#the end point is dani becoming the SM
goldenart0 · 9 months
Gift for @emis-equivalent-exchange for @astranauticus! Some Theatre Dani and VR-LA hanging out
ao3 link
“Are you sure it’s fine we’re in here Dani?” VR-LA slowly closed the door into the theatre, trying to make it as quiet as possible. 
Dani strolled right up to the booth, twirling the set of keys around her finger. “Of course,” she called back at him, “I practically run this place. No one will question if I’m here, and if they do they can go fuck themselves. Now come on, I wanna show you how the board works.”
VR-LA jogged up to the booth, where Dani was already messing around with some buttons.
Dani patted the chair in front of the board, “Sit down, I’ve already pulled up the cues. It’s not too different from sound really, all you have to do is press the button when the SM says ‘go’.” Dani took VR-LA’s arm and pushed him to the chair in front of the board, standing to the side of him and holding onto the back of the chair with one hand, gesturing with the other.
“It’s honestly probably less complicated than what you’ve done on sound, since you aren’t focusing on cues and mics, just cues-”
“Are you doing sound this time? I’m surprised you aren’t doing lighting for this show. I don’t remember you saying anything about leaving,” VR-LA interrupted, turning to face Dani.
“No, it’s this music kid that’s been asking for a while and I thought since you’re doing lights why not give it him. H-, He-, I don’t really remember his name, think it started with an H. So no, I’m not in the booth this time, I did design and I’ll be watching the show like a normal person.” Dani looked disappointed for a brief moment before pointing back at the lighting board. “Anyway, here’s your list of cues. You’ll probably want to put them in your script as well, in pencil, before the Q to Q, but it’s really the same as sound. The Stage Manager calls a cue, you response with ‘lx’, and press the button when they say ‘go’. Make you don’t, VR-LA look at me.” Dani twisted the chair to face her and made eye contact with him. “Make sure you only press go when you get told too. Even if the Stage Manager forgets and you know it’s coming. You listen to the Stage Manager no matter what, even if they mess up. Then it’s on them, not you, for messing up a cue.”
VR-LA nodded at Dani and waited until she turned back to face the lighting board and stage to turn back himself. 
“I’ll be at the Q to Q as well, in case changes need to be made, which they probably will be. You know how adding cues works right?” 
VR-LA nodded.
“It’s the same deal, new cues are .5s or .1s or whatever. I’ll probably add or change cues when we have to, but the system isn’t too hard. You can pick colours here,” Dani hovered the cursor over a colour wheel on the monitor, “or there are sets of colours stored here,” she moved to a tab on the side of the screen. “’Cause we have LEDs you can pick all the colours from here. And then this button saves the cue.” Dani paused and looked back at VR-LA. “I can do all of that this weekend and you can watch, don’t worry.”
VR-LA took the mouse from Dani and clicked on a part of the colour wheel Dani pointed at before swirling around inside of it. The light on stage turned blue, before quickly flashing between all the colours VR-LA had hovered on.
“Oh wow that’s. A lot.”
“LEDs am I right. Delightful tools. Anyway, that’s probably all you really need to know, I mostly just wanted to show you the board.” Dani pushed off the desk, standing back upright, and started looking as if to head out, stepping behind him.
“Who is the stage manager by the way?” VR-LA asked, reaching to find the off switch for the board.
“MR-SN, though I would have assumed you already knew that.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t know, why would you assume I knew that?” VR-LA asked, confused.
“Well,” Dani drew out the word, smirking, “I thought you two were close.”
VR-LA paused. He and MR-SN did work together and he enjoyed hanging out and talking with him, but he wouldn’t say they were particular close. Certainly not anymore than anyone else in the theatre, right?
“And on that note,” Dani continues, still smiling, “No flirting on headset. The booth isn’t as soundproof as you think it is-“
VR-LA whipped around to face Dani. “What?”
“-And I don’t want to hear anything while sitting in the audience.”
“We do not flirt, MR-SN and I don’t flirt with each other, what are you talking about? I don’t flirt with anyone and definitely not MR-SN.” VR-LA’s words came out rushed and he felt his face start to heat up.
