#skylar screeches
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2014 Gotham how am I supposed to take Oswald seriously when every time he gets caught in a lie he literally looks like this
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theesteemedladydebourgh · 9 days ago
oh my god Sarah 😭😭😭
I have been working my way through Jingle-Holy F*ck and The First Time Divorcees Club by @theesteemedladydebourgh since last night and I just want to express my remorse for every "other" love interest (for example, Skylar) that I ever inflicted upon you guys because when you are writing fic torturing your readers is so unserious but when you are READING it all logic and reason flies out the window and suddenly you are impatient and scared and panicking even though you KNOW what the endgame is going to be, btw both of these fics have altered my brain chemistry and I'm incapable of being cool about them. Olivia I am ready to fight you in the parking lot.
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puppiesandnightlock · 9 months ago
LINK: Cause you're a nightmare that i've not been dreaming of
Summary: It's all come down to this one event. Their friends have planned out the perfect moment and all Damian and Jon need to do is say the words. Easy as pie.
ft. Jason and Roy as chaperones, road trips, Ferris wheels, and some really cheesy fireworks confessions
“Alright, Squirts, listen up, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jason and that’s Roy.”
Jason was turned around in the driver's seat, going over introductions. The man next to him had a trucker cap on and was wearing a dark red tank top, showing off the full sleeve of tattoos running up his right arm. 
He waved, propping his chin up next to the headrest on the passenger’s side. “I’m going to do a quick roll call, just to make sure we are not missing anyone. Once we get that, we’re good to go.”
A cheer went up, and settled quickly as Jason began naming people. Damian offered an earbud to Jon, who took it, settling back and shutting his eyes.
Skylar and Akira were scribbling onto the sketchbooks they’d brought, Kathy and Maya were behind them, dictating what they thought should go on it. Colin was avidly asking questions to the driver's seat.
“We’ve got a four hour drive, and we’re only making two pit stops, this is the last offer i’m making before i start the car.” 
No one got up and the car started the radio being flicked on and soft music filling the car as they started on their journey.
Within thirty minutes, Jon had conked out against Damian’s shoulder, still with the shared earbud in one ear, the other in Damian’s. The boy himself was half asleep, head leaning on the glass of the window. Colin had propped his phone up and was playing a random downloaded movie, Akira and Skylar sharing a random game of tic-tac-toe. 
After the second hour and a half, they were beginning to get rowdy. Jon was arguing with Akira about some inane topic that was probably not legal, Colin was playing keep away with Damian’s phone and backpack, Maya was hissing at them all to shut up as Kathy had fallen asleep in the midst of their chaos somehow.
The car screeched to an abrupt halt and they all yelped, grabbing onto another or a part of the car. Roy turned to the back, Jason tapping his fingers impatient on the steering wheel. 
“Alright, that’s much better. Colin, give the bat brat his stuff back, Jon and Akira, both of you are wrong, it’s much easier to do the third option. Keep the noise to the minimum if you would all like to stay alive on this trip, because my husband is much less nice than he seems, contrary to appearances.”
“Yes sir.” Six kids chorused back at him. 
“Not a brat.” Damian grumbled. 
“Kind of are.” Jon poked his cheek. “What’s with the Bat part though?”
From the front of the car, Jason snorted. “Oh boy, now that’s a nice story.”
“Jason, please don’t-”
“You all know Batman, right?”
They all nodded, the tips of Damian’s ears burning red and he attempted to hide himself in Jon’s shoulder.
“Baby Damian was obsessed with anything Batman, for some unknown reason. Every single one of his toddler pictures have him in some kind of Bat reference, and he had this little bat hoodie with ears he’d wear all the time, and put the hood up and would say “I’m the Bat!” in this tiny little squeaky voice.”
The car had gone up in laughter, and Jon had put an arm around Damian, whose face was now burning in embarrassment. 
“Shut up, oh my god.” The plea was muffled, and his older brother paid absolutely no attention to it, continuing on.
“Went on until he was maybe eight, and then he got back into it because of a show that would play on cartoon network? And I don’t think it’s ever returned to that level but there is no one in this family who does not call him a nickname without adding the bat.”
“That’s adorable .” Jon said, Damian groaning and attempting to disappear. Skylar agreed with the sentiment, Colin, Akira, and Maya attempting to quell their laughter. Kathy was sneakily snapping a picture of Jon and Damian in their position, since the words that accompanied  had been less than platonic.
It tapered off into a quieter buzz, most of them being occupied by a phone balancing on the drivers headrest and playing a random movie.
By the time they arrived at the Brandens’, all of them were either sleeping or half-asleep. Before Jason could stop the car and make the announcement, Maya hissed ”Wait!” silently and urgently.
In the backseat, Jon and Damian were curled into each other, Damian on Jon’s shoulder and Jon’s head on top of his, hands loosely intertwined.
”shit, SHIT, someone take pictures!!” Six phones were promptly whipped out, all taking care to turn off the flash and taking pictures from different angles. 
“Send all of those to me,” Jason instructed, turning off the car. At the motion, they stirred, everyone in the car whipping around to give some sense of normalcy as if they had not all been cooing over them.
“Oh.” Jon sprang away from him. “Sorry, sorry, did I crush you?”
“I’m not as weak as you innately believe me to be.” Damian grumbled, ears flushed pink as he looked out the window, their hands still resting together. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“oKay, on that note, we’ve arrived. Please disembark from the vehicle in an orderly fashion, and do not slam any of the doors or you will have a very unpleasant return.” Roy got out first, opening the driver’s seat door for a very pleased looking Jason.
They clambered over each other to get out, sighing dramatically as they all stepped out. “Freedom!” Colin shouted, jumping up and down a few times.
“My legs went numb.” Akira muttered, holding onto the side of the car. Skylar patted their arm sympathetically, backpack jangling.
“This is pretty big.” Maya looked at the surrounding farmland appreciatively. “How much of this is your folks?” 
“Bit farther down, I'll take you by the boundary line sometime, there’s a nice little place me ‘n Jon would go play as kids.” Kathy pointed to a place in the unseeable distance, coming a bit closer to her.
“That sounds nice.” Maya said, trailing off into a silence until Jon came running out of the car and slinging an arm around Kathy’s neck.
“Ooh, i have missed this place. Our treehouse still up?” 
“All of our hideouts are alive and kickin’.” Kathy said, “You should take your boy down to one of them sometime.”
Jon looked around, before dipping his head down and mumbling, “Not my boy.”
“Not yet .” Kathy poked him in the stomach, and as he doubled over, ruffled his hair, dashing off with a laugh.
“HEY!” He took off after her, the two of them laughing. Damian came up besides Maya, watching them chase each other.
“You know, I don't think I've really seen him act like this.” Maya remarked. Damian only smiled, mind flooding with flicks of moments and the sound of childlike laughter.
“It’s not something he had much reason to be like, I suppose.”
“It’s cute.” She nudged him. “Puppy-like.You like puppies, don’t you?”
“It is… endearing. ” The last part was much quieter. “It feels wrong. But right, at the same time. The feeling is…new, yet curious. And not entirely unpleasant.”
“You two will figure it out.” Maya smiled, pushing his shoulder a bit. “I’m gonna go and get ready, we’re going out to the fair today.”
“Okay.” He brushed his hair back, watching his small group of friends, eyes trailing after Jon’s form, his laughter keeping the soft smile on his lips. 
“You know, I think we have a history of this kind of thing.” A voice came from behind him, wiping the smile off of his face in place of a scowl. 
Jason came up behind him, Roy playfully putting the hat he was wearing onto Damian's head. 
Stupid older brothers.
“So I heard.” Damian drawled, turning to look pointedly at the both of them. “Tutoring, boy on the wrong path and a nerd. Except I was just better, not a nerd.”
“Fuck you, i was a cool nerd.” Jason crossed his arms. “Had an A in P.E. and everything.”
“You were also a scrawny little shit who carried books everywhere, had glasses for a short amount of time and could quote Jane Austen at the drop of a hat.” Roy set his chin on Jason’s shoulder. “Sorry, babe.”
“Well, you married this nerd.” Jason sniffed, before turning to Damian. “ You were like four, you can't tell me shit.”
Damian scowled. “You’ve simply come along to antagonize me, haven’t you?”
“That, to intimidate your friends and future boyfriend, and because ask yourself, would any of them have been any better?”
“Richard would have.” 
“Dickhead and Wallance would have played showtunes the whole time, been sickeningly in love, and would have shown all of your baby pictures and embarrassing stories within the first five minutes of the drive, especially if he saw you and Jon.”
“Whatever.” He huffed. “Will you both be escorting us to the fairgrounds?”
“Yeah, and we’re leaving in thirty minutes, so change if you want to, baby bat.” Jason took the hat off and ruffled his hair, causing Damian to squawk and swat at him, before glaring at them both and leaving.
They all met back up in front of the car, dressed in a new pair of clothes and eager. It was about 12:30 by the time that they managed to make it to the grounds, seeing as they’d left early in the morning.
“Okay, ground rules before I unlock this car.” Jason and Roy turned around, and everyone but Damian snapped to attention. 
“You have our numbers, I have yours, and if all else fails, you have a Damian. I don’t expect you to actually stay with us, but please try to stick together, if not a buddy system or something. Try not to get banned, maimed, or sick within the first four hours.”
He turned off the car and grinned. “Oh yeah, and have fun.”
That startled a cheer from them, and the doors unlocked, everyone filing out of the car. They elected to stick together as one big group until they found something that would separate them, Jason and Roy following behind before stopping at a concession stand and losing sight of them.
“Okay, so Colin, Kathy and I are gonna go check out the roller coasters,” Maya said. “Akira and Skylar are at the booths and Damian and Jon…”
“Are playing the games.” Jon finished.
“And I’m going to kick your ass, Kent.” Damian smirked.
“I’d like to see you try.” Jon shot back. Colin and Akira mimed gagging, the other three rolling their eyes.
“Take your weird flirting away from here, go, shoo.” Kathy pushed them away, both boys flushing as her words caught up to them.
As they left, their hands swung between them, just barely touching. They all shared a looked, the thought of absolutely hopeless running through their minds.
