#lucifer is alone and bitter
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rae-writes · 6 months ago
⊹ Candles [reversed] ⊹
since it's my birthday, I wanted to do a little special self-indulgence, so here's this! || 2.k || written with poly!Mc in mind + our son Luke
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4 am 
Early in the morning, before the faux light has even spread across the Devildom, Mammon is in your bed. He’s pushed his way through your door, half asleep himself, stumbled over and climbed underneath your covers (that he swears are softer than his), and has pulled you into his arms. 
Every year, he insists on being the first person to wish you a Happy Birthday, and if not that, then the first who gets to tell you in person— so he's found that coming to your room before the day even begins gets him his title of ‘first’ and gives him alone time with you.
It’s much too early to be awake right now, so he’s content with falling back to sleep with you. His body is in complete contact with yours and he sleepily swears not to let go because he loves you too much. 
5 am 
An hour later, or maybe even less than, Asmo comes to sneak you from his brother’s grasp, gently hauling your barely conscious frame to his room. He wants you to keep getting as much beauty sleep as you can, but he still wants to start getting you ready for your big day! 
Of course, Azzy’s been planning this for weeks, so he has everything prepared and laid out. His alone time with you consists of him lowering you into the steaming bath and massaging you well, scrubbing your hair and body until you’re squeaky clean and practically shining, before toweling you off and dressing you in the clothes he’d set aside. 
Your skin care is done and your hair is fixed flawlessly, nails cut, filed, and painted; everything is all done up by the man himself and he tops it all off with excited kisses and pictures now that you’re [mostly] awake. 
6 am 
After you’re ready for the day, Lucifer takes over and hides you away in his study, selfishly holding you on his lap as you both drink coffee to get properly started. The drink is as bitter as ever, lips glossy with the remnants of it as you both chat quietly. 
He’s your soft start to the day, the calm before the lovable chaos, and the first born makes sure to whisper sweet words alongside the comforting crackle of the fireplace. His hour of alone time is lazy and physical, because he can’t go more than a few seconds without running his gloved hands over you. 
If anything, he’s unwilling to let you go, but Lucifer knows it would throw a wrench into the day’s layout and cause more fuss than necessary— plus, he has some things to do before tonight, so he’ll let you go with a slow kiss.
7 am
You’re handed over into Beelzebub’s capable hands, ensured to be served with a filling breakfast. He’s more than excited to show you what he, personally, cooked for you (even if there are just a few bites out of some of it). His cheeks are stuffed and a cute little smile is spread across his cheeks as he points to all the things on your plate. 
When  your plate is spotless, and your tummy is full but not too full, Beel guides you on a small little walk around the house corridors to make sure you digest properly. He’s still eating, of course, but his pleased hums are filling the air comfortably, making for a nice atmosphere. 
Your little walk ends at the entrance hall, where he bids you goodbye with a cozy little hug, and a promise that you’ll love every second of your special day.
8 am
With a hand at the small of your back, Satan leads you out of the house and straight to a bookstore, wanting to keep a slow start to the long day. With it having just opened, only the two of you and a few others are inside, giving plenty of room to stroll and browse (and goof around). 
He points out things you’ve had your eye on, new editions that weren’t there the previous visit, or special copies that were for limited time. The fourth born wants at least two books in your hand and a little collectible maybe- or a bookmark. Can’t have too many.
Once he’s spoiled you a little, and after you’ve both pet the local cats outside, he’s reluctantly handing you over with a lingering kiss to your hand, and a promise to read one of your books together soon.
9 am
Levi took his place, fingers lacing with yours, as he raved about a nearby anime store, gushing over the items he saw online that reminded him of you. By the time you get there, you know every section that’s going to be inside, yet it’s still exciting as you get pulled in. 
You both get lost in the cool merch, having to wave your hands over the stands or jump in place to find each other occasionally, but end up staying side by side for the most part, whisper-shouting with big smiles. 
Leaving the store, there is a pretty good sized bag on your and his arm, but he couldn’t be more thrilled about the lightness of his wallet since he got to spend money on you. He takes your bag, and your previous bag, in a promise to tuck them safely in your room, before giving you a location.
10 am 
Waiting for you outside of a small little amusement park is Diavolo, who is positively beaming in anticipation. He’s already got two colorful wristbands in hand, which he latches around your wrist, and lets you do the same to him, before heading inside. 
There are rides of all kinds and he lets you choose each one of them, pointing out ones he thinks you’ll like as you pass. You play a few booth games, getting a pretty flame salamander plushie as a prize, or totally failing and having a good laugh. 
His only request is the photo booth, which you both do two different times, to get a silly border and a normal border. He pouts a little as he walks you out, assuring you’d see him later, before leading you a few blocks back into the townsquare. 
11 am
For lunch, Simeon takes you off the paths and to a somewhat secluded gazebo, where a sweet little picnic was spread out; celestial realm dishes were rationed onto baby blue plates, two shiny cups on either side, with polished silverware. 
The breeze is just right as the two of you eat, chatting and sitting closer than usual. Butterflies go by, and your eyes follow, as you both take turns pointing out different kinds you see and what flowers they seem to like better. 
You take your time neatly packing everything up, fingers brushing and shoulders bumping, before he parts with a, dare you say it, angelic kiss to your forehead.
12 pm
Luke, naturally, is in charge of dessert, promising a light, yet satisfying, treat as he leads you down the sidewalk and into a cute looking bakery. He wants you to save room for the many things that were cooked and baked for your party, so he gets a little pile of oreo balls and other small things like that. 
He holds nothing back as he tells you how happy he is to be spending your birthday with you, how he’s so very glad he met you, and anything else along those lines. He has to get them all out now, just in case he doesn’t get the chance to later! 
The sweet angel is nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he leads you to your next location, waving excitedly as he promises to help make your party one of a kind.
1 pm
You’re actually given to Raphael next, who’s standing outside of a library with that barely perceptible smile on his face. He explains that he wanted somewhere quiet and cozy to wind down with you, suggesting that you shouldn’t do too much before the big celebration. 
The very back corner of the library becomes yours for now, complete with a pretty view of swaying trees. The archangel almost shyly asks if you’d sit closer, loosely holding your hand as he begins reading to you. 
He stalls a bit at the end, toying with your fingers, before telling you that he’ll see you later…but he’d like to do this again, sometime, okay?
2 pm
Hocus Pocus becomes your next destination, Solomon wasting no time in wrapping an arm around you as you browse the store. It’s slow and unhurried and drawn out as he talks about certain items, explaining a few origins, and listens to how your day’s been so far. 
He dabbles a bit in glittery, washable, body paint, joyously painting random shapes onto your skin (even rolling his sleeves up so you could return the  favor). The sorcerer makes it a point to paint his name along your wrist, taking a picture of it, before helping you wash it all off. 
With a quick spell, he takes away any aching your feet might have, or any sort of headache, teasingly kissing at your jaw, before wagging his fingers as he teleports you somewhere new. 
3 pm
A familiar shade of gold greets you as you're sent sprawling out onto the Castle’s floors. Barbatos chuckles and chides Solomon’s delivery as he helps you up, dusting you off gently. He makes sure you’re alright, boldly carrying you anyway, regardless of your answer.
A soothing, palate cleansing, tea spread is set out on the table as he settles you into the chair, pouring it as delicately as ever, before joining you. Instead of adjacent, he sits beside you, eagerly listening to anything you have to say. 
He may or may not cheat time, prolonging his alone time with you just a little, unwilling to let you go now that you both finally have a minute together. He does have much to get done still, however, and with a [deep] kiss, he politely escorts you through one of his portals. 
4 pm
In the heart of the forest, amongst a wave of flowers, lies Belphie. He’s not asleep, but it’s clear he’s just woken up, as he gestures for you to come lay down, offering a peaceful break. 
Instead of star gazing like usual, he settles for cloud gazing, lazily pointing up and whispering descriptions here and there. It’s serene and quiet and, in his opinion, the perfect way to kill time. 
While he doesn’t want to get up, he does at least hug you and nuzzle close in a send off, watching you go, before flopping back down.
5 pm
Mephisto is more than ready, and honored, to be the one escorting you to your big birthday bash. He takes you on the long path through the forest, deciding that if the others got time alone, surely he could have his own slot, too. 
He keeps close, talking about daily matters, continuing to take small detours as you both make your way through the Devildom. His eyes don’t leave your face much at all as he basks in the moment. 
With a grand, flourishing gesture, he officially announces your arrival, and presents you to your birthday party!
6 pm
Confetti, balloons, changing led lights, and glitter are everywhere. There’s a long table with many presents littering the surface, and another one next to it with small party snacks and desserts. Music plays faint in the background, not really needed over the fun and chaos that comes from the party games picked out, or from the karaoke. 
When the time comes, a cake as astonishing as the previous ones is brought out and magically lit up prettily. Voices harmonize as they all sing you happy birthday , none being able to fight the smile on their faces, but…you couldn’t either. 
And as you circled around the cake, blowing out each of your candles, you wished for what you did every year since coming here: to always be able to stay with your boys. 
With cake and presents over, it delves into more chaos as they all argue over a) who you’re going home with tonight (and that it would be no fair if Mephisto took you, since he’d have you alone), and b) if you went home with a group, who’s room you would be staying in (Solomon taunted Mammon so much, you swore he’d blow a gasket). 
Oh, yeah. You loved them to death.
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thatsodapopgirl · 1 month ago
Lucifer Steals Vox’s Man
What if Alastor decided to give Vox a chance and the two started to go out. More like, “Fuck it I got nothing else going” attitude when he agreed.
They’ve been dating for years, and throughout those years Vox became to overbearing and clingy. Then came the accusations of cheating. Apparently the TV head assumed since Alastor didn’t want to go to third base (it was rare that Alastor even allowed second base) that he was cheating on him. However on a particular day, Alastor could smell Valentino’s scent on Vox but Alastor wasn’t angry about the betrayal, more hypocrisy of Vox to accuse him of being unfaithful.
And when Alastor saw Charlie on the news, he saw as a new venture. Also he wanted some space to think about his and Vox’s relationship.
Then Lucifer comes in to the picture! At first the two dislike each other but over time the two slowly acknowledged each other. Then they become drinking buddies and get closer. The two would know more each other than anyone else. Soon Alastor was all Lucifer can think about; like how he liked his coffee bitter, passion about radio, love for his mother and having the privilege of seeing Alastor’s genuine smile. To Lucifer’s horror, he had fallen in love with Alastor.
There was one problem, Alastor had a boyfriend. From what Alastor had said that it was complicated and the only reason he agreed was because he wanted to know what was so great about relationships. Lucifer could tell Alastor was leaving some details out, but just assumed the couple was going through a rough patch. It hurt, but Lucifer didn’t want to break a relationship. He decided it was best to be friends, until he met the TV Overlord.
It seemed normal on the surface, but Lucifer could smell bullshit. Whenever the TV overlord thought they were alone, he would start with the accusations of infidelity or that Alastor should stop wasting time with hotel and come back. Vox was entitled and seemed comfortable in disregarding Alastor’s boundaries. Yeah, no, Lucifer needed to do something.
He didn’t plan to have Alastor for himself, he was fine with being friends. But he wasn’t going to have his friend be in a shitty relationship. However, Alastor surprised him by admitting he shared the same feelings towards Lucifer.
And in a bar somewhere, Vox was at his 20th drink. Next to him was the First Man himself
Adam: He stole your bitch too huh
(Wrote this while still in bed)
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star-centric · 11 months ago
A random thought that came to me but I just loveeee Lucifer being so soft/clingy and trying to deny it.
Lucifer being the type to tell his brothers to leave you alone and give you your space after you return to the human realm, but still finds himself absentmindedly clicking on your text thread, thumb hovering over the send button with words already typed out. He scoffs and finally gets some sense into him, he doesn’t need to bother you (but instead he scrolls through the past messages, and can’t bring himself to delete those or the message he was about to send).
