#loki/frigga reunion
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woodelf68 · 8 months ago
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insert-witty-user-name-here · 10 months ago
Lokius Fic Recs
Less than 10K words, Season One Era
Thought I’d share a few of my favorite Lokius fics. These from the season one era, season two and multi-chapter recs coming soon. (Edit multi-chapter recs here! Season two fic recs here!)
If you’re craving hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending:
Thin Ice by Lydiagwilt- Ravonna deprives Loki of his Æsir glamour after a routine mission gone wrong. Mobius picks up the pieces.
Let’s Brave This Winter Storm Together by DewdropReader- Loki awakens in his Jotunn form, Mobius is there to help him through the panic.
honey, you're familiar, like my mirror years ago by preach_electric - Mobius takes Loki to visit Frigga.
Incredible by Ailendolin- Loki revisits a childhood memory with Mobius (more Frigga reunions).
For the Hope of it All by DewdropReader- Loki POV during Mobius’ pruning in season one and their Hug In The Void ™.
At The Doors of Valhalla by FistsForHire- Loki gets injured on a mission, briefly visits Valhalla and reconciles with his mother and father.
Close to Perfect by LoveThyEnemy- (Explicit) Loki sleeps with an almost-his-Mobius while searching for His-Mobius. Okay, okay this one is hurt/ no comfort, usually not my choice of reading material, but it’s so (heartbreakingly) beautifully written I had to include it.
If you’re craving sweetness:
Lokius - 30 Days of Domestic Fluff by Mimisempi- Collection of domestic fluff, can’t go wrong with Mimisempi.
Lokius Fluffuary by blackbirdofasgard- More fluff collections! Also can’t go wrong with blackbirdofasgard.
In your arms, I feel infinite by VagaryLove- Loki and Mobius spend a quiet day in bed, safe and tucked away from the outside world.
I'll Keep Your Secrets by LoveThyEnemy- (Mature) Loki and Mobius keep each others secrets, reflections on their love during their first time together.
What is love by Love_Is_Green- Loki reflects on the meaning of love (and how perhaps a dagger wasn’t the best metaphor; another gorgeous reflective piece).
Baby’s First Yuletide by Tears_and_smiles- Loki, Mobius and baby Frida spend their first Yuletide with Loki's family surrounded by love. I’m a sucker for a Lokius baby fic and this one hits all the surrounded by love feels.
stumble into love like a challenge above by RunnyYolk- Loki is distracted by Mobius’ cologne… first kiss and romantic declarations follow. (This fic is gorgeously written; more than my silly one sentence summary can describe)
Post- Season One Reunions
I will never tire of stories where Loki and Mobius find each other across universes or Loki returns Mobius’ memories.
You or Your Memory by Chamel- Loki works to restore Mobius’ memories.
when you love somebody till the end of time by thumbbird- Mobius finds His Loki (with the help of all the other Lokis).
Beneath the Stars by Tears_and_Smiles- Loki finds His Mobius.
Drømde mik en drøm (I dreamed a dream) by Mirilya- Mobius finds Loki also a Thor and Loki reunion fic!
our way, no take backs by dinosuns- Sylvie, Mobius, and Loki in the immediate aftermath of S1 (okay this one is just over 20K words).
I feel like these fics are only a sliver of the excellent fics I read in that time between season one and two. There are simply too many incredible stories to fit into one post! Speaking of, I tried really hard to only pick my favorites but honestly I could recommend the entire works of the authors listed here.
Happy reading!
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starsopinions · 1 year ago
Sylki should have been a sibling relationship
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Loki season 1 starts with Loki from The Avengers, Loki is at a very low point in his life, and he hates himself. I have seen people claiming that he falls in love with himself because he is just such a narcissist, but he doesn't even like himself let alone a different version of himself. He hasn’t had any of the character development of the later movies yet so why would the writers try and give him a romance plot when there is such a good opportunity to have Loki and Sylvie have a sibling relationship which neither of them had growing up. So here is why is think Sylki should have been a sibling relationship.
Sibling relationship
In Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok we see Loki and Thor’s relationship building and slowly getting better but before that and up until The Avengers, they fight all the time and Loki is angry at Odin and Thor. Loki constantly feels left out and, in his own words, lives in Thor’s shadow. So when his life is suddenly uprooted by the TVA and he meets Sylvie, instead of being interested romantically he could instead take her under his wing and have a more sibling-like relationship. He could then see what it is like to have a good relationship with a sibling, in contrast to what his relationship with Thor was like. 
I think this could also work to set up a future reunion between Thor and Loki. Kevin Feige recently said: “But for that meeting to really be fulfilling, we have to get Loki to a certain place emotionally.” I think that this sibling relationship could get him there. He could see what went wrong between him and Thor and see that maybe Thor didn’t always do the right thing but he meant well. Loki would be the ‘older sibling’ in this situation which could help him gain more insight into Thor’s decisions and have a better understanding of them.
I think that, on the flip side, it also works well from Sylvie’s point of view. She barely remembers Asgard or Frigga and probably can’t recall ever having a (good) relationship with Thor. She has been on the run her entire life and has never known real friendship or family. So Loki could teach her what it means to have a family, or they could even discover it together seeing as Loki doesn’t have the best relationship with his family either. Loki could teach her what Frigga taught him and tell her stories about their home (imagine how cute that would be). Sylvie could learn to trust again and experience fun in her life. 
Sylki doesn’t work
Besides this, I also want to shine some light on why I think that Sylki, as a romantic relationship, does not work. As I said earlier, Loki is at a really low point in his life and it doesn’t make sense to give him a romantic interest because he has issues and he desperately needs some character development which is just blatantly ignored in favour of this romantic storyline. But even his romantic interest doesn’t seem to be ready for any romance in her life. Sylvie has barely had the chance to see what life is like and it seems such a weird choice to immediately jump into something romantic without her getting the chance to live. There is also the argument that these characters may not be ready for love but that sometimes it is just there, no matter if you are ready or not. But I don’t agree with that because these aren’t real people, there are writers who can 100% decide what happens. So I think they should get that character development that they need through their sibling relationship. 
I think something else that has been bothering me is that it is kind of, maybe, possibly incest. I know the lines of that are blurry because obviously, we have never seen something like this before in real life so it’s hard to judge, I do understand if anyone else doesn’t think it is weird, but it just doesn't sit right with me. I also think the show writers realised this and that’s why Sylvie isn’t named Loki and she doesn’t look like Loki at all and all that makes it even weirder.
Another issue I have with this couple is that, in my opinion, they just aren’t that cute together. They don’t have any romantic chemistry and all their bonding seems more sibling-like rather than anything else. Take for instance season 1, episode 3. They are on Lamentis and they are fighting over the TemPad (around 6:30 if you want to watch it back), their bickering and taunts seem so sibling-like. Another example is season 1, episode 4. They are both captured and are about to meet The Time-keepers (around 35:00). The way Sylvie checks in on Loki, I just don’t see them as a couple they act like siblings. Even the iconic blanket sharing moment (S1, ep 5 30:00), the awkwardness and the way Loki tries to take care of Sylvie. To me, it just seems like an older brother trying to take care of Sylvie. 
And on top of all of that, I think there is one more point left to make. There is a much more suitable match for Loki right there, and it’s Mobius! But like I said, I think Loki needs some character development before he is truly ready for an actual relationship. Especially because this show is about Loki and a part of that is that he is bisexual and genderfluid which isn’t explored at all in the show so I think it would be cool to see him coming out as bisexual in season 1 and slowly growing comfortable around Mobius. I think it would fit the themes of the show well and a good slow burn is always welcome in my book. Also, did y’all see the way Loki searched for Mobius in season 2, episode 1? Because that’s the kind of chemistry I’m missing in Sylki!! 
I’m very excited to see where they will take us with Loki season 2. I think so far (2 episodes in) they are doing an amazing job with storytelling, comedy and cinematography and as always Tom, Sophia and the rest of the cast have been absolutely killing it!! Let me know if you agree with me and don’t forget to maybe reblog and like and all that fun Tumblr stuff :) 
Disclaimer: This is no hate at all to anyone who worked on the show! I am a huge fan but these are just my opinions! :D
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villainousshakespeare · 1 year ago
Therapy Fit for a God
Chapter 31
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings (for previous chapters): Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss.
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29
Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty@just-the-hiddles@hopelessromanticspoonie@wine-and-whines@arch-venus25@caffiend-queen@devilish–doll@enchantedbyhiddles@hiddlesholic@i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman@kellatron55@ladyoftheteaandblood@latent-thoughts@yespolkadotkitty @myoxisbroken@nuggsmum@nildespirandum@pedeka@redfoxwritesstuff@sinfully-lustful-darling@vodka-and-some-sass@wrathkitty@kingtwhiddleston@wolfsmom1@poetic-fiasco@shiningloki@dangertoozmanykids101@bookworm-christina@amwolowicz@delightfulheartdream@frostbitten-written@what-a-flammable-heart@tom-hlover@nonsensicalobsessions@myraiswack@loki-yoursaviourishere@ghostypau@ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza@mareebird@colorfulfreakstudentpizza @szycha22@chokemedaddyloki@queenofallhobos@just-the-hiddles-reads @alwida10 @justjoanne242 @lovelysizzlingbluebird@lokiprompts@evieplease @bitchassbecky691@georges-left-ear@mischief2sarawr@thedistractedagglomeration
It's back!!! Well, if this isn't the definition of taking too long, I don't know what is. My sincere apologies. It was a long summer. Finally though, I have scratched out some time away with just my hubs and my keyboard, and now that he is in bed I space to write!
It was a relief to Loki that the room he paced back and forth, wearing a proverbial hole in the carpet, was familiar to him. He reminded himself of that fact regularly, in an effort to stave off the worst of the anxiety coursing through him as he waited for his Lady's arrival. No matter what the future held for him from this point forth, at least he knew himself and all that belonged to him, this room included.
Also included, he hoped, was the woman due to arrive at any moment.
It had been a boisterous reunion with when he had finally joined his family where they waited for him to emerge from his procedure. Any event involving Thor was bound to be less than serene, but the nature of his discovery made the atmosphere raucous even by the standards of the Asgardian royal family.
"Brother! I mean Cousin!" Thor had proclaimed, lifting him from his feet in an embrace that had gone near to shattering Loki's rib cage. "Norns take it all, Brother it has always been, and Brother it shall always be!"
"Thank you, Thor," he had wheezed out with the little air left in his lungs.
"I always knew that you and I shared blood. It was as obvious as it is that day turns to night and night to day."
"Yes, our similarities are breathtaking," Loki had replied dryly, doing his best to hide the misty eyed sensation sweeping over him at his brother's declaration. "I am only surprised that the people did not take us for twins."
"Loki, my dear one," Frigga had cut short his sarcasm before Thor had an opportunity to read it and be stung. "Can you ever forgive us for what we have put you through?"
"I have forgave and been forgiven for far worse in my time," Loki had shrugged, accepting a kiss from her on his cheek. "And as it turns out, I was not the only one deceived in this."
"You were not," she had agreed, a spark of anger in her eye that he was grateful was not directed at him.
"So tell me, where is my dearest not-father? I would have thought he would be first to greet me, all eagerness to explain why he was right to keep the true details of my birth from all of us."
"Mother sent him away," Thor's voice had held a note of awe that Loki was completely in agreement with. To his knowledge no one had ever imposed their will upon the great All Father of the Nine Realms.
"Did you?" was all he said aloud as his mind reeled.
"We all needed time to process the truth," Frigga had a voice of vibranium that would have cut through the strongest armor. "It will go easier if we do not have to do so while your father... while Odin spins his version of events. He will be back in time, when we have all had time to consider."
"What have I told you, Thor," Loki had smirked at his brother. "In a battle to the death, I would choose our Mother every time. If, that is, I may still call you mother?"
The hesitation he had felt rocked him tot he very core. Always, Frigga had been the guiding light in his life. Her love may have been flawed, conditional to Odin's laws, but he had always believed in it. Even when he had learned that he was not her son by birth, there had been no other woman to put in her place. Now, now that he had a name and a face to put to the woman who had birthed him, could he still consider Frigga his Mother? Would she want him to?
"Volla may have given you birth," Frigga had said, tears standing in her eyes, "but in all ways that matter, you are my son, Loki. I have always loved you. Knowing that you are the blood of my blood only strengthens that love."
It seemed that there were times when the tears would not be stifled. He had embraced her again, allowing the salt water to flow from his eyes onto her shoulder as he held her to him. It was only as Thor joined them, wrapping them both in his beefy embrace, that he had heard the door to the chamber open and shut and known that Caroline had slipped silently out.
He had wanted to go after her immediately, but an unaccustomed shyness had descended on him. He owed her so much, this tiny but fierce woman of Midgard. Not only was she responsible for this latest revelation of his origin story, but it was due to her that was alive to learn it. Now that he could remember all of the support she had given him over the past weeks, he found himself feeling profoundly unworthy of so steadfast a woman. He needed something to show her that he knew just how lucky he was to have her in his life and in his corner.
"Mother," he had asked, enjoying the sensation of saying it once more without the sarcasm. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Name it, my son. If it is in my power, it is yours."
"Now that is a dangerous statement if ever I heard it," Thor had said with a rumble of laughter, as Loki began to lay out what he wished for.
His mother, as always, had been as good as her word. Loki paused his pacing now to once more needlessly take inventory of his pocket universe, making sure the precious item was safely locked away for the right moment.
A light tap on the door brought him swinging around to stare at it for a moment. An unaccustomed wave of uncertainty threaded down his spine, causing his heart to beat an irregular tattoo. He wanted so much for the next series of minutes to go as he hoped. It had been longer than he could remember, now that he had memories to recall, since he had wanted anything so much.
"Loki, are you in there?" the clear, musical voice called. "Your mother said you wanted to see me."
He realized suddenly that he had stayed rooted to the spot and moved in a dash to cross the room and open the door. He smiled as he saw the small woman standing there, green dress bringing out the color of her eyes and the roses in her lips.