“I can't take this anymore.” Maya sighed. “I give, what time are those fireworks?”
This was driving them both insane . Jon glanced down, Damian’s hand brushing up against his for the millionth time. He wanted to reach out and grab it, but how would the other react?
He’d done it before, but now it felt different . He wasn’t leading him anywhere, and he wasn't gonna do the platonic hand holding thing he and Kathy had researched in middle school.
His eye caught on a shooting game, and grinned. There we go, he could challenge Damian, they’d chill, and bam, awkwardness diffused. 
“Hey, D, betcha I can get a higher score.” He pointed to the game, watching as Damian’s gaze went directly to the plush puppy hanging on the side of the booth.
“You’re on, Kent.” 
They raced to the game, slapping down their payment. The worker at the booth seemed rather amused by their playfulness, starting up the game.
“What the hell?” Jon squeaked as Damian began shooting with an insane accuracy, looking over to the side to grin, still getting the target.
“This is unfair !” He pouted. Plan foiled . 
“Tough luck, J.” Damian pointed to the plush he wanted, shoving it at Jon. “Carry. Let’s go find another thing for me to kick your ass at.”
He huffed, accepting it anyways. The booth worker laughed, shaking their head. “Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you’re whipped.”
Jon sighed wistfully. “If only he knew that, too.”
He chased after Damian, the both of them challenging each other to various games. Jon managed to win a small kitten, presenting it to Damian, who looked away laughing.
“I’ve already won several, Jon. I don’t think you should add more.”
“You should win something for me, then.” He said, half playing. “Then you'll have less.”
“Okay.” Damian looked surprisingly serious, taking his hand and pulling him down the aisle. “Your wish is my command, my Prince.”
Jon flushed at the sincerity, giddy at the hand-holding. “Would this make you my Knight?”
“I suppose I would.” 
“Then, onwards, brave Knight, and pick your prince the most delightful of plushes.”
After a few minutes, Jon had a white puppy plush that he affectionately named Krypto. They fell back into the silence, dropping off the rest of the plushies at the car, before looking at the sky.
“It’s sunset. The fireworks will be starting soon. We should probably find the others.” Jon said, the puppy plush still under one arm. The kitten he’d won for Damian was peeking out of the bag the other boy had over one shoulder.
“Probably.” Damian threaded his fingers with Jon’s, swinging them idly between them. It had seemed completely natural, and suddenly, something clicked.
He needed to do something about this, and he needed to do something about it now. It was terrifying, the very thought, but if he really thought about it, nothing they’d done for weeks, months by now, really qualified as strictly platonic. 
Damian was blunt, unclear with his emotions, and a jumbled mess on the inside of his cool, put together and prickly persona. 
He could do this. Anxiety would not best him.
They met up in front of a picnic bench by the ferris wheel, the sun dipping deeper and the dark night coming to overtake it.
“All of you gremlins accounted for?” Roy asked, Jason besides him as they shared cotton candy.
“Yes sir!” Akira and Skylar had a large bag of kettle corn between them, Colin sneaking handfuls every few minutes.
“You guys empty every booth or what?” Maya grinned, Kathy poking her in the side to subtly motion to their intertwined hands.
“Dami here kicked my ass in almost everything.” Jon grumbled.
“Could have warned you against that.” Jason grinned, also taking note. “Anything interesting happen? Life changing developments we should know?”
“No.” Damian scowled, following his gaze and attempting to hide their joined hands. “What are we doing now?”
“Well, I think the ferris wheel is still open. We could catch that before the fireworks begin,” Colin began, everyone catching on.
“Yeah, sounds like fun!”
“You two should go ahead of us,” 
Damian and Jon were ushered onto a cart, and strapped in before they could say anything, being shot thumbs up and teasing grins. 
“What the hell?” Jon squawked as they were lifted into the air. “Jesus Christ, you swear the world was going to end if we didn’t get on this thing.”
“We’re friends with imbeciles.”
“Oh, have I been elevated to not-an-imbecile?” 
Damian shoved him playfully, and the silence settled in. Suddenly, they were much more aware of the atmosphere, high up on a creaky metal wheel, spinning them into the darkening night sky.
“The stars are nice. You can’t see them this clearly from the city.” He said quietly. Their hands found each other again, and tentatively, Jon leaned his head on Damian’s shoulder. 
“I’ll bring you down here again, we can go stargazing and you can tell me your smart people stuff.”
“It’s basic astronomy, Jon.”
“There are a bunch of things that I don't have the patience to memorize.”
Damian laughed, resting his head on Jon’s. “Hey, Dami?”
Jon’s voice came in a shaky whisper, his hand growing clammy. This had been building all day, and Jon was sure he’d explode if he didn’t say something soon.
“Gotta tell you something.”
Damian lifted his head up, and bit his lip. “I have something to say to you as well.”
“You can go first.” Jon squeaked, looking down and suddenly finding the railing of the cart extremely fascinating.
“Wouldn’t you prefer to go?” the pitch of Damian’s voice began rising and he coughed, willing it back down. “You began, of course.” 
“Ah, um, okay.” Jon breathed in. “So, we’re like, friends, right? And uh, gonna be real, at first, I don’t think we like each other much? Well, i mean, i definitely liked you, or like, the look of you which explains a lot when we think about cause holy shit i was a douche-”
Damian’s quiet laughter startled him from his ramblings, and with pink cheeks he looked up, seeing the light of the ride shine on his face, ears tinged pink. 
“You are…very cute.” 
Jon made a noise that in any other situation, would have severely wounded his pride, but right now the words were playing on repeat in his mind. 
“That-that’s not fair!” He whined, taking his hand from Damian’s to use both to cover his burning face. “You can’t do this to me!”
“I think I can.” Damian whispered into his ear. “Might I pick up where you left off?”
Jon only nodded, still hiding his face in his hands. Damian shook his head, just slightly, and shut his eyes. 
Okay. Don’t chicken out, Wayne. You’ve been waiting. You can do this.
“Hm. You were correct, with your earlier statements. We did not like each other very much. But we’re friends now, and every new thing that I find out about you draws me closer. A bit back, I believe that my affections may have begun to stretch a bit further than, say, strictly platonic.”
He paused, exhaling and attempting to quell his thoughts in a way that made sense. Jon lifted his face from his hands, eyes wide and hopeful.
Jon was dreaming, right? Was this some kind of dream?
"Judging by your poorly thought out speech, I was wondering if you might return the sentiments. Of course, it's perfectly acceptable if you don’t, i do not wish to force you into something or make you feel obligated-"
He was the one rambling now, but for the love of all that was holy, Damian could not shut himself up . He had one hand rubbing the back of his neck, the other still resting in his lap. The ride came to a stop at that moment, a whistling noise signaling the start of the fireworks began sounding. They were at the top, swinging a bit.
Jon grabbed his free hand, giving an affectionate, “Damian, shut up .”
Damian clicked his jaw shut and Jon cupped his face with his other hand. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Okay.” he whispered, shutting his eyes. Their lips met as the night sky burst into an array of color, hand in hand. Damian’s arm went around Jon’s neck, and his hand dropped to the smaller boy’s waist, bringing them closer together.
It was clearly inexperienced, but as they broke apart, stupid grins on their faces, that couldn’t have mattered more.
Jon leaned down, forehead resting on Damian’s, the sky still exploding behind them as the wheel cracked, signaling their movement.
“If that wasn’t clear, I really like you.”
“I ‘really like’ you too.” Damian hesitantly leaned up, pressing his lips to Jon’s again in a chaste kiss, pulling away and covering his mouth, quiet laughter escaping him.
Jon caught it, pulling it away from his face and into his own. “I keep telling you to stop doing that; it’s adorable and you shouldn’t hide it.”
Damian huffed, looking away but squeezing his hand gently. They got off the ride, walking towards the hill where the rest of their friends and Damian’s family were seated, gasping over the fireworks. They came up behind them, quiet enough not to disturb them. Jason noticed them, however, sending a subtle wink and smirk their way.
They were all seated under a tree, and Jon leaned against it, sitting down and opening his arms. Domain leaned back against his chest, Jon’s folded hands resting on Damian's stomach as the show went on. 
Once it began winding down, the others took notice of their presence, and their positioning. Upon asking the question, Damian pulled Jon down by the collar of his tshirt and kissed him, letting go just as quick. 
A cheer came up between all of them, whoops and jeers being thrown playfully at them. “Operation Damijon is a success!” 
The two chose to ignore that last statement, settling into each other. They had their friends, each other, and a blossoming relationship.
Really, what more could they ask for?
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tabl3 · 10 months ago
beginning of a oneshot i'm writing
Oliver let out a blood-curdling shriek. 
The projectile was zipping at his head, at least eighty miles per hour. 
He ducked to avoid it, feeling it sail so close that it grazed his scalp.
“Chase, look out!” Kaz shouted. 
Chase had just entered from the rooftop door, flipping through a book. He snapped up as the volleyball came flying toward him.
It screeched to a halt a centimeter from the tip of his nose, floating there.
Chase nodded to his left, making it shoot back over the net and land on the girls’ side before even Bree could stop it.
“HAH!” Kaz pointed two fingers at Bree and Skylar. “Point!”
“Your first,” Skylar teased, catching the ball when Bree, miffed, tossed it to her. It was a sunny afternoon, bordering on too warm, but with a nice breeze to cut through the heat. Four of the five Elite Force members had decided to go up on the roof, set up the volleyball set that Bree had purchased from a sketchy website a few months ago, and waste the day. Due to their packaged deal philosophy, Kaz and Oliver had chosen each other as a team. What fools they had been. Bree was a devil. A beast. A monster. Evil. Skylar wasn’t much better. The boys were up to forty-nine misses in the half-hour they’d been up there.
Chase rolled his eyes fondly. “Have you guys eaten lately?”
Four nods. 
“Okay, good,” he waved his hand, bringing a package of water bottles from the alcove. One was thrown to each person. The girls caught theirs. Oliver again ducked under his. Kaz’s smacked him in the face. “Oliver, Kaz, watch the temperature. Don’t overheat.”
