#fenrys x reader fluff
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shadowdaddies · 8 months ago
Fenrys x Reader fluff
A/N: dipping my toe back into writing to see if I can still do it before I try to conquer requests
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Soft wisps of clouds drifted lazily across the vibrant blue skies of Terrasen, the gentle breeze that blew along with them granting a cool contrast to the sun on your skin. 
Pushing your arms above your head, toes pointed as you stretched the muscles throughout your body, a gentle yawn following along with your satisfied smile. 
“Beautiful,” Fenrys whispered next to you, watching as you hummed in agreement. 
Your hands twined in the blades of grass beneath them as you savored the feeling of the emerald earth against your skin. “It is a beautiful day,” you sighed, eyes fluttering shut as you moved your arms to fold behind your head.
The feeling of warmth from the sun gave way to a different, familiar warmth as Fenrys’s body turned into your own, a broad hand sliding across your waist. “I wasn’t talking about the weather,” he murmured, voice rough and low from where his mouth settled at your throat.
Heat rose to your cheeks, breath drawing shallow at the feeling of his knowing grin spreading across the sensitive skin, canines dragging lightly down to rest on your collarbone. Faster than you could process, Fenrys pulled away, onyx eyes taking in your dazed expression, the flush on your cheeks and chest heavy with want.
“Fenrys,” you half-scolded, half-pleaded as your hand reached to brush golden curls from his face. With a low laugh, your mate, caught your hand with his, eyes still locked on yours as he pressed a tender kiss to your palm. 
“Care to join me for a swim?” he questioned, eyebrow arched as he glanced between you and the sparkling lake that lay just down the hill. Unsure if it was the clouds that had slowly disappeared from the sky, or the way Fenrys was looking at you, a wave of heat coursed through your veins. 
You nodded swiftly, allowing Fenrys to draw you to your feet just to throw you over his shoulder as he began bounding towards the lake. Your weak, laughter-filled protests had no effect on the warrior, setting you back on your feet when he’d reached the water’s edge. 
Stripping off his shirt, your mate flashed you a lopsided grin as his hands reached for the ties of his pants. “Are you going to join me, or do you prefer to watch?” he teased, nodding at the dress still covering your body.
Rolling your eyes, you smiled up at him. “Of course, I’ll join you anywhere,” you promised, pushing up onto your toes as he met you for a kiss. 
“Then allow me,” he murmured against your lips, his mouth trailing down your jaw and lower, towards where his hands deftly undid the laces of your dress. The warm sun bore its heat upon your newly exposed skin for only a moment before Fenrys’s hands found your backside, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist while he carried you into the cool lake.
“I love you,” you whispered, arms locked around his neck, head laid against his chest where you listened to his heartbeat. 
Lips pressed against the top of your head, and lingered there. “And I love you.” Lowering you to where you stood in the water, chests pressed against one another, Fenrys’s arms wound around you once more, a cocoon of solace into which you gratefully relaxed. 
You simply stood there for awhile - enjoying the closeness of one another, the oneness with your mate and with nature - before finally stepping out of the water. As Fenrys helped redo the last ties on your dress, his dark eyes grew soft - a look that you knew all too well at this point. 
His gaze shone with sincerity, with the same devotion he’d shown as he spoke his vows on your wedding day. Dark eyes grew soft, his hands winding through your hair to tilt your gaze to his. “Thank you, for just being with me,” he smiled softly.
Returning his smile, you brought your hands to his cheeks. “Every day, I don’t know how I could love you any more than I already do. Yet every day, I fall for you a little more. There is nowhere I would rather be than by your side. On the best days, on the worst days, on these quiet days. I’ll go anywhere with you.”
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consciouscarrot · 5 months ago
day 10 - sweet tooth [f.moonbeam]
fenrys moonbeam x fem!reader (i do not support sjm!!)
content warnings; fluff, stealing and eating pastries, just the start of a kiss, ever so slightly suggestive if you squint
notes; i’m a bit late tday oops
kinktober/flufftober masterlist
it was as warm a day as you could hope for during autumn in terrasen, sun shining through the huge windows of the palace you walked through. you were on your way back to your room from a meeting with aelin and the others, when the scent of sweet pastries caught your attention. you followed the pleasant aroma, hoping to find what was causing the smell.
rounding a corner, you realised it was coming from the room in front of you, door open and revealing the treats on a table at the rooms centre. you couldn’t help but step inside, unable to resist at least taking a closer look.
the pastries were still warm, icing sugar sifted over the top, covering the toppings and preserves. there were so many, that you were sure that whoever these belonged to, could never possible figure out that one was missing.
you picked up a raspberry topped one, fruit preserve dolloped in a smooth circle atop the delicacy. you examined it briefly, wanting to admire it a little before you destroyed it with your teeth.
you bite into it, sweet and tangy flavours melting onto your tongue as you close your eyes in bliss. the raspberry was definitely the best choice, crispy pastry flaking as the pinky-red jam coated your tongue. this was by far one of the best things you’d ever eaten, and you didn’t even feel slightly guilty that it didn’t belong to you.
however, what you had failed to realise, was that fenrys had followed you after the meeting, wanting to spend time with you and let you rant on about whatever book had been currently occupying your time.
“this doesn’t look like your room, darling,”
you jump, hand flying to your chest as you attempt to flounder for an excuse, stuttering out half sentences before giving up with a frustrated huff, shoulders deflating.
he barked out a laugh, stalking over to you with a hand outstretched, “give me one then, so that we’ll both be in trouble,” he said with a wink.
you hand him another raspberry one, picking out the tastiest looking one with extra preserve on.
you liked fenrys a lot, and you thought that maybe he liked you too, but after everything with maeve, you wanted to let him make the first move, content with letting things blossom on their own.
you hadn’t been sure if he liked you back at first, worrying that your girlish crush on him was blinding your ability to determine his emotions. but, after seeing how he acted around other people, especially girls, you realised that he wasn’t just an affectionate person that loved long eye contact.
he groaned when he took his first bite, sending butterflies fluttering around your tummy. even the simplest things could set you off with him, enamoured by his every move.
you both continued to eat, eyes occasionally meeting in the thick silence as you focused on your crime. you stopped briefly when he took a step closer, opening his mouth as if to say something.
“oi, what the hell do you think you’re doing with my cakes!”
aedion’s voice startled you out of trance, causing you to whip around in alarm, freezing and dropping your half eaten pastry.
fenrys didn’t hesitate to take your now empty hand, pulling you to run out the room. you lunged to grab a couple more of the treats for the two of you, shrieking when aedion made to grab at you.
the two of you ran down the hallway, laughing loudly with aedion shouting profanities as he chased you.
flying round a corner, you yelped when fenrys pulled you into a hidden alcove, shadowed enough that it could cover the pair of you.
he pushed you against the wall, bodies close to keep yourselves as out of sight as possible. your chests heaved as you giggled, snorting lightly and trying to keep quiet.
fenrys shushed you, covering your mouth with his huge hand, smothering any sounds coming from you. he grinned down at you, pressing closer when aedion’s footsteps neared, before holding his breath as the man finally passed the alcove, cursing profanities under his breath.
only when the two of you began to calm down, adrenaline rushing through you, did you realise just how close your faces were. he dropped his hand from your mouth, and you could feel his breath hitting your face, eyes locked on yours.
your breath hitched as he leaned down slightly, the gap between you now so small that he would barely be able to fit his hand between you. assessing your facial expressions, he watched as your pupils dilated, hearing your heart pounding in your chest as your head tilted further back. his gaze shifted lower, watching as your tongue flicked over your soft lips, wetting them lightly.
fenrys cursed, groaning before he finally closed the gap, finally pressing his lips to yours.
eek :)
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danikamariewrites · 1 year ago
hi there, can you write something fluffy for fenrys??
Book Delivery
Fenrys x reader
A/n: I haven't written for Fen in so long and he's literally one of my favs from ToG. He deserves happiness after everything he's been through
Warnings: none
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Fenrys watched from the balcony as Aelin walked you through the castle gates. He lets out a dreamy sigh as you throw your head back from laughing at something the queen said. Fenrys was so lost in his little fantasy land he missed Rowan come to stand next to him.
“You feeling ok?” Fenrys jumps, backing away from the railing and clutching at his heart. “Good gods! Don’t do that Rowan!” The king couldn’t help the shit eating grin that spread across his lips. Rowan looks out at your retreating figure as you leisurely walk back to town. “Aelin thinks you two would make a great match.”
Fenrys lets out an annoyed huff, taking his piercing gaze off of Rowan and watching you again. He was always so charming and smooth when it came to talking to females. For some reason when he tried speaking to you Fenrys always made a fool of himself. He either tripped over air or fumbled with his words before excusing himself. There was no other way to say it, Fenrys is in love with you.
How could he not be? You’re so kind and intelligent and beautiful. Fenrys can’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach when you’re around.
A week later - on the day you usually visit, Fenrys noted - Aelin called him into her office. Striding through the open door Fenrys stopped before her desk, sketching a bow before standing with his hands behind his back. “What can I do for you?” Aelin gave him a smile that told Fenrys she was scheming. Fenrys mentally rolled his eyes, waiting for Aelin to tell her plan.
“I need you to do me a favor.” She said sweetly. “Nothing crazy, just an errand that I can’t get to today.” Fenrys nodded. “What kind of errand?” The queen’s smile became toothy and far too happy looking for his liking. “Can you go to y/n’s store for me and pick up the book she set aside for me?”
Fenrys felt his heart stutter in his chest. He had never been to your store. He had avoided it at all costs after the second time he made a fool of himself in front of you. “Erm…” He had to answer quickly before Aelin turned this into a command and he no choice. Not like he had one anyway. If Aelin already thought you two were a match the whole court must know by now. And Fenrys would never hear the end of it from Lysandra if he never made a move.
“Yes.” He blurts out. “Excellent.” Aelin claps her hands in approval and stands to guide Fenrys from her office. “And no rush whatsoever. Take your time, enjoy a stroll through the city. Get some tea with someone. But don’t come back here without my book.” She said sternly before shutting the door on him.
Upon entering the bustling city Fenrys found himself taking the long way to your shop. Inevitably he found himself standing outside your shop, dreading how he would mess up this conversation with you. Inhaling deeply through his nose and out through his mouth, Fenrys pushed open the door to your shop.
The bell ringing above his head caught your attention immediately. You rushed to the front of the store, your arms full of books. Your eyes widen in surprise at the tall male in the middle of your small book store. “Hi,” you say cheerily, “Fenrys, right?” It took all of his training to keep calm. To keep the butterflies from swarming his insides.
“Y-yes. Yup, that’s me.” Dear gods he hoped Lorcan would show up and stab him.
Then you did something unexpected. You giggled at him. It wasn’t a pity laugh, you genuinely giggled. Fenrys smiled at you. Realizing you looked like you were about to drop the stack of books in your arms Fenrys cleared the space between you, reaching his hands out to help. “Can I take these for you?” “Oh, yes. That would be great, thank you.”
As you handed over half the stack Fenrys noticed your hands were shaking. If it was because of him he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. The last thing he wanted to do was scare you. You cleared your throat before speaking again. “Can you put them on the front counter?” “Of course.” You give him a small nod and lead him to the counter.
After putting the books down you nervously fiddled with your hair, glancing at Fenrys every other second. You felt like you always messed up when you spoke to him. That awkward laugh would always leave your lips and you always forgot where you were going when you bumped into him in the castle.
Clearing your throat you finally look make eye contact. Maybe that’s too much eye contact, you think to yourself. Fenrys isn’t shying away though. If anything he’s looking at you with the same shy, unsure intensity.
An awkward moment of silence passes between the two of you before Fenrys finally remembers why he’s here. “Aelin sent me to pick up her book. She said you had it set aside for her.”
The realization clicked in your eyes and your cheeks redden. It was silly to think he was there for you. Pulling the book from the shelf behind you and turning back to Fenrys you give him a small smile, hoping it didn’t look as sad as you felt. “Here you go.” His fingers brushed against yours. You felt a warmth rush through your body at the soft touch.
Your cheeks heat even more as you bite back your smile. Fenrys takes the book giving you a reassuring smile. “Thanks,” he says softly. “You’re welcome.” He nods and turns to leave. Fenrys cringes at himself, squeezing his eyes shut.
He stopped with his hand on the door, thinking screw it. Marching back up to the counter Fenrys takes a deep breath. You look up at him with bright curiosity in your eyes. “Would you like to go out to dinner with me?”
You nod your head excitedly. “I would love that. Is tomorrow night ok?” “Absolutely.” You give him a bright smile. Taking out a pen and paper you write down your address for him. He takes it happily and practically skips out of your store back to the castle.
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allyjoe755 · 2 years ago
These Small Hours
fenrys x reader
A/N: Chosen by polls. If you would like another poll-chosen story, like/reblog/comment below
Word Count: 513
Warnings: slight PTSD.
You woke up to screams.
Big, horrible, gasping shrieks in the middle of the night.
Your eyes snapped open as adrenaline filled your chest, quickly spreading to the rest of your body.
Oh, Gods, please, no—
Lying beside you, Fenrys’ eyes were screwed shut, his cheeks wet with tears, his body dampened by sweat. His fingers raked across the sheets of the bed, his chest heaving with large breaths.