"My darling Caroline," he breathed, calming as his eyes met hers. "To call you lovely would be a drastic understatement. Won't you come in?"
"Of course," she smiled at him. "How are you feeling? You did have quite a morning."
"And you," he replied, ushering her into his space, "have had quite a month. Give or take."
"Fair," she acknowledged with a laugh. "We have both been through quite the wringer lately."
Loki watched her mouth as the corners tilted up and yearned to kiss it. Everything in him was telling him to gather her into his arms and not let her go until she was breathless from his embrace. But he had a question to put to her, and he wanted them both to be clear headed when he did.
"Loki, what is wrong?" she asked him, peering up at him through troubled eyes. "You do remember me, don't you?"
"I remember everything," he said, caress seeping into the words. "I remember your bravery, your strength of will, the way you put your career, your very life on the line to help me, a veritable stranger from an alien race. I remember how right it felt to hold you in my arms, and the passion we discovered together when at last I had you in my bed. Oh, min kajesta, I remember it all."
Her face had turned a beguiling shade of red while he spoke, and he watched as the pupils in her eyes dilated at his words. Once more pull to have her without a moment to loose overtook him. Just speaking her praise out loud had him straining against his leather trousers with desire.
"I am glad," she managed to squeak out, eyes darting down and up again.
Caroline made a move towards him and Loki sprung into action, darting around the table and lifting a bottle of wine to offer her.
"May I pour you a glass, darling? I promise it is not the normal Asgardian vintage, but a perfectly respectable Chateaux Margot from Midgard."
"That would be nice," she sounded confused. "Loki, tell me what is bothering you? I promise, I will accept it, whatever it is."
"Of course you will, sweetheart," he sighed, pouring the wine into two glasses and handing one to her. "Just as you accepted every other facet of my disreputable life."
"Well, I don't so much know if I accept the invasion and all the destruction that went with it," she qualified, "but I do understand the mitigating factors. But please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me what is wrong."
"My darling, since the moment you met me, bound in that cell, your life has been in upheaval. I have torn you away from your work, your friends, your home. Your very life has been threatened on numerous occasions. It cannot have been an easy time for you."
"Not easy, no," she agreed, face scrunching adorably as she considered his words. "But at it was never dull. In all honesty Loki, there were days when I thought I lost you that were horrible. You can ask Tony at some point, or Bruce, I was a basket case. But as long as you were with me, I always believed that things would somehow work out. It was only when you were gone that I was panicked."
"Ah yes, Stark and Banner," he said their names with a grimace. "They are just the problem."
"Why? I thought you and Tony had bonded? And yes, I understand that Bruce might not be your favorite person, given the Hulk smashing, but -"
"You misunderstand me, love," he interrupted her. "I am not disparaging the Midgardian heroes. I will not even say anything against that blind menace who despite his infirmity managed to look inappropriately at you. No, it just that they are, well, heroes. That is what you are used to consorting with, Caro."
"I have not consorted with any of them!"
"I do not mean it in that way," he smiled at her, grateful despite the misunderstanding to hear that she had not been more than a colleague with any of them. "I simply mean that you spent your time on Earth with a certain type of man. The heroic, selfless type to be specific."
"I would hardly call Tony selfless," she scoffed.
"You are deliberately deflecting what I am trying to say," he ground out, frustrated that she was interrupting him. "This is hard for me darling, please let me finish."
"Sorry," she mumbled, face not loosing its impatient look.
"With the caveat that Stark is possibly the only person alive as self interested as I am," he admitted, ceding her the point, "you are part of a team of heroes. Yes, there are times when certain members of that team do things that go against that code of ethics, as when they wanted to execute me without a proper trial, but for the most part, those that you surround yourself with are paragons of humanity, struggling to do what is right and just."
"Alright," she said slowly as he paused. "I might have some issues with parts of what you said, but I will grant you the basic premise. I work with a team of good guys. What is your point?"
"My point, my love, is that I am not a hero. I am a seriously flawed semi-reformed super villain at best."
"Loki," she said, face contorting to hide what looked suspiciously like laughter, "is that what you think?"
"It is the truth."
"Have you not been paying attention?" she asked in frustration, flopping down into one of his chairs and taking a long drink of wine. "Very good by the way. Alright, where to begin... How may times have you saved Thor's life? When you would go on your missions for Asgard before his thwarted coronation?"
"Countless, particularly if you take into account the times I kept him from saying or doing something dramatically stupid."
"And by how many of those missions was Asgard kept safe?"
"All of them, but it is not the same thing."
"Isn't it? You were fighting to protect your home. It is no different from what Tony does on Earth. And when we came up with the plan to retrieve the Mind Stone, the very thing that had caused you so much pain and torture, did you Tony, Thor, and I go alone? No, even though it was not your world that hung in the balance, you put your life on the line, not to mention your sanity, and helped us keep the jewel from falling into unsafe hands. What do you call that?"
"Righting a wrong I myself committed."
"But that's my point!" she insisted, sloshing wine onto the carpet as she gestured for effect. "Everyone commits wrongs. No hero is perfect. Not Matt, not Bruce, certainly not Tony. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. What matters is that you when you do, you try to make them right. You are a hero, Loki, not because you are perfect, but because you try."
"You don't think I'm perfect?" he asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow that sent a flood of desire through her.
"I plead the fifth," she said, bringing a confused look to his face. "Loki, let me put it this way. You are all the hero I need."
"You are sure?"
"More sure than I have ever been about anything in my life. I love you, Loki."
"Well in that case," Loki took a big breath and reached into his pocket universe, "I would like to offer you this."
With all of his nerves ready to snap, he held out the small golden apple in his hand to her.
Caroline had been looking forward to this moment with Loki for what seemed like ages. First she had thought him gone, most likely dead if not dying. Then, just when she had found out that he was alive, his memory was wiped out, taking all of his knowledge of their relationship. She had white knuckled it through the past few days when Loki, lacking his memories, had nonetheless invited intimacies with her, ones she desperately wanted, but felt guilty indulging in with his altered state.
Now, at last, the were both healthy and whole, minds in tact. She wanting nothing in the world but to have a sizable amount of time together, alone.
She had slipped out of the room when Loki had emerged from his procedure and greeted his family. Yes, she had been separated from a fully functional Loki for days, but his separation from his family had been going on for longer. It was important, she thought, to give Loki, Frigga, and Thor a moment to reforge their frayed family bond. Watching all of the love his mother and brother surrounded him with had made Caroline happy, but she still felt as yet a bit of an outsider, not sharing the centuries of history with the three. A quiet exit seemed the most tactful action she could take.
Now at last, it was her turn. Loki had sent her a message asking that she meet him in his rooms. Suppressing a thrill she let her mind wander to why he might want to meet her there. Could it have anything to do with the large, comfy bed that dominated the room? Caroline could only hope.
Her pulse was racing as she knocked on the door. The few doors down from where she herself had been allotted quarters was long enough to amp up her excitement to a fever point.
The Loki who answered the door was not the one she had been expecting. Judging by Loki's actions in all of there previous time together, Caroline would have expected him to pounce on her. They had wasted so much time apart, be it mentally or physically, that even a few moments not in his arms seemed a crime to her. He, on the other hand appeared determined to keep the whole room between them. Why?
She tried to track his thoughts as Loki rambled on, to answer sensibly about all that they had gone through, to defend him against himself, but as he kept talking, her mind was screaming for him to throw her onto the bed that loomed just behind him and ravish her. What was taking him so long?
"You don't think I'm perfect?" Loki asked, seizing on and twisting a comment she had made in the midst of trying to convince him not to belittle himself. His look, cocky and knowing, sent a wave of lust so strong through her that Caroline pressed her thighs together to counter it.
"I plead the fifth," she said, forgetting for a moment that he would have scant knowledge of American legal terms. "Loki, let me put it this way. You are all the hero I need."
"You are sure?" he seemed intent on the point, as though their futures depended on it.
"More sure than I have ever been about anything in my life. I love you, Loki." It really was as simple as that.
"Well in that case, I would like to offer you this."
Caroline didn't know what she had been expecting. Jewelry perhaps? His empty had to pull her close to him? Certainly she had not been expecting a small, perfectly formed golden apple. She could tell from the look on his face that it was important, but she had no idea in what way. Distantly, she thought she might have seen something about an apple in that large encyclopedia she had paged through in his cabin, she couldn't remember what the significance was. She was fairly certain it was nothing to do with the Frost Giant side of his heritage.
"Thank you?" she said uncertainly, reaching for the apple.
"You don't understand, do you?" he guessed, reading her. "Of course not, how could you. Caroline, min kajesta, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I want that too, Loki," she said, beaming from the inside.
"No, you misunderstand me, my love," he smiled again, getting down on one knee in front of her chair and caressing the side of her face. "I want to spend not just the rest of your life, the short life of a mortal, with you, but the mine. The lifespan of a God."
"Loki, I am not a God, or a Goddess," she laughed nervously at the very idea.
"To me you are the very definition of Goddess," he told her, eyes brimming with love. "You are wise, gentle, strong, loving, and, to be quite candid, the most desirable creature I have ever met. All you are missing is longevity. And this apple can give it to you."
"What?" she must be hearing him wrong, she thought.
"The Golden Apples of Idun can grant a sort of immortality to any who eat them," he explained quietly. "They can, in short, turn a mortal into a God."
"How many are there?" she asked, stalling for time.
"At the moment? Three. When you have eaten one, there will be two. But fret not, more will grow. I a thousand years or so, another will take this one's place."
"Loki, I can't take that! It is too precious for me."
"The stars are not too precious for you, my dearest love," he told her seriously. "I would steal them all for you."
"Did you steal the apple?" she asked.
"I would have, if I had to, but I did not. Frigga called in a favor from Idun and procured it for me."
"Frigga did that?"
"She did. She loves me, it seems. And she thinks you are good for me. She is right, you are far too good for me, but I intend to have you nonetheless. Will you have me, min kajesta? Will you share this long life we me as we commit mischief across the galaxy? Say yes, love. Please."
"Loki," she said his name like a prayer. "Yes, my love."
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in-my-loki-feels · 7 months ago
Title: Where You Belong Rating: M (E when complete) Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don (Mobius Variant) Some Additional Tags: President Loki POV, Don POV, Long-Haired Mobius/Don, Loki Variant, Supportive Frigga, Actions Have Consequences, Family Reunions, Loki is Bad at Feelings (and communicating), (eventual) Porn with Feelings. Word Count: 7.2k [2/4 posted, 16.5k by the end]
Loki was uncharacteristically silent as he stared at Frigga.   “Mother?” someone else spoke up.  Don’s heart stopped. He knew that voice. It lacked the gravelly quality he was used to but there was no mistaking it. He spun around.  The person behind them bore an unmistakable resemblance to Loki except for one glaring difference: his skin was blue. 
With the pieces of his plan finally coming together, Loki intends to claim his place on the timeline. But nothing is ever that easy for this particular variant.
This is my fourth Lokius bingo fic! (And second completed bingo, as I inch closer to a blackout...👀) Bingo details under the cut.
Prompts included are: “technology malfunction”, “stranded off-world”, “I didn’t know it could be like this” and “restraints”. Woo! @kcscribbler @lokiusbingo
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shegeekery · 10 months ago
Misfits (extended) Chapter 1 - Reunion
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Note: This first chapter is a rewrite of the one-shot I posted here a while back.
Chapters: 7, plus a short epilogue Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021), Thor (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Original Character (implied) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Original Characters, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Hades (Marvel) Additional Tags: Non-Graphic Violence, Nonbinary Character, Hair-pulling, Lots of talk about death Summary: Jane Foster is feeling out of place in Valhalla. She's not the only one. When Jane is given an impossible mission, Loki and her friends want to help — but what is Loki really after?
Chapter Index: Chapter 1: Reunion (this post) Chapter 2: Clown School Chapter 3: Graduation Chapter 4: Trouble in the Mead Hall Chapter 5: Hades' Domain Chapter 6: Fortress Chapter 7: Laevateinn Epilogue
Jane’s first day in Valhalla felt like a dream. 
Odin and Frigga were waiting for her in front of the hall by the time she made her way up the hillside.  Frigga embraced her warmly.  Odin beamed at her and invited her to dine with them privately for the first night.
Over supper, Odin patiently explained what would be expected of her as a warrior of Valhalla. 
Jane had picked up a bit of Asgardian and Scandinavian folklore during her time with Thor — and a great deal more in New Asgard — but nothing had really prepared her for this . She was a scientist. She’d never believed in any sort of afterlife until she found herself face to face with Heimdall at Valhalla’s gate.
“Your duty is to fight, to train, and to ready yourself for the Final Battle,” Odin told her.
The gist of it was that she would have to join the other warriors on the battlefield — and most likely die — every day, only to be resurrected in time for the evening meal in the massive mead hall. 
When she asked what and when the “Final Battle” would be, Odin was less forthcoming. Thor had told her that the army of Valhalla was a no-show at Ragnarok. Maybe they were being held in reserve for something even worse?
By the time supper was finished, Jane felt overwhelmed and exhausted. So much for ‘rest in peace’, she thought. Seems like being dead is more work and a lot less peaceful than being alive.
Frigga took pity on her and showed her to a surprisingly spacious suite in a nearby building reserved for the nobility and honored heroes. She urged Jane to get plenty of rest, telling her that she would return in the morning to show her around and help her get settled.  
As soon as Frigga left, Jane collapsed on the bed. Her dreams were filled with images of battle, blood, and fighting. 
When morning arrived, she inspected her new home. There was no kitchen, but on a table she found a basket of fruit, cheese, and bread that she was fairly certain hadn’t been there the previous evening.  She munched on her breakfast while she looked around. 
In a closet, she found an assortment of clothing and armor, all in her size. There was even a near copy of her ‘Thor’ outfit. She didn’t know yet whether she’d be expected to fight today, so she opted for a simple tunic, a tough leather jerkin, comfortable trousers that tied at the waist, and brown leather boots.
