#love Louis best iwtv character
Reposting this on its own because I need to make sense re: Armand and what the hell was going on with him before and during the trial.
"I will not harm you" were the first words Armand said to Louis, and later, he reiterates "I will not harm you; and I never have".
Now, we know this isn’t quite true, because Armand hurt Louis - mostly by proxy but not exclusively - he lied, gaslighted him (very convenient to agree to erase Louis' memory in SF, right?) and ultimately betrayed him, causing Claudia's death.
On the other hand, when Armand had the chance to kill Louis with fire he didn’t, and not because he had some evil TM mastermind plan, but because he loved Louis (yes, in his own flawed, imperfect way, but he loved him). And most importantly, why does Armand set Louis free? He has nothing to gain from it and everything to lose: he could alienate the coven if discovered, he's aware Louis won't forgive him (he says it later!), and I'm pretty sure, if he knew Louis at all, he at least suspected Louis would try to go all Kill Bill. So why does Armand set Louis free? Because he loves him.
Oh, and he also had no guarantee at all that, after setting him free, Lestat wouldn’t run to Louis and reclaim his role as the big hero who saved him. In the tower scene, Armand is scared as hell that Lestat is going to expose him.
So. Armand loves Louis. He stayed with him for 70+ years fully knowing (at least, unconsciously) that he was a rebound. And if Armand loves him, why would he let him die on that stage? When he saved him before and rescued him after, at his own peril?
So, my opinion: Armand wasn’t going to let Louis die, but you cannot script a hurricane, so Lestat happened, and after, it was just so convenient to let Louis believe what suits both the most - that Lestat is an undeserving monster etc, etc.
Of course, there is always option 2: Armand knew Lestat wouldn't have let Louis die on that stage, so he allowed him to do the hard work and then stepped in to do his own little saving in secret.
But of course, now that all the stones (ha) have been turned, who will believe or trust Armand again? Louis? Not a chance. Lestat? Please. Daniel? We'll see. 
Maybe I'll add more later on Armand's opaqueness during S2 (to me, he was quite an enigma in the books, so, I'm not complaining too much. I loved him as a character in the books, love him now, my weird gremlin etc, etc), which of course includes the final twist of Daniel's turning; but I feel like we don't have enough on him. We only scratched the surface with S2 Armand and we have a lot of puzzle pieces that don't quite match and they're not enough to get the big picture, maybe only a reflection of it.
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eyestrain-addict · 11 months
I just realized why lestat marked Tom, like the big stupid idiot I am
(I know everyone else probably already figured this out, but this is MY blog and I get to post whatever deranged thought crosses my pea brained mind.)
When I watched that scene in episode 5 where they're at the bar talking to Tom, I was confused as to why exactly. Why does Lestat mark Tom? If he's marked to kill, why does he wait almost 2 decades later? Well I realized, as all realizations come, in the shower.
Lestat has been planning on killing Tom the whole time.
(Warning before you click read more, this post is a lot longer than I first intended holy fuck)
Well not the whole time. Just right when Louis realized that Anderson and Fenwick had screwed him over. Maybe even longer if he knew it was a trick ("ridiculous of you to mix human and vampire business it always ends poorly"). Notice how he's upset with louis when he kills the guy who's microaggressive with him, cus lestat wasn't there (even if he was there I have my doubts Lestat would understand microaggressions, but he would have definitely killed him for touching Louis.) But tells Louis he's proud of him for killing Alderman. I think this has to be because he witnessed the disrespect first hand. He didn't give a fuck about the money, what he DID care about was that those two disrespected not only him, but Louis.
Even with Lestats little understanding of race relations of the time in America, he did understand hierarchys. He's from 1700s France for God's sake. It's no coincidence wanted to be king of mardi gras. Lestat came to New Orleans and saw himself as the king, even if no one knew it. And he wanted Louis to be his queen. Honestly I could make an entire other post about how Lestat almost literally saw himself as if he was a King and Louis his beloved Queen, which is why he thought it was okay for him to sleep with other women (mistresses and playthings of the king should mean nothing compared to the queen in lestats eyes) but that's getting off topic. I only bring that up because I'm trying to paint a picture of how I think Lestat sees disrespect done to Louis. To him that goes beyond disrespect or rudeness, it's irreverence.
