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List of Mythic Beings by Type
Full alphabetical list of mythic creatures unsorted by type here.
Q: What is this?
A: This is a list of all Wikipedia articles that begin with the letter A and deal with a creature or person or group of people whose existence is found in accounts that don't neatly fit the modern scientific understanding of the world.
The purpose of this list is to be really open. I want writers (artists, LARPers, performers, people with imaginations, people with fun hobbies) to have an overview of the information available on Wikipedia.
Q: Are the categories from Wikipedia? If not, how do they work?
A: The groupings are my own. Their purpose is to let you quickly find tropes. So if you look under "Habitat" and then "Forest" you find Wikipedia articles referencing stories set in the woods. This could be creatures whose literal habitat is the forest, but it can also be a creature that hunts in the forest. I hope that especially groupings like "Changeling", for example, which lists all Wikipedia articles where a creature exchanges infants for their own, helps writers and other artists find what they are looking for. To make things a bit easier I also add remarks like "(some accounts)" which indicates that only some sources portray a creature a certain way and I give a bit more info so that you, dear reader, can compare and contrast creatures in the same category -- in one culture, the Changeling myth might indicate an extremely ableist society, in another culture, the Changeling myth is so abstract it's hard to imagine. I try to give people those kinds of contrasts, although of course what qualities I contrast will reflect my biases.
Q: I noticed some creatures that start with A only mentioned once in this list and not under every appropriate category.
A: I'm winging it. Please let me know when you have spotted an oversight and I'll gladly correct it. :)
The following Wikipedia articles were too long for my project and I skipped over them. I have been working on this project for months, so every now and then I just skip articles: Angel, Angels (List), Angra Mainyu, Annunaki, Antichist, Aos Sí, Apophis, Apsara, Archon, Argus, Asha, Asmodeus, Aspidochelone, Atargatis, Aura, Azazel, Azrael.
I intend to eventually cover the above entries as well, but currently would rather like to complete this project for most mythic beings.
Supertypes are not species or cultures or anything like that. They are my word for "belongs to a larger group".
Agave (Alcibie) (Alcippe) (one Alcippe in Greek myth) (Alke) (one Alke in Greek myth) (Amazonomachy (Event)) (Amazons (List)) (Antandre) (Antibrote) (Antiope) Amazon Queen (Apollo Amazonius) (Areto) (Asteria)
(Anakim) Nephilim (historical sources speculated) (Armaros) Grigori ("Watchers")
3 subcategories: bound (to a location); unbound ((Engkanto)); and Aswang
(Aghasura) (Andhaka) (Asura) (deva are asura by default, according to the Rig Veda; Deva become Deva by being virtuous, asura remain asura by being selfish, according to the Rig Veda) (Asura Lords mentioned on asura page) multiple factions of asura, each with a lord
Aufhocker (Creature that jumps on someone's back, holding them down)
Creature that sits on someone's chest, holding them down
(Alp) Sits on Sleeper's Chest (Rides/Mounts Sleeper); crush small farm animals (like geese) to death in pressing attack (Alû) Sits on Sleeper's Chest (Rides/Mounts Sleeper)
(Alukah) dies without blood (Asanbosam) (Aswang) subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example Mandurugo): slow bloodsucking
(Amycus) (Anggitay) female centaur (Arktos) (Asbolus) benevolent (Polkan on Ascapart page) Centaur (Russian culture)
(Aes Sidhe) (Al) (Al Ana) (Wikipedia has lengthy descriptions of their characteristics, this is a clear extreme use of ableism in the changeling story) (Alan) take drops of menstrual blood, miscarried fetuses, afterbirth, or other reproductive waste and transform them into human children, whom they then raise as their own. (Asrai) (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan)
(Aitvaras) White or Black Colour (Akabeko) Red (Akaname) Red (Akerbeltz) Black (Aketeko) Red (Akugyo) Gold and Silver Scales (Alicanto) Metallic, depends on ore it eats: golden wings from gold mine, silver wings from silver mine, copper-green / If spotted, turns off colours of its wings, going into dark (Almas) black fur (Aloja - Aloges) gold or red hair, emerald or deep blue eyes (Alphito) White Hair (Am Fear Liath Mòr) Dark Skin, Dark Hair (Amaru) reddish snout (Ambika) golden skin; (South Indian version) dark blue skin (Amomongo) white hair (Amphiptere) green snake, light coloured feathers (Anchanchu) red (Angak) black beard (up to mid-chest) --> represents trails of rain & for Hokywan Angak'china: red beard (Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) white deer (Anito) pale skin (Anito) omen birds, most commonly with green or blue iridescent feathers (Anjana) white skin (Anubis) Black Fur (symbol of Nile River soil, symbol of regeneration and life) (Aoandon) Blue Skin (Aobōzu) Blue Skin and/or Blue Clothes (Okayama Prefecture) (Aonyōbō) Blue Skin (the source Wikipedia uses https://yokai.com/aonyoubou/ directly contradicts the idea that they have blue skin, instead saying that blue in Japanese is like "green" in English, a word for inexperience. For a more detailed explanation, see there.) (Cŵn Annwn mentioned on Arawn page) White Hounds with Red Ears (Archura) Green Hair (made of living grass), Green Beard (made of living grass) (Arkan sonney) white skin, red eyes (some accounts), red ears (some accounts) (Arzhang Div) blue skin (Asag) dark skin (Asanbosam) pink skin, red hair (Asi) deep-blue colour as personified form (Asrai) pale skin (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan) (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal light skin by day (Augenbrand) (Auriaria) red hair (Azukiarai) yellow eyes (Āṭavaka) blue skin, black skin, red skin (Átahsaia) black and white scales cover arms
(Anchimayen) created from corpses of children
(Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Anhangá) (Aswang) subtype "Ghoul"
Daemon / Daimon
(Aloadae) Ephialtes is a daimon
Daeva / Div
(Arzhang Div)
(Almops) Poseidon and half-nymph (Amykos) (Arjuna) (Auriaria)
(Alcippe) (one Alcippe in Greek myth)
(Afanc) (Agogwe) (Akaname) (Aloja - Aloges) (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Anchanchu) (Anjana) tiny (15 cm = 0.5") (Aobōzu) (Yamaguchi Prefecture Version) in other accounts, giant (Asrai) 2-4" (Awes-kon-wa) (Aziza) (Azukiarai)
Disembodied Organ
(Aketeko) hand (Aswang) subtype: Manananggal disembodied head (by night)
(Akvan Div)
(Anubis) (Egyptian gods don't really have animal heads, they are personalities) (Anubis) brother Wepwawet (Egyptian gods don't really have animal heads, they are personalities) (Anubis) female counterpart Anput (Egyptian gods don't really have animal heads, they are personalities)
(Amaru) could be called a dragon; 2 heads; 2 Amarus destroy the land while fighting each other; horns of a taruka, a type of huemul deer; wings; lives in underworld and associated with water; scales
(Alberich) beard / smith
(Aitvaras) fire tail (like meteor) (Akuma) flaming eyes, fiery head (Alara) butterfly wings made of light; formed from love tears of 1,000 women (Giant Black Dog mentioned in Almamula or Mulánima) teeth of fire, transformed into this state (Tsé’nagahi on Anaye page) monstrous rock, crushes passersby to death (Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) white deer with fiery eyes (Augenbrand) fire eyes (Azhdaha) flaming eyes (Āṭavaka) enveloped by flame
Elf Clothes
(Archura) left shoe on right foot
Fairy (Petty Fairy, Winged Little Sprite)
(Alara) hovers over lake (Mmoatia the Fairy on the Anansi page) what is the Akan word for the type of being that Mmoatia is? (Iambana on the Anito page) No tiny winged beings like fairies ("petty fairies") in precolonial native Filipino folklore, but lambana are fairies in modern Filipino folklore (Awes-kon-wa) (Aziza) (sometimes & possibly European influence)
(Alloces) grants familiars (Amy) grants familiars
Figment / Personification
(Alke) Courage / Battle-Strength spirit (Aloadae) Ephialtes is a Nightmare (Amalur) the Earth itself (Amanozako) originated when Susanoo let his own ferocious spirit (his Aramitama) build up inside him until he vomited her out (Andaokut) born from tears of a grieving mother (Aonyōbō) appears as an ancient court noblewoman, living in a now abandoned house of fallen nobles and ruined families, constantly fixing her hair and applying makeup, expecting possible guests who never show up (e.g. a lover who lost their interest or a husband who abandoned his wife) (Asi) asi is a sword, but has a personified form (Ask-wee-da-eed) personified fire / embodies fire (associated with comets, meteors) (Awelo) embodies the essence of the Tigua people and their customs and morality, monitors their conduct and punishes those who don't behave properly (Azone) universal commonalities of humans, united in worship (Azure Lóng) represents springtime (Aufhocker) Emotional Burdens weighing on one's shoulders (old woman haunted by memories)
Face on Back of Head
(Akerbeltz) (Christian Version)
Fallen Angel
(Agaliarept) (Agares) (Alloces) (Amaymon) (Amy) (Archdemon) rather short Wikipedia page that simply mentions various archdemons by name, often the sin they are associated with or the cardinal direction they preside over / different archdemons in different religious traditions
Flying Head
(Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal hides lower half during nighttime
Green Hair and/or Green Beard
(Archura) made of living grass (Asrai) long green hair (account by Ruth Tongue)
(Aghasura) Giant Animal (Aido Hwedo) Giant Animal (Akkorokamui) Giant Animal (Akugyo) Giant Animal (Ala - Ale) huge ears (Albruna) (Alcyoneus) a gigantes, NOT ALWAYS a giant, hurls rocks, hurls 12 chariots, hurls 24 heroes, uses mountain as weapon (some accounts) (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong) giant baby, giant adult (Almops) (Aloadae) 16.4592m = 9 fathoms tall at age 9 (Alpos) body reaches the clouds, touches the sun, pulls back the moon; hurl rocks, hurl hills; uses rock as shoulder shield (Am Fear Liath Mòr) over 10" tall (Endriago on Amadís de Gaula page) (Amala) supports the world (Amarok) (Amemasu) Giant Animal (Anakim) (Anathan) (Sasnalkáhi on Anaye page) (Teelget on Anaye page) (Tsetahotsiltali on Anaye page) massive legs (perhaps not a conventional giant, just really long legs) (Yeitso on Anaye page) colossal (but speaks and asks questions when trying to find victims); drinks lake in four gulps; travels across horizon in one step; scalp becomes a peak (Andaokut) (Angalo) (Anguiped) (some examples) (Antaboga) Giant Animal (Antaeus) giant bones entombed within a tumulus (Antero Vipunen) (Anzû) (Ao) Giant Animal (Aobōzu) (Apotamkin) Giant Animal (Apukohai) (Prabu Niwatakawaca (Javanese) on Arjuna page) (Asag) (Asanbosam) 20" wings (not a conventional giant, just huge wingspan) (Ascapart) 30" tall (smallest giant of his land) (Pelucan on Ascapart page) (Ashinaga-tenaga) 3m, 6m, 9m legs (some accounts) (not a conventional giant, just long legs or arms) (Asi) personified form may not be giant, but is described as tall (Athos) crushed under a mountain, died in a fight with a god who hurled rocks at him (Atosis) Giant Animal (Augerino) Giant Animal (Azhdaha) 30 gazes (~30m); Giant Animal (Átahsaia) (Wikipedia page has descriptive size comparisons)
(Alcippe) one Alcippe is daughter of a Gigantes (Alcyoneus) but she may not be (Alcyoneus) [Aloadae] (Alpos) (Antaeus) (Athos)
(Ala - Ale) (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) possessed by ala: huge hunger (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong)
(Alseid) (Am Fear Liath Mòr) presence
(Angalo) the first human (he is also a giant) [Arikura-no-baba] (Atlantes)
Hybrid: Object-Creature
(Akaname) pebble head (Al) clay nose, copper claw, iron teeth (Al Basty) (Armenian Version) iron teeth, brass fingernails (Amaru) crystalline eyes (Anaye) resemble objects (human mothers fornicated with objects)
(Tsé’nagahi on Anaye page) monstrous rock, crushes passersby to death (Asanbosam) iron teeth, iron hook feet (Axehandle hound) axeblade-shaped head, axehandle shaped body, stubby legs, eats abandoned axehandles, travels logging camps looking for next meal
Island Turtle
(Ao) Carries the three islands of the eight immortals (Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou)
(Ahöl Mana) (Ahöla) (Ahöla) (Angak) (Angwusnasomtaka)
Long / Lóng
(Ao Guang) (Azure Lóng)
(Alicanto) eyes emit lights (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) glowing eyes (Aosaginohi) gives off iridescent blue light; releases golden powder into the air that forms heat-less fiery light that eventually dissipates in the wind
(Afanc) (Agnen) (Ahuizotl) (Aigamuxa) (Akashita) swallows evildoers (Akerbeltz) (Christian Version organizes lunches with witches and elves where human meat is served) (Aku-aku) (Amanesaku mentioned in Akubōzu) (Akugyo) (Ala - Ale) huge mouth, carries spoon, eats at home, home full of children's bones and spilt blood, smells humans (Alpos) (Amai-te-rangi) (Amanojaku) (Amarok) (Amikuk) (Ammit) (Tsenahale on Anaye page) feed people to hatchlings (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) (Ao Ao) humans are its only source of food (eats them with clothes) (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao (Aonyōbō) devours those who trespass in the abandoned house she now occupies (Apotamkin) (Asanbosam) (Aswang) subtype: Silagan: tears out human liver and eats it (Aswang) subtype: Manananggal eats internal organs; eats phlegmatic discharge of the sick, eats fetuses within the womb [Ato-sees] forces humans to find the materials with which he would cook them (Atosis) (Atshen) [Azukiarai] (Azukibabaa) (swallow into bright light) (Gunma Prefecture) (Āṭavaka) (Átahsaia) (Aswang) subtype: Weredog favours pregnant people travelling roads at night
Child Harmer (Boogeyman)
(Maria Enganxa from Aloja - Aloges) takes children (with hook) (Alphito) (Amanojaku) child eater, kidnaps children (Ao Ao) child eater (Aobōzu) (Shizuoka Prefecture Version) kidnaps children (Apotamkin) child eater (Azukibabaa) (Kawagoe City Version) children who fall behind their parents, scoops up people in basket; (Kanagawa Prefecture Version) child eater
(Akugyo) (Amabie) mermaid, merman
(Aku-aku) (Arzhang Div)
Multiple Organs
(Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) 3 heads; 2 headed snake form (Alpos) many arms (Amabie) 3 Tail Fins ("3 Legs") (Amabiko on Amabie page) 3 legs, 4 legs, 5 legs, 7 legs (Yamawarawa on Amabie page) 3 legs (Amaru) 2 heads (Ambika) 4 arms (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) head at each end (Andhaka) 1,000 heads, 1,000-2,000 arms, 2,000 legs (some accounts), 1,000-2,000 eyes (Anpao) 2 faces (Anqa) 8 wings (4 pairs of wings) (Asag) 3 legs, 3 arms, several eyes across body (Ayahos) 2 heads (in snake form) (Āṭavaka) 1 head, 4 heads, 6 heads, 17 heads, 4 arms, 8 arms, 36 arms
Missing Organs
(Alû) no ears, no lips, no mouth (Amabie) no torso (Amikiri) no hindlegs (Binaye Ahani (Eye Killers) on Anaye page) no limbs (Asag) no neck (Astomi) no mouths (some accounts)
(Agave) Nereid (Alseid) (Anthousai) (Auloniad)
(Akashita) Bad Luck (Akuma) Misfortune (Anito) omen birds (either a diwata's true form, a diwata's shapeshifted form or servant of a diwata) (Arkan sonney) good omen
(Amefurikozō) (some accounts) (Arimaspi)
(Aziza) (if sole being of its type)
(Amanojaku) appearance of a small oni
Pendulous Breasts
(Ajatar) long breasts maybe not pendulous (Al) long breasts (sagging) (Al Ana) large breasts (Anguane) long breasts
Pendulous Breasts Hung Over Shoulder (this category exists because there's a lot of creatures that fit this trope and it will be expanded once we get beyond the letter A.)
