#in case you didn’t know - I’m a mic stand
luciferscowgirl · 1 month
Making love to a mic stand in red light makes so much sense…
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suugarbabe · 4 months
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Rockstar!Sirius Black has me in a chokehold. I’m obsessed with my wife @finalgirllx and thankful for the work she put in for me for these two edits and I hope everyone is pulling their hair out at them as much as me.
This little blurb is for my second wife @thatdammchickennugget ‘s hogmarch challenge.
Prompt: fire whiskey / are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk
Warnings: fluff; mentions of bar/drinking;
You don’t really know how you got here. At this party that is. One day your muggle friend is begging you to come to a concert with her. Two weeks later she has you sleeping on a side-walk waiting to get in. “I really want to get barricade,” she says. And you love her so you comply. When you manage to get it, you’re just as shocked as she is. Arms crossed on the bar, elbows hanging over the barricade as music plays from the speakers while everyone waits for the band to appear.
You assume it’s a four person group; you see a drum set, a keyboard, a guitar with a mic stand and a bass guitar. You’re wracking your brain for the name of the band, your friends mentioned it probably a million times in the last hour alone but you’ve been so focused on not a Avada-ing any of the other millions of girls around who seem to want to keep pushing against your back to get closer to whoever this band seems to be.
It’s when the curtain falls that your heart nearly stops. It had to be a coincidence, right? The fact that this band happens to have the same name as the infamous group of pranking boys from your school years. But all your nervous fears are confirmed when they start strolling on to the stage, you recognize the others in an instant, but the one that catches your eye most intensely slings the guitar over his shoulder, a shit eating smirk gracing his lips as his tucks his hair behind his ear.
“Blimey, what a turn out, yeah lads?” The guitarist turns slightly where he stands, glancing at his friends behind him who are all nodding and shouting, pumping their fists in the air with the screams of fans in front of them. The guitarist turns back towards the crowd, eyes scanning over the sea of people until they come to the front and lock with yours. Your friend besides you starts shaking with giddy excitement as he speaks his next words into the mic, her arm hooking with yours. But you can’t tear your eyes away from his piercing gaze, “In case any of you’ve forgotten, we’re The Marauders and-”
Being barricade had its benefits because you heard the drummer shout, “Oi, Pads, get on with it, will ya, let’s give em a show, yeah?” Sirius laughs into the mic and your thrust back to being seventeen and pining after the long haired boy at the back of your advanced potions class. “Alright, Prongs, don’t lose yer head, mate. Who’s ready to fucking rock out?” Sirius strummed his guitar and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams. The entire concert was a bit of a blur. One because you didn’t know any of their songs, but two because it seemed like any time Sirius looked towards the front of the crowd, he looked right at you, and your friends and the girls surrounding you seemed to lose their mind at the concept.
When the concert finally ended you watched your old classmates take in the cheers and praise. James threw both his drumsticks into the crowd, Remus tossed a few picks as well. Reggie stepped from behind the keyboard, taking his setlist with him and passing it to the security guard to give to a random girl. Sirius, however, seemed to have a different plan. The girls around you seemed to be panting with anticipation as Sirius took a marker from a stage hand and laid down on his stomach, pulling the cap from the marker with his teeth before writing on his setlist on the ground. Capping the pen, he pulled the setlist off the ground slowly, folding the tape over the edges before folding the setlist into fours.
What really made everyone around you go into a frenzy was Sirius jumping down from the stage and walking straight up to you at barricade and holding the paper towards you with a smile. “Here,” Sirius grabbed your wrist, placing the folded setlist into your hand, “open it when you leave the venue. Was nice seeing you again, love. S’been too long since the last time.” Sirius then turned his attention to the people around you, shaking hands and signing a few autographs but it all sounded muffled to yours ears as it seemed like all the blood was rushing to your head as you were rushing out of the crowd, you friend close behind.
“Uhm, hello? Are you gonna tell me what the fuck that was back there?” You were walking as fast as you could without sprinting, your friend hot on your heels. “Y/n/n!” You turned abruptly to face her, her stopping roughly in her tracks. “What!” You were nearly screaming before taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry, erm, I’m sorry. I just…I haven’t seen those guys in a long time and it was just a little…overwhelming.” Your friend nodded, the grin never leaving her face, “How do you even know them, can we open the letter now, what does it say?”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the note from your pocket. Unfolding it you finally answered her questions, “We went to school together, believe it or not they were very popular and I was…well…not. I had a few classes with the others and well Sirius was…friends with some of my friends, let’s say. Honestly I didn’t even expect him to recognize me once I realized they were the band we were seeing and…” your thoughts and words seem to die on your lips as your eyes scanned the setlist in your hands, Sirius’s sloppy scrawl strewn across in black marker. Your friend raised her eyebrows impatiently, turning your hands towards her so she could see what had you at such a loss, a gasp leaving her as she did so. “Is that a fucking address…”
So maybe you did know how you got to this party, your friend begging and pleading until you agreed to go. “It’s only polite, he did invite you after all,” she had said. You knew her agenda was more so to gain an opportunity to see the boys up close, so you didn’t argue when as soon as you entered the private bar she immediately went on the hunt. You, on the other hand, went straight for a drink, or two, or four. You were working on yet another firewhiskey when a rough voice spoke your last name from behind you. Turning around, you attempted to control your blush, “Black. Long time no see.” You did your best to keep your tone casual, like your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest.
Per expected Sirius was nothing but charming and smooth, “I didn’t expect to see a friend in the crowd tonight, you caught me slightly off guard I have to admit.” You clasped onto your drink with both hands, hoping the coolness of the glass would offset the heat that was rapidly spreading through your body, “You consider us friends? I didn’t even think you’d recognize me.” Sirius’s gaze turned what you could only describe as tender, “I would’ve failed Advanced Charms if you hadn’t put up with me for two whole terms. If spending endless weeks in the library didn’t make us friends, what then developed between us, nothing?”
No, just my raging school girl crush on you is all. You shook your head, mouth opening and slightly stammering, no explanation coming to mind. “Pads, you’re not scaring y/n/n away are you? Gonna make us not see her for another three years again?” Sirius huffed a slightly annoyed breath, “Yeah, Moony, the reason we haven’t seen her is strictly my fault, not that our band took off or anything.” Sirius jabs a thumb over his shoulder as he glances back at you as if to say, the nerve of this guy. “She didn’t even think I’d recognize her, or considered us friends! Can you believe that?”
The taller boy greeted you with a warm and familiar smile, the scar stretching over his top lip thinning with the action, “Well I certainly don’t blame her for the latter. But we’re still friends, aren’t we, dove?” Remus took a step forward, wrapping you in a tight and friendly embrace. “Hi, Rem,” you mumbled just loud enough over the bar music. Remus was gruffly pulled away from you to reveal a pouting face with glasses and a mop of curly hair, “Not consider us friends? Did seven agonizing years of potions together mean absolutely nothing to you?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the dramatics, “Hi, Jamie. ‘ve missed you.” You open your arms for a hug and are quickly embraced in a bear-like squeeze, “Missed you too shortcake. Been too long.” A second body joins your hug from behind, “Yeah, it’s been too long.” James pushes him off before letting you go, “Whydya have to do that Reg, you ambushed my hug.” Regulus opens his mouth to argue when a throat clearing catches all of your guys' attention. You turn to see your friend clearly doing her best not to freak out at the scene before her. You turn the the boys, pushing your friend slightly in front of you, “Guys this is my friend Órlaith. She brought me to your show. Big fan, her. Órlaith, this is Reg, Jamie, Rem and Sirius.”
The four boys all flashed award winning smiles while your friend managed a meek ‘hi’ and a slight wave. “So you didn’t just have classes with them, you were friends with the fucking Marauders,” Órlaith wacked your arm, causing James and Regulus to burst out in laughter. Remus leaned in close to your friend, a hand shielding one side of his mouth while pointing a thumb back at James, “Y/n/n, here actually helped make sure this one graduated on time.” James crossed his arms in mock offense, “Is he talking shite love? Moony, don’t fill her head with lies we’ve only just met.”
Sirius slung his arm over her shoulder, whispering in her ear, “Actually, I’d like to catch up with Y/l/n. You mind if I steal her for a moment? Think you can watch these gits, keep them in line for me while I’m away?” She gave a timid nod and Sirius flashed her his knee weakening grin. Remus shot Sirius a knowing look, one you completely missed as you were too busy focusing on Sirius lacing his fingers in yours and dragging you towards a roped off section of the bar. You tried to will your palm to not be clammy as you downed the last of your drink, setting the glass on a passing table. As Sirius led you up the few steps and past the velvet rope he settled you both down at a table in the corner.
With a wave of his wrist the music and sound of the crowd disappeared. “See? A perfect silencing charm. Wouldn’t have been able to do that without your help in years past, friend,” Sirius emphasized the last word, wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed slightly, eyes rolling, “Yes, I’m very proud of you. However, that hasn’t stopped the gaggle of girls staring at us.” You motioned toward at least four women you could see clearly shooting daggers your way at a private talk with the leading man. Sirius shrugged his shoulders, eyes never leaving your direction, “I don’t care about them, my focus is on you.”
Your face seemed to stay in a permanent state of blush with Sirius’s full attention solely on you. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Did you really not consider us friends all those years? I mean, I thought we were pretty close. If I recall we’ve drunkenly fallen asleep on a few couches and floors together. Who else does that besides very good friends?” You nervously summon a drink before you, taking the glass and trying to hide half your face behind it while you take a long gulp. Your eyes scan over Sirius’s face, taking in the changes, or lack thereof, from the last time you saw him.
He still has that same boyish charm, that grin the tends to sneak onto his face when he knows he’s being charming. His hair is still gorgeous, long and flowing, though maybe slightly greasier than your school years, but you’re sure that’s part of his rockstar aesthetic. His forearms now adorn multiple tattoos and from what you know of Sirius there’s probably more hidden elsewhere. He had a few more piercings now, and his jawline was more refined now that he was no longer a teenager, but what remained exactly the same was always your favorite part of him; his eyes.
Sirius always had the most captivating eyes; a deep russet brown that seemed to change with his mood and whether he was telling the truth or not. Either that or you had just spent so much time staring at him you began to figure out his tells without anyone else realizing. “You’re telling the truth, you really considered us good friends didn’t you?” Sirius laughed lightly, looking down at his lap before meeting your eyes once more, “Yes, I’m telling the truth.” You shook your head, “That wasn’t a question, it was a statement, I can tell when you’re lying. I just can’t believe you’re being serious.”
“Well I’m always Sirius, darling.” You rolled your eyes at his favorite pun, going to bring your drink back to your lips. Sirius, however, had other plans, stealing to glass from your hands and downing the rest himself. You opened your mouth to scold him but he got his words out first, “How can you – blimey, love no mixer really? Merlin’s fucking beard – how can you tell when I’m lying? I like to think I’m quite subtle at hiding the truth.” You sat up a bit straighter, tucking your legs underneath you on the couch. Normally you would never admit anything, especially not to Sirius himself, but your filter seemed to be turned off thanks to the many firewhiskey’s now running through your system.
You leaned your elbow on the back of the couch, facing Sirius now with your head resting against your fist, “Your eyes turn a shade or two darker when you’re lying. Normally they’re just this beautiful deep brown color that looks like the sun is shining directly on them, even when you’re inside and there’s not even a window in sight. But when you’re lying it’s like all the mischief you’ve got cooking in your brain is overheating and it deepens the color.” If you weren’t feeling so tipsy you probably would’ve noticed the deep blush that spread over Sirius’s cheeks. But being himself he couldn’t let you stop there, “What else have you seemed to notice over the years, huh sweet girl?”
Subconsciously you knew you’d regret it in the morning, but your ability to stop your mouth from rambling seemed to be null. “You tend to chew on your top lip when you’re concentrating, not the entire thing, just one of the corners. You did it tonight during your guitar solo, which was actually pretty fantastic. I'm very proud of you, Siri. And I only noticed you do that because it’s different from other people, usually people bite their bottom lip, but you bite your top,” Sirius touched his top lip with his fingertips as you continued, “And I know when you’re laughing just to be polite and when you’re laughing for real because your fake laugh is this polite little chuckle where you nod your head to make the other person think you’re really paying attention, but your real laugh is so much better. You throw your head back, and your hair falls from your face and it’s real hearty and deep and your smile stays bright for moments afterwards.” You let out a long sigh, your eyes keeping this distance look to them like you were recalling an exact moment for each aspect you just described. “Merlin, I was just so in…I just had the biggest crush on you back then.”
Sirius blinked a few times in disbelief, shaking his head and trying to clear his thoughts because there was definitely no way he heard what he just thought he heard, “I’m sorry, love. Are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk?” You scoffed slightly, “Excuse me?” Sirius quickly held his hands up in defense, “No, no! I just meant that – oh for Godric’s sake, I’m gonna muck this up I just know it–” You grabbed his wrists, effectively stopping his spiraling tangent, “Sirius!” He looked up at you, eyes meeting yours and just like you said, they looked like the sun was hitting them directly despite being in the back corner of a dark bar, “I never needed help with charms.”
Your face contorted in confusion, “Sorry, erm, what?” Sirius closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes once more, making sure you were looking back at him so you would see he was telling the truth, “I never needed help with charms, I would fuck up spells on purpose because I wanted to spend more time with you.” You shook your head, “But Remus said…”
“I lied to Moony,” Sirius cut you off, “Well, I tried to lie to him at first. I told him I was failing and I asked him to ask you to be my tutor but the bloody git knows everything, saying shit like ‘I know you’re at the top of our class Sirius meh meh meh’, so I asked him to lie for me.” You shook your head, “Why would you do that?” Sirius placed his hands on either side of your face, your hands still holding his wrists, “Because I had an insanely huge crush on you that I kept trying to deny and Moony could see it a mile away. I’m surprised you missed it with everything else you seemed to notice.” You smiled at him, a real genuine relaxed smile, then he spoke again, “Past tense probably isn’t the right usage. After seeing you tonight, I can humbly admit that all those feelings are very much still here. You believe me, don’t you?”
Sirius tilted your head up so you were looking directly at him. He widened his eyes dramatically, staring at you intensely and causing you to giggle. You squinted your eyes at him briefly, making it look like you were really studying him, “Hmm..clear as day. Yes, Siri, I believe you.” Sirius let out a long breath, “Thank merlin, because I’ve been dying to do this since I was on stage.” Sirius’s lips met yours with a gentle fervent, intensifying only when you fisted the front of his t-shirt, pulling him harder into you. You pulled apart only when you were short of breath, both panting heavily. “Remus is going to lose his mind,” Sirius chuckled, grin never leaving his face. You glanced over his shoulder, flicking your wrist and breaking the silencing charm only to be met with cheers and whistles so loud they floated over the rustle of the bar, “I think he already has, they all have.” Sirius turned, seeing his friends and bandmates making their way over. He turned back to you, a cheeky grin on his lips, “Okay, kiss me again, just once more before they get here. Once they do I just know James is gonna talk your ear off about the whole thing.” You giggled, biting your bottom lip before grasping the back of his neck, pulling his lips towards yours once more.
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elisysd · 4 months
3. Wonder why you took a risk on a broken heart you cannot fix
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Purple Irises - Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton 
Another DNF. On a track he loved and had witnessed him achieving great performances. But now, being out after not even a corner, it was painful. He knew he couldn’t have done anything to avoid it but still, it was a bitter feeling. And a feeling that didn’t go away when he saw you waiting for him, your mic ready. He hadn’t talked to you ever since that day at the restaurant, didn’t ask for your number, didn’t ask for your social media, didn’t ask for anything and a part of him regretted it. Kind of. He had promised to show you not everyone was untrustworthy but didn’t even think to ask for a means to contact you. He knew it was stupid but he hated empty promises. He was man of his word and to think he could let you down like everybody else was unsettling for him. 
He moved to you, Silvia by his side and gulped, bracing himself for a petty question that surprisingly didn’t come through.
