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colettebymoonlight · 5 months ago
About my Star Wars x Asgard DR
Not so long ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away… a Jedi padawan finds herself overseeing the safety of the Asgardian representatives to the Republic.
Set in the aftermath of the battle of New York, Loki is not sent back to Asgard to serve time as a result of his actions, but instead is assigned the role of Asgardian Diplomat. He is tasked with serving Asgard as a politician, being sent to the Republic to secure a trade agreement between the two entities. That is where Thor and Loki meet Colette Kryze, the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the daughter of Satine Kryze.
I grew up on Mandalore, living as the heir to Clan Kryze and the throne of Mandalore. When I was around 13 years old, I started developing Force Powers. As traditional Mandalorians and the Jedi have a longstanding distrust, it was clear that I would have to earn my place on Mandalore’s throne. And so, I was sent to the Jedi.
My shifting story starts 10 years later, when I meet the Princes of Asgard for the first time. Because I have spent a fair amount of my life in the realm of politics, I was selected to be Thor and Loki’s Jedi Protector and guide to the vastly confusing political system of the Republic. Since Thor is preparing to take his place on Asgard’s throne, I am left to deal with Loki, protecting him and bailing him out of trouble when the need arises.
That's the basics! I hope this makes sense to everyone, I have been working on the script for 3 years. Its very plot centric if you can't tell but I am excited for it all the same!
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Star's 300 Follower Celebration Masterlist
The Moodboards:
A Love Letter to AGAD
Barton and Bonfires
Bucky Barnes: Peace at Last
Spy With Me a Lil' Stevie?
Cozy with Kirk
Chemistry Mice are Nice
A Different Kind of Peace for James Barnes
Modern Obi-Wan
Sometimes a Phoenix's Gotta Spy
The Mandalorian's Day Off
Half-Melted Ice
The Evil Multiverse Doctor
The Darkest Part of the Doctor's Life
Dark!Stephen Strange
Exercising with Bucky
Undercover with Spy Phoenix
Spy Jake
Loki's Asgardian Magic
Loki's Jotun Magic
Sometimes All You Need is a Loki in a Good Suit and a Great Attitude
Libraries and Lokis
Frigga's Garden - Where None but Loki Go
Surgeon Strange
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Want to request a Moodboard for me to make? Guidelines are here.
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valkxrie · 1 year ago
"Be honest...are you happy or content with being married to me?" Obi-Wan asked her. "We could end this. Our marriage was arranged for politics. I can ensure an alliance remains."
Her expression was quizzical, her brain working quickly to understand the question. "Are you unhappy?"
It was what she settled on, expression shifting briefly to bemused, and then to brief concern. "If you are unhappy, we can divorce. If I was unhappy, I would have asked you for a divorce."
It was true. Asgardian woman were allowed to marry whomever they wished; and divorce them. Marrying Obi-Wan was for an alliance, and Odin had asked her to - as her king and commander - but she had stayed of her own free will. Treaties had been signed. Alliances made. Symbolism kept. The whole hurrah.
"Know that I do not mind if you take lovers. Just tell me about them." They had not so much as kissed, she and her husband. He seemed to keep his distance; respecting her boundaries by setting his wide. "But, you must tell me things. I cannot read your mind. I would like to know it; but that is up to you."
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Til Death Do Us Part Day 30
The day had finally arrived for Damian and Christina to get married. The Gala the week before had helped them plan for the mission and the wedding at the same time. They had decided to get married in Florida, and had all flown down the day after the Gala. Anakin and Padmé were there, along with the twins, Obi-Wan, and Satine. Christina was getting ready with the girls while Damian and the boys got ready. Christina had chosen Natasha to be her maid of honor. Natasha had always been close to her, and understood her in a way none of the others did. Amethyst, Morgan, and little Leia were going to be the flower girls. Luke was going to be the ring bearer. Leia, Piper, Phoenix, Carol, Wanda, MJ, and Padmé were her bridesmaids. Her mom also had a special part in the ceremony. Anakin was going to officiate the ceremony. Her Dad was excited for her but also a bit emotional as well. Damian picked Peter as his Best Man. Atlas, Aslan, Rhodey, Thor, Vision, Bruce, Anakin, Bucky, and Steve were his groomsmen. Once Christina was ready, the ceremony began. The little girls walked out across the beach first spreading little blue and green roses along the path. Then Luke walked out after them. Each pair of bridesmaids and groomsmen walked out, and stood on each side of Damian and Obi-Wan. Lastly, Natasha walked out with Christina and Tony behind her. Once Natasha got all the way down the aisle, Damian was able to see Christina. She was wearing an empire cut, off the shoulder wedding dress, with a silver and emerald Asgardian tiara and veil. She was beautiful.
When Anakin said, "Who gives this woman to be married?"
Tony replied with"Me and Pepper, as well as her brother Peter, do." Anakin nodded, and Christina stood in front of Damian after she handed her Bouquet to Natasha.
"I'm pretty sure you all know why we're gathered here, so we're just going to get started. Damian, do you have your vows?" Anakin asked.
"Yes, I have them." Damian replied.
"That's good, do you already know what to say, or do I have to do the whole ‘repeat after me’ speech?" Anakin asked again.
"No, I think we've got it, so I'm just going to start." Damian paused, and then began again. "Christina, when we were younger I had no idea how our lives were going to turn out. As we got older and discovered our bond, I realized that it didn't matter as long as you were with me. Now, we're standing here getting married for real, and it is such an amazing thing to me. I promise to protect you and let you protect me. I promise to love you and only you for the rest of my life. I promise to stay with you and help you with whatever you need. I promise to be there for you when you need me, and I promise to be myself and hold no important secrets from you. Till death do us part." Christina looked at him and smiled.
"Damian, before you came into my life I was terrified. You rescued my heart from more pain and hurt. Even though I still felt it, you would do the best you could to protect me. I promise to love you, and help you when you need it. I promise to be there for you always. I promise to be who I am, and to be honest with you at all times. I promise to love you and only you for the rest of my life. Till death do us part." Christina vowed.
Luke gave Anakin the rings. Damian took Christina's, and Christina grabbed Damian's.
"Damian, place the ring on her finger and say the words that go with it," Anakin said.
"Christina, with this ring, I make my commitment to you until death parts us." Damian said, placing the ring on her finger.
"Damian, with this ring, I make my commitment to you until death parts us." Christina said, smiling at him.
"With the power invested in me by the United States and the Star Wars Galaxy I now pronounce you husband and wife. Damian, you may kiss your bride." Anakin said, finishing the ceremony. Damian did as he said, and kissed Christina. They were finally married in the eyes of their family, and nothing could ever break them apart.
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inkognito97 · 7 years ago
Can we have more of the asgardian au with quigon getting to Asgard with him being held captive due to them sensing he's a frost giant with obiwan and loki vouching for him.
Obi-Wan had been overjoyed to get the message that Heimdall had indeed found his Master and was already preparing the rainbow bridge to bring him to Asgard. He guessed that his enthusiastic behavior was annoying his older ‘brother’, but to his surprise, Loki made no move to chide him for it. Apparently the raven haired Asgardian knew that this was very important for him, that Qui-Gon was very important to him.
