#literally just making up the lore because the show did not give me answers
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cookiesandcantarella-art · 2 years ago
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local author won't stop bringing the duck he's life-bonded with into the NO ANIMALS ALLOWED library
(lil doodle of hypothetical adult designs)
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wingedshadowfan · 4 months ago
⚠️arcane s2 act iii spoilers // criticism ⚠️
i kind of hated the end of arcane. hear me out.
i don't wanna rain on anyone's parade but we can all agree season 2's pacing was super breakneck. not a lot got explained or was given the proper time to develop or be addressed (at least in front of us, the audience, that is - but even then, some things could've been hinted at better) and this goes for both lore, motivations and interpersonal character relationships. (and i can give many examples such as the black rose, maddie's true motivations, caitlyn and vi's fight, jinx rallying up the undercity, viktor and ambessa's plans diverging, etc. but instead, i'll tell you what i think went wrong with what we got to see in the last three eps)
seeing where ep 7 left us made me think "okay ep 8 will start from the same exact spot and we'll see from there" and ofc my expectations were defied but that's not my main problem. i needed to know what happened to ekko, jayce and heimerdinger but even more than that, i wanted to see jinx grieve isha in her own way (by herself and not through being asked or guilt tripped to help someone else's agenda bcuz she clearly had little intrinsic motivation to unite the undercity over a common goal after silco's death) and internalize what she'd meant to isha - and that becoming jinx's catalyst to rally up the undercity. i wanted her to understand why this orphan from the undercity's mines sacrificed herself to save jinx - the symbol of a cause greater than her. i needed her to see what unifying zaun and making tangible institutional change to the undercity would mean in a way sevika never would've been able to show her. it would mean no more powders, no more ishas. not one more. breaking the cycle of violence, poverty, oppression, somewhat like what silco said in ep 9 (which she interpreted as 'you're the problem, so kys' and she attempted to until somehow ekko convinced her to help. how, why and did she even unite the undercity at all or just make her big hot air balloon late-to-the-party entrance with the firelights to a stray kids banger while sevika did all the work down in zaun?).
anyway, ep 8 threw us in for a loop in an alternative universe (and i loved it, don't get me wrong, but considering there were only 2 normal length eps left, it scared me just as much). instrumentally to the plot, we got to see ekko's main ability develop, and we saw jayce's reasons for shooting viktor. the main conflict of the show, the piltover/zaun one, if those 1,5 seasons so far were anything to go by, just got set aside for the time being. over halfway through the season, we've got a new big bad - the possibility of everyone getting possessed by the viktor/hexcore and becoming part of The Glorious Evolution™. it felt like a movie about racism and police brutality added aliens in the last 5 minutes to force oppressed and oppressors to (not all that successfully) work together, massive losses were suffered by everyone, and then the overarching motif wasn't about love or humanity or rebuilding (things that have come up repeatedly in other episodes, including the one ep literally called 'the messege hidden within the pattern'), it was "bad things happen sometimes, but good things happen sometimes too. it is what it is. i guess." like. duh?? as a viewer, this was quite the disappointing ending takeaway from such a masterpiece of a show but more on that in a second.
narratively, we saw a butterfly effect situation in ep 8 that answered the question of 'what could've been?' but even that answer confused me. the undercity was already oppressed and in socioeconomical peril before jayce's hextech - vi's death during that last job (which makes me believe zaun was the same in both universes because why else would they be poor enough to steal from piltover?) prevented it from being invented and thus stopping other things in piltover from happening but how did it lead to progress in the undercity? what happened and what was the key to it all along? why did shimmer not get invented, how did zaun and piltover seemingly unite, why were zaunites all of a sudden seemingly so much materially and culturally richer and better educated in just a few years? (that aside, i love ekko's determination to get back and save his universe's zaun. i loved the alternative jinx and i loved how everyone was wearing vests 10/10)
then, ep 9 felt like a bunch of confusing things happening one after the other to the point it almost overwhelmed me and i was left thinking i didn't understand a single thing from it (except maybe that one scene - that, i understood spiritually). and the first maybe 90% of ep 10 felt like i was just repeatedly getting hit, and again - no time to breathe, no consolation, no resolve, just receiving bad news after bad news, like getting beaten to the ground with stones.
and at the very end, after some of the ends get tied, caitlyn has her speech, which to me, sounds more depressing and hollow than anything else. she talks ambiguously of history and of ups and downs and of a story not yet over, but there's no promise for the future, no motivation to keep going, no bigger picture, no lesson learned. we're not shown much work being done either (and i'll make a separate post examining why it felt that way to me and a separate one abt how i interpreted her conversation w/ vi at the very end). i was left a bit confused, somewhat unsatisfied, and very, very sad.
did anyone else feel that way too? what did i miss, did i misinterpret or misunderstand something? please i'm going insane i had two different friends tell me they had no idea what i was talking about and that the ending was everything they wanted and more
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sezez · 2 months ago
Okay, so PPT Chp. 4 will certainly get mixed reactions. But for me, it was great and I genuinely love how much more lore we got and I already have some theories to craft. But before that, I'll just write my thoughts to the characters.
Spoilers ahead and this might be a long post.
Nightmare Critters & Pianosaurus:
First of all, so sorry for all of those Pianosaurus fans cause was he played dirty! I honestly thought we were going to have a mini-boss fight with this guy and I do like his concept. But instead he was killed in like 8 seconds, and also he changed up Doey's introduction.
In the trailer, Doey fell from the ceiling but in game he ate the dino and make him seem more menacing compare to the trailer. I guess that's one complaint I have, because it would have made him seem more trustworthy if he hadn't showed us how powerful and dangerous he could be. For whatever reason it was, I guess the devs just decided to change his introduction last minute.
As for the Nightmare Critters... Eh, the devs just said they're going to be a very, very minor characters. Also I kind of find it funny in that one scene where Sawyer gave us a chance to kill a critter, a critter we literally don't give two sh!ts about. Would have been more emotional or make us hesitant if it were someone like a toy from Safe Heaven, begging the Protagonist to not kill them or maybe Kissy Missy(?).
Kissy Missy & Yarnaby:
I was so happy that Kissy lived and she was so cute throughout the chapter, I love her and I swear to god if she ends up sacrificing herself to protect us from Huggy Wuggy, I will cry a waterfall.
But I am still curious as to WHAT happened to her, I did saw Sheeprampage's video where she could have been expose to some fire and possibly did so by letting some of the Red Smoke out then lit it up.
I really pray she'll be alright in the next chapter.
On to Yarnaby, he turned out just as I expected; a pet to the Doctor. I know people are disappointed that he didn't do as much as Catnap but must I remind you that in the ARG, Yarnaby is a failure by design. He lost the intellect he had when he was a child (he's name was Quinn btw) and just became loyal to Sawyer and Sawyer alone.
Now, right off the bat, I really like how we can see the Grabpack is shaking slightly. Just come to show just how traumatize this ex-employee is. Also, I am still wondering and praying if we'll EVER get an answer on who the Protag is. Like, can the characters just say our name instead of "You!", "I know you.", "I've never seen you before..", etc.
But what Sawyer asked, why did the Protagonist really come back? He does have a point on the letter (which I am questioning on how tf does he know about that), it can't be the only reason. Maybe it was because they lost a loved one, or perhaps they have some unfinished business?
I sure hope we get our answers soon...
And I am still wondering on how this employee, (he was straight up confirm by Harley and said by Miss Delight he's human) managed to survive a large-as$ fall?! Kissy's arm didn't reached 'em til after he got punched in the face by a pointy rock!
Harley Sawyer:
I know for a fact people are disappointed he didn't do much in this chapter, but I am satisfied. Sure, he could have had his robots scattered almost everywhere but he likes to play with his food rather than muling it down and making a mess. He leaves that job to his pets.
Also he literally is just a ghost in the machine, he can't do anything physical unless he uses those robots. I was a bit disturb the fact that his organs were kept in machines and I was confuse as to why he didn't even seem angry when we destroyed his lungs. I thought he'd get mad and try to prevent us from doing it to the rest of what's left of himself, yet he rants and rants on... Suspicious.