“A very sad day for you Charles, can you tell us what happened with Lance?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been able to watch the images yet but I guess he thought he had space and clearly, it was not the case.”
“Two DNF in three races, it’s not the start of the season you hoped it would be. What are your plans for now?”
“See what went wrong and try to learn from it with the team. That’s the best we can do and we will come back stronger next time.”
“Thank you Charles.”
As she was cutting her microphone he saw you looking at him.
“I’m sorry about the race. Truly.”
“No teasing this time?” he asked, surprised.
“I’m not a heartless monster.” you replied as Silvia pushed him to go talk to other media.
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The meeting with her team went nice. They talked a bit about race, debriefing each other's interventions of the day and looked at what they should have done better. You were happy when Marion told you that you had improved, your questions sharper and more precise, and happy, you had decided to wander the paddock in search of new information or to meet interesting new people. That is something you’ve always liked to do, hanging out somewhere to get the atmosphere and to have conversations with people who could provide you with new enlightenments about contracts, performances or any changes inside the teams. You had learned it while being in New-York, during one of your internships while you were covering  basketball games where your boss had told you to let your ears wander. A few words that you were clinging onto. Near the Mercedes hospitality, you had not expected to run into Mick who was coming out of it, a bottle of water in his hands. Out of habits you smiled at him, giving him a little nod which he took as an invitation to talk to you.
“Hey! I saw you around, right? The new interviewer for French TV?”
“That should be me, yes. Y/N, nice to meet you.” you greet him.
You found it surprisingly easy to talk to Mick. The discussion flowed, laughter could be heard from the other side of the paddock and soon the sun was setting. He was friendly, caring, and offered her to sit somewhere so they didn’t have to stand in the middle of the way.
“You know, I’m going to a bowling place tonight with some friends. Do you want to tag along?”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s very professional of me.” 
“No pressure, of course. The offer stands but we all need to let go from time to time.” he added, winking at you before leaving.
You spent another half an hour debating with yourself on whether or not you should go. You could use some friends for sure, and Mick is not a bad guy, you know it.  He doesn’t have any hidden agenda behind his kindness, he just genuinely wants to get to know you and be your friend. And you saw how some journalists are buddy-buddy with the drivers, including in your own team. So why couldn’t you? You took a deep breath and decided that for once, you would have fun. And it had been a while since you had gone to a bowling area. You quickly went back to your hotel room to change into more comfortable clothes and you met Mick there. You recognised Esteban there as well and you were not surprised, you knew the two drivers were closed. 
You had fun. More fun than what you expected coming here. You sucked at bowling but it didn’t stop you from laughing. You also enjoyed Esteban’s calm confidence and how laid back he was. You told him you felt sorry about his crash with Pierre, Alpine could have realized something amazing out there.
“I know, I’m gutted. It’s not the start of the season we hoped it would be, for sure. But the season is long, so we have time to improve.”
“I’m sure it will keep on being better, Esteban. Trust your team.” Mick said, coming to them, a grin on his face. He sat down next to you before turning his head in your direction. “I’m glad you decided to come. I wasn’t sure you would.”
“I’m happy I did, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this relaxed.” you confessed. “I don’t have many friends, I’m not good at making connections.”
“Well you have us, now.” Mick shrugged.
“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll betray you?”
“Do you intend to?”
“No.” you admitted after a few seconds.
“Then it’s all good.” he smiled.
“You trust people easily, you know. A little too easily.”
“A few years ago, I wasn’t like that. I was doubting everyone and everything. I thought people only wanted to be around me because of my dad and not because of me. And then I decided to stop caring because usually those people end up leaving at the first obstacle. It’s better to give people a chance than being closed off. My friends are basically my second family, my home away from home. I’m a family guy, it’s tough for me to be away from them, so that’s why my friends are so important.”
“I’m not that close to my family.” you confessed and your heart wrenched at the thought.
“Because of your job?”
“That and I made a few mistakes in the past that really altered our relationship. And a lot of regrets, mostly about my brother. When you’re halfway across the world, it’s tough to be there when he needs you most. I should have been there for him.”
“It’s never too late to fix things.”
You gave him a sad smile and a shrug. You don’t want to bother him with your complicated family’s stories. And frankly, you don’t want to think about them.
“I understand you know, the regrets. I have so many when I think about my dad. I’ve never told him I loved him enough,  I should have told him everyday. I even regret things that are so far ahead in the future, like my wedding, my first kid… I often think about how he won’t be completely there to see all of that.” he bitterly said. 
“At least he is there. Even if it’s not how you want it.”
“I guess.”
When you ended up leaving, after this very heartfelt conversation, you felt somehow relieved. Maybe he was right, you didn’t have to assume the worst about people. You took your phone out of your pocket and looked at your lock screen. A picture of you and your brother. You smiled tenderly, you missed him. 
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Coming back to Paris and to your flat felt weird after such magical weeks. The gloomy weather made you regret the sun on your skin and you definitely didn’t miss the messy public transportation. Your days were filled with preparing the next races, organizing a few livestreams here and there where you invited fans to talk about the first few races of the season. And thanks to your connection at Alpine and the good relationship you had started to build with the drivers you even managed to get an interview from Pierre where you get to talk about his first weeks in his new team. It had been a nice and chill discussion more than an interview and you were happy to see that people had liked the concept and hoped you would keep it going with other people.
Despite how happy you were feeling about your week, it had still been a busy one and you couldn’t wait to go home and hop in your shower to relax before going out again to meet your best friend in a nice parisian restaurant. You arrived earlier than her and got to your table as the waiter gave you the menu and asked if you wanted to drink something. You ordered a Martini and started to wait for her, scrolling on your phone to pass the time. But as if fate had decided to play with you tonight, right when you decided to lift your chin, you saw him entering the restaurant. Charles Leclerc. And in good company if you could judge by the brunette walking right behind him. A date you thought to yourself. You unconsciously sat further down in your seat in hope he wouldn’t recognise you. You couldn’t help but give him little glances, your curiosity getting the best out of you. It didn’t last long, though, as your friend soon arrived and Charles wasn’t in your mind anymore.
“You have so many things to tell me and I have so many questions for you!”
You laughed. She has always been your number one supporter no matter what you were going through in your life. You didn’t expect anything else from her. Happily, you told her everything, even the slightest detail.
“So, who is the hottest? And is there anyone who is single?” she whispered to you as if you were both part of a gigantic conspiracy.
“I don’t know, I don’t really think about it. And I don’t have the mental space for that.”
She knew what you were implying. She knew all too well. She put a hand on yours and squeezed it gently before diverting the discussion to a lighter topic. The conversation flowed until your friend received a call. She quickly apologized to take it in a quieter space and came back a few minutes later, biting her lip, visibly worried.
“I got a call from my mom… my grandmother fell at home and she hit her head. She is at the hospital… I’m sorry I have to cut our dinner short, but…”
“Dont. I understand. Go.” you reassured her as she threw her arms around you and kissed your cheek before making her way out.
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He was fed up. Clearly, he was not having the time of his life. The girl right in front of him had been sent by Ferrari and Silvia in another attempt to set him up with someone. No pressure, she had told him, she just wanted him to meet her and who knows? Maybe they would hit it off. And if it wasn’t the case, then she would leave him alone. For now. So he had agreed, a few weeks of peace seemed like a good option.
But he was bored out of his mind. The girl, who seemed nice, he had nothing against her, was agreeing to everything he was saying and was waiting for him to hold the conversation. He hated that. He needed someone who could challenge him, someone who didn’t care about who he was and clearly the brunette in front of him wasn’t what he wanted. They weren’t even at the main course that she had already mentioned the growth of her following and the new opportunities being seen with him would bring her, if they decided to date. He hated it. And he didn’t intend to spend one more minute in her presence. When the waiter came to take their order, he looked him straight in the eyes.
“You know, come to think of it, I’m not hungry. Can I have the bill instead?”
He knew it was a dick move, and if his mother would hear of it she would most certainly give him an earful. But it would still be more enjoyable than sitting there. He apologized, quickly made sure that the girl knew he had no interest in going out with her another day and made his way out to pay. That’s when he noticed you, alone, sipping on your drink. He could laugh. Out of all places, he had to cross your path. As if acting on their own, his feet carried him to your table.
“Fancy, seeing you here.” he said, making you look up. He expected to see a surprised look on your face but it wasn’t the case. You didn’t take your eyes off of him, making him slightly uncomfortable. “What are you doing here, all alone? A date who hasn’t shown up?”
“I was supposed to meet my friend but she couldn’t stay for long, an emergency came up. So here I am, sipping my drink, alone. It’s okay. I’m enjoying my very own company. And that very tasteful assortment of pastries. I most likely won’t be able to eat that alone, though.” you shrugged, putting a piece of chocolate cake in your mouth.
“You know, I’m in a mood for sweet… care to share?”
You were about to offer him to sit with you when he quickly recalled that his date was still there.
“Actually, would you mind getting a doggy bag and going elsewhere to eat? I kind of want to get the hell out of here.”
“Your date wasn’t that good, I assume then.” you said as a matter of fact.
“How did you…”
“I have eyes. I saw you.”
“You saw me…” he repeated, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I was facing the door.”
And suddenly he felt stupid about trying to see a deeper meaning in her words than what she intended to.
Out of the restaurant, they both wandered along the docks, enjoying the fresh air and the almost empty streets, the bag of cakes between them as they were sharing in a natural way. Almost as if they had done it all their life. Charles told her all about his very bad date and enjoyed making her laugh.
“Glad to see my very poor and inexistent love life is entertaining.” he smiled.
“It really is. I mean, look at you. You have the fame, the money, the good looks you could have anyone you wanted and here you are, having the exact same issues as us common people.”
“Believe it or not, but dating has become harder and harder the more famous I become. Whatever that means. We are all searching for the same thing, at the end of the day and famous or not. We want someone to complete us. Someone we feel good with.”
“Yeah, it’s not easy to find.”
“Clearly not.”
They kept walking in silence, enjoying each other’s company.
“I’m shocked you don’t try to pry or snoop around. You could ask so many questions about the season and try to get insides… but you don’t. Why?”
“I’m outside of my job hours. Right now, I’m just Y/N and not Y/N the very insufferable journalist. And you hate my questions, it’s me who should be shocked that you want to hear them.”
“I don’t hate them, I just don’t understand why I seem to be the only one to be on the receiving end of your bluntness. Every freaking time.” he defended himself.
You let out a sigh.
“They are legitimate questions and they are always validated by the team before being asked, if something was out of line they would tell me and I wouldn’t ask them.” you simply said.
Charles felt that there must be something else, something she wasn’t saying but they didn’t know each other well enough for him to dare ask her. From the corner of his eye, he saw her repressing a yawn.
“It’s late, do you need someone to drive you back home safely?” he asked.
“No.” she immediately said. “I mean, it’s kind of you, really. This whole hour talking felt nice but I’m not sure it’s something that should have happened. I know I can make friends with drivers, and some journalists do it, but I don't think I can, personally. That’s just not how it works for me. It would make my job harder and I need a clear mind to focus.” you tried to explain, perfectly aware of how hypocritical you sound.
“Do you say the same things to all drivers or do I receive special treatment?”
You opened and closed your mouth. You didn’t want to lie to him and somehow he read it in your eyes that it’s not that you didn’t want to have friends among the drivers. You just didn’t want to be his friend. And somehow it hurt more than what he expected.
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Author's note: Happy first GP of the season! To celebrate it, here's the new chapter! I hope you liked it.
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Taglist: @itsjustkhaos @thirstylion @cmleitora @charizznorizz @sltwins @boherahpsody @herondalism
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chocoyeo · 1 year
Lucky [j.yh]
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>> jeong yunho x reader >> fluff, cozy, soft, really super very tender, college au, i'm in my yunho feels rn and i want him to be one of my classmates wtf >> wordcount: 1.7k -> it's another boring day in uni, you're exhausted and distracted but you're lucky yunho is with you to keep you company !! <3 [little short story, nothing much happens but hehe] <-
[8:40 a.m]
-Hey! ‘Morning, morning…!
-...Good morning.
-Thaaat… didn’t sound convincing at all. Are you really having a good morning?- Yunho’s sweet voice reached your ears like some sort of lullaby. Although it was only nine in the morning, you felt like taking a nap, again. The one you took on the subway on your way to university wasn’t enough.  
You were feeling quite slumpy for no reason in particular, and your friend had now made it his problem, too. 
-What if we–
-No, Yunho. No skipping lectures…- you tried to sound responsible even though that thought has been lingering in your mind for at least three hours.
-Woah, that’s what you were thinking about? I was gonna suggest to go grab a coffee but if skipping class is what you really want to do then…- he giggled, his eyes searching for yours while the two of you were heading to class: the thought of spending the following hour and a half stuck in a room with other 80 students didn’t really excite you that much. You were glad that Yunho was there to keep you company, though. 
Since you still had some time before the lecture started, the two of you quickly grabbed a drink from the vending machine: a really bitter canned coffee and a really sweet peach ice-tea. What a duo… 
-Hopefully your way too sweet ice-tea won’t make you straight up fall asleep in class.
-Shush, at least it’s not whatever abomination you keep getting.
-It’s just coffee–
-I’m sure you’re the only one in this whole university that buys that.
-Oh well… more for me then, heh!- he shrugged, a faint smirk painting his lips before he took a sip of his drink. The two of you quickly arrived in class and found two seats, your hands swiftly taking out your laptop from your bag, sipping on your drink while waiting for it to turn on and load your notes. The professor hadn’t arrived yet so the room was filled with a lot of chattering, giggles and mumbling; students were gradually filling the seats around you and you found yourself leaning your head on Yunho’s shoulder out of boredom. 
-Yunho, I really don’t want to be here…
-Mh? Do you want to skip? The prof is not he– oh! Nevermind, he’s just arrived.
You scoffed, trying not to laugh too loud at the perfect timing of his comment. Shaking your head slowly, you fixed yourself on the really uncomfortable chair and took one last sip of your drink. as you brought your whole focus to your laptop, the way-too-calm voice that your professor used whenever he had a lecture started to fill your ears. You sighed, probably trying to conceal a possible yawn from leaving your mouth, and threw a quick glance at Yunho, sitting on your right: he was carefully taking notes on his notebook– his handwriting wasn’t the best, but you had always found it quite adorable, the way he would somehow crouch while taking notes, his hand quickly moving on the book, his pencil case storing a whole army of blue pens and blue pens only, besides one yellow highlighter and a pencil.
The professor’s soporific voice echoed in the room (since he had decided to use the mic to be heard better) along with the typing sounds of people taking notes on their laptops. You tried to stay focused, yet your mind was wandering away way too easily, and you didn’t know why: so many thoughts flooded in, the main one being a really strong need to just stand up and leave that damn lecture. You sighed once again, and you suddenly felt someone tapping on your arm.
It was Yunho: his eyes were not hiding the obvious concern and worry he was feeling towards you– but you just couldn’t even explain how come you were feeling so blue that day. Maybe it was the ugly weather? The heavy gray clouds you spotted on your way to class that morning? Or the fact that you had stayed up all night playing games and not winning a single match…
You shook your head and tried to bring your focus back to your laptop screen: that half-empty document page was waiting for some new words to be inserted, and your heavy hands tried to type in whatever the professor was talking about, although tiredness was getting the best of you. Yunho tapped once again on your shoulder, this time he offered you his pencil: you accepted it, now holding it in your hand and not really knowing what to do with it. Yunho lightly pushed his notebook towards you, leaving a blank spot available for you to doodle on. A smile painted your lips while you started to quickly draw some little silly characters, moving to writing random comments and words, and then switching to writing Yunho’s name in various fonts: whenever you completed one, you would leave a quick “dummy ~ “ right next to it just to move on to the next font.
You had obviously abandoned your notes, although you tried from time to time to type in something –some concepts or quick important things– but your attention would move back to Yunho’s notebook quite easily: your eyes and mind were absorbing every letter and drawing you left in that blank space that, well, wasn’t blank anymore. You weren’t aware of the way Yunho had been looking at you the whole time: his eyes softened the moment you accepted the pencil, his lips were curved in a sweet smile and he silently admired every drawing you had left on that page while he carefully took notes without disrupting your little masterpiece.
