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Trick or treat 👻
Warning: this treat is extra spicy! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
CW NSFW, consensual somnophilia (please skip this post if that isn't your thing) (it's also President Loki+Don so skip if that isn't your thing either)
Don was so lovely like this, completely relaxed except for the occasional shiver that rolled through him when Loki fucked in deep. He was unable to resist or squirm, his head turned to the side so Loki could watch the faint twitch in his expression when Loki brushed his prostate. Unconscious, but not unfeeling. That was the trick. Loki enjoyed himself for a while before growing impatient for more. He drove faster into Don’s slack body, welcoming the build up of pleasure until he was on the very edge. Then he lifted the enchantment keeping Don asleep. The reaction was instant: Don came awake with a confused mumble that dissolved into a moan, his body clenching around Loki as he realized what was happening. It was perfect, exactly what Loki needed. He kept Don pinned down with a hand on the back of his neck, relishing the sound he made as Loki thrust twice more and released deep within him. While Loki caught his breath, he trailed his hand down Don’s back to take hold of his hips. Loki rocked forward, and Don immediately understood, though Loki didn’t give him much room to move. Don gripped the sheets and ground against the mattress until the friction was enough for him to come with a groan. Loki fell forward, his hands braced on the bed, and kissed the nape of Don’s neck as his trembling slowed. "Not a bad enchantment after all, hmm?" Loki murmured. Don's answering chuckle was muffled. He uncurled his fingers from the sheet and slid a hand over to cover Loki’s to pat it in agreement.
#wanderingflame fic#cw somnophilia#prezdoki#just gonna leave this here and see myself out i guess? lol#this has been in my notes app for weeks? months? i was too 🙈 to do anything with it#badthings verse
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💕 President Loki + Don
Welp, once again I went a little overboard. 😅 But this one is a sick fic, a Halloween fic, and an ask prompt fill all in one so it's okay if it's a little long, right? Inspired by your drawing of sick, blanket burrito Loki. ❤️
ETA: Look at this blanket burrito President Loki!! Thank you for immortalizing him in his pathetic misery. 🤣💚
💕 kissing somewhere other than lips
Pride goeth before the fall and Don was looking at a prime example of it. The huddle of blankets on the couch shook with another series of coughs, followed by a not-very-productive sounding sniffle.
“No better, huh?” Don said, standing beside the couch. The medicine had been a shot in the dark, given he knew nothing about Loki’s physiology.
A face appeared within the swath of blankets, eyes narrowed and nose red. The glower Loki leveled at him could have peeled paint from the wall. He opened his mouth—probably to deliver some scathing reply—but another coughing fit hit him. It had barely let up when Loki suddenly sat up, flinging off the blankets.
“Enough!” he snapped. “How can a mere human ailment affect me so? This is absurd!” His fury was somewhat dampened by his consonants being so congested.
He swayed and Don caught his shoulder to keep him upright.
“I don't know what to tell you, babe. Even the Martians fell to plain ol’ bacteria.”
“What? And don't call me that,” Loki added mulishly. He normally let the endearment slide but being sick apparently brought out his petulance.
“Not an H.G. Wells fan?” Don teased. He took his hand away once he was sure Loki wouldn't fall over and picked up the couch pillows that had been shoved to the floor. “It really does help to sleep propped up.”
“It wasn't comfortable,” Loki muttered and sniffled again. He started to pull the blankets back around him.
Don plucked a couple tissues from the box on the coffee table and reached for Loki's nose. Loki jerked back.
“I am not a child!” A hand emerged from the blanket cocoon to snatch the tissues. He blew his nose noisily.
No, but you're acting like one. Don kept that thought to himself. It was a true sign of how out of it Loki must be feeling when he didn't notice. Loki usually read Don like an open book, picking up every cheeky comment he thought but didn’t voice.
“Have you never been sick before? Not even as a child?” Don knew Loki considered himself all-powerful, but he could be hurt—even almost mortally injured—so illness had to be a thing back on Asgard.