The house is quiet without you around, and even though his brothers complain about your absence still, he tells them to just deal with it. This couldn’t be your home forever, he knew that- but he still finds himself stopping in front of your door as he makes his nightly rounds. The silence gets to Lucifer too, and his fingers linger on the door knob for far too long. Your room is still the same as you left it, and it takes Lucifer a few moments of sitting on your bed to realize that he even stepped foot into the room. It takes him even longer to leave, wanting to keep taking in your scent as if you were still here. (He didn’t want to break out of the illusion just yet).
Lucifer gets lost in his thoughts more ever since you left, the memories of you consuming his mind by the day. He knew the moment was inevitable- that you would had had to return back to your home eventually. But by Diavolo, he didn’t think it would affect him this immensely.
His pride won’t let him admit out loud, but he misses you so much. He craves your touch, your presence, your lips, everything- he finds it hard to unwind from the day without knowing your current state. Even his aged bottle of Demonus does nothing to relax his nerves since you’re not here.
When Lord Diavolo needs to head to the human realm for a small errand, Lucifer wastes no time in offering to go in his place. He argues that Diavolo has more important tasks that take precedent than this, and his dear friend laughs it off, no doubt picking up on why he really wants to go. He would tease him more, but why waste anymore of his time? Diavolo wishes him safe travels, and Lucifer proceeds to ignore his and Barbatos knowing smirks.
It doesn’t take long for Lucifer to reach his destination and take care of the errand. He’s trying to convince himself that he’s just taking a small break before returning back to his work in the Devildom, taking in the fresh air and sun at a small cafe. The black coffee he’s sipping on is nowhere near the bitterness he’s used to from the hell coffee that you make him, but it would make due.
He’s almost done when he hears his name called, and turns around to see you, frozen and mouth agape. He doesn’t complain when you come barreling towards him, shock wearing off as you grin ear to ear practically jumping onto him-
He doesn’t complain, instead taking you in and holding you tight, not even hiding his smile.
It’s no secret that Lucifer, along with everyone else, wants you back home. He knows that eventually he’ll get back to work, but is it so wrong to make sure that you’re safe with his own eyes?
He keeps trying to convince himself of that being the only reason why he’s sharing this moment with you, but after you pepper him with kisses, even he can’t believe his own lies.
Lucifer really does miss you.
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black00olive · 7 months ago
Diavolo, Come Back To Sleep
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A/N: How I feel after referencing Hamilton in the title: 🤓 Anyway, I've been cranking out fics like no tomorrow recently what's up with me o.o
Pairing: Diavolo x reader, a sprinkle of everyone else x reader too but it could be read as onesided or just platonic
Wordcount: ~1,200
Summary: Diavolo wakes up early, it’s required of him as future king, but it’s hard to do so when you’re here with him.
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Sometimes— no, that’s not right, he shouldn’t try to lie to himself— Often Diavolo finds himself regretting his decision to have you live under the same roof as the brothers. He’s never enjoyed having these thoughts, seeing as his decision is what has led to so much progress towards his goal of bringing harmony between the three realms. The situation he currently finds himself in would never have been possible if it weren’t for you living in the House of Lamentation and subsequently having pacts with the brothers. Yet, despite these facts Diavolo finds himself grown used to the jealousy that had bloomed in his heart long ago.
The brothers probably see this sight very often, he’s heard from Lucifer how often his brothers tend to find their way to your room in the middle of the night (Lucifer is careful about how he phrases it, as if Diavolo’s internal lie detector would go off if he actually claimed he wasn’t like his brothers). How lucky, Diavolo thinks, bitter jealousy coursing his veins as he brushes away a stray strand of hair from your face. The light touch makes your nose scrunch up and your eyebrows furrow as you slowly shake your head as if to try and shake off whatever it was that touched you. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet, groggy chuckle and he feels his jealousy wash away as if it had been nothing but a bad dream. Even when not awake your antics seem to always calm him. The brothers might have had you like this before, but this morning you’re his and his alone.
As he stares at your peaceful, sleeping face he finds himself wondering what you're dreaming about— if you’re dreaming about anything at all. In any case, Diavolo can’t help himself from speculating on what it could even be that you would dream about. Maybe you’re dreaming about going on some great adventure in the jungle or desert or sea. Perhaps you’re dreaming of something more fantastical like being a superhero and saving the world— Ah, however, you did once say that your likes tended to lean more towards the villains most of the time, so perhaps you’re dreaming of something more sinister— more demon-like? Diavolo finds himself smiling at the thought, wouldn’t that be something? Either way, he thinks as he feels the slow, steady rise and fall of your chest against his body and your breath fanning ever so gently on his shoulder, whatever it is your dreaming of he wishes to make it come true. There is very little he wouldn’t do to see your beautiful and bright smile grace your face. When he had first realised that he had been a little terrified over the sheer power you held over him, but now he can’t help but feel some pride over it. Of course you— and only you— are the one that holds such power, it makes sense. In his hearts, it seems right.
Barbatos quietly enters his chambers and it forces Diavolo out of his thoughts. How unfortunate, he thinks as Barbatos pulls open the blinds in his room (though it doesn’t have much impact considering the perpetual night the Devildom is stuck in) and reminds him that it is time he starts to prepare himself for the day. He lets out a half-hearted protest but he knows that he truly doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter. This is just one part of his never-ending responsibilities as crown prince and future king. Barbatos gives him a sympathetic smile as his eyes quickly flick to your sleeping form, understanding evident in his eyes. It’s a curse that you are so charming that you have even his butler wrapped around your finger.
Closing the door as he leaves, Barbatos is showing that he trusts Diavolo to be able to get up himself even with you in his arms. Usually, if he refused to get up when Barbatos told him to, Barbatos would simply force him up. However, in this case that would rouse you and right now you look so sound, neither of them have the hearts to do that.
Diavolo sighs as he gently lets his hold of you go. He stops all movements when your face scrunches up and you start to mumble something incoherent. Once you stop, Diavolo continues to slowly get out of bed; he really needs to get up now and he really wants you to continue sleeping, and it’s proving quite difficult to achieve both things simultaneously. Eventually Diavolo finally manages to get out of bed (though it had taken about 10 minutes longer than average) and he starts to get ready. He grabs the shirt Barbatos had laid out for him and starts to get dressed. It’s moments like these seeds of resentment start to bury themselves in his heart, right now he’d like nothing more than to lie back down with you until you decide it’s time to get up. However, duty calls and his duties are the most important of all.
“Dia?” You mumble as you rub your eyes and Diavolo instantly turns to you. He feels his hearts melt at the sight that greets him, you clearly still halfway asleep and slowly blinking at him with bleary eyes. “It’s so early, why are you getting up?”
Chuckling he walks back over to the bed and sits on the edge of his bed. “I have to get ready for the day,” he presses a chaste kiss on your forehead, “you should sleep some more.” He had only managed to get halfway dressed before you had woken up, so he stands up and goes to finish getting dressed. Feeling a small tug on the back of his shirt he stops and turns back to you, a mistake he quickly realises as he stares at you. A small frown, bordering on a pout, finds itself on your face and Diavolo doubts if you’re fully conscious currently.
“C’mon, you can stay with me a little longer can’t you?” You ask and Diavolo finds it getting increasingly difficult to deny you. He shakes his head and gently removes your hand from his undershirt before he walks over to where Barbatos had left his clothes. Quiet rustling of duvets and comforters and light steps over his floor is all he hears before you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. “Diavolo, come back to sleep,” you start and he wonders if you purposefully know what you’re doing, “c'mon,” you plead and he lets go of the clothes he’s holding in his hands. You’re too powerful for your own good, Diavolo thinks as he turns to face you. He sighs before giving you a small smile. “Alright,” he whispers as if Barbatos will hear him if he says it too loudly. He’ll deal with Barbatos’ lectures later.
Right now, he just needs to sleep with you a little longer.
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rainforestakiie · 1 month ago
mph funny and cute idea!
one day, lucifer suddenly finds that he can hear adam's thoughts, even though adam is in heaven. at first, lucifer is disgusted and annoyed, expecting adam's thoughts to be repulsive. but to his surprise, every thought that crosses adam's mind is innocent, sweet, and random. adam is like a cinnamon bun in hiding, and lucifer ends up genuinely enjoying hearing them. he finds himself smiling in amusement whenever adam's thoughts pop into his mind. most of the time, when he's in a particularly bad mood, just one of adam's innocent thoughts is enough to cheer him up.
One day, deep in the fiery heart of Hell, Lucifer was pacing restlessly, his wings twitching with irritation. He had been having a particularly trying time with his underlings, and the pit’s infernal noise wasn’t helping his sour mood. He loathed the never-ending cacophony. The silence he yearned for felt like a distant memory.
But then, something strange happened.
A thought whispered through his mind—a soft, almost innocent ripple that didn’t belong to him. It wasn’t like the usual voices in his head; it was different—quiet, unfamiliar, and far too... pure.
"I wonder if the clouds today are like cotton candy... I haven't seen one in ages."
Lucifer froze, his wings stilled mid-flap. That wasn’t his thought. He scowled. Who is this? His mind twisted in irritation. Heaven. The thought was so mundane, so detached from the endless suffering he was surrounded by. His first instinct was to crush it, to banish whatever foolishness had dared invade his domain. But then the thought continued, unbothered.
"I hope the flowers in the garden bloom well this season. I think they'd look nice by the river."
Lucifer’s brow furrowed. It was—sweet. Far too sweet. His lip curled in disgust. Heaven’s purity was repulsive enough, but this? This was beyond irritating. He had no use for innocence.
But no matter how much he tried to focus on his anger or hatred, the thoughts came back.
"I think I'd like a nap later. I’m so tired, but maybe I’ll read first."
Lucifer’s irritation deepened. Was this some kind of celestial trick? Was someone mocking him?
But then, something unexpected happened.
"Maybe I’ll find a new place to explore. There's so much in Heaven I haven't seen yet."
For reasons he didn’t understand, a strange warmth spread through him. He gritted his teeth. This can’t be real.
But it was. The thoughts kept coming, like the soft flutter of wings on a breeze. Sweet, random musings that seemed as harmless as they were odd. And in some twisted way, Lucifer found himself... enjoying them.
"I should probably tidy up my room today. A little organization goes a long way."
A small laugh bubbled up in his chest before he could suppress it. What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the bitter, fiery vengeance he was used to. But as the day passed, more of Adam's thoughts drifted through his mind. Simple things. Little joys. It was like hearing a melody from a far-off place—soft, unpretentious, and oddly soothing.
"Do you think the birds in Heaven like singing? I hope they do."
Lucifer smiled before he even realized it. He couldn’t help himself. The thoughts made his heart ache, not with sorrow but with something strange, something he hadn’t felt in eons. It was peace.
By the time the day had ended, Lucifer was in a better mood than he’d been in for ages. Despite himself, he found himself looking forward to the next random thought that would float into his consciousness.
"Maybe I’ll find a nice quiet spot to think today. Just for a while."
He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Adam…you’re so weird," he muttered under his breath, remembering the way Adam’s thoughts felt like a hidden sweetness in a world of bitterness. Lucifer wasn’t sure what was happening, but he didn’t mind.
For once, he didn’t feel quite so alone.
The next day, Lucifer found himself wandering the desolate depths of Hell with an odd anticipation, as if something was waiting for him. And it was.
"I wonder why rabbits have such long ears. Maybe they can hear better than we can."
Lucifer stopped mid-step, eyes narrowing. That voice—so soft, so curious—was back. Adam’s thought was simple, yet it carried with it a kind of innocence that made Lucifer’s scowl falter. Why would he even think of that?
"And why are turtles so slow? Maybe they're just wise and take their time with everything."
Lucifer blinked, momentarily distracted. The thought was bizarre in its simplicity, yet oddly comforting. The ridiculousness of it almost made him want to laugh. Of course, Adam would wonder about turtles, of all things.
He shook his head. No, he was not going to get soft. This was beneath him. But then, as if the universe was conspiring against his resolve, another thought drifted in, unbidden.
"Do whales have their own language? I bet they do. They probably have conversations we can’t even imagine."