I also loved how he seemed so surprise to become a experiment himself, like sure all the other higher-ups did so, but he made too much of a mess. Which is ironic because he seems strict with things being clean, if the notes from the ARG saids so.
And I am interested with what the Prototype and Harley discussed during a VHS tape; "Tape and Time". 1006 is getting impatient with the doctor because he doesn't have time, but just what is it they mean? The Prototype was planning something big, I saw someone said it could be the Hour of Joy. How not only it was the toys fighting back, but for Harley to get his revenge to those that made him an ai. Proving to them it was a mistake to let him control everything and anything.
But I don't really see that being the case, I don't know why though.. just a gut feeling it isn't.
Doey the Doughman:
It seems like I was half wrong on him being a secret villain, I was quite surprised that he consists of three kids with their own personality. But I find that it makes sense, like this is a Bigger Body that is just a sentient clay and only having one soul control the big weight would be trouble some.
But overall, I do like his character a lot and I love the dynamic between him and Poppy. Yeah, she is right about blowing the factory up since there's no way in heck the toys can walk freely outside. They'll just go through the experiments all over again, but Doey still puts the moral dilemma infront. Just to show how much he cares for the non-hostile toys.
I honestly don't have much to say, he's just going to be the new Dogday to the fandom. A good character that dies, wether or not it actually affect the story.
EXP. 1006; The Prototype:
Now, this thing is really making me excited to see what the hell he looks like. The shadow of his spidery legs is creepy, but I'm wondering how the hell is he going through the small halls if those are his legs. Because this guy is gonna be as big as the Blob from FNAF.
And I, along with all the other people who saw it coming, weren't surprised to hear he's Ollie. I mean, the moment he spoke to the Protagonist and the tape we find at the end of Chapter 3 should have already alarmed us.
Also, I am not one of those people who think Elliot was turned into this guy. Elliot was still around when the BBI was on full swing, the math ain't gonna math if you try to do the calculation.
Okay, so... I will say I am NOT one of those people who will go "Oh, I knew it! Poppy's evil! She backstabbed us again!"
No. Stop, shut up.
She is simply a coward, and fresh reminder; she's a child, missing her father (Elliot) and is very much traumatized.
Did anyone you even watch the tape of her? And even though Sawyer is right about her knowing the Hour of Joy was to arrive, she didn't know about the true intention of it. She thought she and the other toys can escape, be free and live a life, but 1006 brings a point that is painfully true.
Even if they had escape, they would just go through the experiments all over again.
And I am so glad it's canon, because these toys cannot just go out there without scaring people or luring mad scientists on how they were made. They wouldn't be free, they would just lead themselves to another cage.
But as to Poppy herself, I love the tape of her and Ollie talking. Really makes the scene of him revealing to be the Prototype all the more heartbreaking for her, he was there when she cried, felt empty and was her only friend while Playtime Co. was in operation. But now that he's gone, she has no one. Kissy might come back for her, but the doll may distant herself away from others. To keep herself safe, to hide and stop bringing pain to those around.
I really hope we get to know more about her in the next chapter, especially with what the "tragic accident" is that led to her becoming a doll.
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theprinceandthewitch · 7 months ago
See... part of me actually wants to know what Dana's thought process was with Luz's and Hunter's relationship.
Like... why did she decide to make Luz's type of boy "angsty warrior princes" even though Luz's type of boy could have been literally anything else?
Why was Luz's relationship with a prince highlighted as important since WBW? Even going to far as to make Luz write a romantic scene between her and a prince in Sense and Insensitivity. Hunter would not make his debut until season two, but they felt the need to bring him up in SAI.
Why wasn't there more of an effort to make sure Willow was there for all of Hunter's important moments?
Why did they keep hammering in the Lunter = Caleb/Evelyn parallels, even when Luz was dating Amity? If you want to argue Luz had to be there for all of Hunter's moments because she's the protagonist, it doesn't explain why they wrote these parallels. Especially the ones that came up in Hollow Mind and Thanks to Them.
Why is Luz honest with Hunter in Thanks to Them when she has never been honest with how she feels with any other character -- not even her girlfriend? What makes Hunter different from anyone else? She could have just kept how she actually feels to herself and it would have changed nothing. It's not like Hunter wouldn't have given his speech to Luz if she didn't tell him how she feels... cuz she literally tells everyone how she feels after Hunter comes back to life. This decision is strange and unbelievably haunting... because Thanks to Them brought up the Caleb/Evelyn lore in an episode where Luz's relationship with Hunter was the focus... oh okay... i guess this is nbd then. Like I'm just supposed to not make a big deal abt Luz being honest without having the truth forced out of her... okay. I guess i also shouldn't make a big deal about the other choice to have Hunter know Luz's secret in Hollow Mind.
You really just did that for reasons that are toooootally not shippy, huh? Mhm, okay! Sure, I believe you! [this is sarcasm, btw]
Why did WAD make Willow stand in front of Flapjack's grave with Hunter, even though the only other character with significant ties to Flapjack is Luz? WAD even made it clear Luz feels guilty about Flapjacks death... but she still isn't shown to pay respects to Flapjack post timeskip... WAD is gaslighting me into thinking Willow has significant thematic ties with Flapjack... as if she has a deeper relationship with that bird than Luz did. And just to make it even worse, they give EVERYONE Flapjack tattoos even though no other characters besides Luz and Hunter are tied to Flapjack. Especially Amity... like girlies first and last conversation with Hunter was when he made her feel bad about her relationship with Luz in Eclipse Lake... but the show is gaslighting me into thinking Amity and Hunter are friends or something. TOH LOVES tricking me into thinking certain character relationships exist...
I'm not going to ask why Hunter is unconcerned with Luz not coming through the portal right away in FTF because I already know the answer. This episode exists almost exclusively to make sure Hunter's arc ends with him holding pinkies with Willow. FTF is really funny for pulling this little stunt at the beginning because it's completely out of character for Hunter LMAO. Not sure why they've made such a big deal about Luz's and Hunter's relationship, just to pretend like it doesn't exist in FTF; only to then bring it up in WAD by having Hunter and Amity guide Luz out of the illusion... nightmare thing. They just cant stop bringing up Luz's relationship with Hunter even when both of them are dating someone else, it's so crazy.
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satureja13 · 4 months ago
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As a story teller, what advice would you give to fellow Simmers who want to start a story but struggle?
For example: How did you start story telling and which obstacles did you have to shove out of the way to finally start? What made it easier for you to put yourself out there? Did you gain any personal rewards/benefits by telling your stories? How do you set up a story post? Pics first or plotting the episode? Where do you find inspiration? What did you wish you knew earlier? Or anything else that comes to your mind that could be of any help. I see quite a lot of posts from struggling future story tellers and I thought it would be nice to collect a few tips.
Questions are very welcome too!
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(My answers below the cut)
How to actually start:
I do read quite a lot and also watch series and movies - and what really turns me off is an infodump at the beginning. So I try to avoid that. And that also makes it easy to start. All the lore and background stories can happen later and you don't have to plot that out before you start. (Our current story started as a playtest and hundreds of episodes later, we have a lore as deep as the Mariana Trench ö.Ö') So don't let it stop you. It all evolves over time, when you ask yourself: Why did x have to move and go to a new school? Why is y restraining himself to hit on the cute guy? Why is z so annoyed of y and why is he the only one who thinks like this? How do they cope with stuff that happens to them? Why does x react in another way than y on the same event? ... There is a plot behind literally everything if you just take your time and look closely. Like a three year old child: "Why do we eat cute animals?" ö.ö' Showing your character's feelings and why they are who they are also helps you and the reader to form a connection to them. It never ceases to amaze me when story tellers are able to create characters that grow on you even though they are annoying and vulnerable and have flaws. (Like Terry Pratchett for example, or the characters in The Big Bang Theory.)
