#long short funds in india
wealthmanagement1 · 4 months
A Sneak-Peek into The Rise of Investment Banking Firms in India
Characterised by their ability to profit from both rising and falling markets, long short funds in India have gained prominence in recent years as investors look for ways to mitigate risk while capitalising on market trends. These funds employ a strategy of simultaneously buying undervalued assets (going long) and selling overvalued assets (going short), thereby aiming to generate returns regardless of market direction.
One of the primary advantages of long-short funds is their ability to provide diversification and downside protection in volatile market conditions. By maintaining a balanced portfolio of long and short positions, these funds seek to hedge against market risks while capitalising on opportunities for alpha generation. This flexibility makes them an attractive option for investors looking to navigate uncertain market environments with confidence.
In India, the popularity of long-short funds has been on the rise, driven by increasing investor demand for alternative investment strategies. With a growing number of fund managers specializing in long-short strategies, investors have access to a diverse range of options tailored to their risk tolerance and investment objectives. Whether it is equity long-short funds, credit long-short funds, or multi-strategy funds, investors can find a solution that aligns with their portfolio needs.
On the other side of the coin, investment banking firms in India play a pivotal role in facilitating corporate transactions and capital-raising activities. From mergers and acquisitions to initial public offerings and debt issuances, these firms provide a wide range of advisory services to corporate clients, helping them navigate complex financial transactions with confidence. One of the key strengths of investment banking firms lies in their deep industry expertise and extensive network of relationships. By leveraging their market insights and connections, these firms can identify strategic opportunities and unlock value for their clients.
In recent years, investment banking activity in India has been on the upswing, fueled by robust economic growth and a favourable regulatory environment. As companies look to expand their presence in domestic and international markets, the demand for investment banking services has surged, creating new opportunities for firms to showcase their expertise and capabilities.
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avendusgroup · 1 year
Diversify Your Portfolio with Long Short Funds!
Have you ever wondered how finance companies in India operate? Do you know what a long short fund is and why investors should focus on investing in it? In this article, we will explore the basics of long short funds and why they are worth considering for investors.
Firstly, let's understand what a long short fund is.  
It is a type of hedge fund that invests in both long and short positions in the market. Long positions are when the fund buys stocks with the expectation that their value will increase in the future. On the other hand, short positions involve the sale of stocks that the fund doesn't own, with the expectation that their value will decrease in the future, allowing the fund to buy them back at a lower price and make a profit.
Now, let's talk about why investors should focus on investing in any kind of long short fund. 
The primary reason is that long short funds offer investors the potential to earn profits in both up and down markets. Since these funds invest in both long and short positions, they have the potential to make money even when the overall market is declining. These funds are typically managed by experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the market and use sophisticated investment strategies to maximize returns.
 Moreover, investing in any kind of long short fund can also help diversify an investor's portfolio. By investing in different types of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities, investors can spread their risk and potentially increase their returns over the long term.
 However, long short funds are worth considering for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolio and potentially earn profits in both up and down markets. These funds offer the potential for higher returns, and their management by experienced professionals helps to mitigate risks. As finance companies in India continue to evolve, it is important for investors to stay informed about their options and consider a range of investment strategies to meet their financial goals.
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fatehbaz · 3 months
"The most fashionable bathing station in all Europe". British industrialists and American mining investors plotting the colonization of the Congo, while mingling at Ostend's seaside vacation resorts. Extracting African life to build European railways, hotels, palaces, suburbs, and other modern(ist) infrastructure. "Towards infinity!"
In 1885, King Leopold II achieved an astonishing and improbable goal: he claimed a vast new realm of his own devising, a conjury on a map called [...] the Congo Free State. [...] [A] fictional state owned by the king, ruled by decree, and run from Brussels from 1885 to 1908. [...] This was [...] a private entrepreneurial venture [for the king]. The abundance of ivory, timber, and wild rubber found in this enormous territory brought sudden and spectacular profits to Belgium, the king, and a web of interlocking concession companies. The frenzy to amass these precious resources unleashed a regime of forced labor, violence [millions of deaths], and unchecked atrocities for Congolese people. These same two and a half decades of contact with the Congo Free State remade Belgium [...] into a global powerhouse, vitalized by an economic boom, architectural burst, and imperial surge.
Congo profits supplied King Leopold II with funds for a series of monumental building projects [...]. Indeed, Belgian Art Nouveau exploded after 1895, created from Congolese raw materials and inspired by Congolese motifs. Contemporaries called it “Style Congo,” [...]. The inventory of this royal architecture is astonishing [...]. [H]istorical research [...] recovers Leopold’s formative ideas of architecture as power, his unrelenting efforts to implement them [...]. King Leopold II harbored lifelong ambitions to “embellish” and beautify the nation [...]. [W]ith his personal treasury flush with Congo revenue, [...] Leopold - now the Roi Batisseur ("Builder King") he long aimed to be - planned renovations explicitly designed to outdo Louis XIV's Versailles. Enormous greenhouses contained flora from every corner of the globe, with a dedicated soaring structure completed specifically to house the oversize palms of the Congolese jungles. [...]
The Tervuren Congo palace [...]. Electric tramways were built and a wide swath of avenue emerged. [...] [In and around Brussels] real estate developers began to break up lots [...] for suburban mansions and gardens. Between 1902 and 1910, new neighborhoods with luxury homes appeared along the Avenue [...]. By 1892, Antwerp was not only the port of call for trade but also the headquarters of the most profitable of an interlinking set of banks and Congo investment companies [...]. As Antwerp in the 1890s became once again the “Queen of the Scheldt,” the city was also the home of what was referred to as the “Queen of Congo companies.” This was the ABIR, or Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company, founded in 1892 with funds from British businessman “Colonel” John Thomas North [...].