“Yes, Mom,” they echoed.
“Bree, Skylar, go a little,” he pinched his fingers together. “Easy on them.”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chase put his hands on his hips. “Don’t come crying to me when you get too tired to celebrate tonight.”
“What are we celebrating again?” Skylar asked, resting her elbow on her girlfriend’s head.
“Only one of the best holidays ever!” Kaz exclaimed, springing to his feet.
“Yeah!” Oliver backed him up. “Watermelon, fireworks, random cold salads, barbecues!”
“I make some bomb ass bbq, girl,” Kaz bragged, puffing out his chest. He’d already spent the previous evening making far too many sides for five people, which of course caused the kitchen to explode. It took Chase and Oliver hours to clean, because Bree was conveniently gone and Kaz dragged Skylar into their room for whatever reason. No one knew why he did anything, generally speaking.
“It’s the way neither of them answered my question,” Skylar deadpanned with a snort. 
“Yeah, they do that,” Chase observed. He folded his arms, lightly smiling. “It’s the Fourth of July.”
“And?” Skylar blinked.
“Big party. Celebrating the country,” Chase toed a loose piece of gravel. “Frankly, I never understood why.”
Kaz gasped as though Chase just admitted he was cheating on him, slapping a hand to his chest. 
“Hot dogs! Ice cream! Sparklers!” he listed, dramatically counting on his fingers. Chase snorted, shoving his face away.
“Fireflies! Picnic blankets!” Oliver chimed in. “Sparklers! Watermelon!”
“You already said that, buddy.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Well, it deserves it.”
“Anyway,” Bree cleared her throat. “We don’t really have to celebrate it.”
Kaz gasped again, as though she had just admitted that Chase was cheating on him. 
“You don’t have to do that every time.”
“Guys!” he threw his hands up. “It’s literally the most nostalgic thing ever! Do you have no shame?”
“I guess fireworks looked nice from the TV in our basement lab,” Bree said sarcastically.
“Around Earth’s summer we had a gladiator tournament to purge the weak from our forces on Caldera,” Skylar offered.
Silence. A bird squawked.
“Jeez,” Kaz smacked his lips. “I forget how fucked your childhoods were.”
“Whatever the case, I need to get back to work,” Chase turned with a wave. “Have fun.”
He was halted.
“...What the hell?”
“Babe, you gotta rescue us!” Kaz cried, holding onto his ankle and laying on the roof like a kid being dragged out of a toy store. “We’re getting smoked!”
“Pleaseee!” Oliver begged, gripping his other. “We need you.”
Chase stared at them incredulously.
Skylar and Bree covered their mouths to hide their giggles.
“How old are you two again?”
“69,” Kaz replied before Chase finished the last syllable. 
“It’s funny every time.”
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years ago
god it’s really fucking wednesday
i was tagged by dearest @deputyash to share a wip on this day! sending tags out to @henbased @florbelles @unholymilf @shallow-gravy @v0idbuggy @corvosattano @roofgeese @jackiesarch @confidentandgood @poetikat @derelictheretic @afarcryfrommymain @cassietrn @nightbloodbix @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @voidika @firstaidspray @megraen @inafieldofdaisies @blissfulalchemist @strangefable @clicheantagonist @nuclearstorms and anyone else who wants to share!
yeah it’s obviously hook, line, and sinker chapter 3. please enjoy jestiny having a very brief flicker of moral clarity and john getting his pretty woman moment. (don’t litter kids. or stalk and harass your exes.)
“I fucking heard that!” she leaned over the side of the boat to screech, crumpling the styrofoam of the bait cup in her fist and attempting to fling the trash across the distance to Skylar and Sherri — torn bits floating down to scatter impotently along the surface of the water instead. 
“Jesus, Jessie, a fish is gonna fucking choke on that,” Skylar cried, pushing herself up from her lounge chair. 
“And maybe I can’t stop you from driving a boat on public waters, but you can’t litter on my damn property,” Sherri agreed, reaching behind her to pull a net from the pouch on the back of her own chair and toss to Skylar. “That shit drifts to shore.”
Jessie crossed her arms over her chest with a huff, rolling eyes dismissively to duck Skylar and Sherri’s judgmental glares with an earnest wave of shame — she didn’t mean to endanger any poor fish, obviously, she was just angry — instead finding John’s gaze, oddly comforted by the quiet, embarrassed fury she saw simmering back at her, as if the bright blue glitter of his eyes was a tempestuous pool to reflect her own angry humiliation, unfiltered and undiluted in their vibrant heat. 
Then something in his stare sharpened, an almost imperceptible narrowing of the pinpoints of his pupils into focus, gaining all the ice-cold clarity of a glacial pond as he darted his eyes back to where Skylar reached forward to dip the mesh of her net into the water to scoop up the ripped up bits of styrofoam. 
“Hi,” John hummed pleasantly as he stepped up to Skylar, placing a hand atop the handle of her net. “John Seed. Do you remember me?” 
“The fuck you —” 
He slid his hand down the pole of the net, pulling it closer until his fist was circled just beneath the base of its bag. “I tried to buy bait from you a few moments ago. You refused to sell to me.” 
“Big mistake,” he barked with a tug of the net to cause Skylar to stumble slightly, barely catching herself to remain upright. “Big. Huge!” He forced a manic laugh, snatching the net from her hands. “Because perhaps had I been occupied with my own fishing, I wouldn’t have time now to ask if you have a proper permit to fish with a net.” 
Sherri stood, moving to stand between John and Skylar, defensively. 
“I do my business selling fishing licenses, dumbass,” Sherri grumbled, pulling two crumpled pieces of paper from her back pocket to flash. “You really think I’d come out here without one?”
“Ah.” John clicked his tongue against his teeth twice, wagging his finger and tapping it against the paper Sherri held out. “But I’d like to see your netting license,” he said in sing-song. “Class A resident fishing licenses only allow fishing with a hook and line. Netting requires its own permit.” 
Sherri and Skylar exchanged confused looks. 
“Ha!” Jestiny let out a single, choppy laugh as she hopped over the side of the boat, splashing mud as she landed. “It does.”
It did, when it came to hoop nets. But of course even if he knew the law he wouldn’t know the difference between —
He waved a hand in front of his face, then rested it atop his chest. “Oh, I’m only joking, of course,” he said with a smile, bowing his head. “Montana Code Title 87, Chapter 6, Part 5 Fishing Offenses includes an exception in paragraph (1)(a)(iv) for landing nets.”
Jestiny felt a giddy heat blossom along her cheeks — he knew the difference between a hoop net and a landing net. He’d actually studied up. 
Skylar placed a hand atop her hip. “We weren’t even fishing with that net,” she said matter-of-factly. “We were just cleaning up the trash your girlfriend threw in the water.”
He cocked an eyebrow, smile widening. “For after the fish has been hooked as specified in subsection (1)(a).”  He nodded down towards their rods. “And your hooks appear to be bare.”
“That’s not what I saw,” Jessie chirped, throwing her arm around John’s waist and pulling him to her. “And I think the word of two officers of the court is gonna outweigh what y’all say.” Jessie leaned forward, snarling. “I think it certainly gives me probable fucking cause to seize all this shit as fuckin’ evidence of a crime, including the fucking bait,” she snapped. “I think it could mean y’all both forfeiting your fucking fishing licenses as penalty, if this shit gets dragged into court.”
“Good fucking God, Jessie,” Sherri huffed, swiping the can of worms from off the ground and shoving it in Jessie’s hands. “Here. Take the damn bait, since it means that fucking much to you. You win. We’re leaving.”
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confectionscary · 5 months ago
since noisrevians can have mixed parentage and interesting genetics (ex goat mom plus eel dad equals goat daughter ect)
any cool parentage factoids or just ‘this oc has x dad and y mom or was lab made ect?’ (that u know of no pressure if you don’t know or ect i just love playing with genetics of ocs yanno?)
Skylar is a rare case where they had an owl butterfly mom and a screech owl dad but took after their dad’s genetics instead!
And of course Ginny had a pathospire mom and maybe a dad too and everything about her conception was normal (breaking someone’s heart to create her) but she still ended up “defected”. I imagine if there’s more one and a million rare one’s out there like her that just feed off of love and NOT heartbreak they die pretty young a lot because of the circumstances Pathospires are raised in
Nordica was raised by two adopted St. Bernard Moms
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wilt3d-r0zes · 2 years ago
Remember my post from like half an hour ago yeah i finished the fic
(it’s ba d guys im sorry (not badly written just... just bad)) also btw this is part of my rewrite AU but you dont have to read anything else from it to read this lol
Summary and AO3 link: 
(He’ll never hear Horace again. Never get scolded for messing up a procedure by him again, and never help him figure out parenting because he’s always wanted kids of his own and they were all learning how to have/be a dad together and he’ll never have that again–)
or, I wrote the missing scene of Oliver and Kaz returning to Mighty Med between Mighty Med and Lab Rats: Elite Force because I keep wanting to (I MIGHT write Oliver's meltdown that happens after this later idk) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45477223
Oliver and Kaz hadn’t found Mr. Terror. She’s in the wind, and her hideout they had been tracking her to had been blown to bits by the time they got there. The flight back to Mighty Med lasted maybe fifteen minutes, meaning their entire trip took an hour and a half max.
Which is why when they touched down outside of Mighty Med it was even more of a surprise to see nothing but a half-crumbled building. The Mighty Med logo was proudly on display at the top of it all, and there were superheroes, both dead and alive, strew about. Some were struggling under debris, some were standing, and some were helping others out of it all.
Some weren’t moving at all.
The one that stood out to them most was Skylar, who was digging through the rubble with the most panic they’d ever seen on her. She’d been at school, trying to live a normie life since she didn’t have much hope of ever getting her powers back.
Oliver and Kaz ran over to her, checking on anybody they passed– checking pulses, asking if people were okay, Oliver helped pull the rubble off a couple people too.
When they got to Skylar they realized why she was digging through that one spot. Horace’s name tag was sticking out from under a massive piece of debris that… probably killed him.
“Skylar, what happened?!”
