#loving billy hours
𝜗𝜚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 ᡣ𐭩 ⊹˚₊𝜗𝜚
trigger warning, there is a lot of descriptions of depression, not eating, sadness, grief, and just generally angsty feelings BUT I PROMISE THERE IS COMFORT just please be cautious and just know that if this felt a little too real, you are not alone (more notes at the end)
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Your very being felt like it was being ripped out of your chest. 
Invisible claws marring your chest as they hungrily are away at your happiness, making you feel empty and cold. Leeches ate away, sucking love and kindness out of your very soul, worming their way through your every vein. Your eyes burned with the scalding hot tears of your fury and sorrow. 
However, it was your heart that cried out in agony the most. It was as if all the warmth of life had been ripped, shredded, torn, and massacred from your life.
The pain officiated the marriage between your soul and utter despair.
Your father had found out about your ‘little affair’ with Billy yet ,it was nothing of the sort at all. Your love and being had been devoted to Billy, clinging onto his every word, breath, and moment with him for dear life. You felt the butterflies fluttering in your belly every time you even dared think about those sapphire eyes and his warm hands. You felt the cool scales of desire slither up your back and around your legs whenever Billy kissed you. You felt the pounding of your heart with every deep chuckle Billy let slip past his lips and boisterous laugh that left your painted mouth.
For once in your life, you had a reason to smile. 
In fact you had talked and laughed your throat as rough as sandpaper whenever you found yourself with Billy. You couldn't hide the bright smile you had lost with your mother or the same curious eyes Billy’s lil brother had. 
Of course, Billy loved you for it. He never wanted you to hide yourself from him. He wanted to be a man worthy of your attention. He wanted to be a man you could be yourself with. He yearned to be a man you could open up too or lean on when things get rough. And most importantly, he wanted to be a man worthy of your love.
That’s all Billy had sought out in his life, love. He desperately screamed out for anyone to hear, pleading and begging to find love, to be loved, to love. He loved his Pa so much that it hurt to lose the memory of his face smiling at him. He loved his lil brother Jo so much that it hurt to watch him grow weaker and weaker with every minute they were in that damned house with Antrim in New Mexico. And Billy had hurt the most when his own loving Ma had been stolen away from him last. Her death had hit him the hardest because in truth, she was all Billy had left.
He had felt so empty after losing all he held dear. He started struggling and hurting people that didn’t do anything to deserve his anger and depression, his wrath and grief. He drank the nights away and even sometimes forgot to eat until his skin was so sickly and his stomach ate away at his bones. 
His world had lost all its color. His days blended into brown and gray, each leaving him with nothing but a cold desolate plain where his heart should have been. 
Sometimes, he’d beg the stars, the moon, anyone to take him next. Sometimes he wished for a death so swift just so he could remember the sound of his Pa’s full laugh, fall asleep with Jo once more, and finally tell his Ma of all his adventures.
Yet that all changed when he had met you.
Billy started praying that he won’t be taken by the Reaper tomorrow just so he could greet you good mornin’ and good evenin’. He started to find his will to live again and he found that his days were no longer cold and bleak but rather bright, filled with warm oranges and reds. 
Being with you had brought his heart back to life, beating every single time he thought of you whether that was alone in the comfort of his bed or with you in the fields where you often met. 
His heart beat with life as you laughed, prancing around the field, picking flowers and fashioning them into a crown which you always placed delicately onto Billy’s hair rich as ripe wheat hung in loose, tousled waves from his weathered hat. He cherished and kept each sticky flower crown in his place until they were frail and decaying. 
You cherished every single moment together, kissing each other breathless, cuddling underneath giant trees earning respite from the harsh sun that freckled Billy’s face.
Yet, every high has come down.
And your world had come crashing down as your father bore down upon you the full might of his fury and unadulterated anger. He had called you a whore, meaningless hoe, he took every single thing you had considered dear and flung them at you as if they were burdens. He screamed at you for being so reckless and childish.
Worst of all, he told you that no one would ever be able to love you.
And what did you do?
You believed him.
You believed every single venomous lie he spouted at you. You curl further and further into the valley of your mind as he shreds your skin to shreds with his words as sharp as shards of glass. They nicked your skin as your happiness and joy seeped out of you like thick red blood, wounds you would never recover from.
You ran away that night. Stole one of his horses and rode off into the distance. You rode and rode through the cover of night until you reached the only other place you could, the tree.
You sat underneath it, the sky blanketed by the starry night sky. You screamed and sobbed, scalding tears flowing from your red cheeks. You wailed your voice hoarse, weeped until the tears dried up. Your head pounding from crying the night away. You rubbed your eyes as you shook from the waterfall of tears that fell onto the pillowy earth beneath you.
It wasn’t until the morning when Billy would find you. He had been riding, taking his stallion on a trot which he usually found himself riding to your little haven away from the prying and judging eyes of those in town. 
Billy was surprised to say the least when he found you curled up under your tree. Billy’s heart raced, what had happened to you? You were still in that darlin’ little dress you had been wearing before, meaning that you had to have been out here all alone for some time.
As he moved closer to you, he noticed the slow rise and fall of your chest with each small breath you took. His aquamarine eyes roved over your face as he took a seat next to where you lay. His hand instinctively brushes your hair away from your face. Your face was red and eyes were rubbed raw. His thumb ran slow circles on your cheek. Have you been crying? Why? Had it been something he said? He did?
As if you could feel Billy’s presence, you started to stir, your nose twitching amongst the tall blades of the grass. Your arm hurt but the pain was nothing like the tsunami of remembrance that crashed over you. 
“G’mornin’ darlin’,” Billy smiled, hand resting on your cheek.
Cold hot shame washed over you next. Billy had found you? How? How long had you been out?
You straightened up, combing your fingers through your hair, looking down at the grass bed you had slept in last night. Your stomach dropped, your skin going sick as you felt tears well up in your eyes threatening to cascade your still damp cheeks. You bit your lip and shut your eyes, willing the tears away. Naturally, that didn’t work as the tears started to well up even more. You crushed your lip even harder to stop yourself from sobbing. You hated crying and showing weakness, you hated that you cried always turning your head away or crying in the solitude of your pillow. 
