#lizzy chapman
fearsmagazine · 1 year
COBWEB | Official Trailer, Poster & Images
Eight-year-old Peter is plagued by a mysterious, constant tap, tap from inside his bedroom wall – a tapping that his parents insist is all in his imagination.
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Lizzy Caplan as Carol in the Horror/Thriller film, COBWEB, a Lionsgate release. Photo courtesy of Vlad Cioplea.
As Peter’s fear intensifies, he believes that his parents could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questions their trust. And for a child, what could be more frightening than that?
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Woody Norman as Peter in the Horror/Thriller film, COBWEB, a Lionsgate release. Photo courtesy of Vlad Cioplea.
COBWEB, from the producer of “Barbarian” and “IT,” is directed by Samuel Bodin, screenplay is by Chris Thomas Devlin, and stars Lizzy Caplan, Woody Norman, Cleopatra Coleman, and Antony Starr.
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(L-R) Woody Norman as Peter and Antony Starr as Mark in the Horror/Thriller film, COBWEB, a Lionsgate release. Photo courtesy of Vlad Cioplea.
COBWEB, from Lionsgate, will be in theaters July 21st, 2023.
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wordsarelife · 1 year
like lockwood, best friends to lovers
—you belong with me
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pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: reader has to flirt to finish a mission. much to the dismay of Lockwood she is far too good at it
warnings: flirting with sexual themes??
shortages: f/n — fake name
note: okay sorry this got a bit out of hand and it didn't really end where or how I intended it to. let me know if y'all would be interested in a part two!!!
part two: that's the way I loved you
you walked down the steps. the red dress you were wearing fluttering around the middle of your thighs. your hair was styled, Lucy had curled it after she had done your make—up
“test, test” you whispered into the little microphone you were wearing in your hair, so it would stay hidden
“we can hear you, y/n” George answered and you could swear he was rolling his eyes “we tested it a minute ago”
“sorry” you muttered
“leave her be” Lockwood said to George. he would always come to your rescue, even if you didn’t ask him to. that’s why he was your best—friend after all.
you breathed in deeply and snatched a glass of champagne from one of the waiters trays, gulping it down in one shot. you checked your lipstick in the little mirror Lucy had packed into the small bag you were wearing, before your hands found your waist and pulled down the dress, so your cleavage was showing
you stepped forward and sat down at the bar, right next to the guy you were targeting
his hair was black and he was actually attractive if it weren’t for the people he had killed to create sources. it was just your task to find one of them though, or better put: to occupy the man until Lucy had found the source.
“hi” you smiled, turning your head and also your chest, so the man could get a good look at it
“hello” he grinned and you swore you could’ve thrown up then and there. “would you like a drink?”
“sure” you outstretched your hand “i’m f/n”
he took your hand and shook it “Sebastian, and i’m glad to share a drink with a beautiful woman” he slid the drink the bartender had just supplied, towards you
“thank you” you smiled, raising the glass and taking a sip from the alcohol
“so, what brings you here?” Sebastian asked, while his hand found its way to rest on your knee
you could hear Lockwood and George drag in the air through the mouths loudly, like Sebastian had just touched their knee
you tried not to react to their sudden sounds, but Sebastian was good at picking up your emotions it seemed.
"everything alright?" he asked, leaning even closer
"yeah" you smiled, trying to fight the uneasiness you felt because of his proximity "I'm not used to the company of handsome looking men" you tried to save the conversation and Sebastian seemed to like your compliment
you ignored Lockwood's scoff while you watched Sebastian lean back in comfort "well" he smiled smugly "I'm all yours, beautiful"
you could hear Lockwood and George gag at the same time, you would have liked to do the same, but Sebastian was still looking at you. "what a lucky girl I am" you laughed instead and patted the shoulder of the male, who, again, smiled smugly at the gesture
his hand wandered a bit higher on your leg and you could feel it close to the hem of your dress. you threw a panicked gaze in Lockwood's direction. discreet enough that Sebastian wouldn't notice. it seemed like he was occupied anyway, with watching his own hand make its way up your leg. with every inch it felt like you couldn't breathe
you just hoped that Lucy would be quick.
"what brings you here, pretty lady?" Sebastian repeated his question from earlier, to which he had never received an answer
"work" you smiled nonchalantly, trying to keep your composure. his hand was resting for now, that was good.