Once he had to turn the page, though, he lightly tapped on your hand with a finger: you didn’t pay much attention to it for a moment, probably because you were so bored of that lecture and so absorbed in your little world that you weren’t paying attention to anything or anyone at all at that point. His finger traced random lines on your knuckles before you finally stopped and looked at him, giving him a few seconds to turn the page and resume with his notes. You silently apologized, leaving a little smiley right next to the few words he had written. 
The moment you heard your professor dismiss the class, you stretched your arms, somehow acting as if you did something productive during that lecture. You did feel a bit more relaxed and you had to thank Yunho for that. In such an easy way he was able to let you silently vent and get distracted, assuring you that he would have lended you his notes. You promised you would have offered him an ice-cream as a thank you gift. 
-Oh well then, don’t mind me if I choose one of the most expensive ones!
-It’s fine, Yunho. It’s both for the notes and for the fact that I basically vandalized your notebook.
He shook his head, laughing- You really liked writing my name, what, four times in a row? But it’s fine, at least you didn’t fall asleep… 
-C’mon, the professor even used the mic today… It was the perfect lullaby…
-I can’t even imagine falling asleep to an old man explaining marketing graphs but I guess to each their own…- you lightly slapped his arm in response, laughing.
-Right, did you hear about that project the other departments came up with? 
-No, I was too busy writing your name in different fonts for a whole hour.
-Oh, true. Well I just understood that some people will be involved in a whole photoshoot! The photography kids are quite good, you should apply to that.
-Me? Nah, I’d rather–
-Spend the whole night playing games just to come to lectures completely sleep deprived?
You stopped abruptly, nearly tripping in your own steps- What’s up with the sudden callout?!
-I was so worried this morning. But then I checked and saw your last access online was at 2 in the morning… with a 4 hour long gameplay… uninterrupted…
You bit your tongue, your eyes quickly avoiding to meet his. You got busted! And no excuse would have saved you in any way…
You had promised, at the beginning of the semester, that you wouldn’t have destroyed your sleep schedule over some silly video game. You were quite serious about that and allowed Yunho to see your game history and access just to keep you in check. A little detail you had momentarily forgotten…
-Yunho… forgive me?- you looked at him, signaling an apology with your hands, held tight together.
-You’re lucky today we don’t have other lectures… Were you perhaps planning to not come at all?- he looked at you, his eyes nearly closed because of the way he was (jokingly) glaring at you. 
You quickly moved your gaze away, clearing your throat before admitting that you were indeed planning to skip lectures and that was why you went to sleep so late. But in the morning you felt quite guilty, remembering how Yunho would often tell you not to skip classes otherwise it would become a bad habit, so you decided to go even though you were completely sleep-deprived. 
Yunho tried his best to hide a smile from showing on his lips, failing miserably because of how cute you looked in his eyes. His hand fixed a lock of your hair, delicately moving it behind your ear.
-Well, I really appreciate how your sleep deprived brain thought about me, but next time take better care of yourself, okay?- he mumbled, his fingers delicately caressing your hair.
You nodded, receiving a quick peck on your cheek.
-Let’s go then, I’m really in the mood for a big big ice-cream a certain someone is going to offer me!- his hand lightly grabbed yours, and you let him lead you to the usual place you would stop by to get some snacks. 
The sky was clear, no heavy gray clouds were in sight anymore and you really felt better, probably thanks to him and his precious company. You felt really lucky.
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namjoon-koya · 2 years
Hello I’m new to the fandom.
I was wondering if I could have Headcannons of Aizawa and Pendent Mic if their they witnessed their pro hero s/o fighting Muscular on live tv and they are bloody and bruised up but keep on fighting until other pro  heroes show to help out?
a/n: sorry it took me a while to come around to this request but I hope you enjoy it! sorry if present mic part is short I usually don’t write for him a lot.
Aizawa and Present Mic witnessing their s/o fight Muscular
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When Aizawa saw what was happening on the news he panicked, this is why you weren’t answering your phone calls or texts messages. The newsmen zoomed in on you and Aizawa took in every little detail that he saw you looked tired, bruised and cut up. Your hero costume was torn in a few spots, but that didn’t stop you from standing tall against Muscular. Obviously the newsmen couldn’t understand any words you were saying to Muscular, but Aizawa noticed you were saying something to him.
He saw the rage fill in your eyes as you quickly summoned your quirk again, he knew how exhausted you would get when you would overuse your quirk yet here you were continuing to summon it without hesitation. Aizawa wanted to go help you, he couldn’t stand seeing you like that any longer; but he was told to stay in the dorms with his students in case the whole thing was a distraction. Aizawa tried hiding his emotions in front of the 1A class students as they watched as well, some of them would cheer you on.
Even Bakugou stated that there’s no way Muscular could win against you, “hmp, they’re tough as shit! Ain’t no way they’re going to do down that easily.” Bakugou was right though, you were able to hold off Muscular until more pro-heroes came to your aid, he watched as fatgum quickly carry you to safety disappearing away from the camera. Aizawa was able to convince All Might to watch over the students so he could go see you at the hospital (he basically drove like a madman over to you)
Once he arrives at your room he’ll quickly kneel beside your bed and ask if you’re okay, even after the battle you went through you still give him a warm smile and say you’re fine. Can’t cuddle with you in bed, but will definitely hold your hand throughout the night because he’s afraid of losing you and baby boy just needs reassurance.
Present mic:
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Tries not having a meltdown as he watches you fight with Muscular on tv, we saw how he acted when he saw Aizawa get badly injured by the Nomu so he’s definitely going to be acting the same as well when you happen to be in a fight. Midnight and Aizawa try their best to help him relax, but he just can’t. He knows you can hold your end well, but Muscular already killed two pro heroes without showing any mercy. He flinches as he sees that you’re already bleeding from the side of your head, he doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until Aizawa tells him to relax.
He desperately bounced his leg as he watched you dodge Muscular attacks often whispering himself “to the right!” Or “dodge!” He was beginning to wonder if other pro-heroes would come help you or if they assumed you could handle it on your own (which he hoped they would still come to your aid either way) when the heroes did come help you though he felt relieved, he knew you could hold up your own which he was proud of you for, but now he just wanted to be by your side.
Principle Nezu allowed him to leave and go visit you at the hospital, when he arrived he gently placed a kiss on your lips as he held your hand. “You really are amazing, but I’m still going to get worried about you Y’know?” You nodded in agreement “I would’ve been the same if it was you.” You said to him as you smiled at him, god did he just want to cuddle with you right now; but you needed rest. So he would wait for you until you recovered.
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clemswinecorner · 1 year
Sidewalk rule [Marcus Armstrong]
Summary: During Yeah Nah G'day you and the screamingmeals cohosts realize Marcus does not know what the sidewalk rule is. A TikTok for reference, in case you also don't know :)
Wordcount: 844
Warnings: none
Huge shoutout to @pinkysky-darling for the idea! Haven't posted in a while, here's little thing I wrote instead of trying to make deadlines :) Have fun!
Main Masterlist
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“So I was walking with my girlfriend and as always she was on, like, you know the side of the store window, so of course she had to look at every single item,” Clem, in the middle of the couch, frowns and interrupts James. “Why as always, couldn’t you switch?” James looks to his right at the French man. “Sidewalk rule,” he casually says. “Ah yeah… Okay go on,” Marcus looks at the two, at Rory and back at the duo. “What’s the sidewalk rule?” He asks, a little in doubt whether he missed out on something. "You don’t know the sidewalk rule?" Clem asks surprised as he turns towards the Kiwi. Marcus just shakes his head as you look up from your laptop casually listening to their conversation. "Wait but I thought you did it like, all the time," James asks confused, looking at you behind the camera for confirmation as you look at the three of them with your eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, you don’t know it?" Marcus shakes his head at you and the other guys. “How un-gentlemen like of you,” James says as Clem dramatically shakes his head. “Red flag, you should break up with him,” you chuckle. “Honestly it kind of is a red flag, maybe I should,” Marcus looks between you guys with wide eyes, still not having a clue what’s going on. He looked adorable being this clueless. “No but I think you do do it,” you say and Clem agrees, having walked with the two of you more than he can count. “I still don’t know what it is,” You chuckle before opening your mouth to explain, James immediately interrupting you. “Wait, do it in the mic,” you roll your eyes as you stand up and walk over, leaning over the couch. “So, for everyone like Marcus who doesn’t know what the sidewalk rule is, there’s two steps to it. One is that the guy, no matter what girl he’s with -whether it be his mom, friend or girlfriend or any other girl- he walks on the side of the road. So this way, when a car comes and crashes into you it will hit him first etc. And then part two, I guess, is that if you’re in a small alley or road and you can’t walk next to her, the guy always walks in front. This way he sees the danger, he gets hit first and all that jazz.”
The boys listen intently as you explain everything. “Oh, well, I actually didn’t know there was a second thing as well, I never thought about that,” James mentions as you walk out of frame again. Clem looks at him, “No I think I've seen that before. Just think it’s sort of something natural to do.” Marcus nods his head in agreement. “Yeah. I never really thought about it but like I always walk in front of you,” you smile at him as he tries to think back to whenever you were walking together. “I don’t know, I kind of always walk on the same side, I think?” He looks at you for confirmation and you hum in agreement. “Yeah I guess most times it just feels weird if I walk on the other side of, you know like my girlfriend,” He says, making a hand gesture in your direction. “I’m rarely consciously thinking ‘oh just need to make sure I’m walking on the side of the cars!’ like it just happens,” Clem smirks as he shares a look with James. “Well. That was the sidewalk rule. Anything else to share about you and your girlfriend’s disgustingly cute habits or should we round it up?” Marcus blushes at James’ statement as you softly giggle. “Weren’t you in the middle of a story?” Clem asks as he glances over at Marcus, who's smiling and biting his lip after you just made eye contact. “Yeah mate, you were talking about your girlfriend looking at every single item,” Marcus changes the subject as he lightly slaps James’ arm over Clem’s shoulder. “Right, I was.” 
“Do you think they notice?” Clem asks James as they make their way to the store for some form of dinner and drinks. “What, that we’re third wheeling?” Clem chuckles at his response. “No, how pure their love is. And how oblivious Marcus is to how he’s actually romantic.” James chuckles as they look at the two of you in front of them walking closely together. "Oh, yeah, no, Y/N definitely knows," James says, Marcus looking at you like a love-sick puppy as the two of you laugh at a joke. "You think?" James nods in your direction, as you look at Marcus with a fond smile, to answer his question. "Yeah. Does he, though?" James simply shrugs. "I mean, I’d assume he’s aware that’s it’s like, real love and what not. Don’t think he knows to what extent, considering the Yeah Nah G’day," Clem laughs along as they catch up with you and Marcus in front of the store. "So, what drinks we getting?"
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 12
Woohoo!! I managed to get it done today. Again no promises on tomorrow, but it’s coming along great. I think I have another couple chapters to go, but I’m not sure exactly how many yet. 
RIP Eddie’s poor little mind.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Eddie leaned into the mic and said, “This is for Chrissy and the victims of Hawkins.”
He sat down on the stool and Kirk gave him a thumbs up and then ran to stand next to Steve.
“Just how good is your friend here?” Kirk yelled for Steve to hear.
Steve just grinned.
Then Eddie started the opening chords. It started slow and then gradually ramped it up.
Steve started to bob his head. This was even more incredible than Eddie’s performance in the Upside Down because he had the bass and rhythm guitar to back him when he started. Then the drums hit and Eddie was in his element.
Steve hadn’t seen how hard he went to town on his guitar that day. But Dustin had. He had told Steve that it was the most metal thing he had ever seen. Watching Eddie now, wounded and hurting, putting all his fear and anger into that song, he could believe it.
Kirk looked over at Steve and raised an eyebrow. Steve smirked. It was only going to get better.
Eddie hit the solo and Kirk’s jaw dropped. Steve could see Eddie raise from the stool to standing. He was shredding away and the crowd was eating it up.
Steve let out a piercing whistle and Eddie smiled.
When the song finally came to an end, the roar of the crowd was deafening.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Eddie Munson!” James screamed into the microphone.
The crowd lost their god damn minds.
Kirk came back out and got the crowd cheering again. “I’m worried for my job,” he said getting a laugh from the audience.
“You can keep it for now,” Eddie said with a grin. “I’ve got my own band.”
The crowd oohed and stomped their feet.
James looked over at him. “So what your saying is not get to comfortable or your band will come for us?”
Eddie laughed excitedly. “That’s the plan, man.”
“Let’s hear it again for Eddie Munson!” Kirk roared into his microphone.
The crowd cheered. Eddie reluctantly handed back the guitar and went back to stand next to Steve.
“I’m not sure if I want to kill you or kiss you right now!” Eddie growled into Steve’s ear.
Steve laughed. “It’s not over with yet!”
Eddie gave him the side eye but turned his direction back to the concert. The rest of the concert was a smashing hit and Eddie loved every second of it.  
Afterwards they had pictures taken with the band and Ozzy Osbourne who was well on his way to be sloshed as fuck. But he managed to stay upright for the photos.
Eddie could feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins and was on top of the world. He was sure that he was the highest he could possibly go.
Until someone came up to Eddie and handed him the guitar he had used on stage. Signed by all the members of Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne.
“Holy shit!” Eddie said looking down at the instrument in his hands. “Thanks, guys. Thank you so much.”
Lars patted him on the back. “When we were told that you lost yours in the earthquake, we knew that we had to do something for you to replace it. We know it’ll never be your sweetheart.”
“But we hope it’ll carry you to wherever you decide to go,” James agreed.
Kirk put a hand on his shoulder. “When Corroded Coffin gets famous, hit us up for a tour, yeah?”
Eddie nodded, too afraid to speak or he’d start crying.
“They absolutely will,” Steve said confidently.
They stayed for a couple of drinks with the band before they set off again for the hotel.
By the time they got back, Eddie was swaying on his feet, still clutching that guitar to his chest. Steve had been given a soft case to keep it protected on the way home, but he didn’t think Eddie would let go of it long enough to use it.
Once they got up to the hotel, Steve gently maneuvered Eddie over to the couch and sat him down.
Eddie looked up at Steve, tears threatening to fall. “Stevie...”
“Hi, there, beautiful,” Steve said, kneeling in front of him.
“This was too much,” he insisted.
Steve shook his head. “Nuh-uh, do you remember what I told you?”
“That it was the perfect amount of awesome for me?” Eddie whispered.
“That’s right, sunshine,” Steve murmured. “You didn’t deserve to be pulled into the Upside Down because you wanted to you wanted to go to a concert and selling drugs was your only option. You didn’t deserve to be dragged into hell because you saw a girl who needed help and did you best.” He rubbed Eddie’s thighs reassuringly. “This was something we could do for you because the nightmares are going to come if they haven’t already. Because you’ll jump at strange noises, because the sound of something snapping will bring it all back. But you didn’t deserve that, sunshine. Any of it.”
Eddie set the guitar down for the first time and brought Steve’s face up to meet his. They kissed softly. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he breathed.
“You’re welcome, Eds.” Steve stood back up and held out his hand to Eddie. “Come on, let’s go get that bath, babe.”
They both laid in the tub, Eddie with his back, pressed against Steve’s chest.
“Hmm...” Eddie purred as the jets massaged away the tension that had built up from the excitement. “I’ve decided when I get rich and famous, I’m going to have one of these in every bathroom I own.”
Steve’s chuckle rumbled against Eddie’s back. “Yeah, this is nice. The company is better though.”
Eddie splashed him gently. “Softy.”
Steve kissed the top of Eddie’s head. “Only for you, sunshine.” He looked down. “You want me to wash your hair?”
Eddie just hummed again, which Steve took as a yes. He had put the soap and things nearby because he worried Eddie might fall asleep in the bath. It was the most intimate Steve had ever been with anyone. It was a rush. He thought sex was height of intimacy but this? This topped sex.