Lucifer felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips before he could stop it. Language? The sheer wonder in Adam’s voice was so pure, it made Lucifer’s chest tighten in a way he couldn’t explain. Whales. Conversations. It was like hearing a child ask about the stars, and Lucifer... liked it. Far too much.
"I wonder if the stars in the sky are actually like little eyes, watching us."
Lucifer paused, a slow chuckle escaping him. Stars are watching us? It was such an innocent, bizarre thought that it almost felt like Adam was reaching through Heaven to try and touch Lucifer’s soul. It was an odd, comforting sensation, like the warmth of sunlight on a cold day.
The thoughts were never anything grand or profound. They weren’t about power or war, not about the universe's deep secrets. They were simple, fleeting musings on the world around him. Yet, Lucifer found himself listening to them more eagerly, and his heart was lighter than it had been in centuries.
"Why do cats always seem to sit in the sun? Is it because it feels nice? I bet it does."
Lucifer's brow furrowed, an unexpected chuckle escaping him. Yes, Adam. It feels nice.
What was this? Was he—enjoying this? The simplicity of it? The purity? The odd randomness of it all?
"I wonder what it would be like to fly freely. Just spread my wings and feel the wind."
Lucifer blinked. This time, the thought lingered longer in his mind. Flying. For a brief moment, he remembered the feeling, the freedom of wings soaring through endless skies, the wind rushing past him. A feeling he hadn’t allowed himself to recall in centuries. The thought of Adam wanting something so simple, so human, stirred something in him
"Do birds ever get tired of flying? Or do they just like it forever?"
Lucifer shook his head, feeling something like a lightness he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. What was Adam doing to him? His thoughts were like soft tendrils, wrapping around the edges of his dark heart and softening it. He wanted to hear more. And more. He found himself longing for Adam’s next stray thought, even as he loathed how it made him feel.
"I think it would be nice to find a big, fluffy cloud and just lie on it."
Lucifer closed his eyes, the image of Adam lying on a cloud—peaceful, content, drifting without a care—filling his mind. How absurd. How sweet. He let the thought linger, letting it fill him in a way he couldn’t describe. For just a moment, he was almost at peace.
Then, as if he’d been shaken from a dream, he snapped back to reality, glaring at the fiery landscape of Hell surrounding him.
"Do fish ever get lonely, I wonder? Or are they always happy swimming around with their friends?"
Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t sure why, but the thought made something inside him stir—an unexpected, almost painful ache. Lonely, Adam had thought. Lonely.
Lucifer didn’t want to admit it, but he felt that word more deeply than he ever thought he would.
"I hope all the animals in Heaven are happy. I think they are."
With that final thought, a quiet peace settled over Lucifer. It wasn’t something he could fight. It was as though Adam’s innocent curiosity had become a balm to his weary soul, soothing the wounds he’d carried for eons. A cinnamon bun, Lucifer thought absently, his lips twitching upward again at the absurdity of it all.
The grand hall of Heaven was filled with the usual celestial chatter. The soft glow of ethereal light shimmered off the marble pillars, and the air was thick with the sound of archangels and lesser beings debating matters of judgment, order, and the fate of the souls. But Lucifer was no longer paying attention to the flow of the conversation. His gaze was fixed not on the grand assembly but on Adam, who sat at the far end of the room, his brow furrowed in concentration, his lips slightly parted as he listened to someone—likely Sera—speak.
Lucifer hadn’t expected to feel so drawn to Adam’s presence. After all, Adam had always been the naive, loud-mouthed child of Heaven, clumsy in his optimism and reckless in his attempts to bring peace. The angels often mocked him for it, his innocence treated as weakness, but now… now Lucifer found himself listening intently, not to what Adam said, but to what he was thinking.
Adam’s thoughts, as always, were strangely random. They buzzed through Lucifer’s mind like little bursts of light, soft and unbothered by the chaos of the world around him. It was the little things that Adam wondered about, the trivialities that Lucifer never even considered.
"I wonder what crystals the table is made out of… it looks shiny. Maybe it’s marble, but it’s too shiny for that."
Lucifer blinked, his eyes narrowing in quiet amusement. The thought was so… innocent. He couldn’t help but smile a little. He was supposed to be the prince of darkness, the ruler of Hell, and yet Adam’s curious musings had a way of making him feel lighter, as if all the weight of his kingdom, all the weight of the war, could be forgotten for just a moment.
"Why is Sera’s chair always the biggest? I guess it’s because she’s always so serious. But it doesn’t look very comfortable. I bet she’d rather have one with more cushions.”
Lucifer felt a chuckle escape him before he could stop it. More cushions? Adam's endless questions, simple as they were, were like a breath of fresh air in the oppressive atmosphere of the council hall. It was amusing, almost absurd, how much he cared about things no one else even thought twice about.
He turned his gaze to Sera, who was speaking now, her words as cold and sharp as ever. Adam’s thoughts, however, remained as soft as ever, floating through Lucifer’s mind like little clouds.
"I think Charlie only ever wears red because it’s her favorite color. She should wear more blue though. It’d look nice on her."
Lucifer’s lips quirked into a smile. Blue? Even in Heaven, in this grand meeting of celestial beings, Adam was thinking about clothes. He could almost picture Adam’s wide-eyed wonder as he glanced around, observing everything with the kind of innocent curiosity that was impossible to suppress. He was still, as ever, a cinnamon bun in hiding. How charming, Lucifer thought.
He let the thought drift away, but then, Adam’s next thoughts tugged at something deeper.
"I hope Charlie succeeds. She’s been working so hard. I want her to do well, for the sake of the sinners, and for the baby human souls too. They need someone like her. I hope she knows that."
Lucifer stilled. Charlie? His gaze flicked toward his precious daughter, who was locked in an increasingly heated argument with Sera. The two were debating—loudly, as usual—about the fate of the sinners, but in the midst of their quarrel, Adam’s thoughts cut through the noise with surprising clarity.
"She’ll figure it out," Adam thought, "She always does. She’s strong, and she cares so much. She takes after Lucifer a lot. I like that."
Lucifer blinked. That was… unexpected. Adam’s thoughts were never this focused, this dedicated. The thought of Adam, the same naïve Adam who couldn’t seem to think beyond the next cloud, holding such admiration for Charlie, was a revelation. But hearing him like this, hearing him offer such simple encouragement to Charlie—his genuine desire for her to succeed—it was… unexpectedly moving.
"I hope the sinners get a second chance," Adam thought, his mind filled with a quiet, unshakeable hope. "They deserve a chance to be better. I’d really like to see them have one. I think they can do it."
Lucifer’s heart twisted, and for the briefest of moments, his vision blurred. A second chance? The words hung in his mind like a song he couldn’t escape. The thought of redemption, of forgiveness, it cut through him with a bittersweet sting.
Adam, Lucifer thought. He had always underestimated Adam, seen him only as a naive fool. But these thoughts—this raw, untainted hope for the world—told him more than any words ever could.
He didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. There was something in Adam’s thoughts—something so pure, so unlike the cynicism that had hardened Lucifer's heart—that for the first time in a long while, he felt a strange, undeniable pang. A hope that was not his own.
As the debate between Sera and Charlie grew louder, Adam’s thoughts remained soft but insistent, a quiet undercurrent of love and encouragement. Lucifer stayed silent, sitting in the midst of it all, listening to Adam's musings, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he didn’t feel the urge to crush it, to silence it.
Instead, he let it wash over him, like a cool breeze through the inferno.
Lucifer hoped he would never lose this new connection with Adam.
Adam’s thoughts drifted again, and this time, they were softer, quieter, as if he were trying to keep them to himself. Lucifer leaned in, as always, drawn to the subtle hum of Adam’s mind. He could sense the shift in tone, the wistful yearning that always preceded the more personal, fragile thoughts. The noise of Heaven—the clatter of voices, the squabbles, the endless debates about the fate of souls—was growing louder around them. But it didn’t drown out Adam’s quiet reflection.
"I miss Eden."
The words rang through Lucifer’s mind, simple and poignant. There was no grandiosity in Adam’s voice, no deep philosophical pondering, just a raw, almost childlike longing for something that had been lost.
Lucifer closed his eyes, his chest tight, feeling a familiar ache gnaw at him. Eden. That garden. The days when everything had been… simpler. When it had been just the two of them.
Adam, sitting by the crystal-clear waters, asking endless questions about the animals, his eyes bright with wonder as he wandered through the lush gardens. Lucifer would watch him, always amused by Adam’s childlike curiosity. The world had been full of peace then, before everything changed.
Adam’s thoughts continued, drifting through the silence like soft winds rustling the trees of Eden. His thoughts were scattered but persistent, as if he couldn’t help but return to it over and over again.
"It’s just too noisy here now. Everything’s a mess. I can’t hear myself think. I miss the quiet of Eden."
Lucifer’s jaw tightened, the words striking a chord deep within him. He didn’t realize how much he longed for those days until he heard Adam’s thoughts. How much he missed the stillness, the gentle cadence of life before the war, before everything had been broken.
Everything had been right in Eden. They’d walked through the gardens together, side by side. Lucifer had been his guide, his protector, and in those moments, there had been nothing but peace. No wars. No rebellion. Just the two of them, with the world unfolding in harmony around them.
"It was just so… peaceful," Adam’s thought lingered in Lucifer’s mind. "Why is everything so hard now?"
Lucifer’s heart clenched at that. He knew that feeling all too well. Why was everything so hard? It was a question he’d asked himself a thousand times. Life had never felt like this before. Confusion. Noise. Struggle.
He thought about the long conversations they used to have—those quiet, deep talks beneath the shade of Eden’s trees. About everything and nothing at all. They had been so close back then. So… uncomplicated. But now?
Now, Lucifer could barely remember the last time he had shared a moment like that with Adam. It was hard to remember what peace even felt like, let alone trust it again.
Without realizing it, Lucifer muttered aloud, the words escaping his lips before he could stop them.
“I miss Eden too.”
For a moment, the words hung in the air, and it took Lucifer several seconds to process what he had just said. His eyes widened in sudden realization, as if a barrier had cracked open in his chest, letting something long buried spill out into the open. His heart skipped a beat. He had spoken without meaning to. He had shared something he hadn’t allowed himself to feel for so long.
Adam stared at him.
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shapard · 4 months ago
Sweet Delusion🌙
Lucifer x fem!reader
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Tw: Sexual Themes, self hatred, insecurities, self sabotage.
Your first meeting with The Lucifer Mornigstar was very, rough.
We can't be friends
Chapter 1 > Chapter 2
Story starts underneath the cut.
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You hated it here with all your might. Working for Valentino was making you sicker everyday.
The way his drug Saliva was intoxicating the air around you, making you feel dizzy and tipsy. The way the lingerie hung uncomfortable on your skin, the sweat that pearled off your body made you even sicker than before. 
The microphone in your one hand was the only thing that made you grab onto the reality. Your child you would be so disappointed that you are standing here, on this stage in front of a Sinner, like yourself. 
A Sinner like everyone in this pit.
The bitter taste of alcohol on your tongue was still sweeter than the glares you were getting from your own team.
It isn't the first time you felt this way. In hell, getting backstabbed is one of the least problems. You can't trust anyone.
The first days you arrived here, you were lying to yourself. Making a fool out of you, every time.
Jealousy, death and pain was normal here. Everyone drowned their problem down with drugs, killing and sex.
You were no exception.
Valentino was, as always, sitting on his throne like chair, observing your every move. “Dear Kitty, come to papi.” 
The way Valentino called for you was making you want to vomit. The lust in his voice was unbearable.
Your heels were hitting the ground as you walked over to Valentino. “What is it, papi?“ How much you hated that pet name. 
As much as you don't want to call him this way, he doesn’t accept another from you. His little kitten, his possession. 
No one should touch his possession. Or else you'd feel his anger with no mercy.
“The performance was great as always! I couldn’t look away at those hips. But one thing was missing.“ He tapped on his lap, gesturing you to sit on it. With hesitant you sat down onto his lap. “What papi?“ Valentinos lower hands were now on your hips as the other was caressing your cheek and the other was holding his pipe. 