You begin to notice if you watch scenes with them together. Because while I wouldn't say lestat is good at controlling his anger, he's definitely great at concealing it until it erupts (props to Sam Reid have to be given here) lestat is always on the verge of fury when talking to Tom. It starts as a distaste then as he begins to fall more in love with Louis and become more protective of him, his anger builds. Claudia was wrong about one thing, it was no petty slight that was the reason Lestat killed Tom first, it was a loooonng time coming.
I could list every detail I think supports this but I'm sure you get the gist by now. My main point is really the layer of complexity this adds to not only the story, the characters, but also lestat and louis' relationship. Consider it for a second, Lestat saw all his violence as justified, everything he did one can see it through the lense of him punishing the disrespectful (take a shot every time I say disrespect in this post jesus christ). "I bring death to those deserving" indeed. Lestat has a god complex out the wazoo, and every attack, torture, and death he caused was righteous to him and thus enjoyable. Louis on the other hand didn't see himself so highly. He may seem confident but if you look through the cracks it's apparent Louis's self worth in near nonexistent and he's horribly insecure. I think lestat thought when Louis was made a vampire he would see himself as Lestat saw himself, and as Lestat saw Louis. But again, another post for another time.
Despite Louis' insecurities (or perhaps because of them) louis revels in the violence lestat commits for his sake. That's probably why louis is so quick to forgive lestat about the priests. For a brief moment Lestat truly said the truth to Louis and Louis could forgive him because of it. As lestat says, he doesn't kill the priests to intimidate Louis, nor does he do it just because he enjoys it. He does it because he sees them as humiliating Louis, charlatans that don't deserve Louis' sorrow. Louis didn't want the priest's to die, but he could understand why lestat killed them, simply because for once in his goddamn life lestat told the truth, and louis loved that truth. That truth being that lestat killed and mutilated and committed such horrors not just because he liked it, but because he did it out of a fucked up sense of protection. Him killing the priests was essentially a knight killing a dragon to earn the princess' hand in marriage.
The worst part is that Lestat doesn't even realize it. Not fully anyway. Let's be honest with ourselves, lestat doesn't understand Louis. Obviously there's the race, background, culture differences that lestat doesn't understand nor seems inclined to try, but there are better posts about that made by smarter people than moi. I'm mostly talking about lestat doesn't understand louis' mind itself (louis' mind in a vacuum I suppose you could say) he understands Louis' desire for violence sure, but he doesn't understand the core of that want. Honestly I'm on the fence of if he ever understood that Louis loved it when lestat was protective in the first place. I guess it can be dumbed down to Louis wants Lestat to kill to protect Louis and to protect the family (and anyone who deeply disrepects them), lestat perhaps understood a little at one point, but since he sees everyone as a threat and everything is a slight to him, he has no trouble and qualms with delighting in the torture of people Louis views as innocent. Louis' heart is a bit dark, but ultimately human, so he's disgusted by lestats violence towards the undeserving. Lestat can no longer read Louis' mind and even if he could, Louis doesn't quite understand the difference himself (that's why he tries to hunt for criminals briefly) so the cracks of miscommunication starts to form, and neither of them even realize there is miscommunication.
Therein lies the importance of Tom Anderson for season 1. Not much of a character, more of a plot device in human skin. Claudia can see that Lestat hates him, but doesn't understand why, nor does she care to get to the depths of that. (*Mr house voice* understandable) I think it's notable that Louis rarely brought him up, he didn't understand the depths of lestats love. Nor did he know about Lestats 3 decade long grudge, all because Tom disrespected Louis.
Now I'm not excusing Lestat's actions, I just think it's interesting how this one throwaway character reveals a whole level of complexity to the relationship between him and Louis, and better sheds light on not only Lestats personal philosophy but louis' as well. Even Claudia to a degree.
Anyway, uh. End of essay. Bye.
