#love when people draw him with cat ears or hearts so he got a heart on his visor :>
ratxiety · 3 months
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He has a really good arm
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swanimagines · 8 months
Summary: You are incredibly beautiful but you have always been insecure of your own face, so you wear a mask. But in the middle of doing a heist, the mask breaks.
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Ever since childhood, you hadn't liked what you saw in the mirror. Your nose was too big. Or too small. Your lips were too thin. Or then they looked like a bee had just stung them. Your eye color was bland. You just bashed yourself in front of the mirror every morning as you had brushed your teeth, and other kids at your neighborhood didn't really help with that - kids could be cruel if they were given a reason for it.
So, that day you moved into Ketterdam, you made yourself a mask before anyone got to know you. A beautiful white mask made of porcelain, with cat ears and a red stripe going over your eye. It fit perfectly around your face, hiding any imperfections behind its perfect curves.
You joined the Dregs, a gang ran by a young man who was barely 18. Kaz Brekker wasn't interested about your mask, he only wanted to know how you could fight and you were in. It didn't take long after that before you joined the heists with him and the other five people who called themselves "Crows". You quickly had made friends with them, spending evenings with them and finally feeling like you had a family again.
Kaz ended up growing something more than just your boss. It took a while, but he let his walls down with you, took a faint hold of your hand when you were worried about your wounded friend and even tried to comfort you, although he wasn't a master in it. In turn, you had showed him your face, let yourself be vulnerable too. He had looked at you with so much love you thought it's uncharacteristic of him, but at the same time you felt how your cheeks grew hot as you felt cared about for the first time in years.
Jesper had seen your face too, but it was by accident. He had barged in to Kaz's room because Wylan was missing and he was scared out of his mind and walked straight to the bedroom, just in time to see you sit up and your eyes met his. He froze for a moment before you ducked your head and took your mask, and Jesper knew better than to question it. He told you that Wylan is missing and you sprang into action immediately, dressing up and hurrying out of the office.
Turned out Wylan had been fetching Jesper a cake because the sharpshooter's birthday was the next day. Thank the Saints you found him first, so the surprise wouldn't be ruined.
A few months from that, and you were on another heist. Another merchant in the city, who has bragged about his fortunes a little too enthusiastically. In Ketterdam, you had to remember that someone was always listening, and this time that someone was Inej. A week from that, and you were at the manor of that merchant.
Kaz had ordered you and Jesper to keep watch at the hallway as he worked on the hidden safe around the corner - the merchant was smarter than he looked, he had put a safe inside a safe, and hid that behind a large and incredibly heavy bookcase. The blueprints were done wrong as a distraction, and Kaz had cursed himself over not realising it. So it had taken a while to actually get on the safe.
Footsteps were heard from the right, and Jesper's hand immediately went to his other gun. A few guards bickered about something, and Kaz halted his movements upon hearing that too. Jesper met his eyes, and he nodded towards the guards. Jesper started making his way towards them and you glanced at Kaz who started working on the safe again.
You hadn't known what was happening before you already felt a blade on your throat.
"Don't move, bitch," said a voice behind you. His breath had a bitter scent of garlic and you scrunched your nose at it.
The man with the knife pressed hard enough to cut your skin but didn't draw blood yet. A thought of him killing you and going after Kaz next crossed your mind, an d that thought made your heart start racing faster and adrenaline kicking in.
You knew it was stupid. Irresponsible. You should wait for Kaz to deal with it, he by no doubt was already thinking what to do to save you. But you weren't a lady in distress, you refused to be.
So you stomped on his foot with all your might and when he grunted, you elbowed his jaw. The knife made a scratch on your face and you heard something shattering - probably a vase on the drawer next to you. You started giving punches to the brute until he laid on the ground unconscious, and then turned back around to see all your friends gathered there to see what's the noise about. You let out a breath of relief upon seeing they were all alright and walked up to them as you tried to catch your breath. You didn't pay attention to it at first, but then you noticed that they were staring at you.
"What?" you asked, frowning.
"Darling, your mask..." Kaz mumbled, looking over at the shattered piece of art you had been wearing for the past half a decade.
Your heart stopped for a moment.
"Oh," you whispered and suddenly felt self-conscious as you turned away from your friends. Your cheeks burned like hellfire, even though nobody was saying anything about how you looked ugly underneath this disguise. Though, they had probably stared because they didn't recognize you at first, not because of how you looked. But it still felt like the latter option, and the echoes of what the kids in your neighborhood had been saying to you when you were growing up.
"Okay, we got what we came here for, escaping through the third back door." Kaz interrupted the moment and everyone started moving out, leaving Kaz and you standing there to come as last ones.
You walked in silence side by side with Kaz, looking behind the shattered mask - its shards glinting in the moonlight as if to wave its goodbye to you. You felt like a part of you had just been ripped away, and you couldn't help but feel tears in your eyes. The whole thing happened so fast, that none of it registered until that point. Then it was too late.
You could feel the slight night breeze caressing through your face once you were outside in front of the carriage, something you hadn't experienced in years. It felt so foreign now - but somehow also comforting.
You stood there for a moment before Nina spoke.
"Hey, we don't care how you look. We still love you the same."
You closed your eyes against the sudden wetness on your cheek and nodded, sniffling. "I know."
"Hey," Jesper said. He walked up next to you and handed you a handkerchief from his pocket.
"Thanks," you sniffed and wiped at your tears.
Jesper cleared his throat. "It's weird to see you without that mask. You're not ugly, you know. Not really."
You looked down at the cloth in your hands and gave a watery laugh.
"Don't be ridiculous. I've always been ugly."
"No, you aren't. This is what beauty feels like. This is what real beauty would be like."
"Oh," you said softly, biting back more tears.
He glanced at Kaz who was looking at you with something looking like concern. "Kaz is lucky to have you, you know."
You couldn't help but smile a little at that, and everyone started to board the carriage, Jesper being the driver and standing beside the door.
Jesper smirked as he helped you board the carriage, "I know what we just said but just a suggestion, love; you should consider being a model, we could pull out pretty neat heists if you went on a modeling show with rich pigs and turned over their pockets."
You couldn't help but smile at the suggestion - maybe you could finally get rid of the feeling of insecurity you had felt since you were a child.
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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six-eyed-samurai · 23 days
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Silly reasons the Tokyo Rev Boys have dialed you for based off…actual reasons…people have called me for…
🌸Takemitchy calls you for conversation, which suddenly turns to school and "WAIT DON'T WE HAVE A TEST TOMORROW?". Obviously the both of you panic and whip out your books, meaning to study together via phone call but also simultaneously realize you've forgotten the topic...and which class it was for. The rest of the call is just sitting in panicked silence, punctuated with the occasional "We're so screwed."