Billy immediately sensed your distress, bringing his large hands to your shoulders to comfort you. You shook his warm hands off, mourning the feel of his hands on you.
“‘Ey, pretty girl, what's the matter?” He brought his hands to your cheek as he carefully tilted your head up to look at him. 
You let out a soft whimper as the tears ran down your cheeks, your nose red. You shook as you cried more and more, using your sleeves to wipe the tears away, praying they would stop. 
“Aw, darlin’, come here.” His deep whiskey voice crashed into your ears. You opened your eyes, hazy from the tears that continued to cascade down your face.
Billy opened his arms, inviting you into the warmth of his embrace. You sobbed crashing into him. You buried your face into his shoulder, shaking and sobbing even more. You wrapped your arms around him, his warm body enveloping you. He gently brought his arms around you, cradling you against him as he soothingly rubbed up and down your back.
Billy stayed quiet as you let all of your sobs and weep out. He knew that he couldn’t know how you were hurting, opting to just be there with you. God knows that it was all he needed when he had lost his father, brother, and mother. He didn’t need their words of condolence or their optimistic words. All he needed was someone to lean on, which is all he wanted to be for you.
And so you sat there, as Billy heard your wails and cries, vowing that he would replace them with laughs and smiles later. But for now, he was there to feel with you, after all, that was all he needed. 
Billy held you tightly and lovingly that day, and that was all you needed, to know that someone was there for you, that someone knew how it felt. Most importantly, you and Billy knew that there were no words that could comfort you, but you felt the love Billy felt for you as he sat with you there underneath the tree, as he sat with you as you told him what your father had said, as he lay there with you that night vowing he would never leave.
And Billy had understood your love as you kissed him that day in church, as you vowed to love and to cherish in sickness and in health, until death do you part.
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this has absolutely been influenced by my own struggles and everyone copes differently, but writing is one of the ways that i cope with not so happy feelings so I just wanted to share a little glimpse at my experience with sad-der feelings
i hope that this has brought some comfort to you because writing this has absolutely helped me work through some of my own struggles even if i find solace in writing fantastical stories such as these and again, just know that you are not alone
thank you for reading! - emi
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milliesfishes · 3 days
she breaks something by accident in front of him and she’s trying to hold back tears as she apologizes profusely and tries to clean it up fast and his heart just hurts in his chest because he knows her head is telling her over and over in that moment that he’ll leave her for something so small
and of course before he can stop her she’s got her hand cut on broken glass and bloody and she’s just crying at that point and apologizing even more because she feels like a burden for getting hurt
oh I fear this one hit too close to home (edit: this did not start as this, but it became very long)
⋆౨ৎ𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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The sound of the glass hitting the ground hit your ears before you realized what had happened. There was a brief moment in time when you were frozen, eyes wide as the centers of daisies. It had been completely innocent- you'd been laughing at something he said, sweeping your hand out in an exaggerated motion. And now the moment was broken, all innocence sapped out of the room.
Apologies flooded from your lips, and you dropped to your knees in an instant, reaching for the scattered shards. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"
Across from you, Billy was standing up, reaching for you. "Baby-"
Your breath hitched on your tenth apology, and you took in a staggered breath, a few of the larger pieces of the glass gathered in a tiny pile in front of you. Heart pounding, the thoughts running through your mind were frantic, awfully firm and unyielding. He's gonna leave you. You made a mistake. He's gonna hate you now, you don't deserve him.
Stepping around the glass, Billy tried to get to you, and you kept your head down, hair falling around the sides of your face like a curtain. "I'll fix it...I'm sorry, I'll fix it..."
Billy knelt beside you, his hand on your arm, trying to meet your eyes. "Sweetheart, it's-"
A sharp gasp interrupted him. You'd reached for a piece of glass without thinking and now your hand was cut in the space below your thumb. Humiliation flooded your system, and your cheeks burned as hot tears began to cascade down your face, stinging like salt in a wound. Nononononono you made a mistake, you made a mistake-
Breaths uneven, you fell back against the leg of your chair, trying to steady yourself, holding your hand to your chest. Blood was dripping down your finger, and you drew your knees up, looking away from Billy and shutting your eyes as if that would make him disappear. You wanted to redo this moment, to fix everything you'd done.
His hand was gentle on your knee, and you opened your eyes at his touch. Billy's other palm was extended, and he murmured, "Lemme see."
Against your will, you gave him your hand, and he reached up to his neck, unraveling the bandana he wore there. The cloth was pressed to your hand soon after, and he held it there for a moment until he was satisfied, tying it across your knuckles.
The entire time he was tending to you, a bucket of guilt was poured over your head like rain in the springtime. You'd done a bad thing, you'd ruined your evening and here he was, being so kind and sweet just like always. A fresh wave of tears fell down your cheeks in rivers, and his eyes softened.
Billy slid his arm around your waist, tugging at you. "C'mere...c'mere, sweet girl. It's okay. I promise."
You moved into him like he was your gravity. Billy held you tight to his chest, leaning his cheek to the top of your head. "Shh, it's okay. It was just an accident, baby."
"I'm sorry-" you choked, voice strung with a high pitch. You were clinging to him like he was a lifeline, his scent and being engulfing you the way it always did. And the fact that he didn't even seem mad made you feel worse.
"You didn't do anything wrong. It's okay," he whispered, kissing the top of your head and letting his lips linger there. "Oh my love...my baby..." Billy shifted you onto his lap, away from the precarious shards of glass still scattered and hidden across the floor.
It was quiet for a minute, except for the sounds of Billy adjusting your legs across his so not a single portion of your skin was touching the ground. He held you for a stretch of time that you didn't bother to count.
When it had been a moment, he began to murmur little questions against your head, and you responded with a nod or a shake.
"Are you tired?" Shake.
He rubbed his thumb soothingly up and down your arm. "D'you wanna get in bed? Just to get cozy?" Nod.
Billy nudged his lips against your hairline, hugging you tight to him. You felt a flood of love and warmth in your chest, replacing the tautness of anxiety that occupied the space before. He isn't mad.
"You know I love you?" he whispered, the tenderness of his tone nearly bringing you to tears again. Billy tilted your chin up, searching your eyes.
In his face you saw something heavenly reflected back. Nobody would call your Billy pure, but his love was. It existed outside whatever wrongs he'd committed, whatever sins stood in need of repentance. The boundless emotion you saw in his eyes was too big to ever be set off course by something like an accident.