He washed Eddie’s hair and then ran conditioner through it. He massaged Eddie’s scalp, and Eddie let his head droop lazily against Steve’s shoulder.
“Feels good, sunshine?” Steve asked into Eddie ear.
Eddie hummed happily. “So good.”
After Steve had worked in the conditioner, he grabbed the pitcher that he filled with warm water and gently poured it over it Eddie’s head, rinsing out the suds.
Steve scrunched his hair in his fingers to make sure that all the conditioner was out.
“You ready to get out or did you want to stay a little longer?”
Eddie rolled a little into Steve’s arms. “Just a little longer. This is so good.”
“Okay, babe,” Steve murmured.
They woke up the next morning snuggling together in the king size bed. Steve woke first. He looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled. This weekend had turned out even better than he even dreamed. At best they would be heading back to Hawkins full of potential of something new. At worst, Eddie turned him down and they would have an awkward ride back. But having waking up the second day in a row in each other’s arms? Steve’s imagination wasn’t that good.
Eddie stirred. “I can hear you thinking from here, babe. Go back to sleep.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Whatever you say, love.”
They snuggled closer and drifted back to sleep.
Eddie woke up first the second time. He had been so sure that last night had been a dream, but he was lying in Steve’s arms and from here he could see the guitar on the sofa reminding him that no, it hadn’t been a dream. This was his life now.
Once they were fully awake they decided to skip breakfast and just stop for lunch on the way back. They packed up all their stuff, plus all the loot they had gotten last night. In addition to the guitar Metallica had gotten Eddie, they also gave Eddie and Steve goody bags filled with band merch. T-shirts, posters, tour pins. It was quite the haul. They packed the car, the new stuff going on the backseat.
Eddie wanted the guitar up front with him but he couldn’t get it to fit safely, so he was forced to put it on the backseat with the rest of it. He looked back at in longing before he face forward, allowing Steve to drive away.
They merely bought some fast food and ate in the car. But it was Steve and not Eddie that insisted they stay near the guitar.
“I think it’ll be okay for twenty minutes, sweetheart,” Eddie said when they stopped.
Steve shook his head. “Things have been going so well this weekend it would be just my luck that something happens the second I look away. Nope. Can’t do it.”
Eddie chuckled and pulled him close. “If it’ll put your mind at ease, babe, then we’ll eat in the car.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged with relief. This had been a first test of sorts, if Eddie could handle Steve’s little anxieties. And he had passed. At least this time.
Steve banished that thought. He wasn’t going to sabotage this relationship before it even got off the ground.
Eddie pulled his arms around his waist and held him tightly. “Just breathe, Stevie. You’re okay.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Sometimes it becomes too much.”
“I’d be more concerned if it didn’t, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured into Steve’s hair. “You have been fighting an unseen, unsung battle for years. And even though Vecna’s dead and his hold on the Upside Down is destroyed, there is still a chance that something else might happen. That could be tomorrow. Next week, next month. But maybe not for decades and you’d have no way of knowing. It’s okay to freak out about little things. Because you can control those, yeah?
Steve nodded.
“So why don’t I go grab us something to eat,” he continued. “And I’ll be right back. Then you can keep an eye on our stuff, while I’m gone?”
Steve let out another shuddering breath, this one seemed to dislodge whatever fear he had bottled up inside him. “Yeah. I can do that.”
Eddie was in and out in no time at all and they sat happily munching on their greasy burgers and slurping their sodas. Slowly Eddie got Steve laughing and relaxing.
Once they were done with their food they through away the garbage and made the last leg of their journey to Hawkins.
They needed to go to the hospital and see Dr Hathaway, but they stopped by Eddie and Wayne’s new house first.
They dropped off all of Eddie’s things and put Steve’s loot in the trunk. And once he had successfully done that, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.
Eddie gave his shoulder a squeeze in support. And then piled back into the car for the drive to the hospital. Steve had called them from the house and let them know they were on their way.
 Part 13 Part 14  Part 15 Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20    
Tag List: @anaibis @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @whalesharksart @nburkhardt @snapshotmaestro @shrimply-a-menace @theotalksalot @child-of-cthulhu @bookbinderbitch @cr0w-culture @punctualhowell @obliosworld @eddiemunsonswife @sharingisntkaren @dididisrespectyourbridgegoatman @lillemilly
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ryejism · 10 months
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— a/n: some fluffy guitarist ryujin for anon <3 hope you enjoy and i’m sorry it took a while.. i got caught up with work 😕
seeing ryujin at your local bar every night was always a casual occurrence, but always on the small stage they had rather than the floor where everyone else would be. she strummed strummed away on her guitar as the drummer hit every beat and the singer belted their heart out into the mic. the dim lights are hiding most of her face, but you could still tell she was beautiful, and probably more beautiful in proper lighting.
you began to stop by more frequently, in hopes you’d get to see her again and again. you had never spoken a word to her yet you always had this urge to get to know her, as if something was pulling you towards her.
the more you showed up to her performances, the more she started to realize your consistent effort to see her. shooting you a few smiles or glances in your direction as she was playing.
it was another one of those nights and you had sat closest to the stage as possible so you could get a perfect view of her. ryujin always coming up to your side to play her guitar. both the guitar and her being prettier up close. her being prettiest of course though. the black paint on her strat matching the color of her hair, stickers of her own favorite bands and random designs along its body.
the small crowd within the venue clapping as ryujin’s band had finished their performance of the night, ryujin and her bandmates bowed to the crowd.
“ thank you! “ the lead singer said into the mic as they walked off. you waited to see if ryujin would come to the main floor, but she never did, so in that case, you decided to leave. maybe again another day.
as you walked out the door, you noticed a woman with shoulder length black hair standing against one of the rails outside, very similar to how ryujin’s had looked.
“ i didn’t come out here in the cold and ditch my band for no reason! “ she whisper-yelled to you as you slowly walked past her. you didn’t expect her to be here, waiting for you.
you turned around to face her, realizing who it was, getting extremely nervous now seeing her in a setting outside of the small stage where you’re able to speak to her.
“ ryujin. “ she held her hand out with a sweet smile. you shook hands with her. “ y/n. what’re you doing outside?! “ you questioned.
“ don’t act like i didn’t see you show up to nearly every single performance i had here, i noticed, dummy. “ she exchanged a few giggles between the both of you, except you were laughing out of embarrassment that she noticed your antics.
“ i didn’t expect you to wait for me outside the building! “ you exclaimed, trying to defend yourself.
“ and i didn’t expect you to follow me out and leave right after me “ she mocked. “ follow me “ ryujin grabbed your hand to lead you towards the back of the building, entering a door that took you backstage. it was very small, only a small couch, everyone’s instrument cases and gear thrown everywhere alongside some random bottles and drinks left on the floors.
“ it’s a little ran down, i know. but that’s not my fault i promise. “ she excuses the mess everyone had made, moving stuff around to create room for you two to sit.
“ is this your guitar? “ you ask while you point towards a black and white strat resting in an open case, identical to hers.
“ you know it! “ ryujin runs to pick it up from its place, bringing her and the guitar to the small couch and patting the seat next to her for you to sit.
“ oh you like this band too? “ you point to one of the stickers. “ it’s one of my favorites….“ ryujin replies, her cheeks turning red as if she’s embarrassed you pointed it out.
“ you’re very cute you know, compared to the way you present on stage. “ you tried hitting on her, hoping you don’t come off too strong.
“ how do you think i present on stage exactly? “ she’s blushing even more while looking away from you, fiddling with the guitar pick in her hand.
“ i don’t know, cool. not like someone who would meet me outside a bar and take me behind the stage to this hellhole “ you laugh.
“ right, i should’ve got dressed up in a suit and tie and took you to a fancy restaurant along a beach. my bad! “ you think to yourself about how sarcastic she seemed, though that fancy dinner does sound nice.
“ alright well are we gonna sit here or are you gonna impress me with your skills face to face. “ you joke as you lean back into the sofa, waiting for her to say or do something.
“ do you want me to? “ she asks nervously.
“ yes, please. “ that’s the only answer she needs to plug her guitar into her amp and start to strum away a soft song for you. messing up once or twice due to how nervous she was, also because she was busy looking at you simultaneously.
she’s no trained vocalist, but she does have a soft singing voice that is beautiful to listen to while she merely mumbles lyrics as she plays. listening to it melts your heart, making you feel a little in love with her. both the sounds of the guitar and her voice blending together perfectly.
“ i don’t recognize that song, is it an original? “ you ask once she finished playing.
“ yeah, i wrote it some months ago. i haven’t perfected it quite yet…. “ she lied on the last part, she did perfect it, she was just extremely nervous playing for you and wanted to excuse any possible mistakes she may have made.
“ i loved it ryujin, it sounded beautiful. hopefully you “ perfect “ it and play it for me again! “ her heart fluttered a bit at your praise, too nervous to have said thank you so she settled on a sweet smile in your direction.
“ teach me a little something. “ you said as you waited for her to make her next move.
“ hmmm… okay “ ryujin said after thinking for a second, placing the guitar from her lap into yours and shifting her placement to be knelt down in front of you.
“ i’ll teach you some basics first, and maybe, if you keep stalking me, i’ll teach you more another day. “ she joked and you both laughed.
“ i wasn’t stalking you! i was just intrigued to see your performances! “ you were quick to defend yourself. she just shook her head in disbelief.
“ i’ll teach you the string names and maybe a chord or two. okay? “ she starts off as you nod with excitement.
“ starting from the thickest string and going down, it goes low E, A, D, G, B and then high E “ she looks at you, waiting for your approval.
“ low E, A…….D? G, B and high e? “ you repeat as you drag your thumb along the strings in the order she previously said.
“ yes! good job. “ ryujin says as she shoots you an affirming smile along with a thumbs up to approve. your heart flutters, she’s a good tutor.
“ hmm i’ll teach you a G chord now, a simple one everyone learns at first. “ she grabs onto your left hand, positioning your fingers to play a G chord.
“ there, now strum with my pick. “ she says, handing you one of her guitar picks from her pocket. you play and to your surprise, it sounds beautiful of course. you strum it a few more times as ryujin sits there and admires your happiness towards playing her own guitar. she looks cute sitting there in awe as you take interest in one of her own.
“ you play this chord by putting your middle finger on the 3rd fret of the low E, your pointer finger on the 2nd fret of the A and ring finger on the 3rd fret of the high E “ she rambles, you barely know what most of that means.
“ i’m gonna pretend i know what that means, ryujin! “
“ oh right… you see those metal pieces under the strings? “ you nod. “ those are the frets, so starting at the top here, would be 1st fret and so on and so on “ she explains.
“ ohhhh i see now “ you finally understand.
ryujin checks the time, realizing it’s getting late.
“ alright lessons over! “ she exclaims. truthfully she wanted to teach more but she had other ideas in mind that had nothing to do with guitar or music.
you hand her back her guitar gently, being careful to not damage it one bit. she puts it back inside her case and zips it shut.
“ you’re a good leaner, y/n. makes it easier on me. “ her constant reassurance makes you happy and hopeful you’ll see her more.
“ i try. “ you say shyly, your cheeks turning red.
“ awww, are you blushing? “ ryujin mocks you as she sits down next to you where she previously was.
“ what?! no, why would i be blushing? “ quickly defending yourself but failing miserably. it’s not hard to spot the blush plastered across your face.
“ don’t ask me why, ask yourself why! “ she teases and you hide your face by looking down at the ground. she places her hand gently along your jaw to motion your head back up to face her.
“ what’s gotten into you all this sudden? “ ryujin says, inching closer to your face, making you absolutely speechless due to your nerves.
“ hm? “ she accidentally makes eye contact with you, but not breaking it. her hand still holding your chin not allowing you to break the contact either.
“ your eyes are pretty. “ she compliments you, and you smile at her as a form of ‘ thank you. ‘
“ and i really want to kiss you. “ she continues on, being extremely bold with you. not that you mind because it makes things easier on your end as well.
“ so do it. “ you finally speak, waiting for her lips to meet yours as she hesitantly inches closer and closer to your lips, finally coming in contact with yours.
her lips are soft, along with the way she kisses you. she’s gentle, as if you’ll crumble at the smallest touch. her hand is resting on your thigh with the other one cupping your face while your hands are kept awkwardly in your lap, scared to touch her too.
“ you can touch me, dummy. “ she breaks the kiss to reassure you. she climbs into your lap to cradle you, making the kiss more comfortable for both of you.
your hands rested on her hips with hers cupping your face as she passionately makes out with you. she’s a great kisser, the best one you’ve ever met honestly. you could kiss her forever if you had the time, unfortunately you don’t but you’re ignoring that fact so you can fully enjoy her act of affection towards you.
breaking the kiss finally, not only to catch your breath but for her to speak. for once, she’s the one blushing and nervous. she lets out an awkward chuckle, her breathing erratic as she tries to catch her breath.
“ i never expected that ever in my life. “ you are the first to break the silence between you two.
“ i don’t kiss my fans, or my students. that’s unprofessional you know! “ she says sarcastically.
“ good thing i’m not either! “ ryujin looks at you in disbelief, knowing you’re joking of course. she rolls her eyes, giving you one last short kiss on the lips.
“ are you hungry, because i know i am. “ she asks as she climbs out of your lap, standing up and holding her hand out for you.
“ maybe a little. “ you think back to the joke she made about taking you to that nice fancy dinner. and it’s almost like she’s read your mind when she brings it back up.
“ and don’t even think about that fancy dinner i joked about earlier! i’m broke and the only place open at this hour are the sketchy burger joints. take it or leave it. “ she grabs her guitar case, throwing the straps over her shoulders to carry it.
“ i’d be happy with anything from you, ryujin. “ you say sweetly, making her smile to herself. she grabs your hand to drag you out from that tight and cramped room, switching the lights off as you both exit into the dark alley.
“ where the hell are you taking me now?! “
“ …..to my car. where else would i be taking you this late after making out with you? “ you have picked up on how much she loves to tease and joke with you, showing she’s comfortable with you especially when you do it in return with her. it’s a love language of hers.
after turning a corner onto a main road, you arrive at her parked car. your hand still in hers as she unlocks the passenger door and opens it for you, signaling for you to take a seat.
“ how sweet, thank you. “ you say to her with a sweet smile as you sit down in the passenger seat. you see her walk around to the other side, and setting her guitar down in the backseat before coming over to the driver side to take her seat as well.
“ alright. seatbelt please, i don’t want to get pulled over. that would be embarrassing. “ she says to you, her hands on the wheel after strapping herself in and waiting for you to follow.
as she begins to back out of her parking spot, she stretches her hand to reach the headrest of your seat to help her. it’s attractive watching her focus on the road as she drives to god knows where, but you trust her. the faint sound of the radio plays in the background as she drives through the dark streets, one hand on your thigh, the other on the wheel. she’s so cliche but it’s cute and adorable.
she hums along to the songs on the radio, stopping to talk to you about music and your favorite bands and what not just to get to know you more, something she probably should’ve done before making such a move on you, but oh well.
she pulls into a drive-thru, ordering her own food and then turning to ask what you would want.
“ i’ll get the same thing you got, if that’s okay. “ you say as she makes eye contact with you, making you nervous and stutter your words a bit.
“ you sure, baby? “ the pet-name catches you off guard, but in the best way possible, making you turn red. you nod in reply.
“ and i’ll get two of those actually “ she turns to face the speakers outside her window. finishing the order and pulling up to a window.
“ fuck. i’m short 23 cents…. “ she says awkwardly, slightly embarrassed.
“ don’t worry, it’s on me. “ you say, handing her your card.
“ no it’s okay, i’m a regular here, i can talk them into it! “ you look at her, unsure at her cocky remark.
and just as you thought, she couldn’t talk her way into it. you watched her sit there and argue with the worker for a good 30 seconds before you leaned over her in her seat, handing the girl your card.
