#lily j evans
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ravensincowboyhats · 1 day ago
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Drawing baby Harry’s drawing of his parents at preschool is a very fun activity I think more people should do
Also happy 65th birthday James Fleamont Potter!!! You don’t know me, but I see you! You’ve got a worm by your right tibia <3
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myfavcharacterdidntdrown · 4 months ago
James: guys, am I straight?
Regulus: I hope not
Lily: not since Reg came along
Sirius: nope
Remus: no
Peter: definitely not
James: I meant my parking
Regulus: still no
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jameskinniesrise · 10 months ago
lily evans who loves to bake. lily evans who loves cherries. lily evans who has freckles. lily evans who's favourite colour is sage green. lily evans who loves herbology. lily evans who think divination is stupid. lily evans who wears red lipstick. lily evans with red nails. lily evans who is plus size. lily evans who loves daisies. lily evans who presses flowers. lily evans who loves to read. lily evans who loves mary macdonald.
for @marylily-my-beloved
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vulcajes · 3 months ago
Lily who wears a silver "J" necklace under her clothes and James who wears a golden "L" necklace under his clothes
Both of them who add a "H" to their chains once Harry is born <3
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twojwujo-stanislaw · 5 months ago
James: Hey there, how was swimming lesson with Harry?
Remus: Not bad
Lily: W-where's he?
Remus: Natural selection
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oh-phoenixx · 2 months ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY EVANS. you deserved better!!!!!! you deserved to be turning 65!!!!!
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mikalilys · 19 days ago
“How can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22?”
But it’s James and Lily joining the order at 18 and dying at 21 so they literally know nothing at 22
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scarlicbread27 · 10 months ago
Lily Evans is..
strawberry themed picnics under the sun, a light breeze brushing through auburn curls.
autumn walks in the park, swaddled in scarves, hats and gloves. Picking conkers up from the grass and shoving them into already bulging pockets.
reading under dim lights, manicured fingers tracing the pages of books and knitted blankets piled over shoulders.
cuddles with cats, soft fur tickling the palms of your hands.
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starkayezer · 2 months ago
happy birthday to my wife Lily Evans
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de4thbycre4tion · 6 months ago
I love unperfect Lily Evans. I love selfish Lily Evans. I love Lily Evans who holds grudges for the longest time for the smallest things. I love Lily Evans who judges people's outfits silently. I love "bitchy" Lily Evans. I love jealous Lily Evans. I love Lily Evans with a dry and sarcastic humour. I love socially awkward Lily Evans. I love Lily Evans who's childish sometimes. I love Lily Evans who only cared about her reputation as a teen. I love judgemental and snarky Lily Evans. I love Lily Evans who had an eating disorder. I love Lily Evans who has grown up homophobic and would be very openly homophobic in her teen years to hide the fact she liked girls. I love Lily Evans that is not the "perfect woman" created from a misogynistic point of view. She has flaws too, canon is misogynistic, don't swear by it.
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uptownngirlll · 6 months ago
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jamesontheoutside · 7 months ago
James is the sunshine Gryffindor who won’t cry in front of people.
Sirius is the rebel Gryffindor with a back story.
Peter is the messy Gryffindor who sees everything because he’s forgotten.
Remus is the smart Gryffindor who is always in pain.
Lily is the bad bitch Gryffindor on earth whose sister hates her.
Mary is the lovable sarcastic Gryffindor who is isn’t comfortable in her skin or feelings.
Marlene is the Gryffindor flirt who isn’t comfortable in her body.
Gryffindor is courage, bravery and determination
Gryffindor is not immune, invincible, or perfect
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myfavcharacterdidntdrown · 7 months ago
Sirius, James, Peter & Remus: *screaming*
Lily: *runs into the room* What’s wrong, Remus?!
Sirius: Wait, why are you asking Remus, when James, Peter and I are also here?
Lily: Because Remus wouldn’t scream unless it’s an emergency. You three scream whenever you have the chance.
