#otp: i want you more than anything in the world
thequeenofsastiel · 2 months
Like, EVERYTHING about the way Louis fed from Armand was SO much more intimate than the way he fed from Damek.
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Damek's eyes are opened with an expression like, "yeah, this is just for money, I'm not into this," body stiff, with his face angled as far away from Louis' as possible, while Louis approaches his neck from a very horizontal angle, and Louis is holding his face and neck in an entirely still manner.
Whereas Armand, jfc
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His face is turned into Louis', their cheeks pressed together, Armand's eyes closed, he's completely relaxed, clearly loving every second of this, while Louis strokes his face.
For FUCK'S sake, how the hell did this go right over my head before s2 happened?
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My most normal ship
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azi-sings-calliope · 2 months
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I have no idea what to put here oml. I swear it looked better on the ipad.
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are these not cute as keychains ???? 🥹
For so long I’ve wanted keychains of them, NOW I HAVE THE POWER TO DRAW WHATEVER I DESIRE HAHAHAHAHA
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these are my babies, ocs I wanted a keychain of 💖 (Guess whose kids these belong to. Shouldn’t be too hard.)
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supa-sweetheart · 2 months
Cooking something…
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Make sure you follow me on twitter because I’m gonna post nsfw arts there 😙🖊️
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grace-nakimura · 4 months
hi amc can i get another cuddle or even something 🔥 before the loumand break up ??? bc i love them and i am still disappointed there’s no jacob and assad promotions together 🫤
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I saw this take the other day about how Loumand fans keep pushing the narrative of "The love was there but it wasn't enough" isn't true. At first, as somewhat of a Loumand fan (somewhat because I ship mostly because Louis' interest on whoever he likes at the time, so my shipping is fickle) I disagreed.
Louis obviously loved Armand while they dated. Armand literally gives Louis heart eyes and not only for show. They love each other in Dubai. They love each other in San Francisco. They love each other in Paris. It's all there.
But the take said that Loumand's love is not real but a toxic union of victim/abuser dynamic. They pointed out that Armand constantly has the power and after showing us that Armand was not going to save Louis it just makes the gaslight/mind-manipulation even worse.
Which yeah but I feel as though Armand's love wasn't enough in Paris. Armand in this narrative probably saw Louis as a fling and an end to a means of getting rid of Claudia. Even if the love was there and growing it wasn't enough in Paris.
After saving Louis, he finally, finally chooses Louis. Louis is heartbroken in this time over Claudia's brutal and cruel death and still angry. And he has to believe Armand had nothing to do with this because it would hurt more because it would mean Claudia was right. That he gave his heart to another. Chose another over her once again. Even in her death. (Doesn't sound like him)
Louis acknowledges that Armand had nothing to do with it but still holds him accountable (as he should) for not trying to do anything and thus the time in the hotel when they acknowledge that Armand will never be able to make up for his neutrality (no matter how much he pushes the narrative that he could not prevent) But he stands with Armand. He stood by his love for Armand when he warns him to not be there the night he lights shit on fire.
Armand at this time is bare if any sort of coven or companion. He knows how the truth might come to light (that he planned the whole thing) any moment. After the meet Lestat and Lestat says nothing Armand finds himself with Louis. Louis who survived all of this and still despite the grief and anger Louis had chosen him over being alone.
Their love is vine growing no longer on its own but on the metaphorical tomb of Claudia and her absence and how violent she had been removed from Louis' life. Armand had loved Louis but now he has Louis all to himself. Truly.
Buried is Lestat in his grave of disgust and resentment from Louis. He no longer whispers in the Louis' mind. Revealed to be alive but finally dead to Louis in the way that counts. Gone is Claudia who was a fiery thing and a threat to the coven he controlled. Gone is the coven who had shackled him to a job he grew tired of but still did.
He could do anything, he could leave, but he chooses Louis. Even though he knows the love won't be as easy as it was in Paris. He probably thinks Louis would heal from this. The re-learn each other over the years. More dates, I'm assuming. Lots of nights sharing themselves to the darkness and sadness they carry. Armand uses his mind powers here and there. Keep Louis from leaving. Keep Louis alive. The same thing, right?
Then Daniel happens.
And I'm probably thinking that Armand knows a lot of what happened during Loustat I'm guessing Louis doesn't say a lot of it to him. Armand knows from sifting through Louis' mind probably. At the time Louis is going through his lapse of control.