“Well I still don’t want to hear anything, flirting or not.”
“I don’t flirt with anyone Dani!”
“I’m just saying that the booth isn’t fully soundproof VR-LA, that’s all.” Dani smiled at him and his, not serious, rage and embarrassment. Then she looked over his shoulder at the stage and her face fell a bit.
“Are you alright Dani?”
Dani made a small noise of surprise and looked back at VR-LA. “Yeah I’m good, just thinking.”
“Are you sure, you looked sad for a second, is something wrong?”
“No it’s fine, just a lot on my mind. It’s your first show as mlx, it’s a new sound op, this is my first time designing lights myself, it’s a lot going on.”
VR-LA didn’t respond to her. There was a lot of new things going on for this show, and Dani had to be under the pressure of designing her first show by herself.
“It’s just that.” Dani spoke up, tapping her fingers against the back of the chair. “I won’t be there if anything happens. I’m not doing cues to make sure they happen when they should, or on headset to say if anything looks weird, or if anything or one goes missing. After the Q to Q I’m done. Can’t touch anything, it’s out of my hands. I’ll just be sitting in the audience and trust you guys have it under control. Which I do, don’t get me wrong, but-”
“But you want to be there to make sure.”
Dani looked down at the floor. “I’ve never not worked a show before. Even backstage, running around making sure props were in their places or actors made their cues. It’s weird to not have to do anything.”
“And let go of your responsibility?” VR-LA added.
“I guess, it just makes me nervous to not be able to do anything. Even through I totally trust you guys, I don’t think you’ll mess up, but if you do, I can’t do anything and that’s nerve-wracking.” Dani squeezed the back of the chair and looked up at VR-LA.
She did look upset. Not angry, but sad, or longing. Like she didn’t want to give this up to VR-LA and whatever person she grabbed for sound. VR-LA knew Dani wouldn’t let him give up his job to her just so she could be back in the booth, even with how much more experience she had then he did. If she was accepting her role as a designer, for her first solo show, she would stick with that no matter how much she wanted to be in the show. VR-LA hoped that if she watched the tech runs it might calm her nervousness but made a mental note to talk to some of the others to do something for Dani in appreciation. 
For now through, “You know, I’m still a bit confused on how to add a cue, could you show it to me again?”
He saw Dani’s eyes light up with excitement again and give him a genuine smile as he pointed back to the monitor, and she came back next to him by the board.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Offering of a juvenile nile crocodile skull
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(Yes it is real and it is Very Cool)
Thinking about those AU's where there is something Other and Wrong about Danny Fenton
And just. People interacting with him who Know something is Off but they don't know what but they're trying to pretend everything is Okay because they don't want to be rude
People tip toeing around Danny because he is Creepy
Bonus point is Danny just doesn't notice anything. He's too tired to notice that people are acting strange ~~how is the way theyre acting any different from how people have always acted around him?~~
But like, less angst and more undead comedy. Something that *could* have been angst but framing makes it funny rather than sad
Addams-family-like Maddy and Jack Fenton where they aren't Bad Parents it's just that what they think is a good parent is Absolutely Not what everyone else thinks is a good parent. *convo between fenton parent and their kids when they were toddlers* 'Oh honey why are you carrying that little knife?' 'I want to kill the monster under my bed' 'why are you using that then? Here take this one' *hands them the fenton bazooka*
Something Off and Different about Jazz too - and Sam and Tucker. Less so with the latter two.
Dani is the most normal of the lot. The Fentons adopt her and absolutely no one questions it because thank god there is finally someone Normal in that family (once she gets enough ectoplasm to properly stabilise she becomes Less Normal but she is normal when they meet her and it happens slowly so they don't notice as both she and the rest of the town slowly and slowly become weirder)
OH! What about Amity Park, at some point, merges with a replica of it in the Ghost Zone? Amity Park IS Phantom's lair and thus it is the Lair of the Ghost King - it exists in both the living realm and the infinite realms. Someone who has lived in Amity Park for long enough can go into either the human world or ghost zone by leaving the towns borders - they end up in whichever realm they are trying to go to. A ghost can only go into the infinite realms (if they want to go to the human realm that isnt just amity park they MUST go through the fentons or vlads portal) and a non-amity park human can just go to and from the human world in amity park - again, they specifically need to go through the portals to switch between realms.