🌸It’s canon Izana plays guitar! Do you ever think he writes his own songs as well? Maybe, and that's why he calls you in the middle of the night to tell you about it, wanna hear it, oh am I bothering you, it's fine you don't have to listen now (and you'll say “I SAID I'D LISTEN TO IT AND I WILL KUROKAWA NOW SING.”), any suggestions for improvements? And then somehow it spirals into the both of you doing your utmost best to be off key, off tune and completely ruin the song with as many voice cracks as possible.
🌸Chifuyu, bless his heart, calls you out of the blue with no prior warning, at an inconvenient time and scares you enough for a heart attack, but he doesn't realize it, too intent on forcing you to watch the latest anime trailer for the both of your favourite manga with him after you say you can't load the video. He’s downright scandalized, and in his defense he did text you about what he was going to do - only you hadn’t understood he meant call as in call now. I mean, at least the both of you got a kick out of it as he shares his screen, so win-win?
🌸I think Inupi would call you for no particular reason other than to be in your company. You both don't say much but somehow the call spirals to a three hour dial. Whenever one of you gets up you'll flip the camera to show the other where you’re going or what you’re doing. Inupi likes to think it’s like the both of you are having lunch together, doing that jigsaw puzzle together, doing the dishes together…it’s alright if you spend two thirds of the time in silence, your company is enough for him.
🌸Koko calls you for a venting session! He rants about the idiots he’s encountered, his worries, the gang, money problems, boasts on how much he’s made today, stuff he’s bought you, anything really. He knows he could’ve just texted you about it but it’s a lot more personal for him if you pick up and reply back talking, but occasionally he does feel bad he keeps calling you - although you assure him you love it! You do, really, because in turn you get to vent about whatever’s on your mind and Koko always has the best reactions (damn if that girl hasn’t been an absolute bxxch, nooo, she did what now?). He’s like a gal pal and a boyfriend combined.
🌸You’re the one to call Baji, actually, because it’s the only way to get him to study with you if you’re not free to go to his place. You put up with his complaining and force him to answer a bunch of quizzes. The study session goes great for the first half….then somehow you both get sidetracked when Baji says he’s bored and leaves to make yakisoba. You make him take the phone with him and it could’ve been romantic, both of you making noodles from your ends of the line! But no, Baji ends up getting distracted flirting with you and overcooks it into a mushy mess that has you gagging and hanging up on him.
🌸Ran and you call for normal-people reasons like chatting or studying, but more often than not Ran’s childish nature has him more interested in playing with the phone call’s filters (if let’s say you’re using apps like Instagram) and making you pose with him before screenshotting - by the way, you’re the one doing that, because Ran has TERRIBLE timing when it comes to taking photos. If there’s those filters that let you draw on your screen self, oh man does Ran love doodling moustaches, beards, cat ears, the whole gig. If you don’t call him handsome he gets pouty and threatens to hang up or leak that ugly screenshot of you when the phone froze from lag.
🌸With no apology to your ears, Sanzu will call you at 3 a.m. in the morning to either a) make the most terrifying/fart noises known to mankind or b) bombard you with meaningless philosophical questions that made you get out of bed and actually Google them. Of course he doesn’t do this all the time, mostly when he’s high as a kite. Yet you KNOW for a fact he’s sober that night when he suddenly dialed your number and when you picked up, dead silent until the most unholiest rendition of your favorite song is being sung (read: screamed) out. You yelp and hang up, but not before you hear him cackling.
🌸He’s the sort to honestly forget to call you but when he does Mikey makes the call drag on for hours because he has his ways of making you not hang up, but the times he DOES remember to call you is after you tell him no, you can’t eat twenty five dorayaki in one go, I’m not paying for that. He’ll be feeling petty and when he gets his hands on dorayaki he calls you for no other reason than to chew it as loudly as possible next to the microphone so you get the Mikey Premium Dessert ASMR. If you hang up he’s sending voice recordings.
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jomunson · 2 months
50 ed headcanons i been thinking about
1. washes his hair with bar soap
2. doesn't like coffee
3. his father is in jail and his mother passed when he was 11
4. secretly gets really scared when it storms
5. says "hubba bubba"
6. gets super miserable in the summer, he burns super easily
7. swims with goggles and a snorkel
8. wears his hair in a towel when he gets out of the shower
9. super good and confident with flirting with men but really awkward and flustered with flirting with women
10. will say "is this guy bothering you, babe?" if you ever run into furniture
11. love language is words of affirmation, he wants to know you don't see him as a freak
12. sleeps with a garfield plush he's had since he was a boy
13. really bad at fishing, like he'll actually catch a boot when he goes on trips to the creek with wayne
14. burps the abc's
15. took his driving test drunk
16. when he gets home from school he's tired from being a tough guy, he reads a book and smokes before falling asleep
17. thinks people are pranking him when they ask him out
18. wears silly red and pink heart designed boxers
19. really sweet with the kids who live in the trailer park
20. will leave a handful of change as a tip
21. can only cook spaghetti. only spaghetti.
22. biggest fear is the koolaid man coming alive
23. minute man munson (iykyk)
24. will ask people to name 3 songs if their wearing a band tee
25. put lipstick on one time and felt pretty
26. prefers apple juice over orange juice
27. absolutely loves halloween
28. extremely competitive
29. hits people when he's excited/laughing
30. sits really close to the tv like an ipad kid
31. moans while getting beat up to make it awkward
32. extremely allergic to cats but loves them to death
33. birthday is april 19th 1966
34. has skinny dipped w his bros in lovers lake
35. fein for chocolate chip pancakes
36. eats skittles for lunch
37. tried to do a karate kick and ripped his pants once
38. calls his van his baby
39. lifts his leg when he farts and thinks it's peak humor
40. won a goldfish from the fair and fed it crushes doritos for 4 months and cried when it died
41. writes reminders on the palm of his hand and it gets smeared on his face
42. always cuts his face when he shaves on accident
43. when he draws and has to erase he does it so hard it rips holes in the paper
44. feels cool because he doesn't carry around a backpack at school
45. scared of moths
46. has lost pencils in his hair
47. flips his boxers inside out so he can wear them longer
48. has to be told to shower
49. tried to pierce his ears and sobbed and then they got infected
50. his nose gets the brightest red in the winter
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havingbloodisgay · 2 months
My Wheel Bitten OC
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Only a face drawing for now but she’s based off of my old pet gecko Evie before she passed away so her looks are based off of a super snow leopard gecko :) sadly I lost all the photos I had of her after my old phone somehow broke and all my pictures and videos corrupted so I’m just using photos from the web. this is what Evie looked like tho:
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Name: Evie Avika 
Age: 26
Height: 5’10
Hair color: Changes cuz she dyes her hair a lot
Eye color: really dark brown so if lights are not shining directly into her eyes burning her retinas it looks black.