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siriuslynephilim · 4 days
so many thoughts but i CANNOT stop laughing that all that time we thought louis had some elaborate mind control type reason for staying with armand and it was really just.. HIM TRYING TO MAKE HIS EX JEALOUS SLSKSKKSKSKS
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cuntmand · 4 days
this was kinda the worst episode out of the entire series tbh simply because of the pacing. i liked the episode, but it was all over the place. they tried to tie in all the lose ends in 50 minutes, and that just wasn’t possible. louis being imprisoned, then released, losing his mind, recovering, AND burning down the theater and killing santiago, all in the span of like 5 minutes, the whole louis/lestat/armand scene, daniel exposing armand, loumand divorcing (that was so underwhelming, esp after 2x05, like, i needed these bitches to have a proper verbal argument, i needed them to be AT EACH OTHER’S THROATS), armand turning daniel (offscreen, cause they didn’t have time to get into all that, cause like… no way it was that simple lol there were too many devil’s minion hints throughout both seasons), louis flying to nola, reuniting with lestat (they have far too long and complex a history for it to be resolved so quickly, it would’ve been far more meaningful had it been done right), daniel publishing his book (compiling, writing, editing, publishing it AND selling 4-5 million copies must have taken a lot of time, so time jump, i guess?)… just by typing this out, it’s too much, way too much to cover in a single episode. the hectic pace left me unsatisfied and it also left a lot of room for plot holes (no more unreliable narrators now, cause the interview is done). idk i think they really should’ve split this into two episodes, at least. one of the things that i really admired about this show was the pace. in season 1, they managed to cover 3 decades in the span of only 7 episodes, while simultaneously showing us what was happening in dubai in 2022, and it never felt rushed. season 2’s pacing was still amazing and satisfying, up until this episode. idk man… i hope this doesn’t happen again, cause it really left a bitter taste in my mouth, and it was the finale, so my expectations were high.
#iwtv spoilers#interview with the vampire#love this show it’s absolutely my favorite#and i liked the episode but it was so fucking rushed i got whiplash from it#too many plot points being resolved in such a way is bound to leave people unsatisfied#now that the excitement has dwindled down i can put this into words lol#i know loustat are the main characters i know they will get the best storylines and the most screen time OKAY.#but armand was a major character this season and i don’t like how his motivations were left unexplored#like… wasn’t the whole point of the trial to get rid of claudia so he could have louis all to himself?#but now he’s ready to let him die?#and turning daniel ‘out of spite’ when just 2 episodes ago it was established that the idea repulses him to this day?#armand is an incredibly complex and interesting character why did they dumb him down like this lmao#i’m still expecting a devil’s minion centric ep next season so all of this will get resolved#and they’re one of the most popular ships in tvc so i guess our chances are good#loustat’s reunion was rushed and kinda not rushed at the same time like… i’m glad it happened cause it was a satisfying conclusion#but fuck me they have such a long history filled with beautiful AND terrible things#and they resolved all of that in like 7 minutes? after almost 80 years? okay i guess…#but yeah… to conclude the pacing of this ep really threw me off i hope next season doesn’t have an episode like this
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You know what really is enduring? Watching this fucking show
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whalesfall · 2 years
always really interesting to me when i see posts interpreting Louis as kind in some manner, when he’s much closer to what I would call… hm, not nice, maybe passive? friendly to most. charming when he needs to be. but not necessarily kind. a surface level kindness immediately interrupted by his unending (fascinating!) hypocrisy. he’s ATTEMPTING kindness? but kindness, to me, implies someone is genuinely and staunchly kind in their actions, if not always in their words. it was not kind, really, to save Claudia—though maybe it felt like a mercy in the moment, but by then Louis still resented vampirism to some extent, knowing he would be trapping her in that too. it was not kind to insist on killing Lestat’s lover, (even though it makes sense why!) if you have some sort of general fondness and care for life and resent taking lives as a rule. he makes it clear his whole life as a human was difficult, and kindness didn’t necessarily suit him, was forced to be harder and more charming to get by. like, yes, he doesn’t enjoy wanton violence usually, but when it suits him or when he’s reached a breaking point, he barely even flinches from it and doesn’t even really display remorse (a little bit of remorse, but it’s—removed, not lingered on. he lingers on other guilts more.) it’s more than anything to me a fascinating brand of understandable hypocrisy (and maybe a bit of a brand of cowardice) that makes him both generally reluctant to take a life but having So Many Exceptions to that rule; not to mention how often I think he’s distorted the story to some degree and how armand has influenced that, “let the tale seduce you,” giving everyone involved both more grace to their actions but also more uncertainty and questions about how truthful the recollection is. I don’t know, I think he’s neat!! I think his distortions are neat!! is he kind? maybe not. but he is attempting kindness, or maybe just reduction of harm, which matters too.