Animals associated with death can also use amity park itself to traverse the realms - this does not follow any logic beyond that of human myths and legends. Animals not associated with death are bound by the same rules as humans.
I have never even thought of 'Fenton's are the Adam's Family of Amity Park' but I need like 10000 fics of it now I love it sm.
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valleynix · 2 years
Mmm yeah Cass my poor baby, she banged half of the castle's staff, in other stories she's also responsible for death of the other half.
She usually has only two things on her mind. Sadly.
Onto better things which is ch.6
Bela and Reader arguing meanwhile Cass is having the time of her life pls I love it, I love her.
Ahhh cuddles with Dani 🥺 so sweet. And she just... radiates such comfort pls. I loved that whole scene with her. I'd trust her with my life.
Another bonding time with Bela with some teasing✨ Reader really got brave there to call her a brat haha
And I'm happy that they got to spend some time with Cass in her natural habitat too haha.
We've got to see what exactly she's doing in her free time. She does strike me as one that would like to study humans. Be it their literal insides or their mind.
I hope we get to join her for more in the future.
(And damn she does like to annoy the shit out of Bela and get on her sis' nerves, using poor Reader. Also, there are some things to unpack between those two it seems)
With how many happy sweet moments there were, at some point I was like it's going to end soon isn't it? (me every time my life goes suspiciously well lmao)
And I was right 😭 because at the end was this blackout again.
Lastly, I have a question. I've been thinking about it recently, is Daniela not as fluent in English as the rest of her family? She usually speaks with single words or simple sentences. Is that the case? Or is there another reason?
(Happy to hear my struggles to understand what's going on and the journey with this fic is entertaining 😭)
right?? i personally can't stand when people write her like that. she's so much more than just a sadist </3
*Cass lives for drama, i just know it
*I LOVE DANI SM, i did warn you she tends to get better scenes because i'm very biased with her BAHA
*YESS ANOTHER KISS, Bela is bold with initiating and Reader is bold with starting the whole thing off by calling her a brat (she is one, she's just in denial)
*i do like to think Cass is an artist in many ways, like sketching, painting, dissecting humans- all to further her own knowledge, of course, and to find ways to better protect her family :D
*(i am hoping to explain a bit in chap15 about why Bela and Cass are a bit hostile with each other, but i believe i explained it in a headcanon post about their pasts? i can rb it or tag it in this post if you want to read it)
*BAHAHA, i do feel like the angst is definitely weighed out by the fluff/comfort?? like, most of the time, it's not JUST angst, yknow? there's usually some comfort that follows it :D
*there is a reason for it! i can't remember if i actually went into depth about it later on or just implied it, but Miranda severely fucked up Daniela's experiment and the Cadou in her head. it's why she loses control so easily, why she was very much Not Herself in chap4, and why she speaks Like That
it does get much better as the chapters go on and Reader's place in the castle becomes more solidified. she's incoherent and nervous when they're around where you're at, mostly because her thoughts move too quickly for her to accurately articulate what she wants to say, if that makes sense. but as time goes on, you'll see her have full sentences and while she has her moments where she stutters over her words when she's upset, she gets a lot clearer when she speaks >:)
(it'll hopefully make sense as you read more and find out why Miranda didn't care much for their experiments, but i have thought about going further into detail in the upcoming chap when Reader and Alcina have a nice little chat :o)
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celestinovietti · 6 years
toro rosso is problematic. in this essay, i will
Okay, first off, I have to say - Toro Rosso looked promising at first. They were a team who gave juniors a chance, one that never really got involved in the major drama that the others played into. But the news today of Brendon Hartley being ousted and knowing his days were numbered are nothing new anymore. Since Sebastian Vettel’s departure, the team has become a bloated awful parody of a team who have a revolving door policy in which they’ve had more drivers than I’ve had hot dinners. They have a habit of snapping up young talent and if their last name is not Vettel, Ricciardo or Verstappen, they will inevitably be tossed aside for the next big thing in junior formula. (Assistance from @mistressemmedi, who pointed out some of the shit to me).
