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I know!!!
where the fuck was finn?
two weeks is too long…
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Toys R Us
Pairing: Finn Balor X Reader
Summary: Finn loose in Toys R Us, need I say more.
(A/N): I really liked writing this and I hope I’m getting better with my writing.
Requested by: @ambrosegirlforever
Come on, come on where is he? You whisper to yourself, after walking down what seemed like the millionth isle of the Toys R Us.
You don’t even know how you ended up here, you turn your back for one minute, and all of the sudden Finn disappears into the store not uttering a single word. You were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of him as he marched into the store, or else you wouldn’t have known where to look.
Big didn’t even begin to describe the size of the Toys R Us, as a matter of fact it’s an understatement. You had already been searching for your Irish mate for the past 30 minutes with no luck due to the never ending turns down each isle.
To be honest, It feels like one of those moments where a mothers child gets lost in the store and the mother has to track them down by whatever means possible.
Only difference in this situation was, Finn isn’t capable of getting himself lost, nor is he a child, and if anything you were the one immeasurably lost, You already walked by the same isle of Barbie dolls at least 5 times since entering the toy filled wonderland.
You would’ve sent him a quick text asking for his whereabouts but your phone was locked in the car, which Finn had the keys too.
Note to self, never take your eyes off Finn, even for a mere moment, as a matter of fact, you would have absolutely no problem glueing your eyes to that man for the rest of your life.
“Where the hell can he be,” You question a little louder this time since no one was in a close vicinity of you. “I’ve looked everywh-”
You cut your own sentence off visioning what Finn would most likely be drawn to in Toys R Us, or any toy store he comes across.
“The lego's…” You whisper to yourself finally realizing where he’s most definitely been hiding for the past 30 minutes.
Ok, it can’t be to hard to find the legos. You think
As a matter of fact, you do recall passing the lego’s section when you entered the building, but you were to caught up in searching for Finn that you didn’t realize the lego section was his own personal heaven.
By now you’ve already located the legos section, now the task at hand is to locate Finn.
The thought of Finn sitting in the middle of the floor while he built legos with the happiest grin on his face made you giggle. You’d be astounded if that’s not exactly what he’s doing now.
Just like the other isles of toys and such, the lego section was like a maze. Every corner you turned there were legos, after legos, after legos. This would indeed be a personal heaven for Finn. All legos and nothing else. That man would build lego’s all day nonstop, only moving from his post to eat something, or go to the bathroom.
You even tried to sit and build with him one time and you couldn’t even sit still for more than an hour. You weren’t sure how he did it, but it made him happy and that’s all that mattered to you.
As you turned another corner in the lego’s section you finally caught a view of your handsome Irishman. You sighed in relief but stopped to watch him for a second.
Finn stood in front of the large shelves which held a variety of different lego sets.
Finn’s back was to you, so he had absolutely no Idea you were watching him from behind. Even the back of his head was great to look at.
You could only imagine the smile he probably had on his face right now, and even the gleam he probably had in his ocean blue orbs. You knew lego’s were one of the many things that always put a whopping smile on his face.
You began to approach him from behind, quietly making sure you didn’t alert him of your presence. You just wanted to surprise him with a hug from behind since he always did the same to you.
Once you stood a good couple inches behind him, you snaked your arms around his waist pressing the side of your face into his muscular back.
You felt Finn’s body tense up from your touch, much like you did when he embraced you from behind unknowingly.
Finn swiftly rotated around in your arms, once he saw you his confused expression turned into a bright smile.
“Hey, love.” Finn happily says wrapping his own arms tightly around your small body.
“Thank god I was able to find you.” You exclaim smacking his chest.
Finn emits the most adorable laugh and puts his hands up in defense.
“I’m sorry, love,” He apologizes placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “But ya know how excited I can get about lego’s.”
You chuckle at his comment and return a kiss too his cheek making some of the hairs from his beard scratch against your face. You noticed Finn’s complexion turn a noticeable shade of pink.
“No need to apologize,” You state while shaking your head from left to right. “Just let me know where your going next time, goofball.”
“Why didn’t ya text me?”
You let out a nervous giggle in response to his question, earning a skeptical look from him.
“I thought about it, but I left my phone in the car and you have the keys…” You say nervously grinning at him.
Finn’s facial expression remained puzzled and sure enough, Finn reached down into the pocket on the right side of his jeans and fished out the keys. Finn eyes went wide in realization, he brought his hand that didn’t hold the keys to his forehead. He sighed heavily.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.“ Finn apologizes again.