Fucking, killing etc. Armand joins sometimes but not all the time. Then morning comes. And Louis ain't there. And Louis can be killed by the sun. And Louis is probably passed out on the floor, stuffed with drugs he fed to that boy. And he's probably dead. Armand wouldn't know. He wouldn't know, he's not Louis' maker. So he goes to look for him and behold Louis is killing yet another boy. He separates Louis from this drug. It's morning. You could have died. It's morning. You wouldn't have known.
And then he reads their minds and Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat goddamn Lestat. And Claudia. Before. Before Armand. So they lash out at each other. His tongue slips. Claudia never loved you. I love you. I love you. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Don't you see? And Louis goes and he remembers Paris. Everything Armand had worked to erase all coming back because of this boy.
He is hurt. Louis almost died. Armand is angry. Leave me? Leave me?! No. Decades together, Lestat couldn't keep Louis. Armand can. He can prove them all wrong. Lestat. The coven. Claudia.
So he plans to kill the boy. Guilt trips Louis. Calls Lestat to prove that only Armand loves him. But Lestat...Lestat proves him wrong. Armand goes to kill the boy. He can withold this information. Get rid of the boy.
But Louis. Louis wants him to love. A testament to their union. A mockery of what Claudia meant to Loustat. A parallel. But Claudia has died with their relationship. The boy would live. Another proof of their love. A token. A reminder for all they have endured.
But he can't risk it. Louis will remember Paris. The hurt. Louis has left before after he got hurt with Lestat. So he erases it.
Start over. Fix it. Tell him that Daniel will prove fruitful in later times.
So they go on and it's bliss after a hard time. And look at them now. But Louis calls the boy back. He's old. He surveys the interview from afar but Louis is getting emotional. Louis reacts badly. Don't kill Daniel. A testament to our union.
So he takes reign. He wants Daniel gone. They have told their story. Louis uncovers their memories when he is gone. Armand panics. But it's okay. Louis has forgiven. He is on the path to heal. This is healing and on the other side Armand will be waiting. Just like always.
He revels in how romantic it is with Louis. Their past before the death of Claudia. That that love still holds a lot of weight to Louis. It's enough. It's enough.
Then it's over. That's it. There's nothing else.
Then Daniel happens.
And it's over. It's over.
It's over. Do not touch him. Do you understand? If you do I will kill you. Kill you. Kill you.
And Louis leaves. To Lestat. To Lestat.
A testament their union.
But Armand is fond of the boy. He was token of his and Louis' union. Proof that he was loved. Proof that he was chosen. Proof that he too had chosen Louis. Proof that Louis had loved him.
Claudia is dead.
Daniel is alive.
But it's over...he bites Daniel. Let Daniel be undead. Let Daniel haunt them. A testament of their union. A testament of their love. Let the love haunt them. Let it haunt Louis.
So yeah the love wasn't enough but it was there in beginning. It can be said in the beginning. But though the love was wrong and controlling it kept Louis stable. To an extent. Even though it harmed him. I think a better thing to describe it is that: the love was there but it wasn't good, it wasn't healing, it wasn't freedom. The love was a cage. But it was a beautiful cage. And as much as cages keep something inside it keeps a lot of things outside.
Loumand's love grew over time. Much longer than Loustat.
And I think it's one of the reasons Louis goes back to Dubai. He could anywhere else, he has the money. But he stays there. As much as the portrait of Paul and Claudia's dress is testament to all the people he loved Armand is part of the building.
Yeah. So I agree with the take but only so much.
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youneedsomeprompts · 9 months
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requested by: @moondrop-gummies request: Can you do grumpy sunshine where she’s the grumpy but doesn’t believe she can be loved and he’s the sunshine who treats her like she’s the best thing in his life and they’re roommates? Thank you in advance! 🎀
Feel free to use and reblog!
grumpy being unable to accept anything kind that sunshine tries to do for them
sunshine just admiring anything grumpy does
sunshine staying at home despite being invited elsewhere just to spend more time with grumpy
sunshine doing the things around the house that grumpy dreads doing
grumpy being snarky about the nice things sunshine does but they both know grumpy is actually enjoying them
sunshine having endless patience with grumpy because they know/hope that they'll come around eventually
sunshine making sure to tell grumpy that they deserve the world
grumpy warming up to sunshine and being in a bright mood in sunshine's company
grumpy being patient with sunshine and listening to their long, colourful stories but that's the least they can do when sunshine does everything for them
grumpy's love language is telling sunshine that they deserve more (than grumpy could ever give them)
sunshine's love language is showering grumpy with affection until grumpy snaps
grumpy trying to push sunshine away to guard themselves from developing serious feelings
grumpy hyping sunshine up when they find out that sunshine has a crush, not knowing that it's them
^ and immediately changing course when they find out (because sunshine shouldn't throw their love away on someone as undeserving as grumpy)
sunshine not paying any mind to grumpy's self-depricating rants and just keeping up their high level of affection and warmth
grumpy being able to let their guard down and accept the love because of sunshine's unconditional and unwavering support
grumpy 'you're an idiot to choose me' & sunshine 'I would be that idiot in any universe and you love it'
grumpy being seriously worried about sunshine having developed feelings for grumpy ("you can't be sane. you should see a doctor.")