He used a hand to smooth your hair, tuck it behind your ear. "I love you so much." Cupping your cheek in his big palm, his lips twitched up a little sadly when you leaned into it. "Now you know?"
You reached up for his wrist, squeezing it. Nod.
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Stu and Billy do this work tactic where when doing essays for school, after each sentence they kiss, you know, to motivate each other.
They don't end up kissing at all because they make Randy write their essays for them OR they spend the whole time heavily making out on the couch while Randy is on the floor, writing their essays (he got shoved off the couch)
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Identity reveal shazamily fic idea:
They're fighting some big bad in a huge cave or throne room or in an air pocket miles underwater (the Rock?) and the league and shazamily are all there, every two stuck in separate areas (magic barriers? Cave ins? Enemies simply not letting them close?).
The roof is starting to collapse. Billy catches it, but with his powers divided, he's struggling. With a time limit before he falls, the battle intensifies.
Mary and her jl partner fells her opponent first, and looks across the room just in time to see him stagger under the crushing weight. She cannot reach him (in time?). They meet each others eyes. The wisdom of Solomon, or perhaps Mary batson, has an idea.
In a crash of thunder, she detransforms, in front of their enemies, and the entire justice league.
With power returned, captain marvel stands a bit straighter. The roof grows heavier. Cracks scatter across the high ceiling.
As Mary is carried to safety, the family understands what they must do.
In conjunction with the league member they were trapped with, they work to defeat their opponents, and one by one transform, each time revealing people too small, too young. The crash of thunder marks each victory. Rubble starts to fall and shake the earth as the league members pull their partners to safety, gathering together by the entrance, bandaging their wounds. All eyes are on Marvel, trapped under a great pillar of stone. (They have been working with him for years now, but each of his family has been revealed to be children. Is he, too?) Each time he raises the ceiling a little higher, and each time it grows heavier as the battles and the ticking clock destabilise the thousands of tons above.
At last, the final group win, and exhausted league members piggy back the last child hero over the rubble.
All are evacuated, but Marvel cannot move. Rapid power transfer and hours of stress have taken their toll, and he needs to transform back as well.
Finally, finally, green lantern and superman reach him, and with their help he is freed, collapsing to the side in relief. No one says a word.
With one final lightning strike, the last member of the team is revealed.
He's twelve years old.
And the league needs to take them all to safety.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Roadkill Remi! I love all things weird and love writing fics that don't make a lick of sense.
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⚠️ -Minors DNI
🫁 - Still in the works
>>Uncle!Randy MasterList<<
300 Event
Kinktober '23
Requests are currently on pause
The characters I write for are not limited to the ones below.
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Looking for a request I wrote?
It's down here!
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The List (Randy X Gn!Reader)
The Bar (College!Randy X Gn!Reader)
See you again... (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Not Perfectly Perfect (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't stay awake. (Randy X F!Reader)
Bullshit (Randy X F!Reader)
I won't allow it (Uncle! Randy X F!Reader)
Lost in the '90s (Randy X F!Reader)
My boy (Randy X F!Reader)
Like Old Times (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Drunken Away (Randy X F!Reader)
Thigh Riding (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Brat (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Sooner rather than later (Randy X F!Reader)
Stupid decisions, Stupid consequences (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Director (Randy X Reader)
Too Dumb To speak (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Riding Randy. (Dilfy Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Searching (Poly!Stu and Billy X Succubus!Reader) ⚠️
Experiment (Randy X Reader)⚠️
Impatient (Uncle!Randy X Reader⚠️
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I want your video (Randy X Gn!Reader)
They're all dead (Stu X Gn!Reader)
Salty Tears (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't tell mom (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Subway Cars (Mindy Martin-Meeks X F!Reader)
Catch Me (Billy X F!Reader X Stu)
Glances Exchanged (Tatum X F!Reader)
Crimson (Randy X Reader )
Till Death ⚠️
Our beginnings ⚠️
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Randy was the third Ghostface ⚠️
Randy With Queer and/or Trans reader
Randy with Sleepy Reader
Scream With Alt. Reader
Randy X Ghostface Reader
Uncle Randy Holiday
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Please don't kill me, Mr.GhostFace
#2 ⚠️
Sequel to Please Don't Kill me- I wanna be in the Sequel 🫁
#2 ⚠️
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Love Sucks (Randy Meeks X F!Reader) 🫁
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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"I wouldn't imagine breaking your no underwear rule" (Billy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I can't lose you again! Can't you see that?" (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
"I don't know how to touch you..." (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I have to admit. I'm very... possessive.". (Ghostface!Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Non Scream Fics -
DuctTape 1 (FP Jones x F!Reader) Riverdale
Rhymes for your Mind(B RadXReader) Malibu's Most wanted
A better man (Negan Smith X F!reader) TWD⚠️
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munchcrvnch · 5 months
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angryhuangyu · 2 years
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Its nearing my one year anniversary since I watched ST and started drawing two angsty boys 🥹 and I recently hit 1k followers on here?? WHAT THE HELL! Thank you for enjoying harringrove with me!
Thanks for following along with my art! Met so many cool people and got to geek out with the creators I used to watch on the sidelines! 😭
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barnabybrainrot · 11 months
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sagxshi · 11 months
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i come bearing an extremely important image
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╰┈ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 ┈➤
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : liam could’ve sworn this was the first time you’d met, so why does he feel like you know him better then he knew himself?
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : reincarnation modern!au, billy isn’t billy but rather liam, and he’s an actor, this part is pretty long
𝐚/𝐧 : inspired by my friends shenanigans and talks of reincarnation! hope you enjoy!!
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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William loved Billy the Kid.
Your very own kid brother, WIlliam, had declared his own nickname to be Billy because of just how much he loved the famous western legend. Ever since you had told him of the old famed outlaw, he’s been obsessed. He changed his nickname, his clothing style, he even tried speaking in a drawled western accent like they did the old black and white cowboy shows, which Billy also loved.
He printed and weathered his very own copies of the Kid’s wanted posters, decorating our small ranch house with homemade wanted posters of me, himself, and our Pa. He printed vintage movie posters and the famous old photo of Billy the Kid to show off to anyone who'd visit your little gem in the middle of nowhere in Southern California. He even begged you and your father to teach him how to shoot just so he can connect with his hero. 