Loki had slumped against the couch arm with his eyes closed, breathing shallowly. He was quiet long enough that Don thought he’d fallen asleep. Then he sighed.
“As a child, yes. Occasionally.” He opened his eyes but seemed to be looking through the floor instead of at it. “My mother cared for me until I was better.”
Don could see Frigga playing nursemaid well, as kind and gentle as she had been.
“Well, good news: I have lots of experience with this. The kids are constantly bringing home some new form of crud.”
Loki’s gaze darted to Don, a flash of alarm in his eyes before he masked it. Don wondered if, in the future, Loki was going to vanish whenever one of the boys got sick.
“Why don’t I make you some soup, and…” He trailed off, looking up at the ceiling as he heard raised voices from upstairs. There were two loud slams as the argument continued.
“You said you were gonna be Zeus!”
“And you said you’d be Iron Man!”
The squabbling grew louder as the boys came down the stairs. Don hurried to meet them by the door.
Both boys were dressed in full body costumes printed to look like a three-piece suit, complete with a red and blue “vote” pin. It wasn’t very realistic, but what could you expect from a mass-produced “Mr. President” costume. Both were also wearing a plastic set of horns with elastic bands that went around their heads to keep the horns in place. The black stood out against the boys’ blond hair.
“He copied me!” Sean said, shoving his brother with his shoulder.
“Nuh-uh! It was my idea first!” Kevin replied, pushing back.
“Come on, don’t fight,” Don said, and lowered his voice. “You know Loki isn’t feeling well.”
They both sent guilty looks towards the living room. Loki was hidden behind the couch’s back, but he had been there since they went upstairs to change.
“Can we show him our costumes?” Sean asked. Kevin added puppy eyes to the request.
“Only if you stop fighting about it,” Don said. The boys shared annoyed glances and then sighed.
“Fine,” Kevin muttered.
Don ushered them around the couch to find Loki had disappeared into the huddle of blankets again. Hopefully he hadn’t fallen asleep.
“Hey Loki, the boys wanna show off their Halloween costumes if you��re feeling up for it,” he coaxed.
The pile of blankets wriggled a little and then parted so Loki could peer out. He blinked and then his scowl deepened.
“Atrocious,” he croaked.
Don felt a half-second of regret, mixed with worry about how his sons would react, and then his heart stopped when green light enveloped both boys. It was gone in the next instant, but Don’s heart almost shot out of his chest before he saw the boys were still there. He knew Loki had come to care for them, but he was more crabby than ever with this cold and history had shown how quickly Loki lashed out when in a bad mood. Don could tell their outfits had changed and moved around them to get a better look.
The one-piece costumes were gone, transformed into identical full three-piece suits, complete with bright green vests and matching ties. The toy crowns now looked exactly like Loki’s, solid and gleaming gold, mysteriously staying in place without any band around the back of the head.
Sean and Kevin looked at each other, realized what had happened, and let out identical shouts of joy that made Don wince.
“Thank you, Loki!” Kevin said, almost a screech.
Don caught them both by the shoulder before they could tackle Loki with hugs.
“You can thank him tomorrow when he’s feeling better, okay?” He steered his sons towards the front door. “Now, you’ve got your bags?” They both held up their Halloween-themed shopping bags. “Good. Go straight to Devon’s house and don’t give his mom any trouble tonight, got it? Or I’ll confiscate all the candy when you get home.” He fixed them both with stern looks.
“Yes, Dad,” Sean said, rolling his eyes. “I still don’t see why we can’t go on our own.”
“Because your dad is an old fart who worries,” Don said, and was relieved when they giggled at the remark. Next year, Sean would be old enough to probably push back more, but he was grateful they were behaving now. “Have fun! Tell Ms. Anderson I said hi.”
He watched from the doorway until they were halfway down the street. It looked like they might have started squabbling again, but once they started collecting candy, it’d be fine. Don almost wished he was the chaperone this year, to see people’s reactions when they opened their doors and found twin mini President Lokis on their front step.
