#to me the chorus arc is the one who did things most conventionally. you could actually see them writing character arcs
pvtchurch · 2 months
I love what Washington and Locus see in each other... How frustrating Wash is to Locus because he sees someone like him, who could've been a perfect soldier but has been weakened by actually allowing himself to form ties with other soldiers. But at the same time... He sees a nobility in that that he doesn't have, and chooses to try to kill Wash instead or admitting that maybe he'd like something like that for himself... (He thinks, if he could get Wash to partner up with him instead of Felix, he would. But that's never going to happen.)
And Wash sees what he could've been, a heartless mercenary too concerned with orders to see things for himself, where money is not so much an incentive as just a bonus for being able to remain a soldier. Because those who knew war will always know war. And Wash was content to follow orders before, we've seen it, and it's only once he lost the chain of command he was under and had to learn leadership for himself beyond just being more competent than the others (his entire arc within seasons 10-13 is about that) that he could start truly freeing himself from it. And seeing a reflection of the path he was on just makes him cocky. Wash isn't humble. He wants to prove how much better he is. And that feeds into their dynamic even more
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him-e · 7 years
Did you read the article from the director? Tyrion' look at Jon and Dany is him seeing that politically it's a bad idea and being worried He won't be able to sway Dany the most, that Jon will. So nothing sinister and not romantic love either.
“Well I think there’s jealousy, but it’s maybe not romantic jealousy, in the way that it is for Jorah, for example. I think that for Tyrion, it’s more complicated. I think he has a very special relationship with Dany and he really believes in her as a true leader and has invested a lot in her. I think for him, with Jon and Dany getting together, this represents a possible undermining of his position with her and also a monkey wrench thrown into what the master plan really is meant to be around this entire alliance. The way I see it is Tyrion is a bit of a strategist—not just a bit of a strategist, he is a major strategist—and I think now, he can’t see where this is gonna go and that’s very difficult for someone who is always thinking three steps ahead. The consequences of Dany and Jon getting together are completely unknown. Is she gonna make decisions now based on this new relationship? Is she gonna be able to separate her personal [interests] from the interests of the greater group? What is this going to foretell for the alliance and what they’re all meant to do as a united front? So I think the worry for him is that now, everything is up for grabs. We don’t really know who’s going to side with who, what’s gonna happen at the end of the day, and which alliances are going to be the strongest.” (x)
ah yes he has invested a lot in her… politically. He’s jealous but like, strategically, platonically jealous. Of course it has to be more complicated, he’s Tyrion, he only fucks whores, drinks wine and knows things. 
PFFTTTT. Sad but unsurprising, considering their recent inability to deviate from the most boring, predictable storytelling path. I guess Jon/Dany must remain the focus and they don’t want to complicate it beyond R+L=J, plus Tyrion being in love with Dany wouldn’t be an easy, conventionally appealing romantic narrative anyway.
this is in line with how they’ve consistently robbed Tyrion of his sexuality and any semblance of inner conflict since season 5. Tyrion isn’t just a wonderful brain. He’s more than someone who doles out wisdom and clever advice and just exists to serve someone else’s arc, as either the clever court jester or the one-man greek chorus. As much as he values his wits and rationality and thinks it’s all he has to offer, Tyrion is a ball of emotions. He’s desperate for love, he wants to love and wants that love to be returned even though he believes it’s impossible because it has been drilled in him that he’s unlovable because of what he is. And wow is it SO hard to believe that this incredibly vulnerable man would have more than platonic feelings for the most beautiful woman in the world, the one that gave him a new purpose in the darkest moment of his life and the validation he’s always sought but never received from his family and made him believe in fairytales again (yet Jon is allowed to be attracted to Dany the minute he sees her for the first time, because “she’s beautiful”, simple as that).
try this little game, picture someone who looks like Jon or Jaime looking Dany with puppy eyes and saying stuff like “it’s yours, now and always”, “I believe in you”, “if you die, everything ends”, “he wasn’t the first to love you, and he won’t be the last” and tell me it doesn’t sound romantic. Like if the writers thought they could have Tyrion say those lines to a woman without it being interpreted as romantic because Tyrion is a dwarf, then honestly fuck them.
personally, I cannot unsee the romantic subtext and I’m certainly not changing my mind because a male writer tells me so, lol. I also think that Tyrion having romantic attraction for Dany doesn’t undermine or negate his concerns about being politically marginalized by this union. The two things feed into each other imho.
(also to be clear, I don’t necessarily *ship* it, and I don’t want a Jon/Dany/Tyrion triangle any more than I want a Jon/Dany/Sansa triangle, but what I want is to see more complex narratives and emotions, between less conventional people. It took them 4 seasons to have a full fledged Grey Worm/Missandei romance, and they’ve been treading water with Jaime/Brienne since FOREVER. They hinted at a Dany/Yara hook up only to drop it completely, they fiddled with the concept of Jon/Sansa then dropped it too. It’s like they’re tempted to challenge the audience’s perception of romance with “difficult” pairings enough to tease them, but at the end of the day they don’t have the balls to do it. This frustrates me.)
Anonymous said: While I do agree, lot’s of people fall for Dany not everyone does. Grey Worm didn’t fall in love with Dany, he fell in love with Missandei, Hidzar also didn’t fall in love with Dany neither did Xaro from quarth he betrayed her instead. The director also said Tyrion yes does love Dany but not in a romantic sense but in a I believe in you and respect you sense. So we have 4 romantic loves for Dany in total.
She’s considered an exceptional beauty, she has power and wealth, she traveled a lot, she’s from a noble dynasty, she’s a woman in a masculine position which allows her to meet many men as an equal. Of course people tend to see her as desirable.
It’s funny how the one who has to carry the burden of “but why can’t they just respect each other platonically!” is always the non-conventionally attractive character.
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