Marital status: Dating her lovely S/O who I’ll have to draw later
LORE *Dramatic applause*
She’s Kari and Ponti’s nail tech, having met Kari first a few days after Kari’s… “Accident with humans” and Ponti much later when Kari brought him with her to an appointment once. Kari realized one of her claws got damaged when she ran away and that she wasn’t comfortable being around humans and needed to find a new nail place. After a while of looking she found a nail tech that had pretty good reviews and went in where she met Evie. 
Evie also doesn’t like most humans from having dropped her tail due to human brutality (My gecko Evie was abused by past owners and her tail having dropped from their cat attacking her before they abandoned her at an animal rescue) how it would look:
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Kinda how it looks now: 
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 and how during school they would mainly shove things in her ears which are like a lizards where there’s just kinda holes in the sides of her head.:
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Evie loves Kari like a sister at her appointments she always makes sure to cut the bill down to way less than what she would normally charge due to this (she would make it free but the last time she did that her and Kari got into an argument about it lmao she also does the same with Ponti when he comes in). She was a bit surprised when Ollie came over for the first time to pick up Kari but as a nail tech in a similar way to Abio’s mom she’s seen weirder and was just a little nervous at first cause she didn’t want him to end up hurting Kari by dumping her <:) but she really likes him cause he’s always so polite and always a gentleman to Kari.
But Jesus did Ponti scare her shitless at first with all the things she heard about him and that he’s killed people before and was the leader of a cult but she was really surprised to just find out he was a chill dude after he took THE HAT off when he came inside of her office. She also thinks of him like a little brother in a way and is always scolding him for not moisturizing his cuticles with how there’s always small bits of shed stuck there and how dry it makes them. SHE ADORES ABIO SO MUCH she literally grabbed his face when she first met him and was literally telling Ponti how cute and small he was and continued to threaten Ponti not to break his heart.
She hasn’t met the rest of the gang but idk I might do that later cause I’m writing this on my phone instead of my laptop at 1:27am and am tired as shit soooo yeh sorry if there’s any mistakes (there absolutely is I know that much) but I’m tired and the American education system failed me.
for the lovely @toxooz
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hanakoofthejungle · 5 months
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HuskerDust watercolor fanart based on the fanfiction, Casino of Love by @artwaterfall. The fanfiction, in turn, was inspired by the Overlord Husk AU created by @celestialalpacaron.
Drawing timelapse 
This scene comes from Chapter 15 where Husk and Angel went on their first date at Fizzmodeus' restaurant. They had lobsters. Angel did not know how to eat a lobster so Husk came to the rescue. Basically, they just abused the hell out of that poor dead creature. (It occurred to me: Where does the lobster's soul go? Does it end up in hell, watching its body being consumed?)
Angel tried again to pry the shell off still looking over to the side. “Am I doing it?”
Husk barked a laugh so loud the pianist looked up frowning.
“Ya gotta look at what ya doing.”
“Ugh,” Angel deflated and let the lobster rest on the plate, “ maybe I shouldn't have lobster.”
“Here,” Husk got up and walked behind his chair. He laid his hand over Angel's and resumed trying to pry the poor crustacean body.
Angel blushed at the proximity, Husk was practically whispering into his ear about the damn lobster but Angel had trouble focusing with the overlord's hand on his own.
Still Angel butchered the first half of his lobster and screamed in joy a little too loud at having half of it done. People downstairs looked up at them again, frowning.
Husk was still helping him with the second half, juices and lobster bits flying everywhere at Angel clumsiness but every time they joined stares at each other, he would find the cat laughing along with him.
Now why did I choose this scene to draw? Because it is fun, simple, wholesome couple interaction and very relatable. It reminds me of the time when I had lobster for the first time in Brussels, spending more time to crack open the lobster than actually enjoying the dish. Turns out lobster did not taste that great, but at the least the group of elderly American at the next table got a good laugh out of watching me and my friend absolutely butcher that lobster :)))
Having never watched Helluva Boss, I had to look up what the inside of that place looks like, but mistakes ensure due to that very wrong heart shape and lack of patterns on the wallpaper. I was lazy but hey at least I got that lamp thingy on the table right :))) As usual, the clothes are the focal point of my fanarts, "a beautiful deep blue, floor length dress, there was only one shoulder strap and a lace veil came from it all the way to the floor behind his shoulder" and "freshly pressed black suit with a deep blue tie that matched Angel's dress". Husk's suit in this drawing is not actually black but a mix of ultramarine and sepia. I usually don't use colors straight out of the pan, but mixing them. I made an exception in this with the lake red color of Husk's wing. I forgot to draw the wings before I did the line art, so I need the color at its strongest to cover the line art which was not supposed to be there.  
My tools still include pencil and Leningrad watercolor. I have been using that watercolor set for over 10 years and it is still the best watercolor set I have ever had. This time I use the Blue Uni-ball pen by Mitsubishi Pencil instead of black M&G gel pen. The line art looks much smoother and the waterproof blue ink added a nice touch to the drawing. I expect nothing less from one of the best pen manufacturers out there. 
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jonjaydami · 5 months
So I need to know what animal they think is the batfamilies special interest.
Like we all know they are on the spectrum like look at Bruce. He's a 30 year old man that dresses as a bat and don't get me wrong there are several reasons he dresses as one but it always has something to do with the animal itself and I always think that's funny how it's even used as a joke in several comics, and animated movies/ shows.
So Bruce knows everything about bat's, shape color, species, what food they eat and how they live and even the different culture views on bat's. He could talk all day about it if asked and he always does it with the utmost care. Like he was giving a speech at a gala or speaking to the league.
I think we all know Dicks is obviously Robin's. Cause why else would he choose to be a brightly colored vigilante that's after a bird from the north? I feel like after moving in with Bruce he took a quiz on what bird he would be cause he was studying birds in school and got a Robin and took that to heart as a passion and not only learned everything about a Robin's but that had just become his identity for awhile and he loved it. Bruce when he heard it at first had thought it wouldn't work but after making him his own costume and even watching several videos on the birds he thought it fit his son nicely.
Jason didn't break away from the Robin role and embraces it actually. But he was always way more shy when it came to discussing his favorite. I think he would have a fascination with bugs and snakes and would absolutely be the kid with a spider or a beardy. He once convinced Bruce to get him a baby beardy and then it became an obsession. He had a sweatshirt that even had a cartoonish looking beardy printed on it and he proudly talks about it to any one who asked. Bruce would silently close his eyes and soak in all the information about them he could.
I totally think Tim loves frogs and even sea creatures. He has a tank with shrimp in it and his boyfriend makes fun of him and calls him a shrimp farmer but he also has a tank that has glass frogs in it. It's a huge tank that takes up over half his room and he loves just watching them sleep and even makes cute little tiktoks with them. He always is getting cute things for the habitat and going shopping. He also takes Damian on these trips. Because they both enjoy walking around and even stopping to pet or talk to the people who bring in their dogs. Bruce also enjoys walking into Tim's room and seeing the frogs and shrimp and even says hello to them before leaving again.