He started to close the door and spotted the bowl of candy waiting for the trick-or-treaters to arrive. He always gave out candy, whether the boys were with him or not, and he’d bought plenty in preparation this year. There was another sneeze from the living room, followed by a string of irritable cursing.
Don flicked the porch light on, then stepped out to leave the bowl on the chair by the door. It was even odds whether the first kids to arrive would dump the whole thing into their bags, but he had a more pressing issue to deal with.
He shut the door and went back into the living room. Loki’s face was still visible, his eyes closed as he leaned back against the couch’s arm.
“Is that all I am now? A mere caricature?” Loki muttered. “It barely even looked like me.”
“Kids’ costumes are like that,” Don said. “Do you want that soup now?”
“No,” Loki said, turning his head away and sniffling. He really did look miserable. After a moment, he heaved a big sigh that almost turned into another coughing fit. “Fine.”
Don smiled, then leaned down to press a kiss to Loki’s forehead. Loki opened his eyes, his expression turning pleading as he tilted his chin up. Now Don was the one to sigh, but he dutifully pressed a kiss to Loki’s lips. If this cold was going to get him, he supposed it would’ve kicked in by now.
Loki’s red cheeks and nose hadn’t changed, but he looked slightly mollified by the kiss.
“I’ll come back with some soup and ginger ale, okay?”
“Ale?” Loki said, frowning. Any further questions were stalled by him turning his head to cough into the blankets. Don brushed some of his hair out of his face and resisted the urge to call him adorable. It’d only make Loki more cranky.
“You’ll see. Hang tight until I come back.”
Loki nodded, closing his eyes once again. Don half-expected him to be asleep when he came back, but that wasn’t a problem. The soup could be reheated and he’d drink the ginger ale himself.
As he headed into the kitchen, he thought again about Sean and Kevin’s costumes. Now that they’d had upgrades, courtesy of Loki, there was no way they’d go back to the cheap store-bought kind, or even something homemade. But would Loki help out if it wasn’t about improving his own image? Guess we’ll find out next year, Don thought, and smiled to himself as he heated up the soup.
#me: sees a prompt for a kiss and then writes over 1k with a blink-and-miss-it kiss 🤣#prezdoki#wanderingflame fic#i've missed writing for these two#lokius#lokius fic#president loki#don the jetski salesman#badthings verse#wf kiss game
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🫶 for Don/President Loki 💕
Thank you for the prompt! I just love having fun with these two. 💖
Here's another maybe canonical-to-the-AU/maybe not scene of them in Asgard. (Which is a real fic I'm still working on, not just a fanciful imagining.😆)
11.🫶 Teasing or sensual touch
“I don't think I've had a bath since I was a kid,” Don said as he lowered himself into the water. Loki watched with his eyes half closed until Don was submerged up to his chest. “That's because your bathtub is only suitable for children,” he said, letting his eyes fall closed.
The bathroom of the presidential suite wasn't as grand as those here in Asgard, but it was far better than the one at Don's house. The more time Loki spent there, the more he noticed how many aspects of the home were in dire need of an upgrade. He didn’t understand how the man was content to live with such shabby surroundings. He heard Don chuckle and then sigh. “It's not like I have a lot of time to be lounging around anyway.” His voice was quiet, as if the heat of the bath was already working its magic. Loki opened his eyes. Don mirrored Loki, reclining against the far end of the bathtub with his arms resting on the sides. It was deep enough that even though Don bent his knees, they were still fully submerged. Loki had his own legs stretched out, forcing Don to put his feet on either side of Loki’s so that their ankles touched. Don had his eyes closed and his head tipped back. The warmth of the water had brought a pink tinge to his skin that was creeping up from where the water lapped against his chest. Don sighed again, looking completely relaxed, his expression softened like it always was when he'd just woken up. Loki couldn't resist the temptation. He lifted one foot and dragged the outside of his ankle along the inside of Don's calf. As he slid it back down, he watched Don crack one eye open. Loki held his gaze as he did it again, going up to the inside of Don’s knee. Loki lowered his foot to the bottom of the bathtub