bearbait-adventures · 7 hours
I wanted to take this time to thank those that share and tell their friends about the show.
The algorithm dropped us hard after episode 1 and the main way we have grown is via word of mouth.
Because of you guys, we can make the show better and better and get it out to more people.
Hope you all enjoyed Episode 6.
More CRASH coming soon :]
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bearbait-adventures · 7 hours
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PSA (Public Shilling Announcement) for anyone who's never experienced these games before.
Halo 1 - 4 all in a single package with toggleable remastered visuals for Halo 1 and 2, enhanced customization, 10 free never expiring battlepasses, mod support with workshop integration, and QoL features. All for 10 bucks.
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Chapter 9: Hello Wash
Caboose has no choice but to show himself to Washington.
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"You have no idea what kind of trouble you’re in…"
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I just don’t know anymore
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an update to angel au Wash! 
he is ready 
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When it matters
Fandom: RvB
Pairing: Caboosington (It’s platonic, but you could see it as pre-slash as well)
Word count: 775
Pretty much just a bunch of fluff and some hurt and comfort, or AKA a excuse to write some cuddles.
 Honestly is doesn’t bother Wash much anymore, if anything it’s just a little… disheartening. Plus seeing as they let him not only be their leader, but their friend as well, he is sure he can deal with Caboose calling him Church every now any then (and by every now and then he actually means all the time).
Keep reading
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Did I mention I’m Caboosington trash
Please do not edit/repost/take artist comments off my work!
❤️ Commission ❤️ Redbubble ❤️
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Did you think for a second I wouldn’t make a Wash post
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Wash & Caboose time. Time to let them rest.
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Caboose/Wash pixel for an anon~
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Chapter 8: Free Fall
Exploring the facility goes horribly wrong.
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are we still arguing about what you should draw. because I like rvb also
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Myke you summoned the rvb likers
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Everyone's favorite Freelancer. He steals everyone's stuff
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Red Vs. Blue face headcanons! Since y'all wanted em out before Season 19 dropped!
In defense of Simmons not being a red haired twink: big buff DnD and science nerd.
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And some extra notes under the cut:
You can take all these with a silly grain of salt, I'm not a long-time RvB fandom frequenter but did like some bits.
Simmons: Dutch-Irish but keeps getting called 'of a Latino persuasion' by Grif. Also funnily uses 'cracker'. (so mixed.) Cybernetics built from the same sort of stuff Lopez is made out of, visibly running down the left of his face, neck, ribcage, and arm. His arm worked the best for Grif because they're around the same height.
Grif: Too lazy to cut much of his hair, but it's necessary when his helmet doesn't properly secure. Also, a beard is beneficial for catching some little save-for-later snacks. Carving started out as a fidgeting task if he somehow couldn't sleep.
Donut: Just barely hits the twunk allegations in comparison as the lankiest out of a group of fat and buff guys, somehow more durable than all of them despite it and is still above average in build. Started really trying to compensate for his image because of his scar, which developed into really being able to love himself.
Sarge: LOVES his sergeant stripes. Don't tell him but his eyes might be blue. He will say they're grey, though. Don't ask about the bullet hole in his head, either. It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, just that he'll probably go on a rant about Grif.
Church: Rest in piss Jimmy. Church doesn't naturally feel sleepy though, not like he has this body for long. The scar on his neck was smooth enough to not raise any alarm, and a lack of sleep may have hindered his fight-or-flight reflexes while he still lived...
Tucker: A few scars from his alien encounter, a glimmer in his eyes a slight indication of his connection with the blade-key along with the visor changes. Poor guy couldn't grow his hair long because of the helmet.
Caboose: Most head trauma of anyone ever, injuries hidden by his thick curly hair. Sure doesn't keep him down! It may contribute to a loop of him losing teeth and continuing to worry about the tooth fairy being mad at him, though.
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"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel like that." Robin Williams
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