#loumand headcanon
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thequeenofsastiel · 7 months ago
Laughing thinking about how much Armand must have resented Daniel shoehorning in on his Master/servant roleplay with Louis
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loumandforyou · 1 month ago
Louis seeing a poster of "Armand Marius" and he is like NOPE if you want a last name you can have mine. Armand de pointe du Lac it is
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hoomanbeaning · 8 months ago
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n.m.sanchez's initial meeting
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lestcat-de-lioncourt · 2 months ago
Louis: "Lestat is coming over for dinner later."
Armand: "Don't you mean Pestat? You'd have Pestat come over whilst I'm sitting here watching you coddle each other, and I'm picking lint off the sofa?? He was my ex too, you know?? He ROBBED me. Pestat Pestat Pestat Pestat. And what dinner? What are YOU going to "cook"??? Rats? Geese? We both drink human blood, stfu about you hosting a dinner party, you fool. My iPad is out of battery. I'll only let him over if you renew my Minecraft subscription, and he doesn't touch my Wii again. He definitely stole one of the Wii remotes. And he destroyed the tv when playing a round of golf because he simply HAD to win."
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Louis: "....1 month. 1 more month subscription of Minecraft. That's final."
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 7 months ago
the way louis looks at armand in 1x03 after he said he’d turn daniel now and the way armand looks like his heart falling through his stomach
i can’t do this rn
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 5 months ago
Share the controversial take
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okay i will FOR YOU 💗 and also am compelled by the pointing really loudly thing. i see people say a lot (and have seen it So Much recently) that louis wouldn't care that armand was cheating on him with daniel during dm era. someone went so far as to say he wouldn't care because he doesn't like armand so he'd be really glad to have him gone. and simply i don't think that's true. i think he'd care AT LEAST a little.
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alleyskywalker · 4 months ago
So I headcanon Loumand as the kind of people who don't generally speaking cuddle while falling asleep - in that they are like me (and most of my family lol) in that they like to take their space, feel like they can move around without disturbing someone else, etc. But they will snuggle in some situations, usually when one or the other needs comfort/emotional support - either as part of post-kinky sex aftercare or because one of them had a shitty day, etc.
When Louis is the one who wants cuddles, he likes to just be fully buried in his partner. He'll burrow into Armand's side and nuzzle into his chest/shoulder, enjoy just having Armand (who's taller and a little broader) wrap him up in his arms like a protective human (vampire?) envelope. Armand, on the other hand, likes to spoon when he wants to be held. He wants to be the little spoon, so he can feel his partner's arms around him and have that closeness, but also be able to face away so he can hide any "unwanted" emotions or tears.
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leslutdepointedulac · 8 months ago
What do you think Louis first thought when he saw Daniel again as a vampire? What do you think was the first thing he said to him (or Armand) about it?
Ooh I think about this a lot 😭 So I think Louis' initial reaction to seeing Daniel would literally just be deer in the headlights, poor guy is gunna be questioning his reality. But I think he had somewhat speculated that Daniel might make it to vampirism eventually.
Obviously Louis knew that he had survived his attack and he couldn't really know for sure that he'd been brought over. But I think that Louis knew Daniel was determined and was going to stop at nothing to get what he wanted, regardless as to whether or not he did actually get it. Whereas Louis' intention was to scare Daniel into leaving it all alone, I don't believe he necessarily thought it would work, deep down.
So seeing Daniel as a vampire may have come as a surprise to Louis at first, but really, is it that out of the question that he is? There have been more surprising things that have happened lmao.
As for what he said to Daniel, it was probably something along the lines of "I see you got it in the end, immortality." And he probably asked how Daniel was coping with it, what his experiences had been so far (even though it hasn't been long at all).
And then with Armand, Louis might have (somewhat jokingly) said that he never took Armand for having a fledgling, and that it's a bit of a shock. But at the same time, that he was happy for Armand - happy that he'd found someone who he was so committed to, and loved so much that he couldn't bear to let him die. To the point where he was willing to break his own vow to himself. Louis was pleased that Armand had allowed himself to do something both for him and for Daniel. It was both a selfish and a selfless act, but that's okay. They both deserve that.
I also think that Louis was just happy that Armand found someone who could be committed to him in return. Something that Louis previously hadn't been for Armand. He may have even thought about his own time with him and thought about how unfair he'd been (though given the circumstances, it was more than understandable). Louis was glad Armand was with someone who gave him what he himself never did.
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brian-kinney-apologist · 9 months ago
no but I really think that this wasn't the last time louis ever saw dreamstat, he 100% made some guest appearances during the 77 years of loumand's perfect vampire marriage :)
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hurricanejane · 3 months ago
Louis and Armand having a quickie while Daniel eats the first 6 courses of dinner. Louis giving some nasty business like, "Lick my boots, Rashid," before going to scare Daniel with his live animal feeding. He's a freak, I love him.