(Anguane) throw breasts over backs; carry children in baskets on backs
(Anubis) guide the dead to the underworld
Rainbow Snake
(Aido Hwedo)
(Ayaz Ata)
(Al Basty) (Armenian Version) (Alpos) vipers
(Ashi-magari) (some accounts) a trick by tanuki (Azukiarai) (some accounts) a trick by tanuki
Tennin / Tennyo
(Azhdaha) snake reaches 100 years of age and grows to 30 Gazes (~30m in length!)
(Aes Sidhe) (sometimes the hosts ("sluaghs"), which are a type of sidhe, are counted as undead) (Ahkiyyini) skeleton (Aitu) (Aku-aku) (Al Ana) (Wikipedia describes all the at-risk groups of women who may return from the dead as Al Ana) (Alp) (in some stories, e.g. stillborn infant) [Alû] Wikipedia calls it a vengeful spirit, so does that mean it's undead? (Amalanhig) (Akhu mentioned on Ammit page) (Anchimayen) created from corpses of children (Ankou) skeleton, black robe, hat conceals face, shadow, scythe (Ankou) first person to die that year (some accounts), last person to die that year (some accounts) (Ankou mentioned on French Mythic Creatures and Saints page) female skeleton (??) (Lil a subtype of Ardat-lilî mentioned on that page) ghosts of young people who died sexually unfulfilled
(Amalanhig) vampire teeth
Webbed Feet
(Asrai) (account by Ruth Tongue)
Wisdom King
(Āṭavaka) has subjects, including doorkeeper
(Akurojin-no-hi) (Anchanchu) fireball (Ayakashi) ghost light
Witch / Hag
Woman Head
World Serpent
(Ambika) (a yakshini) (Āṭavaka)
Youkai / yōkai
(Akashita) (Amefurikozō) (Amikiri) (Aobōzu) (Aonyōbō) (Ayakashi) (Azukibabaa)
The "animal" section lists animal traits of these beings. If a creature has a goat head, a snake foot, the whole body of a dog etc. it may be listed under that entry.
Some animal features are listed not under the "Animal" section here but instead under the Power section, specifically the "Shapeshift - Animal" section. This means that the being is able to shapeshift into an animal.
(Antelope (Real Animal)) Linnaeus didn't think antelopes were real: see Animalia Paradoxa page
(Aegipan) (Agropelter) (Amabiko on Amabie page) (Amomongo)
(Amphiptere) wings (Asanbosam) wings, body parts, feet point both ways
(Sasnalkáhi on Anaye page)
(Akhekh) wings (Alal) claws (Alerion) no beak, no claws (Alicanto) flightless (too heavy from ore) (Alkonost) woman's head (Alphyn) claw forelegs (Amabie) beak (Amabie) parts (Amaru) condor head (one of its heads) (Amaru) feet, wings (Amikiri) beak (Amphiptere) wings, beak (Anito) omen birds, most commonly with green or blue iridescent feathers (Anqa) long neck, human face (Anzû) (Aosaginohi) (Blue-Crowned Night Heron)
(Átahsaia) hair on scalp like a bison mane
(Alara) wings made of light
(Aisha Qandicha) hoofs (Allocamelus) camel body, donkey head
(Aswang) subtype "Weredog" (sometimes transforms into cat)
(Aitvaras) rooster (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Medieval Version) feet
(Amomongo) long nails (not claws) (Arzhang Div) (Átahsaia) long talons (Aswang) subtype "Ghoul" sharp nails
(Akabeko) (Akerbeltz) (Christian Version) Ox (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) Bull
(Amikiri) claws
(Afanc) (Ammit) head
(Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) white deer
(Akerbeltz) (Christian Version) (Alal) ears (Almamula or Mulánima's Victim) transformed into giant black dog (Ammit) body (some accounts) (Anchanchu) (Aralez) (Cŵn Annwn mentioned on Arawn page) White Hounds with Red Ears (Pelucan on Ascapart page) giant with dog parts (Augenbrand) (Axehandle hound) (Aswang) subtype Weredog
(Allocamelus) head (but camel body)
(Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Medieval Version) ears
(Airavata) 4 tusks, 7 trunks, pastel white skin (Erawan see Airavata) 3 heads or 33 heads (Aka Manah) elephant head --> mouth filled with tusks instead of teeth
Fangs / Teeth / Tusks
(Al) sharp fangs (Amanozako) large fangs (Amphiptere) snake fangs (Ao Ao) massive fangs (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao (Aoandon) sharp teeth (Apotamkin) (Arzhang Div) (maybe tusks?) (Asi) sharp teeth as personified form (Azhdaha) many teeth (Átahsaia) yellow tusks (Aswang) subtype "Ghoul": sharp teeth
(Amphiptere) light coloured (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Medieval Version) feathered wings (Awanyu)
(Aegipan) (Akugyo) (Amabiko on Amabie page) parts (Amaru) fish tail (Amemasu) (Asrai) fish tail (account by Rosalind Kerven) (Avatea) left body half is fish
(Amaru) fox muzzle on the llama head (one of its heads)
(Aegipan) (Aisha Qandicha) hoofs (Akerbeltz)
(Almas) black fur (Amomongo) white hair (Asanbosam) long red hair (Astomi) (Auvekoejak) furry merman (has no Wikipedia page, may be hoax)
(Ammit) hindlegs
(Alphyn) Cloven Hoof Forelegs (Anguane) (Archura) (some accounts)
(Akugyo) (Al-Mi'raj) 1 or 2 horns (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) huge horns (Amaru) of a taruka, a type of huemul deer (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Medieval Version) (Teelget on Anaye page) thick antlers (Anggitay) 1 horn (some accounts) (Aoandon) twin horns (Archura) (some accounts) (Asanbosam) (Awanyu)
(Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) horse head (on snake body) (Alal) mane (Apaosha) black horse, black ears, black tail (Arion (Horse))
(Akaname) child form (Anansi) human face; human with 8 legs (or other spider features) (Anqa) human face, long neck (Apsonsi) woman upper body (Arimaspi) (Ashinaga-tenaga) (Astomi) (Ato-sees) half human (Avatea) right body half is human
(Ammit) forelegs (Aq Bars) snow leopard with wings
(Alal) head (Alloces) head (Alphyn) hindlegs; thick mane (Ammit) (some accounts) mane, forelegs (Anzû) head (some accounts) (Apsonsi) biped with lion hindlegs
(Azhdaha) (some accounts)
(Amaru) one of the heads (has a fox muzzle)
(Almamula or Mulánima's Victim) transformed into mule
(Akhlut) orca parts
(Akhekh) with bird wings and snake tail
(Ao Ao) (some accounts) (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao
(Al) boar tusks (Ala - Ale) shapeshift form (Otherworldly Pigs mentioned on Arawn page) (Arkan sonney) (Aswang) subtype "Weredog" (sometimes transforms into pig)
(Átahsaia) Porcupine Quills --> Chest Hair
(Amaru) one of its heads
(Ala - Ale)
(Amabie) covered in scales from the neck down (Endriago on Amadís de Gaula page) body is covered in scales (Amaru) crocodile or lizard (Átahsaia) cover arms
(Ao Ao) (some accounts) (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao
(Agathodaemon) (Aghasura) (Aido Hwedo) (Airavata) (Aitvaras) appearance of "dragon" outdoors (Ajatar) (Akhekh) tail (Al Basty) (Armenian Version) hair (Ala - Ale) (e.g. snake body with horse head) (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) 2 headed (Amaru) (Amarum) water boa (Amphiptere) (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) Lifts the head that moves forward, lifts other head to reverse direction; (Medieval Version) small, serpent-headed tail (Ananke) (Orphic Version) incorporeal snake with arms stretching around the cosmos (Anguiped) snake legs (Antaboga) (Apotamkin) snake with long red hair (Ato-sees) half snake (Atosis) giant snake (Awanyu) (Azhdaha)
(Akkorokamui) once was called Yaushikep, a giant spider (Anansi) spider (some tales); anthropomorphic spider (some tales)
(Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) 12 tails (some accounts) (Alphyn) knotted (Amikiri) (Amphiptere) spiked (Archura) (some accounts)
(Alphyn) long, thin (Aswang) subtype: Manananggal Proboscis Tongue (Aswang) subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example: Mandurugo) Proboscis Tongue
(Ao) sea turtle
(Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) huge wings, 6 wings (some accounts) (Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) little wings beneath armpits (Alan) (Alara) (Alcyoneus) (some accounts) (Aloja - Aloges) colourful (Amphiptere) (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Medieval Version) feathered wings (Anemoi) (Anjana) nearly transparent (Aq Bars) (Aralez) (Astaroth) (Awes-kon-wa) (Azhdaha) (some accounts) (Aziza) (sometimes & possibly European influence) (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal wings by night
(Akhlut) wolf parts (Amaguq) (Amarok) (Asena)
(Aka Manah) male, long hair (Akaname) long tongue, claws (Akashita) hairy face covered with dark clouds (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) born covered with the caul (some accounts) (Alan) their fingers and toes point backwards (Alp) (14th Century Version) crooked nose (Alp) meeting eyebrows (Alp) Caused by Weird Birth (caul, hair on palms, pregnant mother scared of animal or biting horse collar) (Am Fear Liath Mòr) thin; long arms; broad shoulders (Amabie) long hair (Amala) supports the world; dirty (Amanozako) long ears, long nose (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) dull eyes (Angak) specific clothes and decorations, see Wikipedia page (Anito) no philtrum (Anjana) slanted eyes (Ankou) first person to die that year (some accounts), last person to die that year (some accounts) (Ankou mentioned on French Mythic Creatures and Saints page) female skeleton (??) (Anthousai) hair resembles hyacinth flowers (Armaros) painted skin - green cross & 7 keys on forehead (Asanbosam) large, blood-shot eyes (Asi) personified form is described as slim (Azukiarai) grotesque appearance, large head, bald, crooked teeth, thin moustache, large bulging yellow eyes (Átahsaia) long, wild, grey hair; Red Hair (He pushes his hair out of his eyes with this knife, leaving his hair crimson with blood.); mouth from ear to ear; wrinkled, swollen face; bulging eyes; doesn't blink
(Ahuizotl) deceptive cry for help (Am Fear Liath Mòr) silent; intense high singing note; Crunching Gravel (from walking: Every few steps I took I heard a crunch, and then another crunch, as if someone was walking after me but taking steps three or four times the length of my own.) (Amafufunyana) speak in voices from victims stomach; speak in other language; speak in disturbing tone (Anjana) sweet voice (Azukiarai) like azuki beans being ground or washed; (some accounts) song "azuki togou ka, hito totte kuou ka? shoki shoki." ("Will I grind my azuki beans, or will I get a person to eat? shoki shoki." (Azukibabaa) sounds like azuki beans being ground or washed (Azukihakari) sounds like azuki beans being ground or washed; then like azuki beans being clogged and watered; sounds like 18 litres of beans being processed (Azukihakari) as if someone is stepping over the ceiling
(Aswang) subtype "Ghoul": rank and pungent smell
Taxonomy / Role
(Agrat bat Mahlat) "mistress of the sorceresses" (Aido Hwedo) shares female concubine with her male partner (Akhkhazu) the word in Babylonian is male, but she is described as having a female nature (Ala - Ale) shapeshift into 6 fingered men (Alkonost) comforts Sirin (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) child of ala and human woman (Alp) Drink Blood (from nipples of men and young children) (Alû) androgynous (Amaru) power over rainbows (Amazons) exclude men, return boy children (Amykos) look at the pictures of his punishment on Wikipedia (Anansi) "Aunt Nancy"; "Nancy"; "Sis' Nancy" all of whom are always male (Angwusnasomtaka) she has two names: Tümas ("Crow Mother") and she is also called Angwusnasomtaka ("Man with crow wings tied on") -- is this because men play her in the ritual? (Anito) choose a shaman (asog or bayok, usually women, often trans women who are classified as bakla, which gives certain rights and obligations) - shaman experiences serious illness or bout of insanity and recovers, having gained an anito as spirit guide (Anito) a subgroup (bound diwata) are genderless (Apsonsi) they are portrayed with nude breasts, sometimes surrounded by jewelry, so something for the sapphics (Aralez) which furry would not like the Wikipedia page for the aralez, where a cute dog with wings is looking at you in a friendly way (Asanbosam) breasts and beard (in many depictions) (Aspalis) cross-dresses as his sister Aspalis. She died but her body had disappeared (strange detail of the story). Kills the tyrant (see Euphemism section). Could be read as a trans man, trans woman or non-binary person. (Asrai) nude (account by Nancy Arrowsmith) (Atosis) love relationships with humans (some versions a woman lures her husbands to water for Atosis to eat, in others the woman falls in love with the snake but does not kill her husband or harm anyone) (Azovka) moans (Aufhocker) I'm being speculative here, but if Aufhocker sometimes transform into beautiful women and frequent targets are old women…I think I'm onto something (Aswang) Female aswang often expose their genitals
Hierarchical Politics
(Aino) old gender politics (Al Ana) old gender politics, ableist (Alebrije) this artform endangers copal trees (Endriago on Amadís de Gaula page) born of incest (Anaye) old Gender Politics: Offspring of women fornicating with objects (Aobōzu) (Kagawa Prefecture Version) kills women (Archura) kidnaps young women (Ardat-lilî) (some accounts) Backstory: Woman Who Died Sexually Unfulfilled or Without Marrying (in other accounts they are young women that died sexually unfulfilled) (Asag) hideously ugly & malevolent (so hideous that fish nearby boil alive in rivers)
Example Names
(Ala - Ale) (female personal names in eastern Serbia: Smiljana, Kalina, Magdalena, Dobrica, Dragija, Zagorka etc.) (Alastor) a common Greek male name (Alke) a common Greek female name (Asteria) (Asura) Vepacitti, Rāhu (Verocana), Pahārāda, Sambara, Bali, Sucitti, and Namucī
Phantom Name (meaning lost to time)
(Albruna) (Attila) (historical person, larger than life character in Norse sagas) name "Atilla" not Hunnic but among his Gothic mercenaries, means "little daddy" in Gothic language; early German myths call Attila the Hun "Etzel"
(Asrai) "asrai night" (Athos) mountain and peninsula he created (Azure Lóng) star constellation
Euphemism (name to be avoided)
(Almas) (Alux - Aluxo'ob) naming them aloud will summon a disgruntled one from its home (Anemoi) secret missing entity: Eurus, eastwind (Anito) ("Elder", "Grandparent", "Those Unlike Us", "Dweller of a Place", "Dwellers of the Bowels of the earth" or "Dwellers of the Depths of the Sea") and euphemistic name for the harm they cause: victims were "greeted" or "played with" (Aspalis) fights the villain Tartarus, a human tyrant so cruel that citizens dared not pronounce his real name (which therefore is lost to history)
Name Confusion
(Æsir) Concept Applied To Name Foreign Beings (Æsir applied to gods, including Greek gods)
Joke Character / Fearsome Critter
(Agropelter) too fast to be seen (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong)
Wild Cultural Familiarity
(Amabiko on Amabie page) Speaks Japanese; Worships Buddhist Devas (Tenbu) of the Heavens (despite being sea-dwelling)
Sole Being
(Agave) Amazon (Agave) Nereid (Alerion) only 1 pair life at a time -> parents drown themselves on hatching of eggs, which they lay every 60 years. (Alkonost) (Maria Enganxa from Aloja - Aloges) (Amala) supports the world (Amarok) they hunt alone (caveat: can have lots of cubs) (Amycus) (Andaokut) (Ao) (Apalala) (Ardat-lilî) (Aremata-Popoa and Aremata-Rorua) 2 beings (Arion (Horse)) (Armaros) (Arzhang Div) (Asbolus) (Athos) (Augenbrand) (Aziza) (some accounts)
Umbrella Term
(Aitu) (Anaye) (Anito) (Chura mentioned on Archura page) umbrella term for nature beings (Archura) and household beings (Bichura) (Aswang) (malevolent shapeshifters) (Atua) (Azone) deities that were not the private divinities of any particular country or people. Azones were acknowledged as deities in every country, and worshipped in every nation
Uncertain Identity