“ on me. “ you say firmly while she glares at you. you kiss her cheek when the worker hands ryujin the food before she speeds off. it makes ryujin blush, something that’s rare yet so adorable when it does occur.
“ you’re cute but it seems your negotiating skills aren’t the best. “ you tease her as she pulls into some parking lot where she’ll sit and eat with you.
“ i managed to get you to kiss me and come out here with me though, so they can’t be thatttt bad. “ she has a point.
“ that’s because i liked you prior to coming here. “ you admit, getting shy once you realized what you said out loud. it makes ryujin giggle as she hands you your food first. sharing one drink together considering her lack of funds, but you again, didn’t mind. you aren’t too wealthy yourself especially in todays economy.
you both sit there and eat and talk about everything but nothing at the same time, realizing how sweet she is compared to how you might’ve perceived her on stage; someone scary and standoffish. you admire her soft spot for you and the way she’s consistently treated you this night.
“ where do you live so i can get you home before it’s too late. it’s already 12:40am. “ she asks, putting the car in reverse to get back onto the road.
“ unless… you want to stay with me. i live just around the cornerrrrr. “ she cutely insists, secretly hoping you’d stay with her instead.
“ i can go home, it’s okay, i don’t want to bother. “ you argue, making her heart silently break a little at your rejection, but she’s ryujin so she won’t give up.
“ you aren’t a bother! i want you to come with me…. “ she blurts out. “ sorry. it’s true through. “ she continues. you just look at her and smile.
“ fine. i’ll go home with you! “ you mentally cheer inside your head, you also wanted to go with her. you just didn’t want to take up space. she smiles, content with herself as she throws the trash from the food into the same bag to toss out later.
“ my negotiating skills aren’t so bad now, are they? “ you roll your eyes at her sarcastic remark.
after a few minuets of her driving, she pulls into a parking garage, probably for her apartment. she parks into her assigned spot, unlocking the door and rushing over to your side to open the door before you could.
you giggle at her efforts to constantly impress you.
you both start to walk away, hand in hand before you remind her of her guitar still in her car.
“ shit! you’re right! “ she rushed back over, retrieving her guitar from the backseat and running back over to you, making sure to lock her car back.
“ you’re very cute and sweet, ryujin. i’m glad i got to have this night spent with you. “ you tell her once she unlocks the door to her apartment and walk in behind her. it’s not big, but not small. it’s dim and feels cozy, and very minimalistic with a few random quirky decorations placed throughout. it fits her oddly enough.
“ i’m glad i made you happy. “ she says after taking off her shoes and leaving them by the door next to your pair, purposely arranged to look coordinated with yours. cute.
she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you again, but not for too long.
she guides you over to the couch and turns on some random movie, laying down with you between her legs with your head rested on her chest. she made sure to cover you both with a warm blanket as you both drifted off to sleep together, unaware where tomorrow would go when you wake up.
you’re just glad you got to have spent the night with her, even though it was so simple. you aren’t hard to impress, especially with ryujin. you’re grateful for her and hope you get to spend another night with her again and again and again.
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
From 2010- The End Of The X-Factor Journey
Part 6
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We stand side by side, Simon stood behind his with his hands on Liam and Zayns shoulders
“Ok here it goes. The public have voted and I’m about to reveal the 2 acts that have received the most votes and will go head to head. Good luck to everyone. In no particular order the first act through the next stage of the final, is…. Matt” Harry takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze “the next act still in the final is…. Rebecca” and with that we come 3rd. We head over to Matt and Rebecca to hug them both and congratulate them when Dermot asks for us to come back “guys I can see by your faces that your gutted, but how’s this experience been for you? What are the highlights”
“It’s been absolutely incredible. The highlight for me was when we first sang together with YN and you know what we’ve worked hard and done our absolute best” Louis says into the mic
“Zayn, what’s going to happen with One Direction?”
“Errr we’re definitely going to stay together, this isn’t the last of One Direction”
And Zayn was right, because that night Simon offended us a record deal with Syco even though we didn’t win. Obviously we said yes, excited to work on an album together.
The following day I arrive back home in Shrewsbury. Shutting the taxi door behind me my front door opens and out runs Emma. I run over to her and hug her tightly
“I missed you”
“Missed you too” we stay like that for a few more seconds before she helps me with my bags and we walk into the house together
“Dad!” I run over to him and hug him
“Well done. You did do well”
“Thank you” I pull away and look around the room “where’s James?” I ask frowning
“He said he’ll be here later” Emma says “so tell us are you going to make music with the boys?”
“I don’t know how much I can say, but yes. We are going to be making music. Just hope it does well”
“I’m sure it will. Now let’s get some food into you, you’ve gotta be hungry”
“Starving!” I yell laughing.
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“Hi guys” I smile waving at the screen in front of me with my dog sat on my lap
“When are you coming?” Liam asks sat in a hotel room with the others. Simon asked us to start writing in America and so they all got a flight 2 days ago, but mine got cancelled
“Me and dad are getting a flight in 2 days”
“Simon wants us to start writing as soon as we can” Zayn says
“I know. Why don’t we throw around some ideas now?” my bedroom door opens and my dad brings me over a cup of tea “thank you”
“We may as well” Niall shrugs
“I have a few notes in my book hang on. Cookie down” I tell my dog, but as soon as she’s on the floor she starts whining
“Cookie is so needy” Harry laughs
“Like you?” Liam chuckles. I roll my eyes and open my suit case and rummage around for my note book
“Hey I’m not needy”
“I beg to differ” I say “YN can you play with my hair? I want a hug” I laugh walking back to my bed and sitting down. Cookie jumps back into my lap
“Hey havin’ someone play with ya hair is very relaxing”
“I’m not saying it isn’t, but I seem to be doing it every time we’re together. Any way let’s get to writing some lyrics”
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burningupp · 1 year
stray kids one shot where the reader is a fellow idol (and secret stay). when at a performance they lost their mic which is v recognizable due to the stickers they’ve put all of it (including a few skz stickers). and maybe han or someone is the one who finds it and teases them a bit but then reveals he’s also a fan of their group 🥰
naurrr this was rly cute 🥰 i hope you like it, and thank you so much for requesting!! <3
pairing: han jisung x f!reader
wc: 1.5k
warnings: they're both painfully awkward, y/n is a bit emotional, tooth-rotting fluff lol
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“Nononononono,” Y/n hissed, breathing heavily as she looked through the bags she just brought up from the car. “Eonnie, did you see my microphone?”
Her manager, Sora, looked over with wide eyes. Sure, it was just a mic, technically speaking. She could use any old microphone and it would do the same thing as her own. Except… could it? Her company had gifted her that mic when she debuted, and it meant the absolute world to her. If she lost it, she was so extremely sure that her life would be over.
“What do you mean have I seen it? Don’t tell me you lost it?!” her manager fretted, aware of the weight the piece of equipment held for her charge. “Seriously, Y/n, don’t joke like that.”
“I’m not, I would never!” the idol whined in response, fighting hard to keep her tears at bay. Her makeup was already done, and she didn’t want to cause an issue for anyone. “Are you sure there’s nothing left in the car?”
Her voice was thin, wobbling and straining. She didn’t want to throw a fit like an actual baby, but it was becoming progressively harder as time passed. She had earned that mic with years of hard training and literal blood, sweat and tears. Without it… she felt like she was still that trainee, the girl who didn’t know when she would be considered good enough, pretty enough, to debut.
“I’ll go check again, babe, but I don’t think so,” was the response. Not what she had been hoping for, but she sincerely thanked her manager for her trouble nonetheless.
Time passed slowly as she waited for news on where her precious mic was. She’d decided to alert the crew of Music Bank that she might need to borrow one, just in case the mic wasn’t found. Her heart was heavy as she spoke to the stagehand about it, but she couldn’t let a simple microphone ruin an entire performance. That would be childish. She was twiddling her thumbs, pacing, biting her lower lip, pacing… name a nervous habit, Y/n was doing it. She still hadn't cried, and honestly, she was kind of proud of at least that much.
She wanted the microphone found, but then again… Her cheeks kept flushing as she imagined the look on the face of whoever found it. The mic was, uh, decorated - with mostly stickers of Stray Kids. There was nothing wrong with being a fan of something, but as a female idol she wasn’t supposed to talk about or reference male idols at all unless directly asked during interviews. She dreaded having to explain it to someone.
No one had seen the stickers, as they were nicely placed right where her hand always was positioned. She’d also thrown off suspicion through the use of other miscellaneous stickers, just in case some meticulous fan (bless their hearts) managed to spot a bit of sticker between her fingers or something.
Y/n let out a tiny shriek when there was a gentle knock on her door. She rushed to get up and fling the door open, convinced it was her manager with news that would either further devastate her or solve all of her problems. As soon as the door was open, she felt her cheeks flood with color and gasped out loud.
“Uhm, hi,” Han Jisung said awkwardly.
She gulped once, closing her eyes to try to get a hold of all her warring emotions. On one hand, her most prized possession was missing, but on the other… One of her absolute favorite seniors was standing outside her greenroom, waiting to talk to her. Presumably. She shook the thoughts off quickly, plastering a kind smile on her face as she bowed low.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” she greeted quietly, cheeks still burning - she absolutely dreaded looking in the mirror later and finding out how red she had been during the entire exchange.
“You too!” Jisung hurried to say, bowing just as deeply in return. “Uhm, I found this laying on a table, and it, uhm, says your name on it,” he started after a few seconds of silence, hastily and clumsily bringing a case out from behind his back and presenting it to her. “I figured you probably needed your mic for the performance.”
His smile was pretty bright despite the general air of awkwardness hanging over their conversation, and normally she might have died inside, but all she could see at that moment was the case holding her microphone. She squealed loudly, grabbing it and pressing it to her chest, holding it close as she took a deep breath.
“Y/n?” a voice asked from behind Jisung before either of them could say anything else, and she snapped her gaze to her manager.
The older woman had looked apologetic upon first approach, but looked delighted as soon as her eyes fell upon the case tightly pressed against the female idol’s chest. Y/n grinned excitedly back as her manager approached, holding the case out to her as they both giggled in relief.
“Thank God,” she groaned as she gently pried the case out of Y/n’s arms. “Thank you so much, Jisung-nim.”
As Jisung smiled back, waving the thanks off as if it were nothing, the woman in front of him widened her eyes in horror as she realized she forgot to thank him properly- or at all, really. She immediately sank into a deep bow, thanking him over and over again.
“Nonono, there’s no need for that,” the man said almost in a panic, bowing even deeper.
The manager stopped for a second to regard the two, but decided to leave them. She smiled smugly to herself as she took the case into the greenroom and shut the door behind her, letting the young ones figure out their own awkwardness.
It took a while, to say the least.
After a while, Jisung got up and gently touched the girl’s shoulder to get her to stand upright again. As she did, he realized that her eyes were swimming with unshed tears, and his brow furrowed immediately. He was certain that if she let him know it was his fault, he would fling himself out a window without hesitation.
“Are you okay, Y/n-nim?” he asked gently, hand still warm against her shoulder.
“Y-yes, I’m sorry,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around her stomach. “The mic just, uh, means a lot to me,” she murmured.
“I would imagine so, considering all the stickers on it,” he teased, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth in shock and horror. He wasn’t supposed to see it!
“Oh God,” she groaned to herself, her hands traveling from her mouth to cover her entire face from her idol. “I-I… I really like your music,” she breathed, blushing and beating herself up six ways to Sunday in her head.
At his laugh, Y/n decided she should face her embarrassment head-on and lifted her gaze from the floor, where it had been intently fixed previously. Her cheeks felt warmer than ever before, and she just knew she looked like an entire tomato.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jisung said after laughing a little more. “To be honest…” he blushed, as if what he was going to say next was as mortifying as what she just went through, “I really like your music too. The other guys too. We kind of… Played rock paper scissors to see who would get to return this to you.”
For a second Y/n was stunned. She was torn two ways; first, she was screaming, crying and fainting all at once - only on the inside, of course. On the other hand, she was screaming, crying and fainting out of embarrassment as opposed to excitement. The rest of the group had seen her mic, too. Damn her luck.
“That… somehow makes it worse,” she laughed, and the boy’s form relaxed. He finally caused her an emotion other than intense embarrassment or shock. He chalked it up as a win in his book. “Anyway. Sincerely, thank you so much - I know it’s silly, but the microp-”
“The microphone means more to you than anything else. I know,” he smiled shily, and she chuckled again.
“You really are a fan of mine, huh?”
“You have no idea,” he grinned.
“Yeah, hi kids,” Y/n’s manager chirped as she stuck her head out through the door, “it’s really lovely to see you guys talking it up and getting along, but I have to ask that you wrap it up; little miss Fussy is going on stage very soon.”
“Oh shoot,” Y/n murmured, her eyes wide again. Adorable, Jisung thought.
“Hey, I hope it’s not weird, but uh…” he murmured, and then cleared his throat as if to buy himself some time. “Could I… have your number?”
The manager rolled her eyes and retreated into the room she’d abruptly came out of. She waited impatiently as the two finished their conversation, both of them blushing in the way that’s only possible when meeting someone you really like. And if Y/n was smiley for the entire week, that was only a perk for the manager.
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goldenart0 · 6 months
Gift for @emis-equivalent-exchange for @astranauticus! Some Theatre Dani and VR-LA hanging out
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“Are you sure it’s fine we’re in here Dani?” VR-LA slowly closed the door into the theatre, trying to make it as quiet as possible. 
Dani strolled right up to the booth, twirling the set of keys around her finger. “Of course,” she called back at him, “I practically run this place. No one will question if I’m here, and if they do they can go fuck themselves. Now come on, I wanna show you how the board works.”
VR-LA jogged up to the booth, where Dani was already messing around with some buttons.
Dani patted the chair in front of the board, “Sit down, I’ve already pulled up the cues. It’s not too different from sound really, all you have to do is press the button when the SM says ‘go’.” Dani took VR-LA’s arm and pushed him to the chair in front of the board, standing to the side of him and holding onto the back of the chair with one hand, gesturing with the other.
“It’s honestly probably less complicated than what you’ve done on sound, since you aren’t focusing on cues and mics, just cues-”
“Are you doing sound this time? I’m surprised you aren’t doing lighting for this show. I don’t remember you saying anything about leaving,” VR-LA interrupted, turning to face Dani.
“No, it’s this music kid that’s been asking for a while and I thought since you’re doing lights why not give it him. H-, He-, I don’t really remember his name, think it started with an H. So no, I’m not in the booth this time, I did design and I’ll be watching the show like a normal person.” Dani looked disappointed for a brief moment before pointing back at the lighting board. “Anyway, here’s your list of cues. You’ll probably want to put them in your script as well, in pencil, before the Q to Q, but it’s really the same as sound. The Stage Manager calls a cue, you response with ‘lx’, and press the button when they say ‘go’. Make you don’t, VR-LA look at me.” Dani twisted the chair to face her and made eye contact with him. “Make sure you only press go when you get told too. Even if the Stage Manager forgets and you know it’s coming. You listen to the Stage Manager no matter what, even if they mess up. Then it’s on them, not you, for messing up a cue.”
VR-LA nodded at Dani and waited until she turned back to face the lighting board and stage to turn back himself. 
“I’ll be at the Q to Q as well, in case changes need to be made, which they probably will be. You know how adding cues works right?” 
VR-LA nodded.
“It’s the same deal, new cues are .5s or .1s or whatever. I’ll probably add or change cues when we have to, but the system isn’t too hard. You can pick colours here,” Dani hovered the cursor over a colour wheel on the monitor, “or there are sets of colours stored here,” she moved to a tab on the side of the screen. “’Cause we have LEDs you can pick all the colours from here. And then this button saves the cue.” Dani paused and looked back at VR-LA. “I can do all of that this weekend and you can watch, don’t worry.”
VR-LA took the mouse from Dani and clicked on a part of the colour wheel Dani pointed at before swirling around inside of it. The light on stage turned blue, before quickly flashing between all the colours VR-LA had hovered on.
“Oh wow that’s. A lot.”