Billy had also coerced you into sewing him trousers and a blouse just like the Kid wore in his iconic wanted poster. He would steal your fathers hats and boots as well as your wine red cardigan, walk outside, toothpick in mouth, playing pretend.
Billy’d pretend that he was in the famed Lincoln County War, surrounded by Jesse Evans and his gang of misfits employed under Murphy and the House. He’d use his pretend gun and shoot all the bad guys down just as Billy the Kid had at the burning McSween house.
Of course, as Billy grew up, so did you. You had left your father’s ranch, your home, and moved to Los Angeles to finish high school and attend university. 
In university, you ended up studying history and visual communication. You loved history, tales of old, myths and legends, all of it. You were the one who taught your kid brother about the famed Billy the Kid on a road trip through the American South-West once after all.
It was your senior year of high school when you had finally found your calling. During that school year, you had found yourself signed up for a theater class. However, you were terrible at acting. You couldn’t memorize lines and your singing voice was locked up in your shower, the key thrown away and never to be found. 
Of course, your best friend, Lucy, had gotten the lead role of the play. She was born and raised in Hollywood, the land of movie magic. She was a natural, her improv and memorization skills making her one of the top people in that theater class. Her voice was akin to a sweet angel which is why the musical theater club always cast her as the lead, even in musicals such as Shrek where she played the big, burly green ogre to perfection. 
However, Lucy was very particular about her costumes. She loved you for that exact reason. You, ever since you were a child, had been talented at sewing and costume making. And on top of that, you loved historical processes and authenticity. So, of course in an attempt to include you in their play, Lucy sang praises about your skill as a designer and a historian to your teacher who had awarded you with the title “Art Director”, whatever that meant.
What did matter was that you had the time of your life. Being an expert on history, especially the Wild West which was where the play was set in, you were considered the saving grace of the play. You had led the costume department, aka you and one other classmate, in creating historical-ish costumes for each and every one of the 21 different characters. You had also led the stage crew in creating the backdrops and settings with props which all were weathered by you to look as if you had plucked them straight out of Gunsmoke or even Bonanza. 
You had discovered your love for design and history there, carrying that love with you as you went on to enhance your studies in college. As time passed on, you started to post your creations online, oftentimes getting commissioned to create costumes and even design pro global pieces based on time periods or films. Most of these posts of course were of Lucy in her costumes she asked you to make for her for her plays and musicals as she went on to professionally act and perform in live performances and movies. 
Naturally, as your account and following grew, so did your opportunities. Soon, you found yourself being contacted by actors and actresses alike, asking you to design their premiere looks. Even movie studios contracted you as a consultant to help with their movies. Of course, you accepted the position. Even your papa and Billy had been ecstatic to hear about your new passion, especially so when you told them about your new consultant gig.
After accepting the job as a historical design consultant for movie studios, you often found yourself working with costume departments, helping make sure the costumes seemed plausible for their time period. You were consulted with on set designs, making sure furniture and other items on set actually existed during that time period. Everyday, you were working on something new, using history and your knowledge to bring cinematic artworks to life, transporting actors and viewers to a time or place.
Needless to say, you loved your job.
Even more so, the perks of said job.
You were paid a handsome check every month for just doing what you loved. You were invited to gala’s and dinners alike to celebrate the movies and shows you worked on. And not only that, because you were a consultant, you worked primarily from home only and for the most part, on your own time. 
You were provided with the lush fabrics and delicate threads to create costumes and pieces. You were able to use a plethora of old sewing machines from one of the very first manual spinning ones to one of the most rare, a model from 1938 of which only 43 remain.
Your ‘office’ had to be your favorite perk of working in the movie industry though. It was located on the movie studios backlot in a building called ‘Creator’s Heaven’ because it was one of the largest creative spaces in all of Hollywood. It was an upscale warehouse with shelves towering with different fabrics, lace, and threads. It had rooms called “Makers Space” dedicated to sewing with TV’s and speakers fit for a movie theater to help with boredom when sewing by hand (although it does nothing for concentration especially when one’s favorite actor is on screen). 
You also were given permission to create your own private projects in the Maker Spaces, even if you had to lug all your own materials to the rooms yourself. You loved putting on your favorite movie or show while you created costumes as a private designer or even for yourself. Of course, that’s how you found yourself in one of the rooms one warm night in late July. 
You had promised your brother that you would make him a new costume for the Old Lincoln Days festival in New Mexico you went to every year. It was always one of the highlights of your lonely summers in LA. Your papa and lil Billy still lived on your darling little ranch which always made you homesick when your Pa would video call you and show you how much the cattle had grown or how full the fields were.
But every summer, you drove down south, picking up Billy, costumes in hand. You would then endure the incredibly dull landscape of the South-West for three days, stopping along other towns every now and then to rest, eat, and even stay the night. 
You spent the drive singing to the songs on the radio in your little SUV, AC on full blast, the cool air would sting your noses but keep you from roasting alive in the heat of the sun. You would talk with Billy about his schooling, how life was going for you too. But by far, your favorite part had to be about how Billy’s eyes lit up at every mention of the movies you helped make. Truth was, while Billy still loved Billy the Kid, he also has fallen in love with many many other movies. 
Sometimes, when your father would drive all the way to LA with Billy to visit you, you would also take Billy with you to work as an assistant of some sorts. Billy always was so energetic and buzzed with happiness whenever you did bring him along. 
You always enjoyed seeing your Papa and Billy, even if it was only ever on a video call. You loved getting to see your baby brother grow up into middle school then to high school. He had decided to stay with your Pa, helping out on the ranch and attending school in town. He had grown so much too. He nearly towered over you at the tender age of 15. His legs may have grown longer but his smile still stayed as boyish as it always was.
Which is why you loved your road trips to New Mexico. Even if it was only for a little under a week, you loved getting time to spend with your kid brother. Billy and you also loved getting to dress up like they did in the Wild Wild West too. You always made sure to update Billy’s costume because of how much he grew in a year. But you? You always always wore the same get up. Dark chestnut trousers that met your hips, straps pulled over your shoulders which lay on top of your deep red blouse. Even a gun belt, the leather hanging a little loose on your waist.