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thequeenofsastiel · 8 months ago
I love the idea of Armand actually stuffing himself with honey and pineapple because he knows it'll make him taste better to Louis, even though those things taste like paste to him.
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desertfangs · 1 year ago
I like to imagine that during the Trinity Gate era, Armand and Louis had a Christmas tree farm they liked to visit upstate to get their Christmas tree for Trinity Gate. It was one of those “cut your own tree” places which Armand found highly appealing. Every year at the start of December, they'd pile into one of Armand’s SUVs with Sybelle and Benji and go pick a tree. Then they'd doll it up with the kind of skill usually reserved for professional displays and put it in the front window for passersby to admire.
Armand refuses to let this tradition go even now, though sometimes when everyone else is at Court, it's just him and Daniel who go get the tree. Though occasionally Louis, Sybelle, and Benji will come home to make the trip. Sometimes they also bring Lestat, who argues with Armand about which tree to pick, and Marius, who doesn't really understand the appeal and usually remains at Trinity Gate to unpack the ornaments while they're out getting the tree.
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murfpersonalblog · 9 months ago
I had to pause reading this to scream laugh holler rolling in my grave at @siahatha's new fic & Louis's arm-burning scene--it's SO good! 👏 This is just me fangirling & thinking out loud; it was way too long to put in the comments at AO3.
Four little bars have been burned (and must have burned for a while, Jesus, he sleeps like the dead) into Louis’ forearm, hand, and fingers from where they smoldered in the little bit of light. Lestat must have moved Louis’ hand when he realized. Impulsively (premeditated), Louis slides his hand back into the light, eyes on Lestat. “Absolument pas!/ Absolutely not,” Lestat snarls, wrenching Louis’ hand back into the shadow. It hurts a little, but maybe only because of the burn on his arm.  “Joues avec moi/ play with me,” Louis whines, and he means it. Lestat is overreacting (typical, Louis can only be harmed on Lestat’s terms apparently) and Armand would have gotten it, would have let him burn just a little, and allowed him the grace of repentance.  “I will not,” Lestat works his jaw.... "....What’s wrong with some sexual processing? What’s the difference between a spanking and a little sun?” “....The difference, mon amour, is that I am not Armand. I get what I want, and what I want is my darling safe and sated."
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I LOVE the contrast b/t Armand vs Lestat, and the diametrically opposed ways they handle Louis' mental illness--enabling vs enforcing. There's good & bad on both unhealthily toxic sides ofc; pampering & spoiling vs protecting & domineering; and there's a time & a place for both/either--but what really matters most is what LOUIS wants in a husband:
Lestat’s nostrils flare. “Impossible! I wake up to the smell of you burning your arm off, and now I’m being punished with century-old pettiness, for what? Declining to indulge your suicidality through the thin veneer of sado-masochism? Why would I pleasure you with pain when I am so very skilled at pleasuring you with pleasure? No, Louis, I will not burn you with the sun when I can take you into my mouth instead. Now, please, let’s go to coffin so that I may do just that and we can get some fucking sleep.” So there it was. Lestat was the best lay of his life and he wouldn’t let him hurt himself. And brother, Louis does feel warm here in the shadows with Lestat and all his loving firmness. Louis continues to be pleasantly surprised by New Lestat’s patience. He’ll return the blow job. He feels his honey deserves it.  “I think antidepressants would be a more apt metaphor,” Louis says, because he’s not about to just roll over.... Lestat rolls his eyes, actor expressive. “Regardless. A—what is the English?—a pushover! I am not. I will not allow you to hurt yourself and I do not give up. I will always be there to steady your hand.” Lestat tightens his grip on Louis’ arm. “And I will play no more of these games,” Lestat says, ending the discussion, scooping Louis up and carrying him to coffin, where he enjoys feeling weightless as Lestat steps over the coffin room’s threshold.  Later, Louis is being held in the true dark of the coffin, where it smells like Lestat and everything that means to Louis. He smiles, ignoring the sinking feeling. He’s gotten what he wanted. “I love you,” he whispers into the dark.
As pridefully independent & stubborn as Louis is, he still WANTS someone to snatch his hand away and tell him NO and bodily carry him out of the room and put him in a safe cocoon/coffin and hold him close & make everything better.
I'm just reminded of our very first scene with Lou demonstrating to Daniel what vampirism looks like in the sun; and Armand's reaction.
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Like, it was wild that Lou even went that far, burning his arm just to prove to Daniel that he's really a vampire; when back in SanFran all he needed to do was flash his fangs & move at super speed.