“LEDs am I right. Delightful tools. Anyway, that’s probably all you really need to know, I mostly just wanted to show you the board.” Dani pushed off the desk, standing back upright, and started looking as if to head out, stepping behind him.
“Who is the stage manager by the way?” VR-LA asked, reaching to find the off switch for the board.
“MR-SN, though I would have assumed you already knew that.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t know, why would you assume I knew that?” VR-LA asked, confused.
“Well,” Dani drew out the word, smirking, “I thought you two were close.”
VR-LA paused. He and MR-SN did work together and he enjoyed hanging out and talking with him, but he wouldn’t say they were particular close. Certainly not anymore than anyone else in the theatre, right?
“And on that note,” Dani continues, still smiling, “No flirting on headset. The booth isn’t as soundproof as you think it is-“
VR-LA whipped around to face Dani. “What?”
“-And I don’t want to hear anything while sitting in the audience.”
“We do not flirt, MR-SN and I don’t flirt with each other, what are you talking about? I don’t flirt with anyone and definitely not MR-SN.” VR-LA’s words came out rushed and he felt his face start to heat up.
“Well I still don’t want to hear anything, flirting or not.”
“I don’t flirt with anyone Dani!”
“I’m just saying that the booth isn’t fully soundproof VR-LA, that’s all.” Dani smiled at him and his, not serious, rage and embarrassment. Then she looked over his shoulder at the stage and her face fell a bit.
“Are you alright Dani?”
Dani made a small noise of surprise and looked back at VR-LA. “Yeah I’m good, just thinking.”
“Are you sure, you looked sad for a second, is something wrong?”
“No it’s fine, just a lot on my mind. It’s your first show as mlx, it’s a new sound op, this is my first time designing lights myself, it’s a lot going on.”
VR-LA didn’t respond to her. There was a lot of new things going on for this show, and Dani had to be under the pressure of designing her first show by herself.
“It’s just that.” Dani spoke up, tapping her fingers against the back of the chair. “I won’t be there if anything happens. I’m not doing cues to make sure they happen when they should, or on headset to say if anything looks weird, or if anything or one goes missing. After the Q to Q I’m done. Can’t touch anything, it’s out of my hands. I’ll just be sitting in the audience and trust you guys have it under control. Which I do, don’t get me wrong, but-”
“But you want to be there to make sure.”
Dani looked down at the floor. “I’ve never not worked a show before. Even backstage, running around making sure props were in their places or actors made their cues. It’s weird to not have to do anything.”
“And let go of your responsibility?” VR-LA added.
“I guess, it just makes me nervous to not be able to do anything. Even through I totally trust you guys, I don’t think you’ll mess up, but if you do, I can’t do anything and that’s nerve-wracking.” Dani squeezed the back of the chair and looked up at VR-LA.
She did look upset. Not angry, but sad, or longing. Like she didn’t want to give this up to VR-LA and whatever person she grabbed for sound. VR-LA knew Dani wouldn’t let him give up his job to her just so she could be back in the booth, even with how much more experience she had then he did. If she was accepting her role as a designer, for her first solo show, she would stick with that no matter how much she wanted to be in the show. VR-LA hoped that if she watched the tech runs it might calm her nervousness but made a mental note to talk to some of the others to do something for Dani in appreciation. 
For now through, “You know, I’m still a bit confused on how to add a cue, could you show it to me again?”
He saw Dani’s eyes light up with excitement again and give him a genuine smile as he pointed back to the monitor, and she came back next to him by the board.
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4ngeldusstt · 2 years
Everything to me
A/N: its been sooo long ever since i wrote something, this is so bad im sorry but i hope yall like it even a lil bit <3 (if you have a request about kai send it!! Detailed please :c)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 982
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The sound of screams and things breaking woke you up from your peaceful nap on Kai’s bed, suddenly you felt how two of his followers were restraining your arms leading you to the basement “what the fuck let go of me you fucking shit” “i’ll tell Kai when he finds out he will kill you” the guy looked down at you laughing “he told us to do this i think its you who is gonna get killed bitch” you didnt understand anything, me? What the fuck happened? your anxiety was eating you up not letting you think properly. The second you came to your senses you were thrown in a middle of a circle, on your knees, you looked around inspecting your surroundings taking notice of everyone on the cult standing around, looking down at you.
Your eyes landed in the person standing right in front of you. Kai. His face distorted with rage and anger, “you fucking slut, out of everyone it had to be you. I gave you everything, i trusted you and you pay me back by rating us out.” His words came out carefully, filled with venom each word felt like a dagger to you. “I didn’t do anything, I can’t even get out of the house, I’ m being watched 24/7 I didn’t rat you out, it was not me.” Your words were clear and confident despite the fear that filled your body, you knew what Kai was capable of.
He was now at you level, sitting on his knees face to face with you, locking eyes with each other “baby, it was not me, you have to trust me.” You were desperate at this point “Why you y/n, WHY?” The sudden yell made you flinch, “I’ll have to kill you now, you’re making me do this y/n, I have no other option” his eyes filling with tears only you catching a glimpse of it before he blinked them off not wanting to look weak in front of his people, he was so in fucking love with you it pained him so deep inside just the though of you betraying him.
“If you are gonna kill me, do it knowing that I’m pregnant Kai,I’m carrying your messiah, your seed is growing inside of me right now, also do it knowing that I would never betray you, you’re everything to me Kai, please believe me, you have to trust me on this one.” You whispered so only he could hear, watching his face soften and change into a mix of surprise and excitement but you could still read rage on his expression. “Is that true princess? That you are carrying my child?” Princess.. the nickname you much adored, hearing that calmed you down a bit. “Yes Kai, I’m 9 weeks pregnant, I took 5 tests to be sure a couple days ago, I can take another one for you so you can trust me.” Kai just lowered his head and let out a shaky sigh as a response, you heard mumbling around you, but was silenced the second Kai stood up and paced around the room.
“Kai I found this in Winters pillow case” Ally said holding a small device on her hand “looks like a mic to me, maybe y/n is saying the truth and she was not the mole, Winter might me.” Kai’s glace changed again, this time towards his sister. He walked closer to her, holding the small item between his fingers “what the fuck is this Winter? You were going to make me kill my angel, my princess, who is carrying my child, making me think it was her when.. this whole time was you?” “Kai it’s no what it looks like I promise.” She said fearful “Boys, get rid of this fucking rat, lock her up i’ll make a visit later after i think what i’ll do with her.” He signaled his followers as they took her to a closet and locked her up, yells and cries for help where all that was heard as she was carried to the small space.
Kai let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a second before helping you get up from the floor and taking you in his arms, he held you close, right now you where the only person he could trust, not even his own sister, just you. “I’m so fucking sorry, please forgive me princess, I should’ve not doubted you, I’ll do everything in my hands to make a better world for you and our child and to protect both of you from any harm, I promise you that. I love you.” He whispered softly in you ear as everyone left the room, leaving just the two of us. “I forgive you Kai, I love you more than anything, thank you for trusting me, I got your back, I got you.” “I know.” He whispered back placing a loving kiss on your lips, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you, making you feel safe. Thats what he was, even after all, he was your safety.
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givethemsmut · 2 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
Chapter Eleven | Where It All Started…
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I watched Dom talk to some beauty with a full face of makeup and outfit so put together I felt underdressed in Dom’s hoodie. Suddenly I felt insecure and small so I stayed put. Sitting on the black case used to store equipment I crossed my legs under me waiting for Dom to be done.
Still shaking off Randy’s veiled threats I scrolled on my phone, buy more things for the house, and plan for our baby.
It wasn’t until Randy walked by, again, asking me to wish him luck. Looking at him confused he elaborated: “Didn’t he tell you? I’m his new arch enemy… I get to ruin his fight. Maybe his life.”
Randy didn’t want me, he just wanted to make sure Dom stayed under his boot. Keeping him in his place as the next legacy up for success.
Quickly standing up I clutched at Randy, begging him to rethink this. I knew Randy was vindictive in the worst ways.
Security stopped me from going further when Randy’s music hit and I watched him rush to the ring from the sidelines.
Costing Dom the match, he grabbed a mic, “I’m tired of your ungrateful ass. Beautiful girlfriend, baby on the way, legacy dad, top tier faction and yet night after night I have to hear you complain. I’m tired of it. I’m gonna give you plenty to complain about.”
I was there when Dom came backstage and I could see the anger all over his face. I rushed him skidding my hand in his. “Dom, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why? You’re the one who gave them the idea when they saw our fight over you at the hotel.” He was sweaty, rage smeared his features and there was nothing I recognized right now. 
“Dom. I need to talk to you privately. Right now.” I followed him off the backstage platform, begging him to stop, while Randy walked through the same way only he wasn’t silent. At all.
“One of those things you can complain about? Ask your girlfriend. Can’t wait to see your face.” 
Randy badgered him and Dom powered towards him, throwing fists and elbows. “Be fucking jealous. I have everything you don’t.”
Security pushed me out of the way and cameras appeared trying to capture the fight. Randy got the last hit in when Dom laid on the dirty floor for longer than needed. When I rushed to his side the cameras zoomed in on Dom before he pushed the camera away.
Finally getting up, Dom took my arm into his grip and dragged me to a private dressing room before slamming the door. Driving his fist against the door he didn’t even turn to face me before speaking, “What does he know that I don’t? Whatever secrets you have aren’t going to be secret anymore.”
“Dom. It was a long time ago. We were babies, living in that condo during your training. None of it was planned.” I stalled trying to avoid saying the sour words.
Turning around his eyes pierced me, “Just say it.”
“It was a mistake, Dominik. We weren’t together.”
“Fucking. Say. It.” He demanded.
“During the Hall of Fame that year Randy kept hitting on me, we had some drinks… we ended up fooling around.” I stood there shaking, trying to keep my composure. 
“You put me through hell the last few days. Demanding I tell you every little detail and here you are confessing to fucking Randy Orton. Was it worth it, sweetheart? Are you ready to relive it on national television?” His voice was laced with venom and I knew better to get smart with any kind of comeback. His body loomed over mine, his mouth tight and his body tense.
“Dom. We weren’t together,” my words shook but I had to say them.
“So I’m the villain, baby? I fucked up because we were together? We’ve been together since we were fourteen. Whether you want to admit it or not. It’s always been us.” Snarling the words in my face I clamped my eyes down. “Start talking. Whatever secrets you still have.”
“Don’t do this, Dominik.” I begged him. 
“I need to fucking cool off. I expect answers.” Walking past me, his shoulder checking mine, I lost my balance. Pivoting I watched Dom pull off his sweaty shirt and peel off his ring attire entirely. I followed him further into the locker room, where the showers sat at the back of the room. 
Hitting the wall with his fist I watched him twist the knob of the shower before pushing down his boxer briefs. Leaning against the wall I forced my eyes down.
“We were drunk. He kept touching me. I thought we’d make out or something but then it escalated…”
Standing under the water with the shower curtain open I was forced to watch his reaction to my confession. “Escalated how? He fucked you?”
“You’ve fucked plenty of girls who weren’t me. Including Marie.” I shot back.
His hands pushed back his hair under the water and I watched his muscles stretch. “On purpose. To hurt you. To make you jealous. None of it ever worked. I didn't even know about Randy so what was your excuse?”
“It’s hard to explain… you won’t understand…”
“I’m familiar with the concept of sex, sweetheart. He fucked you from behind? Missionary? You rode him? It’s not that complicated.” 
Stepping forward I tried to find the words when Dominik’s hand dragged me inside the shower. “Stop trying to not hurt my feelings. Just say it.”
“I rode him but not like that. He didn’t go inside me. It’s hard to explain. I’m so sorry, Dom. It wasn’t like that. It was just a drunken mistake.”
“You expect me to believe you didn’t touch him?”
“As much as she didn’t touch you…” I bit back waiting for his cruelty. 
His hand squeezed my features and I was soaked by the water. “Your pussy is never not going to be mine. It’s been mine since we were fucking fourteen. You can fight it, you can pretend, you can have my babies but nothing you do is going to erase my fucking name on that pussy.”
Dom had a few girls in his lifetime. Not enough to be a player at all but he took pride in being able to make me come without trying. Knowing someone else made me come only tortured him more than our youth.
Leaving me there under the shower head in my clothes he walked away before stopping. “Oh sweetheart? If I see him near you again I’ll fucking go to jail for hurting him. Trust me. See you on the bus in twenty.”
I believed Dom. He was nice until he wasn’t. There was an anger that lived inside of him and it liked to fight. 
When I left the shower I took a deep breath trying to compose myself when I saw a beat pile of clothes folded, a pair of sweats and Dom’s merch shirt. Thankfully I peeled my moist clothes off as fast as I could but it didn’t stop someone from walking in.
“Oi! Sorry!” His accent laid it on thick when I looked up to see one of the guys Dom worked with. His back read Judgement Day in purple and I relaxed a little more.
“I’m almost done. I was exactly supposed to get wet so I didn’t know where the towels were.” I pulled the shirt over my breasts and they shrugged trying not to rush me.
“I don’t want any problems. Dom is not someone I fuck with when it comes to you.”
I was curious when I asked, “what do you mean?”
Finally turning around with his hand over his eyes I let him know I was all set before he looked at me. “He already gave us the speech. You’ve been together since fourteen and if we even look at you sideways we’re dead. He doesn’t play when it comes to you.”
It made me want to smile but we were in a good space. Randy was something from the past trying to bring us down and Dom cheated on me. We were barely surviving and I was pregnant. Nothing was ideal.
Leaving his friend in the dressing room I headed for the outside when Dom was standing there with our bags changed out of his ring outfit. “Ready? Bus tonight. We’ll figure the rest out later.”
“Dom, I wasn’t traveling with you. You already have people you’re traveling with. That’s not fair to them.”
Rhea ended up in the doorway with open arms, “Congrats, girl! I’m so happy for you guys to have a mini Dom Dom!”
Feeling obligated I climbed the stairs to the bus. It was a trailer on wheels, endless room and bunks lining the sides. Following Rhea I parked myself on the couch. 
“Obviously, you guys should take the big bed in the back. I’ll wear headphones tonight.” She said her words with laughter in-between. 
I immediately felt awkward at the joke that we would be having sex on a bus filled with his coworkers. My cheeks flamed up and I announced I wasn’t feeling well before walking towards the back. I expected Dom to follow but after everything I couldn’t punish him for needing space either. 
Crawling onto the big bed I cuddled up to a pillow in my same clothes feeling guilty that their bodies ached while I ended up in the big bed. It made no sense. I wasn’t even showing yet. I scrolled through my phone until Dominik snuck in and shut the door behind him.
I tried not to look in his direction when he crawled onto the bed, crawling over me, and forcing me to pay attention. Twisting over his hands smoothed up my arms, clenching my wrists against the bed. “It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. None of it matters now. You’re having my baby.”
“The past for me is years. Yours is last month.” I spat at him between us.
“Is it easier for you if I fucked her? Is it easier if you fuck Randy? What do you want from me, baby? All I want is you, us. Just tell me what to do. I can’t even touch you. Is that what I have to do? Hold you down and force myself between your legs?” I could see the anger ignite in his eyes when his grip around my wrists got tighter.
“Dom. We’ve been using sex as the answer for years. It doesn’t solve everything.”
“Then fucking forgive me!” His face nudged into my neck and I felt his kisses trail down to my chest. “I'm not leaving. I’m not letting you leave me over a mistake.”
After the silence between us swelled he spoke again, “You’ve always driven me crazy. We’ve never been apart. I needed you…”
“You could have called, texted, FaceTimed me… I would have jumped on a plane for you. I would have done anything for you, Dom.” I pleaded with the vulnerable parts of him.
“I know, baby. I know. I was trying not to jerk off and it only made it worse. I was looking at pictures on my phone while she was talking to me, I don’t even know what she was saying before she kissed me. With my eyes closed I could imagine it was you. Do you remember that one time at the condo? You were shaking and you couldn’t focus. I was hurting like that.” His mouth trailed his kisses down my clothed body.