In your chest, your heart tore ever so slightly.
You placed a hand on Fenrys’ shoulder, your thumb moving back and forth.
“Fenrys,” you began softly. “Fenrys, it’s alright.” 
You scooted closer to him, wrapping an arm around his torso.
“Fenrys, it’s just a dream. Fenrys.”
Even in his sleep, he shuffled to wrap an arm around you. It helped. His breathing was still quick and ragged, but slowly and surely, it was slowing. His cries were softer now. They would fade soon enough, you knew.
It helped to not wake him up during times like these. You had learned that the hard way, when you, not having experienced this before, had in a panic shaken him awake– causing his panic to grow, small injuries to occur, for him to lose substantial sleep for nearly a week.
You had apologized profusely for weeks after. Fenrys had only said that it was his fault the nightmares happened in the first place.
But it wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t, and it had taken months to convince him of that. Even now, you were sure there were times when he still doubted. That was alright. You knew that it would take time.
Just like this. It had taken you so many times, so many sleepless nights, so many tears, to realize how to best support Fenrys when nights like these came.
So, for now, you just let your head rest on Fenrys’ chest. His cries had ended. You listened to his heartbeat slow back to an even, steady, calm rhythm. Your own body calmed down from its abrupt awakening as Fenrys breathed in and out, in and out.
Perhaps, in the morning, he would tell you what he had dreamt– the terrors that had visited him in the night. There were days he would, and days he wouldn’t. You didn’t push him.
He would heal in his own time. For now, you would walk alongside him through it.
In his sleep, Fenrys ran his hand down your arm until he found your hand. He squeezed it.
“I’m here,” you whispered back. You weren’t sure, if through his sleep, he heard you. In fact, you were quite positive that he couldn’t. Even still, you spoke the words– said them out loud, even if it was just to remind yourself that you weren’t going anywhere.
The man beside you was broken, and bruised, but it didn’t make him any less whole. It didn’t make him any less loved.
You pressed a kiss to the skin above Fenrys’ heart.
It didn’t make him any less capable of love.
“I’m here,” you repeated, before allowing yourself to fall back into sleep.
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scarfacemarston · 6 months ago
Ask me for the following characters! Abigail Marston Bucky Barnes Cullen Rutherford Fenris (Dragon Age) Harvey Dent Natasha Romanoff Yelena Belova Feel free to request others, though!
Relationship Alphabet
Hey guys! So here's a little Relationship Alphabet that I put together (using a couple different ones from tumblr, so it's by no means mine, but I drew from so many different ones and made modifications to the questions, so I wasn't quite sure how to credit 😅) for the 1.5K event!
Feel free to use it if you'd like 😊
Also, when requests open back up again (beyond just the event), this alphabet will be added to the ones that you can request from me (which, as of now, are the Yandere ABCs and the NSFW ABCs).
A) Attention. How much attention do they want in the relationship?
B) Baby. Do they want a family? Why/why not?
C) Cuddle. Do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
D) Dates. What are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
E) Equal. Do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
F) Fights. How do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
G) Gratitude. How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
H) Honesty. Are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
I) Insight. How easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
J) Jealousy. Do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
K) Kiss. What are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
L) Love. Who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
M) Marriage. Do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like? 
N) Nickname. What are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
O) Open. How long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
P) PDA. How do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
Q) Quality Time. What do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
R) Reunion. How do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
S) Sad. How do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
T) Thrill. Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
U) Understanding. How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V) Value. How important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W) Wild Card. A random relationship headcannon. 
X) Explicit. An NSFW headcannon. 
Y) Your Name. If they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
Z) Zz. How do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally? 
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surielstea · 5 months ago
Camping Affairs
Kinktober day 4: Size + Hair pulling
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Pairing: Lorcan Salvaterre x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Reader and Lorcan have to share a tent and can’t find sleep, they find other ways to exhaust themselves.
Warnings: Minors dni | 18+ only | Controlled orgasm I P in V I semi-public (in a tent) | size kink | Hair pulling | praise I clit play | cream pie I fluff at the end
A. Note: I’m so sorry this is late, it didn’t post when I scheduled it for some reason 😭😭, anywho, this is made specifically for the lovely @lexluvswriting because I’m simply here to feed her Lorcan obsession 🫶
6.9k words.
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"You know, for being Maeve's pride and joys you'd think we'd be given better accommodations," I say as I lay out my bedroll, the tent Her Majesty supplied us with so small it was almost comical.
"We're warriors, not royalty," Lorcan grumbled from the outside of the canvas, giving me some privacy as I stripped from my leathers and into a nightgown.
"Speak for yourself," I scoffed, poking my head out of the flaps to look up at him. "Rowan is a prince," I say matter-of-factly. "Perhaps he could pull some strings and get us all our own tent," I suggest and he looks at me with that sneering expression he always wore.
"We've battled in wars, I think you can manage," He grumbled, motioning with his hand for me to recede back into the tent. I frowned but backed up and sidled onto my bedroll. I tried not to laugh at the sight of the seven-foot demi-fae crouching to stop his head from hitting the ceiling of the tent.
He gave me a glare that I assume was meant to intimidate me but it didn't affect me much when he had to walk on his knees in order to settle on his own bedroll.
All seven of Maeve's blood sworn were called to meet with her in Doranelle, something about the Lost Princess of Terrasan— I wasn't really listening when Rowan was briefing us, all I knew was that I was going to have to pack my life up for the crazed queen I was sworn to, again, and take the week hike away from my comfy home in Varese.
With only three tents, the seven of us were split into pairs. Two per tent, and one on watch outside. Gavriel had posed a system to put the smallest and the largest together, as to avoid uncomfortably in the tents— and I hadn't thought it would be a problem until now. Shoulder to shoulder, with my least favorite of the group.
"Why do you have to be built like a damned giant," I grumble as I shift away from him, the side of me pressing into the wall of the tent. I could've shifted onto my side and separated us a little further— but that would mean I'd have to face him, and at this proximity, I doubt it would be comfortable for either of us.
"Would you rather join Rowan and Fenrys?" Lorcan grumbles, sounding like he was talking in my ear he was so close. I smirk at the idea.
"Can't say I'd be displeased in the middle of that," I purr.
Lorcan sighs, muttering a string of curses, too low to make out. "You're insufferable." He decided on voicing.
"And yet, here we are, stuck with each other," I teased, glancing at him from the corner of my eye. "Don't pretend you don't love it."
He snorts. "I could think of better ways to spend my time."
"Oh?" I hum, turning toward him a little more, my cheek propped on my hand. "What would Lorcan Salvaterre rather be doing right now, instead of sharing a tent with yours truly?"
He shoots me a look, dark and brooding, but his lips twitch. "Not listening to you, for starters."
I roll my eyes. "If you weren't so quiet all the time, maybe I wouldn't have to fill the silence."
"There's silence because I'm trying to sleep," he retorts, though his tone is lighter, almost playful—at least, as playful as Lorcan ever gets.
I scoff, grinning. "Please, you never sleep. You just brood all night like some menacing statue."
"You should be grateful," he says, adjusting his position, his shoulder now brushing against mine. "At least I keep the monsters away."
"Monsters?" I snort. "The only thing I'm afraid of in this tent is your enormous leg crushing me in my sleep."
"You talk too much," Lorcan grumbles, though there's the faintest glimmer of amusement in his eyes.
"I talk just enough to drive you insane," I shoot back, feeling a strange sense of victory at the idea of getting under his skin. "It's one of my many talents," I add, worsening the blow.
He doesn't respond, but his silence feels different this time. Like he's deciding whether to engage or just strangle me.
"If you're so miserable," I start, stifling a yawn, "you ought to throw me outside and have the whole tent to yourself," I utter, lifting my arms up over my head and stretching out to the best of my abilities.
"Don't tempt me," he grunts, though I don't miss the way his eyes follow me as I stretch, my movements exaggerated just to annoy him.
"You wouldn't know what to do with yourself," I murmur, settling back down. "Without me to keep you company."
"Go to sleep," he says, ignoring my words.
I smirk up at the stars. "Sweet dreams, Salvaterre."
His grumble is the only reply I get, but for some reason, the sound makes me smile.
The silence stretches on for a few minutes, and I do my best to settle in, but there's no ignoring the cramped space and the sheer presence of Lorcan taking up most of it. After a few more minutes of tossing and turning, I sigh dramatically.
"I can't sleep," I announced, knowing he was still wide awake.
From beside me, Lorcan groans, clearly exasperated. "Of course, you can't," he mutters under his breath, dragging a hand down his face.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, rolling onto my side to face him, our faces just inches apart in the dim light.
"That you're incapable of quieting down for more than a minute," he grumbles, not even bothering to open his eyes.
"I've been quiet for at least five minutes!" I argue, though I can't help the grin tugging at my lips. "And anyway, it's your fault. You're hogging all the space."
He cracks an eye open, giving me a flat look. "You take up about as much room as a pillow. You have plenty of space."
"Then why can't I get comfortable?" I huff, shifting again, this time letting my arm bump against his on purpose.
"You're sleeping with the wolves tonight." He says like it’s a promise.
I gasp dramatically, my hand flying to my chest. "Lorcan Salvaterre, you would abandon me to the creatures of the night? Leave me defenseless and cold?"
"You're hardly defenseless," he says, but I catch the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
I grin, triumphant. "I knew it—you do care."
"Care? I just don't want to explain to Maeve why I let you get eaten by a wyvern," he grumbles, turning onto his side so his back is to me.
I roll my eyes, inching closer just to annoy him. "You'd miss me," I murmur, as if it was an absent thought.
"Like a hole in my head."
I poke him between the shoulder blades. "Liar. You'd be lost without me. Who else would keep you entertained on these long, miserable missions?"
He doesn't respond right away, but I don't miss the way his shoulders tense at my words. "You're assuming I need entertainment."
"You're assuming you don't," I tease, leaning in until my chin is nearly resting on his arm. "Deep down, I know you love it. My sparkling wit, my endless charm—"
He turns so quickly that I almost tumble backward, his face suddenly centimeters from mine. His dark eyes glint with something that makes my heart skip a beat. "You're lucky I don't actually throw you out of this tent."
I blink up at him, trying to ignore the way my pulse races at the proximity. "You'd never."
His eyebrow raises. "You willing to bet?"
I raise mine right back, leaning in just a fraction more.
"I do." There's a brief moment where neither of us moves, the air between us charged with unspoken tension. Then, with a long-suffering sigh, Lorcan rolls his eyes and collapses back onto his bedroll.
"You're impossible," he mutters, covering his face with his arm. "Go to sleep before I do actually throw you out."
I smirk, victory swelling in my chest. "Admit it—you'd be bored out of your mind without me."
"If I admit it, will you shut up?"
"I'll think about it," I hum, settling back into my bedroll, feeling way more pleased with myself than I should.
"Fine," he growls. "I'd be bored."
I can't help the laugh that bubbles up. "See? Was that so hard?"
Lorcan groans again, louder this time. "It was unbearable."
"Goodnight, Lorcan," I say sweetly, curling up and closing my eyes, but I'm still grinning like an idiot.
From beside me, I hear a quiet mutter, almost too soft to catch. "Goodnight."
We lay there in silence for a few minutes, but as usual, my mind refused to settle. The darkness outside the tent feels suffocating, the air thick with anticipation of the mission ahead. I chew my bottom lip, turning over a dozen questions in my head before finally blurting out the one that's been nagging me all night.
"What do you think Maeve wants from us?"
Lorcan's groan is immediate. "You said you'd shut up," he grumbles, not even opening his eyes.
"I said I'd think about it, Salvaterre," I correct, nudging him with my elbow. "Besides, I can't sleep when you keep kicking me."
He huffs out a breath, lifting his arm from his eyes to glare at me. "I haven't moved an inch."
"Oh, really?" I feign innocence, shifting my foot to gently nudge his leg. "What do you call this?"
"That," he says flatly, "is you kicking me."
"I'm just showing you what it feels like," I shoot back, smirking as I prod his shin again.
"Stop that," he growls.
"I will when you answer my question."
"You should be more worried about surviving the week without me strangling you."
I huff, my face burning, but the silence that follows is heavier now—charged with the tension that neither of us wants to acknowledge. After a beat, I clear my throat, breaking it.
"You still didn't answer my question."
He sighs, long and dramatic. "How should I know? Probably some power play involving the Princess."
"Do you think they’ll ally?" I ask, though I know I'm pushing my luck.
He hesitates, his gaze flicking toward the tent's ceiling. "I don’t know," he admits. "Or she might just want us to deal with something different entirely. Maeve doesn't summon all of us for nothing."
I nod, feeling a shiver run through me. "I just hope we don't end up with another war on our hands."
Lorcan shifts slightly, his massive form somehow taking up even more space. "If we do, I'll be sure to shove you out in front to make use of all that 'charm' you keep going on about."
I roll my eyes, kicking him lightly under the blanket. "You're the worst."
He opens one eye to glance at me, unamused. "If I kill you in your sleep, it's your fault."
"Please," I scoff, sitting up slightly. "You couldn't strangle me even if you tried. I'd have you pinned in a heartbeat."
A low, rumbling chuckle escapes him, one that's more amused than I expected. "You? Pin me?"
