#listen to somethin’ stupid by frank sinatra
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「 i ruin it all by saying somethin’ stupid.」
IN WHICH—you think you ruined everything by telling your best friend you love him.♡ ໋֢ ✧

⌗ 🕯️ notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅: n’ two people before me made fics similar to this! @/chillyfrys with sodapop x male!reader and @/dearnows with the whole gang. go read both! they’re both talented and lovely people🫶!
Dallas Winston ;
you two just finished pretending to be a couple getting married in a fancy restaurant to get free food.
you liked the rush and dallas was just really fucking hungry 😭. so when the idea was brought up, dallas just nodded.
you two walked out of the restaurant—shit eating grins on your faces as you hold in laughs. you pretend to marvel at the obviously fake and stolen ring dallas had pulled out.
once you felt like you were far away enough—you burst out laughing.
“i can’t believe we got away with it! like??”
“i’m a great actor, y/n.”
dallas said with a chuckle, looking over at you as he lit a cigarette, cupping a hand to protect the flame.
“yea. that’s why i love you, dallas.”
you immediately paused—the smile on your face dropping. you kinda just stared at the sidewalk in front of you, avoiding dallas’ gaze like the plague.
dallas was silent, his head turned towards you. you both stopped walking, trying to process your words in two different ways.
in your head, you were screaming and crying. ‘FUCKFUCKFUVK😭😭😖😖.’ in dallas’ head he was jusy kinda more, ‘they fucking what?? i thought we were just friends?? are we not??’
dally mumbled, his eyebrows raised as smoke seeped through his lips as he asked.
nervously, you stood up straight, lips tightened as you become more and more awkward by the second. nodding as you hum to begrudgingly confirm.
a chuckle left dallas’ throat as he sees your reaction. he took a drag from his cigarette before taking a small step closer toward you.
he mumbled, hooking a finger around your belt loops, pulling you closer toward him. you stumbled to his side, his hand resting on his backside.
dallas has never been the guy to outright say ‘i love you.’ but this is a start. you’re happy nonetheless with this, his hand on your lower back, guiding you.
his own way of not saying somethin’ stupid like you did.
“so…you love me, huh?”
“…fuck you mean, ‘maybe’?!”
Johnny Cade ;
“i-i can’t do this anymore, y/n. i hate that damned house.”
“johnny, you’re always welcomed at mine. you know that.”
you found johnny on the verge of tears in the lot. your best friend was alone in such a time where he needed someone the most.
you rushed toward his side, sitting beside him on the cold grass. johnny rested a head on your shoulder as you rubbed his back, trying to provide any sort of comfort.
“i know. it’s just—i don’t know. jumpin’ at a fuckin’ bug ain’t a life for anyone.”
“jesus, johnny. i love you too much for you to be talkin’ like this.”
johnny nodded his head, not realizing the weight behind your words at first. you did, however.
your eyes widened as you tightened your lips. ‘FUCKKKK—DID HE REALIZE??? WHY DID I SAY THAT??? NONONONO, JOHNNY DON’T THINK TOO HARD ‘BOUT WHAT I SAID😭😖💔’
johnny blinked, realizing what you told him. did you mean it in the way he’s thinking? did you love love him? or was this all just some prank a bunch of soc’s put you up to?
he moved away from your shoulder, hugging his knees as he turned his head to look back at you.
“uh…what did you mean?”
johnny thought asking that would cost him his life. you’re just freaking out in your head.
“it’s nothin’, man. don’t look into it.”
you mumbled, trying to avoid the scenario in your head that you do redo your confession and he just spits on you before walking away.
johnny, however, wanted you to own up to it. it’d be a lot less work on his end. he adjusted his position, getting closer to you as he asked another question.
“tell me. please, y/n.”
you bit your tongue to stay away from saying something irrational.
“i just said i really like you. that’s all.”
you mumbled so quietly, johnny could barely hear. he was awfully glad that this road was almost dead, hearing you admit somethin’ stupid like that was lovely.
johnny shifted around where he sat, his back straightened as he played with with cuticles, picking at them to distract him from his own small confession.
“me too. i—uhm, like you too.”
johnny’s always had trouble saying ‘i love you.’ this is close enough for the both of you. it’s a start—a start to something better.
“why didn’t you just tell me, y/n?”
Ponyboy Curtis ;
you always liked pony. you never knew what it was. maybe it’s because he was nicer to you than other guys—or maybe it’s because you fell in love with your best friend.
it’s not like you know, anyways.
you were sleeping over at his house, you always do. darry and soda’ve gotten used to it by now—keeping spare everything’s around the house for you.
it was late at night, watching a bunch of movies you two made fun of repeatedly. ponyboy said he was gonna ‘rest his eyes’ but you knew that he was just gonna fall asleep.
his head fell onto your shoulder, his body entirely relaxed. seeing your best friend like this was heartwarming—it seemed ponyboy couldn’t get a break.
you adjusted your position so he’d be more comfortable, a hand over his gently. with your attention diverted away from the TV, you watched as strands of his hair fell over his forehead.
a quiet chuckle escaped your throat as you brushed them back, a small whisper leaving your lips as did so.
“god—i love you.”
‘thank GOD this man is asleep! ☺️🙈this’d be real fucking embarrassi-‘
“you what?”
ponyboy asked, a little a lot taken aback by the words that just left your mouth. his eyes were widened as his ears burned, sitting up straight.
you looked back at him with the same reaction—more embarrassed than anything. your eyes were darting all around the room as you tightened your lips.
“i didn’t say shit, man.”
“don’t even try that with me right now, y/n.”
your immediate thought was ‘hoooolyyyy fuck😰😰’ while ponyboy’s was, ‘can they just admit it already😐.’
“…weren’t you asleep?”
“don’t you have something to tell me?”
ponyboy groaned, rolling his eyes at your answer as you toyed with your fingers, biting the inside of your cheek.
ponyboy just decided to say somethin’ stupid like you did—ready to get this 1000lbs weight off his shoulders.
“i love you too.”
he grumbled, crossing his arms as he went back to watching the movie. his posture faltered before a sigh left his lips, a head on your shoulder as you tried to process what just happened.
“you loveeee me, pony😍😍”
Sodapop Curtis ;
you cannot keep living like this—seriously! how are you supposed to be walking around, pretending like you aren’t totally and utterly in love with your best friend!
he’s way cute, way understanding, way too funny, way too smart (even if he won’t admit it.), and did you mention way too cute?
you thought about just telling him upfront. ‘today’s gonna be the day!’ it never was though... you always chickened out or someone got in the way the second you opened your mouth to tell him the speech you rehearsed.
your eyes were locked on sodapop as he went under the hood of a random car. you couldn’t care less about what steve was complaining about—nor what vehicle this is.
“why’re you even ‘ere? you don’t even work today, y/n!😒”
“steve—she can come n’ go. don’t act like you don’t enjoy her visitin’.”
“what? jumpin’ in to save your girlfriend?”
soda paused before throwing a rusted screw at steve, hitting his bicep. you laughed quietly, watching the two bicker back and forth.
“ain’t you got a register to run?”
steve mumbled before whispering something to soda, covering one side of his mouth so you wouldn’t see. you rolled your eyes at his immature antics—not finding them amusing when it doesn’t involve you as much.
“what was that?”
“nothin’, y/n…”
he answered with a giggle as soda looked flustered and annoyed. steve practically skipped away, leaving the two of you alone.
even though you two knew each other since grade school, the air in the garage was awkward. like the two of you didn’t know how to start a conversation in your 16–almost 17–years of living.
with that you went on a rant about a rumour goin’ around. ‘it’s total bullshit!’ you’d shout with a huff. what was this rumour? you n’ soda are secretly dating.
“that’s insane.”
