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toabastignika · 1 year ago
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Thundertron digibash from Lio Convoy I should've finished it before the reveal 😅 I'm happy they made a new mold for him
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childgolden · 10 months ago
The Spear Of Azzurra: A ThunderCats Thriller Raw Audiobook
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osean-kitty · 1 year ago
Lio Convoy Can't Stop Lying! | Liar Convoy
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fnozaidmagenta · 2 years ago
Did you like Lio Convoy's video about Map?
The parts where he rightfully dragged him for stalking a 17 yr old boy we're good but the rest were just severely downplaying his other actions, not to mention he was more mad about Zaid lying about not being on the spectrum then the actual bad things he's done - even though I don't like Zaid, lying about a disability is not wrong and it was kinda shitty to out him the way he did (I think it's ironic that afterwards Zaid would start using "autism" as an insult).
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sprinkleonthatcriticism · 2 months ago
Hey there! The moment you mentioned Hopeless Peaches, I just had a bit of PTSD flashbacks about the drama surrounding him (BTW I heard Peaches uses he/they pronouns). I remember how unfairly cruel people were, all because of how they express themselves and views relationships differently.
I am assuming that their history of childhood depression, trauma and possibly their parents not teaching them important life skills hence why he comes off as rather juvenile and untrustworthy to everyone (and this is coming from someone who also had similar experiences as him). He also strikes me as someone who's sheltered.
Also, the reason why Peaches, SynniBear and other controversial creators were held accountable which led them to leave the Internet is because they don't have the same influence and connections as Viv. People like Viv have a massive loyal fanbase and could afford a lawyer which protects from any consequences.
Peaches is just a random creator with little to no experience, let alone any previous works (shows, comics, etc.). Most of them aren't from privileged backgrounds like Viv herself.
Which is what frustrates and concerns me about Vivziepop, Viv could end up doing a really serious crime (that I won't name because I do not want her stans to twist my words around) and she'll still have that following backing her up without a second thought. I'd brought peaches up because I remember he was hold accountable like two times? I think, one with the original Peaches controversy and the other with the Lioconvoy controversy when they'd and Leo at the time were both screaming and saying slurs towards an disabled woman (who isn't a good person either mind you) as well as it was revealed that Peaches had abused Lio. Which to some may think "How's that even possible? Lio's wayyy older than Peaches" grown adults can also be taken advantaged of by younger adults and teens, THAT'S how.
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r0ttingsystem · 1 year ago
333 Dear winter . . .
Status; active
[ basic information ]
> Rottingsystem / angelsystem / WWTTAsys / thedollpeople &&
> Winter / angel / Icarus / Canary / Lamb / Mortis + more :3c
> He/It/Cut/Gut/Rot/ae/vi/Wing/333/error/user+
> transmasculine / transneutral afab / gendersomething /genderfaun
> gay hyperrose aroacespec ambiamorous
> minor
> white && greek
> RAMCOA victim, C-DID system of ???
> R0ttingang333lsys on simply plural (ADD US!!)
> borzoi puppy therian + angelkin + ghostkin + dollkin + corpsekin
> autism, BPD, HPD, C-PTSD, DPD, &&
> artist (art trades + nitro commissions open!)
> will automatically drop dead if I don't have enough attention teehee (/hj)
Nonneis : shy anon, library anon, .exe anon, ☆, Greek anon, 🦇/🌹/🪶 (MY SISTER/BROTHER!!!)
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[ more detailed information ]
[ Boundaries ]
DMs open for everyone for every reason (same with ask box), venting okay, flirting okay, insults (/lh) okay,
If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask
endo apathetic, pro(at least partly)traumagenic mixed origins
[ honorable mentions ]
_winter/Grian, host , he/it+, 4-15yrs, split introject (main sources : grian (Evo, hermitcraft, life series), randy jade, Noel (RTC))
__North, manager + protector, she/her, 14-22yrs, Brainmade
___Lio, co host + protector, he/him, 39yrs, LioConvoy introject
____Dani/daniel, anger holder + protector, ask pronouns, 14-25yrs, Dani polarcub introject
_____Philza, co host, 38yrs, DSMP philza introject
//Singletsona, beware of dog! >
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//other accounts >
@r0tting-art - art blog
@northtism : North's blog
We have a vent/mentally ill blog, if you want it you'll have to DM because I am NOT making that public knowledge/lh
&& more, most are outdated/unused
// tag dictionary
#[name].txt : to tell who posted what
#therian posting / #kin posting / #baby mode / #baby posting : posts about therianthropy, otherkin or agere
#!!! : stuff I deem important
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Old pinned | userbox credit i ii iii
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childgolden · 10 months ago
Quest For The Magic Crystal A ThunderCats Adventure Audiobook
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opinated-user · 1 year ago
Lilys video on toonkritic honestly makes me think she was trying so hard to be like Lioconvoy for the “I’m a good person” clout … only to completely fail to realise that Lio gets fucking hard evidence and reports predators to the police before making videos on them
Lily if you really cared about kritic’s victims and didn’t just want clout why didn’t you fucking report Toonkritic to the police
Brittany can confirm this, but i think she mentioned that during the time the toonkritic thing was happening people were starting to call her out for stockholm? if that were the case and my memory serves me right, then LO made that whole show purely to deflect from her own accusations of pedophilia after writing a blatantly pro pedophilia text.