Frigga arrived and took her for a walk around the compound. A horn sounded in the distance, a mournful, martial sound. Frigga explained that Heimdall sounded Gjallarhorn to start and end each day’s practice. Moments later, the sounds of armed fighting drifted up the hillside from the battlefield below.
They walked through the practice yard — a flat area with hard-packed earth — and into the armory. 
Inside, Jane found a wide assortment of weapons in racks and on display along the walls. She picked up a hammer, but found to her dismay that it was much too heavy for her to wield effectively — that had never been a problem with Mjölnir. The longer haft felt strange, too. Mjölnir’s unusually short haft had actually suited her quite well. 
Unfortunately, Thor’s hammer was still in the realm of the living. She would have to find another weapon, but she was at a bit of a loss there.
The truth was, she had to admit, Mjölnir had done much of the work for her. 
She’d trained hard every day with King Brunnhilde in New Asgard. If not for the stupid cancer, she would have been in the best shape of her life when she died, and a fairly decent fighter. Still, without her magical weapon, she would likely be no match for the Asgardians and humans — most of the latter were Norsemen (and a smattering of women) who had been here for over a millennium — almost all of whom had trained in the arts of war from childhood.
She tried several other weapons: a sword, a mace, an axe, but she had no expertise with these. Finally, Frigga encouraged Jane to go watch the battle while she went to consult with her husband.
Jane leaned on the balcony railing in the practice yard, observing the action on the battlefield far below. 
It didn’t look so bad from up here, but she was quite certain it would be a chaotic nightmare once she found herself in the middle of it. Anguished screams carried up the hillside and echoed through the valleys, somehow carrying over the constant din of metal crashing upon metal. From time to time, another distant figure would fall and be still while the fighting carried on around them. In some places, groups of warriors seemed to work together, while elsewhere it looked like a free-for-all, with fighters attacking anyone and everyone within their reach. 
One band of warriors managed to destroy their nearby foes in a brilliantly coordinated attack, then immediately fell upon their own comrades. Jane watched in horrified fascination as a mace-wielding berserker spun around, clearing the field around him in seconds, only to be cut down by a thrown axe.
What in God’s — er, Odin’s — name am I doing here?  
Jane wasn’t afraid of a fight, but she hadn’t particularly enjoyed it either. There was so much more to life — or, well, afterlife — than that, wasn’t there? It didn’t help that she had no idea what it was all for, in the end.
No longer really seeing the carnage laid out before her, Jane sighed. She didn’t even know many people here. There were Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, the Warriors Three — whom she had met briefly in Asgard — and a handful of New Asgardians who had fallen when the little town was attacked. No family or close friends. No Brunnhilde.
No Thor.
She wondered if it was too late to back out. Would Odin and Frigga be offended if she —
“Oh dear. I know that look.” The low, silken voice interrupted her thoughts. 
Startled, she turned to see Loki standing next to her. 
How did he…? Oh, right. Yeesh. Someone should put a bell on this guy.
The God of Mischief smirked at her surprise. “Didn’t expect to find me here, did you?”
Jane thought it odd that Odin and Frigga hadn’t mentioned that Loki was here too. 
He was dressed much the same as the last time she’d seen him, in a green tunic with gold embroidery, a long green and gold coat styled to make his shoulders look larger, and matching leather trousers with black boots. 
Still just as vain, even in death. 
She wondered whether he had a closet with clothing in it, or just conjured clothing to match his mood. 
“I, um, I guess I hadn’t really thought about it, to be honest.”
He chuckled. “Not to worry. Trust me, nobody was more shocked than I was when I came to and found myself walking next to Heimdall on the road to Valhalla. Never saw this in my future.” He gestured, his arms encompassing the massive hall and the field of battle below.
She managed a weak smile and nodded, not knowing what else to do. This was unexpected. Her mind raced, trying to figure out what it meant that Loki was here. Should she be worried?
“Neither did anyone else,” he added, with a touch of — was it sadness? Scorn? A bit of both? “They drew lots to decide who would have the chance to kill me first. There was a line…”
Jane found herself horrified and amused in equal measure. “I’m…sorry,” she choked out. “That sounds terrible.”
Loki waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, it wasn’t so bad. I even let several of them win — guards killed when the Frost Giants invaded Odin’s vault. I took them all on at once to make their ‘victory’ more believable. Turns out people are more willing to forgive past transgressions once they’ve brutally murdered you a few times.”
Jane snorted in spite of herself.
He winked at her. “Makes room for new transgressions.” 
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the mercurial, unpredictable god. She hadn’t forgotten that he’d killed quite a few people in her world. 
Then again, he had risked his life to help save her from the dark elf, Malekith. True, he’d been motivated by a desire to avenge his mother, but he’d also jumped to shield her from the blast of a black hole grenade, saving her life when Thor wasn’t even watching. 
Loki seemed to be full of contradictions. I wonder if even he knows what he really wants.
Jane mentally went over what she knew of Valhalla’s entrance requirements. It wasn’t like the Christian Heaven, she remembered. It wasn’t about how you lived. It was how you died that mattered most. 
She’d thought that Loki had died in Svartalfheim, which probably would have landed him here if it hadn’t been an illusion. Later, Thor had told her about Ragnarok and the nasty business with Thanos. Apparently, Thor was right. Loki really had died that time — and again, he’d died a hero. 
More or less.
They stood silently a moment, watching the ongoing battle. Jane stole a sideways glance at Loki as he gazed down at the field. He seemed older than she remembered. Sadder, somehow, which was odd given that the last time she’d seen him, he’d just lost his mother and had now been reunited with her in death.
“What were you saying before? You know what look?” Jane asked.
“The look that says there’s been some terrible cosmic mistake, which will no doubt soon be corrected and you’ll be sent packing, off to where you really belong.” He mimed wrapping something up and tossing it into the distance. “I was the same when I first arrived.”
“And where’s that? Where do we really belong?”
“In my case… Hel. In yours?” He shrugged. “Wherever good little scientists go when they shuffle off the mortal coil.”
“But you don’t think that now?”
“Valhalla doesn’t make mistakes. If we’re here, it’s because we belong here.” He shrugged again. “Or so they say.”
“You’re not so sure?”
Loki turned to face her again, his mask of arrogant superiority slipping smoothly back into place. All trace of the vulnerability and uncertainty Jane thought she’d glimpsed had vanished. 
“As it happens, I didn’t come here just to discuss theology with you. Odin, in his infinite wisdom ,” his voice fairly dripped with sarcasm, “has decreed that you, my Lady, shall be trained in the subtle art of dagger combat.” 
“Daggers? Why?” Jane couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. She had been ‘The Mighty Thor’, defender of New Asgard, after all. Now they were going to throw her into battle with nothing but a knife or two?
“I’m afraid we’re running low on magic hammers here. You’re tiny, but quick, and…reasonably intelligent,” he replied, haughtily. 
“Gee, thanks.”
“Daggers require a certain finesse. Intelligence counts for more than brute strength.” 
Loki leaned in. She was surprised by the way he towered over her. 
He’s taller than I thought. I didn’t notice when he was with Thor.  
“And you may not wish to thank me by the time we’re done,” he whispered. “As the resident expert, I’m going to train you.” He stepped back and grinned wickedly as a pair of daggers appeared in his hands. The edges looked very, very sharp.
Loki spun the daggers around in his hands and offered them to her, hilt first. She took them, hesitantly.
“Don’t worry,” he said in a mock-soothing tone that was anything but reassuring. “I promise to kill you quickly the first few times.” 
He laughed at her alarm. “You’ll get used to it.” Another pair of daggers appeared in his hands. He flipped them in the air and caught them expertly, then adopted a fighting stance and cocked his head, eyes glinting dangerously.
“Now then, my Lady. Shall we begin?”
Go to Chapter 2
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iobsessoverfictionalmen · 1 year ago
The Unsealed Skies (2)
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Warnings: spoilers for Thor 2, violence, character death, mentions of cheating, cursing, Loki threatening Malekith, and references to Greek mythology.
“Our game of cat and mouse is at an end.  It is time for us to return to Olympus and live as husband and wife.”
“The Norns were compassionate enough to provide me with a preview of my future.  I have no plans to set foot on Olympus ever again.”
“I have been searching for you for two centuries!”  Ares fumed.
“I’m surprised you could tear yourself away from Aphrodite’s bed for that long.”  You spat back, clenching your fists, “Why would you want our marriage to be a farce like your parents' marriage especially after you saw how it upset your mother?”
For a moment, regret and doubt crossed Ares’ face and then the expressions were gone.  There was another loud crack and two figures fell into the street beside you.  One of them looked very familiar with his wavy black hair, green and black armour, and pale skin.
“The Norns have a cruel sense of humour for they have returned me to Midgard.”
The other figure climbed to his feet.  From this distance, you could see the ashen grey colour of his skin, the pointed ears, and the white-blond hair.  A red ball formed in his outstretched hand and deciding that Ares was less of a concern to you right now, you left him standing by himself and stood beside Loki.
“I leave you alone for two centuries and you entangle yourself with a Dark Elf?”
“Our reunion must wait.  Malekith has absorbed the Aether.”
“Depart now Malekith and you leave with your life.”
Malekith rasped out a refusal in Norwegian and in the same breath he cursed Frigga for bringing you into this world to oppose him.
Loki’s eyebrows slammed down over his eyes and his daggers appeared in his now clenched fists, “Insult my mother in such a manner again and you shall become intimately familiar with the feeling of your spine being removed vertebrae by vertebrae through your mouth.”
Malekith flung the Aether at the two of you.  Without conscious thought, Gungnir appeared in your hand, “Hold brother.”
Loki raised his chin, “On your command sister.”
The Aether split into two balls and was inches away from connecting with you when you commanded Loki to move.  He vanished from your side and reappeared far away from Malekith, drawing both balls over to him.  At the same time, you hefted Gungnir and threw it at the Dark Elf.  As expected, the spear connected and Malekith screamed in rage as he died with his quest unfulfilled. 
You blinked and Loki was once again standing beside you.  He had conjured a box strong enough to hold the Aether yet it twisted and churned inside, longing to be free.  You heaved a sigh, “Why must our existence court chaos?”
“Although I am impressed with your ability to summon Gungnir as it is your birthright to do so, if you do not wish for Odin to journey down to Midgard to retrieve his spear, I would suggest returning it to him with haste,”  Loki commented distastefully.
“Your words are wise brother.  We shall return the Aether to Asgard and I shall ensure that Frigga is the one who will decide on the correct course of action.”
As you spoke, Loki opened his mouth and raised a finger but his objections died down when you mentioned sending the Aether to Frigga.  The sky lit up again and the two items were pulled out of your grips, circling high into the sky until they vanished from your sight entirely.
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fanficsforloki · 2 years ago
To Prove To You - Chapter two
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 7k
Series summary: Nereide is a sea nymph with a peculiarity: she knows how too control her element (water) and has magical abilities. Poseidon, aware of that, decides to send her to Asgard as a student of Frigga. She studies with Loki, and as they grow up, they begin to develop feelings for each other. But what if Odin's plans for her get in the way?
Chapter summary: After their first Magic Tournament, the sexual tension between Loki and Nereide explodes. They decide to make a deal.
Content: unestablished relationship, friends to lovers, fwb, platonic love, romance, angst, fluff, loss of verginity
Content warnings: smut, melancholy, dacryphilia, Loki is a fabulous bitch with a big heart and a witty sense of humor, a bt over dramatic and very clever. He's sensitive, but hides his feelings and acts really rough around Nereide also because he like to see her pouting and eventually becoming more clingy.
Chapter warnings: make out i suppose???
To Prove To You Playlist
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-Oh my absolute self, where have you been!?
Loki had found himself deeply attached to Nereide. To him she was a mysterious yet alluring creature. She would venture off to the seaside every now and then and as the bond between Loki and Nereide had grown stronger, one thing tugged at Loki's heartstrings – the fear of Nereide not returning from her visits to the ocean.
Each time Nereide left for the seaside, Loki's anxiety heightened. He knew she belonged to the sea, but he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that maybe one day she would choose to remain in her aquatic abode forever. His mind would race with endless possibilities – what if she became a prisoner of the watery depths? What if their bond wasn't strong enough to bring her back?
As the sun dipped into the horizon and the sky transitioned into twilight, Loki found solace among the sandy shores where they last bid farewell. He would sit patiently, waiting for Nereide's familiar silhouette to emerge from the crashing waves.
Loki's friend could sense his concern and tried her best to reassure him. But deep down in his heart, Loki couldn't help but be plagued by the constant worry of losing his cherished friend to the captivating callings of the sea.
Each reunion brought relief, but over time it became increasingly apparent that a subtle change was taking place within Nereide. Her eyes carried an untold secret that stirred an uneasy feeling within Loki. It seemed as though every visit to her aquatic realm chiseled away at her resolve to return. This inner turmoil only intensified Loki's anxiety, but he remained steadfast in his hope that their bond would prove to be stronger than the ocean's allure.
Oh dear, he was capable to be jealous of the Ocean too!
Loki was completely upset, shaking the girl in front of him by her shoulders.
-Chiiill, i was back at the sea, don’t yell at me like that
Nereide still had her dark hair damp. Her lips were bright red thanks to the salty water.
-I have been looking for you for AGES.
-It’s been two MINUTES.
-Two minutes of me not knowing where you were is way too much time.
The two were heading to the palace. Thor and the others were back, and they were throwing a feast.
-You shouldn’t be called the god of mischief, but the god of drama
-I prefer god of being right and i am ALWAYS right
-You didn’t just-
-Oh, but i most CERTAINLY did.
She groaned, marching inside while he was after her.
-Look, i like you, Nereide, and we don’t see eachother nearly enough. Why is that?
-What are you saying, we’re nearly 24/7 together!