“i know! and it’s like—i do love you like that it’s jus-“
OF COURSE YOU HAD TO SCREW IT ALLL UP BY SAYING SOMETHIN’ STUPID! you’re soo cool for that, y/n. wow. good job.
soda paused, his body tensed before a sigh left his lips. he chuckled, standing up straight as he slammed the hood of the door closed, looking over to you with a smile.
“well—it ain’t really a rumour, is it?”
“…it isn’t?”
“not if you’re free at 8 tomorrow.”
maybe you’re both stupid, maybe you’re both young, or maybe it’s actually gonna work out this time. you smiled as you nodded, confirming you had no plans.
“oh my glory—finally.”
“I MEAN, FINALLY. am i gonna be the best man, soda woda😍?”
“hell nah.”
“man, fuck you and your loving partner. happy ass couple, pissin’ me off in my own store.”
Darry Curtis ;
chocolate cake. who doesn’t love it? sure as hell not the boys that run in and out of the curtis’ house, stuffing their faces with this. they eat it like they’ve never eaten in their lives.
apparently it was up to you and darry to supply the next batch. darry (and the boys) announced it oddly ominously.
“we’re low on the supply.”
“….supply of what, darry? …what’re you’re jobs again?”
“OHHH. yeah okay—let’s go make some.”
and that’s how it started. you flicking flour at darry’s darkened hair, making jokes about him ‘finally looking his age,’ darry laughing as you stood there with pride before he grabbed you by the waist and picked you up, putting you on the opposite side of him.
‘he wants me sooo bad😭😭😂😂’ ‘they looks so pretty when they’re smiling.’
duality of man am i right
caught up in the moment, giggles filling the room, your mind empty, you began to mumble somethin’ stupid to yourself.
“jesus—i love you.”
darry hummed, wide eyed with brows raised as he turned his head to face you. you stared back—an awkward expression across your face.
all darry did, however, was lightly chuckle as he brushed back a strand of your hair that fell out of place.
“you’re a real treat.”
he’d mumble before confessing somethin’ stupid just as you did.
“i love you too. always have, y’know.”
the cake was forgotten about for 10 minutes. within said time—you two were giggling about the times you tried to confess to one another
“kissing? in front of my cake?”
“i knew it…”
“ight…are y’all done?”
Steve Randle ;
steve got into another fight—real bloody and real ugly. and who’s job was it to patch him up—as always? you, of course! who else would it be other than his ‘bestest friend’?
“glory, steve! who were you fightin’? the hulk?”
“with the way i was fightin’—i might as well be the hulk. you shoulda seen me!”
he began to mimic the punches he threw earlier as he sat on your kitchen counter—mumbling small ‘bam!’s and ‘boom!’s. you chuckled quietly as you dampened several cotton balls with the alcohol.
“yeah, you wish.”
“you jus’ don’t see the vision.”
steve mumbled, rolling his eyes as you brought the cotton balls up to his open wound on his cheek. he hissed with pain at first, searching for your hand to squeeze.
you realized what he was doing—your ears beginning to burn up. you allowed him to grab your hand, letting him use this as a way to ease the pain.
“i’m doin’ this to help you, steve!”
“oh my god—shut up! i love you n’ all, but shut up!”
steve stopped his over exaggerated complaining to look at you with parted lips, his face getting red.
“like…love, love? or just ‘i love you, man’?”
he tried to get clarification so he doesn’t start geeking in front of you like a loser over something he could’ve gotten wrong.
“like—i love, love you.”
you mumbled, putting down the cotton ball as you tried to regain your posture. ruining it all by saying somethin’ stupid was always somethin’ you thought you’d do—but never actually do.
steve slowly got a grin on his face—seemingly ecstatic at the news. he jumped off the counter before putting both hands on your shoulders.
“really?! ‘cuz i’ve always thought you’d never feel the same, and i’ve always been so scared about that! the gang’s not gon’ believe me!”
he rambled, smiling from ear to ear as he said he felt the same way as you. maybe being an idiot sometimes ain’t all that bad.
“‘m the gonna be the best boyfriend ever.”
“i know you will be.”
Two-Bit Mathews ;
drinking was you two’s favourite pass time. you always said he made the hangovers bearable—he always said you made drinking way more fun.
stumbling out of bucks bar, you grabbed onto two-bit’s arm to stabilize you. he chuckled before wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.
“didn’t know i was that irresistible.😍”
you pushed away from him, laughing to yourself as two-bit took a step closer—obviously way more sober than you are.
walking down the sidewalk at night, talking about whatever topic came to mind. sure, most of your nights consist of doing this. and sure, your mind always wanders to how cute he looks under the streetlights.
but WHO CARES?! you need to know what happened in the newest episode of the mickey mouse club house!!😖😖
you looked over at two-bit who’s hands seemed to be flying everywhere as he complained about what goofy and donald had been doing.
“i love you.”
“AND THEN HE-what?😀”
he paused in the middle of his sentence, whipping his head around to look over at you. maybe it was the drunken haze that made you say somethin’ stupid—you didn’t really care.
“yeah. always have.”
two-bits silence scared you more than the confession—the anxiety causing you to sober up slightly. however, the wide grin he got and the small chuckles eased you back.
“cool! i-i mean—cool. i love ya too.”
two-bit said—his words coming out quickly and jumbled together. he cleared his throat with tightened lips before wrapping an arm around your shoulders once more—expect you don’t pull away.
he later continued his rant about goofy and donald—holding you close.
“so…what made you realize😍🥰?”
“i like loser men.”
#2knightt#the outsiders#listen to somethin’ stupid by frank sinatra#or else#the outsiders x reader#dallas winston x reader#johnny cade x reader#ponyboy x reader#ponyboy curtis x reader#sodapop x reader#sodapop curtis x reader#steve randle x reader#darry curtis x reader#two bit x reader#two bit mathews x reader
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#inspired by the song Somethin’ Stupid- Frank Sinatra and Nancy Sinatra#please listen to it this song is so WOW..#ace attorney#aa#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#narumitsu#wrightworth#gyakuten saiban fanart#I’M SO HAPPY I FINISHED THIS PIECE !! it only took exhaustion and a very very bad night for me to finally catch the vibe i wanted#i did it at least three times lol#the first draft was supposed to be rendered but it was so uglyyyyyy#thank god i downloaded those pixel brushes#you probably don’t need to know that but i love rambling lmao#wdym phoenix doesn’t have a stubble post-aa4??? hahahahaha ofc he has one !#digital art#ace attorney fanart
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fun fact this is one of my favorite songs
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there are millions of love songs in the world. though they all speak of the same thing, they’re not all the same. love can be happy, sad, exciting, or just shown physically. love is different for everyone. there’s a song for every story, for every person who experiences love.
starring: haechan, mark, jaehyun, jaemin, and renjun!
general warnings: fluff, angst, and smut (not all fics will contain smut, so minors be aware!) fics will be tagged with their specific warnings! general yearning, heartbreak, happy and sad endings
note: the fics are not connected to each other! they can be read as stand alone fics but i hope you stay to read them all! synopses and tags might be changed during the writing process!
side note: if you would like to be tagged, please send in an ask or comment on this post!
