#lion skull tattoo
enthesea · 4 months
guys wait hold on. i was about to go to sleep for real but what if i got the winged lion as a full back tattoo.............
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Lion Tattoos | Skeleton Tattoos | Animal Tattoos | B&W Tattoos
By chircatattoo
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wolf-tail · 2 months
Since I'm far more comfortable being weird on 40k tumblr than I used to be, I'm gonna say some unhinged things.
Now that you've all been thoroughly warned, I'm thinking about which Primarchs would be the best or worst to deal with if they got pregnant:
Lion-You do not know he is pregnant. He would preffer it that way. He seems crankier, meaner, more reclusive, amd just a bit rounder, but you don't know about it until he winces and slinks off during a meeting, then returns a few hours later with babby in tow. No one is allowed to touch or even look at babby for at least a week.
Guilliman-He's doing pretty ok, but very anxious. Lots of body aches, but you have a hell of a time trying to convince him to ease off the work and rest. You often find him fast asleep on top of his desk. Constantly craving olives. Overall not too bad.
Horus-VERY proud papa-to-be. Constantly showing off his big ol belly and bragging about how knocked up he is. He has a canonical breeding kink, he's wearing every embarrassing maternity t-shirt he can find. Mortifying ordeal, but could be way worse.
Konrad-OH GOD, whoever impregnated this man, answer for your fucking crimes. Anyone who so much as breathes too loud in his vicinity is a skinless splatter on the pavement. Mercifully, he doesn't seem to want to leave his room. Just avoid him as much as possible and you might survive.
Sanguinius-Glowing, positively GLOWING! He's vibrant, elegant, happy, the type of thing people tell you being pregnant is like to try and convince you to have kids. Happy to let anyone rub his tummy. (Would he even give live birth or just lay an egg?) He's eepy, so very sleeby eepy. He just wants to nap. That just serves to make it cuter. The only issue is that in the later weeks he starts going broody. That will not be a fun time.
Fulgrim- Also an idealistic glowing beauty, but probably is a struggling a lot more than he lets on. You just know he's nauseous as hell and his feet hurt like a bitch. Give him a foot rub , he deserves it. Has a bunch of super long baby names picked out, Definitely rearranged the nursery seventeen times at least because it's "not good enough". And the second fact that thing comes out the womb it's dripped tf out. Little fuck is leaving the hospital in a Dior onesie. Fulgrim insists on doing his makeup before leaving the maternity ward, because he refuses to look as worn out as he is. Let this poor man REST.
Ferrus-Oof. I don't know much about him, but he strikes me as the type to have body image issues. Baby has a normal ass name like "John" or smth. When it's born he's scared to hold it with his metal hands, but bub doesn't care, falls right asleep in them.
Perturabo-ABORTION. He has no time for kids. But in the chance he does keep it, he's even more cranky and insufferable than ever. Yells at his own belly bc MiniPerty is kicking him while he's trying to work. Sending u prayers🙏
Dorn-Hmmm, idkkkk. I have not read enough about him. Dorn fans answer this one for me. But from what I do know he'd have a hard time describing as his complicated emotions about it. Would swaddle the Dornling in his grandpa's blanket.
Angron-OH FUCCKKKKKKK. You thought Konrad was bad!? The sad part is, all of the parts of him that want and love the baby are being punished for it by the nails. But can you fucking imagine a pregnant hormonal Angron!? The galaxy shakes in fear. The second sperm met egg, Khorne shifted uncomforably upon the Skull Throne.
Magnus-He's having a great time! Studying every parenting book he can find (TAKE NOTES EMPS!), getting cool belly tattoos, doing mysterious pregnancy rituals, psychically communicating with MiniMagnus once they're developed enough. Has a BIG belly, sometimes hard to maneuver. Probably twins. Sons always happy to give it a lil rub when he walks last. Often found lounging in his tower, lazily talking to bubby while reading, go ahead and give him a back massage.
Mortarion- As much as I think he'd look cute with a baby, I don't think he was ever at any point in his life healthy enough to carry one to term. Isha, fix his uterus, he needs to be a daddy immediately. If he was miraculously to get preggers, he'd definitely be cranky, but not overwhelmingly so. He'd love the kid, but occasionally pat his tummy and gently admonish it for being such a little nuisance.
Corax- Drawing a total blank here. Raven guardies tell me plz. But he might go broody too, goes with the bird theming.
The Khan- Continues riding his bike until he's physically too big to do so. You can't even try to stop him. Little Jag is travelling at Mach Fuck You every day. Labor is 5 seconds long, and as soon as the kid's delivered he's strapping it to his chest and getting right back in the saddle.
Vulkan-Biggest cuddlebug EVER!!! Joyous and glowing, always up for a belly rub. You just know his ass is 8 months pregnant and still in the forge, working on little practice weapons for his lil Salamander. His water will probaby break and he'll beg you to let him quench a sword in his own amniotic fluid (don't, that's gross) Prone to hot flashes, get him a nice cold drink plz.
Lorgar-A baby is joyous blessing! He's insanely happy about it, going on about how his body was "chosen to bring forth a wondrous being". Touching the tum is a religious experience. Gets a new tattoo to celebrate, if he can find the room.
Alpharius/Omegon: You either have no idea which one's pregnant, or they all somehow get pregnant at once. Twins are a guarantee either way.
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kiame-sama · 12 days
wait, you already said what you think the twst cast is as monsters, but what do they look like?
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Warnings: my twst monster au, almost all characters with names (other than Yuu and Grim) in monster forms, mythical creatures, deer rack point system, measurements given in ft and cm, animal traits, various animal and plant species mentioned, usually I would say to use your imagination to think it up but I have thought about this way too much myself so I may as well share ideas of what they would look like, feel free to draw these monster men and if you do please share with me because I want to see these goobers drawn, some spoilers for Rollo's backstory,
Divus is a Harp Seal Selkie;
- Divus has a black and white fur coat of a Harp Seal with slight spotting pattern similar to Leopard Seals. His coat is always shiny, clean, and wrapped around his shoulders. Divus appears fairly humanoid and close to his canon appearance other than the sharper than normal canines that are closer to the cone teeth of seals. Selkies do not part with their coats lightly so it is very rare to see one without their pelts on their shoulders. His coat is more natural Harp Seal patterning than the clear black and white lines he has in canon.
Sam is a Shadow man;
- White skull markings along his face with burning purple eyes. He has several black tattoos on his skin that move and can even detach into actual shadow to ensnare his prey. There is constantly a darkness around him that seemed to repulse light, making him appear to be surrounded in constant shadow.
Vargas is a Texas-Longhorn Minotaur;
He has very long and large bull horns with the minotaur expression on his lower half making his upper body appear human other than his horns. His lower half is the same shade as his hair with white speckling on the left leg. His tail is often lazily swinging back and forth as he talks.
Trein is a Mountain Lion Sphinx;
- Lower-half is the body of a Mountain Lion with wings, upper half is Trein's usual upper body. He does have a lot of grey and white furs/feathers due to his age in his coat and it is clear he favors his right back leg as it usually sits at an angle. He can often be seen lounging with Lucius in a sunny spot in his classroom when not teaching.
Crowley is a Crow Fae;
- Similar to his appearance in canon TWST, but his large black wings are more prominent as are the iridescent colors in them and his hair. He actually has talons on his hands and not just the golden talons. He does wear golden caps on his talons however and has a medium length train of black tail-feathers.
Ace is a Saanen Satyr;
- He has short twisted horns and his orange hair is also the same color on his goat half- just a bit darker shade. His hooves are an off-white ivory. He does have the little billy-goat scruff of a goatee due to his Satyr heritage.
Deuce is a Rocky Mountain Faun;
- Deuce has large spiral horns and his blue hair is the same color on his goat half- just a shade darker as well with white speckles around his hooves and tail. His hooves are black. Deuce does not have the goatee often seen on Satyrs and Fauns.
Note; it is part of my AU that Satyrs usually have shorter horns and are closer to farm goats in their animal halves. Fauns are closer to mountain goats and therefore have longer more curved horns often seen on rocky mountain rams. Females of both Fauns and Satyrs grow the same large horns, but their horns are often thinner around than the males of their species.
Cater is a Lake Water Nymph;
- Cater is considered unusual among Water Nymphs because of his hair's coloration being a bright red instead of a more blue or green which is more common for Water Nymphs. Cater's hair is closer in color to a red Ludwigia as he is a lake Water Nymph and the flora of lakes tend to have a fair variation of green to red color hues. Cater's bright green eyes are closer to the usual colors of Water Nymphs and he accredits this to his mother who is a river Water Nymph. In the water Cater gets fins more adapted to lake swimming so he is not as strong in currents.
