#tumblr dashboard meme
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ayyyyysexual · 1 year ago
Tumblr on the Seven Seas
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🏴‍☠️ white-beard Follow
Can we stop all normalising the use of "sc*rvy" as a fun little thing to call people?? I literally had sc*rvy last year and it was even worse than when I got my hand cut off. Fuck anyone who uses the S word without even considering how triggering it can be to those of us who have ACTUALLY suffered though it
🌅 castedaway Follow
No wenches?
🏴‍☠️ white-beard Follow
Honestly you people are so insufferable I genuinely hope you walk the plank
🌅 castedaway Follow
🍑 plundermebooty Follow
Okay but OP is literally a landlubber, mateys
🌴 pegmeg
nahhh why is it literally always landlubbers faking scurvy and sending plank threats ☠☠
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🗡wagscallion Follow
everyone says "land ho!" but never "land ma'am"
💨 matelotsaboteur
Really makes you think
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💃 crossdressing101 Follow
this whole crew was so gullible ngl, i just cut my hair and dressed in my fathers clothes and they all fell for it, hook line and sinker??
💃 crossdressing101 Follow
honestly im surprised no one has found me out yet. surely i dont seem that much like a man? i mean it makes this way easier but like. im still a woman. obviously
🕺 crossdressing101 Follow
mateys i have come to a shocking realisation,
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⛵ privatesteer Follow
wildest argument for piracy i've ever heard was that the gold stored on government ships is dangerous cause it weighs them down, so they're just 'lightening the load'
🧜‍♀️ kiss-pretty-ocean324 Follow
աaռռa ʟɨֆȶɛռ ȶօ ֆɨʀɛռ ֆօռɢ?
⛵ privatesteer Follow
no thanks
🕶 monstermaterdeactivated16520210
outta my way gayboy im boutta get it
🕶 monstermaterdeactivated16520210
i have drowned at sea
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⚓ shiveringtimbers Follow
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🌏 boat-enthusiast Follow
i am SO sick of the term "ship-shape" like, matey, which shape?? Ships come in so many fucking shapes like have non of you ever boarded more than one vessel in your career???? Anyway fake ship fans DNI with this post i can NOT be bothered with your tomfuckery today
💦 longjohngolder Follow
girl its not that deep ☠
🌏 boat-enthusiast Follow
to YOU. i just get it
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🙍‍♂️ dudeindistress Follow
honestly being held for ransom isnt that bad. kinda nice to be held
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🦜 pollypockets Follow
🐦 aviated Follow
🦜 pollypockets Follow
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🍑 plundermebooty Follow
the cabin boy just winked at me?? after offering to help clean my gun? privately. in my quarters. tonight.
🍑 plundermebooty Follow
i think i hauve scurvy
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🌊 swabmydick Follow
mateys I SWEARR my captain and his first mate are gonna kiss before our next voyage. they literally have so much romantic tension every time i see them its nauseating
🕶 longjohngolderdeactivated16511205
wtf its so problematic and harmful to ship real people?? unfollowing rn i thought you were better than this
🌊 swabmydick Follow
i literally rob and kill people for a living?????? that's where you draw the line???
🌴 pegmeg
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op killed them
🌊 swabmydick Follow
even better news mateys, they kissed ☠☠☠
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runaeveena · 1 year ago
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse part 2
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⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
now that the new Mountain Angel volume has come out can we please tag spoilers, some of us are still waiting for our pigeon mail
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
you can access the volume in full on TomePlane!