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read the press and know that Franz and Gerhard  are pushing like hell to get rid of me and Tonio,” (x) Sound familiar? Well, these are the words of Scott Speed, one of Toro Rosso’s original drivers back in 2007, a year after the team was created. He and Vitantonio Liuzzi were the first of many drivers who would occupy the same position for years to come. Their first season was rife with rumours that they wouldn’t last more than a season, with Berger openly courting Sebastien Bourdais and Sebastian Vettel. Speed was the first to be tossed away, followed by Liuzzi in 2007 when he was displaced by Bourdais.  We hit Vettelmania, and he became the first driver to be promoted to Red Bull (and remains the only one who hasn’t had his career ripped into tatters). The two Sebastiens - Bourdais and Buemi - took up the mantle. But it didn’t take long before the fairytale soured. Bourdais was the first driver to be fired with immediate effect in 2009. "Dietrich Mateschitz was at the Nurburgring but he did not speak with me. He did not call me. Everything was done by SMS, which to me has no style," (x) That’s right. They fired Bourdais by humble text message. Bourdais would go on to threaten the team with legal action for the way he was dismissed - and he won as Toro Rosso had already selected their next victim, Jaime Alguersauri.  It looked promising for the young Spaniard. The first season passed without much problem. He managed to beat teammate Buemi by the end of his second season with the team, and it seemed that they were set on retaining him for his third season, only for a familiar pattern to emerge - “Two days later, I received a phone call saying that they were not counting on me. They were two phone calls no longer than two minutes each.” (x) Alguersauri had turned down a race seat at another team, believing that his Toro Rosso race seat was safe. He left the team the same way the others had before him, underappreciated and discarded, it’s probably one of the reasons that he retired from motorsport at the age of just 25.  Buemi was also released, but went quietly enough that he retained his Red Bull athlete status, he still races with the logo on his Formula E helmet, but the reputation he carved at Toro Rosso haunted him for years until he rebuilt himself as a successful WEC and FE driver. They were replaced by two drivers you all will know very well - Jean-Eric Vergne and Daniel Ricciardo. Ricciardo of course ended up at Red Bull before he realised that it’s just like the shitshow at Toro Rosso, only more professional, but it’s Jev we’re going to focus on.  Jev’s confidence took a hit when Ricciardo was promoted to the senior team. Jev said that he had known for some time that he wasn’t going to get the seat and fed the media a bunch of PR about having an amazing season. Daniil Kvyat was moved into the vacant seat alongside Jev and that’s when things began to make a turn for the worse. Jev ended up losing so much weight he was hospitalised. Although, this isn’t entirely Toro Rosso’s fault so much as the FIA who come up with the weight limitations, Jev felt pressured by seeing how small his teammate was. The team wanted him to be lighter, to push himself to these limitations.  "The weight difference between myself and my teammate was making me lose four-tenths [of a second per lap],” (x) His confidence never really recovered from the incident and when Daniil was promoted to the Red Bull team in the 2015 season, Jev once more found his confidence shattered. Thankfully, he has forged a successful career in FE but it took a few years to rebuild that confidence he lost at Toro Rosso.  Moving onto Daniil Kvyat. His problems began at Red Bull, where he was demoted back to Toro Rosso  in which the infamous and very disturbing videos surfaced of Dany at the German GP. They’re very uncomfortable to watch and show a broken man. The problems didn’t stop after the demotion. Daniil was never appreciated at the team. They lost all faith in him and he was replaced TWICE in the season - first to allow Pierre Gasly, the new junior they were grooming, into the team and when Carlos decided that Red Bull wrecking his career wasn’t worth it, he was shipped in again, only to be replaced by Brendon. And we all know what happened to Brendon.  It’s not just the drivers who have managed to get into the ranks though. The Red Bull junior team is massively flawed and leaves many of its drivers stranded with no support. I know that it is impossible to fulfil everyone’s needs but you only have to look at their roster - Antonio Felix da Costa (who has spoke about the pressures he was under as a Red Bull driver and how difficult it was to see Daniil Kyvat, his teammate get the seat over him), Tom Dillmann who was dropped immediately after a poor start to the season and Alex Lynn, who left after he was overlooked for a race seat in 2015 who have all gone on to forge successful careers in other series to realise it’s NOT the driver’s ability, it’s the team’s inability to provide opportunities and believe in them. It’s a cutthroat industry, and while it does produce the likes of Max Verstappen and Sebastian Vettel, there’s a lot of drivers who are forgotten, intentionally ignored and their spirits broken, all because they didn’t fit into the Red Bull machine of success. Brendon Hartley is just one of the latter, and I am certain he will not be the last.
