hi Frank, I love you.
You too, ben! I do in fact love you.
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alunclewe · 2 years
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So, the day 4 prompt in @local-friendly-wizards‘s A Year of Art challenge was “pleasant”, so I decided to draw a Japanese garden, because why not.
Yes, I know there’s a lot in this drawing that’s sloppy or could have used more detail; again, the main reason I’m doing this is just to get practice and get in the habit of drawing every day; I’m not expecting my daily drawings to be masterpieces.
Well, at least I didn’t get this one up just before midnight like the last two.
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flowerkidlove · 2 years
opinions on soup?
just had some for breakfast today, fuckin delicious
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WHAT IS UR FAV FOOD (if u wanna keep this friendship u better say burrito)
Oop just saw this.
Burritos and my dad’s sausage bread. U know the one.
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ashleyisartsy · 2 years
It's probably this websites fault but one of my favorite little jokes is calling someone "your local (thing that I cannot imagine as being classified as a normal thing everyone would have locally)"
Examples I can come up with off the top of my head include: your local cursed wizard, dollhouse architect, miniature book enthusiast, etc.
It's just so funny to me. The sprinkle of absurdity and yet normalcy. Magnifique.🤌✨️
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse part 2
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⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
now that the new Mountain Angel volume has come out can we please tag spoilers, some of us are still waiting for our pigeon mail
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
you can access the volume in full on TomePlane!
🎭 bardcampistrash Follow
until TomePlane acknowledges that its interplanar storage is made possible by binding aboleths to the plane and killing them then we are going to continue not using that platform, thanks
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
aboleths killed my cousin who was a royal cleric. ill never understand why theres a whole movement to protect abyssal creatures when theyve caused so much damage to our kingdoms. and disliking a pocket dimension which provides thousands of people access to books? your attitude reeks of anti literaturism and mal-aligned virtue signaling and im not sure which is worse
🫒 tenthday237 Follow
Aliizya gets pregnant on page 62
⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
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🏰 finchtruther Follow
okay but the way that faelor finch writes every song that perfectly fits pennbiel liiike its giving closet fangirl
🧭 waywardwarlock
seriouslyy!! like what else is "give me your unmarked hand / in the shadowfell we won't be a secret" supposed to be about if not pennipher and corabiel
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🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
yall please dont fill up the unseen servant tag with your super fucking weird smut posts im just looking for tips on how to find my unseen servant
🪡 scç-writer
the search function on tomeblr does need to be updated but we dont have to kinkshame :)
🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
the site is being overrun by virgin degenerates
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
sounds like you need Wilam the Wizard with Wandering Hands to help you summon the unseen stick in your ass
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🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
so whose going to be the first to commission a painting of that scene with Aliizya and the beholder 👀
🍎 bloodmaledickening Follow
i already asked my local artisan he said he's gotten two other commissions for the same scene lmao
🐁 softbarbarian
girl i commissioned a tapestry
45 Notes
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🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
friendly reminder that devil deals are a real thing that a lot of people fall victim too and that demons are malicious and do destroy peoples lives if theyre not careful so please be careful when consuming works like Hellionfinity which romanticizes devil deals and fiendish soul contracts
🌾entangled-farmer Follow
imo any work of fiction that involves a romance between any type of fiend is not just problematic but harmful
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
i used to be indifferent to books that had devil romance interests because like thats their whole thing theyre seducing people to get their souls and the mc overcomes it, but reading through the replies i see that Hellionfinity actually ends with the devil character as the main romantic lead which is super problematic in terms of power imbalance and the fact that he has a redemption arc is so out of touch especially since our military is finally recovering from the azgurian assault
helliofinity also has a scene where the main character uses a soul coin that an imprisoned mortal gave him and he uses it to bring the devil out of avernus so he doesnt fully die and no one in the book mentions it or talks about how messed up it is to use soul coins and we never see the now bound to hell prisoner ever again
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
hellionfinity officially cancelled on my end!
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☘️ celest-ial Follow
moment of silence for all the customers waiting on drink orders while the tavern wench gets her back blown out by a new guy every night ✊😔
🦁 king-killa Follow
the gods work hard but Girthy Gladys gets worked harder
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🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
paladin and warlock romances are OUT! cleric and necromancer romances are IN!
🪭 royalcoinpurse Follow
the only thing a cleric should do to a necromancer is beat him to death so she can revive him and kill him again
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
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❇️ arch-dryad Follow
i think we need to analyze why we're so quick to place women in categories of devious seductress or healer in romance novels as if that hasnt been the pervasive trope that holds magic-touched women back in our actual society
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
why do you assume these fictional tropes are mf couples only? can a gay cleric not beat his gay necromancer boyfriend to death?
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
and off! beat him off cmon guys
5,275 Notes
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🧀 weremouse Follow
yall ever be talking or whatnot and feel like no one understands you
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
ᛄᚠ ᛡᚢ ᚳᚪᚾ ᚱᛁᛞ ᚦᛄᛋ ᛡᚢ ᚺᚪᚠ ᛏᚢ ᚱᛁᛒᛚᚪᚷ ᚦᛄᛋ
🧀 weremouse Follow
say that shit fr (<- looking around clueless)
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
60 Notes
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🌠 crownofstars
remember when that person made a call out post for the author of ilairepeler for using a ghost writer and it turned out the author was an actual ghost. writing. like a literal ghost writer. like.
🍄gnomestool Follow
arent you the dwarf that fucked a slaad
🌠 crownofstars
how would you like to become a ghost so you can write more witty comments like this for eternity
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jamdoughnutmagician · 7 months
Tiny Match-maker
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Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader Fluff
Adjusting to his new life outside of the superhero business, Bucky makes the acquaintance of a very young, inquisitive girl.