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thewizardofrp · 2 years
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"It feels like L O V E." ~ Louis De Pointe Du Lac
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vampibrainrot · 2 years
I finished watching the first episode of Interview With the Vampire. Unfortunately, my brain is still in too much shock to process what I've seen. I'm incapable of formulating rational thoughts. All there is are my incessant internal screaming and fangirling over these too dumbasses and Lestat's naked butt
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marchivists · 2 years
heart hurts thinking about how iwtv is really just about trying to love others, the world, yourself and failing very very badly. but always trying
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samstatsupremacy · 2 months
My notes from the 92NY Q&A
Someone from Mayfair Witches is in IWTV S2 and Mayfair S2
Ben Daniels sent a thank-you letter to Rollin Jones re: working with such a beautiful cast and lovely project (and called himself Santi-baby in it). Jacob did his best Ben impression and read the email aloud to us.
The two actors Rolin KNEW they wanted from the beginning were Eric and Ben Daniels, before they even started casting
Jacob refused to pit Loumand and Loustat against each other. Said they have different vibes
Sam insists that we won't see "the real Lestat" until S3. We're only seeing everyone else's perception of him (very tongue-in-cheek). In response, Assad said, "Armand has a very good memory. Maybe the most accurate!"
Jacob said filming the Dreamstat scenes with Sam was like slipping on a glove, or an old sock (cue slightly inappropriate giggles from audience)
Delainey said her chemistry read with Jacob felt like everyone else in the room just faded away, and she bonded with him first on set
Lestat plays Harlequin instead of Lelio this season, and the moderator was so affected by Sam's performance that he said "I got pregnant after watching it." Rollin said it was "moves like Jagger" on that theater stage lol. Sam had trouble reconciling this part but he did have fun
Any time Jacob gets complimented, he tries to brush it off. He's so humble!
Delainey said Claudia knows Louis better than he knows himself, and Jacob* thinks he knows her but he doesn't
Eric said that Daniel's impression of Dubai situation is he's just sick of the lies and games from Loumand. He won't be intimidated, and if you push, he pushes back harder. He will not be bullied (much like himself, he added)
Lots of hype for ep5 of this season. Eric said it was the most traumatizing episode he's seen in his life. Everyone else agrees that it gets pretty heavy re: young Daniel's interview
Eric said "working with Jacob is like flying" and Jacob said "the feeling is entirely mutual" - so sweet!
Assad was so preciously nervous bc he admittedly still gets intimidated by the cast. He was struggling to finish his thoughts. He did praise how open and loving the whole cast and crew are. It was cute.
"When Louis meets Armand, Armand is kind of lost but putting on this facade of power that Louis sees through" (Assad's words)
Question: any fun moments off set that still make you laugh? Response: Sam and Jacob look at each other and just burst into laughter. They really struggled to find an answer that they felt was appropriate to share and barely answered it 😅
Q: What series would your character binge?
Everyone answered as their character:
Armand: Buffy
Daniel: Breaking Bad
Claudia: The OA
Lestat: The Real Housewives
Louis: The Real Housewives ("YOU LITERALLY TOOK MY ANSWER" to Sam)
This doesn't even cover the encounters I saw at the stage door. I'll do a separate post for that, maybe
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thefairylights · 2 months
I adore the Prince Lestat era because Loustat are so settled in their marriage and absolutely insufferable to all those around them. The way vampire meetings never go as planned because Louis and Lestat are too busy loudly thinking about one another and interrupting everyone’s concentration.
The way everyone avoids eye contact and pretends to be deaf when they hear them somewhere in a secluded corner, just fucking because it’s their right and they’ve waited so long to be together like this. Also because they’re possessive of one another. Yes, they are definitely possessive.
Oh, it’s so good because I can only see IWTV 2022 characters in my head. How glorious.
The magical and expensive balls? So many balls thrown and for some reason the hosts retire early or simply disappear every single time. No questions are allowed.
The endless supply of beds being purchased because the frames have been broken?
Christening every single room of the chateau plus the grounds? Absolutely.
