#locus the mercenary
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Yeah, I'm not sorry 💅✨️ pop off king
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hipstersoulgushers · 3 months
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Locus and Felix model sheets from Making a Mercenary
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sixcrowsbooks · 6 months
Wanting to write an in-depth character analysis of Locus but fearing I won’t be able to do him justice
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sharkface-daydreams · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Felix | Isaac Gates/Locus | Samuel Ortez Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Rough Sex, No Lube, /very little lube, Quickies, Blow Jobs, Biting, Pain Kink, Light Masochism, Barebacking, Coitus Interruptus Series: Part 2 of pleasure in punishment Summary:
For most people, sneaking past the guards on a prison colony isn't easy... luckily, Felix and Locus are not most people, and they've located a temporary safehouse for a private rendezvous.
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smilysstuff · 2 years
It's New year at my country, and few hours before that, I decided to remastar my old New year drawings of the Rvb from last year!
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shegetsburned · 1 year
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❝ you’re an addiction, a cruel, slow torture that pulls me in and makes me wait, and Darling, you make me so impatient .❞
— 𝐱: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 (𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐬 & 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬)
requested by the one and only @sstewyhosseini who’s just as obsessed with these two as I am
kansas belongs to me
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ramble-writes · 2 years
So I thought of a RvB x Destiny crossover and I have a BIG LIST of the Freelancers, Reds, Blues, and Mercs of what class they are and what race they are. At first when I made this list, it was by pure how they seemed to me. But after talking with @ludwig-and-co , I have a much more ACCURATE list. So here is the big list of what I think so I'm sorry for the length.
Rough Guardians:
Locus - Hunter Nightstalker: Shadow Blade
Felix - Hunter Gunslinger (both)
Sharkface - Titan Berserker
Siris - Warlock Shadebinder
Blue Guardians:
Church - Warlock Song of Flame
Caboose - Titan Sunbreaker: Burning Maul
Tucker - Warlock Dawnblade: Daybreak
Sister - Hunter Threadrunner
Doc - Warlock Dawnblade: Ward of Radiance
Red Guardians:
Sarge - Hunter Gunslinger: Golden Gun
Donut - Hunter Arcstrider: Arcstaff
Simmons - Warlock Stormcaller: Stormtrance
Grif - Hunter Nightstalker: Shadow Shot-Moebius Quiver
Lopez - Titan Sunbreaker: Hammer of Sol
Freelance Guardians:
Texas - Titan Striker
Carolina - Titan Striker (Hunter & Warlock)
Wyoming - Warlock Voidwalker: Nova Warp
North - Titan Sentinel: Ward of Dawn
South - Titan Striker: Fist of Havoc
York - Hunter Arcstrider: Gathering Storm
CT - Hunter Revenant
Wash - Hunter Gunslinger (both)
Maine - Titan Behemoth
Florida - Hunter Nightstalker: Shadow Shot-Deadfall
Idaho - Titan Twilight Arsenal
Ohio - Warlock Stormcaller: Chaos Reach
Iowa - Hunter Arcstrider: Storm's Edge
Georgia - Warlock Broodweaver
Awoken-Human Hybrid:
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pvtchurch · 3 months
I love what Washington and Locus see in each other... How frustrating Wash is to Locus because he sees someone like him, who could've been a perfect soldier but has been weakened by actually allowing himself to form ties with other soldiers. But at the same time... He sees a nobility in that that he doesn't have, and chooses to try to kill Wash instead or admitting that maybe he'd like something like that for himself... (He thinks, if he could get Wash to partner up with him instead of Felix, he would. But that's never going to happen.)
And Wash sees what he could've been, a heartless mercenary too concerned with orders to see things for himself, where money is not so much an incentive as just a bonus for being able to remain a soldier. Because those who knew war will always know war. And Wash was content to follow orders before, we've seen it, and it's only once he lost the chain of command he was under and had to learn leadership for himself beyond just being more competent than the others (his entire arc within seasons 10-13 is about that) that he could start truly freeing himself from it. And seeing a reflection of the path he was on just makes him cocky. Wash isn't humble. He wants to prove how much better he is. And that feeds into their dynamic even more
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mariacallous · 2 months
The Biden administration is launching a new initiative to end the war in Sudan—one of the world’s deadliest conflicts—with fresh peace talks following months of behind-the-scenes negotiations, according to five current and former officials familiar with the matter.