“At easy, Obi-Wan. He will be here soon and you heard what Heimdall said, he is unharmed and quite alright,” it was what Loki said, but deep down, he too had a bad feeling. Something was coming, he just knew it, but he could not for the life of him, figure out what it was. 
“I know, I just… I mean, it’s been so long,” the ginger haired Padawan sighed and resumed walking around the great dining table. Loki was sitting in one of the wooden chairs, which meant that Obi-Wan passed him every few seconds.
“Time is relative,” answered Loki cryptically. Obi-Wan sent him a look, which earned him an amused chuckle from the god of mischief. “He won’t have changed much… but he will be surprised, how much YOU have changed,” the prince said instead.
The younger male furrowed his brows. “How so?”
Loki shrugged, “You have grown, in body and in mind. And not forget your skills and magic, which is my earnings really.”
The young Jedi huffed and was about to retort a sarcastic reply, when the grand doors opened and a guard stepped in.
“Forgive me for my intrusion,” he bowed lowly, “but the great Odin is calling for the two of you.”
Obi-Wan and Loki exchanged a long look. If Odin called, it could not mean anything foo. In the privacy of his own mind, Loki hoped that it did not have anything to do with his little brother’s teacher, though he inwardly knew that it just had to be connected to him somehow. There was no other reply.
“We are on our way,” he retorted and stood up, motioning for the ginger haired boy to follow him, which Obi-Wan immediately did. Loki rested an arm over smaller shoulders and quickly steered the two of them towards the throne room.
A surprised gasp escaped Obi-Wan, as he spotted the reason for the summoning. His Master was kneeling before Odin’s throne, head bowed and looking absolutely miserable. Another thing bothered the Padawan, even though he could SEE the man, he could not FEEL him, not at all. It could only mean that he was bound with Force suppressing cuffs.
“Master,” he exclaimed and it was only due to the combined effort of Loki and Thor, that he did not run forward, hugging his teacher.
Qui-Gon looked up though, his eyes widening in realization. Again, Obi-Wan startled. The brilliant and warm midnight blue eyes, were darker than usual. Something must have happened. Then he noticed that the man’s lightsaber was missing.
“Obi-Wan,” the tall male started.
“The prisoner will only speak when addressed directly,” one of the heavily armored men behind the tall Jedi, bellowed roughly. Qui-Gon slightly flinched.
“What is the meaning of this?” the Padawan’s ire was spiked. It had not been made public, but since Loki (as well as Thor) decided to officially call him brother, he more or less belonged to the royal family now. He had not right to the throne whatsoever, not that he wanted it to begin with. It was just nice to have a caring family.
“We captured this Frost Giant, after Heimdall allowed him entrance to our realm,” it was Odin, who spoke. 
Obi-Wan blinked. “Frost Giant?” he said slowly, his brain unable to make sense of what he had heard. “My Master is no Frost Giant.”
“He is only a halfblood, that may be true. But even a half Frost Giant, cannot be trusted. We do not know, if he was not sent by Laufey and I will not take any risks.”
“That’s stupid,” replied Obi-Wan heatedly. It earned him an amused huff from the raven haired prince and a cough from Thor, but he ignored his two brothers in favor of glaring into Odin’s eye. “My Master would NEVER stand in alliance with those… beings.”
“I agree, father. Qui-Gon Jinn is a trustworthy man, I spent a lot of time with him, during his last visit,” Loki had stepped forward, resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder in comfort and in support. 
“He is a formidable warrior,” agreed Thor. His argument was not really helping their case, but at least he tried, that counted for something.
“Odin,” Frigga stepped forward now too. “I do not sense any malevolence coming from him.”
The Allfather grumbled something under his breath, his eyes travelling from Obi-Wan, to his sons, then to his wife and finally to the silent Jedi Master.
“Very well. I will trust my family’s judgement,” he stood from his throne, his voice echoing from the high walls. “Release him, the half blood is not considered a prisoner.” His next words were directed at Qui-Gon directly. “Do not misplace my family’s trust lightly,” he warned.
“I won’t,” vowed Qui-Gon, who was just glad to see his Padawan again, especially after all that had happened. 
“Master,” the tall male turned towards the voice of his student. In the next moment he found himself with an arm full of a certain ginger haired boy. The former Jedi Master closed his eyes and held his boy as close to his chest as possible. He was home.
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legobiwan · 7 years ago
Hi! I know you're a big fan of Dooku and Obi-Wan's relationship and I don't remember if you said you read Coalesced Matter by Mirror and Image (on FFN), but if you haven't I highly recommend it!
I *have* read that one, and I also highly recommend it!
Thank you for thinking of me! I *do* so love our resident “oh-so-civilized” members of the Jedi Order. 
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(And I have *not* forgotten about “Broken Ashes” :) I’ve just been *slammed* recently. Gotta bring home that cat food, and it’s not been leaving a ton of time for writing at the moment. God help me, I will rectify this somewhat between now and Monday morning.)
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alittlegiraffe · 4 years ago
Things to know:
Most of my fics will feature some element of DDlg, ABO dynamics, or Dom/sub.
Constructive criticism is okay, but not just being rude.
Requests are open, but not guaranteed.
If they're listed below, even if I don't have a story up yet I'll write for them.
Click here to see who my main lust crew is.
Click here to read about me, and know my tags.
Asks always open
Requests: Open
Kinktober AMA
Bucky x Reader
Stay With Me
Bucky x Reader
When the Winter Soldier gets triggered you know the only thing that will stop Bucky is you. You just feel too little to do anything to help after separation anxiety causes you to regress.
Don't Talk to Her
Bucky x Reader
When Bucky was ordered to go to counseling you were also told to go. Your's might've been more voluntary, but it kept Bucky talking. He'd do anything to keep you away from the trauma you'd experienced when he couldn't protect you.
Really Sargent?
Bucky x Reader
A/B/O fic
You and Bucky have been hiding your bond. What happens when you go on a mission too close to your heat?
Daddy Bucky Moodboard
Let Me Love You Until You Love Yourself
Bucky doesn't exactly understand the modern world, what he does understand is that you won't take care of yourself. TW: Anorexia
There was something about your innocence that took Bucky's breath away.
Domestic Bliss
Bucky didn't deserve to be happy, yet he seems to find it in all the little moments. You know he deserves every joy, so you work it into every moment you can.
Stucky x Reader
A Shield and a Heart
Scent of Mine
What Friends Do
Poly!Stucky x Reader
When Bucky got snapped, Steve wasn't in any condition to take care of you. So instead of losing one daddy you lost two. You're left alone to try and hold yourself together, but you little side can't be suppressed forever.
Part 2: Whatever it Takes
Bucky returns
Stucky Aftercare Headcannon
Steve x Reader
A Little Help
Steve watches as you struggle to get your favorite mug after someone put it up too high.
Aftercare Headcannon
Tony x Reader
I Am Iron Man Masterlist
Your journey as Tony Stark's little through the MCU.
Playing with Tony's hair drabble
Daddy Tony's Bad Day Drabble
Tell Your Heart to Beat Again
Aftercare Headcannon
After a call with your mom leaves you emotionally shattered, you make a choice that could change everything. Luckily Tony's impulsive nature takes hold and he's there to catch you when you fall. TW: suicidal themes
Sometimes the darkness is too much, sometimes you Tony doesn't get it. Sometimes the way out looks too appealing.