Damian is no stranger to having a soft spot for animals but I know he loves cats and dogs. He is definitely a cat person. Alfred the cat is his prized possession and he will proudly take pictures and then draw them. He loves using his animals as drawing references and has multiple books filled to the brim of just them. Sometimes if they are really good he goes to Bruce and asks them to be laminated so he can hang them up in his room because they deserve to be celebrated and respected. He also tells Bruce odd facts about his animals. How Alfred (the cat) specifically likes to sleep on his left side and enjoys being scratched behind his ears the most.
Bruce loves his weird sons because he is weird and for Christmas he always gets them something related to their animals because it's like a bonding experience for them. Some days they don't even talk about anything but their animals but I can imagine them all settling on a couch and out of pure bordem putting on documentaries and spending time just listening and learning. Of course this could also lead into some heated debates about who's animals is the best.
Jason: no you don't understand
Damian: *scoffs* actually Todd you never understood anything
Dick: ok well I set the whole thing for Robin soooo
Tim: oh please you were eight!!
Bruce: I think we are forgetting how bats-
Kids: *groan because they have been hearing about bat's for over half their lives and are tired*
Alfred just walks in and smiles as he sets a pitcher down.
Alfred: actually you are forgetting how important bee's are to the environment. Which is why I plant only the best pollinator friendly flowers
Cue to everyone rioting cause after all this time Alfred has never talked about the fact he is in fact a bee guy. Ever since he started working for the Wayne's they let him have full control of the gardens and he always loved that in the bleak of Gotham he had his own personal eden with the flowers. Bruce's parents also appreciated him for this and would let Alfred do as he pleased when he would passionately talk to them about the bees. Even when they passed away Bruce had always assumed Alfred just did it because he didn't trust anyone else.
Which was part way true but he loves watching them bumble around and bump into each other as he works.
If anyone knows what Duke, steph, and Cass would like please comment or feel free to debate!! Just please remember to be nice and save the bees 🐝
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hana-bobo-finch · 24 days
• Hocotate and Koppai are in the same solar system. Koppai is much further away from the sun than Hocotate so it has a colder climate than Hocotate. Creatures on Koppai have thick fur to compensate (and Koppaites have thicker body hair) (this is an excuse for me to draw fluffy things heehee)
• relating to that, one of the reasons Koppaites struggle with agriculture is because of the cold temperatures
• ^ and because the government sucks! I had a long drawn out conversation about this topic before and I will not just regurgitate all my points but the Koppaite government is corrupt!!! Yay!!! The food + poverty crises are used as a way to take advantage of people (not saying the government STARTED them purposely but they sure as hell didn’t try very hard to stop it)
• Most planets have their own native languages but over time and with advances in space travel they got less common. It used to be that only frequent travelers would learn the universal language, but as travel became more accessible more people started learning it and teaching it to their children by default.
• ^ even then a lotta people still have VERY thick accents.
• Koppaites have much worse hearing than most because of their rounded ears. While others have more of a cone shape to their ears, Koppaite’s ears are more flat and don’t pick up sound as well (and they can’t pinpoint where exactly sound comes from. You ever see how a cat twitches their ears aroun when they hear the slightest sound, that’s how most species are. Meanwhile Koppaites have the Bad Inferior Round Ear Gene)
• Ohrians have very specific pheromones they give off. YES this is because of the stupid comic I made where yonny “smells gay” it’s not MY fault everyone loves it for goodness sake even my friend who knows nothing about pikmin and who I didn’t think would find that sort of thing funny thought it was the funniest thing ever I’m so confused help
• Giya’s culture focuses heavily on dogs. Like how in Tokyo there’s these big ass billboards with hyper realistic 3d models of cats
• ^ dingo was so SO not prepared for that when he moved to giya to join the rescue corps. Save him. He is a pathetic creature. He didn’t do enough research before moving there he just wanted to become a ranger already. It was a horrific realization. The soggy-cat-of-a-man had a panic attack and almost made the impulsive decision to Get The Heck Outta There and move back to ohri. Bless his cold, dead heart
• Speaking of which! Dingo joined the corps about a year before yonny did. It was absolute torture for them both to have to have a long distance relationship ermmm friendship
• yonny only joined as the doctor because the old doctor FUCKING DIED!!! i don’t know how they died I just think it’s funny for there to be such a dramatic reason. maybe they got mauled by ravenous space bunnies. Sure let’s go with that.
• Hocotate freight is very very stuck in the past. Even for our standards. The president is a huge boomer who thinks old is gold. What he does not understand is that the fact that their equipment is falling apart is why they can’t stay afloat
• puddle wants so. SO BADLY. to do fashion experiments on the Koppaites. He thinks their different anatomy is so incredibly fascinating and he NEEDS to take full advantage of it (the only outward difference is their round ears but HE DOES NOT CARE.) He has on numerous occasions tried to manipulate the three into letting him pierce their ears. Guys come on. It would be so awesome. Please. Your ears are so cool let me look at them PLEASE
• ^ all three never let him. It makes puddle insane. He is normally such a nice and chill guy but it makes him so feral. Keep him away from them do not let him go near alph’s emo brother he WILL chase him with a piercing gun
• Hocotate Whiz (what, you don’t know what that is? It’s the company that spams your mail in pikmin 2 offering to help Hocotatians change jobs, I can’t believe you didn’t know that (I did not know this until a few minutes ago)) is ran solely by the families of Hocotate Freight workers. They spam the emails of the ships to try to convince the workers to change jobs because they KNOW that it is a hellhole and they NEED TO GET OUT. SAVE THEM. SAVE THE WORKERS OF HOCOTATE FREIGHT
• Bernard is Santi’s sleep paralysis demon
• Yonny has rusty and bloody medical equipment strewn across his lab for the sole purpose of freaking people out. He’s actually incredibly sanitary to the point of being borderline germaphobic
• as if Collin didn’t have enough work to do already he kinda fills the role of the team’s unofficial therapist. He doesn’t actually mind all too much bc he’s Way Too Nice but. Save him.
• the paint shepherd has under her eyes? It’s to reduce sun glare? WRONG. It’s because it looks AWESOME and she would totally paint her face with incredibly detailed designs but apparently looking like a walking painting is “unprofessional” and “disturbs the people we’re rescuing” and “stop spending our budget on face paint”
umm there’s probably more in my noggin but I am getting a headache so that is all 🧍
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josendlessmonolouge · 1 month
my oc intro except I’m super tired so they’re incoherent.