Just a meet-cute scenario with Bucky, that I might just write a part 2 for if people are interested in it.
Word count:1,853.
Masterlist // Bucky Barnes Masterlist
It wasn’t often that Bucky found time for himself. Between the busy and at times chaotic line of work he found himself in, it didn’t leave a lot of time to do the things that the average person could do.
Doctor Raynor suggested that taking a step back from the heroic, android, alien, wizard-crime-fighting lifestyle might be just the thing that he needed. To take some time to do the things that the everyday person took for granted.
So that’s why Bucky found himself for the first time in a long while browsing the aisles of his local grocery store, standing in the middle of the dairy aisle, pondering if there’s any real difference between getting oat milk or almond milk. 
He’s brought out of his thinking when he feels something collide with his shins. Something, or rather someone. A young girl, she couldn’t have been more than three, maybe four years old. Her hair that is tied up into two bunches on either side of her head bounce slightly as she crashes into him.
He looks around himself, apart from him and this little girl, the aisle was otherwise empty. 
What was he supposed to do? He’d rescued thousands of civilians time and time again, but this little girl was just standing there, wide-eyed and innocently looking up at him.
“Hi! My name’s Lottie!” the little girl introduces herself with a big gap-toothed smile.
Bucky crouches down ever so slightly to meet her smaller stature. 
“Hi there, Where are your parents, huh? Are you lost?” he asks, keeping his voice soft when talking to her.
 Just as the little girl opened her mouth to answer, a woman came running down the aisle, slightly out of breath and with a look of panic on her face.
As she gets closer, Bucky takes in her appearance, she's pretty. Really pretty. The kind of effortless beauty that has a faint blush rising to his cheeks. 
“Charlotte!” the woman calls out as she comes closer to the little girl before scooping her up in her arms and hoisting her on her hip. “What have I told you about running off like that?” you gently scold her, although the scolding is more out of your own worries about your little girl.
“Sorry mommy.” she murmurs quietly as she tucks her head into your shirt.
“I’m so sorry, sir, I hope she didn’t bother you too much.” you smile apologetically at the man in front of you. He was tall, broad and far too handsome for his own good. With soft dark brown hair that fell along his jaw, pretty pink lips, the most beautiful stormy grey-blue eyes, and just the right amount of stubble grazing across his angled jaw to have you blushing as he looked your way. 
“Oh, hey, no harm done, she seems like a sweet kid.” he smiles, his voice is deep and rich, with a slight raspy gravel.
“Yeah, she is, although it would help if she wasn’t so much of an explorer, it’d be a lot easier to keep my eye on her otherwise.” you laugh.
“No, the world needs more explorers I say!” the handsome stranger joins in with a friendly chuckle of his own. 
“Well, I can see you’re busy, so we won’t keep you any longer..” you string out the end of your sentence, when you realise that you don’t actually know your new friend’s name.
“James. My name’s James.” he says, gesturing to himself. You tell him your name in return with a friendly smile.
“Well, it was nice talking to you, James.” You smile before turning back down the aisle. 
Bucky watched as you walked away from him, and he couldn't  help but hope that he might run into you again.
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“Look, all you gotta do is go down there, tell a few old man war stories, answer some questions, maybe have your picture taken a few times and that’s it” Sam explained.
Sam had signed Bucky up to tell a few stories to the kids at the school downtown. A few about his life back in the day, and his life now. Sam thought it might be good for his public image.
“Just because you’re Captain America now, doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do, Sam.” Bucky grumbled.
“When Steve gave me the shield, he did warn me it came with the custody of one grumpy super-soldier.” Sam laughed a wide, gap-toothed smile at his friend.
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“..And that’s why you don’t let your best friend sign-up to be a government ordered science experiment.” Bucky smiled, as he finished his talk with the assembled group of young students in the small, but colourful classroom.
“Wonderful, and does anybody have any questions for Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher asked, as she stepped out beside Bucky.
“How did you lose your arm?” a young boy blurts out, quickly raising his hand.
“Timothy!” The teacher is quick to gently scold the young boy, but Bucky quickly steps in before she can make her point.
“It’s quite alright, I don’t mind answering this question.” He assures the teacher, before turning to the young boy. “I-uh-I kind of lost it when I came up against a bunch of bad-guys, who weren’t very nice at all.” Bucky thinks carefully about how he was going to word his answer, especially for this 5-year old kid. “..But it’s all good now, because I’ve got the super-strong metal one.” he shows off by rolling up the sleeve of his deep-red henley shirt.
“Are you and The Falcon really friends?” another young boy asks from where he’s sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of Bucky.
“Well, we’re team-mates, so I guess I’d call him a friend, but really he only hangs out with me because I make him look cool.” Bucky jokes with ease.
“Mr. Sergeant Barnes.” A tiny hand shoots up amongst the group. 
Bucky looks out and there sat at the back of the class is the little girl who ran into him at the grocery store at the weekend. Her bouncy curls tied up in two bunches on either side of her head.
“Yes, Lottie, you have a question for Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher prompts. 
“Are you single? I think my mommy would really like you.” She smiles in that innocent way that children do, unaware of the slightly impertinent question she was asking.
Bucky flushes scarlet all over, a blooming heat settling over his features. 
With a laugh and a nervous scratch to the back of his neck, he gathered himself together enough to answer the young girl.
“I am, and I’m sure your mommy is a wonderful lady, but I think it's best that we don't talk about her private life when she's not here.” Bucky stutters out, chosing his words very carefully. 