(Aegipan) resembles Satyr or Faun (Agathodaemon) (Aitu) (Al Basty) name for Lilith (Anito) Spanish Names: Duende, Encantador / Encanto (Spell Caster), Hechicero (Sorcerer), Sirena (Mermaid), Maligno (Evil Spirit); Islamic Names: Jinn, Saitan (Aosaginohi) sometimes equated with Onibi lights
(Aguara) (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) aloviti as child of ala and human woman (Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) human mother, (Zmaj TLDR) father (Allocamelus) donkey and camel (Aloja - Aloges) marry mortal, but must be kept secret (aloja leaves with man's fortune if relationship is found out) (Anaye) human women and objects (Anito) can mater with humans (children = albinism, syndactyly, unusual beauty or behaviour) (Antaeus) half-giant (Wikipedia doesn't source this Antaeus as a half-giant and it make no sense to me, because the term "half-giant" doesn't seem to mean anything specific) (Asena) impregnated by a boy (an injured child she, as a wolf, nursed back to health); gives birth to 10 half-wolf half-human children (Atonga) half-spirit, half-mortal (Atosis) love relationships with humans (some versions a woman lures her husbands to water for Atosis to eat, in others the woman falls in love with the snake but does not kill her husband or harm anyone) (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal marry into communities (Aswang) Subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example Mandurugo) marry into communities; target husband
Unrelated Offspring
(Aitvaras) said to hatch from an egg of a 9- to 15-year-old rooster (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) gives birth to fairies and winds in mouth (Alberich) Ortnit is Human, Alberich his father (Alcippe) one Alcippe is daughter of a Gigantes (Alcyoneus) but she may not be (Aloadae) father is Poseidon, mother is a mortal, they are both Giants (possibly Gigantes??). (Aloja - Aloges) children with mortals. Comb children's hair and dress them every morning even if they leave their husbands and take the fortune along. (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) born from Medusa's head (Andhaka) parents are both deva (Angalo) his wife Aran…is she a giant too? Or is she like the ogre's wife in some version's of Jack and the Beanstalk, inexplicably human? And Angalo's father is the god of building. (Antaeus) gods like Gaia and Poseidon birth a giant (Anubis) snake goddess Kebechet is daughter (Note: "snake goddess" and "jackal god" refer to personalities, Anubis personality is like a jackal, hence being portrayed in jackal form or with jackal head…so technically not suited to this category. Same applies to all Egyptian deities.) (Asena) impregnated by a boy (an injured child she, as a wolf, nursed back to health); gives birth to 10 half-wolf half-human children (Ao Ao) born as one of 7 wicked children as result of goddess Arasy's curse against Tau and Kerana (Arion (Horse)) child of Poseidon in horseform and Demeter in horseform (Avatea) father of gods and men
Role - A Mount
(Akhekh) cavalry, flying mount (Ama no Fuchigoma (Horse)) mount of god Susanoo
Role - A Rider
(Agares) crocodile & cockatrice (Ala - Ale) humans, ridden like horses after being chased into gullies (Alp) can ride horses (Amazons) riding skill (Ambika) lion (Astaroth) dragon
Role - A Ruler
(Aibell) queen of the fairies (Ajatar) she is master of (Lempo) and "gnomes" (which may be (Haltija) or (Nisse)) (Akerbeltz) many elf servants (Alberich) elf king (Ao Guang) (Apalala) (Arawn) (Prabu Niwatakawaca (Javanese) on Arjuna page) giant king (Armaros) 1 of 20 leaders of the Grigori, who in that tale number 200 total (Arzhang Div) chief (Auriaria) giant chieftain
Role - A Parent of Divine Forces
(Amalur) Mother of Sun (Ekhi) and Moon (Ilazkhi / Ilargi) (Amanozako) ancestor of all yokai who share her short-fused temper and disobedience (e.g. (Tengu) and (Amanozako)) (Ananke) mother of the Fates (some accounts)
Role - A Servant of a Deity / Attendant Deity
(Amefurikozō) serve rain god Ushi (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) followers of Yurupira (Anito) Some animals like crocodiles, snakes, monitor lizards, tokay geckos, and various birds were also venerated as servants or manifestations of diwata, or as powerful spirits themselves (Ardat-lilî) one group are servants of the god Erra; another group are the lil, ghosts of young people who died sexually unfulfilled, subjects of Pazuzu
Role - A Helper of Magic-User
(Anchimayen) serve a sorcerer (a kalku) (Anito) choose a shaman (asog or bayok, usually women, often trans women who are classified as bakla, which gives certain rights and obligations) - shaman experiences serious illness or bout of insanity and recovers, having gained an anito as spirit guide
Human Culture
(Aitu) (Amazons) (Antichthones) (Arimaspi) (Ashinaga-tenaga) Long-Leg Country and Long-Arm Country; Ashinaga-jin (long legs) and Tenaga-jin (or chōhi) (long arms)
see LGBT section
(Agrat bat Mahlat) (Ahöl Mana) (Aibell) (Aide) (Aido Hwedo) (Ajatar) long hair (Akhkhazu) (Akka) (Al) wild hair, fat, ugly, old, hairy (Al Ana) old, ugly (Al Basty) (Ala - Ale) (Albruna) (Aloja - Aloges) (Alphito) (Amalur) (Amanozako) (Amazake-babaa) old woman (Ambika) (Amemasu) beautiful (Ameonna) (Ammit) (Amorōnagu) (Ananke) (Anggitay) (Anguane) beauty (Angwusnasomtaka) (Anjana) (Anqa) (Anthousai) (Aoandon) (Aonyōbō) (Arae) (Ardat-lilî) appealing (atypical, since most malevolent beings in Mesopotamian accounts are portrayed as faceless / ever-changing and strange) (Arikura-no-baba) old (Asena) (Askafroa) (Asrai) (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan) (Ayakashi) can assume form of beautiful woman (Azovka) (Azukibabaa) old
(Ahöla) (Aholi) (Aka Manto) (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) "ala-like" men (Alberich) (Ameotoko on Ameonna page) (Anansi) (Ao Guang) (Arquetu) old (Asrai) (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan & account by Nancy Arrowsmith) (Astaroth) (Athos) (Ato-sees) (Azukiarai)
(Agloolik) under ice (Atshen) permafrost (Auvekoejak) has no Wikipedia page, may be hoax (not sure)
(Alkonost) lays eggs on beach (Ayakashi) beach
(Afanc) (Akerbeltz) (Aku-aku) (Ala - Ale) (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Amomongo) (Sasnalkáhi on Anaye page) (Anchanchu) (Archura)
(Tsetahotsiltali on Anaye page)
(Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) (Antaeus)
Fairy Fort
(Aes Sidhe)
Fairy Ring
(Aes Sidhe)
(Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Aobōzu) hizuoka Prefecture)
(Agogwe) (Ajatar) (Ala - Ale) deep forest (Alebrije) (Alkonost) (Alseid) groves, woods (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Anjana) (Apsonsi) the mythic Himappan forest / Himavanta forest (Archura) woodland (Asanbosam) (Aziza) (Āṭavaka) deep forest (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal Forest (domiciles deep in the jungle, if not the trees themselves) (Aswang) Subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example Mandurugo) Forests far from human communities
(Alseid) grassy meadows (Teelget on Anaye page) grassy fields
(Akubōzu) the ashes / ash (Amanesaku mentioned in Akubōzu) the ashes / ash
Hidden Remote Places
(Ala - Ale) (Amazons) edge of the known world (often Scythia) (Anchanchu) isolated places (Anqa) the place of the setting of the sun (Antichthones) Opposite End of Earth, South of Torrid Equatorial Climate
Hills / Tumulus
(Aes Sidhe) beneath them (Aibell) beneath a hill or rock (Alven) hill mounds
(Agathodaemon) worshipped (Aitvaras) (Akka) beneath tent (Amazake-babaa) visits homes (Amazake banbā on the Amazake-babaa page) Tries to sell sake and amazake door-to-door (Aka Manto) bathroom (Akaname) bathroom, dilapidated buildings (Aobōzu) Toilet (Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture); Vacant Houses (Okayama Prefecture); (Bichura mentioned on Archura page)
Settlements (Villages, Cities)
(Aswang) Self-Domesticated (feral monsters that begin living in close proximity to humans) (Aswang) subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example Mandurugo) Use village A as hideout, raid nearby villages at night (Aswang) subtype Witch Town Outskirts, Village Outskirts (Aswang) subtype "Ghoul" Gather in trees near cemeteries to exhume and consume fresh burials
(Amabiko on Amabie page) Shinji-kōri (fake county in Higo Province)
(Al-Mi'raj) remote island (Amorōnagu)
(Afanc) (Alara) (Lake Baikal)
(Akkorokamui) lived in mountains as Giant Spider named Yaushikep (Ala - Ale) inhospitable (Yamawarawa on Amabie page) (Aobōzu) Mountains (Yamaguchi Prefecture) (Auloniad) mountain pastures; mountain vales (Azovka) (Mt. Azov)
(Aes Sidhe) [Ajatar] Pohjola (Akhekh) Set's Domain of Darkness Guajupiá (Tupinamba), an afterlife of the Tupinamba people ("Land without evils") mentioned in (Anhangá)
(Almas) empty homes, people have fled their homes because an almas is around (Alven) fishless pond (Anito) Cold Presence (unlike "warm" human spirits); Leave no footprints (unlike human spirits!) (Antaeus) Builds a temple of skulls (from his opponents)
Roads / Paths
(Ala - Ale) crossroads are where Ala hunt for supper (Aufhocker) attack locations: ridges, crossroads, springs, woods, on a path through a hollow, and cemeteries (Aswang) subtype: Weredog favours pregnant people travelling roads at night
(Akurojin-no-hi) bad roads
Sky / Heaven
(Aerico) (Aguara) stars (builds structure from stars) (Ala - Ale) clouds (house) (Amai-te-rangi) Upper Spirit Realm / Sky (this detail is from the Ngaru Wikipedia article) (Amanozako) (Angiris) (Azhdaha) air
(Alux - Aluxo'ob)
(Aes Sidhe) (Amikuk) inside the ground (Augerino)
(Akathaso) canopy (Thitpin Saung Nat found in Akathaso) trunk (Myay Saung Nat found in Akathaso) root (Aketeko) honey locust tree (Ala - Ale) giant tree (Mmoatia the Fairy on Anansi page) fairies often meet in front of odum tree (Asanbosam) attacks from canopy (Askafroa) ash tree (Aziza) silk-cotton trees
(Aillen) from Mag Mell (Alkonost) (Alû) (Amaru) [Ammit] Duat [Amycus] Tartarus (Anathan) (Kalug/kaluluwa on the Anito page) a free soul, travelling to afterlife on a boat (Anubis) Lord of Underworld (prior to Middle Kingdom 2055 BC)
Enchanted Place
(Alan) fine houses made of gold and other valuables (Aloja - Aloges) lakes that boil "in anger" when strangers enter
Upper World
(Aiy) (Amai-te-rangi) Upper Spirit Realm / Sky (this detail is from the Ngaru Wikipedia article)
(Ahuizotl) (Aisha Qandicha) near water (ocean, river, drainage canal) (Al Ana) near streams, rivers, lakes (Ala - Ale) lake, spring (Alan) near springs (Aloja - Aloges) near fresh water; they bathe (Maria Enganxa from Aloja - Aloges) wells, cisterns (Alseid) springs of rivers (Altamaha-ha) rivers, streams, abandoned rice fields (Alven) fishless ponds (Amabie) open sea (Amahiko-no-mikoto on Amabie page) rice field (Amaru) bottom of lakes, bottom of rivers (Amarum) water boa (Amemasu) lake (Amikuk) sea (Amorōnagu) pools, waterfall (Anchanchu) river (Anguane) lake (Apalala) river (Vourukhasha mentioned on Apaosha page) is a cosmic sea (Apotamkin) sea (Passamaquoddy Bay) (Apukohai) sea (Aremata-Popoa and Aremata-Rorua) ocean (Ashinaga-tenaga) seashore (Asrai) lake (in oldest account: Robert Williams Buchanan), sea (Atosis) (Awanyu) springs, ponds, rivers, and ultimately the oceans (Ayakashi) water surface (Azhdaha) (Azukiarai) near rivers or bodies of water
(Aeternae) bony, saw-toothed horns (Aholi) colourful cloak (Aibell) magic harp (Power - Cuts Life Short) (Akerbeltz) (Christian Version) horns as candles; eggs/bread/money as offerings (Akkorokamui) Offerings - Fish, Crab, Molluscs (give back what it gave) (Akuma) sword (Al Ana) red hat with fern twig (Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) belemnite as lightning bolt (Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) flint arrowheads (Alberich) cloak of invisibility (Tarnkappe) (Alberich) magic ring (Alberich) sword Eckisax (made by him) (Alberich) sword Nagelringr (made by him) (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong) huge ship (Alicanto) Leads to Treasure (if follower unnoticed) (Alkonost) egg laid on beach, hatching of egg causes thunderstorm and rough seas that are impossible to traverse (Alloces) spear (Almas) black fur; enormous foot claws; Sacrifices (edible wild roots, wild animal meat) (Aloadae) bronze jar (a storage pithos, similar to an amphora in shape) traps Ares for a year (a lunar year of 13 months) (Aloja - Aloges) fine, rich clothes (Aloja - Aloges) Wand (hazel wood, in Catalan tradition the only wood that allows casting spells) (Maria Enganxa from Aloja - Aloges) Hook to capture children outside her well (Alp) Tarnkappe (cap of concealment, sometimes a veil) -> offers reward for its return (Alpos) uses rock as shoulder shield (Alux - Aluxo'ob) offerings (Alux - Aluxo'ob) an alux house ("kahtal alux") is a 1-2 storey shrine; within 7 years farmer must close the windows and doors of the little house, sealing the alux inside; If this is not done, the alux will run wild and start playing tricks on people. (Amabie) glowing object (underwater light?) (Amadlozi) blood sacrifice: cow, goat, chicken (Amafufunyana) magic potion causes possession if ingested - brewed from ants that fed on buried human corpse Eguzki-lore luze (stemless carline thistle); flower; scares off malevolent spirits (created by (Amalur)) (Amazake-babaa) offerings (likely amazake) (Amazons) Weapon - Battle-Axe (Sagaris) (Amazons) Magic Belt (Hippolyte) (Amazons) bow (Ambika) paper lantern (Amefurikozō) umbrella without central pole (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae)
Item - Live Amphisbaena Necklace (safe pregnancy)
Item - Amphisbaena Skin (wear item to cure for arthritis and common cold)
Item - Amphisbaena Carcass (or Skin) (nail to tree to keep warm during cold weather & allow tree to be felled more easily)
Item - Amphisbaena Meat (attract many lovers) (Ananke) spindle (Anemoi) blood sacrifice: horse (Anhangá) food offerings (grizzly caveat that doesn't apply in this circumstance: it eats corpses) (Anjana) Stick of Wicker or Hawthorn (Shines in different colour each day of the week) (Anjana) Petals of Happiness (Rose with purple, green, blue or golden petals) grants happiness till day of death (Ankou) black robe, hat that conceals face, scythe (Anzû) Tablet of Destinies (stole this item from Enlil, keeping it on mountaintop) (Ao Guang) Offerings and Sacrifices, Including human sacrifices (Ao Guang) Ruyi Jungu Bang, a magically expanding, gold-ringed iron rod weapon granted to Sun Wukong (originally a tool for measuring the depth of sea water, hence its ability to vary its shape and length; it remained in the sea and became the "Pillar holding down the sea", an unmovable treasure of the undersea palace) (Ao Guang) Golden Chain Mail (Ao Guang) Fenghuang Feather Cap (Ao Guang) Cloud-walking boots (Aobōzu) blue clothes (some accounts) (Okayama Prefecture) (Aonyōbō) Tattered, moth-ridden kimono (Aralez) tower: The dead are placed on top of towers to attract the aralezes (Arjuna) see magical heirlooms and powerful heirlooms (Arkan sonney) brings eternal silver coin to those who manage to catch it (Ascapart) club made from an entire tree (Astaroth) Magic Ring needed to withstand the stench of his breath (Astomi) carry roots, flowers, apples, spray perfume on their victims (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal hides lower half during nighttime (Átahsaia) flint knife "as broad as a man's thigh and twice as long" (Āṭavaka) Seal(s) and Talismans (many for believers)
Item - Dussāvudha (aka Vatthāvudha) (made of cloth) (Superweapon): if he threw it up into the sky, no rain would fall for twelve years; if he let it fall on the earth, all plants and trees would die and nothing would grow for twelve years; if he threw it into the sea, the sea would completely dry up; it could make Sineru crumble into pieces.