Trying to relax I tried to get him to stop but it was pointless. “That was different.”
“How? You showed up in my room practically fucking naked begging me to fuck you. I was suffering, I didn’t even get to ask you to let me, baby. I need you.”
[ flashback ]
We had lived together on our own in Florida for a year before things got harder. Dominik was always tempting me, flirting with me, and testing every reserve I had until I couldn’t take it anymore.
I was masterbating twice a day just to find any piece of relief when life got in the way. I had gone a week without any relief and Dom was not helping. 
Walking around in boxer briefs and a plain white shirt I felt myself inch deeper into the couch. Trying to look uninterested but still able to steal looks without being noticed. 
It wasn’t until Dom fell to the couch next to me with his chicken nuggets cluttering a plate. “Want some?”
Shaking my head I stayed silent and curled up in the corner making sure there was enough space between us. We had stopped toying with each other, stopped flirting, stopped acting like reckless kids like back home. We were giving each other space but that didn’t mean every time I saw Dom I didn’t feel my knees go weak.
His hand landed on my thigh, squeezing me enough to force me to look at him. “Catch me up. This week has been hell at the gym. Look at this sick bruise.”
Pulling up his shirt with one hand I saw the bruise hug his hip, all purple and angry. Gasping at the site I asked if he was okay when he so casually responded, “Pull those down a little.”
Hesitantly I let my fingers reach out, touching the waist band and tugging them down to see the bruise only got worse. “Dom.”
“I’m okay, babe. Just comes with the territory.” Pushing up his hips he looked down at the wear and tear with a smile on his face. “I’m finally earning some war wounds.”
I don’t know if I was stressed or hormonal but the tears clouded my vision and I plowed my face into the crook of his shoulder. Sobbing into him I felt a flood gate break realizing what his life was going to be when he only drifted further away. He was going to be on the road, getting hurt, meeting other girls and forgetting me. All of that caved me in. 
Putting down his plate his hands wrapped around me, “Hey, what happened? I’m okay. I promise.”
“It’s not that. It’s everything.” Explaining all my fears he paused, forcing my chin up. “I can’t promise that. I wish I could but I know eventually if we don’t end up together we’ll end up in other people’s beds. Trust me, I don’t want to fuck anyone else.”
Letting me cry into his body I felt myself relax just enough to fall asleep. When I woke up I was tucked in, a blanket laying over me heavily and it was dark throughout our condo. All I could see was the dim glow of light coming from Dom’s room at the end of the hallway. 
Picking myself up I felt all those fears only motivate me when I quietly walked to my room. Rummaging through my clothes I found a black thong and a mesh overlay that showed off everything. A thin see through material was the only thing covering my body.
Nervously I pushed Dom’s door open and stood there in the doorway waiting for him to notice me. Flicking the TV to mute he sat up in his bed, “Don’t do that to me.”
“Do what?” I asked innocently, my finger twisted up in the long ribbon holding the front together. 
“Show me everything I can’t have, baby.”
Pulling the ribbon I let it open carefully, slowly. The material scraping against my hard nipples before it opened. “I don’t want someone else being there for you… I don’t want someone seeing your bruises…”
Sitting in the center of his bed, Dom scrubbed his face wildly like he was going to magically wake up from a dream. “What are we going to do about that?”
Leaning back against the headboard cockily I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I let the cover fall down my shoulder, exposing my entire chest. “Dom,” I whined while fidgeting in the doorway. I wanted to crawl on the bed but I couldn’t get my shaking legs to move. “It’s not working. I can’t keep lying to myself…” I confessed.
“Your legs are shaking…” his hand gripped himself through his covers over his lap. “Mi amore. You made it clear I should stop trying.”
Sneaking into his bed I let the cover up drop to the floor completely first. “You don’t understand, Dom. I need you. I can’t… no one is you.”
Laying there so still my knees rubbed together.  Facing me his tongue swiped his lips, “Okay, tell me the rules.”
Reaching out for his shirt I tugged it gently, “I need you to make love to me. No more games or fucking. I’ve always loved you, Dominik. I just never felt good enough for you.”
“Fuck,” his head drooped to my shoulder. “I wish you said something sooner. Marie texted me… we’ve been talking.”
Suddenly I felt stupid and exposed laying in Dom’s bed. He wasn’t flirting. He simply wanted to show me his beaten body as a trophy. “Oh. I should go. I’m so sorry,” I slipped out of his bed and hurried for the door. 
I had waited a year to decide I needed him just for him to find sanctuary in his ex. I did it to myself. 
“Wait, wait, baby. I’m sorry.” His hand landed on my hip, keeping me in his bed and it only made the rejection worse. “I don’t want to hurt her.”
“You’re right, I’m too late.”
Getting on his knees he ended up on top of me. “I’m not a cheater.”
My hands grasped onto his shirt like a lifeline. “I know, Dom. I can keep a secret, baby. Just between us.” My mouth found his neck and I could help it when my lips trailed kisses to his jaw.
“Fuck, mi amore. We shouldn’t…” Nothing about his words screamed desire or torture enough to finally fall into bed. It was heartbreaking. It was simply sex. 
“I love you, Dom. You’ve never made love to me…” letting my knees brush the outside of his hips I arched my back, pushing my chest into his. “Please, Dom.”
“We’re older now. I don’t wanna hurt her again. We’ve been talking for a few months now.” He said sharply, protective even.
Jealousy swept my body and my hands roamed under his shirt, trying to push it off him until he gave up. Tracing his tattoos with my finger I whispered, “She’s back in Cali, we’re in Florida. I won’t tell, Dom. No one knows me like you do. I don’t want anyone else.”
“Goddamn it. What do you need from me, baby?” All the sexuality suddenly felt transactional instead.
Slipping my hand between us I stroked him inside his underwear. “You. This,” I whimpered before kissing his neck again. 
“What if I can’t fuck you?”
“Just kiss me, Dom.” His mouth found mine and it was almost instantly that his tongue was pressing against mine. My hands begged his hips to hump me.
“Fuck,” he pulled away just enough to feel like rejection.
“Don’t stop. Please baby.” I begged as I pushed the band on his boxers down until his cock fell out. 
“You want that, baby girl? Feel that? That tight ass pussy, am I gonna fit baby?”
Shaking my head, I separated my legs to show him how wet I am. 
“There we go, mi amore. Fuck. Is that what you want? You want to come on my cock baby? Come here, ride this.”
Twisting over he pulled me onto his lap, “that’s it baby.”
“Dom?” I asked before I sat on his lap. Looking up at me he shook his head, pressing back into his hands. “You were hard when I came in… because of her?”
“Yes. She sent me a photo. It doesn’t change that you’ll always turn me on too.”
He felt bad for me. This was pity sex. He wasn’t aching for me the way I was for him. 
Leaning down, our foreheads touched and my lips found his briefly. “You were right, Dom. We missed our time.” 
Dom pushed me off his lap. “You always do this. Make up excuses, run away scared. Marie wouldn’t have affected you at all before. Now she’s an issue? I wasted so much time chasing you.”
I let Dom leave without an argument. That was the last night we spoke for a while and the next time I did Marie was his serious girlfriend coming home for the holidays. 
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akaranali · 2 years
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Your wedding day with Elysia
Fem reader
Tw: bad grammar
• you managed to score Elysia and managed to marry her? You are one lucky women
• Elysia chose’s the the venue and decorated in her liking, Definitely a lot of pink but not much pink
• You two would definitely do the holding hands before it thing. She would kiss you so many times before you two leave to get ready
• Eden is definitely her maid of honour and the one who gets help her get ready.
“Ellie stand still if you keep moving you’re gonna be late to your own wedding”
“I know Eden it’s just I can’t wait to see my dear Y/n”
• For you, your maid of honour is probably Apoina and the one to help you get ready as well.
“You’re surprising calm Y/n”
“I’m not, I’m trying not cry so I won’t ruin the makeup”
• After the both of are done, all the bridesmaids are finish getting, The guest are all sat down it’s time for the grandest moment of your life
•You walk down the aisle first. You wear a beautiful white wedding dress with some pink rose.
•Then comes Grieso the flower girl Elyisa choose. Pink rose petals of course
•Then comes in your bride, The love of your life, Your Elysia. Her song coming down is “So this is love” and the one walking her down is Vill V it would’ve been Kevin but the ice thing. Holding a bouquet of pink rose
•You cry so hard seeing her walk down the aisle. She’s coming down the aisle to marry you
• When she makes it to you, you have resist the urge to kiss her right there and then
• the marriage officiant that’s what it call I think is Su hands down. He memorise all the words.
“Elysia do you take Y/n to be your wife for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?”
“I do”
“Y/n do you take Elysia-“
“I do”
“At least let me finish, I Su with the power invest to me, now pronounce you wife and wife”
• You’ve never went in kiss so fast in your life. Everything other you and Elysia didn’t matter at that point it was just you and her.
•You two would have to force apart for you two to stop kissing
•After all that the guest went to the dinging room to eat there fill and dance
•You would definitely be talking with Kevin and Dr. Mei in the banquet. Drinking champagne and all
• After a half of hour of party it was time for you and Elysia to cute the cake, Of course the cake top piece was custom made to look like each other
•You never knew that cutting a cake would make you this happy
“Y/n dear you’re smiling”
“How could I not be?”
•The cake was amazing. You saw how happy every one look eating it. You could even seen a smile under a Kalpas mask, or something like a smile
• Though after you were all done eating Vill V started dancing. She got must of the other guest to.
“You’re not going to dance?”
“Of course not, I’m waiting for my first dance with my beautiful wife Elysia”
“If that’s the case”
• You saw Eden walking to where the DJ was. The DJ look at her like that have some sort of signal and lower the music and giving Eden the mic
“Thank you every one. Now can I have your attention please? Thank you. This one is for our newly wedded couple first dance”
• You’re suddenly pulled by Elysia to the dance floor. She put her hands around your waist and hold your hand and you do the same
•You hear Eden start singing. But you’re more focus on the beauty in front of you.
“I love you so much Elysia”
“I love you more my dearest Y/n”
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
Title: How Magnus Became Partner
A/N: another day in the windverse -this time with @saibug1022's blorbo, magnus bishop standing front and center. i've loved learning everything there is to know about this character and hope yall will enjoy reading their story as well 🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
Characters: OC: Magnus Bishop (he/him), OC: Wind Velez (she/he/they), Gabe Ricci
Summary: Thea Vaughn became a household name after coming forward with allegations against her former boss, none other than Senator Austin Morris. Magnus Bishop, a head-strong, underappreciated junior associate at Jensen Legal, goes against the firm's wishes to take on her case.
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 3.4K
read below the cut or...
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Jensen Legal; Cincinnati, Ohio
“Angus, could you be a dear and take these files over to Debbie in finance?” 
Magnus groaned inwardly, barely suppressing an eyeroll that ached to be unleashed. Three years as an associate, yet no one remembered his name nor had the decency to delegate menial tasks like this to one of the many paralegals on staff. He took a quick breath, unclenching his fists hidden underneath his desk before taking the folders with a sickly sweet smile. “Sure thing, Magnet.” 
“Uh, it’s Margret, actually.” 
Magnus gasped, feigning shock. “Oh, my mistake. I’ll make sure to remember that for next time.” He didn’t spare her a single glance as he marched her precious files over to Debbie in fucking finance. Yet another piss-poor, sunshine-y day in Cincinnati. 
There was no doubt in his mind that he’d be swimming in cash if he got a dollar for every time he wanted to set fire to the firm. His restraint was tied exclusively to needing to make rent, not for any supposed comradery the firm’s slogan encouraged to promote. ‘Jensen Legal, where family is our priority.’ Such a priority that the founder’s son was named partner after only six months on the job. Richard Jensen, or as Magnus liked to call him, a fucking dick. 
The walk to the financial wing was short-lived, leaving only the mundane walk back to his office. A few secretaries he recognized sent him a small wave, occupied with fielding an endless stream of phone calls for their supervisors. Even if no one bothered to know his name, it was impossible for Magnus to walk the halls unnoticed. Standing at an impressive 6’4,” he easily towered over the majority of his coworkers. Warm, dark skin clashed with an endless sea of white, cold and unforgiving. Seen, but still very much alone. 
Loud chatter filtered from the break-room, stealing his attention away from his trek. “Turn it up, Craig. I can’t hear anything,” a shrill voice complained.  
“I’m trying! This damn remote– oh, I think I got it. Here-”
Magnus stood at the back of the crowd, eyes glued to the flat-screen television mounted high on the wall. ‘SOON TO SPEAK: SENATOR AUSTIN MORRIS’ lined the bottom of the broadcast with a reporter at the scene. 
“Yes- we’ve just received word that Senator Morris is scheduled to hold a press conference to address recent allegations of sexual misconduct made by Thea Vaughn. Ms. Vaughn is known to have worked for-” 
Even with his hearing aids, Magnus strained to listen to the reporter as a wave of murmurs from the room clouded his ears. 
“Do you think he actually-”
“-likely. That slut just wants-”
“-heard she got charged with a-” 
Frustrated, he pulled out his phone to search for a live stream, tapping the first link listed. The website lagged for a moment before the video began to buffer. He turned on the closed captions and watched as Senator Morris made his way to the podium. His demeanor was solemn but assured as he adjusted the mic to land right at his chin. 
“Good afternoon, Cincinnati. I stand before you today not as an elected official but as a father to two incredible children. Husband to my beautiful wife, Alison. And son to Jane and Peter Morris.”
Big fucking whoop, Magnus scoffed to himself. He watched the tell-all interview with Thea Vaughn. Anyone with a functioning brain could see that she was the wronged party. If not through her words, then from the hint of terror that marked her dusty blue eyes as she retold her story. Though perhaps it was too generous to assume such intelligence from his peers. 
“I’m sure many of you have read the awful headlines circulating online. Slanderous words printed right by my name. Cheater. Violent. Abusive. I’m here to set the record straight. Yes, Ms. Vaughn was a former employee of mine, but the allegations brought forth by her couldn’t be further from the truth,” Senator Morris spoke, putting emphasis on the word ‘truth.’
Loud whispers filled the air. 
“-so brave of him-”
“-must be awf-”
“-knew he couldn’t have-” 
Magnus pulled at the small ridge hooked behind his ear with the tip of his nail, shutting off his aids completely. The longer he watched the senator speak, the hotter his blood ran. Austin Morris, ever the devout Christian, quoted the Bible to turn Thea’s allegations on their head. 
“Love thy neighbor- and that’s what I did, folks. I opened my doors to a troubled woman. Shared a meal with her at the same table along with my wife and kids. But generosity can only go so far when dealing with someone struggling with addiction-”
Magnus’ expression crumpled with disdain. Addiction? She was charged with illegal possession of marijuana at sixteen, not found shooting up heroin in an alley.
“-my own personal funds, I am happy to donate $10,000 to rehabilitation centers located all throughout the state. I hope this money will aid those in a way I failed to do so with Thea. May she one day be guided back to the light.”
“Jesus Christ,” Magnus scoffed at his blatant display of gaslighting. Enough giving this waste of air his time, he had work to do. Shutting off his phone, he peeled out of the breakroom, ready to bury his frustrations in paperwork. 
A week passed since Austin Morris’ media junket finally came to a close. Everywhere Magnus looked, that prick was there, flashing his pearly veneers to the nation with shallow charitable gestures that surely cost him less than the price of one of his luxury Italian sports cars. The masses ate it up like candy. Senator Morris’ reputation was not only repaired, but improved. The latest polls showed a 35% increase in his approval rating. Thea Vaughn, however, was a different story.
Her interviews had been reduced to crude memes- the most popular one being a gif of her breaking down mid-interview with the hashtag ‘fake bitch’ on the bottom. Any sympathy shown online towards her was effectively silenced by an army of Morris’ fiercest supporters.
Raindrops clung to the window panes, remnants of the harsh downpour that recently settled into a light drizzle. But inside, a different storm brewed. One that involved an extra box of discovery and task sheet not meant for him, but his acting supervisor: Richard (Dick) Jensen.