“I don't know!” she’s crying, and it’s one of the first times they’ve ever seen her cry, “I came back from school in time to see the entire hospital collapse!” 
They take a panicked, gasping breath, and step back when Oliver gestures, “I got it, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
They watched him lift the rubble with an ease he shouldn’t be capable of. Underneath was the half caved in face of Horace Diaz.
The broken, half-scream, half-sob that was wrenched out of Skylar was anything but human. It was followed by barely a second of silence before she fell to her knees, one hand covering her face and the other reaching for Horace.
She’s sobbing, guttural, terrifying noises mixed with frantic gasps for air like a drowning victim suddenly coming back to life.
Oliver managed to drop the rock behind them, and stay around for a few seconds before he cleared his throat and muttered, “I’m gonna go help the others,” and ran from the scene, like he was gonna throw up if he stayed any longer.
(He might’ve, the sight was one more gruesome than they’d ever seen. His jaw was shoved back into his throat, blood and gore painting the entire scene and the rocks around him red. The right half of his skull was completely collapsed, bits and pieces of brain scattered to the right)
Kaz might throw up, but he can’t… move.
While Skylar’s reaction was visceral, deep, pained screaming, Kaz feels like he’s been disconnected.
Like his emotions shut off at the sight of a father figure just… being gone. 
(He’ll never hear Horace again. Never get scolded for messing up a procedure by him again, and never help him figure out parenting because he’s always wanted kids of his own and they were all learning how to have/be a dad together and he’ll never have that again–)
It? Hurts?
He’s not sure. 
Everything feels far away, he feels lost. Like someone kicked him into space and he’s just aimlessly floating. His thoughts have screeched to a stop for what might be the first time in his life. 
He’s confused.
Why did this happen?
He thinks someone might be touching him, but he doesn’t think he can focus on the real world when Horace’s body is right in front of him covered in blood and–
Skylar stopped screaming at some point, and it’s just enough to have him refocus on the world in worry. Enough to just barely process that she’s standing in front of him, alien pink snot and tears smeared on her face. Her too-big, unnaturally pink eyes are bloodshot, but her lips are moving.
What’s she saying?
He’s scared now, because he can’t understand her
He knows she’s speaking English but he can’t understand her, what’s going on? Why does it hurt? Horace is dead.
He thinks he’s fallen. There’s a sharp pain in his leg, he must’ve hit a corner when he landed.
(When did he fall?)
“Oliver!” Skylar screams, unable to grab Kaz before he goes down to his knees. His pant leg rips loudly when it and his leg catches on the corner of a piece of the wall. He’s not responding, but he’s crying.
Face entirely blank, hands twitching. There were sparks around him, and that’s what brought Skylar out of her own misery. Something sparked and it popped against her skin and dragged her back to see Kaz.
Xe tried to get his attention, to no avail. He moved enough to look at her at one point, and for half a second his brows drew together in confusion before his glazed eyes dragged back to Horace’s body (his body, his body).
Then he was falling, and he’s still not responding.
Oliver is by her side in an instant, climbing over a still-half-intact wall to get to her from where he was unburying the body of Solar Flare, “What’s wrong?”
“He’s not responding!” xe shouts, and xe’s crying again, eyes burning in reaction to the kyiers pouring out of them.
“Kaz?” Oliver crouches down, grabbing Kaz’s other hand (Skylar had one of them, squeezing it in a pattern he’s only seen her use when scared or hurt), “Kaz, can you hear me?”
Oliver knows their powers are still out of whack because they’re suddenly filled with a cold panic that radiates out from their chest. Ice crackles as it forms across their clothes, assisted by the mid-march chill. 
They try to keep it from their hands, but when they feel cold water drip off their hands they’re reminded that Kaz probably won’t even notice it.
(He’s not noticing much of anything right now, which is freaking Oliver out because Kaz is always a creature of sound and movement, always doing something but now he’s just sitting there staring blankly at the corpse behind them and fuck Horace is dead dead DEAD–)
Kaz is cold.
His hand is, at least. It’s a weird feeling amongst the not-feeling he’s experiencing. It makes it feel like he’s ever so slightly less lost in space. Like he’s still out in space but he can see the spaceship he’s supposed to be on.
A moment later, he feels cold and wet, and that’s enough to make him rip his hand away from whatever is wet and shake it out, “Gross!” he squawks, wiping the water(?) off onto his dirty jeans, “What was that?!”
“Kaz!” Skylar sounds relieved, and he’s engulfed in a three-person hug a second later, “You’re back!”
“What? Where’d I go?”
(He’s back on his spaceship now, and his spaceship is emotional repression and pretending like there isn’t a body in front of him)
“You weren’t responding to anything,” Oliver sounds quiet, the kind of quiet he only gets when they’re having Sad Boy Hours at sleepovers.
“Sorry, man, I don’t know what happened,” he lets out an awkward laugh, eyes firmly trained on the weird vaguely heart-shaped rock that’s just beside Skylar’s too-big shoes, because he knows if he sees it he’s going to fall out of the window he’s still leaning from.
Oliver lets go a few minutes later, but Skylar keeps him buried in her arms. They’re shaking now, and he’s pretty sure they’ve started crying again, “I’m going back to helping people out of the wreckage, okay? If you need me just yell.”
He feels a spark of anger, because why isn’t Oliver crying? Why isn’t he screaming, why isn’t he pissed?! Why does he seem perfectly fine when Horace is dead!
“What the hell, man?!” He’s saying it before he can stop himself, shoving Skylar off and standing to his feet (Why does his leg hurt? Is he bleeding?)
Oliver doesn’t get a chance to say anything, furrowing his brows and opening his mouth to speak only for Kaz to cut him off.
“How are you not pissed?!” he gestures over where to knows the body is and pretends he’s just gesturing at the rubble, “He’s dead<, they’re all dead, Oliver, and you’re acting like everything is fucking fine!”
“No, because this is bullshit! We should be mourning and you don’t seem like you care at all!”
“Kaz, please-,”
“Why aren’t you angry?!”
“Because I can’t be, Kaz!” Oliver raises his voice to match his best friends, “Because I need to help people out of the remains of our <i>only fucking safe place</i>, Kaz! Because if I feel a single thing right now, I’m going to have a meltdown and I can’t do that right now!” he runs a hand through his hair and looks away, breathing heavily, “I just can’t right now, Kaz.”
Kaz doesn’t say anything, just watching Oliver go. Watches him wave down one of the nurses he doesn’t remember the name of and ask her to help him search for survivors 
(and bodies.)
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melted-mercury · 1 year ago
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year ago
Pokémon Unown Legends Tale - Free Snippet Teaser... Professor Hop vs Champion Skylar
Hop grabbed a pokéball from his lap, grazing his finger over the embossing. He then tossed out the pokéball in front of him, revealing a Crobat with a prosthetic wing. Skylar grabbed a painted pokéball from her belt, painted a light blue and an off-white blue, with stripes on the side and a diamond on the top. She tossed out the Pokémon, revealing a Pokémon Hop didn't recognize. His eyebrows instantly raised, practically to his hairline.
“Woah!” Leon was taken aback by the Pokémon he saw. It had the face of a Purrugly but was lean and muscular instead of fat. It had light blue fur, accented with pale blue markings. Its front legs had two stripes on the side, and all four of its paws were a pale off-white blue color. It had a diamond shape on its thighs, and had a giant brown curly tail that wrapped around its neck like a scarf, with a pale blue moon on the end. It also had saber tooth fangs. “What is that?”
“Furroarst,” Kazarah grinned, crossing her arms. “A Pokémon from an unexplored region. It's an ice-type evolution of Purugly!”
“Holy shite,” Hop muttered to himself, just staring in fascination.
“I can see the Purugly on its face…” Leon chuckled a little, and Furroarst glanced at him, seeming annoyed, unable to tell if that was meant to be an insult or not. Leon leaned away, nervously chuckling.
“My daughter and I have several Pokémon on our team that I bet you've never seen before!” Kazarah gloated.
“Mom!” Skylar scolded, “You're distracting me.” She said with a slight hostility. As she looked back to the battlefield, without any warning, a Heat Wave was slammed up against Furroarst's face. “Frost!” She shouted, startled. She looked up from her Pokémon, at Hop and his Crobat. “Did he attack while they were talking..?” She muttered to herself, “But I didn't hear him call out a move…” Hop started laughing. He tapped both of his feet on the ground and held four fingers in front of his face. Crobat suddenly used Nasty Plot. It all made sense now… “You're commanding your Pokémon with motions!”
“It always leaves t'em wonderin' what's next.” Hop had a malicious grin on his face. “You can't afford to stop payin' attention! This is a battle!”
Skylar shook her head, slapping herself in the face to get her head in the game, “Use Hail, then Ice Fang!” She pointed at the Crobat. Furroarst ran at the Crobat at high speeds, catching the Pokémon off guard. He raised his prosthetic wing as a shield, and Furroarst bit down hard on it. The wing was damaged, and the Crobat seemed to screech in pain.
“Bucky!” Hop shouted. He raised his open palm in the air, grabbing a piece of the hail in his hand. He crushed it in his hand, “Fly strong and destroy t'is feckin' cat!” He yelled with almost a snarl in his voice. He tossed the hail in front of him, clapping and snapping his fingers. At point-blank range, Bucky released a Heat Wave at the cat Pokémon. Furroarst screeched, headbutting Bucky and hopping backward. Its long brown tail fell from its neck, its fur flayed. Furroarst hissed, shaking its tail back and forth before sweeping it back around its neck. Hop stared in stunned awe. “I've used two Nasty Plots…and have attacked with Heat Wave twice…” he started to chuckle, “Yet that cat still stands! That's impressive, unbelievable! I t'ought my Dubwool disobeyed the laws of physics…But this!” He laughed, “THIS! Ohoho, I'd have to get my hands on one of those feckers.”
“My Pokémon are incredibly hardy! They don't tend to go down after less than three hits.” She bragged, “Ice Fang!” Furroarst ran at Bucky again, managing to bite his body instead of just his wing. Hop's eye twitched, annoyed by Skylar's brag.