Date Night
Tony and the reader have an unconventional date night.
Stony x Reader
Between Two Halves of My Heart
Summary: You'd been commited as Steve and Tony's little for years, and now forces out of your control threatened your bond, your family. Can you hold your family together?
Thor x Reader
ABO Dynamics - Thor's been kept too busy to take care of his Omega. Some Asgardians think they should help out. That was a bad idea.
Brock Rumlow x Reader
Helpless Against You
You had trusted your all to Brock, only to be shown what he was. Now as your little side is spiraling you're left with a decision to make.
Stress Relief <- Smut
Daddy's been stressed at work, and you agree to help him relieve some of his stress. He just has to show you what he wants.
Daddy Brock Moodboard
My Girl - Jealousy Headcannon
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Possessive Daddy!Leonard Moodboard
Damn it Jim
When Jim leaves Leonard's little feeling insecure Daddy had to show her exactly who she belongs to.
Andy Barber x Reader
Sweetheart HC
Chris Evans x reader
Sitting in Chris' Lap HC
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Something Real
Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
Your perfect Jedi Master was the ideal candidate for the esteemed position on the surface. Behind closed doors though he was a different kind of master, but he demanded just as much respect.
Eminem Masterlist
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years ago
I return from a brief soft-fandom break (it’s been mostly accidental, my brain has just been occupied with other things) to dip my toes in shark infested discourse waters: something I find interesting is how some fans really want their faves to be perfect badasses who never struggle against adversaries and I just....don’t get it. I only heard about this on The TikTok, because my tumblr Star Wars content is highly curated and my block lists are long and extensive, but I guess after the trailer people are yelling about like, ‘if Obi-Wan struggles against an Inquisitor in the new series, that’s it, I’ll quit Star Wars’ which, first of all, ok bye, but also
.....isn’t that more interesting? I’m genuinely asking. Like sure, if it’s too unbelievable like GoT Season 8 level ‘we forgot about X/Y/Z’ repeatedly but I do actually hope he’s going to struggle against an Inquisitor...because that would just be more interesting. More fun. I struggle with this in Marvel sometimes too, though I don’t even want to bring up the You-Know-What-Series arguments, but I used to get comments on my  MCU whump fic on occasion that Asgardians would never get injured and they would just wipe the floor with their opponents every time because they were just that strong and I just....isn’t that boring? I really don’t get it.
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bedlamsbard · 4 years ago
Architect : Name the three most important things for you to plan
1. My keystone scenes -- these are the scenes that I'll plot and write the story around, the ones that get stuck in my head and won't come out. It's helpful if I have multiple keystone scenes that fit into different points in the story, since then I can plot the connective tissue by essentially leapfrogging from keystone scene to keystone scene -- for example, Backbone's are the Ahsoka telling Cham about Hera, Cham and Alecto shooting Kanan, Kanan with both red and blue lightsabers on Mustafar (a lot of people thought this was a reference to Shroud of Darkness, but it was actually planned almost a year before that ep aired), Hera's reunion with her parents, the assassination attempt on Cham, and Ahsoka giving Kanan back his lightsabers. (I might be forgetting one or two because it's been a while.) These don't all develop at once; a lot of them will come into being as the early connective tissue gets develops and then become keystones to write towards and around. They don't always stay in their original forms, either -- one of Gambit's keystones was the massacre in the Naboo throne room, but it was originally intended to be Amidala rather than Sabe.
My concept writing tends to be ideas where I only have one or two keystones, because I need at least half a dozen at various points in the timeline to actually be able to plan a full plot. I usually start with a keystone scene (Anakin talking to Obi-Wan's ghost in the vents in Wake, Loki meeting Frigga in the halls of the TVA in Morning) and roll it around in my head as other keystone scenes develop (Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Yoda's conversation + Anakin seeing the Operation Knightfall footage + Anakin pulling Obi-Wan back into his flesh + Anakin vs. Vader on Mustafar in Wake), and then work out the connective tissue to get between those points. One of the reasons that Crown's been stalled is because I have beginning and middle keystones, but not ending ones.
(Morning does have top/middle/end keystones, for the record.)
2. Emotional resonance/theming -- I don't necessarily sit down and go "this is a story about HOPE," but a lot of the time the emotional resonance and thematic notes develops along with the plot and keystones. The Ouroboros trilogy (currently at two out of three) focuses each AU on a reflection of each PT trio member's "worst case scenario" -- Anakin's nightmare universe is, uh, well, the OT canon, where he went to the dark side trying to do the right thing and got everyone he knew killed; Padme's nightmare universe is the one where she dragged a Jedi Knight away from the Order and turned away from the her faith in the Republic and was responsible for the start of a galactic war; Obi-Wan's is the one where his failure led to the destruction of the Republic and the shattering of the Order and where he can't trust the Force anymore. Backbone is a story about identity and faith and family, blood and chosen, and how to get out of a bad situation when you can't admit to yourself it's a bad situation. (So, uh, I got out of an abusive relationship in the middle of Backbone and about six months after that I was rereading what I'd written to date and went yikes, wow, was I ever working through some stuff.)
3. So I'm not a huge fan of the term "fix-it fic," but as someone who writes exclusively AU fanfic, what I'm nearly always aiming for isn't "what canon didn't do," it's "what canon couldn't (or wouldn't) do" -- whether it's because that story has always been told and with rare exception, canon doesn't outright AU itself, or because they're not going to tell ~that kind of story (whether that's sex, violence, darkness, etc.), or because like, they've got their release schedule plotted out for the next ten years and you know the characters aren't going to intersect -- whatever. Star Wars is not going to tell an OT era story where Luke Skywalker is not the big damn hero who saves the galaxy, because, well, the OT exists, but I want to tell the story where that role is played by someone else. Marvel is not going to give me my Asgardian royal family reunion where every single person involved is from a different point in the timeline and from a slightly different universe, but I want to write that story, and while I'm at it I'm going to AU five different movies as a result so that those movies turn out the way I'd have liked, but in order to do that, I have to know those films inside out. I never want to write a fanfic I can scrape the serial numbers off of and get a perfectly intelligible original fic out of, because for me, that's a failed fanfic. I want my fanfic so deeply rooted in canon, no matter how AU it is, that it cannot be disengaged from its canon context. Which doesn't mean it can't be read by someone who's not familiar with the canon -- I got a lot of non-Rebels viewers who read Backbone -- but that as a story it cannot exist without the canon it's based on. And that's a thing I think about a lot while I'm plotting, because if I didn't want to do that? I wouldn't be writing fanfic.