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florsial · 4 months ago
you should totally talk about ur lily more😔 (pleasepleaplepleasepleaspeleaapleaase)
Sigh, I have a very love-hate relationship with Lily with how some of her fans can get. Unfortunately, I did post about her at some point but took it down. Truthfully, I do love her in my own personal way.
Anyways, here's some headcanons:
-She's from Spain and was raised Catholic. Her family moved to the UK and unlike Petunia, Lily settled kinda well while Petunia wasn't used to the sudden change in environment. They moved when Lily was 10 and Petunia was 12.
-I feel like people will hate me for this, but I think her friendship with Severus was one of the most important ones. First friend-first love kinda of thing. They were each other's first person and even when they part ways, Lily will still feel fond of him even when they both wronged each other (because there is no way in hell two lonely teens weren't gonna hurt each other one way or another). Modern AU version of them is just two teenage girls who don't know where the boundaries of romantic-platonic end and begin which causes a lot of weird feelings and toxicity (don't ask how I know that)
-She's like one of those people who are like "Stop doing that, you're making me stressed", and the other person just placed a book in a different place. There is always a certain way she likes things done because she feels like works better, so if another way is introduced, she will be skeptical about its efficiency
-I don't see her reading fiction books all that much. She would much prefer biographies to draw her life inspirations from, literature essays to validate her internal points, and poems for small readings to just relax with. I think if she would read nonfiction, they would definitely have an overall message that she obsesses over. However, I think she would LOVE magazines.
-Not all that into movies, I don't think she would have the patience to watch them.
-We as a fandom must never forget her skill for potions. I think in the muggle world, she was very into chemistry (I've always found this funny stereotype about religious people not liking stuff like chemistry)
-Much more easily agitated during the war. Her head was constantly filling with regrets and a back-and-forth desire to run back to Petunia or stay with the Order. Once Harry was born, she kinda had this melancholy look about her, she won't be able to return or try to make amends with her sister for a long long time, or if she's even able to. At every meeting, she had a frustrated look in her eye but when she was pregnant/after Harry's birth, she just looked like she was reluctantly accepting a terrible fate. She's happy with the family she's crafted for herself but also misses when she didn't have to go through the loneliness of making one for herself because she had Petunia and that was more than enough for Lily.
-I don't think she regrets helping muggles at all. That's not what I'm saying. I'm more in the thinking that she wanted to the comfort of her own family in a such difficult time. Jealously when Regulus dies, Sirius can finally mourn and put his family to rest while Lily fears for her family's life every day as they live, living in regret and feeling like an outcast. James and his parents and her desire for her mother when she's pregnant, yes Effie is kind, but she isn't Lily's mom. Remus has the comfort of knowing his family is safe because Lyall is a wizard, and the same can go for Peter. Lily's family probably doesn't even know what was happening.
-All that anger and frustration kinda boils over and I WISH that JK Rowling made her more angry before her death. Lily's life was unfair! She deserved to yell and scream, plea for her son's life but also cuss out Voldemort. Screaming and crying (literally), shaking with fear but also anger, and I know, female characters can be soft/sensitive/emotional, it's not a bad thing. It's just I wish she was more angry/a mess because she was seen as a witty, sharp-tongued girl! This stereotypical fierce redhead! I would've been fine with her simply pleading for her son's life even in the most pathetic way (no shame) but her personality was established as being very fierce by JK Rowling!! But this could honestly be just me and yes, I know, situations change people sometimes. I just wished there was more anger, or maybe I'm angry on her behalf lol
-Teenage Lily is the helpless romantic, the girl who reads real-life love stories to prove love is real, the girl who cheers her boyfriend on the field, and the girl with gum and finished homework notes that could be given to anyone who needed them. But 20-21 year old Lily the tired woman who cried for her mother when she had her first child, the tired woman who wanted her sister's hugs again, the tired woman with sickly green eyes and moved too slowly for a woman in her early 20s, and the tired woman who watched everyone like a hawk at Order meetings that talked of more death. She sits in the corner, the chair seemingly too big for her, or anyone for that matter, and watches with frustrations simmering under her eyes. Sometimes give a cutting remark that Sirius laughs to.