Which obstacles did you have to shove out of the way to finally start? I have a few obstacles to overcome putting my stories out there. ADHD often keeps me from concentrating and getting things done. It's hard to stick with something when you're distracted all the time. And I have a weird way of thinking. I'm also autistic and writing about feelings and how others think and stuff, is so, so hard for me. My stories are weird because of all of that and I know it. But I think they are quite unique and fun because of that and I wouldn't want it any other way :3 Plus my english isn't very good. Writing in a different language is quite an obstacle to overcome ö.Ö' But I can't write anything in my native language, I even take my notes in english. I have no idea why. Just sounds wrong to me.
What made it easier for me? - starting slowly I started this tumblr over ten years ago to post about my builds. Only a few people saw and liked my stuff so I got bolder and also shared gameplay pics and, after a while, a few stories. - passion I love my Sims, I think that helps a lot. After all these years, I'm still eager to see what they are up to and to tell about their shenanigans and adventures. - keeping expectations low Of you and your audience. It does not have to be perfect and not everyone will like what you do. That's just a fact. You'll get better at your own pace. I think tumblr is the perfect place to start a story, because if someone doesn't like your stuff, they don't have to follow you. - it's an outlet for my creativity. My ADHD brain is running on warp speed. Sitting down and putting some of these ideas and thoughts in a shape and make them real is relieving for me - and exciting! What rewards/benefits did/do I gain? - learning new stuff: I'm still learning english and just a few days ago, I shed tears of joy because I could finally understand an american series without subtitles! Also Photo editing. I kept looking for better ways to edit my screenshots and I learned so much! My Sims even inspired me to craft some stuff in RL ^^' - changing my point of view Telling about 6 different charcters is quite a challenge. Things that happen to them affect them in different ways and they have their own way to cope with stuff. They helped my autistic me a lot to make me see what's going on with people around me and to understand them.
- healing Seeing how the characters in my story cope with hardships and following them through difficult times helped me a lot. I could never express how glad and grateful I am I started all this. But I am. - fun I'm having fun doing what I do. And I think that's the motor that runs this whole thing. I think the readers can feel if you're commited to what you do.
How do I set up a story post? I have a rough idea where the story is going and what's supposed to happen next. Then I go ingame and take the screenshots, my Sims add a few ideas themselves - and I go with it. I write the post around the screenshots and what happened ingame. Like this, it's still surprising and thrilling - even for me, the story teller.
Where do I find inspiration? My brain goes without filters and I need a lot of time to get back on track after challenging days. But this sponge in my head also soaks up so many ideas! I get inspired by anything. Music, series, things I see... Sometimes, that sponge gets squished and I get to see glimpsesof future episodes and I just think 'whoa!' and take notes.
What advice can I give? Use the things that keep you from starting to your advantage - to make your story special and unique. Don't worry too much. Other people don't see things as serious as you might think. Write for your own healing and growth. There are mutuals who will like what you have to tell. You don't have to please everybody. Read others' stories, watch movies/series you like and note what you liked or disliked. That gives you a rough direction of where your story could go (that was a great advice from youtuber Grayson Taylor, link is below).
What I wish I knew earlier? That there are great youtube channels for writers! I know, that's kind of obvious, but I don't feel like a writer. I barely managed to finish school. And I thought those channels might be too sophisticated and dry, you know? But there are aweome ones. Like Grayson Taylor (who is an author) and Bookfox, (who is editor and author), for example.
You'll never know where it leads. Our current story started when I made four of my favourite adult Sims teenagers to check out the Highschool Years pack. That was ~ 2 1/2 years ago - and I hated school from the bottom of my heart, so I was very sure this wouldn't take long and we could go back to our ongoing story (spoiler: we didn't...). And: the first chapters the Boys spent at school were truely healing for me. I didn't plan anything of it ^^'
Don't be afraid. I'm here on tumblr for over ten years and I never got any hate on my stories or the other stuff I post. Though, I turned anon off. You decide what you see on your dash, that's the great thing here on tumblr. You just get as much drama as you invite in. For me, tumblr is my save place and I still say this is one of the best communities I've ever been part of (on and off line). Thank you <3
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vespidclan · 2 months ago
There's something i don't understand, and while i waited to see, it seems like the comic isn't gonna explain it
How did Snake understand any of that digital stuff at all, when the cats don'teven know whatcars are? She just saw what looks like a floating wall painting of her
Did 404 "mentally" blast her with the knowledge of human technology and what coding is when she showed her her sprite? By messing with the coding of her memory/knowledge ?
Did seeing her sprite unlock a sort of self awareness that immediately made her understood what she was, because the possibility of being aware is always accessible dur to her literally being code?
Hope i don't sound accusatory or mean, tone is hard through text ^^". Genuine question from being eager about learning lore and worldbuilding and trying to understand
Making a "realise it's all a video game" story with characters/species who don't even know what basic technology is seems really tough, and I'm really curious on how you made it work 👀
Also, how much does snake know? Does she think only her clan is fake coding, and the rest of the world is normal. Or does she know that her kithood is made up memories and the entire world is just as fake?
This is a very good question!!! I’ve had to go through a similar thought process with the whole “how would cats understand the concept of being in a game?” and I got it down to this;
Cats in real life don’t have a sense of self, but cats in warrior cats (and in Clangen overall) do, this helps me give them ‘human’ personalities that we can relate and understand to. And while they don’t know things like coding, files, and anything technical, they understand that there are things they cannot ever understand.
I take inspiration from H. P. Lovecraft’s work, and this excerpt from The Call Of Cthulhu perfectly sums up what I’m trying to explain
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404 doesn’t just give Snake a blank, lifeless reflection of what she truly is; within the morse code, she tells her something that she shouldn’t know. Something that is beyond her level of understanding as both a cat and as a living organism, and along with that was proof of it all—the subliminal incarnation of herself.
If you were to explain to a cat in the warriors series about programming and compare it to their own way of living, they would find it so bizarre that they would see it as almost otherworldy and nonsensical. Similar to how there are some concepts within our reality that we cannot fathom; things like these are ideas that shouldn’t be found and don’t need to be found in our lifetime. Even if it was something familiar to us like in this sense, being in a simulation as digital characters, it would still be something completely unbelievable to imagine
The very moment Snakevalley was told the truth, through lines of numbers and script, from the bare autonomy that builds up her world and existence, that everything she breathes in was never organic, it shattered her.
Again, thank you for this really great question! I love answering stuff like these, really glad I’m able to explain a little bit on my thought process of how things work :D
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cursed-spectre · 3 months ago
Okay, let's do this one last time.
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"Hi. My name's Spectre, and welcome to the cube. Here, you can ask questions to me, Ai, and Cassidy."
Don't forget me.
"They can't hear you."
"I'm a strange shadow thing, but I'm still a girl, and use she/her. Uh, by some strange er- miracle, I guess, I'm, uh—"
"She's dating Tera and Kiara from @ask-elliot-doorman-fam."
"I was getting there! Ugh, but yeah."
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"So, Cassidy."
"Since you decided to speak up,"
"Why don't you introdu—"
"I'll go!"
"That works."
"A-hem. Greetings, everyone. My name is Ai Morgenstern, and I'm the daughter of Spectre. I'm also a girl and use she/her. It's so very nice to meet you all. Hehe, I hope we can be best friends."
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"Ugh, fiiine, I'll do your stupid introduction."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Cassidy. She/her. Bye."
"What? Hey don't look at me like—...fine. And wipe that grin off your face, shadow."
"I'm Cassidy. I use she/her like everyone else in this damn place. Seriously, Spectre. You couldn't have made a son and not a daughter? N-no, I didn't mean it like that Ai.
Our pronouns are they/them.
You can be quiet. I am not saying I use they/them just because you're here. We aren't—I'm just gonna ignore you."
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I wish to answer questions.
The Rebooted demands questions.
"You don't have a vocal voice. That would be impossible."
Then you can speak for me, fwiend.
"... I'm going to hate this, I just know it."
"She's a nice girl."
(Mod Stuff underneath Read More)
So yeah, this is my RP blog. My personal blog is @spectral-squid, and I'll usually use (blue text in round brackets.)
As for rules,
Suggestive stuff is fine, and I'm okay with certain nsfw stuff, but I retain the right to give a warning if I don't like where something is going, as well as just stopping a chain if I feel it's needed. I will try not to do that, though. I don't really like to.