🎭 bardcampistrash Follow
until TomePlane acknowledges that its interplanar storage is made possible by binding aboleths to the plane and killing them then we are going to continue not using that platform, thanks
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
aboleths killed my cousin who was a royal cleric. ill never understand why theres a whole movement to protect abyssal creatures when theyve caused so much damage to our kingdoms. and disliking a pocket dimension which provides thousands of people access to books? your attitude reeks of anti literaturism and mal-aligned virtue signaling and im not sure which is worse
🫒 tenthday237 Follow
Aliizya gets pregnant on page 62
⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
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🏰 finchtruther Follow
okay but the way that faelor finch writes every song that perfectly fits pennbiel liiike its giving closet fangirl
🧭 waywardwarlock
seriouslyy!! like what else is "give me your unmarked hand / in the shadowfell we won't be a secret" supposed to be about if not pennipher and corabiel
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🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
yall please dont fill up the unseen servant tag with your super fucking weird smut posts im just looking for tips on how to find my unseen servant
🪡 scç-writer
the search function on tomeblr does need to be updated but we dont have to kinkshame :)
🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
the site is being overrun by virgin degenerates
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
sounds like you need Wilam the Wizard with Wandering Hands to help you summon the unseen stick in your ass
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🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
so whose going to be the first to commission a painting of that scene with Aliizya and the beholder 👀
🍎 bloodmaledickening Follow
i already asked my local artisan he said he's gotten two other commissions for the same scene lmao
🐁 softbarbarian
girl i commissioned a tapestry
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🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
friendly reminder that devil deals are a real thing that a lot of people fall victim too and that demons are malicious and do destroy peoples lives if theyre not careful so please be careful when consuming works like Hellionfinity which romanticizes devil deals and fiendish soul contracts
🌾entangled-farmer Follow
imo any work of fiction that involves a romance between any type of fiend is not just problematic but harmful
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
i used to be indifferent to books that had devil romance interests because like thats their whole thing theyre seducing people to get their souls and the mc overcomes it, but reading through the replies i see that Hellionfinity actually ends with the devil character as the main romantic lead which is super problematic in terms of power imbalance and the fact that he has a redemption arc is so out of touch especially since our military is finally recovering from the azgurian assault
helliofinity also has a scene where the main character uses a soul coin that an imprisoned mortal gave him and he uses it to bring the devil out of avernus so he doesnt fully die and no one in the book mentions it or talks about how messed up it is to use soul coins and we never see the now bound to hell prisoner ever again
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
hellionfinity officially cancelled on my end!
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☘️ celest-ial Follow
moment of silence for all the customers waiting on drink orders while the tavern wench gets her back blown out by a new guy every night ✊😔
🦁 king-killa Follow
the gods work hard but Girthy Gladys gets worked harder
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🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
paladin and warlock romances are OUT! cleric and necromancer romances are IN!
🪭 royalcoinpurse Follow
the only thing a cleric should do to a necromancer is beat him to death so she can revive him and kill him again
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
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❇️ arch-dryad Follow
i think we need to analyze why we're so quick to place women in categories of devious seductress or healer in romance novels as if that hasnt been the pervasive trope that holds magic-touched women back in our actual society
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
why do you assume these fictional tropes are mf couples only? can a gay cleric not beat his gay necromancer boyfriend to death?
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
and off! beat him off cmon guys
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🧀 weremouse Follow
yall ever be talking or whatnot and feel like no one understands you
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
ᛄ�� ᛡᚢ ᚳᚪᚾ ᚱᛁᛞ ᚦᛄᛋ ᛡᚢ ᚺᚪᚠ ᛏᚢ ᚱᛁᛒᛚᚪᚷ ᚦᛄᛋ
🧀 weremouse Follow
say that shit fr (<- looking around clueless)
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
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🌠 crownofstars
remember when that person made a call out post for the author of ilairepeler for using a ghost writer and it turned out the author was an actual ghost. writing. like a literal ghost writer. like.
🍄gnomestool Follow
arent you the dwarf that fucked a slaad
🌠 crownofstars
how would you like to become a ghost so you can write more witty comments like this for eternity
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sbtorms · 9 months ago
My favorite type of post on here is when people make up "Tumblr for [insert some fantasy thing]" and write an entire fake dashboard for that stuff.
I salute those who do that. Y'all are amazing
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years ago
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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neroushalvaus · 1 year ago
Tumblr in the 60s
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☮ monkeewholock follow
🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS UNITED KINGDOM 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉BYE BYE GROSS INDECENCY!!!!🌈🌈🌈 62 countries have now legalized sexual activities between men🌈🌈🌈
🐞 homophilespock follow
🚀 starrfleet follow
They are American, not British... But I'm pretty sure spirk has always been able to fuck since the show is set in the future.