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transformers-mosaic · 1 year ago
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Transformers: Mosaic #487 - "Beast Wars: Loose Ends"
Originally posted on May 28th, 2010
Story - Zac DeBoard Art - Roy Stiffey Letters - Franco Villa Edits - Juan Pablo Osorio Thanks to - Josh van Reyk
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005
Later revised and annotated for Transformers: The Lost Seasons
wada sez: This is a sequel to "Charge" by Josh van Reyk, hence the acknowledgement. Stiffey’s involvement and the inclusion of the character of Insecticon calls back to the otherwise-unrelated strip “Disturbing the Nest”. The strip serves to reintroduce Terrorsaur and Scorponok, who were unceremoniously killed off in “Aftermath”, the start of the show’s second season, to reallocate budget towards new characters and redesigns. As they fell into the lava, they were shown beginning to mutate under the effects of the quantum surge, so this strip follows up on that by using their toy-only Transmetal forms. It seems that the writer had only learned of Scorponok’s Transmetal form from the Beast Wars Sourcebook, unaware that it originated as a McDonalds Happy Meal toy. Iguanus is female here, at Villa’s suggestion: “That's my personal contribute to the plot :) I though that Iguanus was a "she" since IDW's first BW miniseries by Figueroa and Furman. Don't know why ^^”. The name “Iguaness” was slightly revised from Stiffey’s suggestion for the character, “Iguaniss”. Obviously, as she has no speaking role in the comic, the extent of the effect this has on the strip is that she appears with boobs and lipstick; you can check out all of Stiffey’s designs below. Zac DeBoard’s original script was slightly different to the finished product; I’ve also reproduced that below with his notes. Fair warning, we’re about to get a bunch of Franco Villa strips in a row; per a later comment of his on TFW2005: “I'm afraid I clogged the project and I'm very sorry for this: I made some timing mistakes in sending the pieces and I ended up piling them up in a very short time span. After this bulk, however, I slowed down everything, in order to give room back to other authors (as it must be).”
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Panel 1.
(A three fingered metallic clawed hand is digging through what looks like rock.)
CAPTION: It took us stellar cycles to dig our way out of the hardened magma.
Panel 2.
(another image of the hand, this time showing more of the arm.  This is transmetal Terrorsaur.  Nearby another arm, golden, and mechanical with a scorpion claw at the end is digging at another area.  This is transmetal Scorponok)
CAPTION: Chances are we've been presumed dead by Maximal and Predacon alike.
CAPTION: If that quantum surge hadn't hit the two of us before we fell into the lava, we would be.
Panel 3.
(Here there would be a flashback image of Terrorsaur and Scorponok falling into the lava as the Transwarp energy that created the Transmetals washes over them)
CAPTION: But now we have returned and both Primal and Megatron will suffer our wrath.
Panel 4.
Terrorsaur and Scorponok are free.  They are in the ruins of the Darksyde.  Terrorsaur has his hands up in the air as if he was claiming victory. Before he can act further, he and Scorponok find themselves surrounded by LioConvoy and the newest incarnation of the Pack (*see notes)
WASPINATOR: "Waspinator do good?"
LIOCONVOY:  "Your knowledge of the planet and your former comrades has been invaluable. Although I'm quite surprised to find these Preds functioning"
TERRORSAUR:  "What the Pit is this?"
LIOCONVOY: "The Beast Wars have been over for years.  We're just here to tidy up loose ends and preserve history. Surrender and come peacefully or fight and come in pieces."