The school bell suddenly rings into life, signifying the end of the day, and the children are all quick to get up from the carpet and make their way towards their coats and bags that are stowed away in their cubby holes.
“Ah ah, kids! What do we say to Sergeant Barnes?” The teacher prompts
“Thank you Sergeant Barnes.” The children say harmoniously. 
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Bucky shrugs on his dark leather jacket as he makes his way out of the school, watching as all of the kids rush off to find their parents.
He was just about to head off to the school’s parking lot, where he’d parked his motorbike, when he sees the same girl from the classroom, the very same one who had bumped into him at the grocery store, this time her tiny hand tugging her mother across the playground and straight towards him.
“Mommy! This is the man who came into class today to tell us stories!” Lottie bubbled excitedly. 
You stepped closer to Bucky and he swears that you got even more beautiful than when he last saw you for that fleeting moment. 
As you get close enough to him to fully see his face you are met with the piercing blue eyes of the familiar stranger who you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since you’d bumped into him at the supermarket.
“Mommy! This is Mr. Sergeant Barnes! He told us all about working with his friend Captain America!” Lottie blurts out.
You had recognised him from the moment you saw him in the store, but out of courtesy to not embarrass him, you pretended that you didn't know about his life as an avenging super-soldier. 
“Mr. Sergeant Barnes?” Your voice raises in a teased question.
“Just James is fine, Ma’am.” Bucky clarifies, extending a warm hand out in a friendly greeting.
In return you shake his hand and tell him your name.
“So, it seems that we’re meeting again, James” You smile
“Hah, yeah.” He smiles back fondly with a warm chuckle.
“So you’re the one who’s been telling my daughter all these fantastical stories?” you pose, eyebrow arched.
“Just something I do as a way of working with the local community. Helping young kids to learn about their history from first-hand accounts.” he explains.
“Well, that's a very sweet thing to do.” you smile. 
“Mommy.” Lottie whispers as she tugs at the sleeve of your jacket. “He said he was single too!” 
“Sorry about her, she likes to play match-maker.” you apologise, hoping that things hadn’t taken a turn for the awkward. 
“It’s okay.” he laughs it off. “She’s a cute kid.”
“Yeah it’s just been me and her from the start, it’s been tough at times, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Oh? Well she seems like a wonderful young girl, and that’s only testament to having you as her mother.” he says with an earnest smile tugging at his pink lips.
“Come on now, Lottie, let’s head home, and let Mr. Sergeant Barnes get back to his life.” you say to your daughter as you begin to make your way out of the school’s playground.
“Wait!” He jogs across the school years to catch up with you before you can leave. “and you can absolutely tell me if I'm just reading this whole situation all wrong, but I'd be a fool if I didn't at least ask you if you perhaps fancied meeting up and getting coffee..at least meeting on purpose this time.” he blushes adorably.
“You know what, I'd like that actually.” You nod. “Let me give you my number and you can text me whenever you're free and we can set something up.”
He hands you over his phone and you enter your number in and text yourself so you have his number on your phone too.
“Here you go,” you say as you hand him over his phone. “It was nice seeing you again, James.”
“My friends call me Bucky.” 
“Well, Bucky, I hope to see you again, sooner rather than later.”
“You can count on it.” He grins back with a cheeky wink.
Bucky walks back to his apartment with a confident stride, he'd have to thank Sam for signing him up for this gig, that's for sure. 
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @impmunson
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seafoamreadings · 3 months
week of june 16th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: waxing cardinal vibe can be tense for you. mars is still bolstering up your resources, and it's a good time to move or start looking at new places to live, or new roommates, but you may otherwise have some difficulties at home, or reconciling your private life with your public persona.
taurus: the first stirrings of cancer season are lovely for your local community and neighborhood. time with a sibling if you have one is auspicious. either way, don't let the quality go to waste; you're not always so sociable, but you can quietly contribute to the world right around you or spend time with your local wildlife if you don't feel like participating face to face with people.
gemini: this week the world begins to slip from gemini season into cancer season. it's good to take a break from time to time and stay home to recharge. you become, at least temporarily, a financial wizard.
cancerians: several ingresses to your sign occur during this week. then a full moon in capricorn straight after the solstice (actually, for you especially, it starts a bit early.) this blesses (or shakes up, as needed) your relationships of all varieties but also your relationship with yourself. emotions may run high, but this is natural for you and you know what to do with them.
leo: on the one hand the intensely watery vibes may be uncomfortably vulnerable for you, or may sap your energy on some level. but on the other hand the solstice certainly affects solar-ruled you positively. if you feel a bit lethargic there's likely a good reason, so honor any need to slow down that you feel.
virgo: spend some quality time with your friends, or at least a social network. it doesn't have to be a big deal or a party, in fact smaller intimate meals (preferably home-cooked) are ideal for this. but prioritize your connections this week. even a friendly heartfelt text will be helpful.
libra: the focus of the season starts to migrate from academic and philosophical endeavors to perhaps crowning achievements or at least recognition for jobs you've done well. not everyone can do the things you do and it's nice to be seen! but don't rest too long on your laurels; the reputation can be built upon for even more benefit.
scorpio: overwhelmingly watery vibes cause many to feel like they are drowning but for you it is like you are at home, granted your home may be at the bottom of the sea. the "overwhelming" quality fits with the "intensity" your sign is so often accused of. it is deep. nothing shallow or too fanciful will do.
sagittarius: relationships you've developed in recent weeks reach a moment of truth in the coming weeks, especially this coming week. if it's been constructed to last, it deepens from now. if it was flimsy from the start, it begins here to fade away.
capricorn: this week's full moon right around the solstice highlights your self-relationship axis. we all know it's annoying and not even always true to hear people say that you have to love yourself before your relationships can coalesce nicely but in this lunar cycle, that's the way that it is.
aquarius: if you have been working on your routines, rituals, or spiritual side, this week's full moon and solstice can bring your efforts to fruition. if you have not, it is a good time to start, especially to begin practices in your daily life and habits like dietary changes, exercise plans, or breaking an addictive/compulsive behavior.
pisces: you're known for always being in your feelings or at least on some other plane of existence but this week may be extra mushy and emotional for piscean types. don't worry about it, live in it authentically, feel it, and let it go. you don't have to hoard your emotions.