📻 lesbianbobdylan follow
Christ, this is not about your cutesy uwu yaoi otp, go outside and smoke some grass
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🌻 flowerpower follow
Politicians are not your friends but damn Kennedy is fine, I look at one (1) picture of him and my head literally explodes
🌻 flowerpower follow
...i just woke up, why is my askbox full
🌻 flowerpower follow
🌻 flowerpower follow
guys stop reblogging this it's been like five years i've changed
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🎹 nixonsafascist follow
do you think they call him little richard because he has a little. Richard
🎹 nixonsafascist follow
easy website
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🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Being the only lesbian in your friend group sucks so bad. "beatles or stones??" i will kill you
🗣 lavendermenaceisreal-deactivated72537262
Disrespecting female social groups for male validation? Typical lesbian behaviour.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Mike Jacker isnt gonna fuck you
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Oh no I think she couldn't handle that
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✌ draftdodgerdyke
DM me for the addresses of my Swedish and Canadian friends. Do not put your personal information in the reblogs.
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
You should be ashamed of yourself.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. You disgust me. I assure you, when the commies attack us, you will not find your silly little post "groovy" anymore.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Jesus, don't flip your wig
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
My father fought in ww2 for you ungrateful degenerate.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Don't see what your daddy's unsexiness has to do with me and my lads taking a sexy sexy trip to Sweden.
#anyway only hot guys dodge the draft
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🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
in every interview i watch of the beatles they are so DONE and trolling everybody, these fucking annoying BITCHES, i need them inside me so badly
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
#this but not john lennon #i just can't forget the heinous things he said about jesus
idk I actually think it was very sexy of him, stop trying to cancel john in my post
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor. John literally didn't mean he was greater than Jesus or better than Jesus, he was just trying to make a point about the world becoming more secular. Cancel culture has gone too far.
🚷 to-hell-with-the-beatles follow
How dare you say we piss on the poor?? Jesus died for Mr Lennon's sins and it's not "cancelling" to send him a few respectably worded death threats to remind him of that. He cancelled our Lord first!
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
Girl Jesus literally said it's cool, I dropped acid yesterday and saw Him and He told me.
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
help the girls (christians) are fighting in my beatles thirst post
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🛼 donovandyke follow
I will be glued to the tv today. If you don't want to hear about it, just blacklist #moonlanding !!
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🗣 claudeberger4ever-deactivated98975287
Hi I'm new to the Hair musical fandom so I'm not super invested in the whole discourse, but I just felt like this needed to be said: Friendly reminder that not being against the war in Vietnam does not make you a bad person!
🥁 ringoforpresident follow
it literally does tho
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Another win for us hot guys
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faceless-crowd · 7 months ago
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sophies-junkyard · 10 months ago
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I love this website
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siffrins-therapist · 6 days ago
🦇 ernrenephandre follow
lordjosephandreispoterianfightme reminded me of THIS batshit ask I got last year, so ofc I now need to inflict it on all my new followers uwu
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I'll also go ahead and link my (very correct) meta post about Lady IJK's characterization, and since xe reminded me of this ask, here's Lord's post about why Issue 43.5 should be considered canon, despite what de Plume's forward says. Enjoy!
🫛 howaremysweetiepees follow
[Image description: Screenshot of an anonymous ask sent to ernrenephandretruther that says "Jsyk just BC you're the Savior of Vaugarde, doesn't mean anything you say about The Cursing of Château Castle is canon. Even though de Plume wrote Issue #43.5 with that Thank You in the forward, doesn't mean anything. They just wanted to appease your headcanons about that stupid side character rejoining the team and getting Lady Irene-Janine-Karine all weepy BC you can't handle the complexities of her character!!! I'd say stick to ao3 but if the events of 43.5 are anything to go by you're crab at planning anything, let alone writingg a full meta post or fic. So maybe just stick to your pilgrimage or whatever and spare the rest of us your fangirling." Ernrenephandretruther replies "2/10 anon hate. Too long-winded, de Plume themself says 43.5 is non-canon, and anon, I cannon (sic) stress this enough, I AM NOT MIRABELLE CHEVALIER. I AM LITERALLY MWUDU AND WAS TRAVELING IN KA BUE AND BAKTAN DURING THE FREEZING THERE ARE PICTURES ON MY BLOG, FEATHERS AND THREAD!!! End description]
Didn't like 90% of TCoCC blogs get that copy-pasta last year? Damn, I can't tell if anon's just salty about H. Mirabelle getting a whole-ass book written as a thank-you (FOR SAVING A COUNTRY, WHICH THE AUTHOR LIVES IN, ANON, MAKES CRABBING SENSE TO ME THEY'D WANT TO THANK HER), hated 43.5, or just another Lady IJK white knight who thinks any criticism of her characterization is a direct attack.