Che'nya is a Bakeneko;
- He is similar to his canon appearance, but the purple and pink of his hair is also visible on the skin of his arms, legs, and back. He also now has two fluffy tails similarly striped that are often seen waving mischievously behind him.
Trey is a Kelpie Centaur;
- When out of the water, Trey's Centaur half is that of a white horse with a long tail of the same green hair that Trey's human half has. His horse half is closer muscular build to Scottish Draft horses. When in the water, the white fur of his horse half becomes a lake green with fading blue hues. His tail hair becomes more stringy like lake reeds and his fur takes a more prickly quality. His back legs become a large fin when he is submerged completely in deep water, making him more of a Hippocampus in physiology while swimming.
Riddle is a Unicorn Centaur;
- His horse half has a pure white coat with a long tail closer to that of a lion than a horse, but long bright red hair for his tail. Riddle's hooves are a rather lovely golden color that shine like metal, same with the tight spiral horn that sits in the center of his forehead. There is a faded blue star shape at the base of his horn that seems to tattoo his fair skin, he often covers this up with his bangs. His horse half is similar in musculature to that of an Arabian Horse making him appear more dainty than Trey.
Note; Cater is often seen lounging on Trey's back while Trey swims in the Heartslabyul lake with Riddle laying in the grass on the shore. They often spend their afternoons doing this and Cater will frequently try to get Riddle to swim. Thus far, he has been unsuccessful.
Jack is a Gray Wolf Werewolf;
- Unlike his canon appearance, Jack constantly has that wolf-head and white fur all over his body. He can shift between being bipedal or a quadruped with little issue between the two forms of locomotion, meaning his limbs are closer in length than human limbs. He has fur similar in length to wolves and even has paw-like hands. His tail is frequently wagging whenever he is with friends or those he is fond of.
Ruggie is a Spotted Hyena Gnoll;
- Similar to Jack, Ruggie now has a Hyena head and pelt instead of just the ears and tail. He is still somewhat humanoid, but he is still shorter than Leona or Jack. His back legs are more like a Hyena and he has that same muscular ridge on his shoulders that Hyenas do. He still has his bright blue eyes despite how odd it is for Gnolls, but his coat is the same sandy light-brown as his hair usually is with dark brown spots.
Leona is a Nemean Lion;
- Nemean Lions are golden furred beasts much larger and stronger than any regular lion on top of being impervious to damage from mortal weapons. This translates into Leona's skin having a more golden sheen to it, always seeming to look like he has been dusted with fine powder gold sparkles. His dark hair has several bright gold strands woven in that makes it shiny as well. The fur on Leona's tail and ears is also that glittering golden color which only makes the tuft of fur at the end of his tail look darker. He is a little taller than in cannon and slightly more defined in musculature due to the natural strength of Nemean lions.
Azul is a Coconut Octopus Cecaelia;
- He is very similar to how he appears in canon, but now he has several black marks along his arms and body similar to how he looks in his merman form. Even in a human form, it is clear Azul is still not human due to these dark markings that wrap around his body. A few of these black tendrils frame his cheekbones and make those brightly colored eyes of his only seem brighter.
Jade and Floyd are Moray Eel Mermen;
- Similar to Azul, Floyd and Jade look similar to how they do in cannon, but their merman features are more visible even in their human forms. The fins they have alongside their faces are now present in their human forms as are the colorations of their merman forms on their shoulders and faintly around their faces. Their gills are still visible in their human forms.
Kalim is a Genie;
- Kalim is the closest out of everyone to his canon appearance as his identity as a Genie changes very little. He will likely wear clothes akin to his dorm clothes appearance but have the addition of golden bands around his wrists and ankles. He can form legs to walk on, but often chooses to fly instead, where his legs become more smoke-like in the typical Genie 'tail' that many Genies are often seen with. Kalim now has a golden aura around him that makes him glow slightly with a golden color due to his high-magic Genie nature.
Note; Kalim sleeps in his lamp and keeps many of his treasures in his lamp as his magic allows the lamp to be more like a hotel suite than a prison cell despite the size on the outside. Only Kalim and those he invites into his lamp can enter.
Jamil is a Sand Viper Naga;
- Jamil's upper half is similar to how it is in canon, but his lower half is that of a rather large snake. His shake half is 22ft (670cm) comprised of black and maroon scales. His maroon scales are closer to the color of dried blood and often get dark enough shades that they mix with the black diamond and striping patterns his black scales make. The scales on the stomach side of his snake body are a slightly more red tone than his skin tone. He does have golden scales that line his stomach scales and are in the center of the diamond patterns on his back.
Note; Jamil often sleeps with Kalim's lamp in the coils of his Naga tail. Having come from a long line of Naga that are usually the guards and guardians of the wealth and well-being Kalim's Genie family has amassed through the years. Wherever a Genie from Kalim's family lives, so too lives a Sand Viper Naga from Jamil's family to guard them.
Vil is a Peacock Harpy;
- Vil still has his flawless skin and purple ombre hair even as a peacock harpy, but he does have hair-like cobalt blue and emerald green feathers that often get woven into braids. He also has seven pristine head feathers that are the same 'eye' patterns as his tial feathers that often lay back against his hair unless he is feeling particularly proud, in which his crest will rise up like a crown atop his head. Vill has feathering along his shoulders, upper back and neck that are the bright cobalt blue of male Indian peacocks. Along his shoulder blades are his wings which have a full span of 8ft (244cm) but are often tucked neatly against his back and folded so the flight feathers don't drag when he walks. Vil has the full peacock train of tail-feathers and spends quite a bit of time preening and grooming them to maximum shine. He will only fully display his tail-feathers when being prideful or showing off to a prospective mate.
Rook is an Australian Golden Huntsman-Spider Drider;
- Rook's legs are a long spindly gold that are many times the length of his thorax and abdomen. The thorax of his spider body is larger than the abdomen of the body due to the typical shape of Huntsman-Spiders. The thorax area on Rook's spider body has a large black mark among the back hairs trailing down to where the abdomen part of his body is more narrow and the marks become black lines making their way down. His human half is attached at the top of the thorax where the spider's eyes are usually located. His spider legs are as thick as a Human's legs, his mandibles and pedipalps being similar in thickness. His fangs are to scale and are extremely long as well as being like blacked curved knives, he often keeps them tucked away to not unsettle others.
Note; Rook and Vil have a very mutually beneficial relationship just as they do in regular TWST. Rook helps Vil preen and take care of his feathers, often being the one getting the pin feathers Vil can't reach on his back and shoulders. Rook uses the silk he creates as a Drider to make fabrics for Vil as they are of high quality, and even higher thread count. Both are content to be the others boon companion and will often be seen working together outside of class as well.
Neige is a Mourning Dove Harpy;
- Neige has the same dark black hair and big brown doe eyes he does in cannon but he also has grey-brown feathers throughout his black hair. His cheeks, neck, shoulders, and upper back have the same gray-brown feathers with speckles of dark brown, white, black, and gray feathers throughout giving a light speckling pattern. His wings are that same gray brown color and are 6.5ft (200cm) in length. The ends of his flight feathers are often trailing over the ground beneath him when he is relaxed and he rarely opens his wings fully. Like most mourning doves, he has a lovely soothing voice and his unassuming species of Harpy makes him all the more charming.
Note: I was going to make Neige a Willow Grouse Harpy due to the coloration match with Neige and his RSA uniform, but I have a childhood fondness for the call of a mourning dove and Neige is supposed to have a beautiful voice, so I figured sweet Neige can be a mourning dove and not the goofy sounding Willow Grouse.
Epel is a Beliy Naliv Apple Wood Nymph;
- Epel has white tree bark as skin, occasionally having the slight dark mark or blemish where Epel had gotten into fights despite being a more peaceful species of Wood Nymph. His hair is made up of pale green leaves that are often covered in powder lavender blooms that are the same color as his canon hair color. Epel has the same large blue eyes as he does in canon. Occasionally the blooms on his head will grow into small apples that are white due to his species of Wood Nymph being the White Cloud Apple. His skin is rougher in texture and closer to the texture of bark.