I raise an eyebrow, refusing to back down. "You'd be surprised."
He tilts his head slightly, considering me with a dark glint in his eyes. "Go on, then. Prove it."
I blink, caught off guard by the challenge. "What, right now?"
He shrugs, the movement sending a ripple through his broad shoulders. "Unless you're too scared."
I narrow my eyes, inching closer. "I'm not scared."
His lips twitch, just barely, but enough to make my heart pound in my chest. "Then do it."
Before I can talk myself out of it, I shift, moving to straddle his waist. "Okay," I say, though my voice sounds much shakier than I intended. "See? You're completely at my mercy now."
Lorcan, infuriatingly, doesn't look remotely concerned. He just stares up at me, one eyebrow raised, as if waiting for something more. "That's it?"
"Well, I—" I start, but he interrupts by effortlessly grabbing my wrists in one of his massive hands and flipping me over before I can even process what's happening.
In the blink of an eye, I'm pinned beneath him, my back pressing into the bedroll as his weight holds me in place. His face hovers inches above mine, dark and unreadable, though I swear there's a flicker of amusement in his gaze.
"I think that's what you were trying to do," he murmurs, his voice low and dangerous, but with a playful edge.
I glare up at him, trying to squirm, but he doesn't budge. "You cheated."
He leans in slightly, his breath brushing against my cheek. "You didn't give me much of a challenge."
"You're such a brute," I snap, though I'm more frustrated with myself for falling right into his trap.
"I can't believe I made Whitethorn train you instead, this is delightful."
"Oh please, you just forgot the feel of a woman beneath you."
"Care to remind me what I've been missing?" His smirk widens, daring me to say more.
"Depends, what do I get in return?"
"A lesson, maybe I'll teach you what it's like to be beneath someone who knows how to be in control."
His words hang in the air between us, and my breath catches, the challenge in his voice igniting something deep within me. I try to maintain my composure, but the way his dark eyes lock onto mine makes it difficult. There's an intensity in his gaze that makes my heart race, a spark of something primal that sends shivers down my spine.
"Is that so?" I reply, my voice teasing yet laced with curiosity. "And just how do you plan to do that?"
"A demonstration," he murmurs, leaning in closer until his breath warms my skin, his lips hovering tantalizingly above mine.
The space between us crackles with tension, my heart pounding in my chest as I hold his gaze, searching for any sign of hesitation. Instead, I find determination mixed with that devil-may-care amusement that is so quintessentially Lorcan. It drives me wild.
"Show me, then," I challenge, emboldened by the heat of the moment.
A slow smile spreads across his face, and before I can brace myself, he captures my wrists in his powerful hands and shifts, pinning them above my head against the soft canvas of the tent. My breath hitches at the sudden thrill of being completely at his mercy, the weight of his body pressing me into the bedroll, a heady mix of vulnerability and exhilaration flooding my senses.
"Do you trust me?" he asks, his voice low, teasing, but there's an undercurrent of seriousness that sends a thrill racing through me.
"Do I have a choice?" I reply, trying to sound defiant but feeling the flush of excitement creeping up my neck.
"Good answer," he says, leaning down, his lips barely brushing against mine, teasingly close yet just out of reach. The warmth of his breath sends tingles across my skin, and I can't resist the urge to lean in, desperate for that connection.
"Stop teasing," I whisper my heart racing, the air thick with unspoken tension. "Just kiss me already."
With a low growl of approval, he closes the distance, capturing my lips with his in a fierce, passionate kiss. It's electric, a jolt that sends sparks dancing along my nerves, igniting every inch of my skin. The kiss deepens, and I lose myself in the taste of him—warm and intoxicating.
His lips move against mine with a hungry urgency, coaxing me into the rhythm of it. I respond instinctively, wrapping my arms around the nape of his neck, pulling him closer, urging him on. The world outside the tent fades away, leaving only the two of us, entangled in the heat of the moment.
I can feel the weight of his body pressing into mine, the way his strength envelops me, sending a rush of desire coursing through my veins. It's overwhelming and intoxicating, igniting a fire within me that I didn't know was there.
I part my legs and he adjusts, slotting between them— gods it was an effort for my legs to even widen enough. He grabbed my thigh in one of his large hands and guided it up higher, then the other, until I was in a mating press beneath him. He smirked against my lips, his hands moving to trail up my sides. "Now you're really at my mercy," He purred and my core thrummed in anticipation.
"Lorcan," I panted into his open mouth, unable to find the words to tell him how badly I needed this.
"As much as I love the sound of you moaning my name, I need you to stay quiet for me, yeah?" He asked and I sucked in a breath, nodding all too quickly, too desperately.
He smirked at the reaction and captured my lips with his yet again, devouring me as he pried my mouth open with his tongue, exploring me with it, not missing a spot uncovered.
I tugged at the waistband of his pants and he captured my wrist before I could tug them down much further. "Not yet, I need to stretch you out first," He warned, his tone brooking no argument.
I let out a soft whimper of protest and he pressed his mouth onto mine, his voice softening as he said, "I don't want to hurt you, be patient for me and I promise I'll make you feel good alright?" He reassured me, his thumb brushing over the pulse point of my wrist before releasing it.
I nod slowly, slipping my hands into his silky black hair while he pushes up my nightgown.
He practically tore through my panties without a second thought, then froze for a moment before making contact. His eyes flicked to mine and I returned his stare with pleasing eyes and a rapid nod. He leaned down, below my lips and to the line of my jaw, making his way down the column of my throat before his calloused fingertips came to contact with my pulsing cunt.
His lips morphed into a malicious smile as he felt just how badly I needed him, the way I was practically dripping down his hand. "So wet, and here I was thinking you hated me?" He drawled against my skin, kissing down my chest and then back up to the hollow of my throat.
I tug at his hair, silently begging him for more. "Lorcan," I whine, words failing me as I arch into his touch, attempting to get even the smallest taste of pleasure. "Please, touch me," I swallow past the lump in my throat.
"I am touching you, love," He whispered, his breath ghosting over the shell of my ear.
My brows furrowed, features contorting with need. "Inside of me, please," I beg. A smirk pulls at his lips and he leans closer, gently pressing his lips to my cheek— too gentle to be casual. But I didn't have time to weigh the action because suddenly he had two fingers pushing inside of my aching cunt, stretching me out.
A gasp escaped me and he swallowed it greedily before connecting our lips again, silencing me.
His long, calloused fingers pumped skillfully into me, grazing against my contracting walls. "Fuck, you're tight," He breathed as I clenched desperately around his hand, gripping his hair but not pulling. His other hand snaked up my propped-up thigh, pinning it down with a possessive need.
His thumb met my clit and it took everything in me not to scream, to cry out his name. "That's it," He encouraged. "Such a good girl, staying quiet for me," He praised, making the tension in my core tighten until it was nearly unbearable.
My overwhelming need for release was all-consuming, every thrust of his fingers, every roll of his thumb sent me reeling. He knew I was close, knew from the way I was trembling beneath him— I knew that he knew, but still, I cried in protest when his hand stilled.
"Not yet," He warned softly, pulling his hand out of me entirely, leaving me empty and aching. I opened my mouth to protest, to beg him to keep going, but he cut me off with a searing kiss, swallowing my complaints with his lips. "I said, be patient," He whispered against my mouth, his tone dark and commanding. "And when you come, it'll be on my cock. Understood?"
I nodded quickly, my breath coming in desperate pants, the tension in my body screaming for release. But I clamped down on my objections, not wanting him to drag this out longer than he already meant to.
His smirk widened, pleased with my compliance, and he finally rid himself of the last of his clothes, his pants hitting the ground with a soft thud. The sight of him—broad and powerful, his skin glistening in the dim light of the tent—made my pulse quicken, and the need to feel him inside me surged with renewed intensity.
He moved to get rid of my clothes too, still bunched at my hips. Luckily he didn't rip it off of me as he did with my panties, instead guided the material over my head, baring me to the brisk night air and his intense gaze.
"Beautiful," He whispered softly, pressing a claiming kiss to the top of one of my breasts. My lip wobbled with a need to moan but I held it down, instead distracted myself with the sight of him.
His shirtless figure was a sight to behold, carved muscle and a chest as hard as marble, but it was what was below his torso that made me pause.
I had expected Lorcan to be big, but gods. I had been with many men in my immortal life, and still, he made me freeze.
His smirk widened as he noticed where my stare was directed. He settled himself between my thighs, his broad frame dwarfing mine. I could feel the heat of him pressing into me, so much of him. My breath hitched, and his dark eyes flicked down, catching the way I bit my lip as he aligned himself at my entrance. His size alone had me trembling, and he knew it—relishing in the subtle way my body tensed beneath him.
He leaned down, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "I almost feel bad," he whispered, "about how much I'm going to stretch you out."
A low whimper escaped me, and I felt his grin against my skin. My fingers curled into his hair, tugging lightly as I drew him closer, desperate for more. His eyes darkened as I pulled harder, and I could feel the tension ripple through his body.
"Be good for me, love, and stay still," he purred, voice a velvety rasp. His hips barely moved, teasing me with the blunt head of his cock as he pushed forward just enough to stretch me—just enough to drive me wild. He pulled back before I could feel the full pressure, a low groan rumbling in his chest as he watched my hips arch off the bedding, chasing him.
"You're so desperate," he murmured, his breath hot against my throat, "so needy." His tone was teasing in a way that would usually enrage me, but the way he said it sent a rush of heat to my core instead, making me clench around nothing, aching for him to fill me.
"Lorcan," I whispered, my voice trembling as I shifted beneath him, trying to ease the ache. He groaned at the sound of his name on my lips, and the tension in his body told me he was holding back, keeping himself in check for my sake.
Slowly, torturously, he guided himself to my entrance, the blunt head of his cock teasing me, stretching me open just enough to make me gasp. My nails dug into his shoulders as he began to push forward, the burn of the stretch sending sparks of pain-laced pleasure through my core.
"Fuck," I breathed, my eyes squeezing shut as he inched deeper. He was so big—bigger than I'd expected—and I had to fight to keep my breaths steady as my body adjusted to the size of him.
Lorcan paused for a moment, letting me catch my breath, his large hand caressing my thigh in slow, soothing strokes. "You're doing so well," he murmured, his voice a low rasp, full of restraint. "Just relax for me."
"Stay still," he breathed, voice rough as he pulled back just enough to make me whine, the emptiness unbearable. "Gods, it's hard to control myself when you keep moving like that."
A shiver ran through me at his words, my core clenching around him as he pressed forward again, slow and deliberate, giving me every thick inch of him until I was stretched impossibly full. My legs trembled as they tried to accommodate his size, and his hands came down to hold them steady, lifting my thighs higher, and spreading me wider beneath him.
"That's it, just like that," he murmured, his voice dropping to a growl as he adjusted his angle, sliding deeper still. "Good girl, taking me so well."
I whimpered at the praise, my fingers tangling in his hair, tugging harder now, desperate to feel him move. His breath hitched, a low moan escaping him as I pulled, and I could feel the way it affected him—how much it pushed him closer to the edge of his restraint.
But Lorcan wasn't one to be rushed.
He withdrew agonizingly slow, leaving me panting beneath him, aching for him to fill me again. "You can handle a little more, can't you?" he teased, his lips curling into a smirk as he saw the need in my eyes. My hands moved from his hair to the nape of his neck, trying to pull him back down to me, urging him on, but he caught my wrists with ease, pinning them above my head with one large hand. The contrast in size was startling—his fingers easily wrapping around both of my wrists, holding me completely at his mercy.
He leaned down, his lips barely brushing mine as he whispered, "Stay still, or I'll make you wait longer."
A soft whimper escaped me, and he chuckled darkly, pleased with my compliance. Slowly, he started to move again, his thrusts deep and deliberate, each one drawing out the delicious stretch, making me gasp as he filled me completely, finally bottoming out as his hips pressed into mine.
My body trembled beneath him, the intensity of it building with every slow, torturous thrust. I could feel the thick slide of him inside me, the way my walls clenched around his cock, desperate to hold him, to keep him deep inside. But Lorcan kept up the slow pace, each thrust deeper than the last, drawing me out, making me feel every inch of him.
"Fuck, so tight," he murmured, his voice low and rough, filled with desire. His free hand slid down my side, gripping my waist as he pulled me closer, his hips rolling into me with a new intensity that made me see stars.
"Lorcan," I mewled, writhing beneath him, bucking my hips up to meet his
He let out a low growl as I continued to disobey his order to stay still. "If you keep doing that," he warned, his voice thick with strain, "I'm not going to be able to stop myself."
"Then don't," I breathed, my voice trembling as I arched into him, wanting—needing—more.
His eyes darkened, and before I could say anything else, he was moving again, faster now, his thrusts more intense, each one hitting deeper, making me cry out in pleasure. He swallowed my moans with his mouth, devouring me with a kiss so fierce it left me breathless.
Lorcan's hand, the one not gripping my wrists, slipped between us, his thumb brushing over my clit with just enough pressure to make me gasp, my body jerking beneath him. "Stay quiet," he reminded me, his voice a low growl as his thumb circled slowly, teasingly. "We wouldn't want anyone to hear, would we?"