🦇 ernrenephandretruther follow
Probably all 3 ngl
🎃 changeoffates follow
Great Change I got the same anon! It's been sitting in my inbox for a year! I am still flabbergasted!!
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And jw OP but why's your language set to Poterian?
🦇 ernrenephandretruther follow
Believe me, I'm still confused!
And I'm transferring to university in Poteria so I've been studying the language. I took it in school with Vaugardian but I'm kinda rusty :/ The only reason I know Vaugardian still is cause of ernrenephandre porn LMAO
🧂 lordjosephandreispoterianfightme
Anyone else get this ask since this was posted two days ago???
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#fates and wells anon maybe learn to let go or w/e #i dont go here but ist that one of your Change teachings or something? #pretty sure your still going through it and should talk to someone not send out copy-pastas #tbh p sure anon is just a savior mirabelle hater idk why her antis are so fucking annoying #dont you all have anything better to do????
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🌠 loop-garou follow
If staff could stop terming me that'd be great
🥐 mysiblinginchange follow
u've literally been posting pictures of squiggles that give everyone a headache????
🌠 loop-garou follow
Skill issue.
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☕ hauntedteacup
So was that list where people were trying to figure out which ao3 account belongs to the Savior deleted or...
#cuz i have a theory #dm me if you're interested i don't want to risk getting flagged or something
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🎭 anguished-actor follow
Gonna kms that saviorship fic got so popular it was mentioned in the newspaper
🐌snailsforthesnailgod follow
OP don't you live in Ka Bue?
🎭 anguished-actor follow
So you understand my astonishment and horror
🌠 loop-garou follow
Here's the link to the fic for the confused people in the notes :)
🎭 anguished-actor follow
Your never satisfied until my activities page is unusable
🌠 loop-garou follow
You're* :)
#didnt someone print out and bind a bunch of copies of that fic? #and handed them out at cons? #not shocked it got mentioned in the paper ngl #there's even rumors h. euphrasie owns a copy
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⚔️ saviors-of-vaugarde-news follow
The latest report from Dormont's House of Change states that people staying there are still seeing ghosts, but most recent accounts put these ghosts mainly in the corridors and common areas. They are no longer being seen in the dorms and classrooms, and reports are becoming few enough that Head Housemaiden Euphrasie told journalists she believes the ghosts should fade by next spring. However, she does admit that she isn't sure why the ghosts have remained for as long as they have but refused to comment on where her first estimation had come from.
-mod castle
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🧭 saviorodilewhiteknight follow
"ghosts" when only savior siffrin's ghost is the only one being seen at the house
🏴 chess-cheater-deactivated
Someone posted an explanation here. Basically tl;dr it's Time Craft crab
🧭 saviorodilewhiteknight follow
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they fucking got them
#does anyone have screenshots of whatever was in #the link chess-cheater linked? #it's gone now :/ #notes say claude hacked the site and deleted it
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🧨 defender-offender
Everyone that asks me about Mirabelle is getting blocked. Leave her tf alone, she's been through enough without everyone trying to dig up her meta essays and fics.
#stasis and stagnation i'm this close to deleting everything #claude.exe
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🐚 shesellsseashells follow
Disclaimer: I know Savior Siffrin never worked for the K*ng and that Savior Odile didn't actually believe this theory, this is a poll for fun.
#savior posting #voted for he forgot
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🪭 justafan follow
So. Uh. Anyone else hear about that game coming out? The one about Vaugarde's Saviors fighting the King?
🥚 notreadytohatch follow
Didn't the dev claim to be a vessel for Vaugarde's change god?
🪭 justafan follow
Yeah but. Yeah not touching that one.
🎭 anguished-actor follow
Theres gonna be a what.