Idia is a Shinigami;
- He still has his blue flaming hair and blue tinted lips and gold eyes. His skin is closer to a light gray in tone now, his nails a natural black. He now has these scraggly black wings that are kind of like bird wings but more haggard in appearance. The feathers are more slick and almost oily in texture and have some traces of blues in them similar to Idia's hair. He can use them to fly, but they make a very loud wooshing sound that he isn't overly fond of so he doesn't often use them. His limbs are just a bit longer than they are in canon giving him a more skeletal and gaunt appearance.
Ortho is also a Shinigami;
- Similar to Idia, Ortho still has his blue flaming hair and golden eyes. He will have the same light gray skin tone Idia does, but his wings are now cybernetic due to an unfortunate accident when Ortho was much younger that caused him to lose his Shinigami wings. Ortho also has several cybernetic limbs as a result of that same accident, making monster AU ortho closer in appearance to canon Ortho, but still able to eat/sleep/behave like a living being. Ortho is not AI but does have several augments to allow his brain to function with the aid of AI due to his unfortunate incident when he was younger.
Silver is a Reindeer Cervitaur;
- Silver is a leucistic deer cervitaur. This means his deer half has white fur as well with light gray spots along his back similar to the spots fawns have for camouflage purposes. His antlers are also an ivory white, and only have three points. From burr to tip of the beam, Silver has two points at the end of the beam and one point near the burr of his antlers. Lilia throws a party any time Silver gets another point on his antlers. Silver's deer half has the musculature type closer to reindeer than whitetail deer.
Lilia is a Vampire Bat Fae;
- Similar to his canon appearance, Lilia looks almost the same in his monster AU form, but his monster AU form has bat wings and a little tail. Most bats have tails and delicate wings, so I decided Lilia should also have bat wings and a little tail. His wings are sturdier than most bats and have several holes in them from past battles he has endured. He is still the Fae variation so he has the same pointed ears, sharp teeth, and slit pupils other Fae type have. His wings are black with Light pink highlights near the tips just like his hair.
Note; Lilia likes to sleep upsidedown in this AU and will often settle himself in the cafeteria chandeliers or even the rafters of various buildings to take naps throughout the downtimes of the day. Lilia is more nocturnal in this AU as well with increased sensitivity to sounds/lights.
Malleus is Dragon Fae.
- Malleus in the monster AU is similar to his canon appearance but has his dragon wings, tail, and various clusters of black scales along his body. His nails are decent length black talons and he has black scales along the backs of his hands and up his arms. His neck and upper back/shoulders have more black scales. His wings are the same deep black with a slight purple tint to them anywhere the skin is exposed. His tail is about as thick as a leg and tapers off to a wickedly sharp point that Malleus could use to impale someone if he wanted to. Black scales frame his eyes like their own kind of makeup and are more colorful around the eyes in purples and green sheens that highlight the obsidian base color of the scales.
Note; Malleus is more in touch with his dragon instincts in this AU due to being more outwardly dragon. He does make a nest out of his bed and is much more inclined to hoard things he is fond of, including but not limited to Gargoyles, unusual stones, and various creatures he takes interest in. Once he considers someone to be part of his hoard, he will be possessive of them and fiercely protective. Only creatures part of his hoard are allowed to enter his nest. Lilia, Silver, and Sebek are three of his living hoard.
Sebek is a Raiju Fae;
- His hair is a bit more wild and fur-like compared to his canon appearance with yellows mixed in to the sage green color. His teeth are much sharper and he actually has more dog-like qualities similar to Jack's canon appearance. Raiju are lightning dog mythical creatures, so Sebek's appearance will be similarly dog-like with the beastman ears and spiky furred tail that has a rougher texture compared to most fur. His tail and ear positioning will often be a dead giveaway for what emotions Sebek is feeling at the time.
Rollo is an Inferno Fire Nymph.
- Rollo's eyes are an ashen gray as is his skin and hair when he is not in his active inferno flame form. Much like a burned log, his flesh will bare the same ashen faded look to it. Rollo is usually in this form as he is not overly fond of the fire he creates and he can keep himself mostly calm despite the constant annoyance of others around him. When in his active inferno fire form, his ashen hair will ignite into flames, his gray eyes turning a bright fire red. Similarly, his skin will take a redder tone and embers will float off of his hair.
Note: Rollo's fire can burn others, but he can also consciously change the temperature of his flames to only warm and not harm if he felt so inclined. He would only willingly do this for someone he deeply loved and cared for as his full flame form reminds him far too much of his deceased brother, hence why he uses it sparingly. There are many types of Fire Nymphs, but Inferno Fire Nymphs are considered the most deadly as their flames get the hotest. Young Fire Nymphs cannot control their fire and can burn themselves out if they get too hot internally.
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shadowdaddies · 9 months
Hello!!! Can I please request a Fenrys x reader fic where they realise they’re mates during the war and all that but reader and Aedion are twins so Gavriel is also obviously her father and just how they deal with the messiness of the situation but also with lots of fluff from all sides? Thank you so much 💚💚💚
I LOVE this request; it took me a minute to figure out how to make it fluffy just because Empire of Storms is so intense but this is such a cool idea; I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it💜
Fenrys x Reader (ft. Daddy Gavriel)
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Your world flipped upside down when Adarlan conquered Terrasen. Managing to escape with your brother, Aedion, the two of you formed a plan to infiltrate the Kingdom of Adarlan, developing rebel forces for when you were reunited with your cousin, Aelin.
Aedion took over as general of the Bane, filling his ranks with those who sympathized with your cause, while you worked your way up in the palace as a servant. Your duties, ranging from cleaning rooms to becoming a handmaid to the Queen, provided great intel for Aedion that allowed the Bane to stage battles. 
When Aelin returned, you aided in her rescue of Aedion, joining her and Rowan on their journey to Skull’s Bay from that point. 
It was in Rolfe’s office when your world turned upside down. You stood alongside Rowan as Aelin pitched her deal to Rolfe to join forces against Erawan. And then the door opened, revealing two males who made your heartbeat stutter for different reasons. 
You recognized your father immediately, and he you, when your tawny eyes locked with his. He stumbled forward, a gasp leaving his lips as you stared at each other. Rowan stepped protectively in front of you, one hand on your wrist as he stared down the famous Lion, the legendary member of Maeve’s cadre, Gavriel.
“Please, let me see her,” Gavriel pleaded with Rowan, his gaze struggling to meet yours around Rowan’s hulking form. 
“Rowan, it’s fine,” you whispered. You hadn’t held the same animosity towards your father as your brother, Aedion had, as you always believed he had a reason for leaving you. This was your opportunity to learn it.
Rowan turned to you, his gaze softening at the hope in your eyes. “He is blood-sworn to Maeve. He can only deny her will to an extent, and I will not let him hurt you.”
Your eyes flicked to the other male in the room, losing your balance as you stumbled backward at the look in his eyes. Fenrys watched you, awe etched on his face as he, too, moved towards you.
Rowan growled, Aelin leaping up from Rolfe’s seat where she lounged as they moved in front of you in a protective stance.
“It’s okay,” Fenrys promised, his gaze never leaving yours. “She’s my mate.” Tears formed at your eyes, the instant connection you felt towards the striking male in front of you breaking your guard down.
“Please, Row,” you tugged against his grip, desperate to meet the two males you were sure would be the most important in your life.
Rowan looked down at you, pure fae instinct in his eyes as he turned to the members of his cadre, every bit the legendary warrior as which he was known. “What are your orders from Maeve?” he demanded.
Gavriel spoke first, his voice like something from a long-lost dream, a memory from a past life that you longed for. “We were ordered to find Lorcan and kill him. If you can help us fail in finding him, we can assist you for as long as possible. Please, Rowan, Aelin, let me meet her.”
After a long, tense moment, Rowan and Aelin nodded to each other, parting ways as you now saw clearly the two males ahead of you. Your father moved towards you first, his dark tattoos in contrast to his golden hair the first thing you noticed as you rushed towards each other. He was warm, broad, muscular arms pulling you into his lithe form as you wrapped your own around him. This is home, you thought, holding back the tears as you allowed yourself to simply feel. 
Gavriel didn’t move, waiting until you reluctantly pulled away enough to look up at him. “I have so much to explain to you. So much that I wish I could take back...”
You shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips to silence him. “We will get to all of that - later. For now, I just want to know you,” you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to your father’s cheek before turning your gaze to the male in the corner.
Breathing was difficult as you took in the extraordinary beauty of him. Blonde curls fell around bewildered, onyx eyes that locked in on you. The world spun around the two of you as his gaze held you in place. “My mate,” you whispered, moving towards him slowly, as though your feet moved of their own accord, your body drawn towards him.
