#Pending Dev tag
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
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Okay, so I left this note in my "Operation: Birthday Takeback" liveblog:
omg, Dev needs his godparent to stand up for him against Vicky and Peri's having a MELTDOWN and hiding behind his mom. Um??? Holy cow, I've never seen him break like this, except maybe when he gained his fear of the dark in "Lights Out."
I decided to go check if I was right and... Hm.
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Good to know!!
Bonus pics
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
!! Saving this to read when I'm done liveblogging
Jet's also the author of a 113k-word Anti-Fairy series I've loved for years, with a focus on the Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, and Foop family dynamic. Check it out (and give it even more love!)
"The Anti-Fairies" on FFN
Also, if you're a Danny Phantom fan, check out Jet's 400k-word DP series, Friendly Phantoms, on AO3 (15 works at time of posting this, 14 complete so far, and updates regularly rn)
When's the last time I wrote anything for FOP? A New Wish reawakened my love for the franchise, and Dev and Poof/Peri have been living rent-free in my head since Peri's introduction, so...
It's called, "Someone Who Cares." It's a short one-shot that features Peri comforting Dev after Dev's father is terrible to him. More terrible than usual, that is.
I wrote it a while ago and put off posting because I wasn't sure if I wanted to add anything to it. Then, "The Battle of the Big Wand" aired and gave me ideas. I'm leaving "Someone Who Cares" as is, but I might be writing another one-shot in the near future.
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ultimate-fnaf-world · 2 years ago
Intro post time!
Hello, and welcome to the blog archiving the creation of the Ultimate Fnaf World game (a fnaf fangame, name still pending). Currently, a lot of things are still in development, so it should be a fun documenting journey from here. Feel free to send in some asks about the game or me or general fnaf stuff.
Also, this is morphing into a general fnaf fanblog, so there's that.
Call me Gold I use they/it pronouns!
#dev => Ultamate fnaf world development stuff
#my art => my art (ofc)
#rambling => me saying random stuff
#rb => reblog usually not my stuff
#ref => stuff to use for reference later
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hydrus · 1 year ago
Version 561
I had a mixed week. Thumbnail rearranging is added, and some bugs and quality of life issues are cleared.
full changelog
thumbnail rearranging
So, if you right-click any thumbnail, you'll now see a 'move' menu. This makes it simple to rearrange your thumbnails. You can move your current selection to the start, the end, left one, right one, or 'to here' if you have multiple selected. If your multiple selection is non-contiguous, it will be made so on move, with the move focusing around the position of the first selected item.
You can also map these commands to keyboard shortcuts under the 'thumbnails' shortcuts set. I haven't added any default shortcuts for this yet, but let me know if and what you would prefer--I've been playing around with ctrl+numpad numbers on my dev machine, and it feels nice to me.
In future I'll try and figure out mouse drag-and-drop rearranging. It might have to wait for a larger pending rewrite of the thumbnail grid though--we'll see.
otnher highlights
Unfortunately, there were a couple of stupid typos in the content processing changes last week. One in the duplicate filter (which the v560a hotfix addressed), and another fixed today that was causing 'already in db' results to not get metadata updates correctly. Sorry for the trouble, and thank you to the users who reported these.
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Insert is now hardcoded to copy tags from the taglist.
The thumbnail and media viewer menus should now be much thinner. I hate how wide they can get, how annoying it is to hit their many nested submenus when they get like that, so let me know if they still go crazy in some situations.
There was a bitrot issue in v559, the millisecond timestamps conversion, that made it impossible/bad to update from a much older version. This has always been a tricky technical issue to talk about and communicate to the user, so I've now written a better in-client error reporting process that stops the user before the update is even attempted. The upshot this week is that if your client is v551 or older and you try to update to v561 or later, you will be told to update to v558 first.
In lieu of a proper rewrite, I've made some semi-hacky newline processing improvements to the parsing system. If you make downloaders and hate having to deal with extra whitespace in multiline content, notes or otherwise, check out the full changelog and let me know how you get on with it all.
next week
I want to work on github bug reports, which I haven't put proper time into for too long!
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kabosu-gamedev · 1 year ago
Pinned Post
This is a more formal blog than my main where I post my game dev projects. I'm currently focused on my as of yet unnamed ttrpg. My main blog is @kabosustan.