I won't tolerate straight up homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. Clearly fictional stuff like regarding Spectre's views of drones are fine, but if you are genuinely any of the above mentioned, I would rather you not interact. I myself am Transfem, so transphobia especially is not something I'd like to deal with.
I try to answers any asks I get, but sometimes one may go unanswered if I literally just can't find a way to respond to it. I'm very sorry.
The general #(Character) answers tags will be there.
Tags using "cursed" with the exception of cursed jelly, cursed doughnut, and cursed jelly doughnut will refer to me as a mod, not a character.
"#cursed gallery" is used for reference art of Spectre and co by me and others as long as it is still used for reference. These are commonly picrew edits, but may include reference sheets in the future.
"#cursed fan gallery" is used for fanart of the crew made by others
"#tales of a spectre" is used for short stories that show a bit of background into the lore of Spectre and her world.
"#cursed snippets" is used for short scenes within The Cube.
"#character trivia" is used for small bits of trivia regarding characters.
Some quick details (totally not because I always forget)
Spectre's human and drone forms are around the same height as V.
Ai is the same height as Uzi in the show, being smaller than the average worker drone.
Cassidy is almost N's height. (Yes, she is taller than Spectre.)
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fountainpenguin · 8 months ago
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #13
A New Dev-elopment
Aw, this is cute:
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He's got LITTLE boots... That's genuinely hilarious. Even the littlest Dimmadome is up to dress code.
Ooh, map! I'll be seeing you later. No labels, sadly, but there's a river in the west that curls around the south. Wait, that river's ugly. why is it square.
"Dev is so mean! I wish I knew why he acted like that." -> Uh-oh...
Oh, please tell me we're finally getting blatant child trauma. Also, that's super funny Hazel wasn't going to be teamed with Dev until she was paired because of her wish. I love that way more than her teacher actually pairing them randomly.
Founder's Day?? /war flashbacks to Alden Bitterroot
... Wait, is Dale Dimm an ancestor of the Dimmadomes? Huh.
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Oh, NERD??
He's cute, I'm enjoying him more after the last few episodes. Look at the teeth in his chunky little boots.
Hm. A tall place, I wonder if that's the Dimmadome tower building? (Dev's house, I think).
-> It was not, but Dev knew the place and it did have a connection to his dad. I like the implication Dev used to play there. And he's getting more engaged! Good boy. I'm glad this is a slow transition towards Hazel learning things about him and it wasn't a literal flashback episode. This is fun.
skldfj, all the locations are themed around Dev's family because they run everything around here.
SLDKJFSDF, he looks SO MUCH like his dad without his shades. That's great.
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I'm once again enjoying that we got a Dimmadome bully instead of a Buxaplenty bully. It's nice to explore another of the big families in the longstanding lore. Of our main families, this was probably the one we went into least.
... If the Buxaplentys run the trains in Dimmsdale (and have since jobs were assigned in the early days), they probably also have a connection here. I wonder if Remy and Dale ever became friends.
Aw, he's keeping the shades off for now. That's sweet. He's having fun!
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... Why do I get the feeling we're gonna get hit with him doing a 180 because he trusts no one and decides he'd rather blow up every chance of friendship?
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Oh, THAT'S not the microexpression you want a kid to make when he sees his dad. Finally, some good, sweet child trauma in this show... I missed this so much. We're finally getting The Vibes...
His full name's Devin! Or Devon; I'm not sure. I'm glad to know. Also, I'm glad he has a Prime Meridian poster in his room just like Hazel. Ooh, and Crimson Chin! And Dancing Tarantula. That one surprises me. Is it a series or movie in some way?
"Whether new or old, when you have this, you have gold." - The answer to this clue is gonna be friendship, isn't it? I'm not opposed.
Hazel is showing absolutely 0 qualms about breaking into the school and honestly... Chloe would be proud. They would totally be friends.
-> I'm cracking up at Dev quietly opening all the doors while Hazel's trying to tell a dramatic story. She's all about emotions and fun and his default setting is "straightforward response."
Actually, they really do give me Timmy and Chloe vibes. Timmy's schoolmates used to tease him for talking to inanimate objects and I wonder if they also saw him as a grump like Dev, both dealing with difficult home lives.
Aww, Dev is playing along! He's pretending there are lasers so Hazel enjoys sneaking into the school despite him just pushing open all the unlocked doors. That's really cute.
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Aw, criminalizing evidence of you being goofballs! That's adorable.
... and the printed versions are in 2D, of course!
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I like this one:
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It speaks to me.
Y'know, I wasn't expecting to like them as a ship, but I can absolutely see it now. Even if Dev goes back to being grumpy in future episodes, Hazel's seen a side of him that's going to change her way of thinking about him forever. I like that.
Like, at any point from this episode out, if Hazel is portrayed as being fond towards him, I'll be okay with it because they were clearly having a lot of fun playing together, and Dev's brought down his walls enough that he explained why he was having a hard time and he apologized for hurting her feelings.
He very clearly regrets snapping at her and saying he doesn't want to be friends, or at least he regrets it when he sees her storm off:
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And he apologizes!! Good boy! ... Yes, he showed up and snapped at her again, but... He got there! ...... He is strugglin'! Big yikes.
I like this a lot more than the ship vibes I'd been worried for, which I'd assumed would be Hazel insisting there's good in him and "she can change him," or "He just needs a friend and then he'll be nice." I like this slower development.
Hazel gives me many Chloe vibes (in a good way), but she has her own unique twist on them. Chloe's whole thing was that she denied things that upset her, including the abuse she faced at home from her "perfect and amazing parents" because thinking about herself or her parents as less than perfect kept sending her into a dissociative spiral that would last for an hour before Timmy got her out of it.
Chloe would try to befriend everyone because she thought there was good in them... although her feelings for Kevin were hilarious ("He's a touch off-putting... in a really off-putting way").
When Kevin turned on Chloe, she yelled at him about how she thought she'd seen good in him, but that "he was really just a miserable piece of Crocker," and she was totally down to fight him with a sword.
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Like... Yeah, of course Kevin jumps out her window without responding. She's scary! :(
The face of a girl who will later steal Kevin's hall monitor uniform while he's unconscious and won't feel even slightly bad because "he doesn't deserve it." She's a mess. I love her so much.
Chloe's always funny to me because she denies and excuses a lot of things, but there are a few people who can boil her blood and she loses it every time. Later in the season, she accidentally gives three children fairy godparents after screaming at them and dropping them to miserable. Chloe... Breathe.
But Hazel is not so hot-button. Which is fun, and I really like this- I'm glad Hazel isn't following the same pattern of personality (Always a concern of mine for a franchise that already has few girls, many of whom are love interests).
Hazel's got a different angle, in that she's been annoyed at Dev and glaring at him this entire series up until now, including this episode, and she (seemingly) didn't even intend to make her "I wish I knew why he acted that way" wish, because... she was just griping. lol. She hated him so much this entire show, only bending briefly when she found out they love the same book series (and when she suggested they order lactose-free pizza for him since he can't have any), and I respect that.
-> She paid so little attention to him that she forgot Dale Dimmadome was his dad. That's hilarious- It's the one thing the audience had on him and she saw him on TV and went "... I don't know who that is. Why is he wearing ridiculous boots?" That's so funny. Big "Lex Luther waking up in Flash's body and checking his secret identity in the mirror" vibes, except it's Hazel squinting at the TV trying to figure out why some guy with weird boots is on the news.
She's willing to pal around with Dev when they're out, after he shows he's good at puzzles, even before she gets that hint about his daddy issues. I like that too. Hazel's struggling with missing her brother who was her best friend - her entire world, down to wearing his hand-me-downs - and probably has a much better understanding of separation and loneliness than she would have if Antony hadn't gone to college yet.
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Also, Dale calls her a mean name in this scene, so... she gets it. She can tell that guy's bad news and making his son sad.