Fenrys simply nodded, swallowing as his chest moved with each deep breath. A chuckle from where Rowan and Aelin stood drew the two of you from your trance, and you turned to see the amusement written on Rowan’s face. “Fen, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so stricken,” he teased.
You turned, enjoying the blush on the handsome male’s face. Biting your lip, you dared to bring a hand to the golden-brown skin of his cheek. With a slight giggle, you joked, “it’s nice to meet you, Fenrys.” He nodded, transfixed on you.
Gavriel cleared his throat, clearly refraining from his fatherly protective instincts as he leaned backwards slightly. “I’ve never... scented a mating bond quite so strong,” he noted, lip slightly curling as his glance flicked to Rowan and Aelin. They nodded in agreement, smiling encouragingly at you as they held their hands up, covering the scent from their noses.
“A strong bond, indeed,” Fenrys spoke softly, stepping forwards towards you as his fingertip grazed your jawline. A slight shift in movement from your father drew you out of the moment, stepping back as you giggled nervously at your newfound family, and mate.
Rolfe rolled his eyes, shooing the group of you out the door as Aelin sent him a wink. “Let’s go figure this out elsewhere,” Rowan grumbled, guiding you outside. The group settled at a pub downstairs, where you sat in between Gavriel and Fenrys, a deep peace settling through you as you enjoyed the presence of two males who cared about you more than you’d ever dreamed.
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shitpostingkats · 2 months
Pinning Down Every Shinjuku Reapers Hanafuda Suit
In The World Ends With You, there are a total of twelve (named) reapers, each corresponding to a member of the chinese zodiac. They continue this design philosophy in NEO, with all of the Shinjuku reapers being based off a different suit of Hanafuda.
Let's start with the ones we know.
(post does contain spoilers)
Tsugumi - January, Crane
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Conveniently, most of the reaper's birth months point to their suit, as well as their noise forms, for the ones that have them. Tsugumi is a new years baby, and Grus Cantus is from the hikari card. (Each suit is divided into four cards, with higher point cards being marked with an animal or object, and I'm gonna be honest, this is about all I know. This post is not a comprehensive guide for how to play hanafuda.)
Ayano - May, Iris
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Skipping forward a few months, we have Ayano, born May 18th, and using the iris. Every suit, along with having a month associated with it, also has a plant, which is used on every card in the suit. Ayano is pretty much the only reaper who uses her suits flower, rather than an image from a hikari or tane card.
Shiba - June, Butterflies
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Born June 21, his noise form is butterflies. Not much to say. I guess I could point out how he's the only of three reapers who wears a symbol of his suit inspiration on his non-noise-form person (necklace). The other two are:
Susukichi - October, Deer
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The deer skull is on his tshirt, as well as being able to see a little of his tattoos, which we see later is also a stylized skull and antlers. Birthday matches; October 13th.
Hazuki - December, Phoenix
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Ah, the mysterious Haz. The first of our reapers to have a birth month that does not match his hanafuda inspiration. (According to the official guidebook, his birthday is May 5th)While the Phoenix Cantus isn't his noise form, it is mentioned in the secret reports that he is the one responsible for shaping the soul pulvis into that form. Also, like our previous two reapers, he wears his motif on his civilian clothes, in the little phoenix symbols on his jacket. Him being a phoenix is also likely to make him a further foil to Joshua, as they both are the only mythological animals in their respective groups.
Now lets get into the less clear cut ones.
Minamimoto - July, Boar
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I know what you're thinking! "Minamimoto isn't a Shinjuku reaper! Also, he isn't a boar, he's a catboy." Undoubtedly true. But he is used caught up in their scheme, purposefully absorbing the soul pulvis and afterwards Leo Cantus manifests with tusks and a snout. What even more interesting is it's very likely his original noise form was a boar as well. But a boar from the chinese zodiac. While he is a lion in the original game, a lion kinda clashes with the Shibuya hierarchy. And between Sho being process-of-elimination the pig, as well as setting up during week two in Pork City. Which could imply that Leo Cantus Armo is a regression to a more berserk and less enlightened state, literally sending Minamimoto back to his roots, before he radicalized and broke away from the Shibuya Reapers.
Kubo - August, Geese
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Like Haz, Kubo doesn't have a noise form, but he does have strong narrative ties to the Soul Pulvis, which manifest as a flock of aggressive birds that fly in a V formation. Also, his birthday is August 14.
According to Nomura, Kubo was added late in the writing process. Initially, Nomura wanted to add two characters, but the writer gave him a concerned look, so he settled for just Kubo. Not only is this incredibly funny, we'll be looping back to this.
Hishima - September, Sake Cup
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His surname, Sakazuki, is actually the name of the specific sake cup pictured in the September suit. It's the one you see in used in cermonial exchanging of sake, like weddings or yazuka deals. Considering his subplot with Shiba, themes like "brotherhood" and "marriage" are pretty fitting. Once again, the birth month matches: September 7th.
Shoka - November, Swallow
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Asterisk. Once again, the cat themed characters of Shibuya have it complicated.
Shoka's birthday is March 30, which is the suit of the cherry blossom. This is further supported by her surname being Sakurane, which was originally made for the protagonist of NEO, to go with Neku's surname being Sakuraba. However the name was given to Shoka as they thought it fit her better. Internally, she is sort of a dual protagonist, being labelled in the data as ch002 and getting billing right after Rindo's actor in the credits.
But her online alias of Swallow points pretty directly to the November suit, and its tane card which features a Swallow. As mentioned earlier, Nomura initially wanted one more Shinjuku reaper character than we end up seeing in the game, so its possible Shoka got some design elements merged together from two different suits so as to not waste any creative material. Or she's just meant to be both and I'm overthinking it.
Kaie - Febuary, Plum Blossom, Warbling White-Eye
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We've got ten out of twelve suits catagorized! This, unfortunately, means we are gonna have to start making some guesses.
Kaie's birth month is no help, being November, where Shoka is already using the Swallow symbolism. If we're continuing the tradition of using animal cards, Kaie is either the warbler or the cuckoo. I'm gonna be honest folks, I'm partial to the warbler just because of Kaie's eyebags.
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Anyone else see it?
Also, "warbling" could be a a reference to Kaie's preference to not speak, because while he communicates mostly through text, he does have a few voicelines near the end of the game, which shows us his voice is quiet and with a little bit of a stutter. Also, it leaves the last suit open for:
Tsugumi's brother - April, Wisteria, Cuckoo
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I bet you thought I forgot about him! Yes, our last suit is the April suit, represented by hanging wisteria and the cuckoo.
Cuckoo's are, for better or for worse, famous for their brood parasitism: a cuckoo will lay its eggs in another birds nest, and when it hatches, the young cuckoo chick will attempt to push all the other eggs out, so it can have the parents sole attention. Tsugumi and her brothers' relationship does not seem anything like that, but it is worth noting that they are only reapers who are related. I think the cuckoo's parasitism is more likely a reference to how her brother was a high-ranking Shinjuku reaper who nonetheless "betrayed" the hierarchy and tried to defy Haz's schemes.
Wisteria is a symbol of love, longevity, and endurance. His final act in death was to protect his sister, ensuring she would survive.
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prsfphone · 2 years
take me down to your paradise | s.b. x reader
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word count: 2468
warnings: nsfw, smut, very brief mentions of drug use, mentions of alcohol, penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk, classic english rockstar sirius (he’s hot)
a/n: part 1 of 2!
“she's a silver lining climbing on my desire... and satisfaction feels like a distant memory... and i can't help myself...”
The view is like you’re up in the sky, sitting on par with the clouds, and you don’t know what you’re doing. There’s a rockstar—a certified platinum-selling, messy-haired, black-nailed, egotistical rockstar—in the bed somewhere behind you and you’re wearing his shirt. It smells like him, too. Cigarettes and sweat and the expensive cologne. You’re sure you smell like that now, too.
You glance back at him over your shoulder, the rising sun setting your silhouette aflame as you gently press the pads of your fingertips into the bruises on your neck. His mop of black hair is stark against the pristine white bedding and you pick out the bridge of his nose, half-buried in a pillow nicer than you’d ever known existed before. You like Sirius’ nose, the bump halfway down that is shaped like a diamond from the front, the upturned end that gives a snobbish air to an already arrogant face. The urge to brush the hair away from his face just to admire him more easily arises and you hold yourself back. You stay firmly put on the white chaise, sitting on your hands. You stare at him still, though. You like his tattoos, the patchwork of them marring the alabaster of his skin. You’ve traced them more times than you can count, the thin, delicate lines and the thicker, aged ones. You’re particularly fond of the victory laurels just underneath his collarbones and the pile of skulls on his inner left forearm, just below the bend of his elbow.