I. (lucky for you) we’re just friends

best friend!haechan x reader
synopsis: haechan is someone who always gets what he wants. he’s willing to do anything, but now, he realizes, he doesn’t know what to do. will you, his best friend of many years, let him step into your life where he hasn’t before? do you think about him as much as he does you? or will it all slip away, along with all his memories with you. (angst, little fluff)
side a: like a friend - pulp
side b: now playing
II. no clue

one night stand!mark lee x reader
synopsis: when mark realizes how long it’s been since he’s gotten laid, he rushes out to a party. he’s quick to find someone, rushing into a room without really thinking about it. when he sees you laid under him, it clicks that he might just like you, a stranger. he tries looking for you all over campus, wanting to talk to you. how long will it take for you both to meet? do you even want to meet him? (smut, fluff, little angst)
side a: tongues - the frights
side b: now playing
III. your fate, my karma

fwb!jaehyun x reader
synopsis: jaehyun realizes he’s in love with you. it’s fucked, especially because he rejected you once before. he doesn’t want to ruin what he has with you, more importantly, the friendship he has with you. he can’t help it, not with how you look at him, how you smile, how you feel. it’s like he was made to see and touch you. he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold in his secret. (smut, angst, little fluff)
side a: somethin’ stupid - frank sinatra
side b: now playing
IV. can it last forever?

boyfriend!jaemin x reader
synopsis: after many successful dates, jaemin finally asked to be your boyfriend. you were so happy in the beginning, but doubts begin to fill your head. jaemin is a loving boyfriend, but you can’t help but wonder if you deserve him. did you go into this too fast? what if this is all you have? will you be able to make him happy? (fluff, angst, suggestive)
side a: valentine - laufey
side b: flip over?
V. all to myself

acquaintance!renjun x reader
synopsis: renjun hates how all you’ve been doing is talking about another man. usually, he wouldn’t really mind. but now, he realizes the only reason why he hates it is because he likes you. you’re a friend of a friend, and he’s not sure how he’s supposed to get closer to you if all you’re thinking about someone else. (fluff, smut)
side a: eastside - daisy
side b: flip over?
a/n: im so excited for this series HOORAY!!! i hope u guys are as excited as i am when i start releasing them :3 i also recommend listening to the songs i put!! the fics were inspired by them and lay out the overall feel i want the fics to have! enjoy reading :p
#nct fic#nct smut#nct scenarios#nct dream smut#nct 127 smut#nct angst#haechan fic#haechan angst#mark lee fic#mark lee smut#jaehyun fic#jaehyun smut#jaemin fic#jaemin smut#renjun fic#renjun fluff#hiag
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𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭 — 𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘰 𝘉.
𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘰 𝘉𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

Synopsis: Lorenzo was never big on relationships; he had only ever been in one — one which resulted in heartbreak and him sulking in his room for a month. Since then, he’s vowed to only have meaningless sex with girls, nothing more. When the two of you have sex one drunken night, you agree to have sex with no attachments. But one of you wants more.
Warnings: Suggestive content (no actual smut), vulgar language, very short, there’s one mention of Y/n (I’m so sorry), dialogue-heavy, not proofread, angst, & no happy ending.
Songs: Casual by Chappell Roan, Kaleidoscope by Chappell Roan, Somethin’ Stupid by Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra, & Dealer by Lana Del Rey.
A/N: Hello! This is the first time I’m actually posting something I’ve written so I hope it’s not too much of a letdown. It was written on a whim so please ignore any inconsistencies or repetitive words.
There’s chatter scattered throughout the Slytherin common room, most of it coming from the group of boys sprawled out on the velvet green sofa — most of it coming from Draco complaining about Harry. You weren’t paying much attention to him, though. Your eyes were glued on Lorenzo staring at you with a sly grin.
When Draco had finished his monologue on his supposed enemy, Theodore was done with three missing assignments in Transfiguration, and Blaise had counted all the ice in his glass twenty-two separate times. You, however, had been gone the moment his speech had hit the ten-minute mark. As much as you loved Draco, you could not bear to listen to him talk for another moment. So, instead, you stood in front of your mirror, pinning your hair up. You wore a long, flowy, cream-colored nightgown, one that cascaded down your body so, very elegantly.
“Cute.” You hear the familiar voice echo from behind you, a small smile plays on your lips as you see Lorenzo’s reflection locking the door. Then, you feel his arms wrap tightly around your waist.
“You’re early,” you whisper, to which he only groans against your neck in response. “You should really start knocking, as well.”
“Missed you.” He leaves a feather-like kiss on the exposed skin of your shoulder, ignoring your lecture.
A light pink flushes across your cheeks, and his hand moves lower. You feel his breath fan against your collarbone, making you instinctively close your eyes.
“You were looking at me quite a bit today, I think you may need to tone it down, Enz. The others may start suspecting something.” Your voice is breathy, but you can’t help it. Not when his hands touch you like they are.
“Would that be a bad thing?” He pulls away, moving his hands to your lower back, gently leading you to your bed.
The mattress molds beneath your body, and his lips meet yours. The kiss is soft, it tastes like coffee and honey. It almost takes away from the harsh reality of the situation — you’re lying in bed with a man who does not feel anything for you. The kiss is cruel, it tastes bitter and deceitful.
You pull away, “Enzo, stop.”
He does. His body moves away from yours.
“Are you okay?” He asks, almost as if panicked.
“Yeah.” Lie. “I just — um, I’m not really feeling it, y’know?” Liar.
“Oh.” He swallows, “Right. I’ll be on my way, then.”
You watch him leave, and a pit forms in your stomach. It resides there for the rest of the night.
The next day, you sit in the courtyard, eyes scanning the words of your book, Lorenzo quietly slides onto the bench next to you.
“Whatcha’ doing?” He looks over your shoulder, startling you slightly.
“Gods — you scared me.” You hear a mumbled apology, closing your book. “What do you want?”
“Why do you always assume I want something? What if I just wanted to say hi to my favorite girl?”
“It’s never just ‘saying hi’ with you, Lorenzo.” There’s a bite in your tone.
“Are you mad at me or something?”
This isn’t fair to him, being mean because he doesn’t want you isn’t fair. You agreed to this, you agreed to emotionless sex; it isn’t his fault it’s not emotionless for you anymore. It’s not his fault he looks at you with the softest eyes, it’s not his fault he touches you so sweetly, it’s not his fault you cling to every moment with him and analyze every second of it. It’s not his fault.
“No, sorry. I’ve just had a rough day, not your fault.” You force a friendly smile.
“Oh. Maybe I can cheer you up, then.” He says, “I have something I want to show you at sunset. I’ll come find you.”
His lips meet your forehead, placing a gentle kiss. Asshole.
You should’ve said no to him, told him to fuck off, and ended things. You would’ve said no if you had gotten the chance to, if he hadn’t kissed your forehead — you probably would’ve said no. Maybe. Definitely. No. No, you wouldn’t have. As much as you resent him for it, he has you in his pocket; from that first night with him, he’s had you in his pocket. He knows that, too.
Three soft knocks fall at your door, opening it, you see Lorenzo standing opposite of you. He’s wearing medium-wash jeans and a plain white tee, his hair is wet and perfectly messy.
“Hey,” his voice is raspier than usual.
“Hi.” You lock the door behind you, and his hand intertwines with yours. “So, where are we going?”
“It’s a secret, my dear. But I can tell you, you’re going to think it’s beautiful.”
“You’re so sure of yourself.”
He snorts in response, “That’s because I know you, and I know you’ll like it. You’re easily impressed.”
“Fuck you.” You roll your eyes.
“Right now? In the middle of the corridor? Scandalous.” He fakes a gasp, and your cheeks taint a light pink.
He leads you out of the castle and to a secluded spot of the Black Lake, trees overlook the area, and the setting sun reflects off the water most beautifully.
“Take off your dress.” His voice sounds from behind you.
“Excuse me?”
“No, I meant — we’re going swimming — not… that.”
“Enzo, I’m not getting in that water. It’s cold out.” You turn around to see him already undressing.
“It’s fine.” He stands shirtless in his boxers, “And I promise if you get hypothermia or drown or something, I’ll save you.” He tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“From hypothermia?” You raise an eyebrow, crossing your arms.
“Yup. I’ll warm you up with my body heat.” He promises.
“That’s not how it works.”
“Whatever,” he drags his word out, “You’re being too critical. I’m getting in, you can follow if you’d like.” Another forehead kiss.
A sigh escapes your lip as he carefully treads into the water, ultimately, you end up unzipping your dress, leaving you in your underwear. You go after him.