Johnny manygoats
born: 1950
job: odd jobs, mostly does rodeo gigs and works his sheep
physical description bc I’m too lazy to draw him: big ass dude like 6’5 and he wears riding boots so it’s scary. He’s got Hooded Big brown baby cow eye and a broad face. Really warm undertone skin idk how to describe it other than like you would use burnt umber paint when mixing it. Very tan bc he constantly claims that bc he’s native he won’t get burnt “I’m dark already I can’t burn” (he can) when before the war he had really long (mid back length) hair but when he enlisted he cut it to military standard. The story has important parts pre war and post so it’s anywhere between long and kinda shaggy when he first started growing it back out. He doesn’t wear any pants other than wranglers. He wears either a western shirt or a really ratty redbone T-shirt that Sara hates but he will wear it until it’s shredded. He has basically two expressions; 1) I’m going to kill myself, you or punch a wall or all of the above and 2) beautiful dimpled ear to ear smile with squinty eyes and crooked teeth, that is pretty well reserved for his niece and nephew or his animals.
likes: summer treats. Like idk he just would live off watermelon and icecream if he could. He was eating frozen grapes way before y’all were. His niece and nephew, his older brother, Michael. the rodeo. reading western novels when he doesn’t have a headache. His horse. His wife, Sara. Marty robbins, Johnny cash, and hank Williams. (so jo core) Throwing shot-put. Marlboro reds. Black coffee. His dog. Sitting on his porch at night. Working on his family’s ranch. =. horseback mounted shooting.(pre war) when he had long hair he liked doing it in the same style as sara (he doesn't have much spiritual identity in his hair but his grandfather did he just liked it long because that's how his grandfather his, also he thinks it looks nice on him. he doesn't enjoy the racist comments he gets on it though obv) western suits. (actually part of how he met his wife) dancing (boy loves line dancing sm)
dislikes: any clerical/business work. Itchy fabrics. being cold, people assuming he’s just a stupid country boy. Literally anyone he went to high school with except for his best friend. Gilah monsters, He knows they don’t often bite people but they scare him still. Coyotes. Really fast talkers. Alcohol. Lyndon Johnson. Being touched without asking first. doctors. physical therapy. dark chocolate (opposite of me) the beatles (again so not jo) running. horseback mounted shooting (post war)
personality: gentleman, always wants to be polite and helpful but also extremely blunt and doesn't realize it's rude/funny/awkward he comes from a family where men are pretty open with their feelings masculinity? bitch his dad cried over hitting a barn cat with their truck. even though he's not really someone to hide his emotions because of like any societal or familial pressures, he doesn't like to be a problem or in anyone's way, so he isn't always too open. really good with kids. he really wanted kids but was exposed to agent orange and was advised to not have children, it broke his heart more than being a pow. genuinely terribly traumatized obv but especially just heart broken by the fact he'll never be a dad. protective of his friends and family to a detrimental degree, wouldn't ever hurt anyone except for when they say something cruel about mike (brother), sara (wife), theodore (best friend). only really became reserved in his emotions after the war, where he felt kinda ashamed and struggled with survivors guilt. can be a show off but he's honestly just earnestly proud of himself. likes to learn new practical skills, he was so excited when he learned to sew.
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goblin-mask · 2 years
Biology Is Hot (2012 Donnie x Fem Reader)
Anon Requested: 
 hey! I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Donatello x  reader who love biology? (She/her but if you don’t wanna do that it’s ok!)
A/N: For some reason the gifs aren’t loading. Apologies
“This creature has an extra chromosome...” You say as you look through the microscope.
Donatello looks up at you from across his lab. You both have been on the project for forever. The Foot Clan have been testing out this new mutagen on other people. It started off with lab rats, guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. Donatello just happened to pass by and snagged one. Poor little guinea pig has glowing red eyes and extra arms on it’s back that oozed some sort of substance. You both made sure to sedate it before drawing it’s blood.
“Does it?” He asks walking over to you and standing behind you.
You tense up and feel yourself blush.
“Uh yeah... In my Biology Honors class we are learning about genetic mutations as well as what Chromosomes correspond with it.” You say turning to face him
Donatello is looking at you in a way you haven’t seen before. His mouth was hanging open slightly. You can see the cute little gap in his teeth and his pupils seem to be dilated.
“A-Anyway! The little guy as a disease that affected the change in his DNA. I think that is why he is oozing. His body is trying to reject it... The thing must be suffering...” You say frowning before turning around to write in your notes.
“Can I see?” Donnie asks and you nod.
You go to move out of the way but you find yourself caged between his arms as he leans over your shoulder to look the the microscope. You couldn’t tell if it was your heart pumping or if it was the bass from Raphaels music in your ears. Your face must be beet red.
“Great job Y/N! That’s my girl!” He exclaims as he pulls away from you and messes up your hair.
Your face couldn’t possibly burn any redder. “Y-You’re welcome Donnie!”
He pulls away and smiles a big smile.
“How is your Biology class going? You got boosted to honors huh?”
Donatello didn’t know how to feel about you. You were breathtakingly beautiful. You had a love for science, you were never bored or tired of his ramblings, and holy shell your mind seemed to be on par with his. He can hear you talk about your class now but all he can focus on was your lips and how you moved when you talk. He would kiss you, but who would want to be kissed by a turtle? 
“Yeah! That’s great!” Donatello says trying to add to the conversation.
He finds it very hot that you like Biology and try to take the time to try and understand other types of sciences. He has been sending you cute little science puns but you haven’t been getting the hints, but he will keep trying. He likes you so he will spend the rest of his time with you trying to get you to realize his feels, even if he doesn’t outright say it.
“Well I have to go Donnie! See you tomorrow?” You ask and he nods trying to hide his face of disappointment.
He waits for your hug that you normally give him. You pointed out that he is a tucker, which means he tucks his head into your neck when he hugs back and he does just that.
“Hey uh... Maybe we can...” Donnie draws out jeez this is embarrassing.
“Yes?” You ask. You have this glint in your eyes, but it seems to diminish after he says this.
“How about we hang out and... I help you with you Algebra homework! You have been struggling right?” 
Oh god. He is rambling and your face looks so dejected for a moment until you smile again.
“Sure! We can get pizza as well! Call it a date?” You ask hopefully.
Donnie’s face would be a crimson red out of both excitement and embarrassment. He wanted to be the one to ask you out, but this could work!
“Y-Yeah it’s a date!” He exclaims
You giggle before pressing a kiss to his cheek and dashing out of there.
Raphael just happens to be passing by so he pokes his head in.
“What’s up with her?” He asks
“I my friend have got a date! Now leave! I need to make the lab perfect!” He says before shoving Raph out of the room and locking it.
“I have to make this right...”