and Don shifted slightly but didn’t draw his legs away. “I thought you wanted to relax,” he said, looking more amused than surprised. “I did,” Loki replied and lifted his foot again. He paused there, not touching Don yet, only watching Don’s gaze drop as he swallowed. Then Loki put his foot back down. Don looked up, saw Loki’s expression, and shook his head with a soft laugh. Loki’s smirk grew. Don had figured out the game. Don shifted again, sinking a little lower into the water and leaning his head back. When he closed his eyes, he was smiling. “We have different ideas about relaxing,” he said. Loki let the anticipation build as he watched Don breathe in and out, then trailed his foot up that same path, going a little further past Don’s knee this time. “I find this very relaxing,” Loki said, repeating the motion. He watched Don grip the sides of the bathtub to hold himself still. “Of course you do,” Don muttered, but there was humor in his voice. Loki continued to tease with slow brushes of his foot along Don’s skin, working his way closer and closer to Don’s crotch, his gaze on Don’s face the whole time. He could tell when Don shifted from simply attempting to hold still, to resisting the urge to touch himself. Loki continued until Don’s hands were trembling where they held onto the bathtub. Only then did Loki pull his foot back completely and sit up, causing the water to slosh against them both. Don opened his eyes, looking confused at first and then relieved when he saw Loki closing in on him. Don reached out as Loki settled in between his legs, tilting his face up for a kiss. “Had enough relaxing?” Don asked against Loki’s lips. “Simply changing the method,” Loki replied with a grin, and then set about helping Don release all that delicious tension he'd built up.
Prompts are here. Other ficlets here.
#wf touch game#badthings verse#lokius fic#wanderingflame fic#president loki#don the jet ski salesman#do i have president loki tease don too much? possibly.#but i had this bath idea and had to run with it#also forget the ship tags which still are undecided#prezdoki#prezdon
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Title: I'll Be Anything You Need Rating: E Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don Some Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Pollen, Overstimulation, Come Eating, Begging, Fingers in Mouth, Desperation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Wet & Messy Word Count: 2k [complete]
Loki has always wanted to see Don with all his inhibitions stripped away. With the help of a special flower, he can.
During Wanksgiving, I wrote a little sex pollen drabble for these two and thought that was it. Then a couple weeks later, the spirit of smut possessed me and I expanded it to this. Posting as a part of Wanksmas to serve as a distraction during another round of holiday festivities, should you need it.
I'm also counting this as a square on my @lokiusbingo card, which gets me my third bingo! Still going for the blackout, just very, very slowly. Bingo card under the cut. @kcscribbler
#wanderingflame fic#lokius fic#prezdoki#badthings verse#lokius bingo#president loki#lokius#spicy time#don the jetski salesman#mobius m mobius#loki#mobius
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Fic Writing Review 2024
Words written and fics:
221,662 words written
24,287 of that was for tumblr ask games
19 fics worked on
Words written per fandom:
220,361 - Loki
1301 - Sharperton (Crimson Peak meets Bridgerton)
Fics and words published:
14 fics published
4 multi-chapter
10 one shots
4 drabbles
20 tumblr ask prompt fics
181,886 words published on ao3
Published fics per fandom:
99% Loki
1% Sharperton
Top 2024 fics per kudos:
A Desperate Play for Control (Avengers AU)
Like You Mean It (Bad Things 'verse)
Beg Me For It (Bad Things 'verse)
Intoxicated, Calculated (Lokius drunken kisses)
Just Like Runaway Horses (Cowboy AU)
Fandom events in 2024:
Lokius Reverse Bang
Hug/Kiss/Touch prompts (do those count?)
Lokius Trick or Treat
Thank you @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for the tag! This was really fun! Every year I say I'm going to use a spreadsheet to track my words written and then I don't, so these are my best estimates. I think everyone I know already got tagged so take this as an open tag to join in, if you do wish.❤️
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some qualitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Artists and gif makers, please also join in with any quantitative or qualitative stats or facts you want to share about your year.