“What kind'a nonsense is t’at? Ya gonna magically survive an OH-KO move just cause of t'e magic of friendship and plot armor?” Hop grumbled sarcastically.
“I didn't mean it like that,” Skylar chuckled a little, with a hint of nervousness. “It's just a statistic based on my battles over the years.” Hop yawned.
“Look at ya. Tryin' to use the word statistic to try to appeal more to t'e scientist in me, ey?” He leaned forward, “No way you phrase it is gonna make me give any more of a shite about your braggin'!” He clapped his hands and snapped fingers once more, Bucky sending another Heat Wave at Furroarst.
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my-tatteredwingsof-freedom · 9 months ago
I know that probably wasn't the intention of the scene, and it was never in the books from what I can remember, but there was something in the way Daniel's entire face changed when Louis asked, "Do you want to now?" Daniel is a man who has been through marriages and divorces, who knows the pain of loving and never being enough, of ruining things and accepting being alone. He's an old man, as he says several times. He's an old man and he's comfortable alone and he doesn't expect anyone to want him like that at this point in his life...but then Louis makes the offer and Daniel's face changes. The face of an old man that is suddenly faced with the fact that he can be wanted. He can be desired. He can still have sex with this gorgeous vampire like he thought he did all these years ago and I think for a second, it scares him to know that there's still so much life he can live.
Again, I know that most likely wasn't the intention of the scene but Daniel, especially in the show, is so dear to me that I couldn't help but wonder if there was something to the way his face changed like that.
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goldendivinewrath · 1 year ago
“He SHOT me!! He godamn motherfucking SHOT ME!!” Skylar screeched, holding her forearm close her her body, a cloth wrapped around it to stop the bleeding. She was going to go after him until she could wrap her hands around his neck and squeeze-
Sure, it wasn’t a bad injury. Clean in-and-out, and to her forearm no less. Didn’t even hit anything important. That, she reasoned, gave her enough of a reason to follow after him. Her unbridled rage prevented the pain from seeping in too quickly and stopping her in her tracks.
“I’ll kill him!! Let me at him!!!”
Oh. Oh. Uh-oh.
Between one second and the next, Vash was moving. On one side of that second had been the reassurance that Skylar was okay, that the wound was more or less taken care of and would heal without problems in the near future, an unfortunate but easy to treat injury.
On the other side of that second was Vash's complete and total realization that if he did not use the whole of his strength and speed to cross that distance faster than Skylar could give him the slip, she was going to do what she threatened, and was going to wind up putting herself in more danger, and that was just a little higher priority than holding back and taking a little breather himself.
He really did not want to risk jostling her or that newly-wounded arm, but he suspected that winding an arm around her waist and trying to hold her like one would very poorly hold a feral cat before they realized what a terrible idea it was seemed... uh. Better than nothing? "Wait wait wait, hold on! Let's not make any hasty decisions!" Like biting or punching...
"You could, um. Try a strongly-worded letter..?"
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halfaxphantom · 2 months ago
Danny swivelled, watching Skylar even as the demon grabbed his leg, the Oni readying another blow now Danny was distracted. He had less concern for himself, but the final straw was the sight of another hellhound racing for Skylar since she too was distracted by him.
The last vestiges of his control slipped, the other demons sensed the change but were powerless to stop under orders from their wielders. The demon on Danny's leg screeched as power lanced through it, vaporising it instantly. He blocked the blow from the Oni with his wrist before sending it flying as he raced to intervene, snapping the neck of the hellhound that had targeted Skylar.
Danny didn't look like his usual self either, his horns lengthening, skin darkened and his eyes were dark voids, no sign of pupil or iris.
🔮The Summoning😈
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ceara-klassen · 2 years ago
“You may be able to kill me but you’ll never stop me. Mark my words, I’ll come back and search for as long as I have to until I find you, and when I do, you’ll wish you never did this to me OR to my family.”
Rosalind King is seen from the streets, dangling from the roof of the building like a picture hanging from a tattered string.
The crowd below stares in fear as they watch her slowly slip, inch by inch until finally Roz lets go, barrelling to the ground. There’s a scream. Everything goes black.
Taryn Wheeler practically throws herself out of bed when she is jolted awake, panting and disoriented from the horrible dream she was having.
It was just a dream. She thinks to herself.
Taryn gets up and hops in the shower, itching to wash off the sweat dripping from her brow. When she gets out it’s 7:00am. School starts in an hour and a half.
She runs down the stairs, greeting her little brother, Luke, as she passes him on the staircase.
“Morning, hon.”
“Morning Mom,” Taryn says back, “What’s for breakfast?”
She sits down at the table where a plate of eggs, bacon and toast sits already prepared. She scoffs it down, then grabs her backpack and heads out the door towards Cottage Street to her bus stop.
“Sky!” She calls as Skylar Larkin walks up the road towards their stop.
Skylar runs up to her.
“Hey! Did you get my text last night?” Taryn asks.
“Yes, oh my god! Gage frickin’ Pierce?” Skylar screeches.
“I know, can you believe it? He’s so cute and he wants me, Taryn Wheeler to go to the dance with him! I need to find a dress! Wanna come with me after school?”
“Duh! Can your mom drop us off?” Skylar asks.
“Cool! Can’t wait.”
The bus picks them up at 10:10. Once they arrive, they go to their lockers to grab their books for homeroom and each head their separate ways.
They’re both in grade 11 and 16-years-old. They go to Lester B. Pearson Secondary in a town called Foxdale.
 Tare-Bear<3: omg he’s totally staring @ me
Queen Skyxoxo: Gage? stop it
Tare-Bear<3: seriously!!! wut do I do?
Queen Skyxoxo: idk? smile?
Tare-Bear<3: he just looked away
Queen Skyxoxo: :(
 Five hours later.
 Taryn and Skylar have their last period of the day together. They walk into the classroom and sit at their desks, situated directly next to each other.
“Oh my god, class straight up sucks without you!” Taryn exclaims.
“I know, right? Everyone in my first four classes is so lame!”
“If you ladies don’t mind, I might begin my class.” Says Mister Reid, interrupting their conversation.
The girls respond in unison, “Sorry Mister read.”
 When class ends, Taryn calls her mom to ask for a ride to the mall.
“She’s on her way.” Taryn says to Skylar.
“Alright.” Skylar responds.
 When they get to the mall they head straight for their favourite dress store, Ritchies. Taryn hurries through the store picking up multiple dresses before heading to the changeroom to try them all on.
The girls have to wait at the host table for someone to unlock a changeroom for Taryn to use.
Minutes later, a girl dressed in a black ankle-length dress comes around the corner to answer the ring. She has brown hair and big green eyes. She was only about a foot away from the girls when something visibly changed in Taryn’s demeanor.
Skylar looked at Taryn with worry, “Tare? Tare-Bear? Ar-are you okay?”
Taryn didn’t respond but instead, in the blink of an eye and with no forewarning at all she leapt over the host table and on top of the girl. Taryn’s hands were around the girl’s neck and there was something evil in her eyes. Before Skylar had even realized what was happening Taryn was strangling the stranger.
“Taryn!” Skylar called running towards the girls flailing around on the ground. She grabbed Taryn’s shoulders and tried pulling her off but she couldn’t. This was not Taryn, at least not the one Skylar had accompanied to the mall a mere 20 minutes ago.
“You’ll pay for what you did to my parents. They were crushed when they found out I was gone. I saw it, I felt it.” The sound came from Taryn’s mouth, but it did not come from her. It was distorted and angry and it terrified Skylar.
The stranger’s face was turning purple now and Skylar knew that if she didn’t stop this, this girl would die. She screamed, “TARYN! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HER!”
With one strenuous yank, Skylar had managed to get Taryn off and once she was up, she ran. Skylar followed as Taryn ran outside and down the street until finally, she collapsed on the front lawn of someone’s house. She fell unconscious.
Skylar sat on the lawn until Taryn came to and when she did, she was visibly exhausted. Her brows were furrowed and she was breathing heavily.
“W-What just happened?” She asked.
Skylar was shocked, “Do you really not remember?” She stares at Taryn expectantly. When she doesn’t respond Skylar says, “Taryn, you just strangled a stranger in there. If I hadn’t gotten you off of her, she’d be dead. How could you not remember something like that?”
Taryn goes silent now. She pulls out her phone and texts her mom.
The ride home was silent like the night.
When Taryn got home, she went straight up to her room, threw on her headphones and laid in bed until she fell asleep.
 “Have you got my shit?” Asks a young boy.
“Depends. How much have you got?” Roz demands.
The boy looks around carefully before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket.
“Hundred and fifty.” He says.
“That’ll get you a gram of pot, only.”
“I was hoping for more than just pot.” He says.
“Not my problem, this shit ain’t free. Take it or leave it.”
Reluctantly, the boy hands Roz the cash.
“Now fuck off.” Roz says, shoeing him away with her hands.
 Taryn springs up in her bed as the sound of her alarm scares her back to consciousness.
7:00am. Time to get up. She checks her phone for any texts from Skylar. There’s none. She sighs. On her way down the stairs this morning she doesn’t greet Luke as he runs up the stairs past her. He puts his hand up for a high-five, Taryn ignores it.
“Morning, hon.” Her mom says joyfully.
“Hi Mom.” Taryn pushes the words out as if it takes all of what little energy she has left.
“You look down, sweetheart. Are you feeling okay?”
“Not really; I slept awful.” Taryn says.
“Did you have another dream?”
“Yeah, but this one wasn’t scary. Just weird.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No thanks.” Taryn takes one bite of her toast before standing up and leaving the house for her bus stop.
“I hope your day gets better, baby!” Her Mom calls after her while she’s heading down the street.
 Taryn is standing at the bus stop with her arms folded when she sees Skylar heading towards her. She doesn’t call for her this time. She tilts her head down as if to hide from her best friend, afraid of what she’ll say. She grows more and more nervous the closer Skylar gets, but to Taryn’s surprise, Skylar greets her happily.
“Hey, girl!” She says.
“Hey…” Taryn responds carefully.
“How are you feeling today, Tare-Bear?”