Set on the seaside coast, Belgium’s Ostend was the third imperial cityscape to be remade by King Leopold [...] [in a] transformation [that] was concentrated between 1899 and 1905 [...]. Ostend encompassed a boomtown not of harbor and trade, like Antwerp, but of beachfront and leisure [...] [developed] as a "British-style" seaside resort. [...] Leopold [...] [w]as said to spend "as much time in Ostend as he did in Brussels," [...]. Ostend underwent a dramatic population expansion in a short period, tripling its inhabitants from 1870–1900. [...] Networks of steamers, trams, and railway lines coordinated to bring seasonal visitors in, and hotels and paved walkways were completed. [...] [A]nd Leopold’s favorite spot, the 1883 state-of-the-art racetracks, the Wellington Hippodrome. Referred to with an eye-wink as “the king incognito” (generating an entire genre of photography), visitors to the seaside could often see Leopold in his top hat and summer suit [...], riding his customized three-wheeled bicycle [...]. By 1900, Ostend’s expansion and enhancement made it known as “the Queen of the Belgian seaside resorts” and “the most fashionable bathing station in all Europe.” Opulence, convenience, and spectacle brought the Shah of Persia, American tycoons, European aristocrats, and Belgian elites, among others, to Ostend.
Leopold’s interventions and the Congo Free State personnel and proceeds played three pivotal and understudied roles in this transformation, all of which involved ABIR [British industrialists].
First, it was at Ostend that an early and decisive action was taken to structure the “red rubber” regime and set it in motion. In 1892, jurists such as [E.P.] had ruled, contravening [...] trade laws, that the king was entitled to claim the Congo as his domanial property [...]. Leopold [...] devised one part of that royal domain as a zone for private company concessions [...] to extract and export wild rubber.
Soon after, in 1892, King Leopold happened to meet the British “Colonel” John Thomas North at the Ostend Hippodrome. North, a Leeds-born mechanic [...] had made a fortune speculating on Chilean nitrates in the 1880s. He owned monopoly shares in nitrate mines and quickly expanded to acquire monopolies in Chilean freight railways, water supplies, and iron and coal mines. By 1890 North was a high-society socialite worth millions [...]. Leopold approached North at the Ostend racecourse to provide the initial investments to set up the Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company (ABIR). [...]
One visible sign of Ostend’s little-known character as Congo boomtown was the Royal Palace Hotel, a lavish property next to the king’s Royal Domain, which opened in 1899. With hundreds of rooms and a broad sweep of acreage along the beachfront, the palace “occupied the largest space of any hotel in Europe.” [...]
King Leopold met American mining magnate Thomas Walsh there, and as with North, the meeting proved beneficial for his Congo enterprise: Leopold enlisted Walsh to provide assessments of some of his own Congo mining prospects. The hotel was part of [...] [a major European association of leisure profiteers] founded in 1894, that began to bundle luxury tourism and dedicated railway travel, and whose major investors were King Leopold, Colonel North [...].
At the height of Congo expansionism, fin-de-siècle Antwerp embodied an exhilarated launch point [...]. Explorers and expeditioners set sail for Matadi after 1887 with the rallying call “Vers l’infini!” (“towards infinity!”) [...].
Text above by: Debora Silverman. "Empire as Architecture: Monumental Cities the Congo Built in Belgium". e-flux Architecture (Appropriations series). May 2024. At: e-flux.com/architecture/appropriations/608151/empire-as-architecture-monumental-cities-the-congo-built-in-belgium/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized first paragraph/heading in this post was added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism.]
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youjustwaitsunshine · 10 months
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2010 F1 rewatch
Start of the season
We start into the season with Jenson Button as the defending champion, who switched from his championship-winning team (rebranded to Mercedes from Brawn GP) to McLaren, with teammate Lewis Hamilton. Fernando Alonso is now with Ferrari (from Renault).
This season, there are - as we are often reminded - four World Champions on the grid: Alonso, Hamilton, Button and the returning Michael Schumacher.
The most important change this season is probably the stop of refueling during the race. In previous seasons, drivers stint lengths were dictated by the amount of fuel they'd taken on at the start, essentially making them commit to a strategy before the race. With this season, teams have more flexibility with pitstops, however, the cars all start heavy with a full fuel load and lose all that weight by the last laps, changing ride height and aero during the race.
Regarding this change, "A clever driver will win this season" was said during the pre-race coverage of the first GP. The commentators referenced Alain Prost, nicknamed "The Professor" and widely seen as a very calculative and smart driver, the last driver to win in a season that had no refueling.
Another important change was made in the points system, which now rewarded drivers from first to tenth place with points, from 25 for first, then 18,15,12,10,8,6,4,2 and a single point for tenth place.
The teams of 2010: Ferrari, McLaren-Mercedes, Red Bull-Renault, Mercedes GP, Lotus-Cosworth, Force India-Mercedes, Williams-Cosworth, Renault, Toro Rosso-Ferrari, BMW Sauber-Ferrari, HRT-Cosworth and Virgin-Cosworth.
Pre-season, there was a lot of back and forth about a budget cap to allow teams with less funding to enter F1, however, this was not realized because the bigger teams saw the free competition endangered and threw a hissy fit, threatening to leave F1 and make their own series.
The drivers starting into the 2010 season are (in order of driver numbers):
Mclaren: Button, Hamilton
Mercedes: Schumacher, Rosberg
Red Bull: Vettel, Webber
Ferrari: Massa, Alonso
Williams: Barrichello, Hülkenberg
Renault: Kubica, Petrov
Force India: Sutil, Liuzzi
Toro Rosso: Buemi, Alguersuari
Lotus: Trulli, Kovalainen
Hispania: Chandhok, Senna
BMW Sauber: de la Rosa, Kobayashi
Virgin: Glock, di Grassi.
There's a lot more that can be said about the 'will they, won't they' drama of multiple teams trying to start in or pull out of F1 prior to the season, but that is a bit long for this short-ish intro. All in all, with multiple new teams, major changes and promising new drivers, the 2010 season looks to become a very special one...
pre-season seb specific content
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Lion Day
World  Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by  lions. Scientifically known as ‘Panthero Leo,’ lions are one of the  most well-known and popular animal species out there. They are called  the ‘Kings of the Jungle’ due to their arresting and fearsome  personalities created by their great bodies and heavy, shiny manes. A  lion’s powerful roar is second to none, and it can be heard even five  miles away. Owing to the pop culture icons like Simba from “The Lion  King”, lions are also loved by children. However, while lions existed in  large populations 100 years ago, today, their numbers are just below  50,000 worldwide as a result of poaching and hunting. World Lion Day,  therefore, brings attention to this endangered species by raising funds  and amping up protective measures.