The United States plans to convene talks between Sudan’s two warring parties in Switzerland next month to revive long-stagnant efforts to end a conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people and pushed millions more to the brink of famine. Switzerland and Saudi Arabia will co-host the talks, and other regional powers and institutions with stakes in the conflict, including the United Nations, African Union, Egypt, and United Arab Emirates, will be invited to observe, the officials said. The talks are scheduled for mid-August.
The U.S. special envoy for Sudan, Tom Perriello, plans to brief congressional overseers on the plan this week and will be actively involved in convincing top negotiators from both sides of the conflict to attend the upcoming talks, several officials said. If both sides signal their seriousness about ending the conflict and send senior negotiators, then U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield—both of whom have been closely involved in Sudan policy—could open or preside directly over the talks, the officials said. These officials spoke on condition of anonymity, as they were not authorized to speak on the record.
Despite ongoing humanitarian efforts, Sudan’s war is worsening following 15 months of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the rival Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group. U.S. officials estimate that around 150,000 people have been killed—though precise figures are hard to come by—and as many as 11 million have been displaced due to the conflict.
“Sudan right now is probably the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, and yet it’s not getting the attention it deserves,” Blinken said during an interview at the Aspen Security Forum on July 19.
A senior State Department official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said Blinken was “very personally engaged on Sudan policy, including forthcoming initiatives.”
“Far too much of the world is looking at this crisis saying ‘it’s far too complicated,’ or they’re looking away, and we’re looking at this crisis and saying, ‘yes, it is that complicated, and we have to find a way,’” the senior official said.
The conflict in Sudan has also become a locus of foreign powers competing for influence, which analysts say is prolonging and worsening the war. The SAF is backed by Saudi Arabia and Egypt, while the United Arab Emirates backs the RSF. Iran is supplying the SAF with weapons, and the Russian government is courting the SAF, offering military support in exchange for access to a Sudanese port on the strategic Red Sea corridor. Russian mercenary groups, meanwhile, have reportedly armed the RSF.
Earlier this month, the head of the SAF, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, hosted Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for talks in Port Sudan, Sudan’s provisional capital under the SAF. (Both sides are still vying for full control over the capital city of Khartoum.) Since June, the RSF has seized swathes of territory near the borders to Ethiopia and South Sudan, heightening the risk of the conflict spilling into new territories or derailing the fragile peace process in Ethiopia’s Tigray region following a devastating war there that ended in 2022.
Both the SAF and RSF have been accused of widespread atrocities, including mass rape, torture, and civilian massacres. The United States has also concluded that the RSF is responsible for ethnic cleansing. Republican lawmakers on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee have criticized the Biden administration for not having a coherent Sudan policy and introduced resolutions recognizing the atrocities in Sudan as acts of genocide—a step that the administration has yet to take.
Officials and aid workers focused on Sudan warn that while it is being overshadowed by the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, Sudan risks becoming the world’s deadliest conflict and could spiral into a full-blown regional crisis without international intervention. Perriello has warned in the past that the conflict could become a “Somalia on steroids.” Around half of the people of Sudan, some 25 million people, face a food crisis. Of them, some 8.5 million people are acutely malnourished and more than 750,000 are on the brink of starvation, according to a report released last month by a group of experts from U.N. agencies and top aid organizations.
In 2021, Burhan seized power in a coup with the help of the head of the RSF, Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, better known as “Hemeti,” derailing a yearslong effort to transition Sudan to a democracy. Tensions between the two leaders mounted as both jockeyed for power and influence, until they erupted into war in April 2023.
Past efforts to broker a peace deal in a format of talks hosted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, have failed, prompting Perriello and other envoys to push for a reset in a new venue with buy-in from other regional powers and the United States. This initiative follows recent efforts by the U.N. envoy for Sudan, Ramtane Lamamra, to bring both RSF and SAF representatives to indirect talks in Geneva, focusing on the limited goals of expanding humanitarian aid access and protecting civilians. The two delegations did not directly meet, though the U.N. called the talks an “encouraging initial step in a longer and complex process.”