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fondueforall · 4 months
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🎵You, you got your own opinions. But baby, I don't even need to hear 'em. It used to hurt me, used to bring me down. Do your worst, 'cause nothing's gonna stop me now. Don't let those losers take your magic, baby, yeah. 🎶 (let 'em talk by kesha plays automatically when you go on brittany's blog)
name: brittany susan pierce aka brittany s.pierce. 
nicknames: britt, b, bee, britt-britt.
pronouns: she/her. NOT IT, NOT HE/HIM. thank you.
gender: 🏳️‍⚧️ ♀️
birthday/zodiac: march 14th, pisces.
birthplace: lima, oh.
relationship status: single, but i've kissed just about every member of the senior and junior classes at mckinley.
sexuality: bisexual. 
occupation: host of fondue for two. 
sports/clubs: cheerios, dance, the muckraker, gay/straight alliance, mathletes. also it's not at school, but! i play on the local roller derby team here in lima, we're called the pinup punks. my name there is pierce the blade, i'm the jammer. i also play the drums in a band called high road.
major/minor: journalism and media communication.
languages: english, spanish, asl, and a language i invented in middle school!
social media handles: fonduefortwo professionally everywhere, fondueforbritt everywhere else for my friends.
height: 5'10'’.
build: ⌛️
eye color: blue.
hair color: blonde, sometimes i clip in fun colors when i'm not in cheerio mode though.
piercings: i have a lot! four on each ear, three on my lobes and one a helix and on the other an industrial. i also have my tongue, nipples, and belly button pierced.
tattoos: i have a rainbow on my wrist, a unicorn on my lower back and a small ufo on my shoulder. a portrait of my amazing feline friend lord tubbington. (someone who is Not brittany typed that in and later brittany removed it)
other distinguishing features: good tits and a big heart. 
style: carefree and fun colors when i'm not in my cheer uniform. i love everything from bold patterns to simple ones.
traits: i like to think i’m loyal and creative, funny, friendly and pretty adventurous. but i know some people think i’m kind of stubborn and impulsive, probably naive and aloof too. also dumb or an airhead.
likes: to dance, fondue, my cats and the cats at love meow, art, math, performing, taking baths.
dislikes: bullies, being called stupid, ignorant people, conflict, injustice, feeling lonely.
fears: not being good enough or being hurt simply for being who i am.
skills: i can get out of handcuffs easily, bend pretty much my whole body, can put my feet over my head, do complicated math in my head, super good at reading peoples signs and i'm probably a lil psychic.
quirks: super bendy and flexible, does that count? double jointed, i can talk very fast, i do “voice overs”... mostly in my head.
hobbies: drawing, dancing, cheering, interviewing people, listening to true crime podcasts and alien/cryptid conspiracy theories, rollerskating, motocross.
music tastes: anything by kesha and beyonce, but also anything that i can dance to. ♪♫♬
myers-briggs: i did this because it was fun, but i can't remember i think it started with an e?
kinsey scale: 3, i'm equal opportunities.
strengths: i'm majorly talented, especially when it comes to dancing. i think people are surprised by how much i can lift too.. i also got like... an iron stomach, at least that's what my parents tell me. and despite what some people think, i'm pretty smart.
weaknesses: i get lost super easily.
She's the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker.
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 months
Btw showing the desc of my fursona now (i forgor- oop I still swear to god I've forgotten a detail but I can just update it at any point so ye) But anyways here's uh my fursona! I bet y'all can tell im not super used to making furry characters
| Name: Lunar Nightwing Creepybonez
| Nicknames: Usually prefers to just go by Lunar, or his actual nicknames: Luny (Loo-ny), Creepz, or Bonez
| Pronouns/Sexuality: Trans FTM, goes by He/Him, and he is Pansexual
| Age: 24
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Animal (Mouse/Bat hybrid)
| Hobby: Writer/Artist
| Eye Color: One’s pastel purple and the other’s pastel green (light pastels) his eyes are normal pupils (sometimes they go silly mode, going wide like a cat’s, slits, his eyes can also swirl like a hypnosis effect)
| Fur Color/Body Type: His fur is also Pastel Purple, from his neck to his belly is Pastel Green, his wings are a mixture of the colors (the back of his wings are fully pastel purple but the inside of his wings go in a row, pastel purple, pastel green, and then repeat essentially until his wing span ends, his wings are big enough to wrap around his whole body or someone else’s, and he’s fat.
| Likes: Horror Stuff/Halloween, Demons, Sharks, Dogs, Bears, other Bats/Mice, Writing and Drawing of course, Baking, Rhythm Games, Sweets/Candies, Wrestling (it’s a special interest of his, has been since he was a kid, he can talk your ear off about it)
| Dislikes: Shitty people in general which is obvious, dolphins, Owls, Hawks, not being able to do the things he likes, Anxiety, the stigma around sharks (has a fucking vendetta for Jaws but also watches it just to give correct and accurate shark facts), Dolphins …he just doesn’t like them,  and …tbh I can’t think of much else, he doesn’t dislike a WHOLE lot lmao
| Appearance: Imma get this out of the way, Lunar’s wings are attached from the back, his arms/paws are separate, he’s got a pink mouse tail as well, Lunar doesn’t wear clothes, he doesn’t… Really need to and besides, do you know how hard it’d be to cut out holes to fit his wings through and also his tail, it isn’t like he needs them anyways, he has pastel purple and pastel green toe beans on his paws too, and his toe beans squeak when you press them, as does his nose, his nose is pastel purple with little pastel green dots on them.
Lunar has pointed ears like a bat’s, long whiskers like a mouse, his eyes usually have little white heart shines in them, he’s got two front buck teeth (but their razor sharp, like buck fangs)
And his other teeth are just sharp and pointy, his fur is super soft and smooth, there’s three little tufts of pastel purple fur though that are always sticking up on him, no matter how much he combs it, it always sticks up, so he just kept it like that, he thinks it looks cool anyways, he has top surgery scars that kinda look similar to bat type wings.
His eyes can go from heart shines to hypnotic swirls of pastel purple and pastel green (why? Bc I love designs like that)
This is just me writing down the basics of like when I make the fursuit- which’ll be a LONG time from now bc I legit don’t know what I’m doing and need to learn
…I realize he doesn’t really need a personality since uh he’s MY fursona- so he’s kinda just,, like me essentially- but some uh side facts I guess is in order-
| Side Facts: Lunar is amazing at playing the old game ‘Snake’ when he was a kid he used to play all the time on his mom’s old Nokia phone (I’m giving him things that I did as a kid yes) if you put Snake in front of him he may not beat the full game but he can get a damn good high score on it, same with Tetris.
Contrary to loving horror, while he has horror games he plays, he much prefers cozy games or relaxing ones, Stardew Valley is one of his most favorite cozy games.
Lunar has a loud screech that can be deafening, it’s one of his defense mechanisms technically, his loud screen can hurt your ears hella bad if he does it loud enough, and accurate to real life bats, Luny can’t just fly up suddenly in the air, no, he has to get to a high enough platform and THEN take flight, he’s pretty fast too, both in the air and when running, I mean he IS a mouse/bat so yeah.