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scriptzol · 2 years ago
Reaction of the entire team when they are asked to extend the day for pending work be like 😂😂😂
Tag your Dev 🤣🕒
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paintedscales · 2 years ago
For Nomin as a WoL character, I'm just gonna put stuff down that isn't already supposed to be designated by canon events and implications. (i.e. The Chosen One, Nomadic Hero, Hope Bringer, Jumped at the Call, The Power of Friendship, etc.)
Nomin -> Parental Abandonment, Unknown Relative, Orphan's Plot Trinket, Heartwarming Orphan, Happily Adopted (brief :') ), Blue is Heroic, Found Family / Family of Choice, Celibate Hero (pre-ARR - ShB), Good is Not Soft, Neutral Good, The One with a Personal Life (future life - potentially even AU pending what the devs throw at us), Mage Marksman, The Red Mage
WoLship (Estinien) -> Portmanteau Ship Naming (Estinomin), Idiosyncratic Ship Naming (Cinnamon), Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Sword and Sorcerer, Ship Tease (StB 4.5), Inconvenient Attraction (Nomin, ShB 5.5), Bonding over Missing Parents, Confession Triggers Consummation (EW), Artists Are Attractive (Estinien to Nomin), Aroused by Their Voice (Nomin to Estinien), Devoted to You, Maligned Mixed Marriage, Battle Couple, Happily Married / Marry for Love, Seduction-Proof Marriage (just demisexual / demiromantic life things)
The Kiddos -> In the Blood, Nuclear Family, Parent-Child Team, Parents Know Their Children, Shared Signature Move, Superior Twin Teamwork / Tag Team Twins, Twin Desync, Jacob and Esau
Because I'm curious...
WoL/OC question: If you could define your OC or OC ship with a trope... what would that trope be? Things like: enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, secret royalty, pretend relationship, found family, etc.
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spearxwind · 2 years ago
Okay updates on various things:
- Talas ref is done, legally, but pending me changing a marking that ive been struggling with for a While because im a bastard so I'll get that done this week hopefully and make a big post about it (basically including this ref and the big eel one but with the tweak. Yes again. Sorry)
- I also have made a reference for a new character for a new oc project that i cant talk about yet because its WIP but if you're wondering what my 1core/horrorverse tag is, its that. If you have completely unhinged scifi memes please send them. I need a collection with which to torment my friends
- Also. bully me into committing to the weekly violence bc i have so many ideas. I do have a sketch for this week too so hopefully i will get that done as well (its all generic edgy drawings babeyyyy wooooo as it should be. I WILL be drawing the same thing over and over and over)
- i need to talk and gush and dev stuff about hollowridge so much its unreal. I should make a doc. Oohh yeah its all coming together (stirring the soup in my brain without any cohesion)
- I made small playlists for my four main ocs so i could share publicly, and was planning on drawing a little cover for each but I may just recycle some art for them so i can share them djkfgk. I lov musique
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yourlocal-lichen · 2 years ago
 hey there it’s an intro post!!
hey y’all!! I’m Horatio (pronouns they/he, ul en français avec les accords au masculin) and this is where I keep my shitposts, writing, art, and anything else that may come to mind. I shitpost about everything, write mostly fantasy and random description of walks I take outside, and draw characters and settings and anything else that I fancy.
I'm an adult in my late college years. that's it.
I am always always always open to answer questions about myself or my goings on! please pop in to say hi :)
navigation of my blog can be found under the cut.
also take my uquizzes
there is no overall writing tag, but you can find my writing in various places:
#horatio’s floortime monologues will have descriptive passages of whatever I may be doing outdoors from time to time.
#[bard and crew wip tag] is where you can find my posts on my current WIP Bard & Crew (title pending) as well as #makes me think of b&c. I will also tag individual characters depending on who pops up. (tags are simply the names of those characters; bard, tulle, sylvia, nox, and ambrose)
there is an overall art tag! all of my art can be found under #horatio does art.
game dev
I do also update progress on games that I am making some of the time! all of that can be found under #horatio codes games.
lichen and related fungi
I really like mushrooms, lichen, and moss (all life, really, but these three are kind of a set and my main girls) and when I reblog photos of them I tag em too. those can be found under #fungus posting, #lichen posting, and #moss posting.
what is lichen, you say? I have an informational post on it here.
what is B&C, you say?
here’s a WIP intro!!