The U.S.-brokered negotiations are designed to achieve broader ambitions of bringing both sides face-to-face with a goal of ending the war.
“If a new round of peace talks do come to fruition, it would mean that all these outside actors who have been driving the conflict would now be on board with a peace process,” said Cameron Hudson, an expert on U.S.-African affairs  “If that is true, and everyone is rowing in the same direction, that would give us some cause for some hope in Sudan, really for the first time.”
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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WODtober 14 > Lines Drawn In Blood ⥄ RVBtober 14 > Crossover
"He and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us."
So. Here's some possible bg/lore mixing - idk if normal, 'non-secret service/intelligence agency' humans in this universe know vampires exist but disregarding that -
I think a lot of the vampires, esp the ones in space, are pretty high generation or thin-bloods (i.e. they're weak). Originally Locus + Felix were on the v edge of being thin-bloods (like gen 13) but... they're not anymore. The wonders of diablerie - not that they really advertise it. Views on that haven't really changed. They're also autarki aka freelance/mercenaries, but I dunno when they were Embraced; could've been before, during or after the War. Doesn't rly matter that much, they can all work imo but at least for Locus post-War works best
Locus could have either the Blood Addiction bane or the Noxious Blood bane since I think both could work for him, and Felix would have the classic Ravnos Bane of needing to move around.
I'll post more thoughts abt why I chose those clans for them + more abt sharky etc a bit later bc I don't want this to be too long lol <3
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rubykgrant · 1 year
"The Reds and Blues can't ever be nice to each other, it will stop being funny" INCORRECT! Behold-
(Sarge acknowledging Simmons' feelings of seeing him as a father-figure)
Sarge; Are ya winning, son?
Simmons; Hell yeah, I am! *he is stabbing Gene. he wins
(Church is back, and his friends are understandably worried about his mortality rate)
Tucker; Caboose, I have an important job for you. From now on, you are the One Man Church Defense Squad. You have to make sure NOTHING kills him. Including YOU
Caboose; I will do SUCH a good job, I promise
*later, something mildly dangerous happens
Caboose; PROTECT!!! *he tackles Church, and then runs away holding Church bridal-style. Church just lets it happen. at least he's not dead
(Locus very quietly and intensely walks over to Donut and Wash as they are having a conversation. He doesn't know how to just start talking to them. They both put a hand on each of his shoulders; you are part of this even if you aren't verbally participating, you weird socially awkward former mercenary who is our friend now)
Locus; See? I did a social interaction
Grif; Good job, man
Carolina; I'm glad the practice chill lessons are working
(Kai runs up in distress)
Kai; Hey, so real quick- can you be my alibi for the last half hour?
Doc; Well... I'm not sure I should I agree to that without knowing what you did
Kai; I wrote "Sick my duck" on the windshield of a car that belonged to this lady who Pretty Woman-ed me and said I looked too poor to shop in her stupid dress store
O'Malley; Never mind an alibi! Where's her car? We're setting it on FIRE
(Tex is in a garage where Lopez is working on some vehicles)
Tex; Wait, you seriously put these together? You made these motorcycles yourself? I mean- that's not just impressive, that's ART
Lopez; Te odio mucho menos ahora
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transsimmonss · 2 months
"Trying without success is futile. Locus knows that if he doesn’t know anything else. It’s the one thing that stuck, and it’s simple. Be good at what you do, if you’re even going to give it a shot. It’s why he’s good at what he does. Why he’s a good mercenary, a good soldier. His English isn’t half-broken like when he was that crying kid. That kid is dead, has been for a while."
Or, a character study on Samuel Ortez and how he became Locus.
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bellumalleus · 1 year
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↪   ⚔︎ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲: 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬
𝙰 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢!
{𝐊𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄} - 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​ 🇫​🇴​🇷​ 🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇧​🇱​🇴​🇴​🇩​ 🇬​🇴​🇩​.
Bellow of Fury: How does your muse express their anger? When your muse is the angriest, what do they look like? How far are they willing to take it?
Thick Skin: How much damage can your muse take before they tap out? Do they withstand pain stoically or will they kick and scream for mercy?
Deathbringer: Has your muse ever killed someone? When they kill is it motivated by raw emotion or is it premeditated?
Bloodfeast: Has your muse ever eaten an intelligent being? Would they ever under any circumstances?