"what do you do?" he smiled
"I've worked for a few agency's for a while (truth) but after I lost my talents I settled down and changed to the office area of fittes (lie)"
you pretty much still had your talents, you were only seventeen, but now you where trying to look much older. this was achieved by the make up and the obnoxious and uncomfortable push-up bra you were wearing. it felt like they would fall out of your dress any moment. Sebastian seemed to like the sight of your décolleté a bit too much, you noticed, while his eyes wandered down to your breasts while you were talking. you would have liked to slap his head and tell him how impolite it was to directly look there, not only under normal circumstances but while you were talking as well.
you weren't used to that kind of disgusting men behaviour, even if you had lived with two of them for the most of your life.
you could stand in front of George and Lockwood just wearing a bra and they wouldn't dare and look. Maybe because George was like a brother to you and Lockwood- Lockwood was a gentleman
your thoughts wandered away from the conversation at hand and back to the brunette agency head, who alway managed to make you feel at ease. even on mission like this one, he was looking at you across the room and anytime you would catch his eyes, your breath would calm and you would feel safe.
also, he had promised you to come and save you if things went too far. he was your best-friend after all.
your eyes wandered back to meet Sebastians and you remembered what Lucy had told you. if you feel uncomfortable just put yourself back in control. so you leaned forward, so he could get an even better look at your cleavage. he stammered while talking but quickly continued normally. you took his hand from off your leg and interlaced your fingers. he wouldn't notice that you were actually trying to keep him away, he would see that gesture as you falling into his trap. that was what men always thought.
now that you were back in control, your mind felt at ease and you felt less like a little girl that needed to be saved. now you were a woman. and he, he was still a man, luckily.
"I travel a lot" you answered the question he had just asked you about your work "I check out different agencies all around the world. make sure that they are working right. we wouldn't want any rules broken, would we?" you fluttered your eyelids and watched in satisfaction what effect that last purposely chosen sentence had on him
"n-no" he stammered
"are you alright?" you asked pitiful
"yes" Sebastian tried to gain back his composure and actually succeeded "but I must say, you're the most breath taking woman I've ever seen. everything is where it should be"
"oh my god" George muttered loudly, disgusted by the objectifying words the older man had just said about his friend
"I'm stopping this" you watched as Lockwood stood up from his place and George tried to hold him back. you knew that it was on you to prevent him from cancelling the mission. you send him a look that told him to sit down again and he eventually listened and scoffed
"thank you, Sebastian" you leaned closer, now speaking into his ear "you look more than daring yourself, if i'm allowed to say so"
"you are" he nodded leaning forward
now the moment had come. he would kiss you. you weren't sure if it would come to that point, but you had sworn to do it if it needed to be done to keep the mission from failing. a second before your lips connected, Sebastian was drown back
drawn back by no other than Lockwood. you were a second away from screaming at the boy, when you noticed Lucy across the hall. she had done it. the mission was completed. you no longer had to flirt with that scumbag.
"oh, Tony" you muttered in surprise, still playing a role
that was what you guys had agreed on. the moment Lucy would come back, Lockwood or George would interrupt the conversation and act like they were an old friend of yours who was in town coincidentally and had seen you sitting at the bar.
"f/n" Lockwood muttered angrily and you raised your brows, watching his expression "I'm sorry" he said turning towards Sebastian and outstretching his hand "Anthony Lockwood"
Sebastian took the hand he was being offered and shook it "Sebastian Keen" he said, still confused to what was happening
"nice to meet you. can I ask what you were doing with my girlfriend?"
"your what?" Sebastian asked loudly and you had almost joined in. his eyes wandered to you and you tried to stay in role, even if Lockwood had just completely changed your script
"my girlfriend" Lockwood repeated unnecessarily "were you bothering her? because it looked like that"
"no, she wanted-"
"yes, Tony" you interrupted, opening your eyes wider and letting them fill with tears "it's alright, dear" Lockwood outstretched his hand and helped you to stand up "stay away from her, you hear me?" he said threateningly
"I didn't harass her or anything. she's lying" Sebastian said angrily
Lockwood shook his head "doesn't matter, just don't ever talk to her again, alright?"
"sure" Sebastian shrugged his shoulders "she isn't that pretty anyways"
Lockwood interlaced your hands and walked you away from the man "she obviously is" he muttered to himself, but you heard him and had to smile at his words "you're pretty too" Lockwood turned his head to you while walking and smiled at your relieved expression
"I'm glad you didn't have to kiss him"
"I'm glad too"
"well, luckily your boyfriend was just around the corner" he smiled but you could see the sincerity in his eyes
you nodded, eyes glistening happily "yes, luckily he was"
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bikinigoldbaby · 4 months
making my edition of characters i see myself in or relate to :3
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vangoghsmissingearr · 3 months
Every song by Lizzy McAlpine is locklyle coded.