“See? It’s not bad.” His hand grabs yours, helping you in. Don’t read into it, he’s just being kind.
“No, it’s fucking horrible.” Your torso is now engulfed by the cold water.
“Give it a minute, baby, your body will adjust to the temperature.”
In moments like this, you hate Lorenzo. You hate how much influence over you, you hate how you’re ready to agree to anything he says; you think, maybe if you’re willing enough it’ll change how he feels about you.
Your body finally acclimates to the water, it’s slightly more bearable now. Lorenzo guides you further into the water, keeping a firm arm around your waist. Abruptly, he pulls you under, then, you feel his lips on yours. You get a warm feeling in your tummy, it makes your head go fuzzy, and you know it’s time to pull away. Yet, your lips stay on his for a second longer before you swim to the surface for air, Lorenzo follows soon after.
“You asshole, I could’ve drowned!” You smack his chest, water splashing the both of you.
“I wouldn’t have let you drown, put some faith in me.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes.
You sigh, returning to the bay. His voice calls after you, then, you hear him swim back as well. You’re already halfway done with zipping up your dress by the time he gets to you. Presumably, he takes the hint because he’s now putting his jeans back on. However, with his back facing you, you notice something: red scratches. You hadn’t had sex in a week and a half.
“What are those?” You question.
“What are what?” He turns around, genuine confusion painted on his face.
“Those. The scratches.”
“Oh, right. Um, just some girl. Don’t worry about it.” Just some girl? Is that how he speaks of you when you’re not around — when another girl asks where he got the marks on his back?
“Really?” He doesn't owe you loyalty, you think, no, but he owes you decency. “You’ve been seeing other girls?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs, then notices your expression. “You can’t seriously be angry. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“Obviously, it’s a big deal.”
“Truly, it is not. You’re overreacting.”
“So, you’d be okay with me sleeping around with other men?” Silence. “Exactly.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t agree to this. You were perfectly fine with us just fucking each other a few month ago.” His voice raises slightly.
“Well, I don’t want to ‘just fuck’ anymore, Lorenzo!” A long pause of quiet surrounds the two of you.
“Y/n, you know — you know I can’t do that.”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“We probably should stop this,” you suggest.
Swallowing harshly, you put on your shoes. He hugs you for what you assume to be the last time, kissing the top of your head.
“If it’s any consolation, I love you. I just don’t think a relationship with me would be the best thing for you, lovely. I’ve got a lot of shit to work through before I’d be good for anyone, and you, especially, don’t deserve to be subjected to that.” His voice cracks, “You deserve someone with the ability to commit and love you to the fullest extent. I wish that person could be me, but I know that I’d hurt you, and I refuse to do that.”
Looking up at him, you see a tear fall from his eye. Then, you feel a tear fall from your own. His hand wipes your dampened cheeks dry, and he whispers delicate comforts. It’s cruel, the way he makes you cry and then wipes it all away.
You move back, taking in his soft features for the last time before walking away. He doesn’t offer to walk you back, he doesn’t say goodbye, he lets you go. Sobbing, you walk back to the castle. Sobbing, you make it to your dorm. Sobbing, you accept that you’ll never be in his arms again, gently brushing through his hair with your fingers, or counting his light freckles. You let that knowledge rip you apart from the inside out. It hurts, but it’s out of your control.
Divider Creds: @milklemondrop
#✎ missy writes#lorenzo berkshire#lorenzo berkshire x reader#lorenzo berkshire x you#lorenzo berkshire oneshot#lorenzo berkshire x female reader#lorenzo berkshire angst#lorenzo berkshire imagine#enzo berkshire x reader#enzo berkshire x you#enzo berkshire#harry potter#theodore nott#draco malfoy#blaise zabini#mattheo riddle#slytherin#slytherin boys
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the music god from your pre calculus class

pairing: anton x fem reader
genre: fluff, strangers to friends ??
warnings: none
synopsis: the person who sits in your seat before you always puts music recommendations in the calculator, and you’re dying to know who it is
word count: 638
song suggestions: somethin stupid-frank sinatra
you walked into your pre calculus class and sat down. immediately you notice the calculator.
it isnt a fancy calculator, its just a school provided one, with a creepy eye drawing in the back. but everyday someone in the class before you types a song recommendation.
everyday you try and get to class early to find the elusive person with the really good music taste, but you never catch them. you ask around for who sits there but they all laugh and walk away. you pull out your phone and go to spotify to add yet another song to your playlist called “randos music recommendations”. the playlist ranged from rnb, classical, jazz, to kpop. you continue the class trying to take notes but your mind wanders so you listen to his song from yesterday
‘who’s this person who leaves these songs?’
‘are they hot?’
‘what if im hallucinating all these songs?’
the bell rings and you walk to your next class, listening to the new song.
today you were determined.
and you had a plan
you would fake sick to get a pass to the nurses office before your calculus class, and you would creep towards the room and look in to see who sits there. the time came to fake cramps to go to the nurses office and when you did you made a beeline to the calculus class. theres a window peaking into the class so you decided to watch from there. you scope the classroom to find your seat and the mysterious music god who blesses you every day.
and when you do.
oh god you almost slipped from the stool you were standing on because he was beautiful. he had his headphones on and was working on the problem. the class period was ending so he started typing his song recommendation for the day. his friends came over and started talking to him.
“dude are you ever gonna face her? these song thingies were sweet at first but its getting sad. you always relace your shoes and stretch so you can get out before she comes. i’ve been saying i dont know you for a solid week now” his friend said as he scoffed “sohee what the heck!” the headphone boy said (you had named him that once you saw his headphones) “what ever. i need a headstart, i think i heard her friends say shes sprinting to calc today. i cant take any chances.” he starts stretching and relacing his shoes. the bell rings and he runs out the class. you grab your bag and run after him. he ends off at the orchestra hall and you yank him by his backpack. he yelps and locks eyes with you.
“i finally found you, you music god!” you say out of breath.
he laughs “oh goody!”
“dude who the hell says oh goody”
“sorry” he says. “look i’m late for my orchestra practice so could you just uh, god you’re really pretty, look at the calculator and call it a day”
you pull out a market and motion for him to stick out his forearm. he gives it to you and you write your number on his forearm.
“make sure to send all your song recommendations to me. my ears are blessed after your beautiful songs or something.” his cheeks turn a deep scarlet. “oh uh yeah sure sure i’ll send it to you totally.” you nod and start walking away. suddenly he shouts after you “your hair looks really pretty today! not that it doesnt look pretty every day, i just like the slick back in the front, with the little curls in the front. it frames your face really well. makes you look extra beautiful.” you smile back at him.
“thanks music boy”
authors note: we need to bring back loser anton, he hasnt been his loser self since love 119. but i actually do this everyday in maths class and someone caught me leaving the class late and screamed “ITS THE MUSIC GIRL !!” but thanks to @chlorinecake and @kairoot for the songs !!
taglist: @unikivrse msg or comment to be added
feedback, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated
#anton#riize x poc reader#riize x reader#riize x y/n#riize imagines#anton x reader#anton x y/n#riize anton#lee anton x reader#lee chanyoung#lee chanyoung x reader#riize#anton fluff#riize drabbles#riize fluff#riize headcanons#anton soft hours#riize fanfic#riize scenarios#anton x you
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Somethin' Stupid - A.A.
Pairings: Astarion x Fem!Tav/Reader (Bard)
Warnings: BG3 Act 3 Spoilers! Fluff! Use of Frank Sinatra’s “Somethin’ Stupid” lyrics, Tav gives off Disney Princess Energy, Astarion is stuck in a rut but you help him out, Insecure!Astarion, Spawn!Astarion
Wordcount: 1,182
Summary: You’ve had your eyes on Astarion for a while, but lately he seems distant. You take it upon yourself to brighten his day, with the use of what you know and love. Music. And of course, a goofy smile.