-Oh, come on, we’re never together, you’re always on your little bath in your room and i’m always down here. Sure, i have got my ways to get up there, but for some reason they have this super ridiculous rule that i am not allowed to visit. And if i do i’ll get sent to the dungeon and will be banned from doing any sort of magical thing for a whole year. It’s utterly ridiculous and i’m frankly appalled that you’d agree to that!
-Oh jeez, we’re almost always together!
-Almost isn’t enough! Look, you are my best friend, you understand me in ways that no one else ever possibly can. There is no one who makes me feel as alive and free, as unrestrainded as you do. My soul longs for you.
They both stopped, he grabbed her wrist, staring into her eyes.
-My heart, my actual heart needs you. I know i am being a bit intense but you need to understand.
Nereide took his hand in hers.
-Did something wrong happen? You seem hurt…Did the others do something or told you something bad?
He clentched his fists, looking at the front entrace.
-They’re so disrespectful! They always look down on us and they constantly tell me that i’m an irrosponsible fool who does everything wrong. Even Thor agrees with them! And when i point out that my ways are obviously better, they get all uppity an say how dAnGeRoUs my methods are and how i’m not fit to rule. It’s absurd! That’s why i have decided to wait here for you. I didn’t want to go far away with them, knowing that you were alone.
Nereide sat on a marble bench, and let him sit with her.
She sigghed, still holding his hand.
They weren’t ready to go inside, especially they weren’t ready to hear Odin’s praises for their friends.
-I’m sorry i wasn’t with you, i would have taken you away from them. They just don’t understand you, even though they aren’t that good. Like, there’s good and bad in everything and they just have to always point out at your flaws, it makes me angry. I wish i could protect you like you do with me.
-You’d never believe how much that means to me, Nereide. No one else ever understands me. Not in any way that matters. Not in the same depth as you do. You see past my tricks and schemes and really see me. It means the world to me.
-You know? When your older brothers had died, i was the first one to state you were innocent. It’s true, you wanted revenge, you always do, but you couldn’t know what would have happened, you were just a kid…Your mother and i will always take your sides.
Loki looked down, swallowing. That memory was still burning. The most tragic thing he had ever done was to cause the death of his brother.
Frigga loved him so much that she did everything to make him immortal, but Loki had found a way around it and managed to kill him.
Blader was the gorgeus god of all, the most loved one…
He shook his head. Spending nearly a year in a cave with a snake dripping venom down his face was enough.
Even there, if it hadn't been for Nereide who had stood patiently by his side with a basin to catch every drop of poison to protect him, he would have gone mad.
-I just…you’re just…
He could barely speak.
-You’re just so amazing.
Nereide winked at him, patting his shoulder.
-You are definitely the amazing one among us all!
She stood up and raised her arms in the air.
-Since we’re here, we should take some little revenge on the others, nay? Our welcomes…
Loki grinned, totally diggin’ her idea. He stood and stretched, smiling slyly.
-We’re on the same wavelength. So, i was wondering if you’d like to-
He got cut off by the obnoxious, hight pitched voice of Frigga.
Loki groaned and put his hands on his hips like a teenager asked to do the dishes. He was hilarious.
-When will you stop treating me like i’m FIVE!? I’m nearly ONE THOUSAND.
Nereide was laughing silently.
-Oh dear, be patient with her, you will forever be her kid, no matter what…
-Like she sees anything but me being a little goofy and dramatic. She think her precious Thor is so much better than me and i’m just tired with having to be so pitiable all the time to her.
-Don’t be so mad, Loki. As i can say, your mom prefers you over Thor. She admires you and is so fond of you. She always told me the best about you.
-She doesn’t show it anyway. She thinks i am not capable of doing anything without her. She treats me like i can’t be trusted to do anything right. And it hurts, Nereide. And don’t say i am being overly dramatic, because it’s a very deep wound in my heart.
She kept silence for a few seconds, then she began to form little water pearls, turning them into ice, making them roll down the trail.
-Well i wish i had a mother to hunderstand your feelings, but i can see that you’re upset. Maybe you should talk to her politely instead of screaming like an eagle.
She stood in front of him, cupping his cheeks with her hands.
He huffed, letting go her hands.
-I’m not like i’m the lowest of the low, i’m-
She rolled her eyes before he could even finish.
-Yeah you’re a god and everyone must treat you like one babbling babbling. I can treat you as a God if it helps you. Will you be my God?
_...Well, if you wish to worship and praise me like the god that i am, your wish is my command, and i will be your god with the most gracious heart.
-You don’t even believe your words.
-Absolutely no.
They both laughed a little while they were trying to be composed.
Nereide caressed his cheeks and stepped back.
-And you would like to become the King of Asgard, right?
-…Perhaps if my mother and father will take into consideration my qualifications and expertise. If they’re willing to hand the throne over to someone who deserves it, then yes, i will do nothing les than rule with grace and respect for the people of Asgard, and i would take the throne gladly.
-If you will become king, what’s going to happen to me?
-Well as the king i would naturally need an assistant and advisor. Perhaps you could fulfill that role for me? I would make you the chief advisor and handmaiden. You could help me with all the royal duties, and would be the main link between myself and the people. It sounds like a pretty ideal position for you, what do you think?
-I was afraid you were saying you needed a Queen.
-Pardon me, but i can be the queen myself.
-You damn queer, you wanted to say. Being your assistant would be the greatest honor. We need to decide our outfit for our future domination.
And she ran to his room, entering without permission. It was alright anyway. Maybe he couldn’t visit her room, but she was often with him in his comfortable space. They used to nap together so often in the afternoon that it was basically her second room.
Loki’s room was a dark navy blue color. It felt safe and secure, he had all his books on the shelves. His bed was always unmade, but huge and with lots of pillows. There was a really peaceful balcony that leaded out into the forest.
Frigga didn’t really want them to spend time together in their bedrooms, and that lead to lots of sneaking around the castle.
-Where’s your helmet? You can’t rule without you fabulous helmet.
Nereide began to look around.
-I don’t know, my room is a mess! I’ve been so busy having to deal with my mother during these days i just haven’t had time to sort trough my belongings.
His face darkened for a moment, considering wether that was true or wether the messiness was just a result of his disorganization. He shook his head and snapped himself out of his introspection.
Books were everywhere, the windows were wide opened.
-But it will be done before the end of the day. And then all will bow to our majesty!
He threw his arms in the air and Nereide was already at his wardrobe, looking at all his clothes.
-You’re such a cool princess. Sooo many armors and clothes…they’re all beautiful.
-Princess??? I am NOT a princess!
Loki said while huffing and crossing his arms over his chest like a pouting toddler.
-I am a warrior, i am bold, powerful and strong! I am not just some helpless princess, do you understand me!?
-Blah blah blah
She took some black clothes and handed them to him.
-Try this on. Also, can you change my dress with your magic?
She spinned on her spot. She’s wearing a poor white tunic and she was barefoot, with her hair almost down to her knees, just like most of the nymphs.
Loki took the clothes and turned around to change in front of his bed. The black robes fitted him perfectly and gave him the appearance of a more traditional ruler of Asgard. The dark fabric matched the darkness in his eyes and the malice in his heart while he plotted his rise to the throne. The darkness in his personality became more pronounced with each bit of black material on his body. He turned back to Nereide. He’s more like his brother Thor now, but with an air of cruelty.
-…How do i look?
Nereide looked at him completely lost in his beauty and she blushed a little.
-You’re pretty…pretty handsome.
Pretty, again with that word. It wasn’ only her favourite word, but also Loki’s favourite word to hear from her. Her pronunciation of the word "pretty" was a delightful dance of sounds that evokes a sense of beauty and charm in his ears. The poetic essence of that simple yet captivating word was rooted in the alluring combination of its phonetic components. The initial soft plosive 'p', and Nereide always licked her lips before saying it, created an air of anticipation as her moist lips part, paving the way for the graceful transition to the open, vibrant 'r' sound. This mellifluous tongue roll resembled the gentle purring of a cat, hinting at warmth, comfort, and satisfaction that ran through his entire body like an electric pulse.
As the word progressed, the short but sweet 'e' sound introduced a lighthearted quality, infusing "pretty" with a touch of playfulness. Following this with the soft 't' sound doubled up on this light and happy feeling—the tip of her tongue dancing lightly against the upper teeth like butterfly wings. Finally, the terminal 'y' drew out an elegant trail, as if finishing off a perfectly executed brushstroke. He could taste a whole kiss from her whenever she said this word. And he felt like he was held by his core, a prisoner in her mouth. Bite me, chew me, swallow me, his eyes used to scream, as he carefully watched her lips.
He smirked at her and slowly walked forward, his shoulders rolled smoothly back with his chest stickin out. There was a slight, dangerous glint in his eyes, and he looked as though he was about to do something violent, even though he hadn’t even touched her.
-Does this frighten you?
She shook her head a no, looking him up and down.
-No it’s…it’s marvelous
-It is? Oh, but that dress doesn’t fit you.
He waved his hand and her dress slowly changed into a flowing black robe similar to his, but with gold accents that catched the light in beautiful shades.
-How about that? Isn’t this much better?
He smiled innocently, but his eyes had a cold and calculating glint at the same time.
She looked at him in disbelief and looked at the two of them in the mirror, grabbing his arm.
-You, you are beautiful.
She’s lost in his reflection, feeling her heart beating faster.
Loki couldn’t imagine that her dress would fit her so well, she was born to wear such items. She looked heavenly.
-Thank you
He spoke almost in a whisper but she could clearly hear every word. He had a soft smile on his lips, but there’s still an edge to his eyes that said he had something sinful in his mind.
-I can’t help it. I’m the best looking god in Asgard.
-I agree
-…it is not often that i am complimented in such a lavish way. You have my sincere appreciation, and my thanks.
He said, putting one hand over his heart and inclining his upperbody downwards like a gentleman bowing in respect, but it looked slightly disingenuous and he was smirking. He looked almost like a wolf licking its chops before it goes in for the kill.
-I know
She steps back, looking at herself.
-Whoever is going to be your wife will be lucky, i must admit. You’re tricky and mischievous, that’s true, but that’s Your beauty.
Loki had no time to respond, because Frigga’s loud voice resonated again in the corridors.
-Ugh. She’s always calling for me. She thinks i’m a litteral child who will just come when called for, for some weird reason. I’m a God, for Pete’s sake! What’s she going to do to me if I refuse to go? Ground me?
-…We have the magic council in about 20 mins, you fool.
-Oh, oh. That’s a different situation, ugh. What is mom whining about this time?
-We must be ready in time. Aaand since you are worse than a princess she expecially wants YOU to be ready on time.
-She is aware of my god status and immortal nature, right? I just…i hate being under her thumb. I’ve been alive for thousands of years, i don’t understand why she’s so controlling of me! I just want to be my own person and for her to respect everything I’ve done but NOOO she has to micromanage every aspect of my existence.
-Oh dear, for God sake Loki, can you NOT complain once in your existence!?
They were heading to the council hall, fighting like siblings.
-If people could stop disrespecting me, maybe i wouldn’t have to complain all the time about how unfair it is how much i’m disrespected!? I AM A GOD, I DEMAND TO BE TREATED LIKE ONE, IS THAT REALLY SO MUCH TO ASK???
Nereide facepalmed herself before saying: -here we go again…
-…What is that gesture even supposed to mean??? And do not roll your eyes at me, that’s just even more disrespectful.
The Magic Council held an extraordinary gathering to determine the participants for the annual Magic Tournament. After much deliberation and evaluation of the finest sorcerers in the realm, the council members finally reached a unanimous decision. Nereide, the skilled water nymph with unparalleled grace and finesse, and Loki, the enigmatic god known for his unpredictable tactics, were chosen to represent Asgard in the prestigious competition.
The announcement of Nereide and Loki as this year's competitors sent ripples of excitement throughout the magical community. With her innate ability to manipulate water and create powerful torrents, Nereide was revered for her exceptional talent in both offense and defense.
On the other hand, Loki's selection elicited an air of intrigue and curiosity among fellow magicians. Some whispered of his uncanny knack, other spoke of his unorthodox approach to magic, blending strategic deception with impressive spellwork.
As they commenced their rigorous training under the watchful eyes of Frigga, Nereide and Loki bonded over their unyielding determination to succeed.
The day had come.
The anticipation surrounding the tournament reached its peak as representative teams from neighboring Realms arrived in Asgard. Rumors circled about formidable duos boasting combustive elemental combinations or exceptionally rare magical gifts that would test even the likes of Nereide and Loki. Yet amidst whispered doubts and awe-stricken speculations, the chosen sorcerers remained steadfast in their resolve.
The stage was set for an electrifying display of magical powers. Participants from far and wide gathered to showcase their skills at the Magic Tournament, where victory brought not only glory but also the title of Asgard's most exceptional enchanted duo.
In the end, the decision of the Magic Council to send forth Nereide and Loki rested on a foundation of faith in their potential. Their selection would prove to be either a triumphant stroke of genius or a costly misjudgment. But for Nereide and Loki, champions-to-be, this was an opportunity to prove themselves as more than just gifted magicians – they were symbols of hope for a nation and magical world awaiting the return of its brightest stars.
The Arena was set up in a huge open field, with benches all around the outside to watch from. In its architecture it reminded Nereide to the Athens Theaters. The center of the arena was a large stone platform where the contestants would fight. It was surrounded by a thin ring of stone that protects the fighter from falling off during he battle. The stone platform was about 30 feet across, connected to the ground by a series of metal beams. This made the platform sturdy and stable, and allowed fora fair and even fight. The arena was filled with the best and brightest wizards and sorceresses. The Magic Tournament was a very formal nad important event, it wasn’t just about fighting, it also included testing knowledge and magic abilities. The tournament was about proving who was the best mage in the Realms, not about causing harm to others.
There were several different categories of magic for the tournament, each with its own rules, parameters and guidelines, that way the mages would be on an equal playing field. The tournament lasted about five days ans usually a lot of people attended them.
That year was a particular one: Prince Thor and his friends were there, and Thor was the loudest of the group, cheering and clapping. Everyone in there could clearly hear his words of encouragement for his friends.