She enjoys Dev's company. They were goofing around and having a great time as friends even before Dev's daddy issues reveal was in the picture for her. I enjoy that. I take no issue with them growing up to be either platonic friends or romantic, under the assumption that they maintain patience with each other and don't put their walls back up.
I suspect Dev might regress because he's the big rival, so I Do Not Trust that he won't become snappy again, and Hazel is completely justified in being annoyed if that happens, but I could also see her being more patient with him going forward, and that wouldn't bother me. He's fun, chill, and energetic when he's not wrapped in his self-defense mechanism of pretending not to care, so I can see her enjoying his company a lot. I like this.
I guess what I think of it is... I was worried about where this was going, and it went way better than I'd guessed. My thought process was "I cannot blame a kids' show for wanting to show that everyone's going through hard times and you should try to be nice to bullies so they're maybe nice to you, but you also have to be careful not to tip so far in that direction that you're subtly telling kids to ignore if they're being abused."
And it didn't go that way! As far as I can tell, which makes me happy. Even when he ran after her to apologize a few minutes later, she was terse with him until he really did apologize (because he showed up and was still being mean at first). She also communicated, expressing that he hurt her feelings.
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I'm glad she's good at communicating her feelings and makes an effort to do so. It makes a lot of sense since she has a therapist for a mother, and we saw her parents calm her down in Episode 1 when she was getting heated. It's nice to see someone having a good home life and some healthy skills.
I really like how:
- Hazel didn't try to change him or deny any of the rudeness he'd expressed towards her. She starts this episode still annoyed at him. - Hazel didn't make Dev feel bad when he started expressing himself more. When he struggled with the idea of a high-five and pulled back his hand, she didn't pressure him. She let him go at his own pace and he high-fives her later on. - After his dad told him it was dumb to care about a treasure hunt to win water park tickets when Dimmadomes can just buy the park, she followed him to his room and gently changed the conversation back to what they were doing, not forcing him to talk about it (and not snooping or wishing). - The instant he's snappy with her, she walks out. She GONE. When he shows up, she keeps on guard and explains that he hurt her feelings. He apologizes and only then does she forgive him- she wasn't trying to excuse him, even though she'd literally just witnessed the reason for his mood change. -> I kind of like that. Hazel's out here like "Dev, listen. Your life is hard and I get that. But that doesn't mean I have to be your friend if you're going to treat me badly." This girl knows what's up. - Even though she desperately wanted to crawl through the air vents and rappel into the principal's office, she listens to Dev's suggestions when he opens all the doors. lol.
They're sweet. I enjoy this status quo shift. I didn't really care for Dev because he was definitely putting off prickly vibes, but I like him a lot more now.
This child's dad was kidnapped and forced to make lemonade underground for 7 years- I totally get why he's hesitant to trust, and the fact that his dad makes him feel like his interests are stupid is rough. I get it, buddy.
Oh, them:
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I have to assume that's his Mediocre waist pack from "Weird Science" wrapped around him and that's great. That's a nice detail since in most episodes, he's not wearing it because he's already arrived at school and put it away for class, but in this one, he just walked through the door so he's still wearing it like Hazel has her backpack.
-> He really said " :( "
Dev "Totally down to commit B&E" Dimmadome: why do authority figures not like me?
I really like how Dev is so comfortable with Hazel and/or the idea that he's capable of making friends that he's totally ready to take his shades off the first day back at school. You get this sense that he WANTS to have friends... he's just having a hard time finding someone he trusts, presumably because he keeps his walls up so it's hard for others to get close to him. Hazel's meeting that need, so he's willing to relax.
He doesn't care if anyone else in class will react in surprise to seeing him without shades. He doesn't care if this changes his reputation with the entire school. Like, that doesn't seem to bother him even slightly.
-> Dev, I have good news for you! You can make MORE friends if you continue being friendly!!
-> Man went "I've only had Hazel for 1 weekend and if anything happened to her, I would terrorize everyone in this room and then myself."
I feel like since she's his only known support right now, this can easily swing into a clingy extreme (and I feel like he might have a hard time taking critique from Hazel), but... Step in the right direction.
-> And she's good at communicating. I think he can learn social skills and healthy relationships from her. I want him to meet her parents so he can see their relationship too.
/whispers loudly - I want to see his mom and grandpa. Are they around? Does he have siblings or other relatives? I have to assume he's an only child, but... hm. I'd like to know more about his relationships with other family members, because if Hazel is legitimately his sole support right now... uh-oh.
Also, I enjoy how often Dev keeps casually walking around with his hands in his hoodie pockets. Why even give a character a hoodie if you're not going to pocket their hands? That's cute.
I think it's funny that when he's wearing his shades, he has this "cool/grumpy" aesthetic when his hands are in his pockets, but when they're off, he still keeps his hands in his pockets and he's just... chillin'.
Dev would call you at 2 AM from a Denny's 2 hang. idk why, but that's the energy he gives me. Man doesn't know social norms, but he's always ready to drop everything and hang out.
Dev is the rich guy who way overpays and is confused when told that's too much, except that's him with how he'll be treating Hazel in the future, I think. What do you mean regular people don't fly around the city on a helicopter. What are you talking about.
The waterpark was shut down? ... Why do I suspect Dale was behind this, and Dev's gonna be TICKED.
That was a great episode! I like where this is going; we're getting into the old FOP swing with the underlying abuse themes and that makes me happy. Someone please give that kid a fairy. I wish I knew if the misery rules were still in play in this show.
Cookie's Court
This opening scene is cute. Neat that the punch card came back, as weird as it is, and it's nice to see Hazel relaxing and making goofy wishes.
Cookie's back! She's interesting; I'd like to learn more about her. Does her ferret scarf thing have a name?
Okay, so... Hazel does know she'd lose her fairies if they revealed their magic. We never had the rules explained in this show, which feels weird, but okay.
-> I'm so confused about what is and isn't still a rule. I guess I should assume they're all still in play? But... /gestures with confusion at miserable godkids lore. Did they have to cut that part to keep Dale's backstory, because that seems like a weird choice. Why didn't he get a fairy? It's not like rich kids don't get fairies; Remy had one.
-> I'm not opposed to it taking a while (F in the chat for Timmy having to go through Vicky's torments solo for a year before Cosmo and Wanda came into his life), and Jorgen already snapped at Cosmo and Wanda for jumping on Hazel when another fairy was already working through the hoops to get her, but... my inability to figure out if the misery rule still exists is really throwing off my sense of lore.
I like Whispers Fred's little microphone on his shirt, next to his big microphone and his headset microphone. He has 3... Help him.
Fairy Court!! ... Whoa whoa whoa whoa, Jorgen? You shouldn't be on the stand. AAHHHHH Fairy World's flag is the Rainbow Bridge stripes! I love that. That's way better than the blue one with the star they had in "Oddlympics." I wish I would've thought of that.
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AAHHHHH! The court symbol survived! It was in court in the OG series too. Only in "A Wish Too Far" though, I think, since the Fairy Council had a different symbol in "Secret Wish." I remember drawing at least one of these. Lemme see.
Yeah!! This is exciting. I used to draw it on stuff, like the wax seal I use on my Class Overview post for Fairies! I love this.
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^ Season 2 vs Season 8. Also, WOW... you cannot get a good picture of it in "A Wish Too Far," so kudos to the art team for taking the time to include it anyway.
In the OG show, the Anti-Fairies have something similar hanging in Anti-Cosmo's castle (although I'm not 100% sure it's got a moon).
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I think in one of the live actions, Jorgen takes over as the Green Robe on the Fairy Council (I think in "Fairly Odd Summer"). I wonder if that's why he's acting judge here. I guess it doesn't matter; I'm not that concerned about it since I don't consider that canon anyway.
WHAT! You rip 10-year-old Denzel Crocker's fairies away when Timmy accidentally reveals he has fairies, but you let this slide? Jorgen...
Oh, never mind........ He's not.
Furry!! He's testifying! What a cool ferret.... omg, Cookie's in jail for 10k years. SLKDFJSLDFJ, she has a jail skeleton just like when Cosmo and Wanda went to jail in the musical.