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Lou's chronically suicidal, but burning in the sun isn't the only way to self-destruct; he's BEEN slowly killing himself EVERY DANG DAY.
Armand erroneously thought Lou reading Claudia's diaries & being interviewed was what was gonna send him off the deep end again; but Daniel's proving that Louis NEEDS to face the past & confront his trauma so it can be processed & he can truly start healing--not bury it under the rug & force himself to forget.
Sure, Armand pulled him out of the sun in SanFran, but he had/has been doing LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE to pull Louis out of his continuing spiral; often contributing to Louis' bad practices; or standing back and watching Louis "act out"--these are CRIES FOR HELP; but Armand can't see it; he just judges Louis & resents him in silence. The 100+ drunken/drugged blackout sexcapades eff-off-and-find-me-laters; asking Armand to lobotomize him 3 days after he'd had a terrible mental breakdown; taking on the Dom role when Lou's not even good at it & doesn't enjoy it; squirelling himself away in Dubai eating human food that tastes like glue--it's ALL self-mortification; it's ALL suicide. Louis wants to get OUT, but he needs help that Armand just can't give him.
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Sadly, Lestat, for all his flaws & faults, is the one Louis REALLY wants; and (giving the devil his props) he's much better equipped to handle Lou, cuz he's not afraid to bully Louis go head-to-head with him. Fighting is NOT the right way ofc; and Loustat aren't inherently predisposed to fighting at all--they're both actually incredibly sensitive & soft--but the struggles in Loustat's life hardened them & conditioned them to become fighters--nurture versus nature.
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Loustat's problem is that they needed to learn how to communicate WITHOUT the crutch of telepathy (which clearly hadn't helped Loumand anyway ); and realize that as companions/husbands, every conversation/connection doesn't actually NEED to be borne of violence--seeing each other as obstacles to be crossed or fights/battles to be won.
One of my favorite lines in a fic is from BlueBloodBruise's Go Fetch God:
He could hear Lestat pacing downstairs, playing music that galloped nowhere, raging at the world with two fists up. If he closed his eyes, Louis could still hear him weep, howling sobs so freighted with grief they reminded Louis of the screams of mating herons.... "What, Louis?! What in God’s rotten hell do you want? You know I can't read your mind!" "You." This is the definition of madness, Louis thinks dimly...trying to convince his murderer to let himself be loved. "I want you to let me in. I want to let you in without being afraid you’ll tear me to pieces, like God would have if he'd peered into my soul when I was mortal. If I fear you, I can’t love you, Lestat. You have to share yourself with me—" "I did! I shared my blood, my home with you, my—" "No. I need you to put your fists down and look at me. Not like some object you created, but like an equal, your hus—" .
They needed to find a balance--as EQUALS. Passivity & cowardice isn't the right way either, and sometimes when you see your loved one doing dangerous stupid ish, you HAVE to step up and stop them; even if they get mad and it causes a fight and they yell & holler that they hate you.
ARMAND NEVER HAD THAT! Armand went from a sheltered childhood in poverty to parents who sold/threw him away; to sex slavery & captivity; to white-savior hero worship living with uber-hedonistic Marius who spoiled him rotten & taught him to mix pain w/ pleasure via BDSM; to 200+ years in a brainwashed Satanic cult of self-loathing & self-mortification (all pain & zero pleasure); to LEADING that Satanic coven & brainwashing others to follow the Great Laws & gaslighting humans to not notice that the calls are coming from inside the house. This is all Armand's ever had.
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Louis was his first/only "real" relationship with a normal person (someone not his Maker & not a coven-member). Armand overcorrected all the harsh treatments he got & gave b4, to treat Lou with kid gloves--when really, Lou needed tough love--not someone to "chop his hands off" the way Armand treated Nicki, but someone to really HELP him cuz they UNDERSTAND & love him.
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Lou was deeply traumatized by his formative years, too--his baby brother Paul in & out of mental asylums, cast off by Papa DPDL & coddled by their mother Florence; who babied Paul but HATED any signs of LOUIS being ANOTHER "fragile son." Anything "wrong" with Lou he'd need to figure TF out how to get rid of ASAP!
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Louis couldn't afford to be mentally unstable, depressed--he needed to buck up & take care of this nasty AF family that hated/resented/didn't understand him. The only one he'd ever connected with was Paul--who committed suicide right in front of him after Louis told him he loved him; only for Lou's own mother to blame him for Paul's death like wtf.
The only one who understood even a fraction of what Lou'd gone through and how Lou operated & what he'd want/need IS LESTAT. Cuz he'd been there, too.