I shook my head frantically, biting down on my lip to keep from crying out as his pace quickened, the tension inside me building unbearably with every push and pull of his powerful hips, every circle of his thumb on my sensitive clit. I was so close, so on edge, but I knew he wasn't going to let me go just yet. He wanted to drag it out, to make me feel every second of it.
His lips ghosted over my ear as he whispered, "I love how small you feel beneath me—how perfectly you fit around my cock."
His words sent a shiver down my spine, making my walls tighten around him in response. I could feel the heat of his body pressing into mine, the steady rhythm of his thrusts making me dizzy with desire. The way he filled me, stretched me, it was almost too much—almost, but not enough.
I wanted more. I needed more.
He pulled back just enough to smirk down at me, his eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction. "Gods, you're so fucking tight," he growled, his voice low and guttural as he picked up the pace, thrusting into me harder, deeper. My body arched beneath him, instinctively chasing the pleasure only he could give me.
His hand, still holding my wrists above my head, tightened its grip, his other sliding down my body to grab hold of my waist, pulling me against him with each thrust. The intensity was overwhelming, but I craved every second of it. His thumb returned to my clit, circling it with maddening precision, making my toes curl and my breath catches in my throat.
I bit down on my lip, desperate to keep quiet as he'd commanded, but it was nearly impossible with the way he was driving me to the brink, over and over again. I could feel the pressure building in my core, a white-hot ball of tension that threatened to unravel me at any moment.
"You close baby?" Lorcan rasped, his voice rough as he ground his hips into mine, each thrust hitting deeper than the last. His thumb pressed harder on my clit, the friction sending shockwaves through my body.
I nodded frantically, unable to form coherent words, my head spinning with the need for release.
"Beg for it," he commanded, his breath hot against my ear as he continued his relentless pace, driving me wild. "Beg me to let you come."
I whimpered, my body trembling beneath him as I struggled to find the words. "Please, Lorcan," I whispered, my voice shaking as I arched up against him, desperate for more. "Please, please I can't hold it— I need it, Lor."
He groaned at my words, his thrusts becoming harder, more erratic, his control slipping. "Good girl," he growled, his voice thick with desire. "Go ahead, come on my cock."
With those words, the tension inside me snapped. My entire body clenched around him, my back arching off the bed as I came undone, the wave of pleasure crashing over me so violently I saw stars. I bit down on my lip, stifling the scream that threatened to escape as my orgasm tore through me, every nerve in my body alight with sensation.
Lorcan let out a low, guttural groan as he felt me clench around him, his pace faltering as he chased his own release. His hips snapped into mine one last time, burying himself deep inside me as he came with a low growl, his body trembling with the force of it.
For a long, breathless second, neither of us moved, the sounds of our ragged breathing the only thing filling the air. But as the intensity slowly ebbed, Lorcan pulled back, his smirk already returning to his lips. He let out a satisfied hum as he leaned down to press a lazy kiss to my jaw. "See? You can follow orders when you really want to."
I swatted his chest weakly, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Don't get used to it," I said, still panting, though my voice had a playful edge to it.
He chuckled, rolling off me and settling onto his side, his large arm draped possessively over my waist. "I don't need to. You'll break soon enough."
I snorted, feeling the familiar banter falling back into place. "You're dreaming, Salvaterre. If anything, you're the one breaking. You were practically trembling back there."
His dark eyes flashed with amusement, and he leaned down to brush his lips against my ear. "Oh, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice low and teasing. "If I was really trying to break you, you wouldn't even be able to walk right now."
I rolled my eyes, unable to stop the grin tugging at my lips. "Bold words for an old man who can barely control himself."
He raised a brow, his grip on my waist tightening just enough to remind me of his strength. "Care to test that theory?"
I shot him a challenging look, though the heat still lingered in my veins. "Maybe next time," I teased, flipping onto my side to face him, our noses brushing and suddenly the tent didn't feel all that small. "You've got to save some energy if you plan on keeping up with me, after all."
His eyes glinted with amusement, and the playful edge in his smile sent a shiver of anticipation through me. "Oh, you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into,"
With a wink, I scooted a little further from him— well, as far as I could, feigning innocence. "Well, in that case, let's see if you can keep your hands to yourself until morning."
Lorcan's low chuckle reverberated in the tent, his eyes gleaming with challenge as he watched me. "Go to sleep already," He insisted. I look at him, staring at his features softened by the moonlight filtering through the canvas.
And as I settled back into the blankets, his body warm beside mine, I couldn't help but smirk, knowing that the game between us was far from over. "Goodnight, Lor," I mumble quietly.
The faint light of dawn filtered through the tent, pulling me from sleep. The warmth of Lorcan's body was missing, and the space beside me felt cool to the touch. I blinked groggily, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I rolled onto my back, pulling the thin blankets over my bare body, the events of the previous night replaying in my mind.
I swallowed hard, my heart thudding as I thought about everything—what it meant to have crossed that line with Lorcan. We'd been stuck in this tense back-and-forth, pushing each other's buttons ever since I met the male, but last night had changed everything, we stepped past a boundary we couldn't come back from. A part of me wondered if it would be different now, or if he'd go back to being the brooding, impossible male he was before. My chest tightened, but I pushed the thought aside. No use overthinking it, especially when we had a mission to accomplish.
I took a deep breath, sitting up and squaring my shoulders as I reached for my clothes, trying to act as normal as possible. We had orders and obligations, and I couldn't afford to be distracted by what happened between us. But gods, it was hard to ignore the lingering ache in my body, between my legs, the reminder of how thoroughly Lorcan had claimed me.
I ran my hands through my messy head of hair and braided it back to have somewhat of a semblance of neatness. With my nightgown replaced by my gear, I slipped out of the tent, the early morning air crisp against my skin, my boots crunching on the fallen leaves. As I approached the campfire, I spotted Lorcan among the rest of Maeve's blood sworn—all gathered around, the smell of campfire smoke filling my senses.
The moment I stepped to where the rest sat, Fenrys' head snapped up, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Well, well," he drawled, his golden eyes sparkling with amusement. "Look who decided to join us."
I forced a casual smile, pretending I hadn't noticed the way the rest of the males exchanged looks. "Good morning," I said, keeping my voice steady, though I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I kept my eyes off Lorcan as I took a seat beside the white wolf, ignoring the tension in my stomach that was somewhere between knots and butterflies.
Lorcan didn't say anything, but I could feel his presence in front of me, his tall frame looming over the fire as he flipped something on the skillet. I couldn't tell what it was amidst the flames, but with the way Vaughan and Rowan were wincing something told me it was a bird one of the others seemed good enough to eat.
Rowan raised a brow at me, his sharp gaze flicking between Lorcan and me before he smirked. "You sleep well?" he asked innocently, though the gleam in his eyes betrayed him.
I shot him a sidelong glance. "As well as I could, considering someone was snoring."
Fenrys snorted, nudging Gavriel on the other side of him, who was trying—and failing—to keep a straight face. "Must've been some noise last night," Fenrys said under his breath, not bothering to hide the grin that tugged at his lips.
Heat surged to my face, and I glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Gavriel gave a soft cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh, while Fenrys outright cackled. "Don't worry," Fenrys said, flashing me a wink. "No judgments here."
My face felt like it was on fire, and I was sure my expression was betraying me, but I shot back, "How sweet of you, Fenrys."
"You know, if you ever grow bored of the brooding male you could always come join me in my tent instead," Fenrys added, leaning back on his palms with his signature smirk. "I could show you what it's like to really be loud," He suggested and I swore Lorcan's knuckles turned white he was gripping his hunting knife so tightly. But he remained steady, didn't so much as look at us as he awaited my reply.
"Tempting, Fenrys, but I think I'll stick with what I have. Once you go tall, dark, and brooding, it's hard to go back." I say, flicking my gaze past the fire to Lorcan, whose shoulders visibly relaxed.
Fenrys clenched at his chest, pretending to be mortally wounded. "Ah, so it's like that, is it?" he quipped, but the glint in his eye said he was far from offended. "I guess I'll just have to find solace in knowing I could've changed your life forever."
I grinned, leaning back on my hands as I shot him a mock-sympathetic look. "You'll survive, Fenrys. I hear rejection builds character."
He was about to retort when Rowan chimed in, his deep voice filled with dry amusement. "I don't know, Fenrys. After last night, it sounds like she found someone more than capable of showing her a good time."
My cheeks flamed as I glared at Rowan, though I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up. "You too, huh?" I shot back.
Before Fenrys could continue the teasing, Lorcan finally broke his silence, his voice a low, gravelly rumble. "Don't you have better things to do than gossip about things that don't concern you?" He still didn't look up from the skillet, but the hard set of his jaw and the tension in his broad shoulders were unmistakable.
Vaughan, silent as ever, gave a half-shrug, tossing a stick into the fire as he added his two cents, his voice calm but amused. "Considering the noise last night, it kind of does concern all of us."
A chorus of snickers followed, and even Gavriel cracked a grin. My face went up in flames, and I buried it in my hands. "You all need better hobbies," I muttered into my palms, but it did nothing to stop the laughter ringing through the camp.
I turned my head just enough to catch Lorcan's eyes as he finally glanced over at me, the firelight flickering in his gaze. The corner of my lips lifted in a challenging smirk.
"If you lot are done, breakfast is ready." He moved and passed me a plate, his warm hand brushing against mine for just a second—a flicker of something unspoken passing between us—before he turned back to the skillet.
The knowing looks from the others didn't stop throughout breakfast. Fenrys continued to make sly comments, Rowan smirked every time Lorcan so much as glanced at me, and even Gavriel, the most serious of the group, couldn't completely hide his amusement.
I had managed to block all of their comments and snickering remarks out, but for some reason, I wasn't able to shake the stare Lorcan had pinned on me.
I looked over to him and for a moment his eyes flicked down to my lips, a challenge. I smirked, beckoning him to test the silent boundaries. He didn't move, but he didn't look away either, and something told me we were nowhere near finished with each other.
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lemon-russ · 3 months ago
My brain is full of Leman Russ nonsense and I'm making it everyones problem. No edit, written in bed on my phone, no regerts.
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Leman Russ x F!Reader
Pre-emperor discovering Fenris
Cw: none it's just fluff
Tags (see I can write things that are not horrors still): @sleepyfan-blog @undeaddream @scriberye @lisikk
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It wasn't often someone got to be alone with The Wolf King.
He had people clamoring to be near him constantly. He had a whole court, the Russ tribe, friends, admirers. It was rare for the massive man to be seen without at least his wolf-kin at his side.
But tonight, you had him to yourself.
Walking through fresh, still falling snow, your footsteps crunching and the world muffled by the flakes.
“Are you cold, pup?” He asked softly. You smile up at him, shaking your head no. You're wrapped in soft furs- furs of beasts he hunted, skinned, and cured for you when he found out you had been wrapping in blankets in the snow instead.
He grins down at you, his teeth sharp unlike any others. It was partially where his title came from. The Wolf King.
But for you, he is just Leman. Your Leman.
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, walking through the moonlit snow easily with his wide strides. The woods are beautiful tonight, fat snow flakes clinging to pine needles, framing the forest in white. It wasn't often the snow came down so gently. A rare treat to see the world so at rest.
He leads you to a tree, packing down some of the snow and laying out a fur for you to sit on. You gratefully take the seat, and he flops next to you and pulls you against him, tucking his fur around you.
You sigh, snuggling to his broad chest. You're tiny, compared to him. There are many myths to why the wolf king is so large and strong, some claiming his wolf-mother blessed him, some say he is a god reborn. You tease him that it's because his heart is so big, he had to grow to hold it. This is usually met with an assault of kisses and tickles.
Leman looks up at the moon, full and fighting to be seen between breaks in the snow clouds.
“Usually I enjoy the energy and excitement of a harsh storm-” he says as he rubs your back. “But even I have to sit and admire when things are peaceful.”
You smile up at him, admiring his strong jaw and pale eyes. “It is a lovely view.” You say softly.
He glances down at you with a smirk. “I meant the moon, you silly pup.” He chuckles, squeezing you closer as you giggle.
His expression grows softer, meeting your eyes quietly a moment.
“Leman…?” You ask softly.
He looks like he is in thought. Then he takes a deep breath, and moves to hold both of your hands between his.
“Pup, I… I've been considering something.” He says in that soft tone reserved for you. “I think now is a good time for it…”
You knit your brow, “A good time for…” your words trail as he pulls a ribbon from his pocket.
An intricately embroidered ribbon, with wolf emblems, and his tribes runes and- and your tribes runes-
Your breath catches in your throat, your heart hammering. You look back up at him and are met with a sweet, tender, and very nervous looking Wolf King.
“I have given this a lot of thought…” he says gently, looking at the ribbon between his hands. “I wasn't sure if… if I should. My life is hectic. It is hard. I love being The Wolf King, and I love the fenrisian people. But it can be overwhelming…” he looks back to your eyes.
“But I think… I want to do it with you by my side. With our pups running around the Aett. With you in my bed every night…” he smiles nervously.
“If you'd have me, love, I will do everything in my power to make sure you never go a day without anything. Warmth, food, mjöd, clothes…”
You blink back tears, moving to kneel before him, taking his face between your small hands.
He sighs and smiles, tears shimmering in his own eyes. You reach for his hands, wrapping the ribbon around your hand.