You never knew why you always wore the same old clothes but it always felt right to wear when you visited New Mexico. 
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Liam loathed driving to New Mexico. 
He didn’t understand why but it always felt wrong. And yet here he was, Garett and Evan in tow, his best friends in the entire world. 
Growing up, Billy didn’t have much. His family moved from the big city to New Mexico in fact. His Ma worked night and day as part of the local Inn’s housekeeper. His Pa worked out on the ranches and farms, helping whoever would pay him while Liam stayed home in their small two bedroom cabin with his baby brother Jo. 
Naturally, as both Jo and Liam got older, they too started to work. Liam helped his Ma and Pa however he could. He learned to ride a horse to help herd the cattle, harvest wheat and grain, how to herd cattle, how to sew, clean, and cook. He worked hard at night, helping his Ma at the Inn while going to school in the morning with Jo.
And that’s exactly how Liam’s life went on for the next ten years. Slaving the day away at school, trying to get an education while working at night to try and help pay the bills. 
Yet it was in New Mexico that Liam had found his passion.
It was Liam’s 17th summer alive when his Pa had surprised him with a trip to Lincoln. The occasion? It had been a celebration of the official end of the Lincoln County war. The festival had been held for many years now, many tourists coming to visit the famous Old Lincoln Days festival where they celebrated Billy the Kid and his famous legend. 
Little did all those tourists know, drive a little more North and you’d find that the Lincoln days weren’t too far gone.
Of course, Liam’s Pa didn’t do anything without good reason. It had taken Liam a little over five years to convince his father that they needed a car, the reason his Pa finally cracked? Liam told him that it had an A/C. 
Turns out, the real reason that Liam’s Pa had taken him to Lincoln that fateful summer was all because he had signed up Liam for the lead role in the famous shooting reenactment. Every year, the first weekend of August, the festival would kick off with it’s old timey cantina’s and saloons. They even had elaborate Wild West costumes and ‘cowboys’ that would ride their steeds up and down the street, talking in drawled accents and jumbled up lingo that had to have been made up. They would take swigs from flasks and chew on long stems of wheat that rested in between their teeth.
Liam hated it. It sends shivers down his spine every time he even feels a whisper of a memory of that first time he played the Kid in the festival his father had volunteered him for.
Liam had only had three days to practice the scene, yet it was almost like muscle memory for him. They were reenacting the scene where Sheriff Pat Garrett shoots and kills the Kid. 
It truthfully felt as if he had been in that exact same position. Why or when? Liam could never figure it out, no matter how much he wracked around his jumble of memories.
It was as if he had actually been walking down the streets of Lincoln, after dinner presumably. It was as if he felt the malicious eyes of Garett staring him down as he asked 
“¿Quién es? ¿Quién es?“. 
It almost felt right to fall to the Sheriff’s gun, almost as if he truly was William H Bonney who had lost everyone he’s ever loved to death who also begged for the sweet relief that he would find in the afterlife.
It always irked Liam. Nevertheless, he was just grateful that he got paid. 
As the years passed, Liam started to fall in love with the role, volunteering every year up until he moved away for college. He wasn’t Billy every year, once he was actually Sheriff Garrett, but he always got to work with his best friends Evan and Garett, who he actually met at 17 while volunteering. In fact the three were so close that they all moved together to sunny California from arid New Mexico. 
And they have been together ever since. They all fell in love with theater and acting, especially during the re-enactments they all did in the festival back home. The trio attended community college together, renting a small two bedroom apartment together. They all worked their asses off to make rent each month while studying Trigonometry and American History.
As for how they survived in a two bedroom apartment? Well, thanks to their very special schedules with work and school, only two of them would ever be sleeping at one time. Evan couldn’t properly function until at least 2 PM which meant that he slept through the morning and was out late at night. Garrett also had a very unique schedule, rather than sleeping ten hours at once, he split it up. He’d wake up bright and early at 4 AM, leaving for his morning job down at the police station where he helped sort paperwork and whatever, come back to the apartment to nap from a little after lunch till 6 PM where he and Evan would usually go out for drinks before attending class together.
Liam never really understood how those two functioned drunk on beer, learning in the middle of the night, and working odd hours. Liam had prided himself on being the most responsible of course. He’d wake up early as well, attending classes in the morning until lunch rolled around where he’d go to his job at an old family-owned diner. 
He loved working at that little diner, it never failed to remind him of his Ma who also ran a diner and bakery back in New Mexico. She’d even open up a little pop up shop in Lincoln in time for the festival where she attracted tourists and locals alike with her delightful baked goods and savory dishes she spent hours on preparing.
It was moments like those that Liam thought of on the hard days. As the trio worked through community college, they also all started auditioning for other roles and jobs. Of course, being young and new to the whole acting scene, rarely did anyone choose the kids from the middle of nowhere New Mexico.
That is, until they held auditions for a rendition of the famous Billy the Kid story. Garett had been talking to an agent who had managed many many famous actors who were looking for new blood. It was through that agent that he had found the audition which he told the boys. Of course, Liam was ecstatic. At 20, Liam had been faced with countless empty email inboxes when it came to roles he auditioned for. Even Evan and Garett had consistently pulled Ad and modeling gigs. So, as one does when one is down on their luck, Liam remarked,
“Fuck it, what do I gotta lose?”
Liam regards that moment of uncertainty when he closed his eyes and clicked ‘Sign Up For Audition’ as the best thing he’s ever done. 
He had driven to the theater where they were holding auditions all by himself since neither of the other two were gonna audition for any of the roles since they had booked another Ad campaign the week before. 
In honesty, Liam was so nervous waiting in that line that slithered through the hallways filled with other boys and men around his age, height, and build. He could still feel the way that his hands nervously shook as he reread the script over and over and over again. He was usually good at memorizing things like math formulas and other lines of plays and musicals yet he just felt so jittery. Perhaps it was because he was playin’ Billy the Kid, a character he’s played before. Perhaps it was because he was from New Mexico and he had a hankering to do one of his states heroes good.
Regardless, Liam still walked straight ahead onto the stage, performing the lines as best as he could without choking on the words. Of course, Lady Luck refused to grace Liam at that moment where he had forgotten the line. He panicked and scrambled to recall all those years of playing Billy, speedily racking his brain for any form of assistance it could relay him with. 