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skysnipsw · 3 years ago
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so here’s some things i’d like to rp: 
Guardians of the Galaxy crossover (any interactions from any of the guardians would do! but i mostly look forward to Peter Quill, Gamora, Groot and Rocket);
A MCU crossover thread where Anakin and Ahsoka are lost in Sakaar and have to fight as gladiators, bonus if they meet Thor, Loki or Valkyrie;
Any interactions with any cosmic Marvel characters (Asgardians, Eternals, Titans, Nova Troops, Celestials, etc);
A ship with Anakin! I miss writing ships so badly 😭I mostly look forward to Anakin x OC so I can explore new dynamics but I can also ship him with Padme or other canon characters (crossover muses also counts if they have chemistry 👀) I wanna explore different ship dynamics with him, so pls ship with me 👀(if u do i’ll spoil u with fanart of it u.u)
alien girlboss x her human malewife (anakin) it can also be human girlboss x anakin too 😂
shipping anakin with another jedi or a padme with a jedi verse, the dynamic would be really interesting;
Any canon-divergent plots where Anakin doesn’t turn;
more wholesome interactions with Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Rex, PLEASE!!! Let them be family 🥺
Ahsoka and Fives being a chaotic and annoying sibling duo;
Any threads on my Modern, Inheritance/Dragon Riders, Red Dead Redemption or D:BH AUs! I love my AUs so much, please let me write them 🥺 (i’m up for historical AUs too, the more the better)
i probably have some more stuff to add but I can’t remember now so I’ll probably update this post when I remember it khdajhssh
Plus list of characters/muses I want to interact with the most can be found here
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the-witty-pen-name · 4 years ago
It Happened on Sakaar Pt. 1
Mando x F!Reader; Loki x F!Reader
Rating: M; 18+ Only
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, alcohol, and exotic dancers, grieving, angst, slow burn 
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: The bounty hunter’s most recent puck sends him across the Galaxy to an unfamiliar and artificial planet named Sakaar- literally the galaxy’s trash can. Sakaar is a bizarre planet, but so is his most recent bounty. Din is chasing a man he only knows as The God of Mischief. The reader lives on Sakaar as a scrapper, a similar trade to that of a bounty hunter and has a tangled history with the man Mando is looking for. Will the unlikely duo team up to capture the mischievous Asgardian or will the reader fall victim to Loki’s promises?
A/N: I had planned on writing this in a few days but as per usual I put off coursework to write this fic! So here it is a couple of days early. I am also working on the next chapter of Deadbeat as well as Rest so look out for both of those within the next couple of days! I also am working on an adorable Obi-Wan x Reader request I received a few days ago that will be coming soon as well!
This is unedited and if I missed anything that I should include as a warning please let me know! Thank you y’all! 
Tags and Requests are OPEN
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He promised. 
And you were foolish enough to believe him. 
You were foolish to think you were different. 
You were foolish to think you really got to know the real him. 
You were foolish to think that everything he told you was real. 
You were foolish to think that when he told you he loved you he meant it. 
You were foolish to think he’d come back. 
You, a warrior, a fighter, defender of the throne of Asgard, lied helpless on the ground, broken in pieces as you’re told by Odin that Loki was gone. 
And he was dead. 
You mourned him. 
The ache never going away, day after day, that stupid statue just another thing to remind you that he was gone. 
He wasn’t coming back. 
Until he did. 
And you realized how much of a fool you were. 
And you realized everything you thought you knew was a lie. 
So you left. 
 You left with the promise you made to yourself that you would never return to Asgard. 
In your rage, you were blinded when you demanded Skurge open the bifrost and send you to the furthest planet from your homeland. 
 The thought crosses your mind that if it had been Heimdall, he wouldn’t have let you go, talked you into reason and asked you to stay. 
If it had been Heimdall, Thor would’ve caught up to you in time instead of just missing you when you left. 
You didn’t know where you were going and you didn’t care. Your only thought was to put as much distance from yourself and Asgard as possible. You landed in a gross pile of debris when you first arrived, and from there worked your way up to one of the favorites of the Grandmaster- you were dubbed Scrapper 451 and second in most captures to Scrapper 142. Time works odd in space, you’d been there for three years- completely developed a new life under your new alias. 
You’d bring in life form after life form to the Grandmaster, always pleasing him by bringing him potential fighters. 
You worked alone, you preferred it. The only friend you had was Scrapper 142 and that was hardly a friendship- more just a rivalry you both had your fun with. There was a mutual respect, and a feeling about her you couldn’t explain, but that was it. 
When you met Mando, you almost killed him. You had heard a tip from a local shop owner a ship had landed rather roughly, and you made haste to be the first one to investigate, determined to beat 142 if there was a capture worth making. 
Carefully navigating your way through the wasteland, you had finally found the ship in question. It was a model you had never seen before. You stay crouched behind a pile of trash, your stun gun aimed at the ship waiting for it to open. 
You stopped and lowered your weapon when you saw the armored passenger had a very small creature by his side. A baby. 
You hadn’t seen a baby on this planet since you’d landed. Sure, people have children, but you had never seen anyone bring their child to Sakaar. All the children whom you’ve met, had been born there- no one with a child willingly travels to this part of the Galaxy. 
A metal man and a green baby. You scoffed. What an interesting duo. 
You took in the appearance of the armored man. Sakaar had a very basic premise that determined your survival. Are you a fighter or are you food? This one was very clearly a fighter. Not necessarily one that you think could be a gladiator- not the right type. But you could tell by the way he walked out of the ship, he was a force to be reckoned with. The baby was really throwing you off of your game. You could have this man halfway back to the Grandmaster by now if he wasn’t traveling with a kid. Sakaar has not yet made you completely heartless, as much as you tried to be. You decide to compromise your position, in a hope of being able to just talk. Learn why he’s here. 
No one comes to Sakaar. It’s never on purpose. Lost souls are dumped here. Yet, this man seemed like he was the only creature to intentionally travel to Sakaar like he was just passing through. If you couldn’t bring him in, maybe you could at least salvage parts from the ship. 
“What’s your business here?” You ask, from behind the pile where you hid. You could see him but he could not see you. You watch as his first move is to close the floating pram, protecting his child first as he desperately looked around for the source of the voice.
“I’m passing through,” he replies, looking around at his surroundings. 
“Nobody just passes through,” you reply. “No one comes here on their own accord. No one leaves once they arrive. What is your business?”
“I’m looking for someone,” he says nondescriptly, further irritating you. You stand up, slowly, your gun still pointed at the man as you walk closer. 
“You’re a bounty hunter?”
“No, I came here for vacation.”
“Don’t be a smart ass.”
“Don’t ask stupid questions.”
“Who are you here for?” 
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” 
“I don’t know.”
“What kind of bounty hunter are you?”
“One of the best.”
“Oh really?”
“Don’t test me, Princess.”
“If I’m a princess what are you?” 
“Knight in shining armor?” 
“Are you really hitting on me right now?”
“Only if you’d want me to be.”
You can’t see his face from under his helmet but you could feel the smirk he was making. He clearly didn’t view you as a threat and it really annoyed you. Maybe you came off too friendly? No, you’re still pointing a gun to his head. 
“Who are you?” He asked. 
“Scrapper 451,” you said blankly. “Who are you?”
“You can call me Mando.” 
“What kind of a name is that?” 
“What kind of a name is Scrapper 451?”
“It’s a title.”
“Not going to tell me your real name?”
“Are you gonna tell me yours?” 
“I’m not stupid.”
“What’s a scrapper do anyways?”
“Bring mouthy tin men in in exchange for a generous amount.”
“You’re a bounty hunter?”
“You could say that?”
“Are you going to turn me in?” 
“That was my plan.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“The baby.” 
“Slave catcher with a heart of gold?”