#hooboy idc what the game looks like i'll be making popcorn for all the discourse that'll be popping up #is there a kickstarter i wanna donate
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🌠 loop-garou follow
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🧨 defender-offender
How many accounts do you have?????
🌠 loop-garou follow
You're the one flagging me?? 🥺🥺🥺
🧨 defender-offender
I don't care enough to bother.
🧨 defender-offender
I'll tell everyone to leave you alone if you tell me one thing: Are you the one who gave Euphie a bound version of that fic?
🌠 loop-garou follow
DM me and I'll tell you :3c
🎭 anguished-actor follow
Stars, I swear if that was you...
#this... this is like #proof loop-garou and/or anguished-actor are the saviors #right??? #i'm not insane??? #like it makes sense right??? #and who tf is loop??? who is that in the picture?????? is this some joke from one of the saviorshipping fics?? #are they loop-garou's sona??? #and i swear to change if i only get a bunch of asks that only say 'tee-hee'...
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stephfandomdumps · 2 years ago
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i hate it so much
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lavenderlettuce · 15 days ago
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hello. am budge
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lanabenikosdoormat · 1 year ago
SWTOR but it’s a Dashboard instead!
inspired by like so many people, i wanted to make my own teehee
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🪐 coruscantcreatures Follow
hey is that a lightsaber in your pants or are you just happy to see me no wait no i was kidding put it away
#admin speaks #totally unrelated but #i saw a hot jedi at the spaceport and i haven’t been able to shut up since #rip pretty miraluka guy o7 #ill never see you again #sobs
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🌑 DK-confessionals
: i’d join the revanites tbh. not cause i agree with their ideology but because revan is hot and everyone else is wrong about them
#confessions #i can’t even blame you tbh
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👹 notrennow
do NOT ask me how many credits i’ve spent at the star cluster casino
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🌱 sateleshanstan Follow
The Beauty of our Galaxy: Tython
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Keep Reading
#tython #long post #photoset
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🖤 sith-shenanigans Follow
#baras stans DNI #im soooo serious #he is not the emperors voice and you all know it #stay delusional elsewhere
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⭐️ jaded-jedi
jace malcom is GNC as fuck to be honest
💿 therealagentshan
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runaeveena · 1 year ago
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse
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🦄feywildwildwild Follow
is anyone else tired of humans being the default race to pair up with monstrous races in smut? like no wonder Tinker & Claw didn't get any traction outside of TomePlane
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
tinker and claw was mid and written by a gnome sexologist and are we still calling non humanoids "monstrous"? in 186PD no less?
🕰️ gnomepologist
so now the eagledust shipper (and fake auran language scholar) is going to preach to us 🙄 some of us dont want to read about humans laying eggs every third month
🪶 eagledust4ever Follow
way to avoid the issue and maintain your humanoidcentric elitism but sure lets argue about kinks on tomeblr
🍆 troll-schlong
all of you shut up humans are sluts and im a motherfucking m-m-m-monster
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🌧️ hau-iratxoa-besterik-ez-da-euskaraz Follow
just saw someone on TomePlane argue that a dragonborn and a dragon having sex would be considered incest AND beastiality
🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
💀💀💀 not every dragon was part of the Great Hatching and most dragonborn know who our lineage derives from
and since when are dragons BEASTS!?
☘️ celest-ial Follow
you should see what else people on TomePlane call beastiality
🦨 ancientskeleton
we are not bringing back the druid debate sylvanus help me
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🩵 faerieee-imagines2 Follow
imagine you've been capture by an evil sorcerer and he puts you in a glass jar that's filled with firemoss which is so comfy but its making you so warm so you have to undress and as you remove each item you realize the sorcerer has been watching you and now you're blushing and its maki g you even warmer and soon youll be completely naked and vulnerable to whatever the sorcerer wants you for
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🌠 crownofstars
cant believe i got called a freak for hooking up with a Slaad at the Unicorn's Underhorn
🕯️andersfirelight Follow
they're literally abominations??