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floretissogay · 22 days
not my usual content but i just finished atyd for the first time ever and just wanted to say .... drunk, running by lizzy mcalpine is so grant chapman and remus lupin
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
Memories from the UK/International Tour 2022 from Aaron Elijah, who played Admetus and Macavity.
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With Erin Gisele Chapman as Cassandra, Harry Robinson as Mungojerrie, Roan Pronk covering Mungojerrie, Milan Cacacie as Tantomile, Lizzie Nance as Bombalurina, Joel Cooper as Carbucketty, Lottie Stephens as Jemima, and Joel Cooper and Aaron Hunt as Henchcats.
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cherrychapati · 1 year
here's a spotify playlist based on lockwood and co <3 comfort characters, comfort show
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scottishgremlin · 1 year
Begging the Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine girls to listen to Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
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uncleasad · 5 months
There’s something about “Fast Car” that makes me feel like the Saltzmans could relate…
(I’m tempted to try to figure out a way to work it into my “Alternate realities bleed over into the lives of Hope and Josie” fic… [which, after nearly four years, is finally going to have a tag here])
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lynthia playlist ideas
bad idea! (girl in red), the very first night (taylor swift), amelie (gracie abrams), girls (girl in red), fast car (tracey chapman), bags (clairo), angelina (lizzy mcalpine), jump then fall (taylor swift), we fell in love in october (girl in red), not strong enough (boygenius), cinnamon girl (lana del rey), finally // beautiful stranger (halsey), she’s my religion (pale waves), kelly (the aces), sofia (clairo), sophie (arlo parks), love story (taylor swift), silk chiffon (muna ft. phoebe bridgers), bad love (the aces), pink slips (jenna doe), i wanna be your man (suzi quatro), kissing lessons (lucy dacus), 1950 (king princess), what i need (hayley kiyoko ft. kehlani), cherry bomb (julianna joy)
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irenethewoman · 9 months
Mrs.Shelby-Chapter 9- Gift
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April 1920, Birmingham
John called us to the Garrison pub, claiming there was a matter to announce. He said he was going to marry Lizzie Stark. I don't want to comment on this. Everyone's a whore; we just sell different parts of ourselves. Those were Tommy's words.
Lizzie Stark is a good person; at least she knows gratitude. She took care of Martha before she died, and even after, she often visited Martha and John's children.
But John is a Shelby. How can Thomas Shelby's younger brother marry a whore? What does that mean for the future of the Peaky Blinders? What has happened to the Shelbys? Love runs deep, and for the sake of love, people throw everything away.
"Tommy, can you understand?" John pleaded with his brother. "You have Diana, and I deserve love too."
...Why should I care? I am Lady Vanessa from Chelsea, and would it be embarrassing for Tommy and me to be together?
At this moment, Finn rushed in, saying we had been robbed. The Lee family made it clear that they are also a bunch of bastards.
As I flipped through the ledgers, reconciling the lost property, Tommy found a pair of pliers on the table in the meeting room.
"Don't move! There's a hand grenade here," he warned.
Listening to their stories about the "jokes" on the battlefield, I was stunned. Still, I quickly responded, "No, there isn't. Otherwise, we would have been blown up when we came in."
"The bullets they sent only have my name on them. They want to kill me."
...Alright, what bullets? Tommy kept this from me again.
I watched him run out of the betting shop, seemingly knowing the location of the bomb.
I looked down at the ledgers. Money can be earned again, but things more precious than money are irreplaceable. If we want to replace Billy Kimber, we cannot afford a setback and let the Lee family take advantage. We must negotiate and become a tight unit.
Tommy returned, having found the bomb in his car.
He listened to my thoughts and nodded. I asked if he wanted me to accompany him.
He remained silent for a moment and shook his head. "The Lee family knows I have a beauty with me, but they don't know you."
"So what?" I frowned at him. I didn't understand. I just wanted to help him bear more, and besides, we were going for negotiation, not war. What's so scary about them knowing who I am?
Tommy shook his head and gave me a teasing kiss. "Can you... uh, smoke less..."
Tommy went to the outskirts market, and I accompanied Polly to find Ada.