Literally being so disgustingly in love? The best part.
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murfpersonalblog · 18 days
IWTV S2 Ep6 Musings: Loumand (Spoilers)
Armand stressed me TF out this episode; I can't believe they had me yelling at my favorite TVC book character this much on this dang show. But I still stand by what I said about him having good intentions--
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--but by god does this man make the worst decisions for the best reasons.
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FACTS, I can't stand modern art. The first vamp capitalist, faaaacts.
The first vamp pilot--Louis WANTS to fly now!? Or maybe it's just the Cloud Gift that freaks him out; a vampire taking him up without his control/consent?
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I cannot BELIEVE they're banging in Armand's office right in front of that flimsy glass door--that's why the coven hated y'all. 🤦 Rubbing in their faces that Lou can do whatever--and whoever--he wants.
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OF COURSE that mofo was gonna say No--DUH! Lou, Armand don't want Lestat's spawn, he wants Lestat's SEED, there's a DIFFERENCE. 😅
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He. Didn't. NO. The attitude in Lou's neck rolls had me QUAKING. AMC is leaning IN to Armand withholding more than Lestat, jfc. 😬
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It was NOT ok, Armand. That was your cue to be part of the family, and join Lou as he went to the IVF clinic to get his eggs fertilized with YOUR seed, MORON. 🤦 Y'all could've been the Le Russe/Romanus family! Now they'll always be Lioncourts! 😩 Alexa, play Rolling in the Deep, cuz they could've had it all! 😔🎵 🎶
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Roleplay don't mean ISH outside the bedroom--just cuz Armand's a subby bottom don't mean he didn't hold ALL the power the whole time; eff what Lou said, asked or "ordered." I said back in S1: Les & Armand HUMOR Lou, and let him pretend to be in charge (X X). It's called POWER IMBALANCE.
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It looks like childbirth gone wrong.
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Lou going from battered wife depression in S1 to post-partum-depression in S2. 😔 So Loius tried to kill himself again? By bleeding out? Throwing up all the blood he drank from Madeleine. Dang.
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What "you did to yourself" is a little inaccurate, considering it was YOUR insensitive words that triggered him and made him want to yeet himself into the sun! This is what I always mean by Armand taking advantage of Louis' agency, cuz Louis was CLEARLY not in his right mind at the time to be asking for anything THAT serious, which he NEVER would've done elsewise.
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So, 3 days after Louis' failed suicide attempt, he asked for his mind to be wiped--cuz he was still TRAUMATIZED, Armand! 🤦
Lou got high as a kite (if he was ever sober in SanFran.....)
Nearly killed the first human who managed to get anywhere towards helping him process his PTSD--if not just VENT a bit; as he hadn't spoken Lestat's name in 20+ years by that point.
Vented all his resentment to Armand for being hella boring
Was triggered by Armand telling Louis Claudia never loved him, wtf
Tried to kill himself by burning himself alive in the first sunrise he'd seen since Paul's suicide
Burnt to a crisp, he has to watch Armand torture TF out of Daniel, begging for his life & powerless to do anything
Then lay there all crispetty cracketty crunchetty and hear Armand have a effing telephone call with LESTAT
He even told OIdmaniel he'd been in so much pain he blanked out
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Armand said drugs did a number on Dan's mind--Louis DIED an alcoholic; he was turned while he was drunk, and I bet mental illness runs in his family, too. So what damage was done to LOUIS' mind when he was in SanFran getting stoned every night b4 you scrambled his brain, Armand?!
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Daniel's mind is sharp, yes, but his body sure ain't. Armand caused Daniel's Parkinsons--if it's even really Parkinsons, and not just the consequences of 6 days of bodily & mental torture, as his arm was crushed, head bashed, nose bled, and muscles were contorted. "To protect me, from YOU, my Molloy"--we been knew. "Why did I owe YOU my shame...my one act of cowardice?" Oh, you mean selling Claudia & Louis down the effing river?!
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I'd bet money that Armand was so shook seeing Louis' reaction to what he said about Claudia hating Louis, and was so terrified of being on permanent suicide watch, that he was RELIEVED to have the chance to wipe Louis' memory, and soften the blow of his own culpability in WHY Claudia died hating Louis. Cuz she was HAPPY at that cafe with y'all! What happened AFTERWARDS, Armand!?