A/N: Thank you @ditzdreamweaver for this prompt for Y/N serenading Astarion! I think it was an absolutely adorable idea, I definitely went a bit angstier with it but there's still a bunch of fluff/cuteness.
Ever since the party had defeated Cazador, Astarion seemed down. He chose to free the thousands of spawn that were kept in captivity into the Underdark. And yet, he struggled. He slightly regretted his decision not to ascend. He felt that he could have been a much more powerful asset to the team. In short, his insecurities were eating at him, and he couldn’t stand being around the rest of the group. Not for long, anyways. He could only uphold his confident aura for so long. Especially with you. You would never judge him, you had seen him covered in blood after stabbing Cazador, and you were the one who took a damp towel to wipe off the blood he should see or reach.
You and Astarion had grown fairly close, even with the heartache everyone in the party suffered. But lately, he felt distant. Typically, he would spend most nights chatting with the party, then you two would continue conversing into the late hours of the night. Astarion, was of course, a vampire elf, and you were a bard who was a natural night owl from the late nights playing in the taverns. Despite this, and the pull he felt to continue those late nights with you, something within him inhibited him from doing so.
“I’m heading to bed” Astarion muttered, before puttering off towards his tent. It was merely a few moments following your return to camp, and the sun had not yet set. Gale had begun to prepare a meal for the rest of the group, the glistening fire flickering below a large pot, which he intended to fill with a stew of sorts.
As Astarion’s tent completely secluded him from the rest of the group, you finally decided you had had enough. You would not let him suffer alone. You trotted over to your own tent happily, grabbing your lute from the corner. It had been a while since you played for an audience, but you needn’t worry about your abilities.
“I know I stand in line” You sang. “until you think you have the time” Astarion listened intently to your melodic voice, which easily had the capacity to draw him in. He hadn’t heard it since the very beginning of your journey together, but the strength of your voice hadn’t faltered. In fact, it sounded even more powerful than before. “to spend an evening with me…” You continued singing, dancing around the camp, with your typical goofball smile along your lips. The others reciprocated your happiness. Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart, and even Lae’zel danced along the perimeter of the camp with you, Scratch and the owlbear cub clearly enjoying the music as well. Gale swayed as he was cooking, his feet pitter-pattering to the sound of the beat coming from your lute.
“Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two” you sang, dancing towards Astarion’s tent. Your voice radiated outside of the tent, steadily ushering him towards you. He wondered if you were a siren in your past life. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin’ stupid like” with that, Astarion approached the edge of the tent, his fingers pulling the flap of his tent so he could view you just as you sang “I love you.” He watched as your pupils dilated as he came into your visibility, and he felt like you truly meant the words you were singing. The goofy smile plastered on your face was enhanced even more, and Astarion was able to smile for the first time in several weeks.
“I love you too, darling.” In all honesty, Astarion couldn’t remember the last time he spoke those words truthfully. You continued strumming as you ushered him to follow you over to sit on a log with you under the shade, a little further from camp. The rest of the group had disbanded to allow you your time together. As you began to slow the song down, some of Astarion’s insecurities began to plague him once more, but you tugged him past them. “Talk to me, Star” you prompted, pulling your lute off of your lap and opting to place it up against the tree next to you.
You turned towards Astarion, granting him your full attention. He looked at you with saddened eyes but couldn’t bring himself to look away. “I should have done it, Y/N.” He stated simply. A puzzled look came upon your face, and you reached for his hands to place in yours. He granted you them, then shuttered with pleasure as you softly ran your thumbs up and down the back of his hands. “What should you have done, Astarion?”
“I should have ascended.” Instead of acting flabbergasted, you remained calm, looking at him with gentle eyes. “Why do you say that my love?”
Gods, Astarion could barely take when you spoke those words to him. You were so gentle with him, which he was grateful for, but on the other hand it made him feel weak. He didn’t want to need to be taken care of.
“I want to be stronger for you. To protect you. To protect the party. To have the power to ensure that none of you ever get hurt again.” He spoke, and you felt your heart palpate against your chest. “Star…” You spoke, gentle eyes looking at him yet again.
“Do you realize how strong you are?” You questioned, with little response from him, merely a glance from his glossy eyes. “You have traveled far and wide for all of us here. You defeated your sadistic master, you helped us through the Gauntlet of Shar, through the Creche, through Grymforge, through Moonrise Tower! You learned how to stand up for yourself and what you wanted! We’ve saved people, and brought others to their demise, deservingly so!” You exclaimed, nearly standing up and lecturing him. “You’ve learned more about yourself in these past few months than you have in the rest of your lifetime, Astarion. Do you know how much you have to be proud of? I’m glad you didn’t ascend, Astarion. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t. Ascending would have been the easy choice. The easy way out. A way for you to continue Cazador’s pattern of torture. But you decided to do better for yourself! You are one hundred percent the strongest man I’ve ever met, Astarion. And I’m not going to sit here, and let you tell yourself other-” with that, Astarion placed the gentlest kiss upon your soft lips.
Your eyes widened upon impact, surprised by the pale elf’s action. After a moment, you pulled away, simply stating “uhm- wow. That was really nice.” Next, you felt Astarion’s arms wrap around you, nuzzling into your neck. You allowed one of your hands to trace on his back, while the other played in his hair. “Thank you, darling.” He mumbled into your skin. “Of course” you responded, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to just be there with him for a while. It was what he needed, after all.
#astarion#astarion ancunin#astarion bg3#astarion fluff#astarion vampire#baldur's gate 3#bg3 astarion#astarion fanfiction#bg3 fandom#astarion x reader#astarion x tav#astarion x you#astarion x y/n#astarion romance#baldurs gate astarion#tav x astarion#astarion angst
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“Somethin’ Stupid” - Frank Sinatra
For those who can’t read my writing:
The time is right, your perfume fills my head
The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
Roughly the first time i’ve drawn the mlb characters and using tumblr but I really wanted to get this idea out so please don’t mind that it’s messy :) I can very much see how Ladynoir can fit into the entire song so give the song a listen too!
#miraculous ladybug#mlb comic#mlb fanart#ladynoir#chat noir#ml ladybug#sobbing#I LOVE THEM SM#mlb shipping#angst#mlb angst#Spotify#art-viridi
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A song that reminds you of each of your Eddie's + reader- and GO!
ooh wait this is a fun one. ok i had to think about this one but i think i've found them:
boxer!eddie and reader remind me of somethin' stupid by frank sinatra and nancy sinatra. two little black cats in love, and the chorus "and have a drink or two, and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "i love you". i can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before. and though it's just a line to you, for me it's true and never seemed so right before."
rockstar!eddie and nepobaby!reader will forever remind me of faithfully by journey. i mean, "and lovin' a music man ain't always what it's supposed to be. oh, girl, you stand by me. circus life under the big-top world. we all need the clowns to make us smile. through space and time, always another show. wonderin' where I am lost without you. i'm forever yours, faithfully."
this one is going to be so fucking corny and idgaf!!! but for modern!eddie and mean girl, idk why true love by p!nk always comes to mind. "at the same time, i wanna hug you, i wanna wrap my hands around your neck. you're the only love i've ever known. but i hate you, i really hate you, so much i think it must be true love. just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings, just once please try no to be so mean."
cowboy!eddie and sweet girl have always and will forever remind me of love is like a butterfly by the one and mother fucking only dolly parton our lord and savior. "love makes your heart feel strange inside, it flutters like soft wings in flight. love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing. i feel it when you kiss me, it happens when you're with me, that rare and gentle feelin' that i feel inside. everyday is springtime, and i am only happy when you are by my side." tbh i could quote the whole goddam song.