grumpy being the biggest sunshine stan but they adore them too much to be willing to expose them to the madness that means grumpy
sunshine doing everything with grumpy that want but nothing more and nothing less because they know how important it is to respect grumpy's boundaries
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rossithepixie · 10 months
Alrighty since people seem interested in this I guess i'll make it an official post with a an open tag!
What JJK polycule would you be a part of?
For me like I said in my original post I took it twice and the common factor was Gojo in both
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satoru gojo and suguru geto this would be a super chill, deep and fun relationship. i think you’d all be best friends. its the kind of relationship where youre all comfortable with and know each other so well that words arent really even needed. gojo loves you and geto, geto loves you and gojo, and you love them both. you would die for each other. people might not even be able to tell if you guys are together or just close friends, but the answer is: both! you have fun together, no matter where you are or what you do. i feel like you and geto have to take turns being the responsible one; if you and gojo are up to something he’ll gently persuade you not to do something that ends with jailtime, and when he and gojo plan an elaborate, sinister prank on nanami you have to tell them to please leave the poor dude alone. gojo is also the clingiest mf in the world, so youre gonna have to let him cling to you or geto like a koala sometimes. geto isnt as clingy, but will want to just rest with you while reading a book. both of them crave stability, but also fun. oh, and i just see them being protective as hell. theyre the strongest, so you never have to worry about anything happening to you. overall this relationship is just very stable and sweet, and you all love each other more than anything.
(the true otp of my self ships. Roruru)
And a bonus below the cut if you wanna see it without getting it yourself is nanago polycule
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satoru gojo and kento nanami this would be a… kinda chaotic but sweet relationship. you are the middle ground that keeps nanami from killing gojo. they bicker pretty often, and disagree on a lot of things — i do think theyd love each other, though. its just in subtext. when nanami tells gojo to fuck off, its said with love. all jokes aside, i think this relationship would work out well, as long as you can balance them out. sometimes gojo needs someone to be a menace with him, sometimes nanami needs someone who ISNT a menace. gojo will steal both your and nanamis clothes, and also cling to you 24/7. nanami usually pushes him off, so youll have to oblige, otherwise he’ll sulk and ask you when the divorce is coming. he’ll buy both of you gifts all the time, and even if hes annoying sometimes, he loves you; and tries to show it, even when it ends up with him audibly saying ”cringe” afterwards. nanami is more lowkey with his affection, but shows it through acts of service and words of affirmation. he wants to make sure youre not feeling overwhelmed, especially considering youre the one who has to ”put up with gojo” most of the time. they argue and bicker, but the relationship is full of love from all sides.
I can see it but I also think I would be more stressed in this dynamic than I am in my roruru one.
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burr-ell · 2 months
Ppl are so fucking weird about narrative meta and it's solely bc it doesn't cater to ships. The ship isn't the center of the narrative and therefore when we talk abt the story in broad strokes they take any neutral writing observation and treat it like bitter screeing and crazy hate even though frankly speaking I don't think pointing out patterns is emotionally charged
So this ask is almost a year old and I am VERY sorry to the anon who sent it, but it's also interesting to me to consider how things have changed in that time. I got this a couple weeks after Imogen/Laudna became canon and I had been subject to some stan harassment because I disliked it, and after a bit of conversation about the whole thing I just shrugged and moved on. And yet for a not-insignificant portion of the ship's fandom, it feels as though everything that has happened between Imogen and Laudna since then has been just...quietly ignored. (I distinctly recall one of the hateful anons I received lecturing me about how "Im*dna is the heart of the campaign", and uh...how you doin these days, bud?)