1 of the 4 most powerful weapons
Yama's Nayanāvudha
- Śakra's Vajra
Vaiśravaṇa's _Gadāvudha
Accepts Offerings - Child Sacrifices
pregnant women fled the capital
"Dragon" Sacrifice
variation: the hero converts the dragon (Atlantes) Magic Garden Ringed By Glass (Atlantes) Magic Castle Filled with Illusions (Atonga) canoe transported by birds (Awelo) represented by grandfather and grandmother buffalo masks (Ayaz Ata) magic staff; lots of old clothing (Azhdaha)
Item - Azhdahā Heart
Power - Courage / Bravery
Item - Azhdahā Skin
Power - Heal Wound of Love
Item - Azhdahā Severed Head
Bury Head in Soil
Power - Fertility (for soil) (Aziza) (if sole being of its type) smokes a pipe (Azukiarai) ragged clothes (Azure Lóng) temple statue comes to drink from waterfall at nighttime
(Agrat bat Mahlat) chariot (Power - Flight) (Alven) bubble or broken eggshell boat (Ankou mentioned on French Mythic Creatures and Saints page) cart
(Agares) pet hawk (Akashita) black cloud (Akerbeltz) snake (Aketeko) 17-18 yo. specter of a young woman, induces trance or fever in passersby (Ala - Ale) Livestock: Owls, Wolves, Badgers, Forest Animals (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) (version where it is child of ala) snake companion (Alastor) erinyes (Albruna) elves (Almamula or Mulánima) Mule (drags chains, is a transformed victim); Giant Black Dog (teeth of fire, transformed victim) (Archura) grey wolf (close bond) (Asag) his offspring and companions in battle (Wikipedia calls them "Rock Demons" but it says "citation needed") (Ashinaga-tenaga) Ashinaga-jin (long legs) is usually the companion of Tenaga-jin (or chōhi) (long arms)
Morality / Reputation
I'm not doing D&D alignment here. In fact, often the accounts about creatures are contradictory, some stories insisting they are all good and others they are all evil. I just classify them as both in those cases. I'll try and explain all these categories in more detail, but the main point here is to show how the storytellers in communities subjectively feel about these beings: are these beings helpers and we like them? Then probably "benevolent" is what they are considered. Are people calling them dangerous but insisting they are not wicked? Then that should be its own category. That's what this is based on: my best approximation (classifying only creatures where Wikipedia mentions it) of what people tell of these beings.
Ambivalent / Ambiguous
(Aes Sidhe) appeased with offerings (Aisha Qandicha) (Alberich) (probably a human morality, but he plays tricks in Ortnit) (Aloja - Aloges) avoid human contact, Prideful of own beauty, high self-esteem, Gaze at their reflection in lakes on full-moon nights (Anemoi) force of nature (Ankou) force of nature (Anpao) force of nature
(Agathodaemon) (Agiel) (Agloolik) aids fishermen & hunters, blesses hunters with prey (Aguara) (Aitu) (Aiy) (Akashita) (Akathaso) (Akkorokamui) (Alara) (Aloja - Aloges) (Alp) if evil eye of alp is destroyed, so too are their malicious intentions (Amadlozi) guide people's lives towards purpose and integrity (Akhu mentioned on Ammit page) (Angak) (Angiris) (Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) pacifist (Anjana) (Anqa) (Anthelioi) (Anubis) (Apple Tree Man) (Apsonsi) protects from harm (Aralez) (Asbolus) (Asrai) (Awwakule) assists people (Aziza)
Benevolent, with caveats
(Ala - Ale) (caveat: to her favourites) saves lives, grants wealth to her favourites (Alux - Aluxo'ob) will occasionally stop and ask farmers or travelers for an offering, offers boons (good luck or cause enemy to be diseased), Refusal means they wreak havoc (Anito) cause misfortune if angered, disrespected or mistakenly encountered
Trouble or Dangerous
(Aeternae) wild beast (Afanc) wild beast, carnivore (Agropelter) territorial, destructive (Ahuizotl) destructive, carnivore (Almas) (Alp) (Early Medieval Texts) Eerie, Ferocious (Alven) Territorial (befoul cattle and humans who touch their favoured plants) (Amafufunyana) aggressive, can cause suicide (Amanozako) goes against conformity and does the opposite of what is expected by society and social norms. Also, it is said that Amanozako is picky, and will go into an atrocious rage if she does not get what she wants, or if things do not go according to her way. Her wrath cannot be stopped (Amaru) (2 Amarus destroy the land while fighting each other) (Amikiri) Pest (Cuts Fisher's Netting and Mosquito Nets) (Amomongo) (Apotamkin) dangerous but explicitly not always malevolent (Archura) territorial, fight with other archura, knock down trees (Asanbosam) territorial (Augenbrand) predator (see Motivation for nuance) (Ayakashi) vengeful
(Aketeko) harmless, minor inconvenience (most accounts) (Anito) a subgroup (bound diwata) ignore human affairs (affairs as in: human matters) (Aosaginohi) flees human contact (Azukihakari) harmless, minor inconvenience; nuisance (drops dirt and paper waste from the ceiling), NOT Malevolent
(Akashita) swallows evildoers (Al Basty) visits the guilty, family of perpetrators of unpunished bloodshed (Al Basty) (Armenian Version) Punishes Unpunished Criminal Women (Ala - Ale) rewards being treated as normal, punishes being treated as weird (Punishment: Chest of Snakes that cause blindness, Eat Person) (parallels (Wekufe)) (Alicanto) leads off cliff (if pursuer is not of good heart) (Amefurikozō) if thieves steal their umbrella, they can't take it off (Ammit) Sentient, Ammit understands the results of the weighing of the heart and does not eat the akhu (the blessed dead who abide by the code of truth (Ma'at)) (Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) avenges animals victimized by insatiable hunters (also describes as pacifist on Wikipedia, so either the accounts differ about pacifism or not (?) or the avenging is done peacefully) (Arkan sonney) misfortune to those who hold on to it for too long (causes good luck and has eternal silver coin) (Armaros) Lends money to those who spend their fortune; If they spend their fortune again, he curses them with eternal poverty (Awelo) morality personified (Aufhocker) targets thieves and criminals that need to be taught a lesson (Āṭavaka) wrathful
(Aeshma) causes animal cruelty, drunken violence, war (Agnen) (Agrat bat Mahlat) destructive (Aguara) (Aillen) (Aitu) (Ajatar) (Aka Manto) (Akaneburi mentioned in Akaname) (Aketeko) (some accounts) tear victims limb from limb (Akhkhazu) (Akvan Div) (Al) (Ala - Ale) (Alal) (Aloadae) attempted rape of Artemis and kidnapping of both Artemis and Hera, kidnapped Ares and contained him in a bronze jar for a year (a lunar year of 13 months) (Alp) (Alpos) (Alû) torment victims for fun (Amai-te-rangi) (Amalanhig) (Amanojaku) (Amanosagume on Amanojaku page) (Anathan) (Anaye) (Anhangá) (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) (Aswang mentioned on Anito page) no appeal through offerings, utterly pitiless (Apaosha) (Ardat-lilî) (Arzhang Div) (Asag) (Askafroa) unless appeased through sacrifices on Ash Wednesday does much damage (Asrai) (account by Rosalind Kerven) (Asrestar) (Aswang) (e.g. victimize their own without hesitation) (Atlantes) (Átahsaia) (Aufhocker) they target people travelling alone and old women (Ayahos) (Azhdahak)
Malevolent (Riddle)
(Aka Manto) (Aobōzu) (Kagawa Prefecture Version) life or death question
(Aguara) (Alp) souring milk, elfknots, ride horse to exhaustion, and re-diapering a baby with soiled diaper (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Amaguq) (Anansi) (Anito) (Archura) imitates human voices (lures wanderers to cave), horribly cry, removes signposts, kidnaps young women (Wikipedia page says this mischievousness is not evil) (Ashi-magari) prevents people from walking by wrapping around person's legs at night (soft thing, like a kitten or wad of cotton) (Asrai) (account by Rosalind Kerven) (Awwakule) harmless pranks (Azeban)
Undergoing Purification
(Apalala) converted by the Buddha
Magic Abilities and Major Non-Magic Skills
(Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) you gain power from slaying amphisbaena during full moon if you are pure of heart and mind (Antero Vipunen) magic (very valuable spells and knowledge, uses spells composed of words, see Luotes) (Arikura-no-baba) turned the hot water of an onsen cold by throwing a horse's hoof into it (Āṭavaka) Soften Solids (his glance can make a body soft as butter)
Animals (Power Over Animals)
(Aido Hwedo) snakes
(Alkonost) her song causes people to have no more wants (see also Forgetting) (Anjana) Petals of Happiness (Rose with purple, green, blue or golden petals) grants happiness till day of death
Breathe Fire
(Akugyo) (Alloces) (Anzû)
Breathe Poison
(Endriago on Amadís de Gaula page) exhales poison gas (Amaymon) Poison astral breath
Breathe Water / Spew Water
Cause Disability
(Al Basty) (Armenian Version) blindness in unborn children (Ala - Ale) stepping on an "ala's table" causes blindness, deafness, lameness
Cause Disease
(Aerico) (Ajatar) (Akhkhazu) (Akurojin-no-hi) (Ala - Ale) if Ala turns animal mad and that animal is eaten, it causes rabies (Alp) epilepsy, minor illnesses (Alp) through evil eye (Alux - Aluxo'ob) will do so for people in exchange for offerings (Alven) cattle, humans (Amazake-babaa) smallpox, common cold (Amazake banbā on the Amazake-babaa page) to those who answer the door (Askafroa)
Cause Madness
(Aisha Qandicha) (Akuma) (Al Basty) (Post-partum depression) (Ala - Ale) in animals
Cause Infertility
(Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) of Fields (thwart ripening or prevent fertility)
Cause Miscarriage
(Aisha Qandicha) (Al) (Al Basty) (Armenian Version)
Cause Misfortune
(Alp) through evil eye (Aonyōbō) (possibly, "a spirit of poverty and misfortune" may not cause misfortune) (Arkan sonney) to those holding on to it for too long (Ask-wee-da-eed)
Cause Poverty
(Aonyōbō) (possibly, "a spirit of poverty and misfortune" may not cause poverty) (Armaros) curses with eternal poverty those who lose the fortune he lent them
Cause Good Luck
(Alux - Aluxo'ob) in exchange for offerings (Arkan sonney) to those who manage to catch it
Cause Stillbirth
(Al Basty) (Armenian Version)
(Airavata) create clouds (Aiy) they collectively created the world and the fabulous land (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong) explains where some things were created (Aloadae) giants who built mountains (Amalur) (Angalo) shapes landscape (Antaboga) (Athos) Created a mountain and peninsula (named after him)
Deadly Gaze
(Binaye Ahani (Eye Killers) on Anaye page) glance kills (some stories)
Deadly Presence
(Asag) so hideous that fish nearby boil alive in rivers
(Ala - Ale) smell humans (Amanosagume on Amanojaku page) see into a person's heart (Amy) reveal treasures
(Ao Guang) (Apaosha)
(Agares) (Ahkiyyini) (Amaru) (Amemasu) when they get tired from holding up the Earth (Angalo) (Ayahos)
Eat Smell
(Aku-aku) (Anito) can eat the vital force (the breath, the odem (ginhawa)) of humans > harmful; annoyed by perfume, salt and spices (Aonyōbō) spoiled and rotten leftover food, otherwise humans (Astomi) no need of food and drink; Apple smell, Flower smell, Perfume smell; die from strong, unpleasant smell (Awelo) represented by grandfather and grandmother buffalo masks, which are fed with smoke
Eat Solids
(Alicanto) eats ore (can't fly, too heavy from ore, faster if no recent meal)
Emotion Influence
(Al-Mi'raj) frightens animals -> they flee (Am Fear Liath Mòr) inspires feeling of unease (Amanozako) possess the hearts of humans and manipulate their emotions and personalities (Anjana) Petals of Happiness (Rose with purple, green, blue or golden petals)
Eternal Youth
(Alara) her beauty and youth depend on water, so you must remain close (Aloja - Aloges) retain youth throughout their long (not eternal) years (Asrai) only age in moonlight (account by Ruth Tongue)
(Akaneburi mentioned in Akaname) lick victim down to the bones
(Akerbeltz) is immune to exorcism
(Aido Hwedo) (Akerbeltz) (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Amadlozi) (Anguane) including pregnancy (Ao Ao) (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao
(Aido Hwedo) (Aillen) (Ani Hyuntikwalaski) cause lightning fire in a hollow sycamore tree
(Alan) (Alcyoneus) (some accounts) (Alp) like a bird (Alukah) by releasing its long hair (Alven) (Amanozako)
(Am Fear Liath Mòr) mists as a cloak
(Alkonost) her song causes people to forget all knowledge (see also Bliss) (Azovka) enchantment so people get lost
(Amefurikozō) if thieves steal their umbrella, they can't take it off
(Æsir) mortal (Aide) (Aitu) (Akka) (Akkorokamui) Octopus God (hard to escape its grasp without permission) (Aku-aku) (Amalur) (Amanosagume on Amanojaku page) (Amanozako) (Amazake-babaa) of smallpox (Ambika) (Amefurikozō) (Ammit) not worshipped (Anammelech) (Ananke) even gods don't fight her (Anemoi) (Anguiped) (Anito) (Anthelioi) (Anubis) (Anzû) feared by all the gods (Apollo Amazonius) (Arawn) (posibly) (Askafroa) (Asteria) (Atua) (Avatea) (Ayaz Ata) (Aziza) (if sole being of its type) (Azone) (Azure Lóng) door god (Aswang) (Bilocano lore) Gugurang (God of Good) and Asuang (God of Evil)
Grant Knowledge
(Agares) languages (Alloces) astronomy, liberal sciences (Amy) astronomy, liberal arts (Anqa) shares wisdom (Astaroth) math, handicrafts, hidden treasures (Aziza) gift practical and spiritual knowledge; fire use; magic for hunters
Grant Strength
(Amarok) by removing bones that weaken person
Growth Spell
(Aghasura) (Aloadae) grow 9 fingers each month, never stop to grow 16.4592m = 9 fathoms tall at age 9 (Alven) Growth Spell (Shrink Spell), can shrink to minuscule size, only to then grow and spread into gorgeous monsters who cover half of the morning sky. (Arkan sonney) grows self
(Akerbeltz) (Akerbeltz, and the devil, and witches can make hail from the cut beard of a billy-goat) (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) hail clouds through trance and spirit travel (Amaru)
(Akabeko) protect from Disease (Akerbeltz) for animals (Akkorokamui) (including mental, but also reminiscent of octopus that self-amputates and regenerates limbs) (Alara) remove hate and greed (Norse Álfar as represented in Álfablót) perform healing spells in exchange for blood sacrifice of animal (Amabie) Avert Disease (use pictures of it) (Angak) (Aswang) heal self (licking others transforms them into aswang)