History of World Lion Day
The  first World Lion Day came into being in 2013. It was headed by Dereck  and Beverly Joubert, a couple who are passionate about preservation and  wild cats. After realizing that lion populations have drastically  decreased worldwide, the Jouberts approached “National Geographic” for  the brand’s help. Forming a partnership with them, the couple came up  with the Big Cat Initiative (B.C.I.) in 2009. The B.C.I.’s main goal  would be to protect and preserve the remaining lion species in the  world. While aspects like deforestation, climate change, and human  intervention may have impacted lion populations, studies have shown that  their extremely low numbers may also have to do with ice ages and  natural environmental disasters that have led them to becoming secluded  in only a few countries of the world, namely India and South Africa. To  date, the B.C.I. has made substantial leaps, from getting 150+ grant  awards to reducing almost 3,000 threats to 3,000 wild cats to removing  13,000 life-threatening snares.
The lion comes from the ‘Felidae’  family of cats, and it is considered to be an apex predator. It is the  second-largest cat weighing around 300 to 600 pounds, with the first  being its cousin, the tiger. An average lion’s body is muscular with a  short round head and ears, and a tufty tail. Its sex can be identified  through its heavy and luscious mane, which are absent on lionesses.  Lions also happen to be the only cats who roam around in large groups  known as prides. Scientists believe that lions do so because it is  easier to catch prey in the wild. Their natural habitats are savannas  and grasslands. You will most likely find a pride of lions near water  bodies as they strategically wait for prey to come there for a drink and  then pounce on them.
World Lion Day timeline
1758 ‘Felis Leo’ is Coined
Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish zoologist and botanist, invents ‘Felis Leo’ as the scientific name of lions.
1996 Vulnerable Species
The  lion is placed on the Red List of the International Union for  Conservation of Nature due to its African population decreasing by 45%  since 1990.
2009 Big Cat Initiative is Formed
Dereck and Beverly Joubert, in partnership with “National Geographic”, start the Big Cat Initiative to save lions.
2013 The First World Lion Day
The B.C.I. announces the first World Lion Day in order to include the world in lion preservation efforts.
How to Observe World Lion Day
Vow to protect lions
Refuse to buy lion products
Donate your assets
No  matter how you choose to spend the day, make sure it is worthwhile by  vowing to protect lions. Lions are natural predators that are necessary  to keep prey populations in check. Apart from such environmental  benefits, lions are extremely beautiful and majestic animals that have  ruled the pop culture scene for a long time. So, let’s take a vow to be  there for them.
Whether  you are looking to buy a new bag or coat, or any other similar  paraphernalia, make sure you know where it is coming from. Refuse to buy  lion products (or other animal skin products) to reduce sales and  market value.
Time  and money are the most valuable assets you can give in today’s world.  Look out for national and international organizations that protect wild  cats, and invest in them by donating your money to the cause. If you  cannot donate, you can volunteer your time by either helping the  organizations with volunteer work or by promoting the organizations in  your circles.
5 Facts About Lions That Will Blow Your Mind
Younglings have spots on their skin
Manes change over time
Cubs are raised together
Females are mightier hunters
Heavy and long sleepers
Young lion cubs are born with spots on their coats, but these tend to fade away as they grow older.
A lion’s mane will change color, going from light to dark, as it grows older.
Lion cubs are generally brought up together by all the females in a pride.
Lionesses are better hunters than their male counterparts, and it is for this reason that they hunt 80% to 90% of the time.
Lions will sleep for at least 20 hours a day.
Why World Lion Day is Important
It’s a celebration of lions
It’s a reminder about the importance of preservation
It’s a celebration of the natural environment
For  most of us, “The Lion King” was a huge part of our childhood. We  rejoiced at the birth of Simba but also grieved with him over his  father’s death. Holding such sweet memories and images, we cannot let  the beloved animal go extinct. Let’s come together on August 10 to  protect lions from all dangers.
Preservation  has become a necessity, more now than ever. We cannot hope to live on a  peaceful and resourceful Earth if we keep depleting it of its natural  resources, be it water, fuel, or animals. We must preserve and protect  the Earth for ourselves as well as future generations.
The  natural environment has given us countless gifts. From food for taste  and survival to medicinal properties to inspiration for technological  inventions, nature has continued to reward us since time immemorial. We  must therefore honor, respect, and celebrate it.
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rajwillwrite · 3 months
Good Deficit, Bad deficit 🧐
While a current account surplus or deficit might seem positive or negative at first glance, the reality is more nuanced. The quality of the imbalance matters more.
A deficit funded by productive investments creates future benefits, while a surplus built on unused savings due to a lack of investment opportunities is a missed chance for growth. For example, India's deficit due to gold imports isn't helpful, and a surplus solely from remittances wouldn't be ideal either.
Looking at successful emerging economies, many with persistent deficits, we see a focus on exports. Oil-rich nations like Russia and Iran have surpluses, while export powerhouses like China and Korea are in a similar boat. Rising stars like Vietnam are also export-oriented. This suggests that building long-term export potential is crucial for India's economic health.
In the short term, India can manage moderate deficits by attracting foreign capital through a business-friendly environment.
Here's some positive news: India's service exports, particularly software, travel, and business services, are growing. Remittances from overseas Indians are also on the rise. This, combined with a surplus of $30.8 billion in the last quarter, paints a promising picture.
The takeaway? Don't get hung up on a surplus or deficit label. Focus on building a strong, export-oriented economy that can attract foreign investment when needed.
1. Remittances are money transfers that migrants send to their families and friends in their home countries. They are an important source of income and foreign exchange for many developing countries, especially those in South Asia.
Remittances can help reduce poverty, improve living standards, support education and health care, and stimulate economic activity.
2. Balance of payments: The balance of payments Statistics in India is a systematic record of India's international economic transactions of residents with the rest of the world on account of merchandise, services, unrequited transfers and transfers of capital.
3. Various print and digital outlets and government websites.
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queka-store · 3 months
A Plea for Peace: End the Romanticization of Victimhood
Give Israelis and Palestinians a Chance for Coexistence
Content Warning: Mentions of violence and historical atrocities
For too long, people from the outside have romanticized the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a gladiatorial arena, a reality show, or a competition of values. By romanticizing victimhood and choosing sides, you allow governments and dictators to stay in power. Your inconsistent support, favoring one side's victimhood over the other, makes it impossible for those of us, both Jews and Arabs, who want to live in peace to actually achieve that goal.