I am always open to questions regarding my writing, from vague ones about the plot to deeply specific ones about themes and symbolism. hope to see you in my ask box!
banner is drawn by me :)
a reminder to myself that I have a #char name tag
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
Battle of the Dimmsonian - Random 2nd watch thoughts that made me laugh
Dev's boots...
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I like how stressed Dev gets when trying to walk Peri through the plan to find and talk to Hazel. "We're near Hazel! And I haven't talked to her since our argument at the Founder's Day festival!!"
Do not slow the boy. He has places to go.
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Specifically, I like how he's trying to plot this out with his hands.
He could've learned that from anywhere, but I like to think he's seen his dad do that when organizing things.
?!?!?!? This is so much funnier on my rewatch. When Dev wishes for the staff, Peri just...
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... picks it up and gives it to him.
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I mean, I GUESS!!
Also, Dev bragging in this episode about how he pays attention in history class is fantastic with the "Best of Luck" context that after receiving Irep, who can grant rule-breaking wishes, Dev... still opts to go to class instead of messing around with those powers.
The boy wants to LEARN!!
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Peri and the no good, terrible, horrible, very bad day
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parasiteprophet-blog · 6 years ago
character aesthetics. bold what applies!
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I. THE FAIRY.  chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair.the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair.crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner.  forbidden fruit.
II. THE REAPER. computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor. crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes.  tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out the window of an airplane.soft kisses.
III. THE WITCH. graffiti. pretending to know what you’re doing. worn paperback books.growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace and combat boots.moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up.fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar.  wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats. mint gum.chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
IV. THE WOLF. murders of crows. frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight.knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines.  soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always finding your way back home.
tagged by: stolen from one of my other blogs tagging: anyone who wants to !
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nevernevadahq · 3 years ago
Wow, this is the first really interesting RP i've seen in the tags in a while!! I'm having fun pouring over the lore and pages. I know you have a wanted connections list, but in general, do you have any TYPES of characters you think would be useful to the dash, or from certain organizations? Also, do you have any FCs that in general, the members/admins would really like to see? FCs sort of overwhelm me because there's so many great ones I never know where to start! Male or NB preferred! Thnx!!
Thank you, nonnie! We would love to have some more Asena affiliates, and a little inspo on character types we can offer are...
Informants under special protection of Asenas with a closing time frame for their initiation into the organization, our unaffiliated dealer c role: a narcotics dealer that sells prescription based drugs by stealing them from their place of work or steal them directly from sources such as hospital, independent bounty hunters plagued by their past in assassin work, heist specialists who have a feud with the current team they work with, medics who work specifically for a crime organization, a member of the Asenas Arslan family who wants to climb their way back to controlling the organization, private investigators who have overstayed their welcome, newly weds who married in Vegas and were torn apart by a vow to different crime organizations, employee at Asena Bank eager to initiate, an Asena family member who wants no part of their crime, former performers who thought they had a chance at making it big in the hands of a crime organization and now they're stranded with blood on their hands right where they started, any of the Asena crime roles, The Mirage employees, underground fighters at Styx, escorts and dancers at the Mirage, casino workers, independent assassins, con artists, Cytherea Gallery employees, heist specialists, employees at the Asena Bank, staff at Delos Hospital, bouncers, street dealers, members of the Brothers of Ichor, House of Dion employees, heist specialists that are affiliated and heist specialists that are unaffiliated, characters who are certain in their vow to the life of crime, characters on the run, and characters who have made crime oaths for the sake of other family members, character who have made crime oaths to spite other family members!
Here are some of the face claims we're eager to see!
Anthony Mackie, Jake Gyllanhaal (who there’s a pending familial wanted connection for!), Lio Tipton, Nico Tortorella, Dominique Provost-Chalkley Jesse Williams, Alp Navruz (who is perfect for one of our Asena family roles!), Dua Saleh, Amandla Stenberg, Dan Stevens, Henry Cavill, Richard Madden, Michael B. Jordan, Chris Evans, Emre Bey, Berk Cankat, Avan Jogia, Max Theriot, Tom Hiddleston, Dev Patel, Tommy Martinez, Kerem Bürsin, Chase Stokes, Raymond Ablack, Brendon Thwaites (who we have a pending familial wanted connection for!), Ben Robson (who we have a pending familial wanted connection for!), Asia Kate Dillon, Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Evans Behling, Eli Brown, Evan Mock, Mannish Dayal, Quintessa Swindell, Toldga Mendi, Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Can Yaman, Carlos Miranda, Edgar Ramirez, Ewan McGregor, Charlie Hunnam, Manny Jacinto, Jack Reynor, Devon Terell, Nick Robinson, Sean Teale, Ben Whishaw, Gong Yoo, Jonathan Daviss, Jessie Mei Li, Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, Tom Hardy, Lee Pace, Pedro Pascal… and if you want more, I can certainly add more, nonnie!