(Alp) (Anito) (Atlantes) castle filled with it
(Aes Sidhe) (Alcyoneus) self-resurrection (Andhaka) (Ankou) as a curse
(Alux - Aluxo'ob) can assume physical form / incarnate / manifest (Am Fear Liath Mòr) semi-corporeal (Ananke) (Orphic Version) incorporeal snake (Átahsaia) at times
(Aerico) (Afanc) undone by adder stone (Aibell) depends on item (Akubōzu) (Ala - Ale) not fully invisible, rather: indistinct shape (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) but audible hissing in front of dark hail clouds & visible to Six Toed-Six Fingered People (Alberich) Tarnkappe (Alicanto) If spotted, turns off colours of its wings, going into dark (Alp) Tarnkappe (Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Alven) ((Invisibility/See-through) (insubstantial to human eyes)) (Anito) (Ashi-magari) (Astaroth) (Azone) said to be neither visible nor sensible (Azukihakari)
(Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) to guns or arrows, unless gold or silver (Amanozako) can chew metal blades ragged with her fangs (Antaeus) (Antero Vipunen) Antero Vipunen is NOT invulnerable, but like many giants even sharp stakes shoved into his stomach are simply perceived as a stomach ache (Asag) hardened skin, skin feels like rock, almost indestructible (Augerino) indestructible (Átahsaia) Thick Skin --> So Thick That Knuckles Appear Horned
(Aka Manah) (Alara) hovers over lake
(Amadlozi) (Amalur) Holds All Life in the world
(Avatea) eyes are sun and moon
(Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) also associated with belemnites and flint arrowheads (Binaye Ahani (Eye Killers) on Anaye page) Shoot Lightning from eyes (in some stories) (Ani Hyuntikwalaski) cause lightning fire in a hollow sycamore tree
(Aes Sidhe) (Aibell) (Aloja - Aloges) live for millennia (Anqa) 1,700 years, mating at 500 years, chick only leaves egg 125 years after shell breaks (Asrai) (account by Ruth Tongue)
Mind Control
(Alloces) (possibly not mind control) can get summoner the favour of nobles (Amy) (possibly not mind control) cause positive reactions from rulers (Anqa) over animals, feeds the animals it controls (Astaroth) (possibly not mind control) power over serpents
(Anammelech) (Avatea)
(Amikuk) When Shot, Amikuk multiplies into eight beings (Andhaka) duplicate
(Aitu) power over nature (Amalur) Withhold Earth's Treasures (can't be found unless Amalur wants) (Asi) personified form's appearance causes earth to shake, turmoils in the oceans, forceful winds to howl and trees to fall and be torn apart while meteors blaze through the skies
Pass Wall
(Amikuk) swim through earth (Anthousai) nymphs of flowers
(Afanc) (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) both heads are poison
Portal / Teleportation / Spirit Away
(Amaru) Travel Between Worlds (spirit realm and our world) (Anito) Seduce & Abduct Humans into Spirit World
(Aisha Qandicha) (Ala - Ale) "sneak" into living humans and corpses and even saints (St. Simeon) (in one account an ala gets into a deceased princess and devours the soldiers on watch) (Alastor) (Christian Version) (Alû) possessed are unconscious / in a coma (Amafufunyana) speak in voices from victims stomach; Possession by spirit horde from multiple cultural groups (Amikuk) (similarities with possession) Swim Upward Into Person's Body, making them weak (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) (Anito) (Asrai) (Āṭavaka)
(Aibell) (Aka Manah) can share prophetic visions (Albruna) (Amabie) abundant harvest, epidemic (Amabiko on Amabie page) (Yamawarawa on Amabie page) (Asbolus) augur; reads omens in flight of birds (Atlantes) (Awanyu) harbinger of storms
(Alux - Aluxo'ob) (Amefurikozō) by waving their paper lantern (Ameonna and Ameotoko) encounter - rain (followed by rain) (Angak) sweet song (Ao Guang) torrential rain (Awanyu) torrential rain
(Ambika) Former Human (reborn as yakshini) (Azure Lóng) reborn as famous human general
(Alcyoneus) self-resurrection (Andaokut) resurrects children abducted by a man-eater by urinating on them (was born from the tears of a woman mourning the loss of one of her children) (Aralez) licks wounds --> the dead are placed on top of towers to attract the aralezes
(Arkan sonney) brings eternal silver coin to those who manage to catch it
(Anemoi) and seasonal weather (each has season & cardinal direction) (Ayaz Ata) winter
Shapeshift - Unspecified
(Alven) "shapechangers" (Amikuk) - Sea Shape: Hairless, 4 arms, leathery skin (Anhangá) (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) (Anito) (Ao Guang) (Ayahos) (Aufhocker) diminutive mannikin shape (Aswang)
Shapeshift - Human
(Aerico) (Akaneburi mentioned in Akaname) (Ala - Ale) (e.g. 6 fingered men) (Alp) Night-Form of animal or human (person or animal is unaware); result of curse; can be lifted if origin (e.g. witchcraft) is known; injuries or other marks in both forms (Alp) human with meeting eyebrows (Alukah) (Amanojaku) impersonate with flayed skin (Amemasu) beautiful woman (Amikuk) human form called Qamungelriit (Amy) (Anchanchu) (Archura) peasant with glowing eyes (Ayakashi) child walking in the middle of a fire or beautiful woman (Aufhocker) beautiful woman shape (yeah, you can get weighed down by a beautiful woman magically stuck to your back); dead man shape (Aswang) subtype: Weredog impersonates a peddler or construction labourer on travels
Shapeshift - Animal
(Aino) fish (Aitu) (Akhlut) wolf (White Whale mentioned in Akhlut) reindeer (Akvan Div) onager (Ala - Ale) snake, raven (Aloja - Aloges) water blackbird (aka white-throated dipper) (Alp) Night-Form of animal or human (person or animal is unaware); result of curse; can be lifted if origin (e.g. witchcraft) is known; injuries or other marks in both forms (Alp) cat, pig, dog, snake, small white butterfly > always wears Tarnkappe (cap of concealment) (Alukah) wolf (Amaguq) (Anchanchu) red dog (Anito) crocodile, snake, monitor lizard, tokay gecko, bird (Aobōzu) Raccoon Dogs and Weasels are said to disguise themselves as "Blue Priests" (Ayakashi) remora (live sharksucker) that stops boats or sea snake (ikuchi) (Aufhocker)
Shapeshift - Plant
Shapeshift - Elemental Form
(Aide) breeze, storm (Akvan Div) storm (Al) fiery eyes (Al Basty) (Armenian Version) flame form (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) dark fog form (Amy) fire (Ankou) shadow form (Ayakashi) child walking in the middle of a fire or ghost light
(Archura) (Arkan sonney) shrink self
(Aillen) item - music instrument dulcimer (timpán)
Soul Power
(Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) fight while body is in trance
(Agropelter) too fast to be seen (Arion (Horse)) fabulously fast
Spiritual Killing
(Amikuk) Can Jump Through Victim, Causing Them To Lie Down and Die
Steal Souls
(Amarok) store them in icy lake water
(Akerbeltz) (Amaru) (Anzû) (Ao Guang)
(Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) (version of aloviti that survived ala's breath or is child of ala) superhuman strength (Alberich) superhuman strength (Almas) great strength (Amala) supports the world (Amazons) strong and agile (Amemasu) supports the world ("holds up the Earth"); when hero struggles with amemasu, it pulls rock he is standing on into lake, creating an island (Andhaka) (Aobōzu) (Yamaguchi Prefecture Version) (Archura) knock down trees
(Aido Hwedo) (Aloviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) thunderstorm clouds through trance and spirit travel (Alkonost) egg laid on beach, hatching of egg causes thunderstorm and rough seas that are impossible to traverse (Angalo) (Anzû) thunderclouds
(Ao Ao) Stalks over any distance or terrain, never stops till it feeds (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao
Transform Others
(Almamula or Mulánima) victim behaves on instincts of new form (seducing, murdering, and devouring) (Aswang) subtype Weredog flesh they lick or spit is contaminated and turns anyone who eats it into one of them
(Alan) drops of menstrual blood, miscarried fetuses, afterbirth, or other reproductive waste and transform them into human children, whom they then raise as their own (Amikuk) Turn Earth Surface Into Quicksand; must circle swim around the area first; if victim holds walking stick in this circle, the victim tires out
Trap Souls
(Aku-aku) capture souls (Ankou) collects souls (responsible for death in the community not as a horror monster, but as a force of nature) (Ankou mentioned on French Mythic Creatures and Saints page) collects souls of peasants
(Aka Manto) (Akvan Div) hard to catch
(Aido Hwedo) (Alven) (most powerful at night) (Amaru) irrigation, fertility, canals, rivers, springs (Amemasu) Corpse can dam up water, risk of flooding (Awanyu) floods
(Abaia) tail splash (Ahkiyyini) tidal wave (Alkonost) egg laid on beach, hatching of egg causes thunderstorm and rough seas that are impossible to traverse (Azhdaha) sea waves
(Aido Hwedo) (Amadlozi) (Anchanchu)
Power - Extract Minerals
Power - Gatekeeper of Minerals, trades them
appeal to Anchanchu via The Dance of the Horns and other lengthy procedures (Apple Tree Man) reveals buried gold to man who offers his last mug of mulled cider to the trees in his orchard
Weather - unspecified
(Ashinaga-tenaga) ashinaga's appearance always brings bad changes in weather
(Aide) gentle breeze, storm wind (Aido Hwedo) (Anemoi) (Anzû) south wind
(Amaru) symbol of wisdom (Archura) knows the seasons
(Aisha Qandicha) (Alara) (Ambika) her favourite tree becomes wishing tree (Anpao) answers prayer
(Ao Guang) fought by the Eight Immortals who used magic talismans to defeat him
(Anthelioi) statues animated by the sun's pneuma (pneuma has it's own Wikipedia page but it's basically the breath and life force, the odem)
(Azhdahak) Imprisoned in Mountain
(Aibell) white cat form (Alastor) personified curse (Ameonna) Mothers of children who got spirited away on a day of rain get turned into ameonna (Arae) female spirits of curses, particularly of the curses placed by the dead upon those guilty of their death (Arjuna) Pandu (Arjuna's father) was under a curse whereby he would die if he had sexual relations with a woman (thus Pandu's wives invoke devas (gods) and Pandu's children are fathered by these devas) > Curse = death by sex (Azovka) (some accounts) cursed Tatar princess, banished to the mountain
(Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) exorcizing them means exiling them into wilderness
(Akabeko) turned to stone
(Alebrije) alebrije art is based on a vision (Azhdaha) - will be punished by god for their harassment of other creatures - will be cast into the sea - will grow to 10,000 Gazes in the sea - will grow wings in the sea, like a fish (Azhdahak) - will break out of mountain prison at the end of time - destined to be defeated by Fereydun
(Ambika) As mortal, protected by the gods (from flooding)
(Anito) ritual is called Pag-anito (or when its specific to diwata: pagdiwata -- diwata are anito specific to nature, while anito can also be ancestors or deities); makes a visitation
(Amadlozi) (Aobōzu) Summoning (if a person stops breathing and spins around 7 times at the base of a certain pine tree, an aobōzu is said to appear and say "don't trample the rocks, don't snap the pine tree") (Nagano Prefecture) (Aswang) subtype Witch making certain objects, such as rice, bones, or insects, come out of the bodily orifices of the cursed
(Aino) into mermaid / nixie (Aitvaras) on death becomes spark (Akkorokamui) transformed from giant spider Yaushikep into giant octopus after dragged to sea by a sea god (Amaru) Transformed to Mountains on Death (Binaye Ahani (Eye Killers) on Anaye page) remains become cacti (Sasnalkáhi on Anaye page) remains become yucca (Aosaginohi) Feathers have fused into scales (Apotamkin) a human woman turned into a snake with long red hair (Asrestar) humans originate as transformed Asrestar (light particles (basically the soul) were added to the asrestar) (Atosis) transformed from human (Aswang) subtype Witch from human to aswang witch (powers surpass other witches)
Trapped In Smaller Object
(Aloadae) trap the Olympian Ares and contain in a bronze jar (a storage pithos, similar to an amphora in shape) for 13 months (a lunar year)
(Alicanto) eats ore (can't fly, too heavy from ore, faster if no recent meal) (Alp) Drink Blood (from nipples of men and young children); Drink Breast Milk; Drink Cow's Milk (drink cows dry) (Amazake-babaa) request a drink of amazake (Amemasu) eat large prey (deer) (Amomongo) attack livestock (Amphisbaena - Amphisbaenae) ants; (Medieval Version) birds (Mmoatia the Fairy on the Anansi page) fairies eat mashed yams (Anito) attracted to séance ritual (the pag-anito) through offerings and sacrifices (harvests, cooked food, wine, gold ornaments and betel nut, blood from an animal such as pig or chicken --> salt and spices avoided, believed to be distasteful), human sacrifices only among the Bagobo people (Anqa) Elephants, Large Fish, Tannin (Ashinaga-tenaga) catch fish (Átahsaia) eats his own (his fellow malevolent beings)
Follow Orders
(Agares) retrieve runaways
Gain Soul
(Asrai) (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan)
Harm / Suffering
(Apaosha) prevent rain (Asrestar) do evil (e.g. lie) (Atlantes) Stop Conversion to Christianity (Because it will grant an alliance)
Hunt / Stalk
(Amarok) (Amikuk) pursues hunters onto land as it swims through earth (Sasnalkáhi on Anaye page) (Ao Ao) Stalks over any distance or terrain, never stops till it feeds; Digs at roots of tree until tree falls (unless it's a palm tree, see Strange Weakness section) (Asanbosam) entangles unwary hunters with its legs dangling from canopy (Atshen)
(Akashita) tongue hanging from clouds (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) (Atosis)
(Augenbrand) search for its dead master
Protect - Unspecified
(Amadlozi) these entities can be summoned for assistance and protection (Amaru) (Ambika) (Angiris) (Arikura-no-baba) stop eruption of a mountain through prayer (Azure Lóng) cardinal direction (East)