You bring a hand to either side of Finn’s face, pulling him down to your level. Finn wasn’t much taller but you still had to bring him down to your shorter stature. You gently press your lips against his in a lengthy kiss. Finn snaked his arms around your waist pulling you closer to his body.
“Stop apologizing…” You whisper against his lips while keeping your forehead against his. Finn smiled against your lips, something he always did when you two kissed each other.
You pulled away from Finn, although his hands remained on your waist. You both stood there for a minute just gazing at each other in awe. An even wider smile creeped into Finn’s face, as did yours.
“Come on,” you say motioning to the large shelf full of Lego sets. “Lets buy the biggest one and go home and build it.”
You couldn’t think of an accurate word to describe how much wider Finn’s smile grew when those words left your mouth.
“Yer gonna sit with me for god knows how many hours and build this with me?” He asks like I’m crazy while he held a box in his hands he just picked off the shelf.
You vigorously nod your head.
“If that means getting to spend time with you the rest of the day, then yes.” You beamed.
As if it couldn’t get any bigger, Finn’s smile grew, again. He looked like the Cheshire Cat with that grin on his face.
“What did I do ta deserve someone as amazing as ya?” Finn cooed slinging an arm around your waist as you both walked away to the checkout.
You snuggled into Finn’s side, all you could think about was spending the rest of the day building legos with your amazing boyfriend.
#finn balor x reader#finn balor#wwe x reader#wwe#balor club#fergal devitt#prince devitt#monday night raw#wwe raw#raw
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Who did this to ya?
Pairing/Finn Balor X Reader
Summary//It was no secret to the WWE locker room that you and Finn Balor were extremely close to each other. You both had developed feelings for one another over time, but kept it a secret from each other. Finn was in a match one day when you were attacked by someone, resulting in injury. Once Finn finds out he makes it his job to find out who hurt you. His behavior is so different that it makes you question him on why he’s being so overprotective, and that leads to you both admitting what you truly felt for one another.
This is my first imagine on here, so it’s going to be horrible
Thanks to @caguayo85 for the very first imagine request.
You stood with your arms crossed over your chest while you watched Finn make his entrance. You caught yourself cracking a smile as the camera men captured every inch of Finn, dressed in his tight ring gear along with that leather jacket of his.
Finn’s entrance was always so fun to watch and see how involved the crowd was with him. Although, you found yourself focusing more on Finn than anything else that appeared on screen.
You couldn’t quite remember the precise day and time, but you do recall developing a crush on the proclaimed ‘Demon King’ not to long ago. It was only a matter of time before those feelings finally made themselves present, whether it was an uncontrollable smile, or a feeling of absolute giddiness, you always found yourself wooing over Finn even when he wasn’t around.
You and Finn had developed a strong friendship since the day you both met, and you were pretty certain that it was going to stay that way, and that’s the way Finn would of wanted it as well. You did a pretty good job of concealing your feelings, especially when around him and the other talent backstage.
You know how the story goes.People find out about who your interested in, and boom, next thing you know that person, Finn in this case, finds out, and well the rest is pretty obvious to see.
Over the seemingly loud voice of Michael Cole’s commentary, you were able to hear what sounded like someone rushing towards you from behind. At first you figured it was just someone who was in a hurry to get somewhere, so you kept your attention on the TV.
The scuffing of shoes against the ground became more apparent which made your eyes shoot away from the small monitor, you couldn’t even turn your head to gaze over your shoulder as your body was shoved roughly onto the table where the monitor had now toppled over the opposite side of the wooden surface
You were being attacked by someone.
You attempted to turn your head again in the direction behind you, resulting in a hand clutching the back of your head and slamming it down onto the wooden table, nose first. Pain shot through your head, and nose as you quickly moved one of your hands to your face to make sure you didn’t shed any blood
The blow to your head had made you momentarily dizzy, but you were still able to feel the person viciously yanking you off the table.
You were able to hear them emit an audible grunt as they pulled your small body off the table, but you couldn’t quite identify who the grunt belonged to.
They held onto the back of your neck with a tight grip, while their other hand held onto the tights you were wearing from your match earlier this evening. It was like one of those holds you use on opponents outside of the ring when you’re trying to toss them back into the ring.
This time they tossed you against a large metal cabinet.
Your spine had contacted with the metal handles of the cabinet which resulted in a sharp pain shooting up your back. You slid your back down against the cold metal until your bum touched the floor, and you were in a seated position.