The West and East have chosen politicians on both sides who oppress the weak, buy warfare from them, and lack empathy. Yet for centuries, Jews and Arabs lived together peacefully in many areas, and there are still those among us who have never stopped hoping for that reality, even in the face of atrocities like the Nakba, Sabra and Shatila and many other horrendous crimes to the one side and bus bombings, rape crimes, and the horrific events of October 7th, where Jewish Arab supporters were slaughtered and burned alive on the other. Brainwashed-hurting-people are hurting people. By dehumanizing each side for its barbaric acts you leave them lonely and hurting, which leads to more extremism.
We are all being brainwashed, and as time goes on, more Jews and Arabs are losing hope, allowing pain and hatred to consume us, and enabling the rise of fanatic politicians who further fuel this cycle. But we are all just people who want to live. If the East and West truly wanted us to find a solution, they would invest in mutual education and acknowledgment of each nation's pain, helping us learn about our shared Semitic Abrahamic roots, rather than selling both of us more weapons.
Many Arabs in Israel-Palestine are not just our cousins, but our sisters and brothers. Not all Jews fled when the Romans came; some of them became Christian and then Muslim. Some of them are the Palestinians of today! And the other part is our closest cousins. Our DNA is so similar; there are no closer ethnicities in the world. The world plays savior while pushing us to fight harder, funding narratives of hate and promoting xenophobia and antisemitism on both sides.
We are all children of the same God, the last remaining Semitic peoples. Please, world, support new leadership on both sides! Invest in peace, not war. Give the Jews and Arabs who want peace a chance to achieve it. Strengthen us, and give the next generations of Semites a chance to live with dignity, compassion, respect, and mutual love.
Since the British Mandate pitted us against each other, as they did in India and Pakistan and so many other places, where colonial empires left the people to fight each other - "proving" the "barbarity of the locals" in comparison to the supremacy of the colonials, the biggest world powers have used our conflict to prove their own strength, choosing a side as if we were gladiators in a ring. Please, stop this game of money, power, and manipulation. No one should have to die anymore. Life is already too short! Palestinians and Israelis should be free together, from this war, from these separative beliefs, from the hatred, to live and move freely, to marry each other freely. To have one shared government that represents us all equally with dignity - with no more brainwashing and separation. This is what I pray for. No occupation nor any slaughter or rape of any kind. We should not fall into traps; if all people open their eyes, politicians lose their power. With the help of decent, honest allies from the world, this is achievable, slowly but surely. This should be the reality. Where all kids know both languages in an Arab-Jewish state, celebrating together, growing and then aging together with the deepest respect for all the mutual and all the unique, beautiful differences. Looking into Arabs' eyes, I see the eyes of my family members. You are not that different. I want peace with you .
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sasusakucore · 8 months
From Katniss' POV, we know that every district has specialization about their main product or industry, such as District 3 (technology), D4 (fishing), D12 (coal) etc.
What kind of economic system do you think Panem have?
If we can draw parallel with real world right now, which country is the most similar with Panem?
What's your opinion about this situation on Panem and its system?
Thank you 😊
Long story short, it looks like panem has a oppressive capitalist system where the capitolites parallel billionaires who take resources like cobalt from third world country like Congo for profits. I feel like panem parallels democratic republic of congo a lot since many in Congo especially suffering from 'a silent genocide' from imperialist countries and other countries etc. The miners in Congo which also includes children since children are also forced to mine there unlike district 12 ,though children in other districts work,are treated horribly and this also parallels how the capitol terribly treats the workers in the districts especially from what we gave seen of coal miners in 12. Panem's economic system is awful and I wouldn't be suprised if that is one of the causes of the rebellion because as we have seen in ballad of songbirds and snakes that the Capitol sends money to the districts only to fund industries mainly owned by capitolites and the conditions of people in the districts are ignored by them.
Edit: I am not an economist, though I am studying the subject. Panem's economic structure is complex like is majorly capitalist except with alot of government control(though capitolites mainly set up the industries for their party). Panem parallels how imperialist and colonizer countries treat their colonies(like Britain exporting raw materials(like cotton, spices, textiles etc.) from India and other colonies(i don't know about other colonies but I can speak for India since I am an indian)), forcing their farmers to grow crops like indigo while not giving a fuck about the conditions(which they caused)of the people and thanks to them, India and other colonies were in such poverty and famine(whose effects can still be seen today). So basically in a way, the capitol is a colonizer while the districts are the colonized.
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reyesnatasha · 11 months
Modern History: Ancient Roman Aqueducts
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The Roman Empire is known for its impressive aqueduct system, which transported water over long distances to support their cities. This early engineering marvel laid the groundwork for modern water supply systems and emphasized the importance of efficient water distribution. Lessons from these aqueducts continue to inform water management practices today.
Roman aqueduct systems were built over a period of about 500 years, from 312 B.C.E. to C.E. 226. Both public and private funds paid for construction. The Roman aqueduct was a channel used to transport fresh water to highly populated areas. Aqueducts were amazing feats of engineering given the time period. Though earlier civilizations in Egypt and India also built aqueducts, the Romans improved on the structure and built an extensive and complex network across their territories.
High-ranking rulers often had them built; the Roman emperors Augustus, Caligula, and Trajan all ordered aqueducts built. Aqueducts required a great deal of planning. They were made from a series of pipes, tunnels, canals, and bridges. Gravity and the natural slope of the land allowed aqueducts to channel water from a freshwater source, such as a lake or spring, to a city. 
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As water flowed into the cities, it was used for drinking, irrigation, and to supply hundreds of public fountains and baths. The most recognizable feature of Roman aqueducts may be the bridges constructed using rounded stone arches. Some of these can still be seen today traversing European valleys. The capital in Rome alone had around 11 aqueduct systems supplying freshwater from sources as far as 92 kilometers away (57 miles).
Ancient Roman aqueducts, a marvel of engineering from over two millennia ago, hold significant relevance to contemporary water-related issues. For example, Roman aqueducts have been relevant nowadays demonstrating the feasibility of transporting water over long distances through complex networks of channels and pipes. This engineering legacy has directly influenced modern water supply systems and the design of pipelines and aqueducts used today. 
