#I’m gonna make a master list of all these soon with some sappy stuff abt how fun this was lol
thefuzzzz · 7 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge #24!!
Prompt: Band AU
Jason wasn’t really sure how he got there, but he was sure he was enjoying himself.
He was in a stuffed building, some hole-in-the-wall place loaded with metalheads. Jason himself was an unassuming metal fan. He didn’t look it, but something about incomprehensible screaming was appealing to his soul.
Currently on stage was a man screaming his heart out. However, Jason’s gaze was more intent on the bassist beside him.
Something about the bright lights and Jason’s slowly disappearing sense of sound made it all the better. This all felt like some kind of dream he’d stumbled into in an attempt to fill the void of a boring Friday night.
The bassist stood out from the rest of the band. He was small and looked to be around Jason’s age if not a little younger. He watched their vocalist intently, eyes sharpened with a kind of focus Jason had never seen look so good in someone before.
He had black hair with little streaks dyed red. He wore a simple black jacket and shirt with some ripped-up jeans and way too many bracelets. They jangled on his wrists as he played up and down the strings.
The song they were playing ended, giving room for the crowd to cheer. Jason had never heard of the band, but they seemed popular. He wasn’t sure why they were performing with a ten-dollar entry fee in a dingy building though.
The vocalist walked around in a circle before addressing the crowd. He was soaked in sweat and had his shirt tugged off and tucked hanging out of his pocket, but he was grinning.
“Hey everybody, hope you’re enjoying yourselves tonight.”
The crowd roared with enthusiasm, only making his smile grow.
He said something else, but Jason wasn’t paying much attention. He was staring at the bassist. Somehow, the bassist stared back. His eyes flickered to Jason’s for a moment before he smiled and looked away towards his vocalist.
Jason felt his face flush. His ears were ringing, but the next interaction would replay in his mind all night.
The singer was still talking as Nico walked over to him. “Alright everybody, our next song is called ‘Want You’. It’s out on Spotify now. This is our first time performing—huh?” He turned to see his bassist tapping him on the shoulder. “What’s up, Nico?”
Jason repeated the name in his mind. It was a nice name, it suited him.
Nico took the mic and said softly but commandingly, “Blondie in the second row, what’s your name?”
Jason looked around for another ‘blondie’ but only found dyed hair and the furthest things from blond imaginable. “Uh, I’m Jason.” He said, stuttering over his words and now acutely aware of how red his face was getting.
“This next song’s for you.” Nico gave the mic back and returned to his spot.
The rest of the band “ooo”-ed at Nico, who just smiled and gave a little look to Jason under his shaggy hair.
The song started, and Jason was met with the lyrics supposedly dedicated to him. A mixture of the suggestive lyrics and Nico’s eyes now glued to him certainly didn’t help his blush.
The song ended as quickly as it started, but maybe that was just the case for Jason. Nico winked subtly.
“Alright, everyone, we had a wonderful time tonight! Glad you all came and were performing here again this time Friday next week!” Their vocalist said.
Nico locked eyes with Jason and smiled before hopping down the steps to the small stage and walking over, unplugging his bass.
He smiled up at Jason. “I’m Nico, nice to meet you,” he said surprisingly politely.
Jason looked down at him. “Well, you know I’m Jason. Nice to meet you too.”
Nico looked him up and down. Jason tried not to twitch under his harsh gaze.
“I like you, you stand out,” Nico said cryptically.
“You stand out too. You’re very different from your bandmates.”
“Are you single?” Nico asked, cutting straight to the chase.
“Yeah, yeah I am. Are you?”
A second of silence overtook them. It was clear Nico wasn’t the type to do this often. Despite his rough nature he fidgeted his hands in his pocket.
Jason smiled. God, this guy was adorable.
“Here, I’ll put my number in your phone,” Jason said, talking a bit louder so he could actually hear himself over his ringing ears.
Nico handed over his phone, smiling softly.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” Nico asked.
“I’ve got work in the morning, but other than that I’m free.”
“Great, text me what time works and I’ll pick you up then,” Nico said, putting his own number in Jason’s phone.
He handed Jason his phone, letting him see his chipped black nail polish. “See you around, blondie.”
Jason left that concert with a new number in his phone and a red face, both signs of a good night.
This is also on AO3:
My Card:
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