On the insides of each finger he has roman numerals, what you’ve guessed are dates. You haven’t asked and Sirius certainly hasn’t offered, but you remember asking him about the bandage over a fresh tattoo on his ring finger the second time you ever saw him. Sirius had only waved you off—My mum’s birthday—but the year is too recent and sometimes you still look at it and imagine, secretly and deep inside yourself, that it has something to do with you.
Sirius gives a moan, a sound of deep upset that he has to meet yet another day with clothes on, and buries his face fully into the plush pillow. His dark voice reaches you in an unintelligible garble. “Use your words,” you mock him with a quirk of your brow, hiding your smile in your bent knee.
He turns dramatically onto his back, tossing the blankets back as he goes. You try not to look at him. He’s naked, staring at the ceiling, and his lovely, tattooed thighs are begging to be looked at. “I said,” he enunciates in that snobbish accent you wish you didn’t love, “Staring is creepy.”
You sigh. “It’s romantic.”
“That why you get all fidgety when I look at you, sweetheart?”
Your face feels hot, and it only worsens when Sirius’ gaze finally deigns to land on you. “It’s not romantic when you look at me,” you hedge.
He props himself up on his forearms, lazy and with his hair like a lion’s mane about his face. “You’re hurting my feelings, Y/N.”
“It’s true!”
“Well, what is it when I look at you then?”
“You look at me like you’re trying to undress me with your eyes.”
A slow smile stretches his lips. “Come here.”
You can’t help your answering smile and you shuffle towards him, stand at the edge of the bed, gazing down at him, but he doesn’t allow it for long. No, Sirius wraps an arm around your hips and pulls you, clumsy and demanding, next to him in the bed. He buries his face into your neck, running his nose up and down, breathing deep. “Y’smell like champagne.”
You roll your eyes, curl your fingers tight into his hair when he licks a stripe up to your jaw. You stretch out against him. “Maybe if someone hadn’t sprayed champagne everywhere like an idiot.” Sirius tends to get overzealous after shows and you’re not entirely sure he isn’t coked up out of his mind sometimes.
He presses his mouth against your pulse and it stutters. “Didn’t say I didn’t like it, love.”
You squirm at the nickname. Sirius has learned well by now your weakness for his accent and all the little English quirks he possesses. Knows exactly what he’s doing to you when he calls you love. It makes you want to melt. It makes you want to jump his bones. And when he cups your face between his two big hands, presses his lips, hard, to your forehead and calls you his Lovie? It’s almost too much to bear.
Your digits loosen in his hair and his hands find your thighs, manage to roll you up to straddle his thighs. You’re a little dizzy when you finally settle into the new position. His grin is feral and heat blooms through you. Especially when your bare cunt presses against his throbbing cock, laying thick and heavy against his abdomen.
Sirius licks his lips. His callused hands knead your ass. “Climb up here, pretty baby,” and you know what he means. “Wanna taste that pretty little pussy.” Jittery, excited, you shift your way up to hover over his mouth. You jump slightly when his arms band around either thigh, pulling you apart for him. He runs his nose from entrance to clit and you gasp, grabbing for the plush headboard to steady yourself. “Sensitive baby,” he murmurs.
“You just like to tease me,” you accuse as he continues you avoid giving you any friction; Sirius scrapes his teeth along the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs, trailing the action with his tongue, smiling against your skin as you flinch when he gets near to where you so desperately want him. “Sadist,” you breathe accusatorily.
Sirius releases one thigh to bring his fingers to your cunt. “How do you suppose?” You open your mouth to answer and just as you do, Sirius plunges two fingers into you. It’s an awkward angle but you curl inwards on yourself all the same and Sirius doesn’t give you any chance at all to recover. His tongue laps at your clit and you bite down on your lip so hard you think it might bleed. But anything is better than giving him the satisfaction of having you a sobbing mess by his hands already.
He withdraws his fingers and you rock against him, trying to replace the loss. Sirius is quick to placate you with his tongue, sucking and swirling, and you forget to worry whether or not you’re suffocating him with your weight.
He pulls away. “You gonna answer me, love, or you just gonna use me for my incredible body?”
Is he really doing this to you right now? Of course he is. You try to move against his mouth but his hands hold you firmly still. You scowl and push the hair out of your face. “The second one.”
“And you say ‘m the sadist.”
“You are!”
He hums, drags his hands up and down your thighs. “How do you suppose?” He repeats.
You make a disgruntled sound that you refuse to acknowledge is a whine. “You know how.”
“Want you to tell me.”
“And I want to come.”
He flicks his brows. “Shouldn’t you know how this works by now? Hmm?”
“I could just sit down until you suffocate.”
Sirius snorts. “Think I could escape before that happened.” He gives a slow, teasing lick to your clit and your hands tighten on the headboard. “Tell me how horrible I am to you.”
“You are the worst, most evil man I’ve ever met.”
Another lick. “My cock has never been harder.”
“You talk so much,” you sigh, staring down at him. He bites down lightly on your bud and holds you fast when you try to jump away. “You leave me covered in hickeys. Constantly. I’ve spent a fortune on concealer.” For that, his fingers dig in to your doughy flesh harder. “And you tease me. Endlessly.”
“You like it.”
“Not this much! At least I—God!—at least I don’t get off on it.”
“Liar,” he nips your clit again and you shudder.
“I think you could come just from teasing me, Sirius. From listening to me beg. You enjoy my suffering.”
He doesn’t answer this time, only buries his face in your cunt and pulls your weight down onto him. He doesn’t let up. It’s dizzying, just how fast he brings you to the edge then. “Sirius,” you’re chanting, “Please, please.” But he pulls away all the same. Grinning wolfishly. You almost cry as the orgasm fizzles away.
He lets go of his grip around your thighs. “Sit on my cock.” You slide down, lifting yourself up, prepared to sink down to him—desperate for it, for the stretch, the fullness—when he tuts. “Ah ah, pretty girl. Gotta get me wet first.”
You roll your eyes. You know what he wants. He wants you to put his dick in your mouth, swirl your tongue around his head and kiss up the shaft the way you know he loves. He doesn’t deserve it, you think, and lean down to let some spit dribble onto his cock from the tip of your tongue and pump him a few times in your fist. Up and down. Once more. Sirius is staring at you through half-lidded eyes all the same, lit up in the early morning sun.
You line him up and sink down slowly, luxuriating in every thick inch. His hands meet your hips, not pushing, but stabilizing, and you hold tight to his wrists as you live through the barrage of sensation. When Sirius is fully sheathed in you, you rock a little, whimpering as the head of his cock brushes against your sweet spot. And you must squeeze around him because Sirius groans, loud.  
After a few moments of simply sitting there on him, legs spread around his hips, your spit-wet hand smearing against his taut abdomen, you begin to rock. Small circular movements, back and forth, rubbing your clit against his pelvis. Your nails scrape down his skin and Sirius hisses through clenched teeth. His head is kicked back. His hands start pushing now, grabby and mean and you slide down, hands braced lightly around the column of his throat as you lift up and fall back down and Sirius looks like he might come right here and now. Your breath falls out in small puffs of air every time you pull him back in and you lean down further and unsteadily for a kiss.
Sirius laughs, indulges you, something feral in his eyes. “This is pathetic.”
You slow to toss your hair out of your face but it comes right back, a curtain around your heads. You know you’ve barely done anything, but your thighs and hips are burning with the effort. “You’re mean.”
Sirius rolls his eyes at you. “You’re such a useless little pillow princess.” He uses his hands around your waist to flip your positions, pushing you down into the bed. Your eyes are rounded at the suddenness and Sirius puts a hand on either of your thighs, pushing them up and over his shoulders, settling himself comfortably there between your legs.
“You made me this way!” You accuse, though the bravado is wasted as he starts fucking you. He’s not gentle about it. Sirius hardly ever is. He likes it fast and rough, he likes when you lie there and “Take it so good for me, princess.” You reach down to find some part of him to hold onto, fingers grasping. You’re not sure what you latch onto as he thrusts so hard you think your teeth might chatter. Later, you’ll think to be embarrassed about the obnoxious way the headboard is slamming into the wall, about the wet squelching sounds as flesh meets flesh, about the moans you don’t have the presence of mind to think about holding in or quieting.