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carryonsimoncarryonbaz · 5 years ago
Author Asks
Thanks for the tags @thehoneyedhufflepuff and @sharkmartini !!
Author name: tbazzsnow
Fandoms You Write For: Carry On with this name. I write Tolkien and Yuri on Ice under a different pseud.
Where You Post: AO3 and FanFiction.Net
Most Popular One Shot: Play the Game written as a gift fic for @vkelleyart
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Fic: Can’t Find My Way Home
Favourite Story You Wrote: You Make Me Feel Like I Am Home Again. I really wanted to write a Leavers Ball fic and my ideas for it were so distinct in my head. I loved writing that fic.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Dance The Nighy Away. It was the first time I wrote a fic that didn’t have Simon or Baz as the main or only POV’s and the first time I wrote Dev and Niall. And it was a gift for @basic-banshee !
How Do You Choose Your Titles: They are all song lyrics. That’s where I find inspiration.
Do You Outline: Almost never. Never Tear Us Apart is my only fic that has something resembling an outline.
Completed Fics: Twenty two fics. 238K words total, with the works in progress that are up.
In-progress fics: Four currently. Can’t Find My Way Home has an epilogue chapter pending. Two others have chapters posted and need updating. One is just an idea with some notes jotted down.
Do You Accept Prompts: I have an entire fic where each chapter is based on a prompt I recieved on tumblr: Close to Me. I might be tempted to put up a list of prompts and have people send me asks for ficlets again sometime.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I have a fake dating AU in the works. And something else that’s actually more meta than fic. And I am really excited to finish Never Tear Us Apart and Behind Closed Doors!
Tagging: @angelsfalling16 @bazypitchandsimonsnow @bpitchisflammable @basic-banshee @f-ing-ruthless-baz @sorbriquette @the-lincyclopedia whoever else wants to play!
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hydrus · 4 years ago
Version 428
I had a good couple weeks working on the taglist code and some other jobs.
If you are on Windows and use the 'extract' release, you may want to do a 'clean' install this week. Extra notes below.
So, I took some time to make taglists work a lot cleaner behind the scenes and support more types of data. A heap of code is cleaner, and various small logical problems related to menus are fixed. The tag right-click menu is also more compact, quicker to see and do what you want.
The main benefits though are in the manage tags dialog. Now, the '(will display as xxx)' sibling suffix colours in the correct namespace for the sibling, and parents 'hang' underneath all tags in all the lists. It is now much easier to see why a parent or sibling is appearing for a file.
This is a first attempt. I really like how these basically work, but it can get a bit busy with many tags. With the cleaner code, it will be much easier to expand in future. I expect to add 'expand/collapse parents' settings and more sorts, and maybe shade parents a bit transparent, in the coming weeks. Please let me know how it works for you IRL and I'll keep working.
the rest
The main nitter site seems to be overloaded. They have a bunch of mirrors listed here: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances
I picked two roughly at random and added new downloaders for them. If you have Nitter subs, please move their 'sources' over, and they should start working again (they might need to do a bit of 'resync' and will complain about file limits being hit since the URLs are different, but give them time). If you would rather use another mirror, feel free to duplicate your own downloaders as well. Thanks to a user who helped here with some fixed-up parsers.
I gave the recently borked grouped 'status' sort in thread watchers and downloader pages another go, and I improved the reporting there overall. The 'working' status shouldn't flicker on and off as much, there is a new 'pending' status for downloaders waiting for a work slot, and the 'file status' icon column now shows the 'stop' symbol when files are all done.
The menu entry to 'open similar-looking files' is now further up on thumbnails' 'open' submenus.
The duplicate filter has its navigation buttons on the right-hand hover window rearranged a bit. It is silly to have both 'previous' and 'next' when there are only two files, so I merged them. You can also set 'view next' as a separate shortcut for the duplicate filter, if you want to map 'flip file' to something else just for the filter.
windows clean install
If you use the Windows installer, do not worry, these issues are fixed automatically for you from now on.