“Make sure you file that subpoena by 4PM. Dad’s gonna chew me out if this shit gets delayed again.”
“Go file it yourself. My shift ends in twenty minutes,” Magnus said flatly, pushing the file back towards him. 
“Says who?”
“My schedule after you approved my early leave three weeks ago. I’ve got an appointment.” 
“Reschedule it. We’re understaffed today,” Richard explained, barely glancing up from his phone- too preoccupied with whoever he’s texting on the other line. 
“Bullshit. No one called for any temps today.”
Richard’s brow arched up. “And how do you know that? Actually- don’t answer. I’ve got a client to schmooze over beers at Jimmy’s, so get to- ah shit, not again.”
“What is it?”
“This Vaughn chick sent another request for a consultation.”
Magnus perked up slightly at the name. “Thea Vaughn?” 
“Who else?” Richard answered rudely, as if it was that obvious. Magnus brushed aside his tone, too curious about Thea’s meeting to care. 
“You met with her already? What’d you say?”
“What every other firm in the city has- her case is not worth taking.”
A flash of anger tore through Magnus. “Why the hell not?” 
“Because we’re not looking to foot the bill for some petty charity case that’s already on the losing side. Austin Morris has the media in his back pocket and the resources to bury anyone who touches him in a mountain of legal fees. Anyone with eyes can see that.” 
“Anyone with eyes can see that Morris is full of shit,” Magnus spat back. 
“He could be buried in it for all I care. Look, I don’t have time to listen to you preach on your soapbox. Just send Vaughn back out the door when she arrives. And file that subpoena,” Richard ordered, already walking towards the elevators. 
“Dick,” he swore under his breath, begrudgingly picking up the phone to move his appointment. He checked his schedule pinned on the wall. Friday the 23rd was marked as his day off. Hopefully Dr. Miller could see him then. 
He was halfway through Richard’s to-do list when the light mounted on his desk flashed red, a signal that someone was at his door. He glanced up from his work and saw Tina, one of Jensen Legal’s secretaries. She was on the older side. Mid 50s if Magnus had to guess. Streaks of gray poked through her auburn hair, smile lines creased the pale skin on her face, and she always wore the most ridiculous neon green jumpers. Out of everyone at the firm, Magnus tolerated her the most. “Sorry to bother you, Mr. Bishop.” 
“It’s alright, Tina. What is it?” 
“Thea Vaughn is in the lobby waiting for her consultation with Mr. Jensen. I already told her he’d be out of the office for the rest of the day, but she’s refusing-”
“Send her in,” Magnus interrupted her spiel. There was a rare opportunity right in front of him and he’d be damned if he let it slip through the cracks. Was it reckless? Definitely. Did he care? Not one bit.  
Tina’s eyes widened slightly. “But I was given explicit instructions by-”
“Di- I mean- Richard told me the same thing, Tina. Don’t worry, I’m just gonna make it easier for her to want to leave by entertaining a meeting,” he reassured, hoping she couldn’t sense the double meaning in his words. Fuck what Dick wanted. Magnus would do anything if it meant he got to stick it to that pompous, holier than thou politician.
“Alright… I’ll send her over to you shortly.” 
“Thank you.”
Not five minutes passed before his door opened once more, this time with Thea Vaughn at his doorstep. Seeing her in person as opposed to on the television or online forums was surreal. Magnus thought that after weeks of ridicule her demeanor would be meek, but she proved to be anything but.
“So I guess they pushed me over to you. Who are you, one of Jensen’s paralegals?” 
“Junior Associate,” Magnus corrected, brushing off her snide comment. Unlike Dick, she had a legitimate reason to be scorned. “Please have a seat, Ms. Vaughn.”
“Ooh, manners,” she praised mockingly, sliding into the seat across from his desk. With her this close, Magnus took note of the flecks of gray that swam in her eyes like tiny storm clouds. “Is this the part where you tell me to take my business elsewhere?” 
“No, it’s not. I want to take your case.”
Thea straightened in her seat, clearly surprised by his answer. “Wait- really? You’re not messing with me?”
“I want to see Morris behind bars just as much as you, Ms. Vaughn.” 
“Thea,” she said, more at ease than she had been when she first entered the room. “I’m sorry for being a bitch. After the sixth suit laughed me out of their office, I stopped trying to be nice.” 
“Believe me, I understand the urge. More than half of those idiots outside drive me up the fucking wall on a daily basis.” 
She snorted. “How do you cope?” 
“That’s fair. So, how does this whole thing go? Will you be working with Mr. Jensen?”
Magnus sucked in a breath, trying to find the right way to phrase his clear violation of Dick’s wishes. “Mr. Jensen has… delegated anything regarding your case to me. So, you’ll mainly be interacting with me throughout this process,” he answered. It wasn’t a lie. He did want Magnus to take care of it.  
“Oh- okay. Um, I’m sure he already told you that I can’t-” 
“He did. I can offer my services pro bono. You won’t have to pay anything.”
Thea let out an astonished laugh, Magnus’ words grounding her in the present. “Wow. This is… wow.”
"Haven’t heard those words from anyone else, huh?” 
“No, I haven’t,” she confirmed. “Thank you, uh-”
“Magnus.” He reached out to offer his hand.
“Thank you, Magnus. Really.” Her hand was small in his, but felt just as strong. As if a new surge of life had entered her veins. 
“Thank me after I win your case. Also- when you walk out of here, act pissed.”
Thea’s brows furrowed. “Why do I need to do that?” 
“There are certain people who know how this meeting was supposed to turn out. We need to keep up appearances,” he explained, side-stepping from the full truth of the matter. But Thea caught on to the reality of the situation.
“You were supposed to say no to me.” Her words were not accusatory, only looking to confirm what she already knew.  
“I was told to escort you out of the building, which I intend to do,” Magnus stated, rising from his seat. “You can either take your chances with me or go try to find another lawyer who is willing to give you the time of day.” 
There was a moment of silence shared between them- a beat where they each bore into the other, searching for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, Thea nodded. “Alright then. I’m in.”
Keeping Thea’s caseload under wraps proved to be more of a challenge than Magnus originally anticipated. Half his energy alone was spent on finding moments throughout the day to sneak in time to pour over her files. He couldn’t pass any grunt work on anyone else- so it was him who logged in the discovery, researched for any precedent that favored his case, and dealt with the arduous process of filing for a hearing. 
It worked for all of two weeks.
Dick stormed into his office, fury etched deep into his features. If he wasn’t as royally fucked as he was in that moment, Magnus would’ve reveled in seeing the veins bulge on Dick’s forehead. “Bishop, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“Writing memos for Stanley’s case.” His unbothered attitude only enraged Dick further.
“Cut the shit, Magnus. I know you went around my direct order and took on that bitch’s case.”
Fuck. Act calm and bluff. Magnus schooled his face into a neutral expression, raising a single accusatory eyebrow at his supervisor. “Do you have proof? Because right now all you’re doing is throwing empty accusations at my face.” 
“You want proof? Fine. Here’s your fucking proof,” Richard snarled, getting right in Magnus’ face. He met his fury head on, refusing to give Dick the satisfaction of seeing him squirm. “Pack your shit. You’re fired.”
Magnus sneered. “You can’t fire me. Only managing partners have that authority.” 
A sinister grin spread on Dick’s face as he slapped something down on his desk. “Consider me their proxy.” Magnus glanced down at the document. His bravado vanished as he read what it was. A notice of termination, effective immediately. Next to it, a fountain pen. 
“What? You really thought no one would notice an uptick in your non-billables? Franklin wanted to leave you high and dry, but dad figured if word got out of your sudden… departure, it would reflect poorly on the firm. Not that I really give a shit. Now sign your severance package and get the fuck out.” With that, Dick slammed the door behind him.
Frozen, all Magnus could do was stare at the papers in front of him. He expected to be a lot of things- angry, vindictive- but numb was certainly not on his list. Maybe his mind had canceled out the whirlwind of emotions that were flooding his system- the first stages of grief coiled so tightly around his chest he no longer felt a thing. But all the denial in the world couldn’t change what was written in the fine print. 
His body moved on its own accord. An empty box slowly filled with the few belongings he kept in office: a handful of spare batteries for his hearing aids, his coffee mugs, and a framed photo of him and older sister, Vivian. Shit. He’d probably have to move in with her and her family. Figure out how to terminate his lease early- hire movers- find a new job- 
It dawned on him all at once. No more getting cast aside for promotions. No more shitty coffee from the breakroom or stupid requests from Magnet. And best of all- no more Dick and his receding hairline hidden with an equally awful side-part. 
The laugh that bursted out from Magnus’ lips was borderline hysterical. Anyone watching from the outside would think he’d gone mad. No more to-do lists, no more Dick Jensen. No more listening to generic hold music, no more Dick Jensen. No more bland chicken at company potlucks, no more Dick Jensen. No more Dick Fucking Jensen! 
Magnus scrawled his signature on the dotted line, officially marking the end of his terrible time at Jensen Legal. There was an undeniable spring in his step as he walked towards the elevators. All eyes were on him, an amalgamation of confused pity and intrigue pointed his way. And he couldn’t care less. 
The first thing Magnus did was drive to Raven’s. Hours later, he walked out with twisted locs landing just past his shoulders, its tips a vibrant shade of midnight blue. It was the first time in years where he genuinely felt like himself. With that out of the way, there was only one thing left to do- find a way to stick it to Austin Morris. 
McGraw Byrne, one month later… 
“Thank you for your time, Niel. We’ll be in touch.” Gabe shook hands with the latest person on the list of potential hires for McGraw Byrne. He maintained a poised smile until the doors shut behind him before letting out a tired exhale. The search for new partners had gone just as well as he expected. Which meant it wasn’t going well at all. Any quality candidates were most likely snatched up months ago during the summer hiring season, leaving a less than stellar pool to choose from. 
He was skimming through yet another resume when Wind bursts through the doors, newspaper in hand. “Put that file down- I think I found just the person we’re looking for.” A black and white photo of Austin Morris leaving court took up the majority of the front page. The article below detailed the Ohio-native senator’s fall from grace after being charged on multiple counts of assault, trespassing, and solicitation. 
“Is there a lawyer with an ad listed in that paper?” 
“You’re looking at ‘em.”
Gabe stared at his colleague, dumbfounded. “I’m sorry, but how is another criminal the person we’ve been looking for?” 
“He’s not- the guy who put him behind bars is. Anyone who can take out someone as powerful as Senator Morris has to be incredibly talented,” Wind explained with barely contained excitement, practically bouncing on their heels. 
“They’re also probably backed by a powerful firm. Not someone looking for a job.” 
“See- I thought the same thing at first, but then I looked closer into all the lawyers involved in Vaughn’s case. The person she hired wasn’t associated with any law firm in any of the articles I found.” 
“Don’t you think that's weird? Any respectable firm would be dying for this level of publicity.” 
Gabe’s eyes widened. “God, you’re right. So you’re saying-”
“Whoever did this was operating on their own? Yes, yes I am. And I think I just found him online.” Wind set their phone on the table, its screen on a LinkedIn profile. Gabe read through his credentials. 
 Magnus Bishop. 29 years old. Graduated summa cum laude from the Mortiz College of Law at Ohio State University. Work experience: junior associate at Jensen Legal. 
“We can’t take him.” 
Wind’s face dropped. “Why not? He’s perfect!” 
“He’s only worked as an associate. We need someone with more experience,” Gabe reasoned.
“Gabe- no one else we’ve seen today holds a candle to this guy. So what if he’s an associate? Sadie plucked me right out of a civil court hearing in Nebraska for citing tree law. Magnus Bishop took out a freaking senator. Tell me that doesn’t at least warrant a phone call to see if he’d be interested in coming to work for McGraw Byrne.”
Wind, always the one to root for the underdog, held an unwavering optimism in their gaze. Gabe sighed, having no choice but to yield to its intensity. “Alright, let’s give Mr. Bishop a call.”
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thefuzzzz · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge #24!!
Prompt: Band AU
Jason wasn’t really sure how he got there, but he was sure he was enjoying himself.
He was in a stuffed building, some hole-in-the-wall place loaded with metalheads. Jason himself was an unassuming metal fan. He didn’t look it, but something about incomprehensible screaming was appealing to his soul.
Currently on stage was a man screaming his heart out. However, Jason’s gaze was more intent on the bassist beside him.
Something about the bright lights and Jason’s slowly disappearing sense of sound made it all the better. This all felt like some kind of dream he’d stumbled into in an attempt to fill the void of a boring Friday night.
The bassist stood out from the rest of the band. He was small and looked to be around Jason’s age if not a little younger. He watched their vocalist intently, eyes sharpened with a kind of focus Jason had never seen look so good in someone before.
He had black hair with little streaks dyed red. He wore a simple black jacket and shirt with some ripped-up jeans and way too many bracelets. They jangled on his wrists as he played up and down the strings.
The song they were playing ended, giving room for the crowd to cheer. Jason had never heard of the band, but they seemed popular. He wasn’t sure why they were performing with a ten-dollar entry fee in a dingy building though.
The vocalist walked around in a circle before addressing the crowd. He was soaked in sweat and had his shirt tugged off and tucked hanging out of his pocket, but he was grinning.
“Hey everybody, hope you’re enjoying yourselves tonight.”
The crowd roared with enthusiasm, only making his smile grow.
He said something else, but Jason wasn’t paying much attention. He was staring at the bassist. Somehow, the bassist stared back. His eyes flickered to Jason’s for a moment before he smiled and looked away towards his vocalist.
Jason felt his face flush. His ears were ringing, but the next interaction would replay in his mind all night.
The singer was still talking as Nico walked over to him. “Alright everybody, our next song is called ‘Want You’. It’s out on Spotify now. This is our first time performing—huh?” He turned to see his bassist tapping him on the shoulder. “What’s up, Nico?”
Jason repeated the name in his mind. It was a nice name, it suited him.
Nico took the mic and said softly but commandingly, “Blondie in the second row, what’s your name?”
Jason looked around for another ‘blondie’ but only found dyed hair and the furthest things from blond imaginable. “Uh, I’m Jason.” He said, stuttering over his words and now acutely aware of how red his face was getting.
“This next song’s for you.” Nico gave the mic back and returned to his spot.
The rest of the band “ooo”-ed at Nico, who just smiled and gave a little look to Jason under his shaggy hair.
The song started, and Jason was met with the lyrics supposedly dedicated to him. A mixture of the suggestive lyrics and Nico’s eyes now glued to him certainly didn’t help his blush.
The song ended as quickly as it started, but maybe that was just the case for Jason. Nico winked subtly.
“Alright, everyone, we had a wonderful time tonight! Glad you all came and were performing here again this time Friday next week!” Their vocalist said.
Nico locked eyes with Jason and smiled before hopping down the steps to the small stage and walking over, unplugging his bass.
He smiled up at Jason. “I’m Nico, nice to meet you,” he said surprisingly politely.
Jason looked down at him. “Well, you know I’m Jason. Nice to meet you too.”
Nico looked him up and down. Jason tried not to twitch under his harsh gaze.
“I like you, you stand out,” Nico said cryptically.
“You stand out too. You’re very different from your bandmates.”
“Are you single?” Nico asked, cutting straight to the chase.
“Yeah, yeah I am. Are you?”
A second of silence overtook them. It was clear Nico wasn’t the type to do this often. Despite his rough nature he fidgeted his hands in his pocket.
Jason smiled. God, this guy was adorable.
“Here, I’ll put my number in your phone,” Jason said, talking a bit louder so he could actually hear himself over his ringing ears.
Nico handed over his phone, smiling softly.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” Nico asked.
“I’ve got work in the morning, but other than that I’m free.”
“Great, text me what time works and I’ll pick you up then,” Nico said, putting his own number in Jason’s phone.
He handed Jason his phone, letting him see his chipped black nail polish. “See you around, blondie.”
Jason left that concert with a new number in his phone and a red face, both signs of a good night.
This is also on AO3:
My Card:
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