Serve or Die: Does your muse have any military experience? If not, would they ever join their local army/mercenary band/ect?
Revel In Slaughter: Can your muse fight? Can they kill? Do they enjoy it when they do it?
Maimer: Does your muse kill quickly or do they prefer drawn out battles?
Scorn The Coward: Is your muse more likely to fight or take flight in a dangerous situation?
Blood Raven: What is the bloodiest act of violence your muse has ever committed?
Brass Collar: Does your muse have a signature weapon? What about a signature suit of armor?
{𝐓𝐙𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐂𝐇} - 🇲​🇦​🇬​🇮​🇨​, 🇲​🇦​🇩​🇳​🇪​🇸​🇸​, 🇦​🇳​🇩​ 🇲​🇺​🇹​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​.
Gaze of Fate: Do your muse believe in Fate, Destiny, “Everything happening for a reason”, or similar concepts?
Hidden In Time: What is your muse’s attitude towards their future? Is their outlook positive, negative, or neutral?
Spirit Warrior: Is your muse religious? How unshakable is their faith in their powers that be, if so? What do they think of religion and the religious, if not?
Premonition: Does your muse ever get gut feelings about people or situations? Do they often listen to those feelings or do they ignore them? 
Boons of Change: What does your muse think about change? Is it good or bad? Are they comfortable where they are or would they like things to be different?
Glean Magic: Is your muse capable of any magical ability? Is it natural? If they have no magical ability, would it be something they’d want to learn?
Treason of Tzeentch: Is your muse loyal or are they traitorous? What would cause them to defect, if they are loyal? What would keep them from treachery, if they are treasonous?
Arch-Manipulator: How socially in-tune is your muse? Are they skilled at influencing the people around them with their words alone?
Locus of Transmogrification: Is there something about your muse physically that they’d like to change? If given the chance, would they actually change it?
{𝐍𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐋𝐄} - 🇫​🇷​🇴​🇲​ 🇩​🇪​🇦​🇹​🇭​, 🇱​🇮​🇫​🇪​.
Plague Shield: How often does your muse get sick? If they found themselves ill, how would they wile away the time until they were well again?
Survivalist: If your muse was tossed into the wild with no resources, would they be able to survive? If so, for how long? If not, what would eventually do them in?
Curse of the Leper: What is the worst illness, injury, or condition your muse has ever endured? Did they heal from it or is there lasting damage?
An Apple A Day: Does your muse often find themselves at a healer or doctor?
Rot Fly: Does your muse have or want any pets that would be considered unconventional?
Plaguefather’s Oration: How verbose is your muse? Do they keep their speech casual and simple or do they tend to use large, complex words?
Rot-Eaters: What is your muses opinion on ‘gross’ animals such as flies, rats, roaches, ect. Do they kill these animals when they find them or let them be?
Life-Leeching: Is your muse independent? Do they rely on someone else to live? Would they ever mooch off of another person?
Doom & Darkness: How does your muse react to despair? Are they emotionally resilient or weak-willed when faced with adversity?
{𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇} - 🇮​🇳​ 🇸​🇪​🇦​🇷​🇨​🇭​ 🇴​🇫​ 🇸​🇪​🇳​🇸​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​.
Willing Prey: Does your muse have any masochistic tendencies? Are they sadistic at all?
Monstrous Figure: Does your muse have unconventional or disturbing features? What are their opinions on them, if so? What about society at large?
Dark Seducer: How charismatic is your muse? What do they use to convince others into letting them get their way?
Driven by Lust: How lustful is your muse? How much time and energy do they devote to satisfying those desires?
Blissful Rapture: How does your muse express happiness? What do they look like when they’re at their happiest?
Acquiescence: Is there someone in your muse’s life that can easily subvert their wills and wants? How willing is your muse to cross the set boundaries of others?
Unmatched Beauty: How vain is your muse? If asked, what would they put forth as their most alluring feature?
Beguiling Brand: Does your muse have or want any tattoos? Do they have any other interesting scars/brands/marks/ect?
Smoke & Mirrors: How easy is it for your muse to get free if they find themselves in a sticky situation?
Phantasmagoria: How tight is your muse’s grip on their sanity? Are they more realistic or do they suffer from delusions of any kind?