Of course, his brain ran on empty, nothing came out of his mouth. Or well, nothing came out of his mouth but his hands moved on instinct. Liam had quickly raised his gun from the belt they had given him to use as a prop. He channeled each of those years of learning how to actually shoot a gun as well as how to quickly draw it to move his arm at lightning speed. 
And it must’ve worked because the casting directors yelled cut on the tape, urging Liam to come close to the table they sat at. They then truly surprised Liam by asking where he had learned to draw that fast. Liam explained that he had grown up in a small town just a bit away from Lincoln where he had learned almost everything he knew from his loving Pa.
He told them about his family, the farm he grew up on, and his experience on stage as Billy. They applauded him and snag praises of his ability as well as his knowledge on the outlaw. In truth, Liam was relieved that the casting directors had been impressed with his quick draw.
The pride Liam felt as the casting directors sent everyone else in line away as they started sharing the timeline and filming details. He felt his chest swell with happiness and giddiness as they began discussing the script and how the hours were gonna look while filming. 
That day has truly been one for the books, seeing as Liam did journal. 
He loved recounting and writing about his days and feelings. He always felt it was right from when he was younger till today, it just felt right. Yet, it was the one thing he couldn’t explain, it felt as if he had done it before. 
But when?
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The streets of Lincoln were alive with the buzz of laughter, happiness, and the allure of the Wild Wild West. The streets were filled with people who had arrived early to celebrate the Old Lincoln Days. 
Of course, that group of people also included you and your brother.
You two would consistently try to get to the event early to enjoy all the festivities that were available. You would take your eager brother to the shooting range where you could shoot pellet shotguns at cans as they did in the old days to practice their aim. You would drag your poor brother to each of the shops to look at the lovely pieces of jewelry that artisans made.
Walking around the small town, you truly felt transported into the Old Lincoln days with people dressed up in all sorts of get ups from modern day cowboys, to old American debutantes. You loved the aura the town held as they celebrated their past. No matter how dark it was.
“Hey sis?” Billy's meek voice pulled your attention from the third jewelry store of the night. You loved looking at the dazzling gold and silver, you especially were fascinated by the deep dark blue sapphires that were lined up on the display.
“Yea Billy,” you turn to him, looking into his eyes that mirrored your fathers own. “Something wrong?”
“Nothing, just wonderin’ why you never buy anything from these jewelry stores that you visit every year.” You chuckled. Billy asked that every single year and every single year your answer was the same,
“Cause Billy, I got my trusty necklace. What else would I need? You know I just like browsing.” You smiled, slowly walking away from the stall. Your fingers instinctively found their way to your neck where lo and behold, your necklace was still hung loose from your neck.
Truth was you never could remember how you came into possession of the lovely chain. All you knew is that ever since you were young you remembered wearing the chain with a charm of a worn bullet swinging from the end of it. Even your father couldn’t recall when you had started wearing the necklace, it was as if it had been with you since the beginning of time.
“Well, can we start un-browsing and get some food at that one pub inside that old hotel?” He looked at you in his dapper new get up consisting of a simple dark striped blouse and trousers. However, the new gun belt around his waist was very much not simple. It had nearly taken you three hours alone to prep the tough leather you had used to create it. You could still feel the rough texture of the leather underneath your fingertips, the feeling of having to push and pull the thick needle up and down through the strong material. It had been a pain to make but seeing how happy your brother had looked when he wore it for the first time was worth it. 
“Sure, why don’t we even grab some of those pastries you love so much while we’re at it?” You sling an arm around Billy’s tall frame, walking towards the small pop-up bakery your brother adored.
“Yes!” He laughed, sprinting to the shop in three seconds flat thanks to his inherently long legs. He quickly picked up his favorite pastry, turning to you once he got to the young boy at the cash register who couldn’t have been more than three years older than your own brother.
You smiled as they started talking, looking at the other wonderfully tasty looking breads that were on display.
“See anything you like dear?” You looked up at the woman behind the counter, her dark hair and warm eyes inviting you into conversation.
“Well, everything looks very delicious ma’am. I’m guessing you’re the mastermind behind these amazing pastries?” You smiled warmly at the woman.
“Why yes I am, my lovely son Jo is manning the register this year too. He's grown up so well, just like his brother.” 
You turned to look at the two boys again, Billy showing Jo something on his phone.
“My own brother, Billy over there, absolutely loves your baked goods. Every year when we’re here, he has to come here to buy something at least once a day.” 
“What loyal customers you two are! Your brother there reminds me of my ow-”
“MA!” Jo’s voice carried from the register, “can I go with Billy here to the pub? Liam texted and told me to meet him there and Billy here said he and his sis are already gunna go.”
Jo’s Ma sighed and chuckled at her son, her head shaking as she smiled, “Yes of course you can go meet up with your brother at the pub.” She quickly folded a box up, filling it to the brim with pastries. Nimbly, she folded the lid before walking to her son, taking his un-tied apron from him. 
“Here, since you two have been coming here for years, why don’t you take this box of pastries, on the house.” Billy lit up, singing thanks ecstatically. He and Jo rushed out of the small shop, running towards the pub. You quietly thanked the lady for the pastries as you followed the two trouble makers out and back into the hustle and bustle of Lincoln.
You quickly catch up to the boys who have already pushed open the doors of the small but packed pub. There were tables crowded with people dressed as cowboys and sheriffs all toasting to the Regulators, people dressed as debutantes munching on tamales made by locals, and even people just in plain tees knocking down shots of tequila. 
It was a very familiar scene and most definitely a welcome sight.
Billy and Jo sat down at one of the tables, further away from the bar of course, eagerly discussing their clothes which Jo was wearing a very similar version of. You sat down next to Billy, looking around as they happily chatted their head off in the already loud space.
They placed their order, continuing to chatter off about Billy the Kid and the reenactment happening tomorrow. You looked around, observing the costumes people wore.
“Hey Jo, who’re these folks?”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a rich, deep voice. You raised your head to look at the man who had just strolled on over to your table.
Liam had walked into the pub expecting his younger brother to be seated at their usual booth. What Liam hadn't expected was for his lil’ brother to be accompanied by another boy around his age and a woman. Where had a boy as young as Jo even found a girl to pick up already? 