“I only ever need you, my heart.” You say gently. “Every day that I share with you, I have everything I need.”
A tear falls down Leman's face as he lets out a small laugh. He encompasses your hand in his, then wraps the ribbon around it.
“I vow to be at your side, every day, for the rest of our lives…” he says softly. “I vow to care for you, to love you, to carry you when you are weak…” he adds, wrapping the ribbon once more each promise.
You take the ribbon and loop it around again. “I vow to love you until the end of days…” you promise, “and to be your comfort, and to be the hearth you come home to to warm your heart when being the Wolf King tires you…”
He smiles, helping you tie the ends to a knot. Tears chill both of your cheeks as you meet eachothers eyes.
“And I vow to be at the worlds end, hand in hand with you, my love.” You say with a wavering voice.
He raises your free hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “And I will be there with you, as it all crumbles away, my heart. My love.” He kisses your hand again, then leans down and presses a tear salted kiss to your lips.
“My Wolf Queen.”
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imsandra · 5 months ago
A Little Interruption
Pairing: Lorcan Salvaterre x Female Reader
Summary: Even the shadows know how to find the light of day.
Warning: Fluff
Word Count: 1239
Notes: I hope you enjoy this story by Lorcan. As always, let me know your comments, suggestions, everything is welcome as long as it is with the motivation to teach and with respect.
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any spelling or grammar issues.
Original story, I wrote it myself. Please do not copy or plagiarize my story.
I appreciate the comments, reblogs, and likes I receive.
Happy reading!
Master list
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The cool breeze and afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows of Orynth's castle.
The grand hall was filled with serious conversations, military strategies, and tactical discussions.
Aelin sat at the end of the long wooden table, with her characteristic regal bearing. Next to her, Rowan remained silent, as always, vigilant and attentive. Gavriel, Aedion, Fenrys, and other members of the queen’s inner circle were in their designated seats at the table, discussing details of recent missions and alternate routes for upcoming journeys. The atmosphere was comfortable, almost familiar, despite the seriousness of the topic.
Lorcan remained in his usual spot, arms crossed, his expression tense as always. He was focused on the conversation until he heard a light knock at the door. He barely paid attention at first, thinking it was a servant. But when the door opened slightly, and a small head peeked in, he knew his peace had come to an end.
With light steps, his small daughter, with dark hair and bright eyes, entered the room, holding a little cookie in her hands. Her blue dress swayed around her as she ran towards Lorcan, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the environment.
“Daddy,” she said with her little voice, drawing the attention of everyone present, “I brought you a cookie.”
Lorcan sighed, but his expression softened the moment his eyes met his daughter’s. He stretched out his hand and took the cookie she offered with a shy smile.
“Thank you, little one,” he murmured, whispering something only she could hear, as he patted her head.
“Aww, how cute!” Fenrys teased, never missing the chance to enjoy the spectacle.
Aedion smirked, exchanging an amused glance with Rowan. Aelin, sitting across the table, hid a smile behind her fingers.
“Daddy’s busy now, sweetheart,” Lorcan said gently. “Go to your mom, alright?”
Rosella nodded eagerly and, with a giggle, left the room again. It wasn’t long before the door opened once more, and the same little figure ran towards Lorcan again. This time, she held a slightly battered flower that she had plucked from one of the gardens.
“Daddy, this is for you.”
Lorcan blinked, and this time, a murmur of laughter rippled through the table. Fenrys couldn’t contain a chuckle.
“A flower? Well, Lorcan, it seems you’ve won over the ladies,” he said with a mocking grin.
Aelin let out a giggle, and Rowan gave her a knowing look. Lorcan, with his usual limited patience, carefully took the flower and placed it on the table.
“Thank you, honey,” he said, almost resigned. “But I need you to go to your mom now.”
Once again, the little girl left, but not five minutes passed before the door opened again, this time without even a knock. The little one burst in, a wide smile on her face and a folded handkerchief in her hands.
“Daddy, I found this. Is it yours?”
Lorcan dropped his head back, visibly testing his patience while the others struggled to contain their laughter. This time, even Gavriel, usually the most serious, couldn’t help but smile at the child’s persistence.
“Daddy, it’s your handkerchief,” she said, as if it were the most important thing in the world.
Lorcan took the handkerchief and tucked it into his cloak, while the little one stood firmly beside him, not moving.
“Thank you, my girl,” he said softly, before trying again: “Now, go to your mom.”
Before the little one could leave, the door opened once more. This time, it was Y/N who appeared at the doorway, a playful smile on her face.
“Am I interrupting something important?” she asked, her voice soft but clearly amused as she looked at Lorcan with a glint in her eyes. “It seems someone can’t be away from their father for long.”
The girl ran towards her mother, but before reaching her, she spun on her heels and ran back to hug Lorcan’s legs.
“I don’t want to go!” she said firmly, clinging to her father as if her life depended on it.
Aelin, completely amused by the situation, decided to seize the moment.
“Oh no, let her stay,” she said, grinning mischievously. “It’s adorable to see Lorcan’s softer side, isn’t it, boys?”
Fenrys burst out laughing.
“I never thought I’d see the day Lorcan Salvaterre would be tamed by a five-year-old girl,” Fenrys shot Lorcan a mocking grin. “You’re completely done for, brother.”
Lorcan shot a murderous glare at Fenrys, though it was hard to intimidate anyone when a small child was clinging to his legs, insisting on staying with her “daddy.”
“If you keep talking, Fenrys,” Lorcan said in a low, threatening voice, “you’re going to wish you hadn’t when I’m done with you on the training field.”
Fenrys leaned back, feigning fear as the others laughed.
“And here I thought I’d seen everything,” Aedion added, leaning against the table as he looked at the little girl. “Maybe we should take her to the next battle. She clearly has power over you that none of us have.”
Y/N smiled as she watched the scene, crossing her arms with a satisfied expression. She knew Lorcan would never admit how much he had changed since their daughter came into their lives. He was still the relentless warrior everyone knew, but with them, with his family, he had found a kind of peace that no bloodiest battle could ever offer.
Rose, ignoring the buzz around her, leaned against her father’s knee and, with a sweetness that would melt the hardest heart, bent to kiss his cheek. Lorcan remained still for a moment, completely bewildered, while a slight blush crossed his face. The others could barely contain their amusement.
“Now,” the little one whispered, snuggling into Lorcan’s neck, and with a deep sigh, let exhaustion take over.
Lorcan glanced sideways at her, completely unable to stay impassive. As gently as possible, he shifted his daughter in his arms, settling her against his chest. The little girl sank against him, her breathing slow and calm, and Lorcan let out a soft sigh, resigned to the situation.
The momentary silence was broken by Fenrys, who leaned forward with a mischievous smile on his face.
“If I weren’t seeing it, I’d never believe it,” he muttered, while the others exchanged amused glances.
Lorcan didn’t respond. His attention was entirely focused on the small figure asleep in his arms, his demeanor now relaxed, with a softness he almost never showed. He leaned down, pressing his lips to his daughter’s forehead in a delicate kiss.
“Looks like you’re no longer the scariest person in the room, Lorcan,” Rowan teased, though his voice also held a note of admiration.
Lorcan simply rolled his eyes and threw a quick glance at her, who had now moved closer to him. She smiled, gently touching their daughter’s arm before leaning down to kiss Lorcan’s forehead.
“I think that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen,” Y/N whispered.
He returned her look, a glint of affection in his eyes.
“Don’t get used to it,” he replied, though the slight smile on his face betrayed his words.
With the little Rosella soundly asleep on his chest and Y/N’s warm presence by his side, Lorcan let the rest of the meeting continue around him, though he couldn’t help but notice the knowing glances everyone was casting his way.
For the first time in his life, perhaps, he didn’t mind.
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*divider by @cafekitsune , thank you <33
A/N: I had baby fever these past few weeks so I made Lorcan a dad, I hope you enjoyed it. It's probably not necessary for a 5 year old to speak extremely well or maybe it is, I rarely hang out with kids so I'm not sure lol
I love you guys 💛.
tags: @sidthedollface2 Sorry it took me so long and I hope you enjoyed it, kisses 😚.
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erisvansserra · 9 months ago
Bruised Pride | Fenrys x Reader
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Summary:- Fenrys tries to show off during training but Rowan uses his peacocking to put him on his ass. Then an embarrassed Fenrys has to be mended by Y/N
A/N:- this was a request!! yay me!! I really liked this idea and thought it would be cute to see Fen not as smug and cocky as usual.
Warnings:- none, some small fluff though
She leaned against the warm cobblestone fence, her face lifted to the sky as she soaked in the last few rays of afternoon sun. It would have been peaceful if not for the grunts and yelps of the cadre's afternoon training.
"Move your feet more, boyo!"
"You're too stiff!"
"Can you look at what you're doing?"
Rowan tutted, correcting Fenrys's form for the umpteenth time that hour.
Opening one eye slightly, she glanced towards the high fae males. Rowan and Fenrys had discarded their shirts hours ago under the hot summer sun, their skin slick with sweat as they moved gracefully. Gavriel leaned against a tree nearby, watching his fellow warriors train. She observed as Rowan corrected Fenrys again, using the tip of his sword to adjust the young wolf's stance.
Fenrys caught her gaze and flashed a charming smile that made her close her eyes reflexively. She didn't mind Fenrys; he was annoying and arrogant, but fundamentally a good male. What bothered her was how effortlessly he could coax a blush from her every time they interacted. Lost in the moment, she enjoyed the summer sun, the chirping birds, and the feel of grass between her fingers. Her mind wandered to what lay ahead for her and this new court.
Her peace was shattered by a grunt and the sound of a body hitting the ground.
Looking up, she saw Rowan standing over Fenrys, arms crossed, his expression unreadable as the young wolf clutched his stomach.
"Is he okay?" she asked, rising and walking over, joining Gavriel beside Rowan as they peered down at Fenrys.
"I'm... fine," Fenrys managed between sharp breaths, trying to compose himself. She raised an eyebrow, turning to Rowan for an explanation.
"He was distracted," Rowan grunted, then turned and walked away towards the castle, leaving her confused and frustrated. Fenrys rolled onto his back, muttering, "He isn't very fun to train with," as he slowly got to his feet.
"I think he's bruised your ribs," she noted, observing his careful movements. Though he usually towered over her, he was now slightly hunched, one hand gingerly holding his side. Her gaze flicked to his face, where a small cut had appeared just above his eyebrow.
"I don't think that's all he bruised," Gavriel quipped, helping Fenrys steady himself. The white wolf growled softly in response, his lip curling before pain washed over him again.
"Come on, Fen, let's get you inside," she said gently, wrapping an arm around his waist while he leaned on her shoulder. They made their way to his room, where she settled him onto his bed. "Where do you keep your bandages?" she asked casually, beginning to search through drawers and cupboards.
He nodded his head towards the bathing chamber, she walked into the large space, taking in the marble green floor and the black bathtub. She could stand here and admire how beautiful the architecture was all day, but she quickly shook her head and continued searching.
Sitting beside him on the bed, she examined the cut on his head.
"It's healed already," he remarked, running his thumb over the now-closed wound.
"And how are your ribs?" she inquired, lifting his shirt slightly. He winced as the fabric brushed against the tender bruise on his side. She sucked in a breath. "I think you need ice."
He hummed in agreement, lowering his shirt to conceal the bruise and his warm, tanned skin.
"I've seen you train before... how did this happen?" she asked curiously.
He considered her question, weighing different responses that wouldn't make him sound like a love-struck puppy. "I asked Rowan to submit to me so I could... impress you," he admitted with a blush creeping onto his face. "But he felt the need to knock some sense into me instead," he added, attempting to sound lighthearted.
Her blush mirrored his own as she gently brushed his hair away from his eyes. "How about I get you that ice and we just... forget I saw anything?" she offered with a small smile, a mutual understanding passing between them never to mention this again.
"Thanks, y/n," he said, briefly squeezing her hand.
She spent the rest of the afternoon with Fenrys in his room, chatting about their lives before the war and comparing them to the easy lives they now led, replacing ice packs on his ribs as needed. By nightfall, he could sit up without wincing, his golden hair cascading over his broad shoulders as he looked down at her.
Their eyes met briefly before she felt butterflies in her stomach, prompting her to stand up from the bed. "I'll go fetch dinner," she said quickly, but his firm grip on her arm stopped her. Looking back at him, she heard him say softly, "You've done enough," as he gently pulled her back onto the bed.
She smiled and settled back beside him, spending the rest of the night at his side as per his request, talking and laughing until the moon hung high in the sky.
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morganwrites12672 · 11 months ago
Can I request a Rowan whitethorn x f-reader
Lots of fluff and comfort from rowan reader is overwhelmed and overworked but is such a people pleaser and has a hard time saying no to people and rowan steps in and also helps reader with everything and helps her realx
Rowan Whitethorn x Reader
Summary: (request)
Y/n groans as she opens the door to her apartment. Her bag hits the floor with a dull thud as she haphazardly tosses it on the floor. She would properly deal with it in the morning. It could wait, she was exhausted from a busy day.
It had started simple enough. She was only supposed to be doing simple tasks in the Wendlyn village. She had already been exhausted, having recently returned from a trip to do scouting in another country for Maeve.