-this is so nerd.
Sif was kinda disappointed that there weren’t Bloody fights.
Loki and Nereide slowly lifted their gazes in awe at the grand arena set up for the Magic Tournament and they could feel their hearts beating with excitement. Nereide was particularly keen on showing her skills in healing magic, while Loki had been preparing for months for the enchantment category.
Loki and Nereide stepped out of their inn into the night air, their uniforms dazzling even in the darkness. They were almost identical and the two of them could have passed for twins in the night. The fabric of their uniforms was black, with a long leather coat, trousers, and boots in the same color. This deep and dark color was perfectly complemented by the teal and golden details on their uniforms, which made them stand out even in the gloom.
Starting at the top, their coats had light teal accents around the stitching, which was golden in color. The fabric itself was a heavy wool blend that was sure to keep them warm as the night went on. The lapels were cut in a V-shape, with more of the teal accents at the ends. As they moved, the coats swayed and the fabric swayed, creating an elegant and graceful silhouette.
Underneath their coats they wore black trousers, tailored to fit them perfectly. The trousers had a smooth, even finish and were complimented by their boots. The boots were made of the same black leather, with a reinforced toe and heel box.
A golden belt with a teal buckle also hugged Loki’s waist, while a teal belt with a golden buckle was at Nereide’s. The belts were made of a smooth and supple leather, and the buckles were delicately carved with intricate patterns. The belts were the perfect accessory for their uniforms, adding a bit of bling and flair to their otherwise dark ensembles.
Years back, in her own private garden, Frigga introduced her son that tiny girl that was now holding his fingers nervous.
She wanted them to meet because Nereide was so kind and loving, and Loki needed that kind of love in his life. She knew that the two of them would be perfect.
Frigga remembered with a smile the lessons they had together. They were such adorable kids. Loki was really good, but he had just trouble focusing and Nereide always spent extra time with him to help him. He eventually became the strongest, but he was so proud of Nereide for how far she had come. He also teased her so much about that, but she didn’t mind. She knew she wasn’t a Goddess, therefor she could never be stronger than Loki.
And for their first magic tournament, of course they teamed up together. Both of them had practiced tirelessly.
As the tournament began, the brilliant Nereide was the fist one to step in the Arena.
Day one was the one that had a healing magic match.
Nereide prepared for the most significant moment of her life so far. Despite her apprenticeship, many doubted her skills as she was untested in any official magical competition.
Nereide's focus was on this delicate art.
As the competition began, excitement and suspense filled the air. One by one, healers showcased their remarkable abilities – soothing injuries, curing ailments, and even reviving withered plants back to life. The judges watched carefully and meticulously scored each participant based on effectiveness, technique, and creativity.
When it was finally Nereide's turn to step into the spotlight, she stood confidently before the judges. Despite the overwhelming pressure of competing against experienced magicians, Nereide remained unfazed. She knew that deep within her heart lay an exceptional affinity for healing magic.
Nereide's performance stunned everyone present at the tournament that day. With effortless grace and precision, she mended broken bones and healed deep wounds with mere flicks of her wrist. She then pushed herself further by restoring sight to a blind man - a task usually reserved for the most advanced healers. Nereide performed delicate healing spells that captivated the entire crowd. Her movements were as graceful as a swan, and her spells flowed with perfect precision. Nereide stepped up to the stage with confidence. Her healing spells were flawless, and she could feel the energy of the crowd urging her on. She felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.
Whispers spread through the crowd as they witnessed Nereide’s unmatched prowess in healing magic unfold before their eyes; it was clear she was destined for greatness.
When the scores were finally tallied, anticipation hung heavily across the arena. The moment of truth had arrived as each participant anxiously awaited their results. To everyone's surprise and amazement, it was announced that Nereide had won first place in the healing magic category .
Nereide's victory at this first-ever magic tournament was more than just a personal triumph. It signified a monumental leap forward for both Asgard and The Ocean, and served as an inspiration for countless nymphs to come.
As the match came to a close, Loki pulled Nereide close to him. The intensity of the day's events had brought them even closer, and they shared a loving endless hug.
The second day Loki had a different kind of magic up his sleeve. He dazzled the audience with his intricate and complex enchantment spells, but he executed them with ease. He took a deep breath, felling the judges’ eyes on him as he finished his routine.
Loki knew he was in for a challenge, as he was up against some of the greatest enchanters in the universe. And he couldn’t bear Thor’s shouting.
The competition began with a flurry of spellcasting and enchantments, where each contestant tried to outshine the others with their magical performances. Symbols glowed in the candlelight and creatures from beyond took up residence in the tournament hall, as the audience and judges watched in awe.
In one round, all the enchanters were given enchanted stones with runes etched into them. They had to use their expertise to unlock the secrets of the stones by casting spells with precision and accuracy. Loki had a slight edge here, as his vast knowledge of enchantments enabled him to outwit everyone.
The tournament continued in a similar fashion, with each participant displaying their skills and abilities in a spectacular display of magic and mystery.
As Nereide watched the tournament unfold, she couldn't help but be captivated by Loki's beauty. His aura seemed to cast a wicked spell over the usually timid Nereide, as she secretly admired him from afar. Though she knew him to be evil-minded, he appeared quite different in this moment – great and powerful, yet somehow still endearing.
Despite his imprudent behavior, his fiery gaze and dark countenance stirred a deep, almost mad desire within her that she hadn't experienced before. Great and cunning in equal measure, Loki effortlessly held her attention with every move he made.
Loki's appearance only amplified her infatuation. The handsome man boasted long dark hair that framed his face gracefully, while his charming smile concealed the true nature of his intentions. A good-hearted individual was how he appeared to others – a masterful disguise that shielded his deceit.
Nereide found herself enthralled by his enigmatic figure at the tournament, struggling to come to terms with the contradictions between his outward allure and the truth of his sinister heart.
Loki's beauty was alluring and captivating during the tournament. He exuded an amorous charm that drew eyes to him, no matter where he stood. Loki's eyes held a cunning glimmer, hinting at the evil-minded intelligence lurking beneath the surface.
Although there was something quite different about him that day, it was fitting to see Loki enveloped in an acquired darkness as he took part in the competition, his fiery determination alight in his eyes as he forged ahead.
Such was the great and powerful presence of Loki during the event.Loki managed to arrive first, but the real challenge was yet to come.
The final category was battle magic, and both Loki and Nereide were nervous. They had never participated in battle magic together before and didn't know what to expect. They fought bravely, combining their skills to create powerful spells and dodge attacks. The battle category was the most intense, and Loki and Nereide knew they had to work together to make it to the end.
They knew that their bond was strong, and their magical powers would only continue to grow.
But what they didn't know was that their bond and magic were about to be tested in a way they never imagined, leaving them both bewildered and questioning everything they thought they knew.
-Loki, i’m quite scared for this…
They both stood at one of the entrances of the arena.
Loki shrugged, still looking in front of him where the lights illuminated the place. People’s chanting were muffled down there.
-Don’t be, can’t we just do some cheating of our own?
-Loki, no.
Each team had to fight and both of them had no clue how to master their magics. They were lucky enouh to be on top of their personal cathegories, but Nereide knew she couldn’t stand a fighting match. She was strong, but not enough, and she felt so anxious that couldn’t let go Loki’s hand.
-Well i just hope whoever is against us isn’t deadly strong. …Maybe we should try some cheating after all…
-Maybe you should just close your mouth about all this cheating. Look, there!
She pointed at the first team that entered the arena. A couple of old mages.
Loki chuckled, thinking that a couple of geezers like that where nothing against them, and he just winked at her.
Nereide shook her head as another team stepped out.
-Well…we’re fucked.
Loki stared with wide eyes
-I didn’t even know they were allowed to compete!?
-Pleased to meet you, it was nice being your friend.
Nereide shook his hand before turning around and leaving.
Loki squeezed her hand before stepping down in the arena.
-Don’t give up hope yet, doll, i still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
He flashed his mischievous grin and raised his hands, his magic forming a massive sword out of thin air. He charged against them and Nereide rolled her eyes, forming a shield for him with her water magic and transformed herself into steam.
-Remember, if you get injured just find some water! I will regenerate us!
He slashed and cut at his opponents. He dodged their attacks, countering with fire around them.
From the benches they could hear Thor and their friends cheer for them.
Unexpectedly, a mage found Nereide and attacked her. They began to fight with water but the mage was much stronger than her.
He quickly ended the match with his opponent, turning his attention to Nereide in a flash. He was beside her within an instant, grabbing the mage’s arms and pinning him as he turned to her.
-Are you okay!?
His voice was filled with concern for her wellbeing, sweat was running down his forehead.
She nodded and took the water from his face, forming some daggers with them and handing him one.
-Keep him there, i’ll block the others.
He was clearly terrified for Nereide’s safety.
-It is not the right moment!
She turned one of the mages into ice, using the liquids in his body.It wouldn’t last long, but that was an advantage.
-Concentrate on the-
She was shashed from behind and she fell down on her knees.
-You. How dare you. She’s Mine!
Loki yelled this like a wild beast, a voice he never had before. His eyes burned and a look of feral rage unlike any other crossed his face. Closely, you could see the tiniest bit of fear in Nereide’s eyes as she watched him. Loki had never done this in public before. He had never shown this side of himself in front of her, and as he made all the opponents fall, he rushed to Nereide’s side.
Their weakness was only one: they were too sentimental. They couldn’t focus well on the battle, because they were both too concentrated on the other’s safety. They were more afraid and occupied protecting one another to understand that their previous strickers were just illusions. They got trapped from the other mages.
In comparison to the others, they were too young and unexperienced. They were able to battle, of course, Loki had been through war, but that was different. They had to use magic with more logic, more calculation. They were strong indeed, but too emotional. That could lead to a loss of control that could be dangerous.
Nereide teared up, unable to stand up, exhausted. She tried to hide it, but she was upset.
-I wish i had been better. I really wanted to give you the victory.
They both held their gaze up where Odin was shitting. They both only saw the dissappointment in his eyes as he was slowly shaking his head.
Nereide stood up and ran outside the arena, Loki screaming for her, turning to see her black locks disappear behind the exit.
After the last battle had finished, they met in the changing rooms corridors.
He stood up and ran to her, and held her in his arms, looking up adoringly at her.
-Where have you been my sweet? I’ve been searching for you all over the crowd! I had to say to you i’ve dreamt of this day. I’ve been waiting to see you beat the crap out of someone for a lifetime.
He smiled adoringly at her, and cupped her face. In that moment, their loss and all the problems with his father melted away and he just wanted to be with her.
-Oh, my lovely, sweet, chaotic Loki, i’m so proud of you!
She held him back, rubbing her cheeks against his.
He’s lost in her embrance, and he breathed in the scent of her skin. The scent of wild magic and wild things, untamed and free as she is. It’s like nothing he’s ever smelled and anything but her had that parfume that made him feel the strongest sensations he had ever felt. In all his years of life, he had never felt such a connection with another person as he did with her. He was upset before, the third position wasn’t enough for him, but seeing her being so happy for their result made him feel better.
-Well, it is your fault if we are third, so…
She squealed in his arms slapped him playfully.
-No, it is thanks to me!
He pulled her back into an embrace and sighed. He was so happy, in that moment, he almost couldn’t believe that a god like him would have this kind of happiness.
As they walked out of the arena, hand in hand, followed by their friends, they looked at each other and smiled. They knew that even though they didn't win the battle category, they had each other's support. That was so strange to hear something like this from Loki.
During the lively celebration party thrown in their honor,
Nereide stood in the corner of the ballroom, watching the couples drift around the room in a waltz. The chandelier illuminated the dancers with its glittering light and the music swelled around the room like the sound of her beloved distant sea. Nereide could barely concentrate on the music, her thoughts were too absorbed with the figure standing at the other end of the room.
Loki was leaning against the wall, his tall figure framed in the shadows. His gaze flicked around the room and Nereide felt the pull of his gaze linger on her for a few seconds before it moved on to the other dancers. A shiver ran through her as her eyes followed him around the room. His dark hair shone in the candlelight and his eyes were like burning embers, piercing and intense.
Nereide was mesmerized by the figure of her beloved, by the way his movements seemed to blend so seamlessly with the music. She couldn't take her eyes off him and the desire in her heart was so strong, she felt like it would consume her. She had loved Loki for so long, she had thought that the feelings could never be matched in intensity. Yet there she was, feeling a physical attraction to the man she had sworn her heart to.
Nereide was finding it difficult to resist the temptation to go to him, to surrender to his embrace. She had to admit that the pull she felt towards him was strong, more intense than she had ever felt before. It was like a burning sensation in her core, an aching need that seemed to grow stronger and stronger with every passing second. She had to take a step back and examine her feelings, to question her own motivations, before she could take any further action.
Nereide had to keep reminding herself that although she felt a physical attraction to Loki, it was merely a temporary attraction that would soon fade away. She had to resist the temptation of her physical desire, to keep her love strong and pure.
As the music reached its crescendo, Nereide stepped forward, intent on stopping herself from taking a rash decision. She had to remain strong and clear-headed, if she wanted to keep her love for Loki true and pure. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest as she took a deep breath and stepped out into the light. Nereide walked slowly across the room, focusing on the music and on the steps of the dance. With each step she took, the feeling of desire that had been building in her womb began to be unbearable.
She collided by chance with Loki's lean yet muscular back, and felt like she might pass out at any moment.
Loki, noticing her agitation, guided her away from the crowd.
Loki and Nereide found themselves sitting side by side on the upper steps of the grand staircase. The laughter and music below filtered up to where they sat, creating an intimate bubble for just the two of them.
As they shared a gentle conversation, Loki couldn't resist the magnetic pull he felt towards Nereide. He casually leaned in, gazing into her captivating eyes before tenderly pressing his lips against hers. Their first kiss was soft and filled with pure emotions, making time seem to stand still while warmth fled their entire beings.