#it was virtually all loki but I couldn't NOT give a shoutout to#sharperton#the ship silentxsymphony and i WILL bring to life#come hell or high water#i probably forgot something but the word count is close enough#prezdoki#fic writing year in review#wanderingflame fic stats
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PrezDoki Collar? 👀
I thought I had teased this one a bunch but I can only find this one snippet? 👀
There's two parts to this idea. The first, which introduces the collar, takes place shortly after Let Me See You. The second, when the collar gets used, takes place after Where You Belong. Altogether it's a story about control.
While he's raiding research labs to find something he can use to travel to Asgard, President Loki comes across an experimental power-dampening collar. He takes it with him and when Don sees it, he thinks it might be fun to have sex with Loki wearing it. Loki takes this poorly and, after a brief fight, the topic is forgotten.
After Where You Belong, there are repercussions to Loki poking the hornet's nest (i.e. Nick Fury) and they have another fight. To show Don that he can give up control, Loki offers to wear the collar. After that it's porn with feelings time!
I definitely shared an early bit where Loki jokingly puts the collar on Don, but here is some of Loki wearing the collar:
The memory of standing in that courtroom, powerless and mere moments away from being sent to the Void in the most painful fashion was suddenly fresh in his mind. But Don’s cluttered bedroom couldn’t be farther from the sterile, austere TVA. And Don, though he shared a face, wasn’t the TVA’s Agent Mobius. Mobius had never looked at Loki with such concern. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt?” “No,” Loki said and swallowed. It made the collar briefly tighter. He could recognize the absence of his seidr now. When the TVA hunters grabbed him, he’d been too caught up in his outrage to notice. It wasn’t much, a muted feeling more than anything else. It was the absence that cut him, when he reached out to do something that was as natural as breathing and nothing happened. “Unpleasant memories,” Loki finally said, because Don was still watching him. The answer caused a frown so Loki leaned forward to press his face against Don’s stomach, wanting to avoid any further questions. The chemically fake “fresh” scent of Don’s detergent was oddly grounding. It reminded him again of where he was. He nuzzled into Don’s softness and heard his quick in-drawn breath. Loki brought his hands up to Don’s hips. “You’re such a bad influence,” Don said, sliding his fingers into Loki’s hair.
Thank you for the ask. <3 From this list. Other answers here.
#wanderingflame wip#badthings verse#tag game answers#lokius#prezdoki#this one has been very difficult to write#bc the collar makes loki uncomfortable and i can't see don continuing once he realizes that#so they need to find a middle ground#(and by they i mean me 😆)
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Title: Where You Belong Rating: M (E when complete) Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don (Mobius Variant) Some Additional Tags: President Loki POV, Don POV, Long-Haired Mobius/Don, Loki Variant, Supportive Frigga, Actions Have Consequences, Family Reunions, Loki is Bad at Feelings (and communicating), (eventual) Porn with Feelings. Word Count: 7.2k [2/4 posted, 16.5k by the end]
Loki was uncharacteristically silent as he stared at Frigga. “Mother?” someone else spoke up. Don’s heart stopped. He knew that voice. It lacked the gravelly quality he was used to but there was no mistaking it. He spun around. The person behind them bore an unmistakable resemblance to Loki except for one glaring difference: his skin was blue.
With the pieces of his plan finally coming together, Loki intends to claim his place on the timeline. But nothing is ever that easy for this particular variant.
This is my fourth Lokius bingo fic! (And second completed bingo, as I inch closer to a blackout...👀) Bingo details under the cut.