Like, I've very recently blocked the majority of loud stan voices on Twitter, but it's telling to me that so many people proclaim to be these deranged fanatics about the ship and yet hardly acknowledge anything that's happened. And it could be that it's because prior to episode 89 nothing interesting had happened, but they still had moments; they had that dance on the pirate ship and the lap pillow and the comforting after the shard incident. But you'd hardly even know those moments happened—everyone's pfp is still a screenshot of Laura from episode 65, the bios all still read #IMOGENTEMULT: "can i kiss you?", and all the fanart is generic hugs or kisses and the occasional buff cowboy Imogen with damsel Laudna. So many emoji combinations include the ring when it's been referenced more often out of game than in it!
And meanwhile, the people who were vocally critical of the ship—many of whom, I think it bears observing, are queer women, women of color, neurodivergent women, or some combination thereof—have been having the time of our lives ever since 3x89 and especially 3x95. We've been asking for conflict the whole time and finally got it and surprise! We're enjoying ourselves! I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone in this corner who's turned into a classic OTP-type shipper, but we're engaging with this narrative and are interested in where it goes because it finally gave us something to do. We're also focused on everything else in the campaign, because it has an intriguing plot, an engaging villain, fun worldbuilding, and five other interesting protagonists.
If you got into the campaign because you wanted to watch a good story, you may have had trouble in the beginning, but if you stuck it out you're probably having a good time vibing with the moon. But if you got into this campaign because you thought the most important thing in the world was making sure Imogen and Laudna end up in their skinnyass white girl cottage baking cookies and shopping for Zhudanna and exchanging the uwu softest of kisses and handholds? You'd probably like very much for the campaign to have ended in July 2023. But it hasn't, and I think the campaign rather forcefully demonstrating once again that it is out of the audience's control is a disquieting thought in those circles. And if you're the type of person who felt Imogen and Laudna's constant fawning and inability to have uncomfortable conversations was not only romantic but aspirational, you're not likely to want to sit with disquieting thoughts.
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seventeenlovesthree · 11 months
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@digimon02countdown Day 7 - What do you love about Digimon Adventure 02?
While my attachment to Digimon started and persisted due to my love to the original Adventure, there are still quite a few things about 02 that always kept me around. I have already hinted at it in previous posts; the relationships, similarities and support between the "older" and "new" Chosen Children, the concept of the multiverse, Jogress evolution (also the fact that my OTP are absolute dads to the kids)... But I'd say the most important aspect for me is the bonding between the characters. And nothing signifies this more for me, nothing is as outstanding, significant and vibrant - as the development of the relationship between Daisuke and Ken.
I would argue that, overall, no relationship gets that much focus, that much visible positive development than these two. And yes, upon getting asked, I will never deny that, in my opinion, there is a sense of romantic tension between them too, but in this post, I just want to write about how fascinating, soothing and beautiful their bond is to me in general.
Their initial set-up is, once again, that of rivals. That is a theme Digimon has always been playing with - but I'd say no other series threw that trope for a loop like this before. On one hand, there is the fact that they're both playing football, even ending up facing each other at a point in the series where Ken is still considered to be that perfect, untouchable genius, good at and with everything, while Daisuke is considered a thick-headed knucklehead, goodhearted, but brash and not really talented in many areas - and yet, he still admired Ken at this point. Then of course, there is the fact that they're on opposing ends, enemies in the Digital World, having brutal, cruel fights against one another as Chosen Child vs. Digimon Kaiser - until the spell breaks, with the Crest of Miracles breaking Ken's curse.
And from now on, the boy - who's responsible for his own Digimon partner's death and the suffering of so many others - will have to face the aftermath of what he's done, dealing with guilt and self-esteem issues, feeling unworthy and unlovable.
But then there is Daisuke - the only one who immediately wants to give him the chance to atone for what he's done. He is not forgiving him right away, but wants him to be able to make up for everything - and with kindness and the persistence to not let him sacrifice himself and die, they achieve the unthinkable: Their Digimon combine, their hearts pound in sync. They seem to be connected in ways that make Daisuke get excited - and scare the heck out of Ken. He thought he didn't have anything or anyone else but his reborn Digimon partner and family, and now there's this boy he used to fight, he used to be enemies with... Who simply wants to be his friend, who wants them to be "partners" and work together.
It's confusing, it's scary. While Daisuke is sure that they're meant to be and fight next to each other, it takes time for Ken to feel ready to take the steps towards him, the others, forming bonds, friendships. But Daisuke being Daisuke makes it so much easier for him to let his walls down, slowly but steadily enabling him to show his gentle and soft side, starting to trust and rely on him as much as he does in return.