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tvckerwash · 9 months
I'm thinking about price again my dudes. like I honestly don't think he was a bad guy or that he had bad intentions. he—like everyone else involved in project freelancer—choose to wholeheartedly believe in the director, and he genuinely thought that an out of the box/unconventional solution like project freelancer could've been the key to winning the war.
I also think that he did genuinely want the best for the freelancers, and that his psychological experiments were not intended to result in the outcomes that they did. I don't think price wanted to see /his/ freelancer agents that he personally hand-picked fail—or continually be put into positions that would result in failure, but, unfortunately, he was at the mercy of the director's whims and a fundamentally broken system as much as the agent's themselves were.
when I look at the way he interacts with wash in recovery one and s6, I don't see someone who is doing what he is solely due to underlying ulterior motives. like don't get me wrong, price didn't trust wash, and the extensive therapy sessions did have hidden agendas, but I think he really did want to see wash up and running again, and he does express some level of remorse over the whole epsilon incident along with south betraying wash and shooting him in the back. but again, unfortunately for price, he's dealing with a man who already had an inherent dislike of people poking around inside his head, who also doesn't want to beat around the bush and deal with all of price's bullshit therapy jargon because he's fine, so just give him a gun and tell him where to shoot.
at the end of s6, price wanted to negotiate with wash and meta, but unfortunately (for the umpteenth time), he was dealing with 3 people who were far past the point of negotiating and already had their minds made up. wash was prepared to die if it meant the destruction of freelancer and the meta, the meta was prepared to do anything he was asked if it would lead him to the alpha, and the director was prepared to continue using his agent's to carry out his personal agenda and eliminate those who got in his way.
then price gets sent to jail, left to rot by the man who he trusted. some years pass and he hears about how a group of colorful soldiers brought the director to justice, and then the prison transport ship he's called home gets hijacked by some mercenaries, and finding himself free (relatively speaking) for the first time in a very long time, he decides he's not taking any chances.
sharkface was doomed to die—price made sure to direct his single focused rage and desire for revenge towards agent carolina, for she had always been an empathetic and deeply caring woman even if she wasn't the best at showing it, and her competitive nature was an easy and obvious exploit. unfortunately for sharkface though, with all of his attention on carolina, that meant that agent washington would fall off his radar, and he would have no problem delivering the finishing blow that carolina herself couldn't—wash is a pragmatic man first and foremost, and he has no qualms about killing people if they pose a danger to himself and those close to him, and unlike carolina he only let's his emotions get the better of him in the field when he can logically justify his actions to himself as being unrelated to his feelings.
locus is a man who has been irreparably scarred by the great war along with so many others, and he has no sense of identity outside of being a soldier. his interest (and subsequent disappointment and anger) over agent washington not accepting him as a fellow soldier is very telling. price wonders what locus would think if he told him that agent washington had been court-martialed and demoted prior to being recruited for freelancer for disobeying orders and attacking his CO.
when locus has a sudden interest in the meta, he decides to take the opportunity to sow the seeds of doubt and open locus' eyes to the truth of his partnership with felix, and how the other man wants locus to stay a broken, mindless soldier when he does not need to be one. after all, price is and always will be a counselor, and while he thoroughly failed at his job in the past due to things that were both in and out of his control, here he sees a chance to do some good and make amends on his own terms.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Just occurred to me I requested every villain in Halo RVB 1-15 except for Felix, poor bastard. How about a romantic/platonic concept with a medic darling? They work for the rebellion and end up scolding Felix when he has to visit them, telling him that he needs to be more careful because the army needs him (which he finds hilarious but won’t elaborate on why). He shows up in the medical bay to bother them constantly, then when his cover’s blown, he decides the pirates could use a fully trained combat medic and takes them with him, much to Locus’ annoyance.
Man... Felix was such a good character. Sure! I'll do sonmething for him :) Been a bit since I saw the Chorus trilogy so I apologize if something's off.
I feel like I could've done more with this but I was not sure what-
Spoilers for Halo RvB Chorus Trilogy
Yandere! Felix with Medic! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Self-harm mention, Swearing, Threats, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Vague relationship implied, Violence, Murder, Jealousy.
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You are a medic for the New Republic by the time you meet Felix.