“I’ll get that on my tombstone.”
“Sooner rather than later I hope.”
“Ouch. Mando, I thought we were friends.”
“You know I didn’t mean it, Princess.”
“Who are you here for?” 
“Someone who calls themselves the God of Mischief.”
You freeze, and you lower your weapon. You’re stunned. You hadn’t heard that title in years, and although you never forgot about it, you were great at pushing it back so far away where you couldn’t access it. The man is able to read your body language and can tell you know the man he’s looking for. 
“He’s not here,” you finally manage to say, your knuckles turning white at how tightly you grip your blaster. 
“He is here,” he says slowly, pulling out a bounty puck. Clear as day, Loki’s face shows up on the holographic screen. Your stomach churns. 
“He’s not here,” you insist. “If he was, I wouldn’t be here. Trust me.”
“So, you know him?” 
“Not at all.”
“Really,” you take a few steps backwards to walk away. “I wouldn’t stay on this planet long if I were you. Sakaar has a way of just pulling you in.”
“I think I can manage.”
“Get lodging,” you advise with a smile, “the next person who finds you out here won’t be as nice as me.” 
With that you left, leaving the Mandolorian dumb struck. What was this planet? 
Mando knew well enough to take your advice. With the Crest secured, he and the Child made a journey into the city. 
Your words lingered in his mind. He knew you had information about the bounty you were withholding. He needed to run into you again. He reasoned with himself it was for the sake of catching the bounty, but part of him also wanted to see you again. He just wouldn’t admit it. 
He found a place where he could get a room. An elaborate casino, with ornate decorations and loud music playing constantly. A large bar and lounge also attached. He received his room key and ignored the festivities that occurred in the bustling establishment- his first order of business to make sure the Child was settled and would be safe in the room. He regrets his decision to not ask Peli to watch him, but he knew he’d be distracted being so far away. 
He figured he was far enough across the galaxy; he wouldn’t need to worry about those after his own bounty or the child’s. But he realizes that he forgot about needing a sitter. If he absolutely needed to, he could bring the child with him, but that was not ideal. Especially, since gauging your reaction at the mention of his new bounty, this didn’t seem like it would be any easy task. He sat down on the bed in the middle of the room, and pulled out the puck- reading over what little information he had.
He needed to find you again and desperately needed any information you’d be willing to share.
You were worried. There was no way Loki was here. You knew he wouldn’t have come for you, even if you thought about it when you first arrived. You thought if anyone would come after you, it would’ve been Thor, convincing you to return to Asgard and cleaning up another one of his brother’s messes. It hurt when no one from home reached out once in the last three years. However, you decided you were better off because if Thor had convinced you to return home, you’d have to face Loki again, and you were adamant on keeping your word you would not see him again.
His funeral was devastating. Although many on Asgard did not care much for Loki or his antics, the throne had lost a prince. It was a dark day. Weather on Asgard usually always seemed to be perfect, but on the day of Loki’s services, the God of Thunder was so distraught, he was unintentionally causing a gray and gloomy sky. Thor and you were affected the most.
You stood next to Thor as Odin spoke, but your gaze stayed fixated on the ground. It felt so unfair and you felt an indescribable amount of pain and loss. Your face was stained with tears, as was Thor’s, and you felt like you had just cried until you were physically unable to do so. He was gone and you couldn’t get him back.
Odin watched you solemnly throughout the services. He had told you that he knew how much his son loved you and how despite his absence, you are still considered family. He insisted you had an open invitation to be at the castle whenever you wanted. You could only nod and offer a very, very meek thank you.
You took advantage of that offer, and honestly, you knew you were overstaying your welcome under the palace walls. You found yourself coming, and spending the days in his room, trying to just feel him in anyway you could. You’d run your hands across the broken spines of his books, look at the kingdom from the view of his window, laying on the bed over the elaborate bedding to just try to feel him. You didn’t even know what you were hoping to feel, but you somehow thought this would help you be closer to him.
At events on Asgard, you continued to wear green, almost like your own twist instead of just the traditional black of mourning. It felt right to wear green in his memory, but it was nothing more than just another attempt to pretend like he was there.
You could imagine how he would react to seeing you wearing his signature color. When he was there, he looked at you like you were the only living soul in the room that mattered. He’d shower you were touches of affection and whisper nothing but praises to you, making you think he had actually loved you. This was back before you knew how foolish you had been, blinded by your own puppy love and your affections towards him.
You now sat in the lavish home of the Grandmaster. He always had hundreds of people in his home, a constant party, a group made up of Sakaar’s elite being entertained by drinking, drugs, or entertainment of sorts from his um… staff. Drink in hand, you sat cross legged on an elaborate circular couch lost in thought while a dancer performed on a table in front of the group you sat amongst. You didn’t even look up- you hated this part of earning the Grandmaster’s favor. You hated these parties with your whole being. They were hedonistic and you would avoid them if you had the choice. However, you knew the Grandmaster would take offense if you were not in attendance.
Music was loud, and there were many flashing lights. You couldn’t rely on any of your senses to navigate in a place like this, but that was intentional. The Grandmaster set this up on purpose. His parties were meant to be a completely immersive experience. It was probably great for those who wanted to be there, but for you, you wanted to escape and slip out as early as you could.
You weren’t interested in the company and you weren’t interested in the weird substances you didn’t recognize being passed around. You didn’t want to relax, and honestly, these attempts to relax always seemed to make you feel worse. Being sober at these events was invitation for horrible eye strain and a hefty headache.
“451! 451!” you heard a familiar voice call over the loud music in a sing song voice. It was the Grandmaster. He would be the only person at this party who would actually be looking for you.
“Grandmaster,” you smile, getting up and walking over to him. You kiss both his cheeks quickly as a greeting. “You look radiant,” you smile, the compliment going right to his head as they usually did.
“451! Look at you, let me see the ensemble,” he would say, talking a step back, and you would twirl once. It was a long golden dress that draped your body, with a plunging neckline. It was paired with golden arm bands and an elaborate gold necklace. You also had gold flakes throughout your hair. “Stunning,” he praised, “I wish 142 would be more involved like you 451- she’s the best, but ugh, she doesn’t know when to relax. Anyways, I called you over to meet a new friend of mine.”
“Are you replacing me, Grandmaster?” You say with a tone of mocked offense and it makes him laugh.
“451, there is no replacing you- you are the three B’s,” he chuckled, lightly guiding you over to another area of the party. “beauty, brawn and brains, a very rare combination indeed.”
“You flatter me, Grandmaster,” you laugh. If you went along with him to keep him happy, the Grandmaster was actually a pleasant creature to interact with. You had the ability to match his banter and he liked that about you.
“Anyways, anyways 451,” he says, as he remembers his train of thought, “I want to introduce you to someone. He’s devilishly handsome and talks like some stuffy aristocrat, he arrived here a couple of weeks ago and I was finally able to convince him to join us.”
“Did he say where he was from?” you ask curiously.
“Get this,” he chuckles, “Ass-guard. What a hoot, am I right? Anyways, there he is. We got to get whatever stick is out of his butt. I’m hoping you’ll help me to uh, loosen him up. Loki! I want you to meet one of my best, 451.”