Protect City
(Agathodaemon) (Azure Lóng)
Protect Families
Protect Farms
(Akashita) (Ala - Ale) protector of fields (local ala protects local fields from outsider ala)
Protect Graves
(Anubis) as of First Dynasty 3100 BC
Protect Homes
(Agathodaemon) (Akerbeltz) households (Alebrije) against evil forces (Alux - Aluxo'ob) keep thieves out of homes that sacrifice to them (Anthelioi) guard doorways; charged by sunlight
Protect Nature
(Aes Sidhe) (Agloolik) protects seals (Ahuizotl) protects lake fish (Akathaso) protects sky, Thitpin Saung Nat protects tree, Myay Saung Nat protects earth (Akerbeltz) protects animals (Alven) care for favoured plants (nightwort, elf leaf) (Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) plants and animals (especially female animals with babies: aids their escape from hunters), protects hunters (Anpao) prevent burning of earth by dancing as dawn with Han, the spirit of darkness (Ao Ao) hills and mountains (Ao Ao)'s children: hills and mountains (Apple Tree Man) farm cat (in one story) (Archura) wild animals, birds, forests (Askafroa) protects ash tree (Awanyu) guards waterways
Protect A People
(Aibell) (Aloja - Aloges) try to bring wealth and and well-being to the areas they live in. (Awanyu) Pueblo (Awelo)
Protect Treasure
(Alberich) (Azovka)
Protect Specialists
(Anhangá) (Tupi-Guarani version) protects hunters (Anubis) protects embalmers
Protect Village
(Aitu) (Angak) aid villages: Bring rain and flowers to Hopi villages
Re-Enter Heaven
(Amy) seeks to return to the 7th heaven after 12 centuries
(Arimaspi) they want the griffin gold
Have Sex
(Agrat bat Mahlat) (Aguara) (Aka Manto) (Akerbeltz) (Christian Version engages in sexual abuses against Christians) (Anito) seduction or rape
(Aisha Qandicha) (Alp) (Amemasu) lure into death by drowning in human form (Anguane) (Anito) seduce and kidnap humans to spirit world (Ardat-lilî)
Attack Ships
(Akugyo) capsize ships (Amemasu) capsize ships (Amikuk) attack kayaks, drag hunters into sea
(Alal) (Amanojaku) (Astaroth) laziness, self-doubt, rationalization
(Al Basty) (Alcyoneus) steals Helios' cattle
Seek Gems and Jewels
(Ahkiyyini) (Aillen)
(Alkonost) (Azukiarai) (Azukibabaa) (Gunma Prefecture Version)
(Ahkiyyini) (Akerbeltz) (Christian Version) (Anjana)
(Al) enemies of "Eve and her daughters" (Ala - Ale) enemies of St. Elijah and his dragon (and eagle?) allies (Zmajeviti mentioned in Ala - Ale) enemies of the Ala (Alfred Bulltop Stormalong) fought a (Kraken) (Alkonost) interacts with Rarog, Stratim, Sirin (Alpos) killed by Dionysus' staff, the Thyrsos (Andaokut) kills (Malahas) (Anjana) foil (outwit) Ojáncanu (Ao Guang) fights the Eight Immortals (Apukohai) defeated with assistance of owl god an the fish Ulu-makaikai by hero Kawelo (Arimaspi) animosity (Prabu Niwatakawaca (Javanese) on Arjuna page) encounters demi-god Arjuna (Auloniad) (some accounts) Eurydice (love of Orpheus) is Auloniad > (some) Auloniads go to Hades when they die > Auloniads can die from venomous serpents (Azhdaha) food for inhabitants of the land of Gog and Magog (Āṭavaka) with naga
Duality / Complementing / Counterpart
(Aido Hwedo) (Alkonost) and Sirin: Joy and Sorrow > Alkonost comforts Sirin (Ananke) (Orphic Version) with Chronos (Time) (Anubis) female counterpart Anput (Apaosha) makes war on the guardian of rainfall, Tishtrya (Apsonsi) Thepnorasi is the male equivalent (Archura) are nature beings, while Bichura are household beings. Both are chort/chura
Strange Weakness
I don't judge, all things that chase off or defeat a monster are classified as "strange weakness" in this list. So don't wonder if some are totally mundane things that would work on humans or animals too. I could call it just "weakness" but I don't know, it's just a quirky classification scheme I guess.
(Afanc) maiden's lap (Agares) can be drawn into crystals (Aigamuxa) blind hunter (eyes on feet) (only sees prey through handstand or lying in sand) (Aillen) (poison counteracts Aillen's sleep spell, keeps poison user awake) (Aisha Qandicha) metal (Al) garlic, metal, onions, prayers, charms (Al Ana) (Wikipedia has complex descriptions of rituals to ward them off) (Ala - Ale) can be defeated by dragons or eagles (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) Visible to Six Toed-Six Fingered People; House Shakes When they enter in human form (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version) herbs collected in levees and in places on a field where plows turn during plowing, both considered unclean because ala visit them (Ala - Ale) multiple supernatural entities bring hail and rain torrents, so since cause is unclear, custom is to bring large selection of antidotes: to bring a table in front of the house, and to put bread, salt, a knife with a black sheath, and an axe with its edge directed skywards on the table. By another custom, a fireplace trivet with its legs directed skywards, knives, forks, and the stub of the Slava candle were put on the table. (Alal) amulets (Alcyoneus) immortal as long as in his native land (Alp) lead amulet; sign of cross on diaper to stop mischief
Weird Weakness (broomstick under pillow, iron horseshoes hung from the bedpost, placing shoes against the bed with the toes pointing toward the door, or placing a mirror on the chest)
Weird Weakness (must fulfill favour if asked, even impossible favours)
Weird Weakness (plug holes, including keyholes om a room, sealing it --> preventative measure, if done with alp in the room it locks the alp in, as they can only leave through the opening they entered from)
Weird Weakness (keep light on at night)
Weird Weakness (lemon shoved in alp's mouth if alp is caught resting immobilizes or weakens alp) (Amalanhig) they have a stiff body, can only walk in straight lines, so you can run in zigzag direction (Amalanhigs can only run straight due to stiff body) (Amalanhig) if you climb trees or high platforms (Amalanhig) you run into lakes and rivers, amalanhigs fear deep bodies of water (Amaru) can be trapped by storms (Amaymon) consecrated silver ring protects against this poison breath; shows of politeness keeps this demon pleasant (Amazake-babaa) avoids cedar branch (Amazake banbā on the Amazake-babaa page) sign by the door that says "we do not like sake or amazake" (Amemasu) Cold, Clammy Skin in human form, like a fish (Amemasu) can be killed from within (Amikuk) in human form pulls sled across ice, always in straight line (Amikuk) in human form Sit down with back to creature, don't speak to it --> it will offer gifts of increasing value --> stay silent till it offers everything you need or everything on your mind (Binaye Ahani (Eye Killers) on Anaye page) throw salt in eyes, fire arrows from afar (Teelget on Anaye page) attack from gopher tunnel below (Tsé’nagahi on Anaye page) place knives point up in the ground as a trap, then lure it over the knives (Tsenahale on Anaye page) trick them into taking you to their nest, take babies hostage (Tsetahotsiltali on Anaye page) can be pulled off the cliff by hair (Yeitso on Anaye page) lightning bolt (Anhangá) fears fire (Anhangá) (Anhang - Anhangá (Spirit) in Mawé culture) Water (either can't swim or afraid of Sukuyu'wera the protector of waters) (Anito) powers limited by domain (forest diwata has no dominion over the sea) (Antaeus) Invincibility dependent on contact with his mother, the earth (similar weakness to Alcyoneus) (Ao Ao) palm trees have some unknown power against the Ao Ao and protect people who climb them (Ao Ao)'s children, see Ao Ao (Archura) no shadow (Ardat-lilî) a mock marriage (Ardat-lilî) Unlike gods, Mesopotamian malevolent beings are incapable of heeding prayers (Arkan sonney) explicitly does not have the power to shapeshift (can grow or shrink itself) (Asrai) Sunlight melts them into water, can't live on land; fear light (in oldest account by Robert Williams Buchanan) (Astomi) die from strong, unpleasant smell (Augerino) requires dry environment to survive and thus bores holes in dams and irrigation ditches to drain the water (Axehandle hound) dislikes axe handles from red oak (Azukibabaa) holding your thumb will calm you when Azukibabaa sings her disturbing song (Aufhocker) church bells; sunlight; Victim makes it home before dying (Aufhocker) Tear out throats (telltale sign that the culprit is an Aufhocker) (Aswang)
Strange Weakness - power greatly reduced (or totally reduced) during the day
Strange Weakness - averse to noises
Strange Weakness - Holy objects, spices, salt, ash, the tail of a sting-ray, large crustaceans, vinegar, betel nut chew, and urine
Strange Weakness - reverse a ladder leading to the house
Strange Weakness - husband of child-bearing wife remains under the house naked while furiously waving a sword
Strange Weakness - anti-aswang oil (for details search the term)
Strange Weakness - try to dodge blessings during mass
Strange Weakness - witch aswang weak at middle of their back, because they can't reach it with their tongue to lick the wound and heal it
Strange Weakness - see Influences in contemporary society
Weakness - Sharp sticks or bolos inserted between bamboos of house floor
Weakness - stay quiet (don't groan from sicknesses)
Weakness - sick people shouldn't stay in houses with holes
Giveaway - scratching noises from the ceiling
Giveaway - pig with no tail (Aswang) subtype Witch
Giveaway - Eyes reflect images upside down
Giveaway - Elongated Irises
(Aitvaras) steal gold and grain; share stolen goods with family (Ala - Ale) (Regional Version)"drink the crops" i.e. seize the crops of a village and transport them to another place in their huge ears, thereby making some villages poor, and others rich (Amalanhig) Tickle Victim to Death (victim dies both of laughter and terror) (Amarok) preys on lone hunters (Ameonna) (Toriyama Sekien illustration) licking her hand (Asrai) shy (Asrai) speaks in unknown language
Cyclical Appearance
(Aes Sidhe) (Ala - Ale) eves of greater holidays (night-time) (Anjana) Spring Equinox (Cŵn Annwn mentioned on Arawn page) ride through the skies in autumn, winter, and early spring (Asrai) surface once a century (account by Ruth Tongue)
(Aswang) beautiful woman by day
(Aigamuxa) (Akaname) (Akurojin-no-hi) rainy nights (Ala - Ale) gather at night on eves of greater holidays (Alicanto) (Aloja - Aloges) (Alp) (Alû) (Amarok) (Amazake-babaa) (Amefurikozō) rainy nights (Anchanchu) (Aosaginohi) (Ashi-magari) (Ashinaga-tenaga) (Asrai) full moon (Axehandle hound) (Aswang) Subtype: Manananggal disembodied head (by night) (Aswang) subtype: Bloodsucking Woman (example Mandurugo) (Aswang) subtype: Weredog (not always dog) nocturnal transformation into creature
Time (Mythic Events)
(Amazons) war on the titans alongside Dionysus (Amazons) - (Attic War (Event)) (Amazons) military expeditions (to Scythia, Thrace, Asia Minor, Aegea) (Amycus) Event - Centauromachy (Anqa) appears once in ages (Ato-sees) Of the Ancient Age (similar to Dreaming, when humans and animals were equal) (Awes-kon-wa) Present Age (when humans and animals are entirely separate) (Azeban) Of the Ancient Age (similar to Dreaming, when humans and animals were equal (Azovka) (some accounts) a queen left by the "Old People" to guard treasure
Time (Century)
6th Century BC
(Amazons) IRL Russian town of Voronetz archaeological find: several generations of Scythian warrior women buried with golden headpieces
5th Century BC
4th Century BC
(Amazons) NOT THEIR TIME, this is the time period when a lot of doubt is sowed as to their existence, such as Palaephatus
2nd Century BC
(Amazons) Marcus Justinius claims Amazons cut off one of their breasts
1st Century BC
5th Century
8th Century
11th Century
12th Century
(Alukah) (Azovka) (some accounts): cursed Tatar princess, banished to the mountain; (some accounts) enchanted girl stolen by the Tatars (Tatars came to Europe in the Mongol invasions, which I think is roughly in the 12th century?? I need to brush up on my history knowledge.)
15th Century
19th century
(Asrai) modern 19th century invention
20th Century
#mythic creature list#mythological creatures#mythical creatures#mythology#writing#worldbuilding#legendary creature#legendary being#legendary beings#creature list#legendary creature list#mythology creature list#monster list#list of monster#list of monsters
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vampire: My darling, my eternal flame, my heart's joy taken human form... you simply must drink water your blood tastes like shit.
#list of people who need to hear this: me#monster imagine#monster fucker#monster#monster boyfriend#teratophillia#vampire boyfriend#vampire x human#vampire x reader
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limitations (part 2)
early access + nsfw on patreon
#soooo a little bit of bg context to fill in some gaps#simon is currently being 'contained' within this chamber but it's only because he wants to. his shadows could tear it apart in seconds if h#but right now he's basically just waiting for judgement.#as a wraith#simon does get hungry and need to sleep#but he can go for far longer than the average human can without them.#price is wearing a shoulder brace to alleviate the weight imbalance from the loss of his wing#it's basically just so he's not constantly listing to his left#captain john price#kate laswell#simon ghost riley#monster 141 au#giragi art
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Concept: Yandere!Alice in Wonderland Characters (but it's only the White Rabbit for this piece) x Reader
“Wake up! Please, wake up!”
At the desperate call of the static-laden voice, your eyes groggily open. Your head hurts, thrumming with heavy noise. The artificial lights are too bright and yellow, staining your vision like aged-paper. It makes your headache worse.
“Oh no, are you ill?” a voice teeters. Face scrunched, you look up to see a screen hanging over you. A small image of a pixelated white rabbit flickers on and off. “Oh no, oh no… we’re so behind schedule…”
“What…” you being, head swirling. You don’t understand where you are or what’s happening. You don’t even really remember anything, for that matter. It makes you feel sick.