Kimball trusts you to treat her soldiers.
You've seen countless patients in your small makeshift medical office.
However, the one you've seen the most is Felix.
Felix is a mercenary but he has a reckless and eager personality.
Which means he often finds himself injured due to such reckless behavior.
Before the Reds and Blues blew his cover, Felix played his facade around you.
To you, Felix was playful, friendly, sarcastic, but stern at times.
Whenever you saw him he acted like a close friend.
You were sure you were the only one who saw him out of his armor for healing.
Felix when he's still acting like he's on your side is Overprotective, Obsessive, and Caring.
This is not his true yandere persona.
He says you're so important to this war because you're a medic.
He says it all with a sweet smile.
Felix also enjoys teasing you around the base, often saying he'll "see you later in the medical bay."
You often scold the mercenary on him being so reckless.
It's dangerous out there!
You catch Felix snickering at your concern but you don't quite understand why.
You just think he's playing with you and punch his shoulder lightly.
Which he then becomes overdramatic about.
Felix is dramatic.
In more ways than you know.
When he comes into your office he overplays his actual injury.
You also begin to wonder how he's getting injured so often?
He's a skilled mercenary...
You have no idea that he's injuring himself to have the excuse to see you. Locus can be such a pain in the ass.
Felix doesn't just see you in the office.
He often looks for you when you're not in the office.
You'll be on break and Felix will find you again.
He's extremely chatty.
It's like he wants to hear himself talk when he's with you.
Felix likes to compliment you, too.
You feel like Felix is trying to be overly flattering towards you.
It's... strange.
Felix can be hypocritical, talking about your own safety while supposedly neglecting his own.
When he visits the base he comes to you to see if you're okay.
If you were injured... then Felix expresses uncharacteristic (to you) dark behavior.
He wants to know who did it....
So he can end them in the most painful way possible.
Felix shows to be caring of you even if he's overprotective.
Felix always liked how smart you are.
As Felix's friend, you start to think he's lying to you as the rebellion goes on.
Something's not quite right with his behavior...
The moment the big plan about Chorus is revealed... you lose respect for Felix.
He always felt like he was lying to you.
After that you try to avoid him, trying to pretend you didn't hear any rumors.
But Felix knows better.
In fact, he already has plans for you.
Felix's true yandere persona is not that of an overprotective partner.
Felix is actually Manipulative, Self-absorbed, Selfish, Merciless, Possessive, and Exploitive.
Felix has low empathy and doesn't sympathize with anyone.
He kills people and disrespects the dead.
When Felix decides to take you away from the rebellion once the plan is revealed he doesn't care what he does to take you.
The mercenary doesn't mind killing your friends, calling them pathetic and all sorts of other names while stalking towards you.
"It's funny that you thought you were saving them! They were going to die for nothing anyway...."
He's a monster who would harm anyone to get what he wants.
Felix is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
This whole thing was an act to him.
Every talk, every action, everything.
Felix can act like an entirely different person to get others to trust him.
Like a role in a play.
Including those on his side.
Felix offers you the offer to join the Space Pirates, giving one last chance to be nice with you.
If you refuse then he doesn't mind threatening you into following him.
Felix expects Locus to give him shit for taking you in but he doesn't care.
Felix also wants to keep you with him... as he feels you're his.
You're a skilled combat medic... you'll be useful.
He promises.
Locus complains to Felix at times but the orange mercenary tells him to mind his own business.
When you're forced into the Space Pirates you see Felix's true colors.
Anyone under him is disrespected and threatened into compliance.
You've also seen how jealous Felix gets when you're forced to heal others.
He'll be flipping his combat knife only to think about throwing it at one of your patients if they compliment you.
A threat that silently says "hands off."
Felix often manipulates those around him and is cruel.
If you think of the people he's killed for you then he brushes it off, telling you they didn't matter.
Felix cares little for the deaths of others.
Felix also expects you to pay attention to him.
Ignoring him will make him force it out of you.
He wants to talk to you, maybe even get a bit handsy if he feels that way.
Things like an arm around the shoulder and possessive hug solidifies how he feels for you.
He feels like he deserves you.
He feels he's entitled to you and your care.
Felix would even kill in front of you if he felt it was necessary.
The only person that matters to him is you.