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alwaysfine · 6 years
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i honestly can’t believe it’s been a year already. it has actually flown by. originally on my multi muse, moving amanda and jesse to their own blogs was the best decision and i’ve been so thankful i did ever since. if i’m being honest, the only reason why i made jesse a sideblog at all was because i was so in love with the url ( badbagelll ) that i couldn’t not. but it turned out better than i could’ve ever anticipated. i’m so grateful for all the wonderful writing partners i’ve been blessed to not only write with, but get to know out of character. all of you are such kind, strong, inspiring, and golden hearted human beings with such creative minds and exceptional talent. i often ask myself what on earth i did, and how i got so lucky to meet you all.
 i am so incredibly honored to have the opportunity to bring the independent, strong, unfairly gorgeous, quick witted, badass, and beautifully flawed amanda rollins to life. and not only do i get the pleasure of writing amanda, but our precious bad bagel, jesse. 
all in all, amanda @ sonny in that gif is me @ every single person who i write with, who has ever messaged me ooc, and anyone who simply follows this blog. i can honestly say that writing these two characters has been the highlight of my writing journey. i adore each and every one of you, and i look forward to another year. xoxo.
******* under the cut i’m going to be gushing over those of you who still have your blogs and have truly helped to make this past year 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 !
@amaroed​ / dany ! writing nick and amanda with you has brought so much absolute joy into my life??? i’ve loved every single one of our threads and memes from them switching the sugar to salt at the precinct kitchenette to amanda becoming nick for halloween to nick trying to keep amanda awake after she caught a bullet to the side.  you capture nick so well, and your love for him and danny himself exudes every time you write him. it’s honestly so beautiful to see. after writing with you, i can honestly say that my love for nick amaro increased even more. you are such a talented writer, and i’m forever honored to write with you!
@battleincarnate / maddie ! maddie maddie maddie, my iconic, legendary cher stan.  i actually adore you so much i can’t even fully explain. from the first time i talked to you ooc, you just exuded genuine kindness, and were so chill and easy to talk to. i feel like that’s unfortunately super rare, so i just wanna thank you for that??? you’re such a rad friend, and i’m so lucky to have you!! ok as for muses go, i don’t even know where to start?? firstly, your writing is gorgeous and your ability to switch between muses like elliot stabler and ali dilaurentis is remarkable. secondly, what we’ve developed between elliot and amanda is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve had the pleasure of establishing on this blog, even though we’ve never even gotten to see them together onscreen. i have loved every single thread we’ve ever done.  from the first thread we did where they first meet and they literally want to kill each other, to them arguing over who gets to drive on their first day as partners, to all the million and ten things we’ve discussed on discord like their hardcore car karaoke parties and the fact that amanda will ask elliot to walk her down the isle in any verse where she’s married. amanda may be one of the biggest pains in his ass, and elliot may be one of the biggest pains in hers, but they love each other sm it’s so precious. amanda is also so much like elliot it kills me, and the dynamic we’ve created is literal gold. the phrase like father, like daughter has never applied more. he’s the king and she’s the lionheart without a doubt!