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vulcajes · 3 months ago
PLS yap about lily. i'm not sure why but i really want to hear your thoughts on her
Oooooh I'm so glad this was my first ask <3
How I view her:
Lily my queen. She is arguably the most important character in the canon and one of my personal faves. She's definitely a no-nonsense girly who did not put up with anyone's shit at Hogwarts. Extremely witty, rivals Sirius in sarcastic wit, and also enjoys deadpan humour. Top of her class, but had to supplement that with a LOT of studying. Working class icon who had absolutely no time for her rich bitch classmates. Would always try to be nice and kind to everyone, but also was more than willing to call someone out on their bullshit. Very very prideful, especially when someone commented on her family, but was always willing to put it aside for the greater good (ie, never made comments when partnered with someone she disliked for projects). Very easily stressed and often needed to take a minute with a cup of tea to calm down with her girls. She was also the bravest of anyone, actually. I won't take notes on this one, she was the least cowardly ever. Can be deeply insecure in herself and her abilities and it doesn't often let up when she feels this way, even if she receives reassurance. I could go on about her forever so please fr ask for a follow up or more clarification if you want 🙏🙏
My fave headcanons:
Actually liked James from the start; thought he was cute but REFUSED it
Her middle name is Jasmine
Would tutor the younger years, especially the muggleborns
Born and raised in Liverpool, my scouser queen, but has Welsh blood
Biggest ABBA fan going, had all their albums and knew all the lore
Queen of nicknames, made fun of the Marauders for what she considered bad nicknames
Loves physical affection but she never initiates it. If her friend or lover initiates, she adapts so quickly and immediately limpits them
The first time she showed any magical ability was in reference to Petunia — she was like 7 and was trying to protect Petunia from walking into something/getting hurt
Has freckles AND beauty marks <3
The mum friend and someone everyone went to for advice, and my god, she gave damn good advice
Jily: YES!!! This is in my top 3 ships of all time. Romantic or platonic, they're so iconic. Literally soulmates imo. Sweetheart x sweetheart, babygirl x babygirl, she pegs him <3
Lilypad: Platonically? Absolutely. Romantically? Absolutely. They would have insane sexual chemistry. Rivals to friends, rivals to lovers. They get each other. There's a reason why James loves them both. Also JILYPAD <333333
Regulily: I can definitely see this platonically in an au. In a normal setting, absolutely not. Lily would hate Regulus (and vice versa). But in an au, they'd be study buddies or just enjoy each others dry sarcasm. Can see them in a jegulily romantic setting, too.
Moonflower: UGH THEIR FRIENDSHIP <33 I personally can't see them dating, but them being besties is so important to me.
Bartylily: once again, yes in an au. Lily and her dirtbag boyfriend <3 Lily and her freak of a man that follows her around <3 they're so opposites attract <3 also I kinda adore flowerkiller... they're so iconic.
Snily: I appreciate them being background lore. Lily clung to their friendship so so deeply but knew she had to let him go when he started treating her awfully.
Marylily: HER BEST FRIEND. THEY'RE ARE THE SIRIUS AND JAMES OF THE VALKYRIES. They get each other so much and also unrequited romantic marylily goes HARD. Her and Mary being each others first kisses and having such a special bond <3
Lilylene: YES. Nerdy quiet girl and her loudmouth femme himbo gf. Marlene who acts as her guard dog and excitedly explains quidditch to her. She helps Marlene with subjects she struggles with.
Dorlily: ugh iconic. Their friendship is powerful and their relationship is also powerful. They're both so smart and so brave and Lily being able to be close with another Slytherin after what happened with Severus is so important to me.
Pandalily: Honestly, I cannot see them working out romantically. I can see them being friends and bonding over potions, but Lily does NOT have the patience to deal with Pandora.
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cyrrie · 6 months ago
My Lily Evans hcs!
she/her bisexual
plus-sized :)
smells like pear, sandalwood, lillies, and dried rain
allergic to gluten
fav color is yellow
on the autism spectrum
potions goddess
loves strawberries
very much a spring girly
yes she's english, but also german bc yes (and fluent in german ofc ofc)
loves ABBA
remus' girl bsf
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