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corsairesix · 25 days
i want to get into xmen but idk hwo :(
Great! There are a few ways to start reading X-Men, so I'm gonna go through a bunch of them.
Start with Giant-sized X-Men #1. X-Men had a run in the 60s that was canceled, and Giant-sized is the beginning of the 70s relaunch. Most of what you'd know from popular osmosis of the X-Men is going to come from this era from '75-'90, and it's mostly written by one writer, Chris Claremont. It's a great era, if sometimes of-it's-time. You can see it transition from a fun villain-of-the-week comic to one of the most iconic comics of all time.
After Dark Phoenix Saga. DPS was a really big event that brought in a bunch of people, so immediately after there was a comic that basically summarized everything prior to that. This is still in the Claremont era, but Dark Phoenix is really the turning point where it becomes the iconic 80s X-Men that people think of. Good place to start mid-Claremont-run.
Grab any classic collection from your library. Your local library will probably have collections of either events or just large chunks of the run. In the 80s, comics were sold at newsstands/spinner racks, so every comic was assumed to be someone's first, and any information you needed to know was pretty clearly exposited. The big events include Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, Mutant Massacre, and Fall of the Mutants. Inferno and X-Tinction Agenda are really good too, but require a little more context.
Choose a student team. Every once and a while, X-Men will introduce a new crop of students. The books tend to be self-contained and focused on just that group. The big generations are New Mutants ('80s), Generation X ('90s), and Academy X (2000s). The first two are in books of the same name, but Academy X goes across two books--New Mutants Vol 2 and New X-Men Volume 2: Academy X. New Mutants is my personal favorite, followed by Generation X.
New X-Men. New X-Men was launched right after the movies brought in a lot of new fans, so it's friendly to new readers. At the same time, it's written by Grant Morrison, so it's some weird mystic wizard shit. The only thing you need to know is that Magneto took over a country called Genosha and Cyclops is traumatized through recent comic events (the details don't matter).
Krakoa era. Five years ago X-Men had a soft relaunch where mutants establish a nation on the living island of Krakoa. There are a bunch of books in this era, and are fairly cohesive, with lots of crossover between them. Luckily, the first era of books are collected in trade paperback as "Dawn of X." It's recent enough that your local library will probably have it. The reading order is House of X/Powers of X, Dawn of X 1-15, and X of Swords and then you can find the reading order going forward online. There are a lot of really good comics in this era.
Now! The Krakoa era just ended, and the new era going forward is less cohesive, so you can pick a comic you like and read just that! A bunch of new books just launched, so find a book with some characters you like. Gail Simone's Uncanny X-Men has a lot of fan favorites--Nightcrawler, Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee, and Wolverine. Just pick any that look good!
In general a good rule for getting into comics for the first time is that there will always be something that it's referencing that you might not have read, and that's fine. Most comics will explain what you need to know, and you should just roll with the rest.
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rpgsandbox · 7 months
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FÄNGELSEHÅLA is the Swedish word for "dungeon." 
We are inviting you to play an epic adventure with the elegance of the instructions from everybody's favorite furniture store!
This tabletop role-playing game takes a minimalist approach, offering an immersive experience without the complexity. Forget thick rulebooks and intricate character sheets – FÄNG is as easy to grasp as connecting the dots in an instruction manual. 
Designed for new players and one-shots that allow you to embark on quests with mechanics so straightforward that you can be up and running in minutes. 
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Make characters within minutes using d66 tables and jump right into the adventure!
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You can choose from character options of Alv, Dvärg, Krigsman, Tomte and Trollkarl. (Elf, Dwarf, Warrior, Gnome & Wizard) Each character option providing some unique benefits in the game. 
Each character also receives a heirloom and curse to help round out their back story and make the game play a little more exciting!
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Attributes of Will, Tinker, Agile and Tuff ranging from 2-4 that are the base pool of white Action Dice as well as any extra dice added from character benefits
Top two Action Dice are totalled to beat a Difficulty score on a scale of 12
Jinx is a tie, and there is success with a complication
Use Luck Dice to improve failed Action Rolls
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Difficulty Scale
<6 - Don't bother rolling... characters just do it! 6 - Pretty easy, you had better be able to do it 7 - Expected outcome, unless you mess up 8 - Pretty hard task, but not surprising that you did it 9 - Damn hard, but with all your concentration, you can do it 10 - Very difficult, to the point that pulling it off is surprising 11 - Almost Impossible... don’t kill yourself in the process 12 - Impossible... best you can hope for is a Jinx
The "DOOM STACK" for Tactile Game Play
Character damage and trauma is tracked with black Doom Dice which you stack on the table - or track on character sheet if you are on a wobbly table, camping, or just think it's too gimmicky (it's fun though... you should try it!)
Difference between the Action Roll and Monster Difficulty is Doom to the loser
If your Doom Stack tumbles during battle, the character is unconscious, or you trigger a trap if you accidentally knock them over while getting a snack!