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Why would vamps cheer and drink with alcohol; y'all shoulda known something was up; with this JUDAS at the effing table.
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Why tf is Armand sleeping in Claudia's coffin? I guess Loumand doesn't share Louis' the way Loustat did. But better question: Why TF are they still in that flat?! I'd've left Paris for good; that was stupid of them to stay in coven territory. But I guess we know why Armand didn't insist they leave. 😒
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Louis and Madz have tension. :(
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This poor boy just CANNOT help himself, LOL.
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LOLOLOLOLOL! Madz is NOSEY, spill all the tea, girl, yaaas! XD (The bass in Lou's voice when he says BIIIIIG HEAD nearly put me in a stretcher--omfg it was IMPROVISED!?)
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👀 Yeah, he knows, alright. Knows you'll forgive him, Lou.
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Cuz he felt he had nothing left if he didn't have you.
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Cuz Santiago was right:
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Speak of the devil, carrying the effing burlap sacks.
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I could never sit there that calm and talk about all that without lunging over and pulling every follicle out of Armand's head.
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Omg it's a matinee in DAYLIGHT, it's happening right then & there. 😭☀️
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sofipitch · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about how well they portrayed Louis in the show. I think the change in race also really helped solidify the "vampire with a human soul" part of his character. Bare with me for what I mean by this; a lot of readers of the book tend to "not get Louis" and this was especially true of the movie, even AR said where it just seems like Louis is being annoying and whiny, go be a fun vampire. But Louis main conflict is that becoming a vampire changed nothing about him internally. The issues he has, primarily a concern with consumption and damnation don't go away. Louis is afraid of sin and also his own desires for indulgence. To some readers this may seem abstract, but they are often clear metaphors for being gay or alcoholism, Louis is very concerned with regulation, and not because he has any issues with drinking blood but more with how he is judged. He is very concerned about being seen as a monster (see Babette and portrait painter scenes). His big fight with Paul is also about Paul telling Louis that their family wasn't being holy enough. You can quickly see how Paul saying that they need to change their entire lifestyle is a judgement on Louis, the head of the household. Louis also said that he didn't want to believe his brother could have been visited by saints, bc it would be proof his brother is somehow a better person than him. Louis's internal conflict is often easily summarized by his Catholic guilt, which again can be abstract to audiences who have never experienced internalized homophobia or just a large sense of shame/feeling you are being watched
Anyways, why is the change in race smart, it's another way we can see Louis continues to be human governed by human rules, despite being a vampire. We can see it very clearly in how he is treated by society in the show, he is still treated as "lesser". Lestat thinks Louis should be above such things because he is a vampire, and while being gay and being an alcoholic are to some degree things you can hide, Louis's race is not. The opera being the last scene in Ep 2 where the schism between Louis and Lestat begins to get worse, is also where Louis has to act like Lestat's valet in public. If they were both gay white men they could at least act as equals, friends business partners, whatever. But even Lestat "we are above society" has to go through with this act but is notably not upset by it while Louis is. So to audiences that didn't get his issues, Louis desire to basically just be "normal", not an alcoholic, not of a sexuality that would be remarked upon, (while both real these two in the books are not shown overtly and exist in Louis's fear of damnation, which is still fear of judgement by others, but it isn't something that has a scene of a random accosting him in the street, it's more a persistent fear in his head, in the show they showed both these more overtly in the confession scene and the police officers in their home) not of a race treated as inferior, not having to act up his masculinity, by mixing all of those together at least one should make you GET it. I think even Jacob Anderson said it in the podcast that Louis really just wants to have a domestic family life like anyone else, and in the book while it is glossed over Louis says the time he spent being happy was that domestic family life. He just wants to be loved and not judged
In a lot of ways vampirism should suit Louis, and the book IWTV often romanticizes Louis pouncing on his prey from dark corners of the street. And that is what fits Louis the best, the desire to be left alone to be himself
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How do we get a whole season of us being told and shown that Armand was messing with Louis' memories, that Armand was hostile towards Claudia, that Armand was absolutely down right sadistic (the young Daniel episode) and that Armand loathed hearing Lestat's name in his presence, that he literally never cared to help Claudia in the trial, that he would have let Louis die, only for iwtv fans on twitter (mostly) to accuse the writers of making Armand act out of character?? It's entirely in character??