Poor Ada, pregnant and living like a rat in the dark basement. Love? If this is love, I'd rather not.
Ada gave us the address of one of Sean's associates, a life for a life.
Since Ada left home, this was the first time I had seen her. She had changed from the lively girl of those years into a thin woman with a bulging belly. Her face was pale, and her eyes rolled around like a frightened quail.
"Don't torture yourself just because you hate Thomas," I squatted down, trying to persuade her gently. "And Thomas has done a lot for you and Sean, even though he sometimes seems annoying, he loves you. Go home."
I tried to persuade Ada to go home for rest, but she firmly refused.
It was raining heavily. I tightened my coat and stood in Tommy's garage.
Finally, Campbell arrived.
I handed him a note with Chapman's address. "This is Stanley Chapman's residence, and he has £200 from the Russians."
Campbell reached out to take the note but I dodged. "Use it to exchange for Sean."
He nodded. "You have my guarantee, Miss Turner."
Guarantee? Who would believe your guarantee? I raised an eyebrow.
His eyes betrayed him; he seemed to see me as a little animal that could be played with. He probably thought I was a gentlewoman protected by Thomas, harmless and innocent.
I didn't bother to correct his mistake. Let him see the consequences of his prejudice.
He asked me to pass a message to Thomas, asking him to hand over the weapons as soon as possible, and made a series of threats.
"Your spy, Grace from Garrison Pub," I spoke as he walked away. "Quite useless."
I watched Campbell stop in his tracks, turn around, and look at me.
We silently confronted each other.
"Miss Vanessa," he called me by my title.
That's right.
Despite scoffing at the news of "grandfather looking for me," I still managed to contact the informant who came from London. My grandfather, David Barton, was in poor health, his only son had already passed away, and he wanted me to return to be his heir, inheriting his factory and vast wealth. He even offered to help me inherit the title of Baroness—even though my younger brother George was still the current heir.
My grandfather went as far as seeking Churchill's help to communicate with me. Although I was indifferent to inheriting the wealth, I felt a bit emotional seeing the news of my grandfather.
In the face of the upcoming war, the support of such a wealthy old man would be a great help to the Shelby family. So, I decided to return to London temporarily.
I briefly talked to my grandfather on the phone, but the most important thing for me was to find information about the Russians.
The Shelleys sent a car to pick me up.
I drove my car and waited at the entrance of the Garrison. I planned to tell Thomas about my temporary departure to London and also to ask him about the Russians.
But Thomas seemed to be in a bad mood.
"Tommy," I called his name, but he only gave me a cold look.
"I'm leaving for London. Grandfather asked me to inherit the family business," I said softly.
This time, he finally looked at me seriously. "When?"
"As soon as possible. I'll be back after handling the family affairs. It's just a temporary return."
He didn't say anything. I could feel the chill in his eyes.
"I need to know more about the Russians. Do you have any information?" I continued.
He finally spoke, his voice indifferent. "We're dealing with them."
That was all he said.
I left Birmingham without saying goodbye to the others. As I boarded the car, I took one last glance at the Garrison, hoping that when I returned, everything would be fine.
However, fate had a different plan for me. I didn't know that my temporary departure marked the beginning of a series of unpredictable events.
As I stepped into the car, I could feel a storm brewing on the horizon. Little did I know, the storm would change everything.
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wordsarelife · 1 year
so my idea was that reader never had her first kiss and is very inexperienced. they‘re all making fun if her but in a loving way. but lockwood decides to rescue her and teach / practise with her.
—london boy
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pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: lockwood and y/n finish a study about what defines the greatness of a kiss
warnings: kissing ig
note: this was so fun to write!! such a good idea, I hope I did it justice!!
"yeah" Lucy laughed "but that wasn't the weirdest thing, when he kissed me, he had so much spit in his mouth, I nearly had to throw up"
"ew" George exclaimed, the rest of the table irrupting into similar sounds at the story of Lucy's horrible date
"I hate it when people do that" Lockwood agreed and you grew quiet. you had never kissed anyone, so it wasn't like you would now what should and shouldn't be done while kissing.
you found it some what embarrassing, but at the same time you had only turned sixteen, you had all the time in the world to kiss dozen of people. you internal monologue, had totally occupied from listening to the conversation and now all eyes had turned to you
"what is it?" you raised your brows. you sensed the growing reservation from your friends
"nothing" exclaimed Lockwood quickly, but you didn't buy into it
"we just wondered if you had ever kissed someone before" George said. Lockwood threw an angry look in his direction and Lucy admonished him loudly
"what?" you asked, startled by the sudden question
"well" said George "we all had a fair share of relationships, but we never saw you with anybody.. that begs the question" George left the rest of sentence unfinished, due to the kick he received from Lockwood under the table.