@cabotiisms​ / claire ! like i told you over discord, your portrayal of alex made me love her even more which, i didn’t even think was possible. your grasp on alex’s character, her motives, the way her mind works, is so on point. your love and passion for doing right by alex is so obvious when you write her. now, the big and little sister dynamic we’ve created for alex and amanda makes me smile so much i can’t even explain. i live for alex trying to get amanda out of the messes she gets herself into aka saving her little sister from being ripped to shreds by mom, and in general just being the sister she deserves. the threads we have going right now are quite literally perfect, and i adore them.  and out of character? i love yelling at you about how dirty the svu writers did alex, and how dirty they’re currently doing amanda by bringing in cardio douche. but even more importantly, you are one of the most genuinely sweet people i’ve ever met. i adore you, and am so thankful we’re friends!
@drftwood / catie ! i don’t even know where to start. ok firstly, your ability to bring to life so many beautiful oc’s and occasional canon characters absolutely astounds me. you are so creative, all the ideas you come up with are so intriguing, and you have the ability to turn one small detail into an entire beautiful character so effortlessly. it’s so incredible. and this creativity so obviously carries into your writing. your writing is so fucking gorgeous i can’t even believe. every single character that we’ve ever written together has turned into such a beautiful relationship for amanda. chris, alex, and now jr? i mean, jr is such an important person in amanda’s canon now, and i can’t imagine altering her canon storyline in any other way, nor can i imagine anyone else taking on his role except for you. next, i can’t end this without saying how much i love talking to you ooc. like, from the minute we started talking when we started plotting amanda and alex, i knew we were gonna be friends. AND I WAS SO RIGHT. you have such a kind soul and such a big heart, you deserve all the happiness in the world. i am so lucky and proud to be able to call you a friend and ily!! 
@etlegis / shep ! ok we literally started talking like 24 hours ago but i already adore you and your peter stone. it’s so obvious that you have his character down in your writing. it’s like i read your starter, and it felt like i was in an episode of svu. not only is your characterization of stone on point, but you are the GREATEST ooc. it was so easy to start talking to you, instafriends some may call it, and we just fell down a rollins/stone hole and i’m not even mad about it. you are such a gem in this community already and i’m so glad you’re here!!
@hellhaths / lara !  lara, i fucking adore you. like for real. i could tell from the second we started talking ooc that we were going to be friends. and i’m proud to say i was very right. you are such an exceptional writer, i can’t properly explain. you put so much into every character you write, and it truly amazes me. now, i think we both know i have to talk about your olivia ‘ squad mom ’ benson because …. wow. from the first introduction to your writing, the first thought i had was ‘ she’s literally olivia benson.’ and that first thread we did with amanda asking olivia about elliot while she was trying to figure out the situation with nick, and not only did it wreck my heart, but it was the beginning of the most legendary olivia / amanda dynamic i could’ve ever asked for. SHE’S LITERALLY HER MOTHER. liv arguing with amanda to stop playing angry birds because it kills her phone battery, confining amanda to desk duty when she does something dumb, taking away amanda’s keys …. the list is literally endless. despite how bratty liv’s dorter gets, we all know she still loves her.  listen, you understand the complexities of liv so well, it absolutely astounds me. with twenty seasons of evolution to work with, you incorporate all of it so beautifully. you have her voice and mannerisms down to a tee, and i am so honored to write with you and call you a friend. i’m sending you all the love and light in the world right now, and just know i’m here for you always.
@moontide​ / angie ! girl, your amanda is so important to my jesse idk if i can even properly put it into words. when i first started writing jesse, i had no idea what type of interactions i would get. truthfully, i thought nobody would show any interest whatsoever and she would just be another blog that faded away. WHAT I NEVER IMAGINED IS WHAT I’VE WRITTEN WITH YOU. the amanda/jesse dynamic we’ve created is so complex and beautiful, and i love it so much. every single heart breaking thread and verse we’ve started or discussed, i love. jesse is so her mama’s daughter, and being able to have those interactions means so much to me, i just have to say thank you. and your amanda? so fantastic. i absolutely love the life you bring to her, and i’m so so so honored to write with you. and remember, even when she’s being a brat, jesse loves her mama more than anything.