While seated, you hung your head down so you were looking at the floor, your hair had fallen in front of your face, so you still had an unblemished view of who had ambushed you.
As you were moving your head back to its normal straight forward position to catch a glimpse at who stood in front of you, a big plastic bin that was placed on top of the metal cabinet fell onto your already battered head.
The impact from you hitting the cabinet must of been enough to make that bin fall, which was quite surprising since the bin felt super heavy on impact.
A loud groan of pain escaped your lips, your head was violently throbbing in pain, for a second you actually forgot where you were.
When you could finally muster up the strength, you slowly tilted your head up so you were in view of your surroundings all while keeping a hand on the top of your head, where you knew for sure a bump would sprout soon.
No one was around, it was completely empty like before. There was no sign of who attacked you.
You weren’t entirely sure as to why no one was around, you would think there would be a camera man, guards, interview’s and other backstage personal floating around in every nook and craney, but there was no one to be found.
The throbbing in your head only became worse with every second that surpassed. Even when the throbbing began to cease, the pugnacious pain lingered only to make you more uncomfortable.
Your vision started to grow extremely blurry. Even though you tried to recuperate your normal vision, it just kept getting worse and worse.
Even through the culmination of blurriness, you could see what looked like two silhouette’s rushing over towards you. Your vision provided no clarification as to who they were or what they were doing.
Next thing you know you completely black out.
As you slowly started to come back from your black out, you could hear two male voices from a close vicinity. For the moment what you were hearing just sounded like gibberish, but as your body began to wake up more and more you could clearly tell whoever was with you wasn’t verbalizing some unknown language. Your eyes slowly began to open due to the sensitivity of the bright lights that hung in the ceiling. You didn’t want to strain your eyes, so you waited for them naturally adjust.
“Ah, she’s awake.”
A groggy groan pushes past your lips. You bring your hands up balling them up slightly to rub your sensitive eyes.
“Wha-what happened…” you wobbly ask the medics as both slowly help you to a seated position on the medical bed.
You blacked out and hit your head on the floor.” One medic confirms.
Your mouth gapped open, you hit your head for the third time today. That last one must of done you In for good.
“Miss Y/N, you have suffered a concussion somehow, which is oddly strange because you only hit your head once.” The doctor confusedly assumes.
You understood why the medics sounded so confused, they weren’t there to witness the other two times you took some blows to the head.
“Well actually…” You trail off causing both medics to shoot you a look of concern.
You do your best to explain what happened, and how your head was hit from being slammed on the table, and the bin of whatever fell onto your head as well.
“Well that explains why you have a concussion then,” The medic says in realization.
“How long am I going to be on the shelf?” You ask concern producing in your voice as you spoke.
“We’re looking at about roughly a month.” The medic who sat closest to you confirms. “Month and a half, maximum,” the other medic adds.
You let out a sigh of relief, thank god it wasn’t more than that. You probably would of gone crazy if you were out for more than a month and a half. This is your first time getting injured since being apart of WWE, so it was going to take awhile for this to click in your mind.
“Hey, is that guy still outside?” One of the medics asks the other.
“Im not sure, maybe.” The other one responds.
“What guy?” You ask, your curiosity peaking out of its shell.
The medics share a look before they both look back to you.
“A wrestler,” the medic furthest away from you says as he goes through some files, “He practically busted in the door about 10 minutes after we brought you in, and he was freaking out, asking if you would be ok, and what happened, but we didn’t say anything we kinda had to chase him out.”
“What did he look like?” You ask even though you were pretty sure you knew exactly who it was.
“Hmmm..he had a very nice physique, blue eyes, he was about 5 foot 10, oh and he’s an Irish fella.”
“Finn…” you mumble to yourself.
Of course Finn was going to be the one to go batshit crazy if he found out you were hurt. He had to be worried sick right now, and for him to have heard about this right after his match probably just added to his mental and physical exhaustion.
“Can I please go?” You ask, knowing you need to let Finn see that your ok and everything is going to be fine.
“Yeah go ahead just take it easy, and no more hitting your head, we’ll do a follow up later.” The medics jokingly says granting you permission to leave.
You nod and plant your feet on the ground making sure to steady yourself since you were still experiencing some light dizziness. You slowly walked over to the door grabbing onto the metal handle. You turn to the two men, “Thanks guy’s,” you wave to them.
“You welcome,” both say in unison.
