#look at how soft he is
luciferscowgirl · 1 month
Making love to a mic stand in red light makes so much sense…
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liam-summers · 5 months
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Angel + Smiling around Buffy 🥹
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maxer-blaster · 2 years
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Don't Wormy About Me.
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percytheboykisser · 1 year
i just think he's neat:)
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i love his design so much it's such a pretty design the colors that they chose are spectacular to my pea brain
and the representation!!1!2 SHUT UP ITS SO COOL I LOVE SHIT LIKE THIS
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bacchuschucklefuck · 17 days
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doing chibi is a good design exercise bc it forces u to think on shapes n essential details, essentially thumbnailing ur designs. its also a terrible design exercise bc it ends up looking cute no matter what
#dimension 20#fantasy high#riz gukgak#very specifically class swap bard!riz#mm. I may need tags for all the asides Ive been doing lmao#riz's canon design is so coherent and thematically clean that I genuinely struggle to keep up...#bard!riz's whole thing is working out his identity through abject fear so it kiiiinda makes sense that hes got a different thing going#on every year I guess? like lmao the directive I go into each of these designs with changes vastly#freshman bard!riz has to look extremely nonthreatening. and also make you wanna pick him up and chuck him at a wall#annoyingly inoffensive. slides off your memory pretty much immediately. a void of an experience#crucially Does Not Show Teeth While Smiling#sophomore year bard!riz I have been keeping the like. cameraman direction for#I want him to be swimming in clothes a little bit... he kinda lands at like. 80s/90s shlocky horror protag too which I do like#bc what is season 2 to riz if not a horror story lmao#junior year bard!riz I want to be somewhere between clark kent and tintin#the journalist aesthetics is not so clear and easy to build as the detective or spy aesthetics...#but also I just. really like boy journalist lmao this is the BD blood speaking again#and! I actually do draw his hair differently than in my canon junior year riz stuff. its a bit shorter here so it doesn't#obscure as much of his face#its so funny actually going from drawing canon stuff to class swap esp. with riz bc he's smiling SO much here#and it's 100% trained like its crucial for u guys to know he is equally if not more fucked up as a bard#barely anybody can wrangle him in canon it's already been mostly him keeping himself on track. imagine if he actually learned how to act#mmm. I think these designs are still gonna soft change as I draw them. thats fine we have fun#drawing sophomore year bard!riz for those comiclets was fun as hell. I think on this factor alone I call it a success lol
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meru90 · 1 year
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hc that haitham was a lil blushy mess😣and then 🗿🗿
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dykealloy · 6 months
small aside but y'know how luffy's stupidity is usually met with physical abuse of some kind? anyway. here's law's worst in response to luffy being manipulated by his arch nemesis
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mblue-art · 6 months
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BAD SANSUARY // [14] tears for owl-bones's event !
"...Killer, it just looks like I have running mascara."
"it's such a look though."
messy kisses and post-nuzzles
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rbvcdeluxe · 23 days
every time someone makes good richie lipschitz characterization an angel wins their wings back
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clownsuu · 1 year
i never leave asks but i NEED to say that ur interpretation of wally is the best i’ve seen in the fandom and my absolute favorite hdkgnskgs like hell yea go completely unhinged u tiny fucking freak /affectionate
in love with ur art in general <3
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WHEEZE lmao thanks my guy! I try my best to appropriately display wally to the best of my ability
cw obsessive/possessive behavior
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He’s just a lil silly, maybe even a lil goofy (and dare I say, even a lil quirky-?)
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canisalbus · 1 month
doodle of machete
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ohno-the-sun · 6 months
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
Danny as Fenton takes a hit that no human boy should survive while in a different city (im going crossover here) and just transforms into phantom and pretends to be all sad that he died. Just for a moment. He then proceeds to kick the baddies ass. Claims he got ghost powers and fucks off. Imagine if Captain America or Batman saw this while failing ti protect him, hell or any hero type. Danny doesn’t think much on it and just goes on with his week. Continues being Fenton of course but what if he runs into whatever hero, but out if costume, saw him do that.
“How are you here? And alive?”
Danny holding a smoothie:”uhhhh I made a miraculous recovery”
He just shrugs it off and goes about his day. It isn’t until he finally gets some sleep later that night that he wakes up in a cold sweat realising he now knows their secret identity. “Oh well it’s neat I guess” starts to go back to sleep only to bolt back up “oh god now they know my secret identity”
Meanwhile said hero is too busy trying to figure out how to help this random kid to even be worried about the fact that they outed themselves. Someone else probably points it out to them and has to explain it twice before it gets thru.
#danny phantom#crossovers#dp x mcu#dpxdc#dp x dc#I like to use batman a lot cause his need to protect these kids probably makes him a little stupid#like imagine him in the batcave looking into fenton now and nightwing comes in starts asking about it#only to have to find out that bruce basically told the kid hes batman#except bruce is tired and worried so he isnt getting it#no B I mean like how does bruce wayne know the kid died. only batman saw it#if you are trying to make some sort of joke it’s not working. now please excuse me I have to figure this out#a sigh and facepalm#B imagine what the kid is gonna think when bruce wayne asks him how he is alive but batman watched him die.#slowly bruce stops typing and leans back from the computer#he freezes#eyes widening#a soft but sharp intake#oh#yea oh B geeze you must be tired if it took this long for you to get ut#bruce with his head in his hands realising he just messed up big time#maybe he should get more sleep after all#as for the mcu I would like to think it was hawkeye or hulk#I like hulk cause it’s also a bruce but I like hawkeye more. guy is very comfort character#clint just kid I saw you die now why don’t you explain that#danny giving him nothing till clints like come on it’s kinda messed up letting me think I let a kid die isnt it.#oh poor me loosing so much sleep watching a young boy become a ghost. I could hardly go on#danny rolls his eyes laying it on a little thick arent we old man#gasp! I will have you know I am only (insert haskeyes age here)#geeze you are waaayyy okder than I thought
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Yue Qingyuan and Tianlang Jun having tea together ☕
[Commission for @absolmon!]
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he's in my home he's in my Heart
#translation: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#hello hello hello hellOOOOOOOOO#hes so cute!!!! and the material is So Soft!!!#the urge to fling him as hard as i can at a wall is There!#i wont though. i wouldnt dare#but ohhhh its him <3 the chew toy <3<3 in the. uh. fabric#i didnt expect him to be so firmly stuffed its a Delightful surprise#his little outfit his stupid fuckin cinnamon bun hair AGH i love him#thirty bucks well spent!!!#i cant wait to crochet him a little sweater <3#and a little Home to keep him company <3#oh man oh man Where am i gonna put him...#in the basket??? on my bed?? on a shelf - no! i dont have the room!#maybe he'll bounce around from spot to spot!#photos from the bog#welcome home#gotta say i really do love how it kinda looks like his ascot is strangling him#i looked to see if i could loosen it lmao is he breathing alright!!!!#cant wait to have extensive staring contests with him <3#finally... someone who wont look away or find eye contact Uncomfortable...#i will admit im already obsessed with holding his tiny soft hand#AGH he's so <3<3<3 he's soooooo <3<3<3<3#thank you makeship for the opportunity to have him physically in my life#thank you clown for creating him & letting makeship turn him into a marketable plushie he's Everything. 100000/10 absolutely phenomenal#MAN i cant believe he's here!!!!#it feels kinda unreal! like! Wally Darling! in my house! My House!! holy shit!!!#hearts on his soles and everything!#oh and as a bonus he arrived in a wonderful little canvas Bag#i do love me a bag... extra thank you to makeship for the bag. new bag <3 i'll put things in it <3
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