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In short, Roman aqueducts were a system of water supply and distribution constructed by the ancient Romans. These aqueducts were an intricate network of channels, pipes, and tunnels designed to transport fresh water from natural sources, such as springs and rivers, to cities, towns, and industrial facilities throughout the Roman Empire. Roman aqueducts were essential for sustaining the growth and development of Roman cities, as they provided a reliable source of clean water for drinking, sanitation, and various industrial processes.
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whencyclopedia · 2 years
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Information: A Historical Companion
The internet only changes how people process information instead of creating the idea of 'information.' As soon as humans developed writing around 3400 BCE, we found many ways to record information from tax records to poetry and from legal proceedings to dictionaries. The disciplines of book history, intellectual history, and media history are notable fields that examine the changes and continuities of information processing in society. In Information: A Historical Companion, four established scholars in these disciplines have written, edited, and compiled 13 long essays and 101 short encyclopedic entries on this topic. These essays and entries provide a comprehensive account of how information has been recorded and transmitted since 1450, a decade after the invention of the printing press. The book's main focus is to examine how the phenomenon of the 'information state' began to form around 1450. Governments and politicians then and now give special attention to collecting data and information to better understand and control their people. University history students and scholars will benefit greatly from this collection, and history enthusiasts will also enjoy having this volume as a reference guide on their shelves.
The book's main focus is to examine how the phenomenon of the 'information state' began to form around 1450.
The book has two parts. Part One, roughly 300 pages long, contains 13 long essays. These essays, in chronological order, cover a broad time frame from how information was transmitted on the Silk Road to modern telecommunication. The essays connect key technologies like government-funded archives, the printing press, and the telegraph to broader historical concepts such as commercialization, empiricism, and globalization. This multidisciplinary approach shows how the public, in the past and now, often overlook the tremendous ideological and social influences the ways we process information can have. For example, in the eighth essay, "Documents, Empire, and Capitalism in the 19th Century," contributor Craig Robertson of Northeastern University discusses how countries have processed ethnographic information. Robertson looks at how the United States in the 19th century processed the background of immigrants and compiled them into statistics as a basis for immigration legislation. The essay also looks at how other countries, such as India, Britain, and the Netherlands, used similar methods to better understand the demographics of their people.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
What to Expect When You’re Expecting the U.N. General Assembly (Foreign Policy) As world leaders descend on the United Nations headquarters in New York City, the international body is fighting to maintain its relevance in a world it wasn’t built for when it was established nearly 80 years ago. Global powers are increasingly circumventing the unwieldy U.N. system to conduct multilateral diplomacy, such as through the G-7, G-20, and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) blocs. Eight years ago, the U.N. outlined an ambitious batch of goals to tackle global poverty, gender equality, climate change, and other pressing global issues by 2030. But so far, the world is way off target in meeting those goals. The war in Ukraine has frontally challenged one of the U.N.’s most fundamental purposes, enshrined in its foundational charter, of averting major wars. The Western world’s laser focus on the conflict in Ukraine, meanwhile, has frustrated other countries in the global south as other dire humanitarian catastrophes—conflict in Sudan, coups across Africa, the migration crisis in Central America, and a lot of climate-related disasters—struggle for resources and high-level attention.
Canada’s surging food prices (Reuters) Canada’s plan to bring down food prices by tightening regulation could backfire and fail, raising the cost of doing business in the country without providing relief to consumers, lawyers and economists said. Canada’s weak competition law has been long blamed for allowing a few players to dominate industries ranging from banks to telecoms and groceries. Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to amend the Competition Act to help bring down prices. Trudeau’s move comes as many Canadians reel under an affordability crisis with food prices jumping 25% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. At the same time, the central bank’s efforts to bring down inflation by raising interest rates to a 22-year-high have pushed up mortgage costs for homeowners and made buying a home unaffordable for others.
U.S. National Debt Tops $33 Trillion for First Time (NYT) America’s gross national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time on Monday, providing a stark reminder of the country’s shaky fiscal trajectory at a moment when Washington faces the prospect of a government shutdown this month amid another fight over federal spending. It came as Congress appeared to be faltering in its efforts to fund the government ahead of a Sept. 30 deadline. Unless Congress can pass a dozen appropriations bills or agree to a short-term extension of federal funding at existing levels, the United States will face its first government shutdown since 2019. The debt is on track to top $50 trillion by the end of the decade, as interest on the debt mounts and the cost of the nation’s social safety net programs keeps growing.
Brazil’s Lula pitches his nation—and himself—as fresh leader for Global South (AP) “Brazil is back.” That has been Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s refrain for the better part of the last year, with the president deploying the snappy slogan to cast Brazil—and himself—as a leader of the Global South no longer content to abide the world’s outdated workings. During Lula’s travels, he has pushed for global governance that gives greater heft to the Global South and advocating diminishing the dollar’s dominance in trade. He has made clear that Brazil has no intention of siding with the United States or China, the world’s two largest economies and Brazil’s two biggest trading partners. And he has refused to join Washington and Western Europe in backing Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion, instead calling for a club of nations to mediate peace talks. After the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s arrest, Lula said he would review Brazil’s membership in the court.
Germany’s economy struggles (AP) For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products like luxury cars and industrial machinery, selling so much to the rest of the world that half the economy ran on exports. Jobs were plentiful, the government’s financial coffers grew as other European countries drowned in debt, and books were written about what other countries could learn from Germany. No longer. Now, Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year. It follows Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the loss of Moscow’s cheap natural gas—an unprecedented shock to Germany’s energy-intensive industries, long the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe. Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere, said Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG.
Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy (NYT) The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon’s payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition. Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. Throughout its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly and systematically attacked civilians and struck schools, markets and residences as a deliberate tactic to instill fear in the populace. But evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system. Air defense experts say missiles like the one that hit the market can go off course for a variety of reasons.