“So spoiled,” Sirius taunts. “Need me to do all the work, hmm, love?” You want to make a retort—something about how it is entirely his fault you are this way. It would fall on deaf ears, though. You like it this way and so does Sirius and you cry out when Sirius shifts the angle by leaning down to get a better look at your pleasure-stricken face. “Feels good, dunnit?”
“Sir-i-us,” his name comes out in syllables.
“You want something from me, Y/N? Use your words.”
You struggle for them for a beat. “Harder. Make me come.”
“Think ‘m a bad influence on you, baby.” But he obliges. He must be feeling generous this morning, to not tease you terribly. Glee sparks in his eyes as he gives you all he has; deep, punishing thrusts that force him to keep dragging you back down to him and leave the sheets in complete disarray. You’re so close it aches and the slight taste of pain his thrusts give you sends you spiralling. You tear Sirius down with you—his head falls in the juncture of your neck and he bites down as he pumps ropes of come into you.
You lay there for a moment. You feel ridiculous spread open this way. “Sirius, I want to put my legs down.”
He pulls himself up and your neck burns. He’s like a fucking vampire. He kneels, carefully unhooking your legs from over his shoulders, placing them delicately on the bed on either side of his own thighs. He rubs his warm hands up and down your legs. “Feel okay, lovie?”
Blood rushes to your cheeks and you cover your face with your hands. Like that will help. “Stop that,” you whine.
Sirius flops down beside you. “Why? Know you like it.” You don’t have an answer for him. How could you even begin to explain to him why you’re blushing like crazy? You like him. You know he doesn’t like you half as much. Sirius Black is all you think of and you know you’re just a groupie he likes to fuck.
Your mood plummets. You sit up and swing your legs over the side of the stupidly large bed, pretending you don’t notice the displeased look on his face. “I have a friend who lives in the city,” you tell him conversationally. “We’re gonna do lunch today.” You dig through your suitcase, messy, on the floor for fresh clothes. You desperately need to do laundry. Sirius’ come is leaking down your thighs.
He comes up behind you, wraps his arms around you. “Let’s have a shower, yeah?”
You glance at the clock on the wall, all white glass and silver metal. You shrug out of his hold. “You’ll make me late.” You head to the bathroom, and for once, he actually listens.
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
I just realised in #20 of Guns for Hire, Leo was almosted 🍇ed by one of the mercenaries when he was asleep. If you mind, could you please write something about Leo admitting that to Roy? So we can see his reaction?
“Who was your least favourite?”
The question caught Leo off guard, momentarily pausing and turning his attention away from his food. He was eating a bowl of chocolate mint covered marshmallows, some leftover from Halloween. He hummed, his head lifting off Roy’s shoulder.
“What do you mean?” He asked, catching the mercenary’s languid stare.
“I mean the other guys,” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t such a horrible memory for him. “When I was away on my contract. Who was your least favourite?”
Why was he asking him this question so suddenly? Leo’s brow crinckled as he stared at his bowl, fingers squeezing one of the marshmallows gently. The mercenary seemed to notice his obvious hesitance, and leaned down to kiss the furrow in his brow.
“It’s not a trick,” he prompted smugly. He swiped one of the marshmallows and tucked the blanket tighter around them. “I was thinking about it last night, is all.”
Leo bit the inside of his cheek softly.
“Bran,” he responded in a small voice. He didn’t want to remember them at all, but he tried to swallow down the anxiety regardless. “I think Rafi next. He freaked me out a little, especially that one time when I woke up and he—”
Leo cut himself off. He snuggled further into Roy’s side. “Nevermind.”
“Nevermind?” The mercenary parroted, shaking his head. “When you woke up and what, lion?”
“I don’t want to...” His voice trailed off. “It’s nothing.”
“Come on,” Roy encouraged softly, hand gently rubbing his arm. Leo swallowed nervously, just trying to comfort the racing of his heart with Roy’s presence and his warmth instead. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Leo knew he could. That was what made it so difficult. He released a shuddering breath, fiddling the marshmallow absentmindly. He finally set it in the bowl, and another encouraging squeeze from Roy finally forced it from his tongue.
“Rafi, he...” Leo shifted. “I don’t think—he didn’t touch me, or anything. I just, I woke up and he was on the bed...”
He frowned. “I barely even remember it. But he was—trying to take my pants off and he said, he said that—” Leo felt Roy kiss the top of his head, tucking him under his chin. He took the bowl so Leo could wrap his arms around him. “He said something about it not being as fun if I was awake, so he left me alone. I don’t even remember it that well, I don’t even know if I dreamt it.”
There was silence from the man, before he spoke in a calm, measured voice. The arm around him had tightened inexplicably.
“He did?” Roy muttured grimly. Leo gently stroked the tattoo on Roy’s arm, just under the cut of fabric of his short sleeve.
“Yeah,” he whispered, his voice so quiet. “It’s not...I really don’t even think about it.”
Sometimes Leo thought about it. Sometimes when Roy would unbutton his pants, he would imagine what it would have been like it he hadn’t woken up that night. He liked it when Roy peeled his clothes off, but the memory clung to him like dirt, and it wouldn’t come off. So, he supposed he was lying, and he knew Roy wouldn’t like it.
“Yeah?” Roy sighed curtly, kissing the top of his head like he could hear his heartbeat picking up. “I’m glad I put a bullet through his skull. Didn’t know that was a taste of his.”
When Leo remained quiet, gentle fingers slid under his chin, tilting his head back to meet his eyes. They were darker than usual, but his voice was so warm.
“None of the others touched you, right?” He asked quietly, and Leo didn’t even have time to shake his head before Roy was continuing. “Because it doesn’t matter that Bran and Sean are in hiding, I will find them. So just give me an excuse to bury them in the back garden too, lion.”
Maybe it was the morbid sentiment that made him blush, but Leo shook his head. The fingers under his chin gently stroked his cheek, and he leaned keenly into the touch as if he’d never experienced it before. His heart skipped a beat.
“No,” he whispered. “Promise.”
Roy smiled slightly, leaning forward to kiss his lips. When he pulled away, the ex-secretary happily cuddled against his side, accepting the bowl of marshmallows back.
“Good,” he sighed, leaning his head against his in the coziness of the couch. Leo didn’t have to know that he was absolutely livid, seething with jealousy at the idea Rafi had even thought about the idea of touching what was his. “I’m glad.”
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Hetalia Tattoos & Piercings Headcanons
Poland has three tattoos - a phoenix on his shoulder blade, the script “God, Honour and Homeland” on his spine, and a small rose on his pelvic; he also has several earrings
Hungary would probably have a really nice Hungarian flower design tattoo on either her wrist or ankle; has earrings
America has a tattoo of a bald eagle with the American flag on his shoulder blade
England has lots of tattoos, from his punk phase. He has tattoos of many things, including skulls, the Union Jack, crowns and a lion; used to have eyebrow, lip and tongue piercing, now only on his ear
Prussia has his back - an eagle with crown on his back; has a pierced tongue
Switzerland has a small cross tattoo on either his neck or back; has a pierced earlobe
Romania has an earring and a bellybutton piercing
Bulgaria’s arms are all covered in tattoos, mostly traditional Bulgarian designs
Same applies for Finland, whose arms are covered in traditional Finnic designs, with some heavy metal influences; has a tongue piercing
Estonia has a really nice Skype tattoo… on his butt…
Denmark, Norway and Sweden all have traditional Nordic tattoos from the Viking Ages
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
Briath oc intro
picture from Pinterest
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Current occupation: The Emissary and right hand of the pirate queen Eris of the xylem sea
Past occupation: assassin kings right hand.
Gender: female
Age: 23
Hight:Five foot seven inches
White hair
Pale as snow skin
Scars on her back and left hip
Tattoos to symbolize her hits and achievements
Brand from going undercover as a slave to kill a target at twelve..took two months to get close enough
Tattoos descriptions: the tattoos are similar to vines unless the target was a high risk target then the assassin can get a rose, skull or crown depending on a few things Briath got a crown tattoo attached to some vines at age twelve... It's the same for all of the assassin guild although she has gotten a few tattoos herself for memorable hits.
Something that represents her personality
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spoilers of her past below
She was raised by assassin's and has no clue her family tree, it is assumed her parents were slaves as her last name is blank and that's the name given to freed slaves.