"oh" you looked down in shame "well, in that case I guess you're right"
"its nothing to be ashamed of" muttered Lucy. you looked up and send her a grateful smile
"it's a bit funny. but in a good way" George send you a smile "hopefully you will never have to kiss such a douchebag like Lucy, with a mouth full spit, there are enough of them in this world"
you all broke into laughter, the tense atmosphere suddenly blown away by you guys falling into your usual comfort.
an hour later, you were cleaning up the kitchen, when there was a soft knock at the kitchen door. you turned around and were met with Lockwood
"hey" you smiled "you know you don't have to knock, right? this is still your house"
"I didn't want to startle you" he walked into the room and sat down at the table
"I just finished" you sat down beside him "its quite late, we should go to bed"
he had taken your hand and stopped you from standing up
"wait" he muttered and watched as you sank back in your seat again "what you said earlier, was that true?"
"what? that I've never been kissed? do you think I would lie, because I like to feel embarrassed all the time? it's bad enough already, I don't need you to make fun of me"
"I would never, and there's nothing to be embarrassed of, a few less douchebags you have kissed, what does it matter?"
you just shrugged
"not every kiss is awesome. some of them are bad. so bad even, that you later regret them" he smiled reassuringly "maybe you avoided a few of them"
"this might sound stupid" you breathed "but are there bad and good kisses or just bad and good kissers?"
"well, what's the difference?" Lockwood smiled
"I presume there's a big one" you said "the difference is noticeable wether you measure the quality of a kiss by the circumstances or more by the person giving them. statistically-" you were interrupted the moment Lockwood suddenly leaned forward and plastered a chaste kiss onto your lips
"wha-?" your eyes turned big
"that was a good kiss for example" he said lowly "and just for measurement purposes" he leant forward again and repeated his action, this time leaving his lips a few seconds longer
"yeah" you breathed confused "those were pretty good"
"I think I understand what you meant now" he said "is it the kiss or is it the person giving the kiss"
"yeah" you nodded, leaning forward and kissing him again "I think it's the person giving the kiss" Lockwood shrugged and you smiled
"well, maybe there's another possibility we haven't thought about yet"
"is there?"
"yeah, what if it's the length of a kiss?" you planted a short and chaste kiss onto his mouth
"yeah, what if the quality is defined by time rather than skill?" Lockwoods hand wandered to rest on your cheek. he pulled your face forward slowly, connecting your lips.
it was in that moment you realised that kissing was much more easier than you had initially thought. it was a lot like falling asleep. all the time it didn't happen, you would worry and think, but when it finally did, it just happened, you knew what you had to do suddenly
your hands went into his hair, his hand was still resting on your cheek, the other gliding down towards your waist and pulling you off your chair and into his lap. his lips were soft, not that you had anything to compare them too, but still. you opened your mouth slightly, his tongue slipping inside.
you slowly broke the kiss, leaning your forehead against his and smiling. you stayed like that for a few minutes.
"do you think those are enough kisses to determine a measurement?"
Lockwood shook his head. "we still have to find out if quantity stands above quality"
you stood up from his lap. "I think quality's more important" you giggled, watching his face fall dramatically
"well, only one way to find out" he laughed, chasing you up the stairs.
the next morning George and Lucy would complain about having heard you two giggle all night.
you would send a conspiratorial look in Lockwoods direction, having continued your study up in his room
you were no longer the only one in the house who had not been kissed. and you had Lockwood to thank for that. although he had gotten quiet angry when you had suggested to expand the study by testing out different kissing partners.
he was much more keen on him being the only one you were kissing. well, let's just say, it's not like you minded...
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andromedavwrites · 4 months
Sorry if I’m yapping I’m just obsessed - sorry what ok continuing
Idk if you’re waiting reveal it or something but can you please say you’re fancasts (is it considered a fancast if you’re literally the creator? Or the half creator since it’s a reboot?) for your reboot?