bouncer!eddie and bartender!reader this is another corny as fuck on so hold on, but it's you shook me all night long by acdc lmaooo. sexual chemistry through the roof, so much that it's shocking and appalling?? "she was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean. she was the best damn woman that I ever seen. she's one of a kind, she's just mine, all mine." idk it's silly and slutty and fun just like them!
for janitor!eddie and teacher!reader i've always felt like forever by the beach boys is their song. super sappy and romantic and devoted and that's how they are to each other <3 "if every word i said could make you laugh, i'd talk forever. i asked the sky just what we had, it shone forever. let the love i have for you, live in your heart and be forever. forever, i've been so happy loving you."
older!eddie and reader, this one was hard bc i felt like there was so many to chose from, but ultimately i went with the one song that always takes me back to them and that's chemtrails over the country club by lana. the more i listen, the more it's their song bc "go to the market, the kids' swimming pools. me and my sister just playing it cool, under the chemtrails over the country club. meet you for coffee at the elementary schools. we laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool. it's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me. i'm not bored or unhappy, i'm still so strange and wild. washing my hair, doing the laundry. late-night tv, i want you only. it's never too late, baby, so don't give up."domestic and sweet.
this is also so silly and sweet and the best thing ever but for hockey!eddie and reader i fucking love the song hello, hello by elton john (yes from gnomeo and juliet lmaoooo). "never gonna find anything to change my mind, famous last lines of a fool. hello, hello. my, my, my, what have we here? sniffing all the flowers, running through an autumn shower, compare it to someone else like me." so fucking silly and so romantic like it's them. happy and silly and in love.
and i know you guys are making fun of me and i don't give one fuck bc i know you're about to do it again with this one bc it's coming completely out of left fucking field for these two!! for mafia!eddie and reader... babe i'm saying it, it's i see the light from tangled yes it fucking is. "all that time never even knowing, just how blind i've been. now i'm here, blinking in the starlight. and it's warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted. all at once everything looks different, now that i see you. all those years living in a blur. if she's here, it's crystal clear, i'm where i'm meant to go." and listen, i could write a goddam essay on how this is them, both of them. living their lives before, thinking they're content, until they met the other and now they're confused how they were ever without the other. real ride or die shit.
for dom!eddie and sub!reader, i always think of i don't want to miss a thing by aerosmith lol. really bc they're a little chaotic but they really do love each other sm. true soulmate shit. "i could spend my life in this sweet surrender, where a moment with you is a moment i treasure. i don't wanna miss one smile, i don't wanna miss one kiss. i just wanna be with you, right her with you, just like this. and i just wanna hold you close, feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time." overly passionate and lovey and dramatic which is just their style.
#oneforthemunny#munnytalks#rockstar!eddie munson#cowboy!eddie munson#mafia!eddie munson#older!dilf!eddie munson#modern!eddie munson#eddie munson au#janitor!eddie munson#eddie munson#bouncer!eddie munson#hockey player!eddie munson#hockey!eddie munson#boxer!eddie munson#dom!eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x you#munnysings
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romantic headcanons for lovely boy Miles hehe i know it's a simple ask :,)
Simple asks are the best asks, anon ;) [well I love complex/detailed ones too, but simple asks have their charm!]
Miles is a man of humour, and you can expect that to transfer into his love language; he loves giving you things that he think will make you laugh. This includes random memes he finds online.
His lucky camcorder is used to record the funnier moments in life; pranks he's pulled on you [safe pranks!], that one time you and him saw a dog dressed as the Pope, they're all recorded, and you look back on them on the holidays.
But that isn't all; Miles can become the sweetest man on this planet. He's a sucker for a bouquet of roses, giving or receiving. Give him a bouquet and he'll feel like a prince.
Date nights typically include either a cafe or watching the stars in a field; he'll drive you two out and away from the city/town so there's no light pollution. To show off, he memorizes all of the constellations.
And yes, he's the type of freak to put a rose between his lips [without the thorns] and ask you to kiss him for it.
He's supportive of your hobbies and interests, and very rarely will ask questions, so worry not if you have any 'strange' hobbies.
He knows every little thing about you. Your favourite colour - the specific shade, too - your favourite food, your favourite animal, all of it. He's a journalist, he remembers a LOT.
The gifts he gets you are pretty and practical; a notebook, a musical box, an adult's colouring book and special pencil crayons. He's excellent when it comes to getting you gifts that you'll use.
Y'know that meme, "And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you"? That is exactly what a relationship between you and him will look like. [Also the song slaps. Jennifer Lawrence's voice...hnnngggg. I am listening to it as I write this lol.]
Speaking of that song, it's your theme. Something Stupid by Frank & Nancy Sinatra represents the relationship perfectly! Especially these lines,
"I practice every day To find some clever lines to say To make the meaning come true But then I think I'll wait Until the evening gets late And I'm alone with you
The time is right, your perfume fills my head The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you""
A trope I can see between you is either enemies to lovers - two opposing journalists, GASP! - or best friends to lovers. He isn't one to immediately rush into a relationship, and let's be honest, best friends to lovers has SO MUCH depth. You two are still best friends, you just kiss. Maybe even have intercourse if that's your thing.
If you're ever under the weather, he'll make you your favourite food and listen to you vent. You need his shoulder? Take it, it's yours. He'll crack a joke here and there if you want him to. He can read the room, I promise.
He also has a fondness for scent; he loves wearing a good cologne so he smells good for you. He uses shampoo and conditioner, not the 24-in-1 stuff lol. He'll buy you eau de perfum on Valentines day, as well as chocolate roses and a teddy bear.
Oh, also, your birthday and Christmas cards are always gonna have a funny joke in them. It's inevitable with this nerd.
He unconsciously does things for you; he'll open doors for you, lay his jacket down on a puddle [or pick you up], and go so far as to turn the mountains upside down to make you happy.
Miles is exactly like a golden retriever mixed with a french bulldog. Full of love, but has his funny moments.
His hugs are also super warm...the man works out lol. You're gonna be in them all night, every night. [He snores, I'm warning you in advance.]
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Something Stupid
Contains: OM Asmodeus, OM MC, angst, comfort, sad Asmobabe
Asmodeus looked up at MC’s face with worry. “…Dear?” he spoke softly, catching MC’s attention. “Yes, love?” They smiled, making Asmo’s heart flutter. “Can..can you come here?” he smiled back. MC furrowed their brows in worry, complying with Asmo’s words. They took their seat on Asmo’s bed and let themselves be embraced by the fifth-born.
“I..I have something to confess, my dearest,” Asmo looked up at MC with glossy eyes. “Go ahead,” MC’s hands rested on Asmo’s cheeks, leaving him breathless. “As the Avatar of Lust, I’ve been with many beings…” he took a shaky breath, “demons and humans alike.”
Their gazes connected and MC nodded him on. “But MC, even with those hook ups, those flings, those affairs, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this much love for someone before.” Asmo softly kissed MC’s collarbone.
“I’m afraid, MC. I’m afraid..I’m afraid of the day I’ll lose you. The day I won’t be able to see your face again. The day I won’t be able to hear your voice again. The day…I won’t be able to hold your hand.”
Asmo entwined their hands and kissed MC’s knuckles. “I love you, MC. I’ve never had to care about someone like this before, because I knew to keep my distance. Even Solomon, he may be human but..” A tear fell down his cheek. MC was quick to rub his back comfortingly.
“I don’t want to lose you, MC. I want you to be able to hear me say your name, every day, every night. I want you to be able to kiss me. I want you to be able to look at me, and to know that I love you.” Asmo shut his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I love you,” he stuttered. “Asmodeus…” MC whispered. They cupped his face and smiled warmly. “I love you too. I’ll be here for you for as long as I can. I love the fact you trust me enough to tell me this. I love the fact you care about me enough to worry about me. I love the fact,” they kissed his nose. “I get to be here with you, right now. Listening to you, looking at you, feeling you.”