In Moscow, the War Is Background Noise, but Ever-Present (NYT) Metro trains are running smoothly in Moscow, as usual, but getting around the city center by car has become more complicated, and annoying, because anti-drone radar interferes with navigation apps. Almost 19 months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Muscovites are experiencing dual realities: The war has faded into background noise, causing few major disruptions, and yet it remains ever-present in their daily lives. There is little anxiety among residents over the drone strikes that have hit Moscow this summer. No alarm sirens to warn of a possible attack. The city continues to grow. Cranes dot the skyline, and there are high-rise buildings going up all over town. But for some, the effects of war are landing harder. Nina, 79, a pensioner who was shopping at an Auchan supermarket in northwestern Moscow, said that she had stopped buying red meat entirely, and that she could almost never afford to buy a whole fish. Nina said that sanctions and ubiquitous construction projects were some reasons for higher prices, but the main reason, she said, was “because a lot is spent on war.”
India, Canada expel diplomats over accusations Delhi killed Sikh separatist (Washington Post) India expelled a Canadian diplomat on Tuesday in a tit-for-tat move after Canadian officials accused Indian government operatives of gunning down a Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in British Columbia and threw out an Indian diplomat they identified as an intelligence officer. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegation of assassination, made during an explosive speech before Parliament on Monday, sent relations between the two nations tumbling toward their lowest point but also held broader ramifications for ties between the U.S.-led alliance and India, which the Biden administration has assiduously courted as a strategic counterweight to China. The Indian government issued a statement Tuesday rejecting Trudeau’s accusation as “absurd and motivated.” India’s Foreign Ministry went on to say that the allegations “seek to shift the focus from Khalistani terrorists and extremists, who have been provided shelter in Canada and continue to threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The inaction of the Canadian Government on this matter has been a long-standing and continuing concern.” (BBC) India has been increasing the pressure on countries with significant Sikh communities, like Canada, Australia and the UK, saying they are failing to tackle what it calls "Sikh extremism." Mr. Nijjar is the third prominent Sikh figure to have died unexpectedly in recent months.
Libya’s flood turmoil (Worldcrunch) Hundreds of protesters rallied in Libya’s Derna on Monday, setting fire to the house of the man who was the city’s mayor at the time of the flood, to demand accountability one week after a flood that killed thousands of residents. Meanwhile, the UN has warned that a disease outbreak could create “a second devastating crisis” as people are falling ill from contaminated water.
Crisis and Bailout: The Tortuous Cycle Stalking Nations in Debt (NYT) Emmanuel Cherry, the chief executive of an association of Ghanaian construction companies, sat in a cafe at the edge of Accra Children’s Park, near the derelict Ferris wheel and kiddie train, as he tallied up how much money government entities owe thousands of contractors. Before interest, he said, the back payments add up to 15 billion cedis, roughly $1.3 billion. “Most of the contractors are home,” Mr. Cherry said. Their workers have been laid off. Like many others in this West African country, the contractors have to wait in line for their money. Teacher trainees complain they are owed two months of back pay. Independent power producers that have warned of major blackouts are owed $1.58 billion. The government is essentially bankrupt. After defaulting on billions of dollars owed to foreign lenders in December, the administration of President Nana Akufo-Addo had no choice but to agree to a $3 billion loan from the lender of last resort, the International Monetary Fund. It was the 17th time Ghana has been compelled to turn to the fund since it gained independence in 1957. The tortuous cycle of crisis and bailout has plagued dozens of poor and middle-income countries throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia for decades.
Many of today’s unhealthy foods were brought to you by Big Tobacco (Washington Post) For decades, tobacco companies hooked people on cigarettes by making their products more addictive. Now, a new study suggests that tobacco companies may have used a similar strategy to hook people on processed foods. In the 1980s, tobacco giants Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds acquired the major food companies Kraft, General Foods and Nabisco, allowing tobacco firms to dominate America’s food supply and reap billions in sales from popular brands such as Oreo cookies, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and Lunchables. By the 2000s, the tobacco giants spun off their food companies and largely exited the food industry—but not before leaving a lasting legacy on the foods that we eat. The new research, published in the journal Addiction, focuses on the rise of “hyper-palatable” foods, which contain potent combinations of fat, sodium, sugar and other additives that can drive people to crave and overeat them. The Addiction study found that in the decades when the tobacco giants owned the world’s leading food companies, the foods that they sold were far more likely to be hyper-palatable than similar foods not owned by tobacco companies. In the past 30 years, hyper-palatable foods have spread rapidly into the food supply, coinciding with a surge in obesity and diet-related diseases. In America, the steepest increase in the prevalence of hyper-palatable foods occurred between 1988 and 2001—the era when Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds owned the world’s leading food companies.
Danish artist told to repay museum €67,000 after turning in blank canvasses (BBC) A Danish artist has been ordered to return nearly 500,000 kroner ($72,000; £58,000) to a museum after giving it two blank canvasses for a project he named Take the Money and Run. The Kunsten Museum in Aalborg had intended for Jens Haaning to embed the banknotes in two pieces of art in 2021. Instead, he gave it blank canvasses and then told Danish media: "The work is that I have taken their money." A court has now ordered him to return the cash, minus 8% for expenses.
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avendusgroup · 2 years
Invest smarter with these amazing hacks
Investing can be a great way to build wealth and secure your financial future, but it can also be risky if you don't approach it with the right mindset and strategy. Here are some tips to help you invest wisely and understand concepts like long short funds in India:
Setting goals is crucial before you begin your investing journey. What do you really want investing to help you accomplish? Having a clear idea of your goals will help you make better investment decisions and stay focused on your objectives. Diversification is among the most crucial financial tenets. Diversifying your portfolio means spreading your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, as well as different sectors and industries within each asset class. This helps reduce your risk by minimizing the impact of any one investment on your overall portfolio. Investing is a long-term game, and it's important to have a patient and disciplined approach. Trying to time the market or chase short-term gains can be risky and often leads to poor investment decisions. Instead, focus on investing for the long term and be prepared to weather short-term fluctuations in the market. Before investing in any asset or company, it's important to do your research. This means analyzing the financials, understanding the market trends, and assessing the risks and potential rewards. Don't invest blindly based on tips or rumours – take the time to gather information and make informed decisions. Investing often involves fees and expenses, such as brokerage commissions, management fees, and trading costs. Be aware of these fees and factor them into your investment decisions. Look for low-cost investment options, such as index funds and ETFs, and avoid excessive trading or turnover that can eat into your returns.