“You know I love the way you say it, don’t ya?” Valentinos chuckle was burning down your ears, poison would’ve burn less. 
His caressing hand was now holding your lip, “You know, I’ve been planning to let you meet one of my favorites. After you, of course.” You squinted your eyes at him, “I don’t understand?” His pipe made its way towards you as you breathed in his toxin. “Angel.”
The sudden change of voice was giving you the shills. 
Another sinner made his way towards you. It was indeed the famous porn star, Angel Dust.
“Meet Kitty, the Star in our business.” The said sinner held his head down, almost in submission. “I’m Kitty and you are?” You introduced yourself and shook his hand. He introduced himself to you with full blown energy. 
Something you didn't expect.
You jumped down from Valentinos Lap as you blew him a kiss, “Don’t miss me too much Papi.” He chuckled as he dismissed you.
“You sure like him.” Angel pointed towards Valentino. You chuckled in Irony, “I actually hate him.” You confessed to him. You two continued to leave the club. 
“Wha-? Where are we going?” Angel said scared, his hand latched onto you making you stop in your tracks. “We are going to my room. No Val allowed!” You chuckled as you pulled him towards your room. 
He stopped. 
Confused you look towards him, “Actual I have to go to a Hotel.” He said anxious. “Well I could join you?” His face turned fast to fright, “No, NO. It’s okay, the people are very weird, you wo-“ you pinched his skin and he hissed in pain. “I don’t care, bring me to the Hotel.”
You'd rather join him in the Hotel, than rot in this place alone. You were so alone these days.
Your mouth was gaped as you entered the freshly Hotel, everything was so colorful and yet dark and delicate. 
“Wow!” Was the only thing you even thought when you looked around.
You made your way towards the window and your finger grazed the clean wood of the Hotel. A squiek brought you out of the trance as your eyes shifted towards a blond woman, she looked very humane for a sinner. 
“OH MY GAWD! WE HAVE A NEW GUEST, EVERYONE!” The sudden shouting made your ear twitch in annoyance. “Wait Charlie! She’s just visiting!” Angel got in between, he shielded me from her hugging attempts.
A static sound and a shadow lurked to your left, “Well, Hello my dear! If it isn’t the famous singer, Kitty!” His huge smile was very uncomfortable for you.
“What’s the smile for?” You pointed towards the unknown guy as he disappeared and appeared behind you grabbing your shoulders, “A smile is very useful, you should try it.” His sharp nails trailed your lips like you were the Joker.
He laughed when you moved away from his hard grasp. 
“The hell” you mutter. You turned around and looked over to the stairs as you saw another guy with familiar featured with the girl named Charlie. 
“What’s going on?” He asked and you couldn’t relate more to a question than right now.
“Angel brought a Guest, A famous one even.” You waved towards them, “OH, I’M SO SORRY! LET ME INTRODUCE EVERYONE TO YOU!” You hissed at her loudness, damn your ears are sensitive. She quickly apologized and talked a little more normal. 
"My name is Charlie, I'm the owner of this wonderful resident." You two shook your hands and smiled at each other.
“This is Husk, our Bartender.” The said guy waved at you and you politely repeat the gesture. 
“And this is Alastor, my helping hand.” So Alastor is the name of the wierdo. 
“This is my girlfriend, Vaggie.” You waved at her and she waved back. 
“This is Nifty, our cleaning girl.” You looked to the small girl in front of you. “Can I clean your underwear?” You chuckled at the weird question as Charlie Apologized for her behaivor. 
She pointed towards the guy that looked almost exactly like her, “That’s my Father, Lucifer Morningstar.” If you were alone right now, you’d probably be screaming.
The Devil was right in front of you! The pure Evil! “Hello, nice to meet you. And what’s your name?” You bowed quickly as you started to introduce yourself. 
For the devil he was quite nice.
“My Celebrity name is Kitty. My actual name is Y/n. Nice to meet you all.”
You already know that the next few days are going to be exhausting. Pretending to be someone you're not. Pretending that you love being you. That you are confident.
Some time passed and with the days you visited the Hotel, the more you realized that one person did not like you at all. 
With your luck it was The Lucifer Morningstar. 
Oh, and you were so wrong. He wasn't nice at all. He's the complete opposite, since the first meeting.
From making rude comments to spilling extra coffee onto your clothes, worst part is, you hate coffee. 
Always Ignoring you, sharing false Information about you. You don't know what you did to him, to deserve that embarrassment.
You really don’t know why he hates you that much. Is it self hatred or is it because he doesn’t like sinners at all?
And if so, why doesn’t he do those things to the other guest?
“Angel, He hates me.” Your voice muffled as your head rested in your hands. Angels hand caressed your back. “I don’t think he hates you. Maybe it’s just a coincidence?” You gave Angel the ‘Are you serious‘ face. 
“Okayyy maybe he does hate ya, but who cares?” you groaned as you sat back, “He’s Lucifer. The king of hell! Of course I care!” The sudden outburst made Angel wince a bit, he gave you your Mojito glass. “I think you need this.” 
You muttered a small thanks as you took a huge gulp out of the glass.  “I hate when life is so complicated. And in a few hours I have to perform at Valentinos club. I don’t want to see his purple fuck face.” Angel laughed, “Who would like to see him though?” I shrug my shoulders as I stood up.
“Was nice spending some time you with you Angel, sadly I have to go.” You gave him a huge hug.
When you made your way towards the exit, you saw the one and only Lucifer Morningstar, leaning onto the door. You sigh, why you?
“Excuse me sir, I have to pass.” You said polite, not wanting to get into trouble. His red scarlet eyes beamed to you as he finally looked you into the eyes, he rolled his eyes. 
He didn’t budge, “I wanted to ask you something.” He sigh deeply, his finger tapped onto his cane, “Charlie would like to have you in the Hazbin Hotel.” His annoyance was very obvious, “I don’t know why she wants someone useless like you, but, I can’t change her mind. So, would you like to join?” 
You blinked up to him, irritated by his strained voice. “Huh?” You were confused, why did Lucifer asked you and not Charlie? 
“Are you deaf?” His eyes squinted. “I’m just confused. Charlie could’ve asked herself, you know?” His eyebrow raised as he huffed in annoyance.
“That’s none of your business, Kitty.” He sassed back to you, still he made space for you, to leave. “Think about it.”
Moving into the Hotel? Is that even a good Idea? 
It would be nice to not always be in your working environment. There was just one Issue. Valentino wouldn’t allow that. In no universe would Valentino ever let go of his precious Kitten. Not in a billion years. You were after all his main Income. With a sigh you stepped into the V’s huge empire. 
“Kitty!” The hot pink smoke made it clear who it was. “Where have you been going lately?! You’re missing your studio sessions.” You took a deep breath in, it’s been a while since Valentino had used this voice drop on you. 
“I’m sorry papi, I was just looking for new clients.” Valentino beamed in surprise. Your puppy eyes were showing some effect. “Such a good kitty cat you are. That’s why you’re the best!” His sudden mood swing doesn’t surprise you at all. 
That's just Valentino.
He never seems disappointed when you bring some new clients. Even though this time you were lying.
You sat down in the car that was waiting for you both. 
The door closed and soon you drove through the pride ring, into one of Valentino’s club. In the changing room the mood was very anxious. Everyone was tiptoeing around Valentino. Valentino also seemed to be very pissed. So, you avoided talking to him. 
“Kitty, you’re next.” 
With a sigh you stood up. The pearls on your lingerie outfit were very cold, making your nipple harden. “Let’s get over with this.” Your heels stabbed the ground in an elegant, yet scary way. 
The music started to play announcing your arrival on stage. You took the microphone as you sang soft yet hard notes into it.
“There are no more tears to cry
I heard you beggin' for life
Runnin' out of medicine
You're worse than you've ever been”
You moved outside of the curtain which were hiding you. 
You looked around the room and you saw no one else than Charlie, Husk, Vaggie and Angel. Your brows knitted, what are they doing here?
When your show was over, a lot of applause echoed through the shallow walls. With in seconds you were in front of Charlie and the others. 
“What are you doing here?!” Angel sighed, “Told y’all she’s not going to be happy about it. But no one listens to me.” Charlie jumped up and bowed really quick, you chuckle at her cute antics. “I’m so so soooo sorry! I thought if we come watch you, we’d come more along. You know, support you and all.” she's so cute you thought, “You could’ve at least told me, you know?” Your cheeks felt warm all of the sudden. 
No one really cared about supporting you ever. Charlie really was different.
“Thank you.” You muttered and the others held a thumb up, making you laugh again. 
“Kitty.” The cold voice of Valentino was like a ghost creeping up behind you, if not even worse. A hard hand landed on your shoulder, making you spin around. “We need to talk. In private.” He said while gesturing towards Charlie and the others. 
With a shaking breath you bid the other goodbye. Meanwhile they gave you a Sympathetic look, almost. It was weird for you.
It’s as almost as if they cared. 
Your inner insecurities screamed at you. 
They do not care about you, why would they even? That's what you tell yourself. You're not ready to get hurt, again.
You walked next to the stomping Valentino, but all you could focus about was the reaction from the others. 
Were you friends? 
Are you even that special to have friends? 
You and Angel are in a way, you two share the same fate. Sold half of your soul just for some extra money. 
Pathetic, isn’t it? 
But that is all what you are, all what Y/n ever was. 
But now you were Kitty, a superstar. Someone everyone liked. All you have to do is look good and sexy, be dump. 
Yet what were these faces?
You don’t want to see those faces. It was irking you. Your blood quirk started to make your blood almost burn down your veins, allowing you to step back to reality. 
And all of the sudden, a Slap was all that you felt. You collided the cold ground with a groan. “Kitty, papi is really mad right now.” You didn’t moved an inch, “I thought I taught you better than that. Lucifer’s brat? Really? What is even so special about her?!” 
You winced as Valentino pulled your head towards him, “You were a bad girl. And you know what happens to bad girls.” Your whole body shook as raw flashbacks came back. 
A Man you once called your lover, holding you in the same position. 
You didn't want this to happen. You couldn't control your quirk 100 percent. Valentinos blood vessels started to burst and he coughed blood onto you, “Fucking Bitch!”
He clicked a button on a remote, not even a second later an electric shock flowed through your body making you scream. 
All you could see was your past lover standing in front of you. Not Valentino. Tears streamed down your face as everything went black.
“I’m Sorry.”
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But finally I'm back and giving you another story for our depressed duck.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger @concentratedconcrete @ylovei @cimadreamer @ayanazoldyck @froggybich
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theyapper0 · 11 months ago
(AKA a rewrite of Lucifer, Lilith, and Adam's (and Eve's) backstory with the Garden of Eden and stuff (and a slight change to Charlie as well :)
OKAY SO there’s Heaven, angels and God. 
God makes Humanity (I.E Adam and Lilith (both created from the dust/dirt of Earth)) and allows them to stay in The Garden of Eden so long as they do not eat the fruit barred from the Tree of Knowledge (they will die if they do). 
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Lilith, not wanting to SIN but just wanting answers, questions WHY exactly God would even PUT the tree there if they would die if they eat from it.
God explains that in order for them to TRULY have free will and freedom, they must have to have the CHOICE to choose whether or not they eat from the tree, despite knowing it would kill them
Lilith thinks that’s STUPID, why give us a tree with fruit that is poisonous to us? Surely this God is not as omniscient and all-knowing as we believe he is! For what God would knowingly give his creations something to kill them? How foolish! It surely must have been a mistake on his part that he was sloppily trying to cover up!
Lilith decides she doesn’t want to follow, believe or even TRUST a God that would even CONSIDER putting a tree like that in their paradise! She says as much to Adam, he disagrees with her. God had given us the tree to give us the freedom of choice, had we not have it, we would be nothing but mindless robots.
But Lilith disagrees, she wants to leave and Adam refuses to go with her.
She leaves by herself, fleeing to the Red Sea.
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Lilith stomps off. She looks back. Adam stays standing where he is, eyes looking down, sad
She keeps walking
Adam is depressed from her absence, a human with no one is a lonely one, they are meant to be with company. 