And Daisuke? Daisuke is displaying a sense of confidence and comfort that we rarely saw before - he tended to be so focused on impressing others, covering up his own insecurities with cockiness. But his bond with Ken makes all his natural kindness and straightforwardness come through easily. He may appear more simple-minded at first glance, but his heart has the right priorities - and he'll do what it takes to save Ken, from himself, from darkness, helping him to be his true self.
Daisuke doesn't doubt their connection for a second - and that's why it's so important that Ken is still able to shake him. That he has an impact on him like no other. He will give Ken all the time he needs to face his demons, to do the things that are uncomfortable to him - and he'll be by his side all the way.
They are partners, they've got each other's backs. And as long as they don't lose sight of themselves and each other, it will always be this way.
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 month
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Armand instinctively lowering his eyes in submission.
ETA: These are examples of Armand being submissive to Louis in their beautifully healthy D/s relationship. Gtfo with any kink negative tags
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“What’s your otp? Come on I won’t judge”
My otp:
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
*please read the explanations below the poll options before voting*
was thinking about this on my coach home and naturally had to make it into an overcomplicated poll
explanations, disclaimers, etc. under the cut:
until tumblr enables polls with infinite options there is no way for me to account for the entire breadth of human experience here. the categories provided and the examples thereof will not be, and are not intended to be, exhaustive. if you can't find the exact thing you do listed here or you think it falls into more than one category then please use your best judgement to select whatever answer is closest. only choose "something else not covered here" if there is actually nothing even close to what you do listed in the poll (and please elaborate in the tags if this is the case! i'm curious)
i really wanted to include "guy running alongside the moving vehicle you are in" but ran out of options. sorry
if you feel you do two or more of these things in equal measure just pick whatever one answer you want based on vibes
music video: anything you imagine as a standalone, prerecorded visual to accompany the music. this may feature musical performance elements, dance, a narrative, or any combination of the above. if you're imagining your little scene as if it's intended to be viewed on MTV, youtube, etc as the official visual complement to the music, it probably comes under this category
a music video mainly featuring somebody else: this could be you, your blorbos, your self insert OC, another artist you'd like to see cover the song, random actors/celebrities you would cast in the video, etc. whether they are performing the song within the video or not. if the bulk of the "running time" of your daydream is taken up by people who aren't the artist who originally performs the version of the song you're listening to, pick this one
a live performance: this could be in concert (whether a concert version that already exists e.g. imagining taylor swift's eras tour staging when you hear cruel summer, or a version you would like to see), at karaoke, at an open mic night, your acoustic cover that goes viral when you post it on youtube, busking on the street, performing to the other passengers on the bus, etc. could apply to dance as well as singing/music!
a diegetic use in narrative context: imagining the song being performed as a musical number by people in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song in order to accompany or advance said story. this might be imagining the song being performed as one of many musical numbers in a stage or movie musical, or it could be a performance that takes place in universe (like the performances in glee, or scott pilgrim vs the world)
non diegetic narrative use: imagining the song as the soundtrack to a scene in a story that exists beyond the scope of this one song, but it is not being played/performed/heard by the people within the scene. for example, you imagine a fight scene in a movie taking place to this song, or perhaps it would play in the background during your OTP's first kiss if your favourite fanfiction was adapted into a netflix original tv series.
AMV/edit: a video compilation of existing* scenes from a piece of media, put together by a fan and set to music. (*existing might be taken loosely; e.g. you might be imagining an AMV of scenes from a book with no actual visual media adaptation. the main distinction is that here you are imagining the actual editing process of splicing scenes together as a fan project, as opposed to the music accompanying one continuous scene or sequence of scenes - which would come under "non diegetic narrative use" - or the clips being intended as the official visual accompaniment to a song, which would come under "music video".)
an abstract or lyric based visualiser: 2000s core windows media player visuals, a lyric video, anything that focuses more on objects, scenery, abstract patterns, words moreso than People/Fictional Characters/Animals/etc Doing Things To Music
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tennessoui · 5 days
Oooh for the OTP questions, number 57 with the ‘you be the tightrope’ Obikin???
hello!!! thank you <3
[from this OTP list of questions]
57. Who's the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random items into the cart?
ooo in "you be the tightrope, i'll be the safety net" (a/b/o dynamics), anakin is such an unserious grocery shopper that when they were at college, obi-wan restricted them both to one basket (which anakin was instructed to carry) and when that didn't stop anakin's inclination to add random things and sweet treats and cans of chickpeas to their grocery list, obi-wan threatened him separate baskets which only worked because anakin developed a keen hatred for having anything of his separated from anything of obi-wan's if unnecessary. now when they go grocery shopping, obi-wan makes anakin steer the cart and holds onto one of his hands so that he's completely occupied and focused on the mission (the grocery list)
this is all very ironic because anakin is actually the more thrifty of the two of them while obi-wan is prone to court indulgences despite the ticket price. it's just whenever his husband is concerned, anakin tends to lose his head a little bit.
the only exception to this dynamic is well documented (by anakin) and found extremely shameful (by obi-wan): obi-wan tends to add entirely random things to the cart in the week or so preceding his heat
"I know what you're doing," Obi-Wan mutters as he watches Anakin pull a grocery cart out from the bay and turn it towards the store. "And it's stupid. And frankly offensive."