Even if you put aside the books (where he was absolutely a sadistic little shit and that's why we love him), throughout the season it was very clear that he was up to some nonsense. He was written amazingly and he became one of my absolute favorites in the whole show because of how all these different sides of him were revealed bit by bit. It wasn't out of character for him. Even Daniel being turned, which we haven't seen yet and only got Louis' biased opinion on, is still up in the air for us.
This is a series where literally all of them do awful things. All of them. And that's why they're amazing characters because they do these awful things and you can acknowledge that, you can see how awful they can be but you can still love them because that's the whole essence of the vampires to begin with. They love and hate each other in equal measure. They are always a part of each other, no matter how much they refuse it. Armand is honestly one of the best written characters in the show and, arguably, in the books because of this.
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Fans of IWTV that are problems
People who want to put the blame on one character.
Like sir. Uhm. How do I say this? In a way that can penetrate your mind?
They. Are. All. Horrible. People.
But they are also: All Beautiful People With Love All Consuming.
Both can be true. Because IWTV is the extreme reflection of life and people.
There is this comment on a fan edit on YT that was literally posted a day ago that I found.
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I think we've established Louis is the problem. He is the common denominator in all these toxic relationships. Even his and Claudia's was an unhealthy mess. [Image]
And before I go on, on why this sh*t brings the movement down and I don't and won't tolerate I just want to bash the thinking of this person.
Let me ask you, reader and watcher, if a person in an abusive relationship lands in another abusive relationship are they the problem? Are they seeking to be abused yet again? Do you think they like it? Do you think Louis du Point du Lac went into loving Lestat because Lestat showed anger issues? Insecurities? No. He saw the best in him. He still fucking does. He loves the guy despite his problems. Do you think Louis fell for Armand because he was a gaslighter? A liar? A betrayer and clear child killer? No. He fell for Armand's ability to be soft to be gentle. He fell for his understanding. His clear care and focus on what he wants. His endurance.
"Louis is the problem." The problem here is that there are lies and manipulation from all characters. Louis is a lost soul who is more impulsive than the rest of the characters. He goes through life always seeking, seeking, seeking not really knowing what he is looking for. He also has fucking depression and some deep self-resentment.
But to say he is a problem because he is a victim (and he is because even though he has his strengths in the events between the Big Lestat Drop and The Trial he has been most hurt from both events more than Lestat and Armand (if we don't count Claudia because she was the MOST VICTIM OF ALL OF THEM DURING THAT ERAS)) is disgusting. It's victim blaming. To say he is a common denominator of abuse is stupid. He is the common denominator BECAUSE he attracts powerful love interests who are unhinged.
There is a huge power imbalance between Louis and Lestat. That was unknown. A power imbalance between Louis and Armand that was known but put aside because Armand gave the illusion that he was giving Louis the reigns.
To say Louis is the problem is blaming a wife being beaten, divorcing her husband and then getting in a relationship where she is beaten again. Clearly she's asking for it. (That's how this post sounds like) And. I. Will. Not. Tolerate. It.
Okay. Now that is put aside.
Like I said before.
These vampires are broken. One could argue being beyong repair.
The purpose of the books is to show monsters in love. Monsters who act on humanity but still take it too far.
There's a whole quote that says something about Lestat loving first and how passionate he is but in that love the only way he can show it is through violence. To break it.
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We see Armand who is so loving and so f*cking patient. So eager to be loved. So eager to not be alone. Because he has been so alone all these years and then he meets Louis. Louis with a daughter. Louis with a burning, eager heart to be free this time around. Louis who represents everything Armand desires. To be free of all chains. And in wanting Louis he loves only him. Sees Claudia as chain too. Because Louis broke free of Lestat. Because Claudia, to Armand, is an extension of Lestat. Louis' capturer, maker, abuser.
He loves so much that he sees this as right. To get Louis all to himself. He wants this so badly. He even says it. "I want you more than anything in the world."
Words with weight. Words he meant. Words he carried through. He loves wholly. Obsessively. He loves solely.