Based on the look of surprise, you knew he didn’t expect you to be here. He looked like a deer in the headlights and it angered you that he was here. You felt your teeth clench, and you wanted to just get out of here as fast as possible.
“451 is one of the best scrappers I have,” the Grandmaster talks, “Of course, nothing compares to my Champion but she is ruthless. She’s second in the most gladiators she has been able to bring me.”
“Impressive,” Loki smiles, and you feel the urge to just scream. “I’m Loki, prince of Asgard.”
What an asshole.
“It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, Your Majesty,” you say between your teeth. You could kill him.
“I’m gonna mingle,” the Grandmaster announces, “I’m leaving you in 451’s hands.”
“Please let me explain,” he immediately tries to say as soon as the Grandmaster is out of earshot. You scoff.
“I’d tell you to drop dead if you hadn’t already,” you spit, “Don’t talk to me. I want nothing to do with you. Get off this planet.”
“Please, just allow me,” he begins.
“Fuck off, Loki,” you snap, and make a fast exit. You leave him standing there bewildered and you watch how stunned he looks as the elevator door closes behind you.
You felt small again. Like all the progress you had made gone in a single instance, and you knew tomorrow you’d face the Grandmaster but for now you didn’t care. You craved a warm bed and sleep more than anything else in the world.
You had planned on staying here so you didn’t know how you were going to make it back to your little apartment. You assumed just walk. You weren’t armed and that was always a terrible idea on Sakaar. You didn’t have anything except a dagger that was fixed to your thigh under the dress you wore. You wished you had your blaster.
“You clean up nice, Princess,” a voice modulated voice you recognize says when the elevator door opens.
“Mando,” you say curtly, stepping out of the elevator.
“You clean up nice,” he states.
“Thank you,” you reply.
“Leaving the party so soon?” He asks. You nod.
“Not really my scene. What are you doing here anyways?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest for a little bit of warmth.
“I received a tip that my target might be here,” he answers, you nod, not elaborating on that you knew for a fact Loki was upstairs. “Did you see him?”
“No, I didn’t.”
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whirlybirbs · 4 years ago
Could you do a Loki x reader (asgardian sorceress), they met when Loki was young and found the reader sneaking into the royal library to read. The reader is of a lower class, reader and Loki become fast friends, later on Loki teaches them some magic that he has learned from his mother. Thus, even though the reader quickly join Thors group through Loki. Loki and the reader develop feelings for eachother, but they cant bring the courage to confess until the Thor movie.
looks like someone didn't read my rules!
"if you send repeat asks or incredibly specific story requests, they will not be answered. yes, i notice. and if you’d like me to write your idea about “mace windu’s padawan (who has long red hair and a purple saber) falling in love with obi-wan while they fight on a planet and the padawan gets hurt (a knee injury like the one i had in eight grade) and obi-wan brings said padawan back to his tent and they confess love for one another”�� you will need to pay me, because specific asks like stated are commission level work."
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fandumb-thoughts · 4 years ago
First-Sentence Breakdown
I saw this on my dashboard and I thought I might as well try it for the hell of it. The rules were “List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag some of your favorite authors!” I don’t know any authors on tumblr, really, but I’ll be doing everything else lol.
1 - Untitled WIP fic where Obi-Wan was never freed after he was enslaved at 12/13-ish and ends up on Tatooine with Shmi and Anakin.
“There’s a storm coming,” said the boy who burnt as bright as a thousand stars, eyes so blue and vast that Qui-Gon might call them endless.
2 - Chapter 17 of my Castlevania fic A Backwards Fate, still being written, titled “The Speakers in Action!”
The stink of death hung heavy in the air.
3 - Chapter 2 of my Star Wars soulmate au Mosaic (Obi-Wan), which is the first of many fics that I plan to write within this au.
Obi-Wan was nineteen when he first saw the color green.
4 - Chapter 6 of my Star Wars time travel fic Companion of the Ancestors titled “He cut off my HAND”
Padawan Yan Dooku scowled fiercely, knowing that his master couldn’t see it from his perch on Yan’s shoulders.
5 - Untitled scene in which Obi-Wan briefly reunites with Neild (from the Melida/Daan arc) during the Clone Wars Era
Obi-Wan thought often of his time on Melida-Daan.
6 - Chapter 6 of my Senator Skywalker/role swap au Our Paths They Will Converge, titled “Bentu Depuraak”
Anakin made it across the desert, that first night.
7 - A scene that I wrote based off the fic Ib’tuur Jatne Tuur Ash’ad Kyr’amur in which Maul and Obi-Wan have a shared vision of the canon future while in the generator room in The Phantom Menace titled Today is the Day that Nobody Dies.
Qui-Gon stared at the datapad.
8 - Chapter 11 of my media-centic Clone Wars fic The CloneNet, titled “Showing Off” This one is a little weird to pick a first sentence for due to structuring.
A group of young troopers are in the middle of painting their armor for the first time.
9 - Final chapter of the three-part Castlevania fic Pining Idiots, titled Strawberry Blonde.
Sypha was yelling something at Trevor, halfway across the castle.
10 - First WIP chapter of what I call my Skywalker Time Travel au, very similar premise to Companion of the Ancestors.
Leia was going to scream.
11 - A (likely going to be unfinished) scene in which Valkyrie realizes that Thor and Loki are extremely young in Asgardian standards and reacts appropriately.
It was hardly anytime into their journey to Midgard when Valkyrie took Thor by the arm and all but physically dragged him to a private hallway.
12 - Chapter 4 of my aged-up Percy Jackson HoO fic (it’s been a decade since the Titan War, but the new characters are all their original canon ages) The Heroes of Tomorrow Follow Those of Yesterday.
Hazel finished introducing Percy, but Nico couldn’t move.
13 - The start of the second part of my omegaverse Star Wars fic (completed!) titled Trouble Comes in Pairs, and it’s Not Always Bad.
Vader nearly left Bespin with the nine troopers that he had allowed to remain with him.
14 - A poem titled “on napping”
I took three naps today / while the girls next door moved out.
15 - A prose poem titled “to the boy”
who said “she could suck my dick.”
16 - A poem titled “heart, pounding”
she escorted me like a princess, / along the curb I balanced on, / sky darkening / from evening to dusk to night.
17 - A poem titled “girls of bone”
i was never fat— / barely even chubby— / but i always felt like i was.
18 - A poem titled “rapunzel”
there’s a smudged handprint / on the outside of my window / eighty-five feet off the ground.
19 - A poem titled “A Baby Cried And”
I think, ‘I must have been a mother once.’
20 - An untitled prose poem:
A girl slipped and fell in some loose gravel, or maybe it was a tiled floor—a stray root in her path, a raised step, an abandoned toy, or just because she was off-balance.
I definitely seem to favor either dramatic, short first sentences or long descriptions as I jump in mid-scene. I think that my poetry is a little bit more towards the second, although the first “line” (which might be the first sentence?) tends to be quite short and sharp. 
Also I write a shit ton of Star Wars fics lol.
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inkognito97 · 7 years ago
Asguardian obiwan has quigon visit asguard while he’s training and quigon immediately wants a bilge snipe.