"I'm taking my mate grocery shopping," Anakin replies easily, lifting one of his hands from the cart's bar and wrapping his arm around his omega's waist. "I don't know what's offensive about that, unless you have something against--" he glances down at their written list, "honeycrisp apples and penne pasta?"
Obi-Wan scowls but allows himself to be pulled closer under Anakin's arm. Either he thinks Anakin is liable to throw a fit in the store should he step away, or his own bitchy attitude is more theatric than he's pretending. Probably, knowing him, it's a mix of both.
"You think my heat's approaching," he hisses as they stroll past the herbs and fresh vegetables.
Anakin hums, making a very big point of examining the selection of apples in front of him. "I do," he tells Obi-Wan, also in an undertone because he's not an idiot. "I don't know what that has to do with the grocery store though, baby."
Obi-Wan's cheeks flush a dull red. Anakin's familiar enough with all of his blushes to know this one is from anger, not sweetness.
"You're trying to prove your silly little point," Obi-Wan snaps, lips pulling back from his teeth, and Anakin loves him so much he wants to kiss him by the produce, even when he's all spitting mad and indignant, feathers ruffled and pride wounded. "That I tend to...hoard. Before my heat."
Anakin just stops himself from rolling his eyes. His omega is so stubborn and beautiful and blind to his own instincts half the time. Anakin's been in love with him since he was a kid, since before they even presented. He knows better than anyone else--even Obi-Wan, apparently--how he gets in the week before his heat hits. Ever since they were in high school, Anakin's known to present the omega with a sweet treat or two--or five--as soon as he smells his scent begin to change.
He's given him loose-leaf tea, fresh baked bread, thermoses full of soup in the winter months. Obi-Wan has always accepted all of it, had been known to snoop through Anakin's cupboards in college if he were staying over and hadn't been presented with enough food.
Anakin doesn't think he eats most of it. He just likes to have it around. Near. And so Anakin likes to provide it for him, because he'd give Obi-Wan anything he wanted or needed in the entire world. He'd give him anything he so much as looked at twice.
Which is why grocery shopping the week before Obi-Wan's heat hits has become one of Anakin's favorite activities. For this one brief period of time, Obi-Wan is disinclined to reject Anakin doting on him.
Even if he won't admit it.
"Which is not true," Obi-Wan is saying mulishly as Anakin lets go of the cart's handle to select three of the apples.
"Hm," he says with a very small smile.
Anakin tucks the apples into the cart and then glances at Obi-Wan, leaning over to kiss him on the temple. Again, Obi-Wan lets him.
Anakin loves the week before his mate goes into heat almost as much as he loves the few days of his actual heat.
"It's just, you know. You've put in the cart half a cherry pie, a carton of blueberries, caramel dip, and two packets of pistachios since we arrived, baby." He pauses, blinks, and then makes a show of checking the shopping list even though he knows he risks exile to the living room couch for the night. "And none of that is on our list."
Obi-Wan scowls, and his cheeks redden further. He doesn't make a move to put any of it back though, which is good as Anakin would hate to have to sneak back here a few hours from now just to purchase all of his omega's food cravings in secret.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Hello!! Happy late Christmas! I just love your writing- your soooo talented!! ❤️
I was wondering how the yandere bat boys would react to a (willing) darling being jealous of their "cannon" romantic interest? Like Dick's darling being jealous of starfire or Barbara, Damian's darling being jealous of raven, ect...
...or maybe there's a surprise twist where the romantic interests are also yandere for the darling... and maybe they're not willing to share 😉
I can’t help but imagine that fans of all the heroes ship them with other heroes/heroines (sometimes even the with some of the villains) and the batboys are no exception to this, hence the darling coming across some of the ship/OTP stuff regarding their respective batboy and feeling insecure about it. Maybe they were comfortable with the ‘love interests’ who are the most popularly shipped with whichever batboy but now feel a sense of discomfort when in their presence. Maybe they were even close to said ‘love interest’, more like friends with them but now they can’t help but feel some type of way after seeing everything they’ve seen regarding the ‘love interest’ and their batboy.