🌠 crownofstars
and? ribbit ribbit bitch 🐸 you write Age of Light rpf
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🦹mage-ocracy Follow
wow this farmer nobody has become such a handsome paladin with a chiseled chest after i threw his family into a lava pit years ago
🦹mage-ocracy Follow
waaahahaha you have fallen for my trap *casts spell of get horny* *spell hits the mirror which reflects back onto me* *my throbbing boner slices through the ropes holding the paladin* waaaahaa
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🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
honestly im glad humans are the main target for erotica because elves have been sexualized for far too long
part of the halfling sexual liberation movement was to embrace sexualizsation because we were treated as undesirables under the Valief'taur Period that now its weird to see elves suddenly turn face and claim that sexualizing anyone is bad
🪡 scç-writer
ugh honestly and especially now that elves are using Glindeloomstalk's talking points as if theyre here to "uplift" us from eroticism when halflings have known for years how he was a purity kinkster
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🌠 crownofstars
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this is now a slaad fucker blog
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⚔️ rangerdick
oooo "humans are too sexualized" ooo "elf pussy is boring now" once again everyone forgets about orcs being treated like the walking cock with hands in books and irl
⚓riilée Follow
isnt orcish religion about fucking and sucking to take over the world
⚔️ rangerdick
you wish you could suck me off
🧜🏼‍♀️ tritonitistitties Follow
ranger dick don't you post daily dick pics
⚔️ rangerdick
i also post hole but no one seems to notice those wonder why that is
🐓the-walking-cock-with-hands Follow
i noticed
⚔️ rangerdick
hold me and fuck me would you
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🦁king-killa Follow
Everyone you have to read this new book! It's total trope subversion where the dwarf is pansexual and the orc is asexual!
🍺 i-fuck-hags
wow someone should write a play about this
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lifebloodblue · 11 months ago
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My dash lined this up pretty well lol. Looks like Lwaxana’s reacting to that really bad take.
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coding-the-lyoko · 1 year ago
Kadic Academy Dashboard Simualtor
🧦sweatin-socks Follow
does anyone know what the fuck is up with that one group of kids- the ones the principal's daughter has beef with? Like... are they together, or??? what's going on
🪫matter-mens Follow
Wait actually that's a good point I swear I've seen like 5 different contradictory relationships there
🌸fleur-bleue Follow
Can you guys literally mind your own business?? It's weird to talk about irl people like this! can people not be friends now adays???
🥽hertz-left-toenail Follow
idk literally like none of them have a good track records lol. della robbia is self explanatory, stern and ishiyama air out their relationship issues in public like ever other week, and then just when you think stones is normal i heard her and della robbia got caught kissing so. idk. belpois is on thin ice.
🪫matter-mens Follow
hold on WHAT was that second to last one-
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👛pursesandcurses Follow
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👛pursesandcurses Follow
jesus christ. we should make a group chat of just all his exes it'd be like half the grade
🧦sweatin-socks Follow
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🥽hertz-left-toenail Follow
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🪫matter-mens Follow
ok but the real question... what is y=ax-b?
🌸fleur-bleue Follow
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umm. we're literally LEARNING this in SCIENCE class? Do you people not pay attention or what?
🥽hertz-left-toenail Follow
Oh i promise i'm paying attention in science ;)
🪫matter-mens Follow
stop that
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📸shittterbug Follow
on a mission to find a job Jim HASN'T done or one that he DOES wanna talk about wish me luck
🥽hertz-left-toenail Follow
as him if he's ever been a foot model
📸shittterbug Follow
Thanks for the idea! I'm Not doing that.
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🧦sweatin-socks Follow
i think the school's haunted
🪫matter-mens Follow
🧦sweatin-socks Follow
I swear some of the students act crazy sometimes + our technology sucks + i keep seeing smoke out of the corner of my eye
🛹skaternothater Follow
that's just the price you pay when you live in paris
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setaflow · 2 years ago
Tumblr userbase: "Hey can you please not actively sabotage the user experience with pointless UI changes that are clearly designed to make this place a Twitter clone in a very painfully obvious tactic to attract new users when clearly the current userbase dislikes the changes and by leaning towards dashboard algorithms and UI overhauls you're just going to alienate most if not all of the people that have stuck with Tumblr for years and year and give them a reason to finally jump ship?"
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faceless-crowd · 7 months ago
Bill goes to therapy
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