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And then Louis. Sweet Saint Louis. A father, a brother, a man who cannot exist or see himself outside of others. He is father, brother, lover, companion, son before he is Louis. This man who cannot exist outside others. This man who because of his spiraling self-hate drags others so he can stop the self- punishment. To get a reprieve. To put this love onto others because he can only love himself by loving and caring about others.
Who cannot love himself. Who drags the body of a stranger's daughter to beg for one himself. Who self sabotages and then tries to fix it. Who loved someone who hurt him because he can't let it go. Who thought he could love a man with burdens and control that was spiraling. A man who he knew felt the loneliness he had too. Louis who begs, demands and pleads and manipulates to get this fix of love. To put it somewhere. Even if it destroys the person he loves. (Paul, Claudia, Lestat and Armand) Just a little bit. Who loves then bites the hand that feeds him. Who loves so much. So much. He gets lost in it. Then drowns. Drowns in his failures. And drags others into it.
(Lestat: You drag me into your gloom. Armand: Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?)
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And it's true to sense. He can't preserve his happiness. And sometimes he goes out of his way to not. Destroys it. (The killing of Lestat. The harsh words in 1970s to Armand) Because he doesn't deserve it.
This is all what it comes to:
They are humans stuck to live forever with these woes and problems and nowhere to put it. No where to put their trauma. So they make it themselves and then try to love with these jagged pieces.
They are fleshed out and more real than any character out there.
They are real. In their monstrosity. In their humanity.
They are horrible, they are beautiful, they are guilty, they are innocent. All of this. All true. All at the same time.
"I could not prevent it."
"...Was a band aid for shitty marriage?"
"This fascinating boy."
"Let me go."
"I love you with all of myself."
"Come to me."
"But she didn't love you. Not like he did, not like I have."
"I hate you."
"I know, I know. She's calling me."
"You and me. Me and you. You and me. Me and you."
"He's...a lot."
"I love you too baby brother."
"I'm not asking Arun."
"Am I all I have endured?"
"THE NAME! UNUTTERED in our home for 23 YEARS!"
"Could you imagine me? Without the burden of her?"
"I want you more than anything in the world."
"She called me an angel. Me!"
"Saint Louis."
"Are your companions?" "Yes." "No."
"I had a hunch."
"He forgave me."
"Why do I owe you my one act of cowardice?"
"Armand preserves my happiness..."
"Claudia is my coven."
"It was never about me."
"Tell her she's beautiful every morning."
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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lady-phasma · 11 days
What's itwav about
Hi anon! If you follow me I guess you've seen the alphabet soup of my tags: AMC IWTV, IWTV, and so on. I'm going to answer this like you have never heard of it. (I don't want it to come across as patronizing.)
Interview with the Vampire is a 1976 novel by Anne Rice that was adapted into a series by AMC in 2022. The second season is airing now. It is the "biography" of the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac (Jacob Anderson, right). Although there are numerous important characters, the other main character is the vampire Lestat de Lioncourt (Sam Reid, left).
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I have been a fan since I first read the book around 1995 and then promptly devoured every book Anne wrote for The Vampire Chronicles (until the last two). That makes it difficult for me to make this answer brief but I'll try.
Louis is American, from New Orleans, and meets Lestat around 1910. They begin a tumultuous relationship and, although not at all like a soap opera, that is the center of the story for season one. So much happens as Louis learns what it means to be a vampire that to explain much would be to spoil it.
But the interview itself takes place in 2022 with Louis recounting these memories for a human, Daniel Molloy. That dynamic is witty and fascinating and, just like the book, forces us to follow along with an unreliable narrator. Part of the story is Louis's life in New Orleans in the early 1900s with Lestat, the other part is the interview with Daniel in 2022.
Not everyone likes the vampire genre, but this is based on one of the best series of vampire fiction ever written. If Bram Stoker is the grandfather of vampires, Anne is the mother. Her characters are rich, complex, and very human. The show runners and cast have honored that and, somehow, mind-blowingly, have made them even richer.
That may not have answered your question as specifically as you might have liked, but if I kept going I might not be able to stop. The Vampire Chronicles are very dear to me. Aside from that, this is one of the best tv series out right now. That is not an exaggeration. It is wonderful even if you don't know the source material. They build the world and give you everything you need to fall in love with these characters immediately.
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