Asmo stared at MC in silence before his eyes softened and he smiled. “I love you.” Asmo gently kissed MC’s lips and they stayed connected for a bit before parting.
“Want to take a bath?” MC offered. “Yes, a warm, relaxing bath would be wonderful right now.” Asmo let himself be led by MC to the bathroom, savouring the way MC’s hand feels in his.
‘Maybe, instead of thinking of when I’ll leave you, enjoy the time I’m here. Not everyone lives forever. Hell, it might feel like you might’ve, but in the end, we lived our lives to the fullest together.’
That last quote might’ve actually been better with Soloboy but eh, my mind went to Asmodeus. Uh, random idea. I was also planning to do an animatic, but I’m lazy <33
#obey me#obey me drabble#obey me shall we date#omswd#omswd asmodeus#omswd asmo#obey me mc#obey me asmodeus x mc#obey me asmo x mc#guys idk how to write#spotify#obey me angst
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Okay, just, picture this -
Homelander with an asexual SO. So, I imagine Homie would be frustrated at first, but then, a whole new world of non-sexual activities is open for him that feel more fulfulling than any mind-blowing fuck he ever had.
Reader playing guitar for him, singing in soft voice precious songs like "Love Like You" or "Rises the Moon" while gazing him with such tender, adoring eyes that sends him straight up bawling his eyes out.
Painting his nails and doing his hair for fun and calling him the prettiest princess.
Cooking for him, TEACHING him how to cook, and cooking together, maybe even with Ryan, throwing flour at each other, laughing till belly hurts.
Teaching him how to dance, leading him to the tune of "Somethin' Stupid" by Frank Sinatra.
Learning how to crochet, and making for him socks, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals.
Reading out loud late at night, with his head on your chest, listening to your voice and your heartbeat.
Soft mornings with forehead kisses and cuddles every night.
Like, it's true heaven for him.
forehead kisses and cuddles 😭😭😭
while i don't think it's necessary to compare the quality/fulfillment of sexual vs nonsexual relationships (all of the above can and should be included in any kind of relationship), the ace community is definitely EXTREMELY underserviced in fanfiction spaces!!!
i would looove to see more rep for it if you're inspired to write it, anon! i know you're not the only one who feels this way. 🖤
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(1/2 - I hope) Something Stupid
saw a few comics of billford oriented around this song and I lost it. Also look at my silly pre-punch/college era human Bill design
text translation under cut
“Log 1 - Bill + Mabel. Everyday Mabel picks a record from my collection and they listen together.”
“Today, Bill was a no show, so I sat down with her instead.”
“I know why though.”
(1) “and I go ahead and spoil it all” (2) “by saying something stupid like” (3) “I love you”
something something this song is their anthem
#somethin stupid#Fanart#gravity falls fan art#gravity falls#gravity falls au#bill cipher#human bill cipher#bill cipher fanart#billford#mabel pines#ford pines#mabel fanart#bill fanart#digital art#my art
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What kind of music do the lin keui listen to
I kinda think they’d all have similar music taste but I changed it up a bit for the sake of not having it all be the same. These are super short cause I didn’t know how to explain music types in the typical 300+ words.

I think for him, music serves as a background noise
He hardly ever just sits and enjoys music just to enjoy it. He’s always doing something and sometimes he needs background noise
Classical is the best for this
Classical piano music is the best for this
He enjoys piano music in general
A River Flows in you by Yiruma is one of his favorites, if not his favorite
As long as it’s slow, quiet and has no words, he’s a fan

Likes classical music but likes violin music more
Also is a jazz fan
Who doesn’t like jazz? Come on now-
Also likes background music but will also sit and listen to music just to listen to it
I don’t think he’s strictly only classical and jazz, but he for sure prefers these genres and gravitates to this
It’s Been A Long, Long Time by Kitty Kallen is one of his favorites, if not his favorite
Favorite part is the beginning when there’s only instrumentals
Prefers instrumentals in general

Old music in general
I’m thinking he likes Frank Sinatra and Elvis
Idk I just look at him and it makes sense
He just sits around and listens to music cause why not? Music is meant to be enjoyed whenever and wherever
Fav Frank Sinatra song is “Somethin’ Stupid”
Fav Elvis song is “Can’t Help Falling In Love”
I heard Elvis was stealing music but that ain’t none of my business. When I think of Elvis I think of The Conjuring movies-
Just loves songs about men being in love
I’m writing these 20 minutes before I have a meeting about meds. Why do I feel like writing at the worst times? Also I got a new keyboard and it makes these nice CLACKCLACKCLACK sounds and glows. I love it.
#mk1#mk1 2023#mortal kombat 1#bi han sub zero#bi han#kuai liang scorpion#kuai liang#kuai liang mk1#tomas vrbada smoke#bi han headcanons#kuai liang headcanons#tomas vrbada headcanons#mk1 headcanons#mortal kombat headcanons
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I hope The con is still going well for you! You can answer this when you get back if that's easiest for you (Go have your fun!!) I'm back with another albeit much less horny request. Maybe it's that I need Keith David to lull me to sleep, maybe it's that I know deep in my heart of hearts that Husk had a Frank Sinatra Vinyl collection in his life, who knows. But I wanna see something cute and fluffy with Husk and music, maybe like Dancing around his room to My Funny Valentine, or Somethin' Stupid. Just cheesy fluff for his❤️
I'm so sorry for how long this took, but I want you to know that this prompt has been consuming my brain ever since I first saw it. I've never heard "Somethin' Stupid" before, so I went and looked it up, and oh my god I love that song for Husk. I just had to write something! Here's some fluff with Husk singing to Reader, there's dancing and confessions and god he's so cute I love him so much~
(If you've never heard the song before, I recommend you listen along once Husk starts singing it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_t2gNCXYbY)
You may not be sure of the specifics of Husk’s feelings for you, but however deep they go, you’re grateful for the time he spends with you.
On this evening, the two of you retreated to his bedroom after dinner, to have a drink and some conversation before it’s time for him to open the bar again. You don’t often join him here, but you’ve never for an instant suspected his intentions whenever he invites you. You’re sure that he simply enjoys having one-on-one time with someone without having to worry about others asking him to serve them drinks, and that’s all.
Would you mind if his intentions ever went further than that? You try not to think about that too hard, for fear that your hopes won’t align with his.
For now, you’re happy to sit and chat with him, sipping the sweetly sour red wine he’s poured and listening to the record he’s chosen to play. He seems to have a story for every song on the record, from concerts he’s attended all over the world, to the inspirations for his own performances, to unrelated memories he just happens to associate with the playing songs for reasons even he’s not sure of.
You love every story he has to tell, but your interest is most piqued whenever he speaks of his days in various bands. You may not know what he looked like when he was alive, but you can still see him so clearly on a brightly lit Vegas stage, fingers gliding over the saxophone that he describes with just as much wistful passion that he would use for a past lover. You can see him lowering the saxophone from his lips to start singing, all irritated gravel drained from his voice as it flows through the air, warm like honey, deep timbre filling an emptiness in your gut that you didn’t realize was there before now.
“I’d love to hear you sing more,” you say as he finishes another story about his life as a performer, clearly fond of the days he spent on a stage. “You’ve got a great voice.”
“More?” he asks with a quirked eyebrow. “When have you ever heard me singing at all?”
“You sing all the time when you’re working behind the bar,” you say. “I don’t even think you notice it.”
Husk coughs slightly on the sip he was taking of his wine, but manages to swallow it down with no further incident. “Shit… you’re right, half the time I don’t notice. Cleaning glasses is just so damn tedious, you know? I gotta pass time somehow, and if I’ve got a song stuck in my head I just-”
“You don’t need to explain,” you interrupt. “With a voice like yours, you can sing any time you want. I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to hear it… I know I like hearing it.”