You twist the handle and push door open, and move out into the narrow hallway. You quietly ease the door in your direction making sure it didn’t slam to hard when it closed. Once the door quietly shut, the sound of someone’s feet against the floor could be heard behind you. This time you turned around ready to fight whoever it was.
You were expecting that person who attacked you to come back again but turns out it was just a sweaty Finn who pulled you into his embrace. Despite how sweaty he was and how horrible he smelt, you couldn’t help but hug him back. Finn held you tight, as if someone were going to swoop down outta nowhere and take you away from him.
Finn reluctantly pulled away from the embrace allowing you get a full view of his body. If anything you should be the one worried about him right now. His milky white skin was covered in red marks, scratches, and welts from his match. His condition was just as worse as yours. At least that’s your own opinion.
You noticed Finn frown as he focused on something that was on your face. Finn’s hand went to gently graze a bump that formed on your hairline from one of three times you hit your head. It didn’t hurt bad, but once Finn’s fingers came into contact with it, you winced softly which made him draw his hand back to his side.
“Finn I-”
“Who did this to ya?” He cuts you off with his question.
Finn’s voice was low, his accent sounded thick, you knew he was pissed, you couldn’t just hear it in his voice, but just by looking into his eyes you could see he wasn’t very happy with the situation at hand.
“Who, Y/N?!” He asks a little louder this time startling you.
“I-I don’t know, Finn…” You answer back right as the last word left his mouth.
“How can ya not know Y/N!?” He scolds you causing you to step back a bit, “Ya were da one getting attacked and ya didn’t see who did it?!”
You rapidly shake your head no not wanting to speak. Finn just looks at you, his chest rising and dropping rapidly with every breath he took, his fists were balled up and his knuckles were a different shade of white compared to his already pale skin tone.
“If ya don’t know who did it then I guess I’m gonna have ta find out myself.”
Finn walked away in whatever direction with the intentions of finding whoever hurt you. You respected him for caring and all, but he was taking it to a whole other level. Plus you didn’t need him to fight your battles for you. You are perfectly capable of handling the situation correctly.
You darted after him in the direction he walked in catching up to him shortly after.
Once you caught up with him, you stepped your body out in front of his, but he didn’t stop, he simply just moved around you and kept going. You caught up with him again except his time you placed your hands on his hard chest trying to bring him to a halt to no avail. If Finn really wanted to, he could walk straight through you with no struggle, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally.
“Finn it’s not that big a deal.” You try to convince him. In response he gave you the “are you serious” type of look.
Finn stalled out finally causing you to stumble backwards a bit.
“Not tha big a deal?!” He practically shouts. “Ya have a concussion, and yer gonna be out for a month an’ a half.” He says exaggerating the whole sentence making it seem like it was the end of the world.
“Wait, wait, wait.” You stop him sticking your finger up. “How do you know I have a concussion. I didn’t even mention anything about it yet?
“I may of have been listening while ya were with tha medics.“ He nonchalantly admits crossing his arms over his chest. You weren’t upset that he was listening, you were just confused as to how he knew your status.
“Finn what the hell are you going to do when you find out who did this to me.” You ask referring to the bump on your head.
“Not like you can go demon king on them.” You joke.
"If i have ta I will. I don’t care who they are what they did was a horrible act of violence tha was absolutely unnecessary.”
Before you could argue back Finn had turned his back on you and began walking in the direction you were coming from before. This time he walked much quicker.
You repeated your actions from before and place your hands on his chest again trying to stall him again. Only this time it was way harder since his pace was much quicker.
“Why do you care so much about what happened?” You question still trying to fight back against Finn. You had even tried planting your feet while pushing against his chest for leverage, but due to Finn’s strength he ended up pushing you instead.
Finn’s silence frustrated you, and you knew having a sour attitude wouldn’t make it any better.
“Why do you care so much about me?!” You question but shout at the same time.
This time you cocked your arms back ready to shove Finn due to your own frustration, but before you could Finn caught your wrists in his grasp preventing you from shoving him.
In one swift motion, Finn yanked you into his embrace. His arms wrapped around your waist while your hands laid on his chest.
“Finn wha-”
You were cut off by Finn’s lips crashing down against yours. At first you thought that you were dreaming, were you still unconscious in the medics room, and this was just some amazing dream you’d wake up from any second. It wasn’t until Finn’s hands gently squeezed your waist for you to realize that this wasn’t a dream, and you were wide awake and this was actually happening.
Finn disconnected your lips, but still held you against his body by your waist.