Also, I can't be that shocked at her punishment. Revealing magic on accident is one of the biggest offenses in Fairy World because it endangers their society, so trying to do it on purpose looks really bad.
-> I wonder if Crocker still has his memories since Jorgen stopped erasing them after Season 7. I feel like we'll probably get a Crocker cameo, but that feels like a piece of lore that wouldn't carry over. Hmm...
Fairy World Prison... I gotta look this up.
Okay, it's not "Gland Plan" like I thought, and it's definitely not Abracatraz. Is it "When Nerds Collide" (Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour 2?)
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IT IS! What a glow-up! That's fantastic. I love that... They even have all the clouds the same colors. This is gorgeous. Those chains overlap the same way. Wow... That's seriously impressive how we keep seeing these subtle callbacks. I love it <3
Wrapping it up here for today! Thanks for joining me on another liveblog.
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purpdrawsthings · 2 months ago
What kinds of acts are in Puzzle's circus? And what's the SMG4 controversy about? :0
So unsure how to answer this question cuz I haven't considered much about the lore of both him and the au he's involved in sixhsish...
Buttttt I can give a basic idea of how he would work =D
Keep in mind that this could change in the future!
For easier writing for me, let's just call Showman Puzzles as SP 'kay =3
SP doesn't actually own a circus! So how does he work? Welllll this may go off topic because of how terrible I am at explaining so uh.. brace yourselfs ;w;
The 3 arcs before the Puzzlevision movie [ IGBP, WS and WOTFI23 ] were tests by SP to see if they had potential. He was going to plan on taking the crew away and do what canon Puzzles did. But since in this AU 4 has taken an interest in the whole circus show thing and actually has a whole circus thing, SP took an interest in it too and decided to change his plans to taking the crew and just using 4's circus show to make his name big.
Very selfish man I know that's why I love him sidysodhdohdoehdodh 💜💜💜
I MIGHT change how he works because I haven't developed the story much and only got the basics. THIS WHOLE THING PROBABLY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE I KNOW.
As for the 2nd question.. I need to explain something first!
While the poster is NOT CANON in the au storyline, I decided to make the poster basically after his defeat in the Puzzlevision arc. That's why there's the SMG4 controversy! He's literally just trying to cover it up and make sure people don't know about what happened since he's that embarrassed.
Anyways, yeahhhh that's all for me answering the questions on this ask =D I'm probably going to take a break from writing since I'm literally in the car rn as of writing this and omg my stomach does not like me.
So uh... Yeah yeetus chat =3
PS : if y'all saw me posting this when it wasn't finished yet, apologies I forgor that it was the post button not the save button so uh.. Sorry for the inconvenience ;w;
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chakotaybodypillow · 2 years ago
What the hell even is Chakotays tribe??? Would it be a surprise that there is an answer to that? What tribe he was based on has been questioned for a while and I’ve only seen a few people come close to a proper answer. I’ve seen people say that he is of Navajo/Dine descent or Ojibwe. I wouldn’t say any of those are wrong as his “traditions” were all over the place it made it hard to tell. Our first bit of evidence is the location he and his father traveled to in the episode “Tattoo”. Now this is my least favorite episode in Voyager, almost as worst as TNG’s Code of honor lol. So, it’s always hard to watch and I haven’t done so in a while, but I do remember they said they traveled to Central America. Obviously, this makes up a few different countries and tribes, but the most predominant Nation in this area are the Maya. I’ve been doing tons of research on this matter, and its literally impossible to compare Chakotay’s tribe to an individual Maya tribe. This is where the writers used the “Hollywood Indian” stereotype because its just all over the place. Other than the location, a few things that gives it away is the name of his tribe. They call themselves the “Rubber Tree People”. If you are familiar with Mesoamerican history, you would know that this is what “Olmec” is roughly translated to. Linguists were able to translate it from the Nahuatl word “Olmecatl” meaning “the rubber people who live on this land”. The rubber tree also plays a significant role in Mesoamerican tribes. The rubber from the tree was used to make the ball for the sacred game of “ulama”. Which played an important role of in the creation story in the Popol Vuh about the Hero Twins. The Olmecs came before the Maya and Aztec, but a lot of Olmec culture influenced their own. Whether or not Chakotay’s tribe were direct descendants of the Olmecs is unknown to me. It wouldn’t make much since historically speaking, but it would fit the narrative of the episode “tattoo”. Another indication would be one of his decedents, Ce Acatl. Ce Acatl Topiltzin was a real person who was a ruler of the Toltecs. I’ve only read a lil bit bout him so I won’t speak on what he did or who he was until I’ve done more research. Finally, one of the other MAJOR indications to me was in his short background story of pathways. I am aware that these are not canon, but it gives a glimpse into what the creators had in mind while creating theses characters. The literal first page is his father recounting a story from the Popol Vuh, and he’s talking about the Hero Twins, Seven Macaw, and the Maize God. My mind was blown when I read that, cause I started research about this a few yeas ago and was using clues from the show and figured since I had read the book before and didn’t remember any significant information about his tribe, there wasn’t any point to open it up. I read the book again at the beginning of the year and lost my mind. All of my answers were there lol. But it confirmed what I already knew. I felt hella proud cause I took the long way to get an answer and was still right. Anyways there’s still sooooo much to say about this and I’m working on a well put together paper explaining why the customs and traditions they gave him were wrong or confusing. I hope people will read cause I put a lot of research into it. I also have what I think to be some good lore that could fix a little bit of the damage that was done. More on that later though 😊.
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haedgaf · 6 months ago
hello please share some tmi about your crush with the crowd (i got nosy after all these asks you answered yesterday..) (and obviously only if you want to….)
HAJDHAKDHSKDJDK OMG I LOW-KEY WANNA GIVE A WHOLE RUN DOWN PF EVERYTHING but let me just show the tweets i made that explain what happened 😒😒
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BRO EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT AGAIN IS AHSKSHDKDB I WAS SO DEVASTATED 😭😭😭 june you don’t get it i want him sooooo bad 💔💔 he is so cute and funny and silly and that’s exactly what i look for in a boy, his only flaw is that he is like a few months younger but errr but at the same time i’m convinced i only like him because i’m so love and crush deprived after my two last class crushes left the college so i had to settle for him.. ANYWAYS
some crush lore: i swear at one point he wanted me not kidding you like last school year we literally had this moment where the teacher tasked students to help each other and i basically already knew what to do but he went up to me and asked me if i understood and i was like “yeah i did this last year” (since he was a new student last year while it was my second year) and he DECIDED TO STAY AROUNDGAJDHAKD BRAHHH and then he just talked to me for 30-40 minutes about EVERYTHING and at some point i placed my bag off the chair and he said “i’ll sit down here” EEEEEKKKK and just continued to tell me about himself brooo i learned so much about him that we literally found out we went to the same secondary school WE ARE SO MEANT TO BE IDKKK and i swear our conversation wouldn’t have ended jf it wasn’t the end of the lesson 😭😭
if i wasn’t already crushing on someone last year i would’ve been hitting on him but i think about it so many times now like fuckkk HE WANTED ME THERE IS NO OFHER REASON FOR HIM TO WASTE HIS RIME WITH ME ONSTEAD OF HIS FRIENDS 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ (but maybe he considered me a friend because i lowk used to always harass him by coming over to him because i was bored and wanted to know what he did) (BUT JUSY OUT OF FRIENDLINESS, now i’m too embarrassed to go up to him like fuck 😭)
there some other moments too but urghh this year i was just like he is so stinking cute man (i always thought this) and i was like ykw let’s make him my class crush and then i overheard the fact that he got eyes for someone else like FUCK MY LIFE MAN.
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eliotquillon · 4 months ago
ask game for house!