She was the right hand of the assassin king until a mission went South and she was left behind by the other assassins they assumed she died....she did not die she was rescued by a pirate queen Eris and served as her right hand
Braith's first hit was when she was seven or eight ..she didn't get a normal childhood that's for sure
TPKODR tag list + Braith tag list @tragedycoded
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk
@unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives
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Tattoo Catagories
Art Styles:
Tattoos On Dark Skin
Black And White Tattoos
Blackout Tattoos
Neo Traditional Tattoos
Minimalist Tattoos
Red Ink Tattoos
White Ink Tattoos
Blue Ink Tattoos
Ornamental Tattoos
UV / Blacklight Tattoos
Glitter Tattoos
Crayon Inspired Tattoos 
Face Tattoos
Eyeball Tattoos
Eyelid Tattoos
Ear Tattoos
Neck Tattoos
Chest Tattoos
Back Tattoos
Stomach Tattoos
Hand Tattoos
Palm Tattoos
Finger Tattoos
Feet Tattoos
Common Themes: 
Flower Tattoos
Food Tattoos
Anime Tattoos 
Disney Tattoos
Skull / Skeleton Tattoos
Sword Tattoos
Pokemon Tattoos
Crystal / Gem Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Crown Tattoos
Harry Potter Tattoos
Lord Of The Rings Tattoos
Marvel Tattoos
DC Tattoos
Hourglass Tattoos
Animal Tattoos:
All Animal Tattoos
Bird Tattoos | Owl Tattoos | Duck Tattoos
Cat Tattoos
Dog Tattoos
Tiger Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
Cheetah / Leopard Tattoos
Frog Tattoos
Shark Tattoos
Elephant Tattoos
Snake Tattoos
Whale Tattoos
Lizard Tattoos
Insect Tattoos:
Butterfly Tattoos
Moth Tattoos
Bee Tattoos
Ladybug Tattoos
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Kiseki: Dear to Me - Ep 3
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God, the subs on the recap of this scene are even better than the ones for the previous episode. I love him so much.
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You've punched me twice that means we're married now
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Man spoiling for a fight is surprised when he actually hits someone
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Oh no are they on a spa date?
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Oh my god he's got a skull and crossbones robe on. I adore this tiny murder kitten
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Is everyone in this drama hot? JFC look at him with his lion tattoo.
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Not quite sure what's going on here but Ai Di seems to have just realised that Chen Yi has a matching lion tattoo on his back
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I feel like I've seen him in something else. Doesn't look like I have though.
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OH MY GOD IT'S MY BOYS FROM BE LOVED IN HOUSE! For those who are new here that is absolutely one of my comfort dramas. I am so delighted to see them again I may cry!
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Well, Ai Di's outfit is definitely A Look
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Yeah, I bet you will. God I am legit tearing up seeing them together again. I am so pathetic. Don't even talk to me about how I sobbed through their scenes in Plus & Minus.
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Well, actually...
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Oh no! Right when Bai Zongyi was starting to like him and got grandma cake for him :(
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I love him
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Aww no Bai Zongyi has abandonment issues on top of everything else and he just got abandoned again :(
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This is so sad! He's come home to a dark and empty apartment for the first time in weeks and is remembering how bright and warm it was when Fan Zerui was there 😭
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zayray030 · 25 days
Anon 🍓
I’m so glad you like my random ideas^^
Speaking of ideas I have another one
Soulmate Mark AU but Ace just has Soulmark sleeves on his arms and legs
Romantic Soulmarks are colored while Platonic Soulmarks are Black and white
He hid them because people would assume that they were tattoos which is considered controversial if you haven’t found your soulmate. So no one knew about them but he didn’t really care if they were hidden or not it’s just easier if they’re hidden. The Stitch event is when his soulmarks are revealed
Yuu, Grim, Jack, Riddle, Azul, Floyd, and Lilia all find out about Aces Many Soulmarks. And some of them find one that match their own soulmark
Right Arm: A large Octopus takes up his shoulder and a bit of his upper arm, Two Eels take up the rest of the space of his upper arm, on his lower arm is some sort of royal crest with a lion on it, a large wolf and hyena stand on jagged rocks
Left Arm: His upper arm has Rose vines with four animals carrying cards within, a hedgehog holding a Queen of hearts, a flamingo holding a three of clovers, a rabbit holding a four of diamonds, and a black and white duck holding a 2 of spades. On his lower arm a bouquet of red flowers a golden snake inside it, a black and red cobra snake travels out of the bouquet and raps around Ace’s wrist
Right Leg: Start at his ankle purple flowers with beautiful gems and jewels, a bow and arrow, and then a poison apple, Blue flames covers his thigh, and a Black and white robotic Skull lay in the middle of the flames
Left Leg: Thorn Bramble encompasses his lower leg to some of his thigh. Inside are four animals, A deer with a sword next to it, a bat next to an acorn bracelet, a crocodile with a shield, and finally a dragon with a crown
Would you believe me if I told I thought this up 5 minutes ago
Anyway I hope you enjoy this idea
The way all of them would quickly search Ace's boy to see if their soulmark is coloured and if its actually there or not just crossed my mind lmao
Honestly, I think Ace would feel a lot more comfortable showing his soulmarks after that and he tends to wear more shorts and skirts and dresses (yana please make my dreams come true and put this npy in a pretty dress yana I'm begging)
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simpingcorner · 2 years
Daughter of the Shadows
Word Count: ~1.3k Warnings: mild violence (stabbing, mentions of gunshots, physical fighting), blood, alcohol, gambling,mention of human tr*****, Pekka Rollins,not proofread, let me know if I forgot something. 
Author's Note: First chapter to my Grishaverse fanfic. A reminder this is insipred by my SoC DR so it’ll follow both the books and the show plotlines, there will be changes to the canon characters and their storylines, it’s also a Kaz Brekker x OC. | English isn’t my first language so please bear with me and tell me if there’s something wrong. I hope you like it.
all rights to leigh bardugo, i only owny liith and her backstory (other ocs will be introduced later)
Read part 2 here - Ch.3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6
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The starless night sky, the waves breaking on the rocks, the muffled sounds coming from the city, the briny autumn air surrounded her, it happened before she could even think of enjoying the moment a voice broke the night silence, the girl jumped to her feet, knives drawn, eyes locked on the darkness in front of her as her legs moved independently, silent movements, invisible to the inexperienced eyes allowed her to move closer to the noise source, as she’d expected a crowd had formed on the pier of the fourth harbour. Their guns reflected the dim street lamps’ light, red rubies shone under the moonlight, “This wasn’t the deal.” said a merchant’s voice, “The deal was you’d bring me fresh meat and I’d set you free.” Pekka Rollins’ hoarse voice echoed in her ears, she watched and studied the scene in front of her, hidden by the shadows, disgusted at the ideas of even more lives ruined by Pekka Rollins.
The smell of blood came before she could even realize what was going on, the pier’s shadows hid her making her even more dangerous than in the daylight, her knives handles now an extension to her hands, her leather gloves blood stained, her legs silents and fast followed a now too familiar pattern, the men surrounded her, guns at her head ready to fire, the girl’s eyes studied the scene as in a book, reviewing every possible outcome, she was surrounded, the men much bigger than her, she gripped the handles of her knives, the material seemed to heat up under the pressure, the lights of the street lamps trembled ready to go out at any given moment, the salty air now corrupted by the smell of blood and gunpowder. “I don’t want to kill you Mrak.” Said the merchant stopping in front of the brunette, a grin forming on his face studying her. “I wish I could say the same.” The girl replied wiping blood from her cheek with the back of her hand, her eyes full of anger, hatred, revenge, but her face was impassive, the scar on her righ cheek illuminated by the lamp post, her lips and jaw tight, her feet and hands ready to attack or defend, the faded tattoo of Emerald Palace was still too visible on her left forearm. “I thought you’d be happy to hear another slaver dead.” The man continued staring at her, “Wasn’t it one of them who brought you here? Who ruined your life?” the brunette knew if she’d attacked the rest of the Dime Lions would open fire to save their leader, “My life was over before I even got to Ketterdam.” she said closing her fists and inhaling before attacking, their moves were draw in her brain like the project of a house on paper, predictable and obvious, during each fight the Dime Lions’d forgot they had guns in their hands, finding themselves fighting hand to hand with their rivals.