I love eah fancasts / just fancasts in general and the way you’ve mentioned some of them in other posts makes me so curious
i never talk about my cast but here’s the list!!(i probably fucked up names on this, i have like five times)
these aren’t set in stone obv, and one of them is a joke bc i thought it would be funny if a certain someone played Rumplestiltskin-
Raven Queen played by Callie Haverda
Apple White played by Mckenna Grace
Madeline Hatter played by Momona Tamada
Briar Beauty played by Kyleigh Curran
Cedar Wood played by Maliah Baker
Ashlynn Ella played by Trinity Likins
C. A. Cupid played by Sarah Dorothy Little
Blondie Lockes played by Ava Kolker
Ginger Breadhouse played by Iman Vellani
Duchess Swan played by Rina Johnson
Darling Charming played by Clementine Lea Spieser
Farah Goodfairy played by Cheyenne Hinojosa
Cerise Hood played by Ashley Sarmentio
Daring Charming played by Tait Blum
Dexter Charming played by Jacob Tremblay
Sparrow Hood played by Dallas Young
Hunter Huntsman played by Mateo Gallegos
Humphrey Dumpty played by Issiah Russel-Bailey
Kitty Cheshire played by Miya Cech
Lizzie Hearts played by Sofia Chicorelli Serna
Alastair Wonderland played by Walker Bryant
Bunny Blanc played by Xochtil Gomez
Chase Redford played by Parker Bates
Courtly Jester played by Trixie Hyde
Meeshell Mermaid played by Sophie Grace
Jillian Beanstalk played by Brianni Walker
Hopper Croakington II played by Jentzen Ramirez
Melody Piper played by Oona O’Brian
Ramona Badwolf played by Symonne Harrison
She played by Izabella Rose
Poppy O’Hair played by Anais Lee
Holly O’Hair played by Mirabelle Lee
Brooke Page played by Pixie Davies
Gus Crumb played by Jace Chapman
Helga Crumb played by Camron Seely
Travis Thumb played by Amari O’Neil
Prudence Step played by Lilo Baier
Charlotte Step played by Ava Ro
Lily Bo-Peep played by Lotus Blossom
Zypherus Wynd played by Camren Conerly
Aquilona Wynd played by Trinitee Stokes
Charity Charming played by Kaylin Hayman
Clara Lear played by Scarlet Spencer
Mahlee Black played by Daria Johns
Coral Witch played by Michela Luci
Nathan Nutcracker played by Finn Little
Justine Dancer played by Priah Ferguson
Witchy Brew played by Pilot Saraceno
Nina Thumbell played by Ella Noel
Felix Princely played by Jackson Dollinger
Tucker Merry played by Miguel Cazarez Mora
Marsha King played by Alexa Nisenson
Jackie Frost played by Anya Taylor-Joy
Northwind Frost played by Logan Lerman
Milton Grimm played by Frank Whaley
Giles Grimm played by Kieran Mulroney
Baba Yaga played by Olga Kurylenko
Rumplestiltskin played by Danny DeVito
Pied Piper played by Collin Donell
Mad Hatter played by Paul Wesley or Alex Hefner
The White Queen played by Kate Winslet
Mr. Badwolf played by Con O’Neil
Momma Bear played by Nathalie Boltt
Papa Bear played by William Baldwin
Coach Gingerbread played by Hill Harper
Snowelle White played by Alison Brie
Elvira Queen played by Clemence Poesy
Good King played by Matt Lanter
Snow Queen played by Lisa Kudro
Snow King played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Lance Charming played by Dan Stevens
Bryce Frost played by Shailene Woodley
Pie played by ?
Butternut played by ?
Cheshire Cat played by Stephanie Hsu
Queen of Hearts played by Meghan Ory
White Rabbit played by Joe Arquette
Cook played by Olivia Hack
i have spent… so long thinking about my cast for this i would DIE if i got even half of these actors to play the characters in the reboot!!
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mammameesh · 5 months
Top 5 songs
@ramonaflow asked me for my top 5 comfort songs and I'm skewing the numbers a lil because this is my blog and I can.
Hold on by Noah Reid
Here comes the sun by The Beatles
Raise your glass by P!nk
Edge of 17 by Stevie Nicks
The A Team by Ed Sheeran
The A Team is one of my favorite songs and one day I'll write a fic based on it
This is probably basically my music taste? I have been listening to A lot of Atlantis Morrisette and Tracy Chapman this past month though.
@a-noble-dragon, @tyfinn, @jesuisici33, @demora00, @lizzie-bennetdarcy and open tag...
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Everyone is doing these and I think they're great fun so here goes
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