can fufill your request!
I will not do MCYT youtubers due to personal discomfort.
Genshin, cookie run and total drama characters are currently prioritized due to hyperfixating on those three medias!
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kai-tus · 20 days
Oriented anattractional m-spec mono terms
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Anattractional bi lesbian | Anattractional bi veldian | Anattractional bi cenelian | Anattractional bi straight
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Anattractional poly lesbian | Anattractional poly veldian | Anattractional poly cenelian | Anattractional poly straight
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Anattractional omni lesbian | Anattractional omni veldian | Anattractional omni cenelian | Anattractional omni straight
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Anattractional pan lesbian | Anattractional pan veldian | Anattractional pan cenelian | Anattractional pan straight
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Anattractional abro lesbian | Anattractional abro veldian | Anattractional abro cenelian | Anattractional abro straight
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dizzy-pops · 28 days
Psst. You, yes you. C'mere.
If you think lesboys, turigirls, m-spec-mono people, etc., aren't valid, block me.
If you use the terms "TMA" or "TME," block me
I'd you don't support transfemmascs, fucking block me
Like Jesus fucking Christ just say you're not a real ally and move on.
It's ok to not understand identities that aren't your own; it's NOT ok to put people harmlessly identifying with whatever makes them most comfortable in your fucking "dni" banner
If you disagree just fucking block me because I am NOT changing my mind on this
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