“Uhm, alright, I guess. Sorry about yesterday.” Taryn says slowly, chewing on each word before she spits them out. How bizarre? She thinks to herself. As if apologizing for almost strangling a stranger to death at the mall is something that happens as frequently as bumping into someone while walking through a busy hallway.
There’s a moment of silence. The bus pulls up. The girls sit next to each other at the back and Taryn pulls out her phone. She’s expecting this car ride to be as silent as the last one the two had together.
“It’s okay.” Skylar says. “I’m not sure what happened yesterday, but I know it wasn’t you. You seemed really messed up about it. Maybe you should see a doctor.”
“What, and admit to trying to strangle someone? I’ll go to jail, Sky.”
“Juvie, actually. You’d go to juvie.” Skylar teases, smiling shyly afterwards, testing the turbulent waters.
Taryn giggles.
“I get it if you don’t wanna see a doctor, but at least consider it. Something could be wrong.”
“I think something is wrong.” Taryn pauses, “Don’t tell anyone this, but I’ve been having these dreams.”
“What dreams?” Skylar prods.
“Well, dreams about a girl; around our age. Her name is Roz, I think. At least that’s what people keep calling her in my dreams. It started yesterday morning. She was hanging from Town Hall and she threatened this girl standing above her but like, to the side, not directly above her. And then she falls. I woke up just before she hit the ground but I was seeing everything from like, her perspective, I guess? So, it felt like I was falling.”
“Did the girl push her?” Skylar asks.
“No, it was someone else, a man. And then last night, I dreamt about Roz again. She was selling drugs, I think, to a boy around our age as well.”
“16 and buying and selling drugs?” Skylar asks doubtfully.
“I know it sounds crazy but yes. And then Roz brought the money home to her parents and everybody got a cut. It was almost as if her parents told her to sell them, or at least knew she was doing it and were like, okay with it…” Taryn trailed off, her eyes shifted and Skylar could see she was zoning out. She snaps her fingers in front of Taryn’s face.
“Taryn?” She asks.
Taryn shakes her head as she re-focusses. “Hmm? Oh, sorry.”
The bus arrives at their school and the girls head to class.
 Queen Skyxoxo: SOS. meet me in the stairwell by Corado’s class NOW.
 “Can I go to the bathroom?” Taryn asks her teacher.
 Tare-Bear<3: omw
 “Look at this.” Skylar holds out her phone. It’s an article and the title reads:
What does this mean? She asks herself.
“Where did you find this?” Taryn demands.
“I was curious about your dreams so I searched “roz pushed from top of building foxdale” on Google and this article was the first thing that came up.”
“So, I’ve been dreaming about a real person who was really murdered?” Taryn asks in shock.
“Seems that way.”
“Well, what does this mean? Why is it happening to me?”
Skylar doesn’t answer, she appears to be consumed in her phone.
“Sky?” Taryn asks again.
“Oh my god. Look.” Skylar holds up her phone once more, but this time there is a picture of two girls. Taryn recognizes the first as Roz. The second girl has brown hair and big green eyes.
“Is this Roz?” Skylar asks.
“Yeah, and that’s the girl from Ritchies. The one I…”
“Holy shit.” Says Skylar.
Taryn gulps.
“Wait a second, at the store when you were on top of that girl, you said something. Well, you didn’t really say it —”
“What do you mean?” Taryn interrupts.
“Well, like, they weren’t words exactly, they were more like sounds, it didn’t sound like you. It didn’t sound like a human.”
“But did you understand it?” Taryn begs.
“Yeah, you said something about her doing something to your parents. And something about how you were “gone”.” Skylar air-quoted the word “gone”.
“My parents? What does this have to do with them?” Taryn asks.
“Not your parents, Taryn. Rosalind’s parents.” Skylar says.
“What does all this mean?” Taryn asks.
“I think we’d better go find that girl from Ritchies.” Skylar says.
 The girls decide to leave school, skipping the rest of the day. They head to Ritchies to see if they can find the girl from Taryn’s dream. When they get there, they don’t see her, but she must not have told anyone about what happened because nobody stopped the girls from going in. They went up to the clerk and described the girl from Taryn’s dream. They had to lie and tell the clerk that they were related to the girl just to get her phone number. But it worked.
 2895550199: Hi, this is gonna sound crazy but I need ur help. My name is Taryn, and I tried to hurt u at Ritchies yesterday. I’m sorry about that but u need to understand that it wasn’t me. It has something to do with Rosalind King. Call me. Thx.
 The girls waited. Minutes later, Taryn’s phone rang.
“It’s her.” Taryn says.
She answers the phone, “He-hello?”
“Is this Taryn?” Answers a female voice on the other line.
“Yes. What’s your name?”
“It’s Jayda. Can you come over?”
“What’s your address?” Taryn asks. “And I’m bringing my friend, the one who was with me at Ritchies.”
“Okay. It’s 12 The Boulevard, Foxdale. See you soon.”
The girls catch the bus to The Boulevard and walk to Jayda’s house from the stop. When they get there, Jayda answers the door. She invites the girls inside.
Jayda and Skylar sit on the couch and Taryn sits on a chair to the side. Jayda looks to be the same age but if she lives with her parents, they’re not home.
Jayda doesn’t waste a second. She turns to Taryn and asks, “What do you know about Roz King?”
Taryn begins to explain the dreams she was having and how ever since attacking Jayda at Ritchies she hasn’t been feeling like herself.
“Wait a second. Are you trying to tell me that you’re like, possessed or something?” Jayda asks in a frustrated voice.
“Well, how else do you explain this? I’m just trying to figure out why, if not because I’m possessed, am I having dreams about Roz and attacking people I’ve never met before while simultaneously giving you shit for “what you did”,” Taryn does air quotes, “to my parents?”
Jayda stares off somewhere for a minute. Taryn and Skylar look at each other while she thinks.
“Jayda, can you please tell us how you knew Rosalind?” Skylar asks.
“Well, I met her in grade nine. We instantly became best friends. We did everything together. But one day, I heard about an incident, I guess you could call it, at school where Roz had apparently been selling drugs to kids and splitting the profit with her parents. It was so messed up. I tried telling her what she was doing was wrong, but she wouldn’t listen. It seemed like that lifestyle was sort of sucking her in, and I didn’t want to be a part of it, so I told my parents. But then they called the cops, and like a day later CPS came and took Roz away, sent her parents to prison. Roz was crushed, but more, she was angry at me for telling on her.”
“What happened to her then?” Skylar asks.
“I don’t know, foster care, I think. She stopped showing up to school. But sometimes I’d wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of scratching on my window, but when I’d get up to see what it was, nothing was there.”
Skylar listened intently; Taryn didn’t say anything.
“One day, we ran into each other on the sidewalk outside of Town Hall, she was in a hurry. I tried talking to her but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she just ran inside the building and up the stairs until she got to the roof. I followed her. The whole way up I heard fast footsteps behind me, like someone was chasing after us, or maybe Roz. When I got to the roof I flung open the door and jumped behind a wall to wait and see if someone came after me. I didn’t see Roz. A man came through the door. I watched him walk out onto the roof and approach the side of the building. He started talking to someone, and it wasn’t until then that I realized Roz had tried hiding from the man by hanging from the roof. I guess she thought he would leave when he couldn’t see her so she could pull herself back up. It didn’t happen that way.”
Skylar was hanging by a string now, “What happened?” She asks.
“The man stepped on her fingers until Roz let go of the building, and she fell. I heard everybody below screaming and crying, yelling for 911, and then the man turned around and ran back down the stairs. They never found him.”
As Jayda finished her story she teared up, Skylar felt her pain, but when she turned to look at Taryn, her sadness changed to fear.
Skylar watched as her best friend contorted into something supernatural. Her clothes tore, her face darkened, she grew two feet and her shoulder blades poked so far out of her back that it looked like Taryn’s skin would rip. Skylar covered her ears as Taryn opened her mouth and the cry of a banshee rang out so loud it was deafening.
Skylar fled, but the couch they were sitting on flipped from the force of Skylar’s flee to the front door. Jayda got stuck underneath it.
Taryn lunged for Jayda, sinking sharp, yellow nails into the skin atop her shoulders. Jayda screamed and Skylar broke for the door. She covered her ears once again as the sound of a predator ripping through the live body of its prey filled the room, followed by the smell of decay which came so immediately that Skylar knew whatever was happening behind her as she raced for the door, was something she would never forget.
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tabl3 · 5 months ago
a silly thing that may or may not be canon. summary and chapter below :)
Chase and Bree NEVER get sick. Their creator ensured that. Their bodies are far superior to any regular human, immune systems included. Skylar is even less likely to be ill, with her near-invulnerability to everything- especially human viruses.
That goes really well, especially when the Mission Alert goes off.
Kaz and Oliver struggle exponentially to be good at hero-ing without their much more experienced, much stronger friends
"I'm n-not sick."
"Well then, I'm the queen of England," Kaz rolled his eyes.
Chase sneezed. "It's allergies," he sniffled. "Bionic people don't get s-sick."
"Light of my life, you have a 117-degree fever," Kaz sighed, bending over to brush Chase's sweaty bangs from his face, showing him the thermometer. Chase was currently shivering under Kaz's covers, with sunken red eyes and a stopped nose, sounding like he swallowed two tons of broken glass—the works. With how high his fever was, he’d probably be dead if not for his elevated immune system.
"No, I don't," Chase whined.
Kaz groaned. "Babe, why does your stubbornness get even higher when you're ill?"
"I-I'm not ill!"
"Yeesh, is he still going?" Oliver entered the room with some cough drops, wearing an entire gas mask—Kaz’s from his mission suit.
Kaz stared at him.
"What? I'm not catching whatever he has."
Chase whimpered, shifting uncomfortably under the blankets.
Kaz exhaled, massaging Chase's scalp. He didn't like this. His chest was tight. 
Oliver took the hint, leaving them alone after placing the cough drops on the nightstand with a pair of tongs. He nearly tripped on one of Kaz's junk piles on his way out, trying to see through his oversized mask.