It was not just a physical sensation – he could feel the love that Nereide imbued in this simple yet profound gesture. At first uncertain and hesitant, she soon gained confidence to deepen their connection. Delicately pulling his lips closer to hers, she started to suck on them ever so sweetly. This unexpected tenderness filled Loki with an overwhelming desire to weep from sheer happiness, a feeling that he knows words could never fully encapsulate.
Their passionate exchange at the top of the stairs lasted longer than what he had expected.
They parted only to catch a breath.
As Loki's eyes locked onto Nereide's, an electrifying shiver coursed through both their spines. His gaze piercing into hers, looking into her soul and pulling out her deepest innocence and obscene thoughts. She looked so vulnerable and yet so hot he was about to devour her. Their hearts swelled with a yearning that had been simmering just beneath the surface for an eternity. It was in this moment, where time seemed to stand still, that they found themselves ensnared in a passionate and long-awaited embrace.
Their lips met again, soft as rose petals, harsher than before but still with a tender urgency that spoke volumes of their pent-up desires. Warmth spread between them, as the wetness of their kiss only added intensity to the connection they shared. The gentle dance of their tongues weaved a delicate story with each brush stroke, punctuated by moans that resonated on a primal level.
Agitation bubbled feverishly beneath the surface as Loki and Nereide struggled to fully express the depth of their longing in this one intimate exchange. It was a hunger which had gnawed away at their souls for what felt like forever, finally given the chance to be satisfied by this fervent and exasperated touch.
Loki could feel something twisting around low in his stomach, deep down to his pelvis. Nereide was pure, completely untouched. Her body almost had missed the feeling of almost everything and anything. It made his chest tight.
Nereide could feel her cheeks heating up as Loki navigated her to the wall behind her - a move that showcased his determination and protectiveness as much as it signified his raw desire. As he trapped her there with his sturdy form, his hands skillfully wrapped around her wrists, tethering her between himself and the wall. He was so close to her she cloud feel his body heat radiating off of him and onto her. The thought of kissing her best friend, her childhood friend, had her blood running hot. They’ve been close to each other so many times before, but this, this was an entirely different story.
He placed his hands on her waist and jerked her forward up his thighs. Nereide was so close to him, sitting on his thighs with her legs on either side of his waist. His hands felt heavy on her waist as he squeezed it soothingly. Loki sat up to bring his chest closer to hers.
They both reveled in the intoxicating feeling of surrender and vulnerability within their fervid embrace - at last tasting the soul-deep connection they had been craving for so long. Their breaths were mingling in the space between them. The wetness of their mouths added a sensual layer to their connection. Their tongues danced in a slow, deliberate rhythm, exploring and tasting each other with fervor. Time seemed to stand still as the world around them faded away, leaving only the sensation of their warm, moist lips pressed against one another.
Nereide could feel Loki’s slender fingers push into the supple skin of her waist while she tried not to focus on the fact that she was sitting just above his waist, his most intimate parts a few inches away from hers. But the way he was kissing her had her wanting to grind down against him, to feel wether he was coursing with arousal the same way she was.She needed to feel him hard and throbbing beneath her. Loki’s hands were still sliding over her hips, and grabbed her so strongly that she could feel his nails dipping into her flesh.
-It is…it is so difficult for me to stop now…
Loki chuckled, resting his forehead on hers.
But they couldn’t continue, they had a ball to attend, and Thor was already looking up for them.
Nereide rested her hands on his shoulder, speaking with a shaky voice.
-You have to promise that this is going to happen again.
In front of that adorable pout of her, Loki could only smirk and grab her by the neck, kissing her again.
It was a clear answer:
-Anytime you want, dear.
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humandisastertonystark · 1 year ago
Honestly, the way they let their relationship go after TDW, I don't see how they would have a genuine reunion that doesn't seem forced. Like it would just give a bitter aftertaste if they would make Loki suddenly forgive Thor and make Thor act like he suddenly understands Loki.
Knowing Marvel they would probably just make Thor give Loki a pat on the shoulder and then everything's fine, like he never did anything wrong. And then go on about how he hopes that Loki will "behave" from now on and stop with his "shenanigans".
I mean the dude still thinks Odin was like father of the year and would get shouting if Loki said anything bad about him cuz his narcoleptic space highness gave a weak last minute "I love you, sons" speech before he ultimately said ciao cacao.
And for Thor the "Odin topic" was fixed now because the only real quarrel he ever had with his father, was about him getting knocked down to earth and getting his favorite toy temporarily taken away from him.
So yeah no, I'd rather have Loki finally give him a piece of his mind and call him out for everything Thor and his friends and Odin (and actually Frigga too but who's gonna tell Loki) have done to him. And then he's gonna live his best life away from this moron.
But yeah, wishful thinking.
If writers in Marvel and its executives were not stupid they could have let Loki return to the main timeline and join Thor in New Asgard so not only fans would get reunion nobody suddenly cares about after years of talking about it,it would also revive destroyed Thor frenchise and maybe many of fans who lost interest in MCU would have gotten back.
But thats I guess only what I a person who cares about the characters would do.
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iamanartichoke · 6 years ago
I'm really hoping Frigga is in the Loki series. I'm not sure what exactly her role would be (and would be very interested to read your thoughts on that!), but it would be nice to have her in it.
One of the things I thought about and was glad of was that 2012 Loki hasn’t lost Frigga, bc the events of TDW haven’t happened (and maybe won’t happen at all). I feel like Rene Russo would be open to guest starring, especially since she and Tom worked together to come up with backstory and headcanons for Frigga and Loki’s relationship. So I think there’s a good possibility that she’ll show up, at least in one episode. 
I think that her role could be anything. The comic that I think is supposed to take place between Thor 1 and Avengers 1 establishes that Frigga sees and attempts to talk to Loki while Loki is in the Void, through magic or their connection or both, I’m not sure. But having this canon makes it a possibility that Loki doesn’t have to be on Asgard in order to communicate with her, and once he’s away from the influence of the mind stone, he’d likely be more willing/able to do so. 
At this point, the last time Loki saw Frigga was in the throne room before the big fight with Thor on the Bifrost. I would love to see Frigga expressing joy at Loki being alive - to Loki - and having the chance to talk to him without Odin literally right there, ready to sentence Loki to prison. 
I would like to see Frigga try to talk with Loki, about his adoption and the lies and about the path he’s on now. 
I would like to see a version of the “he’s not my father/ am I not your mother” conversation play out, but this time with more of the Frigga we saw in Endgame, where she says that it’s okay not to be who you’re supposed to be. 
I think there’s a ton of untapped potential in exploring their relationship, and how it would function in that weird, gray place where Loki is alive but can’t come home, and Frigga can talk to him but can’t let on to Odin that she can do so, or something along those lines. We would have more room and time in the series to dive into some of those layers, room and time that the movies were never going to give us. 
So, yes, I hope Frigga is there, too. It would be a damn shame if she wasn’t. 
Thank you for the ask! 
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villainousshakespeare · 2 years ago
Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 24
Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23
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Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease​
It had taken a satisfyingly short time to convince Thor and their mother that he was not going to be delayed in returning to Midgard. Friga had wanted to summon Eir and attempt to repair the sieve that they had made his memory. Thor had babbled some nonsense about danger if he set foot in the mortal's fortress. Loki had ignored them both with ease. The threat, made with just the right amount of intensity, that he would use his own weakened powers to access hidden paths to Earth were enough to have them both agreeing to bring him there themselves by a less strenuous route.
Loki didn't understand why they didn't just have the Gatekeeper open the Bifrost to the compound where this mortal woman was at present, but Thor was rather insistent that a stealthier course was called for. This was such an aberration from his brother's normal tendency to barrel in hammer first that both Loki and Frigga were quick to acquiesce, although their mother looked a little uneasy with the method it left to them.
"You do still have the Tesseract I assume, brother?" Thor had asked.
Another wave of sensation had rocked Loki, and he had to steady himself physically to avoid falling once again.
The Tesseract. Yes, the name filled him with something that was not quite comfort, but yet still offered a sense of relief. It was as if an escape card had been slipped into his pocket. It made sense; from what he knew of the Tesseract, container of the Space Stone, it could carry someone of sufficient mental strength to command it anywhere they wanted to go. One of the primal forces of creation, nothing he knew of would be able to stop it from taking him to Earth or anywhere else.
He had it?
Loki closed his eyes and mentally reached into his pocket dimension, paying much more attention than would usually be required in order to retrieve an item tucked away. He felt the auras of his usual items: knives, quills, paper, armor, anything he might need in his roamings, and dismissed them all. There were a few things he had not remembered adding, such as a rose-colored parka, some sort of projector, and a pair of sorcerous handcuffs. He would have to explore more later to see what else he had acquired in his missing days. There! in the midst of all the objects was a gently glowing blue cube that emitted a powerful aura.
Loki had pulled it out into the night air and held it aloft. How had he come to have one of the building blocks of the universe in his possession? It was yet another mystery to be solved. Right then however, he had been too concerned with the first problem. Who was this woman, this mortal of all things, who filled him with such a sense of need that he was willing to put his health at risk in order to find her and assure himself of her safety?
"Oh Loki, the Tesseract?" Frigga sighed in a voice he had been hearing his entire life.
"Apparently," he shrugged, tossing it up and catching it just for the effect. He couldn't have them realize how off his game he truly was after all.
"Give it to me, you are in no condition to use it."
"Mother -"
"Do not try to dissemble with me! You can barely stand on your own accord, how do propose to control an artifact of such power? More like than not you would end up on some random moon if you tried on your own. If you want to go, and must go now, then you will let me provide the guidance. End of discussion."
When it came right down to it, he had not been feeling at his best, and if there was any person he trusted to turn over such a weapon to it was his mother. Reluctantly he had handed the cube to Frigga and seen her breathe a sigh of relief.
"Thor, you know where this place is where Loki's friend is being kept?" Frigga asked in a brisk tone.
"I believe so," Thor answered. "My guess is that friend Stark should have been able to keep her in his rooms, rather than seeing her put into the prison."
"His rooms?" Loki growled, not liking the sound of that one bit, even though he had no idea who the person they spoke of was.
"A very large suite, Brother," Thor hastened to assure him. "Several rooms. In any event, you need not fear. He is only a little fellow, and a mortal, though fierce in battle."
"I fear nothing," he had said automatically, still not liking the situation Thor presented.
"Alright," Frigga had cut through their discussion. "Each of you place a hand on my shoulder, like when you were children. Thor, I am going to enter your mind; visualize where this woman would be for me. As much detail as you can. Loki, no over-extending yourself, but gently reach for me. That's it. Now, brace yourselves my sons."
The teleportation had taken more out of him than Loki cared to admit. Frigga's firm arm locked with his had been all that kept him steady as the terrace around them disappeared and reconfigured itself into some sort of sitting room filled with human furniture in silvers and grey. He was grateful for her discrete support and shot her a quick look of thanks while Thor shook off the trip like a pet emerging from a lake.
Too late he had reached for the Tesseract, only to see Frigga turn her wrist and remove it to her own impenetrable storage with a smile that dared him to protest. Well, that too would be a battle for another time. He had to find this person. This doctor. His heart screamed that everything else was second no matter how much his intellect told him otherwise. It was extremely irritating.
"Where is she?" he had demanded of Thor, looking around and not seeing anyone.
"Calm down Brother," the note of ill-concealed amusement in Thor's voice rankled to no end and made him itch for his knives. "I told you the suite was large. She should be here somewhere, assuming Pierce didn't kill her."
And then a dagger had been in his hand, and a snarl escaped his lips. If anyone had laid so much as a hand on her, he would make them long for an easy death.
"Loki, control yourself," Frigga had snapped at him. "And Thor, show some respect for your brother's feelings. I am sure that this Doctor Thorpe is safe and near. Ah, I think I hear voices coming from that direction. Thor, perhaps you should lead, since you are friends with the Mortal who's home we have invaded."
Loki had showed his opinion of that plan by roughly pushing past his brother and wrenching open the door out of the room. He could hear the voices then, though not what they were saying. One was low and masculine, the other had a bell like quality that went right to his heart. It was her. He would bet what remained of his soul on it. He had to see her. Once he did, everything would be right again.
Charging down the corridor, he had come at last to another room with couches, chairs, and a low table, artwork decorating the walls. He hadn't seen any of it. There, seated on one of the couches, had been Her.
He had known the minute his eyes clapped upon her. A relatively small woman, she was dressed in a grey sweatshirt several sizes too big for her that was rumpled and unflattering. Her hair, a mess of snarled curls, was tied up on the top of her head somewhat crookedly, several large chunks falling down at random. Deep, dark smudges shadowed her eyes, speaking of sleepless nights and tearful days.
Loki had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life.
He had stood in the doorway, transfixed by the sight of her eyes. They were red and watery, but that could not disguise the sharp intelligence and, even more breathtaking, the kindness that shone forth from them. Those eyes, he had thought in a brilliantly clear moment, could take all the sorrows in all the world and make them bearable. Compassion, acceptance, and humor glinted in their bottomless depth. He wanted it, all of it, for himself.
Which made the fact that at that very moment they were shining on someone else, someone who was clasping her hand and smiling back at her, absolutely unacceptable.
An intense haze of red colored all before him. Loki did not know who she was, but he knew with a certainty beyond anything else that it was his eyes she should be staring into, his hand that belonged in hers. He would kill this worm of a Mortal for daring to touch the match to his soul. Menacingly, his grip on his knife tightened.
"If you want to keep that hand," he spoke quietly from the doorway, "I suggest you remove it from my Lady's. Now."
That voice, low and filled with menace, was the most wonderful sound she had ever heard.
Caroline's eyes flew from Matt's face over to the entrance. He was there. Standing in the doorway to the sitting room was the only man she would ever love. For the first time in over a week, Caroline's heart seemed to beat once more.
"Loki," she said, his name and nothing more, rising to her feet.
"In all my glory," he smiled, eyes moving over her.