Risk using Doom Dice to help Action Rolls but then add them to your Doom Stack
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* Dice are not included as part of the game, but hopefully you have some extra lying around, or can find some at your Friendly Local Game Store. It's not necessary to have different colors of dice (white, black and a third color for luck), but it makes game play a bit more clear! Dice with dots tend to work better than numbers, for quickly determining success.
* The base game mechanics were inspired by the d6 system first developed for Ghostbusters RPG by Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis & Greg Stafford, which has been foundational for dice pool mechanics across many TTRPGs
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Each adventure is minimal game prep from random d66 tables that provides the dungeon rooms and its contents. It's so easy that you can probably even run it without a Doomsayer (Game Master).
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In true ZineQuest fashion, you will receive a 36-page saddle-stitched landscape digest-sized zine (5.5"H x 8.5"W), with black and white interior pages and heavyweight card-stock color cover and inside cover pages.
This format was chosen to lie flat and be accessible while you roll on the d66 tables. It has the bonus of looking like an instruction manual!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, February 21 2024 3:05 AM UTC +00:00
Website: [Dieku Games] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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alunclewe · 2 years
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The prompt for day 18 of @local-friendly-wizards‘s A Year of Art drawing challenge was “interface”, and that led to... this.
I want to say this drawing is cyberpunk, but I’m not sure it actually is.
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flowerkidlove · 2 years
we like your blog and think you're cool, jsyk
*Johnny Test whiplash noise as i give you a thumbs up* and i like your blog!! i think y'all are fuckin. swaggalicious!!!!!! :]
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fadingplaidlibrary · 4 months
alrighty then if nsfw requests are open still may i suggest a (sub)male!farmer with the wizard? i am so normal about him i prommy (lying)
hellooooo my darling anon, you know i gotchu ;) here you go, hope you like itttt! <33
nsfw SMUT SMUT SMUT below the cut, minors DNI. wizard (rasmodius) x (sub)male!farmer reader. word count: 987. sex dreams, nudity. wizard is dominant but not mean, lots of teasing, uhhh. oral sex/foreplay, bodily fluids, dom/sub dynamic. farmer's pov. one-sided crush/fantasy, hint of reciprocated feelings but not explicitly stated or resolved either lmao my bad. it's smut, y'all, idk what else to say. i do not consent for my work to be uploaded elsewhere. no beta, we die like men. lmk if i need to add any other warnings. enjoy ;p
sweet dreams 🔮
you’d never admit it out loud, but you do get lonely in that old farmhouse at night. there are plenty of attractive locals, but none that quite keep your attention. certainly none that end up in your bed. and the one man who does have your interest doesn’t seem to reciprocate it
rasmodius. the name lingers at the back of your mind constantly, teasing you. m. rasmodius with his low, serious voice. m. rasmodius and the way his long lashes frame his eyes. m. rasmodius who always inspects your gifts to him so thoughtfully…
around town, you have a certain reputation. you’re mr. fix-it, mr. do-it-all, you’re the quiet but friendly farmer-miner-fisherman who keeps his head down and does his work well. you’re The Good Farmer — by day. but at night, when the world is quiet and your mind can wander, your thoughts drift to the wizard, the one man in town who brings out your desperate craving for a firm hand
you’re in bed alone again. even with a window open and the ceiling fan spinning, it’s too hot for pajamas, so you’re splayed out on your stomach, naked, thinking of him. his long, graceful fingers, his full lips, the way his vibrant purple hair looks almost blue in the low light of his tower… the way his eyes inevitably drift to your boots then back up to your face whenever you cross paths, as if he’s sizing you up… but it’s too hot and you’re too tired to do anything about the familiar pressure building at the apex of your thighs. you’re asleep before you realize it
he’s in your dreams, too, and much closer than he ever is in the waking world. in your dream that night, you’re naked except for your briefs, down on your knees between his legs as he sits in a large armchair. there’s a thick cushion underneath you and your hands rest on your thighs, impatient but obedient. he’s slouching decadently with his head leaned back, one foot propped up on a low stool next to you. his robes have fallen open, and your mind’s eye drifts. from his adam’s apple to his chest, glistening with sweat under the warm candlelight, then down down down to where he strokes himself lazily with one hand. his bare thighs tremble on either side of you, and even through the haze of the dream you can feel your mouth water. he’s panting now, pre-cum leaking from the plush head of his thick, perfect dick as he presses his free hand to your cheek. you whine and lean into his touch, desperate for more but determined to please him, to behave for him… in your dreams he’s always in charge, always dominant, always toying with you, teasing and torturously slow. he cums when he pleases, you cum when he says so — and he hasn’t said so
“open,” he murmurs, pressing his thumb against your lower lip. you shiver under the weight of his stare, the gentle pressure of his thumb against your offered tongue. he rubs slow, small circles against it with one hand and against his sensitive slit with the other. “is this what you need?” he tilts your face up gently, wordlessly demanding eye contact. “is this,” he switches hands and the taste of his pre-cum blooms on your tongue, “what you’ve been craving?” your breathing is getting ragged now as you moan something that sounds like a ‘yes.’ you want to wrap your lips around his thumb and suck but you know better, you know to wait for a direct order. instead you wait, urgent and needy, your composure crumpling with each second that passes. his deep purple eyes are trained on you, pupils blown wide with lust as he bites down on his lower lip. “have you earned it?” he asks in a voice as low and menacing as distant thunder. he lowers his foot from the stool and places it on the floor beside you. he’s close enough that you can see his pulse throbbing in every perfect vein, even under the weak candlelight. the hand on your tongue slides around to grip the back of your head, and he asks again, “have. you. earned. it?” he punctuates each syllable by slowly sliding the head of his dick against your messy tongue. you nod again, whining, eyes watering, hands balled into trembling fists. you can feel the sticky mess growing in your briefs, staining them in a way you know he’ll take care of later. the warmth, the heft of him in your mouth nearly tips you over into your own orgasm. you squeeze your eyes shut, panting, trembling with the effort of holding back for him, being good for him, until…
you open your eyes again, and he’s gone. you’re wide awake in your lonely room, shivering, a familiar mess of cum smeared across your sweaty stomach. the crisp cotton sheets are overstimulating you now, the weight of your body a poor substitute for the man in your dream. you roll onto your back with a gasping groan that echoes into the dark bedroom. the night has grown cool, and the ceiling fan has brought the room down to a nearly-uncomfortable chill. goosebumps dance across your damp skin, first from the cold and then from the memories. your sex dreams have never been so vivid… then again you’ve never felt this way about any other man. you pull your covers up to your ears with a sigh
the sun will be up again soon. you’ll have to keep the taste of him, and all these delicious dreams, locked away in the darkest, quietest corner of your mind. you’ll pretend to feel normal about the wizard next time you cross paths with him. but for now, just for tonight, you let yourself doze off again, chasing your all-consuming violet-haired fantasy with both of your hands between your legs
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A Fairy Tale Rabbit Hole
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the movie that it started it all for Disney Animation and it's the most influential fairy tale movie ever. Its tropes and its tone still inspires fairy tale media to this day, either as parodies, or homages.