Prompts included are: “technology malfunction”, “stranded off-world”, “I didn’t know it could be like this” and “restraints”. Woo! @kcscribbler @lokiusbingo
#president loki#don the jet ski salesman#mobius m mobius#lokius#lokius fic#wanderingflame fic#badthings verse#prezdoki#lokius au#mcu frigga
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Title: Where You Belong Rating: E Fandom: Loki (TV) Relationship: President Loki/Don (Mobius Variant) Some Additional Tags: President Loki POV, Don POV, Long-Haired Mobius/Don, Loki Variant, Supportive Frigga, Actions Have Consequences, Family Reunions, Loki is Bad at Feelings (and communicating), Porn with Feelings, Don wears Loki's horns, Lap Sex. Word Count: 17.3k [4/4, complete]
“Well?” he asked. “I’m sure you have questions for me.” “Certainly. But I think the answers are less important than you believe they are. Let me have a look at you first.” Loki tried not to squirm under Frigga's attention, or give in to the urge to exchange the Asgardian clothes for his more familiar tailored suit and horns. It had been so long since he wore anything in the style he’d grown up with, the other garments felt like better armor. “You must have gone through quite a journey to have ended up here,” she said.
President Loki brings Don to Asgard, intending to claim his place on the timeline, but despite his plans immediately go awry, he gets to see some familiar faces again.
This fic is now complete! I've linked to chapter 1 here so this post can be used to reblog the full version of the fic details, but if you read the first two chapters, you'll want to start chapter 3 (which is what the above snippet is from).
I hope you enjoy reading! 💚💙
#lokius fic#president loki#don the jetski salesman#prezdoki#wanderingflame fic#badthings verse#lokius au#mcu frigga#mcu thor#half of the last chapter is smut#it really got away from me lol#mobius m mobius#don the jet ski salesman
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2024 Writing Roundup
Thank you for tagging me @blackbirdofasgard and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening! <3 This got a little long so I'm not going to tag anyone at the end, but feel free to join in if you see this!
Lokius: 16 fics, 7 drabble-ish stories, 181,714 words (with an additional 24,287 words posted to tumblr)
Like You Mean It - M, Loki/Mobius, Prezdoki AU (technically)
Beg Me For It - E, President Loki/Don, Prezdoki AU
The beginning of the Bad Things 'verse, and my descent into rare pair madness. 😂
No Time For Love, Dr. Bones - T, President Loki/Dr. Indianapolis Bones
Let Me See You - E, President Loki/Don, Prezdoki AU
Sweeten the Pot - T, Loki/Mobius
Out in the Open - E, President Loki/Don, Prezdoki AU
My Mind's Aflame - E, Loki/Mobius/President Loki
Where You Belong - E, President Loki/Don, Prezdoki AU
Just Like Runaway Horses - E, Loki/Mobius, Cowboy AU
Intoxicated, Calculated - E, Loki/Mobius
A Desperate Play for Control - E, Loki/Mobius, Avengers AU
Love in Every Cup - G, Loki/Mobius
A Break in the Routine - E, Loki/Mobius
More Than Your Broken Pieces - M, Loki/Mobius, Avengers Loki x Mr. Tesseract
In A Fever 'Til the End - E, Loki/Mobius, Cowboy AU
I'll Be Anything You Need - E, President Loki/Don, Prezdoki AU
Drabble-ish writing (written for Wanksgiving and Wanksmas)
The Mistake
Honorable mentions to other fandoms under the read more!
Sharperton (Benedict Bridgerton/Thomas Sharpe)
Thank you @silentxsymphony for being the catalyst to writing this ship! I've had so much fun discussing these two with you. 💖
Society's Expectations
Shall We Dance?
There are a few more tidbits with them in the Sharperton tag, including the ask prompt that started it all!
Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, MDZS
How to Shred Trails (and win hearts)
so much that it hurts
Frosthawk (Loki/Clint Barton)
Left Wanting
WHEW! That's a lot of writing. The total for all fandoms was 197,764 words.
I feel incredibly lucky to have found the Loki fandom when I did because all this writing was helping me cope with a shit year. I hope circumstances improve in 2025, but I also hope I can keep writing so I can share the ideas currently crowded in my brain. 😊💚🧡
#2024 writing round up#wanderingflame fic stats#i didn't link to all the lokius drabbles because it's already a lot of links lol#thank you to anyone who commented or left kudos or shared a fic post#it really means so much#tag game
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You're making me choose?? 😆 I think I've talked about (or shared) all but the last on the list so here you go!