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you my:
• blorbo (favourite character, character i think about the most): SEE this is difficult. because my favourite character is by far cameron (i keep it really subtle you might not have noticed /s), but she is not necessarily the character i think about the most—that’s probably house himself, lol, not that my fic ever shows it. but for the purposes of this question and by most people’s definition of the word: yeah it probably is cameron. love her and her messiness and her permanent hair indecisiveness <3
• scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): you’re all gonna think i’m lying out of my ass because i’ve never mentioned him on here but it IS kutner. i always have the biggest dumbest smile on my face whenever he comes on screen. last night me and my friends were showing each other christmas episodes of shows we like and when it was my turn to pick i specifically chose the s4 christmas episode because i knew kutner would lighten things up and bring some joy. think it was probably best he left the show when he did but MAN did he brighten up s4 and 5
• scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): okay realistically this is cameron but i can’t just answer her for every question. so first runner up is probably…taub? who i know is quite popular as comedic relief but as an actual serious, dramatic character…man. the first time i saw the scene of him throwing the balloons at his face in larger than life i nearly cried. i really, really like taub and genuinely enjoyed his marriage subplot. he might be my favourite of the new fellows tbh.
• glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and i won’t shut up about it for a week): okay not to cop out but this has a few answers. if we’re talking actual minor characters—then nurse brenda previn. miss you diva. the team’s mortal enemy being the head charge nurse was such a funny concept and deserved to stuck around. if we’re talking characters who had a major role but only for 1-2 episodes—rowan chase for obvious ‘what the fuck is going on THERE’ reasons. if we talking characters who are mentioned but never actually appear—as fond as i am of cameron’s dead husband, this one goes out to julie. obsessed with the woman who broke the streak of wilson cheating on his wives to cheat on HIM and still kicked him out of their house. why does she hate green. what a tangled web she weaves.
• poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): split between house and chase but leaning towards chase. not because he’s unpopular, but just. Look at the state of him. Most intense backstory/lore of all time. he literally had a character-development signifying haircut. he’s the asskisser of all time. and i do really really like him fyi
• horse plinko (character i would torment for fun, for whatever reason): MASTERS. i actually really like what she brings to the show and as an autism princess myself i highly respect her autism girl swag. but that said i love the way the team (CHASE) winds her up. she’s so funny to poke at. love you masters but i would make you do medical malpractice forever if i could
• eeby deeby (character i would send to superhell): lucas douglas. yes i’m choosing lucas over vogler or tritter. i like vogler as a villain and the tritter arc gave us banger episodes like son of a coma guy. lucas just. Annoys me and is kind of boring to boot. i regularly forget his surname. and that’s a crime nobody can atone for. i cant believe cuddy dated this loser for a year.
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months ago
i wanted to know if you have any plans for the og campers???? like luke, clarisse, silena, beckendorf, etc etc
this is SO funny bc i was literally JUST talking to @wronghuntress about them like a few hours ago😭😭 BUT to answer your question,,, it's sort of complicated. bc i didn't realize that i was doing it until like a good way into the series, but i've been unintentionally picturing pretty much all of the og campers/people from the main pjo series as part of the acting side of hollywood, whereas i've been leaning more toward, like, toa/side/minor characters for the rest of the main cast! this makes sense to me because like, nico and will get their big moment in toa, and apollo's a huge character too. percy and annabeth are actors obviously, but i did give them some connections to nico - but either way, i guess i just saw all of those characters as not really having any sort of connection to nico & will (even though i'm the hugest fan of will being close with clarisse and silena and beckendorf- he was totally will's bi awakening it's canon u heard it from me)
but anyway im getting off track, i've sort of had like a completely separate plotline for them going on in my head (not really detailed at all, i'd have to think about it more), dealing with more of those og characters, including percy annabeth and grover! i'm not entirely sure if that'll ever be included in the main fic seeing as they don't have much connection to nico's storyline specifically, but who knows... maybe a spinoff fic one day? i definitely won't be able to write some long 100k fic for them but i'd love to dive into that!
the only thing that i DO see happening is - if you remember this, a while ago, i mentioned the possibility of a third fic or some future plans for nico to write a musical to get that egot, namely hadestown. while the idea was being organized in my head, i've been thinking of silena as helping nico write the musical and playing eurydice, and then ofc i'd love having beckendorf play orpheus - i think he gives the vibes?? or is that just me???
and then jenna (wronghuntress) gave me the BEAUTIFUL idea earlier today of this... silena and charlie as actors, specifically broadway/musical theater actors (though im sure they have also been in some other projects), clarisse as silena's bodyguard,,, and im usually so against love triangles but like. there's so much potential there - again, nothing's finalized, i dont even know if i'm gonna write it, i don't really have ANY plans other than potentially making nico contact silena when he wants to work on his musical and having them + beckendorf work together for the demo recording - it's all VERY vague and blurry so we'll see if i come up with anything more to fall down that rabbit hole!
and as for luke, i pretty much have this: he's an actor, at some point he was prob friends with annabeth after working on a show together or smth, and ends up getting cancelled. for what? i'm not entirely sure yet, but it's probably very shitty for the internet to turn against a hot white guy. actually that fact might make him getting cancelled very unrealistic. but like it's my fic so that's what i'm saying happens! unfortunately he prob still gets roles and he's prob still like a millionaire and stuff but in general: bad person. though he probably (and thalia, because she used to be an actress too before running away) were in a movie/show/something with annabeth when she was young and they kinda mentored her/helped her learn the ropes before her big break. they started a club of neglected child actors which eventually turned into just annabeth, but at least she has percy and reyna and jason and piper and magnus on her side now :)
so long story short: i don't have specific plans, but they're all actors and definitely have a lot of lore that one day i would like to try to figure out!! for now i'm still very focused on tgol/the side stories that take place in THAT main timeline (so right now it'd be 2020-2024), whereas all of the main drama/plot in the actors' timeline would be happening BEFORE talk your talk (percy + annabeth + thalia + luke + silena) (around 2008-2015) or AFTER the greatest of luxuries (silena + clarisse + beckendorf + chris(??? i have no idea what's going on with him?? he's prob famous somehow but idk??? or maybe like childhood friend tis the damn season vibe. god there are so many fame tropes i have yet to unlock and so many characters i have yet to mess with) (around 2024-2026)
thank you for the ask!! i hope that one day when i have some more time to make some playlists, properly listen to hadestown, and learn more about musical theater/broadway/acting in general, i'll be able to answer the question more thoroughly!!
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dragon-cookies · 1 year ago
Episode 5, here we go. I'm only going into this with slightly higher hopes because Alastor's in it
Charlie and Vaggie share a bed, that's fuckin cute
"I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working" GIRL it's because you need an actual THERAPIST to help these demons. If you and Angel Dust actually talked it out in episode 4 you might've realized this
"[Lucifer] let the extermination happen to begin with!" Did he??? Because last I heard it sounded solely like a decision by Heaven
Charlie babe I really, REALLY don't think Heaven's going to give a shit if they let Adam keep his status as an angel
Charlie has the contact info for every egg boy that's fuckin CUTE
Tumblr media
Why are we making fun of Charlie for having "daddy issues" when Lucifer wasn't a present parent, literally why is this still a trope ugh
Oh cool we're making Lucifer adorkable and silly. I'd normally say it's cute that he and Charlie are so similar but we literally just established he wasn't a great parent to her, so why are we trying to make him funny and relatable
Jfc this man sounds and acts like Charlie's brother, nothing about him gives off dad vibes whatsoever
Is God even a thing in this universe?? Charlie talks about wanting to talk to the top of Heaven's ranks yet I haven't heard God be mentioned once
"My daughter wants to see me! Take THAT depression!" motherfucker you are her DAD. You should've been an actual good parent to her if you want her to stick around
Al giving Lucifer the Stink Eye is cracking me up, me too man
"AhAAAAH. Fuck you." Oh Al is MAD mad lmao
"Hoho golly, you like GIRLS" Man knows literally NOTHING about his daughter WOW
Once AGAIN song jumpscare
"Big talk for someone's who's also on a leash." Oh??? Lore?????? In THIS show??????? Lore that isn't answered 0.2 seconds later?? That's a first lol
As much as I don't like Lucifer I honestly don't really blame him for being hesitant to want sinners to go to Heaven because yeah Heaven seems fuckin awful from all that we've seen of it
"How can [Alastor] have faith in me but my own father can't?" He doesn't though, Al decided to help out with the hotel out of sheer boredom. Love how this show can't even keep its own story straight lmao
Wait DOES Al suddenly care?? When did this happen????