But what less people know is that Walt Disney was inspired to make this movie because of a peculiar silent movie that he watched when he was a teenager.
That movie was Snow White from 1916. Its writer, Winthrop Ames, adapted it from his own Broadway play. An example of American fairy tale theater.
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This kept me thinking.
The Wizard of Oz is one of the most iconic fantasy films of all time, and it was made in direct response to Snow White. What people don't know is that the scene where Glinda saves the gang from the deadly poppies with a snowstorm came straight from a fairy tale musical from 1902. It came from The Wizard of Oz, a fairy tale musical "extravaganza", with direct input from L. Frank Baum, only two years after the original novel.
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Actually, stage musicals seem to take a slight part in the creation of Oz. The Marvellous Land of Oz, the sequel, seems to be inspired by this stage culture. General Jinjur and her army dresses like chorus girls, Ozma/Tip may be inspired by the crossdressing in children roles, and this was the book's dedication:
"To those excellent good fellows and comedians David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands of children throughout the land, this book is gratefully dedicated by THE AUTHOR"
These were actors of the 1902 stage show.
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Two years later, on 1904 Peter and Wendy premiered. This play is also one of the most famous children stories ever. Walt Disney himself acted as Peter in a local production of it and Tinkerbell quickly became a mascot for the studio.
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This all led me to think more about fairy tale theater specifically.
Since the ending of the 18th century and through the 19th century, a genre of stage show developed through Europe. It was mostly comedic and light-hearted, mainly inspired by fairy tales, and it was geared towards children and families. It involved lavish fantasy spectacles told through operas, ballets, and what we today would call "musical theater".
It had many different names and variations depending on the country.
On England, it evolved through the pantomimes and it became a Christmas tradition.
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In Russian, it was mainly through ballet, called the ballet-féerie, often considered a lower-class, more commercialized entertainment than traditional ballet. Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker are among some of them. Sleeping Beauty would later inspire Disney's telling of the story.
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In France they were called Féerie, and it was a mix of music, dancing, pantomime, acrobatics, and stage effects. It influenced the development of burlesque, musical comedy and film.
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From Wikipedia:
With his 1899 film version of Cinderella, Georges Méliès brought the féerie into the newly developing world of motion pictures. The féerie quickly became one of film's most popular and lavishly mounted genres in the early years of the twentieth century, with such pioneers as Edwin S. Porter, Cecil Hepworth, Ferdinand Zecca, and Albert Capellani contributing fairy-tale adaptations in the féerie style or filming versions of popular stage féeries like Le Pied de mouton, Les Sept Châteaux du diable, and La Biche au bois. The leader in the genre, however, remained Méliès,[37] who designed many of his major films as féeries and whose work as a whole is intensely suffused with the genre's influence.[38]
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Once you realize a huge chunk of fairy tale media has roots in family friendly stage shows from 19th century, a lot of it started making sense.
The focus on romance, the focus on damsels in distress, prevalence of lighter tones, the everlasting connection to music and dance.
They may be the main reason why some fairy tales are more famous than others. Some became source material for a continuous stream of operas, operettas, musical extravaganzas, ballets, plays, and others simply not.
And besides the Victorian Era storybooks that bowdlerized fairy tales for children, I think this whole genre of the theater was responsible to firmly establish fairy tales as a child friendly media, decades before Disney ever released Snow White to cash in that nostalgia.
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If you have something to add or if I just got something wrong, feel free to correct me.