God sympathizes with him and creates Eve from his rib, a new companion for him
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Lucifer is God’s best angel. One of the smartest, most beautiful and trusted angels in all of Heaven. 
But also the most arrogant. 
He felt betrayed once God created humans, they were his children and voiced his beliefs on how they are above not only himself, but the angels as well- which included Lucifer. But the angel could not believe it! For, how could such a lowly thing, a human, be above a holy being such as himself? It wasn’t fair!
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Lucifer rebels against God and is banished to Hell! Bitter and scorned, he transforms into a serpent and preys on Eve, egging her to bite from the cursed fruit that the Tree of Knowledge bears.
Eve realizes her mistake too late and tearfully confesses to Adam, who in turn, bites the apple as well. She is his companion and he her’s, they are humans and they love each other, he will always love her, he will love her IN SPITE of her sin, if they will die, then they shall die together. 
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Successful in his mission, Lucifer returns back to Hell to rejoice with his other fallen brethren! Oh how his plan worked! That will show God how imperfect his humans truly are! They could not listen to him, not as dutifully and devoutly as an angel could! (Though, he does not follow God any longer, he cannot as he is no longer a TRUE angel, something that he so claimed was so far removed from a human, how different is he truly from them then?) 
But what Lucifer does not understand is that God does not love humanity because they trust him, because they follow him. No, he loves them because he gave them the freedom to choose, to live, to decide their own fate and their own lives. He loves them for their freewill, not because they are mindless drones.
God forgives Adam and Eve for he sees the love that humanity can hold for each other, how they are willing to die together, to sin and face death, face God’s wrath than to be alone, to be apart. He sentences them to Earth, alive but no longer able to communicate with God, no longer able to hear God’s word. 
One day, Lucifer stumbles upon the true first woman, Lilith, while slithering the Earth, full of humans and breeding ground for sin to which he found he flourishes on now, and they share their stories. He was curious about her rejection of God, about her doubt of his knowledge and power, not because he felt the same, but more so because he doubted his judgment. 
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(Lilith doubts God’s knowledge. Lucifer doubts God’s judgment)
Nevertheless, they both have been, in their eyes, failed by God. 
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Eventually their mutual comradely blossomed into love, though Lucifer would never say he fell in love with a human, Lilith was much more than that. In his eyes, she wasn’t. But whether the Devil viewed her as human or not, she was, undeniably, mortal and eventually died. 
Lucifer was there to greet her in Hell.
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They ruled together but their reasons for even BEING there were rlly diff. Lucifer was doing this to just stick it to God bc he was just super fucking pissy and hurt that God loved humans more than he loved him (while Lillith though God was a stupid doo-doo head)
So after ruling over Hell for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS, Lilith slowly began to take more control of Hell and Lucifer sorta took a back seat, it was a gradual thing. It wasn't like Lillith was like “GIMME THIS, YOU SUCK” No no no, it wasn’t like that all. IT WAS NATURAL!!!!!
(“Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power.”)
The more demons in Hell sorta put a strain on their relationship [CAUSE STILL UNKNOWN]
Hell was getting more and more demons everyday and Heaven, fearful of their growing numbers, issued a means of population control in Hell- yearly cleansing (exterminations).
Lucifer hates humans (and Sinners in Hell), wants to rule like REALLY harshly. Torture and the whole 9 yards.
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But because Lilith was human before and since she only doesn’t like GOD (not humans) she sorta wants to rule the ppl,,,,,  justly and stuff? Like the whole reason she doesn’t like God is because she didn’t think he was a good Lord of his creations, so she wants to make sure she isn’t being this AlL-kNoWiNg asshole.
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**(Lucifer doesn’t hate God, hates humans
**Lillith doesn’t hate humans, hates God)
The Exterminations is the sorta the straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of Lucifer and Lilith’s relationship tbh. Bc Lucifer doesn’t care at ALL if Heaven kills the demons or whatever bc he hates their asses, he literally pulls out a lawn chair and just watches haha 
Meanwhile it’s literally the most STRESSFUL day of the year for Lillith bc those are her fucking PEOPLE 
(Not that she cares about them or anything, it’s mainly just a huge embarrassment for HER bc God is ordering this and it basically shows that he STILL has more power over her, despite everything)
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Once Lucifer takes a back seat in ruling, the best thing I can compare it to is like when married couples on the verge of divorce don't sleep in the same bed together anymore
This is reflected in how they raise Charlie and her beliefs.
Charlie was created, not born. She was molded and shaped from the brimstone and ores of Hell. 
Lucifer and Lilith literally MADE a kid. Like a whole ass child-sized doll and brought it to life with satanic magic. (It took a couple tries haha)
Charlie grew up in a very belief clashing household (Lucifer wants her/made her kill and torture demons/humans. Lillith wanted her to rule sorta strictly and BETTER than God like how she does)
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Lilith rules in a VERY specific and orderly way (seriously, it's almost NEUROTIC) and made sure to DRILL this into Charlie’s head growing up so she could rule in the same way but this unintentionally caused Charlie to care about the people of Hell as a result (bc she was constantly considering how her ruling/actions would affect the ppl) 
BUT bc of how Lucifer made her think (w being more powerful/stronger than the humans and demons and killing them and stuff all the time), Charlie does unknowingly see the people of Hell as below her and babies them. Doesn’t even realize she thinks that.
Charlie is like the worst parts of both of them LOL
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(I'm not saying she's a bad person, I just think it'd be better if her flaws addd something more to the plot. I think Charlie unknowingly treating others as less than her not only helps reinforce her position as daughter of the Devil BUT ALSO can fit well with the fact that she would rather try to solve other peoples' problems instead of her own- she wants to help people!!!! But!!!! Goes about it in wrong ways and usually fails but keeps trying!!!!!
Charlie wants to reform Sinners so they can avoid the Exterminations because she cares about them (goes abt helping them in the wrong way tho (ex. Instead of talking out their problems and getting to the root of it, she’d just put them in a time-out haha))
Lucifer will HATE this fucking idea. Not only does Charlie wanna HELP HUMANS, she wants them to get to Heaven, THE PLACE HE IS BANISHED FROM
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In the first season (as I've said before), Lucifer isn't gonna be seen at ALL, he'll be mentioned form time to time but other than that, he's not seen. He doesn't want anything to do with the hotel or with what Charlie is doing regarding it, he does love her and she loves him but their relationship is just.............. super strained, more so after Lilith disappeared
(But dw, they'll rekindle their relationship later on :)
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2d-reality · 10 months ago
Little Things (The Prince of Demons)
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characters: Diavolo, GN!MC navigation: Diavolo | Barbatos | Simeon | Solomon | Luke | Thirteen content/warnings: little things you do, out of love. dateables edition! fluff. could be read as platonic but why would u word count: 862 notes: Alas, Dia is the only one I have finished as of now on account of how my work/life balance has been absolutely wacked recently. I'll get around to the rest eventually, I promise! I have bits and pieces here and there but the dateables don't flow as easy as the boys. Mephis will likely not be included bc I'm not even vaguely familiar with his character, and because we are both horse girls and he is my bitter rival on principle. I stared at this piece a lot but did I edit it? no
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Diavolo was a lonely man. He knew a lonely childhood, tucked away in the Demon King’s palace with only the grounds staff as company. He attended lessons alone as he grew up learning what it would take to shoulder his father’s throne once he came of age. When the reigning monarch fell into his dreamless slumber, Diavolo had effectively lost yet another lifeline to anything resembling a normal existence-- a parent. As a young man (or, rather, the demon equivalent of a young man), surrounded by nobility of all kinds vying for his attention, he knew they only saw Diavolo, the Crown Prince. Even the brothers, who were the closest to being considered his friends, played along with his antics out of duty. No doubt Lucifer drilled it into them to be accommodating. 
Sometimes he felt as though he was cursed-- paying for his original sin by bearing his existence, at the end of the day, alone. 
That was, at least, until you came along. You, so small and fierce and human. You, who upon meeting him at the beginning of your tenure as an exchange student, held his gaze squarely and didn’t back down, even when he could practically smell your fear.
You, who for whatever reason, be it ignorance or sheer, unmitigated gall or something else entirely, didn’t for a moment treat him any differently than any other demon you met. Once you were comfortable living among magical beings, it was as if the floodgates opened. Despite horrified reactions from Lucifer and gentle chiding from Barbatos, you told him when his jokes were stupid (even if you still laughed), slapped his arm companionably when greeting him, and called him by a myriad of silly nicknames. 
Your friendship is the most precious thing Diavolo has ever received in his long life. You aren’t one of his subjects, born to defer to him whether you wanted to or not. You aren’t an angel, who gave him a cautious respect for the good of your realms’ relations. You didn’t even know he existed before you came to the Devildom. You chose not to see the heir to the throne, and instead saw Diavolo-- a gentle giant with more love in his heart than he was born to carry. Diavolo, who would go to the ends of all three realms for those he cared for. Diavolo, who was loud and boisterous and always wanted to be involved. Diavolo, who liked cigar cookies and video games and could be a bit of a goofball. 
He cherishes every aspect of your relationship. He loves when you send him blurry photos of various pairs of objects or animals you see when out and about, with the caption "us fr <3”. He loves getting links to dumb memes in the middle of the night, followed by laughing emojis or “this u??” You poke fun at him, bite back with quips when he makes jokes at your expense, and play silly little pranks on him. His favorite is when you gesture to something on his coat, only to flick the tip of his nose when he looks down to investigate. He’d long since caught on to that ruse, among others, but your bright smile and chirping laughter when you teased him for falling for it yet again are too precious to him to not play along.
He even appreciates the times that you turn down his invitations to spend the weekend at the palace with him, citing exhaustion from the brothers’ antics or pressing schoolwork from RAD. You’re not automatically agreeing simply because you have no choice-- you spend your limited, precious time on him because you want to. More often than not you made up for declining by showing up entirely unannounced some time later, cloaked beneath a spell to shield you from Barbatos’ sixth sense for his Lord getting up to shenanigans, beckoning him to sneak out with you to suck on thick milkshakes in some cramped corner booth and giggle conspiratorially like a couple of misbehaving teenagers. 
When he’s around you, Diavolo feels like he can breathe. He doesn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances. You aren’t looking for political sway, or funding, or an elevated social status. For the first time in his life, he can set aside his heavy burden and feel... normal. He can ruffle your hair, and only half-heartedly hold you back from practically climbing him to dig your knuckles into his scalp and return the favor. He can laugh when you swat at his hand as he reaches across your plate to steal a few of your fries. He wears the friendship bracelet you braided for him at all times. He considered charming it to never fade or fray, but when it finally falls apart from wear, your mock exasperation when you tell him you’ll make him another makes him feel so real. 
Diavolo was a lonely man. But now, he has a friend. A genuine, honest-to-goodness friend. You have matching contact photos, and inside jokes. You don’t call him my lord when he comes up in conversation; it’s always my friend. Now, thanks to you, he isn’t lonely anymore.
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obeymefictionwriting · 6 months ago
Wehehehe >:^D angst if u don’t mind
Uuhhhhhhh situation: MC and a brother/dateable (if u wanna) broke up (kinda messy so they ended on ehhhh terms) and they still kinda have feelings for MC
Can u do the brother’s/dateable’s reaction/thoughts to MC basically courting their opposite (example Lucifer’s opposite would probably be Levi, Mammons opposite would be Belphie, ect ect)
Even if u don’t wanna, I hope ya have a great day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I love a bit of angst so let's go!
UPDATE: guys, it's really angsty lol i'm so sorry
As an Avatar of Pride, he didn't admit his mistakes and he didn't admit that he was way too controlling, arrogant, and insensitive to your feelings.
As he now watches you hang out with Levi, he feels blind rage swelling in his chest. He can't believe he let you go and you know tend to someone so...bland and shut-in.
When he hears you giggle in Levi's room or see you two reading the same manga, he feels bitter as the two of you never seemed to spend time together like that.
He tried talking to you once. Well, he basically grabbed your wrist and forced you to stay where you were standing while he started spitting out his thoughts and emotions.