Their insecurity and jealousy get the best of them, it would especially weigh on the darling if they themself weren’t a hero or vigilante, able to be out in the field with their batboy and the ‘love interests’. Not only to be able to see the respective batboy and ‘love interest’s’ interactions outside of what they already see and to be able to pick up on what the fans take as more than what it is, but to also be able to connect with their batboy by being a part of the hero and vigilante lifestyle with them.
No matter how much the darling were to try to keep their worries and insecurities to themself, their batboy will find out. There’s not a lot you could keep from them after all.
Dick is pretty close with all his exes but his darling means the absolute world to him and he wouldn’t do anything to mess it up, especially since they are willing. He can come off pretty flirty and that could certainly fuel is darling’s worries but he would never betray them like that, not when he’s already got the bestest thing he could ever wish for (that’s you!). But when Dick picks up on his darling acting a little off, more drawn back and closed off, he knows something’s not right and he doesn’t like it. He’ll try to find out what it is without directly asking his darling, he doesn’t want to set them off or cause them to shut down with him, so he’ll see what he can come up with on his own. He’ll be paying closer attention to you and your behavior. It’s when Kory or Barbara is around that he notices you keeping more to yourself, even when you use to have no problem interacting with and getting along just fine with them before. Once he’s gotten the idea of what’s going on then Dick will sit you down and talk about it. He listens intently while you begrudgingly open up about what’s been on your mind lately. He doesn’t take his attentions off of you for anything and when you’re done talking, probably voicing how stupid you think you sound, he pulls you into a tight hug and just holds you close to him. He’s worked so hard to get you to be where you are with him to begin with, he would never forsake it for anything or anyone. There may have been a past with Kory and Barbara (along with others) but you’re his and he’s all yours now and there’s nothing that could take him away from you. He’ll shower his darling with all the love, affection and spoiling the are more than deserving of. He’ll prove his love to you, every ounce of it but you may not be able to walk for a few days, maybe even a week afterwards.
I could see Dick reaching out to Kory and Barbara for advice on what to do or how to go about talking to his darling, just overall some girl advice. Maybe Kory or Barbara hit him up to ask him about how it went or maybe they had brought it to his attention in the first place. They would particularly be worried if the darling had been on good terms with them only to have started acting a little differently when around them recently. That’s when Dick lets them in on what had been going on, maybe cracking a joke or something about being shared between them and his darling only for Kory or Barbara to joke back that it wouldn’t be him that they wanted. And that they wouldn’t be too into sharing either. Normally that wouldn’t have bothered him if it wasn’t for the the way they said it or the underlying threat to their words. Dick’s ears would perk and he would realize that he’d have to keep his darling real close otherwise Kory or Babs would steal them away from him. Like hell he would let that happen.
Jason is pretty closed off, the only real person outside of Roy, Bizarro, Kory, and maybe Artemis that he felt like he could really try and be himself with was his darling. It took a lot for him to open himself up and bring them into his life, he had been terrified of how they would react, what they would do, if they would leave him but they willingly accepted him and stayed. That was truly the happiest he ever felt. So when his darling suddenly started being withdrawn and staying to themself, Jason was scared shitless that it had finally sunk in and they were preparing to up and leave him. He’d be a little hesitant to confront them, not really wanting to hear the words he’s only ever heard in his nightmares being said for real. But he also knows he just needs to rip the bandaid off, so he confronts you all the while anxiety floods his entire being. He’s mentally and emotionally preparing himself to hear those dreaded words and have one of his worst nightmares play out right in front of him for real, only that’s not what he gets at all. Instead he’s thrown for a loop as you open up about how insecure you’ve been feeling towards Kory or Artemis and how scared you are of him deciding to be with them instead. To say he’s taken aback is an understatement, Jay is completely confused. Albeit, he is relieved that it wasn’t his worst fear but still he was at a loss. Had he done something to make you think that? What could he have possibly done to make you think Kory or Artemis was better than you? Had he not been giving you enough of the attention and love you deserved? What could he do to make this all better? What could he do to make you feel the absolute love and adoration he held for no one else but you? All Jason can do is pull you to him, crushing you to his chest and just clutching you close. God, he thought he was gonna lose you, that he would have to force you to stay but thankfully that wasn’t the case. He was going to show just how much you truly meant to him, so much so that wouldn’t ever question your worth or place in his life again.