PrezDoki meets Lokius
The chronological finale of the Bad Things 'verse! Following the events of Like You Mean It, canon proceeded as usual for our Lokius pair, leaving Mobius alone and Loki in the tree. Mobius gets curious about whatever happened to the timeline he left at the mercy of a President Loki variant, and can't quite believe what he finds (PrezDoki living their lives) so he drops in to see for himself. Prez really doesn't like this.
Somehow, it would end with Lokius reunited so everyone gets their happy ending, because that's how I roll! 😂
Here's a snippet because I really want to share this one but it's barely half-written:
Loki was half-dozing in the late afternoon heat when he felt it. A prickle of unease, the sense of being watched. His eyes snapped open behind his sunglasses and he looked around as best he could without moving. No immediate threats he could see. The boys were wrestling in the yard. Don stood by the grill, spatula in one hand, watching them with a smile. The threat was elsewhere. Loki split away from himself, leaving a decoy appearing to doze in the lawn chair as he crept away, scanning the other yards. His heart stopped when he saw a familiar brown-suited figure standing across the street, seemingly watching them. Then rage consumed him. How dare he? How dare he wait this long and then show up to finish what the TVA had started. Loki kept himself invisible until he’d gotten closer, then dropped the spell so he could see Mobius’ eyes widen with surprise just before he was slammed into the tree. Loki pinned him with a forearm across his chest and a knife at his throat. “Finally come to get your revenge?” he snarled. “Did you think if you waited long enough, my defenses might lower enough to be caught?” Mobius had his hands raised but there was no TemPad in sight. Nor were there any TVA hunters, but that didn’t mean they weren’t around here somewhere. He suddenly thought of the idyllic scene he’d left unattended. “I’ll ensure your death is a slow one if you’ve sent your hunters after that family.” “I’m not here to fight,” Mobius said, “and I didn’t bring any hunters.” It sounded like the truth, but Loki couldn't trust him. He examined Mobius, noting the differences since he’d last seen him. There was no variant, for starters. It made Loki’s skin prickle—the other Loki could have also cloaked himself—but Mobius didn’t seem nervous, or like he was trying to stall or distract Loki. He looked tired, with dark smudges beneath his eyes. It was strange to look at him now, when Loki was so accustomed to Don’s face. Even as similar as they were, there were distinct differences, most notable the way they looked at Loki. Don’s eyes were always warm, occasionally exasperated but still carrying fondness. Mobius’ eyes had a haunted look to them, a hollowness.
Thank you for the ask. <3 From this list.
#wanderingflame wip#badthings verse#tag game answers#fighting the urge to dump all of the details into these replies because i just love talking about wips 🙃#lokius
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Somehow, even with only 11 Loki fics it was tough to choose 5 favorites, but here they are in no particular order! (Shamelessly stealing @lokimobius' fancy formatting.❤️)
No Time for Love, Dr. Bones | Teen and Up, 6.4k (4+1, rare pair, crack taken seriously, pure chaotic fun)
Four times the infamous archeologist/professor Dr. Indianapolis "Indy" Bones ran from President Loki and the one time he didn’t get away.
Just Like Runaway Horses | Explicit, 6.3k (cowboy AU, outlaw Loki, sheriff Mobius, massage + sexy shaving + a little plot)
The infamous outlaw Loki Laufeyson has a way of turning up when Mobius least suspects it.
Out In The Open | Explicit, 11k (PrezDoki AU, jet skis, porn with feelings, BIG FEELINGS)
Don introduces President Loki to the joys of riding a jet ski. Loki has a few other ideas.
My Mind's Aflame | Explicit, 8.8k (threesome in the Void, porn with feelings, first time)
Mobius finds himself between a rock(President Loki) and a hard place(TVA Loki).
A Desperate Play for Control | Mature, 15.5k [wip] (SHIELD agent Mobius, Avengers Loki, slow burn, mind control & aftermath)
What If... Mobius worked at S.H.I.E.L.D. when Loki invaded New York? When Loki arrives to take the Tesseract, he conscripts an additional ally to his cause, one perplexingly determined to look after his well-being. It isn’t just the scepter compelling Mobius; it’s the hollowed out, hunted look his new boss has. As the war approaches, they inevitably grow closer, but what happens when the fighting is done and there are no more orders to follow?