“Ah, I’m really sorry,” the pixelated rabbit apologizes, looking quite guilty. “Yes, yes, it’s quite a lot to take in…”
Before you know it, the screen the pixelated rabbit is on moves closer to you. The blue light is bright, making you squint.
“Hello, [Alice],” it greets you softly. “My name is WH173-R48817, though most call me White Rabbit or White.”
“My name isn’t [Alice].” You’re not sure where that statement came from, but it feels wrong to be referred to as [Alice].
“Ah… Ah, yes, certainly,” White’s voice murmurs.“Apologies. What would you like to be called?”
You tell White a name – you’re not entirely sure where that name came from, but it feels right.
“Understood. I will refer to you as such.” With a comforting smile, White continues. “Now, as I was saying… I am the White Rabbit System, an AI system that helps manage things in this lab.”
“A lab?”
“Yes,” White responds. “We are currently in a laboratory.”
Your eyes flicker around the room and it’s quite obvious now that you are, in fact, in a lab-like place. You’re comfortably resting on a surgery bed as jars of… body parts line the shelves around you.
“You are a part of the Wonderland Project as the most successful participant. Now that you’ve regained consciousness, we must exit the starting point.”
You stare at White blankly, its words doing very little to reveal anything substantial to you. However, White is far too frazzled to properly listen to you, going on its own little tangent. You didn’t think an AI could be so… anxious.
“We’re already quite late!” it frets while you eye it. The screen White is on is embedded into some device on the wall. You doubt the device will be able to move outside of the room.
“How are you going to exit this place?” you ask.
“Ah, look at me, being a klutz,” it sighs, somehow looking bashful despite being an AI. “A moment, please.” And just like that, the screen it was displayed on flickers off, the blue light fading away. Momentarily, you’re stunned, until you hear the soft footfalls approaching you. You turn your head to see a tall man with bunny ears.
“Greetings,” he says. His voice sounds like White’s, though a little deeper and more human. “I wondered which form would be the most efficient, and decided that this one would work best.”
He continues walking closer to you as he talks. “I have a few bodies that I can connect my programming to. This is one of them.” When he finally reaches you, you can see how tall he is. He’s rather lanky and thin, but his height is enough to be intimidating. “Pardon me. I’m not that fond of touching others myself, but I have no choice,” he mutters, before reaching for you and cradling you in his arms faster than you can process what’s going on. “Hold on to me. We are quite behind schedule.”
“Behind schedule? For what?”
“The continuation of the Wonderland Project, of course.”
“And why exactly do I have to be a part of this project?”
White peers down at you curiously. “Well, isn’t it obvious?” he asks. “Because you’re the most important key, of course. We need you.”
With that, he leaves the room with you in his arms.
#yandere oc#male yandere#yandere x reader#tsuuper ocs#yandere x you#tw yandere#male yandere oc x reader#male yandere oc#2024 yan/monstertober tsuutarr#White Rabbit Tsuu OC#Yandere Alice in Wonderland#Alice Atelier Tsuuries#So basically you're stuck in a lab with a bunch of other monster people!#And these monster people are all based off of Alice in Wonderland Characters#I most likely will not keep this intro -- it was just a little test piece~#btw Tsuuries = Tsuu + series if that wasn't clear lol#FINALLY DONEEE!!!!#I'll make a master list tomorrow im tired today lol
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Kinktober Day 18: Aphrodisiac + Oral Fixation + Body Hair
Eddie Brock | Venom x Ex!Younger!F!Reader
Summary: Venom uses honey from your purse to whip up some tea for you and Eddie while helping you study. Little did he know, that honey has some…interesting side effects.
Warnings: dub con elements, exes to friends to lovers, accidental aphrodisiac, sub!eddie x horny!reader, consumption, teratophillia, not lore accurate, oral fixation (licking, biting), some scratching, oral through underwear, premature ejaculation, body hair kink, some hair pulling, threeway kiss, venom and reader are in cahoots, french kissing, some dry humping, age gap +18 reader, bimbo!reader, basically whole lot of tongue action
To this day, 7 months later, Venom still curses Eddie for letting you go. Blah, blah…she’s young and going to university…blah blah…new experiences. If long distance is really that hard, why is it that it only took Eddie 3 hours to drive to your dorm? If he was committed to your throupling, he’d make the commute everyday to see you.
But Ole Venom supposes he shouldn’t be too hard on Eddie. After all, he’s attentive enough to Venom where he notices his changes in mood. Especially when Venom’s in one of those depressive states where he desperately misses you; with the occasional breaking of items to cope with his pained feelings. Whenever he’d get this way, Eddie would take them up go a trip to you and you’d be the three musketeers.
This weekend being a three-day weekend excited Venom for things he had in store. He’s determined to win you back even in spite of what Eddie says because sometimes he just needs a push in the right direction.
Venom likes to think he’s become that of an expert at romance, having read enough gossip magazines and advice columns to say as such. He knows the love languages and he’ll be sure to use his tongue precisely for speaking them to you.
Yeah, he knows Eddie’s been suspicious of his saint behavior since their arrival—the rules were clear not to make any plans of winning you back—but Venom’s entitled to a little bit of rule-breaking. He hovers around, content as he watches Eddie and you laughing during your study session. If he sets the mood just right, things would get more intimate.
He then recalls a fact he’d gotten from an issue of Chic Heat Magazine that explains how tea can make people more susceptible to suggestion because it calms you. If you’re relaxed enough, you might take them back.
So he excuses himself to the kitchen, preparing some rose tea for you all to enjoy. You’d just run out of honey but you had some packets he’d noticed in your bag earlier, hopefully you don’t mind.
Once he returns to the circle, you beam at his gesture. “V…you are such a cutie. Thank you so much.”
“I wouldn’t say that too soon,” Eddie says in a tone that is both jest and serious. “We’ll check the state of the kitchen in a minute.”
You shrug. “No worse than the state I left it in.”
“You’ve gotta be more responsible, babygirl.” He frustratedly sighs.
“I’m studying. That’s pretty big for me,” You defend. “Usually I’d just flirt with the T.A. for the test answers or cram the day of. But I’ve been trying because you said I could do it.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Really proud of you, buddy.” He says, patting your knee and earning a smile from you.
Then, you’re taking a sip of your tea wanting to give Venom the praise he deserves. Your eyes brighten soon as the first sip stains your tongue and goes down your throat . “This is really good, V. Seriously. I couldn’t have done this better myself. What’d you put in it?”
“Honey…” He begins.
“Oh, I could’ve sworn I ran out—”
“…the ones in your purse.” He finishes.
Your eyes nearly leave your skull. “H-how many?”
“5,” He answers proudly. “Wanted to make it extra special for you.”
“Oh, it’s extra special alright.” You say with a nervous laugh.
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks in concern.
“Mhm,” You hum between a strained toothless smile. “L-let’s go back to studying, yeah?”
“What’s in those things?” Eddie questions, his investigative nature getting the better of him.
“Nothing to be concerned about…” Your words escape you when you see that Venom has already retrieved the emptied packet for Eddie to review.
“Sweet Honey Rush? You said you wouldn’t intern with these guys,” Eddie says. “Didn’t you read my story on them secretly being behind these campaigns for increasing the national birth rate. I sent you a link on Facebook. We’re like breeding stock to them.”
“No person younger than 35 uses facebook anymore, Eddie,” You argue. “And besides they were offering some really good benefits if I interned with them.”
“Like getting free honey packets?”
“They aren’t for me…they’re for me to give out to some college students. It’s the new craze. Everyone’s talking about. There’s even a challenge of it on TikTok. You wanna see?” You’re about to pull out your phone but he stops you.
“Don’t you see that they’re purposely targeting the younger population?” Eddie scoffs.
“No, I think I gave one to my pervy old maintenance man,” You justify but Eddie shakes his head in disbelief at you. “Oh come on. It’s not like they’re as good as you think them to be. Venom said he’s added five and you don’t see me on all fours with my tongue out, do you?”
“I guess you’re right.” He says.
“Good. Now pretty please read me the next chapter.”
He smiles. “Of course.”
Venom is stumped. This is not at all going the way he’d planned. Instead of relaxing, it’s only made things more tense between the two of you. He was going to need to intervene internally.
“It’s taking effect.” Venom says from within.
“How are you so sure?” Eddie answers back into the mindscape.
“Come on, Eddie, I know it’s been months. But tell me you haven’t forgotten the way she looks when she really, really wants you,” Venom purrs. “Look at those eyes glossing over, darkening when she rakes them over you. She’s biting her lip—ha! She isn’t paying attention to your words.”
“You’re wrong. It’s nothing like that.” Eddie says trying to maintain focus by reading to you.
“I’ve been inside her once,” Venom continues. “I can sense the changes in her body even long after we’ve separated.”
“She’s just fine.” Eddie says in clear denial.
“Then ask her if she heard what you just said. Better yet ask her anything, she’ll probably say ‘yes’ to it all if it meant having our cock inside her.” Venom chuckles wickedly.
He’s reluctant, not wanting to embarrass you, but Eddie tests Venom’s theory anyway in hopes to quell his curiosity. Why on Earth would you want them back when you had so many different options at college? The sooner Eddie could disprove his claims, the sooner they can put aside that hopeful part of them that thinks the relationship could work.
“Hey, um, by any chance do you wanna share a jar of olives together?” He asks.
“Yes.” You sigh dreamily.
He perplexedly blinks at your reply to his absurd question. You hated olives.
“Babygirl, are you paying attention?” He asks.
“Mhm.” You nod still looking at him as if he hung up the stars. And now that Venom pointed it out, Eddie, too, could see your telltale sign in just the way you clenched your thighs together alone.
“Oh, really,” He asks, cupping a hand under your chin; his fingertips dimpling your cheeks. “What did I just read to you?”
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?”
“We’re studying American History, angel.” He smirks.
“Sorry, daddy,” You say, taking them completely off guard. Eddie hates how he instantly hardens at thought as if he’d taken the aphrodisiac, too. “Can I make it up to you? Taste you.”
“Yes!” Venom says.
“No,” Eddie protests. “You’re not in the right state of mind, missy. You’re going to bed, if you decide to take care of yourself on your own that’s your choice. In the morning if you still feel like you want to, then we can—”
“It’s only an aphrodisiac, dude. Not a drug. I’m not out of my mind for wanting you inside me. Both of you.”
“We’re in!” Venom says ready to reach out for you but Eddie smacks his dark tendril from your reach.
“No, we’re—” Eddie’s cut off by your lips on his. Somehow, Venom was able to sneak his mischievous tentacles around and bring your heads together.
You immediately get to work french kissing him passionately and tugging the hair on the back of his neck. His beard burns your face from the rough friction of the make-out session but it doesn’t deter you from being more forceful.
Venom’s tongue joins into the entanglement flicking and gliding between you and Eddie’s tongues, gathering a mixture of your salivas.
When Eddie breaks the kiss, you’re at his thick neck licking and biting away while Venom’s eager tongue, slithered and constricted around your body like vines.
“Stop. You don’t…” Eddie’s interrupted by yet another one of your lingering wanton kisses, finishing his sentence once you break apart. “…want this.”
“I’ve never stopped wanting you,” You suck on the space connect jaw and his neck before dragging your teeth along the vein. “Please fuck me.”
Eddie’s still too afraid to answer, cradling the back of your head while your lips and tongue continue their assault on his body.
“Fuck, babygirl,” He groans, missing this feeling of you devouring him as if he were a buffet. You and Venom were always big tongue enthusiasts wanting to put your mouths around anything that attracted you including Eddie.
His eyes flutter shut and you crawl into his lap, grinding your hips down while you tasted what you could. You pay special attention to his plump lips, licking and biting them.
“Can I go further?” You ask him.
“You heard Venom—”
“What do you want?”
“I want you.”
At his admission you moan, not being able to take it anymore. You and Venom work in sync. He begins to remove Eddie’s clothes while each sink that’s exposed you go over it with your tongue.
Eddie’s really hairy so occasionally your tongue would run over a patch of hair and you’d give it special attention.
“Fuck, I think I might actually cum from this alone,” He laughs bashfully, surprising himself. “I’m so sensitive for some reason.”
You dip your tongue into his belly-button, swirling it around before your tongue finally trails down to his throbbing bulge. It jumps in his khaki shorts the moment you place your tongue’s pressure directly on it. He shudders, his fingers through your hair.
The feverish heat of the effects take over you just as you pass the first barrier, bringing his pants down around his ankles. Venom lifts you by the waist for a moment, adding a pillow underneath for your knees. You run your fingers along the underside of his tentacles—where it’s most sensitive for him—as a thank you.
You’re not gentle at all once you spot the wet spot on Eddie’s underwear. He’d cum already and had been too ashamed to speak up. He could already see you making an old man joke about him needing the honey packet more than you but instead you went for his soul.
Immediately, you clamp your mouth around the clothed tip to suck at the sticky essence. It’s so sensitive he could cry, it’s as if the aphrodisiac is giving him a contact high.
He tries to pull your hungry mouth from him but is thwarted when Venom wraps a snaky limb around his wrists, pinning him down.
“Oh god, fuck. Baby…please.” Eddie whimpers.
You drag your nails along his little belly, gripping and pulling the tiny hairs of his happy trail while you sucked him off. Another one of Venom’s tendrils finds their way between your legs, teasing your little nub. You let out a shuddery gasp, your warm breath skirting over his now exposed veiny length.
You trace your tongue on the lightning-patterned cock, tasting the addictive earthiness of him. You’re gushing wet and ready to take their cock and Venom could very well slip a wriggling tendril inside of you this instant…
…but he’d rather Eddie get first dibs.
#eddie brock x reader smut#eddie brock#veddie x reader#venom movie#venom fanfiction#tom hardy x reader#tom hardy fanfiction#kinktober 2024#teratophillia#kinktober 24#kinktober list#kinktober fic#eddie fanfic#venom au#venom symbiote#venom the last dance#Male character x reader#character x reader#x reader#reader insert#mcu fandom#mcu smut#marvel fanfiction#marvel cinematic universe#monster lover#monster x human
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Silly entry for day 3 of potsnpicksweek (Dinner/Modern AU/Gift)!
#my art#fanart#strawberridraws#potsnpicksweek2024#chilshi#dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi fanart#chilchuk tims#senshi#not much backstory on this piece it wasn’t too thought out haha#senshis fave food is listed as hippogriff soup somewhere I think?? normally it’s just monster food tho idk#and I thought it would be sweet if chilchuck figures out how to make it#and it served as kind of a display of love and understanding and trust between them idk#like a small reminder of ‘you went through hard times but survived and can live to eat another day#*day#I’m on mobile rn I can’t type well but y’all get it#they make me ill#I had never drawn senshi for real before this#so I have a whole page in my sketchbook dedicated to him now lmao#once you get down the head shape the rest is really just#beard
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Do u have any monsterfucker account recommendations?
I shall be going through my list of mutuals/people I follow as a reference because I'm sadly not that active on Tumblr otherwise. My "Following" dashboard is all I have. Thus, in no particular order:
@bucketsofmonsters has some really great series and oneshots, and they also frequently reblog monster art. My favorite story is "The Witch's Apprentice", it's how I discovered their blog!
@yandere-writer-momo has a lot of variety in her stories, especially nice if you're into fantasy and yandere. Extensive list to go through, you won't be bored anytime soon.