I updated to a new dev machine this week. Some libraries were updated, and there is now a dll conflict, where a dll from an older version is interfering with a new one. As it happens, the library that fails to load is one I made optional this week, so it doesn't ''seem'' to actually stop you from booting the client, but it will stop you from running the Client API in https if you never did it before (the library does ssl certificate generation).
It is good to be clean, so if you extract the Windows release, you may want to follow this guide this week: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/getting_started_installing.html#clean_installs
full list
interesting taglist changes:
taglists work way better behind the scenes
when siblings display with the '(will display as xxx)' suffix, this text is now coloured by the correct namespace!
parents now show in 'manage tags dialog' taglists! they show up just like in a write/edit tag autocomplete results list
the tag right-click menu has had a pass. 'copy' is now at the top, the 'siblings and parents' menu is split into 'siblings' and 'parents' with counts on the top menu label and the submenus for each merged, and the 'open in new page' commands are tucked into an 'open' submenu. the menu is typically much tighter than before
when you hit 'select files with these tags' from a taglist, the thumbgrid now takes keyboard focus if you want to hit F7 or whatever
custom tag presentation (_options->tag presentation_, when you set to always hide namespaces or use custom namespace separator in read/search views) is more reliable across the program. it isn't perfect yet, but I'll keep working
a heap of taglist code has been cleaned up. some weird logical issues should be better
now the code is nicer to work with, I am interested in feedback on how to further improve display and workflows here
the rest:
added two mirrors for nitter, whose main site is failing due to load. I added them randomly from the page here: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances . if you have nitter subs, please move their download source to one of the mirrors or set up your own url classes to other mirror addresses. thanks to a user for providing other parser fixes here
gallery download pages now show the 'stop' character in the small file column when the files are done
gallery download pages now report their 'working' status without flicker, and they report 'pending' when waiting for a download slot (this situation is a legacy hardcoded bottleneck that has been confusing)
thread watchers also now have the concept of 'pending', and also report when they are next checking
improved the new grouped status sort on gallery downloader and watcher pages. the ascending order is now DONE, working, pending, checking later (for watchers), paused
the network request delay after a system resume is now editable under the new options->system panel. default is 15 seconds
the 'wait on files too' option is moved from 'files and trash' to this panel
when the 'just woke' status is active, you now get a little popup with a cancel button to override it
'open similar-looking files' thumbnail menu entry is moved up from file relationships to the 'open' menu
the duplicate filter right-hand hover window no longer has both 'previous' and 'next' buttons, since they both act as 'flip', and the merged button is moved down, made bigger, and has a new icon
added 'view next' to the duplicate filter shortcut set, so you can set a custom 'flip between pair' mapping just for that filter
thanks to a user helping me out, I was able to figure out a set of lookups in the sibling/parent system that were performing unacceptably slow for some users. this was due to common older versions of sqlite that could not optimise a join with a multi-index OR expression. these queries are now simpler and should perform well for all clients. if your autocomplete results from a search page with thumbs were achingly slow, let me know how they work now!
the hydrus url normalisation code now treats '+' more carefully. search queries like 6+girls should now work correctly on their own on sites where '+' is used as a tag separator. they no longer have to be mixed with other tags to work
small/specific stuff:
the similar files maintenance search on shutdown now reports file progress every 10 files and initialises on 0. it also has faster startup time in all cases
when a service is deleted, all currently open file pages will check their current file and tag domains and update to nicer defaults if they were pointed at the now-missing services
improved missing service error handling for file searches in general--this can still hit an export folder pointed at a missing service
improved missing service error handling for tag autocomplete searches, just in case there are still some holes here
fixed a couple small things in the running from source help and added a bit about Visual Studio Build Tools on Windows