Holy shit the first song to not jumpscare me, that's a first
Oh fuck off this is a good song but once again it feels completely unearned
Fuck OFFF why is this song legitimately so good, this show doesn't deserve to make me emotional
Oh shit Vaggie's a fallen angel I'm gonna call it right now
Okay overall, one of least grating episodes so far. I really hope we see Lucifer actually trying to be more involved in Charlie's life and y'know, actually grow a bit, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. This show is SO immensely frustrating because it keeps giving these tiny scraps of genuine emotion and good storytelling that's just buried amongst sex jokes and swears, and it's just enough to make me want to keep watching. If it were just objectively bad all around I would've just dropped it already. Ugh.
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mammons-hubby · 2 years ago
(I was able to recover up to Satan, the other three brothers are all new)
When your resume said that you were a professional assassin he thought you would be intimidating, cold and serious.
He quickly realized he had thought wrong, as when you came all he saw was a noisy person who couldn't keep their nose on their own business.
He honestly thought he may have read the wrong paper, or that the wrong human had been called.
Lucifer also underestimated you, yes, you may be dangerous, but how dangerous could you possibly be against a demon?
This question would be answered, just as Belphegor's hands tried and reached around your neck.
In a quick, instinctive movement you were able to throw him on the floor. Even with his demon strenght, he was no match against your defense skills (although you later admit that the shocked you sent him into probably helped)
After that, Lucifer wouldn't worry as much to leave you out of sight, but to raise his ego, let him protect you!
Absolutely refused to believe a human could be so dangerous.
Yeah, humans were known to kill eachother, but c'mon, you totally didn't look the part!
Not only you didn't look like one, you also didn't act like one.
He would see the extent of your abilities when his usual troubles followed him on your date.
A quite terrifying which was in front of Mammon, quite angered and ready to strike-
Mammon was about to show off, after all, he wanted to impress his human!
But you didn't give him a chance, a quick punch to the nose and the witch fell to the floor unconscious.
He is literally speechless, he only snaps out of it when you hold his hand worried, then the biggest grin you've ever seen forms on his face, and he declares you the most badass human!
WILL use you to intimidate all who bother him, you're now Mammon's personal bodyguard.
Your strenght and abilities as an assassin would be quickly discovered.
TSL competition, you know how it goes, in a fit of jealously and rage, Leviathan goes to deal a fatal blow.
Too bad, he didn't consider the fact that you wouldn't retreat and instead, would run torwards him.
A moment of shock was all it took for you to grab him by his pseudojacket, and throw him in the air.
While he was there, he thought "What?!, how does a human have so much strenght?! That shouldn't be able to happen!"
Once he reached the floor (which didn't took that long) his shocked was subdued, filled by a deep feeling of shame, how could he just loose to a human in front of his brothers AND Diavolo?!
Goes straight to his room, it will take a while for him to soften up, but once he does, he will compliment you always. Expect a lot of questions about your job (and Leviathan infodumping about fictional assassins)
He prides himself in always being logical, though, he makes an exception with your work.
Can't wrap his head around you hurting someone, even less killing them.
Of course, this was before that little incident of you refusing to make a pact with him.
Full of rage at your response, he spew a bunch of hurtful words and threats.
Threats that made something click inside of you.
The moment he went to grab your arm, a quick maneuver changed your positions, now, he found himself facing one of his bookshelves, taste of paper in his mouth because of the brute force of your movements.
After the shock, he saw red, thankfully Lucifer came in and the body swap happened.
Once the whole body swap deal is over, he is extremely interested in your work and has many questions.
How did you get started? For what reasons? Similar to Leviathan, he show you his favorite book assassins and asks if their portrayals are accurate.
He was actually interested in knowing your lore and about how you became an assassin, mostly because he likes gossip.
He also wanted to know how strong you were, and see how your muscles bulged.
Thankfully for him the opportunity to see your strenght in action would arrive soon.
You both were on a date, buying cute clothes for eachother to show off on Devilgram when all of sudden a few fans of Asmo come in and spot him.
At first, it all seems fine. They ask to take some pictures and start chatting with him.
But this is your date, and as so, Asmodeous politely excuses himself.
The fans leave except one insistent demon, who grabs Asmo's tightly.
Before he could say anything however, you grabbed the demons arm, twisted it and pushed him to the floor, putting all of your weight onto him.
After the whole ordeal was done, he hugged you tightly and fangirled severely.
You're gonna become a bodyguard for two now!
It all started with food, as it tends to do with Beelzebub.
Sadly for everyone in the house, he woke up cranky and on top of that, someone dared to eat his food.
As he searched for the culprit, which he quickly found (Mammon) he was ready to blow up on him.
But you got in the way, you tried to calm Beelzebub, but there was not calming the beast once it was bothered.
As he went to put his hand on your shoulder to make himself way to Mammon, you grabbed his arm with all your strenght, pushed him backwards, then slid that arm upon his back and pushed him once again this time on the floor.
This seemed to make him regain his senses a little bit, while making everybody watching you absolutely shocked.
Lucifer quickly went to the living room, where everything was happening and harshly reprimended both you and Beel, while stringing Mammon to the ceiling.
Once you make a pact with Beelzebub, he asks what type of training you do, and if you ever need help with anything.
You both become training buddies. Of course, he is still way stronger than you, but that doesn't mean you can't try and do your best to become stronger.
The attic. That's where you were going to discover what had happened and how Belphie had been able to get out with just 6 pacts.
You found the door of the room to be open, and once you entered, an oppressive force could be felt all through the room.
You wait, and you hear a step, you feel it all around your body, someone is stalking you.
He jumps at you, going straight for your neck. But you're fast, so you move right in time for him to fall in front of you.
Quickly, you kick him hard in the guts, and as he bends over in pain, you punch him straight in the face, making him fall over.
He didn't have time to regain his strenght, just as he was to attack again, Lucifer and the others ran upstairs to see what was all the ruckus.
When the whole deal about Lilith is said and done, you apologize to him. Which felt strange, as he felt as if he should be the one apologizing, werent for your quick reflexes you would be dead.
English is not my first language, so please excuse me for any mistakes I may have made!
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steamboat-babywp · 16 days ago
Hello, my fellow old lady! I'm afraid I need to know how your genius mind works and how you come up with your ocs!!! I'm literally amazed and I love them all sm and I need to know how ypur mind works!
I had to have a miniature battle with Tumblr to let me answer this question, but:
#1 I usually start by hyperfixating on a certain character in the show/movie.
#2 I tend to get really into creating the character’s personality and backstory before inserting them into whatever universe. I'm a sucker for hyper-feminine characters who are still strong and characters that are so incredibly evil it’s almost impossible to forgive them for their actions.
#3 Figuring out how to insert them in a realistic way... I'm awful at this, but I really try to make it seem like it could happen!!! Even if I fail sometimes.
#4 This is not a major one, but I have a tendency to give my characters a sibling, usually an older sister!!! I’m not sure why this is, but I think I may be projecting my parentified older-sister-ness onto my characters...
#5 Revising their personality and trying to figure out timelines and how old they’re going to be! This is usually when I name the character and find a face claim. Both of these activities take maybe a couple of days because I’m very picky. I also tend to give them a really niche topic that they like during this phase! An example is Winnie with her ladybugs or my TWD OC Gypsy and her obsession with Fleetwood Mac.
#6 Force-feeding the lore of said character to my IRL friend and sometimes my mutuals if they’re willing to listen. This is just me trying to figure out if the plot is good or not.
#7 The actual writing/editing of the character (the hardest part).
#8 Completely changing their story or some aspect of them right before I publish it... I do it for every single character, but Iggy and Alba have had the most drastic changes since I first announced them!
#1.5 is sometimes I'll have an OC that I created years ago that I'm still attached to now. I will sometimes rework their story and decide to publish it! I've only done this once with an unpublished Marvel fic that I'm thinking of posting about as soon as my capcut stops bullying me
I'm not very good at explaining it but I hope I did a somewhat okay job :)
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