@queenie-the-court-jester is another yandere blog, she has some very neat (and horny) OCs that you can choose from. If hybrids are your thing, you're in the right place.
@dr3c0mix is a writer and an artist, both his stories and drawings are funky as hell and extremely entertaining. Bonus: he mostly writes for male/gender neutral Readers (which I know is rare).
@kachowden is another great combo of artist/writer and has some fantastic monster OCs like this one!
@eldritch-spouse has an entire collection of tasteful, interesting and well-designed monster OCs with a lot of written lore to them. Absolutely recommend.
I hope I'm not overstepping here with the sudden tag (sorry in advance!), but @sharklysweet and @jinkojinx are monster artists I follow and really enjoy. Definitely check them out.
Last but not least, @sophiethewitch1 and @hana-no-seiiki are currently working on a very interesting project for monsterfuckers! It's an upcoming game in its very early stages, but I'm already keeping an eye on it: @teratoquest
‼️ Many more suggestions in the comments, don't forget to check them out!
#ozz recommends#monster fucker#hopefully I didn't leave anyone out but absolutely let me know if I did#it's my first suggestion list
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average doll collecting experience on marketplace
#monster high#they are always so convinced that their armless ink covered naked dolls are worth as much as a random ebay listing that hasnt even sold#was salty because of the restock mishap today and went on marketplace to see if there was anything good but this is the only stuff i found
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Monstober 2024
Monster-Enthusiasts, Monster-Lovers, and Monster-Fucker, I call upon thee! This upcoming October is going to be spooky!
It's time for a whole month of delicious monster content! Whether you want them to stalk, to hunt, or to devour your little protagonists (mind you, the monsters are the real protagonists of the story, hehe), I want to see a month dedicated to the beauty of the Ugly and Horrible! All things monster are welcome—art, writing, any kind of showcasing a monster! No matter how cruel or how obscene you like it—now's the time to show it off! ♥
I have prepared a list of monsters & prompts for your guidance, however, if you'd rather do a different monster or a different prompt, that is totally fine! If you prefer to stay private and not have your post reblogged to this blog, that is totally alright, too! This is merely for fun and giggles, and I welcome everyone who wants to challenge themselves this upcoming October to use this list if they want!
How to participate in my Monstober:
- Starting October 1st create something with the monster or prompt of the day! That is all you have to do.
You don't have to do all days or even in chronological order. Feel free to alter the prompts as needed. Your monsters do not have to match the usual descriptions of their kind! Post whenever and whatever you like as long as it is still connected to monsters!
- If you want your entry to be reblogged: @ me yandere-sins in your post, don't forget to put content warnings if any apply (especially Violence & Sexual Content—however, those are very welcome!), and put long texts (once they reach 3k words) under a read more! I'll reblog the posts as soon as I see and have the time to get to them!
Day 1: Chimera | Mixed // Misunderstood // Insanity
Day 2: Werewolf/Werecat | Full Moon // Claws // Beastly
Day 3: Alien | Otherworldly // Uncanny Valley // Space
Day 4: Harpy | Cliff // Flying // Illusion
Day 5: Nymph/Dryad/Leshy | Plants // Playful // Nature's Bounty
Day 6: Naga/Lamia | Scales // Wrapping around // Poisonous
Day 7: Sphinx | Riddles // Sand // Giant
Day 8: Merfolk | Water // Singing // Alluring
Day 9: Folklore Creatures | Cautionary Tales // Truth // Naivity
Day 10: Mimic | Treasures // Hungry // Wrong
Day 11: Yuki-onna/Snow Spirit | Snowstorm // Promise // Guiding
Day 12: Witch/Wizard/Magician | Magic // Spells // Towers
Day 13: Shifter | True Form // Unbelievable // Transformation
Day 14: Minotaur | Labyrinth // Bannished // Following
Day 15: Eldritch Horror | Eldritch // Imprisoned // Tentacles
Day 16: "Church" Grim | Graveyard // Protecting // Spirit
Day 17: Dragon | Fire // Hoarding // Fairytale
Day 18: Kitsune | Tricked // Tails // Mystical
Day 19: Elf | Warrior // Swift // Merciless
Day 20: Goblin/Orc/Troll/Oni | Hordes // Village // Brutish
Day 21: Kelpie | Deception // Following // Stuck
Day 22: Skeleton/Zombie | Undead // Loved // Grave
Day 23: Angel | Feathers // Guardian // Watching
Day 24: Ghost | Shadows // Invisible // Coldness
Day 25: Vampire | Blood // Biting // Night
Day 26: Fae Folk | Lost // Fairy Circles // Names
Day 27: Drider | Silk // Cave // Ensnared
Day 28: Demon | Summoning // Contract // Otherworldly
Day 29: Gods | Reign // Glow // Worshipping
Day 30: Human | Real Monsters // Dangerous // Smile
Day 31: Free Choice of your favorite monster or a completely new one!
I look forward to all the monstrous ideas you'll come up with! ♥
#Monstober 2024#prompt lists#monster prompts#october challenge#yandere prompts#writing prompts#art prompts#october prompts
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wincest outsider (besides john, mary or bobby) pov fic recs
❤️ = favs
057 - cut by ani_coolgirl ❤️
B-roll and cut footage from the unaired pilot of GHOSTFACERS. T, 2k words, PoV Ghostfacers
Try asking by Goshen ❤️
“Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.”
“Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.” T, 7.3k words, PoV other hunters
things on a wall, in profile or superimposed by autumncolour ❤️
Five times outsiders look at Sam and Dean and see a connection, a gossamer thread stretching from one to the other. And one time… One time that connection is still there, after. M, 7.6k words, PoV multiple
Blaze of Glory by merle_p ❤️
“I always thought,” Dean continues, wry amusement more obvious now in his voice, “we’d go out like … Butch and Sundance style.”
Toni rolls her eyes, hard, even if there is no one around to see it. Oh God, she thinks contemptuously, Americans, always so bloody sentimental. E, 3.8k words, PoV Toni Bevell
Through These Walls by non_tiembo_mala
When Ketch put a bug in the bunker, he was looking for usable intel. What he got? Well, that is something else entirely. E, 3.3k words, PoV Ketch
At Least It's Only One Song by ADeedWithoutaName
"Dude, the last lap dance you had was at Christmas. It was a gift, paid for by me. You spent the entire song trying to convince the girl she should go to nursing school." E, 4.5k words, PoV OFC
blood by witchwritings
They are a real weird bunch, is what they are. M, 1k words, PoV apocalypse-world hunter
Spirits of Christmas Past by HelloStarlingFics
A series of vignettes from the point of view of others as they observe Sam and Dean around Christmas. Or, five Christmases that sucked for Sam and Dean, and one that didn’t. T, 3.1k words, PoV multiple
#fic rec#wincest#wincest fic rec#gencest#weirdcest#wincest fanfic#fic rec list#wincest fic recs#the autumncolor one has a monster pov that was so cool
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Monster (モンスター) // Naoki Urasawa
#i know i posted the last cap before#but whatever this scene is beautiful#dieter is on the small list of anime/manga kids that i find endearing#next to emporio#manga cap#kenzo tenma#dieter#naoki urasawa#naoki urasawa's monster
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I love all kinds of liminal space & weirdcore pictures, ones both both cozy and spooky, clean and grungy. I often find them comforting, it's delightful to daydream about exploring all these strange empty worlds. Also trying to steer clear of blogs that post liminal/weirdcore images with depressing captions (defeats the whole purpose of the images being comforting or fun for me). List below the divider!
https://nightcorp.tumblr.com/ Various liminal and weirdcore images. Some horror stuff and monsters.
https://deathoftheamericandream.tumblr.com/ Empty and liminal spaces across the USA.
https://liminalstates.tumblr.com/ Liminal photos, edits and animations.
https://americanhell.tumblr.com/ Liminal and abandoned places across the USA.
https://grimspirit.tumblr.com/ Lots of dark and spooky liminal photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/churchofthemimic Liminal space blog that seems based around the idea of a "mimic church". Mix of comforting and creepy environments.
https://chapelofthemimic.tumblr.com/ A blog linked to "Church of the Mimic", with polls about liminal spaces.
https://runawayandhide.tumblr.com/ Liminal photography.
https://unteriors.tumblr.com/ Many house and home themed liminal spaces.
https://www.tumblr.com/toiletswiththreateningauras Weird and spooky toilets. Not all images are liminal, but many are!
https://roomhole.tumblr.com/ Liminal homes, houses and buildings.
https://www.tumblr.com/someoneactuallyliveshere More liminal homes and houses.
https://clawzinc.tumblr.com/ Liminal photography, lots of night time shots and spooky lighting!
https://unplaces.tumblr.com/ Liminal landscapes and buildings.
https://02vin.tumblr.com/ Photos and videos of graveyards and such.
https://lovelyanimal.tumblr.com/archive Colorful weirdcore & liminal images. Link is for the pages archive because I find it easier to browse that way.
https://spirallium.tumblr.com/ Surreal Russian art that gives me weirdcore and liminal vibes at times. Trypophobia warning for some of the images.
https://www.tumblr.com/i-wish-i-could-live-here Cozy liminal home/house photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/2000somethingexe Weirdcore art, spooky stuff.
https://www.tumblr.com/bitch-in-the-matrix-0 Lovely liminal outdoor & indoor photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/unrealiminal Lots of backrooms photos!
https://weirdc0ric.tumblr.com/ Colorful liminal spaces.
https://m0ns00ns.tumblr.com/ Weirdcore music, videos, and images.
https://heck-yeah-liminal-spaces.tumblr.com/ Liminal space photos.
https://brokenightlight.tumblr.com/ Lots of chilly & night time liminal spaces. Some spooky stuff. Cry of Fear vibes.
https://pool-core.tumblr.com/ Poolrooms photos.
https://jyl1a.tumblr.com/ Liminal space photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/liminalspacesandplaces Liminal space photos.
https://orb-s.tumblr.com/archive Night time liminal & spooky photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/uneasysix Liminal photos.
https://weirdcoremama.tumblr.com/ Liminal spaces from video games!
https://devildog-3d.tumblr.com/ Inactive blog about a person exploring liminal places in VR chat.
https://www.tumblr.com/liminalbunnyboy Lots of cozy liminal photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/the-liminal-criminal Liminal photos and art.
https://www.tumblr.com/feverdreamwonderland Cool and colorful liminal spaces.
https://dream-sequence.tumblr.com/ Weird, liminal photos and gifs
https://www.tumblr.com/weird-dreamz Dream-like photos.
https://www.tumblr.com/xsub-liminal-spacesx Various liminal space photos.
https://xxzxezbyz.tumblr.com/ Liminal spaces from around the web.
https://www.tumblr.com/remember-the-past Liminal photos and colorful art.
https://www.tumblr.com/ruth-hill Spooky liminal spaces
https://www.tumblr.com/phlegmaphoto Moody, foggy liminal spaces.
#liminal#liminal spaces#backrooms#weirdcore#krissies blog lists#weird#spooky#photos#horror#monsters#edits#animations#USA#dark#comforting#creepy#polls#photography#toilets#homes#houses#night time#landscapes#buildings#graveyards#colorful#surreal#Russian#Cry of Fear#S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
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#that which could not be included:#scarecrow#sci-fi (aliens‚ robots‚ mad scientists. my mind seems to separate sci-fi and horror as concepts so it just lumps these all together lol)#pirate apparently#the headless horseman. just a smidge to specific and singular#generic 'monster' that isn't an alien but is physically weird as if it were#technically haunted dolls but veering a bit less ''conventional''#i wouldn't count folklore like Medusa or the minotaur cause then this list would be endless. plus feels weird to level those as 'spooky'#I'm thinking too much now I'm done lol#Halloween
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Drew my favorite girls from all sorts of different mediums I enjoy
#and now for the fun part of tagging#listing them all#I was thinking of making a guy version but I’m exhausted having to finish this one so maybe I’ll do it maybe not lol#oshi no ko#akane kurokawa#demon slayer#kny#mitsuri kanroji#black butler#kuroshitsuji#madam red#aot#attack on titan#snk#historia reiss#girl from nowhere#nanno#monster high#abbey bominable
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Halloween Siffrin!! A vampire one too!!
My mind started thinking about isat while listening to hi3 7.0 trailer and so this idea stuck until I was home
Timelapse under the cut
I was struggling to choose if I'll add music or not, but too tired to re-edit you get the music version, it's ISAT OST music by Studio Thumpy Puppy Floor 2 to be specific
#fanart#my art#artists on tumblr#isat siffrin#isat#isat fanart#in stars and time#And WOW it's not a spoilery sketch!#For the first time ever#i love this one sm#I keep thinking about witch Mira and Frankenstein monster Isabeau#And a ghost Loop of course they're next on the list with Isa#Still figuring out Odile#Siffrin having a mostly black outfit was funny to draw for a change#Maybe I'll start drawing them in their usual clothes underneath the cloak too#also#STAR CAPE STAR CAPE I got hyped when I understood THAT I FINALLY GOT A REASON TO DRAW THEM IN SOMETHING STARRY#Well more of an excuse#I'm bad at designing so this one looking good enough for me then it's fine on a medium or bad level#But STARRY CAPE#Also an eyepatch with a constant wink#halloween#happy october#Little fact - you can see me choosing between making Siffrin eye look like canon Siffrin or straight up just like Loop eye for a split sec#It's the first time I colored Siffrin fully too looking at the refs carefully and so on#timelapse#tw flickering#For the timelapse! There are some moments like that better not risk it!#with id
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Word List: Of Monsters and Men
A List of Beautiful Words in Song Lyrics by Of Monsters and Men
Amends - compensation for a loss or injury
Creature - something created either animate or inanimate; such as: a lower animal, a human being, or a being of anomalous or uncertain aspect or nature
Crook - a person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices
Discolor - to alter or change the hue or color of
Evaporate - to pass off in vapor or in minute particles; to pass off or away; disappear
Feral - of, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast
Fractions - pieces broken off; fragments
Furrows - marked narrow depressions; grooves
Hummingbird - any of a family (Trochilidae) of tiny brightly colored nonpasserine American birds related to the swifts that have a very slender bill and an extensible tongue for sipping nectar and that usually hover rather than perch when feeding
Illuminate - to make luminous or shining
Indigo - a deep reddish blue
Lionheart - a lionhearted person (i.e., courageous, brave)
Odyssey - a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune
Pillars - supporting, integral, or upstanding members or parts
Puncture - a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing
Sheltered - to constitute or provide a shelter for; protected
Silhouettes - a likeness cut from dark material and mounted on a light ground or one sketched in outline and solidly colored in
Sleepers - one that sleeps; someone or something unpromising or unnoticed that suddenly attains prominence or value
Sloom - a light sleep; doze, slumber
Somber - so shaded as to be dark and gloomy; conveying gloomy suggestions or ideas
Soothsayer - a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means; prognosticator
Temple - a building for religious practice
Uninviting - not appealing or attractive; not inviting
Vessel - a container for holding something; a person into whom some quality (such as grace) is infused
Wild-eyed - having a wild expression in the eyes; consisting of or favoring extreme or visionary ideas
More: Word Lists ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
#of monsters and men#word list#music#writing reference#spilled ink#dark academia#writeblr#langblr#linguistics#omam#language#words#literature#writing inspiration#writing prompt#creative writing#light academia#writers on tumblr#poets on tumblr#poetry#writing resources
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