Qui-Gon Jinn first impression of Asgard, was mixed. The world was pompous and all the gold was too much for his taste, but in the Force it felt alive and perhaps even a bit wild. The people were friendly. From his plain clothes alone, he stood out, but the Asgardians welcomed him with open arms anyway, especially the children seemed fond of him. And while Qui-Gon adored children, there was one in particular that he wanted to visit and if he was being honest with himself, then he was a little bit disappointed that Obi-Wan had not come to greet him. His disappointed was overshadowed by a spark of fear. It had been weeks, months even, since his ginger haired Padawan had come to Asgard to learn and a tiny part of him could not help but be afraid that his boy had found someone else he’d rather have as a Master.
Shaking his head, the Jedi Master quickly banished those thoughts. He was being silly. Obi-Wan simply must have confused the dates or must have lost track of time. It tended to happen, especially, when he was studying of following one of his hobbies. 
“Ah, excuse me,” he addressed an Asgardian, who looked like he could be a guard. “I am searching for my apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi… do you know, where I might find him?”
The blond male straightened, his hand came to rest on the hilt of his sword and with the other one, he pointed into a direction. “Follow this way towards the palace, you cannot miss it.”
“Thank you,” he nodded his head and silently wondered what Obi-Wan was doing in the palace. He knew the boy’s parents were of noble blood, but they were not the rulers. Deciding that he would not figure it out, while standing here, he moved along, hoping to find Obi-Wan soon.
“I am so glad to finally meet you, Master Qui-Gon, I have heard so much about you,” the golden haired female, who had introduced herself as Frigga, said. Qui-Gon had immediately taken a liking to her. Her Force presence was warm and she was open and honest, he could easily tell that. 
“Just good things, I hope,” he joked, with a wide smile on his features.
Frigga laughed heartily, “I am not even sure that that boy of yours is capable of harsh and rude words.”
The long haired male hummed. “Would you mind telling me again, how Obi-Wan came to be in your company?”
Now it was the female’s turn to smile. She was leading the taller male through the golden halls of her home, her goal the sparring fields, where she knew her sons to be. “It seems that my youngest son, Loki, took a liking to him. I have to say, I was surprised, when he brought your Padawan with him. But they have proved to be almost inseparable during his stay here.” 
“Oh?” Qui-Gon was surprised. He had yet to meet this Loki guy and assess his character, but he could not be too bad, not if his Padawan had taken a liking to him. Yet, the fear from before was starting to arise in his chest again. Would this Loki be the one, to rip them apart?
It did not take long for Qui-Gon to spot the familiar ginger hair that made out his Padawan. The boy had let his spikes grow, well in his rights, since he was not in the temple, and was sitting between an older man’s thighs. The Padawan had buried a nose in a heavy book and every now and then, the raven haired man would point to something and say something into the Padawan’s ear. Qui-Gon realized that Obi-Wan was being taught.
The Jedi Master quickly bid his excuse to Lady Frigga, who nodded her head in return, and he made his way forward to his apprentice, who had yet to notice him. He didn’t blame the boy though.
“Obi-Wan,” he called, once he was in shouting distance. He had noticed the warriors, who were training not far behind the reading pair. One of them, a blond man with a red cape, was trying to ride a wild animal with horns on its head. The other warriors were either engrossed in their own fights or cheering on loudly.
Blue-green eyes looked up, when their owner’s name was called and they immediately lit up, upon spotting his Master.
“Master?” the boy gave the book to the raven haired male, who had also looked up, and he came running to Qui-Gon’s outstretched arms. “Master! I missed you,” he said and pressed himself as tight as possible against the older man’s chest. 
“Not as much as I missed you, my imp,” replied Qui-Gon. He was just glad to have his little boy back in his arms, where he belonged. 
Eventually, Obi-Wan pulled back from their long hug, but he took the older male’s larger hand in his and began to tug insistently. “Come Master, I want to introduce you to someone.”
Amused and a little curious, Qui-Gon allowed his charge to lead him towards the still seated raven haired male, who was clad in green, black and gold. Only now did Qui-Gon notice that his student’s clothes were black and green as well. They suited him pretty well.
“Master, may I introduce you to Loki Odinson, younger prince of Asgard. He taught me how to use my magic and he showed me a couple of fighting tricks.” The boy beamed. “Loki, this is my Master, Qui-Gon Jinn.”
“Ah,” elegantly, the Asgardian man rose to his feet, his hand outstretched. Qui-Gon immediately noticed that the other’s hand were strong, yet mostly soft. He was not one of those warriors then. “Nice to make your acquaintance, Master Jedi.” There was a sparkle in his blue eyes.
“At your service, your Highness,” replied Qui-Gon. He could see, why his student had taken a liking to this man. He was charming and there was that air of mischief around him. The Jedi Master could only guess what pranks and trouble the two could accomplish together, if they just wanted.
A triumphant roar sounded through the whole area. it caused the raven haired Asgardian to roll his eyes and Obi-Wan sighed. “You have to forgive my brother, he has the need to prove his ‘manliness’ before his friends.”
“After I beat him in combat,” Obi-Wan added. The two Asgardians shared an amused look and Qui-Gon was left to wonder, what exactly had transpired. A small part of him, did not want to know, but the biggest part of him, was determined to find out at a later point.
“What is the being he is trying to tame?” he asked instead, hoping to change the topic.
A groan escaped Obi-Wan. “Master, NO.”
“Excuse me?” Qui-Gon asked innocently. Loki just raised an eyebrow at them.
“You are NOT going to take a Bilgesnipe with you home.They are dangerous creatures and NOT to be toyed with.”
“Unless you are the god of thunder apparently,” Loki cut in and he got an affirmative hum from Obi-Wan.
The long haired Jedi Master chose not to answer. A lot of his pet project were dangerous once grown up, but he had yet to endanger the people in the temple OR his Padawan. He gazed at the Bilgesnipe again. If the Force willed it…
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legobiwan · 4 years ago
You just mentioned a 'newfound appreciation for Bucky Barnes' and OMG, same! For years I couldn't get what people liked about him, I figured he was Steve Rogers' (Sexy) Plot Device. Bucky's story was always more about how Steve felt, than Bucky himself. But TFATWS made him into an actual character. An interesting one, even. I know this is your SW blog and the other one is mainly Loki, but I'm just so happy that 1) you're also new, 2) you're not a fan (just) because of Stucky, 3) or (just) because Sebastian Stan is pretty. So thank you for that one random comment in a post about something completely different! That said: Obi-Wan should do more jar'kai, I don't care how or why. Just more.
Yeah, it's funny, for the longest time I had real blinders on in terms of the MCU, focusing solely on the Asgardian exploits of Loki and Co. (To the point where I saw both Endgame and Infinity War with only a vague awareness of everything having to do with the Sokovia Accords, Wanda and Vision's whole thing, and, of course, Bucky's story.) It really wasn't until I watched FatWS (the Madripoor sequence in particular, but really the first three episodes) that I really began to notice Bucky. (And let's face it, I am a 100% sucker for characters in therapy + characters seeming to revert to some kind of dark side as they are egged on by a charming, aristocratic bad guy with whom they share a complicated history. I mean, Zemo and Dooku do have that in common, and I have a type, both in terms of characters and tropes.) So yeah, I fell into the Bucky Barnes Appreciation Society through the back door - love the character, love the Brubaker comic run, and am extremely curious to see where they take his character now that Steve is out of the picture (which I hope is Bucky partially reclaiming and redefining the Winter Soldier identity).