Caroline felt a momentary pang of embarrassment for how she must look. Since the horrible incident she had taken the bare minimum of interest in her personal appearance, only doing enough so that her friends would stop hounding her about it. As her eyes took in Loki, however, she forgot her own state as his registered in her mind.
Loki had always been thin, although Caroline knew firsthand how much lovely muscle was hiding beneath his clothing. Now though, his cheeks were hollower and the soft green tunic he wore seemed to drape loosely on his frame. His beautiful pale skin contained even less color than before if that were possible, and his sharp eyes betrayed the slightest hint of exhaustion.
She had spent quite a bit of quality time with her alien prince; Caroline knew how carefully he guarded his appearance. If he was showing visible signs of fatigue, then he must have been in a bad way indeed. He was alive yes, but he had been hurt, grievously, and it was all her fault.
"Loki, I am so sorry," she stuttered, taking a step but not daring to approach closer. "I swear, I never meant to hurt you."
An odd look flickered across his face, and she realized that his eyes, which had become open and shining when he looked at her during their time together, were guarded once more. Of course. How could she expect anything else? She had shot him, almost killing him. Their relationship could not be the same.
"Doctor Caroline! You are here!" Thor bounded up to stand next to his brother. "You see Loki, I told you she would not be killed or incarcerated."
"I am relieved to see that you were right for once," Loki's eyes had still not left her face.
"Pierce tried, by Tony insisted on keeping me here," she said, wishing he would open his arms for her but not wanting to presume. "I guess for once the rich having undue influence worked in my favor."
"Ah, well I suppose I owe you thanks then," Loki's voice did not sound particularly friendly.
To her surprise, she found that his eyes turned away from her to gaze improbably to Matt with an open hostility.
"No, Brother, that is not friend Stark," Thor whispered loudly in Loki's ear. "I know it is difficult, as most Midgardian males look the same, particularly the smaller ones. I myself have made similar mistakes in the past."
"Matt Murdock, attorney," Matt said, extending his hand.
Thor shook Matt's hand with enthusiasm, but Loki only looked at it. Matt waited a moment, and then pulled it back with a shrug.
"I take it you are the Asgardians," he said.
"Oh, yes. Matt, this is Loki and Thor. Princes of Asgard," she didn't know what Loki's feelings were for his family at the moment, but he and Thor seemed to be forming a united front.
"Although they are not acting like it at the moment," a female voice dripping with disapproval added.
Caroline tore her eyes away from Loki with an effort to see a tall woman come up to stand beside him. To call her beautiful would be an understatement. Tall and regal with intricately styled red-gold hair, the woman personified grace. Caroline at once felt even more bedraggled in comparison.
"Forgive us, Mother," Thor lowered his head, but Loki kept his green eyes flickering between Caroline and Matt.
Mother. This was Frigga, Loki's mother and Goddess in her own right. Of all the times to be introduced to her, Caroline could not think of a worse one. Not only did she look like a street urchin, but she had committed an act of violence on the other woman's son.
"Your Majesty," she said, dipping her head since there was no way she was going to try a curtsey.
"Ah, so you are Doctor Thorpe," Frigga said, giving Caroline a quick once over that she was sure saw every inch of her.
"I am."
"My son has been anxious to see you. I am pleased to make the acquaintance of one so dear to him, although I could wish the circumstances were different."
"I'm honored."
"You are honored, she is pleased," Loki drawled, looking around the room. "Now that we are done with that, all of the rest of you to go away."
"Loki!" Frigga chastised.
"Very well," Loki said with a melodramatic sigh. "I would very much like for everyone to kindly leave Caroline and I alone. Now. Better?"
"Barely," his mother allowed. "Very well. We will wait in the next room."
Frigga turned and departed with an encouragingly smiling Thor. Matt began to follow, but stopped at the last minute, putting one hand on Caroline's shoulder and looking disconcertingly straight at her.
"You'll be okay?" he asked her.
"Far more than you will be if you keep insisting on touching what you shouldn't," Loki said dangerously.
"I'll be fine," she lied, thinking she was like to combust on the spot.
"I'll be right next door," Matt ignored him. "My hearing is excellent, so just yell if you need me. Loki, it's been educational."
With an ironic twist of his expressive lips, Murdock followed the Asgardian contingent out. Caroline noticed the way Loki's glare tracked him, and she felt a horrible surge of excitement. Surely if he was that unhappy with Matt's attention to her he couldn't have completely written her off.
The door shut, and they were alone. Caroline stared at Loki in exquisite torture as he remained silent. She had hoped and wished for nothing more than to see him again, alive and well. No matter what happened, she would be forever grateful that he had survived the blast she had shot him with. Still, it was hell to be so close to him and not touch him, not assure for herself that he was real and there and whole.
Finally, when she thought she might explode, Loki walked the few short steps and stood looming over her. One of his long, elegant fingers traced the side of her face, and Caroline let out a trembling sigh at the contact. His eyes, hooded and revealing nothing, captured hers and seemed to bore deep inside her soul, looking for something. She would have happily given him anything in that moment, if he had only named. it.
"My love," he said at last.
Just those two words, but Caroline let out a sob nonetheless, throwing herself into him and tightly wrapping her arms around him. Loki smiled, lifting her chin and claiming her mouth for a long, desperately needed kiss that nourished her more than any meal could ever do. He did not hurry, letting his hands explore her body as his tongue did the same to her mouth. It was searching, like his gave had been, giving her the chance to relearn how it felt to be in his embrace. When he finally pulled away, it was to sink down onto the sofa, bringing her down next to him. She felt at home and safe at last after the nightmare of the past days.
"So, you are Caroline," he mused, looking at her. "I am relieved to know what good taste I have."
As she stared at him in shock, Loki burst into manic laughter.
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in-my-loki-feels · 7 months ago
Title: Where You Belong Rating: E Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don (Mobius Variant) Some Additional Tags: President Loki POV, Don POV, Long-Haired Mobius/Don, Loki Variant, Supportive Frigga, Actions Have Consequences, Family Reunions, Loki is Bad at Feelings (and communicating), Porn with Feelings, Don wears Loki's horns, Lap Sex. Word Count: 17.3k [4/4, complete]
“Well?” he asked. “I’m sure you have questions for me.”  “Certainly. But I think the answers are less important than you believe they are. Let me have a look at you first.”  Loki tried not to squirm under Frigga's attention, or give in to the urge to exchange the Asgardian clothes for his more familiar tailored suit and horns. It had been so long since he wore anything in the style he’d grown up with, the other garments felt like better armor.  “You must have gone through quite a journey to have ended up here,” she said.
President Loki brings Don to Asgard, intending to claim his place on the timeline, but despite his plans immediately go awry, he gets to see some familiar faces again.
This fic is now complete! I've linked to chapter 1 here so this post can be used to reblog the full version of the fic details, but if you read the first two chapters, you'll want to start chapter 3 (which is what the above snippet is from).
I hope you enjoy reading! 💚💙
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shegeekery · 10 months ago
Misfits: Epilogue
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See Chapter 1: Reunion for a description and the full chapter index.
Jane and Zev made their way across the battlefield. Rune was already there, standing near the alder tree where Loki and Jane had fought together during her first battle. He waved them over. The three were given places of honor at the front of the gathering.
“So, how does it feel to be a royal advisor?” Jane asked Rune.
“It’ll take some getting used to,” the scholar answered. “But the work has already started.”
Zev shot Rune a knowing look. “It does seem like Loki’s been spending an awful lot of time in the library since we got back...” 
“Yes, well, um…yeah.” Rune was blushing. Jane and Zev grinned at him. 
The practice battle had been canceled for the day. Instead, all of Valhalla’s residents assembled on the field to watch Loki’s coronation. The throne had already been placed under the tree. Heimdall stood near it, horn in hand, surveying the crowd. When the last few stragglers had joined, he lifted the horn to his lips and sounded it. The crowd parted in the center, and Odin and Frigga walked through the cleared aisle to stand on either side of the throne. 
All eyes turned once again to the far side of the aisle. Loki appeared there in an explosion of green light, wearing an elaborately embroidered outfit in green, gold, and black. Under one arm, he carried his horned helmet. In the other, he carried Laevateinn, this time in the form of a long staff.
Still can’t resist a flashy entrance, Jane thought. Well, I guess he earned it this time.
He walked slowly toward the throne, looking solemn and dignified, every inch the king. Just before he reached the throne, however, he turned his head and gave his three friends a sly wink. 
He and his parents exchanged a few quietly spoken words, then Odin came to stand before the throne, facing Loki and the crowd. Loki knelt, and Odin placed a hand on his head.
“Preserve the peace, cast aside selfish ambition, act only for the good of this realm and that of the living.”
There was a moment of silence while Odin returned to his place beside the throne and then Loki stood, placed the horns upon his head, walked to the throne, and sat down. 
Heimdall nodded respectfully to his new king, then blew his horn once more. When the last echoes faded, the crowd erupted in cheers. 
Loki smiled — a soft, sincere smile of contentment.
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smolvenger · 2 years ago
Smolvenger Fanfiction Masterlist Updated 8/4/24
If you want to be tagged, let me know!! :)
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Star Wars:
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Life Day Gift: Din Djarin x Fem! Reader:
The Mandalorian kept looking directly at you through his helmet. “Where…where did you get that necklace?” he asked. “Old friend, Life Day Gift,” you answered.
Years ago you were friends with a young boy named Din, assumed to be dead when your village was attacked. Now it's Life Day, and the day shift at your job brings a Mandalorian with a secret...an unexpected reunion. (Warnings: Mentions of death and violence and an asshole kid at the beginning, mainly fluff)
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The Most Wonderful Time- Bucky Barnes x fem! Reader: Often, he sat down- troubled. Eyes glazing over nothing but there was something inside him. Something he wouldn’t say
Bucky isn't doing too well at the Christmas celebration with your family. You go to cheer him up. (Warnings: smut with dom! Reader and sub! Bucky, some fluff)
(Not) Alone on Christmas- Bucky Barnes x trans! Masc! Reader:
“You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend!?” Bucky cried, hands on his hips.
You and Bucky fake date around the holidays. But you're definitely not interested in each other...unless...
(Warning: Brief Transphobic family member who gets shut down, some angst, but a lot of fluff)
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I Say Nothing That Frightens Me: Loki x Fem! Reader.
Loki is alive and once I find him, I will tell him how I feel and-” “Y/N, he’s there with a woman he’s fallen in love with…”
Frigga sends you on a mission to find her son, who you secretly have feelings for since you were friends throughout your childhood. When you locate him with the TVA, you learn that he has fallen for some other woman named Sylvie and not you... More Coming Soon! (Warnings: Lots of angst, and an eventual happy ending)
Chapter One //Chapter Two//Chapter Three//Chapter Four Finale Coming Soon!(Continuing. Will be in Four Parts)
A Court of Mischief and Purpose: Loki x fem! Reader
“It is one week. Or you can kiss your life and your precious priest goodbye.”
Series Summary: Sarah J Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series is reimagined with Tom Hiddleston's various characters. You are dying of tuberculosis right before your upcoming wedding to the Lusty Vicar of Aldwinter, Will Ransome. The god of mischief Loki appears before you with a deal. He will heal you in time for the wedding...if you spend a week of every month with him. Opening you to a world of more magic and danger than you ever could imagine...
Masterlist Link here (ongoing!)
Masterlist for The Boat in the Water: A Beauty and the Beast Story: Loki x Stella Ransome miniseries
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Summary: Having lost her health and her husband's fidelity and love, Stella has nothing more to lose than her life. Then...she is swept away to another realm, to an enchanted castle. A castle whose master is a god...a god with a striking resemblance to her husband.
One// Two//Three//Four//Five//Six//Seven (finale, TBD)
Tom Hiddleston Characters:
Professor! Tom Hiddleston
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Exam Aid- Prof! Tom x Reader (Request)
“Hello class- good morning. I’m your professor- Professor Hiddleston.”
When finals have gotten you down, your Shakespeare professor offers some help...and motivation... (SMUT)
Hot for Teacher- Prof! Tom x Reader (Request)
“Oh…he hasn’t said anything about a girlfriend, do you think…he’s single?!”
Summary: After being private about your relationship, your professor boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston, introduces you to his students.
The Ceremony- Loki x fem! Reader
"Now, all of you wish to watch? Then watch."
Summary: You and your dear prince, Loki of Asgard, are finally getting married. But in order for the marriage to be legitimate, your wedding night and consummation must be witnessed… (SMUT)
Seven PM Sharp- Loki x fem! Reader
Stupid, beautiful asshole with a great ass.
Summary: A sudden dinner "for the Avengers" changes everything about the relationship between you and a certain mischievous god... (SMUT)
The King of Asgard- Loki x fem! Reader
“Hail the King Loki! Hail the Queen Y/N!”
As the wife of Prince Loki of Asgard, you suddenly discover that Odin and Thor are gone. You are made queen and your dear husband is king. But a king needs an heir...(SMUT)
Reunion- Loki x fem! Reader
"He’s been gone for a bit- it’s been a few days."
The sacred timeline is destroyed. And your missing, mischievous lover has returned. A confrontation and a fear of abandonment and betrayal with his return still bring about the passion you have for each other. (SMUT)
Yggdrasil- Loki x fem! Reader
“Please…take me to him…it is all I want, all I wish, all I ask for..."
Your husband, the god of mischief, has made the ultimate sacrifice for his friends, and the world...he lives, but now he is alone...that is until you choose to join him in his solitude and make a life there.
My Goddess- Loki x fem! Curvy/Plus-Sized! Reader (Request)
'Don’t get carried away. You’re just not meant for romance, Y/N'
Amidst the pressures of school and your personal insecurities, you never expect your crush on the god of Mischief to be reciprocated...
Crimson Peak
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Handsome Enough to Tempt Me.: Sir Thomas Sharpe x fem! Reader.
Yes, he was a stranger. Yes, you were alone with a man. But he seemed kind.