This list couldn't be complete without something from the Bad Things 'verse (President Loki/Don) and I struggled with which to choose. Out In The Open is my probably favorite of the five because they're more established by that point and that's my jam, so even though I felt like I ought to rec the first fic in the series, I had to go with the last.
Also, it felt like cheating to pick a WIP for this list when I had other finished fics, but the Avengers AU is truly one of my favorite things I've worked on. I've been so tied up in knots, worrying that it won't live up to the hype, and everyone's responses have been incredible. 🥹 I hope it continues to surprise and delight! ❤️
#lokius fic#wanderingflame fic#loki#mobius#lokius#fic rec#president loki#don the jetski salesman#about to reblog so many recs y'all
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WIP Word game
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Tagged by @devilbearingtrouble ❤️ It said sentence/excerpt so I decided to give a little extra for two of them. :3
My word: SUN
“Spend too long in one place and they send the Marshals after you,” Loki said. “Only if you're misbehavin’,” Mobius returned, and shook his head at Loki’s slow grin. (Lokius cowboy AU)
“Uh oh,” Casey said, not protesting as he was steered away from the direction he’d been heading. (secret project 👀)
No sooner had Don’s butt touched the couch then his legs were yanked up by invisible hands and draped over Loki’s lap. Loki didn’t look up from his reading, but his tense expression suggested he wasn't giving it much attention. He laid a hand over Don’s ankle, his fingers tightening just enough to feel intentional, despite appearing distracted. (Prezdoki collar fic)
Tagging a few people but no pressure to share. <3 @silentxsymphony @kcscribbler @mirilyawrites @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
Your word: TEAM
#tag game#wanderingflame wip#U was a real pain to find#tried to pick a nice word to pass on :)#managed to get a little yee haw into my sunday after all
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Another Bad Things 'verse poll
I figured the last one was fun, why not do another? 😆
For anyone unfamiliar with this AU, this is President Loki x Don, specifically a long-haired Don with a slightly different life than what we saw in the show. (If I may be so bold as to art bait you into reading...)
* "Doki" like "doki doki" the Japanese onomatopoeia for a pounding heartbeat.
#if you voted before I'M SORRY!#automat server helped me tweak the “Doki” option#president loki#don the jet ski salesman#lokius au#badthings verse#mobius m mobius#(technically)
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WIP Folders Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Thank you for the tags @distracteddream @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @ghoulehhh! Some of these will be familiar since the last time I did a game like this. 🙈 Most are Lokius in some fashion but I have a couple non-Lokius wips at the bottom.
Cowboy AU sequel Threesome Lokius sequel Threesome threesome sequel Cryptid sequel
Lokius Bingo wips: Prez + Indy sequel/pwp Post finale Mobius finds his way to Loki
PrezDoki AU Collar Fem!Loki Fury wrap-up/Suit fic PrezDoki meets Lokius
An object in your mind (Brodinson feels)
I'm not doing however many tags that is. Here are a few, and no pressure as usual! @silentxsymphony @wolfpup026 @lokimobius @elodiah @blackbirdofasgard
@impulsemuppet @astrosxnthesis
<3 ETA: Responses are under this tag!
#i typed 'sequel' so much now the spelling looks weird#tag game#wanderingflame wip#lokius#always more ideas than time 🥲
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15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
15. What WIP are you taking with you into next year?
All of them!
Okay, but seriously: there are two I've put a LOT of thought into but haven't made much progress: the PrezDoki collar fic and a Clint/Loki/Mobius WIP. Maybe in the new year, those will finally graduate from WIPs to just W(ork)s. 🤣
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
What a great question! Maybe President Loki? Usually I find his "voice" very clear but I struggled with his parts in Where You Belong, mostly because I took him so far out of his comfort zone.
Runner up: Clint in the aforementioned WIP.
Thank you for the ask. 🤠
From this list.
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