Even then he's twisted about the way he feels about you.
Felix wants to be the only one to see you out of your armor, often locking the door to your office when he visits you.
Felix knows you hate him for betraying you and kidnapping you.
He claims it's so your conversation with each other "feels casual."
He has ulterior motives.
But he also knows you'll have to push aside such feelings at some point.
He's a dangerous man who'd kill everyone around you to keep you to himself.
If you refuse him... he may even threaten you.
You can't tell if Felix loves you or genuinely cares for you at all anymore
All you know is his hold is too tight on you and his jealousy is volatile...
You have no idea if you could ever trust him again after all he's done to you.
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prophecydungeon · 2 years
i'm watching rvb11 again so here's a running list of everything i love about this season
contact, my beloved
a nice recap intro for anyone who is new (why...) or got lost in the sauce during 9/10!
"i'm a cyborg, you wanna bow down to me?"
grif's bit about them always holding their weapons never fails to land for me
the way that tension is built throughout this season is so good. SO fucking good. this season is all the lighthearted BGC-ness that the show had been missing for a chunk of seasons and the way that the "something's not right here" gradually grows and grows is so fucking good.
specifically, we see locus for the first time at 31:10 (i'm watching the complete one on yt) listening to wash's mayday. at 34:30 sarge uses a sniper to scope out what the reds are doing; at 46:58 we see the blues through a sniper's scope again shortly before grif and sarge bust into the blues' conversation, and then sarge hops out of the warthog without a sniper rifle on him. it's not till 53:10 that we see locus again up on the cliffside.
d: can i get a heck yeah? s: hell no. d: close enough!
the dead body as the camera pans around the refueling station... chef kiss. what an introduction to locus.
felix's intro isn't as juicy as locus's but i love the way it comes right on the heels of locus murdering a dude over wanting to tell people about the crash -- of course someone else might have found out!
the way that wash is framed so ominously when he's fixing caboose's helmet is so great too; the cracked screens on the wall mimicking the room we first see him in in 6. fantastic.
felix's massively dramatic pearl-clutchy oscar-winning introduction to the reds getting utterly wasted on the two lopezes is SO GOOD especially in light of how hard he stroked his ego over his good acting
"you're going to want to sit down for this story, it's about 20 hours long and i only enjoy telling it in five-minute intervals" is one of my all-time favorite jokes in this entire series and i manage to always forget it's from this season
wash's apology to caboose for not being there for him (or tucker) is one of my favorite wash moments in this whole arc, if not my favorite. it's such a lovely and touching moment, and it also makes me all the more furious that epsilon a) came back at all and b) was a horrific dick to tucker in particular
felix and locus snapping at each other is, again, all the funnier When You Know because felix is so transparently enjoying "riling up" locus and locus's "shut up and be glad i missed your head" is so transparently genuine
g: holy shit, did you see that? c: NO! WHAT HAPPENED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IT TO ME.
the fucking orange juice gag
💛 aggressive, paranoid, and a little melodramatic 💛
the ongoing gag of everyone thinking they had someone to do with the crash is also so fucking good
"no, i'm a freelancer. NO, I MEAN, I'M A MERCENARY-"
again, When You Know: the implication that felix murdered the three people he came to the crash site with! delicious!
caboose's radio breaking in the middle of his speech is SO funny
"man, you are just cryptic"
ugh! ugh! the reconstruction theme coming back when wash changes his armor! gets me every time!
and with donut's line i'm immediately reminded of how fandom apparently chewed itself to pieces over thinking that wash is black/gold not steel/gold lol
(H4 wasn't kind to simmons either but w/e)
dos.0 attacking and felix immediately going "this isn't right" is, yet again, so transparent in hindsight
this is also a very fun and well-done machinima battle
rocket hog my beloved
pan across the canyon my beloved
reconstruction theme again! my beloved!
tucker's reaction to finding out that wash, sarge, and donut didn't make it is also so good. his character arc on chorus is Just So Good.
and so is kimball's intro with felix -- especially in how she exerts authority over him immediately ("you're not getting paid the full amount") and we see over time just how much felix has worked to make sure that she thinks that's what their relationship is
man. kimball. my beloved.
"you just need to try."
in conclusion: still my fave season of the chorus arc, probably
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