"Baby, please," Kaz sighed. "It's okay to be sick. It's okay to be taken care of. It's okay to feel like shit, and say you feel like shit. This has been going on for three days now. You’re staying in bed."
Chase leaned into the touch. 
"What can I do for you?" 
Chase hesitated. "...I’m… a little hungry…?"
"Good start," Kaz smiled. He leaned down to peck Chase's lips. Chase put his hands over Kaz’s mouth. 
"Nope. If I was hypothetically sick, you aren't spreading it."
Kaz relinquished, kissing his forehead instead. 
“Jeez, man,” Kaz sighed, rubbing his neck. Oliver was hunched over the sink, vigorously washing his hands despite the fact that he had been wearing huge dish gloves in their room.
“Hey now,” Oliver cut him off. “You know I get sick easily.” 
Kaz came up next to him, setting his chin on his shoulder as Oliver tossed said gloves into their cabinet under the sink.
Oliver looked at him quizzically. His first mistake was disregarding suspicion.
Kaz innocently coughed, directly into his face.
He cackled when Oliver screeched loud enough to shatter the cups sitting in the sink that were waiting to be washed. Oliver flew up an inch, zipping away from Kaz. Kaz followed him, periodically faking sneezes and coughs as Oliver tried desperately to evade him. Hey, as his pseudo-brother, this was Kaz’s duty. 
The front door slid open.
“...Okay then.” Bree shrugged.
“Hi, guys,” Kaz waggled his fingers at the girls, chasing Oliver in circles around their living room ceiling.
“Hey,” Skylar was unphased, setting down Bree’s many shopping bags on the couch. “For you,” she gestured. Bree smiled, standing on her toes to kiss her cheek. Skylar tilted her head, smiling back. “You wanted them upstairs?” Bree nodded. “Thought so,” Skylar snickered, hoisting the spoils of Bree’s war on the mall back up.  
“Kaz, why are you bullying him?” Bree pointed at Oliver. 
“Just because your boyfriend is on his deathbed,” Oliver paused to pant, holding his knees midair. “Does not mean you take it out on me!” Kaz smirked threateningly. Oliver hid behind Skylar.
“Wh- Chase! Ugh, I told him he was sick,” Bree rolled her eyes, placing one hand on her hip. 
“Okay, but when does he ever listen to you?” Kaz returned.
“Truer words.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be feeding him?” Oliver poked out, keeping his hands firmly on Skylar’s shoulders to make her a barrier.
“I got soup broth in the freezer,” Kaz raised his eyebrows. “And all the time in the world. For this.”
He launched toward Oliver. Oliver screamed, flying around Skylar while Kaz followed in a blur of limbs. Skylar rolled her eyes, balancing the bags under her arms to protect them from wobbling. She shot out both hands, snatching Kaz by the forehead and Oliver by the shirt collar. “If you break my girlfriend’s stuff, I break you.”
“Yes ma’am,” the boys said in sync. 
Skylar chuckled, dropping them on the couch. She harshly ruffled their hair, offering her hand to Bree to walk upstairs.
Kaz stuck his tongue out at Oliver. Oliver returned it.
“Why are you drinking from Chase’s mug?” Kaz asked that evening, coming up behind Bree who was reading a magazine on the couch and sipping hot chocolate.
“What are you talking about?” she wrinkled her nose.
“No, it has a little chip on the handle,” Kaz shook his head. Bree stared at him. He gestured for her to check. After studying the handle, the smallest chip was indeed present. “He almost knocked it off his desk while working on the cybercloaks.”
“How do you know these things?” Oliver craned his neck to see, sitting a cushion away with a book in his lap. 
“Get a date and we’ll talk,” Kaz retorted.
“Well, there weren’t any clean ones,” Bree complained. “This was beside the dishrack, so I thought-”
“He sets it there when he’s working,” Skylar noted, poking into the living area from where she was filling up the dishwasher. It was usually Chase’s self-appointed job, which made it feel weird that the kitchen wasn’t spick and span as usual. “Been there for days.”
“How do you know these things?” Oliver asked her. 
“Because he’s actually in love with me, duh.”
Kaz shot her a faux-angry look. She blew him a kiss.
“Ew,” Bree hurriedly set the mug down, shaking her hands off to rid herself of the knowledge that she used his dirty mug. “Gross, gross, gross-”
“That’s unfortunate,” Kaz tried to act sympathetic, fighting off his laugh. 
“Shut up,” she glared.
“I think I’m sick,” Bree sniffed. “My stupid brother infected me with his stupid germs and gave me his stupid cold. Stupid.” 
“You don’t say,” Skylar sat up in bed, pushing Bree’s rat’s nest out of her eyes. Bree groaned, pulling herself up on one elbow to face her. “Stupid.”
“Do you need anything?” Skylar asked, beginning to comb through her hair with her fingers. 
“Fuckin’...” Bree thought. “What’s it called. Kaz’s off-brand Dayquil. Cocoa. Ow, my head.”
Skylar furrowed her eyebrows. “Okay.”
“Thanks, babe,” Bree shot her with a finger gun, flopping her face back into the pillow.
Skylar leaned down, giving her a peck.
“Hey,” Bree weakly batted her away. “Y’ gonna catch it.”
“Calderans don’t get human illnesses,” Skylar replied. She swung her legs off the side of the bed, going to her closet to change.
“Yeah, well,” Bree argued, back to being buried. “We always said bionic people don’t get sick, too.”
“It’s an entirely different physiology, babe,” Skylar waved. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” 
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baby-fae-thorn · 6 months ago
Thorn's sobs finally started to ease. Kye closed his eyes, two tears of his own sliding down his cheeks. He pressed his cheek against his brother's hair, continuing to hum to him. He heard Austin calling someone. When he felt the magic in the air quiver, he opened his eyes in time to see the portal open, and three more people come tumbling out. He kept a firm hold on Thorn who had started to whimper again. He eyed the man that stooped down in front of him. A healer perhaps? But he didn't know for sure. He wasn't going to let go of Thorn though, so he'd just have to make do. Suddenly he felt a little wary of everything happening around them. The screaming and scuffling. The scent of blood and other things in the air. And in the midst of it all, he'd lost Luca and Cody somewhere in it. That thought made a rise of panic catch in his throat. "Where...."
A wave of magic hit Dax in the face as he stepped into the clearing. There was commotion everywhere. Sobbing, screaming, blood, just so much all at once and it was a little dizzying. But he felt Jacob in the middle of it all. His tie to Jacob was strong. So he knew somehow that he was in the right place. The sound of Malachi's voice shot through him like a bolt. Fear gripping him tightly. But when he turned towards him he could see that he was restrained. That there was no danger. Not from Malachi anyway. They were all there too. Jacob, Danny, David, Eric, Skylar, Joel and Magnus. And finding Skylar there surprised him. But not because he wasn't supposed to be there.
Ezra let out a little cry from beside him. But Dax didn't know if the cry was for Malachi or Danny. Because that's who his eyes were locked onto. But they were both frozen in place. Neither able to move, barely breathing.
Skylar's heart was broken. He was crying with Joel. Because he could feel him. His desperation. "No..." He replied, pulling back so he could hold Joel's face in his hands. "No...you are not a bad person. You never could be. Do not say such things." He pressed his lips anywhere they could reach. Joel was so precious to him. But he was not a killer. He wasn't built for such things. He was a knight surely. He'd done things. Things for the Queen. But not things that Joel himself would have wanted to do. Joel was a gentle spirit. He loved fiercely. He always had. Skylar didn't know how to take his pain though. Because feeling it was the only thing that would help. "JoJo..." He cooed to him, cupping his face gently. "Thank you..." He told him with complete and utter conviction. "Thank you for saving me...always saving me. Always...you are a treasure to me. You are part of my world. I am sorry you had to do this because I could not. But I thank you..."
Magnus cast a worried glance at Dax and Ezra. Not liking how close they were to Malachi. He leaned down, whispering to Skylar that they were here. Skylar glanced up at him, and Magnus could see how torn he was. Just from the look in his eyes. Joel needed him where he was. But also, Dax and Ezra also needed him. And then there was Eric to consider. And Danny, David, and Jacob. They were all hurting. And he had a fierce need to protect them all. To somehow wrap them up in his arms and hold them close.
With great resolve, Skylar pressed his lips against Joel's. "I'll be right back." He whispered to his dear friend. With Magnus' hand to support him he rose onto his feet. He stumbled over towards them. To Dax and Ezra who were so frightened they were stuck in place. Skylar met Eric's eyes for a moment.
Dax's eyes were glued to Jacob and Malachi. Jacob was speaking, but it sounded like so much noise to him. A crisp, screeching sound. But when he looked directly at Dax, Dax could feel his intention. His rage, his sadness, his fear. But all those things were for him. For Dax. He was transfixed as he watched Jacob slide his dagger cleanly through the ex-knight's livelihood. Malachi screamed with agony at the assault. But strangely, the sound was like music to Dax's ears. The only thing he could hear. He didn't even care what actually happened to it. Just that it was gone. And Malachi was bleeding. And Jacob. His beautiful, strong Jacob had done it. He wanted to go to him then. To feel Malachi's blood on his hands. But he couldn't move. Couldn't speak. Could do nothing. Then, Jacob finished it. He ended Malachi. And it felt like so much weight being lifted off him. His baby, as small as he was leapt for joy inside him.
Then, as Jacob turned towards them, covered in Malachi's blood, Skylar was there. Gently wiping away the tears from his face. Tears Dax didn't even realize had been there at all. Dax shuddered then. And he knew Ezra was still there. Somewhere. But. Everything else just sort of faded away. Skylar took Dax's hand in his. Then turned to Ezra and offered his other hand. And then the three of them stepped forward together. Towards Malachi, who hung limpy in the vines. Skylar pressed his lips against Dax's temple whispering to him. That it was okay now. That he could go near him. Dax drew away from Skylar and Ezra then. Finally able to move on his own. Turning towards Malachi. And he felt nothing. No fear. No pain. Nothing. Everything was quiet. Everything was still. Then Dax realized, he didn't want to be there. Standing in front of Malachi. Watching his blood drip into the ground. He wanted to be with Jacob. But he didn't see Jacob anymore. All he could see was Malachi. See what Jacob had done to him. Had done to him for hurting him. That love, that perfect, beautiful love was all encompassing. Dax turned away from him then. His eyes searching for Jacob among the crowd of grim faces. And found him finally. It was such a relief to see him there. After everything. That was still there. Dax took off at a run then, running towards Jacob. Needing him desperately.