PyOpenSSL is now optional. it is only needed to generate the crt/key files for https hosting. if you try to boot the server or run the client api in https without the files and without the module available to generate new ones, you now get a nice error. the availability of this library is now in the client's about window
the mpv player will no longer throw ugly errors when you try to seek on a file that its API interface cannot support
loading a file in the media viewer no longer waits on the file system lock on the main thread (it was, very briefly), so the UI won't hang if you click a thumb just after waking up or while a big file job is going on
the 'just woke' code is a little cleaner all around
the user-made downloader repository link is now more obvious on Lain's import dialog
an old hardcoded url class sorting preference that meant gallery urls would be matched against urls before post, and post before file, is now eliminated. url classes are now just preferenced by number of path components, then how many parameters, then by example url length, with higher numbers matching first (the aim is that the more 'specific' and complicated a url class, the earlier it should attempt to match)
updated some of the labelling in manage tag siblings and parents
when you search autocomplete tags with short inputs, they do not currently give all 'collapsed' matching results, so an input of 'a' or '/a/' does not give the '/a/' tag. this is an artifact of the new search cache. after looking at the new code, there is no way I can currently provide these results efficiently. I tested the best I could figure out, but it would have added 20-200ms lag on all PTR searches, so instead I have made a plan to resurrect an old cache in a more efficient way. please bear with me on this problem
tag searches that only include unusual characters like ? or & are now supported without having to lead the query with an asterisk. they will be slower than normal text search
fixed a bug in the 'add tags before import' dialog for local imports where deleting a 'quick namespace' was not updating the tag list above
windows clean install:
I moved to a new windows dev machine this week and a bunch of libraries were updated. I do not believe the update on Windows _needs_ a clean install this week, as a new dll conflict actually hits the coincidentally now-optional PyOpenSSL, but it is worth doing if you want to start using the Client API soon, and it has been a while, so let's be nice and clean. if you extract the release on Windows, please check out this guide: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/getting_started_installing.html#clean_installs
the Windows installer has been updated to remove many old files. it should now do clever clean installs every week, you have nothing to worry about!™
boring db breakup:
the local tags cache, which caches tags for your commonly-accessed hard drive files, is now spun off to its own module
on invalid tag repair, the new master tags module and local tags cache are now better about forgetting broken tags
the main service store is spun off to its own module. several instances of service creation, deletion, update and basic fetching are merged and cleaned here. should improve a couple of logical edge cases with update and reset
boring taglist changes:
taglists no longer manage text and predicates, but a generalised item class that now handles all text/tag/predicate generation
taglist items can occupy more than one row. all position index calculations are now separate from logical index calculations in selection, sizing, sorting, display, and navigation
all taglist items can present multiple colours per row, like OR predicates
items are responsible for sibling and parent presentation, decoupling a heap of list responsibility mess
tag filter and tag colour lists are now a separate type handled by their own item types
subordinate parent predicates (as previously shown just in write/edit autocomplete result lists) are now part of multi-row items. previously they were 'quiet' rows with special rules that hung beneath the real result. some related selection/publish logic is a bit cleaner now
string tag items are now aware of their parents and so can present them just like autocomplete results in write/edit contexts
the main taglist content update routines have significantly reduced overhead. the various expansions this week add some, so we'll see how this all shakes out
the asynchronous sibling/parent update routine that populates sibling and parent data for certain lists is smarter and saves more work when data is cached
old borked out selection/hitting-skipping code that jumped over labels and parents is now removed
'show siblings and parents' behaviour is more unified now. basically they don't show in read/search, but do in write/edit
a heap of bad old taglist code has been deleted or cleaned up
next week
This was a big couple of weeks. Setting up the new dev machine--I replaced my six year old HP office computer with a nice mini-pc with an SSD--worked out great, but there were some headaches as always. The taglist work was a lot too. I'll take next week a little easier, just working misc small jobs.