Lunar is a scare actor at one of the haunt conventions in his hometown, he does it every Halloween (my dream to be a scare actor lmao) and Lunar’s house is decked to the nines in terms of horror merch, his house is like a damn horror house itself, he does sleep upside down most of the time with his tail and wings curled around himself, but sometimes he sleeps in a coffin bed he made himself just for dramatic effect.
This fucker goes FERAL over Teddy Grahams, give him one of those and his life is yours, literally has been caught in the middle of the night eating a whole box of them, he fucking LOVES those things.
His biggest comfort food is Graham Crackers and Milk, if he doesn’t feel like eating anything else because some days for him all food sucks or makes him feel sick, but they never do, it’s a huge comfort food to him and he could eat it at any given time.
His favorite bands/singers include: Will Wood, Lordi, Circus Contraption, Creature Feature, and Ice Nine Kills mostly (but he'll always listen to anything at least once, he loves his music)
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warriorbard2012 · 2 years
Vaxleth + cuddles to make up for a loss of words
Thank you for the prompt! I hope I did it justice!
This takes place after the events of C1E97!
Vax woke up to an empty bed. For a second, he panicked, his mind fully aware that Keyleth had died earlier and he had missed it. Had he missed it again, had something else happened to her? He sat up and then relaxed when he saw her resting in the window seat, her knees up to her chest as she looked at the moon. It took him a minute to realize that she was crying.
Quickly he got up and went to her, wrapping his arm gently around her shoulders. She turned, buried her face into his chest, and sobbed momentarily. Gently he rubbed her back until she quieted, and when she pulled away, he wiped away her tears.
“Hey. You should be resting.” He said lovingly.
“I know.” She replied, her voice a bit weak from the day's events. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“You should have woken me. I might have been able to help or at least make you tea.” Vax said. He motioned towards the bed, and when she nodded, he gently picked her up and carried her over, setting her down softly on the blankets. Then he tucked her in before climbing in next to her. He couldn’t get over the vision of her holding weakly onto his sister’s broom, covered in blood. He wouldn’t know what he would do if he lost her.
“I know, but I just needed a minute, to try and calm down. I tried meditating, but I couldn’t focus my thoughts.” She sounded so defeated, and it broke his heart.
“That’s understandable after the day you have had,” Vax replied, gently running his fingers through her hair as she liked. She leaned into the touch with a cat-like motion, and he smiled. If she were Minxy right now, she would be purring.
“I died. For a split second, I was somewhere else. I thought maybe I would see my mother, but I didn’t. A part of me knows that I didn’t spend enough time there to know for sure, but the other part of me wonders if it's because she’s not there.” Keyleth sighed. “It seems foolish to hope.”
“Hope is never foolish, Kiki,” Vax reassured her.
Keyleth took a shaky breath. “All they found was her leg… we never found her body. Maybe she’s still out there somewhere?”
“Then we can look for her. Someone somewhere has to know something. Emon and the Council owe us a big favor; I’m sure they can put out inquiries and such. And if that fails, then we things get settled at home, we can go ourselves.”
He felt Kiki freeze briefly, and her green eyes flash to his. “Do you mean that?” She asked, her voice so quiet that even his keen hearing had to strain to hear her.
“Of course. You should know by now that I would do anything for you, go anywhere… I want to be with you, my love.”
Keyleth blushed, and she reached up to pull him in for a kiss. “Well, I knew that.” She teased. “But I meant you saying that Zephrah is home… did you mean that?”
Vax smiled. “Yes, but you missed the point, Love. Zephrah is a beautiful place, and I would enjoy settling down there, but anywhere you want to settle or be, is where I will be. Where you go… I go, and your people will be my people. I promise for as long as I draw breath.”
Keyleth didn’t know what to say to that, so instead; she hugged him tightly. He felt tears again, but this time he knew they were happy, and he felt a few of them slide down his cheeks.
“I love you, Kiki.” He whispered into her ear.
“I love you too.” She said after a moment. She pulled away and kissed him softly before settling down against him with her head on his chest. “I think I can sleep now. Will you hold me?”
He nodded and began running his fingers through her hair, keeping an eye on her as she fell back into slumber.
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yokasaris · 2 years
Just me rambling (a lot), but I want to have it for posterity’s sake. Just in case.   tldr: pet illness/death, overly dramatic ramblings, maybe goodbye finally, doesn’t mean much to nonfriends so feel free to not read on
I mostly just use this blog for myself these days, and even then only half hearted (I did Rae’s yearly little drawing for his nameday! but no one will see it because... what’s the point, i already have it for myself i guess). So, even then a lot of my reblogs have just been related to black cats. Rae only became a fluffy black-furred miqo because of my own cat, and my efforts in RL trying to help people overcome prejudices about these animals (because I live in an area that’s like 50 years behind the rest of the USA most of the time). I love this cat so much. The shelter called him Elvis, but I changed it immediately to Ellis (my own birthname is “related to music” and my social anxiety can’t stand it when people I barely know start serenading me unprompted in public). I’ve never had a pet I’ve bonded with entirely because I’m just... a cold feckin robot that can’t connect with anything. I mostly adopted him because I felt bad for him. He was consistently ganged up on by the other cats at the shelter and no one wanted him because he was one of a handful of fully grown black cats and had the “worst” personality of the bunch. As soon as I brought him home it became apparent that he was sick. He had hyperthyroidism, and it was... a lot considering I was working minimum wage. I don’t even go to the doctor myself anymore because of the expenses unless things progress to the point where I have to go. A few years later, he developed an insulin resistance as well. Both endocrine diseases and one of his medications all had side effects that make him sick off and on, and of course balancing everything means frequent vet visits. There have been many times where I wasn’t sure what to do in regards to his healthcare and I didn’t make the best calls every time, but we’ve pulled through with the help of his awesome vet. And he got so... comfortable. For the first few years he mostly kept to himself, but over time he started getting more confident and affectionate. I was lucky that he takes pills and the shots like a champ because he has to take them twice a day every day. He learned how to play! I can pick him up and give him little smooches between the ears and he’s okay with it! He’ll curl up with me to watch cooking shows or when I play vidya games! He started purring! With so much shit happening over the past half decade, this little dude has been my reason to keep going. He’s the reason I get out of bed a lot of the time (also literally because he wakes me up for his meds now). A while ago (maybe a year or two?) the vet said he believed he had either lymphoma or a non-life threatening bowel issue. It was impossible to tell which it was without an invasive biopsy, which was out of the question due to his other health issues. So, I’ve known for a while that it was possible he didn’t have much longer to live. A few months back he really started having issues stemming from this problem. And yet... I chanced to try giving him a different food about a month ago and! suddenly! he got better! I thought that meant he definitely didn’t have cancer and it was the irritation instead. Besides, he was gaining weight now! It’s always been hard for him to put on weight, but he was looking healthier than he has in a very long time. Yet a couple weeks ago I started keeping a closer eye on him due to a few reasons (I had to leave a few XIV events early because of this, and I apologize).
