Im a swedish Disabled and chronically ill Queer/Pan Femme NB with HSD/EDS, Autism, AD(H)D and RLS/WED to name a few. my personal account is @SaftOchBulle!
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Trump ruins bacon.
Every Trump policy makes things worse.
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“Rate your pain on a scale from 1-10″

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What if Earth is already the property of some galactic empire that hasn’t gotten around to settling us yet because they just purchased us off of another galactic empire a few decades ago?
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Kristen Stewart and Naomi Scott on the first time they met.
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imagine being able to handle things. that’s wild.
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How come semi trucks in Europe look like “toot toot :)” and in North America they look like “HONK HOOOOOOOONK >:|”
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Nuerotypical: You know, liking (special interest/hyperfixation) isn’t a personality, sweaty! 🤭😏
Autistic and ADHD people:
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Right now in Australia, there are plans to cut down 800 year old Djab Wurrung sacred birthing trees to make way for a highway extension.Sacred birthing trees on Djap Wurrung country need protecting. Find out more here:
👇👇👇 Follow on Facebook👇👇👇
Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network FIRE Fighting In Resistance Equally Anticolonial Asian Alliance Anticolonial Asian Alliance
👇👇👇 Join on Facebook👇👇👇 Aboriginal Solidarity Network Sydney
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Have you ever considered how fucking astonishing babies crying is?
The young of other animals don’t make noise, or if they do, barely any at all. Baby birds only start chirping when their parents come back with the food, kittens meow to their mothers because cat communication is extremely subtle and drawing your caretaker’s attention may require a sound when you have eight siblings. At this point, they can already see and walk.
But human babies? Crying is essentially the first willful action that they learn. Months before being able to move on your own, or even hold your own fucking head up, or being able to choose when and where you defecate. Before anything else, a skill more valuable than anything else, is a distress call.
A distress call specifically intended to be impossible to ignore.
Before object permanence or theory of mind, without even an understanding of what help they need, who could provide it, and whether they choose to do so, a human being is capable of expressing that there is something wrong in the state they are in, that they are powerless to correct on their own.
This is what was evolutionarily selected above silent babies that did not attract predators. This is what was selected instead of young who could instantly walk. This is what was selected as the ideal offspring for the human race. Not one that runs. Not one that hides. Not one that can fend for itself. A creature that can communicate, if only the simplest, most inherent message: I need help.
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also i literally do not care whether you prefer pads or tampons but the fact that in almost every situation where free period supplies are available, they’re tampons, and this is just assumed to be fine (or people like campaigning for “free tampons” rather than “free menstrual products”) upsets me bc there are a lot of people who use pads who cannot use tampons and i don’t understand why tampons are considered not just the default but the only option worth mentioning
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White people can’t have dreads!
They just can’t! This isn’t even an opinion it’s a fact! Look:

Shit white people do:

Like let’s be honest, do those look ANYTHING alike? No? Didn’t think so🤷🏾♀️😂
I know they won’t stop doing this appropriative shit even though it doesn’t compare in any way to the real thing and white people just shouldn’t do it from a moral/ethical viewpoint but they will continue to so here’s the deal.
We’re no longer calling that shit white people do dreads, from now on when white people try (and fail) to imitate dreads they’ll be called matts.
Because it literally looks like they matted their hair together with glue to make grinch fingers sprout out they heads lol.
So one more time


Live it, learn it, love it👌🏾
Thanks for coming to me TED talk
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If you dare come at me about banning straws, I will throw you into the sun cannon. I’m disabled, I’m crippled, I need disposable plastic straws, and all those pricey ridiculous alternatives aren’t working as well. Plastic straws were invented for the disabled.
Way to shit all over a vital access need because you think straws are worse than corporate greed.
We all care about the turtles, the seals, the oceans, obviously. Notice how the easiest thing to yell about was something that would barely affect anything but appealed heavily to emotional discourse.
The disabled community is huge, and it can be joined by anyone. Most of those As Seen On TV products were invented for us. Society still mocks us and ignores us, and often outright harms us in multiple ways.
Communicate better. Listen better. But stop putting us out in the cold because you are inconvenienced by our simplest needs.
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