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beckzorz · 5 years ago
The Perfect Date
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Prompt: [image: Sebastian Stan, captioned with “She was just so stunning.”] + “A Bucky POV prompt: Bucky telling everyone at the compound about the most perfect date he’s ever had (with you, of course).” Pairing: Bucky Barnes/f!Reader. | 1.2k A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you so much @sallycanwait68​ for such an adorable prompt! Sad news: I definitely did NOT write this in Bucky’s POV XD Hope you like it anyway!!! Thanks also to @kentuckybarnes​ who always inspires xoxo And a huge thanks to @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ for hosting this Week of Love! Love to all!
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“That does sound pretty sweet,” Bucky says nonchalantly. He take a final slurp of his iced coffee.
Sam smirks. “Yes she sure was.”
“Fireworks, flowers, lingerie, a gunfight… How are you going to top that, Bucky?” Natasha asks. She drapes herself on the arm of Sam’s chair and raises her eyebrows.
“Well,” Bucky says, “easily.”
You roll your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips as you start unloading your tray of clean glasses at the bar. The worst thing about your job on the housekeeping staff at the compound is that you can’t tell anyone what hilarious bullshit comes out of the Avengers’ mouths. The other staff, sure, but not your friends on the outside.
Well, insofar as you’ve got friends on the outside. Which… not really.
“Well, we got started at a little bar in Minsk,” Bucky begins.
Your eyes widen as you slide a wine glass into its upside-down holder under the overhead cabinet. In Minsk?
Uh oh.
“Nice and dim, a couple booths… Kinda a mix between classy and not.”
You steal a glance at Bucky. His eyes, bluer today with that fitted turquoise shirt he’s wearing, are sparkling in the sun streaming in from the giant windows. He’s not looking at you—why would he be?
Okay, enough dreaming, back to the tumblers.
“There’s this table of middle-aged guys hitting on the waitress,” Bucky continues. “It’s normal stuff there, y’know.”
“Normal here too,” Natasha says drily.
“Well. Yeah.” Bucky shifts in his seat. “Anyway, so in walks this woman with a long coat and tall boots—”
“How do you know her boots were tall if she was wearing a coat?” Sam interrupts.
“Cool your tits, I’m getting there,” Bucky says. “Anyway, so I was at the bar, getting intel, and this woman struts in—no, she wasn’t strutting, she was… stalking, I guess. Like Nat stalks.”
You have you bite your tongue. Comparing his date to Natasha? He’s cutting it close.
“So she stalks over to the bar, orders a drink, and heads straight for the dart board at the back.”
There’s a particular glass that you don’t recognize. It’s beautiful—nearly paper-thin, with a detailed pattern of air bubbles caught inside the glass—but sturdy enough to survive the dishwasher. Asgardian, maybe? You tilt it to catch the light, and the air bubbles inside glitter like gold. Gorgeous.
“And you’re just watching her?” Sam asks.
“If you were there, you’d’ve been watching her too,” Bucky assures him. “Trust me.”
“So… did you play darts with her?” Natasha asks.
The Asgardian glass can go in the display against the wall, you decide.
“Not exactly.”
You can hear the glee in Bucky’s voice, and you let out a slow breath as you turn back to face the room and get another bunch of glasses to put away.
“She grabs all of the darts in one hand and immediately comes back to the bar, takes a swig of her drink, and then turns around and whips a dart at this blond guy sitting at the other end of the bar.”
“Shit,” Sam says; in the same breath, Natasha says, “Good for her.”
Bucky’s quivering in his seat. “Hits him straight in the cheek. So the bartender yells, the middle-aged men yell, and I have to duck because the blond’s friend—I think his name was Zhuk—pulls out a gun and shoots at her, but she’d already moved and it would’ve hit me if I didn’t get outta the way.”
“Shit!” Sam exclaims. “The fuck! What kinda crazy—!”
You grit your teeth, hard, as you slide champagne glasses into their slots hanging under the counter. It’s so hard not to speak, but you’re gagged as thoroughly as if—well, hm. You squeeze your eyes shut for the barest moment to contain your latest urge to grin. Not quite as thoroughly gagged.
Still, you can’t butt in. Bucky has to tell this tale on his own.
“My kinda crazy,” Bucky says smugly. “Smart crazy.”
“Funny,” Natasha teases, “that’s my type too.”
Bucky stretches out his leg and nudges her knee fondly with the toe of his boot.
“Anyway she throws the rest of the darts at once, then she just Obi-Wan Kenobis her way out of her coat and she’s fucking draped in weapons. Real beauties. Pistol between the shoulder blades, holsters at hip and thigh, knives in her belt…”
“Are we on a date with her weaponry or with her?” Sam says.
You’re finished putting the glasses away, and you’ve got to leave. You grab the tray, stuff it under your arm, and as you leave, you hear Bucky’s voice get louder with excitement.
“Both! She was just so stunning! She took them down to perfection, and I just sat back and watched. Maximum pain, non-lethal, the perfect take-out if you wanted to get…”
Not until you’re on an elevator do you break out laughing.
“So who won?”
Bucky blinks at you, confused. You’re in a tiny round booth, and he’s as close to you as he can be without actually dragging you into his lap. Arm twined through yours, hands clasped, fingers interlinked, your ankle crossed over his.
“In the best date ever battle,” you explain, and he cackles.
“I did, of course,” he says, looking for all the world like the Cheshire Cat. “I mean, first of all there was the spree through the back streets, then the disabling of a neighborhood power grid, a break for soup—”
“That was really good soup.” You sigh wistfully and lean your cheek on Bucky’s shoulder, smiling.
“Hah, yeah. What can I say, I’ve got good taste.” He squeezes your hand.
“Yes you do,” you declare.
“Where was I?” He clicks his teeth. “Oh yeah. Soup, you pretending to be a prostitute extremely enthusiastically—”
“Anyone would be enthusiastic if they got to hump your thigh and make out with you, even if they weren’t getting fake-paid for it,” you point out, squeezing his leg for good measure. “Anyway, don’t forget the fact that you made a damn convincing client.” Your fingers dance towards his crotch.
He glares at you, but he’s grinning, and those sweet lines around his eyes and lips make your heart dance.
“Yeah,” he says. “Guess I did.”
You kiss his cheek and pick up your glass. “Here’s to—let’s see, convincing people we like each other—”
“And don’t,” Bucky adds.
“—taking down a HYDRA sleeper cell with darts and daggers, and me not cracking up while you told that story to your hopefully oblivious teammates,” you finish.
Bucky snags his glass and clinks it against yours. “I’ll drink to that,” he says. “But first, I’d rather drink to us.”
“Just us?” you ask.
He smiles and leans his forehead against yours, pulling your clasped hands against his heart. “Yeah,” he murmurs.
You stare, eyes fixed on his, your heart pounding and toes curling and breath catching. The restaurant sounds—clinks from the kitchen, other couples’ voices, the orchestral music piping in above your head—all fade as you drown in his ocean-deep eyes.
“Yeah,” he says again. “Just us.”
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