It hadn't ended that way though. She had wound up unable to tell anyone no. She had helped everyone that had asked. How was she supposed to turn down Fenrys when he asked for help with some stitch work? How was she supposed to say no when she was called down to Mistward to help for the day? She couldn't. That seemed to be the issue.
Y/n snapped to attention as she noticed something unusual. Rowan was sitting on her couch. He wasn't supposed to have returned from his travels for another two weeks.
Her lips quirked up in a smile, she quickly walked over to the couch. She curled up on the couch next to him. Allowing her eyes to flutter closed as she rested her head against his shoulder.
"I thought you were taking it easy after your trip," Rowan says quietly. The sound of his voice makes Y/n open her eyes. She looks up at him before speaking.
"I was... In Mistward." She groaned. Rowan would pry the truth out of her no matter what she tried to tell him.
Rowan shifted so that Y/n was practically laying half in his lap. She gave him a tired smile and he sighed. His eyebrows here drawn together, in concern. He was always worried about her.
"Why were you in Mistward?" He asked, his voice more irritated than before. His eyes practically pierced through her skin. It felt like he could see through her.
"It was busy. There were quite a few new half faes that entered recently. They all need training, I was just helping out a little bit!" She said, trying to defend her actions.
Rowan shook his head, looking away from her. She could feel the irritation radiating off of his body. The air in the room suddenly felt thick with tension. Rowan had told her many times recently, she needed to stop taking on too many things at once. Especially whenever she was already exhausted.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself," He said finally. He looked back at her, his green eyes meeting hers. "Look at you! You're exhausted. And let me guess, you are already planning on doing more tomorrow."
Y/n sat up, frowning. He was right.
His gaze softened, "I'll say no for you. We can spend tomorrow in, together." He said softly, pressing a kis to her forehead.
She nodded, leaning back onto him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, resting his head on top of hers. She let her eyes fall closed, she felt peace. Being here, with her lover, was the only time she ever felt true peace. Rowan was the exact same way.
"I love you. And you're doing so much more than you need too. You take care of everyone else. Let me take care of you," He said.
She smiled against his shoulder, "I love you too." His words made her feel worlds better. She always felt like she wasn't doing enough, that she had to take care of everyone else.
It was nice for someone to take care of her instead.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year ago
Hey do you still write for fenrys? I haven't seen you writing for him in a long time but they were so good<33 If you still write for him, can we get some fluff ? :))
busy mornings 
Fenrys x Reader
Summary: Fenrys tries to convince you to sleep in. 
Warnings: none 
A/N: ahh thank you! I still write for him, i just haven't as much recently, here's a little fluff drabble
“Come here,” he grumbled from your bed, his deep voice rough with sleep. 
The sheets were down just far enough to reveal his muscled brown chest, golden hair strewn all over, messier than your own, and one hand extended out in front of him, the other curled under his pillow. 
It was too tempting, and your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, glancing between him and the clock. One hour seems like plenty of time, but you still had to eat breakfast, wake yourself up, and manage to look presentable. 
“You know I can’t.” With great effort, you managed to turn back to the mirror, trying to rake a brush through your hair. 
Sneaking up so quickly and quietly you didn’t notice, strong arms wrapped around your stomach, brush clattering to the floor. Your feet left the ground as you squealed, then you were flying through the air. Bouncing on the bed, a laugh bubbled out from your chest as he followed you back. 
“I really can’t.” 
“I’ll make up an excuse,” he slipped back under the covers, expecting you to follow. A sigh, and you swung your legs back over the side of the bed. An arm wrapped around your chest, and you were tugged back - maneuvered under the sheets with a few quick movements. 
“I don’t get to see you for a week,” he growled, “and now she’s stealing you again.” 
“We’ve been together the last two days,” you poked his chest. “And it’s not stealing, I have work to do.” 
A realization hit you just a moment later. “You’re supposed to be there too.” He ignored that, in favor of drawing you in closer. He was warm, and you were already tired. “A few minutes.” 
“Wake up fuckers,” a pounding on your door woke you. Aedion. Aelin must’ve sent him. 
“We’re naked,” Fenrys drawled. 
“We are not.” 
“For fucks sake,” he said under his breath. “Hurry up, or we’ll all be in trouble.” 
Another pound on the door, and footsteps retreated. He still hadn’t left. You’d moved across Orynth for this privacy, but they still managed to show up at your door uninvited. 
“I hope you have a good excuse,” you whispered, and tugged the sheets down, shoving away from him. This time, you managed to dart out of his reach and into the bathroom before he could catch you. “I’m taking your key back,” you yelled loud enough for the other male to hear. 
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shadowdaddies · 1 year ago
Hello!!! Can I please request a Fenrys x reader fic where they realise they’re mates during the war and all that but reader and Aedion are twins so Gavriel is also obviously her father and just how they deal with the messiness of the situation but also with lots of fluff from all sides? Thank you so much 💚💚💚
I LOVE this request; it took me a minute to figure out how to make it fluffy just because Empire of Storms is so intense but this is such a cool idea; I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it💜
Fenrys x Reader (ft. Daddy Gavriel)
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Your world flipped upside down when Adarlan conquered Terrasen. Managing to escape with your brother, Aedion, the two of you formed a plan to infiltrate the Kingdom of Adarlan, developing rebel forces for when you were reunited with your cousin, Aelin.
Aedion took over as general of the Bane, filling his ranks with those who sympathized with your cause, while you worked your way up in the palace as a servant. Your duties, ranging from cleaning rooms to becoming a handmaid to the Queen, provided great intel for Aedion that allowed the Bane to stage battles. 
When Aelin returned, you aided in her rescue of Aedion, joining her and Rowan on their journey to Skull’s Bay from that point. 
It was in Rolfe’s office when your world turned upside down. You stood alongside Rowan as Aelin pitched her deal to Rolfe to join forces against Erawan. And then the door opened, revealing two males who made your heartbeat stutter for different reasons. 
You recognized your father immediately, and he you, when your tawny eyes locked with his. He stumbled forward, a gasp leaving his lips as you stared at each other. Rowan stepped protectively in front of you, one hand on your wrist as he stared down the famous Lion, the legendary member of Maeve’s cadre, Gavriel.
“Please, let me see her,” Gavriel pleaded with Rowan, his gaze struggling to meet yours around Rowan’s hulking form. 
“Rowan, it’s fine,” you whispered. You hadn’t held the same animosity towards your father as your brother, Aedion had, as you always believed he had a reason for leaving you. This was your opportunity to learn it.
Rowan turned to you, his gaze softening at the hope in your eyes. “He is blood-sworn to Maeve. He can only deny her will to an extent, and I will not let him hurt you.”
Your eyes flicked to the other male in the room, losing your balance as you stumbled backward at the look in his eyes. Fenrys watched you, awe etched on his face as he, too, moved towards you.
Rowan growled, Aelin leaping up from Rolfe’s seat where she lounged as they moved in front of you in a protective stance.
“It’s okay,” Fenrys promised, his gaze never leaving yours. “She’s my mate.” Tears formed at your eyes, the instant connection you felt towards the striking male in front of you breaking your guard down.
“Please, Row,” you tugged against his grip, desperate to meet the two males you were sure would be the most important in your life.
Rowan looked down at you, pure fae instinct in his eyes as he turned to the members of his cadre, every bit the legendary warrior as which he was known. “What are your orders from Maeve?” he demanded.
Gavriel spoke first, his voice like something from a long-lost dream, a memory from a past life that you longed for. “We were ordered to find Lorcan and kill him. If you can help us fail in finding him, we can assist you for as long as possible. Please, Rowan, Aelin, let me meet her.”
After a long, tense moment, Rowan and Aelin nodded to each other, parting ways as you now saw clearly the two males ahead of you. Your father moved towards you first, his dark tattoos in contrast to his golden hair the first thing you noticed as you rushed towards each other. He was warm, broad, muscular arms pulling you into his lithe form as you wrapped your own around him. This is home, you thought, holding back the tears as you allowed yourself to simply feel. 
Gavriel didn’t move, waiting until you reluctantly pulled away enough to look up at him. “I have so much to explain to you. So much that I wish I could take back...”
You shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips to silence him. “We will get to all of that - later. For now, I just want to know you,” you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to your father’s cheek before turning your gaze to the male in the corner.
Breathing was difficult as you took in the extraordinary beauty of him. Blonde curls fell around bewildered, onyx eyes that locked in on you. The world spun around the two of you as his gaze held you in place. “My mate,” you whispered, moving towards him slowly, as though your feet moved of their own accord, your body drawn towards him.
Fenrys simply nodded, swallowing as his chest moved with each deep breath. A chuckle from where Rowan and Aelin stood drew the two of you from your trance, and you turned to see the amusement written on Rowan’s face. “Fen, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so stricken,” he teased.
You turned, enjoying the blush on the handsome male’s face. Biting your lip, you dared to bring a hand to the golden-brown skin of his cheek. With a slight giggle, you joked, “it’s nice to meet you, Fenrys.” He nodded, transfixed on you.
Gavriel cleared his throat, clearly refraining from his fatherly protective instincts as he leaned backwards slightly. “I’ve never... scented a mating bond quite so strong,” he noted, lip slightly curling as his glance flicked to Rowan and Aelin. They nodded in agreement, smiling encouragingly at you as they held their hands up, covering the scent from their noses.
“A strong bond, indeed,” Fenrys spoke softly, stepping forwards towards you as his fingertip grazed your jawline. A slight shift in movement from your father drew you out of the moment, stepping back as you giggled nervously at your newfound family, and mate.
Rolfe rolled his eyes, shooing the group of you out the door as Aelin sent him a wink. “Let’s go figure this out elsewhere,” Rowan grumbled, guiding you outside. The group settled at a pub downstairs, where you sat in between Gavriel and Fenrys, a deep peace settling through you as you enjoyed the presence of two males who cared about you more than you’d ever dreamed.
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maythedreadwolftakeyou · 4 days ago
20 Questions for (Fanfiction) Writers
Tagged by @serbarris thank you!! :)
How many works do you have on ao3? 20 published! don't... just don't ask how many are on my computer hard drive.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 187,071. I'm going to be honest guys I did this with a calculator from my 'Works' page and only after the next question did i remember the 'Statistics' page exists and i did not have to do all that.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fallout from the Fade | DAI | 780 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 90k; In progress/hiatus: what if Hawke manages to survive being left in the Fade, but then has to deal with the aftermath? -- My angsty longfic darling, my outlet for cliffhangers and torment. This fic is on "hiatus" in that I have decided to stop posting chapters until I finish writing it to the ending. But it's not abandoned, just secret progress only due to the Agonies and Horrors and all that (grad school).
Provided it tied you down first | DAI | 527 kudos F!Trevelyan x Solas; 17k; Complete: Solas & Trevelyan have to go undercover in a Tevinter sex dungeon, and Trevelyan can no longer hide her secret desire for Solas -- what? yeah. i wanted to try writing porn for the second time and just looked through the kink!meme prompt list until i found a funny but challenging one. sometimes the fun of writing is taking something unbelievable and working backwards like, ok so what WOULD it take to actually lead to this otherwise out of character situation? also i ran out of birth control and became Compelled to write something horny. to everyone who asks for a sequel i'm sorry i went back on the meds too fast.
Lost to Night | DAI | 227 kudos Solavellan; 11k; Complete: Solas and Lavellan slip away for some alone time after the events at the Winter Palace, but before the party really ends. -- Obligatory Halamshiral hookup fic. This was my first attempt at writing smut, i would do things somewhat different now but I like the fic. The most important thing of course is the Angst is still in there.
Less a man than a wild cat | DA2 | 263 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 15k; Complete: Hawke & Co are out drinking while Fenris is away on business, but then a grey cat with white markings that look extremely familiar turns up hissing at Anders and demanding attention from Hawke. -- this is the closest thing to fluff I'lll ever write, probably. just some silly fairytale style fun.
Letters to Fenris | DAI | 200 kudos F!Hawke x Fenris; 1.6k; Complete: a selection of letters that can be found in Fenris' room, after Hawke leaves to help the Inquisition. -- Short & sweet, my favorite hobby is making readers smile and then punching them directly in the gut. Yay!
What fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age and Mass Effect (look... i know I only have one ME fic posted, but I did write a lot more than that. just never shared it). For me personally... fanfic is most interesting when it's for exploring customizable characters & their relationship to the world of the setting. Or the NPC characters in a world that's shaped by the choices of the player. I've never really gotten into fanfic for things like books/movies/tv for this reason, just rpg's.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Hoooooo so like... i do wish i was the kind of author who thanks everyone who leaves a comment and replies thoughtfully within a reasonable timeframe. I wish it!!!!! however the 6-12 months after I started writing fanfic, pretty much every weekend for me looked like this:
stay up all night Sunday writing a chapter
Once finished writing, reward myself with respond to comments on the previous chapter
post the new chapter at 4am with minimal edits if any
sleep for 2 hours then drive to the USGS office, get in the fieldwork SUV, and take a Car Nap on the 6 hour drive to Death Valley or wherever
spend 5 days wandering the desert measuring plants with NO cell service or internet
return to Civilization covered in sand and sweat on Friday, terrorize the locals of Vegas/Moab at the grocery store, and spend 1 day recovering and checking the internet/reading all the comments left over the last week/getting filled in by friends on whatever internet memes i missed while away
now it's Sunday again and repeat this entire process
Anyway this got me in the habit of like... commenting was something i did only after i finished the next update, rather than as people leave them (since I only read them in bulk when I got home). like as a reward to keep me motivated to finish the next chapter so i can talk to people back!! and it's been 3 jobs and 10 years(🙃) since then but the habit persists. but then if it's been more than a month the last update it feels like i'm Too Late to reply anyway so i often don't. idk! maybe part of it's also that i take a LONG time between chapters nowadays bc of Life, so, i am also hiding from the fact that i'm not ready to post the next bit yet. like if i don't reply maybe you can't see me spending 7 hours per day on tumblr wasting time, and be mad that i'm not writing. i know i'm the weird outlier about a lot of fanfic things and processes haha. i do love getting and reading people's comments, sorry i'm so shit at addressing them!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Reunion, my pre-DATV release (so no spoilers) Solavellan one-shot where I wanted to make myself as sad as possible imagining a potential outcome for them. What's worse than one half of your ship dying? Maybe both of their psyches getting locked together and one subsuming the other, so what remains is neither fully the individuals or someone new, just a shattered amalgamation left to cope with all that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Staring at this like. do i ever write happy endings?? probably the Fenris-is-a-cat fic, but even that i left kind of open. i think my Hawke-deals-with-Leandra's-death fic has a pretty hopeful ending, but the fic itself is a grief exploration, so...
Do you get hate on fics? Every now and then someone leaves a comment like "I'm so sad this fic was abandoned" which, is not really a very motivating way to phrase that. and i've only really abandoned like 1 fic, i consider the others just "perpetually on the back burner", but once you get past a year with no updates I don't blame people for the assumption. my writing and hobbies are on a geologic scale rather than the fast-past biologic scale of the rest of fandom. sorry to make this about geology again.
Do you write smut? Yes... though I've only published 2 pieces and have a 3rd currently being posted. A dozen or so more exist but don't yet have fully fleshed out stories to put them inside lol (sorry Rookanis...). whoops!
Do you write crossovers? I have not. Actually wait, one time I wrote like 2000 words of Mass Effect x Animorphs in a tumblr reply and then the page refreshed and i lost it all and the Murderous Rage about that was too overwhelming to rewrite it. someday though...
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so. I don't think my writing is popular enough to get noticed like that. Though I also write more than I read so if it did happen, I probably would never notice.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Both Fallout from the Fade and Letters to Fenris were translated into Russian by a very kind reader :)
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Nope. I think I'd be pretty miserable to collaborate with. I don't even use beta readers for this reason.
What’s your all time favourite ship? Listen. I know this is my dragon age blog for dragon age things but I'm breaking character for a moment here. for all my love of sollavellan and shakarian and fenhawke. My real otp is FitzChivalry Farseer x The Fool from the Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb. these books broke me. they changed how i think of storytelling and how i think of love. i cannot emphasize how insane the relationship between these two characters is, and i read the last trilogy AS IT WAS RELEASING, i waited YEARS for the resolution #iykyk. there is no greater love story in my heart than this one. "is it actually gay" it would take me 10 years and 10,000 words to answer that don't worry about it just trust me and read them. yes there's 16 but that's not relevant just read the first trilogy at least and if you have the brainrot you'll be happy for the rest and if not you can just stop there and be satisfied with a solid fantasy story.
now. i do not actually read OR write fanfic for this series. this is because it does not need it. to me the frustrations and agonies and disbelieving joy i get out of FitzLoved are part of what makes it perfect. I have basically nothing to add that is not already covered in the books and the ending, to me, is perfect.
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this is the second time ive used this image in 3 days AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN as often as needed!!!!!!!! until everyone in my life gives in and reads them
What’s the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Of things I've somewhat posted: the Trevelyan x Corypheus fic i got off the k!meme randomly-generate-a-pairing-and-situation post. I wrote a chapter or two more, realized it was shaping up to be Way too long to actually commit to at the time for crack-treated-seriously, and it's been backburner ever since. I would like to go through and sketch out something that is at max 15-20k so i can put a cap on it because i DO think it was really fun as character exploration for Corypheus who is otherwise a CRIMINALLY underutilized villain. he's great ok. the timing in DAI just... doesn't do him justice. also his best dialogue is locked to the Templar route which almost everyone else in the tumblr DA fandom skipped.
Of things i've never posted, a ME: Andromeda fic focusing on the relationship between Ryder & Sam. I got like--15k? or so into that and again realized it was gonna be a 100k endeavor for something probably no one but me would read, due to weirdness and tiny number of people who stayed active in MEA fandom. so i tabled it for a future ME obsession period that has not yet come to pass.
i'll also sneak in here my confession that I now have over 20k of words written for Rookanis and yet have not posted anything to AO3/only a 500 word snipped to tumblr. and probably several of these starts/sections will never get fully formed fics. but i DO intend to finish and share... something for them at least.
What are your writing strengths? I think I am pretty good at building tension, and making the reader feel invested enough to be sad/stressed/nervous when i want them to. my favorite compliments are often the ones like "i don't usually care about this character/trope/whatever but you sold me on it" because that's a harder target than someone already invested.
What are your writing weaknesses? Editing and then sharing it lmao. I'm GREAT at writing as in typing a bunch of things all in a row. everything after the process itself is done? not nearly as interested. I also have a hard time transitioning between sections/scenes and tend to overwrite the in-betweens to get from bit to bit--something that could probably be fixed more in editing if i bothered to do that part.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? I think if it's more than a few short phrases or single sentences you can guess from context it can get annoying, reading wise. if there's some sort of in-line translation or hover-over-alt-text that makes it nicer. however i do write this anyway myself bc i love the idea of lost language/reverting to old habits or selves/etc too much, so like, just because it's kind of annoying to have to read through doesn't mean i think people shouldn't do it/it's not worth it. i sure won't stop.
First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age: Inquisition lol. the first fanfics I ever wrote are still on my account. i wince at them now, but i think it's nice to have that proof of my progress/growth there. i don't need my AO3 to be a greatest highlights reel, just an archive.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Like Teeth Against His Heart, my Solavellan DAI-era prose poem weirdly formatted ficlet ♥︎ (on tumblr as the zine pages here, and on AO3 here). I am slowly Marinating the Trespasser & DATV sequels to this in my heart, but it will be slow to get them fully formed on paper.
whew 20 is a lot and i talk too much, this got long oops! Anyway tagginggggggg @baejax-the-great @m-m-m-myysurana @sageadvice @songofamazon @loquaciousquark @genjyoandgojyoandhakkai but i love reading writing-meta stuff like this so if any followers wanna do it, go ahead and do so & tag me so i can read everyone else's too :)
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danikamariewrites · 2 years ago
Hello! I saw that your requests are open so I got one for you!! I was wondering if you could write a fluffy fic for either Ithan Holstrom or Fenrys Moonbeam (your pick!) X reader?
Fenrys x Reader
A/n: I went with Fenrys bc there’s so little fics of him on here. It’s short but I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: none, a little suggestive at the end
It had been two weeks since you had last seen Fenrys and you missed him a lot. Being Queen Aelin’s assistant has kept you busy though. It didn’t stop your mind from wandering to thoughts of him 100 times a day. His long blonde hair, his charming smile, all of him. Today though, he was finally coming home from his trip to Rifthold.
Aelin could tell you were anxious to see your boyfriend, she knew it was Rowan who was away for two weeks she would feel the same way. So like every other day she kept you extremely busy. By 5 o’clock in the evening you found yourself taking a break in the castle library. You were tapping your foot on the marble floor thinking that Fenrys should be back by now.
You were so lost in your thoughts and book you didn’t hear the footsteps approaching you. When you didn’t realize there was someone standing behind you the male cleared his throat. You jump, turning to face him, “Fenrys!”
The white wolf flashed you that charming smile, “Hi baby, I’m sorry I’m late.” It doesn’t even matter to you that he was late. He was home and that’s all that mattered to you. You jumped into his arms wrapping yourself around him. Fenrys spun you around, leaned his head down to rest on yours.
“I missed you so much.” You whispered into his neck, clinging to him as if he would disappear if you let go. “I missed you too, baby. I thought about you everyday I was gone.” You lifted your face to meet his striking onyx eyes. Fenrys leans down and slots his mouth over yours in a passionate kiss.
“Have you eaten yet you must be starving?” Fenrys rolls his eyes. Of course you’d ask that, you always worried about him. “No, I thought finding you was more important.” You scoff at him, “Well I for one am starving. Can we go have dinner?”
Fenrys was contemplating your request, “I don’t know,” he drawled, “can we eat in our rooms? I wanna dive right into dessert after.” You laughed hitting his chest. “You’re unbelievable sometimes ya know that.” Fenrys starts making his way to the doors of the library with you still in his arms. “I know I am. You tell me all the time baby.”
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saphirered · 1 year ago
Hi can you do Cinnamon sweet and library as prompts for a Gavriel X reader fic please 🌸
Hello there dearie! Be ready for some good old fluff and cuteness! 😘
Gavriel has found himself dwelling among the stacks more often than not. His companions have not made it easier on him, claiming it’s become the first place they look and are right to find him there. That is not even to mention the helpful librarian who always seems to know exactly where to find him, or rather the two are in the near vicinity of each other, often engaged in deep conversation about the latest point of interest, going over collection together. It surely is a sight to behold; the weathered warrior, the cunning diplomat arms filled with heavy tomes and piles of scrolls following behind someone so unlike him, yet the puzzle pieces fit so right. The cadre has not let down their bullying regardless. Gavriel has taken the brunt of this but every once in a while one of them will dare to make a comment in your presence and he’d be lying if he said the flush across your cheeks isn’t a pleasant sight to behold. 
He isn’t entirely a lovesick puppy. Not like Fenrys at least. He simply enjoys your company and sharing this wondrous world you’ve built; your mind, your knowledge and insight far beyond any he’s encountered leaves him longing for more. You’ve given him so much more. It started simply, a soft touch here, a flirty comment there, on accident he swears because you have him run his mouth before he can carefully pick his words; a dangerous feat but one that’s made you both flustered for better or worse. You’ve not been one to shy away from these advances. Some might say you say these things intentionally. Thank the gods for that. You’ve found your place with him, have pulled him into the endless rows of shelves and told him to put his words to actions as much as your own. It might have been the first of your escapades but certainly not the last. 
After far too long, Gavriel returns to the comforts of leather-bound lore, and worn parchment. How long had it been? Months? Years? The passing days say it’s barely been a fortnight but it feels like an eternity too long. It’s still fresh, this little thing you have got going. He’s on cloud nine and if this is the honeymoon phase he never wants it to end. It’s been a fortnight since he’s last seen you, when he held you in his arms and when he stole some kisses among those shelves. A mere glance to the side and the memory replays as clear as day and he finds himself following that path. A kiss here, and there, his back against the books while you pulled him in by the collar of his shirt, the burning of your lips so pleasant. The ghost of his fingers is but a sore reminder that you’re not anywhere in sight. 
Your sight would leave in the dust the past few days and all else ceases to matter. Yet, you remain nowhere to be seen. You are not at your usual desk. Nor your little nook hidden from prying eyes. He does find books still open, page marked, and a steaming cup of tea. Cinnamon. The faint smell trails away from just the cup. It’s one akin to your own scent. Gavriel has relied on his fae senses many a time and they have saved him plenty but only now does he truly find himself thanking the gods for these gifts as they lead the path to you, every step you’ve taken since abandoning your comforts. 
How you’d love to be back in that little piece of the world you carved out for yourself, the one where no one would bother you. Alas duty calls and tomes are requested expediently and so you had to abandon your realm for this sweet purgatory. You just hope you make it back before your tea has grown cold. Mumbling to yourself you browse the sections looking for the ancient scrolls and tomes you’ve come to know so well. It’s a matter of time before you carry a heavy stack, still to collect more. Should you have grabbed a cart or perhaps dropped off the eight heavy books? Maybe but you’ve gotten this far. No way back. There’s something strangely familiar settling you with the determination to get this over with as soon as possible. You can’t quite place it. 
Gavriel hears the faint mumbling before he turns the corner. It’s distinct and makes his heart leap in ways he did not think possible. How is it you manage to have such an effect on him? How is it that when he’s even remotely near you he feels as if the world is right and everything makes sense? All matter of thought and questions fall away. His mind truly goes silent and just takes in the sight of you as beautiful as always in your usual comfortable but somewhat formal wear, balancing a stack of books between your hip and the shelf at your side, elbow atop to keep them from slipping while you leaf through another book in your hands. It’s a recipe for disaster. 
“Gavriel.” You breathe. Like a sixth sense your gaze had lifted the moment he stood within sight. Your other senses ceased to work and thus the stack you so carefully balanced came toppling down when the book in your hands slipped from your grasp. You jump and cringe though the sound of those precious irreplaceable tomes so unceremoniously crashing into the marble might as well have been nails on a chalkboard. Perhaps there is one thing that can ruin this moment. 
“As graceful as ever.” He chuckles. Of course he’s on his knees for you before you know it, if only to pick up the mess you made in this case while you stand there. The faint rush of blood through your cheeks does not go unnoticed. 