 In conclusion, investing in private equity can be a great way to build wealth and secure your financial future, but it's important to approach it with the right mindset and strategy. By setting clear goals, diversifying your portfolio, investing for the long term, doing your research, being aware of fees, and having a plan for managing risk, by increasing your odds of success, you can surely reach your financial goals.
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newsonlines-world · 1 year
Interested in investing as a young entrepreneur? Here's what you need to know
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Investment in India has remained subdued considering the challenging global environment, and analysts anticipate that the country may remain in a state of stagnation until the end of the year. According to Siddharth Mehta IL&FS Former Director and CIO of Bay Capital, the market has seen a significant decrease in the rate of deal-making, which is attributed to the global economic and geopolitical conditions, as well as inflation and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. GlobalData indicates that in January 2023, 87 venture capital deals were disclosed in India, amounting to a total of $696.2 million (about $21 per person in the US). This was a decrease of 13.9% compared to the previous month when India saw 101 venture capital agreements for a total of $905 million.
What Investing Strategy Should Budding Entrepreneurs Use?
To plan your investments as a young entrepreneur, set short- and long-term business goals, create a budget, explore investment opportunities, seek advice from financial advisors or mentors, diversify investments, monitor performance regularly, and be patient. Diversify your investments to minimize risks and maximize returns. Monitor your investments regularly and adjust if needed. Remember to be patient and persistent in your investment journey. Siddharth Mehta Bay Capital CIO and IL&FS Former Director believes that young entrepreneurs must do in-depth research and market analysis and understand the cycle of the market and its preferences before making any investment as successful investing necessitates meticulous planning, thorough research, and discipline, paving the way for long-term business success.
Things to Keep in Mind While Starting a Startup
Building a successful team, getting funding, concentrating on the customer experience, and keeping nimble are all necessary for starting a firm. Success depends on conducting market research, generating cutting-edge products, and having a comprehensive business plan. For a profitable return, it is crucial, above all else, to conduct research based on current market trends and changes.
Three Things to Keep in Mind While Considering a Startup
Starting a new business can be a challenging journey, especially for young entrepreneurs. To succeed, they should be passionate and determined, prioritizing their customers and building strong relationships. They should understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, and focus on creating a positive customer experience. Being resourceful and adaptable is crucial, as it allows them to find innovative solutions, build relationships with industry leaders, and learn from mistakes. Despite lacking capital, experience, or industry experience, they should remain flexible and adaptable to meet the changing needs of their business and industry.
What is Investing in Lifestyle? And How to Make Sure it is Profitable
What is a lifestyle investment? Lifestyle investment means investing in assets that reflect an individual’s lifestyle or passion. For example, investing in art, music, travel, or in sports. Investing in lifestyle assets is a great way to achieve a profitable return. However, it’s important to understand that lifestyle investments aren’t always financially sound. “It’s essential to do your research, diversify your portfolio, seek professional advice, track your investments regularly, and have patience, lifestyle investing can help you make better decisions and reduce risks”, asserts Siddharth Mehta.
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punemy-spotted · 1 year
Hi Punemy. I just found one of your reboots on an It's a Wonderful Life post. And I was wondering how you're getting by now? I'm in a big corpo job and it doesn't pay enough to buy property too and I hit burnout. So I'm trying to figure out what people do to be happy out of traditionally "successful" roles and still. yknow. survive.
Hi friend. I'm so glad you reached out to me. I've... been having a lot of thoughts about this, so you'll see a rambling answer underneath the cut, because you're basically getting a distillation of my panicked 3am journaling.
In short: I wish I could tell you that I'm doing great or that I figured out the secret, because trust me, if I knew the secret I would share it so fast.
I thought I had my dream job when I landed an immigration lawyer position, except it burnt me out so badly I'm still traumatized from it, nearly two years later. Then I thought I landed my dream job in early 2023, when I got a great corporate counsel position with excellent pay and benefits... only to be forced out thanks to corporate nepotism and an industry I just... didn't fit in with.
I'm in therapy now, to deal with both of those things — both of those things and the burnout, but that's hand in fucked up hand, isn't it?
So you know what, I'm... not doing great.
And I think that's okay.
I'm so sorry to hear that you've burnt out. It's... hard. Incredibly hard. Therapy has helped me, and I think it would help anyone who has access to it — I can't recommend telehealth highly enough. The service I use right now is Sondermind, and it seems to be even more robust than my health insurance's website, for sure.
Beyond that...? Take it slow. If there's one thing I've learned since getting my license to practice law and bouncing from shitty firm to shitty firm, it's that I owe my employers only as much work as they pay me for. Nothing more and nothing less. And if I'm not finding joy in the work that I'm doing — be it the research or the culture — then it's time for me to bounce. I don't expect I'll ever own property, not unless my parents suddenly decide to retire back to India and leave me the house, and... that's okay. It has to be okay. It has to be okay because there are other things I can spend my money on. It has to be okay because the rainy day fund to sustain me while I'm unemployed is more important that the mortgage and the responsibilities I don't think I'm ready for. Maybe I'll be ready one day, or maybe I'll be fine in my tiny flat with my roommate and my collection of fountain pens.
Find joy in the world outside work. If you're paid for a 40-hour workweek, don't do more than that. Don't. Do, however, seek out friends. Go to museums and play silly games. Listen to music. Pick up a hobby. Go to therapy. Redefine what "success" means to you — when are you at your happiest?
I've been incredibly lucky to have a community of friends and family. I hope, truly and sincerely hope, that you also have a community of friends, Anonymous Friend. I hope you can lean on them when you need them. I hope they hold you up on your worst days and celebrate you on your best. Because there is no greater joy than having that community.
As for surviving outside of high-paying corporate jobs, honestly... I'm gonna say the cliché thing, which is that it's time for all of us to redefine survival. If we live in an era where owning property is no longer a part of our futures, then so be it. Tiny apartments it is — that doesn't mean you don't deserve to own your space for however long you live in it. Let every little joy build up on itself. Join a summer reading program and listen to audiobooks on your way to work, or call up your best friend on your way home. Take the time to look for work in fields you enjoy. Will you potentially take a pay cut? Maybe. But surviving on a smaller scale than what our parents had may just be what we have to do — and that's okay too. Maybe we'll make the world a better place for us down the line, but right now, we cling to what we have and survive.