Panel 5.
Terrorsaur and Scorponok raise there hands in surrender.  Terrorsaur sighs.
TERRORSAUR: I should've stayed in stasis lock..." This is the original version of the Beast Wars story I wanted to do for Mosaic. We are going in a slightly different direction with it, so, once I had permission, I thought I would post it and let you guys read it. Lemme know what you think.
This is written as it would be for an actual Mosaic, with Panel descriptions and what not. These are the original notes I wrote.
NOTES: Scorponok is based on his transmetal form from the Beast Wars Sourcebook although his head would be closer in looks to his original.
Maybe as the 2 Preds are coming out of the lava, Megatron's rubber duckie could be laying on the ground.
The Pack...since this takes place after Beast Machines they would all have the new Maximal badge
The new Pack would consist of original members Longrack, Break, Stampy, Mach Kick and LioConvoy (who would appear here in his Lio Prime form which is the Leobreaker mold with the Lioconvoy colors) also Grimlock and transmetal Waspinator who would also now have a maximal badge as well
I have this picture in my head of Stampy holding a huge weapon...like bigger than he is.
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osean-kitty · 1 year ago
Lol, looks like LioConvoy is finally getting what's coming
Get fucked mother fucker!
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isaacsra · 2 years ago
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#變形金剛 #康寶 #柯博文 #獅王 #transformers #transformersbeastwars #leoprime #perfecteffect #dx01 #convoy #lioconvoy #robot #transformerstoys
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heybadgirl · 7 months ago
thank you lioconvoy for my life
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kokokerome · 7 months ago
They’re nothing but a bunch of fake pedo hunters like MamaMax, HopelessPeaches, and LioConvoy. More like Lio and Peaches, because they’re vile and malicious people pretending to give a shit about the safety of children, using Google as they’re go to website for facts, ban evade, and of course haven’t even once reported Ryter to authorities for being gross. It’s all an ego thing with these people and you can that each of them were outcasts in high school who have use the internet for 5 minute power trips because they’re all allergic to being sensible human beings. Pathetic.
It won’t be long before some of these fools reach thirty and they’re STILL pretending to be pedo hunters on Twitter living off their parents.
that’s a lot but basically yeah, they were quicker to report a brown gyaru kitty who was minding his business n starting a new hobby and not the potential pedo groomer they all hate. ‘I hope they feel better about themselves.
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raurquiz · 8 months ago
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#worldlionday #transfomers #beastwars #c16 #cybertron #lioconvoy #blacklioconvoy #prime #thundertron #legends #leoprime #masterpiece #mp48 #actionfigures @Hasbro @takaratomytoys
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r0ttingsystem · 2 years ago
Just fell down the rad queer rabbit hole and it's triggering a panic attack and breakdown so need to rant /neg
Under cut really REALLY gross stuff will be mentioned please be safe I am being serious will be talking about really gross stuff tw tw tw!!!
Just fell down the road queer rabbit hole and OH MU GOD WHAT.
"pro para" p//a//r//a//philias are MENTAL DISORDERS you need HELP it's not NORMAL. if you're having intrusive thoughts so bad you identify as a p//a//r//a//phile yuu need SERIOUS HELP.
It's just ew ew ew ew gross gross gross ew
Also, to semi quote a very smart man (Lioconvoy) these people aren't getting in little groups to help each other THEY'RE ENCOURAGING EACHOTHER
I hate p//a//r//a//philes I hate p//e//d//o//philes I hate z//o//o//s you're all gross and disgusting ew ew ew
I hate all of you you're all gross disgusting people you all need serious help PLEASE TURN YOURSELF IN
I hope every single person who supports p//a//r//a//philes not getting serious help dies I hope you all die die die die
Gross gross GROSSS
supporting p//a//r//a//philes supports child m//o//l//e//s//t//ors and r//a//p//I//s//t YOU ARE ALL SO DISGUSTING
You're all so gross you think that this is all okay??? talk to a real victim TALK TO US SEE HOW IT IS
if any of those people come across this please GET HELP
if you want to argue with us go ahead go ahead and hurt a victim even more I dare you DO IT I DARE YOU
you're all disgusting and you all deserve to rot in jail you're all SO GROSS
I hope you people come across this and see how disgusting you are I hope you all see how badly you're hurting people please get off the internet and go get help!!
Ewewewew ew
That's all
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childgolden · 1 year ago
A New ThunderCats Comic Series Has Been Announced
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