“You’re back early.” You’re not quite sure what to say. Despite all academics, all the knowledge you have managed to cram into your head to the point you could speak until your voice gave in, somehow this fae leaves you completely speechless with but a mere look. By the time you’ve recovered he’s gathered up the books you drop and is back on his feet though he does not hand you back your collection. Instead while carrying the stack, he offers his arm and an inviting expression. He makes it all look so easy. 
“And not a moment too soon it appear. Now shall we?” Formulating a sentence is a task too difficult but your actions speak far louder as you loop your arm through his and walk along the path back to the study at the library entrance, where the scholars and scribes roam freely, and where you feel mostly safe to abandon them lest they mess up your library. A rather intimidating sight last Gavriel encountered you facing someone who placed back some tomes in the wrong place and they were lost for a few days. You might as well have ripped off the poor scholar’s head. 
“I hope your journey was easy.” You find your words halfway through. Easy. Never good or pleasant. Easy. You’ve known for a while that he doesn’t like to ponder half of the endeavours he’s sent out on. You know he shelters you from the most horrid of details. These events are usually marked on his skin be they scar or ink. 
“Easy enough if you can put up with Lorcan and Fenrys’ constant bickering. I’d have done anything to have Rowan’s brooding silence instead but he had his own tasks to see to.” He does not elaborate further and you do not ask. You simply offer him a soft smile. 
“If that is all I’m sure it could have been far worse.” 
“Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it you who threw ‘The Summarised History of Doranelle’ at Fenrys’ head when he folded the corners of one of your more beloved tomes?” The scene replays clearly in your head and the silent fury that burns in your eyes is but a reminder of something forgiven but never forgotten. 
“Let it be known that any fae who dog-ears my book will find I will dog-ear their ears.” Just as quickly as the fury settled it fades to a look of scholarly neutrality. At the front desk a scribe taps his foot impatiently, arms crossed, all but huffing and puffing. 
“The pages are marked for relevant information as per request.” You take the stack from Gavriel, having to catch yourself under the weight he seemed so unbothered by. At his presence the scribe straightens up and previous impatience seems to be pushed to the side for formality, though not too much. The scribe signs the paperwork you quickly pulled up and with not but a curt nod he’s off and away. When he disappears you visibly deflate; shoulders slumping and a hint of exhausting showing through. 
“That bad?” Gavriel wants to ask, wants to elaborate but just like him not all the details of your tasks are for his ears. 
When you’re sure no one is in sight you just take his hand in both of yours and lean your head against his shoulder with a deep sigh. You stay there for a minute until you take the first step and gently urge him along to where he found that first note of cinnamon. Back to your little nook surrounded by your comforts. You lead him to your usual seat and set him down. Instantly that skin to skin contact is lacking barely sustained by your proximity. You go through your cabinet and grab the kettle from near the fire and pour him a cup. You hadn’t taken to having a second cup until he came along and that cup would ever only be his. Pale porcelain with a band of gold painted vines wrapping around and intertwining. You told him the particular shade reminded you of his eyes. 
“Cinnamon Tea?” You offer him the cup and he gladly takes it. When you pick up yours and make for the other seat, you feel this gentle tug on your shirt. An invitation and a plea to remain closer. With a short laugh and shake of your head at his antics you instead make yourself comfortable atop his lap pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. You take a sip of your tea.
“Cold.” You huff at the contents disappointed. It’s Gavriel’s turn to laugh and kiss away the furrow of your brow. 
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lavenderdreams22 · 2 years ago
Jealousy - Gavriel x Reader
Summary: A fight caused by alcohol and untrue words drives you and Gavriel apart, and a misunderstanding brings you back together.
Request: Hi💓 can I request gavriel x reader? Where they have a fight and then reader sees him with another female and thinks the worst and it hurts her so she doesn't talk to gavriel ever and he thinks he's doing the right thing by giving her space? Angst ending in fluff please 🙏💕💕💕
Warnings: Violence, cursing, angst... I think that's all.
Gavriel couldn’t remember what he had said to you last night, but whatever it was had royally pissed you off. The two of you never fought, but something about the drinks, and the noise in the tavern, or maybe just the stresses of war, had the two of you at each other’s throats the second the first drinks were gone. 
You hadn’t come back to the room. You hadn’t been with Aelin or Lysandra. He had given up after he checked every corner of the tavern. You couldn’t have gone far, and you always came back to him… At least, that’s how he assumed this would go. 
He would give you space if you wanted it. Even if it felt like you had taken his heart with you. 
Two days later, when they were moving on from the little town your party had stopped in, he finally saw you again. You were walking arm in arm with Aelin, chatting about flowers, of all things. 
If Gavriel hadn’t been so worried about pissing you off again, he would have joked about it. He would have asked you when you had started to care about flowers? But the look you shot him over your shoulder, full of ice and hurt, had him biting his tongue and stopping in his tracks. 
You had never looked at him like that before. And he wasn’t the only one to notice. 
“Gods, what in the hell did you do to her to make her look at you like that?” Fenrys asked, letting out a low whistle.
Gavriel shook his head, both in disbelief and in response to Fenrys’s question. 
When your group finally stopped to set up camp, he braved approaching you, thinking that he had given you enough time to think… That he had given you enough space to sort through your feelings, but when he stopped to gather his thoughts outside of your tent, he heard your hushed whispers.
“I just… I need space for a few days…” You said, your voice nearly bringing him to his knees. 
He hadn’t realized how much he had missed the sound of it.
“What did he do?” Lysandra asked.
“He just… He said some things.” He didn’t need to see you to know you were shaking your head. He had your mannerisms memorized. 
“Like what?” This time it was Aelin who asked.
There was a long beat of silence, some rustling. He thought he heard a sniffle. 
“He told me that he didn’t believe my presence made a difference to our team… That my ‘particular set of skills’ weren’t useful to you.” You answered. “When I gave him the chance to take it back, he told me to get over it.”
He didn’t remember saying any of that. Didn’t even know why he had said it, because he sure as hell didn’t mean any of it. You were a talented warrior. Your skillset was useful to any battle… To any ruler. It was why Maeve had sought you out to join the cadre in the first place. 
For him to make you feel useless… 
It was no wonder you hadn’t approached him to talk it through yet… Why you hadn’t slept in the same bed as him since that night. 
“Well…” Lysandra started, but she had no idea how to comfort you…
No one did. No one other than the male you were doing your damndest to avoid like the plague. 
You awoke the next day, your head pounding from the silent tears that you had let fall as everyone else in the camp had slept. You missed Gavriel. Missed wrapping your arms around him while you slept, missed talking about nothing with him… But you were still angry, and he had made no move to approach you, to apologize, so you hadn’t either. 
Aelin poked her head into your tent, offering you a small smile as her eyes met yours. 
“We’re packing up and heading into town. If you get your things, the guys will pack up the tent and we can be off.” 
“Of course.” You pushed to your feet and rolled your shoulders before slipping your leather armor back on and stuffing your belongings into the bag that you’d been carrying with you. 
Another town… Another night that you would sleep without the love of your life beside you. 
You knew that you were overreacting, but as you watched Gavriel laugh with the pretty bar keep, it took everything in you not to lash out, not to stalk over to the bar and rip out her throat. Especially when she was giggling and eyeing him the way she was. Especially when she reached out a hand and ran it over his chest.
“Y/N?” Elide asked, waving a hand in front of your face before she followed your gaze and cursed under her breath. 
“I thought males were the territorial ones.” Lorcan jabbed, and was met with two slaps. One from Elide and one from Fenrys. Lorcan grumbled, taking his seat. 
You didn’t bother to reply, the scowl that had twisted your face only deepening as he reached out his hand and touched her shoulder. 
The action looked more like he was talking to a sister than flirting, but you saw red nonetheless.
Rowan stepped up to the table, Aelin following close behind him. One look at your face, and the Queen of Terrasen was making her way to the bar, toward Gavriel and his new… friend. 
You couldn’t make out what was said over the noise, but you saw both of their smiles drop as Gavriel turned to you. When his eyes met yours, you had to suppress the urge to look away, to keep the deadly look on your face. 
The woman seemed to suddenly be preoccupied wiping a glass down as you stared at Gavriel. He let his gaze drift to Rowan, a question lingering there. 
Rowan shook his head, as if to say now isn’t the time.
With a slight nod, Gavriel made his way to the table. You sprung to your feet, the sudden movement startling a few other patrons, and made your way to the door and into the fresh, night air that awaited on the other side of it. Aelin was hot on your heels. 
When you had made it out into the street, Aelin let out a low chuckle. 
“Why’re you leaving?”
“We’re fighting and he was flirting with that woman.” You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye. “Right in front of me.”
“Would it help you if I told you he was telling her he was spoken for when I went over?” She asked. 
It did help, but you couldn’t tell her that. Not when it still felt like your chest was cleaving itself in two.
“You should go back, get some dinner. I just need to take a bit of a walk… Clear my head a little.” 
She stopped you with a hand on your arm. “Come find me later if you need someone to talk to.” 
You only nodded, offering her a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“If you’re not back in an hour, I’m sending the cadre to come save you.” Aelin winked, before she made her way back to the bar. 
Aelin plopped down between Fenrys and Rowan with a sigh. Gavriel kept his eyes on the door, waiting for you to reenter.
“She’s going for a walk.” Aelin said, sparing him a glance before she returned to examining her nails. 
“What’s going on between the two of you?” Lorcan asked.
Elide rolled her eyes, “Nice one, by the way.” 
“What?” He asked indignantly.
“Learn to read the room, Lorcan.” Fenrys growled.
Gavriel shook his head, “We got into an argument the other night, and we haven’t really spoken since.”
“What about?” Elide asked. 
“Honestly, I don’t really remember what started the argument. Something about a task that Aelin wanted her to do.” He pondered. “Before we could work through things, she stormed out.”
“She stayed with me the night you guys fought.” Fenrys offered up.
Gavriel, the territorial side of him clawing its way to the surface, shot him a look and Fenrys held his hands up in surrender. 
“Relax, Gav.” Rowan said. 
“She just needed a safe place to sleep.” Fenrys said, his voice low. “That’s all that happened. I slept on the floor.”
“You shouldn’t even need to be told that nothing would happen.” Aelin said. “Especially since she almost committed a murder just watching you touch another woman.”
Gavriel sucked in a breath at that. “How upset was she?”
“Well…” Elide started, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. 
“Fucking furious.” Fenrys deadpanned. 
Gavriel only sighed. “I thought I was doing the right thing by giving her space.” 
“The first day or so, sure.” Aelin stated. “But we’re going on almost an entire week. You need to go find her and talk.” 
The bridge you had found was peaceful. You weren’t sure how long you had stood there, staring at the reflection of the moon on the water as it raged past. 
You heard him before you saw him. He was making noise on purpose, giving you a chance to leave if you so wished. 
You appreciated the option, but kept your feet firmly planted to the ground. You had had enough of the fighting and the running, and even though it had only been a few days, you missed him. 
“Hey.” He muttered, taking his place next to you, leaning against the railing to try and get a better look at your face. 
You leaned forward more, letting your hair create a curtain to shield you from him. 
“Can we talk?” He asked, his voice small, tentative.
“We don’t have anything to talk about.” You muttered, unable to stop the words from flowing from your lips.
“You know that isn’t true.” He touched your shoulder.
When you didn’t flinch away from him, he rubbed his hand down the length of your spine. 
“Please look at me.”
You did as he asked, turning your face so that you could meet his eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“For what?” You asked.
“For everything.” He sighed. “I never should have made you feel like you weren’t as capable as me, or anyone else for that matter. You’re the most capable person I know.” 
You opened your mouth to reply, but closed it again, waiting for whatever else he had on the tip of his tongue. 
“I love you. And I’ve missed you.” He shrugged. “I thought I was doing the right thing by giving you space.”
You couldn’t stop the tears. Gods, you had missed him, too. You had barely slept a wink since you had walked away from him. And you knew that he hadn’t either by the bags under his beautiful eyes. 
“I love you, too.” You whispered, not trusting yourself to talk too loud. 
He reached forward and wiped the tears away from your cheeks like he always did any time you were upset. 
“Are we… Are you okay?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You nodded, holding his gaze. “We’re okay.”
He pulled you into a tight hug, squeezing you so tightly you almost couldn’t breathe. 
“If I ever see another woman touching you like that again, though, I’ll rip out her throat.” 
He pulled away to look into your eyes again, and the look on your face had him letting out a bark of laughter. 
“S’not funny, Gavriel.” You grumbled.
“I know, baby. But you should know that I only have eyes for you.” 
A small smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “I know.” 
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and leaned forward, waiting for your consent before he pressed his lips to yours in a kiss. 
“Does this mean that you’re going to sleep in the same bed as me again?” He asked, cradling your face in his hands. 
“I don’t know, Fenrys told me I could stay with him again…” You pretended to think, a finger on your chin.
The look he gave you had you laughing, then. At the sound of it, his scowl turned into a brilliant smile. 
“You’re beautiful.” He said, throwing an arm around you.  
You rested your head on his shoulder, watching the river for a while longer before heading back to the tavern, your heart and steps lighter now that you had the love of your life back beside you.
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