Skylar tucked Ezra under his chin. Watching as Danny stepped forward. Malachi cursed at him. Spitting blood. Pulling at his bonds but they still would not budge. "Danny...." Skylar said calmly. "Make him pay..." He whispered. He wanted Malachi to pay for everything he'd done. Ezra shivered in his arms.
Austin tried to sooth his screaming soulmate, holding him firmly against his chest as he wailed and tried to claw at his ears and eyes. "He can't hurt you again. We won't let him hurt you." He says asking Kye with his eyes to help him. He sat close by, sending as much comfort through their bond as he could muster in his exhausted state as Kye comforted his baby brother. Austin pulls out his phone and calls Mason.
"I used too much, Magnus might need help. See if Dax and Ezra want to watch the end of their tormentor." Austin says into the phone and moments later a portal opened nearby, Mason stepping out and checking over Kye and Thorn as Ezra and Dax stepped out of the portal behind him.
Joel curled against Skylar, sobbing into his neck as they clung to each other while his love went back to help David. While it felt amazing to finally let out all of the rage he had been holding on to for the past 30 or so years, Joel wasn't a killer. When he was still an active knight, the lower level knights were often the executioners that dealt the killing blows. He did not regret what he had just done but coming down from the high of such a rush of rage was overwhelming. "He deserved it. I'm not a bad person. He deserved it." He repeated as he sobbed into Skylar's neck.
Jacob rolled his eyes at the ancient's taunts. "Thats where you're wrong. Why would he remember you when he has me?" He purrs, trailing the blade down the other man's chest before digging it into his already seeping wounds. "Dax wanted this, wanted to be here to watch you burn so he could dance on your ashes. You are nothing. Lower than nothing." Jacob taunts before slicing open the man's pants, letting them fall around his ankles leaving him nude from the waist down. "You will never hurt another person again." He says, turning to Dax. "This is for you, baby." He says blowing his soulmate a kiss before coming down in a swift move with his blade, effectively slicing off the other man's privates. Jacob kicked them across the clearing to Eric. "Burn it to ash, Hyung, he doesn't deserve them." The younger Lee Moon calls out as Eric sets the appendage ablaze.
"I'm not even going to kill you, I did what i wanted to do." Jacob shrugs before turning to leave. He stops for a moment before spinning around and slitting Malachi's throat from ear to ear. "Now I'm done." He says walking away toward his brother and Skylar.
Danny eyed everyone for a moment, noticing Cody watching him and waiting for his signal to revive him again for his turn. He looked to Skylar who gave him a subtle nod before going back to comforting his platonic soulmate.
"Alright, Cody." Danny says cracking his neck "Let's finish what I started before he decided to use my Ezra as a human shield. I know Eric is chomping at the bit to finally avenge his mate."
Cody nods and once again awakens the bloody ancient once again.
"Had enough yet? We're just getting started." Danny smirks.
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empxsvpernova · 3 years ago
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“Wanna know what I think? I think thinkin' this place is some fortress is kiddin' ourselves.” Daryl mutters, squinting as his eyes scan along the fences and watching a couple of biters limping along the chain links, docile and seemingly unaware of their presence.
Roman’s gaze lifts to the sky, teething the stale cigarette up and down dangling from his mouth. “Yeh.” He sighs gruffly, smoke filtering from his nose as he lowers his gaze back ahead of them.
“How’s Maggie doin'?” Daryl questions after a beat causing Roman to shift in his boots, glancing at him.
He nods and drops his dark orbs to the pavement of the rec yard, his cigarette glowing in the darkness as he takes another drag into his lungs. “She’s comin' out it.. y'kno..” he shrugs and tries dismissing the discussion.
He hadn’t realized that in stepping up a dynamic shift had been realized. Or maybe it hadn’t at all, and he was just reading too far into the simple question. Daryl didn’t neccesarily look up to Roman, it was more a mutual understanding that they all had to shoulder the burden of taking charge in Rick’s stead while he worked through things. It had caught him more off guard having Hershel of all people coming to him in concern over his daughter. Hershel and he hadn’t exactly got off on the right foot.. first impressions and all.
‘Let me be clear. Rick's convinced me to let you all stay, but that doesn’t mean I care much for the decision. Now I’ve been more than lenient and patient on just about everything, including letting you in my home.. Andrea and some of the others are callin' you the delinquent like it’s a term of endearment, but I find nothing endearing about a young man who’s already found himself behind bars. You stay away from my daughters.. and hopefully we won’t have to have another conversation. Do we have an understanding?'
'Yes sir..'
But things had changed from the time Hershel had been forced to stitch him up. They’d at least fallen into a mutual agreement that Shane was and had always been a threat. He couldn’t even imagine how Hershel had to have felt siding with a criminal over a cop.. siding with the criminal he saw as sniffing around his daughter, at that.
'You know what Shane was before all of this–he was a cop. Supposed to – to be the embodiment of morality and yet every decision he makes is based off of his own selfishness.' Dale’s voice echoes in his mind. 'And yet you, a degenerate by your own standard, have a better moral standing than a man who swore an oath to serve and protect others. How’s that for irony.. I don’t trust him.. Roman. But I trust you, and- and I barely even know you. And you know why? Because it’s clear.. that your conscious.. is still in the driver’s seat. This world didn’t change you did it, it just showed who you really are. What you choose to be.'
'Sorry brother.' Daryl’s voice suddenly echoes back from that night the biter got ahold of Dale, the gunshot following and Roman finally exhales and tosses his cigarette to the pavement, stepping on the ember to snuff it out. His brows furrow.
“Been missin' Dale these days..” he mumbles and sniffs again faintly, glancing to Daryl at his side. “..miss all em– it’s just.. mean it felt like he was one holdin' shit together half the time. Voice of reason.” He shrugs and glances off, scanning the fences. “Shane.. mofucker was always barkin' at him cause he known Dale saw right through him. Couldn’t fool him for shit.. hell none of us could.” He muses.
“I’ve tried reason with Rick.. he's gone right now. Ain’t all there.” Daryl shrugs and shakes his head a bit.
“Yeh.. wouldn’t expect no different.” Roman nods, his jaws tensing through his cheeks. “He'll come around.” He repeats, his gaze lowering to the ground again as the conversation with Lori crosses his mind.
There was no forgetting any of it. Daryl had been right, the prison wasn’t a fortress.. it was a tomb. And they were living with ghosts. Lori's, Tdogg’s, the inmates and guards who’d all died within the walls of it. It seemed like everyone they’d lost were just as trapped.
He still remembered Amy, and Jim, Jaquis.. still somewhat blamed himself for not throwing her over his shoulder and toting her out the CDC kicking and screaming if he had to.. but who was he to decide how she’d die. Maybe she just didn’t want to end up like Amy, or Jim... maybe they were all on bought time and the prison was just a fluke sitting on a pipe dream.
“Maybe..” Daryl finally mutters dragging Roman from his thoughts. Realizing it was a response to his flimsy attempt at a reassurance.
“Well.. whether he do or don’t.. Carol, Maggie, Beth, the baby, Hershel.. they lookin' to us to hold shit down. Gotta do what we gotta do to make that happen–ain’t got no choice.”
“Yeah..” Daryl grunts and readjusts his crossbow slung over his shoulder, shifting to turn toward the steel door of the prison. “You comin'?”
Roman shifts halfway and glances up toward the windows of the guard tower, watching the dim light of the lantern flickering against the walls. He glances back down at Daryl and shakes his head a bit. “Gon’ go check on Mags.. relieve her an' let her get some sleep if she’s needin'.. hell knows I ain’t gettin' none.”
“Know that’s right.” Daryl sniffs with faint amusement and nods, the steel door groaning as he opens it to step inside. “See ya.”
“Yeh..” Roman nods before he turns to start toward the door to the tower, hearing the other close behind him as Daryl heads inside for the night.
He doubted Maggie would be getting any sleep either, even if he offered it to her.. stubborn as she was. Truthfully, they just hadn’t spoken much throughout the day and the questioning of her state on Daryl’s end had prompted him to want to do a wellness check.. that’s what he told himself anyway.
He tugs the door open, the steel hinges squeaking against years of weathered rust and use before he steps inside the narrow staircase. He ascends them slowly, worn combats thudding and turning to pass the threshold into the dimly lit control room.
He finds her sitting on the guard’s desk littered with papers, her knees tugged up against her chest with her arms wrapped around her legs as she gazes out at the prison yard. His mouth presses as he adjusts the strap to his rifle slung over his shoulder, his dark gaze wandering over her form.
“Ay cowgirl.. why don’t ya head on down an' get ya some sleep hm.. can take over here.” he says gently and slips the rifle off, gripping the barrel and setting it down gently propped against the wall next to him.
It had started becoming a force of habit by now. Even when she was in her cell it seemed like he’d find reasons to just .. check in. Roman had been grappling with it, acting as though he was trying to gain a sense of what was stirring in him but he knew the feeling and what he understood it to be. Denial was a strong emotion– one he was also quite familiar with.
It was easy to dismiss when the entire focus had to be set on survival. But at night when it got quiet; when there were no biters to stab, no ditches to dig, no runs to make, no discussions to be had and he was laying awake in his cell or sitting up in this same tower with his thoughts running..
He could grapple with it, deny it, dismiss it. But it would still be there, unmistakable and persistent.
Tonight was one of dismissal though. He believed he was past the point of denial.. that had gone out the window the moment she’d laid her hand on his chest and found his gaze with a fear in them he hadn’t seen from her just yet, in all the forms it had taken so far. Maybe that unmistakable and persistent feeling had crept it’s way into her, maybe she was grappling with what it was too.. or maybe he was just tired and reading too far into things. It seemed he often did.
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