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @adarkrainbow @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @natache @tamisdava2 @thealmightyemprex
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sorry im coping with aus again oopsie daisy. anyway here's my take on a fantasy au
it all started with me rewatching the D&D movie and thinking "hm. what (broad) classes would the neighbors have?"
and after much thinking i came to the conclusion: Barnaby = Bard / Eddie = Paladin / Sally = Sorcerer / Julie = fighter / Frank = monk / Howdy = Artificer / Poppy = Healer / Wally = 'Wizard'
those seem fitting! BUT i don't like restrictions or rules so in this very light worldbuilding for a casual (strongly glaring at myself here) CASUAL au, it's only dnd-esque. not actually dnd yk yk
in my head, they're not technically puppets for this au. they're flesh and blood, they've got bones, etc. they're actual Creatures, though they still look like Them! Julie's still pink w/ candy-corn-horns! Frank is still a gray tube! Barnaby is a big blue dog! they're just... not puppets. it's the same for the other beings in this fantasy world - they all keep the style, but they're all flesh n' blood if that makes sense. a cartoony fantasy world
so they have their little found family adventuring group titled, of course, The Neighborhood. because when they were first forming, Wally went "oh! are we a neighborhood? i've always wanted neighbors!" and it Stuck. so they all lovingly refer to each other as neighbors, even though the closest they get to being actual neighbors is pitching their tents next to each other & staying at an Inn in neighboring rooms
like your classic group of adventurers, they're almost constantly on the move. the longest they stay in one place is a couple of months - the rest of the time they're wandering! they take quests, get roped into general Shenanigans, etc. they adventure! and get into a lot of battles of varying severity
so Barnaby is still kiiiiind of a bard? best i can describe him is jack-of-all-trades moral support! he provides battle music, keeps the mood light, and stands off to the side to offer quips and tips. he prefers not to fight, and only Gets Involved when the others need Backup. even then, he usually takes the role of defending his neighbors. he has a good eye for whether or not physical support is needed - he never needs to be asked when there's a legitimate need for him! unless he's thoroughly distracted from the goings-on. he does have magic, but it's more for show / defense-based
Eddie's still pretty classically a paladin. healing powers, armor, there to be on the front lines and Protect! the group's sword and shield! he technically serves a god but he forgot who <3 he just makes the occasional general offering and mumbles some vague prayer. he's super friendly! super helpful! super willing to dive into the line of fire! Will disregard his own safety without a second thought! his magic is pretty much restricted to healing, and it's weak healing at that (maybe because he can't properly serve his god...), so it's mostly good for quick mid-battle heals and little wounds. temporary fixes!
Sally has innate fire/light magic, and she's very showy with it! she puts Flair and Pizazz into all of her casts and is very dramatic on the battlefield - she manages to turn her fights into a performance. She tag-teams keeping the Neighborhood entertained with Barnaby. he handles the humor/lightheartedness, she handles the escapism/encouragement. she writes scripts & stories in her off-time, and often reads them (or spins a new one) after dinner. when they have weeks / month breaks in one spot, sometimes she'll recruit local thespians to create a play
Frank is all about that hand-to-hand combat babey! he wants to feel bones break under his fists! he wants those split knuckles! he very often starts fights, and even more often finishes them - what he lacks in raw power he makes up for in vicious tenacity. he just Keeps On Going! he seconds as the group's Knowledge Guy. while his hobby is studying insects, he also catalogues/studies monsters and enemies and terrain so that the Neighborhood can always be prepared. the only time he stays out of fights is when he's researching or note-taking. he tries to micromanage the battle from afar anyway
Julie is like... put a druid, a fighter, and a barbarian in a blender. she's got a big sword! she's got seemingly endless energy in battle! she can talk to plants, especially flowers! her flora magic is very minor, so it's not like she's making giant roots burst out of the ground and strangle people. but plants can give her information, and if she asks nicely and they feel like it, sometimes they'll help her out. in battle she's a force to be reckoned with! nothing will stop her and her sword! she's usually the second (closely following Frank, with Eddie hot on her heels) Neighbor charging into battle - but she's the one with the stellar war cry! & where Sally and Barnaby tend to the Neighborhood's emotional wellbeing & entertainment, Julie keeps things fresh with Physical Activities during their downtime!
Poppy is a powerful healer! she draws on an individual's energy (often taps into her own as well) to convert it into healing power. it's draining but it's damn good healing! she also takes the role of the Neighborhood's cook (the others still like to help, especially Frank who is essentially her sous-chef) and makes sure they're all healthy. she hangs back during battles, waiting to (and hoping that she doesn't have to) heal a wounded Neighbor. if one of them is badly hit, she forces herself to run into battle and drag them to safety before working on their injury. she has a tiny bit of illusion magic, which she'll cast from afar to assist her Neighbors. she tries not to use it outside of emergencies - it takes a lot of energy, which she tries to conserve just in case.
Howdy has Zero Magic! none! four hands and none of them are magical! however, he's a damn good inventor & a whiz at potion making. he can Use magical items like there's no tomorrow - he just can't wield it himself. he supplies the group with potions, helpful items, all sorts of goodies - given that they can trade for it with anything he'd accept in-canon. the only exception is when they're mid-battle - he hands stuff out when needed without haggle. he supplies the group with their cash when they're not getting it from looting/quests - he has a magic backpack that can unfold into a fully-stocked merchant stall! he sells at towns, on the road, anywhere he can! In battle he hangs back with Poppy and, yes, supplies items, but he also uses ranged attacks - magical weapons that cast for him, magic 'bombs', that sort of thing! but there's a little secret - he's the Neighborhood's secret weapon. he invented fantasy guns! four magic revolvers that, when the 'second safety' is turned off, multiply into a giant clusterfuck of guns (with ammo ranging from magic 'bullets' to essentially rocket launchers). unfortunately he can only use this setting once & for a limited time before the guns overload & have to be manually repaired. so he either uses them off of the first safety (i.e, they're 'normal'), or not at all. you know shit is Really hitting the fan when he joins a fight
and Wally! Wally Wally Wally... you may have noticed that i put his class 'wizard' in quotes. that's because he says he's a wizard, but he's not! he just says he's one due to the automatic stigma and fear of what he really is - a Warlock! his patron is Home, an eldritch horror that many would classify as a demon. they have a very special, codependent pact that neither of them can live without - Wally wears their 'seal' as a house-shaped pendant on a choker (necklace) hidden under his clothes. Home is extraordinarily powerful, but Wally barely taps into that power. he has a grimoire that Home inscribed with a bunch of sigils that convert into spells when drawn & then cast in the air. the only other powers he uses are seeing-in-the-dark, seeing-magic, and opening teleportation doors! Wally can't sleep, but he can doze - though he's never fully unaware of his surroundings (its kind of like how dolphins only sleep with one half of their brain). he still eats with his eyes, which both feeds him & acts as a form of providing daily energy to Home, since Home can't exactly consume souls every day. If Wally uses too much magic, he has to rest inside of Home's house-form, which is the only time he actually fully sleeps. no one knows about Home, or that Wally is lying about his wizard status.