Liam walked on over only to be met with a view like no other. You were no girl, you were an angel. And when you looked up at Liam with those bright round eyes, Liam could have died a happy man. Everything caught his attention, your wavy hair in an updo, your soft lips which were begging to be kissed, and your necklace, a bullet hanging in between the valley of your chest. 
“Liam!” Jo jumped, startling you out of your trance. You had been shocked by Jo’s older brother, Liam. His hair was the loveliest chestnut waves that begged for fingers to run through. He wore a dark blue blouse and deep burgundy trousers. His eyes were what captivated you the most. His deep blue eyes reminded you of the beautifulest sapphires that even the color of the ocean and night sky couldn’t even hope to beat.
Jo stood up, sending his chair back as he hugged his brother’s torso. Liam chuckled, sending shivers down your spine, committing the sound to memory. You smiled at the interaction which reminded you so much of yourself and Billy. 
All four of you sat down again as the food arrived. You all shared the food, Jo and Billy continuing to chatter leaving you and Liam to your devices as you sat across from each other. You two averted your eyes from one another, heat rising to both your cheeks nervous to talk to the other. 
Liam tried not to stare, really, but you were mesmerizing. You shined brighter than any star could, and your smile? Liam only caught a glimpse of it and yet he knew that the warm feeling he felt in his chest was not heat exhaustion.
“Sooo,” you started, trying to get the man across from you talking again,” I’m Billy here’s older sister, by the way. I don’t know if you need to or even want to know but my name’s,” you drawled, your voice getting quieter and quieter until you uttered your name.
Liam perked up at that, meeting your eyes once more. Where had he heard that name before?
He whispered your name and you could have sworn that the room had gotten 100 degrees hotter from the way his deep voice drawled the syllables of your name. “ As in the famous Billy the Kid’s lover?”
You shook your head chuckling. In all the years you have been alive, there has never been a moment where the first connection someone made with your name was the ill fated lover of William H Bonney. 
“Yes, exactly that. How do you know that?”
“Well it ain’t that hard to connect darlin’, your kid brother’s the outlaw ‘n your his girl. Your parents must’ve loved the Kid.”
“Well actually, it was me who sparked Billy’s nickname, his real name’s William though so I guess he is the Kid. isn’t he?”
Liam laughed at that, small world isn’t it?
“Hey! What’s so funny over there mister?” You sternly gazed at the man. From afar, one could argue that Liam looked young and spry but once you take a closer look, he isn’t a boy at all. He's pure man, all six feet of him. Taut muscle toned his body which was broad and clean. 
“Nothin’ darlin’, just, it’sa small world ain’t it? My name’s William too.” He smiled and your heart skipped a beat. You felt your lips turn upwards at the man in front of you.
“Well then, Mr. William, what do you do for a living?”
You smile as Liam happily responds, continuing the conversation late into the night. Even Billy and Jo had left to go roam around the festival. You and Liam continued your happy chatter, a small tug pulling at your heartstrings.
You’ve met before right? That's impossible, you two clearly have never seen each other. Yet why was it like Liam knew you better than anyone? Why did it feel as if you had already shared these smiles and laughs?
Was this even the night you two had first met?
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sorry that its so long and it TOOK FOREVER to post, just been real busy anyways, i hope you enjoyed!
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prettyboysnuffilm · 5 months
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Stu likes zombies and creepshow typa horror and Billy is sucker for dramatic elevated horror with cool lighting
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shieldofiron · 2 years
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So I guess what I’m saying, Hargrove, is do you want to go to the movies?
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
neil doing his whole “respect and responsibility” thing as if neil and susan didn’t leave billy to look after max as if neil and susan don’t leave billy to look after max all the time as if neil and susan weren’t three hours late as if neil didn’t call billy a slur as if neil didn’t hit a seventeen year old billy for ‘not looking after’ a thirteen year old who shouldn’t even be his responsibility in the first place
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tiramegtoons · 1 year
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roadkillremi · 1 year
could you do nsfw quot 5. "i don't know how to touch you." with randy please? something like, he is very shy and insecure and the reader has to make him feel good and loved because he is a virgin but she used to date billy or stu
I don't know how to touch you..
Randy Meeks X F!Reader
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Masterlist. 300 event.
Summary : the ask Above.
Warnings : MINORS DNI, smut, mentions a sex scene, p in V, oral (f receiving), Randy has a bit of a phrase kink. Dom!Reader,
Randy awkwardly ate his popcorn as you leaned against him. You both watched the movie silently, you didn't mind. Your head rested on his shoulder and cuddled his side. Randy usually talks during movies a lot. But he seemed stiff and off this time.
"Everything okay?" You looked up and whispered. He nodded, "Yeah..". Soon a sex scene came on, it all clicked. Randy chose a movie knowing there was a sex scene. You sat up and glanced at Randy.
"Is that why you're acting weird?" You smirk. He stares at the TV, "I... No..". You smile, "Randy it's okay.". You softly kiss his cheek and then his neck. He softly smiled, "I may have known..". You smiled kissing him on the lips, he gripped the popcorn bowl tightly. You leaned into him more kissing him more passionatly.
"Randy.. you can touch me.." you whispered. He nodded but didn't move, you tilted your head slightly.
"Randy..what's up?"
"I.. I just don't know how to touch you" he looked to the side. You grinned, "Randy it's okay..". He shook his head, "You dated Stu and he knew what he was doing.". You laughed softly, "Randy honey.. he was a bottom.".
"what?-" he chuckled a bit.
"But he said.." he looked at the TV. You laughed, "Don't believe anything he says." You whispered. You kissed him, "Are you still nervous?". He nodded, "A bit..". You straddled his lap and took the popcorn bowl putting it to the side.
"It's gonna be okay.." you whispered kissing him. You moved his hands to your hips, "Just tell me what doesn't feel comfortable and if I need to stop.". He nods and smiles awkwardly, "Okay..". You continue to kiss him before kissing his neck. You left small love bites on the side of his neck.
"Do you wanna keep going?" You asked. He breathed heavily, "Yes.. please" he breathed out. You nodded and grabbed the hem of his T-shirt pulling it off. You tossed it to the side and gently placed your hands on his chest. He blankly stared up at you blushing.