You just walked away, without even looking back. He heard you crying in Levi's room later.
"Weak and useless", he mutters whenever Levi is in his sight. His hands clench in fists as he is absolutely helpless about the situation and it drives him insane.
Okay, maybe he told you all these things but you cry easily anyway and at first, he didn't even feel guilty
He was sure you'd miss going out with him and he spent countless nights fantasizing how he will reluctantly take you back
Now he sees you spending all your time at home, with Belphie.
Just fucking HoL, sitting on the damn couch like two elderly people in a nursing home.
He passed you once or twice, in his best outfit, wearing expensive perfume and purposefully talking on the phone with a pretty witch
You never lifted your eyes on him
You never lifted your eyes from Belhie as he lied on your knees, telling you some bullshit made-up stories
He hates you for being able to move on to something more stable, something that he was never capable of giving
He barely watched his words during this last argument and that was the end
With you, his life had some sort of meaning. Now, it turned into a pitch-black tunnel again
Watching you with Lucifer hurts him so badly he could never imagine
Lucifer is the epitome of everything you wanted him to be and he never even tried
At nights, he howl alone in his room, softening his screams with a pillow, wishing you heard him and come back
When he lifts his head from the pillow, he sometimes hears you being in the Lucifer's room - all the sounds so well known to him.
With every little moan and every little sigh that he hears from you being in Lucifer's arms, his heart shatters again and again until there is nothing left of it
He never meant to say all these words and he never meant to scare you so much
His possesiveness played a cruel joke on him and you are gone forever now, dating calm and cheerful Beelzebub instead
The worst thing is that despite being older, he feels weak compared to Beel and he hates himself for that
He once caught you in the hall and pinned you to the wall, trying to force a kiss
Beel slammed him down while you stared in horror at the blood dripping on the floor
He never spoke to you or Beel again
Sometimes he hits the wall till his knuckles bleed, imagining it's Beel
Sometimes he cries, pressing your scarf to his chest, inhaling its scent and imagining it's you
He didn't talk to you till that damn day when he saw you out with Barbatos
Barbatos? Really? A fucking butler?
He was very proud of the speech he gave you when he approached you and made fun of your downgrade
After that, he locked himself in the room
He broke all his mirrors because in every mirror he saw the ghost of your smile when you used to hug him from behind and laugh happily
He once got down to breakfast without a hint of makeup and with messy hair
He looks exactly how he feels: crumbling into pieces
The only thing that hurts more than your scratchmarks on his back were your words about leaving him
He never thought you needed more...passion. Though he would call it uncontrollable wrath, considering you left for Satan
When he sees you with hickeys and other marks on your beautiful skin, he clenches his fists so tight it hurts
He can't really explain to himself when it all went wrong but one day, you were just gone
He know thinks he is just a big stupid jock if he was never able to see your fiesty and wild side
He made you cupcakes to try and apologise but you smashed them on the wall
When your eyes meet in the dining room, he feels sick to the stomach and can't finish his plate
Mammon, really? Like he cares
He now sleeps almost 24/7 and doesn't sometimes respond to Beel trying to wake him up
At least in his dreams he can apologize for what he did
In reality, he knows you hate him and he feels it growing on his skin, like an icy shell
He hates how confidently Mammon looks and talks
He observes how you now glow, being able to finally go out and enjoy all the wonderful life outside, the one he was keeping so fiercely away from you
Sometimes in his dreams, you tell him you forgive him
Then he wakes up though he sometimes wishes he didn't
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anna-the-undertaker · 7 months ago
MC used to love the piano, but now its a symbol of pain. However, pain can't stop their mind from creating melodies from the most mundane sounds. Music will always be a part of them, and a certain demon has rekindled that passionate flame.
Song inspiration: Rain by Tony Ann
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It was one of those rare, quiet moments in the House of Lamentation, where the usual chaos of the brothers had lulled into a gentle stillness. MC had sought refuge in the music room, a place where they could be alone with their thoughts. The rain outside added a rhythmic, soothing backdrop, each drop tapping against the windows like a distant metronome.
MC had come to read, hoping the book would provide a distraction from the persistent itch in their mind. But as they turned the pages, the rain's steady cadence seeped into their consciousness, and their thoughts began to drift, weaving together a melody in their head. It had been so long since they’d allowed themselves to think about music, let alone play. The memories of their childhood came flooding back—moments of joy at the piano overshadowed by their parents’ relentless pressure, the pain in their hands from hours of forced practice.
With a sigh, they closed the book and set it aside. The itch to play had become unbearable. They approached the grand piano, their fingers hovering above the keys, hesitating. The memories of their past and the pain they knew would come made them pause. But the rain continued its soft, persistent beat, coaxing them forward. Finally, with a deep breath, they placed their hands on the keys and began to play.
The melody that flowed from their fingertips was rich with emotion—melancholy, longing, a touch of bitterness, and a hint of something like hope. The music filled the room, wrapping around them like a comforting embrace. They let their hands move freely, not thinking, just feeling.
Unbeknownst to them, Lucifer had heard the piano from his study. He had paused, pen hovering over paperwork, as the unfamiliar music reached his ears. There was something captivating in it—something that drew him out of his chair and down the corridor toward the music room. As he approached, he recognized the source of the sound and quietly opened the door.
Lucifer stood in the doorway, his breath catching at the sight before him. MC was completely absorbed in the music, their face a canvas of emotion, and yet there was a visible strain—an unmistakable pain in their expression. He could see the tension in their hands, the way they trembled ever so slightly as they moved over the keys.
He had never seen them like this—so vulnerable, so raw. The music they played was unlike anything he had heard before, filled with a depth of feeling that left him almost breathless. It was as if the melody spoke directly to him, resonating with emotions he often kept buried deep within.
Lucifer’s heart ached as he watched them, a mix of admiration and concern swirling within him. He wanted to step forward, to stop them and ask why they were hurting, but he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt. The music was too powerful, too beautiful, and he found himself entranced by it.
When the last note finally faded, leaving a heavy silence in its wake, Lucifer approached MC. He could see the toll it had taken—their hands trembling, their breathing uneven, and their eyes glazed with the remnants of pain.
“That was… extraordinary,” Lucifer said softly, his voice laced with genuine awe. “What is the name of that piece? I don’t believe I’ve heard it before.”
MC let out a soft, almost bitter chuckle, shaking their head. “It doesn't have a name. I just came up with it.”
Lucifer’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but there was a tenderness in his gaze as he looked at them. “You composed that just now?” he asked, incredulous. “What inspired you?”
“The rain,” MC replied, glancing toward the window. “The sound of it reminded me of a metronome… and the rest just came.”
Lucifer sat beside them on the bench, his concern evident as he gently took one of their hands in his, softy massaging their wrist. “Why have you kept this talent hidden from us? From me?”
MC hesitated, the words stuck in their throat, but there was something in Lucifer’s eyes—something warm and understanding—that coaxed them to speak. “When I was young, I loved playing the piano… it was my passion. But my parents, they… they wanted perfection. I practiced until my hands couldn’t take it anymore. I developed carpal tunnel, and playing became… painful. I grew to hate it.”
Lucifer’s grip on their hand tightened ever so slightly, a silent gesture of support. “And yet you played just now. Why?”
MC looked down at the piano keys, their voice barely above a whisper. “Hearing you play… it reminded me of how much I used to love it. It inspired me and I wanted to listen in person. But… I didn’t want to intrude. I know how rare it is for you to have time to yourself, and I didn’t want to take that away from you.”
Lucifer felt a rush of affection and an overwhelming need to comfort them. He reached out, gently lifting their chin so their eyes met his. There was a tenderness in his gaze, an unspoken promise. Without saying a word, he leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to their lips, pouring his unspoken feelings into that simple, yet profound, gesture.
When he pulled back, his eyes held a depth of emotion that made MC’s heart flutter. “You could never intrude, MC. You are welcome to share that space with me whenever you wish. I’m honored that my playing could rekindle that passion in you. But more than that, I want you to know that you don’t have to hide this part of yourself. Not from me, and not from anyone in this house.”
MC’s eyes softened, a warmth spreading through their chest at his words. The kiss, unexpected but deeply cherished, left them feeling comforted and valued in a way they hadn’t experienced in a long time. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
He gave them a small, sincere smile, his thumb gently brushing against their cheek. “It’s the least I can do. But first, I’ll see about finding a way to ease the pain in your hands. I want to help you heal, so that when you’re ready, we can play together. You shouldn’t have to endure that pain anymore.”
MC nodded, a tentative smile forming on their lips as they leaned into his touch. For the first time in years, they felt a spark of joy at the thought of playing. And with Lucifer by their side, they knew they wouldn’t have to face that pain alone. The future, once clouded by memories, now seemed a little brighter, with the promise of music and love.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year ago
🍫 and 🍯 for lucifer 🤯
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🍫 a headcanon about food
-> It's a special treat when Lucifer cooks. At the end of a long week, he usually carves out time in his schedule so he can spend Sunday afternoon in the kitchen. He's not a bad cook by any means, but sometimes he likes to spoil his brothers (and himself) with something more decadent than what they usually scrounge up. Cooking is methodical, precise - it's a starchy white apron tied around his waist while he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt, the soft crooning of a cursed record playing nearby, a glass of Demonus he nurses while he preps veggies for roasting or stirring sauces on the stove. His brothers all show up to the dinner table on the days when Lucifer cooks because they appreciate his efforts (not just his cooking) that keep their family strong.
nsfw below (non-explicit; overstimulation and dacryphilia if you squint)
🍯 a dilf headcanon
-> Oh, soft dilf!Lucifer hours. He's not ashamed of the strands of grey peppering his hair or the softness around his tummy. He gives up suits for comfortable sweater vests, and he wears a silver glasses chain because he has a bad habit of losing them. He enjoys his privacy and his hobbies, but he won't turn down the chance to take home a pretty thing that catches his eye. You could have your pick of anyone else, but you want him? You likely stumble upon him sitting alone in his favourite café, sipping a dark, bitter brew of coffee and reading a thick book with a creased cover and dog-eared pages. Perhaps your boldness deserves a little reward if you're brave enough to approach him and ask to share his table. He surprises you when he's more interesting than you thought he'd be, and you're lured in by his slow seduction, the way he hums thoughtfully and tilts his head when he considers you, or how he glances at you over the rim of his cup and admires that feisty twinkle in your eyes. He's indulgent and selfless, spoiling you with the gentle pleasure his hands and mouth and cock give you. He's not hard or rough or fast the way lovers your own age are, but it still brings you to tears by the end because he's so good, so thorough and so greedy for all the noises you make, it's overwhelming.
headcanon ask game
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devildom-moss · 1 year ago
Could you write poly dialuci asking a gn mc out? Maybe how each of them realizes the crush they have on mc and how they’d like to ask mc to join their relationships? I’m fine with just hcs or a full piece, whatever works best for you :>
I wrote you some headcanons, anon. Hopefully they are to your liking. They're a pretty common ship, but I think this is my first time writing anything for them. (Am I going to need a ship and threesome section in my masterlist soon?)
Poly!DiaLuci want MC to join them
(Lucifer x Diavolo x gn!MC)
(Slightly suggestive)
Word Count: +700
Diavolo, as the prince, is more guarded and inaccessible than Lucifer, so it takes him longer to be completely smitten. This works out better because Lucifer would be more prone to jealousy than Diavolo – or, at least, Lucifer's jealousy is more petty and bitter than Diavolo’s.
Lucifer develops feelings through a series of kind acts. Seeing MC take care of his brothers is the first step; someone who treats his brothers well is a prerequisite. As much as he likes to act all tough, and despite how he scolds them for spoiling his brothers and encouraging their poor behavior, he’s actually endeared by it. When they extend that kindness to him afterwards, his heart begins to melt.
Lucifer falls first, but he doesn’t act on it in earnest. (He might flirt and tease a little bit, but he doesn’t truly make an attempt to seduce them.) Diavolo notices, but instead of being jealous, he’s just intrigued. He wants to get to know MC more. Anyone who can capture Lucifer’s attention has Diavolo’s interest.