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Les grew up dirt poor, but his family dynamic was uncannily similar to the DPDLs; only instead of Paul, Les had Gabrielle. Les saw his mom Gabrielle in Louis, (and Armand KNOWS this; which is why his whole backstory/account of Lesmand in Paris is SUS AF). Louis was SEEN by Lestat--they're kindred spirits; two sides of the same coin--for better and for worse; cuz when Loustat's in sync it's beautiful; but when they clash THEY CLASH. 💀
Loumand has never been in sync; they're only ever on the same page when they're performing/pretending/role-playing. Armand constantly says/does the WRONG thing--
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--then victim-blames Louis afterwards; redirecting any and all culpability OFF himself and ONTO LOU (or Claudia, Daniel, Santiago, Tom, Dick and Harry....), as if it's all Louis' fault what happened to him, and not the result of Armand's contributing/mishandling of Louis' PTSD.
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As opposed to the way Lestat talks to Louis--
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--not focusing Lou's suicide attempt as the result of something Lou did to HIMSELF, but rather something done TO Louis--(mental) illness isn't HIS FAULT; it's something he can get HELP for; and Les loves him and is just waiting for him to be ready to talk to him.
But don't wait too long! At Rue Royale Lestat often sat silently letting all their messes simmer & boil over. What's amazing about fanfics like @siahatha's Alligator Tears (a sequel to Renaissance) is that it gives Loustat the chance to sit down and have those much-needed talks, hard as they are, so they can finally MAKE PEACE and HEAL as a better couple. Lestat also KNOWS Louis, and that's why he can get in Louis' face and ALSO tell him that he's not gonna sit back and let Louis hurt himself--and their relationship--anymore. Lou's anorexia's a symptom of a much more complicated issue (a vegan vampire still grappling with what it means to kill people in order to feed healthily), so that is a delicate matter that will take time for them to negotiate--one of my fave parts of Renaissance is when Loustat's in the blood donor truck--but any self-immolation will be nipped in the bud IMMEDIATELY. 😤👏
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 7 months ago
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i live here :))))
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lou-iz-stat · 1 year ago
I started to think about the scene at the end of episode 6 during the 70s flashback and in a different light it’s just so unserious.
Like what if the reason why Louis even started to talk to Daniel was because it was Armand who saw him first and like a little freak he started to stalk him while he just dragged Louis along.
And when Louis got sick of his shit he just told Armand to just try talking to him. And Armand was like no no I can’t… but can you do it for me please? 🥺
Louis just cannot turn down Armand’s puppy dog eyes so Louis has to flirt with Danny for his psycho bf
And I can just imagine Armand hyping himself like don’t be weird, don’t be weird, you got this Armand! Just relax and look cool ~
But then when he finally does muster up the courage he just panics and cannot say anything to Daniel at all. 😭
And I bet Louis is just so fucking embarrassed and just yelling at Armand in his head.
They just make me giggle because Armand is just a creepy little freak (affectionate) and Louis is just there trying to get through the night once again.
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beannotoast · 1 year ago
IWTV head canon
Louis had always known that Lestat could be temperamental, but recently, his mood swings had taken a darker turn. Lestat had become increasingly controlling, dictating every aspect of their immortal existence. He would lash out in anger over the slightest provocation, and Louis and Claudia were living on eggshells.
One fateful night, after a particularly violent outburst from Lestat, Louis and Claudia found themselves seeking refuge at Armand's side. They had heard whispers about him, an enigmatic vampire who had managed to create a sense of order among his followers.
Armand's sanctuary was a hidden chamber deep within the dark catacombs of Paris. When Louis and Claudia arrived, they were greeted by Armand's calm and reassuring presence.
"Louis, Claudia," Armand said softly, "I've been expecting you. You're safe here."
Tears welled up in Louis's eyes as he recounted the horrors they had endured with Lestat. Claudia clung to Louis, her small form trembling. Armand's demeanor was a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind.
Over time, Armand took them under his wing, providing guidance and support. He was a parental figure they had desperately needed, offering them a sense of stability and protection that had been missing in their lives.
As the days turned into weeks, Louis and Claudia slowly healed from the wounds, both physical and emotional, inflicted by Lestat. They discovered a newfound sense of freedom and independence under Armand's care.
However, their escape did not go unnoticed by Lestat. He began to search for them relentlessly, his anger growing as he realized they had turned to Armand for shelter. The stage was set for a confrontation between two powerful vampires.
Armand, knowing the danger that loomed, prepared to defend Louis and Claudia. He was determined to keep them safe from Lestat's wrath, even if it meant facing the tempestuous vampire head-on.
And so, in the heart of the dark and shadowy Parisian catacombs, a battle of wills and powers would unfold, with Louis and Claudia caught in the crossfire, torn between the controlling grasp of their former maker and the protective embrace of the enigmatic Armand.
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