@o188 / sunny ! holy shit!!! ok so, i need to start by telling you how big of a part you played in me giving amanda her own blog in the first place. when i found your blog and read your writing, i was, for the lack of a better word, s h o o k. to this day, i am still astounded anytime i read one of your replies, because when you write sonny, you become sonny carisi. from writing his dialogue, to his mannerisms, it’s perfection. and you yourself as a human being???? you’re actually golden and ily. you welcomed me into this community with so much warmth and love and i can never thank you enough!! ok, so now for muses. let me just start with the jesse/sonny dynamic. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SOMETHING SO PURE???? sonny carisi is the Best Dad, and jesse loves him endlessly, ok? alright, now for sonny and amanda.  listen, i can’t even accurately explain how much my amanda loves your sonny. she would quite literally try and catch a falling star for him if he asked. writing amanda so open and trusting whenever she’s with him is so freakin’ beautiful, okay?? i’ve adored every single thread and meme we’ve ever started with them, from amanda telling him she’s pregnant with g, to the morning after, to post book of esther. their dynamic is so freakin’ important and what we’ve created with them is truly one of my favorite relationships i’ve ever written. oh, and writing them as parents of their precious baby girls?? quite literally makes my heart grow ten sizes. they are so soft, so beautiful, and i am both honored and grateful to have the opportunity to write that with you!!
@painbled / peaches ! cracks knuckles alright here goes!! HI I FREAKING LOVE YOU. you are one of the most genuine human beings i’ve met on here, and i am forever grateful that i chose to write topanga way back when. there was a chunk of time where we fell out of contact, but the second we started talking again, it was like NO TIME AT ALL HAD PASSED. that’s a true testament to our friendship, and i’m forever grateful for that! then, you went and decided to write noah porter benson aka amanda’s lil baby that’s not actually her baby, but she loves him like he is. she would throw down so hard for him, i’m forever emotional about it. the thread we have where liv’s in the hospital has me wrecked, but i also love it because there are so many mama!amanda vibes aimed at noah happening that it makes my heart warmer than the sun. then there’s jess and noah, and good freakin’ lord. THEY’RE SO CUTE I CAN BARELY STAND IT. they are freakin’ in love with each other and icb they’re gonna get married and have a family and liv and amanda are gonna be grandparents to the same kids. listen, both me, amanda, and jesse’s lives wouldn’t be the same without you and your muses in them. you are such a talented writer, and i will forever tell you that whenever you need reminding. thunder, lightning. peaches and honey always!!
@southbronxabogado / adrien ! wow wow wow wow wow. first of all, you are actually rafael barba. i’m convinced. every single thread is so accurate and it brings me so much joy to watch you bring him to life and give him the treatment he deserves. now, the relationship we’ve developed between amanda and rafael is truly one of my favorites. i went from oh yeah they’d be cute, to holy fucking shit they’re perfect in 0.000001 seconds after we first started plotting them. the dynamic they have is so genuine, and the way he treats her just makes my heart so happy. i’ve adored every thread we’ve ever started, from amanda thinking she freakin’ broke the toaster to the throwback thread of him taking her to that fancy benefit. now last but definitely not least, can i just say how wonderful you are ooc? like, i know i can jump into your im’s and start screaming at you enthusiastically in all caps about our idiots without worry. plotting and writing with you has been such a pleasure, and i absolutely adore you. truly. i can’t wait for all the million other things i’m sure we’ll do.
@thingsmissed / jennifer ! ok, so i haven’t really gotten much of a chance to write amanda or jesse with any of your muses, but i absolutely love having you on my dash and talking to you ooc! you put so much effort into all your muses, and it’s absolutely inspiring. you are without a doubt one of the sweetest people with one of the most genuinely kind, caring, and giving hearts that i’ve had the pleasure of meeting on here. you are always so much fun to talk to ooc, and i can always feel your kindness exuding through the screen. you are a very talented writer and i hope you never doubt that!!
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