Also, seriously, go to therapy. Can't recommend that enough.
I wish you well, friend. May you find strength and kindness in the many many years to come. And when it comes to burnout or bad days, remember, this too shall pass. And so too shall you, through it all.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Lion Day
World Lion Day on August 10 aims to raise awareness about the plight faced by lions. Scientifically known as ‘Panthero Leo,’ lions are one of the most well-known and popular animal species out there. They are called the ‘Kings of the Jungle’ due to their arresting and fearsome personalities created by their great bodies and heavy, shiny manes. A lion’s powerful roar is second to none, and it can be heard even five miles away. Owing to the pop culture icons like Simba from “The Lion King”, lions are also loved by children. However, while lions existed in large populations 100 years ago, today, their numbers are just below 50,000 worldwide as a result of poaching and hunting. World Lion Day, therefore, brings attention to this endangered species by raising funds and amping up protective measures.
History of World Lion Day
The first World Lion Day came into being in 2013. It was headed by Dereck and Beverly Joubert, a couple who are passionate about preservation and wild cats. After realizing that lion populations have drastically decreased worldwide, the Jouberts approached “National Geographic” for the brand’s help. Forming a partnership with them, the couple came up with the Big Cat Initiative (B.C.I.) in 2009. The B.C.I.’s main goal would be to protect and preserve the remaining lion species in the world. While aspects like deforestation, climate change, and human intervention may have impacted lion populations, studies have shown that their extremely low numbers may also have to do with ice ages and natural environmental disasters that have led them to becoming secluded in only a few countries of the world, namely India and South Africa. To date, the B.C.I. has made substantial leaps, from getting 150+ grant awards to reducing almost 3,000 threats to 3,000 wild cats to removing 13,000 life-threatening snares.
The lion comes from the ‘Felidae’ family of cats, and it is considered to be an apex predator. It is the second-largest cat weighing around 300 to 600 pounds, with the first being its cousin, the tiger. An average lion’s body is muscular with a short round head and ears, and a tufty tail. Its sex can be identified through its heavy and luscious mane, which are absent on lionesses. Lions also happen to be the only cats who roam around in large groups known as prides. Scientists believe that lions do so because it is easier to catch prey in the wild. Their natural habitats are savannas and grasslands. You will most likely find a pride of lions near water bodies as they strategically wait for prey to come there for a drink and then pounce on them.
World Lion Day timeline
1758 ‘Felis Leo’ is Coined
Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish zoologist and botanist, invents ‘Felis Leo’ as the scientific name of lions.
1996 Vulnerable Species
The lion is placed on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to its African population decreasing by 45% since 1990.
2009 Big Cat Initiative is Formed
Dereck and Beverly Joubert, in partnership with “National Geographic”, start the Big Cat Initiative to save lions.
2013 The First World Lion Day
The B.C.I. announces the first World Lion Day in order to include the world in lion preservation efforts.
How to Observe World Lion Day
Vow to protect lions
Refuse to buy lion products
Donate your assets
No matter how you choose to spend the day, make sure it is worthwhile by vowing to protect lions. Lions are natural predators that are necessary to keep prey populations in check. Apart from such environmental benefits, lions are extremely beautiful and majestic animals that have ruled the pop culture scene for a long time. So, let’s take a vow to be there for them.
Whether you are looking to buy a new bag or coat, or any other similar paraphernalia, make sure you know where it is coming from. Refuse to buy lion products (or other animal skin products) to reduce sales and market value.
Time and money are the most valuable assets you can give in today’s world. Look out for national and international organizations that protect wild cats, and invest in them by donating your money to the cause. If you cannot donate, you can volunteer your time by either helping the organizations with volunteer work or by promoting the organizations in your circles.
5 Facts About Lions That Will Blow Your Mind
Younglings have spots on their skin
Manes change over time
Cubs are raised together
Females are mightier hunters
Heavy and long sleepers
Young lion cubs are born with spots on their coats, but these tend to fade away as they grow older.
A lion’s mane will change color, going from light to dark, as it grows older.
Lion cubs are generally brought up together by all the females in a pride.
Lionesses are better hunters than their male counterparts, and it is for this reason that they hunt 80% to 90% of the time.
Lions will sleep for at least 20 hours a day.
Why World Lion Day is Important
It’s a celebration of lions
It’s a reminder about the importance of preservation
It’s a celebration of the natural environment
For most of us, “The Lion King” was a huge part of our childhood. We rejoiced at the birth of Simba but also grieved with him over his father’s death. Holding such sweet memories and images, we cannot let the beloved animal go extinct. Let’s come together on August 10 to protect lions from all dangers.
Preservation has become a necessity, more now than ever. We cannot hope to live on a peaceful and resourceful Earth if we keep depleting it of its natural resources, be it water, fuel, or animals. We must preserve and protect the Earth for ourselves as well as future generations.
The natural environment has given us countless gifts. From food for taste and survival to medicinal properties to inspiration for technological inventions, nature has continued to reward us since time immemorial. We must therefore honor, respect, and celebrate it.
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
Intercepted Calls proving Russian Soldiers blowing up Kakhovka Dam and then flooding Kherson, the Zoo that lied near it (killing all Animals except Ducks and Goose) and then flooding other Cities lying nearby.
Russian soldiers left back Mines, that led to extremely dangerous Conditions for farmers.
No Farming. No Food.
Then the Attacks on civilians, Malls, educational Institutions, Hospitals and much more....
It is a really horrible warfare.... Flooding Cities, placing Mines in farm Areas, attacking innocent Civilians of Ukraine... They are desperate in starving the people of Ukraine and forcing them into Homelessness....
All because of Claims that the Ukrainians are Nazi.... DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE? If Zelensky is Nazi, then TARGET HIM!!!! WHAT DID THE INNOCENT CIVILIANS DO????
Putin is monstrous.
Putin is again friends with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who himself is a Monster....
Monsters making friends with Monsters....
There was a Time, when Russia helped my Country (India) defend ourselves against the occupying and terrorizing Pakistan during the Kargil War, when USA was funding and supporting Pakistan....
That Russia is long gone.... Now, it is just Madness....
Russia is the Nazi here. Forcing Army to do wars. Feeding horrible lies to all Population.
Russia is the Nazi now. Russia needs to burn...
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