The girl’s eyes became watery, a sudden burning sensation invaded her right forearm, the gray sleeve darkened, soaked in blood, but before she could assimilate what happened, the dagger disappeared from her hand finding a new home in the skull of one of the men surrounding her, some had fled, others were on the ground gasping for air or passed out. Her eyes found Pekka Rollins’, her face covered in blood, her left hand gripping her right arm, “Next time I won’t let you free.” said the man turning on his heels and disappearing into the shadows of the pier, the girl inhaled trying not to think about the pain in her arm, the burning had given way to cold and numbness, the brunette put her knives back in their places before walking back towards the Barrel.
Ketterdam was the place to go if you wanted to disappear, a city run by criminals, thieves, crooks, murderers; a city where authorities were nearly as corrupted, if not more, than the citizens; tourists from all over the world came to live without rules, to enjoy the freedom of a city without laws, to distract themselves from the problems of their daily lives, with their money, clean clothes, hot food on the table, a roof over their heads, a warm comfortable bed to sleep in after a tiring day, hot water always at the ready for a relaxing bath; the more fortunate citizens, the merchants, the Council members, the owners of the most famous clubs in the city lived in safe, warm, private houses; all the others, on the contrary, lived from day to day, hoping and praying to the Saints that they’d have enough to be able to afford a common room, a hot meal, or to be able to repay their debts.
The smell of the Barrel invaded her nostrils as she went from roof to roof trying not to be seen, the window to his office was open, a sign that he was waiting for Inej, the girl knew she shoulnd’t have gone in but with her arm injured she wouldn’t be able to open her bedroom window, and entering the front door was out the question. She climbed over to the window and nimbly entered the room, the inexperienced ear would never notice the air shift caused by the girl, but Kaz Brekker wasn’t inexperienced, not when it came to his investments. “I will not do business with a criminal.” The unknown voice filled the room, forcing her to hide in the shadows, her steps were silent, her breath inaudible, “You will find no honest man in Ketterdam.” Kaz replied before dismissing the man and closing the door behind him, “You can come out.” he simply said going back to studying the papers on the desk, the girl headed to the door, her arm hidden behind her back, her face covered in blood, her steps trembling but still too silent and proud, she barely got to reach the doorknob that his cane stopped her, the girl’s eyes fixed on the door, her hand firm on the doorknob, “What do you have for me?” the boy said as he sat down at his desk, the cane resting on his knee in of him staring at her, the crow’s eyes on the handle seemed to study her. “Pekka Rollins has bought other kids.” The boy’s face was stern, unreadable, fixed on the brunette in front of him, “He killed the slaver at Fourth Harbour.” the girl explained. “Okay.” His voice was hollow, the voice of someone who had decided to turn off their emotions, the same voice used by the girl.
The cut on her forearm was less serious than she had imagined, the help of a healer would have fastened the recovery but she didn’t have the money nor the time to find one, she tightened the bandage on the wound and left her room heading towards the bar counter, “Lilith, came to bring me luck?” Jesper’s cheery voice woke her up from the trance she was in, the Zemeni boy motioned for her to sit next to him at the poker table.
The Crow Club was full of tourists and non, whoever was in the Barrel and wanted to tempt fate was there, the girl noticed Rotty and Specht busy gambling away the last few coins they had left, Big Bolliger greeted her from the door before kicking out yet another cheater, Anika stared at her from the counter, while Jesper looked at her with a smile, letting her slip in next to him. “SO how much did you lose?” The girl asked as she sat down and studied the table, “Your lack of confidence hurts me Lilith.” said Jesper betting the rest of his Kruge on the upcoming hand, “Just saying if you don’t pay your debts, Per Haskell won’t kick out only you, and I really like my room.” explained the girl pulling out her daggers and cleaning them, she could feel his gaze on her, he was studying her, the bandage on her harm, a bandage that wasn’t there just a few minutes before, but as soon as she looked up he was gone, the office door closed at the top of the stairs.
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mrmeltingpoint · 4 months
what if instead of writing stories i made tumblr dashboard simulators with the lore instead
#that would be crazy right #writing is hard okay :( #melting's points
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🦈 mucking-and-sucking-about Follow
i pet one of our sharks while harvesting and i can confirm they're smooth
🎣 fishybusiness Follow
I've literally had to buy special fishing wire to stop sharks from cutting it when they swim by, their skin is razor sharp do NOT touch them.
🦈 mucking-and-sucking-about Follow
that sounds like a you problem our sharks are very smooth and feel nice
503,665 notes
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🌿 smoking-seaweed Follow
the ocean is so gorgeous :) if only it wasnt filled with The Horrors
9,101 notes
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🏴‍☠️ sailthesaltyseas Follow
🦜 polly-is-a-cracker Follow
WHERE is drunken sailor. this is a crime.
🐋 wailingwhale Follow
we should put op in a longboat 'til they're sober
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🐙 atlantian-adventurer Follow
Some fucking landwalker dropped their fucking anchor through my roof. What the fuck.
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🔱 nesting-crow Follow
just helped some twink steal a boat
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🐉 seadragonsfuckyeah Follow
Sea Dragons are OUT THERE!! We just need to LOOK HARDER!
🪸 moralcoral Follow
Technically, you're right! The Dragon Eel, while not a dragon as you want to find, is descended from reptiles! Specifically old-world Horned Lizards, which is where they get their horns from!
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They can grow to be up to 98 feet long, and while they've never been known to capsize a ship, they're still pretty awesome!
🐉 seadragonsfuckyeah Follow
That is WRONG! TRUE Sea Dragons are OUT THERE and they are simply VERY DEEP UNDERWATER!! WE WILL FIND THEM!!!
🐚 selfishshellfish Follow
if a "true" sea dragon is ever discovered i'll get it tattooed on my left asscheek
🐚 selfishshellfish Follow
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🐡 huffing-puffers Follow
is it just me or is the sea getting higher
⚓ weigh-anchor Follow
My grandma's house was taken by the sea. When she built it, the coastline was still miles away.
🦭 seals-not-sea-lions Follow
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818,733 notes
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⛵ gems-of-the-sea Follow
just watched my nephew steal a boat with a himbo and a harlot cuz i sang him that shanty about the sea jewel now my brothers pissed at me lmao
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💞 mrmeltingpoint
none of you will ever understand my lore it will stay firmly locked away in my tiny skull
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lostvalkyrie · 10 months
Real Places I Have Visited That Your OCs Would Probably Like
@thatwritingho - Olive - The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, PA, a collection of medical oddities. They have an entire wall of skulls behind glass, a fetal skeleton, and other preserved remains. It's strictly educational, no photography allowed, but I'm not sure if there are any ethical concerns about how some of the specimens were obtained. The museum itself is beautiful, all polished wood and perfectly clean glass, and it has the feel of a library. It's just you and the bones and other equally as quiet visitors.
@the-loveliest-lotus - Lucy - The Junkman's Daughter in Atlanta, GA. It's a huge store full of funky and colorful clothing and accessories and stuff. I remember them having plenty of rainbow colors, 70s style platform shoes, and coats with faux fur collars. She would probably dig putting on a fashion show for whoever went with her.
@gointothevvater - St Cecilia - The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, NV. This place is just beyond. Every single aspect, even stuff that should just be utilitarian, is somehow beautiful, sleek, luxe, and perfectly maintained, to say nothing of the Chandelier Bar which I think she would like. You go upstairs and sit inside of a huge chandelier, surrounded by glimmering crystals. The entire place smells like the lightest touch of expensive perfume. The kind where you couldn't say exactly what notes are in it, it just feels pricey.
@dolly-macabre - Dolly - Stella's Lounge, Grand Rapids, MI - This is a bar with a fun vintage 80s vibe. They have retro arcade games, all sorts of whiskey, and a cocktail so strong that they'll only let you order two of them in an evening. The interior is painted black with pops of color, much like the aesthetic of a raven haired rocker lady with many tattoos.
@chordsykat - Sparkles - Wherever the sea lions congregate, San Francisco, CA - Why can I imagine her unsuccessfully trying to befriend a pile of sea lions, who would bark in an alarmed fashion and leap off of the docks as she ran at them?
My OC Vilde - John K King Books - Detroit, MI - This is a used bookstore in an old factory, and they say they have a million books here. It's at least three stories from what I remember, so I believe them. Parts are anxiety-inducingly difficult to move through due to all of the stacks of books, but then you'll occasionally find an empty aisle that you can joyfully loiter in, uninterrupted. That old paper smell always reminds Vilde of home, since her mother owned a rare bookshop downstairs from their apartment. Unlike her mother's shop, however, John K King has never stocked the Finnish Book of Necronomic Spells, the Black Book of Helvetesmunn, or any other cursed grimoires.
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