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genericcherubplaysideblog · 6 years ago
alright it’s been over 5 years
This is by far no means an “official” list of rules—this was NOT discussed or run past the Cherubplay dev or blog, but here is a collective short list of what is and is not allowed on cherubplay based on information presented to us from the blog. This is meant to be a quick reference guide with sources for you to reference if someone is being a little shit. If Mystic/Cherubdev wants to use these, he’s more than welcome to, but if he wants me to take these down, I will as well. 1. Roleplaying real people, including self inserts, is not allowed. Source: This was announced via a banner on Cherubplay’s official site and had an enforcement date.  2. Soliciting information outside of cherubplay via one on one discussions is not allowed. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/112529696157/heartoftimaeus-if-you-see-this-post-or-a-post 2a. However, links to roleplay GROUPS like discord, mxrp, and roleplay sites ARE allowed. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/86203343912/dumb-question-but-is-it-allowed-for-people-to 3. Posting the same prompt several times in different “areas” is not allowed. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/99064573682/hi-just-wondering-if-you-can-post-more-than-one 4. Roleplaying not-homestuck topics IS allowed. 5. Reconnecting to prompts that have disconnected on you with the purpose of harassing the person who has disconnected on you is NOT allowed. Source: Several temp bans for harassment of people doing this. & The fact the system literally stops you from connecting to prompts you’ve already answered. 6. Posting prompts in NSFW because you don’t think your kinks belong in “extreme” is not allowed, pending the requests of others. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/98817320067/rpingthehomestucks-okay-so-look-at-the-above & https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/85827459447/heres-a-little-expansion-on-what-belongs-under 7. If your roleplay involves certain triggering topics or certain kinks, you need to tag these in the tag section in the directory, and preferably include tags for these topics at the top of front page posts, so they can be blacklisted. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/85459103137/would-suicide-attempt-and-self-harm-go-in-the-nsfw 8. Do not steal prompts. Do not post prompts not written by yourself. Source: https://cherubplay.tumblr.com/post/84634007587/psa 9. The Directory is not a place for PSAs. Not roleplay related posts (i.e. ‘surveys’, posts that aren’t looking for roleplays or soliciting roleplay) are not allowed and have never been allowed with the exception of the “Missed Connections” option on the Directory to find disconnected partners.  Source: Common sense
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years ago
Govt takes it slow on execution of Beant Singh’s killer
NEW DELHI: Adopting an unhurried approach towards Balwant Singh Rajoana, who was sentenced to death by a trial court in 2007 in the case relating to then Punjab chief minister Beant Singh’s killing in 1995, the Centre told the Supreme Court that “life is precious and death is irreversible”. Rajoana, who has not appealed against the Punjab and Haryana HC’s decision upholding his conviction and sentence in 2010, has moved the SC seeking commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment, saying he had been in prison for the last 25 years and was living under the shadow of death since 2007.
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Rajoana and Jagtar Singh Hawara were awarded death sentence by the trial court for the bomb blast on August 31, 1995, which killed Beant Singh and 16 others outside the Punjab and Haryana civil secretariat. However, the HC had commuted Hawara’s death sentence to life imprisonment. In 2011, the CBI appealed against the HC order and sought restoration of death sentence for Hawara, who filed an appeal in the SC in 2013 challenging the HC order upholding his conviction in the case. Both the appeals were tagged on July 19, 2013. However, the last time the CBI appeal came up for hearing was on November 20, 2015, when the SC had agreed to return the case records to the additional district and sessions judge, Chandigarh, for facilitating trial of one Jagtar Singh Tara. Since then, the appeals have been in cold storage. Responding to Rajoana’s plea for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment, the home ministry said since the appeal of Hawara, a co-accused of Rajoana, was pending consideration of the SC along with that of the CBI, the government has decided to await the outcome of the appeals. “Case of one death convict is not de-linked from the other and simultaneous execution of the death sentence is postponed till all convicts have exhausted all remedies. Life is precious and death is irreversible… It was decided to wait for the decision of the SC in the CBI appeal challenging commutation of death sentence of Hawara to life imprisonment by the Punjab and Haryana HC and Hawara’s appeal challenging the conviction. The decision on the mercy petition in respect of Rajoana was kept pending,” it said. “Mercy petitions in respect of Rajoana will be processed after the SC delivers judgment in the appeals,” it added. As many as 14 petitions seeking mercy for Rajoana were filed in 2012 before the President, including those by then Punjab CM Parkash Singh Badal, Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee and Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee. Four petitions, including those by Rajiv Gandhi Youth Federation and Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena, were filed opposing mercy to Rajoana. The home ministry said, “On the occasion of commemoration of 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the mercy petitions received on behalf of Rajoana were examined. However, the competent authority decided that the case may be processed after the decision of the SC in the case of Hawara.” On Tuesday, Rajoana’s counsel Mukul Rohatgi told a bench of CJI S A Bobde and Justices A S Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian that since his client had been in jail for 25 years, it was covered under the earlier rulings of the SC for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment, more so since he has been on death row for the last 13 years. The SC adjourned the hearing for two weeks. The Law Commission of India in its 262nd report had said, “Death penalty does not serve the penological goal of deterrence any more than life imprisonment. Life imprisonment under Indian law means imprisonment for the whole life subject to just remissions which, in many states in serious cases, are granted only after many years of imprisonment.” The commission, in its report in 2017, had said the time had come for India to move towards abolition of death penalty
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2020/11/18/govt-takes-it-slow-on-execution-of-beant-singhs-killer/
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