"Put your hands back on my hips..." You whispered with a smile. He quickly put his hands back and muttered a sorry.
"Don't be sorry." You kissed him. He kissed you back by leaning in slightly.
"I'm sorry.. I just don't know what to do.." his eyes glanced around. You nod, "We can stop.".
"No!.. I don't want to.. I just... Don't..".
"Don't know how to have sex?" You asked softly. He nodded, "Want me to teach you?.." you offered. He nodded, "Yeah..". You kissed him, "Just focus on your breathing..". You gently rubbed your thumb in circles on his chest.
"I'm gonna take off my shirt now." You warned. You took off your shirt revealing your bra that tightly cupped your breasts.
"W-wow.." he softly breathed. His eyes are glued onto your chest. You lift up his chin to look at you, "You can take it off.." you offered. He swallowed dryly and nodded, "H-How?..".
"Imma turn around and move my hair if needed. It's held together by hooks.. just unhook it." You smiled. You got off his lap and turned around facing the wall. Randy sat up and shakily grabbed your bra. He fiddled a bit and unclasped it. You held it to your chest as you turned around.
"Deep breathes.." you reminded. He nodded and tried to breathe watching you. You let the bra slide off your front. You moved it to the side and glanced at Randy. His face was a deep red as he looked down and looked away.
"It's alright.." you smiled. Randy looked into your eyes before looking back down. You smirked, "You can touch me..". He hesitated putting his hand up. You gently grabbed his hand bringing it to your right breast. He let out a loud groan, you gently laughed. He softly squeezed before massaging it gently. Your lips slightly parted letting out a content sigh. Randy looked up at you before putting his other hand on your left breast.
"You're so..hot." he said to himself. You softly chuckled before kissing him. Your hands went to his belt on his pants.
"Is this okay?"
"Yes." He said eagerly. You smiled undoing his belt and unbuttoning his pants. You slid his pants down to his knees. He took a break from your chest to kick his pants off. You glanced down at his power ranger boxers.
"Power Rangers?... Hot." You teased. His face went blank as he sat in his embarrassment.
"Baby it's okay. I was just teasing.. I like the Power Rangers." You tilted your head a bit. He nodded and exhaled relief.
"Randy.. next I want you to remove my shorts.." you speak a bit low. You sit up on your knees allowing him to pull them down. He grabbed the hem and looked up.
"Are you sure?"
"Mhm" you hummed. He pulled them down along with your underwear. You kicked them off and sat in front of him.
"Lay me down." You gently demand.
"what?" He studied your face. You cupped his cheek, "Lay me down.. and get on top.". He gently grabbed your waist and laid you down. He positioned himself between your legs, his arms were beside your shoulders. You slid your arms in between the two of you. He let out a soft moan as you cupped his bulge.
"Just tell me if you want to stop.." you reassure him. He nodded, you took out his member gently. You glanced down to see the aggravated head.
"So.. usually there's foreplay.."
"But we won't worry about that tonight.. since.. you're all rowled up." You smile mentioning his hardened dick.
"S-sorry.." he whispered. You kissed him, "Stop saying sorry, baby. You did nothing wrong.".
"Okay." He grinned slightly. You grabbed his member rubbing the head through your folds. He let out moan closing his eyes tightly. You smirked breathing heavily.
"Whenever you're ready just.. thrust.." you said between soft moans. He quickly thrust right after you spoke. You let out gasp, he moaned softly continuing to thrust.
"Randy.." you breathed out. He watches your face contort as he moans.
"So good.." you phrased. He responded with a soft grunt continuing. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He leaned down kissing you a bit sloppy. He sat up running his hands down your torso. He hands started massaging your chest once again. His thumb brushed over your hardened nub sending chills down your back. He then rubbed his hands down your stomach to your hips. He left one hand on your hip while his other found your clit.
"Is this it?.." he asked between thrusts. You nodded while moaning, "Yeah.. that's..my..clit.." you breathed out. He started rubbing it in circles as he moved in and out of you. You laid your head back moaning a bit louder.
"So.. good Randy.. such a good boy.." you fluttered your eyes closed. Randy moaned as he sped up, "I..I think I'm close.." he whined. You nodded, "Just a little more..".
He gripped your hip tighter trying to hold off. He thrust faster as he toyed with your clit. You gripped the bed sheet, "I'm about to... Randy.. c-come with me.." you moaned. He nodded chasing his release with you. You let go of the bed sheet and lazily sat up to kiss him.
"So good..." You smiled. He smiled back, "Can.. can I..".
"Can you what?" You leaned in. He breathed heavily, "Can I taste you?..". Your face went warm, "sure..". You opened your legs letting him pull out. He glanced down at your core before pulling you to the edge of the bed. His face went dark as if something switched.
"I need you to be honest, Y/N." He said as he got on his knees.
"What is it?" You looked down at him. He ran his finger through your folds teasingly.
"W-was I better than Stu?.." his eyes looked into yours. You nodded, "Yes.. so much better.". He smiled before burying his face into your cunt. You moaned laying back down. His hands wrapped around your thighs keeping them open. His tongue explored you as he tasted himself in you. He separated his face from you causing you to whine.
"Tell me.. tell me how much better.." he entered his finger and softly thrusted. You moaned softly, "So good... He only cares for.. his own orgasm.. I never came for him.." you admitted between moans. He added another finger while looking up at you.
"Doing so well... Such... Such a good boy.." you moaned. He smiled up at you adding another finger to stretch you out.
"You're so beautiful.." he whispered. You grabbed your own breast as you moaned. He smiled leaning back in to suck on your clit. You moved your hips softly in rhythm with his fingers.
"Only you... You make me feel so good.." you whispered.
"Only me.." he spoke into you sending a soft vibration. His fingers curled inside you as he licked figure eights on your clit. You whined bucking your hips up against his face. He kept going until you released all over his fingers. He took his hand out and stared at the shiny substance. He then put his fingers in his mouth tasting your release. You groaned softly closing your legs. He gently placed your body back on the bed before covering you with the blanket. You smiled at him lazily, "Lay with me..". He smiled and laid beside you holding you close.
"Thanks.." he whispered. You hummed softly cuddling into him.
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imavikingo · 1 year
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