Husk hums thoughtfully as he takes another sip of wine. Is it just you, or are his cheeks faintly flushing from your compliment? Maybe you’re hoping for too much.
After draining his glass and gently setting it back on the table, he lifts himself up from his chair with a grunt. Without explaining himself, he heads to the box of records by the record player and starts flipping through them.
“I could… sing right now, if you want,” he offers, not looking up from the box. “I don’t get to perform much for other people anymore.”
“I’d like that,” you say as you try not to read too much into the gesture. Husk singing to you… for you… you’re sure it doesn’t mean anything and that he’s just showing off, and yet…
“Ah, here we go,” he says as he lifts a sleeve from the box. With great care, he removes the currently playing record and slips it into its own sleeve, then withdraws the new record and settles it in place. After he lowers the needle, gentle guitar strings begin emanating from the player. A few seconds into the song, he begins to sing, and you realize that there are no vocals on the record; the only voice you hear is his.
“I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend the evening with me…”
As he sings, he approaches you, feet stepping and tail swishing in rhythm with the song. He stops in front of you, and as the next line begins, he holds his paw out to you with a small smile.
“And if we go some place to dance, I know that there’s a chance you won’t be leaving with me…”
“Who says that I wouldn’t?” you say as you take his hand. He chuckles softly as he pulls you to your feet and resumes singing.
“Then afterwards, we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two…”
As he sings, he takes your other hand and holds both of them at chest level, his palms pressed against yours, firm claws and silky fur holding your hands in place.
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like ‘I love you’...”
Your heart gives a single heavy beat at those words. You can’t read too much into it, shouldn’t read too much into it- it’s not his song, he’s singing it but he didn’t write it-
But then why did he choose this song to sing for you-
Before you can spend too much time worrying about it, his claws begin skimming down your bare arms.
“I can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before…”
They trail up to where your shirt sleeves begin, then take their rest on your shoulders.
“And though it’s just a line to you, for me, it’s true, and never seemed so right before…”
Where are you supposed to put your own hands now? You end up settling them on his hips, and his wings lightly flutter in response, his expression glowing at your touch.
“I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come true…”
Either one of you could pull the other closer and close the agonizing inches-wide gap between you, but you, at least, can’t find the nerve to make that move. You settle for swaying with him, allowing him to set the pace as he sings.
“But then I think I’ll wait until the evening gets late and I’m alone with you…”
Has he always been this handsome? You may have acknowledged your attraction to him months ago, but in that moment, you see him in an even brighter light than you ever have before. His golden irises shimmer as he stares at you with lidded eyes, his pupils blown wide; he hasn’t taken his gaze off you since the moment he took your hand. His mouth is curved into a small smile, and his sharp fangs do nothing to demean just how soft his expression is as he sings to you.
“The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and oh, the night’s so blue…”
He shifts his arms so that they’re under your own, palms rested on your back, and finally takes the chance to pull you closer, your chest flush with his.
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like ‘I love you’...”
You slide your hands from his hips to the small of his back so you can pull him closer in turn, your waists now touching.. He gasps slightly, his smile gone in favor of a look of surprise, and he stops singing. Did you distract him?
“Sorry, I-”
“Shh,” he says simply before returning to silence, swaying you in time with the music. Has the room always been this warm? No, it’s not the room- it’s him, now pressed closer to you than you ever thought possible. The smile’s returned to his features now, his gaze boring so deeply into you that no force in Hell could draw it away. He’s wearing the same cologne he always does, a woody scent that blends so right with the scents of whiskey and tobacco that always cling to his fur. You’ve always associated that scent with Husk, and standing here surrounded by that fragrance is where you’ve belonged for such a long time but never had a chance to be before now.
“The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and oh, the night’s so blue…”
He’s finally started singing again, his voice wavering more than it had the last time he sang that line. You probably wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t busy tuning every one of your senses into him to the exclusion of all else.
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like ‘I love you’...”
His breathing is slightly heavier, and you could swear you see a tear beginning to form in the corner of his eye.
“I love you… I love you…”
“I love you,” you respond in tandem with him, and before you can think, you’re pressing your mouth to his. The kiss is so fleeting, giving you barely enough time to savor the softness of his lips or the taste of wine on his breath. His eyes are wide open as you withdraw, still unable to pull away from you.
“I love you,” he sings one more time as the music fades, and follows it with a kiss of his own. His mouth is so gentle against yours as he turns his head to slot your lips together. He doesn’t move his mouth, content enough with the simple contact, though his claws do slightly grip at your shirt. His hot breaths ease into your mouth in a steady rhythm, neither of you moving an inch. Another instrumental has begun to play from the gramophone, but Husk shows no interest in singing along to it. You’re okay with that; as much as you love his voice, him continuing to sing would mean him breaking the kiss.
He makes a surprised, cattish noise as you comb your fingers through the fur on his cheeks and pull him in more firmly, but makes no move to break away from you. Warmth, scent, softness, taste; every one of your senses pleads so desperately for this moment to never end, to be permitted to indulge in him for the rest of your afterlife.
But eventually, he finally withdraws, much too soon for your heart’s liking but at a great relief to your lungs. He laughs nervously as he jerks back out of your grasp, lifting his paws off of you and drawing them closer to himself, out of your reach.
“Sorry,” he says, still trying to laugh. “Got carried away-”
You silence him by grabbing his cheeks and kissing him again, this one much more brief.
“Don’t apologize,” you say before kissing him once more. He still keeps his hands to himself, but he allows himself to enjoy the kiss for as long as you’re willing to give it.
“...I picked that song for a reason,” he admits when you finally break the kiss. “I’ve been… wanting to say something for a while.” He lifts a paw and gently caresses your cheek. “It’s just… been so long, you know? Since I’ve been with somebody. And usually when I’m with somebody, it…” He averts his eyes from you, his ears slightly drooped in shame. “...I’m not easy to handle. Never was, and I’m especially not now.” He laughs derisively. “So it really is stupid of me to think I should say I… well…” He trails off, apparently unable to get the words out when he can’t hide them in a performance.
“You should say stupid things more often,” you assure him as you wrap your arms around his neck and peck him on the nose. “I said it back, didn’t I?”
“You sure you know what you’re getting into?” Husk asks.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he laughs. The energy between the two of you is electrifying, you’re so sure he’s about to kiss you again-
Instead, he yelps in pain and jerks away from you.
“Husk?! Are you okay?!”
“It wasn’t you,” he assures you as he gently rubs at his throat. Despite the gentle tone he’s trying to use with you, you can tell by the way his ears have flattened that he’s pissed. “Just time for me to reopen the bar, that’s all.” His volume lowers as he grumbles to himself. “Someone’s gonna throw a fit if he doesn’t get his fuckin’ rye…”
“I wish we could have spent more time together,” you say. “You could have sang more… and we never finished the wine…”
“How about we pick this up later, after the bar’s closed for the night?” he says. “I wouldn’t mind having you up here more often.” He’s smiling again; it’s not a large one, but it seems you’re able to get his mind off his stressors, if only for a moment.
“It’s a date,” you say, returning his smile. You share a final kiss, much too short for your liking, and let him get back to his work.
You wonder what other “stupid” things he’ll have to tell you later.
#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel husk#hazbin husk#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel husk x reader#hazbin husk x reader#irk blubbers about nothing#irk huskposts#irk got asked a thing#parasite b
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I was listening to “Somethin’ Stupid” by Frank Sinatra and I had a thought at these lyrics:
I can see it in your eyes,
That you despise the same old lies
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you
For me it's true,
It never seemed so right before
I wonder how many randos have meaninglessly confessed their love to Angel Dust. He said it himself, he’s got all the creepy fan letters, he must have fans telling him they “love” him all the time
Now imagine Husk struggling to figure out how to tell him in a way that actually means something
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