Lucifer tries to play the long game with Diavolo, believing that it’s only a matter of time before his partner sees MC’s charm as well.
It doesn’t take long for MC to get to Diavolo once he becomes more receptive. Whenever they do something thoughtful, Diavolo melts instantly. It would be something simple, like bringing a limited-edition flavor pudding to Diavolo while he’s working. As chance would have it, there was only one left. Diavolo would offer a bite to MC, and despite Lucifer being in the same room, he would insist on feeding them.
MC’s smile was so sweet that Diavolo would offer another bite, but MC would refuse because they got it for Diavolo. He should eat the rest. With that, MC would be on their way, leaving Diavolo to his pudding and work.
Lucifer saw the way Diavolo looked at MC and decides to confront him. Lucifer already understands how he feels about MC. Now is his chance to bring Diavolo onto his playing field. There was a quiet understanding that they were both crushing based on how they spoke about and looked at MC recently; Lucifer was just waiting for more tangible proof to bring up the topic. (And honestly, I think Diavolo would already be aware of Lucifer’s plan, so he chose to feed MC in front of Lucifer on purpose. He also just wanted to feed them, though.)
“You’re quite fond of them, aren’t you?” “I suppose I am. You can’t blame me, though, can you, Lucifer?” “We’re of the same mind. What should we do about this?”
They would hatch a plan to get MC alone and try to seduce them together. I imagine Lucifer would suggest that they invite them to tea or for a glass of Demonus – ideally at the castle for the sake of privacy. Lucifer just wants somewhere intimate where they could confess. (And let’s face it he’s horny on main. He wants to confess somewhere where they won’t be interrupted after the confession, either.)
Diavolo, on the other hand, would want to show off a bit more – take MC out and spoil them; he wants to prove that it’s a date before they can even confess. He’d want to take them somewhere fancy or beautiful: renting out an entire restaurant, paying for a private room at a club (which honestly gives me so many smut thoughts sorry), or even bringing them on a day trip if he can get the time.
They’re pretty upfront about it and quickly ask about MC’s feelings. “MC, we’ve brought you here today to discuss something in particular.” “How do you feel about us?”
Once they confirm MC’s feelings, they’ll confess properly. (Although, I don’t think they would invite MC on a date if they weren’t certain that MC would return their feelings beforehand.) “I see. Have you entertained any particularly naughty thoughts about us that you’d like to share, MC?” “Lucifer! Don’t tease them so soon. We should at least be honest first. MC, you’ve caught our attention. Neither of us is opposed to sharing if it means getting closer to you.” “Which is to say, if you’re interested, Diavolo and I are not so exclusive that you couldn’t join us: romantically. . . or sexually, if you’re inclined.”
Honestly, I think Diavolo would immediately put the moves on MC, asking them to come over and sit on his lap while they “get to know each other better.” Lucifer will pretend to be more composed, but he’s no better; he’s eager to get his hands on MC too.
A/N: There's only one more day left in to answer the December post poll. I also posted details about what I'll be doing for the 1 year anniversary of this blog. Check that out if you haven't already.
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arrowmance · 3 months ago
[ ♥ ] 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟏, 𝟏𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑
This letter is directed to... Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride. To the demon who I vowed my restless nights to.
❥ back to the masterlist : upcoming, 2nd letter
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Dear Lucifer,
I hope this letter finds you well. How was it? The drink I meant.
Well, you know, recalling all those times I've knocked at your door to keep you company made me realize that… I’m sorry for the abrupt pauses and interruptions, but I can't seem to contain my thoughts at the moment. Remember that? The time was 3 ’clock on a Monday morning, and almost everyone was asleep. 
While rare, the House of Lamentation also had its moments of serenity. The only sound being the heating of the kettle or the dripping water from the faucet. A strong aroma filled the air with a calming smell of bitterness. Pitch black liquid poured from the moka pot down to the ceramic cup, the only hint of color being the collected brown froth.
I saw that you found moments like this calming, taking a sip from the newly brewed coffee. There were times when the house wasn't brimming with the chaotic schemes of his brothers.
There were moments when they weren't forced to play along with Lord Diavolo’s plans. There were times when all you needed was to take a deep breath; eyes shut while he relished in this brief moment of tranquility.
There were times where you simply didn't need to put up a front for his family. This was one of your few chances at peace. If that wasn't enough, you kept humming the soft melody of one of your prized cursed records.
Rare? I’d understand.
Unbelievable? I’d digress, it felt more real by the second. 
That was my view from the kitchen door. To see the renowned, composed, sophisticated Avatar of Pride reduced to a simple man enjoying his cup of coffee. It was a refreshing sight, and while I never thought I’d enjoyed getting caught, this might be an exception.
Though maybe I wasn't as welcomed when I felt a pair of bloodshot eyes directed at my soul. I remembered the very words from that interaction. 
“What are you doing here?”
And then I'd like to play coy, something along the lines of: “I'd like to ask the same,” or the likes. “What are you doing here?”
Even if I didn't want to admit it, you knew me better than most. For someone who I still can't grasp quite well, it was intriguing.
I could never forget bits and pieces of that conversation.
“You couldn't sleep, can't you?”
“How tragic… Come, join me.”
It's not often that you’d have time to unwind, and looking at the stacks of paperwork on that flimsy table, it's obvious. It's given. And you would specifically choose a time like this as none of your brothers were awake.
I found it strange how you never wanted for the others to see this side of you. Until then, until I realized I never saw you likes this until now. You have my respect, Mr. Morningstar, I admit, I'm impressed.
Or maybe not Beel. Though you'd excuse it as to just get him off the fridge—he never really stopped until this winter, and while concerning, he does keep reassuring that he's fine.
“How unfortunate of you,” you would perhaps comment on my pity.
And that's another quote, since you noticed how I never really got a more proper sleeping setup since I stepped foot in the Devildom. And with the nights getting excruciatingly longer by the minute, I now understand were you come from.
“Must you really join me in my work?” you asked me, and to which, I nodded.
That was a momentary break-in. I suppose I wasn't truly honest when I said that I was fine with sleeping alone and going back to the room once the clock strikes 5 AM lest I hear a series of complaints from the others. However, if it weren't for that one decision, I supposed I never got to know the real you.
That seems a bit of a stretch, but I mean it.
And I want to thank you for that. While I only ever watched from the comforts of your somewhat stiff bed—not sorry for that—I learned and got to appreciate what you do. Don't get me wrong, it's not that those feeling weren't present and I had not an ounce of respect, but's it's a sort of different kind of appreciation.
Within bright, wine-red eyes was a man devoted to his family, even though he hides it in a prideful facade. Among scribbles I hear someone urging themselves to persevere through work just to spree second's worth of peace. With every flap of the paper flowing down the darkwood table was a man savouring his small victories amidst the ratio of finished to not.
Lucifer, I mean it when I say that you are more than being a gentleman. You are also more than being the most powerful of the avatars, and one whose pride exudes in different mediums.
Through you, I never learned that pride also came with hiding certain attributes out of shame, with shame equating itself to be the worse kind of the sin. And yet, when I look up from black velvet pillows, I see not a man ashamed of his work—
—but one who works not just in his own accord.
With that out of the way, thank you.
Thank you for your insights, the advice, and the coffee. Thank you for the moments of sweet bliss, or of subtle softness. Thank you for while I had a few maybe thousands or so fuck ups throughout my stay, you still believed in me.
Even when you were the first to go against me during the early days, I suppose it comes with the "learning to open up to other people". I could tell you've made progress, though it's more of a family effort than anything.
Most importantly of all, thank you for letting me stay in your room for those restless nights. If it weren't for that, I never got to know you. I never got to appreciate you for your actions.
And I never got to learn how to love somebody like you.
Thank you, my blood moon, my morningstar, my light in the dark, my guide through the night, my angel of music, my demon of pride, my one and only, my dearest.
Thank you, with all my heart. I hope you enjoy the Demonus I bought you—the same one you served me before I left.
I love you, truly and deeply.
With love, Your Darling Lamb
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© 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 2024. do not copy, modify, or repost any work as your own.
december 1st, 2024 | wave dividers by cafekitsune
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obae-me · 2 years ago
Hii, this is a little off brand for me (but not by much, Lucifer is essentially my brand) but I needed to write some vampire Lucifer.
I'm sorry if this is poorly written, as much as I wish it were so, I feel like I absolutely suck (vampire pun not intended) writing some more...spicy stuff.
Anyways, this is fairly suggestive so minors begone.
18+ Only
CW: Biting, blood, suggestive language. The stuff that comes with vampires, ya know? Second Person fic. Gender neutral. Lucifer's very needy in this, not sorry about it.
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(Based off the event, not an AU)
Despite the absolute absurdity of the idea that demons could transfer and turn into vampires as easily as humans spread sinus infections, you’d learned to roll with it. After all, this was just a single drop in the bucket of all the crazy things you’d seen. The brothers recovering from their quarantine were still giving you a wide berth, typically sprinting away from you before temptations got the better of them. However, there was one demon-turned-vampire that seemed to be struggling the hardest. 
Lucifer- rather than take the responsibility upon himself- ordered you to stay away. He was not to be approached, talked to, sought after, etc. You were to leave well enough alone. While there were several things you wanted to say to that, you respected his wishes. Although, it’s not like you could stay out of the House. You still had your attendant duties to work on. Which meant, despite your best efforts, you’d spot him down the hall or pass him in the kitchen. Every time his eyes landed on you, he looked furious, frightened, but then all of that melted away quickly and blossomed into a blush. That’s when you knew exactly why he didn’t want to see you. Seems that he couldn’t control his pride as easily in this vampiric condition. His footsteps would turn towards you, his hands twitching in your direction, and then he would strut away from you, off towards the darkness. 
And that’s the way it continued for a while. Little flickers of fleeting moments with softly uttered names and melting gazes. You knew what he wanted, you weren’t stupid. Yet…you had half a mind to give it to him. 
You weren’t exactly wandering the halls for him at this time of night, just checking to make sure the House was…in proper order before you would have to leave that night. Bumping into Lucifer as you turned the corner of the upper floor potentially in the direction of his bedroom was just a…happy accident. Although, the vampire in question seemed upset at first. His hands couldn’t help but reach towards your shoulders to steady you. In a proper Prideful manner, he furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to give you a stern scolding. You could see his little temporary fangs peeking out below his top lip. “I told you-” he started to say, his voice almost cracking with strain. He cleared his throat and his tone deepened. “I told you to stay away.”
Some force deep inside you caused a smirk to curl on your lips. “And I assure you, I’m doing my utmost to avoid you, but you seem to keep finding me. I wonder why that is?” 
The expression painted over his face suggested he didn’t find this situation as humorous as you did, although there was still a little rosy color adorning his cheekbones and the tips of his ears. The hands that settled on your shoulders moved forward slowly, the curves of his fingers reaching back to your shoulder blades. This gentle touch was in direct contrast to the growl in his voice. He was trying much too hard… “Your foolishness is getting out of hand. I would’ve thought even someone as idiotic as you had the better sense to stay away from a vampire.” 
You hummed in a bit of disappointment at his words, but then you shrugged your shoulders. “You know...you have this awful habit of using bitter words to cover up your feelings.” Your hand lifted to rest against his chest. Air seemed to catch in his throat as you did so. You could feel his heart pounding in his chest. “So sensitive like this…” You teased him. “Why don’t you just tell me what you really feel?” 
It was almost as if you could feel him melting in your hands. This whole cold and dominant persona was just a smokescreen trying to cover up the fact that he was craving you and desperate for it. His eyes slowly fluttered as the stern features to his body language chipped away. He whispered your name in a heavy breath, leaning a little forward before stopping himself. Little twitches in his fingertips and the shudder in his lungs clued you in to how close he was to breaking. However, his pride was not fully gone it seemed. You both were still out in the hallway and he was hesitant to lose himself where others could see. He went to stand back up straight, moving away from you, but you stopped him with a hand curling back around his neck, forcing your foreheads to touch. That seemed to be the last thing he could handle. His breath was practically a pant now. Without saying another word, he picked you up in all his demonic strength and shut you and him inside his bedroom, pressing you up against the bedroom door. His nose rubbed against your cheek. It was taking everything in him to resist this, you knew that much.