You were looking forward to a ball, but no one will dance with you and the night is turning sour. That is until you cross paths with a baronet with a talent for inventing... (TW: brief mentions of past abuse, but lots of fluff, a wee bit of hurt/comfort)
Half Agony, Half Hope: Sir Thomas Sharpe x fem! Reader
"And there’s something else…something you must know about me, about the man who’s going to be your husband…”
Your engagement with Thomas Sharpe makes him reveal the trauma of his childhood abuse with you. (TW: Mentions of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse)
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Twenty-Seven Wounds- Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader
After a few months, you realized something- you had never seen him bare.
In ancient times, in a place that calls itself Rome, you find yourself married to the general Caius Martius or Coriolanus. He has fought so many battles he has twenty-seven scars on his body. Scars that he has not shown you yet...
The Night Manager
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Summer In Majorca: Jonathan Pine x fem! Reader
“Listen, the point is- I will not be the one you settle for just because you can’t have Jed!” you cried.
A trip to Spain alongside Roper and his crew had you cross paths with a man mysterious as he is kind and heroic as he is handsome. But it seems he has eyes for Jed and not you...
(Warnings: Eventual Smut)
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The Cure for Virginity: Dr. Robert Laing x fem! Reader
Men have the brothel. Women have Laing.
You recently moved into the High-Rise and befriended the Residents. But your new friend, Charlotte, thinks you've been a virgin for too long. She suggests someone to help with that. The best amenity in the building: Doctor Robert Laing.
Warnings: 18+, Eventual SMUT!!!!
The Essex Serpent
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Stella of Essex or The Vicar's Wife Betrayed: Some Stella Ransome x Will Ransome, Eventually Stella Ransome x Male OC
"Aldwinter was not filled with the sound of a hissing Serpent but the crying of women and especially of wives."
What does that say when men, even priests, are the ones free to misbehave and innocent women are the ones punished? Here, we explore the life of a young woman named Stella. Sweet and proper, she is naturally the ideal woman for the 19th century's expectations, as well as those for a minister's wife. She falls in love and marries a handsome vicar named William Ransome. Despite the challenges, they build a peaceful, happy life together in their small town. But then Stella Ransome not only catches consumption but discovers her beloved husband is having an affair...
TW: Discussions of cheating and the trauma and grief it brings but the cheated-on spouse gets revenge). If you don't want to read about Will or Cora or their affair being portrayed negatively, you have been warned.The series is now complete!
Link to Masterlist Here
Stella's Second Husband: Stella Ransome x Male OC, a little of Stella x Will if you squint.
"Then, when I die. When I see God before judging my actions. I’ll only tell him- Lord, I loved a precious woman...And if I die from my love for her, then I can think of no sweeter death.”
Act One//Act Two (Complete)
The Pain of Being Betrayed by the ones you love hurts deeper than the bite of any mythical Serpent. Can Stella move on from Will and find a happy future with her new husband, Harry Cavardossi?
Warnings: Discussions of Suicidal Intentions. We get Two Tom Hiddleston's fighting each other. Some Steamy Stuff but no actual graphic smut. Drunkenness.
War Horse
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Miss Narracott and The Captain: Captain James Nicholls x fem! Reader
Goodness, the uniform really did make him even more attractive! It made you dizzy.
Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five//Part Six//Part Seven//Part Eight-Finale Coming Soon!
Summary: You are Y/N Narracott, the older sister of Albert Narracott. You must do what you can so your family can keep their farm. And so your brother can keep his beloved horse. Under financial struggles, you never expect romance to come into your life...until you have a chance encounter with James Nicholls- a Captain with a knack for drawing. (Continuing)
Warnings: Light Slow Burn, some fluff, and some angst.
How To Fake Date A Spy: Jonathan Pine x fem! Reader
“Tell everyone you’re a couple, now. Go to a few parties and restaurants, hold arms, and smile at each other. Maybe a kiss on the cheek, sometimes!"
Part One//Part Two//Part Three Coming Soon!
When you joined your sister, Jed, for a lovely summer in Spain, you wanted to enjoy yourself. Instead, you have to deal with numerous men of Roper's business having a gross interest in you for more than small talk. Going to Roper for help, he offers an idea- pretending to be the date of his newest friend. A handsome sous-chef known as Thomas Quince. Little do you know yet, the man's real name is Jonathan Pine and he is on a mission to take Roper down...
The Hollow Crown
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Used Goods- Prince Hal x Reader.
Why does he have to be The Prince of Wales? Why couldn’t he be just a tailor?
You are betrothed to your darling prince Hal, but the Law of Contract demands that you must be a virgin to marry the future King of England. This forces you to confirm a traumatic incident and secret from your past...how will Hal react? TW: Discussions of past sexual assault,"Who did this to you?", Hurt/Comfort, and comforting fluff.
Part One// Part Two
The Twelve Days- Prince Hal x Reader.
“You, luckiest of girls, are betrothed to marry none other than the King of England!” your mother cheered.
You were betrothed to marry none other than the young kind of England, a man you had never met. Now you must face your first celebration of the Twelve Days of Christmas not only as a queen but as a wife in a royal and still unconsummated marriage... TW: Smut, only a little angst, and lots of fluffy and romantic moments.
(Now Complete!)
The Queen's Abduction- Henry V x fem! Reader (Request)
"You may not fear my father,  you may not fear my brother- but you will fear the wrath of his majesty, the king"
Shortly after your secret marriage to the king of England, Henry V, a nefarious villain abducts you to be his...
Nursing The Prince- Prince Hal x fem! Reader
"You look at the prince like he was a honey-cake!"
You tend to Prince Hal's wounds after the Battle of Shrewsbury.
Arise Fair Sun- Henry V x fem! Reader
"Here, there are no eyes watching us. I can speak to you honestly"y.
One night, Henry appears under your balcony to confess his feelings to you.
The Wedding of The King- Henry V x fem! Reader
As king, Henry could have anything...But he could not have a wife who loved him.
Henry is looking forward to the wedding of his arranged marriage to you. You as The Bride, however, are not...
(Small Spinoff of The Twelve Days but can be read without that context)
The Battle of Agincourt- Henry V x fem! Reader
"The camp is far off. They won’t disturb us. They won’t hear us..."
As his wife and queen, you follow your husband, Henry the Fifth to France for his battles. It is the morning of the battle of Agincourt, and you don't know if he will make it out alive. You spend one last moment of passion together. (Contains Smut)
After The Battle- Henry V x fem! Reader
For many men, the lust for battle was only a flip of a coin from the lust of the body. 
After your husband, King Henry V, wins and survives the battle of Agincourt, you meet him in his tent to reward him... (Contains smut)
The Tavern Prince- Prince Hal x Fem! Proper! Reader
You hated that he was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on.
You are shocked and unhappy to find out you are betrothed to notorious rake, Prince Hal. But one evening, he sneaks you into the Boar's Head Tavern...and your mind about him starts to change. (SMUT)
Taglist: @4stary @sonyascomet @asgards-princess-of-mischiefvelyn-kingsley @five-miles-over @jennyggggrrr @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @villainousshakespeare
REBLOGS, COMMENTS, DMS, AND ASKS ABOUT MY WORK ARE APPRECIATED! THANK YOU!!! If anyone wants to be added to the taglist or removed, please let me know! Thanks y'all!
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inkognito97 · 7 years ago
Can we have more of the asgardian au with quigon getting to Asgard with him being held captive due to them sensing he's a frost giant with obiwan and loki vouching for him.
Obi-Wan had been overjoyed to get the message that Heimdall had indeed found his Master and was already preparing the rainbow bridge to bring him to Asgard. He guessed that his enthusiastic behavior was annoying his older ‘brother’, but to his surprise, Loki made no move to chide him for it. Apparently the raven haired Asgardian knew that this was very important for him, that Qui-Gon was very important to him.
“At easy, Obi-Wan. He will be here soon and you heard what Heimdall said, he is unharmed and quite alright,” it was what Loki said, but deep down, he too had a bad feeling. Something was coming, he just knew it, but he could not for the life of him, figure out what it was. 
“I know, I just… I mean, it’s been so long,” the ginger haired Padawan sighed and resumed walking around the great dining table. Loki was sitting in one of the wooden chairs, which meant that Obi-Wan passed him every few seconds.
“Time is relative,” answered Loki cryptically. Obi-Wan sent him a look, which earned him an amused chuckle from the god of mischief. “He won’t have changed much… but he will be surprised, how much YOU have changed,” the prince said instead.
The younger male furrowed his brows. “How so?”
Loki shrugged, “You have grown, in body and in mind. And not forget your skills and magic, which is my earnings really.”
The young Jedi huffed and was about to retort a sarcastic reply, when the grand doors opened and a guard stepped in.
“Forgive me for my intrusion,” he bowed lowly, “but the great Odin is calling for the two of you.”
Obi-Wan and Loki exchanged a long look. If Odin called, it could not mean anything foo. In the privacy of his own mind, Loki hoped that it did not have anything to do with his little brother’s teacher, though he inwardly knew that it just had to be connected to him somehow. There was no other reply.
“We are on our way,” he retorted and stood up, motioning for the ginger haired boy to follow him, which Obi-Wan immediately did. Loki rested an arm over smaller shoulders and quickly steered the two of them towards the throne room.
A surprised gasp escaped Obi-Wan, as he spotted the reason for the summoning. His Master was kneeling before Odin’s throne, head bowed and looking absolutely miserable. Another thing bothered the Padawan, even though he could SEE the man, he could not FEEL him, not at all. It could only mean that he was bound with Force suppressing cuffs.
“Master,” he exclaimed and it was only due to the combined effort of Loki and Thor, that he did not run forward, hugging his teacher.
Qui-Gon looked up though, his eyes widening in realization. Again, Obi-Wan startled. The brilliant and warm midnight blue eyes, were darker than usual. Something must have happened. Then he noticed that the man’s lightsaber was missing.
“Obi-Wan,” the tall male started.
“The prisoner will only speak when addressed directly,” one of the heavily armored men behind the tall Jedi, bellowed roughly. Qui-Gon slightly flinched.
“What is the meaning of this?” the Padawan’s ire was spiked. It had not been made public, but since Loki (as well as Thor) decided to officially call him brother, he more or less belonged to the royal family now. He had not right to the throne whatsoever, not that he wanted it to begin with. It was just nice to have a caring family.
“We captured this Frost Giant, after Heimdall allowed him entrance to our realm,” it was Odin, who spoke. 
Obi-Wan blinked. “Frost Giant?” he said slowly, his brain unable to make sense of what he had heard. “My Master is no Frost Giant.”
“He is only a halfblood, that may be true. But even a half Frost Giant, cannot be trusted. We do not know, if he was not sent by Laufey and I will not take any risks.”
“That’s stupid,” replied Obi-Wan heatedly. It earned him an amused huff from the raven haired prince and a cough from Thor, but he ignored his two brothers in favor of glaring into Odin’s eye. “My Master would NEVER stand in alliance with those… beings.”
“I agree, father. Qui-Gon Jinn is a trustworthy man, I spent a lot of time with him, during his last visit,” Loki had stepped forward, resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder in comfort and in support. 
“He is a formidable warrior,” agreed Thor. His argument was not really helping their case, but at least he tried, that counted for something.
“Odin,” Frigga stepped forward now too. “I do not sense any malevolence coming from him.”
The Allfather grumbled something under his breath, his eyes travelling from Obi-Wan, to his sons, then to his wife and finally to the silent Jedi Master.
“Very well. I will trust my family’s judgement,” he stood from his throne, his voice echoing from the high walls. “Release him, the half blood is not considered a prisoner.” His next words were directed at Qui-Gon directly. “Do not misplace my family’s trust lightly,” he warned.
“I won’t,” vowed Qui-Gon, who was just glad to see his Padawan again, especially after all that had happened. 
“Master,” the tall male turned towards the voice of his student. In the next moment he found himself with an arm full of a certain ginger haired boy. The former Jedi Master closed his eyes and held his boy as close to his chest as possible. He was home.
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paintdriesfaster · 4 years ago
These random daydreams won’t leave my brain so here, y’all can deal with them.
- Loki reuniting with Sacred Timeline!Thor for a short time and quietly saying “I get it now. Why you did so much for a human. For Jane.” Thor giving him a knowing smile and saying “Tell me about them.”
- Mobius brushing Loki’s hair behind his ear
- Loki reaching for Mobius’ lapels to pull him in for a first kiss...But instead he launches into a hissy fit about the lapels being inverted so Mobius has to shut him up kissy-style 😏
- Mobius fixing Loki’s tie
- Mobius unfixing Loki’s tie
- Loki and Sylvie ruthlessly mocking each other like the chaotic twins they are aka Sylvie shifts into Loki’s male form and twirls her hair “oh Mobius! please hold me!” Stern-faced, Loki shifts into her female form. But Sylvie sees that he kept his hair jet black and promptly fuckin LOSES IT. Long story short, daggers start flying and hair gets cut off and Loki has to rock the D.B. Cooper style for a while. Mobius doesn’t ask.
- Mobius without the suit jacket...pop some of those buttons and untuck your shirt do it for the vine
- Loki reading Mobius’ file (a very sweet gift from Mobius himself)
- if Loki reunited with Thor, I would also require a Frigga reunion. And yes, she’s a BIG fan of his “handsome agent”. Mobius positively melts in her presence and Loki’s not quite sure if he should be jealous of either of them.
- Assuming Loki, Sylvie and Mobius will team up officially...they end up in yet another supermarket and Mobius spots a magazine that says 10 SIGNS HE MIGHT LIKE YOU. He awkwardly grabs it, tucks it into his inner suit pocket, walks two steps away and then chickens the fuck out, shoving it back on the rack and speed walking away. Sylvie sees this whole thing go down and with a royal look of disgust, she snatches the magazine and later slips it into the centerfold of his Jet Ski mag.
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Ugh okay thank god that’s out of my system these headcanons are yours now. Feel free to use for fics, just tag me so I can spiral about them.
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