Home is a lovecraftian being with three forms. the first is the lowest power level - a cute one-room house with Eyes! i.e: Home Classic! Wally's pendant unfolds into it, and it's the main way Wally and Home physically interact & communicate. the second is possession - if Wally explicitly allows it, Home can completely take over his body and kind of 'tuck him away' to have a nice deep nap while Home takes the reins (Home can technically force this, but it's very difficult and would not go over well w/ Wally - it would also be an unstable possession). the third is Home's true form - a massive shadowy eldritch monster made of writhing darkness and nightmares that no one in their right mind would look at, let alone fight. Home has very complicated feelings about Wally & the Neighborhood. they are also, quite literally, Wally's heart - which is part of their pact.
i have some scene ideas & little Plot Concepts (most notably the times the Neighborhood learns two Very Big Secrets about Wally, one of which being the warlock/Home reveal).
but yeah that's moooostly it. basic stuff yk, not very in depth! just fun things to feed my maladaptive daydreaming & escapism
#warlock-masquerading-as-a-wizard wally is fun#cause youve got this funny little guy! in his little wizard outfit and his staff and classic wizard eccentricities!#but he has a lovecraftian horror curled up in his chest excited for its next opportunity to consume souls#home when making wally's body: ah fuck how do people eat again??? with their eyes right??? that sounds right... thats how i eat...#home a week later: shitshitshit their MOUTHS they eat with this Mouths goddamn it.... too late to fix it now#cut to wally internally panicking while watching other people drink/eat normally#hm i Realized that like... half the Neighborhood more often than not doesn't outright fight#poppy hangs back. howdy hangs back. barnaby rarely joins. frank is often busy researching#and then you've got eddie & julie going full-tilt nonstop absolutely mowing down enemies like there's no tomorrow. sword besties <3#wally and Sally casting from the middle ground...#wh fantasy au#maybe the howdy enthusiast in me is jumping out lately but hes soooo good in this au i swear#he's out here bargaining over a potion with his own neighbor mid-battle#bc he Will be funny about it when the stakes aren't high#forcing them to go through transactions even though he'd give the goods to em anyway#him vibing with poppy & barnaby while explosions go off in the background#and then when shit hits the fan he gets to be a Certified Badass and whips out the big guns with the cockiest grin you've ever seen#hes fun. i love him.#they're all fun. i love them.#home & wally make me especially Ough in this au. their relationship is so messy and you literally cannot have one without the other
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stardewremixed · 1 year
How Each Bachelor Reacts to the Traveling Cart / What They Would Buy
(FYI, the seller is called Suki in the mod, Stardew Valley Expanded so I will refer to her as Suki).
Alex - laughs when he first stumbles across the cart by accident. "You sell contraband?" Hee... hee.. somehow he finds this hysterical. But the "herbal creme" Suki sells works wonders on Granny's sore back so Alex makes the trip every week.
Elliott - the type to spend all his money on other people and then wonder where it all went. He would get rare foragables from outside the Valley for Leah, and unique fish for Willy. Then he would stay and chat, maybe even have his fortune told or palm read over a spot of strong herbal tea with Suki.
Harvey - doesn't wander that far into the woods that often. However, he knows of Suki and recognizes she is dealing with tough times financially. Once a quarter, he walks out to her cart to offer a discounted wellness check. Suki insists on paying, so he accepts trade in goods like truffles and specialty wines.
Sam - money burns holes in this man's pockets. He wanders out in the woods once when Vincent gets "lost." Sam finds his kid brother chatting it up with the mysterious Suki. He is all about the snacks and stocks up whenever Suki is in town. Sam is also very open-minded, and definitely eats up the crystal ball stuff. They would discuss star charts and horoscopes (which Vincent thinks are "horror-soaps," exactly what he repeats to their mom later).
Sebastian- where do you think this guy gets his "weed?" Certainly not from the local grocer. Suki stocks gummies sometimes too, which Seb hides from Maru (since she once consumed half a bag and thought it was just candy). It was a weird family dinner.
Shane - doesn't care and doesn't really believe in mystical arts. But Suki has a magic concoction for helping him beat alcoholism. Tastes nasty. Burns going down. But man! That stuff works.
Victor - an upstanding citizen. He hears rumblings about a mysterious seller but it's not on his radar. Once, he may have stumbled across Suki's cart and asked about its construction.
Magnus - I like to think these two are friends. Maybe even friendly competitors. After she closes up, Suki goes to smoke with the Wizard and shares tales from the road.
Lance- like Magnus, Lance likes to swap tales of adventure with Suki. Probably over a pint. He would definitely pick up some specialty adventuring items from her cart when he's around.
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