“I…” His voice wavered. “I need you.” There was a dulcet tone to his words, his voice laced with a feathery softness. “I told myself I was simply content with looking at you, but…” That confirmed things for you. Your little meetings weren’t by accident. He’d been intentionally seeking you out to stare at you for a moment before scurrying off. “But I…can’t handle this…ache any longer.” His face lowered, his breath hot as his mouth hovered over the exposed part of your neck. He was so close, so hungry, and yet, he waited. “Do…I have permission?” A simple statement meant to come off as professional, but came off as a beg. 
There was a sort of pride that built up in your chest at the thought of being this wanted, this needed. A pleasureful sort of smugness at hearing Lucifer Morningstar nearly whine for something as simple as a taste of your blood. “Yes,” you replied, your body warm.  
His fingers went up to the back of your head, his grasp carefully tightening around your hair as he pulled your head aside, exposing your neck more. Lucifer held his breath in excitement, his soft lips kissing different areas of your skin before he found his preferred spot. No matter your thoughts or fears about pain, being bitten by a vampire wasn’t terrible at all. You felt the pinch, but shortly after, a comforting heat pooled in your body, as if you could feel a remedy pumping through your veins. The heat was followed by a tingling, your body almost numb to the pain yet extremely sensitive to other sensations. You gasped his name aloud which made him visibly squirm.
You could tell the punctures were deep, blood trickling out of you from the wounds, but immediately being sucked away and swallowed. A low rumble came from the base of Lucifer’s throat, the sound rising in pitch till it almost became a needy whine. For a moment, it seemed as if his knees went weak, but he continued to drink, the hand in your hair moving to the middle of your back, pulling you closer to him. He pulled away from your skin to refill his lungs in a gasp before biting you again in a different spot. You weren’t sure if he was too enamored to speak or too embarrassed to, but you hoped from the little moans that reverberated in his chest like purrs meant that you tasted good. 
He was gentle with it, kissing you in the spots he bit like little apologies. No blood touched your clothes either. Any drop you felt trailing down your skin was quickly lapped up by his tongue. Your name was muttered a few times in a breathy way in the few occasions his mouth was away from your body. His thighs rubbed against yours as he seemed to try to sink further into you, his knee almost pressed up between your legs.
For a long while, it was just you both nearly entangled in each other against his door, your breathing slowly falling into sync with his. His first frantic drinks were now slowly winding down. He was calming, taking you in tenderly now, appreciating every drop, every taste. His hand moved from your back to cup your cheek as he traced your jaw in kisses as he cooed before going back to your blood. He finally stopped feeding when he could tell you were having a hard time standing upright which wasn't entirely due to blood loss. A few last pecks from his red-stained lips and licks from his grateful tongue seemed to seal up your wounds but still leave marks which he traced over with the tip of his finger, proud of his work. He lifted you up into his arms and over to the couch where you both could rest, his face still resting in the crook of your neck, his new favorite place.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months ago
tbh one thing i liked about the instas that i dont think the series will bring back is him wearing casual clothes outside of work. the concept of a gay male sinner from the 1940s embracing modern day fashion from the current era because of how cute it is without anyone caring because its hell, (with the implication he mightve been doing this for decades beforehand before he came to the hotel,) is just really cool concept to me :3 it gave him a fashion identity outside of his sex work (something the show really doesnt do at all,) and it let him explore a more cutesty side to his character, but in a really natural way! i also just liked it because most of the sinners we saw tended to stick to dressing from their era, which made angel stand out more.
but this isnt present at all in the series, and even weirder, the one time he has a chance to put on pajamas in episode 2 like the girls have, where hes alone in his room with fat nuggets, he doesnt. maybe we wouldve had time for that if there wasn't a joke dedicated to showing how tone deaf and christian charlies morals are for the bisexual daughter of lucifer morningstar.
all the clothes he wears, there's more of a focus of his outfits from posion rather then anywhere else. i hardly see as much fanart of that stupid ugly ripped finale suit, as much as i see fanart of the latex suit angel wears while singing about being unable to help swallowing poison. either that, or the outfit he wears while dancing with val. love the fluffy spider butt, but cmon. we can get an angel dust design thats more spider in a natural way, but we can't see him wear casual clothes when he isnt working? or even see him in a full suit? (i really miss the purple suit from the instas, no stupid pink stripes, full suit for both arms, and his boobs were out w his tie instead of being hidden away like they are in the finale, which was perfect for his character </3)
him wearing clothes separate to his identity as a pornstar also helped him reclaim some of his freedom under his contract, obviously being unable to choose what val makes him wear on set. that's what angel dusts actions reflected in the instas and the comics too. (the "work shit" box comes to mind, i hate that borderline on screen rape is fine for an amazon funded show, but a box of dildos is too much,) even the addict mv shows this, with angel wearing just a pink sweater and some purple shorts when laying with cherri. or even just the casual, but cute outfit he wears when he blows up that club with her.
its just one of the few things that made him feel human, especially when fashion is bound to change in so many ways when youve been in hell for 77 years like he has. this part of his character being missing (along with the implication he even has a life outside of his work in the series; pilot ad was coping with work with hard drugs, being an teasing asshole as a defensive mechanism, getting into turf wars and murdering mafia goons. but still dresses cute and gets to be cute w his friends in his own time! series ad is coping by self destructing and letting people drug and fuck him so he'll be "broken" but then gets better by going out once after being waterboarded at work, only to not relax and be a mom to a joke character at a club called fucking consent,) is one of the reasons im still bitter about the instas being nuked. but not the only reason.
viv will always takes the credit for them anyway, no matter if she feels they do or not, because her fanbase isn't smart enough to realize someone else wrote these stories they still love. even if theyll be the first one to remind you they arent canon, because the creator said they arent. but my honest to god confession is that sometimes the instagrams feel more like the canon hazbin hotel to me, even months after s1 dropped, simply due to the nuance and detail it has compared to the actual series. it wasnt perfect, but you could tell there was passion there- passion that now, only the leads are allowed to put in hazbin so their favorite character can get more screentime and attention.
Thank you, Anon, for this absolutely beautiful writeup. It was true, seeing the difference between the outfits Val forced him into versus the outfits he chose to wear on his own time was one of the most interesting aspects of Instagram Angel Dust. It was a more safe-for-work extension of the "work shit" dildoes that didn't make it to Amazon Prime (while his graphic on-screen gang rape did) and it was powerful.
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Of course, there are practical logistical reasons why cartoon characters wear the same outfit, but if only one character in HH was going to have a big wardrobe, it absolutely should have been Angel. But of course it wasn't, because as far as Viv and Raph were concerned, the only Angel outfits that mattered were the ones that fed into their shared fetish.
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cemeteryspider · 11 months ago
It's Called: Freefall
Hazbin Lucifer x Archangel! Reader
Summary: You freefall...
Trigger Warning: Isolation, rejection, and suicidal themes (listen to the song this is based off of)
Word Count: 1120
When you called your old friend Lucifer, you didn't expect to meet him in a quiet human coffee house with a few humans going in and out. Your heart pounded in your chest as you as across from him. Innocently he pushed a latte towards you with a weak smile.
You reciprocate the gesture with an eager smile, the warmth of the coffee cup seeping through your fingers. As the bitter liquid danced on your taste buds, he seized the moment to pose the first question.
"Why did you ask me here?" After many years, hearing his voice was music to your ears.
"Not sure, maybe I want you to pull me down to Hell with you"
His eyes narrowed, a subtle frown forming on his lips as your words hung in the air. Desperate to diffuse the tension, you forced a laugh, but the weight of his gaze lingered.
"Maybe you would make it easy and offer me cigarettes, dominos, or rum" You teased.
"Not only sundowns, Sundays, Christmas for me" Though a joke no laughter came from him.
"I just needed an old friend. I could never hope to keep the new seraphim as friends. I tried to give them what I thought that they wanted, never could they be such a good friend as you've been"
"Come on, Y/n, don't get me venting on friends that resent you. All I've ever been is a noose to hang onto, reckless I fell into Hell where I hang with nothing and no one"
Your hand found him from across the table, "I could follow you..."
"Even the devil needs time alone sometimes" In a blink he was gone with a puff of smoke.
When you returned to Heaven you allowed yourself to sink the floor of your bedroom. Allowing tears to flow from your eyes down your cheeks.
Your "friends" never listened to your ideas, and shot them down at every chance they had. Adam had shunned you from the court after his private meeting with Sera about your sympathies with the devil.
Angel's avoided you and human souls steered clear of your wake.
The weight of rejection and isolation pressed on your shoulders, tempting you to abandon the celestial realm that had turned its back on you. The thought of leaving it all behind gained momentum within your conflicted heart.
You could let it all go.
You could let it all go.
It's called freefall.
You started writing to Lucifer about your plans.
It's called freefall
Days turned into a slow, agonizing wait before a black envelope, delivered with an impatient huff from Sera, found its way into your hands.
Still, the red seal made you giddy with excitement. However, after opening the letter you soon understood that you shouldn't have opened it.
Dearest, Y/n
Stop. Do not talk like that. You shouldn't fall. I can't even be bothered with this, you better handle your shit. Keep about your wits, you know yourself and who I am. The devil isn't a friend to anyone, Y/n.
Hours turned into agonizing days as you sat amidst the remnants of your torn bedroom, the echo of your screams still reverberating in your ears. Each piece of the room held a memory, a fragment of the friendship that now seemed shattered beyond repair. You scoured your conversations with Lucifer, trying to find the roots of this passive-aggressive letter.
Lucifer was your best friend, and has been for centuries, and never in your life had you imagined him practically disowning you after letting him into your innermost thoughts.
You threw the letter into the burning fireplace in your room stomped your way to Sera, and demanded to be sent to Hell.
Without so much as a trial, which even Lucifer and the other Deadly Sins were allowed, she cursed you and sent you down.
It's called freefall.
It's called freefall.
As you plummeted, the familiar celestial lights ethereally faded from your view, replaced by a menacing red glow. The once weightless fall morphed into a descent fraught with a hellish heat that seemed to seep into your very bones. The stench of sulfur filled your nose, assaulting your senses with the undeniable reality of your new existence.
You allowed your eyes to close as you imagined your new life. You imagined Lucifer and all the grand ideas you would think up together. The change that you could make in Hell, and maybe eventually Heaven would see. You could see real friendship in your future.
Despite your continuous knocking at the Devil's door he never bothered to answer. You allowed yourself to curl up near the door, and rest your weary bones.
After a long time you heard the click of boots, and the tumble of a kicked stone growing closer.
A warm hand touched your shoulder, "Hey, what are you doing out this late, it's like 2 am, and nothing's open in Hell, it's a rule I made, anyway" You felt his weight shift as he sat on the stair next to you.
You peered your head above your arms to him. "So, you're still too busy saving everybody else, to save yourself. That's a story to tell"
A surprised look crossed his face when he saw yours. His eyes scanned your body for any injuries, then wrapped his arms around you.
"I told you not to do this, you could've gotten past those feelings. You didn't have to fall", Tears fell his face. He knew the shame and the isolation that came with falling. He knew the sad faces and disappointed looks better than anyone. It was something he never wanted you to experience, and never wanted you to know.
"Hey, let it all out, this is where I'm meant to be, Luci" You pulled his form into yours, and you could feel his shoulders relax in your grip.
His face found solace in the curve of your neck, tears staining your skin as he sought refuge in your embrace. The weight of his remorse hung heavy in the air, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of compassion and confusion. The tears spoke of a shared pain, a vulnerability you hadn't expected from the mighty Lucifer. As his silent sobs echoed in the infernal air, you grappled with the complexity of emotions that his apology unearthed.
"I'm sorry for what I wrote, I thought if I pushed you away, it wouldn't end up like this", Maybe if he just pushed you away, made you feel as though you could live with the pretentious angels that surrounded you. You wouldn't want to fall.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be here" You promised him. 
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