This past weekend he started deteriorating.
What I thought was healthy weight gain was fluid build up in his abdomen due to, yes, lymphoma. So, at least it’s finally a concrete diagnosis. All the vets present agreed there was nothing they could do, so they removed as much of the fluid as they could and gave him some meds to make him feel better. Thursday his vet will back in, so we’ll be taking him in to be put to sleep. Took a shower as soon as I was home because can’t be sad, no one’s allowed to be sad and at least no one would notice the feckin horrid crying. I don’t know when I’ve actually cried like really cried last. I’d been ready for the possibility he’d die for so long, but I’d discarded that mentality when I naively thought for a moment that I knew better than the vet. But, he’s getting all the cuddles when he doesn’t want to be left alone, and he’s going to get his favorite treat meals these last couple of days (tuna Tuesday and chicken+ rice Wednesday). I’ll bring him one of my blankets when we finally have to go, and I’ll hold him as the sedatives put him under before they actually put him to sleep. Because this lil furball is the only thing tangible that reminds me there’s something good here, and I want to try and make him as happy and comfy as I can. After... I’m not sure. There’s nothing else here for me. The farm’s gone. My last link to anything and anyone tying me here is about to be gone. I want to go, but I don’t know where and there’s no place that I can fathom thriving. There’s no prospects, no ambitions or dreams. It’s something I’ve had on the mind for a long time, ever since I was first told Ellis was possibly terminally ill. I’ve just been... coasting through life ever since knowing I’d have to find some kind of purpose eventually. I can’t make any decisions right now because I don’t think this is the proper state of mind to decide anything, though. But, I don’t know. Maybe this is finally how I can let this blog go. I don’t know if I can handle all these lovely droves of absolutely amazing black cats I am so lucky to see on my dash every time I log in. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re cute. But, they’re fantastic every time. It pains me that there’s going to be one less of these lil critters around, but at least I can know that Ellis was one of the lucky ones who managed to find a loving home. So, maybe for the final time... black cats are good cats.
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lunarrosespirits · 2 years
Meet Ty the Floral Rabbit Shifter [Mod Lilac]
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Name: Ty
Species: Floral Rabbit Shifter
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them
Sexuality: Panromantic, Pansexual
Alignment: Light/Good
Personality: Ty is a flirt, and very upbeat and happy. He’s quick with a joke, is really smart, and loves talking about food!  An artist at heart, loves photography, drawing, painting, flower pressing, and using natural materials, paints and dyes. Likes self help books.
Description:  In human form, Ty is about 5’7”, with dark hair that is wavy on top, with shorter/shaved sides. He’s got dark brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin. He usually wears button down shirts that are tucked into black slacks, with a black belt, and business shoes so that he’s always office ready during the work week. His right ear has a birthmark, which also shows up as a brown spot in bun form.
Likes to wear tunics, and natural materials like linen, but dislikes wool. Very into fashion and likes to wear nearly anything that is comfy and functional. 
In rabbit form he is a black rabbit, with purple lilac flowers that sprout from his fur. 
Likes: Food (Korean especially), shopping, flirting, visiting markets, hanging out with friends, getting to explore different areas, baking, coffee, boba, reading, libraries, nature, the beach. 
Dislikes: Rude people, anti-LGBT folks, oppression of minority groups, “pick me” type people.
Hobbies: Shopping, trying new foods, hanging out with friends in cafes and other fun spots. 
Closest spirit friends: Bryn the Mountain Troll, Dannie the Cat Shifter, Lark the Water Lily River Spirit
Magic: Solar, Earth, Floral and Herbology magics
Communication: Prefers tarot, telepathy, astral 1:1, would like to try to communicate via flower language
Companionship: Would like to spend a decent amount of time with his companion. Would prefer to stay earth-side when he’s not at work, and just hang around in your physical space, even if you two aren’t “doing anything.”  He would like a vessel! 
Favorite Colors: Lilac, purple,
Favorite Song: Honey Lavender by ieuan
Bonding activities: Strawberry picking, playing around with photography - everything from phone photos to polaroids, arts and crafts, walk together in nature, listen to new music, learn new facts together, cooking, and picnics, platonic dates Price: $45 Update: 11/15/2022 With a message from Ty (copied and pasted from our Discord) "hey babes! I wanted to briefly bring up a little change Lilac and I have decided on. Instead of my flat adoption fee of $45 which you see at my tumblr bio link that's pinned (which will be updated soon). We've decided that I'd prefer a donation to the Native American Rights Fund (https://narf.org/) in ANY amount. So, instead of sending Lilac the $45 via ko-fi, if you'd like to be considered to be my companion - which you should, I'm great lol - then you'd send in your app, and then message Lilac your donation receipt. Also, I'm not a single pringle anymore , so my companionship will be strictly platonic. Love you all, stay sexy."
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lewditydegreeblog · 1 year
Yui crumbled up the paper, throwing it halfway across their small room. They lay down on their bed, a sigh of frustration escaping their lips. 
They had wanted to draw their wonderful sunshine. Just wanted to perfectly capture her soft hair, beautiful eyes…her smile that kept them up at night at this very moment. 
Oddly enough, Yui got inspired by Kylar, of all people. Earlier that day, they stumbled upon him intruding on their locker, and of course, he ran away once he saw them. A small piece of paper fell from his hoodie pocket, and Yui felt obligated to pick it up.
The paper had a detailed drawing of Yui on it. Yui rolled their eyes upon seeing it, but they couldn’t deny he had talent. They actually liked how Kylar shaded their hair and leather jacket. 
Not enough to care, though. Yui crumbled up the paper and threw it away at the first trash bin they saw, already moving on with their day. Or, Yui thought they would, but…a drawing might be a good distraction. A simple drawing of Robin could help when their sleepless nights got worse, when they desperately want to hold her tight and never let go. 
Yui didn’t have Kylar’s talent for drawing, though. They had thrown five pieces of paper, each drawing looking worse than the last. The hair looked messy, the eyes wonky…struggling to match her warm smile. 
If Robin had seen their attempts, oh how she would’ve giggled and said that she loved them anyway. Yui’s cat ears fell flat in embarrassment at the thought. She was always happy with the simplest things, even when they could be so much better…
Yui’s eyes went to their guitar in a corner. Not wanting to pick up the pencil in futile effort again, they stood up and walked towards it. They weren’t an expert, but they were at least better at playing this instrument than drawing. They’ll settle for this, for now. 
Tracing their fingers along the strings, they sang the first words that came to mind. Words they want to say to Robin, but know they have to keep their lips sealed for now.
Darling sunshine
If only you saw your image in my heart
I want only your kindness and touch
Just say the word, darling
And I’ll be yours forever
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