I feel like Kory’s or Artemis’ interest/obsession would have been brought up earlier on, probably completely unknown to the darling but Jason was well aware of it. He’d pick up on how much more time and attention Kory was putting into them, how much she constantly wanted to be in their presence. While Artemis would talk about how Jason didn’t deserve the darling, how they needed someone better to take care of them, protect them and love them more than he could. She’d have no problem questioning him and whether he was capable of being what they really needed, or if it was her who should take his place instead and be what the darling could truly count on. Either way, Jason isn’t putting up with it and he will throw hands or pull the trigger. He’s not just going to lie down and let anyone take the best thing in his life away from him.
Tim would pick up on his darling’s behavior pretty quickly. He always watches them out the corner of his eye and is very aware of even the slightest change in them so he’d know something wasn’t right probably before his darling even came to the conclusion themself. Not only would he pick up on something being wrong in general but also what may be affecting them. He’d take up being more outwardly affectionate with them, giving them all his attention and just overall spending more time with them before he confronts them about how they’ve been acting and feeling lately. When you tell him that you’ve been feeling pretty jealous of Stephanie or Cassie recently he can’t help but inquire why. He’s racking his brain trying to think of what he did or when he did it to make you think he would want anything more than a work partnership with either of them. Sure, did he have a past with both girls? Yes, but he had you now and you were all he wanted or needed anymore. You had nothing to worry about regarding Stephanie or Cassie, Tim was all yours and no one could ever come between you and him. But Tim would vow to do better by you, he wouldn’t hold back on showing all his love and adoration for you. You would feel just how much he genuinely and truly loves you, so much so you’ll drown in it all, unable to feel anything other than his love for you.
Now regarding Stephanie and Cassie having their own obsession for Tim’s darling, Tim would be very on edge about it. Just the thought of anyone, let alone people as close to him as Steph and Cassie, taking his darling away from him is enough to give him more anxiety then he’s already got going on. But the thought of his darling being so much happier and better off with either of them is something that would haunt Tim to no end. He’d become insecure himself but he’d do everything in his power to keep his darling away from Stephanie and Cassie, ensuring his darling wouldn’t abandon him for them or anyone else for that matter.
Damian would be similar to Jason in that his darling was one of the few people he felt he could bring his walls down for and open himself up to them. He’s afraid of them realizing how truly damaged he is and deciding to leave him because of it, leaving him alone and heartbroken (not like he’d let that happen). So when he notices them acting unusual, becoming closed off especially towards him, Damian’s immediate thought is that they’re going to abandon him. Something must have finally sunk in or it’s hit them that he’s not worth their time and love anymore. Either way, he’s panicked for what’s about to come but he does the most to keep himself in check cause if you’re going to leave he needs to be quick to act. Damian wait until he’s got you all alone before confronting you but before you can explain yourself he’s already bombarding you with how much he loves you and what all he’s done for you along with other things. How could you think of leaving him when you’ve been the best thing he’s had for the longest time? What did he do to not be enough for you anymore? Did you ever truly love him to begin with? Do you hate him? It would have to take his darling hugging him or kissing him to get him to shut up and once he does they speak up about how they’d been feeling recently, about how insecure they’d become over Raven and his close relationship. Now it’s Damian’s turn to hug/kiss his beloved darling but he’s not doing it so much as to shut them up but out of relief and happiness at the fact that they hadn’t even thought about leaving him. He tells them that he is solely and utterly devoted to them and only them, he couldn’t want for anything more than what they already give him and their mere existence. That he would do absolutely anything for them and that there are already somethings he has done for them that they don’t know about but that’s not here or there. Raven is only a friend and that’s all. His darling is the only beloved in his life and that’s how it will always be. He’d vow to never make them feel like anything less than what they are and they are everything to him. Damian would do anything to prove his complete and utter adoration and devotion to his darling and he is extremely devoted. After everything’s calmed down and the two of you are basking in one another, he would tell you with absolute conviction that if you were to ever leave him, he wasn’t going to give up on you or getting you back. He’s completely serious and you know that but that’s what you love about him.
Damian would feel completely betrayed if he ever knew that Raven was obsessed with his darling and wanted them for herself. Like maybe there could have been some kind of agreement but that’s completely off the table now. He’s well aware of what Raven is capable of but he wasn’t lying when he said he’d do anything for his darling, even if that means putting and end to someone he once called a friend. He wouldn’t want it to come down to that but if it did his darling was of the utmost importance to him and that’s what he would fight for.
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