“Wanna ask why I care so much about ya again?” He asks with a small grin.
"Finn I-I’m so confused..” you trial off, you were absolutely bewildered by his actions. When it came to Finn, you always thought you were trapped in the friend zone with him.
“Y/N, I never made it obvious, but I have liked ya’ for da’ longest time, ever since we had gotten so close dats when I knew tha I felt more for ya than just being friends.”
Once again you were bewildered. You always thought that you and Finn would remain nothing more than friends, it never crossed your mind that Finn could have the same feelings back. That was something you’d only catch yourself imagining in a perfect world.
Finn noticed the time you were taking to respond, so he let you go and moved away to give you some space.
"If ya don’t feel tha same then it’s ok.” He nervously says scratching the back of his neck. His bicep flexing in the process. Your heart melted as he spoke, his nervousness was one of the many adorable things you noticed about him. He would go from this badass man, to a nervous and shy man which was a quality that you had noticed with him for quite some time.
“Finn of course I feel the same.” You clarify stopping him in his tracks. His eyes widen and the most surprised look fills his face.
You do?” He asks. His overly excited tone fueling your happiness.
“Yes Finn, everything you said was exactly the way I felt for so long. I hid my feelings from you and everyone else. Every moment we spent together was amazing and I just found my feelings growing even more every time I saw you. I guess I was just always scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way back…” you say trailing off in your sentence.
You let your head hang low feeling a bit feeling ashamed your eyes were looking at the valley that divided both of his muscular pecs.
“That’s not possible…” He says while taking your chin in between his index finger and thumb. “Because I love you, so much Y/N.”
"Will ya do me the biggest honor in the world and accept to go out on a date wit me?” He asks taking your tiny hands in his huge ones.
At this point you were practically spewing with happiness, Finn Balor. The most attractive man on the WWE Roster, at least in your opinion, had asked you on a date
"Yes, Yes Finn.” You say with a ginormous smile forming across your face.
Finn smiles as well and his hands gently trail down to your waist pulling you back into his embrace. You stared into his bright blue orbs as he cupped your face with one hand pulling you in for one more kiss. This time you kissed back, you hooked your arms under his arms bringing your hands to his shoulders.
Finn’s touch sent waves of electricity through your body, you felt as if your whole body went numb. Even the pain in your head was going numb.
Finn pulled away looking you right in your eyes.
Now lets go figure out who did this ta ya.” He smirks devilishly.
#finn balor#finn balor x reader#wwe x reader#wwe#balor club#fergal devitt#prince devitt#monday night raw#demon balor
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1 - Wrestling❤️ 2- Finn Balor🤘🏻💪🏼 3- Volleyball🏐 4- Family👪 5- My Grandparents👴🏻👵🏻
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity.
1 - my son 💚2 - my work 3 - my family 4 - Finnshine 5 - Seth, Dean and AJ
1 @ashleymarie20212 @vortexboss3 @wrestlingnoob4 @fan-fiction-galore 5 @gelinas22
…and I think that’s it ☺️
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Look at Finn!🤘🏻😂 I could do write a smut Imagine based off this picture tbh🤣
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My first imagine is done! Now to just edit it a bit and we'll be good
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Gonna get this first imagine up by Sunday, hopefully🙏🏻
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Me @ Trisha Paytas right now🖕🏼🖕🏼
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If any of you guys are interested in a new type of story involving WWE superstars than I think you'll like this book I'm working on with the wattpad app🙌🏼
#wwe#wattpad#fanfic#wwe smackdown#wwe raw#seth rollins#finn balor#sasha banks#sami zayn#dean ambrose#roman reigns#aliyah#aj lee
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My mind telling my body to get my lazy ass up and write Imagine or do something productive😂
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Finn Imagine Requests?
Does anyone have an idea for a Finn Imagine just so I can get this page started? If you have one let me know and I'll be more than willing to write it👌🏼 Credit to @devitt-fergal for gif
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Oh my goodness😍😝🤤
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👏🏼this is great!
Never Gonna Happen
Enzo Amore/OC (smut): Despite his constant playful flirtations, you and Enzo have never been anything more than friends. After a drunken night at the club, and a questionable morning after, you learn how he really feels about you.
(This is my first fic on here, I’m so nervous but I hope you all really enjoy it! It ended up waaaay longer than I anticipated.)
Special thanks to @imaginingwwesuperstars for being super supportive and an all-around sweetheart, ily. <3
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This is true
Only ONE can beat the Beast and He is The Demon King
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